blit: Blit::blend_xrgb_a

This commit adds support for SIMD-based alpha blending, which speeds up
the alpha-compositing of the nitpicker GUI server by circa 300% on ARM
Neon and x86_64 using SSE4.1

Issue #5428
This commit is contained in:
Norman Feske 2025-01-25 13:08:37 +01:00 committed by Christian Helmuth
parent 19717ab74e
commit 21acbed65b
7 changed files with 347 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ namespace Blit {
_b2f<Slow>(surface, texture, rect, rotate, flip);
* Blend a sequence of pixels to 'dst' according to discrete alpha values
static inline void blend_xrgb_a(uint32_t *dst, unsigned n,
uint32_t const *pixel, uint8_t const *alpha)
Slow::Blend::xrgb_a(dst, n, pixel, alpha);
#endif /* _INCLUDE__BLIT_H_ */

View File

@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ namespace Blit { struct Neon; }
struct Blit::Neon
* Helper for printing the raw lower 64 bits of a vector via Genode::Output
template <typename T> union Printable
Genode::uint64_t u64; T vec;
Printable(T vec) : vec(vec) { }
void print(Output &out) const { Genode::print(out, Hex(u64)); }
static inline uint32x4_t _reversed(uint32x4_t const v)
return vrev64q_u32(vcombine_u32(vget_high_u32(v), vget_low_u32(v)));
@ -163,6 +173,7 @@ struct Blit::Neon
struct B2f;
struct B2f_flip;
struct Blend;
@ -291,4 +302,83 @@ void Blit::Neon::B2f_flip::r270(uint32_t *dst, unsigned const dst_w,
_rotate(src_ptr4, dst_ptr4, steps, w, h);
struct Blit::Neon::Blend
static inline void xrgb_a(uint32_t *, unsigned, uint32_t const *, uint8_t const *);
static inline uint32_t _mix(uint32_t bg, uint32_t fg, uint8_t alpha)
if (__builtin_expect(alpha == 0, false))
return bg;
* Compute r, g, b in the lower 3 16-bit lanes.
* The upper 5 lanes are unused.
uint16x8_t const
a = vmovl_u8(vdup_n_u8(alpha)),
s = vmovl_u8(vcreate_u8(fg)),
d = vmovl_u8(vcreate_u8(bg)),
ar = vaddq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(1), a), /* for rounding up */
nar = vsubq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(256), a), /* 1.0 - alpha */
res = vaddq_u16(vmulq_u16(s, ar), vmulq_u16(d, nar));
return uint32_t(::uint64_t(vshrn_n_u16(res, 8)));
static inline void _mix_8(uint32_t *bg, uint32_t const *fg, uint8_t const *alpha)
/* fetch 8 alpha values */
uint16x8_t const a = vmovl_u8(*(uint8x8_t *)alpha);
/* skip block if entirely transparent */
if (__builtin_expect(vmaxvq_u16(a) == 0, false))
/* load 8 source and destination pixels */
uint8x8x4_t const s = vld4_u8((uint8_t const *)fg);
uint8x8x4_t d = vld4_u8((uint8_t const *)bg);
/* extend r, g, b components from uint8_t to uint16_t */
uint16x8x4_t const
s_rgb { vmovl_u8(s.val[0]), vmovl_u8(s.val[1]), vmovl_u8(s.val[2]) },
d_rgb { vmovl_u8(d.val[0]), vmovl_u8(d.val[1]), vmovl_u8(d.val[2]) };
/* load 8 alpha values, prepare as factors for source and destination */
uint16x8_t const
sa = vaddq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(1), a),
da = vsubq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(256), a); /* 1.0 - alpha */
/* mix components, keeping only their upper 8 bits */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
d.val[i] = vshrn_n_u16(vaddq_u16(vmulq_u16(d_rgb.val[i], da),
vmulq_u16(s_rgb.val[i], sa)), 8);
/* write 8 pixels */
vst4_u8((uint8_t *)bg, d);
void Blit::Neon::Blend::xrgb_a(uint32_t *dst, unsigned n,
uint32_t const *pixel, uint8_t const *alpha)
int const prefetch_distance = 16; /* cache line / 32-bit pixel size */
for (; n > prefetch_distance; n -= 8, dst += 8, pixel += 8, alpha += 8) {
__builtin_prefetch(dst + prefetch_distance);
__builtin_prefetch(pixel + prefetch_distance);
__builtin_prefetch(alpha + prefetch_distance);
_mix_8(dst, pixel, alpha);
for (; n > 7; n -= 8, dst += 8, pixel += 8, alpha += 8)
_mix_8(dst, pixel, alpha);
for (; n--; dst++, pixel++, alpha++)
*dst = _mix(*dst, *pixel, *alpha);

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ struct Blit::Slow
struct B2f;
struct B2f_flip;
struct Blend;
@ -128,4 +129,33 @@ void Blit::Slow::B2f_flip::r270(uint32_t *dst, unsigned dst_w,
_write_lines(src, src_w, dst, w, h, -8*dst_w, -1);
struct Blit::Slow::Blend
static inline void xrgb_a(uint32_t *, unsigned, uint32_t const *, uint8_t const *);
static inline uint32_t _blend(uint32_t xrgb, unsigned alpha)
return (alpha * ((xrgb & 0xff00) >> 8) & 0xff00)
| (((alpha * (xrgb & 0xff00ff)) >> 8) & 0xff00ff);
static inline uint32_t _mix(uint32_t bg, uint32_t fg, unsigned alpha)
return (__builtin_expect(alpha == 0, false))
? bg : _blend(bg, 256 - alpha) + _blend(fg, alpha + 1);
void Blit::Slow::Blend::xrgb_a(uint32_t *dst, unsigned n,
uint32_t const *pixel, uint8_t const *alpha)
for (; n--; dst++, pixel++, alpha++)
*dst = _mix(*dst, *pixel, *alpha);

View File

@ -36,6 +36,31 @@ namespace Blit { struct Sse4; };
struct Blit::Sse4
* Padded hex output utility
template <typename T>
struct Phex : Hex { explicit Phex(T v) : Hex(v, OMIT_PREFIX, PAD) { } };
* Vector output utility
template <typename T>
union Vec_as
__m128i v;
static constexpr unsigned N = 128/(8*sizeof(T));
T u[N];
Vec_as(__m128i v) : v(v) { }
void print(Output &out) const
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
Genode::print(out, Phex(u[i]), i < (N-1) ? "." : "");
union Tile_4x4 { __m128i pi[4]; __m128 ps[4]; };
struct Src_ptr4
@ -132,6 +157,7 @@ struct Blit::Sse4
struct B2f;
struct B2f_flip;
struct Blend;
@ -260,4 +286,93 @@ void Blit::Sse4::B2f_flip::r270(uint32_t *dst, unsigned dst_w,
_rotate(src_ptr4, dst_ptr4, steps, w, h);
#endif /* _INCLUDE__BLIT__INTERNAL__SSE4_H_ */
struct Blit::Sse4::Blend
static inline void xrgb_a(uint32_t *, unsigned, uint32_t const *, uint8_t const *);
static inline uint32_t _blend(uint32_t xrgb, unsigned alpha)
return (alpha * ((xrgb & 0xff00) >> 8) & 0xff00)
| (((alpha * (xrgb & 0xff00ff)) >> 8) & 0xff00ff);
static inline uint32_t _mix(uint32_t bg, uint32_t fg, unsigned alpha)
return (__builtin_expect(alpha == 0, false))
? bg : _blend(bg, 256 - alpha) + _blend(fg, alpha + 1);
struct Mix_masks
/* masks for distributing alpha values to 16-bit r, g, b lanes */
__m128i const a01 = _mm_set_epi32(0x03020302, 0x03020302, 0x01000100, 0x01000100);
__m128i const a23 = _mm_set_epi32(0x07060706, 0x07060706, 0x05040504, 0x05040504);
static inline void _mix_4(uint32_t *, uint32_t const *, uint8_t const *, Mix_masks const);
void Blit::Sse4::Blend::_mix_4(uint32_t *bg, uint32_t const *fg, uint8_t const *alpha, Mix_masks const masks)
uint32_t const a_u8_x4 = *(uint32_t const *)alpha;
if (__builtin_expect(a_u8_x4 == 0, false))
auto upper_half = [&] (__m128i const v) { return _mm_shuffle_epi32(v, 2 + (3<<2)); };
__m128i const
/* load four foreground pixel, background pixel, and alpha values */
fg_u8_4x4 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *)fg),
bg_u8_4x4 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *)bg),
/* extract first and second pair of pixel values */
fg01_u16_4x2 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(fg_u8_4x4),
fg23_u16_4x2 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(upper_half(fg_u8_4x4)),
bg01_u16_4x2 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(bg_u8_4x4),
bg23_u16_4x2 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(upper_half(bg_u8_4x4)),
/* prepare 4 destination and source alpha values */
a_u16_x4 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_set1_epi32(a_u8_x4)),
da_u16_x4 = _mm_sub_epi16(_mm_set1_epi16(256), a_u16_x4),
sa_u16_x4 = _mm_add_epi16(a_u16_x4, _mm_set1_epi16(1)),
/* mix first pixel pair */
da01_u16_4x2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(da_u16_x4, masks.a01),
sa01_u16_4x2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(sa_u16_x4, masks.a01),
mixed01 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(fg01_u16_4x2, sa01_u16_4x2),
_mm_mullo_epi16(bg01_u16_4x2, da01_u16_4x2)),
/* mix second pixel pair */
da23_u16_4x2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(da_u16_x4, masks.a23),
sa23_u16_4x2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(sa_u16_x4, masks.a23),
mixed23 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(fg23_u16_4x2, sa23_u16_4x2),
_mm_mullo_epi16(bg23_u16_4x2, da23_u16_4x2)),
result_4x4 = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(mixed01, 8),
_mm_srli_epi16(mixed23, 8));
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)bg, result_4x4);
void Blit::Sse4::Blend::xrgb_a(uint32_t *dst, unsigned n,
uint32_t const *pixel, uint8_t const *alpha)
Mix_masks const mix_masks { };
for (; n > 3; n -= 4, dst += 4, pixel += 4, alpha += 4)
_mix_4(dst, pixel, alpha, mix_masks);
for (; n--; dst++, pixel++, alpha++)
*dst = _mix(*dst, *pixel, *alpha);
#endif /* _INCLUDE__BLIT__INTERNAL__SSE3_H_ */

View File

@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
#include <blit/types.h>
#include <blit/internal/neon.h>
#include <blit/internal/slow.h>
namespace Blit {
static inline void back2front(auto &&... args) { _b2f<Neon>(args...); }
static inline void back2front (auto &&... args) { _b2f<Neon>(args...); }
static inline void blend_xrgb_a(auto &&... args) { Neon::Blend::xrgb_a(args...); }
#endif /* _INCLUDE__SPEC__ARM_64__BLIT_H_ */

View File

@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
#include <blit/types.h>
#include <blit/internal/sse4.h>
#include <blit/internal/slow.h>
namespace Blit {
static inline void back2front(auto &&... args) { _b2f<Sse4>(args...); }
static inline void back2front (auto &&... args) { _b2f<Sse4>(args...); }
static inline void blend_xrgb_a(auto &&... args) { Sse4::Blend::xrgb_a(args...); }
#endif /* _INCLUDE__SPEC__X86_64__BLIT_H_ */

View File

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace Blit {
static void test_b2f_dispatch()
static inline void test_b2f_dispatch()
Texture<Pixel_rgb888> texture_landscape { nullptr, nullptr, { 640, 480 } };
Texture<Pixel_rgb888> texture_portrait { nullptr, nullptr, { 480, 640 } };
@ -274,15 +274,110 @@ static void test_b2f_dispatch()
template <typename SIMD>
static inline void test_simd_blend_mix()
struct Rgb : Genode::Hex
explicit Rgb(uint32_t v) : Hex(v, OMIT_PREFIX, PAD) { }
struct Mix_test
uint32_t bg, fg; uint8_t a; uint32_t expected;
void print(Output &out) const
Genode::print(out, "bg=", Rgb(bg), " fg=", Rgb(fg), " a=", a);
Mix_test mix_test[] {
{ .bg = 0x000000, .fg = 0x000000, .a = 0, .expected = 0x000000 },
{ .bg = 0x000000, .fg = 0xffffff, .a = 0, .expected = 0x000000 },
{ .bg = 0xffffff, .fg = 0x000000, .a = 0, .expected = 0xffffff },
{ .bg = 0xffffff, .fg = 0xffffff, .a = 0, .expected = 0xffffff },
{ .bg = 0x000000, .fg = 0x000000, .a = 255, .expected = 0x000000 },
{ .bg = 0x000000, .fg = 0xffffff, .a = 255, .expected = 0xffffff },
{ .bg = 0xffffff, .fg = 0x000000, .a = 255, .expected = 0x000000 },
{ .bg = 0xffffff, .fg = 0xffffff, .a = 255, .expected = 0xffffff },
for (Mix_test const &test : mix_test) {
uint32_t slow = Slow::Blend::_mix(, test.fg, test.a);
uint32_t simd = SIMD::Blend::_mix(, test.fg, test.a);
if (slow == test.expected && slow == simd) {
log("mix ", test, " -> slow=", Rgb(slow), " simd=", Rgb(simd));
} else {
error("mix ", test, " -> slow=", Rgb(slow), " simd=", Rgb(simd),
" expected=", Rgb(test.expected));
throw 1;
struct Xrgb_8x
uint32_t values[8];
void print(Output &out) const
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++)
Genode::print(out, (i == 0) ? "" : ".", Rgb(values[i]));
bool operator != (Xrgb_8x const &other) const
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (values[i] != other.values[i])
return true;
return false;
uint32_t const ca = 0xaaaaaa, cb = 0xbbbbbb, cc = 0xcccccc, cd = 0xdddddd,
white = 0xffffff;
Xrgb_8x black_bg { };
Xrgb_8x white_bg { { white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white } };
Xrgb_8x fg { { 0x001020, 0x405060, 0x8090a0, 0xc0d0e0, ca, cb, cc, cd } };
uint8_t alpha[8] { 63, 127, 191, 255 , 64, 64, 64, 64 };
auto test_mix_8 = [&] (auto msg, Xrgb_8x &bg, Xrgb_8x const &fg,
uint8_t const *alpha, Xrgb_8x const &expected)
log("fg : ", fg);
log("bg : ", bg);
SIMD::Blend::xrgb_a(bg.values, 8, fg.values, alpha);
log(msg, " : ", bg);
if (expected != bg) {
error("expected ", expected);
throw 1;
test_mix_8("blackened", black_bg, fg, alpha, { {
0x00000408, 0x00202830, 0x00606c78, 0x00c0d0e0,
0x002b2b2b, 0x002f2f2f, 0x00333333, 0x00383838 } });
test_mix_8("whitened ", white_bg, fg, alpha, { {
0x00c0c4c8, 0x00a0a8b0, 0x00a0acb8, 0x00c0d0e0,
0x00eaeaea, 0x00eeeeee, 0x00f3f3f3, 0x00f7f7f7 } });
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &)
log("-- ARM Neon --");
log("-- SSE4 --");