mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 05:09:39 +00:00
run: link all files in [run_dir]/genode to core
This way, files copied from the depot are incorporated in addition to the files explicitly specified as boot modules. The patch also adds an automatic check for the validity of the XML syntax of boot modules ending with '.config'. Issue #2339
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,13 +14,34 @@ proc core_link_address { } { return "0x01000000" }
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
build { lib/ld/fiasco kernel/fiasco }
# Build kernel and dynamic linker on demand, if not yet present in
# '[run_dir]/genode/'
set kernel_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/fiasco]} { set kernel_arg "kernel/fiasco" }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg "lib/ld/fiasco" }
set targets "$kernel_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} {
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/fiasco [run_dir]/genode/fiasco
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/sigma0-fiasco [run_dir]/genode/sigma0-fiasco
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/bootstrap-fiasco [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-fiasco
build_core_image $binaries
file copy -force kernel/fiasco/kernel [run_dir]/kernel
file copy -force kernel/fiasco/sigma0 [run_dir]/sigma0
file copy -force kernel/fiasco/bootstrap [run_dir]/bootstrap
# Move kernel files to distinct location within the boot directory so that
# we can remove [run_dir]/genode after the core image has been built.
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/fiasco [run_dir]/kernel
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/sigma0-fiasco [run_dir]/sigma0
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-fiasco [run_dir]/bootstrap
exec rm -r [run_dir]/genode
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
@ -57,13 +57,34 @@ proc l4_bin_dir { } {
proc run_boot_dir_x86 {binaries} {
build { lib/ld/foc kernel/foc }
# Build kernel and dynamic linker on demand, if not yet present in
# '[run_dir]/genode/'
set kernel_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/foc]} { set kernel_arg "kernel/foc" }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg "lib/ld/foc" }
set targets "$kernel_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} {
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/foc [run_dir]/genode/foc
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/sigma0-foc [run_dir]/genode/sigma0-foc
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/bootstrap-foc [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-foc
build_core_image $binaries
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/foc [run_dir]/kernel
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/sigma0-foc [run_dir]/sigma0
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/bootstrap-foc [run_dir]/bootstrap
# Move kernel files to distinct location within the boot directory so that
# we can remove [run_dir]/genode after the core image has been built.
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/foc [run_dir]/kernel
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/sigma0-foc [run_dir]/sigma0
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-foc [run_dir]/bootstrap
exec rm -r [run_dir]/genode
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
@ -41,30 +41,58 @@ proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
close $fh
build { lib/ld/hw bootstrap }
# Build bootstrap, the core object, and the dynamic linker on demand
# If those parts were imported from the depot, the build step is skipped.
set bootstrap_arg ""
set core_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
# boot module list without core
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg lib/ld/hw }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/core-hw.o]} { set core_arg core/hw }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-hw.o]} { set bootstrap_arg bootstrap/hw }
set build_args "$bootstrap_arg $core_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $build_args]} { build $build_args }
if {$ld_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/ld-hw.lib.so [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so }
if {$core_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/core-hw.o [run_dir]/genode/core-hw.o }
if {$bootstrap_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/bootstrap-hw.o [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-hw.o }
# Copy specified modules to the run directory, excluding core.
set idx [lsearch $binaries "core"]
set modules [lreplace $binaries $idx $idx]
# strip binaries
copy_and_strip_genode_binaries_to_run_dir $modules
lappend modules "config"
copy_genode_binaries_to_run_dir $modules
puts "core link address is [core_link_address]"
set core_obj core/hw/core-hw.o
set bootstrap_obj bootstrap/hw/bootstrap.o
set core_obj core-hw.o
set bootstrap_obj bootstrap-hw.o
# create core and bootstrap binary without modules for debugging
build_core $core_obj {} [run_dir].core [core_link_address]
build_core $bootstrap_obj {} [run_dir].bootstrap [bootstrap_link_address]
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$core_obj {} [run_dir].core [core_link_address]
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$bootstrap_obj {} [run_dir].bootstrap [bootstrap_link_address]
# determine modules to be incorporated into the core image
set modules [glob -tails -directory [run_dir]/genode/ *]
set excluded_modules {}
lappend excluded_modules $core_obj $bootstrap_obj
foreach excluded $excluded_modules {
set modules [lsearch -inline -not -all $modules $excluded] }
# check syntax of all boot modules named *.config
foreach file [glob -nocomplain [run_dir]/genode/*.config] {
check_xml_syntax $file }
# create core binary containing the boot modules
build_core $core_obj $modules [run_dir]/genode/core.elf [core_link_address]
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$core_obj $modules [run_dir]/genode/core.elf [core_link_address]
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/genode/core.elf
build_core $bootstrap_obj { core.elf } [run_dir]/image.elf [bootstrap_link_address]
exec rm -f [run_dir]/genode/core.elf
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$bootstrap_obj { core.elf } [run_dir]/image.elf [bootstrap_link_address]
exec rm -fr [run_dir]/genode
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/image.elf
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
@ -8,11 +8,15 @@ proc binary_name_timer { } { return "linux_timer_drv" }
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
build { lib/ld/linux }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { build { lib/ld/linux } }
foreach binary $binaries {
set src_binary_path "../../../../bin/[kernel_specific_binary $binary]"
exec ln -sf $src_binary_path [run_dir]/genode/$binary }
# check syntax of all boot modules named *.config
foreach file [glob -nocomplain [run_dir]/genode/*.config] {
check_xml_syntax $file }
@ -2,31 +2,7 @@ proc binary_name_ld_lib_so { } { return "ld-nova.lib.so" }
proc binary_name_core_o { } { return "core-nova.o" }
proc binary_name_timer { } { return "nova_timer_drv" }
# Read the location of the NOVA kernel directory from 'etc/nova.conf'
proc nova_kernel { } {
global _nova_kernel
if {![info exists _nova_kernel]} {
if {[file exists etc/nova.conf]} {
set _nova_kernel [exec sed -n "/^NOVA_KERNEL/s/^.*=\\s*//p" etc/nova.conf]
} else {
set _nova_kernel "[pwd]/kernel/nova/hypervisor"
return $_nova_kernel
# Return whether nova is provided from the outside
proc nova_external { } {
if {[nova_kernel] == "[pwd]/kernel/nova/hypervisor"} { return 0 }
return 1
proc kernel_files { } { return hypervisor }
proc run_boot_string { } {
@ -36,6 +12,7 @@ proc run_boot_string { } {
proc core_link_address { } { return "0x100000" }
proc core_ld_opts { } {
set ret { -Wl,-T }
lappend ret "-Wl,[genode_dir]/repos/base/src/ld/genode.ld"
@ -48,21 +25,36 @@ proc core_ld_opts { } {
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
if {![nova_external]} {
build { lib/ld/nova kernel }
} else {
build { lib/ld/nova }
# Build kernel-specific targets if needed
# If the run scripts imports the base-nova binary archive, [run_dir] is
# already populated, so we can skip the build.
set kernel_arg ""
set core_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/hypervisor]} { set kernel_arg kernel }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/core-nova.o]} { set core_arg core/nova }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg lib/ld/nova }
set targets "$kernel_arg $core_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/hypervisor [run_dir]/genode/hypervisor }
if {$core_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/core-nova.o [run_dir]/genode/core.o }
if {$ld_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/ld-nova.lib.so [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so }
# Collect contents of the ISO image
build_core_image $binaries
puts "using NOVA kernel at [nova_kernel]"
exec [cross_dev_prefix]objcopy -O elf32-i386 [nova_kernel] [run_dir]/hypervisor
exec [cross_dev_prefix]objcopy -O elf32-i386 [run_dir]/genode/hypervisor [run_dir]/hypervisor
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/hypervisor
exec rm -rf [run_dir]/genode
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
# Install isolinux/GRUB files and bender
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ proc binary_name_ld_lib_so { } { return "ld-okl4.lib.so" }
proc binary_name_core_o { } { return "core-okl4.o" }
proc binary_name_timer { } { return "pit_timer_drv" }
proc kernel_files { } { return okl4 }
# Get the base-okl4 repository
@ -28,15 +30,6 @@ proc okl4_dir { } {
# Return whether okl4 kernel is provided from the outside
proc okl4_external { } {
if {"[okl4_dir]" == "[base_okl4_dir]/contrib/okl4"} { return 0 }
return 1
set weaver_xml_template {
<word_size size="0x20" />
@ -113,25 +106,19 @@ proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
global weaver_xml_template
# Build kernel if needed
# Build kernel and dynamic linker if needed
# Once the kernel is exists, it gets never revisited automatically.
# Consequently, when changing the kernel sources, the kernel build must be
# issued explicitly via 'make kernel'. This way, the rare case of changing
# the kernel does not stand in the way of the everyday's work flow of
# executing run scripts as quick as possible.
if {![okl4_external] && ![file exists bin/okl4]} {
build { lib/ld/okl4 kernel/okl4 }
} else {
build { lib/ld/okl4 }
set kernel_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/okl4]} { set kernel_arg kernel/okl4 }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg lib/ld/okl4 }
set targets "$kernel_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} { file copy -force bin/okl4 [run_dir]/genode/okl4 }
build_core_image $binaries
exec mv [run_dir]/image.elf [run_dir].image
exec cp bin/okl4 [run_dir]/kernel
# Generate ELF weaver config
@ -139,7 +126,7 @@ proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
puts $fh {<?xml version="1.0"?>}
puts $fh {<!DOCTYPE image SYSTEM "weaver-1.1.dtd">}
puts $fh {<image>}
regsub okl4_kernel $weaver_xml_template "[run_dir]/kernel" weaver_xml_template
regsub okl4_kernel $weaver_xml_template "[run_dir]/genode/okl4" weaver_xml_template
regsub core $weaver_xml_template "[run_dir].image" weaver_xml_template
puts $fh $weaver_xml_template
puts $fh {</image>}
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ proc binary_name_ld_lib_so { } { return "ld-pistachio.lib.so" }
proc binary_name_core_o { } { return "core-pistachio.o" }
proc binary_name_timer { } { return "pit_timer_drv" }
proc kernel_files { } { return { pistachio sigma0-pistachio kickstart-pistachio } }
proc run_boot_string { } { return "\n\r\033\\\[1m\033\\\[33mL4Ka::Pistachio -" }
proc core_link_address { } { return "0x02000000" }
@ -12,13 +13,35 @@ proc core_link_address { } { return "0x02000000" }
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
build { lib/ld/pistachio kernel/pistachio }
# Build kernel and dynamic linker on demand, if not yet present in
# '[run_dir]/genode/'
set kernel_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/pistachio]} { set kernel_arg "kernel/pistachio" }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg "lib/ld/pistachio" }
set targets "$kernel_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} {
file copy -force bin/pistachio [run_dir]/genode/pistachio
file copy -force bin/sigma0-pistachio [run_dir]/genode/sigma0-pistachio
file copy -force bin/kickstart-pistachio [run_dir]/genode/kickstart-pistachio
build_core_image $binaries
exec cp bin/pistachio [run_dir]/kernel
exec cp bin/sigma0-pistachio [run_dir]/sigma0
exec cp bin/kickstart-pistachio [run_dir]/kickstart
# Move kernel files to distinct location within the boot directory so that
# we can remove [run_dir]/genode after the core image has been built.
exec mkdir -p [run_dir]/pistachio
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/pistachio [run_dir]/kernel
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/sigma0-pistachio [run_dir]/sigma0
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/kickstart-pistachio [run_dir]/kickstart
exec rm -r [run_dir]/genode
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
@ -12,12 +12,31 @@ proc core_link_address { } { return "0x02000000" }
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
# build sel4 kernel
build { lib/ld/sel4 kernel/sel4 }
exec cp bin/sel4 [run_dir]/sel4
# Build kernel and dynamic linker on demand, if not yet present in
# '[run_dir]/genode/'
set kernel_arg ""
set ld_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/sel4]} { set kernel_arg "kernel/sel4" }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/ld.lib.so]} { set ld_arg "lib/ld/sel4" }
set targets "$kernel_arg $ld_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} {
file copy -force [pwd]/bin/sel4 [run_dir]/genode/sel4
build_core_image $binaries
# Move kernel files to distinct location within the boot directory so that
# we can remove [run_dir]/genode after the core image has been built.
file copy -force [run_dir]/genode/sel4 [run_dir]/sel4
exec rm -r [run_dir]/genode
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
# Install isolinux/GRUB files and bender
@ -466,16 +466,10 @@ proc kernel_specific_binary { binary } {
# Copy the specified binaries from the 'bin/' directory to the run
# directory and try to strip executables.
proc copy_and_strip_genode_binaries_to_run_dir { binaries } {
proc copy_genode_binaries_to_run_dir { binaries } {
foreach binary $binaries {
exec cp bin/[kernel_specific_binary $binary] [run_dir]/genode/$binary
catch {
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/genode/$binary || true }
file copy -force bin/[kernel_specific_binary $binary] [run_dir]/genode/$binary
@ -520,13 +514,16 @@ proc wait_for_output { wait_for_re timeout_value running_spawn_id } {
# Dummy boot_string procedure
proc run_boot_string { } { return ""; }
# Fall-back boot_dir module
# If this function is called someone forgot to include an appropriate boot_dir
# module. So, we exit with an error.
proc run_boot_dir { binaries } {
puts stderr "Error: boot_dir module missing, e.g., '--include boot_dir/hw'"
exit 1
@ -764,33 +761,48 @@ proc build_core {lib modules target link_address} {
# Return kernel-specific files to be excluded from the core image
proc kernel_files { } { return { } }
# Generate bootable core image containing all boot-modules
proc build_core_image {binaries} {
proc build_core_image { modules } {
# boot module list without core
set idx [lsearch $binaries "core"]
set modules [lreplace $binaries $idx $idx]
set core_obj [kernel_specific_binary core.o]
# strip binaries
copy_and_strip_genode_binaries_to_run_dir $modules
lappend modules "config"
# replace 'core' with actual core-object name in 'modules' list
if {[lsearch $modules "core"] != -1} {
set idx [lsearch $modules "core"]
set modules [lreplace $modules $idx $idx]
lappend modules $core_obj
set core_obj bin/[kernel_specific_binary core.o]
copy_genode_binaries_to_run_dir $modules
# create core binary without modules for debugging
build_core $core_obj {} [run_dir].core [core_link_address]
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$core_obj {} [run_dir].core [core_link_address]
# determine modules to be incorporated into the core image
set modules [glob -nocomplain -tails -directory [run_dir]/genode/ *]
set excluded_modules [kernel_files]
lappend excluded_modules $core_obj
foreach excluded $excluded_modules {
set modules [lsearch -inline -not -all $modules $excluded] }
# check syntax of all boot modules named *.config
foreach file [glob -nocomplain [run_dir]/genode/*.config] {
check_xml_syntax $file }
# create core binary containing the boot modules
build_core $core_obj $modules [run_dir]/image.elf [core_link_address]
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$core_obj $modules [run_dir]/image.elf [core_link_address]
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/image.elf
# Save config part of the image.elf for easy inspection
exec cp -f [run_dir]/genode/config [run_dir].config
# remove individual binaries, which are now contained in 'image.elf'
exec rm -rf [run_dir]/genode
exec cp -f [run_dir]/genode/config [run_dir].config
source [genode_dir]/tool/run/depot.inc
Reference in New Issue
Block a user