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2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# \brief Automated exection of test cases
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2011-07-2
# The autopilot utility automates the process of executing multiple run
# scripts on different platforms. For each executed run script, the exit
# value is checked and the result gets logged to a file.
# Execute 'func' for each command line argument of type 'tag'
proc foreach_cmdline_arg { tag func } {
global argv
set re "(\\s|^)-$tag\\s*(\[^\\s\]+)"
set args $argv
while {[regexp -- $re $args dummy dummy $tag]} {
eval $func
regsub -- $re $args "" args
# Determine base directory of genode source tree based on the known location of
# the 'autopilot' tool within the tree
proc genode_dir { } {
global argv0;
return [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
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proc default_test_dir { } { global env; return "/tmp/autopilot.$env(USER)" }
proc default_log_file { } { return "autopilot.log" }
# Present usage information
proc help { } {
set help_text {
Automatically execute test cases on different platforms
usage: autopilot [-p <platform> ...]
[-k <kernel> ...]
[-r <run-script> ...]
[-d <test-dir>] [-j <make-jobs>]
[--help] [--cleanup] [--force] [--keep]
[--stdout] [--skip-clean-rules]
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
--force replace test directory if it already exists
--keep keep test directroy if it already exists
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
--cleanup remove test directory at exit
--stdout print test output instead of writing log files
--skip-clean-rules skip cleanall tests, keep build-directory content
--enable-ccache use ccache instead of plain gcc
--time-stamp prepend log output lines with time stamps (requires ts utility)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
append help_text "\ndefault test directory is [default_test_dir]\n"
regsub -all {\n\t\t} $help_text "\n" help_text
puts $help_text
# Return true if command-line switch was specified
proc get_cmd_switch { arg_name } {
global argv
return [expr [lsearch $argv $arg_name] >= 0]
# Remove test directory
proc wipe_test_dir { } {
global test_dir
exec rm -rf $test_dir
# Remove build artifacts if commanded via the '--cleanup' argument
proc cleanup { } {
if {[get_cmd_switch --cleanup]} {
puts "cleaning up $test_dir"
# Abort execution with a message and an error code
proc fail { message error_code } {
puts stderr "Error: $message"
exit $error_code
# Return build directory used for the specified platform
proc build_dir { platform } {
global test_dir
return [file join $test_dir $platform]
# Return name of log file for test of 'run_script' on 'platform'
proc log_file { platform kernel run_script } {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
global test_dir
return [file join $test_dir $platform.$kernel.$run_script.log]
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# Return file descriptor for writing the log output of test case
proc log_fd { platform kernel run_script } {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# if '--stdout' was specified, don't write log output to files
if {[get_cmd_switch --stdout]} { return stdout }
# create file descriptor of log file on demand
global _log_fds
if {![info exists _log_fds($platform,$kernel,$run_script)]} {
set new_fd [open [log_file $platform $kernel $run_script] "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
set _log_fds($platform,$kernel,$run_script) $new_fd
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return $_log_fds($platform,$kernel,$run_script)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# Close file descriptor used for log output of test case
proc close_log_fd { platform kernel run_script } {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
global _log_fds
if {[info exists _log_fds($platform,$kernel,$run_script)]} {
close $_log_fds($platform,$kernel,$run_script)
unset _log_fds($platform,$kernel,$run_script)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# Execute single run script for specified platform
# \return true if run script succeeded
proc execute_run_script { platform kernel run_script } {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
set return_value true
set fd [log_fd $platform $kernel $run_script]
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
if {[catch {
if {[get_cmd_switch --time-stamp]} {
exec make -C [build_dir $platform] [file join run $run_script] KERNEL=$kernel \
|& ts "\[%F %H:%M:%S\]" >&@ $fd
} else {
exec make -C [build_dir $platform] [file join run $run_script] KERNEL=$kernel \
>&@ $fd
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
}]} {
set return_value false
close_log_fd $platform $kernel $run_script
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return $return_value
# Clean build directory
# \return list of unexpected files remaining after 'make cleanall'
proc clean_build_dir { platform kernel } {
set fd [log_fd $platform $kernel cleanall]
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# make returns the exit code 2 on error
if {[catch {
exec make -C [build_dir $platform] cleanall KERNEL=$kernel >@ $fd
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
}] == 2} {
close_log_fd $platform $kernel cleanall
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return [list "clean rule terminated abnormally"]
close_log_fd $platform $kernel cleanall
# Obtain information about residual files in the build directory
proc build_dir_remainings { platform } {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
set remainings [split [exec sh -c "cd [build_dir $platform]; find . -mindepth 1"] "\n"]
set unexpected { }
foreach r $remainings {
if {$r == "./etc"} continue
if {$r == "./Makefile"} continue
if {[regexp {\.\/etc\/.*} $r dummy]} continue
lappend unexpected "unexpected: $r"
return $unexpected
proc build_failed_because_of_missing_run_script { platform kernel run_script } {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# we cannot inspect any logfile when --stdout was used
if {[get_cmd_switch --stdout]} { return 0 }
# grep log output for the respective error message of the build system
if {[catch {
exec grep {^\(\[....-..-.. ..:..:..] \)*Error: No run script for} [log_file $platform $kernel $run_script]
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
}]} { return 0 }
return 1
# Collect command-line arguments
set platforms { }
foreach_cmdline_arg p { global platforms; lappend platforms $p }
set kernels { }
foreach_cmdline_arg k { global kernels; lappend kernels $k }
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
set run_scripts { }
foreach_cmdline_arg r { global run_scripts; lappend run_scripts $r }
set test_dir [default_test_dir]
foreach_cmdline_arg d { global test_dir; set test_dir $d }
set make_jobs 2
foreach_cmdline_arg j { global make_jobs; set make_jobs $j }
# present help if explicitly requested
if {[get_cmd_switch --help]} { help; exit 0 }
# present help if arguments do not suffice
if {![llength $platforms]} {
puts stderr "Error: invalid arguments"
exit -1
# print information about the parameters
puts "genode dir : [genode_dir]"
puts "platforms : $platforms"
puts "run scripts : $run_scripts"
puts "kernels : $kernels"
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
puts "test dir : $test_dir"
puts "make -j : $make_jobs"
# We first create all build directory for all platforms to back out early if
# any error occurs during the creation of build directories due to wrong
# command-line arguments.
if {[file exists $test_dir] && ![get_cmd_switch --force] &&
![get_cmd_switch --keep]} {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
puts stderr "Error: test directory $test_dir already exists"
exit -3
if {[get_cmd_switch --force]} { wipe_test_dir }
# create build directories
foreach platform $platforms {
set build_dir [build_dir $platform]
if {[get_cmd_switch --keep] && [file exists $build_dir]} { continue }
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
if {[catch {
exec [genode_dir]/tool/create_builddir $platform BUILD_DIR=$build_dir
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
}]} {
fail "create_builddir for platform $platform failed" -1
set build_conf [file join $build_dir etc build.conf]
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
if {![file exists $build_conf]} {
fail "build dir for $platform lacks 'etc/build.conf' file" -2
# enable all repositories
exec sed -i "/^#REPOSITORIES/s/^#//" $build_conf
# enable parallel build
exec echo "MAKE += -j$make_jobs" >> $build_conf
# optionally enable ccache
if {[get_cmd_switch --enable-ccache]} {
set tools_conf [file join $build_dir etc tools.conf]
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
exec echo "CUSTOM_CC = ccache \$(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)gcc" >> $tools_conf
exec echo "CUSTOM_CXX = ccache \$(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)g++" >> $tools_conf
if {[info exists ::env(RUN_OPT_AUTOPILOT)]} {
exec echo "RUN_OPT = --include boot_dir/\$(KERNEL)" >> $build_conf
exec echo "RUN_OPT += $::env(RUN_OPT_AUTOPILOT)" >> $build_conf
exec echo "RUN_OPT += --autopilot" >> $build_conf
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# Revisit each platform's build directory and execute all test cases
# Print label identifying the specified test case to stderr
proc print_step_label { platform kernel step } {
puts -nonewline stderr "[format {%-20s} "$platform $kernel:"] [format {%-22s} $step] "
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
# Return string for elapsed time
proc elapsed_time { time_start time_end } {
set total [expr $time_end - $time_start]
set minutes [expr $total / 60]
set seconds [expr $total % 60]
return [format "%d:%02d" $minutes $seconds]
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# default exit value used if all tests went successfully
set exit_value 0
# execute run scripts
foreach platform $platforms {
puts stderr "\n--- platform $platform ---"
foreach run_script $run_scripts {
foreach kernel $kernels {
print_step_label $platform $kernel $run_script
set time_start [clock seconds]
set result [execute_run_script $platform $kernel $run_script]
set elapsed [elapsed_time $time_start [clock seconds]]
if {$result} {
puts stderr "-> OK ($elapsed)"
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
} else {
if {[build_failed_because_of_missing_run_script $platform $kernel $run_script]} {
puts stderr "-> UNAVAILABLE"
} else {
puts stderr "-> ERROR ($elapsed)"
set exit_value -1
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if {[get_cmd_switch --skip-clean-rules]} continue
# execute and validate cleanall rule
foreach kernel $kernels {
print_step_label $platform $kernel cleanall
clean_build_dir $platform $kernel
puts stderr "-> DONE"
set pollution [build_dir_remainings $platform]
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if {[llength $pollution] == 0} {
puts stderr "-> OK"
} else {
puts stderr "-> ERROR"
set exit_value -1
foreach p $pollution { puts stderr " $p" }
proc concluding_message { } {
global exit_value
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
if {$exit_value == 0} { return "everything ok" }
return "errors occurred"
puts stderr "--- done ([concluding_message]) ---"
exit $exit_value