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#!/usr/bin/make -f
# \brief Tool for assembling a package archive
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2017-03-17
Compress and sign depot content for publishing
2018-02-26 17:05:34 +01:00
$(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) <archive-path> {PUBLIC_DIR=<public>}
The <archive-path> denotes the archives (and implicitly their
dependencies) to publish from the depot to the public directory.
It must be given including the version number of the package archive.
This tool does not touch any Genode source repository. It solely
reads from the depot and writes to the public directory.
2018-02-26 17:05:34 +01:00
The optional 'PUBLIC_DIR' argument defines the location of the public
directory. If not specified, '<genode-dir>/public/' is used.
export GENODE_DIR := $(realpath $(dir $(MAKEFILE_LIST))/../..)
DEPOT_TOOL_DIR ?= $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot
include $(DEPOT_TOOL_DIR)/mk/
# Determine dependencies, check for completeness
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
DEPENDENCIES_RESULT := $(shell $(DEPENDENCIES_CMD) 2> /dev/null || true)
$(if $(wildcard $(PUBLIC_DIR)/$A.tar.xz.sig),,$A)))
ifeq ($(filter Error:,$(DEPENDENCIES_RESULT)),)
$(MAKECMDGOALS): dependencies_error
# re-execute the dependencies command to present the error to the user
TARGETS += $(addsuffix .tar.xz.sig,$(addprefix $(PUBLIC_DIR)/,$(ARCHIVES)))
# Determine to-be-published index files from MAKECMDGOALS
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
# sculpt index files at <user>/index/<sculpt-version>
$(if $(call archive_has_type,$A,index),$A,))
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
# image index file at <user>/image/index
$(if $(call archive_has_type,$A,image),\
$(if $(filter $(call path_element,3,$A),index),$A,),))
INDEX_FILES_MISSING := $(sort $(foreach I, $(INDEX_FILES),\
$(if $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$I),,$I)))
$(MAKECMDGOALS): index_missing_error
TARGETS += $(addsuffix .xz.sig,$(addprefix $(PUBLIC_DIR)/,$(INDEX_FILES)))
@echo "Error: missing depot content: $(INDEX_FILES_MISSING)"; false
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
# Determine to-be-published system images from MAKECMDGOALS
# system images at <user>/image/<name> (consider all names other than 'index')
$(if $(call archive_has_type,$A,image),\
$(if $(filter $(call path_element,3,$A),index),,$A),))
$(if $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$I),,$I) \
$(if $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$I.img),,$I.img)))
$(MAKECMDGOALS): system_images_missing_error
TARGETS += $(addsuffix .tar.xz.sig,$(addprefix $(PUBLIC_DIR)/,$(SYSTEM_IMAGES)))
TARGETS += $(addsuffix .img.xz.sig,$(addprefix $(PUBLIC_DIR)/,$(SYSTEM_IMAGES)))
TARGETS += $(addsuffix .zip.sig, $(addprefix $(PUBLIC_DIR)/,$(SYSTEM_IMAGES)))
@echo "Error: missing depot content: $(SYSTEM_IMAGES_MISSING)"; false
# Generate compressed and signed archives and index files
include $(DEPOT_TOOL_DIR)/mk/
$(foreach A,$(ARCHIVES),\
$(if $(call pubkey_path,$A),,\
$(call pubkey_filename,$A))))
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
_gpg_sign_target = gpg --detach-sign --digest-algo SHA256 --no-tty --use-agent \
--local-user $(call pubkey_id,$*) - < $< > $@ || \
( rm -f $@; false )
$(PUBLIC_DIR)/%.xz.sig : $(PUBLIC_DIR)/%.xz
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
.PRECIOUS: $(TARGETS:.xz.sig=.xz) $(
# archive
$(PUBLIC_DIR)/%.tar.xz: $(DEPOT_DIR)/%
@$(ECHO) "$(DARK_COL)publish$(DEFAULT_COL) $@"
$(VERBOSE)test -e $(dir $@) || mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(VERBOSE)tar cf - -C $(dir $<) $(notdir $<) | \
xz --threads=$(XZ_THREADS) > $@
# index file
$(PUBLIC_DIR)/%.xz: $(DEPOT_DIR)/%
@$(ECHO) "$(DARK_COL)publish$(DEFAULT_COL) $@"
$(VERBOSE)test -e $(dir $@) || mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(VERBOSE)xz --threads=$(XZ_THREADS) <$< >$@
tool/depot/publish: support system images This patch equips the publish tool to handle system images. System images reside at <depot-user/image/. The directory contains an index file that contains the meta information of the available images in XML form, e.g., <index> <image name="sculpt-pinephone-2023-01-19" board="pinephone"> <info text="initial version"/> </image> </index> To publish a new version of the index: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/index Each system image comes in two forms, a bootable disk image and an archive of the boot directory. The bootable disk image can be used to install a new system from scratch by copying the image directly ot a block device. It contains raw block data. The archive of the boot directory contains the content needed for an on-target system update to this version. Within the depot, this archive a directory - named after the image - that contains the designated content of the boot directory on target. Depending on the board, it may contain only a single file loaded by the boot loader (e.g., uImage), or several boot modules, or even the boot-loader configuration. To publish both forms: ./tool/depot/publish <depot-user>/image/<image-name> This results in the following - accompanied by their respective .sig files - in the public directory: <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.img.gz (disk image) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.tar.xz (boot archive) <depot-user>/image/<image-name>.zip (disk image) The .zip file contains the .img file. It is provided for users who download the image on a system with no support for .gz. Fixes #4735 Issue #4744
2023-01-20 10:14:43 +01:00
# ZIP archive of system image
@$(ECHO) "$(DARK_COL)publish$(DEFAULT_COL) $@"
$(VERBOSE)test -e $(dir $@) || mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(VERBOSE)zip -jq $@ $<
$(MAKECMDGOALS) $(TARGETS): missing_pubkey_files