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Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 17.02
Genode Labs
After the revision of Genode's most fundamental protocols in the
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/16.11#Asynchronous_parent-child_interactions - previous release]
it was time to move our attention upwards the software stack. The current
release largely revisits the integration of the C runtime with the Genode
component API as well as the virtual-file-system (VFS) infrastructure.
The two biggest challenges were making Genode's VFS capable to perform I/O
asynchronously, and to make the C runtime compatible with the
state-machine-based execution model of modern Genode components. This line of
work is described in detail in Sections [Enhanced VFS infrastructure] and
[New execution model of the C runtime]. One particularly exciting result is the
brand-new ability to plug the Linux TCP/IP stack as a VFS plugin into any
libc-using component by the sole means of component configuration.
The second highlight of the current release is the introduction of Genode's
application binary interface (ABI) along with kernel-independent build
directories. This means that the binary executables of all Genode components
have become kernel-agnostic by default. Entire system scenarios can now be
moved from one kernel to another in just a few seconds. This does not only
boost the development work flow but also paves the ground for the upcoming
package management.
As the third major feature, Genode's init component received a far-reaching
update that enables its use as a generic subsystem-composition engine that is
able to apply changes to the hosted subsystem in a differential way. The
improvements described in Section [Dynamically reconfigurable init component]
greatly ease the realization of sophisticated system scenarios like
multi-staged booting, interactive installers, or a desktop environment.
At the platform level, we are happy to announce the update of Genode's support
for the Muen separation kernel version 0.8. The new version comes with much
improved life-cycle management of Muen kernel subjects
(Section [Update of Muen to v0.8]).
Functionality-wise, the most significant new feature is a generic user-input
event filter described in Section [OS-level infrastructure and device drivers].
It allows the use of an arbitrary number of input devices, the application of
key remappings, and dynamic switching between keyboard layouts.
Last but not least, on a non-technical level, the Genode OS Framework has
updated its regular open-source license as
[https://genode.org/news/open-source-license-update - announced earlier].
After carefully reviewing the open-source license landscape, consulting the
Genode developer community as well as the Free Software Foundation, Genode
adopts the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3) as its regular
open-source license. To counter possible license-compatibility concerns with
other popular open-source software licenses, Genode's AGPLv3 is accompanied
with a special exception clause that expresses our consent with linking Genode
with open-source software of different licenses. For the full license text
including the linking-exception clause, please refer to
Genode Application Binary Interface
One of Genode's most distinctive features is the ability to use the framework
across a variety of OS kernels, which are as different as L4, Linux, NOVA, or
seL4. Thanks to the framework's kernel-agnostic application programming
interface (API), a component developed using one particular kernel can be used
on any of the other kernels by merely recompiling the component.
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/16.08#Binary_compatibility_across_all_supported_kernels - version 16.08],
we went a step further by attaining cross-kernel binary compatibility of
Genode components and thereby - in principle - eliminated the need for a
kernel-specific recompilation step. At the time, however, the cross-kernel
binary compatibility had little practical value because the tooling and work
flows made a hard distinction between different kernels, i.e., a build
directory was tied to a particular kernel. With the current release, we
finally leverage and cultivate cross-kernel binary compatibility to a degree
that makes the choice of the kernel a minor configuration detail at
system-integration time. Entire system scenarios can be moved from one kernel
to another in just a few seconds. To make this possible, we had to take the
steps described as follows.
Linking all components dynamically by default
By linking a component dynamically, the component's executable ELF binary
solely contains application code but no code that directly interacts with the
kernel. All kernel interactions happen through the dynamic linker, which is
kernel-specific. It is still possible to build components that use special
kernel features (like NOVA's virtualization mechanism) and directly interact
with the underlying kernel. But those are very rare exceptions.
Besides separating the application code from the kernel-specific code,
the dynamic linking has the additional advantage of significantly reducing
the size of the ELF executables. Naturally, it implies the need to
include the dynamic linker in all system scenarios (run scripts) now because
even the lowest-level components (like init or the timer driver) are
dynamically linked now.
Static linking is still supported. However, for linking such a target, one
needs to define the particular kernel in the target's build description by
specifying the kernel's corresponding base library. For example, instead of
specifying 'LIBS += base', one needs to specify 'LIBS += base-nova'. That
said, in practice, this option is almost unused.
Formalizing the binary interface of the dynamic linker
By linking components dynamically, it is still a requirement to have a
concrete instance of the dynamic linker to produce the component's ELF binary
because the component depends on the dynamic linker as a shared library (i.e.,
the base libraries).
To loosen this dependency, we had to decouple the kernel-specific
implementation of the dynamic linker from its kernel-agnostic binary
interface. The name of the kernel-specific dynamic linker binary now
corresponds to the kernel, e.g., _ld-linux.lib.so_ or _ld-nova.lib.so_.
Applications are no longer linked directly against a concrete instance of the
dynamic linker but against a shallow stub called _ld.abi.so_. This stub
contains nothing but the symbols provided by the dynamic linker. It thereby
represents the Genode ABI.
At system-integration time, the kernel-specific _run/boot_dir_ back ends
integrate the matching kernel-specific variant of the dynamic linker as
_ld.lib.so_ into the boot image. The _ld.abi.so_ is not used at runtime.
The dynamic linker's binary interface has the form of a symbol file located at
_base/lib/symbols/ld_. It contains the joint ABIs of all supported
architectures including x86_32, x86_64, ARM, and RISC-V. The fact that we
can represent Genode's ABI in an architecture-independent way was quite
surprising to us. There was only one noteworthy road block, which is the
compiler-provided definition of '__SIZE_TYPE__', which varies between 32-bit
and 64-bit architectures. On the former architecture, it is an alias for
'unsigned int' whereas on the latter, it stands for an 'unsigned long'. This
becomes a problem for C++ symbols where the function signature contains a
'size_t' argument. For example, the hypothetical method
'void Connection::upgrade_ram(size_t)' would result in the following mangled
symbols as used by the linker:
! x86_32: _ZN10Connection11upgrade_ramEj
! x86_64: _ZN10Connection11upgrade_ramEm
We worked around this immediate problem by eliminating the use of
'__SIZE_TYPE__' from Genode's API. Instead of using 'size_t', we now use a
custom 'Genode::size_t' type that always is an alias for 'unsigned long'. That
said, the problem will re-appear once we create ABIs for C++ libraries that
use the regular 'size_t' type on top of Genode. To ultimately solve this
problem, our next tool-chain update will potentially unify the '__SIZE_TYPE__'
at the tool-chain level.
Generalization of the ABI mechanism
Realizing that the separation of a library's binary interface from a concrete
library instance may be useful not only for Genode's dynamic linker but for
arbitrary shared libraries, we enhanced Genode's build system with the general
notion of "ABIs". An ABI for a library has the form of a symbol file located
at _lib/symbols/<library>_. If present for a given library, any target
that depends on the library is no longer being linked against the actual
library itself but against the library's corresponding _<library>.abi.so_ ABI
stub library, which is created from the symbol file. The new utility
_tool/abi_symbols_ eases the creation of such an ABI symbol file for a given
shared library. However, the extraction of an ABI from a library is not an
automated process. ABIs must be maintained manually.
The build-system support for ABIs allows us to introduce intermediate ABIs at
the granularity of shared libraries. This is especially useful for slow-moving
ABIs such as the libc interface and clears the way for Genode systems with
different layers of ABI stability. For example, even if Genode's ABI changes
over time, all software that merely depends on the libc ABI (like most of the
software ported to Genode) will still work with the updated Genode version.
Unified build directories
With the Genode ABI in place, we became able to use different kernels from
within the same build directory. Of course, this change comes with a slight
change of the tooling, in particular to the 'create_builddir' tool, the build
system, and the autopilot tool.
The _tool/create_builddir_ tool accepts new platform options that are
presented when starting the tool without arguments. The original
kernel-specific platform arguments are still there but they are marked as
"deprecated" and will be removed during the next release cycle. The new
unified build directories are the way to go now. There is one option for each
supported hardware platform, e.g., 'x86_64', or 'usb_armory'. Note that the
kernel is left unspecified.
After creating a new build directory, its _etc/build.conf_ file refers to a
'KERNEL' variable, which has the following effects:
* It selects kernel-specific run-tool arguments 'KERNEL_RUN_OPT',
* It selects kernel-specific Qemu arguments, e.g. 'QEMU_OPT(nova)'
* It adds the kernel-specific 'base-<kernel>' directory to the
list of source-code 'REPOSITORIES'.
Like usual, to build a Genode component, e.g., init, one can invoke the
build system via, e.g., 'make init'. But in contrast to previous Genode
versions where this command prompted the build system to implicitly compile
Genode's base libraries, the command quickly builds the init component only.
In fact, for compiling and linking the init component, only Genode's API (the
header files) and ABI (the symbol file for the dynamic linker) are required.
At this point, the build directory is still void of any kernel-specific
build artifacts. The decision for a particular kernel is not needed before
integrating a system scenario, which naturally depends on a kernel. Hence,
when executing a run script, one has to tell the run tool about the kernel to
use, e.g., 'make run/demo KERNEL=nova'. This step will eventually build
many components, most of which are kernel-agnostic. When specifying another
kernel on a subsequent run, those components are not rebuilt. Hence, switching
from one kernel to another within the same build directory is just a matter of
adjusting the 'KERNEL' argument. This has the following immediate benefits:
* When using multiple kernels, there is no need to have multiple build
directories. After waiting an hour to build a Qt5-based scenario on NOVA,
it is now possible to test-drive the same scenario on Linux in a few
seconds because the same binaries will be reused.
* If an executable has a bug, the bug will be there regardless of the kernel
being used. To debug the problem, one can use the kernel with the most
appropriate debugging instruments available.
* The packaging of kernel-agnostic binary packages has become within close
reach now.
* The autopilot tool, which executes batches of run scripts across several
platforms has gained a new '-k' argument that denotes the kernel to execute. It
can be specified multiple times in order to execute all tests on multiple
kernels. Since all tests use the same build directory, the tested components
are executed on several kernels but are built only once.
Enhanced VFS infrastructure
The virtual file system (VFS) of Unix-based operating systems is probably one
of the most characterizing features of Unix. The user-visible file system is
exposed as a single hierarchic name space that comprises the contents of an
arbitrary number of physical storage devices. The position (mount point) of
each physical file system within the VFS can be anywhere. Thereby,
technicalities like physical devices and partitions - where files are stored,
or the file-system types - become completely transparent to applications. The
VFS truly enables the metaphor of "everything is a file", which makes the user
interface of Unix simple yet powerful.
In contrast, Genode evolved from a different perspective where any kind of
global name space is suspected as a security risk. Security-sensitive and
untrusted ( potentially malicious) applications should never share the same
global view of the system. Instead, each application should only see the parts
that it needs to see in order to fulfill its legitimate purpose. Hence, the
idea to represent all system resources in one global namespace, as done by the
VFS on Unix, contradicts Genode's underlying principle of least privilege. For
this reason, Genode's architecture has no notion of files or a VFS.
That said, enjoying the power of Unix's user interface (e.g., shells, pipes)
on a daily basis, it goes without saying that we desired to have an equally
flexible user interface available for Genode. This is why the Noux runtime
environment was born, which is a Genode subsystem that implements a Unix-like
interface on top of Genode and is thereby able to host command-line based GNU
software like coreutils, bash, binutils, gcc, or vim. For enabling the Noux
runtime, we implemented a simple VFS that is assembled from Genode sessions
and presented as a file system to the applications executed on top of Noux. In
contrast to traditional Unix-like OSes that use one VFS in the OS kernel, our
approach envisioned many Noux instances, each having a tailored VFS. This
relieved our VFS implementation from the burden of implementing access control
between processes running within the same Noux instance because access would
be controlled at the granularity of Noux instances instead.
Thanks to Noux' built-in VFS, it became very easy to bridge the gap between
the Genode world (of services and sessions) and POSIX applications running
within Noux. As this became apparent, we desired the same flexibility to be
available to regular Genode components. Hence, we extracted the VFS
implementation from Noux in the form of a VFS library, and created a libc back
end that uses this VFS library. Consequently, each Genode component that uses
the libc has its private virtual file system that can be assembled from Genode
sessions. This way, we combine the best of both worlds - Unix and Genode. Like
the VFS on Unix, applications are not bothered with the technical details of
where and how files are stored, or what the files really represent (devices,
named pipes, actual files). Unlike Unix, however, each component has its own
VFS that is tailored by the component's parent.
With the added support for asynchronous I/O in the current release, the full
potential of Genode's approach to virtual file systems becomes apparent: As
file-system types are handled as plugins, each VFS-using component
automatically becomes equipped with a powerful plugin interface. For example,
thanks to the new VFS-rump-kernel plugin, a rump kernel can be mounted as a
file-system provider into any VFS-using component simply by configuring the
component's VFS. As another example, the VFS-lxip plugin allows mounting the
Linux TCP/IP stack inside the component-local VFS such that a socket-API-using
application can use this TCP/IP stack.
[image vfs_lxip_app]
Whenever (parts of) one VFS need to be shared among multiple components, the
VFS-server component comes in handy. It is a server that uses the VFS library
internally and, in turn, provides the VFS content as a file-system service to
other components. Such components can access the VFS server's file system from
their respective VFSes by mounting a file-system session. This way, the VFS
server combined with the VFS-lxip plugin suddenly becomes a socket-API
The lines between a multi-server OS and unikernel OS have become really blurry
[image vfs_lxip_server]
VFS support for asynchronous I/O and reconfiguration
I/O operations in the VFS used to be synchronous in the context of Noux. This
means in particular that users of the VFS were blocked until the requested
operation succeeded or returned an error. Such behavior becomes cumbersome in
cases where synchronous operations should have a bounded execution time or are
completely undesired. The most prominent example is the VFS server, which
potentially serves multiple clients. Unbounded blocking of operations
requested by one client renders operations of other clients impossible until
their completion. An asynchronous I/O approach paves the way to handle
multiple contexts with operations that may complete at a later point in time.
For the introduction of asynchronous I/O in the VFS, we had to adapt several
parts of the implementation.
First, the plugin interface of the VFS was extended to support signal handlers
that react to I/O activity in a specific back end. For example, the terminal
VFS plugin now registers a signal handler at the terminal server. The signal
handler is notified whenever new data is available. From the context of those
signal handlers, plugins are able to inform upper layers about the I/O
activity via an I/O response-handler callback.
The user of the VFS, in turn, may take advantage of the added
'read_ready(handle)' method to probe if an open VFS handle is readable resp. a
consecutive read operation would return available data. The terminal plugin,
for example, maps this function to the 'avail' RPC of the terminal session.
Further, the read operation is split into two phases. First, 'queue_read'
indicates the caller's intent to execute a read operation. This method may
return OK immediately accompanied by the read data but may also return QUEUED
if the operation was not completed. The optional second phase to complete the
queued operation is requested with the 'complete_read' method, which probes
for the completion of an operation and should be called as a response to I/O
activity, i.e., in the I/O response-handler callback. Our example of the
terminal plugin checks if data is available at the terminal via RPC and
returns the bytes read or QUEUED in both phases.
The implementation of the file-system-session VFS plugin appears a bit more
complicated due to the packet-stream-based interface. We will spare you the
details here, except that we added a new packet type to the session interface
in order to probe open file-system handles for READ_READY. The server in turn
notifies clients about readable handles out-of-band by acknowledging
corresponding READ_READY packets. These acknowledgments can then be processed
in the signal handler and notify the user of the VFS via the I/O response
callback. The most prominent case where READ_READY is used indirectly is the
implementation of 'select' within the libc.
The VFS library originates from Noux, which instantiates one single VFS for
all its children upon startup. Equally, the libc only provided one statically
configured tree of directories and files for components as well. In contrast,
recent plugins would heavily benefit from reconfiguration at runtime, e.g.,
setting or changing properties of the network stack described below. For this
reason, we revised the configuration of VFS plugins. In the past, the
configuration was passed to the constructor of plugins on instantiation only.
With this release, we added the 'apply_config' method to the API to support
passing an updated XML configuration node to the plugin. We also extended the
implementation of the directory plugin to traverse its registered file systems
during configuration update.
Rump-kernel-based file systems as VFS plugin
This release adds two new VFS plugins to Genode. The first is an adapter to
the Rump-kernel-based file-system library, which is also used by the
standalone rump_fs server component. Like the server, the plugin allows for
mounting one single block session as a file system. The plugin can be
instantiated for ext2, msdos, or ISO file system like follows.
!<vfs> <rump fs="ext2fs"/> </vfs> or
!<vfs> <rump fs="msdos"/> </vfs> or
!<vfs> <rump fs="cd9660"/> </vfs>
As the plugin is built as a VFS-external shared library, it must be compiled
explicitly as target _lib/vfs/rump_ and integrated as _vfs_rump.lib.so_ into
the system. For the impatient, there is a ready-to-use run script, which can
be tried out via 'make run/libc_vfs_ext2'.
Linux TCP/IP stack as VFS plugin
The second VFS plugin represents a new approach to share a single TCP/IP stack
instance between multiple components. Our approach is heavily inspired by the
Plan 9 namespaces where network sockets are accessible via files and we,
therefore, named it socket file-system. The predominant feature of this
approach is that it does not require a new session interface but simply plugs
networking into the VFS server.
The socket file system appears as a tree of directories and files, which can
be integrated into components as follows.
!<vfs> <dir name="socket"> <lxip dhcp="yes"/> </dir> </vfs>
In this case, the Linux TCP/IP stack is instantiated via the _vfs_lxip.lib.so_
plugin and configured for automatic network configuration via DHCP. From the
perspective of the component, a directory _/socket_ appears with the following
The last four files reflect the current network configuration as ASCII text of
IP addresses. More interesting are the _new_socket_ files in the _tcp_ and
_udp_ directories as those enable the component to create network sockets by
opening them and reading the name of the just created TCP or UDP socket.
Again, the content of the file is just ASCII text to support easy scripting in
the future. After creating a new TCP socket, the socket fs will create a new
socket directory. The directory contains a handful of files, which provide an
interface to operate on the socket. It looks like the following example.
The TCP socket 1 in its initial state is exactly like any BSD socket - neither
bound to any port locally nor connected to any remote server. These operations
can be requested by writing an IP address plus port into the _bind_ and
_connect_ files, e.g., write '' to _bind_ or '' to
_connect_. The result of those operations is reflected by the _local_ and
_remote_ files. The actual data transfer happens via read/write operations on
the _data_ file. A socket can easily be closed by deleting (unlinking) the
actual socket directory. In the case of connection-less datagram-oriented UDP
sockets, the source or target address of a datagram is stored in the _local_
resp. _remote_ file.
For libc-using components, all peculiarities of the socket file system are
implemented in a way that maps the BSD socket API to VFS operations if
configured. For the time being, it is still possible to use the existing lwip
or lxip libc networking libc plugins but those will eventually be removed. To
use the VFS-based socket API, the libc has to be pointed to the location where
the socket file system is located in its VFS:
!<libc socket="/socket"/>
As described in [VFS support for asynchronous I/O and reconfiguration], the
VFS lxip plugin supports reconfiguration at runtime. This can be used to
change the manual address configuration or just renew the DHCP configuration.
New execution model of the C runtime
With this release, we revised the execution model of libc-based components
from ground up. The motivation for this work was to enable the implementation
of components, which use Genode signal handlers or provide an RPC interface
but also contain application code that uses C libraries and expects POSIX
features like 'select' to work.
[image runtimes_genode]
To understand the changes we did, let's first have a look at a regular Genode
component. The life cycle of the component begins with the execution of the
'Component::construct' function, which under the hood is also the very first
RPC that is processed by the component. The originator of this RPC is the
initial thread of the component while the component code is executed by the
entrypoint. After construction, components return into the entrypoint and work
in a reactive manner like a state machine. Events from the outside can occur
in the form of incoming RPC requests or signals. The handling of those events
affects the internal state but eventually the code just returns into the
entrypoint and waits for further events.
[image runtimes_libc]
Looking from ten thousand feet, a libc-based component is not different from a
regular Genode component and reacts on events from the surrounding system. The
crucial difference lies in the semantics of the POSIX file operations, which
may block on read or select. Therefore, the 'Component::construct' function is
not implemented in the component code but in the libc. On startup, this
function prepares the C runtime, including the VFS, before executing the
application (or libc-using component) code. The actual application is then
entered via 'Libc::Component::construct' on its own application context (stack
and register set). Consequently, Genode components that use the libc have to
implement the 'Libc::Component::construct' function but can also use the
passed libc environment reference, which extends the Genode environment by
safe access to the XML configuration data and a single VFS instance.
The application context enables the libc to suspend and resume the execution
of the application at any appropriate time, e.g., when waiting in select for a
file descriptor to become readable. The entrypoint context itself stays
runnable on its own context and handles incoming signals - most importantly
the signal that unblocks the suspended application code. This suspend-resume
functionality works cooperatively and is hidden in the libc.
When using libc functions in the component, the code must indicate this
intention by wrapping code into 'Libc::with_libc' defined as a function taking
a lambda-function argument in _libc/component.h_. This ensures that code from
the libc is executed exclusively by the application context and, therefore, is
suspendable. In fact, this is the way the _posix_ library implements
!void Libc::Component::construct(Libc::Env &env)
! Libc::with_libc([&] () {
! ...
! exit(main(argc, argv, envp));
! });
Based on the 'with_libc' feature, it is now possible to implement full-fledged
Genode components with RPCs and signal handlers that also use the libc or
C-based libraries. Our libc port also provides a component-compatible variant
of 'select' defined in _libc/select.h_.
[image runtimes_posix]
Pure POSIX applications are not very special regarding their execution model.
The only precaution that must be taken in an application is that it has to be
linked to the _posix_ library in the _target.mk_ file.
!LIBS = posix
This library implements 'Libc::Component::construct', prepares the environment
and argument vector, and calls the ordinary 'main' function of the
application. So, POSIX applications never return from 'construct' into the
entrypoint and stay on the application context until the program exits.
Known limitations
In the current version, global constructors are executed by Genode's startup
code before entering the application code by calling 'Component::construct'.
Since the libc is initialized not before its 'Component::construct' function
is executed, global constructors are called prior the libc initialization.
Therefore, global constructors must not have any dependencies on blocking libc
functions or any side effects that require a properly initialized libc. In the
future, we plan to overcome this limitation by omitting the unconditional
execution of global constructors at Genode's component-startup code, and
instead leaving this step to the component-specific implementation of
'Component::construct'. The libc's 'Component::construct' function would then
be able to execute the application's global constructors in the application's
Dynamically reconfigurable init component
The init component plays a central role for every Genode system. It starts the
initial system components and interconnects them according to its configured
policy. In complex system scenarios, it is also routinely used in a nested
fashion as a subsystem-composition tool. For example, most subsystems started
via the dynamic CLI-monitor runtime are actually init instances that, in turn,
create a whole subsystem consisting of several components. With the current
release, we strengthen the use of init as a generic system-composition tool,
especially for dynamic scenarios.
Dynamic re-configuration
Until now, init used to respond to configuration changes by merely destroying
all child components of the old configuration followed by the creation of all
components of a new configuration from scratch. The new version enables init
to apply configuration changes to a running scenario in a differential way.
Children are restarted if any of their session routes change, new children can
be added to a running scenario, or children can deliberately be removed.
Furthermore, the new version is able to propagate configuration changes
(modifications of '<config>' nodes) to its children without restarting them.
With these changes, init becomes a suitable basis for dynamic runtime
environments that previously required custom child-management implementations
(like CLI monitor, or launchpad).
State reporting
In anticipation of init's use as a dynamic runtime environment, we equipped
init with the ability to report its internal state in the form of a "state"
report. This feature can be enabled by placing a '<report>' node into init's
configuration. The report node accepts the following arguments (with their
default values shown):
:'delay_ms="100"': specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before
producing a new report. This way, many consecutive state changes -
like they occur during startup - do not result in an overly
large number of reports but are merged into one final report.
:'buffer="4K"': the maximum size of the report in bytes. The attribute
accepts the use of K/M/G as units.
:'init_ram="no"': if enabled, the report will contain a '<ram>' node
with the memory statistics of init.
:'ids="no"': supplement the children in the report with unique IDs, which
may be used to infer the lifetime of children across configuration
updates in the future.
:'requested="no"': if enabled, the report will contain information about
all session requests initiated by the children.
:'provided="no"': if enabled, the report will contain information about
all sessions provided by all servers.
:'session_args="no"': level of detail of the session information
generated via 'requested' or 'provided'.
:'child_ram="no"': if enabled, the report will contain a '<ram>' node
for each child based on the information obtained from the child's RAM
Session-label rewriting
Init routes session requests by taking the requested service type and the
session label into account. The latter is used by the server as a key for
selecting a policy at the server side. To simplify server-side policies, we
enhanced init with the support for rewriting session labels in the target node
of a matching session route. For example, a Noux instance may have the
following session route for the "home" file system:
! <service name="File_system" label="home">
! <child name="rump_fs"/>
! </service>
! ...
At the rump_fs file-system server, the label of the file-system session will
appear as "noux -> home". This information may be evaluated by rump_fs's
server-side policy. However, when renaming the noux instance, we'd need to
update this server-side policy.
With the new mechanism, the client's identity can be hidden from the server.
The label could instead represent the role of the client, or a name of a
physical resource. For example, the Noux route could be changed to this:
! <service name="File_system" label="home">
! <child name="rump_fs" label="primary_user"/>
! </service>
! ...
When rump_fs receives the session request, it is presented with the label
"primary_user". The fact that the client is "noux" is not taken into account
for the server-side policy selection.
The label rewriting mechanism supersedes the former (and deliberately
undocumented) practice of using '<if-args>' for special handling of session
Routing of environment sessions
The init component used to create the CPU/RAM/PD/ROM sessions (the child
environment) for its children by issuing session requests to its parent, which
is typically core. This policy had been hard-wired. The new version enables
the routing of environment sessions according to init's routing policy.
Thereby, it becomes possible to route the child's PD, CPU, and RAM environment
sessions in arbitrary ways, which simplifies scenarios that intercept those
sessions, e.g., the CPU sampler.
Note that the latter ability should be used with caution because init needs to
interact with these sessions to create/destruct a child. Normally, the
sessions are provided by the parent. So init is safe at all times. If they are
routed to a child however, init will naturally become dependent on this
particular child.
Because there is no hard-wired policy regarding the environment sessions
anymore, routes to respective services must be explicitly declared in the init
configuration. For this reason, existing configurations need to be adjusted to
provide valid routes for CPU/RAM/PD/ROM sessions.
For routing environment sessions depending on session labels, the existing
'label', 'label_prefix', and 'label_suffix' attributes of '<service>' nodes
are not suitable. Whereas the arguments given to those attributes are scoped
with the name of the corresponding child, environment sessions do not reside
within this scope as they are initiated by init, not the child. The new
'unscoped_label' attribute complements the existing attributes with an
unscoped variant that allows the definition of routing rules for all session
requests, including init's requests for a child's environment sessions. For
example, to route the ROM-session request for a child's dynamic linker, the
following route would match:
! ...
! <service name="ROM" unscoped_label="ld.lib.so"> ... </service>
! ...
Configurable RAM preservation
Init has a so-called quota-saturation feature, which hands out all remaining
slack quota to a child by specifying an overly high RAM quota for the child.
Init retains only a small amount of quota for itself, which is used to cover
indirect costs such as a few capabilities created on behalf of the children,
or memory used for buffering configuration data. The amount used to be
hard-wired. In practice, however, it depends on the scale of the scenario.
Hence, the new version makes the preservation configurable as follows:
! <config>
! ...
! <resource name="RAM" preserve="1M"/>
! ...
! </config>
If not specified, init has a reasonable default of 160K (on 32 bit) and
320K (on 64 bit).
Base framework
Transition to new framework API
We are happy to report that the transition to the new framework API that we
introduced in
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/16.05#The_great_API_renovation - version 16.05]
is almost complete.
We enabled compile-time warnings that trigger whenever deprecated parts of the
API are discovered. There are still a few places left. So when building the
current version, please don't mind the occasional "deprecated" warnings. They
will disappear along with the deprecated parts of the API within the next
release cycle.
Improved accounting of session meta data
With the new version, we improved the accounting for the backing store of
session-state meta data. Originally, the session state was allocated by a
child-local heap partition fed from the child's RAM session. However, while
this approach was somehow practical from a runtime's (parent's) point of view,
the child component could not count on the quota in its own RAM session. I.e.,
if the Child::heap grew at the parent side, the child's RAM session would
magically diminish. This caused two problems. First, it violates assumptions
of components like init that carefully manage their RAM resources (and give
most of them away to their children). Second, if a child transfers most of its
RAM session quota to another RAM session (like init does), the child's RAM
session may actually not allow the parent's heap to grow, which is a very
difficult error condition to deal with.
In the new version, there is no Child::heap anymore. Instead, session states
are allocated from the runtime's RAM session. In order to let children pay for
these costs, the parent withdraws the local session costs from the session
quota donated from the child when the child initiates a new session. Hence, in
principle, all components on the route of a session request take a small
bite from the session quota to pay for their local book keeping
Consequently, the session quota that ends up at the server may become depleted
more or less, depending on the route. In the case where the remaining quota is
insufficient for a server, the server responds with 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED'. Since
this behavior must generally be expected, we equipped the client-side
'Env::session' implementation with the ability to re-issue session requests
with successively growing quota donations.
For several of core's services (ROM, IO_MEM, IRQ), the default session quota
has now increased by 2 KiB, which should suffice for session requests of up to
3 hops as is the common case for most run scripts. For longer routes the
retry mechanism, as described above, comes into effect. For the time being, we
give a warning whenever the server-side quota check triggers this retry
mechanism. The warning may potentially be removed at a later stage.
OS-level infrastructure and device drivers
New 'CHARACTER' class of input events
Within a Genode system, user-input events are propagated via the input-session
interface, which enables clients to receive batches of input events from an
input server such as an input-device driver. There exist various types of
events like relative or absolute motion events (for pointer devices), press or
release events (for physical buttons or keys on a keyboard), or touch events.
The event types used to be device-level events. In particular, press and
release events for a keyboard refer to physical scancodes of the keys, not
their symbolic meanings. The application of language-specific keyboard layouts
or key repeat is left to the client. E.g., Genode's custom terminal
implementation has built-in keyboard layouts or Genode's version of Qt5 used
to rely on the keyboard layout as implemented by Qt's evdev back end.
With a growing number of textual applications, this client-side handling of
keyboard layouts has become impractical and too inflexible. For example, a
user may want to change the keyboard layout globally at runtime or a user may
wish to connect multiple keyboards with different layouts to the same machine.
Applications should not need to deal with these requirements. On the other
hand, low-level device drivers should not be bothered with application-level
problems like the interpretation of modifier key states. One may suppose that
text-processing applications may simply use another higher-level interface
(such as the terminal-session interface, which already has the notion of
characters). However, we found that most GUI applications require both
low-level events as well as the notion of characters.
Following these observations, we decided to supplement the existing input
event types with a new 'CHARACTER' type. In contrast to a low-level press or
release event, a character event refers to the symbolic meaning of a pressed
key. An input-event stream may contain both low-level and symbolic events. It
is up to the application to interpret either of them - or both. Character
events are not meant to be generated by an input driver directly. Instead, a
dedicated (bump-in-the-wire) component is meant to parse a stream of low-level
events and supplement it with high-level character events. The new input
filter presented in Section [Input-event filter] is meant to play this role.
Character events are created via a dedicated 'Event' constructor that takes an
'Event:Utf8' object as argument. Internally, the character is kept in the
'_code' member. The 'Utf8' value can by retrieved by a recipient via the new
'utf8' method.
Terminal support
We added the handling of 'CHARACTER' events to Genode's custom terminal
component located at _gems/src/server/terminal/_. To avoid interpreting
press/release events twice (at the input filter and by the terminal's built-in
scancode tracker), the terminal's scancode tracker can be explicitly disabled
via '<config> <keyboard layout="none"/> </config>'. In the future, the
terminal's built-in scancode tracker will be removed. The use of the terminal
with the input filter is illustrated by the _terminal_echo.run_ script.
Keyboard-layout support for Qt5
We adjusted the input-event back end of Genode's Qt5 version to handle
'CHARACTER' events. In fact, the back end handles both low-level press/release
events and character events now. However, instead of subjecting the low-level
events to Qt's built-in keyboard-layout handling (that would produce
characters according to a hard-wired keyboard layout), we deliberately pass an
invalid character to Qt whenever a low-level press/release event is observed.
This way, the actual press/release events are ignored for symbolic keys but
still handled for keys where the physical location is important (e.g., cursor
keys). The second part of the puzzle is to pass Genode's character events as
UTF-8 strings to Qt while leaving the low-level scan code undefined. Hence, Qt
consumes Genode's character events directly without the attempt to apply a
keyboard layout.
We changed our run-script templates for Qt5 applications to use this new
mechanism such that all existing applications make use of the new facility.
To select a different keyboard layout than the default 'en_us' one, simply
override the 'language_chargen' function in your run script (after including
_qt5_common.inc_) where "de" refers to the character map file
! proc language_chargen { } { return "de" }
Input-event filter
The new input-filter component is the successor of the existing input merger.
In addition to merging input streams, the component applies several forms of
input transformations, in particular the application of keyboard layouts to
supplement the input-event stream with character events.
[image input_filter]
An input-filter configuration consists of two parts: a declaration of input
sources ("Input" connections) that the component should request and the
definition of a filter chain. Each input source is defined via an '<input>'
node with the name of the input source as 'name' attribute and the session
label as 'label' attribute. The latter can be used to route several input
sources to different components, i.e., input device drivers.
The filter chain is defined via one '<output>' node. It contains exactly one
of the following filters:
:<input name="..."/>:
Refers to the input source with the matching 'name'.
Applies low-level key remapping to the events produced by another filter
that is embedded as a child node.
It may contain any number of '<key>' nodes. Each of those key nodes
must supply a 'name' attribute and may feature an optional 'to' attribute
with the name of the key that should be reported instead of 'name' and
an optional 'sticky' attribute. If the latter is set to "yes", the key
behaves like a sticky key. That means, only press events are evaluated
and every second press event is reported as a release event. This is
useful for special keys like capslock.
Merges the results of any number of filters that appear as child nodes.
Supplements the input-event stream of another filter with artificial
'CHARACTER' events by applying character mapping rules. The originating
filter is defined as a child node.
Character generator rules
Character-generator ('<chargen>') rules are defined via the following
sub nodes:
Defines which physical keys are interpreted as modifier keys. Usually,
'<mod1>' corresponds to shift, '<mod2>' to control, and '<mod3>' to altgr
(on German keyboards). Each modifier node may host any number of '<key>'
nodes with their corresponding 'name' attributes. For example:
! <mod1>
! <key name="KEY_LEFTSHIFT"/> <key name="KEY_RIGHTSHIFT"/>
! </mod1>
:<map mod1="..." mod2="..." mod3="..." mod4="...">:
A '<map>' node contains a list of keys that emit a specified character when
pressed. Any number of '<map>' nodes can be present. For each map node, the
attributes 'mod1' to 'mod4' denote a condition which is
evaluated. Each 'mod' attribute has three possible values. If the attribute
is not present, the state of the modifier does not matter. If set to 'yes',
the modifier must be active. If set to 'no', the modifier must not be active.
Each '<map>' may contain any number of '<key>' subnodes. Each '<key>'
must have the key name as 'name' attribute. The to-be-emitted character
is defined by the following attributes: 'ascii', 'char', or 'b0/b1/b2/b3'. The
'ascii' attribute accepts an integer value between 0 and 127, the
'char' attribute accepts a single ASCII character, the 'b0/b1/b2/b3'
attributes define the individual bytes of an UTF-8 character.
:<repeat delay_ms="500" rate_ms="250">:
The '<repeat>' node defines the character-repeat delay and rate that
triggers the periodic emission of the last produced character while
the corresponding key is held.
:<include rom="...">:
The '<include>' node includes further content into the '<chargen>' node
and thereby allows the easy reuse of common rules. The included ROM must
have a '<chargen>' top-level node.
Additional features
The input filter is able to respond to configuration updates as well as
updates of included ROM modules. However, a new configuration is applied only
if the input sources are in their idle state - that is, no key is pressed.
This ensures the consistency of the generated key events (for each press event
there must be a corresponding release event), on which clients of the input
filter may depend. However, this deferred reconfiguration can be overridden by
setting the 'force' attribute of the '<config>' node to 'yes'. If forced, the
new configuration is applied immediately.
An automated test that exercises various corner cases of the input filter can
be found at _os/run/input_filter.run_. For a practical example of how to use
the input filter with the terminal, please refer to the
_gems/run/terminal_echo.run_ script.
SD-card driver improvements
With the current release, we modernized and unified our existing set of
SD-card drivers. The formerly driver-specific benchmark has become generic and
is now located at _os/src/test/sd_card_bench/_.
Furthermore, we added a new driver for the FreeScale i.MX6 SoC.
Update of Muen to v0.8
The Muen Separation Kernel port has been updated to the latest development
version 0.8, which brings a slew of new features. Most prominently Muen now
has support for subject lifecycle management. This implies that it is now
possible to restart subjects, e.g., an entire base-hw/Genode subsystem.
Furthermore, the upgrade enables shutdown or reboot of the physical system via
configuration in the system policy.
Further details regarding Muen v0.8 can be found in the projects release
notes [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/muen-dev/yWzUGLLZ3sw].
Removal of stale features
We removed the following features that remained unused for at least two years:
:L4Linux on Fiasco.OC:
L4Linux is a paravirtualized version of the Linux kernel that runs on top of
the Fiasco.OC kernel. It remained unused and therefore outdated for two
years now while we did not observe any ongoing interest in it from the Genode
community either. In scenarios that call for Linux or a POSIX environment as
a Genode subsystem, we found other solutions more appealing (in terms of
stability, flexibility, and maintenance effort), e.g., VirtualBox on x86, or
virtualization / TrustZone on ARM, or Noux.
:Xvfb integration on base-linux:
The hybrid xvfb component allowed for the integration of multiple X servers
in a nitpicker GUI environment on top of GNU/Linux. We introduced it in
2009 as an experimental feature. But since we are not facilitating Linux
as a primary base platform for Genode, the xvfb support remained unused.
:Fiasco.OC-specific features of CLI monitor:
The command-line-based dynamic component runtime called CLI monitor used
to come with a few Fiasco.OC-specific extensions that interacted with
the kernel debugger. We dropped those extensions to ease the maintenance
of CLI monitor.