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2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* \brief String utilities
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* \author Norman Feske
* \author Sebastian Sumpf
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* \date 2006-05-10
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
#include <base/stdint.h>
#include <base/output.h>
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
#include <util/misc_math.h>
#include <cpu/string.h>
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
namespace Genode {
class Number_of_bytes;
class Cstring;
template <Genode::size_t> class String;
* Wrapper of 'size_t' for selecting the 'ascii_to' function to parse byte values
class Genode::Number_of_bytes
size_t _n;
* Default constructor
Number_of_bytes() : _n(0) { }
* Constructor, to be used implicitly via assignment operator
Number_of_bytes(size_t n) : _n(n) { }
* Convert number of bytes to 'size_t' value
operator size_t() const { return _n; }
void print(Output &output) const
using Genode::print;
enum { KB = 1024UL, MB = KB*1024UL, GB = MB*1024UL };
if (_n == 0) print(output, 0);
else if (_n % GB == 0) print(output, _n/GB, "G");
else if (_n % MB == 0) print(output, _n/MB, "M");
else if (_n % KB == 0) print(output, _n/KB, "K");
else print(output, _n);
** Utility functions **
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
namespace Genode {
* Return length of null-terminated string in bytes
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline size_t strlen(const char *s)
size_t res = 0;
for (; s && *s; s++, res++);
return res;
* Compare two strings
* \param len maximum number of characters to compare,
* default is unlimited
* \return 0 if both strings are equal, or
* a positive number if s1 is higher than s2, or
* a negative number if s1 is lower than s2
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t len = ~0UL)
for (; *s1 && *s1 == *s2 && len; s1++, s2++, len--) ;
return len ? *s1 - *s2 : 0;
* Copy memory buffer to a potentially overlapping destination buffer
* \param dst destination memory block
* \param src source memory block
* \param size number of bytes to move
* \return pointer to destination memory block
inline void *memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
char *d = (char *)dst, *s = (char *)src;
size_t i;
if (s > d)
for (i = 0; i < size; i++, *d++ = *s++);
for (s += size - 1, d += size - 1, i = size; i-- > 0; *d-- = *s--);
return dst;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Copy memory buffer to a non-overlapping destination buffer
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* \param dst destination memory block
* \param src source memory block
* \param size number of bytes to copy
* \return pointer to destination memory block
inline void *memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
char *d = (char *)dst, *s = (char *)src;
size_t i;
/* check for overlap */
if ((d + size > s) && (s + size > d))
return memmove(dst, src, size);
/* try cpu specific version first */
if ((i = size - memcpy_cpu(dst, src, size)) == size)
return dst;
d += i; s += i; size -= i;
/* copy eight byte chunks */
for (i = size >> 3; i > 0; i--, *d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++,
*d++ = *s++);
/* copy left over */
for (i = 0; i < (size & 0x7); i++, *d++ = *s++);
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return dst;
* Copy string
* \param dst destination buffer
* \param src buffer holding the null-terminated source string
* \param size maximum number of characters to copy
* In contrast to the POSIX 'strncpy' function, 'copy_cstring' always
* produces a null-terminated string in the 'dst' buffer if the 'size'
* argument is greater than 0.
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline void copy_cstring(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
/* sanity check for corner case of a zero-size destination buffer */
if (size == 0) return;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Copy characters from 'src' to 'dst' respecting the 'size' limit.
* In each iteration, the 'size' variable holds the maximum remaining
* size. We have to leave at least one character free to add the null
* termination afterwards.
while ((size-- > 1UL) && *src)
*dst++ = *src++;
/* append null termination to the destination buffer */
*dst = 0;
* Compare memory blocks
* \return 0 if both memory blocks are equal, or
* a negative number if 'p0' is less than 'p1', or
* a positive number if 'p0' is greater than 'p1'
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline int memcmp(const void *p0, const void *p1, size_t size)
const unsigned char *c0 = (const unsigned char *)p0;
const unsigned char *c1 = (const unsigned char *)p1;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (c0[i] != c1[i]) return c0[i] - c1[i];
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return 0;
* Fill destination buffer with given value
* \param dst destination buffer
* \param i byte value
* \param size buffer size in bytes
* The compiler attribute is needed to prevent the
* generation of a 'memset()' call in the 'while' loop
* with gcc 10.
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline void *memset(void *dst, uint8_t i, size_t size)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
while (size--) ((uint8_t *)dst)[size] = i;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return dst;
* Convert ASCII character to digit
* \param hex consider hexadecimals
* \return digit or -1 on error
inline int digit(char c, bool hex = false)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0';
if (hex && c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10;
if (hex && c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
* Return true if character is a letter
inline bool is_letter(char c)
return (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')));
* Return true if character is a digit
inline bool is_digit(char c, bool hex = false)
return (digit(c, hex) >= 0);
* Return true if character is whitespace
inline bool is_whitespace(char c)
return (c == '\t' || c == ' ' || c == '\n');
* Read unsigned long value from string
* \param s source string
* \param result destination variable
* \param base integer base
* \return number of consumed characters
* If the base argument is 0, the integer base is detected based on the
* characters in front of the number. If the number is prefixed with "0x",
* a base of 16 is used, otherwise a base of 10.
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
template <typename T>
inline size_t ascii_to_unsigned(const char *s, T &result, uint8_t base)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
size_t i = 0;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
if (!*s) return i;
/* autodetect hexadecimal base, default is a base of 10 */
if (base == 0) {
/* read '0x' prefix */
if (*s == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')) {
s += 2; i += 2;
base = 16;
} else
base = 10;
/* read number */
T value = 0;
while (true) {
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
/* read digit, stop when hitting a non-digit character */
int const d = digit(*s, base == 16);
if (d < 0)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
/* append digit to integer value */
uint8_t const valid_digit = (uint8_t)d;
value = (T)(value*base + valid_digit);
s++, i++;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
result = value;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return i;
* Read boolean value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
inline size_t ascii_to(char const *s, bool &result)
if (!strcmp(s, "yes", 3)) { result = true; return 3; }
if (!strcmp(s, "true", 4)) { result = true; return 4; }
if (!strcmp(s, "on", 2)) { result = true; return 2; }
if (!strcmp(s, "no", 2)) { result = false; return 2; }
if (!strcmp(s, "false", 5)) { result = false; return 5; }
if (!strcmp(s, "off", 3)) { result = false; return 3; }
return 0;
* Read unsigned char value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, unsigned char &result)
return ascii_to_unsigned(s, result, 0);
* Read unsigned short value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, unsigned short &result)
return ascii_to_unsigned(s, result, 0);
* Read unsigned long value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, unsigned long &result)
return ascii_to_unsigned(s, result, 0);
* Read unsigned long long value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, unsigned long long &result)
return ascii_to_unsigned(s, result, 0ULL);
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Read unsigned int value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, unsigned int &result)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return ascii_to_unsigned(s, result, 0);
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Read signed long value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, long &result)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
int i = 0;
/* read sign */
int sign = (*s == '-') ? -1 : 1;
if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') { s++; i++; }
unsigned long value = 0;
size_t const j = ascii_to_unsigned(s, value, 0);
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
if (!j)
return i;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
result = sign*value;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return i + j;
* Read 'Number_of_bytes' value from string and handle the size suffixes
* This function scales the resulting size value according to the suffixes
* for G (2^30), M (2^20), and K (2^10) if present.
* \return number of consumed characters
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, Number_of_bytes &result)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
unsigned long res = 0;
/* convert numeric part of string */
size_t i = ascii_to_unsigned(s, res, 0);
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
/* handle suffixes */
if (i > 0)
switch (s[i]) {
2021-02-25 15:28:45 +01:00
case 'G': res *= 1024*1024*1024; i++; break;
case 'M': res *= 1024*1024; i++; break;
case 'K': res *= 1024; i++; break;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
default: break;
result = res;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return i;
* Read double float value from string
* \return number of consumed characters
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline size_t ascii_to(const char *s, double &result)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
double v = 0.0; /* decimal part */
double d = 0.1; /* power of fractional digit */
bool neg = false; /* sign */
int i = 0; /* character counter */
if (s[i] == '-') {
neg = true;
/* parse decimal part of number */
for (; s[i] && is_digit(s[i]); i++)
v = 10*v + digit(s[i], false);
/* if no fractional part exists, return current value */
if (s[i] != '.') {
result = neg ? -v : v;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return i;
/* skip comma */
/* parse fractional part of number */
for (; s[i] && is_digit(s[i]); i++, d *= 0.1)
v += d*digit(s[i], false);
result = neg ? -v : v;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
return i;
* Check for end of quotation
* Checks if next character is non-backslashed quotation mark.
inline bool end_of_quote(const char *s) {
return s[0] != '\\' && s[1] == '\"'; }
* Unpack quoted string
* \param src source string including the quotation marks ("...")
* \param dst destination buffer
* \return number of characters or ~0UL on error
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
inline size_t unpack_string(const char *src, char *dst, size_t const dst_len)
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
/* check if quoted string */
if ((*src != '"') || (dst_len < 1))
return ~0UL;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
size_t i = 0;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
for (; *src && !end_of_quote(src - 1) && (i < dst_len - 1); i++) {
/* transform '\"' to '"' */
if (src[0] == '\\' && src[1] == '\"') {
*dst++ = '"';
src += 2;
} else
*dst++ = *src++;
/* write terminating null */
*dst = 0;
return i;
* Helper for the formatted output of a length-constrained character buffer
class Genode::Cstring
char const * const _str;
size_t const _len;
static size_t _init_len(char const *str, size_t max_len)
* In contrast to 'strlen' we stop searching for a terminating
* null once we reach 'max_len'.
size_t res = 0;
for (; res < max_len && str && *str; str++, res++);
return res;
* Constructor
* \param str null-terminated character buffer
Cstring(char const *str) : _str(str), _len(strlen(str)) { }
* Constructor
* \param str character buffer, not neccessarily null-terminated
* \param max_len maximum number of characters to consume
* The 'Cstring' contains all characters up to a terminating null in
* the 'str' buffer but not more that 'max_len' characters.
Cstring(char const *str, size_t max_len)
_str(str), _len(_init_len(str, max_len))
{ }
void print(Output &out) const { out.out_string(_str, _len); }
size_t length() const { return _len; }
* Buffer that contains a null-terminated string
* \param CAPACITY buffer size including the terminating zero,
* must be higher than zero
template <Genode::size_t CAPACITY>
class Genode::String
char _buf[CAPACITY];
* Number of chars contained in '_buf' including the terminating null
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
size_t _len { 0 };
* Output facility that targets a character buffer
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
class Local_output : public Output
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
* Noncopyable
Local_output(Local_output const &);
Local_output &operator = (Local_output const &);
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
char * const _buf;
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
size_t _num_chars = 0;
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
* Return true if '_buf' can fit at least one additional 'char'.
bool _capacity_left() const { return CAPACITY - _num_chars - 1; }
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
void _append(char c) { _buf[_num_chars++] = c; }
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
Local_output(char *buf) : _buf(buf) { }
size_t num_chars() const { return _num_chars; }
void out_char(char c) override { if (_capacity_left()) _append(c); }
void out_string(char const *str, size_t n) override
while (n-- > 0 && _capacity_left() && *str)
constexpr static size_t size() { return CAPACITY; }
Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++" The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository. To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below: * A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the 'List' must become a friend. * Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes, we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in base/include/util/interface.h. * With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces. * If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error). For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those declarations should be prepended with a comment like this: /* * Noncopyable */ Thread(Thread const &); Thread &operator = (Thread const &); In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration. Issue #465
2017-12-21 15:42:15 +01:00
String() { }
* Constructor
* The constructor accepts a non-zero number of arguments, which
* are concatenated in the resulting 'String' object. In order to
* generate the textual representation of the arguments, the
* argument types must support the 'Output' interface, e.g., by
* providing 'print' method.
* If the textual representation of the supplied arguments exceeds
* 'CAPACITY', the resulting string gets truncated. The caller may
* check for this condition by evaluating the 'length' of the
* constructed 'String'. If 'length' equals 'CAPACITY', the string
* may fit perfectly into the buffer or may have been truncated.
* In general, it would be safe to assume the latter.
template <typename T, typename... TAIL>
String(T const &arg, TAIL &&... args)
/* initialize string content */
Local_output output(_buf);
Genode::print(output, arg, args...);
/* add terminating null */
_buf[output.num_chars()] = 0;
_len = output.num_chars() + 1;
* Constructor
* Overload for the common case of constructing a 'String' from a
* string literal.
String(char const *cstr) : _len(min(Genode::strlen(cstr) + 1, CAPACITY))
copy_cstring(_buf, cstr, _len);
* Copy constructor
template <unsigned N>
String(String<N> const &other) : _len(min(other.length(), CAPACITY))
copy_cstring(_buf, other.string(), _len);
* Return length of string, including the terminating null character
size_t length() const { return _len; }
static constexpr size_t capacity() { return CAPACITY; }
bool valid() const {
return (_len <= CAPACITY) && (_len != 0) && (_buf[_len - 1] == '\0'); }
2014-01-12 00:00:53 +01:00
char const *string() const { return valid() ? _buf : ""; }
2014-10-01 12:42:44 +02:00
bool operator == (char const *other) const
return strcmp(string(), other) == 0;
bool operator != (char const *other) const
return strcmp(string(), other) != 0;
template <size_t OTHER_CAPACITY>
bool operator == (String<OTHER_CAPACITY> const &other) const
return strcmp(string(), other.string()) == 0;
template <size_t OTHER_CAPACITY>
bool operator != (String<OTHER_CAPACITY> const &other) const
return strcmp(string(), other.string()) != 0;
void print(Output &out) const { Genode::print(out, string()); }
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
#endif /* _INCLUDE__UTIL__STRING_H_ */