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2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* \brief Generic root component implementation
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-05-22
* This class is there for your convenience. It performs the common actions
* that must always be taken when creating a new session.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
#include <root/root.h>
#include <base/allocator.h>
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
#include <base/rpc_server.h>
#include <base/entrypoint.h>
#include <base/service.h>
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <base/log.h>
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
namespace Genode {
class Single_client;
class Multiple_clients;
template <typename, typename POLICY = Multiple_clients> class Root_component;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Session creation policy for a single-client service
class Genode::Single_client
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
bool _used;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
Single_client() : _used(0) { }
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
void aquire(const char *)
if (_used)
throw Root::Unavailable();
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
_used = true;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
void release() { _used = false; }
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Session-creation policy for a multi-client service
struct Genode::Multiple_clients
void aquire(const char *) { }
void release() { }
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00
* Template for implementing the root interface
* \param SESSION_TYPE session-component type to manage,
* derived from 'Rpc_object'
* \param POLICY session-creation policy
* The 'POLICY' template parameter allows for constraining the session
* creation to only one instance at a time (using the 'Single_session'
* policy) or multiple instances (using the 'Multiple_sessions' policy).
* The 'POLICY' class must provide the following two methods:
* 'aquire(const char *args)' is called with the session arguments
* at creation time of each new session. It can therefore implement
* a session-creation policy taking session arguments into account.
* If the policy denies the creation of a new session, it throws
* one of the exceptions defined in the 'Root' interface.
* 'release' is called at the destruction time of a session. It enables
* the policy to keep track of and impose restrictions on the number
* of existing sessions.
* The default policy 'Multiple_clients' imposes no restrictions on the
* creation of new sessions.
template <typename SESSION_TYPE, typename POLICY>
class Genode::Root_component : public Rpc_object<Typed_root<SESSION_TYPE> >,
public Local_service<SESSION_TYPE>::Factory,
private POLICY
* Entry point that manages the session objects
* created by this root interface
Rpc_entrypoint *_ep;
* Allocator for allocating session objects.
* This allocator must be used by the derived
* class when calling the 'new' operator for
* creating a new session.
Allocator *_md_alloc;
* Used by both the legacy 'Root::session' and the new 'Factory::create'
SESSION_TYPE &_create(Session_state::Args const &args, Affinity affinity)
* Guard to ensure that 'release' is called whenever the scope
* is left with an exception.
struct Guard
bool ack = false;
Root_component &root;
Guard(Root_component &root) : root(root) { }
~Guard() { if (!ack) root.release(); }
} aquire_guard { *this };
* We need to decrease 'ram_quota' by
* the size of the session object.
Ram_quota const ram_quota = ram_quota_from_args(args.string());
size_t needed = sizeof(SESSION_TYPE) + md_alloc()->overhead(sizeof(SESSION_TYPE));
if (needed > ram_quota.value) {
base: remove Child::heap This patch improves the accounting for the backing store of session-state meta data. Originally, the session state used to be allocated by a child-local heap partition fed from the child's RAM session. However, whereas this approach was somehow practical from a runtime's (parent's) point of view, the child component could not count on the quota in its own RAM session. I.e., if the Child::heap grew at the parent side, the child's RAM session would magically diminish. This caused two problems. First, it violates assumptions of components like init that carefully manage their RAM resources (and giving most of them away their children). Second, if a child transfers most of its RAM session quota to another RAM session (like init does), the child's RAM session may actually not allow the parent's heap to grow, which is a very difficult error condition to deal with. In the new version, there is no Child::heap anymore. Instead, session states are allocated from the runtime's RAM session. In order to let children pay for these costs, the parent withdraws the local session costs from the session quota donated from the child when the child initiates a new session. Hence, in principle, all components on the route of the session request take a small bite from the session quota to pay for their local book keeping Consequently, the session quota that ends up at the server may become depleted more or less, depending on the route. In the case where the remaining quota is insufficient for the server, the server responds with 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED'. Since this behavior must generally be expected, this patch equips the client-side 'Env::session' implementation with the ability to re-issue session requests with successively growing quota donations. For several of core's services (ROM, IO_MEM, IRQ), the default session quota has now increased by 2 KiB, which should suffice for session requests to up to 3 hops as is the common case for most run scripts. For longer routes, the retry mechanism as described above comes into effect. For the time being, we give a warning whenever the server-side quota check triggers the retry mechanism. The warning may eventually be removed at a later stage.
2017-02-19 10:31:50 +01:00
warning("insufficient ram quota "
"for ", SESSION_TYPE::service_name(), " session, "
"provided=", ram_quota, ", required=", needed);
throw Root::Quota_exceeded();
Ram_quota const remaining_ram_quota { ram_quota.value - needed };
* Deduce ram quota needed for allocating the session object from the
* donated ram quota.
enum { MAX_ARGS_LEN = 256 };
char adjusted_args[MAX_ARGS_LEN];
strncpy(adjusted_args, args.string(), sizeof(adjusted_args));
Arg_string::set_arg(adjusted_args, sizeof(adjusted_args),
"ram_quota", String<64>(remaining_ram_quota).string());
try { s = _create_session(adjusted_args, affinity); }
catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) {
error("out of memory for session creation, '", args, "'");
throw Root::Unavailable();
aquire_guard.ack = true;
return *s;
* Create new session (to be implemented by a derived class)
* Only a derived class knows the constructor arguments of
* a specific session. Therefore, we cannot unify the call
* of its 'new' operator and must implement the session
* creation at a place, where the required knowledge exist.
* In the implementation of this method, the heap, provided
* by 'Root_component' must be used for allocating the session
* object.
* If the server implementation does not evaluate the session
* affinity, it suffices to override the overload without the
* affinity argument.
* \throw Allocator::Out_of_memory typically caused by the
* meta-data allocator
* \throw Root::Invalid_args typically caused by the
* session-component constructor
virtual SESSION_TYPE *_create_session(const char *args,
Affinity const &)
return _create_session(args);
virtual SESSION_TYPE *_create_session(const char *args)
throw Root::Invalid_args();
* Inform session about a quota upgrade
* Once a session is created, its client can successively extend
* its quota donation via the 'Parent::transfer_quota' operation.
* This will result in the invokation of 'Root::upgrade' at the
* root interface the session was created with. The root interface,
* in turn, informs the session about the new resources via the
* '_upgrade_session' method. The default implementation is
* suited for sessions that use a static amount of resources
* accounted for at session-creation time. For such sessions, an
* upgrade is not useful. However, sessions that dynamically
* allocate resources on behalf of its client, should respond to
* quota upgrades by implementing this method.
* \param session session to upgrade
* \param args description of additional resources in the
* same format as used at session creation
virtual void _upgrade_session(SESSION_TYPE *, const char *) { }
virtual void _destroy_session(SESSION_TYPE *session) {
Genode::destroy(_md_alloc, session); }
* Return allocator to allocate server object in '_create_session()'
Allocator *md_alloc() { return _md_alloc; }
* Return entrypoint that serves the root component
Rpc_entrypoint *ep() { return _ep; }
* Constructor
* \param ep entry point that manages the sessions of this
* root interface
* \param md_alloc meta-data allocator providing the backing store
* for session objects
Root_component(Entrypoint &ep, Allocator &md_alloc)
_ep(&ep.rpc_ep()), _md_alloc(&md_alloc)
{ }
* Constructor
* \deprecated use the constructor with the 'Entrypoint &'
* argument instead
Root_component(Rpc_entrypoint *ep, Allocator *md_alloc)
_ep(ep), _md_alloc(md_alloc)
{ }
** Local_service::Factory interface **
SESSION_TYPE &create(Session_state::Args const &args,
Affinity affinity) override
try {
return _create(args, affinity); }
base: remove Child::heap This patch improves the accounting for the backing store of session-state meta data. Originally, the session state used to be allocated by a child-local heap partition fed from the child's RAM session. However, whereas this approach was somehow practical from a runtime's (parent's) point of view, the child component could not count on the quota in its own RAM session. I.e., if the Child::heap grew at the parent side, the child's RAM session would magically diminish. This caused two problems. First, it violates assumptions of components like init that carefully manage their RAM resources (and giving most of them away their children). Second, if a child transfers most of its RAM session quota to another RAM session (like init does), the child's RAM session may actually not allow the parent's heap to grow, which is a very difficult error condition to deal with. In the new version, there is no Child::heap anymore. Instead, session states are allocated from the runtime's RAM session. In order to let children pay for these costs, the parent withdraws the local session costs from the session quota donated from the child when the child initiates a new session. Hence, in principle, all components on the route of the session request take a small bite from the session quota to pay for their local book keeping Consequently, the session quota that ends up at the server may become depleted more or less, depending on the route. In the case where the remaining quota is insufficient for the server, the server responds with 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED'. Since this behavior must generally be expected, this patch equips the client-side 'Env::session' implementation with the ability to re-issue session requests with successively growing quota donations. For several of core's services (ROM, IO_MEM, IRQ), the default session quota has now increased by 2 KiB, which should suffice for session requests to up to 3 hops as is the common case for most run scripts. For longer routes, the retry mechanism as described above comes into effect. For the time being, we give a warning whenever the server-side quota check triggers the retry mechanism. The warning may eventually be removed at a later stage.
2017-02-19 10:31:50 +01:00
catch (Root::Quota_exceeded) { throw Service::Quota_exceeded(); }
catch (...) {
throw typename Local_service<SESSION_TYPE>::Factory::Denied(); }
void upgrade(SESSION_TYPE &session,
Session_state::Args const &args) override
_upgrade_session(&session, args.string());
void destroy(SESSION_TYPE &session) override
** Root interface **
Session_capability session(Root::Session_args const &args,
Affinity const &affinity) override
if (!args.valid_string()) throw Root::Invalid_args();
SESSION_TYPE &session = _create(args.string(), affinity);
return session.cap();
void upgrade(Session_capability session, Root::Upgrade_args const &args) override
if (!args.valid_string()) throw Root::Invalid_args();
_ep->apply(session, [&] (SESSION_TYPE *s) {
if (!s) return;
_upgrade_session(s, args.string());
void close(Session_capability session_cap) override
SESSION_TYPE * session;
_ep->apply(session_cap, [&] (SESSION_TYPE *s) {
session = s;
/* let the entry point forget the session object */
if (session) _ep->dissolve(session);
if (!session) return;
2011-12-22 16:19:25 +01:00