PHP-FPM config directory


  • Add you custom php-fpm.conf files into this directory.
  • Only files ending by .conf will be enabled
  • Only files ending by .conf are ignored by git

Example files

This directory also holds three example files:

File Description
devilbox-fpm.conf-default Represents current PHP-FPM default settings
devilbox-fpm.conf-pm_dynamic Example settings for dynamic workers
devilbox-fpm.conf-pm_ondemand Example settings for ondemand workers
  • Do not edit these example files!
  • Copy them to a new file (in case you want to use them)

Worker configuration

When changing worker processes or scheduler, the following commands will come in handy to monitor number of processes and memory consumption.

# Show current PHP-FPM child memory consumption in MB
ps -ylC php-fpm --sort:rss | awk '!/RSS/ { s+=$8 } END { printf "%dM\n", s/1024 }'

# (repeatedly) show current PHP-FPM child memory consumption in MB
watch --interval=1 "ps -ylC php-fpm --sort:rss | awk '"'!'"/RSS/ { s+=\$8 } END { printf \"%dM\n\", s/1024 }'"

# (repeatedly) Current number of PHP-FPM childs
watch --interval=1 "ps auxw | grep -E 'php-(cgi|fpm)' | grep -vE 'grep|master' | wc -l"


If multiple .conf files are present in this directory specifying different values for the same settings, the last file (alphabetically by filename) will overwrite any previous values.



PHP-FPM 5.2 uses XML-style configuration and does not allow includes. If you want to change php-fpm.conf for PHP-FPM 5.2 you need to adjust the main configuration file.

See php-fpm-5.2/ directory.