2018-08-12 10:51:32 +02:00

62 lines
1.7 KiB

class Stats_Model extends Model
const STATS_MODEL_KEY = 'phpredmin:stats:';
* Server for Stats model could be different from current server for app.
* For example in cron.
private $currentServer;
public function __construct($config)
$this->currentServer = $config;
public function resetStats()
$keys = $this->db->keys(self::STATS_MODEL_KEY . '*');
foreach ($keys as $key) {
public function addKey($key, $value, $time)
// add value with timestamp prefix to make it unique
// in other case non-unique value won't be added
// @see http://redis.io/commands/zadd
$this->db->zAdd(self::STATS_MODEL_KEY . $key, $time, $time . ':' . $value);
public function getKeys($key, $from, $to)
$results = array();
$keys = $this->db->zRevRangeByScore(self::STATS_MODEL_KEY . $key, $to, $from, array('withscores' => true));
foreach ($keys as $value => $time) {
$value = explode(':', $value);
$results[] = array($time, (float)$value[1]);
return $results;