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* Class to hold various commonly used functions
* $Id: Misc.php,v 1.171 2008/03/17 21:35:48 ioguix Exp $
class Misc {
// Tracking string to include in HREFs
var $href;
// Tracking string to include in forms
var $form;
/* Constructor */
function Misc() {
* Checks if dumps are properly set up
* @param $all (optional) True to check pg_dumpall, false to just check pg_dump
* @return True, dumps are set up, false otherwise
function isDumpEnabled($all = false) {
$info = $this->getServerInfo();
return !empty($info[$all ? 'pg_dumpall_path' : 'pg_dump_path']);
* Sets the href tracking variable
function setHREF() {
$this->href = $this->getHREF();
* Get a href query string, excluding objects below the given object type (inclusive)
function getHREF($exclude_from = null) {
$href = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['server']) && $exclude_from != 'server') {
$href .= 'server=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['server']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['database']) && $exclude_from != 'database') {
$href .= '&database=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['database']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['schema']) && $exclude_from != 'schema') {
$href .= '&schema=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['schema']);
return htmlentities($href);
function getSubjectParams($subject) {
global $plugin_manager;
$vars = array();
switch($subject) {
case 'root':
$vars = array (
'params' => array(
'subject' => 'root'
case 'server':
$vars = array ('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'server'
case 'role':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'role',
'action' => 'properties',
'rolename' => $_REQUEST['rolename']
case 'database':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'database',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
case 'schema':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'schema',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema']
case 'table':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'table',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'table' => $_REQUEST['table']
case 'selectrows':
$vars = array(
'url' => 'tables.php',
'params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'table',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'table' => $_REQUEST['table'],
'action' => 'confselectrows'
case 'view':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'view',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'view' => $_REQUEST['view']
case 'fulltext':
case 'ftscfg':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'fulltext',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'action' => 'viewconfig',
'ftscfg' => $_REQUEST['ftscfg']
case 'function':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'function',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'function' => $_REQUEST['function'],
'function_oid' => $_REQUEST['function_oid']
case 'aggregate':
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'aggregate',
'action' => 'properties',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'aggrname' => $_REQUEST['aggrname'],
'aggrtype' => $_REQUEST['aggrtype']
case 'column':
if (isset($_REQUEST['table']))
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'column',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'table' => $_REQUEST['table'],
'column' => $_REQUEST['column']
$vars = array('params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'column',
'database' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'view' => $_REQUEST['view'],
'column' => $_REQUEST['column']
case 'plugin':
$vars = array(
'url' => 'plugin.php',
'params' => array(
'server' => $_REQUEST['server'],
'subject' => 'plugin',
'plugin' => $_REQUEST['plugin'],
if (!is_null($plugin_manager->getPlugin($_REQUEST['plugin'])))
$vars['params'] = array_merge($vars['params'], $plugin_manager->getPlugin($_REQUEST['plugin'])->get_subject_params());
return false;
if (!isset($vars['url']))
$vars['url'] = 'redirect.php';
return $vars;
function getHREFSubject($subject) {
$vars = $this->getSubjectParams($subject);
return "{$vars['url']}?". http_build_query($vars['params'], '', '&');
* Sets the form tracking variable
function setForm() {
$this->form = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['server'])) {
$this->form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"server\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['server']) . "\" />\n";
if (isset($_REQUEST['database'])) {
$this->form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"database\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['database']) . "\" />\n";
if (isset($_REQUEST['schema'])) {
$this->form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"schema\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['schema']) . "\" />\n";
* Render a value into HTML using formatting rules specified
* by a type name and parameters.
* @param $str The string to change
* @param $type Field type (optional), this may be an internal PostgreSQL type, or:
* yesno - same as bool, but renders as 'Yes' or 'No'.
* pre - render in a <pre> block.
* nbsp - replace all spaces with 's
* verbatim - render exactly as supplied, no escaping what-so-ever.
* callback - render using a callback function supplied in the 'function' param.
* @param $params Type parameters (optional), known parameters:
* null - string to display if $str is null, or set to TRUE to use a default 'NULL' string,
* otherwise nothing is rendered.
* clip - if true, clip the value to a fixed length, and append an ellipsis...
* cliplen - the maximum length when clip is enabled (defaults to $conf['max_chars'])
* ellipsis - the string to append to a clipped value (defaults to $lang['strellipsis'])
* tag - an HTML element name to surround the value.
* class - a class attribute to apply to any surrounding HTML element.
* align - an align attribute ('left','right','center' etc.)
* true - (type='bool') the representation of true.
* false - (type='bool') the representation of false.
* function - (type='callback') a function name, accepts args ($str, $params) and returns a rendering.
* lineno - prefix each line with a line number.
* map - an associative array.
* @return The HTML rendered value
function printVal($str, $type = null, $params = array()) {
global $lang, $conf, $data;
// Shortcircuit for a NULL value
if (is_null($str))
return isset($params['null'])
? ($params['null'] === true ? '<i>NULL</i>' : $params['null'])
: '';
if (isset($params['map']) && isset($params['map'][$str])) $str = $params['map'][$str];
// Clip the value if the 'clip' parameter is true.
if (isset($params['clip']) && $params['clip'] === true) {
$maxlen = isset($params['cliplen']) && is_integer($params['cliplen']) ? $params['cliplen'] : $conf['max_chars'];
$ellipsis = isset($params['ellipsis']) ? $params['ellipsis'] : $lang['strellipsis'];
if (strlen($str) > $maxlen) {
$str = substr($str, 0, $maxlen-1) . $ellipsis;
$out = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'int2':
case 'int4':
case 'int8':
case 'float4':
case 'float8':
case 'money':
case 'numeric':
case 'oid':
case 'xid':
case 'cid':
case 'tid':
$align = 'right';
$out = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str));
case 'yesno':
if (!isset($params['true'])) $params['true'] = $lang['stryes'];
if (!isset($params['false'])) $params['false'] = $lang['strno'];
// No break - fall through to boolean case.
case 'bool':
case 'boolean':
if (is_bool($str)) $str = $str ? 't' : 'f';
switch ($str) {
case 't':
$out = (isset($params['true']) ? $params['true'] : $lang['strtrue']);
$align = 'center';
case 'f':
$out = (isset($params['false']) ? $params['false'] : $lang['strfalse']);
$align = 'center';
$out = htmlspecialchars($str);
case 'bytea':
$tag = 'div';
$class = 'pre';
$out = $data->escapeBytea($str);
case 'errormsg':
$tag = 'pre';
$class = 'error';
$out = htmlspecialchars($str);
case 'pre':
$tag = 'pre';
$out = htmlspecialchars($str);
case 'prenoescape':
$tag = 'pre';
$out = $str;
case 'nbsp':
$out = nl2br(str_replace(' ', ' ', htmlspecialchars($str)));
case 'verbatim':
$out = $str;
case 'callback':
$out = $params['function']($str, $params);
case 'prettysize':
if ($str == -1)
$out = $lang['strnoaccess'];
$limit = 10 * 1024;
$mult = 1;
if ($str < $limit * $mult)
$out = $str.' '.$lang['strbytes'];
$mult *= 1024;
if ($str < $limit * $mult)
$out = floor(($str + $mult / 2) / $mult).' '.$lang['strkb'];
$mult *= 1024;
if ($str < $limit * $mult)
$out = floor(($str + $mult / 2) / $mult).' '.$lang['strmb'];
$mult *= 1024;
if ($str < $limit * $mult)
$out = floor(($str + $mult / 2) / $mult).' '.$lang['strgb'];
$mult *= 1024;
if ($str < $limit * $mult)
$out = floor(($str + $mult / 2) / $mult).' '.$lang['strtb'];
// If the string contains at least one instance of >1 space in a row, a tab
// character, a space at the start of a line, or a space at the start of
// the whole string then render within a pre-formatted element (<pre>).
if (preg_match('/(^ | |\t|\n )/m', $str)) {
$tag = 'pre';
$class = 'data';
$out = htmlspecialchars($str);
} else {
$out = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str));
if (isset($params['class'])) $class = $params['class'];
if (isset($params['align'])) $align = $params['align'];
if (!isset($tag) && (isset($class) || isset($align))) $tag = 'div';
if (isset($tag)) {
$alignattr = isset($align) ? " style=\"text-align: {$align}\"" : '';
$classattr = isset($class) ? " class=\"{$class}\"" : '';
$out = "<{$tag}{$alignattr}{$classattr}>{$out}</{$tag}>";
// Add line numbers if 'lineno' param is true
if (isset($params['lineno']) && $params['lineno'] === true) {
$lines = explode("\n", $str);
$num = count($lines);
if ($num > 0) {
$temp = "<table>\n<tr><td class=\"{$class}\" style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px;\"><pre class=\"{$class}\">";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) {
$temp .= $i . "\n";
$temp .= "</pre></td><td class=\"{$class}\" style=\"vertical-align: top;\">{$out}</td></tr></table>\n";
$out = $temp;
return $out;
* A function to recursively strip slashes. Used to
* enforce magic_quotes_gpc being off.
* @param &var The variable to strip
function stripVar(&$var) {
if (is_array($var)) {
foreach($var as $k => $v) {
/* magic_quotes_gpc escape keys as well ...*/
if (is_string($k)) {
$ek = stripslashes($k);
if ($ek !== $k) {
$var[$ek] = $var[$k];
$var = stripslashes($var);
* Print out the page heading and help link
* @param $title Title, already escaped
* @param $help (optional) The identifier for the help link
function printTitle($title, $help = null) {
global $data, $lang;
echo "<h2>";
$this->printHelp($title, $help);
echo "</h2>\n";
* Print out a message
* @param $msg The message to print
function printMsg($msg) {
if ($msg != '') echo "<p class=\"message\">{$msg}</p>\n";
* Creates a database accessor
function getDatabaseAccessor($database, $server_id = null) {
global $lang, $conf, $misc, $_connection;
$server_info = $this->getServerInfo($server_id);
// Perform extra security checks if this config option is set
if ($conf['extra_login_security']) {
// Disallowed logins if extra_login_security is enabled.
// These must be lowercase.
$bad_usernames = array('pgsql', 'postgres', 'root', 'administrator');
$username = strtolower($server_info['username']);
if ($server_info['password'] == '' || in_array($username, $bad_usernames)) {
$msg = $lang['strlogindisallowed'];
// Create the connection object and make the connection
$_connection = new Connection(
// Get the name of the database driver we need to use.
// The description of the server is returned in $platform.
$_type = $_connection->getDriver($platform);
if ($_type === null) {
printf($lang['strpostgresqlversionnotsupported'], $postgresqlMinVer);
$this->setServerInfo('platform', $platform, $server_id);
$this->setServerInfo('pgVersion', $_connection->conn->pgVersion, $server_id);
// Create a database wrapper class for easy manipulation of the
// connection.
include_once('./classes/database/' . $_type . '.php');
$data = new $_type($_connection->conn);
$data->platform = $_connection->platform;
/* we work on UTF-8 only encoding */
$data->execute("SET client_encoding TO 'UTF-8'");
if ($data->hasByteaHexDefault()) {
$data->execute("SET bytea_output TO escape");
return $data;
* Prints the page header. If global variable $_no_output is
* set then no header is drawn.
* @param $title The title of the page
* @param $script script tag
function printHeader($title = '', $script = null, $frameset = false) {
global $appName, $lang, $_no_output, $conf, $plugin_manager;
if (!isset($_no_output)) {
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
// Send XHTML headers, or regular XHTML strict headers
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
if ($frameset == true) {
echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\">\n";
} else if (isset($conf['use_xhtml_strict']) && $conf['use_xhtml_strict']) {
echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-Strict.dtd\">\n";
} else {
echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n";
echo "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"{$lang['applocale']}\" lang=\"{$lang['applocale']}\"";
if (strcasecmp($lang['applangdir'], 'ltr') != 0) echo " dir=\"", htmlspecialchars($lang['applangdir']), "\"";
echo ">\n";
echo "<head>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
// Theme
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"themes/{$conf['theme']}/global.css\" type=\"text/css\" id=\"csstheme\" />\n";
echo "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"images/themes/{$conf['theme']}/Favicon.ico\" type=\"image/vnd.microsoft.icon\" />\n";
echo "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"images/themes/{$conf['theme']}/Introduction.png\" />\n";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"libraries/js/jquery.js\"></script>";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">// <!-- \n";
echo "$(document).ready(function() { \n";
echo " if (window.parent.frames.length > 1)\n";
echo " $('#csstheme', window.parent.frames[0].document).attr('href','themes/{$conf['theme']}/global.css');\n";
echo "}); // --></script>\n";
echo "<title>", htmlspecialchars($appName);
if ($title != '') echo htmlspecialchars(" - {$title}");
echo "</title>\n";
if ($script) echo "{$script}\n";
$plugins_head = array();
$_params = array('heads' => &$plugins_head);
$plugin_manager->do_hook('head', $_params);
foreach($plugins_head as $tag) {
echo $tag;
echo "</head>\n";
* Prints the page footer
* @param $doBody True to output body tag, false otherwise
function printFooter($doBody = true) {
global $_reload_browser, $_reload_drop_database;
global $lang, $_no_bottom_link;
if ($doBody) {
if (isset($_reload_browser)) $this->printReload(false);
elseif (isset($_reload_drop_database)) $this->printReload(true);
if (!isset($_no_bottom_link))
echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"bottom_link\">".$lang['strgotoppage']."</a>";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
* Prints the page body.
* @param $doBody True to output body tag, false otherwise
* @param $bodyClass - name of body class
function printBody($bodyClass = '', $doBody = true ) {
global $_no_output;
if (!isset($_no_output)) {
if ($doBody) {
$bodyClass = htmlspecialchars($bodyClass);
echo "<body", ($bodyClass == '' ? '' : " class=\"{$bodyClass}\"");
echo ">\n";
* Outputs JavaScript code that will reload the browser
* @param $database True if dropping a database, false otherwise
function printReload($database) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
if ($database)
echo "\tparent.frames.browser.location.href=\"browser.php\";\n";
echo "\tparent.frames.browser.location.reload();\n";
echo "</script>\n";
* Display a link
* @param $link An associative array of link parameters to print
* link = array(
* 'attr' => array( // list of A tag attribute
* 'attrname' => attribute value
* ...
* ),
* 'content' => The link text
* 'fields' => (optionnal) the data from which content and attr's values are obtained
* );
* the special attribute 'href' might be a string or an array. If href is an array it
* will be generated by getActionUrl. See getActionUrl comment for array format.
function printLink($link) {
if (! isset($link['fields']))
$link['fields'] = $_REQUEST;
$tag = "<a ";
foreach ($link['attr'] as $attr => $value) {
if ($attr == 'href' and is_array($value)) {
$tag.= 'href="'. htmlentities($this->getActionUrl($value, $link['fields'])).'" ';
else {
$tag.= htmlentities($attr).'="'. value($value, $link['fields'], 'html') .'" ';
$tag.= ">". value($link['content'], $link['fields'], 'html') ."</a>\n";
echo $tag;
* Display a list of links
* @param $links An associative array of links to print. See printLink function for
* the links array format.
* @param $class An optional class or list of classes seprated by a space
* WARNING: This field is NOT escaped! No user should be able to inject something here, use with care.
function printLinksList($links, $class='') {
echo "<ul class=\"{$class}\">\n";
foreach ($links as $link) {
echo "\t<li>";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
* Display navigation tabs
* @param $tabs The name of current section (Ex: intro, server, ...), or an array with tabs (Ex: sqledit.php doFind function)
* @param $activetab The name of the tab to be highlighted.
function printTabs($tabs, $activetab) {
global $misc, $conf, $data, $lang;
if (is_string($tabs)) {
$_SESSION['webdbLastTab'][$tabs] = $activetab;
$tabs = $this->getNavTabs($tabs);
echo "<table class=\"tabs\"><tr>\n";
#echo "<div class=\"tabs\">\n";
if (count($tabs) > 0)
$width = (int)(100 / count($tabs)).'%';
$width = 1;
foreach ($tabs as $tab_id => $tab) {
$active = ($tab_id == $activetab) ? ' active' : '';
if (!isset($tab['hide']) || $tab['hide'] !== true) {
$tablink = '<a href="' . htmlentities($this->getActionUrl($tab, $_REQUEST)) . '">';
if (isset($tab['icon']) && $icon = $this->icon($tab['icon']))
$tablink .= "<span class=\"icon\"><img src=\"{$icon}\" alt=\"{$tab['title']}\" /></span>";
$tablink .= "<span class=\"label\">{$tab['title']}</span></a>";
echo "<td style=\"width: {$width}\" class=\"tab{$active}\">";
#echo "<span class=\"tab{$active}\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">";
if (isset($tab['help']))
$this->printHelp($tablink, $tab['help']);
echo $tablink;
echo "</td>\n";
#echo "</span>\n";
echo "</tr></table>\n";
#echo "</div>\n";
* Retrieve the tab info for a specific tab bar.
* @param $section The name of the tab bar.
function getNavTabs($section) {
global $data, $lang, $conf, $plugin_manager;
$hide_advanced = ($conf['show_advanced'] === false);
$tabs = array();
switch ($section) {
case 'root':
$tabs = array (
'intro' => array (
'title' => $lang['strintroduction'],
'url' => "intro.php",
'icon' => 'Introduction',
'servers' => array (
'title' => $lang['strservers'],
'url' => "servers.php",
'icon' => 'Servers',
case 'server':
$hide_users = !$data->isSuperUser();
$tabs = array (
'databases' => array (
'title' => $lang['strdatabases'],
'url' => 'all_db.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server'),
'help' => 'pg.database',
'icon' => 'Databases',
if ($data->hasRoles()) {
$tabs = array_merge($tabs, array(
'roles' => array (
'title' => $lang['strroles'],
'url' => 'roles.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server'),
'hide' => $hide_users,
'help' => 'pg.role',
'icon' => 'Roles',
else {
$tabs = array_merge($tabs, array(
'users' => array (
'title' => $lang['strusers'],
'url' => 'users.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server'),
'hide' => $hide_users,
'help' => 'pg.user',
'icon' => 'Users',
'groups' => array (
'title' => $lang['strgroups'],
'url' => 'groups.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server'),
'hide' => $hide_users,
'help' => 'pg.group',
'icon' => 'UserGroups',
$tabs = array_merge($tabs, array(
'account' => array (
'title' => $lang['straccount'],
'url' => $data->hasRoles() ? 'roles.php' : 'users.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server', 'action' => 'account'),
'hide' => !$hide_users,
'help' => 'pg.role',
'icon' => 'User',
'tablespaces' => array (
'title' => $lang['strtablespaces'],
'url' => 'tablespaces.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server'),
'hide' => (!$data->hasTablespaces()),
'help' => 'pg.tablespace',
'icon' => 'Tablespaces',
'export' => array (
'title' => $lang['strexport'],
'url' => 'all_db.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'server', 'action' => 'export'),
'hide' => (!$this->isDumpEnabled()),
'icon' => 'Export',
case 'database':
$tabs = array (
'schemas' => array (
'title' => $lang['strschemas'],
'url' => 'schemas.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database'),
'help' => 'pg.schema',
'icon' => 'Schemas',
'sql' => array (
'title' => $lang['strsql'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'sql', 'new' => 1),
'help' => 'pg.sql',
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'SqlEditor'
'find' => array (
'title' => $lang['strfind'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'find'),
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Search'
'variables' => array (
'title' => $lang['strvariables'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'variables'),
'help' => 'pg.variable',
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Variables',
'processes' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprocesses'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'processes'),
'help' => 'pg.process',
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Processes',
'locks' => array (
'title' => $lang['strlocks'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'locks'),
'help' => 'pg.locks',
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Key',
'admin' => array (
'title' => $lang['stradmin'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'admin'),
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Admin',
'privileges' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprivileges'],
'url' => 'privileges.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database'),
'hide' => (!isset($data->privlist['database'])),
'help' => 'pg.privilege',
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Privileges',
'languages' => array (
'title' => $lang['strlanguages'],
'url' => 'languages.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database'),
'hide' => $hide_advanced,
'help' => 'pg.language',
'icon' => 'Languages',
'casts' => array (
'title' => $lang['strcasts'],
'url' => 'casts.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database'),
'hide' => ($hide_advanced),
'help' => 'pg.cast',
'icon' => 'Casts',
'export' => array (
'title' => $lang['strexport'],
'url' => 'database.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'export'),
'hide' => (!$this->isDumpEnabled()),
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Export',
case 'schema':
$tabs = array (
'tables' => array (
'title' => $lang['strtables'],
'url' => 'tables.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.table',
'icon' => 'Tables',
'views' => array (
'title' => $lang['strviews'],
'url' => 'views.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.view',
'icon' => 'Views',
'sequences' => array (
'title' => $lang['strsequences'],
'url' => 'sequences.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.sequence',
'icon' => 'Sequences',
'functions' => array (
'title' => $lang['strfunctions'],
'url' => 'functions.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.function',
'icon' => 'Functions',
'fulltext' => array (
'title' => $lang['strfulltext'],
'url' => 'fulltext.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.fts',
'tree' => true,
'icon' => 'Fts',
'domains' => array (
'title' => $lang['strdomains'],
'url' => 'domains.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.domain',
'icon' => 'Domains',
'aggregates' => array (
'title' => $lang['straggregates'],
'url' => 'aggregates.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'hide' => $hide_advanced,
'help' => 'pg.aggregate',
'icon' => 'Aggregates',
'types' => array (
'title' => $lang['strtypes'],
'url' => 'types.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'hide' => $hide_advanced,
'help' => 'pg.type',
'icon' => 'Types',
'operators' => array (
'title' => $lang['stroperators'],
'url' => 'operators.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'hide' => $hide_advanced,
'help' => 'pg.operator',
'icon' => 'Operators',
'opclasses' => array (
'title' => $lang['stropclasses'],
'url' => 'opclasses.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'hide' => $hide_advanced,
'help' => 'pg.opclass',
'icon' => 'OperatorClasses',
'conversions' => array (
'title' => $lang['strconversions'],
'url' => 'conversions.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'hide' => $hide_advanced,
'help' => 'pg.conversion',
'icon' => 'Conversions',
'privileges' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprivileges'],
'url' => 'privileges.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'help' => 'pg.privilege',
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Privileges',
'export' => array (
'title' => $lang['strexport'],
'url' => 'schemas.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema', 'action' => 'export'),
'hide' => (!$this->isDumpEnabled()),
'tree' => false,
'icon' => 'Export',
if (!$data->hasFTS()) unset($tabs['fulltext']);
case 'table':
$tabs = array (
'columns' => array (
'title' => $lang['strcolumns'],
'url' => 'tblproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'icon' => 'Columns',
'branch'=> true,
'browse' => array(
'title' => $lang['strbrowse'],
'url' => 'display.php',
'urlvars' => array ('subject' => 'table','table' => field('table')),
'return' => 'table',
'branch'=> true,
'select' => array(
'title' => $lang['strselect'],
'icon' => 'Search',
'url' => 'tables.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table'),'action' => 'confselectrows',),
'help' => 'pg.sql.select',
'title' => $lang['strinsert'],
'url' => 'tables.php',
'urlvars' => array (
'action' => 'confinsertrow',
'table' => field('table')
'help' => 'pg.sql.insert',
'indexes' => array (
'title' => $lang['strindexes'],
'url' => 'indexes.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'help' => 'pg.index',
'icon' => 'Indexes',
'branch'=> true,
'constraints' => array (
'title' => $lang['strconstraints'],
'url' => 'constraints.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'help' => 'pg.constraint',
'icon' => 'Constraints',
'branch'=> true,
'triggers' => array (
'title' => $lang['strtriggers'],
'url' => 'triggers.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'help' => 'pg.trigger',
'icon' => 'Triggers',
'branch'=> true,
'rules' => array (
'title' => $lang['strrules'],
'url' => 'rules.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'help' => 'pg.rule',
'icon' => 'Rules',
'branch'=> true,
'admin' => array (
'title' => $lang['stradmin'],
'url' => 'tables.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table'), 'action' => 'admin'),
'icon' => 'Admin',
'info' => array (
'title' => $lang['strinfo'],
'url' => 'info.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'icon' => 'Statistics',
'privileges' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprivileges'],
'url' => 'privileges.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table')),
'help' => 'pg.privilege',
'icon' => 'Privileges',
'import' => array (
'title' => $lang['strimport'],
'url' => 'tblproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table'), 'action' => 'import'),
'icon' => 'Import',
'hide' => false,
'export' => array (
'title' => $lang['strexport'],
'url' => 'tblproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'table', 'table' => field('table'), 'action' => 'export'),
'icon' => 'Export',
'hide' => false,
case 'view':
$tabs = array (
'columns' => array (
'title' => $lang['strcolumns'],
'url' => 'viewproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'view', 'view' => field('view')),
'icon' => 'Columns',
'branch'=> true,
'browse' => array(
'title' => $lang['strbrowse'],
'url' => 'display.php',
'urlvars' => array (
'action' => 'confselectrows',
'return' => 'schema',
'subject' => 'view',
'view' => field('view')
'branch'=> true,
'select' => array(
'title' => $lang['strselect'],
'icon' => 'Search',
'url' => 'views.php',
'urlvars' => array('action' => 'confselectrows', 'view' => field('view'),),
'help' => 'pg.sql.select',
'definition' => array (
'title' => $lang['strdefinition'],
'url' => 'viewproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'view', 'view' => field('view'), 'action' => 'definition'),
'icon' => 'Definition'
'rules' => array (
'title' => $lang['strrules'],
'url' => 'rules.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'view', 'view' => field('view')),
'help' => 'pg.rule',
'icon' => 'Rules',
'branch'=> true,
'privileges' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprivileges'],
'url' => 'privileges.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'view', 'view' => field('view')),
'help' => 'pg.privilege',
'icon' => 'Privileges',
'export' => array (
'title' => $lang['strexport'],
'url' => 'viewproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'view', 'view' => field('view'), 'action' => 'export'),
'icon' => 'Export',
'hide' => false,
case 'function':
$tabs = array (
'definition' => array (
'title' => $lang['strdefinition'],
'url' => 'functions.php',
'urlvars' => array(
'subject' => 'function',
'function' => field('function'),
'function_oid' => field('function_oid'),
'action' => 'properties',
'icon' => 'Definition',
'privileges' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprivileges'],
'url' => 'privileges.php',
'urlvars' => array(
'subject' => 'function',
'function' => field('function'),
'function_oid' => field('function_oid'),
'icon' => 'Privileges',
case 'aggregate':
$tabs = array (
'definition' => array (
'title' => $lang['strdefinition'],
'url' => 'aggregates.php',
'urlvars' => array(
'subject' => 'aggregate',
'aggrname' => field('aggrname'),
'aggrtype' => field('aggrtype'),
'action' => 'properties',
'icon' => 'Definition',
case 'role':
$tabs = array (
'definition' => array (
'title' => $lang['strdefinition'],
'url' => 'roles.php',
'urlvars' => array(
'subject' => 'role',
'rolename' => field('rolename'),
'action' => 'properties',
'icon' => 'Definition',
case 'popup':
$tabs = array (
'sql' => array (
'title' => $lang['strsql'],
'url' => 'sqledit.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema', 'action' => 'sql'),
'help' => 'pg.sql',
'icon' => 'SqlEditor',
'find' => array (
'title' => $lang['strfind'],
'url' => 'sqledit.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema', 'action' => 'find'),
'icon' => 'Search',
case 'column':
$tabs = array(
'properties' => array (
'title' => $lang['strcolprop'],
'url' => 'colproperties.php',
'urlvars' => array(
'subject' => 'column',
'table' => field('table'),
'column' => field('column')
'icon' => 'Column'
'privileges' => array (
'title' => $lang['strprivileges'],
'url' => 'privileges.php',
'urlvars' => array(
'subject' => 'column',
'table' => field('table'),
'column' => field('column')
'help' => 'pg.privilege',
'icon' => 'Privileges',
case 'fulltext':
$tabs = array (
'ftsconfigs' => array (
'title' => $lang['strftstabconfigs'],
'url' => 'fulltext.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema'),
'hide' => !$data->hasFTS(),
'help' => 'pg.ftscfg',
'tree' => true,
'icon' => 'FtsCfg',
'ftsdicts' => array (
'title' => $lang['strftstabdicts'],
'url' => 'fulltext.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema', 'action' => 'viewdicts'),
'hide' => !$data->hasFTS(),
'help' => 'pg.ftsdict',
'tree' => true,
'icon' => 'FtsDict',
'ftsparsers' => array (
'title' => $lang['strftstabparsers'],
'url' => 'fulltext.php',
'urlvars' => array('subject' => 'schema', 'action' => 'viewparsers'),
'hide' => !$data->hasFTS(),
'help' => 'pg.ftsparser',
'tree' => true,
'icon' => 'FtsParser',
// Tabs hook's place
$plugin_functions_parameters = array(
'tabs' => &$tabs,
'section' => $section
$plugin_manager->do_hook('tabs', $plugin_functions_parameters);
return $tabs;
* Get the URL for the last active tab of a particular tab bar.
function getLastTabURL($section) {
global $data;
$tabs = $this->getNavTabs($section);
if (isset($_SESSION['webdbLastTab'][$section]) && isset($tabs[$_SESSION['webdbLastTab'][$section]]))
$tab = $tabs[$_SESSION['webdbLastTab'][$section]];
$tab = reset($tabs);
return isset($tab['url']) ? $tab : null;
function printTopbar() {
global $lang, $conf, $plugin_manager, $appName, $appVersion, $appLangFiles;
$server_info = $this->getServerInfo();
$reqvars = $this->getRequestVars('table');
echo "<div class=\"topbar\"><table style=\"width: 100%\"><tr><td>";
if ($server_info && isset($server_info['platform']) && isset($server_info['username'])) {
/* top left informations when connected */
echo sprintf($lang['strtopbar'],
'<span class="platform">'.htmlspecialchars($server_info['platform']).'</span>',
'<span class="host">'.htmlspecialchars((empty($server_info['host'])) ? 'localhost':$server_info['host']).'</span>',
'<span class="port">'.htmlspecialchars($server_info['port']).'</span>',
'<span class="username">'.htmlspecialchars($server_info['username']).'</span>');
echo "</td>";
/* top right informations when connected */
$toplinks = array (
'sql' => array (
'attr' => array (
'href' => array (
'url' => 'sqledit.php',
'urlvars' => array_merge($reqvars, array (
'action' => 'sql'
'target' => "sqledit",
'id' => 'toplink_sql',
'content' => $lang['strsql']
'history' => array (
'attr'=> array (
'href' => array (
'url' => 'history.php',
'urlvars' => array_merge($reqvars, array (
'action' => 'pophistory'
'id' => 'toplink_history',
'content' => $lang['strhistory']
'find' => array (
'attr' => array (
'href' => array (
'url' => 'sqledit.php',
'urlvars' => array_merge($reqvars, array (
'action' => 'find'
'target' => "sqledit",
'id' => 'toplink_find',
'content' => $lang['strfind']
'logout' => array(
'attr' => array (
'href' => array (
'url' => 'servers.php',
'urlvars' => array (
'action' => 'logout',
'logoutServer' => "{$server_info['host']}:{$server_info['port']}:{$server_info['sslmode']}"
'id' => 'toplink_logout',
'content' => $lang['strlogout']
// Toplink hook's place
$plugin_functions_parameters = array(
'toplinks' => &$toplinks
$plugin_manager->do_hook('toplinks', $plugin_functions_parameters);
echo "<td style=\"text-align: right\">";
$this->printLinksList($toplinks, 'toplink');
echo "</td>";
$sql_window_id = htmlentities('sqledit:'.$_REQUEST['server']);
$history_window_id = htmlentities('history:'.$_REQUEST['server']);
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
$('#toplink_sql').click(function() {
return false;
$('#toplink_history').click(function() {
return false;
$('#toplink_find').click(function() {
return false;
if (isset($_SESSION['sharedUsername'])) {
$('#toplink_logout').click(function() {
return confirm('%s');
});", str_replace("'", "\'", $lang['strconfdropcred']));
echo "
else {
echo "<span class=\"appname\">{$appName}</span> <span class=\"version\">{$appVersion}</span>";
echo "<td style=\"text-align: right; width: 1%\">";
echo "<form method=\"get\"><select name=\"language\" onchange=\"this.form.submit()\">\n";
$language = isset($_SESSION['webdbLanguage']) ? $_SESSION['webdbLanguage'] : 'english';
foreach ($appLangFiles as $k => $v) {
echo "<option value=\"{$k}\"",
($k == $language) ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<noscript><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Set Language\"></noscript>\n";
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
if ($key == 'language') continue;
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($val), "\" />\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table></div>\n";
* Display a bread crumb trail.
function printTrail($trail = array()) {
global $lang;
if (is_string($trail)) {
$trail = $this->getTrail($trail);
echo "<div class=\"trail\"><table><tr>";
foreach ($trail as $crumb) {
echo "<td class=\"crumb\">";
$crumblink = "<a";
if (isset($crumb['url']))
$crumblink .= " href=\"{$crumb['url']}\"";
if (isset($crumb['title']))
$crumblink .= " title=\"{$crumb['title']}\"";
$crumblink .= ">";
if (isset($crumb['title']))
$iconalt = $crumb['title'];
$iconalt = 'Database Root';
if (isset($crumb['icon']) && $icon = $this->icon($crumb['icon']))
$crumblink .= "<span class=\"icon\"><img src=\"{$icon}\" alt=\"{$iconalt}\" /></span>";
$crumblink .= "<span class=\"label\">" . htmlspecialchars($crumb['text']) . "</span></a>";
if (isset($crumb['help']))
$this->printHelp($crumblink, $crumb['help']);
echo $crumblink;
echo "{$lang['strseparator']}";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table></div>\n";
* Create a bread crumb trail of the object hierarchy.
* @param $object The type of object at the end of the trail.
function getTrail($subject = null) {
global $lang, $conf, $data, $appName, $plugin_manager;
$trail = array();
$vars = '';
$done = false;
$trail['root'] = array(
'text' => $appName,
'url' => 'redirect.php?subject=root',
'icon' => 'Introduction'
if ($subject == 'root') $done = true;
if (!$done) {
$server_info = $this->getServerInfo();
$trail['server'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strserver'],
'text' => $server_info['desc'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('server'),
'help' => 'pg.server',
'icon' => 'Server'
if ($subject == 'server') $done = true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['database']) && !$done) {
$trail['database'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strdatabase'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['database'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('database'),
'help' => 'pg.database',
'icon' => 'Database'
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['rolename']) && !$done) {
$trail['role'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strrole'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['rolename'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('role'),
'help' => 'pg.role',
'icon' => 'Roles'
if ($subject == 'database' || $subject == 'role') $done = true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['schema']) && !$done) {
$trail['schema'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strschema'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['schema'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('schema'),
'help' => 'pg.schema',
'icon' => 'Schema'
if ($subject == 'schema') $done = true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['table']) && !$done) {
$trail['table'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strtable'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['table'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('table'),
'help' => 'pg.table',
'icon' => 'Table'
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['view']) && !$done) {
$trail['view'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strview'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['view'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('view'),
'help' => 'pg.view',
'icon' => 'View'
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['ftscfg']) && !$done) {
$trail['ftscfg'] = array(
'title' => $lang['strftsconfig'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['ftscfg'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('ftscfg'),
'help' => 'pg.ftscfg.example',
'icon' => 'Fts'
if ($subject == 'table' || $subject == 'view' || $subject == 'ftscfg') $done = true;
if (!$done && !is_null($subject)) {
switch ($subject) {
case 'function':
$trail[$subject] = array(
'title' => $lang['str'.$subject],
'text' => $_REQUEST[$subject],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('function'),
'help' => 'pg.function',
'icon' => 'Function'
case 'aggregate':
$trail[$subject] = array(
'title' => $lang['straggregate'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['aggrname'],
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('aggregate'),
'help' => 'pg.aggregate',
'icon' => 'Aggregate'
case 'column':
$trail['column'] = array (
'title' => $lang['strcolumn'],
'text' => $_REQUEST['column'],
'icon' => 'Column',
'url' => $this->getHREFSubject('column')
if (isset($_REQUEST[$subject])) {
switch ($subject) {
case 'domain': $icon = 'Domain'; break;
case 'sequence': $icon = 'Sequence'; break;
case 'type': $icon = 'Type'; break;
case 'operator': $icon = 'Operator'; break;
default: $icon = null; break;
$trail[$subject] = array(
'title' => $lang['str'.$subject],
'text' => $_REQUEST[$subject],
'help' => 'pg.'.$subject,
'icon' => $icon,
// Trail hook's place
$plugin_functions_parameters = array(
'trail' => &$trail,
'section' => $subject
$plugin_manager->do_hook('trail', $plugin_functions_parameters);
return $trail;
* Display the navlinks
* @param $navlinks - An array with the the attributes and values that will be shown. See printLinksList for array format.
* @param $place - Place where the $navlinks are displayed. Like 'display-browse', where 'display' is the file (display.php)
* @param $env - Associative array of defined variables in the scope of the caller.
* Allows to give some environnement details to plugins.
* and 'browse' is the place inside that code (doBrowse).
function printNavLinks($navlinks, $place, $env = array()) {
global $plugin_manager;
// Navlinks hook's place
$plugin_functions_parameters = array(
'navlinks' => &$navlinks,
'place' => $place,
'env' => $env
$plugin_manager->do_hook('navlinks', $plugin_functions_parameters);
if (count($navlinks) > 0) {
$this->printLinksList($navlinks, 'navlink');
* Do multi-page navigation. Displays the prev, next and page options.
* @param $page - the page currently viewed
* @param $pages - the maximum number of pages
* @param $gets - the parameters to include in the link to the wanted page
* @param $max_width - the number of pages to make available at any one time (default = 20)
function printPages($page, $pages, $gets, $max_width = 20) {
global $lang;
$window = 10;
if ($page < 0 || $page > $pages) return;
if ($pages < 0) return;
if ($max_width <= 0) return;
unset ($gets['page']);
$url = http_build_query($gets);
if ($pages > 1) {
echo "<p style=\"text-align: center\">\n";
if ($page != 1) {
echo "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"?{$url}&page=1\">{$lang['strfirst']}</a>\n";
$temp = $page - 1;
echo "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"?{$url}&page={$temp}\">{$lang['strprev']}</a>\n";
if ($page <= $window) {
$min_page = 1;
$max_page = min(2 * $window, $pages);
elseif ($page > $window && $pages >= $page + $window) {
$min_page = ($page - $window) + 1;
$max_page = $page + $window;
else {
$min_page = ($page - (2 * $window - ($pages - $page))) + 1;
$max_page = $pages;
// Make sure min_page is always at least 1
// and max_page is never greater than $pages
$min_page = max($min_page, 1);
$max_page = min($max_page, $pages);
for ($i = $min_page; $i <= $max_page; $i++) {
#if ($i != $page) echo "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"?{$url}&page={$i}\">$i</a>\n";
if ($i != $page) echo "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"display.php?{$url}&page={$i}\">$i</a>\n";
else echo "$i\n";
if ($page != $pages) {
$temp = $page + 1;
echo "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"display.php?{$url}&page={$temp}\">{$lang['strnext']}</a>\n";
echo "<a class=\"pagenav\" href=\"display.php?{$url}&page={$pages}\">{$lang['strlast']}</a>\n";
echo "</p>\n";
* Displays link to the context help.
* @param $str - the string that the context help is related to (already escaped)
* @param $help - help section identifier
function printHelp($str, $help) {
global $lang, $data;
echo $str;
if ($help) {
echo "<a class=\"help\" href=\"";
echo htmlspecialchars("help.php?help=".urlencode($help)."&server=".urlencode($_REQUEST['server']));
echo "\" title=\"{$lang['strhelp']}\" target=\"phppgadminhelp\">{$lang['strhelpicon']}</a>";
* Outputs JavaScript to set default focus
* @param $object eg. forms[0].username
function setFocus($object) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo " document.{$object}.focus();\n";
echo "</script>\n";
* Outputs JavaScript to set the name of the browser window.
* @param $name the window name
* @param $addServer if true (default) then the server id is
* attached to the name.
function setWindowName($name, $addServer = true) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo "//<![CDATA[\n";
echo " window.name = '{$name}", ($addServer ? ':'.htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['server']) : ''), "';\n";
echo "//]]>\n";
echo "</script>\n";
* Converts a PHP.INI size variable to bytes. Taken from publically available
* function by Chris DeRose, here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.directives.php#ini.file-uploads
* @param $strIniSize The PHP.INI variable
* @return size in bytes, false on failure
function inisizeToBytes($strIniSize) {
// This function will take the string value of an ini 'size' parameter,
// and return a double (64-bit float) representing the number of bytes
// that the parameter represents. Or false if $strIniSize is unparseable.
$a_IniParts = array();
if (!is_string($strIniSize))
return false;
if (!preg_match ('/^(\d+)([bkm]*)$/i', $strIniSize,$a_IniParts))
return false;
$nSize = (double) $a_IniParts[1];
$strUnit = strtolower($a_IniParts[2]);
switch($strUnit) {
case 'm':
return ($nSize * (double) 1048576);
case 'k':
return ($nSize * (double) 1024);
case 'b':
return $nSize;
* Returns URL given an action associative array.
* NOTE: this function does not html-escape, only url-escape
* @param $action An associative array of the follow properties:
* 'url' => The first part of the URL (before the ?)
* 'urlvars' => Associative array of (URL variable => field name)
* these are appended to the URL
* @param $fields Field data from which 'urlfield' and 'vars' are obtained.
function getActionUrl(&$action, &$fields) {
$url = value($action['url'], $fields);
if ($url === false) return '';
if (!empty($action['urlvars'])) {
$urlvars = value($action['urlvars'], $fields);
} else {
$urlvars = array();
/* set server, database and schema parameter if not presents */
if (isset($urlvars['subject']))
$subject = value($urlvars['subject'], $fields);
$subject = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['server']) and !isset($urlvars['server']) and $subject != 'root') {
$urlvars['server'] = $_REQUEST['server'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['database']) and !isset($urlvars['database']) and $subject != 'server') {
$urlvars['database'] = $_REQUEST['database'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['schema']) and !isset($urlvars['schema']) and $subject != 'database') {
$urlvars['schema'] = $_REQUEST['schema'];
$sep = '?';
foreach ($urlvars as $var => $varfield) {
$url .= $sep . value_url($var, $fields) . '=' . value_url($varfield, $fields);
$sep = '&';
return $url;
function getRequestVars($subject = '') {
$v = array();
if (!empty($subject))
$v['subject'] = $subject;
if (isset($_REQUEST['server']) && $subject != 'root') {
$v['server'] = $_REQUEST['server'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['database']) && $subject != 'server') {
$v['database'] = $_REQUEST['database'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['schema']) && $subject != 'database') {
$v['schema'] = $_REQUEST['schema'];
return $v;
function printUrlVars(&$vars, &$fields) {
foreach ($vars as $var => $varfield) {
echo "{$var}=", urlencode($fields[$varfield]), "&";
* Display a table of data.
* @param $tabledata A set of data to be formatted, as returned by $data->getDatabases() etc.
* @param $columns An associative array of columns to be displayed:
* $columns = array(
* column_id => array(
* 'title' => Column heading,
* 'class' => The class to apply on the column cells,
* 'field' => Field name for $tabledata->fields[...],
* 'help' => Help page for this column,
* ), ...
* );
* @param $actions Actions that can be performed on each object:
* $actions = array(
* * multi action support
* * parameters are serialized for each entries and given in $_REQUEST['ma']
* 'multiactions' => array(
* 'keycols' => Associative array of (URL variable => field name), // fields included in the form
* 'url' => URL submission,
* 'default' => Default selected action in the form.
* if null, an empty action is added & selected
* ),
* * actions *
* action_id => array(
* 'title' => Action heading,
* 'url' => Static part of URL. Often we rely
* relative urls, usually the page itself (not '' !), or just a query string,
* 'vars' => Associative array of (URL variable => field name),
* 'multiaction' => Name of the action to execute.
* Add this action to the multi action form
* ), ...
* );
* @param $place Place where the $actions are displayed. Like 'display-browse', where 'display' is the file (display.php)
* and 'browse' is the place inside that code (doBrowse).
* @param $nodata (optional) Message to display if data set is empty.
* @param $pre_fn (optional) Name of a function to call for each row,
* it will be passed two params: $rowdata and $actions,
* it may be used to derive new fields or modify actions.
* It can return an array of actions specific to the row,
* or if nothing is returned then the standard actions are used.
* (see tblproperties.php and constraints.php for examples)
* The function must not must not store urls because
* they are relative and won't work out of context.
function printTable(&$tabledata, &$columns, &$actions, $place, $nodata = null, $pre_fn = null) {
global $data, $conf, $misc, $lang, $plugin_manager;
// Action buttons hook's place
$plugin_functions_parameters = array(
'actionbuttons' => &$actions,
'place' => $place
$plugin_manager->do_hook('actionbuttons', $plugin_functions_parameters);
if ($has_ma = isset($actions['multiactions']))
$ma = $actions['multiactions'];
if ($tabledata->recordCount() > 0) {
// Remove the 'comment' column if they have been disabled
if (!$conf['show_comments']) {
if (isset($columns['comment'])) {
// Uncomment this for clipped comments.
// TODO: This should be a user option.
//$columns['comment']['params']['clip'] = true;
if ($has_ma) {
echo "<script src=\"multiactionform.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n";
echo "<form id=\"multi_form\" action=\"{$ma['url']}\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
if (isset($ma['vars']))
foreach ($ma['vars'] as $k => $v)
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$k\" value=\"$v\" />";
echo "<table>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
// Handle cases where no class has been passed
if (isset($column['class'])) {
$class = $column['class'] !== '' ? " class=\"{$column['class']}\"":'';
} else {
$class = '';
// Display column headings
if ($has_ma) echo "<th></th>";
foreach ($columns as $column_id => $column) {
switch ($column_id) {
case 'actions':
if (sizeof($actions) > 0) echo "<th class=\"data\" colspan=\"", count($actions), "\">{$column['title']}</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"data{$class}\">";
if (isset($column['help']))
$this->printHelp($column['title'], $column['help']);
echo $column['title'];
echo "</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// Display table rows
$i = 0;
while (!$tabledata->EOF) {
$id = ($i % 2) + 1;
if (!is_null($pre_fn)) $alt_actions = $pre_fn($tabledata, $actions);
if (!isset($alt_actions)) $alt_actions =& $actions;
echo "<tr class=\"data{$id}\">\n";
if ($has_ma) {
foreach ($ma['keycols'] as $k => $v)
$a[$k] = $tabledata->fields[$v];
echo "<td>";
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ma[]\" value=\"". htmlentities(serialize($a), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') ."\" />";
echo "</td>\n";
foreach ($columns as $column_id => $column) {
// Apply default values for missing parameters
if (isset($column['url']) && !isset($column['vars'])) $column['vars'] = array();
switch ($column_id) {
case 'actions':
foreach ($alt_actions as $action) {
if (isset($action['disable']) && $action['disable'] === true) {
echo "<td></td>\n";
} else {
echo "<td class=\"opbutton{$id} {$class}\">";
$action['fields'] = $tabledata->fields;
echo "</td>\n";
case 'comment':
echo "<td class='comment_cell'>";
$val = value($column['field'], $tabledata->fields);
if (!is_null($val)) {
echo htmlentities($val);
echo "</td>";
echo "<td{$class}>";
$val = value($column['field'], $tabledata->fields);
if (!is_null($val)) {
if (isset($column['url'])) {
echo "<a href=\"{$column['url']}";
$misc->printUrlVars($column['vars'], $tabledata->fields);
echo "\">";
$type = isset($column['type']) ? $column['type'] : null;
$params = isset($column['params']) ? $column['params'] : array();
echo $misc->printVal($val, $type, $params);
if (isset($column['url'])) echo "</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
// Multi action table footer w/ options & [un]check'em all
if ($has_ma) {
// if default is not set or doesn't exist, set it to null
if (!isset($ma['default']) || !isset($actions[$ma['default']]))
$ma['default'] = null;
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<table>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<th class=\"data\" style=\"text-align: left\" colspan=\"3\">{$lang['stractionsonmultiplelines']}</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=\"row1\">\n";
echo "<td>";
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:checkAll(true);\">{$lang['strselectall']}</a> / ";
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:checkAll(false);\">{$lang['strunselectall']}</a></td>\n";
echo "<td> ---> </td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "\t<select name=\"action\">\n";
if ($ma['default'] == null)
echo "\t\t<option value=\"\">--</option>\n";
foreach($actions as $k => $a)
if (isset($a['multiaction']))
echo "\t\t<option value=\"{$a['multiaction']}\"", ($ma['default'] == $k? ' selected="selected"': ''), ">{$a['content']}</option>\n";
echo "\t</select>\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$lang['strexecute']}\" />\n";
echo $misc->form;
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo '</form>';
return true;
} else {
if (!is_null($nodata)) {
echo "<p>{$nodata}</p>\n";
return false;
/** Produce XML data for the browser tree
* @param $treedata A set of records to populate the tree.
* @param $attrs Attributes for tree items
* 'text' - the text for the tree node
* 'icon' - an icon for node
* 'openIcon' - an alternative icon when the node is expanded
* 'toolTip' - tool tip text for the node
* 'action' - URL to visit when single clicking the node
* 'iconAction' - URL to visit when single clicking the icon node
* 'branch' - URL for child nodes (tree XML)
* 'expand' - the action to return XML for the subtree
* 'nodata' - message to display when node has no children
* @param $section The section where the branch is linked in the tree
function printTree(&$_treedata, &$attrs, $section) {
global $plugin_manager;
$treedata = array();
if ($_treedata->recordCount() > 0) {
while (!$_treedata->EOF) {
$treedata[] = $_treedata->fields;
$tree_params = array(
'treedata' => &$treedata,
'attrs' => &$attrs,
'section' => $section
$plugin_manager->do_hook('tree', $tree_params);
$this->printTreeXML($treedata, $attrs);
/** Produce XML data for the browser tree
* @param $treedata A set of records to populate the tree.
* @param $attrs Attributes for tree items
* 'text' - the text for the tree node
* 'icon' - an icon for node
* 'openIcon' - an alternative icon when the node is expanded
* 'toolTip' - tool tip text for the node
* 'action' - URL to visit when single clicking the node
* 'iconAction' - URL to visit when single clicking the icon node
* 'branch' - URL for child nodes (tree XML)
* 'expand' - the action to return XML for the subtree
* 'nodata' - message to display when node has no children
function printTreeXML(&$treedata, &$attrs) {
global $conf, $lang;
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
echo "<tree>\n";
if (count($treedata) > 0) {
foreach($treedata as $rec) {
echo "<tree";
echo value_xml_attr('text', $attrs['text'], $rec);
echo value_xml_attr('action', $attrs['action'], $rec);
echo value_xml_attr('src', $attrs['branch'], $rec);
$icon = $this->icon(value($attrs['icon'], $rec));
echo value_xml_attr('icon', $icon, $rec);
echo value_xml_attr('iconaction', $attrs['iconAction'], $rec);
if (!empty($attrs['openicon'])) {
$icon = $this->icon(value($attrs['openIcon'], $rec));
echo value_xml_attr('openicon', $icon, $rec);
echo value_xml_attr('tooltip', $attrs['toolTip'], $rec);
echo " />\n";
} else {
$msg = isset($attrs['nodata']) ? $attrs['nodata'] : $lang['strnoobjects'];
echo "<tree text=\"{$msg}\" onaction=\"tree.getSelected().getParent().reload()\" icon=\"", $this->icon('ObjectNotFound'), "\" />\n";
echo "</tree>\n";
function adjustTabsForTree(&$tabs) {
foreach ($tabs as $i => $tab) {
if ((isset($tab['hide']) && $tab['hide'] === true) || (isset($tab['tree']) && $tab['tree'] === false)) {
return new ArrayRecordSet($tabs);
function icon($icon) {
if (is_string($icon)) {
global $conf;
$path = "images/themes/{$conf['theme']}/{$icon}";
if (file_exists($path.'.png')) return $path.'.png';
if (file_exists($path.'.gif')) return $path.'.gif';
$path = "images/themes/default/{$icon}";
if (file_exists($path.'.png')) return $path.'.png';
if (file_exists($path.'.gif')) return $path.'.gif';
else {
// Icon from plugins
$path = "plugins/{$icon[0]}/images/{$icon[1]}";
if (file_exists($path.'.png')) return $path.'.png';
if (file_exists($path.'.gif')) return $path.'.gif';
return '';
* Function to escape command line parameters
* @param $str The string to escape
* @return The escaped string
function escapeShellArg($str) {
global $data, $lang;
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
// Due to annoying PHP bugs, shell arguments cannot be escaped
// (command simply fails), so we cannot allow complex objects
// to be dumped.
if (preg_match('/^[_.[:alnum:]]+$/', $str))
return $str;
else {
echo $lang['strcannotdumponwindows'];
return escapeshellarg($str);
* Function to escape command line programs
* @param $str The string to escape
* @return The escaped string
function escapeShellCmd($str) {
global $data;
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
return '"' . $str . '"';
return escapeshellcmd($str);
* Get list of servers' groups if existing in the conf
* @return a recordset of servers' groups
function getServersGroups($recordset = false, $group_id = false) {
global $conf, $lang;
$grps = array();
if (isset($conf['srv_groups'])) {
foreach ($conf['srv_groups'] as $i => $group) {
if (
(($group_id === false) and (! isset($group['parents']))) /* root */
or (
($group_id !== false)
and isset($group['parents'])
and in_array($group_id,explode(',',
preg_replace('/\s/', '', $group['parents'])
) /* nested group */
$grps[$i] = array(
'id' => $i,
'desc' => $group['desc'],
'icon' => 'Servers',
'action' => url('servers.php',
'group' => field('id')
'branch' => url('servers.php',
'action' => 'tree',
'group' => $i
if ($group_id === false)
$grps['all'] = array(
'id' => 'all',
'desc' => $lang['strallservers'],
'icon' => 'Servers',
'action' => url('servers.php',
'group' => field('id')
'branch' => url('servers.php',
'action' => 'tree',
'group' => 'all'
if ($recordset) {
return new ArrayRecordSet($grps);
return $grps;
* Get list of servers
* @param $recordset return as RecordSet suitable for printTable if true,
* otherwise just return an array.
* @param $group a group name to filter the returned servers using $conf[srv_groups]
function getServers($recordset = false, $group = false) {
global $conf;
$logins = isset($_SESSION['webdbLogin']) && is_array($_SESSION['webdbLogin']) ? $_SESSION['webdbLogin'] : array();
$srvs = array();
if (($group !== false) and ($group !== 'all'))
if (isset($conf['srv_groups'][$group]['servers']))
$group = array_fill_keys(explode(',', preg_replace('/\s/', '',
$conf['srv_groups'][$group]['servers'])), 1);
$group = '';
foreach($conf['servers'] as $idx => $info) {
$server_id = $info['host'].':'.$info['port'].':'.$info['sslmode'];
if (($group === false)
or (isset($group[$idx]))
or ($group === 'all')
) {
$server_id = $info['host'].':'.$info['port'].':'.$info['sslmode'];
if (isset($logins[$server_id])) $srvs[$server_id] = $logins[$server_id];
else $srvs[$server_id] = $info;
$srvs[$server_id]['id'] = $server_id;
$srvs[$server_id]['action'] = url('redirect.php',
'subject' => 'server',
'server' => field('id')
if (isset($srvs[$server_id]['username'])) {
$srvs[$server_id]['icon'] = 'Server';
$srvs[$server_id]['branch'] = url('all_db.php',
'action' => 'tree',
'subject' => 'server',
'server' => field('id')
else {
$srvs[$server_id]['icon'] = 'DisconnectedServer';
$srvs[$server_id]['branch'] = false;
function _cmp_desc($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a['desc'], $b['desc']);
uasort($srvs, '_cmp_desc');
if ($recordset) {
return new ArrayRecordSet($srvs);
return $srvs;
* Validate and retrieve information on a server.
* If the parameter isn't supplied then the currently
* connected server is returned.
* @param $server_id A server identifier (host:port)
* @return An associative array of server properties
function getServerInfo($server_id = null) {
global $conf, $_reload_browser, $lang;
if ($server_id === null && isset($_REQUEST['server']))
$server_id = $_REQUEST['server'];
// Check for the server in the logged-in list
if (isset($_SESSION['webdbLogin'][$server_id]))
return $_SESSION['webdbLogin'][$server_id];
// Otherwise, look for it in the conf file
foreach($conf['servers'] as $idx => $info) {
if ($server_id == $info['host'].':'.$info['port'].':'.$info['sslmode']) {
// Automatically use shared credentials if available
if (!isset($info['username']) && isset($_SESSION['sharedUsername'])) {
$info['username'] = $_SESSION['sharedUsername'];
$info['password'] = $_SESSION['sharedPassword'];
$_reload_browser = true;
$this->setServerInfo(null, $info, $server_id);
return $info;
if ($server_id === null){
return null;
} else {
// Unable to find a matching server, are we being hacked?
echo $lang['strinvalidserverparam'];
* Set server information.
* @param $key parameter name to set, or null to replace all
* params with the assoc-array in $value.
* @param $value the new value, or null to unset the parameter
* @param $server_id the server identifier, or null for current
* server.
function setServerInfo($key, $value, $server_id = null)
if ($server_id === null && isset($_REQUEST['server']))
$server_id = $_REQUEST['server'];
if ($key === null) {
if ($value === null)
$_SESSION['webdbLogin'][$server_id] = $value;
} else {
if ($value === null)
$_SESSION['webdbLogin'][$server_id][$key] = $value;
* Set the current schema
* @param $schema The schema name
* @return 0 on success
* @return $data->seSchema() on error
function setCurrentSchema($schema) {
global $data;
$status = $data->setSchema($schema);
if($status != 0)
return $status;
$_REQUEST['schema'] = $schema;
return 0;
* Save the given SQL script in the history
* of the database and server.
* @param $script the SQL script to save.
function saveScriptHistory($script) {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$time = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$_SESSION['history'][$_REQUEST['server']][$_REQUEST['database']]["$time"] = array(
'query' => $script,
'paginate' => (!isset($_REQUEST['paginate'])? 'f':'t'),
'queryid' => $time,
* Output dropdown list to select server and
* databases form the popups windows.
* @param $onchange Javascript action to take when selections change.
function printConnection($onchange) {
global $data, $lang, $misc;
echo "<table style=\"width: 100%\"><tr><td>\n";
echo "<label>";
$misc->printHelp($lang['strserver'], 'pg.server');
echo "</label>";
echo ": <select name=\"server\" {$onchange}>\n";
$servers = $misc->getServers();
foreach($servers as $info) {
if (empty($info['username'])) continue; // not logged on this server
echo "<option value=\"", htmlspecialchars($info['id']), "\"",
((isset($_REQUEST['server']) && $info['id'] == $_REQUEST['server'])) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ">",
htmlspecialchars("{$info['desc']} ({$info['id']})"), "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n</td><td style=\"text-align: right\">\n";
// Get the list of all databases
$databases = $data->getDatabases();
if ($databases->recordCount() > 0) {
echo "<label>";
$misc->printHelp($lang['strdatabase'], 'pg.database');
echo ": <select name=\"database\" {$onchange}>\n";
//if no database was selected, user should select one
if (!isset($_REQUEST['database']))
echo "<option value=\"\">--</option>\n";
while (!$databases->EOF) {
$dbname = $databases->fields['datname'];
echo "<option value=\"", htmlspecialchars($dbname), "\"",
((isset($_REQUEST['database']) && $dbname == $_REQUEST['database'])) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ">",
htmlspecialchars($dbname), "</option>\n";
echo "</select></label>\n";
else {
$server_info = $misc->getServerInfo();
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"database\" value=\"",
htmlspecialchars($server_info['defaultdb']), "\" />\n";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
* returns an array representing FKs definition for a table, sorted by fields
* or by constraint.
* @param $table The table to retrieve FK contraints from
* @returns the array of FK definition:
* array(
* 'byconstr' => array(
* constrain id => array(
* confrelid => foreign relation oid
* f_schema => foreign schema name
* f_table => foreign table name
* pattnums => array of parent's fields nums
* pattnames => array of parent's fields names
* fattnames => array of foreign attributes names
* )
* ),
* 'byfield' => array(
* attribute num => array (constraint id, ...)
* ),
* 'code' => HTML/js code to include in the page for auto-completion
* )
function getAutocompleteFKProperties($table) {
global $data;
$fksprops = array(
'byconstr' => array(),
'byfield' => array(),
'code' => ''
$constrs = $data->getConstraintsWithFields($table);
if (!$constrs->EOF) {
$conrelid = $constrs->fields['conrelid'];
while(!$constrs->EOF) {
if ($constrs->fields['contype'] == 'f') {
if (!isset($fksprops['byconstr'][$constrs->fields['conid']])) {
$fksprops['byconstr'][$constrs->fields['conid']] = array (
'confrelid' => $constrs->fields['confrelid'],
'f_table' => $constrs->fields['f_table'],
'f_schema' => $constrs->fields['f_schema'],
'pattnums' => array(),
'pattnames' => array(),
'fattnames' => array()
$fksprops['byconstr'][$constrs->fields['conid']]['pattnums'][] = $constrs->fields['p_attnum'];
$fksprops['byconstr'][$constrs->fields['conid']]['pattnames'][] = $constrs->fields['p_field'];
$fksprops['byconstr'][$constrs->fields['conid']]['fattnames'][] = $constrs->fields['f_field'];
if (!isset($fksprops['byfield'][$constrs->fields['p_attnum']]))
$fksprops['byfield'][$constrs->fields['p_attnum']] = array();
$fksprops['byfield'][$constrs->fields['p_attnum']][] = $constrs->fields['conid'];
$fksprops['code'] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= "var constrs = {};\n";
foreach ($fksprops['byconstr'] as $conid => $props) {
$fksprops['code'] .= "constrs.constr_{$conid} = {\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= 'pattnums: ['. implode(',',$props['pattnums']) ."],\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= "f_table:'". addslashes(htmlentities($props['f_table'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) ."',\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= "f_schema:'". addslashes(htmlentities($props['f_schema'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) ."',\n";
$_ = '';
foreach ($props['pattnames'] as $n) {
$_ .= ",'". htmlentities($n, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ."'";
$fksprops['code'] .= 'pattnames: ['. substr($_, 1) ."],\n";
$_ = '';
foreach ($props['fattnames'] as $n) {
$_ .= ",'". htmlentities($n, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ."'";
$fksprops['code'] .= 'fattnames: ['. substr($_, 1) ."]\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= "};\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= "var attrs = {};\n";
foreach ($fksprops['byfield'] as $attnum => $cstrs ) {
$fksprops['code'] .= "attrs.attr_{$attnum} = [". implode(',', $fksprops['byfield'][$attnum]) ."];\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= "var table='". addslashes(htmlentities($table, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) ."';";
$fksprops['code'] .= "var server='". htmlentities($_REQUEST['server'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ."';";
$fksprops['code'] .= "var database='". addslashes(htmlentities($_REQUEST['database'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) ."';";
$fksprops['code'] .= "</script>\n";
$fksprops['code'] .= '<div id="fkbg"></div>';
$fksprops['code'] .= '<div id="fklist"></div>';
$fksprops['code'] .= '<script src="js/ac_insert_row.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
else /* we have no foreign keys on this table */
return false;
return $fksprops;