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synced 2025-02-28 20:06:28 +00:00
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* Misc stuff and REQUIRED by ALL the scripts.
* MUST be included by every script
* Among other things, it contains the advanced authentication work.
* Order of sections for common.inc.php:
* the authentication libraries must be before the connection to db
* ... so the required order is:
* LABEL_variables_init
* - initialize some variables always needed
* LABEL_parsing_config_file
* - parsing of the configuration file
* LABEL_loading_language_file
* - loading language file
* LABEL_setup_servers
* - check and setup configured servers
* LABEL_theme_setup
* - setting up themes
* - load of MySQL extension (if necessary)
* - loading of an authentication library
* - db connection
* - authentication work
use PhpMyAdmin\Config;
use PhpMyAdmin\Core;
use PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface;
use PhpMyAdmin\ErrorHandler;
use PhpMyAdmin\LanguageManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\Logging;
use PhpMyAdmin\Message;
use PhpMyAdmin\MoTranslator\Loader;
use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins;
use PhpMyAdmin\Profiling;
use PhpMyAdmin\Response;
use PhpMyAdmin\Routing;
use PhpMyAdmin\Session;
use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Lexer;
use PhpMyAdmin\ThemeManager;
use PhpMyAdmin\Tracker;
global $containerBuilder, $error_handler, $PMA_Config, $server, $dbi;
global $lang, $cfg, $isConfigLoading, $auth_plugin, $route, $PMA_Theme;
global $url_params, $goto, $back, $db, $table, $sql_query, $token_mismatch;
* block attempts to directly run this script
if (getcwd() == __DIR__) {
die('Attack stopped');
* Minimum PHP version; can't call Core::fatalError() which uses a
* PHP 5 function, so cannot easily localize this message.
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70103) {
'<p>PHP 7.1.3+ is required.</p>'
. '<p>Currently installed version is: ' . PHP_VERSION . '</p>'
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
* for verification in all procedural scripts under libraries
define('PHPMYADMIN', true);
// phpcs:enable
* Load vendor configuration.
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/vendor_config.php';
* Activate autoloader
if (! @is_readable(AUTOLOAD_FILE)) {
'<p>File <samp>' . AUTOLOAD_FILE . '</samp> missing or not readable.</p>'
. '<p>Most likely you did not run Composer to '
. '<a href="https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/setup.html#installing-from-git">'
. 'install library files</a>.</p>'
require_once AUTOLOAD_FILE;
* (TCPDF workaround)
* Avoid referring to nonexistent files (causes warnings when open_basedir is used)
* This is defined to avoid the tcpdf code to search for a directory outside of open_basedir
* See: https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/16709
* This value if not used but is usefull, no header logic is used for PDF exports
if (! defined('K_PATH_IMAGES')) {
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
// phpcs:enable
$route = Routing::getCurrentRoute();
if ($route === '/import-status') {
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
define('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON', true);
// phpcs:enable
$containerBuilder = Core::getContainerBuilder();
* Load gettext functions.
/** @var ErrorHandler $error_handler */
$error_handler = $containerBuilder->get('error_handler');
* Warning about missing PHP extensions.
* Configure required PHP settings.
/* start procedural code label_start_procedural */
/* parsing configuration file LABEL_parsing_config_file */
/** @var bool $isConfigLoading Indication for the error handler */
$isConfigLoading = false;
register_shutdown_function([Config::class, 'fatalErrorHandler']);
* Force reading of config file, because we removed sensitive values
* in the previous iteration.
* @var Config $PMA_Config
$PMA_Config = $containerBuilder->get('config');
* include session handling after the globals, to prevent overwriting
if (! defined('PMA_NO_SESSION')) {
Session::setUp($PMA_Config, $error_handler);
* init some variables LABEL_variables_init
* holds parameters to be passed to next page
* @global array $url_params
$url_params = [];
$containerBuilder->setParameter('url_params', $url_params);
Core::setGotoAndBackGlobals($containerBuilder, $PMA_Config);
* SQL query to be executed
* @global string $sql_query
$sql_query = '';
if (Core::isValid($_POST['sql_query'])) {
$sql_query = $_POST['sql_query'];
$containerBuilder->setParameter('sql_query', $sql_query);
//$_REQUEST['set_theme'] // checked later in this file LABEL_theme_setup
//$_REQUEST['server']; // checked later in this file
//$_REQUEST['lang']; // checked by LABEL_loading_language_file
/* loading language file LABEL_loading_language_file */
* lang detection is done here
$language = LanguageManager::getInstance()->selectLanguage();
* check for errors occurred while loading configuration
* this check is done here after loading language files to present errors in locale
/* Check server configuration */
/* Check request for possible attacks */
/* setup servers LABEL_setup_servers */
* current server
* @global integer $server
$server = $PMA_Config->selectServer();
$url_params['server'] = $server;
$containerBuilder->setParameter('server', $server);
$containerBuilder->setParameter('url_params', $url_params);
* BC - enable backward compatibility
* exports all configuration settings into globals ($cfg global)
/* setup themes LABEL_theme_setup */
$PMA_Theme = ThemeManager::initializeTheme();
/** @var DatabaseInterface $dbi */
$dbi = null;
if (! defined('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON')) {
* save some settings in cookies
* @todo should be done in PhpMyAdmin\Config
$PMA_Config->setCookie('pma_lang', (string) $lang);
$dbi = DatabaseInterface::load();
$containerBuilder->set(DatabaseInterface::class, $dbi);
$containerBuilder->setAlias('dbi', DatabaseInterface::class);
if (! empty($cfg['Server'])) {
$auth_plugin = Plugins::getAuthPlugin();
/* Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE for LDI plugin */
if ($route === '/import' && ($_POST['format'] ?? '') === 'ldi') {
// Switch this before the DB connection is done
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
define('PMA_ENABLE_LDI', 1);
// phpcs:enable
Core::connectToDatabaseServer($dbi, $auth_plugin);
/* Log success */
if ($dbi->getVersion() < $cfg['MysqlMinVersion']['internal']) {
__('You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'),
// Sets the default delimiter (if specified).
if (! empty($_REQUEST['sql_delimiter'])) {
Lexer::$DEFAULT_DELIMITER = $_REQUEST['sql_delimiter'];
// TODO: Set SQL modes too.
} else { // end server connecting
$response = Response::getInstance();
$response = Response::getInstance();
Profiling::check($dbi, $response);
* There is no point in even attempting to process
* an ajax request if there is a token mismatch
if ($response->isAjax() && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'GET') === 'POST' && $token_mismatch) {
Message::error(__('Error: Token mismatch'))
$containerBuilder->set('response', Response::getInstance());
// load user preferences
$containerBuilder->set('theme_manager', ThemeManager::getInstance());
/* Tell tracker that it can actually work */
if (! defined('PMA_MINIMUM_COMMON')
&& ! empty($server)
&& isset($cfg['ZeroConf'])
&& $cfg['ZeroConf'] == true
) {