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/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* function used in or for navigation panel
* @package phpMyAdmin-Navigation
* Executed on page load
$(function() {
if (! $('#pma_navigation').length) {
// Don't bother running any code if the navigation is not even on the page
// Do not let the page reload on submitting the fast filter
$(document).on('submit', '.fast_filter', function(event) {
// Fire up the resize handlers
new ResizeHandler();
* opens/closes (hides/shows) tree elements
* loads data via ajax
$('#pma_navigation_tree a.expander').live('click', function(event) {
var $icon = $(this).find('img');
if ($icon.is('.ic_b_plus')) {
} else {
* Register event handler for click on the reload
* navigation icon at the top of the panel
$('#pma_navigation_reload').live('click', function (event) {
$('#pma_navigation .throbber')
.css('visibility', 'visible');
* Bind all "fast filter" events
$('#pma_navigation_tree li.fast_filter span')
.live('click', PMA_fastFilter.events.clear);
$('#pma_navigation_tree li.fast_filter input.searchClause')
.live('focus', PMA_fastFilter.events.focus)
.live('blur', PMA_fastFilter.events.blur)
.live('keyup', PMA_fastFilter.events.keyup);
* Ajax handler for pagination
$('#pma_navigation_tree div.pageselector a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
* Node highlighting
$('#pma_navigation_tree.highlight li:not(.fast_filter)').live(
function () {
if ($('li:visible', this).length == 0) {
$('#pma_navigation_tree.highlight li:not(.fast_filter)').live(
function () {
* Jump to recent table
$('#recentTable').live('change', function() {
if (this.value != '') {
var arr = jQuery.parseJSON(this.value);
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
/** Create a Routine, Trigger or Event */
$('li.new_procedure a.ajax, li.new_function a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object('routine');
dialog.editorDialog(1, $(this))
$('li.new_trigger a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object('trigger');
dialog.editorDialog(1, $(this))
$('li.new_event a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object('event');
dialog.editorDialog(1, $(this))
/** Edit Routines, Triggers and Events */
$('li.procedure > a.ajax, li.function > a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object('routine');
dialog.editorDialog(0, $(this))
$('li.trigger > a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object('trigger');
dialog.editorDialog(0, $(this))
$('li.event > a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object('event');
dialog.editorDialog(0, $(this))
/** Export Routines, Triggers and Events */
$('li.procedure a.ajax img, li.function a.ajax img, li.trigger a.ajax img, li.event a.ajax img').live('click', function (event) {
var dialog = new RTE.object();
/** New index */
$('li.new_index a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var url = $(this).attr('href').substr(
$(this).attr('href').indexOf('?') + 1
) + '&ajax_request=true';
var title = PMA_messages['strAddIndex'];
indexEditorDialog(url, title);
/** Edit index */
$('li.index a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
var url = $(this).attr('href').substr(
$(this).attr('href').indexOf('?') + 1
) + '&ajax_request=true';
var title = PMA_messages['strEditIndex'];
indexEditorDialog(url, title);
/** New view */
$('li.new_view a.ajax').live('click', function (event) {
* Expands a node in navigation tree.
* @param $expandElem expander
* @param callback callback function
* @returns void
function expandTreeNode($expandElem, callback)
var $children = $expandElem.closest('li').children('div.list_container');
var $icon = $expandElem.find('img');
if ($expandElem.hasClass('loaded')) {
if ($icon.is('.ic_b_plus')) {
if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') {
} else {
var $throbber = $('#pma_navigation .throbber')
.css('visibility', 'visible')
loadChildNodes($expandElem, function(data) {
if (data.success === true) {
var $destination = $expandElem.closest('li');
if ($destination.find('ul > li').length == 1) {
$destination.find('ul > li')
if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') {
} else {
PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
* Auto-scrolls the newly chosen database
* @param object $element The element to set to view
* @param object $container The container srollable element
function scrollToView($element, $container) {
var elementOffset = $element.offset(),
containerOffset = $container.offset();
if(elementOffset != undefined && containerOffset != undefined) {
var pushToOffset = elementOffset.top - containerOffset.top + $container.scrollTop();
scrollTop: pushToOffset
* Collapses a node in navigation tree.
* @param $expandElem expander
* @returns void
function collapseTreeNode($expandElem) {
var $children = $expandElem.closest('li').children('div.list_container');
var $icon = $expandElem.find('img');
if ($expandElem.hasClass('loaded')) {
if ($icon.is('.ic_b_minus')) {
* Loads child items of a node and executes a given callback
* @param $expandElem expander
* @param callback callback function
* @returns void
function loadChildNodes($expandElem, callback) {
var $destination = $expandElem.closest('li');
var searchClause = PMA_fastFilter.getSearchClause();
var searchClause2 = PMA_fastFilter.getSearchClause2($expandElem);
var params = {
aPath: $expandElem.find('span.aPath').text(),
vPath: $expandElem.find('span.vPath').text(),
pos: $expandElem.find('span.pos').text(),
pos2_name: $expandElem.find('span.pos2_name').text(),
pos2_value: $expandElem.find('span.pos2_value').text(),
searchClause: searchClause,
searchClause2: searchClause2
var url = $('#pma_navigation').find('a.navigation_url').attr('href');
$.get(url, params, function (data) {
if (data.success === true) {
$destination.find('div.list_container').remove(); // FIXME: Hack, there shouldn't be a list container there
if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') {
* Expand the navigation and highlight the current database or table/view
* @returns void
function PMA_showCurrentNavigation()
var db = PMA_commonParams.get('db');
var table = PMA_commonParams.get('table');
if (db && table) { // if we are at the table/view level
// open the database in the tree
var $dbItem = highlightLoadedItem(
$('#pma_navigation_tree > div'), db, 'database', false, false
if ($dbItem) {
// open the table in the tree and select it
var $expander = $dbItem.children('div:first').children('a.expander');
// if not loaded or loaded but collapsed
if (! $expander.hasClass('loaded')
|| $expander.find('img').is('.ic_b_plus')
) {
expandTreeNode($expander, function() {
loadAndHighlightTableOrView($dbItem, table);
} else {
loadAndHighlightTableOrView($dbItem, table);
} else if (db) { // if we are at the database level
// open in the tree and select the database
$('#pma_navigation_tree > div'), db, 'database', true, true
function highlightLoadedItem($container, name, clazz, doSelect, doOpen) {
var ret = false;
$container.children('ul').children('li').each(function() {
var $li = $(this);
// this is a navigation group, recurse
if ($li.is('.navGroup')) {
var $container = $li.children('div.list_container');
var $childRet = highlightLoadedItem(
$container, name, clazz, doSelect, doOpen
if ($childRet) {
ret = $childRet;
return false;
} else { // this is a real navigation item
// name and class matches
if ($li.is('.' + clazz) && $li.children('a').text() == name) {
if (doSelect) {
if (! doOpen) { // if the node will be opened no point scrolling now
scrollToView($li, $('#pma_navigation_tree_content'));
if (doOpen) {
var $expander = $li.find('div:first').children('a.expander');
if ($expander.length > 0) {
expandTreeNode($expander, function() {
scrollToView($li, $('#pma_navigation_tree_content'));
// taverse up and expand and parent navigation groups
$li.parents('.navGroup').each(function() {
$cont = $(this).children('div.list_container');
if (! $cont.is(':visible')) {
ret = $li;
return false;
return ret;
function loadAndHighlightTableOrView($dbItem, table) {
var $container = $dbItem.children('div.list_container');
var $tableContainer = $container
var $viewContainer = $container
if ($tableContainer.length > 0) {
var $expander = $tableContainer
if (! $expander.hasClass('loaded') ) {
loadChildNodes($expander, function(data) {
highlightTableOrView($tableContainer, $viewContainer, table);
} else {
highlightTableOrView($tableContainer, $viewContainer, table);
} else if ($viewContainer.length > 0) {
highlightView($viewContainer, table);
} else {
// no containers, highlight the item
highlightLoadedItem($container, table, 'table', true, false);
function highlightTableOrView($tableContainer, $viewContainer, table)
if (isItemInContainer($tableContainer, table, 'table')) {
var $expander = $tableContainer
if ($expander.find('img').is('.ic_b_plus')) {
table, 'table', true, false
} else if ($viewContainer.length > 0) {
highlightView($viewContainer, table);
function isItemInContainer($container, name, clazz)
$items = $container.find('li.' + clazz);
var found = false;
$items.each(function() {
if ($(this).children('a').text() == name) {
found = true;
return false;
return found;
function highlightView($viewContainer, view) {
var $expander = $viewContainer
if (! $expander.hasClass('loaded')
|| $expander.find('img').is('.ic_b_plus')
) {
expandTreeNode($expander, function() {
view, 'view', true, false
} else {
view, 'view', true, false
* Reloads the whole navigation tree while preserving its state
* @param function the callback function
* @return void
function PMA_reloadNavigation(callback) {
var params = {
reload: true,
pos: $('#pma_navigation_tree').find('a.expander:first > span.pos').text()
// Traverse the navigation tree backwards to generate all the actual
// and virtual paths, as well as the positions in the pagination at
// various levels, if necessary.
var count = 0;
$('#pma_navigation_tree').find('a.expander:visible').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('img').is('.ic_b_minus')
&& $(this).closest('li').find('div.list_container .ic_b_minus').length == 0
) {
params['n' + count + '_aPath'] = $(this).find('span.aPath').text();
params['n' + count + '_vPath'] = $(this).find('span.vPath').text();
var pos2_name = $(this).find('span.pos2_name').text();
if (! pos2_name) {
pos2_name = $(this)
var pos2_value = $(this).find('span.pos2_value').text();
if (! pos2_value) {
pos2_value = $(this)
params['n' + count + '_pos2_name'] = pos2_name;
params['n' + count + '_pos2_value'] = pos2_value;
params['n' + count + '_pos3_name'] = $(this).find('span.pos3_name').text();
params['n' + count + '_pos3_value'] = $(this).find('span.pos3_value').text();
var url = $('#pma_navigation').find('a.navigation_url').attr('href');
$.post(url, params, function (data) {
// Hide throbber if it's visible
$('#pma_navigation .throbber')
.css('visibility', 'hidden');
if (data.success) {
// Fire the callback, if any
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else {
* Handles any requests to change the page in a branch of a tree
* This can be called from link click or select change event handlers
* @param object $this A jQuery object that points to the element that
* initiated the action of changing the page
* @return void
function PMA_navigationTreePagination($this)
var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
var isDbSelector = $this.closest('div.pageselector').is('.dbselector');
if ($this[0].tagName == 'A') {
var url = $this.attr('href');
var params = 'ajax_request=true';
} else { // tagName == 'SELECT'
var url = 'navigation.php';
var params = $this.closest("form").serialize() + '&ajax_request=true';
var searchClause = PMA_fastFilter.getSearchClause();
if (searchClause) {
params += '&searchClause=' + encodeURIComponent(searchClause);
if (isDbSelector) {
params += '&full=true';
} else {
var searchClause2 = PMA_fastFilter.getSearchClause2($this);
if (searchClause2) {
params += '&searchClause2=' + encodeURIComponent(searchClause2);
$.post(url, params, function (data) {
if (data.success) {
if (isDbSelector) {
var val = PMA_fastFilter.getSearchClause();
if (val) {
.find('li.fast_filter input.searchClause')
} else {
var $parent = $this.closest('div.list_container').parent();
var val = PMA_fastFilter.getSearchClause2($this);
if (val) {
$parent.find('li.fast_filter input.searchClause').val(val);
} else {
* @var ResizeHandler Custom object that manages the resizing of the navigation
* XXX: Must only be ever instanciated once
* XXX: Inside event handlers the 'this' object is accessed as 'event.data.resize_handler'
var ResizeHandler = function () {
* Whether the user has initiated a resize operation
this.active = false;
* @var int panel_width Used by the collapser to know where to go
* back to when uncollapsing the panel
this.panel_width = 0;
* @var string left Used to provide support for RTL languages
this.left = $('html').attr('dir') == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';
* Adjusts the width of the navigation panel to the specified value
* @param int pos Navigation width in pixels
* @return void
this.setWidth = function (pos) {
var $resizer = $('#pma_navigation_resizer');
var resizer_width = $resizer.width();
var $collapser = $('#pma_navigation_collapser');
$('body').css('margin-' + this.left, pos + 'px');
.css('margin-' + this.left, (pos + resizer_width) + 'px');
$resizer.css(this.left, pos + 'px');
if (pos === 0) {
.css(this.left, pos + resizer_width)
.prop('title', PMA_messages['strShowPanel']);
} else {
.css(this.left, pos)
.prop('title', PMA_messages['strHidePanel']);
setTimeout(function (){
}, 4);
* Returns the horizontal position of the mouse,
* relative to the outer side of the navigation panel
* @param int pos Navigation width in pixels
* @return void
this.getPos = function (event) {
var pos = event.pageX;
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
if (this.left != 'left') {
pos = windowWidth - event.pageX;
if (pos < 0) {
pos = 0;
} else if (pos + 100 >= windowWidth) {
pos = windowWidth - 100;
} else {
this.panel_width = 0;
return pos;
* Returns the HTML code for the arrow symbol used in the collapser
* @param int width The width of the panel
* @return string
this.getSymbol = function (width) {
if (this.left == 'left') {
if (width == 0) {
return '→';
} else {
return '←';
} else {
if (width == 0) {
return '←';
} else {
return '→';
* Event handler for initiating a resize of the panel
* @param object e Event data (contains a reference to resizeHandler)
* @return void
this.mousedown = function (event) {
event.data.resize_handler.active = true;
$('body').css('cursor', 'col-resize');
* Event handler for terminating a resize of the panel
* @param object e Event data (contains a reference to resizeHandler)
* @return void
this.mouseup = function (event) {
if (event.data.resize_handler.active) {
event.data.resize_handler.active = false;
$('body').css('cursor', '');
$.cookie('pma_navi_width', event.data.resize_handler.getPos(event));
* Event handler for updating the panel during a resize operation
* @param object e Event data (contains a reference to resizeHandler)
* @return void
this.mousemove = function (event) {
if (event.data && event.data.resize_handler && event.data.resize_handler.active) {
var pos = event.data.resize_handler.getPos(event);
* Event handler for collapsing the panel
* @param object e Event data (contains a reference to resizeHandler)
* @return void
this.collapse = function (event) {
event.data.active = false;
var panel_width = event.data.resize_handler.panel_width;
var width = $('#pma_navigation').width();
if (width === 0 && panel_width === 0) {
panel_width = 240;
event.data.resize_handler.panel_width = width;
* Even thandler for resizing the navigation tree height on window resize
* @return void
this.treeResize = function (event) {
var $nav = $("#pma_navigation"),
$nav_tree = $("#pma_navigation_tree"),
$nav_header = $("#pma_navigation_header"),
$nav_tree_content = $("#pma_navigation_tree_content");
$nav_tree.height($nav.height() - $nav_header.height());
$nav_tree_content.height($nav_tree.height() - $nav_tree_content.position().top);
/* Initialisation section begins here */
if ($.cookie('pma_navi_width')) {
// If we have a cookie, set the width of the panel to its value
var pos = Math.abs(parseInt($.cookie('pma_navi_width'), 10) || 0);
// Register the events for the resizer and the collapser
.live('mousedown', {'resize_handler':this}, this.mousedown);
.bind('mouseup', {'resize_handler':this}, this.mouseup)
.bind('mousemove', {'resize_handler':this}, $.throttle(this.mousemove, 4));
var $collapser = $('#pma_navigation_collapser');
$collapser.live('click', {'resize_handler':this}, this.collapse);
// Add the correct arrow symbol to the collapser
// Fix navigation tree height
$(window).on('resize', this.treeResize);
// need to call this now and then, browser might decide
// to show/hide horizontal scrollbars depending on page content width
setInterval(this.treeResize, 2000);
}; // End of ResizeHandler
* @var object PMA_fastFilter Handles the functionality that allows filtering
* of the items in a branch of the navigation tree
var PMA_fastFilter = {
* Construct for the asynchronous fast filter functionality
* @param object $this A jQuery object pointing to the list container
* which is the nearest parent of the fast filter
* @param string searchClause The query string for the filter
* @return new PMA_fastFilter.filter object
filter: function ($this, searchClause) {
* @var object $this A jQuery object pointing to the list container
* which is the nearest parent of the fast filter
this.$this = $this;
* @var bool searchClause The query string for the filter
this.searchClause = searchClause;
* @var object $clone A clone of the original contents
* of the navigation branch before
* the fast filter was applied
this.$clone = $this.clone();
* @var bool swapped Whether the user clicked on the "N other results" link
this.swapped = false;
* @var object xhr A reference to the ajax request that is currently running
this.xhr = null;
* @var int timeout Used to delay the request for asynchronous search
this.timeout = null;
var $filterInput = $this.find('li.fast_filter input.searchClause');
if ( $filterInput.length != 0
&& $filterInput.val() != ''
&& $filterInput.val() != $filterInput[0].defaultValue
) {
* Gets the query string from the database fast filter form
* @return string
getSearchClause: function () {
var retval = '';
var $input = $('#pma_navigation_tree')
.find('li.fast_filter.db_fast_filter input.searchClause');
if ($input.length && $input.val() != $input[0].defaultValue) {
retval = $input.val();
return retval;
* Gets the query string from a second level item's fast filter form
* The retrieval is done by trasversing the navigation tree backwards
* @return string
getSearchClause2: function ($this) {
var $filterContainer = $this.closest('div.list_container');
var $filterInput = $([]);
while (1) {
if ($filterContainer.find('li.fast_filter:not(.db_fast_filter) input.searchClause').length != 0) {
$filterInput = $filterContainer.find('li.fast_filter:not(.db_fast_filter) input.searchClause');
} else if (! $filterContainer.is('div.list_container')) {
$filterContainer = $filterContainer
var searchClause2 = '';
if ($filterInput.length != 0
&& $filterInput.first().val() != $filterInput[0].defaultValue
) {
searchClause2 = $filterInput.val();
return searchClause2;
* @var hash events A list of functions that are bound to DOM events
* at the top of this file
events: {
focus: function (event) {
var $obj = $(this).closest('div.list_container');
if (! $obj.data('fastFilter')) {
new PMA_fastFilter.filter($obj, $(this).val())
if ($(this).val() == this.defaultValue) {
} else {
blur: function (event) {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
var $obj = $(this).closest('div.list_container');
if ($(this).val() == this.defaultValue && $obj.data('fastFilter')) {
keyup: function (event) {
var $obj = $(this).closest('div.list_container');
var str = '';
if ($(this).val() != this.defaultValue && $(this).val() != '') {
str = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
$obj.find('li > a').not('.container').each(function () {
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(str) != -1) {
} else {
var container_filter = function ($curr, str) {
$curr.children('ul').children('li.navGroup').each(function() {
var $group = $(this);
$group.children('div.list_container').each(function() {
container_filter($(this)); // recursive
if ($group.children('div.list_container').children('ul')
.children('li').not('.hidden').length === 0) {
if ($(this).closest('li.fast_filter').is('.db_fast_filter')) {
container_filter($('#pma_navigation_tree_content'), str);
} else {
container_filter($obj, str);
if ($(this).val() != this.defaultValue && $(this).val() != '') {
if (! $obj.data('fastFilter')) {
new PMA_fastFilter.filter($obj, $(this).val())
} else {
} else if ($obj.data('fastFilter')) {
clear: function (event) {
// Clear the input and apply the fast filter with empty input
var filter = $(this).closest('div.list_container').data('fastFilter');
if (filter) {
var value = $(this).prev()[0].defaultValue;
* Handles a change in the search clause
* @param string searchClause The query string for the filter
* @return void
PMA_fastFilter.filter.prototype.update = function (searchClause)
if (this.searchClause != searchClause) {
this.searchClause = searchClause;
* After a delay of 250mS, initiates a request to retrieve search results
* Multiple calls to this function will always abort the previous request
* @return void
PMA_fastFilter.filter.prototype.request = function ()
var self = this;
if (self.$this.find('li.fast_filter').find('img.throbber').length == 0) {
$('<div class="throbber"></div>').append(
.css('visibility', 'visible')
self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (self.xhr) {
var url = $('#pma_navigation').find('a.navigation_url').attr('href');
var results = self.$this.find('li:not(.hidden):not(.fast_filter):not(.navGroup)').not('[class^=new]').length;
var params = self.$this.find('> ul > li > form.fast_filter').first().serialize() + "&results=" + results;
if (self.$this.find('> ul > li > form.fast_filter:first input[name=searchClause]').length == 0) {
var $input = $('#pma_navigation_tree').find('li.fast_filter.db_fast_filter input.searchClause');
if ($input.length && $input.val() != $input[0].defaultValue) {
params += '&searchClause=' + encodeURIComponent($input.val());
self.xhr = $.ajax({
url: url,
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
data: params,
complete: function (jqXHR) {
var data = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if (data && data.results) {
var $listItem = $('<li />', {'class':'moreResults'})
var $link = $('<a />', {href:'#'})
.click(function (event) {
self.swap.apply(self, [data.message]);
}, 250);
* Replaces the contents of the navigation branch with the search results
* @param string list The search results
* @return void
PMA_fastFilter.filter.prototype.swap = function (list)
this.swapped = true;
.find('li.fast_filter input.searchClause')
this.$this.data('fastFilter', this);
* Restores the navigation to the original state after the fast filter is cleared
* @param bool focus Whether to also focus the input box of the fast filter
* @return void
PMA_fastFilter.filter.prototype.restore = function (focus)
if (this.swapped) {
this.swapped = false;
this.$this.data('fastFilter', this);
if (focus) {
this.$this.find('li.fast_filter input.searchClause').focus();
this.searchClause = '';