#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBALS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RET_CODE=0 MY_UID="$( id -u )" MY_GID="$( id -g )" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### Logger functions ### log_err() { >&2 printf "\\e[1;31m[ERR] %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}" } log_info() { printf "\\e[;34m[INFO] %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}" } log_ok() { printf "\\e[;32m[SUCC] %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}" } ### ### Output functions ### print_head_1() { printf "\\n# " printf "%0.s=" {1..78} printf "\\n" printf "# %s\\n" "${1}" printf "# " printf "%0.s=" {1..78} printf "\\n" } ### ### File functions ### file_get_uid() { stat -c '%u' "${1}" } file_get_gid() { stat -c '%g' "${1}" } # Returns 4-digit format file_get_perm() { local perm local len if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]; then # If no special permissions are set (no sticky bit...), linux will # only output the 3 digit number perm="$( stat --format '%a' "${1}" )" else perm="$( stat -f '%OLp' "${1}" )" fi # For special cases check the length and add a leading 0 len="$(echo "${perm}" | awk '{ print length() }')" if [ "${len}" = "3" ]; then perm="0${perm}" fi echo "${perm}" } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check git #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking git" GIT_STATUS="$( git status -s )" if [ -z "${GIT_STATUS}" ]; then log_info "git is clean" else log_err "git is unclean" echo "${GIT_STATUS}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check env file #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking .env file" if [ -f .env ]; then log_ok ".env file exists" else log_err ".env file does not exist" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) exit 1 fi if [ -r .env ]; then log_ok ".env file is readable" else log_err ".env file is not readable" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) exit 1 fi # Ensure all variables exist in .env file ENV_VAR_MISSING=0 while read -r env_var; do if ! grep -E "^${env_var}=" .env >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable '${env_var}' missing in .env file" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) ENV_VAR_MISSING=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^[A-Z].+=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $1}') if [ "${ENV_VAR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All variables are present in .env file" fi # Ensure variables are not duplicated in .env ENV_VAR_DUPLICATED=0 while read -r env_var; do OCCURANCES="$( grep -Ec "^${env_var}=" .env )" if [ "${OCCURANCES}" != "1" ]; then log_err "Variable '${env_var}' should only be defined once. Occurances: ${OCCURANCES}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) ENV_VAR_DUPLICATED=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^[A-Z].+=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $1}') if [ "${ENV_VAR_DUPLICATED}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "No variables is duplicated in .env file" fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check env file values #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking .env file values" WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=0 DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT="$( grep -E '^DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if [ "${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" != "0" ] && [ "${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" != "1" ] && [ "${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" != "2" ]; then log_err "Variable 'DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT' should be 0, 1 or 2. Has: ${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi DOCKER_LOGS="$( grep -E '^DOCKER_LOGS=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if [ "${DOCKER_LOGS}" != "0" ] && [ "${DOCKER_LOGS}" != "1" ]; then log_err "Variable 'DOCKER_LOGS' should be 0 or 1. Has: ${DOCKER_LOGS}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi DEVILBOX_PATH="$( grep -E '^DEVILBOX_PATH=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if [ ! -d "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory does not exist: ${DEVILBOX_PATH}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM="$( file_get_perm "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" )" if [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "0777" ]; then log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory must be 0755, 0775 or 0777. Has: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM="$( file_get_uid "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" )" if [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory uid must be ${MY_UID}. Has: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM="$( file_get_gid "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" )" if [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory gid must be ${MY_GID}. Has: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi if [ "${WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All .env file variables have correct values" fi HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR="$( grep -E '^HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if [ ! -d "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory does not exist: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM="$( file_get_perm "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" )" if [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "0777" ]; then log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory must be 0755, 0775 or 0777. Has: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM="$( file_get_uid "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" )" if [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory uid must be ${MY_UID}. Has: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM="$( file_get_gid "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" )" if [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory gid must be ${MY_GID}. Has: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi PHP_SERVER="$( grep -E '^PHP_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?PHP_SERVER=${PHP_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'PHP_SERVER' has wrong value: ${PHP_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi HTTPD_SERVER="$( grep -E '^HTTPD_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?HTTPD_SERVER=${HTTPD_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'HTTPD_SERVER' has wrong value: ${HTTPD_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi MYSQL_SERVER="$( grep -E '^MYSQL_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?MYSQL_SERVER=${MYSQL_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'MYSQL_SERVER' has wrong value: ${MYSQL_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi PGSQL_SERVER="$( grep -E '^PGSQL_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?PGSQL_SERVER=${PGSQL_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'PGSQL_SERVER' has wrong value: ${PGSQL_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi REDIS_SERVER="$( grep -E '^REDIS_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?REDIS_SERVER=${REDIS_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'REDIS_SERVER' has wrong value: ${REDIS_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi MEMCD_SERVER="$( grep -E '^MEMCD_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?MEMCD_SERVER=${MEMCD_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'MEMCD_SERVER' has wrong value: ${MEMCD_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi MONGO_SERVER="$( grep -E '^MONGO_SERVER=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if ! grep -E "^#?MONGO_SERVER=${MONGO_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then log_err "Variable 'MONGO_SERVER' has wrong value: ${MONGO_SERVER}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES=1 fi NEW_UID="$( grep -E '^NEW_UID=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if [ "${NEW_UID}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'NEW_UID' has wrong value: '${NEW_UID}'. Should have: ${MY_UID}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) fi NEW_GID="$( grep -E '^NEW_GID=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" if [ "${NEW_GID}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then log_err "Variable 'NEW_GID' has wrong value: '${NEW_GID}'. Should have: ${MY_GID}" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) fi if [ "${WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All .env file variables have correct values" fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ensure cfg/, mod/ and log/ directories exist #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking required directories" # /cfg/php-fpm-VERSION DIR_MISSING=0 while read -r php_version; do if [ ! -d "cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}" ]; then log_err "Directory 'cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}' is missing" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DIR_MISSING=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All PHP cfg/ sub directories are present" fi # /log/php-fpm-VERSION DIR_MISSING=0 while read -r php_version; do if [ ! -d "log/php-fpm-${php_version}" ]; then log_err "Directory 'log/php-fpm-${php_version}' is missing" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DIR_MISSING=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All PHP log/ sub directories are present" fi # /mod/php-fpm-VERSION DIR_MISSING=0 while read -r php_version; do if [ ! -d "mod/php-fpm-${php_version}" ]; then log_err "Directory 'mod/php-fpm-${php_version}' is missing" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DIR_MISSING=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All PHP mod/ sub directories are present" fi # /cfg/apache|nginx-VERSION DIR_MISSING=0 while read -r httpd_version; do if [ ! -d "cfg/${httpd_version}" ]; then log_err "Directory 'cfg/${httpd_version}' is missing" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DIR_MISSING=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^#?HTTPD_SERVER=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All HTTPD cfg/ sub directories are present" fi # /log/apache|nginx-VERSION DIR_MISSING=0 while read -r httpd_version; do if [ ! -d "log/${httpd_version}" ]; then log_err "Directory 'log/${httpd_version}' is missing" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DIR_MISSING=1 fi done < <(grep -E '^#?HTTPD_SERVER=' env-example | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All HTTPD log/ sub directories are present" fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory permissions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking directory permissions" DEVILBOX_DIRS=( "autostart" "backups" "bash" "ca" "cfg" "compose" "log" "mod" ) # Check allowed directory permissions: 0755 0775 0777 DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 for search_dir in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do while read -r my_dir; do PERM="$( file_get_perm "${my_dir}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0777" ]; then log_err "Directory '${my_dir}' should have 0755, 0775 or 0777 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${search_dir}" -type d) done if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All devilbox directories have correct permissions" fi # Check allowed uid DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 for search_dir in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do while read -r my_dir; do PERM="$( file_get_uid "${my_dir}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then log_err "Directory '${my_dir}' should have uid '${MY_UID}' Has: '${PERM}'" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${search_dir}" -type d) done if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All devilbox directories have correct uid" fi # Check allowed gid DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 for search_dir in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do while read -r my_dir; do PERM="$( file_get_gid "${my_dir}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then log_err "Directory '${my_dir}' should have gid '${MY_GID}' Has: '${PERM}'" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${search_dir}" -type d) done if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All devilbox directories have correct gid" fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File permissions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking file permissions" DEVILBOX_DIRS=( "autostart" "backups" "ca" "cfg" "compose" "mod" ) # Check allowed directory permissions: 0644 0664 0666 DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 for search_file in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do while read -r my_file; do PERM="$( file_get_perm "${my_file}" )" # Private CA file if [ "${my_file}" = "ca/devilbox-ca.key" ]; then if [ "${PERM}" != "0600" ]; then log_err "File '${my_file}' should have 0600 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi # Executable files elif echo "${my_file}" | grep -E '.+\.sh(-example)?$' >/dev/null; then if [ "${PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0777" ]; then log_err "File '${my_file}' should have 0755, 0775 or 0777 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi # All other files else if [ "${PERM}" != "0644" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0664" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0666" ]; then log_err "File '${my_file}' should have 0644, 0664 or 0666 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi fi done < <(find "${search_file}" -type f) done if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All devilbox files have correct permissions" fi # Check allowed uid DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 for search_file in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do while read -r my_file; do PERM="$( file_get_uid "${my_file}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then log_err "File '${my_file}' should have uid '${MY_UID}' Has: '${PERM}'" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${search_file}" -type f) done if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All devilbox files have correct uid" fi # Check allowed gid DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 for search_file in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do while read -r my_file; do PERM="$( file_get_gid "${my_file}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then log_err "File '${my_file}' should have gid '${MY_GID}' Has: '${PERM}'" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${search_file}" -type f) done if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All devilbox files have correct gid" fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check projects #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "Checking projects" HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR="$( grep -E '^HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR=' .env | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' )" DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 while read -r project; do PERM="$( file_get_perm "${project}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0777" ]; then log_err "Directory '${project}' should have 0755, 0775 or 0777 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" -type d | grep -Ev "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}/.+/.+") if [ "${DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All project dirs have correct permissions" fi DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 while read -r project; do PERM="$( file_get_uid "${project}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then log_err "Directory '${project}' should have uid '${MY_UID}' Has: '${PERM}'" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" -type d | grep -Ev "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}/.+/.+") if [ "${DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All project dirs have correct uid" fi DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG=0 while read -r project; do PERM="$( file_get_gid "${project}" )" if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then log_err "Directory '${project}' should have gid '${MY_GID}' Has: '${PERM}'" RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1)) DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG=1 fi done < <(find "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" -type d | grep -Ev "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}/.+/.+") if [ "${DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then log_ok "All project dirs have correct gid" fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Summary #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_head_1 "SUMMARY" if [ "${RET_CODE}" -gt "0" ]; then log_err "Found ${RET_CODE} error(s)" log_err "Devilbox might not work properly" log_err "Fix the issues before submitting a bug report" log_info "Ensure to run 'docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -f' on changes in .env" exit 1 else log_ok "Found no errors" log_info "Ensure to run 'docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -f' when .env was changed" exit 0 fi