# Devilbox Documentation [Overview](README.md) | [Quickstart](Quickstart.md) | [Install](Install.md) | [Update](Update.md) | [Configure](Configure.md) | [Run](Run.md) | [Usage](Usage.md) | OS | [Backups](Backups.md) | [Examples](Examples.md) | [Technical](Technical.md) | [Hacking](Hacking.md) | [FAQ](FAQ.md) --- ## Operating System differences 1. [Linux](#1-linux) 2. [Windows](#2-windows) 1. [/etc/hosts](#2-1-etc-hosts-) 1. [/etc/resolv.conf](#2-2-etc-resolv-conf-) 3. [OSX](#3-osx) --- ## 1. Linux Documentation is written from a Linux point of view, so there will be no differences. ## 2. Windows On Windows you will have to edit different files on the Docker host than on Linux or OSX. #### 2.1 `/etc/hosts` To set custom DNS entries on windows you will have to edit `C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc` instead. #### 2.2 `/etc/resolv.conf` In order to add a custom DNS resolver in Windows, you will have to use the GUI tools of your network interfaces. Check out this blog entry for how to adjust it: http://www.pc-freak.net/blog/configure-equivalent-linux-etcresolvconf-search-domaincom-ms-windows-dns-suffixes/ ## 3. OSX OSX behaves the same as Linux and will not have any differences from the documentation.