# Custom startup scripts (per PHP version)

Any script inside this directory ending by `.sh` will be executed during the PHP container startup.
This is useful to apply your custom settings such as installing software that usually requires
the user to accept a license or similar.

A few examples are given that do not end by `.sh` which won't be run. If you want to use the
provided examples, copy them to a file ending by `.sh`

## Info

If you want to autostart NodeJS applications, you can use [pm2](https://github.com/Unitech/pm2).
Ensure you do this as user `devilbox`, as by default everything is run by root.

su -c 'cd /shared/httpd/node/node; pm2 start index.js' -l devilbox

## Note

This directory will startup commands only for a specific PHP version. If you want to run commands
for all versions , go to `autostart/` in the root of the Devilbox git directory.

## Important

All provided scripts will be executed with **root** permissions.