fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $callback($row, $data); } } else { while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $data[] = $row; } } mysqli_free_result($result); return $data; } /******************************************************************************** * * M Y S Q L F U N C T I O N S * ********************************************************************************/ /** * Get all MySQL Databases. * @return mixed Array of name => size */ function getDatabases() { $error; $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $data[$row['database']] = array( 'charset' => $row['charset'], 'collation' => $row['collation'] ); }; $sql = "SELECT S.SCHEMA_NAME AS 'database', S.DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME AS 'collation', S.default_character_set_name AS 'charset' FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA AS S WHERE S.SCHEMA_NAME != 'mysql' AND S.SCHEMA_NAME != 'performance_schema' AND S.SCHEMA_NAME != 'information_schema'"; return my_mysqli_select($error, $GLOBALS['MY_MYSQL_LINK'], $sql, $callback); } /** * Get Database size in Megabytes * @param [type] $db_name [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function getDBSize($db_name) { $error; $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $data = $row['size']; }; $sql = "SELECT ROUND( SUM((T.data_length+T.index_length)/1048576), 2 ) AS 'size' FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T WHERE T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$db_name."';"; $size = my_mysqli_select($error, $GLOBALS['MY_MYSQL_LINK'], $sql, $callback); return $size ? $size : 0; } /** * Get Number of Tables per Database * @param [type] $db_name [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function getTableCount($db_name) { $error; $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $data = $row['count']; }; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T WHERE T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$db_name."';"; $count = my_mysqli_select($error, $GLOBALS['MY_MYSQL_LINK'], $sql, $callback); return $count ? $count : 0; } /** * Read out MySQL Server variables * * @param [type] $key [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function getMySQLConfigByKey($key) { $key = str_replace('-', '_', $key); $callback = function ($row, &$data) use ($key) { $data = isset($row['Value']) ? $row['Value'] : FALSE; }; $sql = 'SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = "'.$key.'";'; $val = my_mysqli_select($error, $GLOBALS['MY_MYSQL_LINK'], $sql, $callback); if (!is_array($val)) { return $val; } else if (is_array($val) && $val) { return print_r($val, TRUE); } else { return ''; } } function getMySQLConfig() { $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $key = $row['Variable_name']; $val = $row['Value']; $data[$key] = $val; }; $sql = 'SHOW VARIABLES;'; return my_mysqli_select($error, $GLOBALS['MY_MYSQL_LINK'], $sql, $callback); } function is_valid_dir($path) { return (is_dir($path) || (is_link($path) && is_dir(readlink($path)))); } function getVirtualHosts() { $docRoot = '/shared/httpd'; $vhosts = array(); if ($handle = opendir($docRoot)) { while (false !== ($directory = readdir($handle))) { if (is_valid_dir($docRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory) && $directory != '.' && $directory != '..') { $vhosts[] = array( 'name' => $directory, 'domain' => $directory.'.loc', 'href' => 'http://' . $directory.'.loc' ); } } } return $vhosts; } function checkVirtualHost($vhost) { global $ENV; $docRoot = '/shared/httpd'; $htdocs = $docRoot.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$vhost.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'htdocs'; $domain = $vhost.'.loc'; $url = 'http://'.$domain; $error = array(); // 1. Check htdocs folder if (!is_valid_dir($htdocs)) { $error[] = 'Missing htdocs directory in: '.$ENV['HOST_PATH_TO_WWW_DOCROOTS'].'/'.$vhost.'/'; } // 2. Check /etc/resolv DNS entry $output; if (my_exec('getent hosts '.$domain, $output) !== 0) { $error[] = 'Missing entry in /etc/hosts: '.$domain.''; } // 3. Check correct /etc/resolv entry $dns_ip = ''; if (isset($output[0])) { $tmp = explode(' ', $output[0]); if (isset($tmp[0])) { $dns_ip = $tmp[0]; } } if ($dns_ip != '') { $error[] = 'Error in /etc/hosts
'. 'Found:
'. ''.$dns_ip.' '.$domain.'
'. 'But it should be:
'. ' '.$domain.'
'; } if (is_array($error) && count($error)) { return implode('
', $error); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get all VirtualHosts * @return [type] [description] */ function getVhosts() { global $ENV; $docRoot = '/shared/httpd'; $vhosts = array(); if ($handle = opendir($docRoot)) { while (false !== ($directory = readdir($handle))) { if (is_valid_dir($docRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory) && $directory != '.' && $directory != '..') { $output; $domain = $directory.'.loc'; $url = 'http://'.$domain; $htdocs_ok = is_valid_dir($docRoot.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'htdocs'); $dns_ok = my_exec('getent hosts '.$domain, $output) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; $dns_ip = ''; if (isset($output[0])) { $tmp = explode(' ', $output[0]); if (isset($tmp[0])) { $dns_ip = $tmp[0]; } } $vhosts[] = array( 'name' => $directory, 'htdocs' => $htdocs_ok, 'dns_ok' => $dns_ok, 'dns_ip' => $dns_ip, 'domain' => $directory.'.loc', 'href' => 'http://' . $directory.'.loc' ); } } } return $vhosts; } /******************************************************************************** * * G E T V E R S I O N * ********************************************************************************/ /** * Get HTTPD Version * @return [type] [description] */ function getHttpVersion() { preg_match('/\w+\/[.0-9]+/i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $matches); if (isset($matches[0])) { return $matches[0]; } else { return 'Unknown Webserver'; } } /** * Get MySQL Version * @return [type] [description] */ function getMySQLVersion() { return getMySQLConfigByKey('version_comment') . ' ' . getMySQLConfigByKey('version'); } function getPHPVersion() { return 'PHP ' . phpversion() .' (' . php_sapi_name().')'; } /******************************************************************************** * * T E S T M Y S Q L C O N N E C T I O N * ********************************************************************************/ function testMySQLLocalhost() { global $MYSQL_ROOT_PASS; $link = @mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', $MYSQL_ROOT_PASS); if (!$link) { return 'Cannot conncet to MySQL Database: '.mysqli_connect_error(); } return 'OK: Connection via localhost socket'; } function testMySQLLocalIp() { global $MYSQL_ROOT_PASS; $link = @mysqli_connect('', 'root', $MYSQL_ROOT_PASS); if (!$link) { return 'Cannot conncet to MySQL Database: '.mysqli_connect_error(); } return 'OK: Connection via'; } function testMySQLRemotelIp() { global $MYSQL_HOST_ADDR; global $MYSQL_ROOT_PASS; $link = @mysqli_connect($MYSQL_HOST_ADDR, 'root', $MYSQL_ROOT_PASS); if (!$link) { return 'Cannot conncet to MySQL Database: '.mysqli_connect_error(); } return 'OK: Connection via '.$MYSQL_HOST_ADDR; }