## ## ------------------------- ## | D E V I L S T A C K | ## ------------------------- ## ## Local LAMP/LEMP stack ## ## ## ${VARIABLE:-default} will evaluate to default if VARIABLE is unset or empty in the environment. ## ${VARIABLE-default} will evaluate to default only if VARIABLE is unset in the environment. ## ## ## -- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE -- ## ## Edit '.env' for configuration. ## ## If '.env' does not exist, copy 'env-example' to '.env' ## $ cp env-example .env ## version: '2.1' ################################################################################ # SERVICES ################################################################################ services: # ---------------------------------------- # Bind (DNS Server) # ---------------------------------------- bind: image: cytopia/bind:latest #image: cytopia/bind:0.10 restart: always ports: # [local-machine:]local-port:docker-port - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_BIND:-1053}:53" - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_BIND:-1053}:53/udp" environment: ## ## Debug? ## - DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT ## ## Bind settings ## - WILDCARD_DOMAIN=${TLD_SUFFIX:-loc} - WILDCARD_ADDRESS= - DNS_FORWARDER=${BIND_DNS_RESOLVER:-,} dns: - networks: app_net: ipv4_address: # ---------------------------------------- # PHP-FPM # ---------------------------------------- php: image: cytopia/${PHP_SERVER:-php-fpm-7.0}:latest #image: cytopia/${PHP_SERVER:-php-fpm-7.0}:0.11 restart: always # Manually build via `docker-compose build` #build: #context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${PHP_SERVER}.git#1 # context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${PHP_SERVER}.git environment: ## ## Debug? ## - DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT ## ## UserID and GroupID ## - NEW_UID - NEW_GID ## ## Adjust timezone ## - TIMEZONE ## ## TLD SUffix ## - TLD_SUFFIX=${TLD_SUFFIX:-loc} - DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT=${DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT:-1} ## ## Password protect the devilbox Intranet ## - DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT=${DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT:-0} - DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=${DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD} ## ## PHP Xdebug ## - PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLE - PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_PORT - PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST ## ## Mail-catching ## - ENABLE_MAIL=1 ## ## Enable Port-forwarding ## - FORWARD_PORTS_TO_LOCALHOST=3306:mysql:3306,5432:pgsql:5432,6379:redis:6379,11211:memcd:11211,27017:mongo:27017 ## ## MySQL Backups ## - MYSQL_BACKUP_USER=root - MYSQL_BACKUP_PASS=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} - MYSQL_BACKUP_HOST=mysql ## ## Additional variables to announce to intranet/php-container ## # Ports - LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR - HOST_PORT_BIND - HOST_PORT_HTTPD - HOST_PORT_MYSQL - HOST_PORT_PGSQL - HOST_PORT_REDIS - HOST_PORT_MEMCD - HOST_PORT_MONGO # Data dir paths - HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR - HOST_PATH_MYSQL_DATADIR - HOST_PATH_PGSQL_DATADIR - HOST_PATH_MONGO_DATADIR # Database credentials - PGSQL_ROOT_USER - PGSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD # Selected Server versions - PHP_SERVER - HTTPD_SERVER - PGSQL_SERVER - MYSQL_SERVER - REDIS_SERVER - MEMCD_SERVER - MONGO_SERVER networks: app_net: ipv4_address: dns: - - - volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Mount custom intranet # (configured in /etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}/01-vhost-default.conf) - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/.devilbox/www:/var/www/default:ro # Mount logs - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/log/${PHP_SERVER}:/var/log/php # Mount Mail directory #- ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/run/mail:/var/mail # Mount DB Backup directory - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/backups:/shared/backups # Mount devilbox user-defined *.ini files in order # to overwrite the default PHP configuration - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/cfg/${PHP_SERVER}:/etc/php-custom.d:ro # Mount devilbox user-defined *.so files in order # to load custom PHP modules - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/mod/${PHP_SERVER}:/usr/lib64/php/custom-modules:ro # Mount devilbox user-defined bash config - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/bash:/etc/bashrc-devilbox.d # Mount custom mass virtual hosting # (configured in /etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}/02-vhost-mass.conf) - ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}:/shared/httpd depends_on: - bind # ---------------------------------------- # HTTPD # ---------------------------------------- httpd: image: cytopia/${HTTPD_SERVER:-nginx-stable}:latest #image: cytopia/${HTTPD_SERVER:-nginx-stable}:0.9 restart: always # Manually build via `docker-compose build` #build: #context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${HTTPD_SERVER}.git#1 # context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${HTTPD_SERVER}.git environment: ## ## Debug? ## - DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT ## ## Adjust timezone ## - TIMEZONE ## ## PHP-FPM Remote Server ## - PHP_FPM_ENABLE=1 - PHP_FPM_SERVER_ADDR=php - PHP_FPM_SERVER_PORT=9000 ## Tell the webserver to look into this directory ## for additional configuration files. ## ## @see volumes:: - ./etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}:/etc/${HTTPD_SERVER} - CUSTOM_HTTPD_CONF_DIR=/etc/${HTTPD_SERVER} ports: # ---- Format: ---- # [HOST-ADDR : ] HOST-PORT : DOCKER-PORT - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_HTTPD}:80" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Custom scripts/binaries required for httpd server vhost # configuration to work. # (configured in /etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}/02-vhost-mass.conf) - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/.devilbox/bin/${HTTPD_SERVER}:/opt/bin:ro # Mount user-defined httpd configuration files # @see environment::CUSTOM_HTTPD_CONF_DIR for how this # is added in httpd server - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/.devilbox/etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}:/etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}:ro # Mount custom intranet # (configured in /etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}/01-vhost-default.conf) - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/.devilbox/www:/var/www/default:ro # Mount user-defined httpd log # @see ./etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}/*.conf for log defines - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/log/${HTTPD_SERVER}:/var/log/${HTTPD_SERVER} # Mount custom mass virtual hosting # (configured in /etc/${HTTPD_SERVER}/02-vhost-mass.conf) - ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}:/shared/httpd:ro depends_on: - bind - php # ---------------------------------------- # DATABASE # ---------------------------------------- mysql: image: cytopia/${MYSQL_SERVER:-mariadb-10.1}:latest #image: cytopia/${MYSQL_SERVER:-mariadb-10.1}:0.9 # Manually build via `docker-compose build` #build: #context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${MYSQL_SERVER}.git#1 # context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${MYSQL_SERVER}.git environment: ## ## Debug? ## - DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT ## ## Adjust timezone ## - TIMEZONE ## ## Adjust Root password ## - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD ## ## Socket directory Path ## - MYSQL_SOCKET_DIR=/tmp/mysql ## ## Runtime settings ## - MYSQL_GENERAL_LOG=${MYSQL_GENERAL_LOG} ports: # [local-machine:]local-port:docker-port - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_MYSQL}:3306" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Mount logs - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/log/${MYSQL_SERVER}:/var/log/mysql # Mount devilbox default overwrites - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/.devilbox/etc/${MYSQL_SERVER}:/etc/mysql/conf.d:ro # Mount devilbox user-defined cnf files in order # to overwrite the MySQL server configuration - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/cfg/${MYSQL_SERVER}:/etc/mysql/docker-default.d:ro # Mount MySQL Data directory - ${HOST_PATH_MYSQL_DATADIR}/${MYSQL_SERVER}:/var/lib/mysql depends_on: - bind - php - httpd # ---------------------------------------- # POSTGRESQL # ---------------------------------------- pgsql: image: postgres:${PGSQL_SERVER:-9.6} # Manually build via `docker-compose build` #build: #context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${MYSQL_SERVER}.git#1 # context: https://github.com/cytopia/docker-${MYSQL_SERVER}.git environment: - POSTGRES_USER=${PGSQL_ROOT_USER} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${PGSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata ports: # [local-machine:]local-port:docker-port - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_PGSQL}:5432" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Mount logs - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/log/pgsql-${PGSQL_SERVER}:/var/log/postgresql # Mount PostgreSQL Data directory - ${HOST_PATH_PGSQL_DATADIR}/${PGSQL_SERVER}:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata depends_on: - bind - php - httpd # ---------------------------------------- # Redis # ---------------------------------------- redis: image: redis:${REDIS_SERVER:-3.2} ports: # [local-machine:]local-port:docker-port - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_REDIS}:6379" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Mount logs - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/log/redis-${REDIS_SERVER}:/var/log/redis depends_on: - bind - php - httpd # ---------------------------------------- # Memcached # ---------------------------------------- memcd: image: memcached:${MEMCD_SERVER:-latest} ports: # [local-machine:]local-port:docker-port - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_MEMCD}:11211" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Mount logs - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/log/memcd-${MEMCD_SERVER}:/var/log/memcd depends_on: - bind - php - httpd # ---------------------------------------- # Mongo # ---------------------------------------- mongo: image: mongo:${MONGO_SERVER:-latest} ports: # [local-machine:]local-port:docker-port - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_MONGO}:27017" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: volumes: # ---- Format: ---- # HOST-DIRECTORY : DOCKER-DIRECTORY # Mount MongoDB Data directory - ${HOST_PATH_MONGO_DATADIR}/${MONGO_SERVER}:/data/db depends_on: - bind - php - httpd ################################################################################ # NETWORK ################################################################################ networks: app_net: driver: bridge driver_opts: com.docker.network.enable_ipv6: "false" ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: gateway: