error('Instance has errors:' . "\r\n" . var_export(static::$instance, true) . "\r\n"); //return null; } return static::$instance; } /** * Connect to Redis * * @param string $err Reference to error message * @param string $host Redis hostname * @return boolean */ public static function testConnection(&$err, $host) { $err = false; // Silence errors and try to connect error_reporting(0); $redis = new \Redis(); if (!$redis->connect($host, 6379)) { $err = 'Failed to connect to Redis host on '.$host.': ' .$redis->getLastError(); error_reporting(-1); return false; } error_reporting(-1); $redis->close(); return true; } /********************************************************************************* * * Private Variables * *********************************************************************************/ /** * Redis instance * @var object|null */ private $_redis = null; /** * Connection error string * @var string */ private $_connect_error = ''; /** * Connection error code * @var integer */ private $_connect_errno = 0; /** * Error string * @var string */ private $_error = ''; /** * Error code * @var integer */ private $_errno = 0; /********************************************************************************* * * Construct/Destructor * *********************************************************************************/ /** * Use singleton getInstance() instead. * * @param string $user Username * @param string $pass Password * @param string $host Host */ public function __construct($host) { // Silence errors and try to connect error_reporting(0); $redis = new \Redis(); if (!$redis->connect($host, 6379)) { $this->_connect_error = 'Failed to connect to Redis host on '.$host.': ' .$redis->getLastError(); $this->_connect_errno = 1; loadClass('Logger')->error($this->_connect_error); } else { $this->_redis = $redis; } error_reporting(-1); } /** * Destructor */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->_redis) { $this->_redis->close(); } } /********************************************************************************* * * Redis Select functions * *********************************************************************************/ public function getVersion() { $info = $this->_redis->info(); return 'Redis '.$info['redis_version']; } public function getInfo() { return $this->_redis->info('all'); } /********************************************************************************* * * MySQL Error functions * *********************************************************************************/ /** * Return connection error message. * * @return string Error message */ public function getConnectError() { return $this->_connect_error; } /** * Return connection errno code. * * @return integer Error code */ public function getConnectErrno() { return $this->_connect_errno; } /** * Return error message. * * @return string Error message */ public function getError() { return $this->_error; } /** * Return errno code. * * @return integer Error code */ public function getErrno() { return $this->_errno; } }