.. include:: ../_includes/global/links.rst .. include:: ../_includes/global/images.rst .. _prerequisites: ************* Prerequisites ************* .. important:: :ref:`read_first` Ensure you have read this document to understand how this documentation works. **Table of Contents** .. contents:: :local: Supported host OS ================= The Devilbox runs on all major operating systems which provide ``Docker`` and ``Docker Compose``. See the matrix below for supported versions: +----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | OS | Version | Type | Recommended | +================+=====================+=====================+=============+ | |img_logo_lin| | Any | |tbl_docker_lin| | yes | +----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | | | | | +----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | |img_logo_mac| | Any | |tbl_docker_mac| | yes | | | +---------------------+-------------+ | | | |tbl_docker_tb_mac| | | +----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | | | | | +----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | |img_logo_win| | Windows 7 | |tbl_docker_tb_win| | | | +---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | | Windows 10 | |tbl_docker_win| | yes | | | +---------------------+-------------+ | | | |tbl_docker_tb_win| | | | +---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ | | Windows Server 2016 | |tbl_docker_win_ee| | yes | +----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------+ .. |tbl_docker_lin| raw:: html Docker .. |tbl_docker_mac| raw:: html Docker for Mac .. |tbl_docker_tb_mac| raw:: html Docker Toolbox .. |tbl_docker_win| raw:: html Docker for Windows .. |tbl_docker_tb_win| raw:: html Docker Toolbox .. |tbl_docker_win_ee| raw:: html Docker EE Required software ================= The only requirements for the Devilbox is to have ``Docker`` and ``Docker Compose`` installed, everything else is bundled and provided withing the Docker container. The minimum required versions are listed below: * ``Docker``: 1.12.0+ * ``Docker Compose``: 1.9.0+ Additionally you will require ``git`` in order to clone the devilbox project. .. seealso:: * |ext_lnk_install_docker| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_compose| * :ref:`howto_find_docker_and_docker_compose_version` Docker installation =================== Linux ----- |img_logo_lin| Docker on Linux requires super user privileges which is granted to a system wide group called ``docker``. After having installed Docker on your system, ensure that your local user is assigned to the ``docker`` group: .. code-block:: bash host> id uid=1000(cytopia) gid=1000(cytopia) groups=1000(cytopia),999(docker) .. seealso:: * |ext_lnk_install_docker_centos| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_debian| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_fedora| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_ubuntu| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_linux_post_steps| (covers ``docker`` group) Mac --- |img_logo_mac| On MacOS Docker is available in two different forms: **Docker for Mac** and **Docker Toolbox**. Docker for Mac ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Docker for Mac is the native and recommended version to choose when using the Devilbox. .. seealso:: Docker for Mac * |ext_lnk_install_docker_mac| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_mac_get_started| Docker Toolbox ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you still want to use Docker Toolbox, ensure you have read its drawbacks in the below provided links. .. seealso:: Docker Toolbox * |ext_lnk_install_docker_toolbox_mac| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_toolbox_mac_native_vs_toolbox| * |ext_link_docker_machine| .. important:: :ref:`howto_docker_toolbox_and_the_devilbox` Windows ------- |img_logo_win| On Windows Docker is available in two different forms: **Docker for Windows** and **Docker Toolbox**. Docker for Windows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Docker for Windows is the native and recommended version to choose when using the Devilbox. This however is only available since **Windows 10**. .. seealso:: Docker for Windows * |ext_lnk_install_docker_win| * |ext_lnk_install_docker_win_get_started| Docker Toolbox ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are on **Windows 7** or still want to use Docker Toolbox, ensure you have read its drawbacks in the below provided links. .. seealso:: Docker Toolbox * |ext_lnk_install_docker_toolbox_win| * |ext_link_docker_machine| .. important:: :ref:`howto_docker_toolbox_and_the_devilbox` Post installation ================= Read the Docker documentation carefully and follow all **install** and **post-install** steps. Below are a few stumbling blocks to check that might or might not apply depending on your host operating system and your Docker version. .. seealso:: :ref:`troubleshooting` User settings ------------- Some versions of Docker require your local user to be in the ``docker`` group (or ``docker-users`` on Windows). Shared drives ------------- Some versions of Docker require you to correctly setup shared drives. Ensure the desired locations are being made available to Docker and the correct credentials are applied. Network and firewall -------------------- On Windows, ensure your firewall allows access to shared drives. SE Linux -------- Make sure to read any shortcomings when SE Linux is enabled. General ------- It could also help to do a full system restart after the installation has been finished. Optional previous knowledge =========================== In order to easily work with the Devilbox you should already be familiar with the following: * Navigate on the command line * Docker Compose commands (``up``, ``stop``, ``kill``, ``rm``, ``logs``, ``pull``) * Docker Compose ``.env`` file * Know how to use ``git`` .. seealso:: * |ext_lnk_docker_cmpose_cmd_reference| * |ext_lnk_docker_cmpose_env_file|