true, // show/hide the files tab 'allow_invalidate' => true, // give a link to invalidate files 'allow_reset' => true, // give option to reset the whole cache 'allow_realtime' => true, // give option to enable/disable real-time updates 'refresh_time' => 5, // how often the data will refresh, in seconds 'size_precision' => 2, // Digits after decimal point 'size_space' => false, // have '1MB' or '1 MB' when showing sizes 'charts' => true, // show gauge chart or just big numbers 'debounce_rate' => 250 // milliseconds after key press to send keyup event when filtering ]; /* * Shouldn't need to alter anything else below here */ if (!extension_loaded('Zend OPcache')) { die('The Zend OPcache extension does not appear to be installed'); } class OpCacheService { protected $data; protected $options; protected $defaults = [ 'allow_filelist' => true, 'allow_invalidate' => true, 'allow_reset' => true, 'allow_realtime' => true, 'refresh_time' => 5, 'size_precision' => 2, 'size_space' => false, 'charts' => true, 'debounce_rate' => 250 ]; private function __construct($options = []) { $this->options = array_merge($this->defaults, $options); $this->data = $this->compileState(); } public static function init($options = []) { $self = new self($options); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) { if (isset($_GET['reset']) && $self->getOption('allow_reset')) { echo '{ "success": "' . ($self->resetCache() ? 'yes' : 'no') . '" }'; } else if (isset($_GET['invalidate']) && $self->getOption('allow_invalidate')) { echo '{ "success": "' . ($self->resetCache($_GET['invalidate']) ? 'yes' : 'no') . '" }'; } else { echo json_encode($self->getData((empty($_GET['section']) ? null : $_GET['section']))); } exit; } else if (isset($_GET['reset']) && $self->getOption('allow_reset')) { $self->resetCache(); header('Location: ?'); exit; } else if (isset($_GET['invalidate']) && $self->getOption('allow_invalidate')) { $self->resetCache($_GET['invalidate']); header('Location: ?'); exit; } return $self; } public function getOption($name = null) { if ($name === null) { return $this->options; } return (isset($this->options[$name]) ? $this->options[$name] : null ); } public function getData($section = null, $property = null) { if ($section === null) { return $this->data; } $section = strtolower($section); if (isset($this->data[$section])) { if ($property === null || !isset($this->data[$section][$property])) { return $this->data[$section]; } return $this->data[$section][$property]; } return null; } public function canInvalidate() { return ($this->getOption('allow_invalidate') && function_exists('opcache_invalidate')); } public function resetCache($file = null) { $success = false; if ($file === null) { $success = opcache_reset(); } else if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { $success = opcache_invalidate(urldecode($file), true); } if ($success) { $this->compileState(); } return $success; } protected function size($size) { $i = 0; $val = array('b', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'); while (($size / 1024) > 1) { $size /= 1024; ++$i; } return sprintf('%.'.$this->getOption('size_precision').'f%s%s', $size, ($this->getOption('size_space') ? ' ' : ''), $val[$i] ); } protected function compileState() { $status = opcache_get_status(); $config = opcache_get_configuration(); $files = []; if (!empty($status['scripts']) && $this->getOption('allow_filelist')) { uasort($status['scripts'], function($a, $b) { return $a['hits'] < $b['hits']; }); foreach ($status['scripts'] as &$file) { $file['full_path'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $file['full_path']); $file['readable'] = [ 'hits' => number_format($file['hits']), 'memory_consumption' => $this->size($file['memory_consumption']) ]; } $files = array_values($status['scripts']); } $overview = array_merge( $status['memory_usage'], $status['opcache_statistics'], [ 'used_memory_percentage' => round(100 * ( ($status['memory_usage']['used_memory'] + $status['memory_usage']['wasted_memory']) / $config['directives']['opcache.memory_consumption'])), 'hit_rate_percentage' => round($status['opcache_statistics']['opcache_hit_rate']), 'wasted_percentage' => round($status['memory_usage']['current_wasted_percentage'], 2), 'readable' => [ 'total_memory' => $this->size($config['directives']['opcache.memory_consumption']), 'used_memory' => $this->size($status['memory_usage']['used_memory']), 'free_memory' => $this->size($status['memory_usage']['free_memory']), 'wasted_memory' => $this->size($status['memory_usage']['wasted_memory']), 'num_cached_scripts' => number_format($status['opcache_statistics']['num_cached_scripts']), 'hits' => number_format($status['opcache_statistics']['hits']), 'misses' => number_format($status['opcache_statistics']['misses']), 'blacklist_miss' => number_format($status['opcache_statistics']['blacklist_misses']), 'num_cached_keys' => number_format($status['opcache_statistics']['num_cached_keys']), 'max_cached_keys' => number_format($status['opcache_statistics']['max_cached_keys']), 'start_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $status['opcache_statistics']['start_time']), 'last_restart_time' => ($status['opcache_statistics']['last_restart_time'] == 0 ? 'never' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $status['opcache_statistics']['last_restart_time']) ) ] ] ); $directives = []; ksort($config['directives']); foreach ($config['directives'] as $k => $v) { $directives[] = ['k' => $k, 'v' => $v]; } $version = array_merge( $config['version'], [ 'php' => phpversion(), 'server' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'host' => (function_exists('gethostname') ? gethostname() : (php_uname('n') ?: (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['HOST_NAME'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) ) ) ] ); return [ 'version' => $version, 'overview' => $overview, 'files' => $files, 'directives' => $directives, 'blacklist' => $config['blacklist'], 'functions' => get_extension_funcs('Zend OPcache') ]; } } $opcache = OpCacheService::init($options); ?> DevilBox OPcache statistics on <?php echo $opcache->getData('version', 'host'); ?>
getData('functions') as $func): ?>
Available functions

getOption('allow_filelist')): ?>