# Note:
# To effectively apply the changes you will have
# to re-index the git index (if there are already
# commited files)
# $ git rm -r --cached .
# $ git add .
# $ git commit -m ".gitignore index rebuild"


# Ignore variable data

# Ignore Data dirs

# Ignore Certificate Authority

# Ignore emails

# Ignore compose override file

# Ignore custom global vhost gen templates

# Ignore custom HTTPD configs

# Ignore custom MySQL configs

# Ignore custom PHP.ini configs

# Ignore custom PHP-FPM configs

# Ignore custom PHP-FPM startup scripts

# Ignore custom PHP-FPM modules

# Ignore custom bash and other confi files

# Ignore documentation sphinx build

# Keep folders


###### std ######

###### patches/diffs ######

# Operating Systems

###### OSX ######

###### Windows ######

# Editors

###### Sublime ######

###### Eclipse ######

###### Netbeans ######

###### Intellij IDE ######

###### vim ######

###### TextMate ######

###### BBEdit ######