printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strclusterindex'], 'pg.index.cluster'); echo "
\n"; foreach($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfclustertable'], $misc->printVal($a['table'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } // END if multi cluster else { $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTitle($lang['strclusterindex'], 'pg.index.cluster'); echo "\n"; if ($type == 'table') { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfclustertable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfclusterdatabase'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; //TODO echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } // END single cluster else { //If multi table cluster if ($type == 'table') { // cluster one or more table if (is_array($_REQUEST['table'])) { $msg=''; foreach($_REQUEST['table'] as $o) { $status = $data->clusterIndex($o); if ($status == 0) $msg.= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($o, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['strclusteredgood']); else { doDefault($type, sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($o, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['strclusteredbad'])); return; } } // Everything went fine, back to the Default page.... doDefault($msg); } else { $status = $data->clusterIndex($_REQUEST['object']); if ($status == 0) { doAdmin($type, $lang['strclusteredgood']); } else doAdmin($type, $lang['strclusteredbad']); } } else { // Cluster all tables in database $status = $data->clusterIndex(); if ($status == 0) { doAdmin($type, $lang['strclusteredgood']); } else doAdmin($type, $lang['strclusteredbad']); } } } /** * Show confirmation of reindex and perform reindex */ function doReindex($type, $confirm=false) { global $script, $data, $misc, $lang, $_reload_browser; if (($type == 'table') && empty($_REQUEST['table']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { doDefault($lang['strspecifytabletoreindex']); return; } if ($confirm) { if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strreindex'], 'pg.reindex'); echo "
\n"; foreach($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfreindextable'], $misc->printVal($a['table'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } // END if multi reindex else { $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTitle($lang['strreindex'], 'pg.reindex'); echo "\n"; if ($type == 'table') { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfreindextable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfreindexdatabase'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } echo "\n"; if ($data->hasForceReindex()) echo "

\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; //TODO echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } // END single reindex else { //If multi table reindex if (($type == 'table') && is_array($_REQUEST['table'])) { $msg=''; foreach($_REQUEST['table'] as $o) { $status = $data->reindex(strtoupper($type), $o, isset($_REQUEST['reindex_force'])); if ($status == 0) $msg.= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($o, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['strreindexgood']); else { doDefault($type, sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($o, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['strreindexbad'])); return; } } // Everything went fine, back to the Default page.... $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($msg); } else { $status = $data->reindex(strtoupper($type), $_REQUEST['object'], isset($_REQUEST['reindex_force'])); if ($status == 0) { $_reload_browser = true; doAdmin($type, $lang['strreindexgood']); } else doAdmin($type, $lang['strreindexbad']); } } } /** * Show confirmation of analyze and perform analyze */ function doAnalyze($type, $confirm=false) { global $script, $data, $misc, $lang, $_reload_browser; if (($type == 'table') && empty($_REQUEST['table']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { doDefault($lang['strspecifytabletoanalyze']); return; } if ($confirm) { if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['stranalyze'], 'pg.analyze'); echo "
\n"; foreach($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfanalyzetable'], $misc->printVal($a['table'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } // END if multi analyze else { $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTitle($lang['stranalyze'], 'pg.analyze'); echo "\n"; if ($type == 'table') { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfanalyzetable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfanalyzedatabase'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; //TODO echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } // END single analyze else { //If multi table analyze if (($type == 'table') && is_array($_REQUEST['table'])) { $msg=''; foreach($_REQUEST['table'] as $o) { $status = $data->analyzeDB($o); if ($status == 0) $msg.= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($o, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['stranalyzegood']); else { doDefault($type, sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($o, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['stranalyzebad'])); return; } } // Everything went fine, back to the Default page.... $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($msg); } else { //we must pass table here. When empty, analyze the whole db $status = $data->analyzeDB($_REQUEST['table']); if ($status == 0) { $_reload_browser = true; doAdmin($type, $lang['stranalyzegood']); } else doAdmin($type, $lang['stranalyzebad']); } } } /** * Show confirmation of vacuum and perform actual vacuum */ function doVacuum($type, $confirm = false) { global $script, $data, $misc, $lang, $_reload_browser; if (($type == 'table') && empty($_REQUEST['table']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { doDefault($lang['strspecifytabletovacuum']); return; } if ($confirm) { if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { $misc->printTrail('schema'); $misc->printTitle($lang['strvacuum'], 'pg.vacuum'); echo "
\n"; foreach($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfvacuumtable'], $misc->printVal($a['table'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } // END if multi vacuum else { $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTitle($lang['strvacuum'], 'pg.vacuum'); echo "\n"; if ($type == 'table') { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfvacuumtable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo "

", sprintf($lang['strconfvacuumdatabase'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])), "

\n"; echo "\n"; } } echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } // END single vacuum else { //If multi drop if (is_array($_REQUEST['table'])) { $msg=''; foreach($_REQUEST['table'] as $t) { $status = $data->vacuumDB($t, isset($_REQUEST['vacuum_analyze']), isset($_REQUEST['vacuum_full']), isset($_REQUEST['vacuum_freeze'])); if ($status == 0) $msg.= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($t, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['strvacuumgood']); else { doDefault($type, sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($t, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $lang['strvacuumbad'])); return; } } // Everything went fine, back to the Default page.... $_reload_browser = true; doDefault($msg); } else { //we must pass table here. When empty, vacuum the whole db $status = $data->vacuumDB($_REQUEST['table'], isset($_REQUEST['vacuum_analyze']), isset($_REQUEST['vacuum_full']), isset($_REQUEST['vacuum_freeze'])); if ($status == 0) { $_reload_browser = true; doAdmin($type, $lang['strvacuumgood']); } else doAdmin($type, $lang['strvacuumbad']); } } } /** * Add or Edit autovacuum params and save them */ function doEditAutovacuum($type, $confirm, $msg='') { global $script, $data, $misc, $lang; if (empty($_REQUEST['table'])) { doAdmin($type, '', $lang['strspecifyeditvacuumtable']); return; } $script = ($type == 'database')? 'database.php' : 'tables.php'; if ($confirm) { $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTitle(sprintf($lang['streditvacuumtable'], $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['table']))); $misc->printMsg(sprintf($msg, $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['table']))); if (empty($_REQUEST['table'])) { doAdmin($type, '', $lang['strspecifyeditvacuumtable']); return; } $old_val = $data->getTableAutovacuum($_REQUEST['table']); $defaults = $data->getAutovacuum(); $old_val = $old_val->fields; if (isset($old_val['autovacuum_enabled']) and ($old_val['autovacuum_enabled'] == 'off')) { $enabled = ''; $disabled = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $enabled = 'checked="checked"'; $disabled = ''; } if (!isset($old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'])) $old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'] = ''; if (!isset($old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'])) $old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'] = ''; if (!isset($old_val['autovacuum_analyze_threshold'])) $old_val['autovacuum_analyze_threshold'] = ''; if (!isset($old_val['autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'])) $old_val['autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'] = ''; if (!isset($old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay'])) $old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay'] = ''; if (!isset($old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit'])) $old_val['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit'] = ''; echo "
\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
{$lang['strenable']}\n"; echo "\n"; echo "{$defaults['autovacuum']}
\n"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { $status = $data->saveAutovacuum($_REQUEST['table'], $_POST['autovacuum_enabled'], $_POST['autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'], $_POST['autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'], $_POST['autovacuum_analyze_threshold'], $_POST['autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'], $_POST['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay'], $_POST['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit']); if ($status == 0) doAdmin($type, '', sprintf($lang['strsetvacuumtablesaved'], $_REQUEST['table'])); else doEditAutovacuum($type, true, $lang['strsetvacuumtablefail']); } } /** * confirm drop autovacuum params for a table and drop it */ function doDropAutovacuum($type, $confirm) { global $script, $data, $misc, $lang; if (empty($_REQUEST['table'])) { doAdmin($type, '', $lang['strspecifydelvacuumtable']); return; } if ($confirm) { $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTabs($type,'admin'); $script = ($type == 'database')? 'database.php' : 'tables.php'; printf("


\n", $misc->printVal("\"{$_GET['schema']}\".\"{$_GET['table']}\"")); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo $misc->form; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { $status = $data->dropAutovacuum($_POST['table']); if ($status == 0) { doAdmin($type, '', sprintf($lang['strvacuumtablereset'], $misc->printVal($_POST['table']))); } else doAdmin($type, '', sprintf($lang['strdelvacuumtablefail'], $misc->printVal($_POST['table']))); } } /** * database/table administration and tuning tasks * * $Id: admin.php */ function doAdmin($type, $msg = '') { global $script, $data, $misc, $lang; $misc->printTrail($type); $misc->printTabs($type,'admin'); $misc->printMsg($msg); if ($type == 'database') printf("


\n", $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])); else printf("


\n", $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object'])); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; if ($data->hasRecluster()){ echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; // Vacuum echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // Analyze echo "\n"; // Cluster if ($data->hasRecluster()){ $disabled = ''; echo "\n"; } // Reindex echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; $misc->printHelp($lang['strvacuum'],'pg.admin.vacuum').""; $misc->printHelp($lang['stranalyze'],'pg.admin.analyze'); echo ""; $misc->printHelp($lang['strclusterindex'],'pg.index.cluster'); echo ""; $misc->printHelp($lang['strreindex'],'pg.index.reindex'); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo $misc->form; if ($type == 'table') { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo $misc->form; if ($type == 'table') { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo $misc->form; if ($type == 'table') { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (!$data->alreadyClustered($_REQUEST['object'])) { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '; echo "{$lang['strnoclusteravailable']}
"; } } echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo $misc->form; if ($type == 'table') { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; // Autovacuum if($data->hasAutovacuum()) { // get defaults values for autovacuum $defaults = $data->getAutovacuum(); // Fetch the autovacuum properties from the database or table if != '' if ($type == 'table') $autovac = $data->getTableAutovacuum($_REQUEST['table']); else $autovac = $data->getTableAutovacuum(); echo "


"; echo '

' . (($defaults['autovacuum'] == 'on') ? $lang['strturnedon'] : $lang['strturnedoff'] ) . '

'; echo "


"; function enlight($f, $p) { if ( isset($f[$p[0]]) and ($f[$p[0]] != $p[1])) return "". htmlspecialchars($f[$p[0]]) .""; return htmlspecialchars($p[1]); } $columns = array( 'namespace' => array( 'title' => $lang['strschema'], 'field' => field('nspname'), 'url' => "redirect.php?subject=schema&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('schema' => 'nspname'), ), 'relname' => array( 'title' => $lang['strtable'], 'field' => field('relname'), 'url' => "redirect.php?subject=table&{$misc->href}&", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname', 'schema' => 'nspname'), ), 'autovacuum_enabled' => array( 'title' => $lang['strenabled'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_enabled', $defaults['autovacuum'])), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold' => array( 'title' => $lang['strvacuumbasethreshold'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_threshold', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'])), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor' => array( 'title' => $lang['strvacuumscalefactor'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'])), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold' => array( 'title' => $lang['stranalybasethreshold'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_analyze_threshold', $defaults['autovacuum_analyze_threshold'])), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor' => array( 'title' => $lang['stranalyzescalefactor'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor', $defaults['autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'])), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay' => array( 'title' => $lang['strvacuumcostdelay'], 'field' => concat(callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay'])), 'ms'), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit' => array( 'title' => $lang['strvacuumcostlimit'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit'])), 'type' => 'verbatim' ), ); // Maybe we need to check permissions here? $columns['actions'] = array('title' => $lang['stractions']); $actions = array( 'edit' => array( 'content' => $lang['stredit'], 'attr'=> array ( 'href' => array ( 'url' => $script, 'urlvars' => array ( 'subject' => $type, 'action' => 'confeditautovac', 'schema' => field('nspname'), 'table' => field('relname') ) ) ) ), 'delete' => array( 'content' => $lang['strdelete'], 'attr'=> array ( 'href' => array ( 'url' => $script, 'urlvars' => array ( 'subject' => $type, 'action' => 'confdelautovac', 'schema' => field('nspname'), 'table' => field('relname') ) ) ) ) ); if ($type == 'table') { unset($actions['edit']['vars']['schema'], $actions['delete']['vars']['schema'], $columns['namespace'], $columns['relname'] ); } $misc->printTable($autovac, $columns, $actions, 'admin-admin', $lang['strnovacuumconf']); if (($type == 'table') and ($autovac->recordCount() == 0)) { echo "
"; echo "href}&table=", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table']) ,"\">{$lang['straddvacuumtable']}"; } } } function adminActions($action, $type) { global $script; if ($type == 'database') { $_REQUEST['object'] = $_REQUEST['database']; $script = 'database.php'; } else { // $_REQUEST['table'] is no set if we are in the schema page $_REQUEST['object'] = (isset($_REQUEST['table']) ? $_REQUEST['table']:''); $script = 'tables.php'; } switch ($action) { case 'confirm_cluster': doCluster($type, true); break; case 'confirm_reindex': doReindex($type, true); break; case 'confirm_analyze': doAnalyze($type, true); break; case 'confirm_vacuum': doVacuum($type, true); break; case 'cluster': if (isset($_POST['cluster'])) doCluster($type); // if multi-action from table canceled: back to the schema default page else if (($type == 'table') && is_array($_REQUEST['object']) ) doDefault(); else doAdmin($type); break; case 'reindex': if (isset($_POST['reindex'])) doReindex($type); // if multi-action from table canceled: back to the schema default page else if (($type == 'table') && is_array($_REQUEST['object']) ) doDefault(); else doAdmin($type); break; case 'analyze': if (isset($_POST['analyze'])) doAnalyze($type); // if multi-action from table canceled: back to the schema default page else if (($type == 'table') && is_array($_REQUEST['object']) ) doDefault(); else doAdmin($type); break; case 'vacuum': if (isset($_POST['vacuum'])) doVacuum($type); // if multi-action from table canceled: back to the schema default page else if (($type == 'table') && is_array($_REQUEST['object']) ) doDefault(); else doAdmin($type); break; case 'admin': doAdmin($type); break; case 'confeditautovac': doEditAutovacuum($type, true); break; case 'confdelautovac': doDropAutovacuum($type, true); break; case 'confaddautovac': doAddAutovacuum(true); break; case 'editautovac': if (isset($_POST['save'])) doEditAutovacuum($type, false); else doAdmin($type); break; case 'delautovac': doDropAutovacuum($type, false); break; default: return false; } return true; } ?>