* * @package PhpMyAdmin */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; } /** * Gets the php internal encoding codes and sets the available encoding * codes list * 2002/1/4 by Y.Kawada * * @global string $kanji_encoding_list the available encoding codes list * * @return boolean always true */ function PMA_Kanji_checkEncoding() { global $kanji_encoding_list; $internal_enc = mb_internal_encoding(); if ($internal_enc == 'EUC-JP') { $kanji_encoding_list = 'ASCII,EUC-JP,SJIS,JIS'; } else { $kanji_encoding_list = 'ASCII,SJIS,EUC-JP,JIS'; } return true; } // end of the 'PMA_Kanji_checkEncoding' function /** * Reverses SJIS & EUC-JP position in the encoding codes list * 2002/1/4 by Y.Kawada * * @global string $kanji_encoding_list the available encoding codes list * * @return boolean always true */ function PMA_Kanji_changeOrder() { global $kanji_encoding_list; $parts = explode(',', $kanji_encoding_list); if ($parts[1] == 'EUC-JP') { $kanji_encoding_list = 'ASCII,SJIS,EUC-JP,JIS'; } else { $kanji_encoding_list = 'ASCII,EUC-JP,SJIS,JIS'; } return true; } // end of the 'PMA_Kanji_changeOrder' function /** * Kanji string encoding convert * 2002/1/4 by Y.Kawada * * @param string $str the string to convert * @param string $enc the destination encoding code * @param string $kana set 'kana' convert to JIS-X208-kana * * @global string $kanji_encoding_list the available encoding codes list * * @return string the converted string */ function PMA_Kanji_strConv($str, $enc, $kana) { global $kanji_encoding_list; if ($enc == '' && $kana == '') { return $str; } $string_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $kanji_encoding_list); if ($string_encoding === false) { $string_encoding = 'utf-8'; } if ($kana == 'kana') { $dist = mb_convert_kana($str, 'KV', $string_encoding); $str = $dist; } if ($string_encoding != $enc && $enc != '') { $dist = mb_convert_encoding($str, $enc, $string_encoding); } else { $dist = $str; } return $dist; } // end of the 'PMA_Kanji_strConv' function /** * Kanji file encoding convert * 2002/1/4 by Y.Kawada * * @param string $file the name of the file to convert * @param string $enc the destination encoding code * @param string $kana set 'kana' convert to JIS-X208-kana * * @return string the name of the converted file */ function PMA_Kanji_fileConv($file, $enc, $kana) { if ($enc == '' && $kana == '') { return $file; } $tmpfname = tempnam('', $enc); $fpd = fopen($tmpfname, 'wb'); $fps = fopen($file, 'r'); PMA_Kanji_changeOrder(); while (!feof($fps)) { $line = fgets($fps, 4096); $dist = PMA_Kanji_strConv($line, $enc, $kana); fputs($fpd, $dist); } // end while PMA_Kanji_changeOrder(); fclose($fps); fclose($fpd); unlink($file); return $tmpfname; } // end of the 'PMA_Kanji_fileConv' function /** * Defines radio form fields to switch between encoding modes * 2002/1/4 by Y.Kawada * * @return string xhtml code for the radio controls */ function PMA_Kanji_encodingForm() { return "\n" . '