.. _add_custom_cname_records: **************************** Add custom CNAME DNS entries **************************** You can add an infinite number of custom `CNAME `_ records that will be available in your running Docker container. If Auto-DNS is turned on, those records will be available on your host operating system as well. .. seealso:: :ref:`setup_auto_dns` **Table of Contents** .. contents:: :local: Why and what? ============= This might be useful if you have an IP address or hostname on your LAN or any other domain which you want to expose to your container by a different CNAME of your choice. Think of it as setting your ``/etc/hosts``, but which will be distributed accross all hosts which are using the Devilbox' bundled DNS server. How? ==== Adjust the :ref:`env_extra_hosts` variable inside ``.env`` to add as many CNAME's as you need. As an example, to create a CNAME ``mywebserver.com`` pointing to ````, change your .env file as shown below: .. code-block:: bash :caption: .env EXTRA_HOSTS=mywebserver.loc= .. seealso:: See :ref:`env_extra_hosts` for an in-depth explanation with multiple examples.