ifneq (,) .error This Makefile requires GNU Make. endif # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default configuration # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: help build autobuild linkcheck linkcheck2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Target # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help: @echo "build Build and test documentation" @echo "autobuild Continuously run and build (" @echo "linkcheck Sphinx linkcheck" @echo "linkcheck2 Custom linkcheck" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Target # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linkcheck2: ifeq ($(wildcard file1),) bash -c 'curl -Ss -o linkcheck https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cytopia/linkcheck/master/linkcheck 2>/dev/null' else bash -c 'curl -Ss -o linkcheck -z linkcheck https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cytopia/linkcheck/master/linkcheck 2>/dev/null' endif chmod +x linkcheck ./linkcheck -l -k -r 60 -t 30 -e rst -c '200,204' _includes/ linkcheck: docker run \ --rm \ $$(tty -s && echo "-it" || echo) \ -e SPHINX_PROJECT="docs" \ -e SPHINX_PORT=8000 \ -e NEW_UID="$$(id -u)" \ -e NEW_GID="$$(id -g)" \ -v $(PWD)/..:/shared/httpd \ devilbox/python-sphinx:3.8-dev \ sphinx-build -M linkcheck . _build build: docker run \ --rm \ $$(tty -s && echo "-it" || echo) \ -e SPHINX_PROJECT="docs" \ -e SPHINX_PORT=8000 \ -e NEW_UID="$$(id -u)" \ -e NEW_GID="$$(id -g)" \ -v $(PWD)/..:/shared/httpd \ devilbox/python-sphinx:3.8-dev \ sphinx-build -a -E -n -j auto -W . _build/html autobuild: docker run \ --rm \ $$(tty -s && echo "-it" || echo) \ -e SPHINX_PROJECT="docs" \ -e SPHINX_PORT=8000 \ -e NEW_UID="$$(id -u)" \ -e NEW_GID="$$(id -g)" \ -p "8000:8000" \ -v $(PWD)/..:/shared/httpd \ devilbox/python-sphinx:3.8-dev \ sphinx-autobuild -a -E -n -j auto -W -H -p 8000 . _build/html