"; } else { $dynamic_scripts .= ""; } continue; } $include = true; if ($include) { $scripts[] = "scripts%5B%5D=" . $value['filename']; } } $separator = URL::getArgSeparator(); $static_scripts = ''; // Using chunks of 10 files to avoid too long URLs // as some servers are set to 512 bytes URL limit $script_chunks = array_chunk($scripts, 10); foreach ($script_chunks as $script_chunk) { $url = 'js/get_scripts.js.php?' . implode($separator, $script_chunk) . $separator . Header::getVersionParameter(); $static_scripts .= sprintf( '', htmlspecialchars($url) ); } return $first_dynamic_scripts . $static_scripts . $dynamic_scripts; } /** * Generates new Scripts objects * */ public function __construct() { $this->_files = array(); $this->_code = ''; } /** * Adds a new file to the list of scripts * * @param string $filename The name of the file to include * @param bool $before_statics Whether this dynamic script should be * included before the static ones * * @return void */ public function addFile( $filename, $before_statics = false ) { $hash = md5($filename); if (!empty($this->_files[$hash])) { return; } $has_onload = $this->_eventBlacklist($filename); $this->_files[$hash] = array( 'has_onload' => $has_onload, 'filename' => $filename, 'before_statics' => $before_statics ); } /** * Add new files to the list of scripts * * @param array $filelist The array of file names * * @return void */ public function addFiles($filelist) { foreach ($filelist as $filename) { $this->addFile($filename); } } /** * Determines whether to fire up an onload event for a file * * @param string $filename The name of the file to be checked * against the blacklist * * @return int 1 to fire up the event, 0 not to */ private function _eventBlacklist($filename) { if (strpos($filename, 'jquery') !== false || strpos($filename, 'codemirror') !== false || strpos($filename, 'messages.php') !== false || strpos($filename, 'ajax.js') !== false || strpos($filename, 'get_image.js.php') !== false || strpos($filename, 'cross_framing_protection.js') !== false ) { return 0; } return 1; } /** * Adds a new code snippet to the code to be executed * * @param string $code The JS code to be added * * @return void */ public function addCode($code) { $this->_code .= "$code\n"; } /** * Returns a list with filenames and a flag to indicate * whether to register onload events for this file * * @return array */ public function getFiles() { $retval = array(); foreach ($this->_files as $file) { //If filename contains a "?", continue. if (strpos($file['filename'], "?") !== false) { continue; } $retval[] = array( 'name' => $file['filename'], 'fire' => $file['has_onload'] ); } return $retval; } /** * Renders all the JavaScript file inclusions, code and events * * @return string */ public function getDisplay() { $retval = ''; if (count($this->_files) > 0) { $retval .= $this->_includeFiles( $this->_files ); } $code = 'AJAX.scriptHandler'; foreach ($this->_files as $file) { $code .= sprintf( '.add("%s",%d)', Sanitize::escapeJsString($file['filename']), $file['has_onload'] ? 1 : 0 ); } $code .= ';'; $this->addCode($code); $code = '$(function() {'; foreach ($this->_files as $file) { if ($file['has_onload']) { $code .= 'AJAX.fireOnload("'; $code .= Sanitize::escapeJsString($file['filename']); $code .= '");'; } } $code .= '});'; $this->addCode($code); $retval .= ''; return $retval; } }