disable(); $filename = 'phpMyAdmin-config-' . urlencode(PMA_getenv('HTTP_HOST')) . '.json'; PMA_downloadHeader($filename, 'application/json'); $settings = PMA_loadUserprefs(); echo json_encode($settings['config_data']); exit; } else if (isset($_POST['submit_get_json'])) { $settings = PMA_loadUserprefs(); $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); $response->addJSON('prefs', json_encode($settings['config_data'])); $response->addJSON('mtime', $settings['mtime']); exit; } else if (isset($_POST['submit_import'])) { // load from JSON file $json = ''; if (filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'import_type') == 'text_file' && isset($_FILES['import_file']) && $_FILES['import_file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']) ) { // read JSON from uploaded file $open_basedir = @ini_get('open_basedir'); $file_to_unlink = ''; $import_file = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']; // If we are on a server with open_basedir, we must move the file // before opening it. The doc explains how to create the "./tmp" // directory if (!empty($open_basedir)) { $tmp_subdir = (PMA_IS_WINDOWS ? '.\\tmp\\' : 'tmp/'); if (is_writable($tmp_subdir)) { $import_file_new = tempnam($tmp_subdir, 'prefs'); if (move_uploaded_file($import_file, $import_file_new)) { $import_file = $import_file_new; $file_to_unlink = $import_file_new; } } } $json = file_get_contents($import_file); if ($file_to_unlink) { unlink($file_to_unlink); } } else { // read from POST value (json) $json = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'json'); } // hide header message $_SESSION['userprefs_autoload'] = true; $config = json_decode($json, true); $return_url = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'return_url'); if (! is_array($config)) { $error = __('Could not import configuration'); } else { // sanitize input values: treat them as though // they came from HTTP POST request $form_display = new FormDisplay(); foreach ($forms as $formset_id => $formset) { foreach ($formset as $form_name => $form) { $form_display->registerForm($formset_id . ': ' . $form_name, $form); } } $cf = ConfigFile::getInstance(); $new_config = $cf->getFlatDefaultConfig(); if (!empty($_POST['import_merge'])) { $new_config = array_merge($new_config, $cf->getConfigArray()); } $new_config = array_merge($new_config, $config); $_POST_bak = $_POST; foreach ($new_config as $k => $v) { $_POST[str_replace('/', '-', $k)] = $v; } $cf->resetConfigData(); $all_ok = $form_display->process(true, false); $all_ok = $all_ok && !$form_display->hasErrors(); $_POST = $_POST_bak; if (!$all_ok && isset($_POST['fix_errors'])) { $form_display->fixErrors(); $all_ok = true; } if (!$all_ok) { // mimic original form and post json in a hidden field include 'libraries/user_preferences.inc.php'; $msg = PMA_Message::error(__('Configuration contains incorrect data for some fields.')); $msg->display(); echo '