/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /* global isStorageSupported */ // js/config.js /* global ErrorReport */ // js/error_report.js /* global MicroHistory */ // js/microhistory.js /** * This object handles ajax requests for pages. It also * handles the reloading of the main menu and scripts. */ var AJAX = { /** * @var bool active Whether we are busy */ active: false, /** * @var object source The object whose event initialized the request */ source: null, /** * @var object xhr A reference to the ajax request that is currently running */ xhr: null, /** * @var object lockedTargets, list of locked targets */ lockedTargets: {}, /** * @var function Callback to execute after a successful request * Used by PMA_commonFunctions from common.js */ callback: function () {}, /** * @var bool debug Makes noise in your Firebug console */ debug: false, /** * @var object $msgbox A reference to a jQuery object that links to a message * box that is generated by Functions.ajaxShowMessage() */ $msgbox: null, /** * Given the filename of a script, returns a hash to be * used to refer to all the events registered for the file * * @param key string key The filename for which to get the event name * * @return int */ hash: function (key) { var newKey = key; /* http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html#one */ newKey += ''; var len = newKey.length; var hash = 0; var i = 0; for (; i < len; ++i) { hash += newKey.charCodeAt(i); hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return Math.abs(hash); }, /** * Registers an onload event for a file * * @param file string file The filename for which to register the event * @param func function func The function to execute when the page is ready * * @return self For chaining */ registerOnload: function (file, func) { var eventName = 'onload_' + AJAX.hash(file); $(document).on(eventName, func); if (this.debug) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( // no need to translate 'Registered event ' + eventName + ' for file ' + file ); } return this; }, /** * Registers a teardown event for a file. This is useful to execute functions * that unbind events for page elements that are about to be removed. * * @param string file The filename for which to register the event * @param function func The function to execute when * the page is about to be torn down * * @return self For chaining */ registerTeardown: function (file, func) { var eventName = 'teardown_' + AJAX.hash(file); $(document).on(eventName, func); if (this.debug) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( // no need to translate 'Registered event ' + eventName + ' for file ' + file ); } return this; }, /** * Called when a page has finished loading, once for every * file that registered to the onload event of that file. * * @param string file The filename for which to fire the event * * @return void */ fireOnload: function (file) { var eventName = 'onload_' + AJAX.hash(file); $(document).trigger(eventName); if (this.debug) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( // no need to translate 'Fired event ' + eventName + ' for file ' + file ); } }, /** * Called just before a page is torn down, once for every * file that registered to the teardown event of that file. * * @param string file The filename for which to fire the event * * @return void */ fireTeardown: function (file) { var eventName = 'teardown_' + AJAX.hash(file); $(document).triggerHandler(eventName); if (this.debug) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( // no need to translate 'Fired event ' + eventName + ' for file ' + file ); } }, /** * function to handle lock page mechanism * * @param event the event object * * @return void */ lockPageHandler: function (event) { var newHash = null; var oldHash = null; var lockId; // CodeMirror lock if (event.data.value === 3) { newHash = event.data.content; oldHash = true; lockId = 'cm'; } else { // Don't lock on enter. if (0 === event.charCode) { return; } lockId = $(this).data('lock-id'); if (typeof lockId === 'undefined') { return; } /* * @todo Fix Code mirror does not give correct full value (query) * in textarea, it returns only the change in content. */ if (event.data.value === 1) { newHash = AJAX.hash($(this).val()); } else { newHash = AJAX.hash($(this).is(':checked')); } oldHash = $(this).data('val-hash'); } // Set lock if old value !== new value // otherwise release lock if (oldHash !== newHash) { AJAX.lockedTargets[lockId] = true; } else { delete AJAX.lockedTargets[lockId]; } // Show lock icon if locked targets is not empty. // otherwise remove lock icon if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(AJAX.lockedTargets)) { $('#lock_page_icon').html(Functions.getImage('s_lock', Messages.strLockToolTip).toString()); } else { $('#lock_page_icon').html(''); } }, /** * resets the lock * * @return void */ resetLock: function () { AJAX.lockedTargets = {}; $('#lock_page_icon').html(''); }, handleMenu: { replace: function (content) { $('#floating_menubar').html(content) // Remove duplicate wrapper // TODO: don't send it in the response .children().first().remove(); $('#topmenu').menuResizer(Functions.mainMenuResizerCallback); } }, /** * Event handler for clicks on links and form submissions * * @param object e Event data * * @return void */ requestHandler: function (event) { // In some cases we don't want to handle the request here and either // leave the browser deal with it natively (e.g: file download) // or leave an existing ajax event handler present elsewhere deal with it var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (typeof event !== 'undefined' && (event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey)) { return true; } else if ($(this).attr('target')) { return true; } else if ($(this).hasClass('ajax') || $(this).hasClass('disableAjax')) { // reset the lockedTargets object, as specified AJAX operation has finished AJAX.resetLock(); return true; } else if (href && href.match(/^#/)) { return true; } else if (href && href.match(/^mailto/)) { return true; } else if ($(this).hasClass('ui-datepicker-next') || $(this).hasClass('ui-datepicker-prev') ) { return true; } if (typeof event !== 'undefined') { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } // triggers a confirm dialog if: // the user has performed some operations on loaded page // the user clicks on some link, (won't trigger for buttons) // the click event is not triggered by script if (typeof event !== 'undefined' && event.type === 'click' && event.isTrigger !== true && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(AJAX.lockedTargets) ) { if (confirm(Messages.strConfirmNavigation) === false) { return false; } else { if (isStorageSupported('localStorage')) { window.localStorage.removeItem('autoSavedSql'); } else { Cookies.set('autoSavedSql', ''); } } } AJAX.resetLock(); var isLink = !! href || false; var previousLinkAborted = false; if (AJAX.active === true) { // Cancel the old request if abortable, when the user requests // something else. Otherwise silently bail out, as there is already // a request well in progress. if (AJAX.xhr) { // In case of a link request, attempt aborting AJAX.xhr.abort(); if (AJAX.xhr.status === 0 && AJAX.xhr.statusText === 'abort') { // If aborted AJAX.$msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strAbortedRequest); AJAX.active = false; AJAX.xhr = null; previousLinkAborted = true; } else { // If can't abort return false; } } else { // In case submitting a form, don't attempt aborting return false; } } AJAX.source = $(this); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast'); var url = isLink ? href : $(this).attr('action'); var argsep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator'); var params = 'ajax_request=true' + argsep + 'ajax_page_request=true'; var dataPost = AJAX.source.getPostData(); if (! isLink) { params += argsep + $(this).serialize(); } else if (dataPost) { params += argsep + dataPost; isLink = false; } if (! (history && history.pushState)) { // Add a list of menu hashes that we have in the cache to the request params += MicroHistory.menus.getRequestParam(); } if (AJAX.debug) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Loading: ' + url); // no need to translate } if (isLink) { AJAX.active = true; AJAX.$msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(); // Save reference for the new link request AJAX.xhr = $.get(url, params, AJAX.responseHandler); if (history && history.pushState) { var state = { url : href }; if (previousLinkAborted) { // hack: there is already an aborted entry on stack // so just modify the aborted one history.replaceState(state, null, href); } else { history.pushState(state, null, href); } } } else { /** * Manually fire the onsubmit event for the form, if any. * The event was saved in the jQuery data object by an onload * handler defined below. Workaround for bug #3583316 */ var onsubmit = $(this).data('onsubmit'); // Submit the request if there is no onsubmit handler // or if it returns a value that evaluates to true if (typeof onsubmit !== 'function' || onsubmit.apply(this, [event])) { AJAX.active = true; AJAX.$msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(); if ($(this).attr('id') === 'login_form') { $.post(url, params, AJAX.loginResponseHandler); } else { $.post(url, params, AJAX.responseHandler); } } } }, /** * Response handler to handle login request from login modal after session expiration * * To refer to self use 'AJAX', instead of 'this' as this function * is called in the jQuery context. * * @param object data Event data * * @return void */ loginResponseHandler: function (data) { if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data === null) { return; } Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage(AJAX.$msgbox); CommonParams.set('token', data.new_token); AJAX.scriptHandler.load([]); if (data.displayMessage) { $('#page_content').prepend(data.displayMessage); Functions.highlightSql($('#page_content')); } $('#pma_errors').remove(); var msg = ''; if (data.errSubmitMsg) { msg = data.errSubmitMsg; } if (data.errors) { $('
', { id : 'pma_errors', class : 'clearfloat' }) .insertAfter('#selflink') .append(data.errors); // bind for php error reporting forms (bottom) $('#pma_ignore_errors_bottom').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Functions.ignorePhpErrors(); }); $('#pma_ignore_all_errors_bottom').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Functions.ignorePhpErrors(false); }); // In case of 'sendErrorReport'='always' // submit the hidden error reporting form. if (data.sendErrorAlways === '1' && data.stopErrorReportLoop !== '1' ) { $('#pma_report_errors_form').trigger('submit'); Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.phpErrorsBeingSubmitted, false); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop:$(document).height() }, 'slow'); } else if (data.promptPhpErrors) { // otherwise just prompt user if it is set so. msg = msg + Messages.phpErrorsFound; // scroll to bottom where all the errors are displayed. $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop:$(document).height() }, 'slow'); } } Functions.ajaxShowMessage(msg, false); // bind for php error reporting forms (popup) $('#pma_ignore_errors_popup').on('click', function () { Functions.ignorePhpErrors(); }); $('#pma_ignore_all_errors_popup').on('click', function () { Functions.ignorePhpErrors(false); }); if (typeof data.success !== 'undefined' && data.success) { // reload page if user trying to login has changed if (CommonParams.get('user') !== data.params.user) { window.location = 'index.php'; Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strLoading, false); AJAX.active = false; AJAX.xhr = null; return; } // remove the login modal if the login is successful otherwise show error. if (typeof data.logged_in !== 'undefined' && data.logged_in === 1) { if ($('#modalOverlay').length) { $('#modalOverlay').remove(); } $('fieldset.disabled_for_expiration').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('disabled_for_expiration'); AJAX.fireTeardown('functions.js'); AJAX.fireOnload('functions.js'); } if (typeof data.new_token !== 'undefined') { $('input[name=token]').val(data.new_token); } } else if (typeof data.logged_in !== 'undefined' && data.logged_in === 0) { $('#modalOverlay').replaceWith(data.error); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); AJAX.active = false; AJAX.xhr = null; Functions.handleRedirectAndReload(data); if (data.fieldWithError) { $(':input.error').removeClass('error'); $('#' + data.fieldWithError).addClass('error'); } } }, /** * Called after the request that was initiated by this.requestHandler() * has completed successfully or with a caught error. For completely * failed requests or requests with uncaught errors, see the .ajaxError * handler at the bottom of this file. * * To refer to self use 'AJAX', instead of 'this' as this function * is called in the jQuery context. * * @param object e Event data * * @return void */ responseHandler: function (data) { if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data === null) { return; } if (typeof data.success !== 'undefined' && data.success) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast'); Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage(AJAX.$msgbox); if (data.redirect) { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.redirect, false); AJAX.active = false; AJAX.xhr = null; return; } AJAX.scriptHandler.reset(function () { if (data.reloadNavigation) { Navigation.reload(); } if (data.title) { $('title').replaceWith(data.title); } if (data.menu) { if (history && history.pushState) { var state = { url : data.selflink, menu : data.menu }; history.replaceState(state, null); AJAX.handleMenu.replace(data.menu); } else { MicroHistory.menus.replace(data.menu); MicroHistory.menus.add(data.menuHash, data.menu); } } else if (data.menuHash) { if (! (history && history.pushState)) { MicroHistory.menus.replace(MicroHistory.menus.get(data.menuHash)); } } if (data.disableNaviSettings) { Navigation.disableSettings(); } else { Navigation.ensureSettings(data.selflink); } // Remove all containers that may have // been added outside of #page_content $('body').children() .not('#pma_navigation') .not('#floating_menubar') .not('#page_nav_icons') .not('#page_content') .not('#selflink') .not('#pma_header') .not('#pma_footer') .not('#pma_demo') .not('#pma_console_container') .not('#prefs_autoload') .remove(); // Replace #page_content with new content if (data.message && data.message.length > 0) { $('#page_content').replaceWith( '