.. include:: /_includes/snippets/__ANNOUNCEMENTS__.rst .. _available_container: ******************* Available container ******************* .. note:: :ref:`start_the_devilbox` Find out how to start some or all container. The following tables give you an overview about all container that can be started. When doing a selective start, use the ``Name`` value to specify the container to start up. Core container ============== These container are well integrated into the Devilbox intranet and are considered core container: .. include:: /_includes/snippets/core-container.rst Additional container ==================== Additional container that are not yet integrated into the Devilbox intranet are also available. Those container come via ``docker-compose.override.yml`` and must explicitly be enabled. They are disabled by default to prevent accidentally starting too many container and making your computer unresponsive. .. include:: /_includes/snippets/additional-container.rst .. seealso:: * :ref:`custom_container_enable_all_additional_container` * :ref:`custom_container_enable_blackfire` * :ref:`custom_container_enable_mailhog` * :ref:`custom_container_enable_rabbitmq` * :ref:`custom_container_enable_solr`