$(document).ready(function() { /* init some needed tags and values */ $('table#data').wrap('<div id="fkcontainer" class="fk" />'); $('#fkcontainer').append('<div id="root" />'); jQuery.ppa = { root: $('#root') }; $("a.fk").live('click', function (event) { /* make the cursor being a waiting cursor */ $('body').css('cursor','wait'); query = $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', data: {action:'dobrowsefk'}, url: $(this).attr('href'), cache: false, context: $(this), contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', success: function(answer) { pdiv = this.closest('div.fk'); divclass = this.attr('class').split(' ')[1]; /* if we are clicking on a FK from the original table (level 0), we are using the #root div as parent-div */ if (pdiv[0].id == 'fkcontainer') { /* computing top position, which is the topid as well */ var top = this.position().top + 2 + this.height(); /* if the requested top position is different than the previous topid position of #root, empty and position it */ if (top != jQuery.ppa.root.topid) jQuery.ppa.root.empty() .css({ left: (pdiv.position().left) +'px', top: top + 'px' }) /* this "topid" allows to track if we are opening a FK from the same line in the original table */ .topid = top; pdiv = jQuery.ppa.root; /* Remove equal rows in the root div */ jQuery.ppa.root.children('.'+divclass).remove(); } else { /* Remove equal rows in the pdiv */ pdiv.children('div.'+divclass).remove(); } /* creating the data div */ newdiv = $('<div class="fk '+divclass+'">').html(answer); /* highlight referencing fields */ newdiv.data('ref', this).data('refclass', $(this).attr('class').split(' ')[1]) .mouseenter(function (event) { $(this).data('ref').closest('tr').find('a.'+$(this).data('refclass')).closest('div').addClass('highlight'); }) .mouseleave(function (event) { $(this).data('ref').closest('tr').find('a.'+$(this).data('refclass')).closest('div').removeClass('highlight'); }); /* appending it to the level-1 div */ pdiv.append(newdiv); }, error: function() { this.closest('div.fk').append('<p class="errmsg">'+Display.errmsg+'</p>'); }, complete: function () { $('body').css('cursor','auto'); } }); return false; // do not refresh the page }); $(".fk_delete").live('click', function (event) { with($(this).closest('div')) { data('ref').closest('tr').find('a.'+data('refclass')).closest('div').removeClass('highlight'); remove(); } return false; // do not refresh the page }); });