.. include:: /_includes/all.rst .. include:: /_includes/snippets/__ANNOUNCEMENTS__.rst .. _example_setup_reverse_proxy_sphinx_docs: ******************************* Setup reverse proxy Sphinx docs ******************************* This example will walk you through creating a Sphinx documentation, which is started automatically on ``docker-compose up``, will be proxied to the web server and can be reached via valid HTTPS. .. note:: It is also possible to attach a leight-weight Python container to the Devilbox instead of running this in the PHP container. See here for details: :ref:`reverse_proxy_with_custom_docker` **Table of Contents** .. contents:: :local: Overview ======== The following configuration will be used: +--------------+--------------------------+-------------+------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Project name | VirtualHost directory | Database | TLD_SUFFIX | Project URL | +==============+==========================+=============+============+=================================================+ | my-sphinx | /shared/httpd/my-sphinx | - | loc | http://my-sphinx.loc |br| https://my-sphinx.loc | +--------------+--------------------------+-------------+------------+-------------------------------------------------+ Additionally we will set the listening port of the Sphinx appliation to ``4000`` inside the PHP container. We also want Sphinx running and autostarted only in the PHP 7.2 container (local autostart) and have all its required Python packages installed during ``docker-compose up``. .. note:: * Inside the Devilbox PHP container, projects are always in ``/shared/httpd/``. * On your host operating system, projects are by default in ``./data/www/`` inside the Devilbox git directory. This path can be changed via :ref:`env_httpd_datadir`. Walk through ============ It will be ready in nine simple steps: 1. Enter the PHP container 2. Create a new VirtualHost directory 3. Create basic Sphinx project 4. Create *virtual* docroot directory 5. Add reverse proxy vhost-gen config files 6. Create autostart script 7. Setup DNS record 8. Restart the Devilbox 9. Visit http://my-sphinx.loc in your browser 1. Enter the PHP container -------------------------- All work will be done inside the PHP container as it provides you with all required command line tools. Navigate to the Devilbox git directory and execute ``shell.sh`` (or ``shell.bat`` on Windows) to enter the running PHP container. .. code-block:: bash host> ./shell.sh .. seealso:: * :ref:`enter_the_php_container` * :ref:`work_inside_the_php_container` * :ref:`available_tools` 2. Create new vhost directory ----------------------------- The vhost directory defines the name under which your project will be available. |br| ( ``.TLD_SUFFIX`` will be the final URL ). .. code-block:: bash devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd $ mkdir my-sphinx .. seealso:: :ref:`env_tld_suffix` 3. Create basic Sphinx project ------------------------------ .. code-block:: bash # Navigate to your project directory devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd $ cd my-sphinx # Create a directory which will hold the documentation source code devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd/my-sphinx $ mkdir doc Create a basic Sphinx configuration file: .. code-block:: python :caption: /shared/httpd/my-sphinx/doc/conf.py source_suffix = '.rst' master_doc = 'index' html_theme = 'default' exclude_patterns = [ u'_build/*' ] Create the table of contents file: .. code-block:: rst :caption: /shared/httpd/my-sphinx/doc/index.rst .. :hidden: ******* My Docs ******* Description .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 page1 Create the first page ``page1``: .. code-block:: rst :caption: /shared/httpd/my-sphinx/doc/page1.rst ****** Page 1 ****** Hello world 4. Create *virtual* docroot directory ------------------------------------- Every project for the Devilbox requires a ``htdocs`` directory present inside the project dir. For a reverse proxy this is not of any use, but rather only for the Intranet vhost page to stop complaining about the missing ``htdocs`` directory. So that's why this is only a *virtual* directory which will not hold any data. .. code-block:: bash # Navigate to your project directory devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd $ cd my-sphinx # Create the docroot directory devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd/my-sphinx $ mkdir htdocs .. seealso:: :ref:`env_httpd_docroot_dir` 5. Add reverse proxy vhost-gen config files ------------------------------------------- 5.1 Create vhost-gen template directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before we can copy the vhost-gen templates, we must create the ``.devilbox`` template directory inside the project directory. .. code-block:: bash # Navigate to your project directory devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd $ cd my-sphinx # Create the .devilbox template directory devilbox@php-7.0.20 in /shared/httpd/my-sphinx $ mkdir .devilbox .. seealso:: :ref:`env_httpd_template_dir` 5.2 Copy vhost-gen templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now we can copy and adjust the vhost-gen reverse proxy files for Apache 2.2, Apache 2.4 and Nginx. The reverse vhost-gen templates are available in ``cfg/vhost-gen``: .. code-block:: bash :emphasize-lines: 4,6,8 host> tree -L 1 cfg/vhost-gen/ cfg/vhost-gen/ ├── apache22.yml-example-rproxy ├── apache22.yml-example-vhost ├── apache24.yml-example-rproxy ├── apache24.yml-example-vhost ├── nginx.yml-example-rproxy ├── nginx.yml-example-vhost └── README.md 0 directories, 7 files For this example we will copy all ``*-example-rproxy`` files into ``/shared/httpd/my-sphinx/.devilbox`` to ensure this will work with all web servers. .. code-block:: bash host> cd /path/to/devilbox host> cp cfg/vhost-gen/apache22.yml-example-rproxy data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/apache22.yml host> cp cfg/vhost-gen/apache24.yml-example-rproxy data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/apache24.yml host> cp cfg/vhost-gen/nginx.yml-example-rproxy data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/nginx.yml 5.3 Adjust ports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, all vhost-gen templates will forward requests to port ``8000`` into the PHP container. Our current example however uses port ``4000``, so we must change that accordingly for all three templates. 5.3.1 Adjust Apache 2.2 template """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Open the ``apache22.yml`` vhost-gen template in your project: .. code-block:: bash host> cd /path/to/devilbox host> vi data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/apache22.yml Find the two lines with ``ProxyPass`` and ``ProxyPassReverse`` and change the port from ``8000`` to ``4000`` .. code-block:: yaml :caption: data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/apache22.yml :emphasize-lines: 16,17 # ... more lines above ... # ### ### Basic vHost skeleton ### vhost: | ServerName __VHOST_NAME__ CustomLog "__ACCESS_LOG__" combined ErrorLog "__ERROR_LOG__" # Reverse Proxy definition (Ensure to adjust the port, currently '8000') ProxyRequests On ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / http://php:4000/ ProxyPassReverse / http://php:4000/ # ... more lines below ... # 5.3.2 Adjust Apache 2.4 template """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Open the ``apache24.yml`` vhost-gen template in your project: .. code-block:: bash host> cd /path/to/devilbox host> vi data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/apache24.yml Find the two lines with ``ProxyPass`` and ``ProxyPassReverse`` and change the port from ``8000`` to ``4000`` .. code-block:: yaml :caption: data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/apache24.yml :emphasize-lines: 16,17 # ... more lines above ... # ### ### Basic vHost skeleton ### vhost: | ServerName __VHOST_NAME__ CustomLog "__ACCESS_LOG__" combined ErrorLog "__ERROR_LOG__" # Reverse Proxy definition (Ensure to adjust the port, currently '8000') ProxyRequests On ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / http://php:4000/ ProxyPassReverse / http://php:4000/ # ... more lines below ... # 5.3.3 Adjust Nginx template """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Open the ``nginx.yml`` vhost-gen template in your project: .. code-block:: bash host> cd /path/to/devilbox host> vi data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/nginx.yml Find the lines with ``proxy_pass`` and change the port from ``8000`` to ``4000`` .. code-block:: yaml :caption: data/www/my-sphinx/.devilbox/nginx.yml :emphasize-lines: 18 # ... more lines above ... # ### ### Basic vHost skeleton ### vhost: | server { listen __PORT____DEFAULT_VHOST__; server_name __VHOST_NAME__; access_log "__ACCESS_LOG__" combined; error_log "__ERROR_LOG__" warn; # Reverse Proxy definition (Ensure to adjust the port, currently '8000') location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass http://php:4000; } # ... more lines below ... # 6. Create autostart script -------------------------- Remember, we only wanted to have our Sphinx application run on the PHP 7.2 container, so we will create a autostart script only for that container. Navigate to ``cfg/php-startup-7.2/`` in the Devilbox git directory and create a new shell script ending by ``.sh`` .. code-block:: bash # Navigate to the Devilbox git directory host> cd /path/to/devilbox # Nagivate to startup directory for PHP 7.2 and create the script host> cd cfg/php-startup-7.2/ host> vi my-sphinx.sh .. code-block:: bash :caption: cfg/php-startup-7.2/my-sphinx.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash # Install required Python modules as root user pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild # Autostart Sphinx by devilbox user on Port 4000 and sent it to backgroun with '&' sh -c "cd /shared/httpd/my-sphinx; sphinx-autobuild . _build/html -p 4000 -H" -l devilbox & .. seealso:: * :ref:`custom_scripts_per_php_version` (individually for different PHP versions) * :ref:`custom_scripts_globally` (equal for all PHP versions) * :ref:`autostarting_nodejs_apps` 7. DNS record ------------- If you **have** Auto DNS configured already, you can skip this section, because DNS entries will be available automatically by the bundled DNS server. If you **don't have** Auto DNS configured, you will need to add the following line to your host operating systems ``/etc/hosts`` file (or ``C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc`` on Windows): .. code-block:: bash :caption: /etc/hosts my-sphinx.loc .. seealso:: * :ref:`howto_add_project_hosts_entry_on_mac` * :ref:`howto_add_project_hosts_entry_on_win` * :ref:`setup_auto_dns` 8. Restart the Devilbox ----------------------- Now for those changes to take affect, you will have to restart the Devilbox. .. code-block:: bash host> cd /path/to/devilbox # Stop the Devilbox host> docker-compose down host> docker-compose rm -f # Start the Devilbox host> docker-compose up -d php httpd bind 9. Open your browser -------------------- All set now, you can visit http://my-sphinx.loc or https://my-sphinx.loc in your browser. The Sphinx application has been started up automatically and the reverse proxy will direct all requests to it. Next steps ========== .. include:: /_includes/snippets/examples/next-steps.rst