###  ---------------------------------------------------
###  D E V I L B O X   R U N - T I M E   S E T T I N G S
###  ---------------------------------------------------
###  All the following settings are applied during
###  $ docker-compose up
###  No need to rebuild any dockers!

### Show all executed commands in each
### docker image during docker-compose up?
### 1: Yes
### 0: No

### Relative or absolute path to the devilbox repository.
### (Used as a prefix for all mount paths)
### There is no need to change this.
### The only exception is for OSX users wanting to use NFS
### mounts instead of Filesystem mounts due to degraded performance
### on OSX.
### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
### $ docker-compose rm -f

### At what IP address should the docker services listen
### on the Host computer?
### The specified default should be fine for Linux and OSX (
### If you are on windows, you will probably have to change
### it to the IP address of the docker machine.
### a.) Leave blank, to listen on all interfaces (no trailing color ':')
### b.) If an IP is specified, note the trailing colon ':'

### This is the domain suffix your projects will be made available
### with mass-virtual-hosting.
### It is also required for the internal DNS server to be setup.
### Note: Only ALPHA ([a-zA-Z]+) characters are supported.
### Example:
###   TLD_SUFFIX=loc
### Makes your project available under xxxx.loc
### Example:
###   TLD_SUFFIX=local
### Makes your project available under xxxx.local

### TLD_SUFFIX domains are checked if they are set in the
### host computer /etc/hosts or available via attached DNS server.
### Timeout is done on vhosts.php (intranet) via ajax calls.
### In order to keep performance, set this to a low value.
### DNS checks might not succeed in time on slow machines.
### If DNS is valid, but timeout is expired, set this to a higher value.
### DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT value is how many seconds to time out
### Default is to timeout after 1 second (DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT=1)

### Set your user id and group id
### This should be changed to the value of your local
### users uid and gid
### Type `id` on the terminal to find out your values

### Timezone for all dockers and service config files

### Devilbox UI Password protection enable/disable (1/0)
### Set DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT to 1 in order to password protect the
### intranet.
### Example:

### Devilbox UI Password
### When DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT=1, use the following password
### to log in. The password can always be changed.
### When changing the password, make sure to restart your
### PHP container.
### Example:
###   DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=my-very-secure-password
###   DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=Some pass with spaces
### The default username is 'devilbox'

### 1. Choose Images (Version)

### You can choose any combination of httpd, mysql, postgresql or php.
### Each of them are fully compatible between one another.

### 1.1 Choose PHP Server Image

### 1.2 Choose HTTPD Server Image

### 1.3 Choose MySQL Server Image

### 1.4 Choose PostgreSQL Server Image

### 1.5 Choose Redis Server Image

### 1.6 Choose Memcached Server Image

### 1.7 Choose Mongo Server Image

### 2. Host Mounts (Your computer)

### Local filesystem path to www projects.
### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
### $ docker-compose rm -f

### Local filesystem path to mysql/mariadb datadir.
### This can be an existing mysql data directory or empty.
### If it already is a mysql data directory with content,
### it will be mounted into the docker and used.
### If this directory is empty, a new mysql database will be
### created.
### Note: Inside this path, a subdirectory with the mysql|mariadb
###       version will be created where the actual data resides.
###       This is to protect databases from being altered by
###       newer or older mysql|mariadb server versions.
### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
### $ docker-compose rm -f

### Local filesystem path to postgresql datadir.
### This can be an existing postgresql data directory or empty.
### If it already is a postgresql data directory with content,
### it will be mounted into the docker and used.
### If this directory is empty, a new postgresql database will be
### created.
### Note: Inside this path, a subdirectory with the postgresql
###       version will be created where the actual data resides.
###       This is to protect databases from being altered by
###       newer or older postgres server versions.
### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
### $ docker-compose rm -f

### Local filesystem path to mongodb datadir.
### This can be an existing mongodb data directory or empty.
### If it already is a mongodb data directory with content,
### it will be mounted into the docker and used.
### If this directory is empty, a new mongodb database will be
### created.
### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
### $ docker-compose rm -f

### 3. PHP Docker Settings

### Xdebug

# Enable/Disable Xdebug

# Your local port (your computer host [not the docker])
# where your ide/editor is listening for xdebug connections.

# Your local IP address (your computer host [not the docker])
# where your ide/editor is listening for xdebug connections.
## TODO: Check if it works by automatically sending it to the broadcast address

### 4. HTTPD Docker Settings

### Expose HTTPD Port to Host

### 5. MySQL Docker Settings

### MySQL root user password
### If $HOST_PATH_TO_MYSQL_DATADIR already contains an existing
### mysql datadir, enter the password for the existing mysql database
### If $HOST_PATH_TO_MYSQL_DATADIR is empty, choose a new password that
### will be applied

### Custom MySQL Runtime Settings

### Expose MySQL Port to Host

### 6. PostgreSQL Docker Settings

### PostgreSQL 'root' user name (usually postgres)

### PostgreSQL 'root' user password

### Expose PostgreSQL Port to Host

### 7. Redis Docker Settings

### Expose Redis Port to Host

### 8. Memcached Docker Settings

### Expose Memcached Port to Host

### 9. MongoDB Docker Settings

### Expose MongoDB Port to Host

### 10. Bind Docker Settings

### Expose Bind Port to Host

### Add comma separated DNS server from which you want to receive DNS
### You can also add DNS servers from your LAN (if any are available)