$search[] = "/(\\bclass\s)/";
$replace[] = '\\0';
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
function preproc_replace($preproc, $text)
foreach ($preproc as $proc)
$search[] = "/(\\s*#\s*$proc\\b)/";
$replace[] = '\\0';
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
function sch_syntax_helper($text)
return $text;
function syntax_highlight_helper($text, $language)
$preproc = array();
$preproc["C++"] = array(
"if", "ifdef", "ifndef", "elif", "else",
"endif", "include", "define", "undef", "line",
"error", "pragma");
$preproc["C89"] = & $preproc["C++"];
$preproc["C"] = & $preproc["C89"];
$keywords = array(
"C++" => array(
"asm", "auto", "bool", "break", "case",
"catch", "char", /*class*/ "const", "const_cast",
"continue", "default", "delete", "do", "double",
"dynamic_cast", "else", "enum", "explicit", "export",
"extern", "false", "float", "for", "friend",
"goto", "if", "inline", "int", "long",
"mutable", "namespace", "new", "operator", "private",
"protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast", "return",
"short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "static_cast",
"struct", "switch", "template", "this", "throw",
"true", "try", "typedef", "typeid", "typename",
"union", "unsigned", "using", "virtual", "void",
"volatile", "wchar_t", "while"),
"C89" => array(
"auto", "break", "case", "char", "const",
"continue", "default", "do", "double", "else",
"enum", "extern", "float", "for", "goto",
"if", "int", "long", "register", "return",
"short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "struct",
"switch", "typedef", "union", "unsigned", "void",
"volatile", "while"),
"C" => array(
"auto", "break", "case", "char", "const",
"continue", "default", "do", "double", "else",
"enum", "extern", "float", "for", "goto",
"if", "int", "long", "register", "return",
"short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "struct",
"switch", "typedef", "union", "unsigned", "void",
"volatile", "while", "__restrict","_Bool"),
"PHP" => array(
"and", "or", "xor", "__FILE__", "__LINE__",
"array", "as", "break", "case", "cfunction",
/*class*/ "const", "continue", "declare", "default",
"die", "do", "echo", "else", "elseif",
"empty", "enddeclare", "endfor", "endforeach", "endif",
"endswitch", "endwhile", "eval", "exit", "extends",
"for", "foreach", "function", "global", "if",
"include", "include_once", "isset", "list", "new",
"old_function", "print", "require", "require_once", "return",
"static", "switch", "unset", "use", "var",
"while", "__FUNCTION__", "__CLASS__"),
"Perl" => array(
"-A", "-B", "-C", "-M", "-O",
"-R", "-S", "-T", "-W", "-X",
"-b", "-c", "-d", "-e", "-f",
"-g", "-k", "-l", "-o", "-p",
"-r", "-s", "-t", "-u", "-w",
"-x", "-z", "ARGV", "DATA", "ENV",
"SIG", "STDERR", "STDIN", "STDOUT", "atan2",
"bind", "binmode", "bless", "caller", "chdir",
"chmod", "chomp", "chop", "chown", "chr",
"chroot", "close", "closedir", "cmp", "connect",
"continue", "cos", "crypt", "dbmclose", "dbmopen",
"defined", "delete", "die", "do", "dump",
"each", "else", "elsif", "endgrent", "endhostent",
"endnetent", "endprotent", "endpwent", "endservent", "eof",
"eq", "eval", "exec", "exists", "exit",
"exp", "fcntl", "fileno", "flock", "for",
"foreach", "fork", "format", "formline", "ge",
"getc", "getgrent", "getgrid", "getgrnam", "gethostbyaddr",
"gethostbyname","gethostent", "getlogin", "getnetbyaddr", "getnetbyname",
"getnetent", "getpeername", "getpgrp", "getppid", "getpriority",
"getpwuid", "getservbyname","getservbyport","getservent","getsockname",
"getsockopt", "glob", "gmtime", "goto", "grep",
/*gt*/ "hex", "if", "import", "index",
"int", "ioctl", "join", "keys", "kill",
"last", "lc", "lcfirst", "le", "length",
"link", "listen", "local", "localtime", "log",
"lstat", /*lt*/ "m", "map", "mkdir",
"msgctl", "msgget", "msgrcv", "msgsnd", "my",
"ne", "next", "no", "oct", "open",
"opendir", "ord", "pack", "package", "pipe",
"pop", "pos", "print", "printf", "push",
"q", "qq", "quotemeta","qw", "qx",
"rand", "read", "readdir", "readlink", "recv",
"redo", "ref", "refname", "require", "reset",
"return", "reverse", "rewinddir","rindex", "rmdir",
"s", "scalar", "seek", "seekdir", "select",
"semctl", "semget", "semop", "send", "setgrent",
"sethostent", "setnetent", "setpgrp", "setpriority", "setprotoent",
"setpwent", "setservent", "setsockopt","shift", "shmctl",
"shmget", "shmread", "shmwrite", "shutdown", "sin",
"sleep", "socket", "socketpair","sort", "splice",
"split", "sprintf", "sqrt", "srand", "stat",
"study", "sub", "substr", "symlink", "syscall",
"sysopen", "sysread", "system", "syswrite", "tell",
"telldir", "tie", "tied", "time", "times",
"tr", "truncate", "uc", "ucfirst", "umask",
"undef", "unless", "unlink", "unpack", "unshift",
"untie", "until", "use", "utime", "values",
"vec", "wait", "waitpid", "wantarray", "warn",
"while", "write", "y", "or", "and",
"Java" => array(
"abstract", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case",
"catch", "char", /*class*/ "const", "continue",
"default", "do", "double", "else", "extends",
"final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto",
"if", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int",
"interface", "long", "native", "new", "package",
"private", "protected", "public", "return", "short",
"static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized",
"this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "try",
"void", "volatile", "while"),
"VB" => array(
"AddressOf", "Alias", "And", "Any", "As",
"Binary", "Boolean", "ByRef", "Byte", "ByVal",
"Call", "Case", "CBool", "CByte", "CCur",
"CDate", "CDbl", "CInt", "CLng", "Close",
"Const", "CSng", "CStr", "Currency", "CVar",
"CVErr", "Date", "Debug", "Declare", "DefBool",
"DefByte", "DefCur", "DefDate", "DefDbl", "DefInt",
"DefLng", "DefObj", "DefSng", "DefStr", "DefVar",
"Dim", "Do", "Double", "Each", "Else",
"End", "Enum", "Eqv", "Erase", "Error",
"Event", "Exit", "For", "Friend", "Function",
"Get", "Get", "Global", "GoSub", "GoTo",
"If", "Imp", "Implements","In", "Input",
"Integer", "Is", "LBound", "Len", "Let",
"Lib", "Like", "Line", "Lock", "Long",
"Loop", "LSet", "Mod", "Name", "Next",
"Not", "Nothing", "Null", "Object", "On",
"Open", "Option Base 1","Option Compare Binary",
"Option Compare Database", "Option Compare Text", "Option Explicit",
"Option Private Module", "Optional", "Or", "Output",
"ParamArray", "Preserve", "Print", "Private", "Property",
"Public", "Put", "RaiseEvent","Random", "Read",
"ReDim", "Resume", "Return", "RSet", "Seek",
"Select", "Set", "Single", "Spc", "Static",
"Step", "Stop", "String", "Sub", "Tab",
"Then", "To", "Type", "UBound", "Unlock",
"Variant", "Wend", "While", "With", "WithEvents",
"Write", "Xor"),
"C#" => array(
"abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break",
"byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked",
/*class*/ "const", "continue", "decimal", "default",
"delegate", "do", "double", "else", "enum",
"event", "explicit", "extern", "false", "finally",
"fixed", "float", "for", "foreach", "goto",
"if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface",
"internal", "is", "lock", "long", "namespace",
"new", "null", "object", "operator", "out",
"override", "params", "private", "protected", "public",
"readonly", "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed",
"short", "sizeof", "stackalloc","static", "string",
"struct", "switch", "this", "throw", "true",
"try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked",
"unsafe", "ushort", "using", "virtual", "volatile",
"void", "while"),
"Ruby" => array(
"alias", "and", "begin", "break", "case",
/*class*/ "def", "defined", "do", "else",
"elsif", "end", "ensure", "false", "for",
"if", "in", "module", "next", "module",
"next", "nil", "not", "or", "redo",
"rescue", "retry", "return", "self", "super",
"then", "true", "undef", "unless", "until",
"when", "while", "yield"),
"Python" => array(
"and", "assert", "break", /*"class",*/ "continue",
"def", "del", "elif", "else", "except",
"exec", "finally", "for", "from", "global",
"if", "import", "in", "is", "lambda",
"not", "or", "pass", "print", "raise",
"return", "try", "while", "yield"),
"Pascal" => array(
"Absolute", "Abstract", "All", "And", "And_then",
"Array", "Asm", "Begin", "Bindable", "Case",
/*"Class",*/ "Const", "Constructor","Destructor", "Div",
"Do", "Downto", "Else", "End", "Export",
"File", "For", "Function", "Goto", "If",
"Import", "Implementation","Inherited","In", "Inline",
"Interface", "Is", "Label", "Mod", "Module",
"Nil", "Not", "Object", "Of", "Only",
"Operator", "Or", "Or_else", "Otherwise", "Packed",
"Pow", "Procedure", "Program", "Property", "Protected",
"Qualified", "Record", "Repeat", "Restricted", "Set",
"Shl", "Shr", "Then", "To", "Type",
"Unit", "Until", "Uses", "Value", "Var",
"View", "Virtual", "While", "With", "Xor"),
"mIRC" => array(
"PL/I" => array(
"ATANH", "AUTOMATIC", "AUTO", "B", "B1",
"B2", "B3", "B4", "BACKUP_DATE", "BASED",
"DISPLAY", "DIVIDE", "%DO", "DO", "E",
"LOG", "LOG10", "LOG2", "LOW", "LTRIM",
"SQL" => array(
"abort", "abs", "absolute", "access",
"action", "ada", "add", "admin",
"after", "aggregate", "alias", "all",
"allocate", "alter", "analyse", "analyze",
"and", "any", "are", "array",
"as", "asc", "asensitive", "assertion",
"assignment", "asymmetric", "at", "atomic",
"authorization", "avg", "backward", "before",
"begin", "between", "bigint", "binary",
"bit", "bitvar", "bit_length", "blob",
"boolean", "both", "breadth", "by",
"c", "cache", "call", "called",
"cardinality", "cascade", "cascaded", "case",
"cast", "catalog", "catalog_name", "chain",
"char", "character", "characteristics", "character_length",
"character_set_catalog", "character_set_name", "character_set_schema", "char_length",
"check", "checked", "checkpoint", /* "class", */
"class_origin", "clob", "close", "cluster",
"coalesce", "cobol", "collate", "collation",
"collation_catalog", "collation_name", "collation_schema", "column",
"column_name", "command_function", "command_function_code", "comment",
"commit", "committed", "completion", "condition_number",
"connect", "connection", "connection_name", "constraint",
"constraints", "constraint_catalog", "constraint_name", "constraint_schema",
"constructor", "contains", "continue", "conversion",
"convert", "copy", "corresponding", "count",
"create", "createdb", "createuser", "cross",
"cube", "current", "current_date", "current_path",
"current_role", "current_time", "current_timestamp", "current_user",
"cursor", "cursor_name", "cycle", "data",
"database", "date", "datetime_interval_code", "datetime_interval_precision",
"day", "deallocate", "dec", "decimal",
"declare", "default", "defaults", "deferrable",
"deferred", "defined", "definer", "delete",
"delimiter", "delimiters", "depth", "deref",
"desc", "describe", "descriptor", "destroy",
"destructor", "deterministic", "diagnostics", "dictionary",
"disconnect", "dispatch", "distinct", "do",
"domain", "double", "drop", "dynamic",
"dynamic_function", "dynamic_function_code", "each", "else",
"encoding", "encrypted", "end", "end-exec",
"equals", "escape", "every", "except",
"exception", "excluding", "exclusive", "exec",
"execute", "existing", "exists", "explain",
"external", "extract", "false", "fetch",
"final", "first", "float", "for",
"force", "foreign", "fortran", "forward",
"found", "free", "freeze", "from",
"full", "function", "g", "general",
"generated", "get", "global", "go",
"goto", "grant", "granted", "group",
"grouping", "handler", "having", "hierarchy",
"hold", "host", "hour", "identity",
"ignore", "ilike", "immediate", "immutable",
"implementation", "implicit", "in", "including",
"increment", "index", "indicator", "infix",
"inherits", "initialize", "initially", "inner",
"inout", "input", "insensitive", "insert",
"instance", "instantiable", "instead", "int",
"integer", "intersect", "interval", "into",
"invoker", "is", "isnull", "isolation",
"iterate", "join", "k", "key",
"key_member", "key_type", "lancompiler", "language",
"large", "last", "lateral", "leading",
"left", "length", "less", "level",
"like", "limit", "listen", "load",
"local", "localtime", "localtimestamp", "location",
"locator", "lock", "lower", "m",
"map", "match", "max", "maxvalue",
"message_length", "message_octet_length", "message_text", "method",
"min", "minute", "minvalue", "mod",
"mode", "modifies", "modify", "module",
"month", "more", "move", "mumps",
"name", "names", "national", "natural",
"nchar", "nclob", "new", "next",
"no", "nocreatedb", "nocreateuser", "none",
"not", "nothing", "notify", "notnull",
"null", "nullable", "nullif", "number",
"numeric", "object", "octet_length", "of",
"off", "offset", "oids", "old",
"on", "only", "open", "operation",
"operator", "option", "options", "or",
"order", "ordinality", "out", "outer",
"output", "overlaps", "overlay", "overriding",
"owner", "pad", "parameter", "parameters",
"parameter_mode", "parameter_name", "parameter_ordinal_position", "parameter_specific_catalog",
"parameter_specific_name", "parameter_specific_schema", "partial", "pascal",
"password", "path", "pendant", "placing",
"pli", "position", "postfix", "precision",
"prefix", "preorder", "prepare", "preserve",
"primary", "prior", "privileges", "procedural",
"procedure", "public", "read", "reads",
"real", "recheck", "recursive", "ref",
"references", "referencing", "reindex", "relative",
"rename", "repeatable", "replace", "reset",
"restart", "restrict", "result", "return",
"returned_length", "returned_octet_length", "returned_sqlstate", "returns",
"revoke", "right", "role", "rollback",
"rollup", "routine", "routine_catalog", "routine_name",
"routine_schema", "row", "rows", "row_count",
"rule", "savepoint", "scale", "schema",
"schema_name", "scope", "scroll", "search",
"second", "section", "security", "select",
"self", "sensitive", "sequence", "serializable",
"server_name", "session", "session_user", "set",
"setof", "sets", "share", "show",
"similar", "simple", "size", "smallint",
"some", "source", "space", "specific",
"specifictype", "specific_name", "sql", "sqlcode",
"sqlerror", "sqlexception", "sqlstate", "sqlwarning",
"stable", "start", "state", "statement",
"static", "statistics", "stdin", "stdout",
"storage", "strict", "structure", "style",
"subclass_origin", "sublist", "substring", "sum",
"symmetric", "sysid", "system", "system_user",
"table", "table_name", "temp", "template",
"temporary", "terminate", "text", "than", "then",
"time", "timestamp", "timezone_hour", "timezone_minute",
"to", "toast", "trailing", "transaction",
"transactions_committed", "transactions_rolled_back", "transaction_active", "transform",
"transforms", "translate", "translation", "treat",
"trigger", "trigger_catalog", "trigger_name", "trigger_schema",
"trim", "true", "truncate", "trusted",
"type", "uncommitted", "under", "unencrypted",
"union", "unique", "unknown", "unlisten",
"unnamed", "unnest", "until", "update",
"upper", "usage", "user", "user_defined_type_catalog",
"user_defined_type_name", "user_defined_type_schema", "using", "vacuum",
"valid", "validator", "value", "values",
"varchar", "variable", "varying", "verbose",
"version", "view", "volatile", "when",
"whenever", "where", "with", "without",
"work", "write", "year", "zone")
$case_insensitive = array(
"VB" => true,
"Pascal" => true,
"PL/I" => true,
"SQL" => true
$ncs = false;
if (array_key_exists($language, $case_insensitive))
$ncs = true;
$text = (array_key_exists($language, $preproc))?
preproc_replace($preproc[$language], $text) :
$text = (array_key_exists($language, $keywords))?
keyword_replace($keywords[$language], $text, $ncs) :
return $text;
function rtrim1($span, $lang, $ch)
return syntax_highlight_helper(substr($span, 0, -1), $lang);
function rtrim1_htmlesc($span, $lang, $ch)
return htmlspecialchars(substr($span, 0, -1));
function sch_rtrim1($span, $lang, $ch)
return sch_syntax_helper(substr($span, 0, -1));
function rtrim2($span, $lang, $ch)
return substr($span, 0, -2);
function syn_proc($span, $lang, $ch)
return syntax_highlight_helper($span, $lang);
function dash_putback($span, $lang, $ch)
return syntax_highlight_helper('-' . $span, $lang);
function slash_putback($span, $lang, $ch)
return syntax_highlight_helper('/' . $span, $lang);
function slash_putback_rtrim1($span, $lang, $ch)
return rtrim1('/' . $span, $lang, $ch);
function lparen_putback($span, $lang, $ch)
return syntax_highlight_helper('(' . $span, $lang);
function lparen_putback_rtrim1($span, $lang, $ch)
return rtrim1('(' . $span, $lang, $ch);
function prepend_xml_opentag($span, $lang, $ch)
return '<' . $span;
function proc_void($span, $lang, $ch)
return $span;
* Syntax highlight function
* Does the bulk of the syntax highlighting by lexing the input
* string, then calling the helper function to highlight keywords.
function syntax_highlight($text, $language)
if ($language == "Plain Text") return $text;
define("normal_text", 1, true);
define("dq_literal", 2, true);
define("dq_escape", 3, true);
define("sq_literal", 4, true);
define("sq_escape", 5, true);
define("slash_begin", 6, true);
define("star_comment", 7, true);
define("star_end", 8, true);
define("line_comment", 9, true);
define("html_entity", 10, true);
define("lc_escape", 11, true);
define("block_comment",12, true);
define("paren_begin", 13, true);
define("dash_begin", 14, true);
define("bt_literal", 15, true);
define("bt_escape", 16, true);
define("xml_tag_begin",17, true);
define("xml_tag", 18, true);
define("xml_pi", 19, true);
define("sch_normal", 20, true);
define("sch_stresc", 21, true);
define("sch_idexpr", 22, true);
define("sch_numlit", 23, true);
define("sch_chrlit", 24, true);
define("sch_strlit", 25, true);
$initial_state["Scheme"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_normal][0] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_normal]['"'] = sch_strlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["#"] = sch_chrlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["0"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["1"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["2"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["3"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["4"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["5"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["6"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["7"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["8"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_normal]["9"] = sch_numlit;
$sch[sch_strlit]['"'] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_strlit]["\n"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_strlit]["\\"] = sch_stresc;
$sch[sch_strlit][0] = sch_strlit;
$sch[sch_chrlit][" "] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_chrlit]["\t"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_chrlit]["\n"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_chrlit]["\r"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_chrlit][0] = sch_chrlit;
$sch[sch_numlit][" "] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_numlit]["\t"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_numlit]["\n"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_numlit]["\r"] = sch_normal;
$sch[sch_numlit][0] = sch_numlit;
// State transitions for C
$c89[normal_text]["\""] = dq_literal;
$c89[normal_text]["'"] = sq_literal;
$c89[normal_text]["/"] = slash_begin;
$c89[normal_text][0] = normal_text;
$c89[dq_literal]["\""] = normal_text;
$c89[dq_literal]["\n"] = normal_text;
$c89[dq_literal]["\\"] = dq_escape;
$c89[dq_literal][0] = dq_literal;
$c89[dq_escape][0] = dq_literal;
$c89[sq_literal]["'"] = normal_text;
$c89[sq_literal]["\n"] = normal_text;
$c89[sq_literal]["\\"] = sq_escape;
$c89[sq_literal][0] = sq_literal;
$c89[sq_escape][0] = sq_literal;
$c89[slash_begin]["*"] = star_comment;
$c89[slash_begin][0] = normal_text;
$c89[star_comment]["*"] = star_end;
$c89[star_comment][0] = star_comment;
$c89[star_end]["/"] = normal_text;
$c89[star_end]["*"] = star_end;
$c89[star_end][0] = star_comment;
// State transitions for C++
// Inherit transitions from C, and add line comment support
$cpp = $c89;
$cpp[slash_begin]["/"] = line_comment;
$cpp[line_comment]["\n"] = normal_text;
$cpp[line_comment]["\\"] = lc_escape;
$cpp[line_comment][0] = line_comment;
$cpp[lc_escape]["\r"] = lc_escape;
$cpp[lc_escape][0] = line_comment;
// State transitions for C99.
// C99 supports line comments like C++
$c99 = $cpp;
// State transitions for PL/I
// Kinda like C
$pli = $c89;
// State transitions for PHP
// Inherit transitions from C++, and add perl-style line comment support
$php = $cpp;
$php[normal_text]["#"] = line_comment;
$php[sq_literal]["\n"] = sq_literal;
$php[dq_literal]["\n"] = dq_literal;
// State transitions for Perl
$perl[normal_text]["#"] = line_comment;
$perl[normal_text]["\""] = dq_literal;
$perl[normal_text]["'"] = sq_literal;
$perl[normal_text][0] = normal_text;
$perl[dq_literal]["\""] = normal_text;
$perl[dq_literal]["\\"] = dq_escape;
$perl[dq_literal][0] = dq_literal;
$perl[dq_escape][0] = dq_literal;
$perl[sq_literal]["'"] = normal_text;
$perl[sq_literal]["\\"] = sq_escape;
$perl[sq_literal][0] = sq_literal;
$perl[sq_escape][0] = sq_literal;
$perl[line_comment]["\n"] = normal_text;
$perl[line_comment][0] = line_comment;
$mirc[normal_text]["\""] = dq_literal;
$mirc[normal_text][";"] = line_comment;
$mirc[normal_text][0] = normal_text;
$mirc[dq_literal]["\""] = normal_text;
$mirc[dq_literal]["\\"] = dq_escape;
$mirc[dq_literal][0] = dq_literal;
$mirc[dq_escape][0] = dq_literal;
$mirc[line_comment]["\n"] = normal_text;
$mirc[line_comment][0] = line_comment;
$ruby = $perl;
$python = $perl;
$java = $cpp;
$vb = $perl;
$vb[normal_text]["#"] = normal_text;
$vb[normal_text]["'"] = line_comment;
$cs = $java;
$pascal = $c89;
$pascal[normal_text]["("] = paren_begin;
$pascal[normal_text]["/"] = slash_begin;
$pascal[normal_text]["{"] = block_comment;
$pascal[paren_begin]["*"] = star_comment;
$pascal[paren_begin]["'"] = sq_literal;
$pascal[paren_begin]['"'] = dq_literal;
$pascal[paren_begin][0] = normal_text;
$pascal[slash_begin]["'"] = sq_literal;
$pascal[slash_begin]['"'] = dq_literal;
$pascal[slash_begin]['/'] = line_comment;
$pascal[slash_begin][0] = normal_text;
$pascal[star_comment]["*"] = star_end;
$pascal[star_comment][0] = star_comment;
$pascal[block_comment]["}"] = normal_text;
$pascal[block_comment][0] = block_comment;
$pascal[line_comment]["\n"] = normal_text;
$pascal[line_comment][0] = line_comment;
$pascal[star_end][")"] = normal_text;
$pascal[star_end]["*"] = star_end;
$pascal[star_end][0] = star_comment;
$sql[normal_text]['"'] = dq_literal;
$sql[normal_text]["'"] = sq_literal;
$sql[normal_text]['`'] = bt_literal;
$sql[normal_text]['-'] = dash_begin;
$sql[normal_text][0] = normal_text;
$sql[dq_literal]['"'] = normal_text;
$sql[dq_literal]['\\'] = dq_escape;
$sql[dq_literal][0] = dq_literal;
$sql[sq_literal]["'"] = normal_text;
$sql[sq_literal]['\\'] = sq_escape;
$sql[sq_literal][0] = sq_literal;
$sql[bt_literal]['`'] = normal_text;
$sql[bt_literal]['\\'] = bt_escape;
$sql[bt_literal][0] = bt_literal;
$sql[dq_escape][0] = dq_literal;
$sql[sq_escape][0] = sq_literal;
$sql[bt_escape][0] = bt_literal;
$sql[dash_begin]["-"] = line_comment;
$sql[dash_begin][0] = normal_text;
$sql[line_comment]["\n"] = normal_text;
$sql[line_comment]["\\"] = lc_escape;
$sql[line_comment][0] = line_comment;
$sql[lc_escape]["\r"] = lc_escape;
$sql[lc_escape][0] = line_comment;
$xml[normal_text]["<"] = xml_tag_begin;
$xml[normal_text]["&"] = html_entity;
$xml[normal_text][0] = normal_text;
$xml[html_entity][";"] = normal_text;
$xml[html_entity]["<"] = xml_tag_begin;
$xml[html_entity][0] = html_entity;
$xml[xml_tag_begin]["?"] = xml_pi;
$xml[xml_tag_begin]["!"] = line_comment;
$xml[xml_tag_begin][0] = xml_tag;
$xml[xml_tag][">"] = normal_text;
$xml[xml_tag]["\""] = dq_literal;
$xml[xml_tag]["'"] = sq_literal;
$xml[xml_tag][0] = xml_tag;
$xml[xml_pi][">"] = normal_text;
$xml[xml_pi][0] = xml_tag;
$xml[line_comment][">"] = normal_text;
$xml[line_comment][0] = line_comment;
$xml[dq_literal]["\""] = xml_tag;
$xml[dq_literal]["&"] = dq_escape;
$xml[dq_literal][0] = dq_literal;
$xml[sq_literal]["'"] = xml_tag;
$xml[sq_literal]["&"] = sq_escape;
$xml[sq_literal][0] = sq_literal;
$xml[dq_escape][";"] = dq_literal;
$xml[dq_escape][0] = dq_escape;
// Main state transition table
$states = array(
"C89" => $c89,
"C" => $c99,
"C++" => $cpp,
"PHP" => $php,
"Perl" => $perl,
"Java" => $java,
"VB" => $vb,
"C#" => $cs,
"Ruby" => $ruby,
"Python" => $python,
"Pascal" => $pascal,
"mIRC" => $mirc,
"PL/I" => $pli,
"SQL" => $sql,
"XML" => $xml,
"Scheme" => $sch
// Process functions
$process["C89"][normal_text][sq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["C89"][normal_text][dq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["C89"][normal_text][slash_begin] = "rtrim1";
$process["C89"][normal_text][0] = "syn_proc";
$process["C89"][slash_begin][star_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["C89"][slash_begin][0] = "slash_putback";
$process["Scheme"][sch_normal][sch_strlit] = "sch_rtrim1";
$process["Scheme"][sch_normal][sch_chrlit] = "sch_rtrim1";
$process["Scheme"][sch_normal][sch_numlit] = "sch_rtrim1";
$process["SQL"][normal_text][sq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["SQL"][normal_text][dq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["SQL"][normal_text][bt_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["SQL"][normal_text][dash_begin] = "rtrim1";
$process["SQL"][normal_text][0] = "syn_proc";
$process["SQL"][dash_begin][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["SQL"][dash_begin][0] = "dash_putback";
$process["PL/I"] = $process["C89"];
$process["C++"] = $process["C89"];
$process["C++"][slash_begin][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["C"] = $process["C++"];
$process["PHP"] = $process["C++"];
$process["PHP"][normal_text][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["Perl"][normal_text][sq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["Perl"][normal_text][dq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["Perl"][normal_text][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["Perl"][normal_text][0] = "syn_proc";
$process["Ruby"] = $process["Perl"];
$process["Python"] = $process["Perl"];
$process["mIRC"][normal_text][dq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["mIRC"][normal_text][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["mIRC"][normal_text][0] = "syn_proc";
$process["VB"] = $process["Perl"];
$process["Java"] = $process["C++"];
$process["C#"] = $process["Java"];
$process["Pascal"] = $process["C++"];
$process["Pascal"][normal_text][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][normal_text][block_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][normal_text][paren_begin] = "rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][slash_begin][sq_literal] = "slash_putback_rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][slash_begin][dq_literal] = "slash_putback_rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][slash_begin][0] = "slash_putback";
$process["Pascal"][paren_begin][sq_literal] = "lparen_putback_rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][paren_begin][dq_literal] = "lparen_putback_rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][paren_begin][star_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["Pascal"][paren_begin][0] = "lparen_putback";
$process["XML"][normal_text][xml_tag_begin] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][normal_text][html_entity] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][html_entity][xml_tag_begin] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][html_entity][0] = "proc_void";
$process["XML"][xml_tag_begin][xml_tag] = "prepend_xml_opentag";
$process["XML"][xml_tag_begin][xml_pi] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][xml_tag_begin][line_comment] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][line_comment][normal_text] = "rtrim1_htmlesc";
$process["XML"][xml_tag][normal_text] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][xml_tag][dq_literal] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][dq_literal][xml_tag] = "rtrim1";
$process["XML"][dq_literal][dq_escape] = "rtrim1";
$process_end["C89"] = "syntax_highlight_helper";
$process_end["C++"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["C"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["PHP"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["Perl"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["Java"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["VB"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["C#"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["Ruby"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["Python"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["Pascal"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["mIRC"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["PL/I"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["SQL"] = $process_end["C89"];
$process_end["Scheme"] = "sch_syntax_helper";
$edges["C89"][normal_text .",". dq_literal] = '"';
$edges["C89"][normal_text .",". sq_literal] = '\'';
$edges["C89"][slash_begin .",". star_comment] = '';
$edges["C89"][sq_literal .",". normal_text] = '';
$edges["C89"][star_end .",". normal_text] = '';
$edges["Scheme"][sch_normal .",". sch_strlit] = '"';
$edges["Scheme"][sch_normal .",". sch_numlit] = '';
$edges["Scheme"][sch_normal .",". sch_chrlit] = '#';
$edges["Scheme"][sch_strlit .",". sch_normal] = '';
$edges["Scheme"][sch_numlit .",". sch_normal] = '';
$edges["Scheme"][sch_chrlit .",". sch_normal] = '';
$edges["SQL"][normal_text .",". dq_literal] = '"';
$edges["SQL"][normal_text .",". sq_literal] = '\'';
$edges["SQL"][dash_begin .",". line_comment] = '';
$edges["SQL"][sq_literal .",". normal_text] = '';
$edges["SQL"][line_comment .",". normal_text] = '';
$edges["PL/I"] = $edges["C89"];
$edges["C++"] = $edges["C89"];
$edges["C++"][slash_begin .",". line_comment] = '';
$edges["C"] = $edges["C++"];
$edges["PHP"] = $edges["C++"];
$edges["PHP"][normal_text .",". line_comment] = '