getConnectError())) { // loadClass('Logger')->error('Instance has errors:' . "\r\n" . var_export(static::$instance, true) . "\r\n"); } return static::$instance; } /** * Connect to database * * @param string $err Reference to error message * @param string $user MySQL username * @param string $pass MySQL password * @param string $host MySQL hostname * @return boolean */ public static function testConnection(&$err, $host, $user, $pass) { $err = false; // Silence errors and try to connect error_reporting(0); $link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass); error_reporting(-1); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { $err = 'Failed to connect: ' .mysqli_connect_error(); return false; } mysqli_close($link); return true; } /********************************************************************************* * * Private Variables * *********************************************************************************/ /** * MySQL Resource * @var resource|null */ private $_link = null; /********************************************************************************* * * Construct/Destructor * *********************************************************************************/ /** * Use singleton getInstance() instead. * * @param string $user Username * @param string $pass Password * @param string $host Host */ public function __construct($user, $pass, $host) { // Silence errors and try to connect error_reporting(0); $link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass); error_reporting(-1); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->setConnectError('Failed to connect: ' .mysqli_connect_error()); $this->setConnectErrno(mysqli_connect_errno()); //loadClass('Logger')->error($this->_connect_error); } else { $this->_link = $link; } } /** * Destructor */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->_link) { mysqli_close($this->_link); } } /********************************************************************************* * * MySQL Select functions * *********************************************************************************/ /** * Query Database * * @param string $query MySQL Query * @param function $callback Callback function * @return mixed[] */ public function select($query, $callback = null) { if (!$this->_link) { loadClass('Logger')->error('MySQL error, link is no resource in select(): '.$query); return false; } if (!($result = mysqli_query($this->_link, $query))) { $this->setError(mysqli_error($this->_link)); $this->setErrno(mysqli_errno($this->_link)); loadClass('Logger')->error($this->getError()); return false; } $data = array(); if ($callback) { while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $callback($row, $data); } } else { while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $data[] = $row; } } mysqli_free_result($result); return $data; } /** * Get all MySQL Databases. * @return mixed[] Array of databases */ public function getDatabases() { $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $data[$row['database']] = array( 'charset' => $row['charset'], 'collation' => $row['collation'] ); }; $sql = "SELECT S.SCHEMA_NAME AS 'database', S.DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME AS 'collation', S.default_character_set_name AS 'charset' FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA AS S;"; $databases = $this->select($sql, $callback); return $databases ? $databases : array(); } /** * Get Database size in Megabytes. * * @param string $database Database name. * @return integer */ public function getDBSize($database) { $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $data = $row['size']; }; $sql = "SELECT ROUND( SUM((T.data_length+T.index_length)/1048576), 2 ) AS 'size' FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T WHERE T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$database."';"; $size = $this->select($sql, $callback); return $size ? $size : 0; } /** * Get Number of Tables per Database * * @param string $database Database name. * @return integer */ public function getTableCount($database) { $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $data = $row['count']; }; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM information_schema.TABLES AS T WHERE T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$database."';"; $count = $this->select($sql, $callback); return $count ? $count : 0; } /** * Read out MySQL Server configuration by variable * * @param string|null $key Config key name * @return string|mixed[] */ public function getConfig($key = null) { // Get all configs as array if ($key === null) { $callback = function ($row, &$data) { $key = $row['Variable_name']; $val = $row['Value']; $data[$key] = $val; }; return $this->select('SHOW VARIABLES;'); } else { // Get single config $key = str_replace('-', '_', $key); $callback = function ($row, &$data) use ($key) { $data = isset($row['Value']) ? $row['Value'] : false; }; $sql = 'SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = "'.$key.'";'; $val = $this->select($sql, $callback); if (is_array($val) && $val) { return array_values($val)[0]; } else { return $val; } } } /********************************************************************************* * * Interface required functions * *********************************************************************************/ /** * Get MySQL Name. * * @return string MySQL short name. */ public function getName($default = 'MySQL') { if (!static::isAvailable('mysql')) { return $default; } $name = $this->egrep('/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/', $this->getConfig('version_comment')); if (!$name) { loadClass('Logger')->error('Could not get MySQL Name'); return $default; } return $name; } /** * Get MySQL Version. * * @return string MySQL version. */ public function getVersion() { if (!static::isAvailable('mysql')) { return ''; } $version = $this->egrep('/[.0-9]+/', $this->getConfig('version')); if (!$version) { loadClass('Logger')->error('Could not get MySQL version'); return ''; } return $version; } }