#!/bin/sh -eu ################################################################################ # # Arguments # ################################################################################ ### ### Validate arguments ### if [ "${#}" != "5" ]; then echo "Error: Invalid number of arguments" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${1}" ]; then echo "Error: Not a directory: ${1}" exit 1 fi ### ### Get arguments ### DVL_PATH="$( echo "${1}"| sed 's/\/*$//' )" # remove last slash(es): / DVL_SRV1="${2}" # Server 1 DVL_VER1="${3}" # Version 1 DVL_SRV2="${4}" # Server 2 DVL_VER2="${5}" # Version 2 ################################################################################ # # Bootstrap # ################################################################################ ### ### Source library ### . "${DVL_PATH}/.tests/.lib.sh" "${DVL_PATH}" ### ### Reset .env file ### reset_env_file ### ### Enable debug mode ### set_debug_enable ### ### Alter host ports ### set_host_port_httpd "80" set_host_port_mysql "3306" set_host_port_pgsql "5432" ### ### Default values for container ### DEF_PHP="7.0" DEF_HTTPD="nginx-stable" DEF_MYSQL="mariadb-10.0" DEF_PGSQL="9.6" ################################################################################ # # Test # ################################################################################ ### ### Docker Host settings ### print_h1 "Docker Host settings" print_h2 "Listening services" run "netstat -tulpn" print_h2 "Docker version" run "docker --version" run "docker-compose --version" ### ### Configure ### print_h1 "Configuration: ${DVL_SRV1}-${DVL_VER1} vs ${DVL_SRV2}-${DVL_VER2}" print_h2 "Enabled settings in .env" devilbox_configure "${DVL_SRV1}" "${DVL_VER1}" "${DVL_SRV2}" "${DVL_VER2}" "${DEF_PHP}" "${DEF_HTTPD}" "${DEF_MYSQL}" "${DEF_PGSQL}" devilbox_configured_settings ### ### Download and run ### print_h1 "Startup Devilbox" print_h2 "Download" devilbox_pull print_h2 "Run" devilbox_start print_h2 "Actual settings from index.php" devilbox_print_actual_settings ### ### Test ### print_h1 "Testing" print_h2 "docker-compose" if ! devilbox_test_compose; then devilbox_print_errors "" exit 1 fi print_h2 "Testing 'dvlbox-ok': index.php" if ! devilbox_test_url "" "dvlbox-ok" "20"; then devilbox_print_errors "" exit 1 fi print_h2 "Testing 'dvlbox-err': index.php" if ! devilbox_test_url "" "dvlbox-err" "0"; then devilbox_print_errors "" exit 1 fi ### ### Stop ### print_h1 "Shutdown and exit" devilbox_stop