mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 04:47:52 +00:00
DVL-012 Fix #97: Open Adminer in new window to overcome UI glitches
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
language: php
- '5.3'
- '7.1'
script: git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep '\.php$' | xargs -n1 -P8 php -l | grep -v 'No syntax errors'; test $? -eq 1
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
$PROCEDURE = $_GET["call"];
page_header(lang('Call') . ": " . h($PROCEDURE), $error);
$routine = routine($PROCEDURE, (isset($_GET["callf"]) ? "FUNCTION" : "PROCEDURE"));
$in = array();
$out = array();
foreach ($routine["fields"] as $i => $field) {
if (substr($field["inout"], -3) == "OUT") {
$out[$i] = "@" . idf_escape($field["field"]) . " AS " . idf_escape($field["field"]);
if (!$field["inout"] || substr($field["inout"], 0, 2) == "IN") {
$in[] = $i;
if (!$error && $_POST) {
$call = array();
foreach ($routine["fields"] as $key => $field) {
if (in_array($key, $in)) {
$val = process_input($field);
if ($val === false) {
$val = "''";
if (isset($out[$key])) {
$connection->query("SET @" . idf_escape($field["field"]) . " = $val");
$call[] = (isset($out[$key]) ? "@" . idf_escape($field["field"]) : $val);
$query = (isset($_GET["callf"]) ? "SELECT" : "CALL") . " " . table($PROCEDURE) . "(" . implode(", ", $call) . ")";
echo "<p><code class='jush-$jush'>" . h($query) . "</code> <a href='" . h(ME) . "sql=" . urlencode($query) . "'>" . lang('Edit') . "</a>\n";
if (!$connection->multi_query($query)) {
echo "<p class='error'>" . error() . "\n";
} else {
$connection2 = connect();
if (is_object($connection2)) {
do {
$result = $connection->store_result();
if (is_object($result)) {
select($result, $connection2);
} else {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.', $connection->affected_rows) . "\n";
} while ($connection->next_result());
if ($out) {
select($connection->query("SELECT " . implode(", ", $out)));
<form action="" method="post">
if ($in) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
foreach ($in as $key) {
$field = $routine["fields"][$key];
$name = $field["field"];
echo "<tr><th>" . $adminer->fieldName($field);
$value = $_POST["fields"][$name];
if ($value != "") {
if ($field["type"] == "enum") {
$value = +$value;
if ($field["type"] == "set") {
$value = array_sum($value);
input($field, $value, (string) $_POST["function"][$name]); // param name can be empty
echo "\n";
echo "</table>\n";
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Call'); ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["create"];
$partition_by = array();
foreach (array('HASH', 'LINEAR HASH', 'KEY', 'LINEAR KEY', 'RANGE', 'LIST') as $key) {
$partition_by[$key] = $key;
$referencable_primary = referencable_primary($TABLE);
$foreign_keys = array();
foreach ($referencable_primary as $table_name => $field) {
$foreign_keys[str_replace("`", "``", $table_name) . "`" . str_replace("`", "``", $field["field"])] = $table_name; // not idf_escape() - used in JS
$orig_fields = array();
$table_status = array();
if ($TABLE != "") {
$orig_fields = fields($TABLE);
$table_status = table_status($TABLE);
if (!$table_status) {
$error = lang('No tables.');
$row = $_POST;
$row["fields"] = (array) $row["fields"];
if ($row["auto_increment_col"]) {
$row["fields"][$row["auto_increment_col"]]["auto_increment"] = true;
if ($_POST && !process_fields($row["fields"]) && !$error) {
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
queries_redirect(substr(ME, 0, -1), lang('Table has been dropped.'), drop_tables(array($TABLE)));
} else {
$fields = array();
$all_fields = array();
$use_all_fields = false;
$foreign = array();
$orig_field = reset($orig_fields);
$after = " FIRST";
foreach ($row["fields"] as $key => $field) {
$foreign_key = $foreign_keys[$field["type"]];
$type_field = ($foreign_key !== null ? $referencable_primary[$foreign_key] : $field); //! can collide with user defined type
if ($field["field"] != "") {
if (!$field["has_default"]) {
$field["default"] = null;
if ($key == $row["auto_increment_col"]) {
$field["auto_increment"] = true;
$process_field = process_field($field, $type_field);
$all_fields[] = array($field["orig"], $process_field, $after);
if ($process_field != process_field($orig_field, $orig_field)) {
$fields[] = array($field["orig"], $process_field, $after);
if ($field["orig"] != "" || $after) {
$use_all_fields = true;
if ($foreign_key !== null) {
$foreign[idf_escape($field["field"])] = ($TABLE != "" && $jush != "sqlite" ? "ADD" : " ") . format_foreign_key(array(
'table' => $foreign_keys[$field["type"]],
'source' => array($field["field"]),
'target' => array($type_field["field"]),
'on_delete' => $field["on_delete"],
$after = " AFTER " . idf_escape($field["field"]);
} elseif ($field["orig"] != "") {
$use_all_fields = true;
$fields[] = array($field["orig"]);
if ($field["orig"] != "") {
$orig_field = next($orig_fields);
if (!$orig_field) {
$after = "";
$partitioning = "";
if ($partition_by[$row["partition_by"]]) {
$partitions = array();
if ($row["partition_by"] == 'RANGE' || $row["partition_by"] == 'LIST') {
foreach (array_filter($row["partition_names"]) as $key => $val) {
$value = $row["partition_values"][$key];
$partitions[] = "\n PARTITION " . idf_escape($val) . " VALUES " . ($row["partition_by"] == 'RANGE' ? "LESS THAN" : "IN") . ($value != "" ? " ($value)" : " MAXVALUE"); //! SQL injection
$partitioning .= "\nPARTITION BY $row[partition_by]($row[partition])" . ($partitions // $row["partition"] can be expression, not only column
? " (" . implode(",", $partitions) . "\n)"
: ($row["partitions"] ? " PARTITIONS " . (+$row["partitions"]) : "")
} elseif (support("partitioning") && preg_match("~partitioned~", $table_status["Create_options"])) {
$partitioning .= "\nREMOVE PARTITIONING";
$message = lang('Table has been altered.');
if ($TABLE == "") {
cookie("adminer_engine", $row["Engine"]);
$message = lang('Table has been created.');
$name = trim($row["name"]);
queries_redirect(ME . (support("table") ? "table=" : "select=") . urlencode($name), $message, alter_table(
($jush == "sqlite" && ($use_all_fields || $foreign) ? $all_fields : $fields),
($row["Comment"] != $table_status["Comment"] ? $row["Comment"] : null),
($row["Engine"] && $row["Engine"] != $table_status["Engine"] ? $row["Engine"] : ""),
($row["Collation"] && $row["Collation"] != $table_status["Collation"] ? $row["Collation"] : ""),
($row["Auto_increment"] != "" ? number($row["Auto_increment"]) : ""),
page_header(($TABLE != "" ? lang('Alter table') : lang('Create table')), $error, array("table" => $TABLE), h($TABLE));
if (!$_POST) {
$row = array(
"Engine" => $_COOKIE["adminer_engine"],
"fields" => array(array("field" => "", "type" => (isset($types["int"]) ? "int" : (isset($types["integer"]) ? "integer" : "")))),
"partition_names" => array(""),
if ($TABLE != "") {
$row = $table_status;
$row["name"] = $TABLE;
$row["fields"] = array();
if (!$_GET["auto_increment"]) { // don't prefill by original Auto_increment for the sake of performance and not reusing deleted ids
$row["Auto_increment"] = "";
foreach ($orig_fields as $field) {
$field["has_default"] = isset($field["default"]);
$row["fields"][] = $field;
if (support("partitioning")) {
$from = "FROM information_schema.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = " . q(DB) . " AND TABLE_NAME = " . q($TABLE);
list($row["partition_by"], $row["partitions"], $row["partition"]) = $result->fetch_row();
$partitions[""] = "";
$row["partition_names"] = array_keys($partitions);
$row["partition_values"] = array_values($partitions);
$collations = collations();
$engines = engines();
// case of engine may differ
foreach ($engines as $engine) {
if (!strcasecmp($engine, $row["Engine"])) {
$row["Engine"] = $engine;
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<?php if (support("columns") || $TABLE == "") { ?>
<?php echo lang('Table name'); ?>: <input name="name" maxlength="64" value="<?php echo h($row["name"]); ?>" autocapitalize="off">
<?php if ($TABLE == "" && !$_POST) { ?><script type='text/javascript'>focus(document.getElementById('form')['name']);</script><?php } ?>
<?php echo ($engines ? "<select name='Engine' onchange='helpClose();'" . on_help("getTarget(event).value", 1) . ">" . optionlist(array("" => "(" . lang('engine') . ")") + $engines, $row["Engine"]) . "</select>" : ""); ?>
<?php echo ($collations && !preg_match("~sqlite|mssql~", $jush) ? html_select("Collation", array("" => "(" . lang('collation') . ")") + $collations, $row["Collation"]) : ""); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php if (support("columns")) { ?>
<table cellspacing="0" id="edit-fields" class="nowrap">
$comments = ($_POST ? $_POST["comments"] : $row["Comment"] != "");
if (!$_POST && !$comments) {
foreach ($row["fields"] as $field) {
if ($field["comment"] != "") {
$comments = true;
edit_fields($row["fields"], $collations, "TABLE", $foreign_keys, $comments);
<?php echo lang('Auto Increment'); ?>: <input type="number" name="Auto_increment" size="6" value="<?php echo h($row["Auto_increment"]); ?>">
<?php echo checkbox("defaults", 1, true, lang('Default values'), "columnShow(this.checked, 5)", "jsonly"); ?>
<?php if (!$_POST["defaults"]) { ?><script type="text/javascript">editingHideDefaults()</script><?php } ?>
<?php echo (support("comment")
? "<label><input type='checkbox' name='comments' value='1' class='jsonly' onclick=\"columnShow(this.checked, 6); toggle('Comment'); if (this.checked) this.form['Comment'].focus();\"" . ($comments ? " checked" : "") . ">" . lang('Comment') . "</label>"
. ' <input name="Comment" id="Comment" value="' . h($row["Comment"]) . '" maxlength="' . ($connection->server_info >= 5.5 ? 2048 : 60) . '"' . ($comments ? '' : ' class="hidden"') . '>'
: '')
; ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($TABLE != "") { ?><input type="submit" name="drop" value="<?php echo lang('Drop'); ?>"<?php echo confirm(); ?>><?php } ?>
if (support("partitioning")) {
$partition_table = preg_match('~RANGE|LIST~', $row["partition_by"]);
print_fieldset("partition", lang('Partition by'), $row["partition_by"]);
<?php echo "<select name='partition_by' onchange='partitionByChange(this);'" . on_help("getTarget(event).value.replace(/./, 'PARTITION BY \$&')", 1) . ">" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $partition_by, $row["partition_by"]) . "</select>"; ?>
(<input name="partition" value="<?php echo h($row["partition"]); ?>">)
<?php echo lang('Partitions'); ?>: <input type="number" name="partitions" class="size<?php echo ($partition_table || !$row["partition_by"] ? " hidden" : ""); ?>" value="<?php echo h($row["partitions"]); ?>">
<table cellspacing="0" id="partition-table"<?php echo ($partition_table ? "" : " class='hidden'"); ?>>
<thead><tr><th><?php echo lang('Partition name'); ?><th><?php echo lang('Values'); ?></thead>
foreach ($row["partition_names"] as $key => $val) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><input name="partition_names[]" value="' . h($val) . '"' . ($key == count($row["partition_names"]) - 1 ? ' onchange="partitionNameChange(this);"' : '') . ' autocapitalize="off">';
echo '<td><input name="partition_values[]" value="' . h($row["partition_values"][$key]) . '">';
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error && !isset($_POST["add_x"])) { // add is an image and PHP changes add.x to add_x
$name = trim($row["name"]);
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
$_GET["db"] = ""; // to save in global history
queries_redirect(remove_from_uri("db|database"), lang('Database has been dropped.'), drop_databases(array(DB)));
} elseif (DB !== $name) {
// create or rename database
if (DB != "") {
$_GET["db"] = $name;
queries_redirect(preg_replace('~\bdb=[^&]*&~', '', ME) . "db=" . urlencode($name), lang('Database has been renamed.'), rename_database($name, $row["collation"]));
} else {
$databases = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", $name));
$success = true;
$last = "";
foreach ($databases as $db) {
if (count($databases) == 1 || $db != "") { // ignore empty lines but always try to create single database
if (!create_database($db, $row["collation"])) {
$success = false;
$last = $db;
set_session("dbs", null);
queries_redirect(ME . "db=" . urlencode($last), lang('Database has been created.'), $success);
} else {
// alter database
if (!$row["collation"]) {
redirect(substr(ME, 0, -1));
query_redirect("ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape($name) . (preg_match('~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i', $row["collation"]) ? " COLLATE $row[collation]" : ""), substr(ME, 0, -1), lang('Database has been altered.'));
page_header(DB != "" ? lang('Alter database') : lang('Create database'), $error, array(), h(DB));
$collations = collations();
$name = DB;
if ($_POST) {
$name = $row["name"];
} elseif (DB != "") {
$row["collation"] = db_collation(DB, $collations);
} elseif ($jush == "sql") {
// propose database name with limited privileges
foreach (get_vals("SHOW GRANTS") as $grant) {
if (preg_match('~ ON (`(([^\\\\`]|``|\\\\.)*)%`\\.\\*)?~', $grant, $match) && $match[1]) {
$name = stripcslashes(idf_unescape("`$match[2]`"));
<form action="" method="post">
echo ($_POST["add_x"] || strpos($name, "\n")
? '<textarea id="name" name="name" rows="10" cols="40">' . h($name) . '</textarea><br>'
: '<input name="name" id="name" value="' . h($name) . '" maxlength="64" autocapitalize="off">'
) . "\n" . ($collations ? html_select("collation", array("" => "(" . lang('collation') . ")") + $collations, $row["collation"]) . doc_link(array(
'sql' => "charset-charsets.html",
'mssql' => "ms187963.aspx",
)) : "");
<script type='text/javascript'>focus(document.getElementById('name'));</script>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
if (DB != "") {
echo "<input type='submit' name='drop' value='" . lang('Drop') . "'" . confirm() . ">\n";
} elseif (!$_POST["add_x"] && $_GET["db"] == "") {
echo "<input type='image' class='icon' name='add' src='../adminer/static/plus.gif' alt='+' title='" . lang('Add next') . "'>\n";
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
$tables_views = array_merge((array) $_POST["tables"], (array) $_POST["views"]);
if ($tables_views && !$error && !$_POST["search"]) {
$result = true;
$message = "";
if ($jush == "sql" && count($_POST["tables"]) > 1 && ($_POST["drop"] || $_POST["truncate"] || $_POST["copy"])) {
queries("SET foreign_key_checks = 0"); // allows to truncate or drop several tables at once
if ($_POST["truncate"]) {
if ($_POST["tables"]) {
$result = truncate_tables($_POST["tables"]);
$message = lang('Tables have been truncated.');
} elseif ($_POST["move"]) {
$result = move_tables((array) $_POST["tables"], (array) $_POST["views"], $_POST["target"]);
$message = lang('Tables have been moved.');
} elseif ($_POST["copy"]) {
$result = copy_tables((array) $_POST["tables"], (array) $_POST["views"], $_POST["target"]);
$message = lang('Tables have been copied.');
} elseif ($_POST["drop"]) {
if ($_POST["views"]) {
$result = drop_views($_POST["views"]);
if ($result && $_POST["tables"]) {
$result = drop_tables($_POST["tables"]);
$message = lang('Tables have been dropped.');
} elseif ($jush != "sql") {
$result = ($jush == "sqlite"
? queries("VACUUM")
: apply_queries("VACUUM" . ($_POST["optimize"] ? "" : " ANALYZE"), $_POST["tables"])
$message = lang('Tables have been optimized.');
} elseif (!$_POST["tables"]) {
$message = lang('No tables.');
} elseif ($result = queries(($_POST["optimize"] ? "OPTIMIZE" : ($_POST["check"] ? "CHECK" : ($_POST["repair"] ? "REPAIR" : "ANALYZE"))) . " TABLE " . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $_POST["tables"])))) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$message .= "<b>" . h($row["Table"]) . "</b>: " . h($row["Msg_text"]) . "<br>";
queries_redirect(substr(ME, 0, -1), $message, $result);
page_header(($_GET["ns"] == "" ? lang('Database') . ": " . h(DB) : lang('Schema') . ": " . h($_GET["ns"])), $error, true);
if ($adminer->homepage()) {
if ($_GET["ns"] !== "") {
echo "<h3 id='tables-views'>" . lang('Tables and views') . "</h3>\n";
$tables_list = tables_list();
if (!$tables_list) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No tables.') . "\n";
} else {
echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n";
if (support("table")) {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Search data in tables') . " <span id='selected2'></span></legend><div>";
echo "<input type='search' name='query' value='" . h($_POST["query"]) . "'> <input type='submit' name='search' value='" . lang('Search') . "'>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
if ($_POST["search"] && $_POST["query"] != "") {
$doc_link = doc_link(array('sql' => 'show-table-status.html'));
echo "<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap checkable' onclick='tableClick(event);' ondblclick='tableClick(event, true);'>\n";
echo '<thead><tr class="wrap"><td><input id="check-all" type="checkbox" onclick="formCheck(this, /^(tables|views)\[/);" class="jsonly">';
echo '<th>' . lang('Table');
echo '<td>' . lang('Engine') . doc_link(array('sql' => 'storage-engines.html'));
echo '<td>' . lang('Collation') . doc_link(array('sql' => 'charset-mysql.html'));
echo '<td>' . lang('Data Length') . $doc_link;
echo '<td>' . lang('Index Length') . $doc_link;
echo '<td>' . lang('Data Free') . $doc_link;
echo '<td>' . lang('Auto Increment') . doc_link(array('sql' => 'example-auto-increment.html'));
echo '<td>' . lang('Rows') . $doc_link;
echo (support("comment") ? '<td>' . lang('Comment') . $doc_link : '');
echo "</thead>\n";
$tables = 0;
foreach ($tables_list as $name => $type) {
$view = ($type !== null && !preg_match('~table~i', $type));
$id = h("Table-" . $name);
echo '<tr' . odd() . '><td>' . checkbox(($view ? "views[]" : "tables[]"), $name, in_array($name, $tables_views, true), "", "formUncheck('check-all');", "", $id);
echo '<th>' . (support("table") || support("indexes") ? "<a href='" . h(ME) . "table=" . urlencode($name) . "' title='" . lang('Show structure') . "' id='$id'>" . h($name) . '</a>' : h($name));
if ($view) {
echo '<td colspan="6"><a href="' . h(ME) . "view=" . urlencode($name) . '" title="' . lang('Alter view') . '">' . (preg_match('~materialized~i', $type) ? lang('Materialized view') : lang('View')) . '</a>';
echo '<td align="right"><a href="' . h(ME) . "select=" . urlencode($name) . '" title="' . lang('Select data') . '">?</a>';
} else {
foreach (array(
"Engine" => array(),
"Collation" => array(),
"Data_length" => array("create", lang('Alter table')),
"Index_length" => array("indexes", lang('Alter indexes')),
"Data_free" => array("edit", lang('New item')),
"Auto_increment" => array("auto_increment=1&create", lang('Alter table')),
"Rows" => array("select", lang('Select data')),
) as $key => $link) {
$id = " id='$key-" . h($name) . "'";
echo ($link ? "<td align='right'>" . (support("table") || $key == "Rows" || (support("indexes") && $key != "Data_length")
? "<a href='" . h(ME . "$link[0]=") . urlencode($name) . "'$id title='$link[1]'>?</a>"
: "<span$id>?</span>"
) : "<td id='$key-" . h($name) . "'> ");
echo (support("comment") ? "<td id='Comment-" . h($name) . "'> " : "");
echo "<tr><td> <th>" . lang('%d in total', count($tables_list));
echo "<td>" . nbsp($jush == "sql" ? $connection->result("SELECT @@storage_engine") : "");
echo "<td>" . nbsp(db_collation(DB, collations()));
foreach (array("Data_length", "Index_length", "Data_free") as $key) {
echo "<td align='right' id='sum-$key'> ";
echo "</table>\n";
if (!information_schema(DB)) {
$vacuum = "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Vacuum') . "'" . on_help("'VACUUM'") . "> ";
$optimize = "<input type='submit' name='optimize' value='" . lang('Optimize') . "'" . on_help($jush == "sql" ? "'OPTIMIZE TABLE'" : "'VACUUM OPTIMIZE'") . "> ";
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Selected') . " <span id='selected'></span></legend><div>"
. ($jush == "sqlite" ? $vacuum
: ($jush == "pgsql" ? $vacuum . $optimize
: ($jush == "sql" ? "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Analyze') . "'" . on_help("'ANALYZE TABLE'") . "> " . $optimize
. "<input type='submit' name='check' value='" . lang('Check') . "'" . on_help("'CHECK TABLE'") . "> "
. "<input type='submit' name='repair' value='" . lang('Repair') . "'" . on_help("'REPAIR TABLE'") . "> "
: "")))
. "<input type='submit' name='truncate' value='" . lang('Truncate') . "'" . confirm() . on_help($jush == "sqlite" ? "'DELETE'" : "'TRUNCATE" . ($jush == "pgsql" ? "'" : " TABLE'")) . "> "
. "<input type='submit' name='drop' value='" . lang('Drop') . "'" . confirm() . on_help("'DROP TABLE'") . ">\n";
$databases = (support("scheme") ? $adminer->schemas() : $adminer->databases());
if (count($databases) != 1 && $jush != "sqlite") {
$db = (isset($_POST["target"]) ? $_POST["target"] : (support("scheme") ? $_GET["ns"] : DB));
echo "<p>" . lang('Move to other database') . ": ";
echo ($databases ? html_select("target", $databases, $db) : '<input name="target" value="' . h($db) . '" autocapitalize="off">');
echo " <input type='submit' name='move' value='" . lang('Move') . "'>";
echo (support("copy") ? " <input type='submit' name='copy' value='" . lang('Copy') . "'>" : "");
echo "\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='all' value='' onclick=\"selectCount('selected', formChecked(this, /^(tables|views)\[/));" . (support("table") ? " selectCount('selected2', formChecked(this, /^tables\[/) || $tables);" : "") . "\">\n"; // used by trCheck()
echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$token'>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>tableCheck();</script>\n";
echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h(ME) . 'create=">' . lang('Create table') . "</a>\n";
echo (support("view") ? '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'view=">' . lang('Create view') . "</a>\n" : "");
if (support("routine")) {
echo "<h3 id='routines'>" . lang('Routines') . "</h3>\n";
$routines = routines();
if ($routines) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo '<thead><tr><th>' . lang('Name') . '<td>' . lang('Type') . '<td>' . lang('Return type') . "<td> </thead>\n";
foreach ($routines as $row) {
echo '<tr' . odd() . '>';
echo '<th><a href="' . h(ME) . ($row["ROUTINE_TYPE"] != "PROCEDURE" ? 'callf=' : 'call=') . urlencode($row["ROUTINE_NAME"]) . '">' . h($row["ROUTINE_NAME"]) . '</a>';
echo '<td>' . h($row["ROUTINE_TYPE"]);
echo '<td>' . h($row["DTD_IDENTIFIER"]);
echo '<td><a href="' . h(ME) . ($row["ROUTINE_TYPE"] != "PROCEDURE" ? 'function=' : 'procedure=') . urlencode($row["ROUTINE_NAME"]) . '">' . lang('Alter') . "</a>";
echo "</table>\n";
echo '<p class="links">'
. (support("procedure") ? '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'procedure=">' . lang('Create procedure') . '</a>' : '')
. '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'function=">' . lang('Create function') . "</a>\n"
if (support("sequence")) {
echo "<h3 id='sequences'>" . lang('Sequences') . "</h3>\n";
$sequences = get_vals("SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema = current_schema() ORDER BY sequence_name");
if ($sequences) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><th>" . lang('Name') . "</thead>\n";
foreach ($sequences as $val) {
echo "<tr" . odd() . "><th><a href='" . h(ME) . "sequence=" . urlencode($val) . "'>" . h($val) . "</a>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<p class='links'><a href='" . h(ME) . "sequence='>" . lang('Create sequence') . "</a>\n";
if (support("type")) {
echo "<h3 id='user-types'>" . lang('User types') . "</h3>\n";
$user_types = types();
if ($user_types) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><th>" . lang('Name') . "</thead>\n";
foreach ($user_types as $val) {
echo "<tr" . odd() . "><th><a href='" . h(ME) . "type=" . urlencode($val) . "'>" . h($val) . "</a>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<p class='links'><a href='" . h(ME) . "type='>" . lang('Create type') . "</a>\n";
if (support("event")) {
echo "<h3 id='events'>" . lang('Events') . "</h3>\n";
$rows = get_rows("SHOW EVENTS");
if ($rows) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><th>" . lang('Name') . "<td>" . lang('Schedule') . "<td>" . lang('Start') . "<td>" . lang('End') . "<td></thead>\n";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>" . h($row["Name"]);
echo "<td>" . ($row["Execute at"] ? lang('At given time') . "<td>" . $row["Execute at"] : lang('Every') . " " . $row["Interval value"] . " " . $row["Interval field"] . "<td>$row[Starts]");
echo "<td>$row[Ends]";
echo '<td><a href="' . h(ME) . 'event=' . urlencode($row["Name"]) . '">' . lang('Alter') . '</a>';
echo "</table>\n";
$event_scheduler = $connection->result("SELECT @@event_scheduler");
if ($event_scheduler && $event_scheduler != "ON") {
echo "<p class='error'><code class='jush-sqlset'>event_scheduler</code>: " . h($event_scheduler) . "\n";
echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h(ME) . 'event=">' . lang('Create event') . "</a>\n";
if ($tables_list) {
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>ajaxSetHtml('" . js_escape(ME) . "script=db');</script>\n";
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["download"];
$fields = fields($TABLE);
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . friendly_url("$TABLE-" . implode("_", $_GET["where"])) . "." . friendly_url($_GET["field"]));
$select = array(idf_escape($_GET["field"]));
$result = $driver->select($TABLE, $select, array(where($_GET, $fields)), $select);
$row = ($result ? $result->fetch_row() : array());
echo $row[0];
exit; // don't output footer
@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
$drivers["elastic"] = "Elasticsearch (beta)";
if (isset($_GET["elastic"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("json");
define("DRIVER", "elastic");
if (function_exists('json_decode')) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "JSON", $server_info, $errno, $error, $_url;
/** Performs query
* @param string
* @param array
* @param string
* @return mixed
function rootQuery($path, $content = array(), $method = 'GET') {
@ini_set('track_errors', 1); // @ - may be disabled
$file = @file_get_contents($this->_url . '/' . ltrim($path, '/'), false, stream_context_create(array('http' => array(
'method' => $method,
'content' => json_encode($content),
'ignore_errors' => 1, // available since PHP 5.2.10
if (!$file) {
$this->error = $php_errormsg;
return $file;
if (!preg_match('~^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 2~i', $http_response_header[0])) {
$this->error = $file;
return false;
$return = json_decode($file, true);
if ($return === null) {
$this->errno = json_last_error();
if (function_exists('json_last_error_msg')) {
$this->error = json_last_error_msg();
} else {
$constants = get_defined_constants(true);
foreach ($constants['json'] as $name => $value) {
if ($value == $this->errno && preg_match('~^JSON_ERROR_~', $name)) {
$this->error = $name;
return $return;
/** Performs query relative to actual selected DB
* @param string
* @param array
* @param string
* @return mixed
function query($path, $content = array(), $method = 'GET') {
return $this->rootQuery(($this->_db != "" ? "$this->_db/" : "/") . ltrim($path, '/'), $content, $method);
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
preg_match('~^(https?://)?(.*)~', $server, $match);
$this->_url = ($match[1] ? $match[1] : "http://") . "$username:$password@$match[2]/";
$return = $this->query('');
if ($return) {
$this->server_info = $return['version']['number'];
return (bool) $return;
function select_db($database) {
$this->_db = $database;
return true;
function quote($string) {
return $string;
class Min_Result {
var $num_rows, $_rows;
function __construct($rows) {
$this->num_rows = count($this->_rows);
$this->_rows = $rows;
function fetch_assoc() {
$return = current($this->_rows);
return $return;
function fetch_row() {
return array_values($this->fetch_assoc());
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
function select($table, $select, $where, $group, $order = array(), $limit = 1, $page = 0, $print = false) {
global $adminer;
$data = array();
$query = "$table/_search";
if ($select != array("*")) {
$data["fields"] = $select;
if ($order) {
$sort = array();
foreach ($order as $col) {
$col = preg_replace('~ DESC$~', '', $col, 1, $count);
$sort[] = ($count ? array($col => "desc") : $col);
$data["sort"] = $sort;
if ($limit) {
$data["size"] = +$limit;
if ($page) {
$data["from"] = ($page * $limit);
foreach ($where as $val) {
list($col,$op,$val) = explode(" ",$val,3);
if ($col == "_id") {
$data["query"]["ids"]["values"][] = $val;
elseif ($col . $val != "") {
$term = array("term" => array(($col != "" ? $col : "_all") => $val));
if ($op == "=") {
$data["query"]["filtered"]["filter"]["and"][] = $term;
} else {
$data["query"]["filtered"]["query"]["bool"]["must"][] = $term;
if ($data["query"] && !$data["query"]["filtered"]["query"] && !$data["query"]["ids"]) {
$data["query"]["filtered"]["query"] = array("match_all" => array());
$start = microtime(true);
$search = $this->_conn->query($query, $data);
if ($print) {
echo $adminer->selectQuery("$query: " . print_r($data, true), format_time($start));
if (!$search) {
return false;
$return = array();
foreach ($search['hits']['hits'] as $hit) {
$row = array();
if ($select == array("*")) {
$row["_id"] = $hit["_id"];
$fields = $hit['_source'];
if ($select != array("*")) {
$fields = array();
foreach ($select as $key) {
$fields[$key] = $hit['fields'][$key];
foreach ($fields as $key => $val) {
if ($data["fields"]) {
$val = $val[0];
$row[$key] = (is_array($val) ? json_encode($val) : $val); //! display JSON and others differently
$return[] = $row;
return new Min_Result($return);
function connect() {
global $adminer;
$connection = new Min_DB;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) {
return $connection;
return $connection->error;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match("~database|table|columns~", $feature);
function logged_user() {
global $adminer;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
return $credentials[1];
function get_databases() {
global $connection;
$return = $connection->rootQuery('_aliases');
if ($return) {
$return = array_keys($return);
sort($return, SORT_STRING);
return $return;
function collations() {
return array();
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
function engines() {
return array();
function count_tables($databases) {
global $connection;
$return = $connection->query('_mapping');
if ($return) {
$return = array_map('count', $return);
return $return;
function tables_list() {
global $connection;
$return = $connection->query('_mapping');
if ($return) {
$return = array_fill_keys(array_keys($return[$connection->_db]["mappings"]), 'table');
return $return;
function table_status($name = "", $fast = false) {
global $connection;
$search = $connection->query("_search?search_type=count", array(
"facets" => array(
"count_by_type" => array(
"terms" => array(
"field" => "_type",
), "POST");
$return = array();
if ($search) {
foreach ($search["facets"]["count_by_type"]["terms"] as $table) {
$return[$table["term"]] = array(
"Name" => $table["term"],
"Engine" => "table",
"Rows" => $table["count"],
if ($name != "" && $name == $table["term"]) {
return $return[$name];
return $return;
function error() {
global $connection;
return h($connection->error);
function information_schema() {
function is_view($table_status) {
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
return array(
array("type" => "PRIMARY", "columns" => array("_id")),
function fields($table) {
global $connection;
$result = $connection->query("$table/_mapping");
$return = array();
if ($result) {
$mappings = $result[$table]['properties'];
if (!$mappings) {
$mappings = $result[$connection->_db]['mappings'][$table]['properties'];
if ($mappings) {
foreach ($mappings as $name => $field) {
$return[$name] = array(
"field" => $name,
"full_type" => $field["type"],
"type" => $field["type"],
"privileges" => array("insert" => 1, "select" => 1, "update" => 1),
if ($field["properties"]) { // only leaf fields can be edited
return $return;
function foreign_keys($table) {
return array();
function table($idf) {
return $idf;
function idf_escape($idf) {
return $idf;
function convert_field($field) {
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function fk_support($table_status) {
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
return null;
/** Create database
* @param string
* @return mixed
function create_database($db) {
global $connection;
return $connection->rootQuery(urlencode($db), array(), 'PUT');
/** Drop databases
* @param array
* @return mixed
function drop_databases($databases) {
global $connection;
return $connection->rootQuery(urlencode(implode(',', $databases)), array(), 'DELETE');
/** Drop tables
* @param array
* @return bool
function drop_tables($tables) {
global $connection;
$return = true;
foreach ($tables as $table) { //! convert to bulk api
$return = $return && $connection->query(urlencode($table), array(), 'DELETE');
return $return;
$jush = "elastic";
$operators = array("=", "query");
$functions = array();
$grouping = array();
$edit_functions = array(array("json"));
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
* @author Steve Krämer
$drivers['firebird'] = 'Firebird (alpha)';
if (isset($_GET["firebird"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("interbase");
define("DRIVER", "firebird");
if (extension_loaded("interbase") ) {
class Min_DB {
$extension = "Firebird",
$_link, $_result
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
$this->_link = ibase_connect($server, $username, $password);
if ($this->_link) {
$url_parts = explode(':', $server);
$this->service_link = ibase_service_attach($url_parts[0], $username, $password);
$this->server_info = ibase_server_info($this->service_link, IBASE_SVC_SERVER_VERSION);
} else {
$this->errno = ibase_errcode();
$this->error = ibase_errmsg();
return (bool) $this->_link;
function quote($string) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $string) . "'";
function select_db($database) {
return ($database == "domain");
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$result = ibase_query($query, $this->_link);
if (!$result) {
$this->errno = ibase_errcode();
$this->error = ibase_errmsg();
return false;
$this->error = "";
if ($result === true) {
$this->affected_rows = ibase_affected_rows($this->_link);
return true;
return new Min_Result($result);
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function next_result() {
return false;
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!$result || !$result->num_rows) {
return false;
$row = $result->fetch_row();
return $row[$field];
class Min_Result {
var $num_rows, $_result, $_offset = 0;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
// $this->num_rows = ibase_num_rows($result);
function fetch_assoc() {
return ibase_fetch_assoc($this->_result);
function fetch_row() {
return ibase_fetch_row($this->_result);
function fetch_field() {
$field = ibase_field_info($this->_result, $this->_offset++);
return (object) array(
'name' => $field['name'],
'orgname' => $field['name'],
'type' => $field['type'],
'charsetnr' => $field['length'],
function __destruct() {
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
function idf_escape($idf) {
return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $idf) . '"';
function table($idf) {
return idf_escape($idf);
function connect() {
global $adminer;
$connection = new Min_DB;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) {
return $connection;
return $connection->error;
function get_databases($flush) {
return array("domain");
function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") {
$return = '';
$return .= ($limit !== null ? $separator . "FIRST $limit" . ($offset ? " SKIP $offset" : "") : "");
$return .= " $query$where";
return $return;
function limit1($query, $where) {
return limit($query, $where, 1);
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
function engines() {
return array();
function logged_user() {
global $adminer;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
return $credentials[1];
function tables_list() {
global $connection;
$query = 'SELECT RDB$RELATION_NAME FROM rdb$relations WHERE rdb$system_flag = 0';
$result = ibase_query($connection->_link, $query);
$return = array();
while ($row = ibase_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$return[$row['RDB$RELATION_NAME']] = 'table';
return $return;
function count_tables($databases) {
return array();
function table_status($name = "", $fast = false) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
$data = tables_list();
foreach ($data as $index => $val) {
$index = trim($index);
$return[$index] = array(
'Name' => $index,
'Engine' => 'standard',
if ($name == $index) {
return $return[$index];
return $return;
function is_view($table_status) {
return false;
function fk_support($table_status) {
return preg_match('~InnoDB|IBMDB2I~i', $table_status["Engine"]);
function fields($table) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
$query = 'SELECT r.RDB$FIELD_NAME AS field_name,
r.RDB$DESCRIPTION AS field_description,
r.RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE AS field_default_value,
r.RDB$NULL_FLAG AS field_not_null_constraint,
f.RDB$FIELD_LENGTH AS field_length,
f.RDB$FIELD_PRECISION AS field_precision,
f.RDB$FIELD_SCALE AS field_scale,
WHEN 16 THEN \'INT64\'
END AS field_type,
f.RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE AS field_subtype,
coll.RDB$COLLATION_NAME AS field_collation,
cset.RDB$CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS field_charset
WHERE r.RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' . q($table) . '
$result = ibase_query($connection->_link, $query);
while ($row = ibase_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$return[trim($row['FIELD_NAME'])] = array(
"field" => trim($row["FIELD_NAME"]),
"full_type" => trim($row["FIELD_TYPE"]),
"type" => trim($row["FIELD_SUB_TYPE"]),
"default" => trim($row['FIELD_DEFAULT_VALUE']),
"null" => (trim($row["FIELD_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT"]) == "YES"),
"auto_increment" => '0',
"collation" => trim($row["FIELD_COLLATION"]),
"privileges" => array("insert" => 1, "select" => 1, "update" => 1),
"comment" => trim($row["FIELD_DESCRIPTION"]),
return $return;
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
$return = array();
return $return;
function foreign_keys($table) {
return array();
function collations() {
return array();
function information_schema($db) {
return false;
function error() {
global $connection;
return h($connection->error);
function types() {
return array();
function schemas() {
return array();
function get_schema() {
return "";
function set_schema($schema) {
return true;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match("~^(columns|sql|status|table)$~", $feature);
$jush = "firebird";
$operators = array("=");
$functions = array();
$grouping = array();
$edit_functions = array();
@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
$drivers["mongo"] = "MongoDB (beta)";
if (isset($_GET["mongo"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("mongo");
define("DRIVER", "mongo");
if (class_exists('MongoDB')) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "Mongo", $error, $last_id, $_link, $_db;
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
global $adminer;
$db = $adminer->database();
$options = array();
if ($username != "") {
$options["username"] = $username;
$options["password"] = $password;
if ($db != "") {
$options["db"] = $db;
try {
$this->_link = @new MongoClient("mongodb://$server", $options);
return true;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->error = $ex->getMessage();
return false;
function query($query) {
return false;
function select_db($database) {
try {
$this->_db = $this->_link->selectDB($database);
return true;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->error = $ex->getMessage();
return false;
function quote($string) {
return $string;
class Min_Result {
var $num_rows, $_rows = array(), $_offset = 0, $_charset = array();
function __construct($result) {
foreach ($result as $item) {
$row = array();
foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
if (is_a($val, 'MongoBinData')) {
$this->_charset[$key] = 63;
$row[$key] =
(is_a($val, 'MongoId') ? 'ObjectId("' . strval($val) . '")' :
(is_a($val, 'MongoDate') ? gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $val->sec) . " GMT" :
(is_a($val, 'MongoBinData') ? $val->bin : //! allow downloading
(is_a($val, 'MongoRegex') ? strval($val) :
(is_object($val) ? get_class($val) : // MongoMinKey, MongoMaxKey
$this->_rows[] = $row;
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if (!isset($this->_rows[0][$key])) {
$this->_rows[0][$key] = null;
$this->num_rows = count($this->_rows);
function fetch_assoc() {
$row = current($this->_rows);
if (!$row) {
return $row;
$return = array();
foreach ($this->_rows[0] as $key => $val) {
$return[$key] = $row[$key];
return $return;
function fetch_row() {
$return = $this->fetch_assoc();
if (!$return) {
return $return;
return array_values($return);
function fetch_field() {
$keys = array_keys($this->_rows[0]);
$name = $keys[$this->_offset++];
return (object) array(
'name' => $name,
'charsetnr' => $this->_charset[$name],
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
public $primary = "_id";
function select($table, $select, $where, $group, $order = array(), $limit = 1, $page = 0, $print = false) {
$select = ($select == array("*")
? array()
: array_fill_keys($select, true)
$sort = array();
foreach ($order as $val) {
$val = preg_replace('~ DESC$~', '', $val, 1, $count);
$sort[$val] = ($count ? -1 : 1);
return new Min_Result($this->_conn->_db->selectCollection($table)
->find(array(), $select)
->skip($page * $limit)
function insert($table, $set) {
try {
$return = $this->_conn->_db->selectCollection($table)->insert($set);
$this->_conn->errno = $return['code'];
$this->_conn->error = $return['err'];
$this->_conn->last_id = $set['_id'];
return !$return['err'];
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->_conn->error = $ex->getMessage();
return false;
function connect() {
global $adminer;
$connection = new Min_DB;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) {
return $connection;
return $connection->error;
function error() {
global $connection;
return h($connection->error);
function logged_user() {
global $adminer;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
return $credentials[1];
function get_databases($flush) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
$dbs = $connection->_link->listDBs();
foreach ($dbs['databases'] as $db) {
$return[] = $db['name'];
return $return;
function collations() {
return array();
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
function count_tables($databases) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
foreach ($databases as $db) {
$return[$db] = count($connection->_link->selectDB($db)->getCollectionNames(true));
return $return;
function tables_list() {
global $connection;
return array_fill_keys($connection->_db->getCollectionNames(true), 'table');
function table_status($name = "", $fast = false) {
$return = array();
foreach (tables_list() as $table => $type) {
$return[$table] = array("Name" => $table);
if ($name == $table) {
return $return[$table];
return $return;
function information_schema() {
function is_view($table_status) {
function drop_databases($databases) {
global $connection;
foreach ($databases as $db) {
$response = $connection->_link->selectDB($db)->drop();
if (!$response['ok']) {
return false;
return true;
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
foreach ($connection->_db->selectCollection($table)->getIndexInfo() as $index) {
$descs = array();
foreach ($index["key"] as $column => $type) {
$descs[] = ($type == -1 ? '1' : null);
$return[$index["name"]] = array(
"type" => ($index["name"] == "_id_" ? "PRIMARY" : ($index["unique"] ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX")),
"columns" => array_keys($index["key"]),
"lengths" => array(),
"descs" => $descs,
return $return;
function fields($table) {
return fields_from_edit();
function convert_field($field) {
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function foreign_keys($table) {
return array();
function fk_support($table_status) {
function engines() {
return array();
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
global $connection;
//! don't call count_rows()
return $connection->_db->selectCollection($_GET["select"])->count($where);
function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) {
global $connection;
if ($table == "") {
return true;
function drop_tables($tables) {
global $connection;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$response = $connection->_db->selectCollection($table)->drop();
if (!$response['ok']) {
return false;
return true;
function truncate_tables($tables) {
global $connection;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$response = $connection->_db->selectCollection($table)->remove();
if (!$response['ok']) {
return false;
return true;
function alter_indexes($table, $alter) {
global $connection;
foreach ($alter as $val) {
list($type, $name, $set) = $val;
if ($set == "DROP") {
$return = $connection->_db->command(array("deleteIndexes" => $table, "index" => $name));
} else {
$columns = array();
foreach ($set as $column) {
$column = preg_replace('~ DESC$~', '', $column, 1, $count);
$columns[$column] = ($count ? -1 : 1);
$return = $connection->_db->selectCollection($table)->ensureIndex($columns, array(
"unique" => ($type == "UNIQUE"),
"name" => $name,
//! "sparse"
if ($return['errmsg']) {
$connection->error = $return['errmsg'];
return false;
return true;
function last_id() {
global $connection;
return $connection->last_id;
function table($idf) {
return $idf;
function idf_escape($idf) {
return $idf;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match("~database|indexes~", $feature);
$jush = "mongo";
$operators = array("=");
$functions = array();
$grouping = array();
$edit_functions = array(array("json"));
@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
* @author Jakub Cernohuby
* @author Vladimir Stastka
* @author Jakub Vrana
$drivers["mssql"] = "MS SQL";
if (isset($_GET["mssql"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("SQLSRV", "MSSQL", "PDO_DBLIB");
define("DRIVER", "mssql");
if (extension_loaded("sqlsrv")) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "sqlsrv", $_link, $_result, $server_info, $affected_rows, $errno, $error;
function _get_error() {
$this->error = "";
foreach (sqlsrv_errors() as $error) {
$this->errno = $error["code"];
$this->error .= "$error[message]\n";
$this->error = rtrim($this->error);
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
$this->_link = @sqlsrv_connect($server, array("UID" => $username, "PWD" => $password, "CharacterSet" => "UTF-8"));
if ($this->_link) {
$info = sqlsrv_server_info($this->_link);
$this->server_info = $info['SQLServerVersion'];
} else {
return (bool) $this->_link;
function quote($string) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $string) . "'";
function select_db($database) {
return $this->query("USE " . idf_escape($database));
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$result = sqlsrv_query($this->_link, $query); //! , array(), ($unbuffered ? array() : array("Scrollable" => "keyset"))
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
return false;
return $this->store_result($result);
function multi_query($query) {
$this->_result = sqlsrv_query($this->_link, $query);
$this->error = "";
if (!$this->_result) {
return false;
return true;
function store_result($result = null) {
if (!$result) {
$result = $this->_result;
if (!$result) {
return false;
if (sqlsrv_field_metadata($result)) {
return new Min_Result($result);
$this->affected_rows = sqlsrv_rows_affected($result);
return true;
function next_result() {
return $this->_result ? sqlsrv_next_result($this->_result) : null;
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!is_object($result)) {
return false;
$row = $result->fetch_row();
return $row[$field];
class Min_Result {
var $_result, $_offset = 0, $_fields, $num_rows;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
// $this->num_rows = sqlsrv_num_rows($result); // available only in scrollable results
function _convert($row) {
foreach ((array) $row as $key => $val) {
if (is_a($val, 'DateTime')) {
$row[$key] = $val->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
//! stream
return $row;
function fetch_assoc() {
return $this->_convert(sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->_result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC));
function fetch_row() {
return $this->_convert(sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->_result, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC));
function fetch_field() {
if (!$this->_fields) {
$this->_fields = sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_result);
$field = $this->_fields[$this->_offset++];
$return = new stdClass;
$return->name = $field["Name"];
$return->orgname = $field["Name"];
$return->type = ($field["Type"] == 1 ? 254 : 0);
return $return;
function seek($offset) {
for ($i=0; $i < $offset; $i++) {
sqlsrv_fetch($this->_result); // SQLSRV_SCROLL_ABSOLUTE added in sqlsrv 1.1
function __destruct() {
} elseif (extension_loaded("mssql")) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "MSSQL", $_link, $_result, $server_info, $affected_rows, $error;
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
$this->_link = @mssql_connect($server, $username, $password);
if ($this->_link) {
$result = $this->query("SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel'), SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')");
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$this->server_info = $this->result("sp_server_info 2", 2) . " [$row[0]] $row[1]";
} else {
$this->error = mssql_get_last_message();
return (bool) $this->_link;
function quote($string) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $string) . "'";
function select_db($database) {
return mssql_select_db($database);
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$result = @mssql_query($query, $this->_link); //! $unbuffered
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
$this->error = mssql_get_last_message();
return false;
if ($result === true) {
$this->affected_rows = mssql_rows_affected($this->_link);
return true;
return new Min_Result($result);
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function next_result() {
return mssql_next_result($this->_result->_result);
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!is_object($result)) {
return false;
return mssql_result($result->_result, 0, $field);
class Min_Result {
var $_result, $_offset = 0, $_fields, $num_rows;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
$this->num_rows = mssql_num_rows($result);
function fetch_assoc() {
return mssql_fetch_assoc($this->_result);
function fetch_row() {
return mssql_fetch_row($this->_result);
function num_rows() {
return mssql_num_rows($this->_result);
function fetch_field() {
$return = mssql_fetch_field($this->_result);
$return->orgtable = $return->table;
$return->orgname = $return->name;
return $return;
function seek($offset) {
mssql_data_seek($this->_result, $offset);
function __destruct() {
} elseif (extension_loaded("pdo_dblib")) {
class Min_DB extends Min_PDO {
var $extension = "PDO_DBLIB";
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
$this->dsn("dblib:charset=utf8;host=" . str_replace(":", ";unix_socket=", preg_replace('~:(\\d)~', ';port=\\1', $server)), $username, $password);
return true;
function select_db($database) {
// database selection is separated from the connection so dbname in DSN can't be used
return $this->query("USE " . idf_escape($database));
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
function insertUpdate($table, $rows, $primary) {
foreach ($rows as $set) {
$update = array();
$where = array();
foreach ($set as $key => $val) {
$update[] = "$key = $val";
if (isset($primary[idf_unescape($key)])) {
$where[] = "$key = $val";
//! can use only one query for all rows
if (!queries("MERGE " . table($table) . " USING (VALUES(" . implode(", ", $set) . ")) AS source (c" . implode(", c", range(1, count($set))) . ") ON " . implode(" AND ", $where) //! source, c1 - possible conflict
. " WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET " . implode(", ", $update)
. " WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(", ", $set) . ");" // ; is mandatory
)) {
return false;
return true;
function begin() {
return queries("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
function idf_escape($idf) {
return "[" . str_replace("]", "]]", $idf) . "]";
function table($idf) {
return ($_GET["ns"] != "" ? idf_escape($_GET["ns"]) . "." : "") . idf_escape($idf);
function connect() {
global $adminer;
$connection = new Min_DB;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) {
return $connection;
return $connection->error;
function get_databases() {
return get_vals("SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb')");
function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") {
return ($limit !== null ? " TOP (" . ($limit + $offset) . ")" : "") . " $query$where"; // seek later
function limit1($query, $where) {
return limit($query, $where, 1);
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT collation_name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = " . q($db));
function engines() {
return array();
function logged_user() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT SUSER_NAME()");
function tables_list() {
return get_key_vals("SELECT name, type_desc FROM sys.all_objects WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(" . q(get_schema()) . ") AND type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') ORDER BY name");
function count_tables($databases) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
foreach ($databases as $db) {
$return[$db] = $connection->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES");
return $return;
function table_status($name = "") {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT name AS Name, type_desc AS Engine FROM sys.all_objects WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(" . q(get_schema()) . ") AND type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') " . ($name != "" ? "AND name = " . q($name) : "ORDER BY name")) as $row) {
if ($name != "") {
return $row;
$return[$row["Name"]] = $row;
return $return;
function is_view($table_status) {
return $table_status["Engine"] == "VIEW";
function fk_support($table_status) {
return true;
function fields($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT c.*, t.name type, d.definition [default]
FROM sys.all_columns c
JOIN sys.all_objects o ON c.object_id = o.object_id
JOIN sys.types t ON c.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN sys.default_constraints d ON c.default_object_id = d.parent_column_id
WHERE o.schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(" . q(get_schema()) . ") AND o.type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') AND o.name = " . q($table)
) as $row) {
$type = $row["type"];
$length = (preg_match("~char|binary~", $type) ? $row["max_length"] : ($type == "decimal" ? "$row[precision],$row[scale]" : ""));
$return[$row["name"]] = array(
"field" => $row["name"],
"full_type" => $type . ($length ? "($length)" : ""),
"type" => $type,
"length" => $length,
"default" => $row["default"],
"null" => $row["is_nullable"],
"auto_increment" => $row["is_identity"],
"collation" => $row["collation_name"],
"privileges" => array("insert" => 1, "select" => 1, "update" => 1),
"primary" => $row["is_identity"], //! or indexes.is_primary_key
return $return;
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
$return = array();
// sp_statistics doesn't return information about primary key
foreach (get_rows("SELECT i.name, key_ordinal, is_unique, is_primary_key, c.name AS column_name, is_descending_key
FROM sys.indexes i
INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) = " . q($table)
, $connection2) as $row) {
$name = $row["name"];
$return[$name]["type"] = ($row["is_primary_key"] ? "PRIMARY" : ($row["is_unique"] ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX"));
$return[$name]["lengths"] = array();
$return[$name]["columns"][$row["key_ordinal"]] = $row["column_name"];
$return[$name]["descs"][$row["key_ordinal"]] = ($row["is_descending_key"] ? '1' : null);
return $return;
function view($name) {
global $connection;
return array("select" => preg_replace('~^(?:[^[]|\\[[^]]*])*\\s+AS\\s+~isU', '', $connection->result("SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA_NAME() AND TABLE_NAME = " . q($name))));
function collations() {
$return = array();
foreach (get_vals("SELECT name FROM fn_helpcollations()") as $collation) {
$return[preg_replace('~_.*~', '', $collation)][] = $collation;
return $return;
function information_schema($db) {
return false;
function error() {
global $connection;
return nl_br(h(preg_replace('~^(\\[[^]]*])+~m', '', $connection->error)));
function create_database($db, $collation) {
return queries("CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape($db) . (preg_match('~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i', $collation) ? " COLLATE $collation" : ""));
function drop_databases($databases) {
return queries("DROP DATABASE " . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $databases)));
function rename_database($name, $collation) {
if (preg_match('~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i', $collation)) {
queries("ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape(DB) . " COLLATE $collation");
queries("ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape(DB) . " MODIFY NAME = " . idf_escape($name));
return true; //! false negative "The database name 'test2' has been set."
function auto_increment() {
return " IDENTITY" . ($_POST["Auto_increment"] != "" ? "(" . number($_POST["Auto_increment"]) . ",1)" : "") . " PRIMARY KEY";
function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) {
$alter = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$column = idf_escape($field[0]);
$val = $field[1];
if (!$val) {
$alter["DROP"][] = " COLUMN $column";
} else {
$val[1] = preg_replace("~( COLLATE )'(\\w+)'~", "\\1\\2", $val[1]);
if ($field[0] == "") {
$alter["ADD"][] = "\n " . implode("", $val) . ($table == "" ? substr($foreign[$val[0]], 16 + strlen($val[0])) : ""); // 16 - strlen(" FOREIGN KEY ()")
} else {
unset($val[6]); //! identity can't be removed
if ($column != $val[0]) {
queries("EXEC sp_rename " . q(table($table) . ".$column") . ", " . q(idf_unescape($val[0])) . ", 'COLUMN'");
$alter["ALTER COLUMN " . implode("", $val)][] = "";
if ($table == "") {
return queries("CREATE TABLE " . table($name) . " (" . implode(",", (array) $alter["ADD"]) . "\n)");
if ($table != $name) {
queries("EXEC sp_rename " . q(table($table)) . ", " . q($name));
if ($foreign) {
$alter[""] = $foreign;
foreach ($alter as $key => $val) {
if (!queries("ALTER TABLE " . idf_escape($name) . " $key" . implode(",", $val))) {
return false;
return true;
function alter_indexes($table, $alter) {
$index = array();
$drop = array();
foreach ($alter as $val) {
if ($val[2] == "DROP") {
if ($val[0] == "PRIMARY") { //! sometimes used also for UNIQUE
$drop[] = idf_escape($val[1]);
} else {
$index[] = idf_escape($val[1]) . " ON " . table($table);
} elseif (!queries(($val[0] != "PRIMARY"
? "CREATE $val[0] " . ($val[0] != "INDEX" ? "INDEX " : "") . idf_escape($val[1] != "" ? $val[1] : uniqid($table . "_")) . " ON " . table($table)
: "ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " ADD PRIMARY KEY"
) . " (" . implode(", ", $val[2]) . ")")) {
return false;
return (!$index || queries("DROP INDEX " . implode(", ", $index)))
&& (!$drop || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " DROP " . implode(", ", $drop)))
function last_id() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"); // @@IDENTITY can return trigger INSERT
function explain($connection, $query) {
$connection->query("SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON");
$return = $connection->query($query);
$connection->query("SET SHOWPLAN_ALL OFF"); // connection is used also for indexes
return $return;
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
function foreign_keys($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("EXEC sp_fkeys @fktable_name = " . q($table)) as $row) {
$foreign_key = &$return[$row["FK_NAME"]];
$foreign_key["table"] = $row["PKTABLE_NAME"];
$foreign_key["source"][] = $row["FKCOLUMN_NAME"];
$foreign_key["target"][] = $row["PKCOLUMN_NAME"];
return $return;
function truncate_tables($tables) {
return apply_queries("TRUNCATE TABLE", $tables);
function drop_views($views) {
return queries("DROP VIEW " . implode(", ", array_map('table', $views)));
function drop_tables($tables) {
return queries("DROP TABLE " . implode(", ", array_map('table', $tables)));
function move_tables($tables, $views, $target) {
return apply_queries("ALTER SCHEMA " . idf_escape($target) . " TRANSFER", array_merge($tables, $views));
function trigger($name) {
if ($name == "") {
return array();
$rows = get_rows("SELECT s.name [Trigger],
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(s.id, 'ExecIsInsertTrigger') = 1 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(s.id, 'ExecIsUpdateTrigger') = 1 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(s.id, 'ExecIsDeleteTrigger') = 1 THEN 'DELETE' END [Event],
FROM sysobjects s
JOIN syscomments c ON s.id = c.id
WHERE s.xtype = 'TR' AND s.name = " . q($name)
); // triggers are not schema-scoped
$return = reset($rows);
if ($return) {
$return["Statement"] = preg_replace('~^.+\\s+AS\\s+~isU', '', $return["text"]); //! identifiers, comments
return $return;
function triggers($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT sys1.name,
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(sys1.id, 'ExecIsInsertTrigger') = 1 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(sys1.id, 'ExecIsUpdateTrigger') = 1 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(sys1.id, 'ExecIsDeleteTrigger') = 1 THEN 'DELETE' END [Event],
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(sys1.id, 'ExecIsInsteadOfTrigger') = 1 THEN 'INSTEAD OF' ELSE 'AFTER' END [Timing]
FROM sysobjects sys1
JOIN sysobjects sys2 ON sys1.parent_obj = sys2.id
WHERE sys1.xtype = 'TR' AND sys2.name = " . q($table)
) as $row) { // triggers are not schema-scoped
$return[$row["name"]] = array($row["Timing"], $row["Event"]);
return $return;
function trigger_options() {
return array(
"Timing" => array("AFTER", "INSTEAD OF"),
"Event" => array("INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE"),
"Type" => array("AS"),
function schemas() {
return get_vals("SELECT name FROM sys.schemas");
function get_schema() {
global $connection;
if ($_GET["ns"] != "") {
return $_GET["ns"];
return $connection->result("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME()");
function set_schema($schema) {
return true; // ALTER USER is permanent
function use_sql($database) {
return "USE " . idf_escape($database);
function show_variables() {
return array();
function show_status() {
return array();
function convert_field($field) {
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match('~^(columns|database|drop_col|indexes|scheme|sql|table|trigger|view|view_trigger)$~', $feature); //! routine|
$jush = "mssql";
$types = array();
$structured_types = array();
foreach (array( //! use sys.types
lang('Numbers') => array("tinyint" => 3, "smallint" => 5, "int" => 10, "bigint" => 20, "bit" => 1, "decimal" => 0, "real" => 12, "float" => 53, "smallmoney" => 10, "money" => 20),
lang('Date and time') => array("date" => 10, "smalldatetime" => 19, "datetime" => 19, "datetime2" => 19, "time" => 8, "datetimeoffset" => 10),
lang('Strings') => array("char" => 8000, "varchar" => 8000, "text" => 2147483647, "nchar" => 4000, "nvarchar" => 4000, "ntext" => 1073741823),
lang('Binary') => array("binary" => 8000, "varbinary" => 8000, "image" => 2147483647),
) as $key => $val) {
$types += $val;
$structured_types[$key] = array_keys($val);
$unsigned = array();
$operators = array("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE", "LIKE %%", "IN", "IS NULL", "NOT LIKE", "NOT IN", "IS NOT NULL");
$functions = array("len", "lower", "round", "upper");
$grouping = array("avg", "count", "count distinct", "max", "min", "sum");
$edit_functions = array(
"date|time" => "getdate",
), array(
"int|decimal|real|float|money|datetime" => "+/-",
"char|text" => "+",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
$drivers["oracle"] = "Oracle";
if (isset($_GET["oracle"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("OCI8", "PDO_OCI");
define("DRIVER", "oracle");
if (extension_loaded("oci8")) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "oci8", $_link, $_result, $server_info, $affected_rows, $errno, $error;
function _error($errno, $error) {
if (ini_bool("html_errors")) {
$error = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($error));
$error = preg_replace('~^[^:]*: ~', '', $error);
$this->error = $error;
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
$this->_link = @oci_new_connect($username, $password, $server, "AL32UTF8");
if ($this->_link) {
$this->server_info = oci_server_version($this->_link);
return true;
$error = oci_error();
$this->error = $error["message"];
return false;
function quote($string) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $string) . "'";
function select_db($database) {
return true;
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$result = oci_parse($this->_link, $query);
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
$error = oci_error($this->_link);
$this->errno = $error["code"];
$this->error = $error["message"];
return false;
set_error_handler(array($this, '_error'));
$return = @oci_execute($result);
if ($return) {
if (oci_num_fields($result)) {
return new Min_Result($result);
$this->affected_rows = oci_num_rows($result);
return $return;
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function next_result() {
return false;
function result($query, $field = 1) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!is_object($result) || !oci_fetch($result->_result)) {
return false;
return oci_result($result->_result, $field);
class Min_Result {
var $_result, $_offset = 1, $num_rows;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
function _convert($row) {
foreach ((array) $row as $key => $val) {
if (is_a($val, 'OCI-Lob')) {
$row[$key] = $val->load();
return $row;
function fetch_assoc() {
return $this->_convert(oci_fetch_assoc($this->_result));
function fetch_row() {
return $this->_convert(oci_fetch_row($this->_result));
function fetch_field() {
$column = $this->_offset++;
$return = new stdClass;
$return->name = oci_field_name($this->_result, $column);
$return->orgname = $return->name;
$return->type = oci_field_type($this->_result, $column);
$return->charsetnr = (preg_match("~raw|blob|bfile~", $return->type) ? 63 : 0); // 63 - binary
return $return;
function __destruct() {
} elseif (extension_loaded("pdo_oci")) {
class Min_DB extends Min_PDO {
var $extension = "PDO_OCI";
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
$this->dsn("oci:dbname=//$server;charset=AL32UTF8", $username, $password);
return true;
function select_db($database) {
return true;
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
//! support empty $set in insert()
function begin() {
return true; // automatic start
function idf_escape($idf) {
return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $idf) . '"';
function table($idf) {
return idf_escape($idf);
function connect() {
global $adminer;
$connection = new Min_DB;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) {
return $connection;
return $connection->error;
function get_databases() {
return get_vals("SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tablespaces");
function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") {
return ($offset ? " * FROM (SELECT t.*, rownum AS rnum FROM (SELECT $query$where) t WHERE rownum <= " . ($limit + $offset) . ") WHERE rnum > $offset"
: ($limit !== null ? " * FROM (SELECT $query$where) WHERE rownum <= " . ($limit + $offset)
: " $query$where"
function limit1($query, $where) {
return " $query$where";
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'"); //! respect $db
function engines() {
return array();
function logged_user() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT USER FROM DUAL");
function tables_list() {
return get_key_vals("SELECT table_name, 'table' FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = " . q(DB) . "
UNION SELECT view_name, 'view' FROM user_views
); //! views don't have schema
function count_tables($databases) {
return array();
function table_status($name = "") {
$return = array();
$search = q($name);
foreach (get_rows('SELECT table_name "Name", \'table\' "Engine", avg_row_len * num_rows "Data_length", num_rows "Rows" FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = ' . q(DB) . ($name != "" ? " AND table_name = $search" : "") . "
UNION SELECT view_name, 'view', 0, 0 FROM user_views" . ($name != "" ? " WHERE view_name = $search" : "") . "
) as $row) {
if ($name != "") {
return $row;
$return[$row["Name"]] = $row;
return $return;
function is_view($table_status) {
return $table_status["Engine"] == "view";
function fk_support($table_status) {
return true;
function fields($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = " . q($table) . " ORDER BY column_id") as $row) {
$type = $row["DATA_TYPE"];
$length = "$row[DATA_PRECISION],$row[DATA_SCALE]";
if ($length == ",") {
$length = $row["DATA_LENGTH"];
} //! int
$return[$row["COLUMN_NAME"]] = array(
"field" => $row["COLUMN_NAME"],
"full_type" => $type . ($length ? "($length)" : ""),
"type" => strtolower($type),
"length" => $length,
"default" => $row["DATA_DEFAULT"],
"null" => ($row["NULLABLE"] == "Y"),
//! "auto_increment" => false,
//! "collation" => $row["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"],
"privileges" => array("insert" => 1, "select" => 1, "update" => 1),
//! "comment" => $row["Comment"],
//! "primary" => ($row["Key"] == "PRI"),
return $return;
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT uic.*, uc.constraint_type
FROM user_ind_columns uic
LEFT JOIN user_constraints uc ON uic.index_name = uc.constraint_name AND uic.table_name = uc.table_name
WHERE uic.table_name = " . q($table) . "
ORDER BY uc.constraint_type, uic.column_position", $connection2) as $row) {
$index_name = $row["INDEX_NAME"];
$return[$index_name]["type"] = ($row["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"] == "P" ? "PRIMARY" : ($row["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"] == "U" ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX"));
$return[$index_name]["columns"][] = $row["COLUMN_NAME"];
$return[$index_name]["lengths"][] = ($row["CHAR_LENGTH"] && $row["CHAR_LENGTH"] != $row["COLUMN_LENGTH"] ? $row["CHAR_LENGTH"] : null);
$return[$index_name]["descs"][] = ($row["DESCEND"] ? '1' : null);
return $return;
function view($name) {
$rows = get_rows('SELECT text "select" FROM user_views WHERE view_name = ' . q($name));
return reset($rows);
function collations() {
return array(); //!
function information_schema($db) {
return false;
function error() {
global $connection;
return h($connection->error); //! highlight sqltext from offset
function explain($connection, $query) {
$connection->query("EXPLAIN PLAN FOR $query");
return $connection->query("SELECT * FROM plan_table");
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) {
$alter = $drop = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$val = $field[1];
if ($val && $field[0] != "" && idf_escape($field[0]) != $val[0]) {
queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME COLUMN " . idf_escape($field[0]) . " TO $val[0]");
if ($val) {
$alter[] = ($table != "" ? ($field[0] != "" ? "MODIFY (" : "ADD (") : " ") . implode($val) . ($table != "" ? ")" : ""); //! error with name change only
} else {
$drop[] = idf_escape($field[0]);
if ($table == "") {
return queries("CREATE TABLE " . table($name) . " (\n" . implode(",\n", $alter) . "\n)");
return (!$alter || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . "\n" . implode("\n", $alter)))
&& (!$drop || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " DROP (" . implode(", ", $drop) . ")"))
&& ($table == $name || queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME TO " . table($name)))
function foreign_keys($table) {
$return = array();
$query = "SELECT c_list.CONSTRAINT_NAME as NAME,
c_dest.OWNER as DEST_DB,
AND c_src.TABLE_NAME = " . q($table);
foreach (get_rows($query) as $row) {
$return[$row['NAME']] = array(
"db" => $row['DEST_DB'],
"table" => $row['DEST_TABLE'],
"source" => array($row['SRC_COLUMN']),
"target" => array($row['DEST_COLUMN']),
"on_delete" => $row['ON_DELETE'],
"on_update" => null,
return $return;
function truncate_tables($tables) {
return apply_queries("TRUNCATE TABLE", $tables);
function drop_views($views) {
return apply_queries("DROP VIEW", $views);
function drop_tables($tables) {
return apply_queries("DROP TABLE", $tables);
function last_id() {
return 0; //!
function schemas() {
return get_vals("SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM dba_segments WHERE owner IN (SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE default_tablespace NOT IN ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX'))");
function get_schema() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') FROM dual");
function set_schema($scheme) {
global $connection;
return $connection->query("ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = " . idf_escape($scheme));
function show_variables() {
return get_key_vals('SELECT name, display_value FROM v$parameter');
function process_list() {
return get_rows('SELECT sess.process AS "process", sess.username AS "user", sess.schemaname AS "schema", sess.status AS "status", sess.wait_class AS "wait_class", sess.seconds_in_wait AS "seconds_in_wait", sql.sql_text AS "sql_text", sess.machine AS "machine", sess.port AS "port"
FROM v$session sess LEFT OUTER JOIN v$sql sql
ON sql.sql_id = sess.sql_id
WHERE sess.type = \'USER\'
function show_status() {
$rows = get_rows('SELECT * FROM v$instance');
return reset($rows);
function convert_field($field) {
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match('~^(columns|database|drop_col|indexes|processlist|scheme|sql|status|table|variables|view|view_trigger)$~', $feature); //!
$jush = "oracle";
$types = array();
$structured_types = array();
foreach (array(
lang('Numbers') => array("number" => 38, "binary_float" => 12, "binary_double" => 21),
lang('Date and time') => array("date" => 10, "timestamp" => 29, "interval year" => 12, "interval day" => 28), //! year(), day() to second()
lang('Strings') => array("char" => 2000, "varchar2" => 4000, "nchar" => 2000, "nvarchar2" => 4000, "clob" => 4294967295, "nclob" => 4294967295),
lang('Binary') => array("raw" => 2000, "long raw" => 2147483648, "blob" => 4294967295, "bfile" => 4294967296),
) as $key => $val) {
$types += $val;
$structured_types[$key] = array_keys($val);
$unsigned = array();
$operators = array("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE", "LIKE %%", "IN", "IS NULL", "NOT LIKE", "NOT REGEXP", "NOT IN", "IS NOT NULL", "SQL");
$functions = array("length", "lower", "round", "upper");
$grouping = array("avg", "count", "count distinct", "max", "min", "sum");
$edit_functions = array(
array( //! no parentheses
"date" => "current_date",
"timestamp" => "current_timestamp",
), array(
"number|float|double" => "+/-",
"date|timestamp" => "+ interval/- interval",
"char|clob" => "||",
@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
$drivers["pgsql"] = "PostgreSQL";
if (isset($_GET["pgsql"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("PgSQL", "PDO_PgSQL");
define("DRIVER", "pgsql");
if (extension_loaded("pgsql")) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "PgSQL", $_link, $_result, $_string, $_database = true, $server_info, $affected_rows, $error;
function _error($errno, $error) {
if (ini_bool("html_errors")) {
$error = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($error));
$error = preg_replace('~^[^:]*: ~', '', $error);
$this->error = $error;
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
global $adminer;
$db = $adminer->database();
set_error_handler(array($this, '_error'));
$this->_string = "host='" . str_replace(":", "' port='", addcslashes($server, "'\\")) . "' user='" . addcslashes($username, "'\\") . "' password='" . addcslashes($password, "'\\") . "'";
$this->_link = @pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='" . ($db != "" ? addcslashes($db, "'\\") : "postgres") . "'", PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);
if (!$this->_link && $db != "") {
// try to connect directly with database for performance
$this->_database = false;
$this->_link = @pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='postgres'", PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);
if ($this->_link) {
$version = pg_version($this->_link);
$this->server_info = $version["server"];
pg_set_client_encoding($this->_link, "UTF8");
return (bool) $this->_link;
function quote($string) {
return "'" . pg_escape_string($this->_link, $string) . "'"; //! bytea
function select_db($database) {
global $adminer;
if ($database == $adminer->database()) {
return $this->_database;
$return = @pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='" . addcslashes($database, "'\\") . "'", PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);
if ($return) {
$this->_link = $return;
return $return;
function close() {
$this->_link = @pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='postgres'");
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$result = @pg_query($this->_link, $query);
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
$this->error = pg_last_error($this->_link);
return false;
} elseif (!pg_num_fields($result)) {
$this->affected_rows = pg_affected_rows($result);
return true;
return new Min_Result($result);
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function next_result() {
// PgSQL extension doesn't support multiple results
return false;
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!$result || !$result->num_rows) {
return false;
return pg_fetch_result($result->_result, 0, $field);
class Min_Result {
var $_result, $_offset = 0, $num_rows;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
$this->num_rows = pg_num_rows($result);
function fetch_assoc() {
return pg_fetch_assoc($this->_result);
function fetch_row() {
return pg_fetch_row($this->_result);
function fetch_field() {
$column = $this->_offset++;
$return = new stdClass;
if (function_exists('pg_field_table')) {
$return->orgtable = pg_field_table($this->_result, $column);
$return->name = pg_field_name($this->_result, $column);
$return->orgname = $return->name;
$return->type = pg_field_type($this->_result, $column);
$return->charsetnr = ($return->type == "bytea" ? 63 : 0); // 63 - binary
return $return;
function __destruct() {
} elseif (extension_loaded("pdo_pgsql")) {
class Min_DB extends Min_PDO {
var $extension = "PDO_PgSQL";
function connect($server, $username, $password) {
global $adminer;
$db = $adminer->database();
$string = "pgsql:host='" . str_replace(":", "' port='", addcslashes($server, "'\\")) . "' options='-c client_encoding=utf8'";
$this->dsn("$string dbname='" . ($db != "" ? addcslashes($db, "'\\") : "postgres") . "'", $username, $password);
//! connect without DB in case of an error
return true;
function select_db($database) {
global $adminer;
return ($adminer->database() == $database);
function close() {
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
function insertUpdate($table, $rows, $primary) {
global $connection;
foreach ($rows as $set) {
$update = array();
$where = array();
foreach ($set as $key => $val) {
$update[] = "$key = $val";
if (isset($primary[idf_unescape($key)])) {
$where[] = "$key = $val";
if (!(($where && queries("UPDATE " . table($table) . " SET " . implode(", ", $update) . " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where)) && $connection->affected_rows)
|| queries("INSERT INTO " . table($table) . " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(", ", $set) . ")")
)) {
return false;
return true;
function idf_escape($idf) {
return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $idf) . '"';
function table($idf) {
return idf_escape($idf);
function connect() {
global $adminer, $types, $structured_types;
$connection = new Min_DB;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
if ($connection->connect($credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2])) {
if ($connection->server_info >= 9) {
$connection->query("SET application_name = 'Adminer'");
if ($connection->server_info >= 9.2) {
$structured_types[lang('Strings')][] = "json";
$types["json"] = 4294967295;
if ($connection->server_info >= 9.4) {
$structured_types[lang('Strings')][] = "jsonb";
$types["jsonb"] = 4294967295;
return $connection;
return $connection->error;
function get_databases() {
return get_vals("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE has_database_privilege(datname, 'CONNECT') ORDER BY datname");
function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") {
return " $query$where" . ($limit !== null ? $separator . "LIMIT $limit" . ($offset ? " OFFSET $offset" : "") : "");
function limit1($query, $where) {
return " $query$where";
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SHOW LC_COLLATE"); //! respect $db
function engines() {
return array();
function logged_user() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT user");
function tables_list() {
$query = "SELECT table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = current_schema()";
if (support('materializedview')) {
$query .= "
FROM pg_matviews
WHERE schemaname = current_schema()";
$query .= "
return get_key_vals($query);
function count_tables($databases) {
return array(); // would require reconnect
function table_status($name = "") {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT c.relname AS \"Name\", CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'm' THEN 'materialized view' ELSE 'view' END AS \"Engine\", pg_relation_size(c.oid) AS \"Data_length\", pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) - pg_relation_size(c.oid) AS \"Index_length\", obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS \"Comment\", c.relhasoids::int AS \"Oid\", c.reltuples as \"Rows\", n.nspname
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON(n.nspname = current_schema() AND n.oid = c.relnamespace)
WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'm', 'v')
" . ($name != "" ? "AND relname = " . q($name) : "ORDER BY c.oid")
) as $row) { //! Index_length, Auto_increment
$return[$row["Name"]] = $row;
return ($name != "" ? $return[$name] : $return);
function is_view($table_status) {
return in_array($table_status["Engine"], array("view", "materialized view"));
function fk_support($table_status) {
return true;
function fields($table) {
$return = array();
$aliases = array(
'timestamp without time zone' => 'timestamp',
'timestamp with time zone' => 'timestamptz',
foreach (get_rows("SELECT a.attname AS field, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS full_type, d.adsrc AS default, a.attnotnull::int, col_description(c.oid, a.attnum) AS comment
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON c.oid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum
WHERE c.relname = " . q($table) . "
AND n.nspname = current_schema()
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND a.attnum > 0
ORDER BY a.attnum"
) as $row) {
//! collation, primary
preg_match('~([^([]+)(\((.*)\))?([a-z ]+)?((\[[0-9]*])*)$~', $row["full_type"], $match);
list(, $type, $length, $row["length"], $addon, $array) = $match;
$row["length"] .= $array;
$check_type = $type . $addon;
if (isset($aliases[$check_type])) {
$row["type"] = $aliases[$check_type];
$row["full_type"] = $row["type"] . $length . $array;
} else {
$row["type"] = $type;
$row["full_type"] = $row["type"] . $length . $addon . $array;
$row["null"] = !$row["attnotnull"];
$row["auto_increment"] = preg_match('~^nextval\\(~i', $row["default"]);
$row["privileges"] = array("insert" => 1, "select" => 1, "update" => 1);
if (preg_match('~(.+)::[^)]+(.*)~', $row["default"], $match)) {
$row["default"] = ($match[1][0] == "'" ? idf_unescape($match[1]) : $match[1]) . $match[2];
$return[$row["field"]] = $row;
return $return;
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
global $connection;
if (!is_object($connection2)) {
$connection2 = $connection;
$return = array();
$table_oid = $connection2->result("SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema()) AND relname = " . q($table));
$columns = get_key_vals("SELECT attnum, attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $table_oid AND attnum > 0", $connection2);
foreach (get_rows("SELECT relname, indisunique::int, indisprimary::int, indkey, indoption , (indpred IS NOT NULL)::int as indispartial FROM pg_index i, pg_class ci WHERE i.indrelid = $table_oid AND ci.oid = i.indexrelid", $connection2) as $row) {
$relname = $row["relname"];
$return[$relname]["type"] = ($row["indispartial"] ? "INDEX" : ($row["indisprimary"] ? "PRIMARY" : ($row["indisunique"] ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX")));
$return[$relname]["columns"] = array();
foreach (explode(" ", $row["indkey"]) as $indkey) {
$return[$relname]["columns"][] = $columns[$indkey];
$return[$relname]["descs"] = array();
foreach (explode(" ", $row["indoption"]) as $indoption) {
$return[$relname]["descs"][] = ($indoption & 1 ? '1' : null); // 1 - INDOPTION_DESC
$return[$relname]["lengths"] = array();
return $return;
function foreign_keys($table) {
global $on_actions;
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT conname, condeferrable::int AS deferrable, pg_get_constraintdef(oid) AS definition
FROM pg_constraint
WHERE conrelid = (SELECT pc.oid FROM pg_class AS pc INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS pn ON (pn.oid = pc.relnamespace) WHERE pc.relname = " . q($table) . " AND pn.nspname = current_schema())
AND contype = 'f'::char
ORDER BY conkey, conname") as $row) {
if (preg_match('~FOREIGN KEY\s*\((.+)\)\s*REFERENCES (.+)\((.+)\)(.*)$~iA', $row['definition'], $match)) {
$row['source'] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $match[1]));
if (preg_match('~^(("([^"]|"")+"|[^"]+)\.)?"?("([^"]|"")+"|[^"]+)$~', $match[2], $match2)) {
$row['ns'] = str_replace('""', '"', preg_replace('~^"(.+)"$~', '\1', $match2[2]));
$row['table'] = str_replace('""', '"', preg_replace('~^"(.+)"$~', '\1', $match2[4]));
$row['target'] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $match[3]));
$row['on_delete'] = (preg_match("~ON DELETE ($on_actions)~", $match[4], $match2) ? $match2[1] : 'NO ACTION');
$row['on_update'] = (preg_match("~ON UPDATE ($on_actions)~", $match[4], $match2) ? $match2[1] : 'NO ACTION');
$return[$row['conname']] = $row;
return $return;
function view($name) {
global $connection;
return array("select" => trim($connection->result("SELECT pg_get_viewdef(" . q($name) . ")")));
function collations() {
//! supported in CREATE DATABASE
return array();
function information_schema($db) {
return ($db == "information_schema");
function error() {
global $connection;
$return = h($connection->error);
if (preg_match('~^(.*\\n)?([^\\n]*)\\n( *)\\^(\\n.*)?$~s', $return, $match)) {
$return = $match[1] . preg_replace('~((?:[^&]|&[^;]*;){' . strlen($match[3]) . '})(.*)~', '\\1<b>\\2</b>', $match[2]) . $match[4];
return nl_br($return);
function create_database($db, $collation) {
return queries("CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape($db) . ($collation ? " ENCODING " . idf_escape($collation) : ""));
function drop_databases($databases) {
global $connection;
return apply_queries("DROP DATABASE", $databases, 'idf_escape');
function rename_database($name, $collation) {
//! current database cannot be renamed
return queries("ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape(DB) . " RENAME TO " . idf_escape($name));
function auto_increment() {
return "";
function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) {
$alter = array();
$queries = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$column = idf_escape($field[0]);
$val = $field[1];
if (!$val) {
$alter[] = "DROP $column";
} else {
$val5 = $val[5];
if (isset($val[6]) && $field[0] == "") { // auto_increment
$val[1] = ($val[1] == "bigint" ? " big" : " ") . "serial";
if ($field[0] == "") {
$alter[] = ($table != "" ? "ADD " : " ") . implode($val);
} else {
if ($column != $val[0]) {
$queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME $column TO $val[0]";
$alter[] = "ALTER $column TYPE$val[1]";
if (!$val[6]) {
$alter[] = "ALTER $column " . ($val[3] ? "SET$val[3]" : "DROP DEFAULT");
$alter[] = "ALTER $column " . ($val[2] == " NULL" ? "DROP NOT" : "SET") . $val[2];
if ($field[0] != "" || $val5 != "") {
$queries[] = "COMMENT ON COLUMN " . table($table) . ".$val[0] IS " . ($val5 != "" ? substr($val5, 9) : "''");
$alter = array_merge($alter, $foreign);
if ($table == "") {
array_unshift($queries, "CREATE TABLE " . table($name) . " (\n" . implode(",\n", $alter) . "\n)");
} elseif ($alter) {
array_unshift($queries, "ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . "\n" . implode(",\n", $alter));
if ($table != "" && $table != $name) {
$queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME TO " . table($name);
if ($table != "" || $comment != "") {
$queries[] = "COMMENT ON TABLE " . table($name) . " IS " . q($comment);
if ($auto_increment != "") {
//! $queries[] = "SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence(" . q($name) . ", ), $auto_increment)";
foreach ($queries as $query) {
if (!queries($query)) {
return false;
return true;
function alter_indexes($table, $alter) {
$create = array();
$drop = array();
$queries = array();
foreach ($alter as $val) {
if ($val[0] != "INDEX") {
//! descending UNIQUE indexes results in syntax error
$create[] = ($val[2] == "DROP"
? "\nDROP CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($val[1])
: "\nADD" . ($val[1] != "" ? " CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($val[1]) : "") . " $val[0] " . ($val[0] == "PRIMARY" ? "KEY " : "") . "(" . implode(", ", $val[2]) . ")"
} elseif ($val[2] == "DROP") {
$drop[] = idf_escape($val[1]);
} else {
$queries[] = "CREATE INDEX " . idf_escape($val[1] != "" ? $val[1] : uniqid($table . "_")) . " ON " . table($table) . " (" . implode(", ", $val[2]) . ")";
if ($create) {
array_unshift($queries, "ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . implode(",", $create));
if ($drop) {
array_unshift($queries, "DROP INDEX " . implode(", ", $drop));
foreach ($queries as $query) {
if (!queries($query)) {
return false;
return true;
function truncate_tables($tables) {
return queries("TRUNCATE " . implode(", ", array_map('table', $tables)));
return true;
function drop_views($views) {
return drop_tables($views);
function drop_tables($tables) {
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$status = table_status($table);
if (!queries("DROP " . strtoupper($status["Engine"]) . " " . table($table))) {
return false;
return true;
function move_tables($tables, $views, $target) {
foreach (array_merge($tables, $views) as $table) {
$status = table_status($table);
if (!queries("ALTER " . strtoupper($status["Engine"]) . " " . table($table) . " SET SCHEMA " . idf_escape($target))) {
return false;
return true;
function trigger($name, $table = null) {
if ($name == "") {
return array("Statement" => "EXECUTE PROCEDURE ()");
if ($table === null) {
$table = $_GET['trigger'];
$rows = get_rows('SELECT t.trigger_name AS "Trigger", t.action_timing AS "Timing", (SELECT STRING_AGG(event_manipulation, \' OR \') FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = t.event_object_table AND trigger_name = t.trigger_name ) AS "Events", t.event_manipulation AS "Event", \'FOR EACH \' || t.action_orientation AS "Type", t.action_statement AS "Statement" FROM information_schema.triggers t WHERE t.event_object_table = ' . q($table) . ' AND t.trigger_name = ' . q($name));
return reset($rows);
function triggers($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = " . q($table)) as $row) {
$return[$row["trigger_name"]] = array($row["action_timing"], $row["event_manipulation"]);
return $return;
function trigger_options() {
return array(
"Timing" => array("BEFORE", "AFTER"),
"Event" => array("INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE"),
"Type" => array("FOR EACH ROW", "FOR EACH STATEMENT"),
function routine($name, $type) {
//! there can be more functions with the same name differing only in parameters, it must be also passed to DROP FUNCTION
//! no procedures, only functions
//! different syntax of CREATE FUNCTION
$rows = get_rows('SELECT pg_catalog.format_type(p.prorettype, NULL) AS "returns", p.prosrc AS "definition"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE n.nspname = current_schema() AND p.proname = ' . q($name));
$rows[0]["fields"] = array(); //!
return $rows[0];
function routines() {
return get_rows('SELECT p.proname AS "ROUTINE_NAME", p.proargtypes AS "ROUTINE_TYPE", pg_catalog.format_type(p.prorettype, NULL) AS "DTD_IDENTIFIER"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE n.nspname = current_schema()
ORDER BY p.proname');
function routine_languages() {
return get_vals("SELECT langname FROM pg_catalog.pg_language");
function last_id() {
return 0; // there can be several sequences
function explain($connection, $query) {
return $connection->query("EXPLAIN $query");
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
global $connection;
if (preg_match(
"~ rows=([0-9]+)~",
$connection->result("EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM " . idf_escape($table_status["Name"]) . ($where ? " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where) : "")),
)) {
return $regs[1];
return false;
function types() {
return get_vals("SELECT typname
FROM pg_type
WHERE typnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema())
AND typtype IN ('b','d','e')
AND typelem = 0"
function schemas() {
return get_vals("SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace ORDER BY nspname");
function get_schema() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT current_schema()");
function set_schema($schema) {
global $connection, $types, $structured_types;
$return = $connection->query("SET search_path TO " . idf_escape($schema));
foreach (types() as $type) { //! get types from current_schemas('t')
if (!isset($types[$type])) {
$types[$type] = 0;
$structured_types[lang('User types')][] = $type;
return $return;
/** Get SQL command to create table
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function create_sql($table, $auto_increment) {
global $connection;
$return = '';
$return_parts = array();
$sequences = array();
$status = table_status($table);
$fields = fields($table);
$indexes = indexes($table);
$fkeys = foreign_keys($table);
$triggers = triggers($table);
if (!$status || empty($fields)) {
return false;
$return = "CREATE TABLE " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " (\n ";
// fields' definitions
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {
$part = idf_escape($field['field']) . ' ' . $field['full_type']
. (is_null($field['default']) ? "" : " DEFAULT $field[default]")
. ($field['attnotnull'] ? " NOT NULL" : "");
$return_parts[] = $part;
// sequences for fields
if (preg_match('~nextval\(\'([^\']+)\'\)~', $field['default'], $matches)) {
$sequence_name = $matches[1];
$sq = reset(get_rows("SELECT * FROM $sequence_name"));
$sequences[] = "CREATE SEQUENCE $sequence_name INCREMENT $sq[increment_by] MINVALUE $sq[min_value] MAXVALUE $sq[max_value] START " . ($auto_increment ? $sq['last_value'] : 1) . " CACHE $sq[cache_value];";
// adding sequences before table definition
if (!empty($sequences)) {
$return = implode("\n\n", $sequences) . "\n\n$return";
// primary + unique keys
foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $index) {
switch($index['type']) {
case 'UNIQUE': $return_parts[] = "CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($index_name) . " UNIQUE (" . implode(', ', array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ")"; break;
case 'PRIMARY': $return_parts[] = "CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($index_name) . " PRIMARY KEY (" . implode(', ', array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ")"; break;
// foreign keys
foreach ($fkeys as $fkey_name => $fkey) {
$return_parts[] = "CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape($fkey_name) . " $fkey[definition] " . ($fkey['deferrable'] ? 'DEFERRABLE' : 'NOT DEFERRABLE');
$return .= implode(",\n ", $return_parts) . "\n) WITH (oids = " . ($status['Oid'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ");";
// "basic" indexes after table definition
foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $index) {
if ($index['type'] == 'INDEX') {
$return .= "\n\nCREATE INDEX " . idf_escape($index_name) . " ON " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " USING btree (" . implode(', ', array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ");";
// coments for table & fields
if ($status['Comment']) {
$return .= "\n\nCOMMENT ON TABLE " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " IS " . q($status['Comment']) . ";";
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {
if ($field['comment']) {
$return .= "\n\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN " . idf_escape($status['nspname']) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . "." . idf_escape($field_name) . " IS " . q($field['comment']) . ";";
// triggers
foreach ($triggers as $trg_id => $trg) {
$trigger = trigger($trg_id, $status['Name']);
$return .= "\n\nCREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape($trigger['Trigger']) . " $trigger[Timing] $trigger[Events] ON " . idf_escape($status["nspname"]) . "." . idf_escape($status['Name']) . " $trigger[Type] $trigger[Statement];";
return rtrim($return, ';');
/** Get SQL commands to create triggers
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
function trigger_sql($table, $style) {
$return = "";
//foreach (get_rows("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE " . q(addcslashes($table, "%_\\")), null, "-- ") as $row) {
// $return .= "\n" . ($style == 'CREATE+ALTER' ? "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Trigger"]) . ";;\n" : "")
// . "CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape($row["Trigger"]) . " $row[Timing] $row[Event] ON " . table($row["Table"]) . " FOR EACH ROW\n$row[Statement];;\n";
//return $return;
return false;
function use_sql($database) {
return "\connect " . idf_escape($database);
function show_variables() {
return get_key_vals("SHOW ALL");
function process_list() {
global $connection;
return get_rows("SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY " . ($connection->server_info < 9.2 ? "procpid" : "pid"));
function show_status() {
function convert_field($field) {
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function support($feature) {
global $connection;
return preg_match('~^(database|table|columns|sql|indexes|comment|view|' . ($connection->server_info >= 9.3 ? 'materializedview|' : '') . 'scheme|processlist|sequence|trigger|type|variables|drop_col|kill|dump)$~', $feature); //! routine|
function kill_process($val) {
return queries("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(" . number($val) . ")");
function connection_id(){
return "SELECT pg_backend_pid()";
function max_connections() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SHOW max_connections");
$jush = "pgsql";
$types = array();
$structured_types = array();
foreach (array( //! arrays
lang('Numbers') => array("smallint" => 5, "integer" => 10, "bigint" => 19, "boolean" => 1, "numeric" => 0, "real" => 7, "double precision" => 16, "money" => 20),
lang('Date and time') => array("date" => 13, "time" => 17, "timestamp" => 20, "timestamptz" => 21, "interval" => 0),
lang('Strings') => array("character" => 0, "character varying" => 0, "text" => 0, "tsquery" => 0, "tsvector" => 0, "uuid" => 0, "xml" => 0),
lang('Binary') => array("bit" => 0, "bit varying" => 0, "bytea" => 0),
lang('Network') => array("cidr" => 43, "inet" => 43, "macaddr" => 17, "txid_snapshot" => 0),
lang('Geometry') => array("box" => 0, "circle" => 0, "line" => 0, "lseg" => 0, "path" => 0, "point" => 0, "polygon" => 0),
) as $key => $val) { //! can be retrieved from pg_type
$types += $val;
$structured_types[$key] = array_keys($val);
$unsigned = array();
$operators = array("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "~", "!~", "LIKE", "LIKE %%", "ILIKE", "ILIKE %%", "IN", "IS NULL", "NOT LIKE", "NOT IN", "IS NOT NULL"); // no "SQL" to avoid SQL injection
$functions = array("char_length", "lower", "round", "to_hex", "to_timestamp", "upper");
$grouping = array("avg", "count", "count distinct", "max", "min", "sum");
$edit_functions = array(
"char" => "md5",
"date|time" => "now",
), array(
"int|numeric|real|money" => "+/-",
"date|time" => "+ interval/- interval", //! escape
"char|text" => "||",
@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
$drivers["simpledb"] = "SimpleDB";
if (isset($_GET["simpledb"])) {
$possible_drivers = array("SimpleXML");
define("DRIVER", "simpledb");
if (class_exists('SimpleXMLElement')) {
class Min_DB {
var $extension = "SimpleXML", $server_info = '2009-04-15', $error, $timeout, $next, $affected_rows, $_result;
function select_db($database) {
return ($database == "domain");
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$params = array('SelectExpression' => $query, 'ConsistentRead' => 'true');
if ($this->next) {
$params['NextToken'] = $this->next;
$result = sdb_request_all('Select', 'Item', $params, $this->timeout); //! respect $unbuffered
if ($result === false) {
return $result;
if (preg_match('~^\s*SELECT\s+COUNT\(~i', $query)) {
$sum = 0;
foreach ($result as $item) {
$sum += $item->Attribute->Value;
$result = array((object) array('Attribute' => array((object) array(
'Name' => 'Count',
'Value' => $sum,
return new Min_Result($result);
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function next_result() {
return false;
function quote($string) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $string) . "'";
class Min_Result {
var $num_rows, $_rows = array(), $_offset = 0;
function __construct($result) {
foreach ($result as $item) {
$row = array();
if ($item->Name != '') { // SELECT COUNT(*)
$row['itemName()'] = (string) $item->Name;
foreach ($item->Attribute as $attribute) {
$name = $this->_processValue($attribute->Name);
$value = $this->_processValue($attribute->Value);
if (isset($row[$name])) {
$row[$name] = (array) $row[$name];
$row[$name][] = $value;
} else {
$row[$name] = $value;
$this->_rows[] = $row;
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if (!isset($this->_rows[0][$key])) {
$this->_rows[0][$key] = null;
$this->num_rows = count($this->_rows);
function _processValue($element) {
return (is_object($element) && $element['encoding'] == 'base64' ? base64_decode($element) : (string) $element);
function fetch_assoc() {
$row = current($this->_rows);
if (!$row) {
return $row;
$return = array();
foreach ($this->_rows[0] as $key => $val) {
$return[$key] = $row[$key];
return $return;
function fetch_row() {
$return = $this->fetch_assoc();
if (!$return) {
return $return;
return array_values($return);
function fetch_field() {
$keys = array_keys($this->_rows[0]);
return (object) array('name' => $keys[$this->_offset++]);
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
public $primary = "itemName()";
function _chunkRequest($ids, $action, $params, $expand = array()) {
global $connection;
foreach (array_chunk($ids, 25) as $chunk) {
$params2 = $params;
foreach ($chunk as $i => $id) {
$params2["Item.$i.ItemName"] = $id;
foreach ($expand as $key => $val) {
$params2["Item.$i.$key"] = $val;
if (!sdb_request($action, $params2)) {
return false;
$connection->affected_rows = count($ids);
return true;
function _extractIds($table, $queryWhere, $limit) {
$return = array();
if (preg_match_all("~itemName\(\) = (('[^']*+')+)~", $queryWhere, $matches)) {
$return = array_map('idf_unescape', $matches[1]);
} else {
foreach (sdb_request_all('Select', 'Item', array('SelectExpression' => 'SELECT itemName() FROM ' . table($table) . $queryWhere . ($limit ? " LIMIT 1" : ""))) as $item) {
$return[] = $item->Name;
return $return;
function select($table, $select, $where, $group, $order = array(), $limit = 1, $page = 0, $print = false) {
global $connection;
$connection->next = $_GET["next"];
$return = parent::select($table, $select, $where, $group, $order, $limit, $page, $print);
$connection->next = 0;
return $return;
function delete($table, $queryWhere, $limit = 0) {
return $this->_chunkRequest(
$this->_extractIds($table, $queryWhere, $limit),
array('DomainName' => $table)
function update($table, $set, $queryWhere, $limit = 0, $separator = "\n") {
$delete = array();
$insert = array();
$i = 0;
$ids = $this->_extractIds($table, $queryWhere, $limit);
$id = idf_unescape($set["`itemName()`"]);
foreach ($set as $key => $val) {
$key = idf_unescape($key);
if ($val == "NULL" || ($id != "" && array($id) != $ids)) {
$delete["Attribute." . count($delete) . ".Name"] = $key;
if ($val != "NULL") {
foreach ((array) $val as $k => $v) {
$insert["Attribute.$i.Name"] = $key;
$insert["Attribute.$i.Value"] = (is_array($val) ? $v : idf_unescape($v));
if (!$k) {
$insert["Attribute.$i.Replace"] = "true";
$params = array('DomainName' => $table);
return (!$insert || $this->_chunkRequest(($id != "" ? array($id) : $ids), 'BatchPutAttributes', $params, $insert))
&& (!$delete || $this->_chunkRequest($ids, 'BatchDeleteAttributes', $params, $delete))
function insert($table, $set) {
$params = array("DomainName" => $table);
$i = 0;
foreach ($set as $name => $value) {
if ($value != "NULL") {
$name = idf_unescape($name);
if ($name == "itemName()") {
$params["ItemName"] = idf_unescape($value);
} else {
foreach ((array) $value as $val) {
$params["Attribute.$i.Name"] = $name;
$params["Attribute.$i.Value"] = (is_array($value) ? $val : idf_unescape($value));
return sdb_request('PutAttributes', $params);
function insertUpdate($table, $rows, $primary) {
//! use one batch request
foreach ($rows as $set) {
if (!$this->update($table, $set, "WHERE `itemName()` = " . q($set["`itemName()`"]))) {
return false;
return true;
function begin() {
return false;
function commit() {
return false;
function rollback() {
return false;
function connect() {
return new Min_DB;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match('~sql~', $feature);
function logged_user() {
global $adminer;
$credentials = $adminer->credentials();
return $credentials[1];
function get_databases() {
return array("domain");
function collations() {
return array();
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
function tables_list() {
global $connection;
$return = array();
foreach (sdb_request_all('ListDomains', 'DomainName') as $table) {
$return[(string) $table] = 'table';
if ($connection->error && defined("PAGE_HEADER")) {
echo "<p class='error'>" . error() . "\n";
return $return;
function table_status($name = "", $fast = false) {
$return = array();
foreach (($name != "" ? array($name => true) : tables_list()) as $table => $type) {
$row = array("Name" => $table, "Auto_increment" => "");
if (!$fast) {
$meta = sdb_request('DomainMetadata', array('DomainName' => $table));
if ($meta) {
foreach (array(
"Rows" => "ItemCount",
"Data_length" => "ItemNamesSizeBytes",
"Index_length" => "AttributeValuesSizeBytes",
"Data_free" => "AttributeNamesSizeBytes",
) as $key => $val) {
$row[$key] = (string) $meta->$val;
if ($name != "") {
return $row;
$return[$table] = $row;
return $return;
function explain($connection, $query) {
function error() {
global $connection;
return h($connection->error);
function information_schema() {
function is_view($table_status) {
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
return array(
array("type" => "PRIMARY", "columns" => array("itemName()")),
function fields($table) {
return fields_from_edit();
function foreign_keys($table) {
return array();
function table($idf) {
return idf_escape($idf);
function idf_escape($idf) {
return "`" . str_replace("`", "``", $idf) . "`";
function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") {
return " $query$where" . ($limit !== null ? $separator . "LIMIT $limit" : "");
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function fk_support($table_status) {
function engines() {
return array();
function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) {
return ($table == "" && sdb_request('CreateDomain', array('DomainName' => $name)));
function drop_tables($tables) {
foreach ($tables as $table) {
if (!sdb_request('DeleteDomain', array('DomainName' => $table))) {
return false;
return true;
function count_tables($databases) {
foreach ($databases as $db) {
return array($db => count(tables_list()));
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
return ($where ? null : $table_status["Rows"]);
function last_id() {
function hmac($algo, $data, $key, $raw_output = false) {
// can use hash_hmac() since PHP 5.1.2
$blocksize = 64;
if (strlen($key) > $blocksize) {
$key = pack("H*", $algo($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $blocksize, "\0");
$k_ipad = $key ^ str_repeat("\x36", $blocksize);
$k_opad = $key ^ str_repeat("\x5C", $blocksize);
$return = $algo($k_opad . pack("H*", $algo($k_ipad . $data)));
if ($raw_output) {
$return = pack("H*", $return);
return $return;
function sdb_request($action, $params = array()) {
global $adminer, $connection;
list($host, $params['AWSAccessKeyId'], $secret) = $adminer->credentials();
$params['Action'] = $action;
$params['Timestamp'] = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00');
$params['Version'] = '2009-04-15';
$params['SignatureVersion'] = 2;
$params['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA1';
$query = '';
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
$query .= '&' . rawurlencode($key) . '=' . rawurlencode($val);
$query = str_replace('%7E', '~', substr($query, 1));
$query .= "&Signature=" . urlencode(base64_encode(hmac('sha1', "POST\n" . preg_replace('~^https?://~', '', $host) . "\n/\n$query", $secret, true)));
@ini_set('track_errors', 1); // @ - may be disabled
$file = @file_get_contents((preg_match('~^https?://~', $host) ? $host : "http://$host"), false, stream_context_create(array('http' => array(
'method' => 'POST', // may not fit in URL with GET
'content' => $query,
'ignore_errors' => 1, // available since PHP 5.2.10
if (!$file) {
$connection->error = $php_errormsg;
return false;
$xml = simplexml_load_string($file);
if (!$xml) {
$error = libxml_get_last_error();
$connection->error = $error->message;
return false;
if ($xml->Errors) {
$error = $xml->Errors->Error;
$connection->error = "$error->Message ($error->Code)";
return false;
$connection->error = '';
$tag = $action . "Result";
return ($xml->$tag ? $xml->$tag : true);
function sdb_request_all($action, $tag, $params = array(), $timeout = 0) {
$return = array();
$start = ($timeout ? microtime(true) : 0);
$limit = (preg_match('~LIMIT\s+(\d+)\s*$~i', $params['SelectExpression'], $match) ? $match[1] : 0);
do {
$xml = sdb_request($action, $params);
if (!$xml) {
foreach ($xml->$tag as $element) {
$return[] = $element;
if ($limit && count($return) >= $limit) {
$_GET["next"] = $xml->NextToken;
if ($timeout && microtime(true) - $start > $timeout) {
return false;
$params['NextToken'] = $xml->NextToken;
if ($limit) {
$params['SelectExpression'] = preg_replace('~\d+\s*$~', $limit - count($return), $params['SelectExpression']);
} while ($xml->NextToken);
return $return;
$jush = "simpledb";
$operators = array("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE", "LIKE %%", "IN", "IS NULL", "NOT LIKE", "IS NOT NULL");
$functions = array();
$grouping = array("count");
$edit_functions = array(array("json"));
@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
$drivers["sqlite"] = "SQLite 3";
$drivers["sqlite2"] = "SQLite 2";
if (isset($_GET["sqlite"]) || isset($_GET["sqlite2"])) {
$possible_drivers = array((isset($_GET["sqlite"]) ? "SQLite3" : "SQLite"), "PDO_SQLite");
define("DRIVER", (isset($_GET["sqlite"]) ? "sqlite" : "sqlite2"));
if (class_exists(isset($_GET["sqlite"]) ? "SQLite3" : "SQLiteDatabase")) {
if (isset($_GET["sqlite"])) {
class Min_SQLite {
var $extension = "SQLite3", $server_info, $affected_rows, $errno, $error, $_link;
function __construct($filename) {
$this->_link = new SQLite3($filename);
$version = $this->_link->version();
$this->server_info = $version["versionString"];
function query($query) {
$result = @$this->_link->query($query);
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
$this->errno = $this->_link->lastErrorCode();
$this->error = $this->_link->lastErrorMsg();
return false;
} elseif ($result->numColumns()) {
return new Min_Result($result);
$this->affected_rows = $this->_link->changes();
return true;
function quote($string) {
return (is_utf8($string)
? "'" . $this->_link->escapeString($string) . "'"
: "x'" . reset(unpack('H*', $string)) . "'"
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!is_object($result)) {
return false;
$row = $result->_result->fetchArray();
return $row[$field];
class Min_Result {
var $_result, $_offset = 0, $num_rows;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
function fetch_assoc() {
return $this->_result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
function fetch_row() {
return $this->_result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM);
function fetch_field() {
$column = $this->_offset++;
$type = $this->_result->columnType($column);
return (object) array(
"name" => $this->_result->columnName($column),
"type" => $type,
"charsetnr" => ($type == SQLITE3_BLOB ? 63 : 0), // 63 - binary
function __desctruct() {
return $this->_result->finalize();
} else {
class Min_SQLite {
var $extension = "SQLite", $server_info, $affected_rows, $error, $_link;
function __construct($filename) {
$this->server_info = sqlite_libversion();
$this->_link = new SQLiteDatabase($filename);
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$method = ($unbuffered ? "unbufferedQuery" : "query");
$result = @$this->_link->$method($query, SQLITE_BOTH, $error);
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
$this->error = $error;
return false;
} elseif ($result === true) {
$this->affected_rows = $this->changes();
return true;
return new Min_Result($result);
function quote($string) {
return "'" . sqlite_escape_string($string) . "'";
function store_result() {
return $this->_result;
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!is_object($result)) {
return false;
$row = $result->_result->fetch();
return $row[$field];
class Min_Result {
var $_result, $_offset = 0, $num_rows;
function __construct($result) {
$this->_result = $result;
if (method_exists($result, 'numRows')) { // not available in unbuffered query
$this->num_rows = $result->numRows();
function fetch_assoc() {
$row = $this->_result->fetch(SQLITE_ASSOC);
if (!$row) {
return false;
$return = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$return[($key[0] == '"' ? idf_unescape($key) : $key)] = $val;
return $return;
function fetch_row() {
return $this->_result->fetch(SQLITE_NUM);
function fetch_field() {
$name = $this->_result->fieldName($this->_offset++);
$pattern = '(\\[.*]|"(?:[^"]|"")*"|(.+))';
if (preg_match("~^($pattern\\.)?$pattern\$~", $name, $match)) {
$table = ($match[3] != "" ? $match[3] : idf_unescape($match[2]));
$name = ($match[5] != "" ? $match[5] : idf_unescape($match[4]));
return (object) array(
"name" => $name,
"orgname" => $name,
"orgtable" => $table,
} elseif (extension_loaded("pdo_sqlite")) {
class Min_SQLite extends Min_PDO {
var $extension = "PDO_SQLite";
function __construct($filename) {
$this->dsn(DRIVER . ":$filename", "", "");
if (class_exists("Min_SQLite")) {
class Min_DB extends Min_SQLite {
function __construct() {
function select_db($filename) {
if (is_readable($filename) && $this->query("ATTACH " . $this->quote(preg_match("~(^[/\\\\]|:)~", $filename) ? $filename : dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) . "/$filename") . " AS a")) { // is_readable - SQLite 3
return true;
return false;
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function next_result() {
return false;
class Min_Driver extends Min_SQL {
function insertUpdate($table, $rows, $primary) {
$values = array();
foreach ($rows as $set) {
$values[] = "(" . implode(", ", $set) . ")";
return queries("REPLACE INTO " . table($table) . " (" . implode(", ", array_keys(reset($rows))) . ") VALUES\n" . implode(",\n", $values));
function idf_escape($idf) {
return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $idf) . '"';
function table($idf) {
return idf_escape($idf);
function connect() {
return new Min_DB;
function get_databases() {
return array();
function limit($query, $where, $limit, $offset = 0, $separator = " ") {
return " $query$where" . ($limit !== null ? $separator . "LIMIT $limit" . ($offset ? " OFFSET $offset" : "") : "");
function limit1($query, $where) {
global $connection;
return ($connection->result("SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT')") ? limit($query, $where, 1) : " $query$where");
function db_collation($db, $collations) {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("PRAGMA encoding"); // there is no database list so $db == DB
function engines() {
return array();
function logged_user() {
return get_current_user(); // should return effective user
function tables_list() {
return get_key_vals("SELECT name, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') ORDER BY (name = 'sqlite_sequence'), name", 1);
function count_tables($databases) {
return array();
function table_status($name = "") {
global $connection;
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT name AS Name, type AS Engine FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') " . ($name != "" ? "AND name = " . q($name) : "ORDER BY name")) as $row) {
$row["Oid"] = 1;
$row["Auto_increment"] = "";
$row["Rows"] = $connection->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . idf_escape($row["Name"]));
$return[$row["Name"]] = $row;
foreach (get_rows("SELECT * FROM sqlite_sequence", null, "") as $row) {
$return[$row["name"]]["Auto_increment"] = $row["seq"];
return ($name != "" ? $return[$name] : $return);
function is_view($table_status) {
return $table_status["Engine"] == "view";
function fk_support($table_status) {
global $connection;
return !$connection->result("SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY')");
function fields($table) {
global $connection;
$return = array();
$primary = "";
foreach (get_rows("PRAGMA table_info(" . table($table) . ")") as $row) {
$name = $row["name"];
$type = strtolower($row["type"]);
$default = $row["dflt_value"];
$return[$name] = array(
"field" => $name,
"type" => (preg_match('~int~i', $type) ? "integer" : (preg_match('~char|clob|text~i', $type) ? "text" : (preg_match('~blob~i', $type) ? "blob" : (preg_match('~real|floa|doub~i', $type) ? "real" : "numeric")))),
"full_type" => $type,
"default" => (preg_match("~'(.*)'~", $default, $match) ? str_replace("''", "'", $match[1]) : ($default == "NULL" ? null : $default)),
"null" => !$row["notnull"],
"privileges" => array("select" => 1, "insert" => 1, "update" => 1),
"primary" => $row["pk"],
if ($row["pk"]) {
if ($primary != "") {
$return[$primary]["auto_increment"] = false;
} elseif (preg_match('~^integer$~i', $type)) {
$return[$name]["auto_increment"] = true;
$primary = $name;
$sql = $connection->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = " . q($table));
preg_match_all('~(("[^"]*+")+|[a-z0-9_]+)\s+text\s+COLLATE\s+(\'[^\']+\'|\S+)~i', $sql, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$name = str_replace('""', '"', preg_replace('~^"|"$~', '', $match[1]));
if ($return[$name]) {
$return[$name]["collation"] = trim($match[3], "'");
return $return;
function indexes($table, $connection2 = null) {
global $connection;
if (!is_object($connection2)) {
$connection2 = $connection;
$return = array();
$sql = $connection2->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = " . q($table));
if (preg_match('~\bPRIMARY\s+KEY\s*\((([^)"]+|"[^"]*")++)~i', $sql, $match)) {
$return[""] = array("type" => "PRIMARY", "columns" => array(), "lengths" => array(), "descs" => array());
preg_match_all('~((("[^"]*+")+)|(\S+))(\s+(ASC|DESC))?(,\s*|$)~i', $match[1], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$return[""]["columns"][] = idf_unescape($match[2]) . $match[4];
$return[""]["descs"][] = (preg_match('~DESC~i', $match[5]) ? '1' : null);
if (!$return) {
foreach (fields($table) as $name => $field) {
if ($field["primary"]) {
$return[""] = array("type" => "PRIMARY", "columns" => array($name), "lengths" => array(), "descs" => array(null));
$sqls = get_key_vals("SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index' AND tbl_name = " . q($table), $connection2);
foreach (get_rows("PRAGMA index_list(" . table($table) . ")", $connection2) as $row) {
$name = $row["name"];
$index = array("type" => ($row["unique"] ? "UNIQUE" : "INDEX"));
$index["lengths"] = array();
$index["descs"] = array();
foreach (get_rows("PRAGMA index_info(" . idf_escape($name) . ")", $connection2) as $row1) {
$index["columns"][] = $row1["name"];
$index["descs"][] = null;
if (preg_match('~^CREATE( UNIQUE)? INDEX ' . preg_quote(idf_escape($name) . ' ON ' . idf_escape($table), '~') . ' \((.*)\)$~i', $sqls[$name], $regs)) {
preg_match_all('/("[^"]*+")+( DESC)?/', $regs[2], $matches);
foreach ($matches[2] as $key => $val) {
if ($val) {
$index["descs"][$key] = '1';
if (!$return[""] || $index["type"] != "UNIQUE" || $index["columns"] != $return[""]["columns"] || $index["descs"] != $return[""]["descs"] || !preg_match("~^sqlite_~", $name)) {
$return[$name] = $index;
return $return;
function foreign_keys($table) {
$return = array();
foreach (get_rows("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(" . table($table) . ")") as $row) {
$foreign_key = &$return[$row["id"]];
//! idf_unescape in SQLite2
if (!$foreign_key) {
$foreign_key = $row;
$foreign_key["source"][] = $row["from"];
$foreign_key["target"][] = $row["to"];
return $return;
function view($name) {
global $connection;
return array("select" => preg_replace('~^(?:[^`"[]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")* AS\\s+~iU', '', $connection->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = " . q($name)))); //! identifiers may be inside []
function collations() {
return (isset($_GET["create"]) ? get_vals("PRAGMA collation_list", 1) : array());
function information_schema($db) {
return false;
function error() {
global $connection;
return h($connection->error);
function check_sqlite_name($name) {
// avoid creating PHP files on unsecured servers
global $connection;
$extensions = "db|sdb|sqlite";
if (!preg_match("~^[^\\0]*\\.($extensions)\$~", $name)) {
$connection->error = lang('Please use one of the extensions %s.', str_replace("|", ", ", $extensions));
return false;
return true;
function create_database($db, $collation) {
global $connection;
if (file_exists($db)) {
$connection->error = lang('File exists.');
return false;
if (!check_sqlite_name($db)) {
return false;
try {
$link = new Min_SQLite($db);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$connection->error = $ex->getMessage();
return false;
$link->query('PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"');
$link->query('CREATE TABLE adminer (i)'); // otherwise creates empty file
$link->query('DROP TABLE adminer');
return true;
function drop_databases($databases) {
global $connection;
$connection->__construct(":memory:"); // to unlock file, doesn't work in PDO on Windows
foreach ($databases as $db) {
if (!@unlink($db)) {
$connection->error = lang('File exists.');
return false;
return true;
function rename_database($name, $collation) {
global $connection;
if (!check_sqlite_name($name)) {
return false;
$connection->error = lang('File exists.');
return @rename(DB, $name);
function auto_increment() {
return " PRIMARY KEY" . (DRIVER == "sqlite" ? " AUTOINCREMENT" : "");
function alter_table($table, $name, $fields, $foreign, $comment, $engine, $collation, $auto_increment, $partitioning) {
$use_all_fields = ($table == "" || $foreign);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field[0] != "" || !$field[1] || $field[2]) {
$use_all_fields = true;
$alter = array();
$originals = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field[1]) {
$alter[] = ($use_all_fields ? $field[1] : "ADD " . implode($field[1]));
if ($field[0] != "") {
$originals[$field[0]] = $field[1][0];
if (!$use_all_fields) {
foreach ($alter as $val) {
if (!queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " $val")) {
return false;
if ($table != $name && !queries("ALTER TABLE " . table($table) . " RENAME TO " . table($name))) {
return false;
} elseif (!recreate_table($table, $name, $alter, $originals, $foreign)) {
return false;
if ($auto_increment) {
queries("UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = $auto_increment WHERE name = " . q($name)); // ignores error
return true;
function recreate_table($table, $name, $fields, $originals, $foreign, $indexes = array()) {
if ($table != "") {
if (!$fields) {
foreach (fields($table) as $key => $field) {
$fields[] = process_field($field, $field);
$originals[$key] = idf_escape($key);
$primary_key = false;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field[6]) {
$primary_key = true;
$drop_indexes = array();
foreach ($indexes as $key => $val) {
if ($val[2] == "DROP") {
$drop_indexes[$val[1]] = true;
foreach (indexes($table) as $key_name => $index) {
$columns = array();
foreach ($index["columns"] as $key => $column) {
if (!$originals[$column]) {
continue 2;
$columns[] = $originals[$column] . ($index["descs"][$key] ? " DESC" : "");
if (!$drop_indexes[$key_name]) {
if ($index["type"] != "PRIMARY" || !$primary_key) {
$indexes[] = array($index["type"], $key_name, $columns);
foreach ($indexes as $key => $val) {
if ($val[0] == "PRIMARY") {
$foreign[] = " PRIMARY KEY (" . implode(", ", $val[2]) . ")";
foreach (foreign_keys($table) as $key_name => $foreign_key) {
foreach ($foreign_key["source"] as $key => $column) {
if (!$originals[$column]) {
continue 2;
$foreign_key["source"][$key] = idf_unescape($originals[$column]);
if (!isset($foreign[" $key_name"])) {
$foreign[] = " " . format_foreign_key($foreign_key);
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
$fields[$key] = " " . implode($field);
$fields = array_merge($fields, array_filter($foreign));
if (!queries("CREATE TABLE " . table($table != "" ? "adminer_$name" : $name) . " (\n" . implode(",\n", $fields) . "\n)")) {
// implicit ROLLBACK to not overwrite $connection->error
return false;
if ($table != "") {
if ($originals && !queries("INSERT INTO " . table("adminer_$name") . " (" . implode(", ", $originals) . ") SELECT " . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', array_keys($originals))) . " FROM " . table($table))) {
return false;
$triggers = array();
foreach (triggers($table) as $trigger_name => $timing_event) {
$trigger = trigger($trigger_name);
$triggers[] = "CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape($trigger_name) . " " . implode(" ", $timing_event) . " ON " . table($name) . "\n$trigger[Statement]";
if (!queries("DROP TABLE " . table($table))) { // drop before creating indexes and triggers to allow using old names
return false;
queries("ALTER TABLE " . table("adminer_$name") . " RENAME TO " . table($name));
if (!alter_indexes($name, $indexes)) {
return false;
foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
if (!queries($trigger)) {
return false;
return true;
function index_sql($table, $type, $name, $columns) {
return "CREATE $type " . ($type != "INDEX" ? "INDEX " : "")
. idf_escape($name != "" ? $name : uniqid($table . "_"))
. " ON " . table($table)
. " $columns"
function alter_indexes($table, $alter) {
foreach ($alter as $primary) {
if ($primary[0] == "PRIMARY") {
return recreate_table($table, $table, array(), array(), array(), $alter);
foreach (array_reverse($alter) as $val) {
if (!queries($val[2] == "DROP"
? "DROP INDEX " . idf_escape($val[1])
: index_sql($table, $val[0], $val[1], "(" . implode(", ", $val[2]) . ")")
)) {
return false;
return true;
function truncate_tables($tables) {
return apply_queries("DELETE FROM", $tables);
function drop_views($views) {
return apply_queries("DROP VIEW", $views);
function drop_tables($tables) {
return apply_queries("DROP TABLE", $tables);
function move_tables($tables, $views, $target) {
return false;
function trigger($name) {
global $connection;
if ($name == "") {
return array("Statement" => "BEGIN\n\t;\nEND");
$idf = '(?:[^`"\\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+';
$trigger_options = trigger_options();
"~^CREATE\\s+TRIGGER\\s*$idf\\s*(" . implode("|", $trigger_options["Timing"]) . ")\\s+([a-z]+)(?:\\s+OF\\s+($idf))?\\s+ON\\s*$idf\\s*(?:FOR\\s+EACH\\s+ROW\\s)?(.*)~is",
$connection->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name = " . q($name)),
$of = $match[3];
return array(
"Timing" => strtoupper($match[1]),
"Event" => strtoupper($match[2]) . ($of ? " OF" : ""),
"Of" => ($of[0] == '`' || $of[0] == '"' ? idf_unescape($of) : $of),
"Trigger" => $name,
"Statement" => $match[4],
function triggers($table) {
$return = array();
$trigger_options = trigger_options();
foreach (get_rows("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND tbl_name = " . q($table)) as $row) {
preg_match('~^CREATE\\s+TRIGGER\\s*(?:[^`"\\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+\\s*(' . implode("|", $trigger_options["Timing"]) . ')\\s*(.*)\\s+ON\\b~iU', $row["sql"], $match);
$return[$row["name"]] = array($match[1], $match[2]);
return $return;
function trigger_options() {
return array(
"Timing" => array("BEFORE", "AFTER", "INSTEAD OF"),
"Event" => array("INSERT", "UPDATE", "UPDATE OF", "DELETE"),
"Type" => array("FOR EACH ROW"),
function routine($name, $type) {
// not supported by SQLite
function routines() {
// not supported by SQLite
function routine_languages() {
// not supported by SQLite
function begin() {
return queries("BEGIN");
function last_id() {
global $connection;
return $connection->result("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ROWID()");
function explain($connection, $query) {
return $connection->query("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN $query");
function found_rows($table_status, $where) {
function types() {
return array();
function schemas() {
return array();
function get_schema() {
return "";
function set_schema($scheme) {
return true;
function create_sql($table, $auto_increment) {
global $connection;
$return = $connection->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') AND name = " . q($table));
foreach (indexes($table) as $name => $index) {
if ($name == '') {
$return .= ";\n\n" . index_sql($table, $index['type'], $name, "(" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $index['columns'])) . ")");
return $return;
function truncate_sql($table) {
return "DELETE FROM " . table($table);
function use_sql($database) {
function trigger_sql($table, $style) {
return implode(get_vals("SELECT sql || ';;\n' FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND tbl_name = " . q($table)));
function show_variables() {
global $connection;
$return = array();
foreach (array("auto_vacuum", "cache_size", "count_changes", "default_cache_size", "empty_result_callbacks", "encoding", "foreign_keys", "full_column_names", "fullfsync", "journal_mode", "journal_size_limit", "legacy_file_format", "locking_mode", "page_size", "max_page_count", "read_uncommitted", "recursive_triggers", "reverse_unordered_selects", "secure_delete", "short_column_names", "synchronous", "temp_store", "temp_store_directory", "schema_version", "integrity_check", "quick_check") as $key) {
$return[$key] = $connection->result("PRAGMA $key");
return $return;
function show_status() {
$return = array();
foreach (get_vals("PRAGMA compile_options") as $option) {
list($key, $val) = explode("=", $option, 2);
$return[$key] = $val;
return $return;
function convert_field($field) {
function unconvert_field($field, $return) {
return $return;
function support($feature) {
return preg_match('~^(columns|database|drop_col|dump|indexes|move_col|sql|status|table|trigger|variables|view|view_trigger)$~', $feature);
$jush = "sqlite";
$types = array("integer" => 0, "real" => 0, "numeric" => 0, "text" => 0, "blob" => 0);
$structured_types = array_keys($types);
$unsigned = array();
$operators = array("=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE", "LIKE %%", "IN", "IS NULL", "NOT LIKE", "NOT IN", "IS NOT NULL", "SQL"); // REGEXP can be user defined function
$functions = array("hex", "length", "lower", "round", "unixepoch", "upper");
$grouping = array("avg", "count", "count distinct", "group_concat", "max", "min", "sum");
$edit_functions = array(
// "text" => "date('now')/time('now')/datetime('now')",
), array(
"integer|real|numeric" => "+/-",
// "text" => "date/time/datetime",
"text" => "||",
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["dump"];
if ($_POST && !$error) {
$cookie = "";
foreach (array("output", "format", "db_style", "routines", "events", "table_style", "auto_increment", "triggers", "data_style") as $key) {
$cookie .= "&$key=" . urlencode($_POST[$key]);
cookie("adminer_export", substr($cookie, 1));
$tables = array_flip((array) $_POST["tables"]) + array_flip((array) $_POST["data"]);
$ext = dump_headers(
(count($tables) == 1 ? key($tables) : DB),
(DB == "" || count($tables) > 1));
$is_sql = preg_match('~sql~', $_POST["format"]);
if ($is_sql) {
echo "-- Adminer $VERSION " . $drivers[DRIVER] . " dump\n\n";
if ($jush == "sql") {
echo "SET NAMES utf8;
SET time_zone = '+00:00';
" . ($_POST["data_style"] ? "SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
" : "") . "
$connection->query("SET time_zone = '+00:00';");
$style = $_POST["db_style"];
$databases = array(DB);
if (DB == "") {
$databases = $_POST["databases"];
if (is_string($databases)) {
$databases = explode("\n", rtrim(str_replace("\r", "", $databases), "\n"));
foreach ((array) $databases as $db) {
if ($connection->select_db($db)) {
if ($is_sql && preg_match('~CREATE~', $style) && ($create = $connection->result("SHOW CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape($db), 1))) {
if ($style == "DROP+CREATE") {
echo "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($db) . ";\n";
echo "$create;\n";
if ($is_sql) {
if ($style) {
echo use_sql($db) . ";\n\n";
$out = "";
if ($_POST["routines"]) {
foreach (array("FUNCTION", "PROCEDURE") as $routine) {
foreach (get_rows("SHOW $routine STATUS WHERE Db = " . q($db), null, "-- ") as $row) {
$create = remove_definer($connection->result("SHOW CREATE $routine " . idf_escape($row["Name"]), 2));
$out .= ($style != 'DROP+CREATE' ? "DROP $routine IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Name"]) . ";;\n" : "") . "$create;;\n\n";
if ($_POST["events"]) {
foreach (get_rows("SHOW EVENTS", null, "-- ") as $row) {
$create = remove_definer($connection->result("SHOW CREATE EVENT " . idf_escape($row["Name"]), 3));
$out .= ($style != 'DROP+CREATE' ? "DROP EVENT IF EXISTS " . idf_escape($row["Name"]) . ";;\n" : "") . "$create;;\n\n";
if ($out) {
echo "DELIMITER ;;\n\n$out" . "DELIMITER ;\n\n";
if ($_POST["table_style"] || $_POST["data_style"]) {
$views = array();
foreach (table_status('', true) as $name => $table_status) {
$table = (DB == "" || in_array($name, (array) $_POST["tables"]));
$data = (DB == "" || in_array($name, (array) $_POST["data"]));
if ($table || $data) {
if ($ext == "tar") {
$tmp_file = new TmpFile;
ob_start(array($tmp_file, 'write'), 1e5);
$adminer->dumpTable($name, ($table ? $_POST["table_style"] : ""), (is_view($table_status) ? 2 : 0));
if (is_view($table_status)) {
$views[] = $name;
} elseif ($data) {
$fields = fields($name);
$adminer->dumpData($name, $_POST["data_style"], "SELECT *" . convert_fields($fields, $fields) . " FROM " . table($name));
if ($is_sql && $_POST["triggers"] && $table && ($triggers = trigger_sql($name, $_POST["table_style"]))) {
echo "\nDELIMITER ;;\n$triggers\nDELIMITER ;\n";
if ($ext == "tar") {
tar_file((DB != "" ? "" : "$db/") . "$name.csv", $tmp_file);
} elseif ($is_sql) {
echo "\n";
foreach ($views as $view) {
$adminer->dumpTable($view, $_POST["table_style"], 1);
if ($ext == "tar") {
echo pack("x512");
if ($is_sql) {
echo "-- " . $connection->result("SELECT NOW()") . "\n";
page_header(lang('Export'), $error, ($_GET["export"] != "" ? array("table" => $_GET["export"]) : array()), h(DB));
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0">
$db_style = array('', 'USE', 'DROP+CREATE', 'CREATE');
$table_style = array('', 'DROP+CREATE', 'CREATE');
$data_style = array('', 'TRUNCATE+INSERT', 'INSERT');
if ($jush == "sql") { //! use insertUpdate() in all drivers
$data_style[] = 'INSERT+UPDATE';
parse_str($_COOKIE["adminer_export"], $row);
if (!$row) {
$row = array("output" => "text", "format" => "sql", "db_style" => (DB != "" ? "" : "CREATE"), "table_style" => "DROP+CREATE", "data_style" => "INSERT");
if (!isset($row["events"])) { // backwards compatibility
$row["routines"] = $row["events"] = ($_GET["dump"] == "");
$row["triggers"] = $row["table_style"];
echo "<tr><th>" . lang('Output') . "<td>" . html_select("output", $adminer->dumpOutput(), $row["output"], 0) . "\n"; // 0 - radio
echo "<tr><th>" . lang('Format') . "<td>" . html_select("format", $adminer->dumpFormat(), $row["format"], 0) . "\n"; // 0 - radio
echo ($jush == "sqlite" ? "" : "<tr><th>" . lang('Database') . "<td>" . html_select('db_style', $db_style, $row["db_style"])
. (support("routine") ? checkbox("routines", 1, $row["routines"], lang('Routines')) : "")
. (support("event") ? checkbox("events", 1, $row["events"], lang('Events')) : "")
echo "<tr><th>" . lang('Tables') . "<td>" . html_select('table_style', $table_style, $row["table_style"])
. checkbox("auto_increment", 1, $row["auto_increment"], lang('Auto Increment'))
. (support("trigger") ? checkbox("triggers", 1, $row["triggers"], lang('Triggers')) : "")
echo "<tr><th>" . lang('Data') . "<td>" . html_select('data_style', $data_style, $row["data_style"]);
<p><input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Export'); ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
<table cellspacing="0">
$prefixes = array();
if (DB != "") {
$checked = ($TABLE != "" ? "" : " checked");
echo "<thead><tr>";
echo "<th style='text-align: left;'><label class='block'><input type='checkbox' id='check-tables'$checked onclick='formCheck(this, /^tables\\[/);'>" . lang('Tables') . "</label>";
echo "<th style='text-align: right;'><label class='block'>" . lang('Data') . "<input type='checkbox' id='check-data'$checked onclick='formCheck(this, /^data\\[/);'></label>";
echo "</thead>\n";
$views = "";
$tables_list = tables_list();
foreach ($tables_list as $name => $type) {
$prefix = preg_replace('~_.*~', '', $name);
$checked = ($TABLE == "" || $TABLE == (substr($TABLE, -1) == "%" ? "$prefix%" : $name)); //! % may be part of table name
$print = "<tr><td>" . checkbox("tables[]", $name, $checked, $name, "checkboxClick(event, this); formUncheck('check-tables');", "block");
if ($type !== null && !preg_match('~table~i', $type)) {
$views .= "$print\n";
} else {
echo "$print<td align='right'><label class='block'><span id='Rows-" . h($name) . "'></span>" . checkbox("data[]", $name, $checked, "", "checkboxClick(event, this); formUncheck('check-data');") . "</label>\n";
echo $views;
if ($tables_list) {
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>ajaxSetHtml('" . js_escape(ME) . "script=db');</script>\n";
} else {
echo "<thead><tr><th style='text-align: left;'><label class='block'><input type='checkbox' id='check-databases'" . ($TABLE == "" ? " checked" : "") . " onclick='formCheck(this, /^databases\\[/);'>" . lang('Database') . "</label></thead>\n";
$databases = $adminer->databases();
if ($databases) {
foreach ($databases as $db) {
if (!information_schema($db)) {
$prefix = preg_replace('~_.*~', '', $db);
echo "<tr><td>" . checkbox("databases[]", $db, $TABLE == "" || $TABLE == "$prefix%", $db, "formUncheck('check-databases');", "block") . "\n";
} else {
echo "<tr><td><textarea name='databases' rows='10' cols='20'></textarea>";
$first = true;
foreach ($prefixes as $key => $val) {
if ($key != "" && $val > 1) {
echo ($first ? "<p>" : " ") . "<a href='" . h(ME) . "dump=" . urlencode("$key%") . "'>" . h($key) . "</a>";
$first = false;
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["edit"];
$fields = fields($TABLE);
$where = (isset($_GET["select"]) ? (count($_POST["check"]) == 1 ? where_check($_POST["check"][0], $fields) : "") : where($_GET, $fields));
$update = (isset($_GET["select"]) ? $_POST["edit"] : $where);
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
if (!isset($field["privileges"][$update ? "update" : "insert"]) || $adminer->fieldName($field) == "") {
if ($_POST && !$error && !isset($_GET["select"])) {
$location = $_POST["referer"];
if ($_POST["insert"]) { // continue edit or insert
$location = ($update ? null : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
} elseif (!preg_match('~^.+&select=.+$~', $location)) {
$location = ME . "select=" . urlencode($TABLE);
$indexes = indexes($TABLE);
$unique_array = unique_array($_GET["where"], $indexes);
$query_where = "\nWHERE $where";
if (isset($_POST["delete"])) {
lang('Item has been deleted.'),
$driver->delete($TABLE, $query_where, !$unique_array)
} else {
$set = array();
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
$val = process_input($field);
if ($val !== false && $val !== null) {
$set[idf_escape($name)] = $val;
if ($update) {
if (!$set) {
lang('Item has been updated.'),
$driver->update($TABLE, $set, $query_where, !$unique_array)
if (is_ajax()) {
} else {
$result = $driver->insert($TABLE, $set);
$last_id = ($result ? last_id() : 0);
queries_redirect($location, lang('Item%s has been inserted.', ($last_id ? " $last_id" : "")), $result); //! link
$row = null;
if ($_POST["save"]) {
$row = (array) $_POST["fields"];
} elseif ($where) {
$select = array();
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
if (isset($field["privileges"]["select"])) {
$as = convert_field($field);
if ($_POST["clone"] && $field["auto_increment"]) {
$as = "''";
if ($jush == "sql" && preg_match("~enum|set~", $field["type"])) {
$as = "1*" . idf_escape($name);
$select[] = ($as ? "$as AS " : "") . idf_escape($name);
$row = array();
if (!support("table")) {
$select = array("*");
if ($select) {
$result = $driver->select($TABLE, $select, array($where), $select, array(), (isset($_GET["select"]) ? 2 : 1));
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
if (!$row) { // MySQLi returns null
$row = false;
if (isset($_GET["select"]) && (!$row || $result->fetch_assoc())) { // $result->num_rows != 1 isn't available in all drivers
$row = null;
if (!support("table") && !$fields) {
if (!$where) { // insert
$result = $driver->select($TABLE, array("*"), $where, array("*"));
$row = ($result ? $result->fetch_assoc() : false);
if (!$row) {
$row = array($driver->primary => "");
if ($row) {
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if (!$where) {
$row[$key] = null;
$fields[$key] = array("field" => $key, "null" => ($key != $driver->primary), "auto_increment" => ($key == $driver->primary));
edit_form($TABLE, $fields, $row, $update);
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
$EVENT = $_GET["event"];
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error) {
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect("DROP EVENT " . idf_escape($EVENT), substr(ME, 0, -1), lang('Event has been dropped.'));
} elseif (in_array($row["INTERVAL_FIELD"], $intervals) && isset($statuses[$row["STATUS"]])) {
$schedule = "\nON SCHEDULE " . ($row["INTERVAL_VALUE"]
? "EVERY " . q($row["INTERVAL_VALUE"]) . " $row[INTERVAL_FIELD]"
. ($row["STARTS"] ? " STARTS " . q($row["STARTS"]) : "")
. ($row["ENDS"] ? " ENDS " . q($row["ENDS"]) : "") //! ALTER EVENT doesn't drop ENDS - MySQL bug #39173
: "AT " . q($row["STARTS"])
) . " ON COMPLETION" . ($row["ON_COMPLETION"] ? "" : " NOT") . " PRESERVE"
queries_redirect(substr(ME, 0, -1), ($EVENT != "" ? lang('Event has been altered.') : lang('Event has been created.')), queries(($EVENT != ""
? "ALTER EVENT " . idf_escape($EVENT) . $schedule
. ($EVENT != $row["EVENT_NAME"] ? "\nRENAME TO " . idf_escape($row["EVENT_NAME"]) : "")
: "CREATE EVENT " . idf_escape($row["EVENT_NAME"]) . $schedule
) . "\n" . $statuses[$row["STATUS"]] . " COMMENT " . q($row["EVENT_COMMENT"])
. rtrim(" DO\n$row[EVENT_DEFINITION]", ";") . ";"
page_header(($EVENT != "" ? lang('Alter event') . ": " . h($EVENT) : lang('Create event')), $error);
if (!$row && $EVENT != "") {
$rows = get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.EVENTS WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA = " . q(DB) . " AND EVENT_NAME = " . q($EVENT));
$row = reset($rows);
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Name'); ?><td><input name="EVENT_NAME" value="<?php echo h($row["EVENT_NAME"]); ?>" maxlength="64" autocapitalize="off">
<tr><th title="datetime"><?php echo lang('Start'); ?><td><input name="STARTS" value="<?php echo h("$row[EXECUTE_AT]$row[STARTS]"); ?>">
<tr><th title="datetime"><?php echo lang('End'); ?><td><input name="ENDS" value="<?php echo h($row["ENDS"]); ?>">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Every'); ?><td><input type="number" name="INTERVAL_VALUE" value="<?php echo h($row["INTERVAL_VALUE"]); ?>" class="size"> <?php echo html_select("INTERVAL_FIELD", $intervals, $row["INTERVAL_FIELD"]); ?>
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Status'); ?><td><?php echo html_select("STATUS", $statuses, $row["STATUS"]); ?>
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Comment'); ?><td><input name="EVENT_COMMENT" value="<?php echo h($row["EVENT_COMMENT"]); ?>" maxlength="64">
<tr><th> <td><?php echo checkbox("ON_COMPLETION", "PRESERVE", $row["ON_COMPLETION"] == "PRESERVE", lang('On completion preserve')); ?>
<p><?php textarea("EVENT_DEFINITION", $row["EVENT_DEFINITION"]); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<?php if ($EVENT != "") { ?><input type="submit" name="drop" value="<?php echo lang('Drop'); ?>"<?php echo confirm(); ?>><?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 365*24*60*60) . " GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: immutable");
if ($_GET["file"] == "favicon.ico") {
header("Content-Type: image/x-icon");
echo lzw_decompress(compile_file('../adminer/static/favicon.ico', 'lzw_compress'));
} elseif ($_GET["file"] == "default.css") {
header("Content-Type: text/css; charset=utf-8");
echo lzw_decompress(compile_file('../adminer/static/default.css;../externals/jush/jush.css', 'minify_css'));
} elseif ($_GET["file"] == "functions.js") {
header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
echo lzw_decompress(compile_file('../adminer/static/functions.js;static/editing.js', 'minify_js'));
} elseif ($_GET["file"] == "jush.js") {
header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
echo lzw_decompress(compile_file('../externals/jush/modules/jush.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-textarea.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-txt.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-js.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-sql.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-pgsql.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-sqlite.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-mssql.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-oracle.js;../externals/jush/modules/jush-simpledb.js', 'minify_js'));
} else {
header("Content-Type: image/gif");
switch ($_GET["file"]) {
case "plus.gif": echo compile_file('../adminer/static/plus.gif'); break;
case "cross.gif": echo compile_file('../adminer/static/cross.gif'); break;
case "up.gif": echo compile_file('../adminer/static/up.gif'); break;
case "down.gif": echo compile_file('../adminer/static/down.gif'); break;
case "arrow.gif": echo compile_file('../adminer/static/arrow.gif'); break;
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["foreign"];
$name = $_GET["name"];
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error && !$_POST["add"] && !$_POST["change"] && !$_POST["change-js"]) {
$message = ($_POST["drop"] ? lang('Foreign key has been dropped.') : ($name != "" ? lang('Foreign key has been altered.') : lang('Foreign key has been created.')));
$location = ME . "table=" . urlencode($TABLE);
if (!$_POST["drop"]) {
$row["source"] = array_filter($row["source"], 'strlen');
ksort($row["source"]); // enforce input order
$target = array();
foreach ($row["source"] as $key => $val) {
$target[$key] = $row["target"][$key];
$row["target"] = $target;
if ($jush == "sqlite") {
queries_redirect($location, $message, recreate_table($TABLE, $TABLE, array(), array(), array(" $name" => ($_POST["drop"] ? "" : " " . format_foreign_key($row)))));
} else {
$alter = "ALTER TABLE " . table($TABLE);
$drop = "\nDROP " . ($jush == "sql" ? "FOREIGN KEY " : "CONSTRAINT ") . idf_escape($name);
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect($alter . $drop, $location, $message);
} else {
query_redirect($alter . ($name != "" ? "$drop," : "") . "\nADD" . format_foreign_key($row), $location, $message);
$error = lang('Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.') . "<br>$error"; //! no partitioning
page_header(lang('Foreign key'), $error, array("table" => $TABLE), h($TABLE));
if ($_POST) {
if ($_POST["add"]) {
$row["source"][] = "";
} elseif ($_POST["change"] || $_POST["change-js"]) {
$row["target"] = array();
} elseif ($name != "") {
$foreign_keys = foreign_keys($TABLE);
$row = $foreign_keys[$name];
$row["source"][] = "";
} else {
$row["table"] = $TABLE;
$row["source"] = array("");
$source = array_keys(fields($TABLE)); //! no text and blob
$target = ($TABLE === $row["table"] ? $source : array_keys(fields($row["table"])));
$referencable = array_keys(array_filter(table_status('', true), 'fk_support'));
<form action="" method="post">
<?php if ($row["db"] == "" && $row["ns"] == "") { ?>
<?php echo lang('Target table'); ?>:
<?php echo html_select("table", $referencable, $row["table"], "this.form['change-js'].value = '1'; this.form.submit();"); ?>
<input type="hidden" name="change-js" value="">
<noscript><p><input type="submit" name="change" value="<?php echo lang('Change'); ?>"></noscript>
<table cellspacing="0">
<thead><tr><th id="label-source"><?php echo lang('Source'); ?><th id="label-target"><?php echo lang('Target'); ?></thead>
$j = 0;
foreach ($row["source"] as $key => $val) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . html_select("source[" . (+$key) . "]", array(-1 => "") + $source, $val, ($j == count($row["source"]) - 1 ? "foreignAddRow(this);" : 1), "label-source");
echo "<td>" . html_select("target[" . (+$key) . "]", $target, $row["target"][$key], 1, "label-target");
<?php echo lang('ON DELETE'); ?>: <?php echo html_select("on_delete", array(-1 => "") + explode("|", $on_actions), $row["on_delete"]); ?>
<?php echo lang('ON UPDATE'); ?>: <?php echo html_select("on_update", array(-1 => "") + explode("|", $on_actions), $row["on_update"]); ?>
<?php echo doc_link(array(
'sql' => "innodb-foreign-key-constraints.html",
'pgsql' => "sql-createtable.html#SQL-CREATETABLE-REFERENCES",
'mssql' => "ms174979.aspx",
'oracle' => "clauses002.htm#sthref2903",
)); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<noscript><p><input type="submit" name="add" value="<?php echo lang('Add column'); ?>"></noscript>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($name != "") { ?><input type="submit" name="drop" value="<?php echo lang('Drop'); ?>"<?php echo confirm(); ?>><?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
// any method change in this file should be transferred to editor/include/adminer.inc.php and plugins/plugin.php
class Adminer {
/** @var array operators used in select, null for all operators */
var $operators;
/** Name in title and navigation
* @return string HTML code
function name() {
return "<a href='https://www.adminer.org/' target='_blank' id='h1'>Adminer</a>";
/** Connection parameters
* @return array ($server, $username, $password)
function credentials() {
return array(SERVER, $_GET["username"], get_password());
/** Get key used for permanent login
* @param bool
* @return string cryptic string which gets combined with password or false in case of an error
function permanentLogin($create = false) {
return password_file($create);
/** Return key used to group brute force attacks; behind a reverse proxy, you want to return the last part of X-Forwarded-For
* @return string
function bruteForceKey() {
/** Identifier of selected database
* @return string
function database() {
// should be used everywhere instead of DB
return DB;
/** Get cached list of databases
* @param bool
* @return array
function databases($flush = true) {
return get_databases($flush);
/** Get list of schemas
* @return array
function schemas() {
return schemas();
/** Specify limit for waiting on some slow queries like DB list
* @return float number of seconds
function queryTimeout() {
return 5;
/** Headers to send before HTML output
* @return bool true to send security headers
function headers() {
return true;
/** Print HTML code inside <head>
* @return bool true to link adminer.css if exists
function head() {
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../externals/jush/jush.css">
return true;
/** Print login form
* @return null
function loginForm() {
global $drivers;
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('System'); ?><td><?php echo html_select("auth[driver]", $drivers, DRIVER); ?>
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Server'); ?><td><input name="auth[server]" value="<?php echo h(SERVER); ?>" title="hostname[:port]" placeholder="localhost" autocapitalize="off">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Username'); ?><td><input name="auth[username]" id="username" value="<?php echo h($_GET["username"]); ?>" autocapitalize="off">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Password'); ?><td><input type="password" name="auth[password]">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Database'); ?><td><input name="auth[db]" value="<?php echo h($_GET["db"]); ?>" autocapitalize="off">
<script type="text/javascript">
echo "<p><input type='submit' value='" . lang('Login') . "'>\n";
echo checkbox("auth[permanent]", 1, $_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"], lang('Permanent login')) . "\n";
/** Authorize the user
* @param string
* @param string
* @return mixed true for success, string for error message, false for unknown error
function login($login, $password) {
global $jush;
if ($jush == "sqlite") {
return lang('<a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to use SQLite.', '<code>login()</code>');
return true;
/** Table caption used in navigation and headings
* @param array result of SHOW TABLE STATUS
* @return string HTML code, "" to ignore table
function tableName($tableStatus) {
return h($tableStatus["Name"]);
/** Field caption used in select and edit
* @param array single field returned from fields()
* @param int order of column in select
* @return string HTML code, "" to ignore field
function fieldName($field, $order = 0) {
return '<span title="' . h($field["full_type"]) . '">' . h($field["field"]) . '</span>';
/** Print links after select heading
* @param array result of SHOW TABLE STATUS
* @param string new item options, NULL for no new item
* @return null
function selectLinks($tableStatus, $set = "") {
echo '<p class="links">';
$links = array("select" => lang('Select data'));
if (support("table") || support("indexes")) {
$links["table"] = lang('Show structure');
if (support("table")) {
if (is_view($tableStatus)) {
$links["view"] = lang('Alter view');
} else {
$links["create"] = lang('Alter table');
if ($set !== null) {
$links["edit"] = lang('New item');
foreach ($links as $key => $val) {
echo " <a href='" . h(ME) . "$key=" . urlencode($tableStatus["Name"]) . ($key == "edit" ? $set : "") . "'" . bold(isset($_GET[$key])) . ">$val</a>";
echo "\n";
/** Get foreign keys for table
* @param string
* @return array same format as foreign_keys()
function foreignKeys($table) {
return foreign_keys($table);
/** Find backward keys for table
* @param string
* @param string
* @return array $return[$target_table]["keys"][$key_name][$target_column] = $source_column; $return[$target_table]["name"] = $this->tableName($target_table);
function backwardKeys($table, $tableName) {
return array();
/** Print backward keys for row
* @param array result of $this->backwardKeys()
* @param array
* @return null
function backwardKeysPrint($backwardKeys, $row) {
/** Query printed in select before execution
* @param string query to be executed
* @param string elapsed time
* @return string
function selectQuery($query, $time) {
global $jush;
return "<p><code class='jush-$jush'>" . h(str_replace("\n", " ", $query)) . "</code> <span class='time'>($time)</span>"
. (support("sql") ? " <a href='" . h(ME) . "sql=" . urlencode($query) . "'>" . lang('Edit') . "</a>" : "")
. "</p>" // </p> - required for IE9 inline edit
/** Query printed in SQL command before execution
* @param string query to be executed
* @return string escaped query to be printed
function sqlCommandQuery($query)
return shorten_utf8(trim($query), 1000);
/** Description of a row in a table
* @param string
* @return string SQL expression, empty string for no description
function rowDescription($table) {
return "";
/** Get descriptions of selected data
* @param array all data to print
* @param array
* @return array
function rowDescriptions($rows, $foreignKeys) {
return $rows;
/** Get a link to use in select table
* @param string raw value of the field
* @param array single field returned from fields()
* @return string or null to create the default link
function selectLink($val, $field) {
/** Value printed in select table
* @param string HTML-escaped value to print
* @param string link to foreign key
* @param array single field returned from fields()
* @param array original value before applying editVal() and escaping
* @return string
function selectVal($val, $link, $field, $original) {
$return = ($val === null ? "<i>NULL</i>" : (preg_match("~char|binary~", $field["type"]) && !preg_match("~var~", $field["type"]) ? "<code>$val</code>" : $val));
if (preg_match('~blob|bytea|raw|file~', $field["type"]) && !is_utf8($val)) {
$return = "<i>" . lang('%d byte(s)', strlen($original)) . "</i>";
if (preg_match('~json~', $field["type"])) {
$return = "<code class='jush-js'>$return</code>";
return ($link ? "<a href='" . h($link) . "'" . (is_url($link) ? " rel='noreferrer'" : "") . ">$return</a>" : $return);
/** Value conversion used in select and edit
* @param string
* @param array single field returned from fields()
* @return string
function editVal($val, $field) {
return $val;
/** Print table structure in tabular format
* @param array data about individual fields
* @return null
function tableStructurePrint($fields) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><th>" . lang('Column') . "<td>" . lang('Type') . (support("comment") ? "<td>" . lang('Comment') : "") . "</thead>\n";
foreach ($fields as $field) {
echo "<tr" . odd() . "><th>" . h($field["field"]);
echo "<td><span title='" . h($field["collation"]) . "'>" . h($field["full_type"]) . "</span>";
echo ($field["null"] ? " <i>NULL</i>" : "");
echo ($field["auto_increment"] ? " <i>" . lang('Auto Increment') . "</i>" : "");
echo (isset($field["default"]) ? " <span title='" . lang('Default value') . "'>[<b>" . h($field["default"]) . "</b>]</span>" : "");
echo (support("comment") ? "<td>" . nbsp($field["comment"]) : "");
echo "\n";
echo "</table>\n";
/** Print list of indexes on table in tabular format
* @param array data about all indexes on a table
* @return null
function tableIndexesPrint($indexes) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
foreach ($indexes as $name => $index) {
ksort($index["columns"]); // enforce correct columns order
$print = array();
foreach ($index["columns"] as $key => $val) {
$print[] = "<i>" . h($val) . "</i>"
. ($index["lengths"][$key] ? "(" . $index["lengths"][$key] . ")" : "")
. ($index["descs"][$key] ? " DESC" : "")
echo "<tr title='" . h($name) . "'><th>$index[type]<td>" . implode(", ", $print) . "\n";
echo "</table>\n";
/** Print columns box in select
* @param array result of selectColumnsProcess()[0]
* @param array selectable columns
* @return null
function selectColumnsPrint($select, $columns) {
global $functions, $grouping;
print_fieldset("select", lang('Select'), $select);
$i = 0;
$select[""] = array();
foreach ($select as $key => $val) {
$val = $_GET["columns"][$key];
$column = select_input(" name='columns[$i][col]' onchange='" . ($key !== "" ? "selectFieldChange(this.form)" : "selectAddRow(this)") . ";'", $columns, $val["col"]);
echo "<div>" . ($functions || $grouping ? "<select name='columns[$i][fun]' onchange='helpClose();" . ($key !== "" ? "" : " this.nextSibling.nextSibling.onchange();") . "'"
. on_help("getTarget(event).value && getTarget(event).value.replace(/ |\$/, '(') + ')'", 1) . ">" . optionlist(array(-1 => "") + array_filter(array(lang('Functions') => $functions, lang('Aggregation') => $grouping)), $val["fun"]) . "</select>"
. "($column)" : $column) . "</div>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
/** Print search box in select
* @param array result of selectSearchProcess()
* @param array selectable columns
* @param array
* @return null
function selectSearchPrint($where, $columns, $indexes) {
print_fieldset("search", lang('Search'), $where);
foreach ($indexes as $i => $index) {
if ($index["type"] == "FULLTEXT") {
echo "(<i>" . implode("</i>, <i>", array_map('h', $index["columns"])) . "</i>) AGAINST";
echo " <input type='search' name='fulltext[$i]' value='" . h($_GET["fulltext"][$i]) . "' onchange='selectFieldChange(this.form);'>";
echo checkbox("boolean[$i]", 1, isset($_GET["boolean"][$i]), "BOOL");
echo "<br>\n";
$_GET["where"] = (array) $_GET["where"];
$change_next = "this.nextSibling.onchange();";
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($_GET["where"]); $i++) {
list(, $val) = each($_GET["where"]);
if (!$val || ("$val[col]$val[val]" != "" && in_array($val["op"], $this->operators))) {
echo "<div>" . select_input(" name='where[$i][col]' onchange='$change_next'", $columns, $val["col"], "(" . lang('anywhere') . ")");
echo html_select("where[$i][op]", $this->operators, $val["op"], $change_next);
echo "<input type='search' name='where[$i][val]' value='" . h($val["val"]) . "' onchange='" . ($val ? "selectFieldChange(this.form)" : "selectAddRow(this)") . ";' onkeydown='selectSearchKeydown(this, event);' onsearch='selectSearchSearch(this);'></div>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
/** Print order box in select
* @param array result of selectOrderProcess()
* @param array selectable columns
* @param array
* @return null
function selectOrderPrint($order, $columns, $indexes) {
print_fieldset("sort", lang('Sort'), $order);
$i = 0;
foreach ((array) $_GET["order"] as $key => $val) {
if ($val != "") {
echo "<div>" . select_input(" name='order[$i]' onchange='selectFieldChange(this.form);'", $columns, $val);
echo checkbox("desc[$i]", 1, isset($_GET["desc"][$key]), lang('descending')) . "</div>\n";
echo "<div>" . select_input(" name='order[$i]' onchange='selectAddRow(this);'", $columns);
echo checkbox("desc[$i]", 1, false, lang('descending')) . "</div>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
/** Print limit box in select
* @param string result of selectLimitProcess()
* @return null
function selectLimitPrint($limit) {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Limit') . "</legend><div>"; // <div> for easy styling
echo "<input type='number' name='limit' class='size' value='" . h($limit) . "' onchange='selectFieldChange(this.form);'>";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
/** Print text length box in select
* @param string result of selectLengthProcess()
* @return null
function selectLengthPrint($text_length) {
if ($text_length !== null) {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Text length') . "</legend><div>";
echo "<input type='number' name='text_length' class='size' value='" . h($text_length) . "'>";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
/** Print action box in select
* @param array
* @return null
function selectActionPrint($indexes) {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Action') . "</legend><div>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Select') . "'>";
echo " <span id='noindex' title='" . lang('Full table scan') . "'></span>";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "var indexColumns = ";
$columns = array();
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
$current_key = reset($index["columns"]);
if ($index["type"] != "FULLTEXT" && $current_key) {
$columns[$current_key] = 1;
$columns[""] = 1;
foreach ($columns as $key => $val) {
echo ";\n";
echo "selectFieldChange(document.getElementById('form'));\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
/** Print command box in select
* @return bool whether to print default commands
function selectCommandPrint() {
return !information_schema(DB);
/** Print import box in select
* @return bool whether to print default import
function selectImportPrint() {
return !information_schema(DB);
/** Print extra text in the end of a select form
* @param array fields holding e-mails
* @param array selectable columns
* @return null
function selectEmailPrint($emailFields, $columns) {
/** Process columns box in select
* @param array selectable columns
* @param array
* @return array (array(select_expressions), array(group_expressions))
function selectColumnsProcess($columns, $indexes) {
global $functions, $grouping;
$select = array(); // select expressions, empty for *
$group = array(); // expressions without aggregation - will be used for GROUP BY if an aggregation function is used
foreach ((array) $_GET["columns"] as $key => $val) {
if ($val["fun"] == "count" || ($val["col"] != "" && (!$val["fun"] || in_array($val["fun"], $functions) || in_array($val["fun"], $grouping)))) {
$select[$key] = apply_sql_function($val["fun"], ($val["col"] != "" ? idf_escape($val["col"]) : "*"));
if (!in_array($val["fun"], $grouping)) {
$group[] = $select[$key];
return array($select, $group);
/** Process search box in select
* @param array
* @param array
* @return array expressions to join by AND
function selectSearchProcess($fields, $indexes) {
global $connection, $jush;
$return = array();
foreach ($indexes as $i => $index) {
if ($index["type"] == "FULLTEXT" && $_GET["fulltext"][$i] != "") {
$return[] = "MATCH (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $index["columns"])) . ") AGAINST (" . q($_GET["fulltext"][$i]) . (isset($_GET["boolean"][$i]) ? " IN BOOLEAN MODE" : "") . ")";
foreach ((array) $_GET["where"] as $val) {
if ("$val[col]$val[val]" != "" && in_array($val["op"], $this->operators)) {
$cond = " $val[op]";
if (preg_match('~IN$~', $val["op"])) {
$in = process_length($val["val"]);
$cond .= " " . ($in != "" ? $in : "(NULL)");
} elseif ($val["op"] == "SQL") {
$cond = " $val[val]"; // SQL injection
} elseif ($val["op"] == "LIKE %%") {
$cond = " LIKE " . $this->processInput($fields[$val["col"]], "%$val[val]%");
} elseif ($val["op"] == "ILIKE %%") {
$cond = " ILIKE " . $this->processInput($fields[$val["col"]], "%$val[val]%");
} elseif (!preg_match('~NULL$~', $val["op"])) {
$cond .= " " . $this->processInput($fields[$val["col"]], $val["val"]);
if ($val["col"] != "") {
$return[] = idf_escape($val["col"]) . $cond;
} else {
// find anywhere
$cols = array();
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
$is_text = preg_match('~char|text|enum|set~', $field["type"]);
if ((is_numeric($val["val"]) || !preg_match('~(^|[^o])int|float|double|decimal|bit~', $field["type"]))
&& (!preg_match("~[\x80-\xFF]~", $val["val"]) || $is_text)
) {
$name = idf_escape($name);
$cols[] = ($jush == "sql" && $is_text && !preg_match("~^utf8_~", $field["collation"]) ? "CONVERT($name USING " . charset($connection) . ")" : $name);
$return[] = ($cols ? "(" . implode("$cond OR ", $cols) . "$cond)" : "0");
return $return;
/** Process order box in select
* @param array
* @param array
* @return array expressions to join by comma
function selectOrderProcess($fields, $indexes) {
$return = array();
foreach ((array) $_GET["order"] as $key => $val) {
if ($val != "") {
$return[] = (preg_match('~^((COUNT\\(DISTINCT |[A-Z0-9_]+\\()(`(?:[^`]|``)+`|"(?:[^"]|"")+")\\)|COUNT\\(\\*\\))$~', $val) ? $val : idf_escape($val)) //! MS SQL uses []
. (isset($_GET["desc"][$key]) ? " DESC" : "")
return $return;
/** Process limit box in select
* @return string expression to use in LIMIT, will be escaped
function selectLimitProcess() {
return (isset($_GET["limit"]) ? $_GET["limit"] : "50");
/** Process length box in select
* @return string number of characters to shorten texts, will be escaped
function selectLengthProcess() {
return (isset($_GET["text_length"]) ? $_GET["text_length"] : "100");
/** Process extras in select form
* @param array AND conditions
* @param array
* @return bool true if processed, false to process other parts of form
function selectEmailProcess($where, $foreignKeys) {
return false;
/** Build SQL query used in select
* @param array result of selectColumnsProcess()[0]
* @param array result of selectSearchProcess()
* @param array result of selectColumnsProcess()[1]
* @param array result of selectOrderProcess()
* @param int result of selectLimitProcess()
* @param int index of page starting at zero
* @return string empty string to use default query
function selectQueryBuild($select, $where, $group, $order, $limit, $page) {
return "";
/** Query printed after execution in the message
* @param string executed query
* @param string elapsed time
* @return string
function messageQuery($query, $time) {
global $jush;
$history = &get_session("queries");
$id = "sql-" . count($history[$_GET["db"]]);
if (strlen($query) > 1e6) {
$query = preg_replace('~[\x80-\xFF]+$~', '', substr($query, 0, 1e6)) . "\n..."; // [\x80-\xFF] - valid UTF-8, \n - can end by one-line comment
$history[$_GET["db"]][] = array($query, time(), $time); // not DB - $_GET["db"] is changed in database.inc.php //! respect $_GET["ns"]
return " <span class='time'>" . @date("H:i:s") . "</span> <a href='#$id' onclick=\"return !toggle('$id');\">" . lang('SQL command') . "</a>" // @ - time zone may be not set
. "<div id='$id' class='hidden'><pre><code class='jush-$jush'>" . shorten_utf8($query, 1000) . '</code></pre>'
. ($time ? " <span class='time'>($time)</span>" : '')
. (support("sql") ? '<p><a href="' . h(str_replace("db=" . urlencode(DB), "db=" . urlencode($_GET["db"]), ME) . 'sql=&history=' . (count($history[$_GET["db"]]) - 1)) . '">' . lang('Edit') . '</a>' : '')
. '</div>'
/** Functions displayed in edit form
* @param array single field from fields()
* @return array
function editFunctions($field) {
global $edit_functions;
$return = ($field["null"] ? "NULL/" : "");
foreach ($edit_functions as $key => $functions) {
if (!$key || (!isset($_GET["call"]) && (isset($_GET["select"]) || where($_GET)))) { // relative functions
foreach ($functions as $pattern => $val) {
if (!$pattern || preg_match("~$pattern~", $field["type"])) {
$return .= "/$val";
if ($key && !preg_match('~set|blob|bytea|raw|file~', $field["type"])) {
$return .= "/SQL";
if ($field["auto_increment"] && !isset($_GET["select"]) && !where($_GET)) {
$return = lang('Auto Increment');
return explode("/", $return);
/** Get options to display edit field
* @param string table name
* @param array single field from fields()
* @param string attributes to use inside the tag
* @param string
* @return string custom input field or empty string for default
function editInput($table, $field, $attrs, $value) {
if ($field["type"] == "enum") {
return (isset($_GET["select"]) ? "<label><input type='radio'$attrs value='-1' checked><i>" . lang('original') . "</i></label> " : "")
. ($field["null"] ? "<label><input type='radio'$attrs value=''" . ($value !== null || isset($_GET["select"]) ? "" : " checked") . "><i>NULL</i></label> " : "")
. enum_input("radio", $attrs, $field, $value, 0) // 0 - empty
return "";
/** Process sent input
* @param array single field from fields()
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string expression to use in a query
function processInput($field, $value, $function = "") {
if ($function == "SQL") {
return $value; // SQL injection
$name = $field["field"];
$return = q($value);
if (preg_match('~^(now|getdate|uuid)$~', $function)) {
$return = "$function()";
} elseif (preg_match('~^current_(date|timestamp)$~', $function)) {
$return = $function;
} elseif (preg_match('~^([+-]|\\|\\|)$~', $function)) {
$return = idf_escape($name) . " $function $return";
} elseif (preg_match('~^[+-] interval$~', $function)) {
$return = idf_escape($name) . " $function " . (preg_match("~^(\\d+|'[0-9.: -]') [A-Z_]+$~i", $value) ? $value : $return);
} elseif (preg_match('~^(addtime|subtime|concat)$~', $function)) {
$return = "$function(" . idf_escape($name) . ", $return)";
} elseif (preg_match('~^(md5|sha1|password|encrypt)$~', $function)) {
$return = "$function($return)";
return unconvert_field($field, $return);
/** Returns export output options
* @return array
function dumpOutput() {
$return = array('text' => lang('open'), 'file' => lang('save'));
if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
$return['gz'] = 'gzip';
return $return;
/** Returns export format options
* @return array empty to disable export
function dumpFormat() {
return array('sql' => 'SQL', 'csv' => 'CSV,', 'csv;' => 'CSV;', 'tsv' => 'TSV');
/** Export database structure
* @param string
* @return null prints data
function dumpDatabase($db) {
/** Export table structure
* @param string
* @param string
* @param int 0 table, 1 view, 2 temporary view table
* @return null prints data
function dumpTable($table, $style, $is_view = 0) {
if ($_POST["format"] != "sql") {
echo "\xef\xbb\xbf"; // UTF-8 byte order mark
if ($style) {
} else {
if ($is_view == 2) {
$fields = array();
foreach (fields($table) as $name => $field) {
$fields[] = idf_escape($name) . " $field[full_type]";
$create = "CREATE TABLE " . table($table) . " (" . implode(", ", $fields) . ")";
} else {
$create = create_sql($table, $_POST["auto_increment"]);
if ($style && $create) {
if ($style == "DROP+CREATE" || $is_view == 1) {
echo "DROP " . ($is_view == 2 ? "VIEW" : "TABLE") . " IF EXISTS " . table($table) . ";\n";
if ($is_view == 1) {
$create = remove_definer($create);
echo "$create;\n\n";
/** Export table data
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @return null prints data
function dumpData($table, $style, $query) {
global $connection, $jush;
$max_packet = ($jush == "sqlite" ? 0 : 1048576); // default, minimum is 1024
if ($style) {
if ($_POST["format"] == "sql") {
if ($style == "TRUNCATE+INSERT") {
echo truncate_sql($table) . ";\n";
$fields = fields($table);
$result = $connection->query($query, 1); // 1 - MYSQLI_USE_RESULT //! enum and set as numbers
if ($result) {
$insert = "";
$buffer = "";
$keys = array();
$suffix = "";
$fetch_function = ($table != '' ? 'fetch_assoc' : 'fetch_row');
while ($row = $result->$fetch_function()) {
if (!$keys) {
$values = array();
foreach ($row as $val) {
$field = $result->fetch_field();
$keys[] = $field->name;
$key = idf_escape($field->name);
$values[] = "$key = VALUES($key)";
$suffix = ($style == "INSERT+UPDATE" ? "\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . implode(", ", $values) : "") . ";\n";
if ($_POST["format"] != "sql") {
if ($style == "table") {
$style = "INSERT";
} else {
if (!$insert) {
$insert = "INSERT INTO " . table($table) . " (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $keys)) . ") VALUES";
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$field = $fields[$key];
$row[$key] = ($val !== null
? unconvert_field($field, preg_match('~(^|[^o])int|float|double|decimal~', $field["type"]) && $val != '' ? $val : q($val))
: "NULL"
$s = ($max_packet ? "\n" : " ") . "(" . implode(",\t", $row) . ")";
if (!$buffer) {
$buffer = $insert . $s;
} elseif (strlen($buffer) + 4 + strlen($s) + strlen($suffix) < $max_packet) { // 4 - length specification
$buffer .= ",$s";
} else {
echo $buffer . $suffix;
$buffer = $insert . $s;
if ($buffer) {
echo $buffer . $suffix;
} elseif ($_POST["format"] == "sql") {
echo "-- " . str_replace("\n", " ", $connection->error) . "\n";
/** Set export filename
* @param string
* @return string filename without extension
function dumpFilename($identifier) {
return friendly_url($identifier != "" ? $identifier : (SERVER != "" ? SERVER : "localhost"));
/** Send headers for export
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string extension
function dumpHeaders($identifier, $multi_table = false) {
$output = $_POST["output"];
$ext = (preg_match('~sql~', $_POST["format"]) ? "sql" : ($multi_table ? "tar" : "csv")); // multiple CSV packed to TAR
header("Content-Type: " .
($output == "gz" ? "application/x-gzip" :
($ext == "tar" ? "application/x-tar" :
($ext == "sql" || $output != "file" ? "text/plain" : "text/csv") . "; charset=utf-8"
if ($output == "gz") {
ob_start('ob_gzencode', 1e6);
return $ext;
/** Print homepage
* @return bool whether to print default homepage
function homepage() {
echo '<p class="links">' . ($_GET["ns"] == "" && support("database") ? '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'database=">' . lang('Alter database') . "</a>\n" : "");
echo (support("scheme") ? "<a href='" . h(ME) . "scheme='>" . ($_GET["ns"] != "" ? lang('Alter schema') : lang('Create schema')) . "</a>\n" : "");
echo ($_GET["ns"] !== "" ? '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'schema=">' . lang('Database schema') . "</a>\n" : "");
echo (support("privileges") ? "<a href='" . h(ME) . "privileges='>" . lang('Privileges') . "</a>\n" : "");
return true;
/** Prints navigation after Adminer title
* @param string can be "auth" if there is no database connection, "db" if there is no database selected, "ns" with invalid schema
* @return null
function navigation($missing) {
global $VERSION, $jush, $drivers, $connection;
<?php echo $this->name(); ?> <span class="version"><?php echo $VERSION; ?></span>
<a href="https://www.adminer.org/#download" target="_blank" id="version"><?php echo (version_compare($VERSION, $_COOKIE["adminer_version"]) < 0 ? h($_COOKIE["adminer_version"]) : ""); ?></a>
if ($missing == "auth") {
$first = true;
foreach ((array) $_SESSION["pwds"] as $vendor => $servers) {
foreach ($servers as $server => $usernames) {
foreach ($usernames as $username => $password) {
if ($password !== null) {
if ($first) {
echo "<p id='logins' onmouseover='menuOver(this, event);' onmouseout='menuOut(this);'>\n";
$first = false;
$dbs = $_SESSION["db"][$vendor][$server][$username];
foreach (($dbs ? array_keys($dbs) : array("")) as $db) {
echo "<a href='" . h(auth_url($vendor, $server, $username, $db)) . "'>($drivers[$vendor]) " . h($username . ($server != "" ? "@$server" : "") . ($db != "" ? " - $db" : "")) . "</a><br>\n";
} else {
if ($_GET["ns"] !== "" && !$missing && DB != "") {
$tables = table_status('', true);
<script type="text/javascript" src="../externals/jush/modules/jush.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../externals/jush/modules/jush-textarea.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../externals/jush/modules/jush-txt.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../externals/jush/modules/jush-js.js"></script>
if (support("sql")) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="../externals/jush/modules/jush-<?php echo $jush; ?>.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if ($tables) {
$links = array();
foreach ($tables as $table => $type) {
$links[] = preg_quote($table, '/');
echo "var jushLinks = { $jush: [ '" . js_escape(ME) . (support("table") ? "table=" : "select=") . "\$&', /\\b(" . implode("|", $links) . ")\\b/g ] };\n";
foreach (array("bac", "bra", "sqlite_quo", "mssql_bra") as $val) {
echo "jushLinks.$val = jushLinks.$jush;\n";
bodyLoad('<?php echo (is_object($connection) ? substr($connection->server_info, 0, 3) : ""); ?>');
if (DB == "" || !$missing) {
echo "<p class='links'>" . (support("sql") ? "<a href='" . h(ME) . "sql='" . bold(isset($_GET["sql"]) && !isset($_GET["import"])) . ">" . lang('SQL command') . "</a>\n<a href='" . h(ME) . "import='" . bold(isset($_GET["import"])) . ">" . lang('Import') . "</a>\n" : "") . "";
if (support("dump")) {
echo "<a href='" . h(ME) . "dump=" . urlencode(isset($_GET["table"]) ? $_GET["table"] : $_GET["select"]) . "' id='dump'" . bold(isset($_GET["dump"])) . ">" . lang('Export') . "</a>\n";
if ($_GET["ns"] !== "" && !$missing && DB != "") {
echo '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'create="' . bold($_GET["create"] === "") . ">" . lang('Create table') . "</a>\n";
if (!$tables) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No tables.') . "\n";
} else {
/** Prints databases list in menu
* @param string
* @return null
function databasesPrint($missing) {
global $adminer, $connection;
$databases = $this->databases();
<form action="">
<p id="dbs">
$db_events = " onmousedown='dbMouseDown(event, this);' onchange='dbChange(this);'";
echo "<span title='" . lang('database') . "'>DB</span>: " . ($databases
? "<select name='db'$db_events>" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $databases, DB) . "</select>"
: '<input name="db" value="' . h(DB) . '" autocapitalize="off">'
echo "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "'" . ($databases ? " class='hidden'" : "") . ">\n";
if ($missing != "db" && DB != "" && $connection->select_db(DB)) {
if (support("scheme")) {
echo "<br>" . lang('Schema') . ": <select name='ns'$db_events>" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $adminer->schemas(), $_GET["ns"]) . "</select>";
if ($_GET["ns"] != "") {
echo (isset($_GET["sql"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="sql" value="">'
: (isset($_GET["schema"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="schema" value="">'
: (isset($_GET["dump"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="dump" value="">'
: (isset($_GET["privileges"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="privileges" value="">'
: ""))));
echo "</p></form>\n";
/** Prints table list in menu
* @param array result of table_status('', true)
* @return null
function tablesPrint($tables) {
echo "<ul id='tables' onmouseover='menuOver(this, event);' onmouseout='menuOut(this);'>\n";
foreach ($tables as $table => $status) {
echo '<li><a href="' . h(ME) . 'select=' . urlencode($table) . '"' . bold($_GET["select"] == $table || $_GET["edit"] == $table, "select") . ">" . lang('select') . "</a> ";
$name = $this->tableName($status);
echo (support("table") || support("indexes")
? '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'table=' . urlencode($table) . '"'
. bold(in_array($table, array($_GET["table"], $_GET["create"], $_GET["indexes"], $_GET["foreign"], $_GET["trigger"])), (is_view($status) ? "view" : "structure"))
. " title='" . lang('Show structure') . "'>$name</a>"
: "<span>$name</span>"
) . "\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
$adminer = (function_exists('adminer_object') ? adminer_object() : new Adminer);
if ($adminer->operators === null) {
$adminer->operators = $operators;
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
$connection = '';
$has_token = $_SESSION["token"];
if (!$has_token) {
$_SESSION["token"] = rand(1, 1e6); // defense against cross-site request forgery
$token = get_token(); ///< @var string CSRF protection
$permanent = array();
if ($_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"]) {
foreach (explode(" ", $_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"]) as $val) {
list($key) = explode(":", $val);
$permanent[$key] = $val;
function add_invalid_login() {
global $adminer;
$filename = get_temp_dir() . "/adminer.invalid";
$fp = @fopen($filename, "r+"); // @ - may not exist
if (!$fp) { // c+ is available since PHP 5.2.6
$fp = @fopen($filename, "w"); // @ - may not be writable
if (!$fp) {
flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
$invalids = unserialize(stream_get_contents($fp));
$time = time();
if ($invalids) {
foreach ($invalids as $ip => $val) {
if ($val[0] < $time) {
$invalid = &$invalids[$adminer->bruteForceKey()];
if (!$invalid) {
$invalid = array($time + 30*60, 0); // active for 30 minutes
$serialized = serialize($invalids);
fwrite($fp, $serialized);
ftruncate($fp, strlen($serialized));
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
$auth = $_POST["auth"];
if ($auth) {
$invalids = unserialize(@file_get_contents(get_temp_dir() . "/adminer.invalid")); // @ - may not exist
$invalid = $invalids[$adminer->bruteForceKey()];
$next_attempt = ($invalid[1] > 30 ? $invalid[0] - time() : 0); // allow 30 invalid attempts
if ($next_attempt > 0) { //! do the same with permanent login
auth_error(lang('Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).', ceil($next_attempt / 60)));
session_regenerate_id(); // defense against session fixation
$vendor = $auth["driver"];
$server = $auth["server"];
$username = $auth["username"];
$password = (string) $auth["password"];
$db = $auth["db"];
set_password($vendor, $server, $username, $password);
$_SESSION["db"][$vendor][$server][$username][$db] = true;
if ($auth["permanent"]) {
$key = base64_encode($vendor) . "-" . base64_encode($server) . "-" . base64_encode($username) . "-" . base64_encode($db);
$private = $adminer->permanentLogin(true);
$permanent[$key] = "$key:" . base64_encode($private ? encrypt_string($password, $private) : "");
cookie("adminer_permanent", implode(" ", $permanent));
if (count($_POST) == 1 // 1 - auth
|| DRIVER != $vendor
|| SERVER != $server
|| $_GET["username"] !== $username // "0" == "00"
|| DB != $db
) {
redirect(auth_url($vendor, $server, $username, $db));
} elseif ($_POST["logout"]) {
if ($has_token && !verify_token()) {
page_header(lang('Logout'), lang('Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.'));
} else {
foreach (array("pwds", "db", "dbs", "queries") as $key) {
set_session($key, null);
redirect(substr(preg_replace('~\b(username|db|ns)=[^&]*&~', '', ME), 0, -1), lang('Logout successful.'));
} elseif ($permanent && !$_SESSION["pwds"]) {
$private = $adminer->permanentLogin();
foreach ($permanent as $key => $val) {
list(, $cipher) = explode(":", $val);
list($vendor, $server, $username, $db) = array_map('base64_decode', explode("-", $key));
set_password($vendor, $server, $username, decrypt_string(base64_decode($cipher), $private));
$_SESSION["db"][$vendor][$server][$username][$db] = true;
function unset_permanent() {
global $permanent;
foreach ($permanent as $key => $val) {
list($vendor, $server, $username, $db) = array_map('base64_decode', explode("-", $key));
if ($vendor == DRIVER && $server == SERVER && $username == $_GET["username"] && $db == DB) {
cookie("adminer_permanent", implode(" ", $permanent));
/** Renders an error message and a login form
* @param string plain text
* @return null exits
function auth_error($error) {
global $adminer, $has_token;
$session_name = session_name();
if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); // 401 requires sending WWW-Authenticate header
if (($_COOKIE[$session_name] || $_GET[$session_name]) && !$has_token) {
$error = lang('Session expired, please login again.');
} else {
$password = get_password();
if ($password !== null) {
if ($password === false) {
$error .= '<br>' . lang('Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.', '<code>permanentLogin()</code>');
set_password(DRIVER, SERVER, $_GET["username"], null);
if (!$_COOKIE[$session_name] && $_GET[$session_name] && ini_bool("session.use_only_cookies")) {
$error = lang('Session support must be enabled.');
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
cookie("adminer_key", ($_COOKIE["adminer_key"] ? $_COOKIE["adminer_key"] : rand_string()), $params["lifetime"]);
page_header(lang('Login'), $error, null);
echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n";
echo "<div>";
hidden_fields($_POST, array("auth")); // expired session
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
if (!class_exists("Min_DB")) {
page_header(lang('No extension'), lang('None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.', implode(", ", $possible_drivers)), false);
$connection = connect();
$driver = new Min_Driver($connection);
if (!is_object($connection) || ($login = $adminer->login($_GET["username"], get_password())) !== true) {
auth_error((is_string($connection) ? h($connection) : (is_string($login) ? $login : lang('Invalid credentials.'))));
if ($auth && $_POST["token"]) {
$_POST["token"] = $token; // reset token after explicit login
$error = ''; ///< @var string
if ($_POST) {
if (!verify_token()) {
$ini = "max_input_vars";
$max_vars = ini_get($ini);
if (extension_loaded("suhosin")) {
foreach (array("suhosin.request.max_vars", "suhosin.post.max_vars") as $key) {
$val = ini_get($key);
if ($val && (!$max_vars || $val < $max_vars)) {
$ini = $key;
$max_vars = $val;
$error = (!$_POST["token"] && $max_vars
? lang('Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.', "'$ini'")
: lang('Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.') . ' ' . lang('If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.')
} elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
// posted form with no data means that post_max_size exceeded because Adminer always sends token at least
$error = lang('Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.', "'post_max_size'");
if (isset($_GET["sql"])) {
$error .= ' ' . lang('You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.');
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
error_reporting(6135); // errors and warnings
include "../adminer/include/coverage.inc.php";
// disable filter.default
$filter = !preg_match('~^(unsafe_raw)?$~', ini_get("filter.default"));
if ($filter || ini_get("filter.default_flags")) {
foreach (array('_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER') as $val) {
$unsafe = filter_input_array(constant("INPUT$val"), FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW);
if ($unsafe) {
$$val = $unsafe;
if (function_exists("mb_internal_encoding")) {
// used only in compiled file
if (isset($_GET["file"])) {
include "../adminer/file.inc.php";
include "../adminer/include/functions.inc.php";
global $adminer, $connection, $drivers, $edit_functions, $enum_length, $error, $functions, $grouping, $HTTPS, $inout, $jush, $LANG, $langs, $on_actions, $permanent, $structured_types, $has_token, $token, $translations, $types, $unsigned, $VERSION; // allows including Adminer inside a function
if (!$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) { // IIS 5 compatibility
if (!strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?') && $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] != "") { // IIS 7 compatibility
$HTTPS = $_SERVER["HTTPS"] && strcasecmp($_SERVER["HTTPS"], "off");
@ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", false); // protect links in export, @ - may be disabled
session_cache_limiter(""); // to allow restarting session and to not send Cache-Control: no-store
if (!defined("SID")) {
session_name("adminer_sid"); // use specific session name to get own namespace
$params = array(0, preg_replace('~\\?.*~', '', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]), "", $HTTPS);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0') >= 0) {
$params[] = true; // HttpOnly
call_user_func_array('session_set_cookie_params', $params); // ini_set() may be disabled
// disable magic quotes to be able to use database escaping function
remove_slashes(array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE), $filter);
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
@set_time_limit(0); // @ - can be disabled
@ini_set("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode", false); // @ - deprecated
@ini_set("precision", 20); // @ - can be disabled
include "../adminer/include/lang.inc.php";
include "../adminer/lang/$LANG.inc.php";
include "../adminer/include/pdo.inc.php";
include "../adminer/include/driver.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/sqlite.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/pgsql.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/oracle.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/mssql.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/firebird.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/simpledb.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/mongo.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/elastic.inc.php";
include "../adminer/drivers/mysql.inc.php"; // must be included as last driver
define("SERVER", $_GET[DRIVER]); // read from pgsql=localhost
define("DB", $_GET["db"]); // for the sake of speed and size
define("ME", preg_replace('~^[^?]*/([^?]*).*~', '\\1', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '?'
. (sid() ? SID . '&' : '')
. (SERVER !== null ? DRIVER . "=" . urlencode(SERVER) . '&' : '')
. (isset($_GET["username"]) ? "username=" . urlencode($_GET["username"]) . '&' : '')
. (DB != "" ? 'db=' . urlencode(DB) . '&' . (isset($_GET["ns"]) ? "ns=" . urlencode($_GET["ns"]) . "&" : "") : '')
include "../adminer/include/version.inc.php";
include "./include/adminer.inc.php";
include "../adminer/include/design.inc.php";
include "../adminer/include/xxtea.inc.php";
include "../adminer/include/auth.inc.php";
if (!ini_bool("session.use_cookies") || @ini_set("session.use_cookies", false) !== false) { // @ - may be disabled
session_write_close(); // improves concurrency if a user opens several pages at once, may be restarted later
include "./include/editing.inc.php";
include "./include/connect.inc.php";
$on_actions = "RESTRICT|NO ACTION|CASCADE|SET NULL|SET DEFAULT"; ///< @var string used in foreign_keys()
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
function connect_error() {
global $adminer, $connection, $token, $error, $drivers;
if (DB != "") {
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
page_header(lang('Database') . ": " . h(DB), lang('Invalid database.'), true);
} else {
if ($_POST["db"] && !$error) {
queries_redirect(substr(ME, 0, -1), lang('Databases have been dropped.'), drop_databases($_POST["db"]));
page_header(lang('Select database'), $error, false);
echo "<p class='links'>\n";
foreach (array(
'database' => lang('Create database'),
'privileges' => lang('Privileges'),
'processlist' => lang('Process list'),
'variables' => lang('Variables'),
'status' => lang('Status'),
'replication' => lang('Replication'),
) as $key => $val) {
if (support($key)) {
echo "<a href='" . h(ME) . "$key='>$val</a>\n";
echo "<p>" . lang('%s version: %s through PHP extension %s', $drivers[DRIVER], "<b>" . h($connection->server_info) . "</b>", "<b>$connection->extension</b>") . "\n";
echo "<p>" . lang('Logged as: %s', "<b>" . h(logged_user()) . "</b>") . "\n";
$databases = $adminer->databases();
if ($databases) {
$scheme = support("scheme");
$collations = collations();
echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n";
echo "<table cellspacing='0' class='checkable' onclick='tableClick(event);' ondblclick='tableClick(event, true);'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr>"
. (support("database") ? "<td> " : "")
. "<th>" . lang('Database') . " - <a href='" . h(ME) . "refresh=1'>" . lang('Refresh') . "</a>"
. "<td>" . lang('Collation')
. "<td>" . lang('Tables')
. "<td>" . lang('Size') . " - <a href='" . h(ME) . "dbsize=1' onclick=\"return !ajaxSetHtml('" . h(js_escape(ME)) . "script=connect');\">" . lang('Compute') . "</a>"
. "</thead>\n"
$databases = ($_GET["dbsize"] ? count_tables($databases) : array_flip($databases));
foreach ($databases as $db => $tables) {
$root = h(ME) . "db=" . urlencode($db);
$id = h("Db-" . $db);
echo "<tr" . odd() . ">" . (support("database") ? "<td>" . checkbox("db[]", $db, in_array($db, (array) $_POST["db"]), "", "", "", $id) : "");
echo "<th><a href='$root' id='$db'>" . h($db) . "</a>";
$collation = nbsp(db_collation($db, $collations));
echo "<td>" . (support("database") ? "<a href='$root" . ($scheme ? "&ns=" : "") . "&database=' title='" . lang('Alter database') . "'>$collation</a>" : $collation);
echo "<td align='right'><a href='$root&schema=' id='tables-" . h($db) . "' title='" . lang('Database schema') . "'>" . ($_GET["dbsize"] ? $tables : "?") . "</a>";
echo "<td align='right' id='size-" . h($db) . "'>" . ($_GET["dbsize"] ? db_size($db) : "?");
echo "\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo (support("database")
? "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('Selected') . " <span id='selected'></span></legend><div>\n"
. "<input type='hidden' name='all' value='' onclick=\"selectCount('selected', formChecked(this, /^db/));\">\n" // used by trCheck()
. "<input type='submit' name='drop' value='" . lang('Drop') . "'" . confirm() . ">\n"
. "</div></fieldset>\n"
: ""
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>tableCheck();</script>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$token'>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if (isset($_GET["status"])) {
$_GET["variables"] = $_GET["status"];
if (isset($_GET["import"])) {
$_GET["sql"] = $_GET["import"];
if (!(DB != "" ? $connection->select_db(DB) : isset($_GET["sql"]) || isset($_GET["dump"]) || isset($_GET["database"]) || isset($_GET["processlist"]) || isset($_GET["privileges"]) || isset($_GET["user"]) || isset($_GET["replication"]) || isset($_GET["variables"]) || $_GET["script"] == "connect" || $_GET["script"] == "kill")) {
if (DB != "" || $_GET["refresh"]) {
set_session("dbs", null);
connect_error(); // separate function to catch SQLite error
if (support("scheme") && DB != "" && $_GET["ns"] !== "") {
if (!isset($_GET["ns"])) {
redirect(preg_replace('~ns=[^&]*&~', '', ME) . "ns=" . get_schema());
if (!set_schema($_GET["ns"])) {
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
page_header(lang('Schema') . ": " . h($_GET["ns"]), lang('Invalid schema.'), true);
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// coverage is used in tests and removed in compilation
if (extension_loaded("xdebug") && file_exists(sys_get_temp_dir() . "/adminer_coverage.ser")) {
function save_coverage() {
$coverage_filename = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/adminer_coverage.ser";
$coverage = unserialize(file_get_contents($coverage_filename));
foreach (xdebug_get_code_coverage() as $filename => $lines) {
foreach ($lines as $l => $val) {
if (!$coverage[$filename][$l] || $val > 0) {
$coverage[$filename][$l] = $val;
file_put_contents($coverage_filename, serialize($coverage));
xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
/** Print HTML header
* @param string used in title, breadcrumb and heading, should be HTML escaped
* @param string
* @param mixed array("key" => "link", "key2" => array("link", "desc")), null for nothing, false for driver only, true for driver and server
* @param string used after colon in title and heading, should be HTML escaped
* @return null
function page_header($title, $error = "", $breadcrumb = array(), $title2 = "") {
global $LANG, $VERSION, $adminer, $drivers, $jush;
if (is_ajax() && $error) {
$title_all = $title . ($title2 != "" ? ": $title2" : "");
$title_page = strip_tags($title_all . (SERVER != "" && SERVER != "localhost" ? h(" - " . SERVER) : "") . " - " . $adminer->name());
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?php echo $LANG; ?>" dir="<?php echo lang('ltr'); ?>">
<?php /* devilbox edit */ echo loadClass('Html')->getHead(); error_reporting(6135); ?>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<meta name="referrer" content="origin-when-crossorigin">
<title><?php echo $title_page; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../adminer/static/default.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../adminer/static/functions.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="static/editing.js"></script>
<?php if ($adminer->head()) { ?>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="../adminer/static/favicon.ico">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="../adminer/static/favicon.ico">
<?php if (file_exists("adminer.css")) { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="adminer.css">
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<body class="<?php echo lang('ltr'); ?> nojs" onkeydown="bodyKeydown(event);" onclick="bodyClick(event);"<?php echo (isset($_COOKIE["adminer_version"]) ? "" : " onload=\"verifyVersion('$VERSION');\""); ?>>
<?php /* devilbox edit */ echo loadClass('Html')->getNavbar(); error_reporting(6135);?>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(/ nojs/, ' js');
var offlineMessage = '<?php echo js_escape(lang('You are offline.')); ?>';
<div id="help" class="jush-<?php echo $jush; ?> jsonly hidden" onmouseover="helpOpen = 1;" onmouseout="helpMouseout(this, event);"></div>
<div id="content">
if ($breadcrumb !== null) {
$link = substr(preg_replace('~\b(username|db|ns)=[^&]*&~', '', ME), 0, -1);
echo '<p id="breadcrumb"><a href="' . h($link ? $link : ".") . '">' . $drivers[DRIVER] . '</a> » ';
$link = substr(preg_replace('~\b(db|ns)=[^&]*&~', '', ME), 0, -1);
$server = (SERVER != "" ? h(SERVER) : lang('Server'));
if ($breadcrumb === false) {
echo "$server\n";
} else {
echo "<a href='" . ($link ? h($link) : ".") . "' accesskey='1' title='Alt+Shift+1'>$server</a> » ";
if ($_GET["ns"] != "" || (DB != "" && is_array($breadcrumb))) {
echo '<a href="' . h($link . "&db=" . urlencode(DB) . (support("scheme") ? "&ns=" : "")) . '">' . h(DB) . '</a> » ';
if (is_array($breadcrumb)) {
if ($_GET["ns"] != "") {
echo '<a href="' . h(substr(ME, 0, -1)) . '">' . h($_GET["ns"]) . '</a> » ';
foreach ($breadcrumb as $key => $val) {
$desc = (is_array($val) ? $val[1] : h($val));
if ($desc != "") {
echo "<a href='" . h(ME . "$key=") . urlencode(is_array($val) ? $val[0] : $val) . "'>$desc</a> » ";
echo "$title\n";
echo "<h2>$title_all</h2>\n";
echo "<div id='ajaxstatus' class='jsonly hidden'></div>\n";
$databases = &get_session("dbs");
if (DB != "" && $databases && !in_array(DB, $databases, true)) {
$databases = null;
define("PAGE_HEADER", 1);
/** Send HTTP headers
* @return null
function page_headers() {
global $adminer;
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
if ($adminer->headers()) {
header("X-Frame-Options: deny"); // ClickJacking protection in IE8, Safari 4, Chrome 2, Firefox 3.6.9
header("X-XSS-Protection: 0"); // prevents introducing XSS in IE8 by removing safe parts of the page
/** Print flash and error messages
* @param string
* @return null
function page_messages($error) {
$uri = preg_replace('~^[^?]*~', '', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
$messages = $_SESSION["messages"][$uri];
if ($messages) {
echo "<div class='message'>" . implode("</div>\n<div class='message'>", $messages) . "</div>\n";
if ($error) {
echo "<div class='error'>$error</div>\n";
/** Print HTML footer
* @param string "auth", "db", "ns"
* @return null
function page_footer($missing = "") {
global $adminer, $token;
<?php switch_lang(); ?>
<?php if ($missing != "auth") { ?>
<form action="" method="post">
<p class="logout">
<input type="submit" name="logout" value="<?php echo lang('Logout'); ?>" id="logout">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
<?php } ?>
<div id="menu">
<?php $adminer->navigation($missing); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">setupSubmitHighlight(document);</script>
/* devilbox edit */ echo loadClass('Html')->getFooter(); error_reporting(6135);
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
/*abstract*/ class Min_SQL {
var $_conn;
/** Create object for performing database operations
* @param Min_DB
function __construct($connection) {
$this->_conn = $connection;
/** Select data from table
* @param string
* @param array result of $adminer->selectColumnsProcess()[0]
* @param array result of $adminer->selectSearchProcess()
* @param array result of $adminer->selectColumnsProcess()[1]
* @param array result of $adminer->selectOrderProcess()
* @param int result of $adminer->selectLimitProcess()
* @param int index of page starting at zero
* @param bool whether to print the query
* @return Min_Result
function select($table, $select, $where, $group, $order = array(), $limit = 1, $page = 0, $print = false) {
global $adminer, $jush;
$is_group = (count($group) < count($select));
$query = $adminer->selectQueryBuild($select, $where, $group, $order, $limit, $page);
if (!$query) {
$query = "SELECT" . limit(
($_GET["page"] != "last" && +$limit && $group && $is_group && $jush == "sql" ? "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " : "") . implode(", ", $select) . "\nFROM " . table($table),
($where ? "\nWHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where) : "") . ($group && $is_group ? "\nGROUP BY " . implode(", ", $group) : "") . ($order ? "\nORDER BY " . implode(", ", $order) : ""),
($limit != "" ? +$limit : null),
($page ? $limit * $page : 0),
$start = microtime(true);
$return = $this->_conn->query($query);
if ($print) {
echo $adminer->selectQuery($query, format_time($start));
return $return;
/** Delete data from table
* @param string
* @param string " WHERE ..."
* @param int 0 or 1
* @return bool
function delete($table, $queryWhere, $limit = 0) {
$query = "FROM " . table($table);
return queries("DELETE" . ($limit ? limit1($query, $queryWhere) : " $query$queryWhere"));
/** Update data in table
* @param string
* @param array escaped columns in keys, quoted data in values
* @param string " WHERE ..."
* @param int 0 or 1
* @param string
* @return bool
function update($table, $set, $queryWhere, $limit = 0, $separator = "\n") {
$values = array();
foreach ($set as $key => $val) {
$values[] = "$key = $val";
$query = table($table) . " SET$separator" . implode(",$separator", $values);
return queries("UPDATE" . ($limit ? limit1($query, $queryWhere) : " $query$queryWhere"));
/** Insert data into table
* @param string
* @param array escaped columns in keys, quoted data in values
* @return bool
function insert($table, $set) {
return queries("INSERT INTO " . table($table) . ($set
? " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ")\nVALUES (" . implode(", ", $set) . ")"
/** Insert or update data in table
* @param string
* @param array
* @param array of arrays with escaped columns in keys and quoted data in values
* @return bool
/*abstract*/ function insertUpdate($table, $rows, $primary) {
return false;
/** Begin transaction
* @return bool
function begin() {
return queries("BEGIN");
function commit() {
return queries("COMMIT");
function rollback() {
return queries("ROLLBACK");
@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
/** Print select result
* @param Min_Result
* @param Min_DB connection to examine indexes
* @param array
* @param int
* @return array $orgtables
function select($result, $connection2 = null, $orgtables = array(), $limit = 0) {
global $jush;
$links = array(); // colno => orgtable - create links from these columns
$indexes = array(); // orgtable => array(column => colno) - primary keys
$columns = array(); // orgtable => array(column => ) - not selected columns in primary key
$blobs = array(); // colno => bool - display bytes for blobs
$types = array(); // colno => type - display char in <code>
$return = array(); // table => orgtable - mapping to use in EXPLAIN
odd(''); // reset odd for each result
for ($i=0; (!$limit || $i < $limit) && ($row = $result->fetch_row()); $i++) {
if (!$i) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr>";
for ($j=0; $j < count($row); $j++) {
$field = $result->fetch_field();
$name = $field->name;
$orgtable = $field->orgtable;
$orgname = $field->orgname;
$return[$field->table] = $orgtable;
if ($orgtables && $jush == "sql") { // MySQL EXPLAIN
$links[$j] = ($name == "table" ? "table=" : ($name == "possible_keys" ? "indexes=" : null));
} elseif ($orgtable != "") {
if (!isset($indexes[$orgtable])) {
// find primary key in each table
$indexes[$orgtable] = array();
foreach (indexes($orgtable, $connection2) as $index) {
if ($index["type"] == "PRIMARY") {
$indexes[$orgtable] = array_flip($index["columns"]);
$columns[$orgtable] = $indexes[$orgtable];
if (isset($columns[$orgtable][$orgname])) {
$indexes[$orgtable][$orgname] = $j;
$links[$j] = $orgtable;
if ($field->charsetnr == 63) { // 63 - binary
$blobs[$j] = true;
$types[$j] = $field->type;
echo "<th" . ($orgtable != "" || $field->name != $orgname ? " title='" . h(($orgtable != "" ? "$orgtable." : "") . $orgname) . "'" : "") . ">" . h($name)
. ($orgtables ? doc_link(array('sql' => "explain-output.html#explain_" . strtolower($name))) : "")
echo "</thead>\n";
echo "<tr" . odd() . ">";
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if ($val === null) {
$val = "<i>NULL</i>";
} elseif ($blobs[$key] && !is_utf8($val)) {
$val = "<i>" . lang('%d byte(s)', strlen($val)) . "</i>"; //! link to download
} elseif (!strlen($val)) { // strlen - SQLite can return int
$val = " "; // some content to print a border
} else {
$val = h($val);
if ($types[$key] == 254) { // 254 - char
$val = "<code>$val</code>";
if (isset($links[$key]) && !$columns[$links[$key]]) {
if ($orgtables && $jush == "sql") { // MySQL EXPLAIN
$table = $row[array_search("table=", $links)];
$link = $links[$key] . urlencode($orgtables[$table] != "" ? $orgtables[$table] : $table);
} else {
$link = "edit=" . urlencode($links[$key]);
foreach ($indexes[$links[$key]] as $col => $j) {
$link .= "&where" . urlencode("[" . bracket_escape($col) . "]") . "=" . urlencode($row[$j]);
$val = "<a href='" . h(ME . $link) . "'>$val</a>";
echo "<td>$val";
echo ($i ? "</table>" : "<p class='message'>" . lang('No rows.')) . "\n";
return $return;
/** Get referencable tables with single column primary key except self
* @param string
* @return array ($table_name => $field)
function referencable_primary($self) {
$return = array(); // table_name => field
foreach (table_status('', true) as $table_name => $table) {
if ($table_name != $self && fk_support($table)) {
foreach (fields($table_name) as $field) {
if ($field["primary"]) {
if ($return[$table_name]) { // multi column primary key
$return[$table_name] = $field;
return $return;
/** Print SQL <textarea> tag
* @param string
* @param string or array in which case [0] of every element is used
* @param int
* @param int
* @return null
function textarea($name, $value, $rows = 10, $cols = 80) {
global $jush;
echo "<textarea name='$name' rows='$rows' cols='$cols' class='sqlarea jush-$jush' spellcheck='false' wrap='off'>";
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $val) { // not implode() to save memory
echo h($val[0]) . "\n\n\n"; // $val == array($query, $time, $elapsed)
} else {
echo h($value);
echo "</textarea>";
/** Print table columns for type edit
* @param string
* @param array
* @param array
* @param array returned by referencable_primary()
* @return null
function edit_type($key, $field, $collations, $foreign_keys = array()) {
global $structured_types, $types, $unsigned, $on_actions;
$type = $field["type"];
<td><select name="<?php echo h($key); ?>[type]" class="type" onfocus="lastType = selectValue(this);" onchange="editingTypeChange(this);"<?php echo on_help("getTarget(event).value", 1); ?> aria-labelledby="label-type"><?php
if ($type && !isset($types[$type]) && !isset($foreign_keys[$type])) {
array_unshift($structured_types, $type);
if ($foreign_keys) {
$structured_types[lang('Foreign keys')] = $foreign_keys;
echo optionlist($structured_types, $type);
<td><input name="<?php echo h($key); ?>[length]" value="<?php echo h($field["length"]); ?>" size="3" onfocus="editingLengthFocus(this);"<?php echo (!$field["length"] && preg_match('~var(char|binary)$~', $type) ? " class='required'" : ""); ?> onchange="editingLengthChange(this);" onkeyup="this.onchange();" aria-labelledby="label-length"><td class="options"><?php //! type="number" with enabled JavaScript
echo "<select name='" . h($key) . "[collation]'" . (preg_match('~(char|text|enum|set)$~', $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option value="">(' . lang('collation') . ')' . optionlist($collations, $field["collation"]) . '</select>';
echo ($unsigned ? "<select name='" . h($key) . "[unsigned]'" . (!$type || preg_match('~((^|[^o])int|float|double|decimal)$~', $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option>' . optionlist($unsigned, $field["unsigned"]) . '</select>' : '');
echo (isset($field['on_update']) ? "<select name='" . h($key) . "[on_update]'" . (preg_match('~timestamp|datetime~', $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '>' . optionlist(array("" => "(" . lang('ON UPDATE') . ")", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), $field["on_update"]) . '</select>' : '');
echo ($foreign_keys ? "<select name='" . h($key) . "[on_delete]'" . (preg_match("~`~", $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . "><option value=''>(" . lang('ON DELETE') . ")" . optionlist(explode("|", $on_actions), $field["on_delete"]) . "</select> " : " "); // space for IE
/** Filter length value including enums
* @param string
* @return string
function process_length($length) {
global $enum_length;
return (preg_match("~^\\s*\\(?\\s*$enum_length(?:\\s*,\\s*$enum_length)*+\\s*\\)?\\s*\$~", $length) && preg_match_all("~$enum_length~", $length, $matches)
? "(" . implode(",", $matches[0]) . ")"
: preg_replace('~^[0-9].*~', '(\0)', preg_replace('~[^-0-9,+()[\]]~', '', $length))
/** Create SQL string from field type
* @param array
* @param string
* @return string
function process_type($field, $collate = "COLLATE") {
global $unsigned;
return " $field[type]"
. process_length($field["length"])
. (preg_match('~(^|[^o])int|float|double|decimal~', $field["type"]) && in_array($field["unsigned"], $unsigned) ? " $field[unsigned]" : "")
. (preg_match('~char|text|enum|set~', $field["type"]) && $field["collation"] ? " $collate " . q($field["collation"]) : "")
/** Create SQL string from field
* @param array basic field information
* @param array information about field type
* @return array array("field", "type", "NULL", "DEFAULT", "ON UPDATE", "COMMENT", "AUTO_INCREMENT")
function process_field($field, $type_field) {
global $jush;
$default = $field["default"];
return array(
($field["null"] ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL"), // NULL for timestamp
(isset($default) ? " DEFAULT " . (
(preg_match('~time~', $field["type"]) && preg_match('~^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP$~i', $default))
|| ($jush == "sqlite" && preg_match('~^CURRENT_(TIME|TIMESTAMP|DATE)$~i', $default))
|| ($field["type"] == "bit" && preg_match("~^([0-9]+|b'[0-1]+')\$~", $default))
|| ($jush == "pgsql" && preg_match("~^[a-z]+\\(('[^']*')+\\)\$~", $default))
? $default : q($default)) : ""),
(preg_match('~timestamp|datetime~', $field["type"]) && $field["on_update"] ? " ON UPDATE $field[on_update]" : ""),
(support("comment") && $field["comment"] != "" ? " COMMENT " . q($field["comment"]) : ""),
($field["auto_increment"] ? auto_increment() : null),
/** Get type class to use in CSS
* @param string
* @return string class=''
function type_class($type) {
foreach (array(
'char' => 'text',
'date' => 'time|year',
'binary' => 'blob',
'enum' => 'set',
) as $key => $val) {
if (preg_match("~$key|$val~", $type)) {
return " class='$key'";
/** Print table interior for fields editing
* @param array
* @param array
* @param string TABLE or PROCEDURE
* @param array returned by referencable_primary()
* @param bool display comments column
* @return null
function edit_fields($fields, $collations, $type = "TABLE", $foreign_keys = array(), $comments = false) {
global $connection, $inout;
$fields = array_values($fields);
<thead><tr class="wrap">
<?php if ($type == "PROCEDURE") { ?><td> <?php } ?>
<th id="label-name"><?php echo ($type == "TABLE" ? lang('Column name') : lang('Parameter name')); ?>
<td id="label-type"><?php echo lang('Type'); ?><textarea id="enum-edit" rows="4" cols="12" wrap="off" style="display: none;" onblur="editingLengthBlur(this);"></textarea>
<td id="label-length"><?php echo lang('Length'); ?>
<td><?php echo lang('Options'); /* no label required, options have their own label */ ?>
<?php if ($type == "TABLE") { ?>
<td id="label-null">NULL
<td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value=""><acronym id="label-ai" title="<?php echo lang('Auto Increment'); ?>">AI</acronym><?php echo doc_link(array(
'sql' => "example-auto-increment.html",
'sqlite' => "autoinc.html",
'pgsql' => "datatype.html#DATATYPE-SERIAL",
'mssql' => "ms186775.aspx",
)); ?>
<td id="label-default"><?php echo lang('Default value'); ?>
<?php echo (support("comment") ? "<td id='label-comment'" . ($comments ? "" : " class='hidden'") . ">" . lang('Comment') : ""); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td><?php echo "<input type='image' class='icon' name='add[" . (support("move_col") ? 0 : count($fields)) . "]' src='../adminer/static/plus.gif' alt='+' title='" . lang('Add next') . "'>"; ?><script type="text/javascript">row_count = <?php echo count($fields); ?>;</script>
<tbody onkeydown="return editingKeydown(event);">
foreach ($fields as $i => $field) {
$orig = $field[($_POST ? "orig" : "field")];
$display = (isset($_POST["add"][$i-1]) || (isset($field["field"]) && !$_POST["drop_col"][$i])) && (support("drop_col") || $orig == "");
<tr<?php echo ($display ? "" : " style='display: none;'"); ?>>
<?php echo ($type == "PROCEDURE" ? "<td>" . html_select("fields[$i][inout]", explode("|", $inout), $field["inout"]) : ""); ?>
<th><?php if ($display) { ?><input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][field]" value="<?php echo h($field["field"]); ?>" onchange="editingNameChange(this);<?php echo ($field["field"] != "" || count($fields) > 1 ? '' : ' editingAddRow(this);" onkeyup="if (this.value) editingAddRow(this);'); ?>" maxlength="64" autocapitalize="off" aria-labelledby="label-name"><?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][orig]" value="<?php echo h($orig); ?>">
<?php edit_type("fields[$i]", $field, $collations, $foreign_keys); ?>
<?php if ($type == "TABLE") { ?>
<td><?php echo checkbox("fields[$i][null]", 1, $field["null"], "", "", "block", "label-null"); ?>
<td><label class="block"><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value="<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php if ($field["auto_increment"]) { ?> checked<?php } ?> onclick="var field = this.form['fields[' + this.value + '][field]']; if (!field.value) { field.value = 'id'; field.onchange(); }" aria-labelledby="label-ai"></label><td><?php
echo checkbox("fields[$i][has_default]", 1, $field["has_default"], "", "", "", "label-default"); ?><input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?>][default]" value="<?php echo h($field["default"]); ?>" onkeyup="keyupChange.call(this);" onchange="this.previousSibling.checked = true;" aria-labelledby="label-default">
<?php echo (support("comment") ? "<td" . ($comments ? "" : " class='hidden'") . "><input name='fields[$i][comment]' value='" . h($field["comment"]) . "' maxlength='" . ($connection->server_info >= 5.5 ? 1024 : 255) . "' aria-labelledby='label-comment'>" : ""); ?>
<?php } ?>
echo "<td>";
echo (support("move_col") ?
"<input type='image' class='icon' name='add[$i]' src='../adminer/static/plus.gif' alt='+' title='" . lang('Add next') . "' onclick='return !editingAddRow(this, 1);'> "
. "<input type='image' class='icon' name='up[$i]' src='../adminer/static/up.gif' alt='^' title='" . lang('Move up') . "' onclick='return !editingMoveRow(this, 1);'> "
. "<input type='image' class='icon' name='down[$i]' src='../adminer/static/down.gif' alt='v' title='" . lang('Move down') . "' onclick='return !editingMoveRow(this, 0);'> "
: "");
echo ($orig == "" || support("drop_col") ? "<input type='image' class='icon' name='drop_col[$i]' src='../adminer/static/cross.gif' alt='x' title='" . lang('Remove') . "' onclick=\"return !editingRemoveRow(this, 'fields\$1[field]');\">" : "");
echo "\n";
/** Move fields up and down or add field
* @param array
* @return bool
function process_fields(&$fields) {
$offset = 0;
if ($_POST["up"]) {
$last = 0;
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
if (key($_POST["up"]) == $key) {
array_splice($fields, $last, 0, array($field));
if (isset($field["field"])) {
$last = $offset;
} elseif ($_POST["down"]) {
$found = false;
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
if (isset($field["field"]) && $found) {
array_splice($fields, $offset, 0, array($found));
if (key($_POST["down"]) == $key) {
$found = $field;
} elseif ($_POST["add"]) {
$fields = array_values($fields);
array_splice($fields, key($_POST["add"]), 0, array(array()));
} elseif (!$_POST["drop_col"]) {
return false;
return true;
/** Callback used in routine()
* @param array
* @return string
function normalize_enum($match) {
return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", addcslashes(stripcslashes(str_replace($match[0][0] . $match[0][0], $match[0][0], substr($match[0], 1, -1))), '\\')) . "'";
/** Issue grant or revoke commands
* @param string GRANT or REVOKE
* @param array
* @param string
* @param string
* @return bool
function grant($grant, $privileges, $columns, $on) {
if (!$privileges) {
return true;
if ($privileges == array("ALL PRIVILEGES", "GRANT OPTION")) {
// can't be granted or revoked together
return ($grant == "GRANT"
: queries("$grant ALL PRIVILEGES$on") && queries("$grant GRANT OPTION$on")
return queries("$grant " . preg_replace('~(GRANT OPTION)\\([^)]*\\)~', '\\1', implode("$columns, ", $privileges) . $columns) . $on);
/** Drop old object and create a new one
* @param string drop old object query
* @param string create new object query
* @param string drop new object query
* @param string create test object query
* @param string drop test object query
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @return null redirect in success
function drop_create($drop, $create, $drop_created, $test, $drop_test, $location, $message_drop, $message_alter, $message_create, $old_name, $new_name) {
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect($drop, $location, $message_drop);
} elseif ($old_name == "") {
query_redirect($create, $location, $message_create);
} elseif ($old_name != $new_name) {
$created = queries($create);
queries_redirect($location, $message_alter, $created && queries($drop));
if ($created) {
} else {
queries($test) && queries($drop_test) && queries($drop) && queries($create)
/** Generate SQL query for creating trigger
* @param string
* @param array result of trigger()
* @return string
function create_trigger($on, $row) {
global $jush;
$timing_event = " $row[Timing] $row[Event]" . ($row["Event"] == "UPDATE OF" ? " " . idf_escape($row["Of"]) : "");
. idf_escape($row["Trigger"])
. ($jush == "mssql" ? $on . $timing_event : $timing_event . $on)
. rtrim(" $row[Type]\n$row[Statement]", ";")
. ";"
/** Generate SQL query for creating routine
* @param string "PROCEDURE" or "FUNCTION"
* @param array result of routine()
* @return string
function create_routine($routine, $row) {
global $inout;
$set = array();
$fields = (array) $row["fields"];
ksort($fields); // enforce fields order
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field["field"] != "") {
$set[] = (preg_match("~^($inout)\$~", $field["inout"]) ? "$field[inout] " : "") . idf_escape($field["field"]) . process_type($field, "CHARACTER SET");
return "CREATE $routine "
. idf_escape(trim($row["name"]))
. " (" . implode(", ", $set) . ")"
. (isset($_GET["function"]) ? " RETURNS" . process_type($row["returns"], "CHARACTER SET") : "")
. ($row["language"] ? " LANGUAGE $row[language]" : "")
. rtrim("\n$row[definition]", ";")
. ";"
/** Remove current user definer from SQL command
* @param string
* @return string
function remove_definer($query) {
return preg_replace('~^([A-Z =]+) DEFINER=`' . preg_replace('~@(.*)~', '`@`(%|\\1)', logged_user()) . '`~', '\\1', $query); //! proper escaping of user
/** Format foreign key to use in SQL query
* @param array ("table" => string, "source" => array, "target" => array, "on_delete" => one of $on_actions, "on_update" => one of $on_actions)
* @return string
function format_foreign_key($foreign_key) {
global $on_actions;
return " FOREIGN KEY (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $foreign_key["source"])) . ") REFERENCES " . table($foreign_key["table"])
. " (" . implode(", ", array_map('idf_escape', $foreign_key["target"])) . ")" //! reuse $name - check in older MySQL versions
. (preg_match("~^($on_actions)\$~", $foreign_key["on_delete"]) ? " ON DELETE $foreign_key[on_delete]" : "")
. (preg_match("~^($on_actions)\$~", $foreign_key["on_update"]) ? " ON UPDATE $foreign_key[on_update]" : "")
/** Add a file to TAR
* @param string
* @param TmpFile
* @return null prints the output
function tar_file($filename, $tmp_file) {
$return = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12", $filename, 644, 0, 0, decoct($tmp_file->size), decoct(time()));
$checksum = 8*32; // space for checksum itself
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($return); $i++) {
$checksum += ord($return[$i]);
$return .= sprintf("%06o", $checksum) . "\0 ";
echo $return;
echo str_repeat("\0", 512 - strlen($return));
echo str_repeat("\0", 511 - ($tmp_file->size + 511) % 512);
/** Get INI bytes value
* @param string
* @return int
function ini_bytes($ini) {
$val = ini_get($ini);
switch (strtolower(substr($val, -1))) {
case 'g': $val *= 1024; // no break
case 'm': $val *= 1024; // no break
case 'k': $val *= 1024;
return $val;
/** Create link to database documentation
* @param array $jush => $path
* @return string HTML code
function doc_link($paths) {
global $jush, $connection;
$urls = array(
'sql' => "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/" . substr($connection->server_info, 0, 3) . "/en/",
'sqlite' => "http://www.sqlite.org/",
'pgsql' => "http://www.postgresql.org/docs/" . substr($connection->server_info, 0, 3) . "/static/",
'mssql' => "http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/",
'oracle' => "http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/",
return ($paths[$jush] ? "<a href='$urls[$jush]$paths[$jush]' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'><sup>?</sup></a>" : "");
/** Wrap gzencode() for usage in ob_start()
* @param string
* @return string
function ob_gzencode($string) {
// ob_start() callback recieves an optional parameter $phase but gzencode() accepts optional parameter $level
return gzencode($string);
/** Compute size of database
* @param string
* @return string formatted
function db_size($db) {
global $connection;
if (!$connection->select_db($db)) {
return "?";
$return = 0;
foreach (table_status() as $table_status) {
$return += $table_status["Data_length"] + $table_status["Index_length"];
return format_number($return);
/** Print SET NAMES if utf8mb4 might be needed
* @param string
* @return null
function set_utf8mb4($create) {
global $connection;
static $set = false;
if (!$set && preg_match('~\butf8mb4~i', $create)) { // possible false positive
$set = true;
echo "SET NAMES " . charset($connection) . ";\n\n";
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
// not used in a single language version
$langs = array(
'en' => 'English', // Jakub Vrána - http://www.vrana.cz
'ar' => 'العربية', // Y.M Amine - Algeria - nbr7@live.fr
'bg' => 'Български', // Deyan Delchev
'bn' => 'বাংলা', // Dipak Kumar - dipak.ndc@gmail.com
'bs' => 'Bosanski', // Emir Kurtovic
'ca' => 'Català', // Joan Llosas
'cs' => 'Čeština', // Jakub Vrána - http://www.vrana.cz
'da' => 'Dansk', // Jarne W. Beutnagel - jarne@beutnagel.dk
'de' => 'Deutsch', // Klemens Häckel - http://clickdimension.wordpress.com
'el' => 'Ελληνικά', // Dimitrios T. Tanis - jtanis@tanisfood.gr
'es' => 'Español', // Klemens Häckel - http://clickdimension.wordpress.com
'et' => 'Eesti', // Priit Kallas
'fa' => 'فارسی', // mojtaba barghbani - Iran - mbarghbani@gmail.com, Nima Amini - http://nimlog.com
'fi' => 'Suomi', // Finnish - Kari Eveli - http://www.lexitec.fi/
'fr' => 'Français', // Francis Gagné, Aurélien Royer
'gl' => 'Galego', // Eduardo Penabad Ramos
'hu' => 'Magyar', // Borsos Szilárd (Borsosfi) - http://www.borsosfi.hu, info@borsosfi.hu
'id' => 'Bahasa Indonesia', // Ivan Lanin - http://ivan.lanin.org
'it' => 'Italiano', // Alessandro Fiorotto, Paolo Asperti
'ja' => '日本語', // Hitoshi Ozawa - http://sourceforge.jp/projects/oss-ja-jpn/releases/
'ko' => '한국어', // dalli - skcha67@gmail.com
'lt' => 'Lietuvių', // Paulius Leščinskas - http://www.lescinskas.lt
'nl' => 'Nederlands', // Maarten Balliauw - http://blog.maartenballiauw.be
'no' => 'Norsk', // Iver Odin Kvello, mupublishing.com
'pl' => 'Polski', // Radosław Kowalewski - http://srsbiz.pl/
'pt' => 'Português', // André Dias
'pt-br' => 'Português (Brazil)', // Gian Live - gian@live.com, Davi Alexandre davi@davialexandre.com.br, RobertoPC - http://www.robertopc.com.br
'ro' => 'Limba Română', // .nick .messing - dot.nick.dot.messing@gmail.com
'ru' => 'Русский', // Maksim Izmaylov; Andre Polykanine - https://github.com/Oire/
'sk' => 'Slovenčina', // Ivan Suchy - http://www.ivansuchy.com, Juraj Krivda - http://www.jstudio.cz
'sl' => 'Slovenski', // Matej Ferlan - www.itdinamik.com, matej.ferlan@itdinamik.com
'sr' => 'Српски', // Nikola Radovanović - cobisimo@gmail.com
'ta' => 'தமிழ்', // G. Sampath Kumar, Chennai, India, sampathkumar11@gmail.com
'th' => 'ภาษาไทย', // Panya Saraphi, elect.tu@gmail.com - http://www.opencart2u.com/
'tr' => 'Türkçe', // Bilgehan Korkmaz - turktron.com
'uk' => 'Українська', // Valerii Kryzhov
'vi' => 'Tiếng Việt', // Giang Manh @ manhgd google mail
'zh' => '简体中文', // Mr. Lodar, vea - urn2.net - vea.urn2@gmail.com
'zh-tw' => '繁體中文', // http://tzangms.com
/** Get current language
* @return string
function get_lang() {
global $LANG;
return $LANG;
/** Translate string
* @param string
* @param int
* @return string
function lang($idf, $number = null) {
global $LANG, $translations;
$translation = ($translations[$idf] ? $translations[$idf] : $idf);
if (is_array($translation)) {
$pos = ($number == 1 ? 0
: ($LANG == 'cs' || $LANG == 'sk' ? ($number && $number < 5 ? 1 : 2) // different forms for 1, 2-4, other
: ($LANG == 'fr' ? (!$number ? 0 : 1) // different forms for 0-1, other
: ($LANG == 'pl' ? ($number % 10 > 1 && $number % 10 < 5 && $number / 10 % 10 != 1 ? 1 : 2) // different forms for 1, 2-4 except 12-14, other
: ($LANG == 'sl' ? ($number % 100 == 1 ? 0 : ($number % 100 == 2 ? 1 : ($number % 100 == 3 || $number % 100 == 4 ? 2 : 3))) // different forms for 1, 2, 3-4, other
: ($LANG == 'lt' ? ($number % 10 == 1 && $number % 100 != 11 ? 0 : ($number % 10 > 1 && $number / 10 % 10 != 1 ? 1 : 2)) // different forms for 1, 12-19, other
: ($LANG == 'bs' || $LANG == 'ru' || $LANG == 'sr' || $LANG == 'uk' ? ($number % 10 == 1 && $number % 100 != 11 ? 0 : ($number % 10 > 1 && $number % 10 < 5 && $number / 10 % 10 != 1 ? 1 : 2)) // different forms for 1 except 11, 2-4 except 12-14, other
: 1 // different forms for 1, other
))))))); // http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Plural-forms.html
$translation = $translation[$pos];
$args = func_get_args();
$format = str_replace("%d", "%s", $translation);
if ($format != $translation) {
$args[0] = format_number($number);
return vsprintf($format, $args);
function switch_lang() {
global $LANG, $langs;
echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n<div id='lang'>";
echo lang('Language') . ": " . html_select("lang", $langs, $LANG, "this.form.submit();");
echo " <input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "' class='hidden'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='" . get_token() . "'>\n"; // $token may be empty in auth.inc.php
echo "</div>\n</form>\n";
if (isset($_POST["lang"]) && verify_token()) { // $error not yet available
cookie("adminer_lang", $_POST["lang"]);
$_SESSION["lang"] = $_POST["lang"]; // cookies may be disabled
$_SESSION["translations"] = array(); // used in compiled version
$LANG = "en";
if (isset($langs[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])) {
cookie("adminer_lang", $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]);
$LANG = $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"];
} elseif (isset($langs[$_SESSION["lang"]])) {
$LANG = $_SESSION["lang"];
} else {
$accept_language = array();
preg_match_all('~([-a-z]+)(;q=([0-9.]+))?~', str_replace("_", "-", strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$accept_language[$match[1]] = (isset($match[3]) ? $match[3] : 1);
foreach ($accept_language as $key => $q) {
if (isset($langs[$key])) {
$LANG = $key;
$key = preg_replace('~-.*~', '', $key);
if (!isset($accept_language[$key]) && isset($langs[$key])) {
$LANG = $key;
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
// PDO can be used in several database drivers
if (extension_loaded('pdo')) {
/*abstract*/ class Min_PDO extends PDO {
var $_result, $server_info, $affected_rows, $errno, $error;
function __construct() {
global $adminer;
$pos = array_search("SQL", $adminer->operators);
if ($pos !== false) {
function dsn($dsn, $username, $password) {
try {
parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->setAttribute(13, array('Min_PDOStatement')); // 13 - PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS
$this->server_info = @$this->getAttribute(4); // 4 - PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION
/*abstract function select_db($database);*/
function query($query, $unbuffered = false) {
$result = parent::query($query);
$this->error = "";
if (!$result) {
list(, $this->errno, $this->error) = $this->errorInfo();
return false;
return $result;
function multi_query($query) {
return $this->_result = $this->query($query);
function store_result($result = null) {
if (!$result) {
$result = $this->_result;
if (!$result) {
return false;
if ($result->columnCount()) {
$result->num_rows = $result->rowCount(); // is not guaranteed to work with all drivers
return $result;
$this->affected_rows = $result->rowCount();
return true;
function next_result() {
if (!$this->_result) {
return false;
$this->_result->_offset = 0;
return @$this->_result->nextRowset(); // @ - PDO_PgSQL doesn't support it
function result($query, $field = 0) {
$result = $this->query($query);
if (!$result) {
return false;
$row = $result->fetch();
return $row[$field];
class Min_PDOStatement extends PDOStatement {
var $_offset = 0, $num_rows;
function fetch_assoc() {
return $this->fetch(2); // PDO::FETCH_ASSOC
function fetch_row() {
return $this->fetch(3); // PDO::FETCH_NUM
function fetch_field() {
$row = (object) $this->getColumnMeta($this->_offset++);
$row->orgtable = $row->table;
$row->orgname = $row->name;
$row->charsetnr = (in_array("blob", (array) $row->flags) ? 63 : 0);
return $row;
$drivers = array();
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
class TmpFile {
var $handler;
var $size;
function __construct() {
$this->handler = tmpfile();
function write($contents) {
$this->size += strlen($contents);
fwrite($this->handler, $contents);
function send() {
fseek($this->handler, 0);
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
$VERSION = "4.3.1";
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
/** PHP implementation of XXTEA encryption algorithm
* @author Ma Bingyao <andot@ujn.edu.cn>
* @link http://www.coolcode.cn/?action=show&id=128
function int32($n) {
while ($n >= 2147483648) {
$n -= 4294967296;
while ($n <= -2147483649) {
$n += 4294967296;
return (int) $n;
function long2str($v, $w) {
$s = '';
foreach ($v as $val) {
$s .= pack('V', $val);
if ($w) {
return substr($s, 0, end($v));
return $s;
function str2long($s, $w) {
$v = array_values(unpack('V*', str_pad($s, 4 * ceil(strlen($s) / 4), "\0")));
if ($w) {
$v[] = strlen($s);
return $v;
function xxtea_mx($z, $y, $sum, $k) {
return int32((($z >> 5 & 0x7FFFFFF) ^ $y << 2) + (($y >> 3 & 0x1FFFFFFF) ^ $z << 4)) ^ int32(($sum ^ $y) + ($k ^ $z));
/** Cipher
* @param string plain-text password
* @param string
* @return string binary cipher
function encrypt_string($str, $key) {
if ($str == "") {
return "";
$key = array_values(unpack("V*", pack("H*", md5($key))));
$v = str2long($str, true);
$n = count($v) - 1;
$z = $v[$n];
$y = $v[0];
$q = floor(6 + 52 / ($n + 1));
$sum = 0;
while ($q-- > 0) {
$sum = int32($sum + 0x9E3779B9);
$e = $sum >> 2 & 3;
for ($p=0; $p < $n; $p++) {
$y = $v[$p + 1];
$mx = xxtea_mx($z, $y, $sum, $key[$p & 3 ^ $e]);
$z = int32($v[$p] + $mx);
$v[$p] = $z;
$y = $v[0];
$mx = xxtea_mx($z, $y, $sum, $key[$p & 3 ^ $e]);
$z = int32($v[$n] + $mx);
$v[$n] = $z;
return long2str($v, false);
/** Decipher
* @param string binary cipher
* @param string
* @return string plain-text password
function decrypt_string($str, $key) {
if ($str == "") {
return "";
if (!$key) {
return false;
$key = array_values(unpack("V*", pack("H*", md5($key))));
$v = str2long($str, false);
$n = count($v) - 1;
$z = $v[$n];
$y = $v[0];
$q = floor(6 + 52 / ($n + 1));
$sum = int32($q * 0x9E3779B9);
while ($sum) {
$e = $sum >> 2 & 3;
for ($p=$n; $p > 0; $p--) {
$z = $v[$p - 1];
$mx = xxtea_mx($z, $y, $sum, $key[$p & 3 ^ $e]);
$y = int32($v[$p] - $mx);
$v[$p] = $y;
$z = $v[$n];
$mx = xxtea_mx($z, $y, $sum, $key[$p & 3 ^ $e]);
$y = int32($v[0] - $mx);
$v[0] = $y;
$sum = int32($sum - 0x9E3779B9);
return long2str($v, true);
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
/** Adminer - Compact database management
* @link https://www.adminer.org/
* @author Jakub Vrana, https://www.vrana.cz/
* @copyright 2007 Jakub Vrana
* @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License, version 2 (one or other)
/* devilbox inject */ require '../../../../config.php'; error_reporting(6135);
include "./include/bootstrap.inc.php";
include "./include/tmpfile.inc.php";
$enum_length = "'(?:''|[^'\\\\]|\\\\.)*'";
$inout = "IN|OUT|INOUT";
if (isset($_GET["select"]) && ($_POST["edit"] || $_POST["clone"]) && !$_POST["save"]) {
$_GET["edit"] = $_GET["select"];
if (isset($_GET["callf"])) {
$_GET["call"] = $_GET["callf"];
if (isset($_GET["function"])) {
$_GET["procedure"] = $_GET["function"];
if (isset($_GET["download"])) {
include "./download.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["table"])) {
include "./table.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["schema"])) {
include "./schema.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["dump"])) {
include "./dump.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["privileges"])) {
include "./privileges.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["sql"])) {
include "./sql.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["edit"])) {
include "./edit.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["create"])) {
include "./create.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["indexes"])) {
include "./indexes.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["database"])) {
include "./database.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["scheme"])) {
include "./scheme.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["call"])) {
include "./call.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["foreign"])) {
include "./foreign.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["view"])) {
include "./view.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["event"])) {
include "./event.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["procedure"])) {
include "./procedure.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["sequence"])) {
include "./sequence.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["type"])) {
include "./type.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["trigger"])) {
include "./trigger.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["user"])) {
include "./user.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["processlist"])) {
include "./processlist.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["replication"])) {
include "./replication.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["select"])) {
include "./select.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["variables"])) {
include "./variables.inc.php";
} elseif (isset($_GET["script"])) {
include "./script.inc.php";
} else {
include "./db.inc.php";
// each page calls its own page_header(), if the footer should not be called then the page exits
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["indexes"];
$index_types = array("PRIMARY", "UNIQUE", "INDEX");
$table_status = table_status($TABLE, true);
if (preg_match('~MyISAM|M?aria' . ($connection->server_info >= 5.6 ? '|InnoDB' : '') . '~i', $table_status["Engine"])) {
$index_types[] = "FULLTEXT";
if (preg_match('~MyISAM|M?aria' . ($connection->server_info >= 5.7 ? '|InnoDB' : '') . '~i', $table_status["Engine"])) {
$index_types[] = "SPATIAL";
$indexes = indexes($TABLE);
$primary = array();
if ($jush == "mongo") { // doesn't support primary key
$primary = $indexes["_id_"];
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error && !$_POST["add"] && !$_POST["drop_col"]) {
$alter = array();
foreach ($row["indexes"] as $index) {
$name = $index["name"];
if (in_array($index["type"], $index_types)) {
$columns = array();
$lengths = array();
$descs = array();
$set = array();
foreach ($index["columns"] as $key => $column) {
if ($column != "") {
$length = $index["lengths"][$key];
$desc = $index["descs"][$key];
$set[] = idf_escape($column) . ($length ? "(" . (+$length) . ")" : "") . ($desc ? " DESC" : "");
$columns[] = $column;
$lengths[] = ($length ? $length : null);
$descs[] = $desc;
if ($columns) {
$existing = $indexes[$name];
if ($existing) {
if ($index["type"] == $existing["type"]
&& array_values($existing["columns"]) === $columns
&& (!$existing["lengths"] || array_values($existing["lengths"]) === $lengths)
&& array_values($existing["descs"]) === $descs
) {
// skip existing index
$alter[] = array($index["type"], $name, $set);
// drop removed indexes
foreach ($indexes as $name => $existing) {
$alter[] = array($existing["type"], $name, "DROP");
if (!$alter) {
redirect(ME . "table=" . urlencode($TABLE));
queries_redirect(ME . "table=" . urlencode($TABLE), lang('Indexes have been altered.'), alter_indexes($TABLE, $alter));
page_header(lang('Indexes'), $error, array("table" => $TABLE), h($TABLE));
$fields = array_keys(fields($TABLE));
if ($_POST["add"]) {
foreach ($row["indexes"] as $key => $index) {
if ($index["columns"][count($index["columns"])] != "") {
$row["indexes"][$key]["columns"][] = "";
$index = end($row["indexes"]);
if ($index["type"] || array_filter($index["columns"], 'strlen')) {
$row["indexes"][] = array("columns" => array(1 => ""));
if (!$row) {
foreach ($indexes as $key => $index) {
$indexes[$key]["name"] = $key;
$indexes[$key]["columns"][] = "";
$indexes[] = array("columns" => array(1 => ""));
$row["indexes"] = $indexes;
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0" class="nowrap">
<th id="label-type"><?php echo lang('Index Type'); ?>
<th><input type="submit" class="wayoff"><?php echo lang('Column (length)'); ?>
<th id="label-name"><?php echo lang('Name'); ?>
<th><noscript><input type='image' class='icon' name='add[0]' src='../adminer/static/plus.gif' alt='+' title='<?php echo lang('Add next'); ?>'></noscript>
if ($primary) {
echo "<tr><td>PRIMARY<td>";
foreach ($primary["columns"] as $key => $column) {
echo select_input(" disabled", $fields, $column);
echo "<label><input disabled type='checkbox'>" . lang('descending') . "</label> ";
echo "<td><td>\n";
$j = 1;
foreach ($row["indexes"] as $index) {
if (!$_POST["drop_col"] || $j != key($_POST["drop_col"])) {
echo "<tr><td>" . html_select("indexes[$j][type]", array(-1 => "") + $index_types, $index["type"], ($j == count($row["indexes"]) ? "indexesAddRow(this);" : 1), "label-type");
echo "<td>";
$i = 1;
foreach ($index["columns"] as $key => $column) {
echo "<span>" . select_input(
" name='indexes[$j][columns][$i]' onchange=\"" . ($i == count($index["columns"]) ? "indexesAddColumn" : "indexesChangeColumn") . "(this, '" . h(js_escape($jush == "sql" ? "" : $_GET["indexes"] . "_")) . "');\" title='" . lang('Column') . "'",
($fields ? array_combine($fields, $fields) : $fields),
echo ($jush == "sql" || $jush == "mssql" ? "<input type='number' name='indexes[$j][lengths][$i]' class='size' value='" . h($index["lengths"][$key]) . "' title='" . lang('Length') . "'>" : "");
echo ($jush != "sql" ? checkbox("indexes[$j][descs][$i]", 1, $index["descs"][$key], lang('descending')) : "");
echo " </span>";
echo "<td><input name='indexes[$j][name]' value='" . h($index["name"]) . "' autocapitalize='off' aria-labelledby='label-name'>\n";
echo "<td><input type='image' class='icon' name='drop_col[$j]' src='../adminer/static/cross.gif' alt='x' title='" . lang('Remove') . "' onclick=\"return !editingRemoveRow(this, 'indexes\$1[type]');\">\n";
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'تسجيل الدخول',
'Logout successful.' => 'تم تسجيل الخروج بنجاح.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'بيانات الدخول غير صالحة.',
'Server' => 'الخادم',
'Username' => 'اسم المستخدم',
'Password' => 'كلمة المرور',
'Select database' => 'اختر قاعدة البيانات',
'Invalid database.' => 'قاعدة البيانات غير صالحة.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف الجدول.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل الجدول.',
'Table has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء الجدول.',
'Alter table' => 'تعديل الجدول',
'Create table' => 'إنشاء جدول',
'Table name' => 'اسم الجدول',
'engine' => 'المحرك',
'collation' => 'الترتيب',
'Column name' => 'اسم العمود',
'Type' => 'النوع',
'Length' => 'الطول',
'Auto Increment' => 'تزايد تلقائي',
'Options' => 'خيارات',
'Save' => 'حفظ',
'Drop' => 'حذف',
'Database has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء قاعدة البيانات.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'تمت إعادة تسمية فاعدة البيانات.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل قاعدة البيانات.',
'Alter database' => 'تعديل قاعدة البيانات',
'Create database' => 'إنشاء قاعدة بيانات',
'SQL command' => 'استعلام SQL',
'Logout' => 'تسجيل الخروج',
'database' => 'قاعدة بيانات',
'Use' => 'استعمال',
'No tables.' => 'لا توجد جداول.',
'select' => 'تحديد',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'تم حذف العنصر.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'تم تعديل العنصر.',
'Edit' => 'تعديل',
'Insert' => 'إنشاء',
'Save and insert next' => 'جفظ و إنشاء التالي',
'Delete' => 'مسح',
'Database' => 'قاعدة بيانات',
'Routines' => 'الروتينات',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'تم تعديل المؤشر.',
'Indexes' => 'المؤشرات',
'Alter indexes' => 'تعديل المؤشرات',
'Add next' => 'إضافة التالي',
'Language' => 'اللغة',
'Select' => 'اختيار',
'New item' => 'عنصر جديد',
'Search' => 'بحث',
'Sort' => 'ترتيب',
'descending' => 'تنازلي',
'Limit' => 'حد',
'No rows.' => 'لا توجد نتائج.',
'Action' => 'الإجراء',
'edit' => 'تعديل',
'Page' => 'صفحة',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'تم تنفسذ الاستعلام, %d عدد الأسطر المعدلة.',
'Error in query' => 'هناك خطأ في الاستعلام',
'Execute' => 'تنفيذ',
'Table' => 'جدول',
'Foreign keys' => 'مفاتيح أجنبية',
'Triggers' => 'الزنادات',
'View' => 'عرض',
'Unable to select the table' => 'يتعذر اختيار الجدول',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'رمز CSRF غير صالح. المرجو إرسال الاستمارة مرة أخرى.',
'Comment' => 'تعليق',
'Default values' => 'القيم الافتراضية',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d بايت',
'No commands to execute.' => 'لا توجد أوامر للتنفيذ.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'يتعذر رفع ملف ما.',
'File upload' => 'رفع ملف',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'رفع الملفات غير مشغل.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => 'تم استدعاء الروتين, عدد الأسطر المعدلة %d.',
'Call' => 'استدعاء',
'No extension' => 'امتداد غير موجود',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'إمتدادات php المدعومة غير موجودة.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'عليك تفعيل نظام الجلسات.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'إنتهت الجلسة، من فضلك أعد تسجيل الدخول.',
'Text length' => 'طول النص',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'تم مسح المفتاح الأجنبي.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل المفتاح الأجنبي.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء المفتاح الأجنبي.',
'Foreign key' => 'مفتاح أجنبي',
'Target table' => 'الجدول المستهدف',
'Change' => 'تعديل',
'Source' => 'المصدر',
'Target' => 'الهدف',
'Add column' => 'إضافة عمودا',
'Alter' => 'تعديل',
'Add foreign key' => 'إضافة مفتاح أجنبي',
'Index Type' => 'نوع المؤشر',
'Column (length)' => 'العمود (الطول)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'تم مسح العرض.',
'View has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل العرض.',
'View has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء العرض.',
'Alter view' => 'تعديل عرض',
'Create view' => 'إنشاء عرض',
'Name' => 'الاسم',
'Process list' => 'قائمة الإجراءات',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => 'عدد الإجراءات التي تم إيقافها %d.',
'Kill' => 'إيقاف',
'Parameter name' => 'اسم المتغير',
'Database schema' => 'مخطط فاعدة البيانات',
'Create procedure' => 'إنشاء إجراء',
'Create function' => 'إنشاء دالة',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف الروتين.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل الروتين.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء الروتين.',
'Alter function' => 'تعديل الدالة',
'Alter procedure' => 'تعديل الإجراء',
'Return type' => 'نوع العودة',
'Add trigger' => 'إضافة زناد',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف الزناد.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل الزناد.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء الزناد.',
'Alter trigger' => 'تعديل زناد',
'Create trigger' => 'إنشاء زناد',
'Time' => 'الوقت',
'Event' => 'الحدث',
'%d row(s)' => '%d أسطر',
'Remove' => 'مسح',
'Are you sure?' => 'هل أنت متأكد؟',
'Privileges' => 'الإمتيازات',
'Create user' => 'إنشاء مستخدم',
'User has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف المستخدم.',
'User has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل المستخدم.',
'User has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء المستخدم.',
'Hashed' => 'تلبيد',
'Column' => 'عمود',
'Routine' => 'روتين',
'Grant' => 'موافق',
'Revoke' => 'إلغاء',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'النسخة %s : %s عن طريق إمتداد ال PHP %s',
'Logged as: %s' => 'تم تسجيل الدخول باسم %s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'معلومات POST كبيرة جدا. قم بتقليص حجم المعلومات أو قم بزيادة قيمة %s في خيارات ال PHP.',
'Move up' => 'نقل للأعلى',
'Move down' => 'نقل للأسفل',
'Export' => 'تصدير',
'Tables' => 'جداول',
'Data' => 'معلومات',
'Output' => 'إخراج',
'open' => 'فتح',
'save' => 'حفظ',
'Format' => 'الصيغة',
'Functions' => 'الدوال',
'Aggregation' => 'تجميع',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'تم مسح الحدث.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل الحدث.',
'Event has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء الحدث.',
'Alter event' => 'تعديل حدث',
'Create event' => 'إنشاء حدث',
'Start' => 'إبدأ',
'End' => 'إنهاء',
'Every' => 'كل',
'Status' => 'حالة',
'On completion preserve' => 'حفظ عند الإنتهاء',
'Events' => 'الأحداث',
'Schedule' => 'مواعيد',
'At given time' => 'في وقت محدد',
'Save and continue edit' => 'إحفظ و واصل التعديل',
'original' => 'الأصلي',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'تم قطع الجداول.',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'تم نقل الجداول.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'تم حذف الجداول.',
'Tables and views' => 'الجداول و العروض',
'Engine' => 'المحرك',
'Collation' => 'ترتيب',
'Data Length' => 'طول المعطيات.',
'Index Length' => 'طول المؤشر.',
'Data Free' => 'المساحة الحرة',
'Rows' => 'الأسطر',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => 'تحليل',
'Optimize' => 'تحسين',
'Check' => 'فحص',
'Repair' => 'إصلاح',
'Truncate' => 'قطع',
'Move to other database' => 'نقل إلى قاعدة بيانات أخرى',
'Move' => 'نقل',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => 'عدد العناصر المعدلة هو %d.',
'whole result' => 'نتيجة كاملة',
'Clone' => 'نسخ',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'لقد تجاوزت العدد الأقصى للحقول. يرجى الرفع من %s.',
'Partition by' => 'مقسم بواسطة',
'Partitions' => 'التقسيمات',
'Partition name' => 'اسم التقسيم',
'Values' => 'القيم',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => 'تم استيراد %d سطرا',
'anywhere' => 'في اي مكان',
'Import' => 'استيراد',
'Stop on error' => 'أوقف في حالة حدوث خطأ',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'jj/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'تاريخ',
'Variables' => 'متغيرات',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'أعمدة المصدر و الهدف يجب أن تكون بنفس النوع, يجب أن يكون هناك مؤشر في أعمدة الهدف و البيانات المرجعية يجب ان تكون موجودة.',
'Relations' => 'علاقات',
'Run file' => 'نفذ الملف',
'Clear' => 'مسح',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'حجم الملف الأقصى هو %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'أعداد',
'Date and time' => 'التاريخ و الوقت',
'Strings' => 'سلاسل',
'Binary' => 'ثنائية',
'Lists' => 'قوائم',
'Editor' => 'المحرر',
'E-mail' => 'البريد الإلكتروني',
'From' => 'من',
'Subject' => 'الموضوع',
'Send' => 'إرسال',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => 'تم إرسال %d رسالة.',
'Webserver file %s' => 'ملف %s من خادم الويب',
'File does not exist.' => 'الملف غير موجود.',
'%d in total' => '%d في المجموع',
'Permanent login' => 'تسجيل دخول دائم',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'تم حذف قواعد البيانات.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف قاعدة البيانات.',
'Search data in tables' => 'بحث في الجداول',
'Schema' => 'المخطط',
'Alter schema' => 'تعديل المخطط',
'Create schema' => 'إنشاء مخطط',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف المخطط.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء المخطط.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل المخطط.',
'Sequences' => 'السلاسل',
'Create sequence' => 'إنشاء سلسلة',
'Alter sequence' => 'تعديل سلسلة',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف السلسلة.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء السلسلة.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'تم تعديل السلسلة.',
'User types' => 'نوع المستخدم',
'Create type' => 'إنشاء نوع',
'Alter type' => 'تعديل نوع',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'تم حذف النوع.',
'Type has been created.' => 'تم إنشاء النوع.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'استعمل الرابط "تعديل" لتعديل هذه القيمة.',
'last' => 'الأخيرة',
'From server' => 'من الخادم',
'System' => 'النظام',
'Select data' => 'عرض البيانات',
'Show structure' => 'عرض التركيبة',
'empty' => 'فارغ',
'Network' => 'شبكة',
'Geometry' => 'هندسة',
'File exists.' => 'الملف موجود.',
'Attachments' => 'ملفات مرفقة.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'تم إدراج العنصر.',
'now' => 'الآن',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('تم تنفيذ الاستعلام %d بنجاح.', 'تم تنفيذ الاستعلامات %d بنجاح.'),
'Show only errors' => 'إظهار الأخطاء فقط',
'Refresh' => 'تحديث',
'Invalid schema.' => 'مخطط غير صالح.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'المرجو استخدام إحدى الامتدادات %s.',
'ltr' => 'rtl',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'تم نسخ الجداول.',
'Copy' => 'نسخ',
'Permanent link' => 'رابط دائم',
'Edit all' => 'تعديل الكل',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Система',
'Server' => 'Сървър',
'Username' => 'Потребител',
'Password' => 'Парола',
'Permanent login' => 'Запаметяване',
'Login' => 'Вход',
'Logout' => 'Изход',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Текущ потребител: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Излизането е успешно.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Невалидни потребителски данни.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Прекалено много неуспешни опити за вход, опитайте пак след %d минута.', 'Прекалено много неуспешни опити за вход, опитайте пак след %d минути.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Главната парола вече е невалидна. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Изберете</a> %s метод, за да я направите постоянна.',
'Language' => 'Език',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Невалиден шифроващ ключ. Попълнете и изпратете формуляра отново.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Ако не сте изпратили тази заявка през Adminer, затворете тази страница.',
'No extension' => 'Няма разширение',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Никое от поддържаните PHP разширения (%s) не е налично.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Поддръжката на сесии трябва да е разрешена.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Сесията е изтекла; моля, влезте отново.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s версия: %s през PHP разширение %s',
'Refresh' => 'Обновяване',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Права',
'Create user' => 'Създаване на потребител',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Потребителя беше премахнат.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Потребителя беше променен.',
'User has been created.' => 'Потребителя беше създаден.',
'Hashed' => 'Хеширан',
'Column' => 'Колона',
'Routine' => 'Процедура',
'Grant' => 'Осигуряване',
'Revoke' => 'Отнемане',
'Process list' => 'Списък с процеси',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d процес беше прекъснат.', '%d процеса бяха прекъснати.'),
'Kill' => 'Прекъсване',
'Variables' => 'Променливи',
'Status' => 'Състояние',
'SQL command' => 'SQL команда',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d заявка е изпълнена.', '%d заявки са изпълнени.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Заявката е изпълнена, %d ред е засегнат.', 'Заявката е изпълнена, %d редове са засегнати.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Няма команди за изпълнение.',
'Error in query' => 'Грешка в заявката',
'Execute' => 'Изпълнение',
'Stop on error' => 'Спиране при грешка',
'Show only errors' => 'Показване само на грешките',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Хронология',
'Clear' => 'Изчистване',
'Edit all' => 'Редактиране на всички',
'File upload' => 'Прикачване на файл',
'From server' => 'От сървър',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Сървърен файл %s',
'Run file' => 'Изпълнение на файл',
'File does not exist.' => 'Файлът не съществува.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Прикачването на файлове е забранено.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Неуспешно прикачване на файл.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Максимално разрешената големина на файл е %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Изпратени са прекалено много данни. Намалете обема на данните или увеличете %s управляващата директива.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Можете да прикачите голям SQL файл чрез FTP и да го импортирате от сървъра.',
'You are offline.' => 'Вие сте офлайн.',
'Export' => 'Експорт',
'Output' => 'Резултат',
'open' => 'показване',
'save' => 'запис',
'Format' => 'Формат',
'Data' => 'Данни',
'Database' => 'База данни',
'database' => 'база данни',
'Use' => 'Избор',
'Select database' => 'Избор на база данни',
'Invalid database.' => 'Невалидна база данни.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Базата данни беше премахната.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Базите данни бяха премехнати.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Базата данни беше създадена.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Базата данни беше преименувана.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Базата данни беше променена.',
'Alter database' => 'Промяна на база данни',
'Create database' => 'Създаване на база данни',
'Database schema' => 'Схема на базата данни',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Постоянна препратка',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Система',
'Collation' => 'Кодировка',
'Data Length' => 'Големина на данните',
'Index Length' => 'Големина на индекса',
'Data Free' => 'Свободно място',
'Rows' => 'Редове',
'%d in total' => '%d всичко',
'Analyze' => 'Анализиране',
'Optimize' => 'Оптимизиране',
'Vacuum' => 'Консолидиране',
'Check' => 'Проверка',
'Repair' => 'Поправка',
'Truncate' => 'Изрязване',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Таблиците бяха изрязани.',
'Move to other database' => 'Преместване в друга база данни',
'Move' => 'Преместване',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Таблиците бяха преместени.',
'Copy' => 'Копиране',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Таблиците бяха копирани.',
'Routines' => 'Процедури',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Беше приложена процедура, %d ред е засегнат.', 'Беше приложена процедура, %d редове са засегнати.'),
'Call' => 'Прилагане',
'Parameter name' => 'Име на параметъра',
'Create procedure' => 'Създаване на процедура',
'Create function' => 'Създаване на функция',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Процедурата беше премахната.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Процедурата беше променена.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Процедурата беше създадена.',
'Alter function' => 'Промяна на функция',
'Alter procedure' => 'Промяна на процедура',
'Return type' => 'Резултат',
'Events' => 'Събития',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Събитието беше премахнато.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Събитието беше променено.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Събитието беше създадено.',
'Alter event' => 'Промяна на събитие',
'Create event' => 'Създаване на събитие',
'At given time' => 'В зададено време',
'Every' => 'Всеки',
'Schedule' => 'Насрочване',
'Start' => 'Начало',
'End' => 'Край',
'On completion preserve' => 'Запазване след завършване',
'Tables' => 'Таблици',
'Tables and views' => 'Таблици и изгледи',
'Table' => 'Таблица',
'No tables.' => 'Няма таблици.',
'Alter table' => 'Промяна на таблица',
'Create table' => 'Създаване на таблица',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Таблицата беше премахната.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Таблиците бяха премахнати.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Таблиците бяха оптимизирани.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Таблицата беше променена.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Таблицата беше създадена.',
'Table name' => 'Име на таблица',
'Show structure' => 'Структура',
'engine' => 'система',
'collation' => 'кодировка',
'Column name' => 'Име на колоната',
'Type' => 'Вид',
'Length' => 'Големина',
'Auto Increment' => 'Автоматично увеличаване',
'Options' => 'Опции',
'Comment' => 'Коментар',
'Default value' => 'Стойност по подразбиране',
'Default values' => 'Стойности по подразбиране',
'Drop' => 'Премахване',
'Are you sure?' => 'Сигурни ли сте?',
'Size' => 'Големина',
'Compute' => 'Изчисляване',
'Move up' => 'Преместване нагоре',
'Move down' => 'Преместване надолу',
'Remove' => 'Премахване',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Максималния брой полета е превишен. Моля, увеличете %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Разделяне на',
'Partitions' => 'Раздели',
'Partition name' => 'Име на раздела',
'Values' => 'Стойности',
'View' => 'Изглед',
'Materialized view' => 'Запаметен изглед',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Изгледа беше премахнат.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Изгледа беше променен.',
'View has been created.' => 'Изгледа беше създаден.',
'Alter view' => 'Промяна на изглед',
'Create view' => 'Създаване на изглед',
'Indexes' => 'Индекси',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Индексите бяха променени.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Промяна на индекси',
'Add next' => 'Добавяне на следващ',
'Index Type' => 'Вид на индекса',
'Column (length)' => 'Колона (дължина)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Препратки',
'Foreign key' => 'Препратка',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Препратката беше премахната.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Препратката беше променена.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Препратката беше създадена.',
'Target table' => 'Таблица приемник',
'Change' => 'Промяна',
'Source' => 'Източник',
'Target' => 'Цел',
'Add column' => 'Добавяне на колона',
'Alter' => 'Промяна',
'Add foreign key' => 'Добавяне на препратка',
'ON DELETE' => 'При изтриване',
'ON UPDATE' => 'При промяна',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Колоните източник и цел трябва да са от еднакъв вид, трябва да има индекс на колоните приемник и да има въведени данни.',
'Triggers' => 'Тригери',
'Add trigger' => 'Добавяне на тригер',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Тригера беше премахнат.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Тригера беше променен.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Тригера беше създаден.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Промяна на тригер',
'Create trigger' => 'Създаване на тригер',
'Time' => 'Време',
'Event' => 'Събитие',
'Name' => 'Име',
'select' => 'показване',
'Select' => 'Показване',
'Select data' => 'Показване на данни',
'Functions' => 'Функции',
'Aggregation' => 'Съвкупност',
'Search' => 'Търсене',
'anywhere' => 'навсякъде',
'Search data in tables' => 'Търсене на данни в таблиците',
'Sort' => 'Сортиране',
'descending' => 'низходящо',
'Limit' => 'Редове',
'Limit rows' => 'Лимит на редовете',
'Text length' => 'Текст',
'Action' => 'Действие',
'Full table scan' => 'Пълно сканиране на таблицата',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Неуспешно показване на таблицата',
'No rows.' => 'Няма редове.',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d ред', '%d реда'),
'Page' => 'Страница',
'last' => 'последен',
'Load more data' => 'Зареждане на повече данни',
'Loading' => 'Зареждане',
'whole result' => 'пълен резултат',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d байт', '%d байта'),
'Import' => 'Импорт',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d ред беше импортиран.', '%d реда бяха импортирани.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Файла трябва да е с UTF-8 кодировка.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Промяна',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+щракване в стойността, за да я промените.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Използвайте "редакция" за промяна на данните.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Елементи%s бяха вмъкнати.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Елемента беше изтрит.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Елемента беше обновен.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d елемент беше засегнат.', '%d елемента бяха засегнати.'),
'New item' => 'Нов елемент',
'original' => 'оригинал',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'празно',
'edit' => 'редакция',
'Edit' => 'Редактиране',
'Insert' => 'Вмъкване',
'Save' => 'Запис',
'Saving' => 'Записване',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Запис и редакция',
'Save and insert next' => 'Запис и нов',
'Selected' => 'Избран',
'Clone' => 'Клониране',
'Delete' => 'Изтриване',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Нямате праве за обновяване на таблицата.',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'От',
'Subject' => 'Тема',
'Attachments' => 'Прикачени',
'Send' => 'Изпращане',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d писмо беше изпратено.', '%d писма бяха изпратени.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Числа',
'Date and time' => 'Дата и час',
'Strings' => 'Низове',
'Binary' => 'Двоични',
'Lists' => 'Списъци',
'Network' => 'Мрежа',
'Geometry' => 'Геометрия',
'Relations' => 'Зависимости',
'Editor' => 'Редактор',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1-$3-$5',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[гггг]-мм-дд',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'ЧЧ:ММ:СС',
'now' => 'сега',
'yes' => 'да',
'no' => 'не',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Файла вече съществува.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Моля, използвайте някое от разширенията %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Промяна на схемата',
'Create schema' => 'Създаване на схема',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Схемата беше премахната.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Схемата беше създадена.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Схемата беше променена.',
'Schema' => 'Схема',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Невалидна схема.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Последователности',
'Create sequence' => 'Създаване на последователност',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Последователността беше премахната.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Последователността беше създадена.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Последователността беше променена.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Промяна на последователност',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Видове потребители',
'Create type' => 'Създаване на вид',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Вида беше пермахнат.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Вида беше създаден.',
'Alter type' => 'Промяна на вид',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'লগইন',
'Logout successful.' => 'লগআউট সম্পন্ন হয়েছে।',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'ভুল পাসওয়ার্ড।',
'Server' => 'সার্ভার',
'Username' => 'ইউজারের নাম',
'Password' => 'পাসওয়ার্ড',
'Select database' => 'ডাটাবেজ নির্বাচন করো',
'Invalid database.' => 'ভুল ডাটাবেজ।',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'টেবিল মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Table has been altered.' => 'টেবিল সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Table has been created.' => 'টেবিল তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Alter table' => 'টেবিল সম্পাদনা',
'Create table' => 'টেবিল তৈরী করো',
'Table name' => 'টেবিলের নাম',
'engine' => 'ইন্জিন',
'collation' => 'কলোকেশন',
'Column name' => 'কলামের নাম',
'Type' => 'টাইপ',
'Length' => 'দৈর্ঘ্য',
'Auto Increment' => 'স্বয়ংক্রিয় বৃদ্ধি',
'Options' => 'অপশন',
'Save' => 'সংরক্ষণ',
'Drop' => 'মুছে ফেলো',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'ডাটাবেজ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Database has been created.' => 'ডাটাবেজ তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'ডাটাবেজের নতুন নামকরণ করা হয়েছে।',
'Database has been altered.' => 'ডাটাবেজ সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Alter database' => 'ডাটাবেজ সম্পাদনা',
'Create database' => 'ডাটাবেজ তৈরী',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-কোয়্যারী',
'Logout' => 'লগআউট',
'database' => 'ডাটাবেজ',
'Use' => 'ব্যবহার',
'No tables.' => 'কোন টেবিল নাই।',
'select' => 'নির্বাচন',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'বিষয়বস্তু মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Item has been updated.' => 'বিষয়বস্তু আপডেট করা হয়েছে।',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'বিষয়বস্তুসমূহ সংযোজন করা হয়েছে।',
'Edit' => 'সম্পাদনা',
'Insert' => 'সংযোজন',
'Save and insert next' => 'সংরক্ষন ও পরবর্তী সংযোজন',
'Delete' => 'মুছে ফেলো',
'Database' => 'ডাটাবেজ',
'Routines' => 'রুটিনসমূহ',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'সূচীসমূহ সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Indexes' => 'সূচীসমূহ',
'Alter indexes' => 'সূচীসমূহ সম্পাদনা',
'Add next' => 'সংযোজন',
'Language' => 'ভাষা',
'Select' => 'নির্বাচন',
'New item' => 'নতুন বিষয়বস্তু',
'Search' => 'খোঁজ',
'Sort' => 'সাজানো',
'descending' => 'ক্রমহ্রাস',
'Limit' => 'সীমা',
'No rows.' => 'কোন সারি নাই।',
'Action' => 'ক্রিয়া',
'edit' => 'সম্পাদনা',
'Page' => 'পৃষ্ঠা',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('কোয়্যারী সম্পাদন হয়েছে, %d সারি প্রভাবিত হয়েছে।', 'কোয়্যারী সম্পাদন হয়েছে, %d সারি প্রভাবিত হয়েছে।'),
'Error in query' => 'কোয়্যারীতে ভুল আছে।',
'Execute' => 'সম্পাদন করো',
'Table' => 'টেবিল',
'Foreign keys' => 'ফরেন কী',
'Triggers' => 'ট্রিগার',
'View' => 'ভিউ',
'Unable to select the table' => 'টেবিল নির্বাচন করতে অক্ষম',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'অবৈধ CSRF টোকেন। ফর্ম আবার পাঠাও।',
'Comment' => 'মন্তব্য',
'Default values' => 'ডিফল্ট মান',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d বাইট', '%d বাইটসমূহ'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'সম্পাদন করার মত কোন নির্দেশ নাই।',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'ফাইল আপলোড করা সম্ভব হচ্ছে না।',
'File upload' => 'ফাইল আপলোড',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'ফাইল আপলোড নিষ্ক্রিয় করা আছে।',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('রুটিন কল করা হয়েছে, %d টি সারি (সমূহ) প্রভাবিত হয়েছে।', 'রুটিন কল করা হয়েছে, %d টি সারি (সমূহ) প্রভাবিত হয়েছে।'),
'Call' => 'কল',
'No extension' => 'কোন এক্সটেনশান নাই',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'কোন PHP সমর্থিত এক্সটেনশন (%s) পাওয়া যায় নাই।',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'সেশন সমর্থন সক্রিয় করা আবশ্যক।',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'সেশানের মেয়াদ শেষ হয়েছে, আবার লগইন করুন।',
'Text length' => 'টেক্সট দৈর্ঘ্য',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'ফরেন কী মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'ফরেন কী সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'ফরেন কী তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Foreign key' => 'ফরেন কী ',
'Target table' => 'টার্গেট টেবিল',
'Change' => 'পরিবর্তন',
'Source' => 'উৎস',
'Target' => 'লক্ষ্য',
'Add column' => 'কলাম সংযোজন',
'Alter' => 'সম্পাদনা',
'Add foreign key' => 'ফরেন কী সংযোজন করো',
'ON DELETE' => 'অন ডিলিট',
'ON UPDATE' => 'অন আপডেট',
'Index Type' => 'সূচী-ধরণ',
'Column (length)' => 'কলাম (দৈর্ঘ্য)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'ভিউ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'View has been altered.' => 'ভিউ সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'View has been created.' => 'ভিউ তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Alter view' => 'ভিউ সম্পাদনা করো',
'Create view' => 'ভিউ তৈরী করো',
'Name' => 'নাম',
'Process list' => 'প্রসেস তালিকা',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d টি প্রসেস (সমূহ) বিনষ্ট করা হয়েছে।', '%d টি প্রসেস (সমূহ) বিনষ্ট করা হয়েছে।'),
'Kill' => 'বিনষ্ট করো',
'Parameter name' => 'প্যারামিটারের নাম',
'Database schema' => 'ডাটাবেজ স্কিমা',
'Create procedure' => 'প্রসিডিওর তৈরী করো',
'Create function' => 'ফাংশন তৈরী করো',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'রুটিন মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'রুটিন সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Routine has been created.' => 'রুটিন তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Alter function' => 'ফাংশন সম্পাদনা করো',
'Alter procedure' => 'প্রসিডিওর সম্পাদনা করো',
'Return type' => 'রিটার্ন টাইপ',
'Add trigger' => 'ট্রিগার সংযোজন করো',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'ট্রিগার মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'ট্রিগার সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'ট্রিগার তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Alter trigger' => 'ট্রিগার সম্পাদনা করো',
'Create trigger' => 'ট্রিগার তৈরী করো',
'Time' => 'সময়',
'Event' => 'ইভেন্ট',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'ভার্সন %s: %s, %s PHP এক্সটেনশনের মধ্য দিয়ে',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d সারি', '%d সারি সমূহ'),
'Remove' => 'অপসারণ',
'Are you sure?' => 'তুমি কি নিশ্চিত?',
'Privileges' => 'প্রিভিলেজেস',
'Create user' => 'ইউজার তৈরী করো',
'User has been dropped.' => 'ইউজার মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'User has been altered.' => 'ইউজার সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'User has been created.' => 'ইউজার তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Hashed' => 'হ্যাসড',
'Column' => 'কলাম',
'Routine' => 'রুটিন',
'Grant' => 'গ্র্যান্ট',
'Revoke' => 'রিভোক',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'খুব বড় POST ডাটা। ডাটা সংক্ষিপ্ত করো অথবা %s কনফিগারেশন নির্দেশ বৃদ্ধি করো',
'Logged as: %s' => '%s হিসাবে লগড',
'Move up' => 'উপরে স্থানান্তর',
'Move down' => 'নীচে স্থানান্তর',
'Functions' => 'ফাংশন সমূহ',
'Aggregation' => 'মোট পরিমাণ',
'Export' => 'এক্সপোর্ট',
'Output' => 'আউটপুট',
'open' => 'খোলা',
'save' => 'সংরক্ষণ',
'Format' => 'বিন্যাস',
'Tables' => 'টেবিলসমূহ',
'Data' => 'ডাটা',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'ইভেন্ট মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Event has been altered.' => 'ইভেন্ট সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Event has been created.' => 'ইভেন্ট তৈরী করা হয়েছে।',
'Alter event' => 'ইভেন্ট সম্পাদনা করো',
'Create event' => 'ইভেন্ট তৈরী করো',
'At given time' => 'প্রদত্ত সময়ে',
'Every' => 'প্রত্যেক',
'Events' => 'ইভেন্টসমূহ',
'Schedule' => 'সময়সূচি',
'Start' => 'শুরু',
'End' => 'সমাপ্তি',
'Status' => 'স্ট্যাটাস',
'On completion preserve' => 'সমাপ্ত হওয়ার পর সংরক্ষন করো',
'Tables and views' => 'টেবিল এবং ভিউ সমূহ',
'Data Length' => 'ডাটার দৈর্ঘ্য',
'Index Length' => 'ইনডেক্স এর দৈর্ঘ্য',
'Data Free' => 'তথ্য মুক্ত',
'Collation' => 'কলোকেশন',
'Analyze' => 'বিশ্লেষণ',
'Optimize' => 'অপটিমাইজ',
'Check' => 'পরীক্ষা',
'Repair' => 'মেরামত',
'Truncate' => 'ছাঁটাই',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'টেবিল ছাঁটাই করা হয়েছে',
'Rows' => 'সারি',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'টেবিল স্থানান্তর করা হয়েছে।',
'Move to other database' => 'অন্য ডাটাবেজে স্থানান্তর করো',
'Move' => 'স্থানান্তর করো',
'Engine' => 'ইঞ্জিন',
'Save and continue edit' => 'সংরক্ষণ করো এবং সম্পাদনা চালিয়ে যাও',
'original' => 'প্রকৃত',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'টেবিলসমূহ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d টি বিষয়বস্তু প্রভাবিত হয়েছে',
'whole result' => 'সম্পূর্ণ ফলাফল',
'Clone' => 'ক্লোন',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'অনুমোদিত ফিল্ড এর সর্বাধিক সংখ্যা অতিক্রম করে গেছে। অনুগ্রহপূর্বক %s বৃদ্ধি করুন।',
'Partition by' => 'পার্টিশন যার মাধ্যমে',
'Partitions' => 'পার্টিশন',
'Partition name' => 'পার্টিশনের নাম',
'Values' => 'মানসমূহ',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d টি সারি (সমূহ) ইমপোর্ট করা হয়েছে।', '%d টি সারি (সমূহ) ইমপোর্ট করা হয়েছে।'),
'anywhere' => 'যে কোন স্থানে',
'Import' => 'ইমপোর্ট',
'Stop on error' => 'ত্রুটি পেলে থেমে যাও',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 't.m.[jjjj]',
'History' => 'ইতিহাস',
'Variables' => 'চলকসমূহ',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'সোর্স এবং টার্গেট কলামে একই ডাটা টাইপ থাকতে হবে, টার্গেট কলামসমূহে একটি সূচী এবং রেফারেন্সড ডেটার উপস্থিতি থাকা আবশ্যক।',
'Relations' => 'সম্পর্ক',
'Run file' => 'ফাইল চালাও',
'Clear' => 'সাফ করো',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'সর্বাধিক অনুমোদিত ফাইল সাইজ %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'সংখ্যা',
'Date and time' => 'তারিখ এবং সময়',
'Strings' => 'স্ট্রিং',
'Binary' => 'বাইনারি',
'Lists' => 'তালিকা',
'Editor' => 'সম্পাদক',
'E-mail' => 'ই-মেইল',
'From' => 'থেকে',
'Subject' => 'বিষয়',
'Send' => 'পাঠাও',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d ইমেইল (গুলি) পাঠানো হয়েছে।', '%d ইমেইল (গুলি) পাঠানো হয়েছে।'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'ওয়েবসার্ভার ফাইল %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'ফাইলের কোন অস্তিত্ব নেই।',
'%d in total' => 'সর্বমোটঃ %d টি',
'Permanent login' => 'স্থায়ী লগইন',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'ডাটাবেজসমূহ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Search data in tables' => 'টেবিলে খোঁজ করো',
'Schema' => 'স্কিমা',
'Alter schema' => 'স্কিমা পরিবর্তন করো',
'Create schema' => 'স্কিমা তৈরী করো',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'স্কিমা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Schema has been created.' => 'স্কিমা তৈরি করা হয়েছে।',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'স্কিমা সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'Sequences' => 'অনুক্রম',
'Create sequence' => 'অনুক্রম তৈরি করো',
'Alter sequence' => 'অনুক্রম সম্পাদনা করো',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'অনুক্রম মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'অনুক্রম তৈরি করা হয়েছে।',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'অনুক্রম সম্পাদনা করা হয়েছে।',
'User types' => 'ইউজারের টাইপ',
'Create type' => 'টাইপ তৈরী করো',
'Alter type' => 'টাইপ পরিবর্তন করো',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'টাইপ মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।',
'Type has been created.' => 'টাইপ তৈরি করা হয়েছে।',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'এই মান পরিবর্তনের জন্য সম্পাদনা লিঙ্ক ব্যবহার করো।',
'last' => 'সর্বশেষ',
'From server' => 'সার্ভার থেকে',
'System' => 'সিস্টেম',
'Select data' => 'তথ্য নির্বাচন করো',
'Show structure' => 'গঠন দেখাও',
'empty' => 'খালি',
'Network' => 'নেটওয়ার্ক',
'Geometry' => 'জ্যামিতি',
'File exists.' => 'ফাইল রয়েছে।',
'Attachments' => 'সংযুক্তি',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('SQL-কোয়্যারী সফলভাবে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে', '%d SQL-কোয়্যারীসমূহ সফলভাবে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে'),
'Show only errors' => 'শুধুমাত্র ত্রুটি দেখাও',
'Refresh' => 'রিফ্রেশ',
'Invalid schema.' => 'অবৈধ স্কিমা।',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'কোন একটা এক্সটেনশন %s ব্যবহার করো।',
'now' => 'এখন',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'টেবিল কপি করা হয়েছে।',
'Copy' => 'কপি',
'Permanent link' => 'স্থায়ী লিংক',
'Edit all' => 'সকল সম্পাদনা করো',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Sistem',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Korisničko ime',
'Password' => 'Lozinka',
'Permanent login' => 'Trajna prijava',
'Login' => 'Prijava',
'Logout' => 'Odjava',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Prijavi se kao: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Uspešna odjava.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Nevažeće dozvole.',
'Language' => 'Jezik',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Nevažeći CSRF kod. Proslijedite ponovo formu.',
'No extension' => 'Bez dodataka',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nijedan od podržanih PHP dodataka nije dostupan.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Morate omogućiti podršku za sesije.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Vaša sesija je istekla, prijavite se ponovo.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s verzija: %s pomoću PHP dodatka je %s',
'Refresh' => 'Osveži',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Dozvole',
'Create user' => 'Novi korisnik',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Korisnik je izbrisan.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Korisnik je izmijenjen.',
'User has been created.' => 'korisnik je spašen.',
'Hashed' => 'Heširano',
'Column' => 'kolumna',
'Routine' => 'Rutina',
'Grant' => 'Dozvoli',
'Revoke' => 'Opozovi',
'Process list' => 'Spisak procesa',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d proces je ukinut.', '%d procesa su ukinuta.', '%d procesa je ukinuto.'),
'Kill' => 'Ubij',
'Variables' => 'Promijenljive',
'Status' => 'Status',
'SQL command' => 'SQL komanda',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d upit je uspiješno izvršen.', '%d upita su uspiješno izvršena.', '%d upita je uspiješno izvršeno.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Upit je uspiješno izvršen, %d red je ažuriran.', 'Upit je uspiješno izvršen, %d reda su ažurirana.', 'Upit je uspiješno izvršen, %d redova je ažurirano.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Bez komandi za izvršavanje.',
'Error in query' => 'Greška u upitu',
'Execute' => 'Izvrši',
'Stop on error' => 'Zaustavi prilikom greške',
'Show only errors' => 'Prikazuj samo greške',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Historijat',
'Clear' => 'Očisti',
'Edit all' => 'Izmijeni sve',
'File upload' => 'Slanje datoteka',
'From server' => 'Sa servera',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Datoteka %s sa veb servera',
'Run file' => 'Pokreni datoteku',
'File does not exist.' => 'Datoteka ne postoji.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Onemogućeno je slanje datoteka.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Slanje datoteke nije uspelo.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Najveća dozvoljena veličina datoteke je %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Preveliki POST podatak. Morate da smanjite podatak ili povećajte vrijednost konfiguracione direktive %s.',
'Export' => 'Izvoz',
'Output' => 'Ispis',
'open' => 'otvori',
'save' => 'spasi',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Data' => 'Podaci',
'Database' => 'Baza podataka',
'database' => 'baza podataka',
'Use' => 'Koristi',
'Select database' => 'Izaberite bazu',
'Invalid database.' => 'Neispravna baza podataka.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Baza podataka je izbrisana.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Baze podataka su izbrisane.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Baza podataka je spašena.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Baza podataka je preimenovana.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Baza podataka je izmijenjena.',
'Alter database' => 'Ažuriraj bazu podataka',
'Create database' => 'Formiraj bazu podataka',
'Database schema' => 'Šema baze podataka',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Trajna veza',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Stroj',
'Collation' => 'Sravnjivanje',
'Data Length' => 'Dužina podataka',
'Index Length' => 'Dužina indeksa',
'Data Free' => 'Slobodno podataka',
'Rows' => 'Redova',
'%d in total' => 'ukupno %d',
'Analyze' => 'Analiziraj',
'Optimize' => 'Optimizuj',
'Check' => 'Provjeri',
'Repair' => 'Popravi',
'Truncate' => 'Isprazni',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabele su ispražnjene.',
'Move to other database' => 'Premijesti u drugu bazu podataka',
'Move' => 'Premijesti',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabele su premješćene.',
'Copy' => 'Umnoži',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabele su umnožene.',
'Routines' => 'Rutine',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Pozvana je rutina, %d red je ažuriran.', 'Pozvana je rutina, %d reda su ažurirani.', 'Pozvana je rutina, %d redova je ažurirano.'),
'Call' => 'Pozovi',
'Parameter name' => 'Naziv parametra',
'Create procedure' => 'Formiraj proceduru',
'Create function' => 'Formiraj funkciju',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Rutina je izbrisana.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Rutina je izmijenjena.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Rutina je spašena.',
'Alter function' => 'Ažuriraj funkciju',
'Alter procedure' => 'Ažuriraj proceduru',
'Return type' => 'Povratni tip',
'Events' => 'Događaji',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Događaj je izbrisan.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Događaj je izmijenjen.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Događaj je spašen.',
'Alter event' => 'Ažuriraj događaj',
'Create event' => 'Napravi događaj',
'At given time' => 'U zadato vrijeme',
'Every' => 'Svaki',
'Schedule' => 'Raspored',
'Start' => 'Početak',
'End' => 'Kraj',
'On completion preserve' => 'Zadrži po završetku',
'Tables' => 'Tabele',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabele i pogledi',
'Table' => 'Tabela',
'No tables.' => 'Bez tabela.',
'Alter table' => 'Ažuriraj tabelu',
'Create table' => 'Napravi tabelu',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabela je izbrisana.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabele su izbrisane.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabele su optimizovane.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabela je izmijenjena.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabela je spašena.',
'Table name' => 'Naziv tabele',
'Show structure' => 'Prikaži strukturu',
'engine' => 'stroj',
'collation' => 'Sravnjivanje',
'Column name' => 'Naziv kolumne',
'Type' => 'Tip',
'Length' => 'Dužina',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto-priraštaj',
'Options' => 'Opcije',
'Comment' => 'Komentar',
'Default values' => 'Podrazumijevane vrijednosti',
'Drop' => 'Izbriši',
'Are you sure?' => 'Da li ste sigurni?',
'Move up' => 'Pomijeri na gore',
'Move down' => 'Pomijeri na dole',
'Remove' => 'Ukloni',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Premašen je maksimalni broj dozvoljenih polja. Molim uvećajte %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Podijeli po',
'Partitions' => 'Podijele',
'Partition name' => 'Ime podijele',
'Values' => 'Vrijednosti',
'View' => 'Pogled',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Pogled je izbrisan.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Pogled je izmijenjen.',
'View has been created.' => 'Pogled je spašen.',
'Alter view' => 'Ažuriraj pogled',
'Create view' => 'Napravi pogled',
'Indexes' => 'Indeksi',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksi su izmijenjeni.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Ažuriraj indekse',
'Add next' => 'Dodaj slijedeći',
'Index Type' => 'Tip indeksa',
'Column (length)' => 'kolumna (dužina)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Strani ključevi',
'Foreign key' => 'Strani ključ',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Strani ključ je izbrisan.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Strani ključ je izmijenjen.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Strani ključ je spašen.',
'Target table' => 'Ciljna tabela',
'Change' => 'izmijeni',
'Source' => 'Izvor',
'Target' => 'Cilj',
'Add column' => 'Dodaj kolumnu',
'Alter' => 'Ažuriraj',
'Add foreign key' => 'Dodaj strani ključ',
'ON DELETE' => 'ON DELETE (prilikom brisanja)',
'ON UPDATE' => 'ON UPDATE (prilikom osvežavanja)',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Izvorne i ciljne kolumne moraju biti istog tipa, ciljna kolumna mora biti indeksirana i izvorna tabela mora sadržati podatke iz ciljne.',
'Triggers' => 'Okidači',
'Add trigger' => 'Dodaj okidač',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Okidač je izbrisan.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Okidač je izmijenjen.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Okidač je spašen.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Ažuriraj okidač',
'Create trigger' => 'Formiraj okidač',
'Time' => 'Vrijeme',
'Event' => 'Događaj',
'Name' => 'Ime',
'select' => 'izaberi',
'Select' => 'Izaberi',
'Selected' => 'Izabrano',
'Select data' => 'Izaberi podatke',
'Functions' => 'Funkcije',
'Aggregation' => 'Sakupljanje',
'Search' => 'Pretraga',
'anywhere' => 'bilo gdje',
'Search data in tables' => 'Pretraži podatke u tabelama',
'Sort' => 'Poređaj',
'descending' => 'opadajuće',
'Limit' => 'Granica',
'Text length' => 'Dužina teksta',
'Action' => 'Akcija',
'Full table scan' => 'Skreniranje kompletne tabele',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Ne mogu da izaberem tabelu',
'No rows.' => 'Bez redova.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d red', '%d reda', '%d redova'),
'Page' => 'Strana',
'last' => 'poslijednja',
'Loading' => 'Učitavam',
'Load more data' => 'Učitavam još podataka',
'whole result' => 'ceo rezultat',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bajt', '%d bajta', '%d bajtova'),
'Import' => 'Uvoz',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d red je uvežen.', '%d reda su uvežena.', '%d redova je uveženo.'),
// in-place editing in select
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klik na vrijednost za izmijenu.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Koristi vezu za izmijenu ove vrijednosti.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Stavka %s je spašena.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Stavka je izbrisana.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Stavka je izmijenjena.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d stavka je ažurirana.', '%d stavke su ažurirane.', '%d stavki je ažurirano.'),
'New item' => 'Nova stavka',
'original' => 'original',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'prazno',
'edit' => 'izmijeni',
'Edit' => 'Izmijeni',
'Insert' => 'Umetni',
'Save' => 'Sačuvaj',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Sačuvaj i nastavi uređenje',
'Save and insert next' => 'Sačuvaj i umijetni slijedeće',
'Clone' => 'Dupliraj',
'Delete' => 'Izbriši',
'Modify' => 'Izmjene',
'E-mail' => 'El. pošta',
'From' => 'Od',
'Subject' => 'Naslov',
'Attachments' => 'Prilozi',
'Send' => 'Pošalji',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d poruka el. pošte je poslata.', '%d poruke el. pošte su poslate.', '%d poruka el. pošte je poslato.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Broj',
'Date and time' => 'Datum i vrijeme',
'Strings' => 'Tekst',
'Binary' => 'Binarno',
'Lists' => 'Liste',
'Network' => 'Mreža',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrija',
'Relations' => 'Odnosi',
'Editor' => 'Uređivač',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1.',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd.mm.[yyyy].',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'sad',
'yes' => 'da',
'no' => 'ne',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Datoteka već postoji.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Molim koristite jedan od nastavaka %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Ažuriraj šemu',
'Create schema' => 'Formiraj šemu',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Šema je izbrisana.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Šema je spašena.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Šema je izmijenjena.',
'Schema' => 'Šema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Šema nije ispravna.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Nizovi',
'Create sequence' => 'Napravi niz',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Niz je izbrisan.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Niz je formiran.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Niz je izmijenjen.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Ažuriraj niz',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Korisnički tipovi',
'Create type' => 'Definiši tip',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tip je izbrisan.',
'Type has been created.' => 'tip je spašen.',
'Alter type' => 'Ažuriraj tip',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Inicia la sessió',
'Logout successful.' => 'Desconnexió correcta.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Credencials invàlids.',
'Server' => 'Servidor',
'Username' => 'Nom d\'usuari',
'Password' => 'Contrasenya',
'Select database' => 'Selecciona base de dades',
'Invalid database.' => 'Base de dades invàlida.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit la taula.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat la taula.',
'Table has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat la taula.',
'Alter table' => 'Modifica la taula',
'Create table' => 'Crea una taula',
'Table name' => 'Nom de la taula',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'compaginació',
'Column name' => 'Nom de la columna',
'Type' => 'Tipus',
'Length' => 'Llargada',
'Auto Increment' => 'Increment automàtic',
'Options' => 'Opcions',
'Save' => 'Desa',
'Drop' => 'Suprimeix',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit la base de dades.',
'Database has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat la base de dades.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'S\'ha canviat el nom de la base de dades.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat la base de dades.',
'Alter database' => 'Modifica la base de dades',
'Create database' => 'Crea una base de dades',
'SQL command' => 'Ordre SQL',
'Logout' => 'Desconnecta',
'database' => 'base de dades',
'Use' => 'Utilitza',
'No tables.' => 'No hi ha cap taula.',
'select' => 'registres',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'S\'ha suprmit l\'element.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'S\'ha actualitzat l\'element.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'S\'ha insertat l\'element%s.',
'Edit' => 'Edita',
'Insert' => 'Insereix',
'Save and insert next' => 'Desa i insereix el següent',
'Delete' => 'Suprimeix',
'Database' => 'Base de dades',
'Routines' => 'Rutines',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'S\'han modificat els índexs.',
'Indexes' => 'Índexs',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modifica els índexs',
'Add next' => 'Afegeix el següent',
'Language' => 'Idioma',
'Select' => 'Selecciona',
'New item' => 'Nou element',
'Search' => 'Cerca',
'Sort' => 'Ordena',
'descending' => 'descendent',
'Limit' => 'Límit',
'No rows.' => 'No hi ha cap registre.',
'Action' => 'Acció',
'edit' => 'edita',
'Page' => 'Plana',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta executada correctament, %d registre modificat.', 'Consulta executada correctament, %d registres modificats.'),
'Error in query' => 'Error en la consulta',
'Execute' => 'Executa',
'Table' => 'Taula',
'Foreign keys' => 'Claus foranes',
'Triggers' => 'Activadors',
'View' => 'Vista',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Impossible seleccionar la taula',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF invàlid. Torna a enviar el formulari.',
'Comment' => 'Comentari',
'Default values' => 'Valors per defecte',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Cap comanda per executar.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Impossible adjuntar el fitxer.',
'File upload' => 'Adjunta un fitxer',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'L\'ddjunció de fitxers està desactivada.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('S\'ha cridat la rutina, %d registre modificat.', 'S\'ha cridat la rutina, %d registres modificats.'),
'Call' => 'Crida',
'No extension' => 'Cap extensió',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'No hi ha cap de les extensions PHP soporatades (%s) disponible.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Cal que estigui permès l\'us de sessions.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'La sessió ha expirat, torna a iniciar-ne una.',
'Text length' => 'Longitud del text',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit la clau forana.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat la clau forana.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat la clau forana.',
'Foreign key' => 'Clau forana',
'Target table' => 'Taula de destí',
'Change' => 'Canvi',
'Source' => 'Font',
'Target' => 'Destí',
'Add column' => 'Afegeix una columna',
'Alter' => 'Modifica',
'Add foreign key' => 'Afegeix una clau forana',
'Index Type' => 'Tipus d\'índex',
'Column (length)' => 'Columna (longitud)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit la vista.',
'View has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat la vista.',
'View has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat la vista.',
'Alter view' => 'Modifica la vista',
'Create view' => 'Crea una vista',
'Name' => 'Nom',
'Process list' => 'Llista de processos',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('S\'ha aturat %d procés.', 'S\'han aturat %d processos.'),
'Kill' => 'Atura',
'Parameter name' => 'Nom del paràmetre',
'Database schema' => 'Esquema de la base de dades',
'Create procedure' => 'Crea un procediment',
'Create function' => 'Crea una funció',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit la rutina.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat la rutina.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat la rutina.',
'Alter function' => 'Modifica la funció',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modifica el procediment',
'Return type' => 'Tipus retornat',
'Add trigger' => 'Afegeix un activador',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit l\'activador.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat l\'activador.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat l\'activador.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modifica l\'activador',
'Create trigger' => 'Crea un activador',
'Time' => 'Temps',
'Event' => 'Event',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versió %s: %s amb l\'extensió de PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d registre', '%d registres'),
'Remove' => 'Suprimeix',
'Are you sure?' => 'Estàs segur?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegis',
'Create user' => 'Crea un usuari',
'User has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit l\'usuari.',
'User has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat l\'usuari.',
'User has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat l\'usuari.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Columna',
'Routine' => 'Rutina',
'Grant' => 'Grant',
'Revoke' => 'Revoke',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Les dades POST són massa grans. Redueix les dades o incrementa la directiva de configuració %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Connectat com: %s',
'Move up' => 'Mou a dalt',
'Move down' => 'Mou a baix',
'Functions' => 'Funcions',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregació',
'Export' => 'Exporta',
'Output' => 'Sortida',
'open' => 'obre',
'save' => 'desa',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Tables' => 'Taules',
'Data' => 'Dades',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit l\'event.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat l\'event.',
'Event has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat l\'event.',
'Alter event' => 'Modifica l\'event',
'Create event' => 'Crea un event',
'At given time' => 'A un moment donat',
'Every' => 'Cada',
'Events' => 'Events',
'Schedule' => 'Horari',
'Start' => 'Comença',
'End' => 'Acaba',
'Status' => 'Estat',
'On completion preserve' => 'Conservar en completar',
'Tables and views' => 'Taules i vistes',
'Data Length' => 'Longitud de les dades',
'Index Length' => 'Longitud de l\'índex',
'Data Free' => 'Espai lliure',
'Collation' => 'Compaginació',
'Analyze' => 'Analitza',
'Optimize' => 'Optimitza',
'Check' => 'Verifica',
'Repair' => 'Repara',
'Truncate' => 'Escapça',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'S\'han escapçat les taules.',
'Rows' => 'Files',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'S\'han desplaçat les taules.',
'Move to other database' => 'Desplaça a una altra base de dades',
'Move' => 'Desplaça',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Desa i segueix editant',
'original' => 'original',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('S\'ha modificat %d element.', 'S\'han modificat %d elements.'),
'whole result' => 'tots els resultats',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'S\'han suprimit les taules.',
'Clone' => 'Clona',
'Partition by' => 'Fes particions segons',
'Partitions' => 'Particions',
'Partition name' => 'Nom de la partició',
'Values' => 'Valors',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('S\'ha importat %d registre.', 'S\'han importat %d registres.'),
'Import' => 'Importa',
'Show structure' => 'Mostra l\'estructura',
'Select data' => 'Selecciona dades',
'Stop on error' => 'Atura en trobar un error',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'S\'ha assolit el nombre màxim de camps. Incrementa %s.',
'anywhere' => 'a qualsevol lloc',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Història',
'Variables' => 'Variables',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Les columnes origen i destí han de ser del mateix tipus, la columna destí ha d\'estar indexada i les dades referenciades han d\'existir.',
'E-mail' => 'Correu electrònic',
'From' => 'De',
'Subject' => 'Assumpte',
'Send' => 'Envia',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('S\'ha enviat %d correu electrònic.', 'S\'han enviat %d correus electrònics.'),
'Run file' => 'Executa el fitxer',
'Numbers' => 'Nombres',
'Date and time' => 'Data i hora',
'Strings' => 'Cadenes',
'Binary' => 'Binari',
'Lists' => 'Llistes',
'Relations' => 'Relacions',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'La mida màxima permesa del fitxer és de %sB.',
'Clear' => 'Suprimeix',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Fitxer %s del servidor web',
'File does not exist.' => 'El fitxer no existeix.',
'Permanent login' => 'Sessió permanent',
'%d in total' => '%d en total',
'Attachments' => 'Adjuncions',
'System' => 'Sistema',
'last' => 'darrera',
'Network' => 'Xarxa',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'S\'han suprimit les bases de dades.',
'File exists.' => 'El fitxer ja existeix.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Fes un Ctrl+clic a un valor per modificar-lo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilitza l\'enllaç d\'edició per modificar aquest valor.',
'Alter schema' => 'Modifica l\'esquema',
'Create schema' => 'Crea un esquema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit l\'esquema.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat l\'esquema.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat l\'esquema.',
'Schema' => 'Esquema',
'Sequences' => 'Seqüències',
'Create sequence' => 'Crea una seqüència',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit la seqüència.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat la seqüència.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'S\'ha modificat la seqüència.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modifica la seqüència',
'User types' => 'Tipus de l\'usuari',
'Create type' => 'Crea un tipus',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'S\'ha suprimit el tipus.',
'Type has been created.' => 'S\'ha creat el tipus.',
'Alter type' => 'Modifica el tipus',
'Search data in tables' => 'Cerca dades en les taules',
'From server' => 'En el servidor',
'empty' => 'buit',
'now' => 'ara',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d consulta executada correctament.', '%d consultes executades correctament.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Mostra només els errors',
'Refresh' => 'Refresca',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Esquema invàlid.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Si us plau, utilitza una de les extensions %s.',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'S\'han copiat les taules.',
'Copy' => 'Còpia',
'Permanent link' => 'Enllaç permanent',
'Edit all' => 'Edita-ho tot',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Systém',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Uživatel',
'Password' => 'Heslo',
'Permanent login' => 'Trvalé přihlášení',
'Login' => 'Přihlásit se',
'Logout' => 'Odhlásit',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Přihlášen jako: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Odhlášení proběhlo v pořádku.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Neplatné přihlašovací údaje.',
'<a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to use SQLite.' => 'Pro přihlášení k SQLite <a href="https://www.adminer.org/cs/extension/" target="_blank">implementujte</a> metodu %s.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Příliš mnoho pokusů o přihlášení, zkuste to znovu za %d minutu.', 'Příliš mnoho pokusů o přihlášení, zkuste to znovu za %d minuty.', 'Příliš mnoho pokusů o přihlášení, zkuste to znovu za %d minut.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Platnost hlavního hesla vypršela. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/cs/extension/" target="_blank">Implementujte</a> metodu %s, aby platilo stále.',
'Language' => 'Jazyk',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Neplatný token CSRF. Odešlete formulář znovu.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Pokud jste tento požadavek neposlali z Adminera, tak tuto stránku zavřete.',
'No extension' => 'Žádné rozšíření',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Není dostupné žádné z podporovaných PHP rozšíření (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Session proměnné musí být povolené.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session vypršela, přihlašte se prosím znovu.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Verze %s: %s přes PHP rozšíření %s',
'Refresh' => 'Obnovit',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Oprávnění',
'Create user' => 'Vytvořit uživatele',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Uživatel byl odstraněn.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Uživatel byl změněn.',
'User has been created.' => 'Uživatel byl vytvořen.',
'Hashed' => 'Zahašované',
'Column' => 'Sloupec',
'Routine' => 'Procedura',
'Grant' => 'Povolit',
'Revoke' => 'Zakázat',
'Process list' => 'Seznam procesů',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Byl ukončen %d proces.', 'Byly ukončeny %d procesy.', 'Bylo ukončeno %d procesů.'),
'Kill' => 'Ukončit',
'Variables' => 'Proměnné',
'Status' => 'Stav',
'Replication' => 'Replikace',
'Master status' => 'Master status',
'Slave status' => 'Slave status',
'SQL command' => 'SQL příkaz',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d příkaz proběhl v pořádku.', '%d příkazy proběhly v pořádku.', '%d příkazů proběhlo v pořádku.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Příkaz proběhl v pořádku, byl změněn %d záznam.', 'Příkaz proběhl v pořádku, byly změněny %d záznamy.', 'Příkaz proběhl v pořádku, bylo změněno %d záznamů.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Žádné příkazy k vykonání.',
'Error in query' => 'Chyba v dotazu',
'ATTACH queries are not supported.' => 'Dotazy ATTACH nejsou podporované.',
'Execute' => 'Provést',
'Stop on error' => 'Zastavit při chybě',
'Show only errors' => 'Zobrazit pouze chyby',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Historie',
'Clear' => 'Vyčistit',
'Edit all' => 'Upravit vše',
'File upload' => 'Nahrání souboru',
'From server' => 'Ze serveru',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Soubor %s na webovém serveru',
'Run file' => 'Spustit soubor',
'File does not exist.' => 'Soubor neexistuje.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Nahrávání souborů není povoleno.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Nepodařilo se nahrát soubor.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maximální povolená velikost souboru je %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Příliš velká POST data. Zmenšete data nebo zvyšte hodnotu konfigurační direktivy %s.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Velký SQL soubor můžete nahrát pomocí FTP a importovat ho ze serveru.',
'You are offline.' => 'Jste offline.',
'Export' => 'Export',
'Output' => 'Výstup',
'open' => 'otevřít',
'save' => 'uložit',
'Format' => 'Formát',
'Data' => 'Data',
'Database' => 'Databáze',
'database' => 'databáze',
'Use' => 'Vybrat',
'Select database' => 'Vybrat databázi',
'Invalid database.' => 'Nesprávná databáze.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Databáze byla odstraněna.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Databáze byly odstraněny.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Databáze byla vytvořena.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Databáze byla přejmenována.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Databáze byla změněna.',
'Alter database' => 'Pozměnit databázi',
'Create database' => 'Vytvořit databázi',
'Database schema' => 'Schéma databáze',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Trvalý odkaz',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Úložiště',
'Collation' => 'Porovnávání',
'Data Length' => 'Velikost dat',
'Index Length' => 'Velikost indexů',
'Data Free' => 'Volné místo',
'Rows' => 'Řádků',
'%d in total' => '%d celkem',
'Analyze' => 'Analyzovat',
'Optimize' => 'Optimalizovat',
'Vacuum' => 'Vyčistit',
'Check' => 'Zkontrolovat',
'Repair' => 'Opravit',
'Truncate' => 'Vyprázdnit',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabulky byly vyprázdněny.',
'Move to other database' => 'Přesunout do jiné databáze',
'Move' => 'Přesunout',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabulky byly přesunuty.',
'Copy' => 'Zkopírovat',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabulky byly zkopírovány.',
'Routines' => 'Procedury a funkce',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Procedura byla zavolána, byl změněn %d záznam.', 'Procedura byla zavolána, byly změněny %d záznamy.', 'Procedura byla zavolána, bylo změněno %d záznamů.'),
'Call' => 'Zavolat',
'Parameter name' => 'Název parametru',
'Create procedure' => 'Vytvořit proceduru',
'Create function' => 'Vytvořit funkci',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedura byla odstraněna.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedura byla změněna.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedura byla vytvořena.',
'Alter function' => 'Změnit funkci',
'Alter procedure' => 'Změnit proceduru',
'Return type' => 'Návratový typ',
'Events' => 'Události',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Událost byla odstraněna.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Událost byla změněna.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Událost byla vytvořena.',
'Alter event' => 'Pozměnit událost',
'Create event' => 'Vytvořit událost',
'At given time' => 'V daný čas',
'Every' => 'Každých',
'Schedule' => 'Plán',
'Start' => 'Začátek',
'End' => 'Konec',
'On completion preserve' => 'Po dokončení zachovat',
'Tables' => 'Tabulky',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabulky a pohledy',
'Table' => 'Tabulka',
'No tables.' => 'Žádné tabulky.',
'Alter table' => 'Pozměnit tabulku',
'Create table' => 'Vytvořit tabulku',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabulka byla odstraněna.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabulky byly odstraněny.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabulky byly optimalizovány.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabulka byla změněna.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabulka byla vytvořena.',
'Table name' => 'Název tabulky',
'Show structure' => 'Zobrazit strukturu',
'engine' => 'úložiště',
'collation' => 'porovnávání',
'Column name' => 'Název sloupce',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Length' => 'Délka',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto Increment',
'Options' => 'Volby',
'Comment' => 'Komentář',
'Default value' => 'Výchozí hodnota',
'Default values' => 'Výchozí hodnoty',
'Drop' => 'Odstranit',
'Are you sure?' => 'Opravdu?',
'Size' => 'Velikost',
'Compute' => 'Spočítat',
'Move up' => 'Přesunout nahoru',
'Move down' => 'Přesunout dolů',
'Remove' => 'Odebrat',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Byl překročen maximální povolený počet polí. Zvyšte prosím %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Rozdělit podle',
'Partitions' => 'Oddíly',
'Partition name' => 'Název oddílu',
'Values' => 'Hodnoty',
'View' => 'Pohled',
'Materialized view' => 'Materializovaný pohled',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Pohled byl odstraněn.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Pohled byl změněn.',
'View has been created.' => 'Pohled byl vytvořen.',
'Alter view' => 'Pozměnit pohled',
'Create view' => 'Vytvořit pohled',
'Indexes' => 'Indexy',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indexy byly změněny.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Pozměnit indexy',
'Add next' => 'Přidat další',
'Index Type' => 'Typ indexu',
'Column (length)' => 'Sloupec (délka)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Cizí klíče',
'Foreign key' => 'Cizí klíč',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Cizí klíč byl odstraněn.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Cizí klíč byl změněn.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Cizí klíč byl vytvořen.',
'Target table' => 'Cílová tabulka',
'Change' => 'Změnit',
'Source' => 'Zdroj',
'Target' => 'Cíl',
'Add column' => 'Přidat sloupec',
'Alter' => 'Změnit',
'Add foreign key' => 'Přidat cizí klíč',
'ON DELETE' => 'Při smazání',
'ON UPDATE' => 'Při změně',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Zdrojové a cílové sloupce musí mít stejný datový typ, nad cílovými sloupci musí být definován index a odkazovaná data musí existovat.',
'Triggers' => 'Triggery',
'Add trigger' => 'Přidat trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger byl odstraněn.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger byl změněn.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger byl vytvořen.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Změnit trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Vytvořit trigger',
'Time' => 'Čas',
'Event' => 'Událost',
'Name' => 'Název',
'select' => 'vypsat',
'Select' => 'Vypsat',
'Select data' => 'Vypsat data',
'Functions' => 'Funkce',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregace',
'Search' => 'Vyhledat',
'anywhere' => 'kdekoliv',
'Search data in tables' => 'Vyhledat data v tabulkách',
'Sort' => 'Seřadit',
'descending' => 'sestupně',
'Limit' => 'Limit',
'Limit rows' => 'Limit řádek',
'Text length' => 'Délka textů',
'Action' => 'Akce',
'Full table scan' => 'Průchod celé tabulky',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Nepodařilo se vypsat tabulku',
'No rows.' => 'Žádné řádky.',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d řádek', '%d řádky', '%d řádků'),
'Page' => 'Stránka',
'last' => 'poslední',
'Load more data' => 'Nahrát další data',
'Loading' => 'Nahrává se',
'whole result' => 'celý výsledek',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bajt', '%d bajty', '%d bajtů'),
'Import' => 'Import',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Byl importován %d záznam.', 'Byly importovány %d záznamy.', 'Bylo importováno %d záznamů.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Soubor musí být v kódování UTF-8.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Změnit',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klikněte na políčko, které chcete změnit.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Ke změně této hodnoty použijte odkaz upravit.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Položka%s byla vložena.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Položka byla smazána.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Položka byla aktualizována.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Byl ovlivněn %d záznam.', 'Byly ovlivněny %d záznamy.', 'Bylo ovlivněno %d záznamů.'),
'New item' => 'Nová položka',
'original' => 'původní',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'prázdné',
'edit' => 'upravit',
'Edit' => 'Upravit',
'Insert' => 'Vložit',
'Save' => 'Uložit',
'Saving' => 'Ukládá se',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Uložit a pokračovat v editaci',
'Save and insert next' => 'Uložit a vložit další',
'Selected' => 'Označené',
'Clone' => 'Klonovat',
'Delete' => 'Smazat',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Nemáte oprávnění editovat tuto tabulku.',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Odesílatel',
'Subject' => 'Předmět',
'Attachments' => 'Přílohy',
'Send' => 'Odeslat',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Byl odeslán %d e-mail.', 'Byly odeslány %d e-maily.', 'Bylo odesláno %d e-mailů.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Čísla',
'Date and time' => 'Datum a čas',
'Strings' => 'Řetězce',
'Binary' => 'Binární',
'Lists' => 'Seznamy',
'Network' => 'Síť',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrie',
'Relations' => 'Vztahy',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[rrrr]',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'teď',
'yes' => 'ano',
'no' => 'ne',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Soubor existuje.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Prosím použijte jednu z koncovek %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Pozměnit schéma',
'Create schema' => 'Vytvořit schéma',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schéma bylo odstraněno.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schéma bylo vytvořeno.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schéma bylo změněno.',
'Schema' => 'Schéma',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Nesprávné schéma.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Sekvence',
'Create sequence' => 'Vytvořit sekvenci',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekvence byla odstraněna.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekvence byla vytvořena.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekvence byla změněna.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Pozměnit sekvenci',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Uživatelské typy',
'Create type' => 'Vytvořit typ',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ byl odstraněn.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typ byl vytvořen.',
'Alter type' => 'Pozměnit typ',
'Replication' => null,
'Master status' => null,
'Slave status' => null,
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'System' => 'System',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Brugernavn',
'Password' => 'Kodeord',
'Permanent login' => 'Permanent login',
'Login' => 'Log ind',
'Logout' => 'Log ud',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Logget ind som: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Log af vellykket.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Ugyldige log ind oplysninger.',
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Master-kodeordet er udløbet. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implementer</a> en metode for %s for at gøre det permanent.',
'Language' => 'Sprog',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Ugyldigt CSRF-token - Genindsend formen.',
'No extension' => 'Ingen udvidelse',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Ingen af de understøttede PHP-udvidelser (%s) er tilgængelige.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Session support skal være slået til.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sessionen er udløbet - Log venligst ind igen.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s version: %s via PHP-udvidelse %s',
'Refresh' => 'Genindlæs',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegier',
'Create user' => 'Opret bruger',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Brugeren slettet.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Brugeren ændret.',
'User has been created.' => 'Brugeren oprettet.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashet',
'Column' => 'Kolonne',
'Routine' => 'Rutine',
'Grant' => 'Giv privilegier',
'Revoke' => 'Træk tilbage',
'Process list' => 'Procesliste',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d proces afsluttet.', '%d processer afsluttet.'),
'Kill' => 'Afslut',
'Variables' => 'Variabler',
'Status' => 'Status',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-kommando',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d kald udført OK.', '%d kald udført OK.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Kald udført OK, %d række påvirket.', 'Kald udført OK, %d rækker påvirket.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Ingen kommandoer at udføre.',
'Error in query' => 'Fejl i forespørgelse',
'Execute' => 'Kør',
'Stop on error' => 'Stop ved fejl',
'Show only errors' => 'Vis kun fejl',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Historik',
'Clear' => 'Tøm',
'Edit all' => 'Rediger alle',
'File upload' => 'Fil upload',
'From server' => 'Fra server',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webserver-fil %s',
'Run file' => 'Kør fil',
'File does not exist.' => 'Filen eksisterer ikke.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Fil upload er slået fra.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Kunne ikke uploade fil.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maksimum tilladte filstørrelse er %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Maks POST data er overskredet. Reducer mængden af data eller øg størrelsen i %s-konfigurationen.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Du kan uploade en stor SQL-fil via FTP og importere den fra serveren.',
'Export' => 'Eksport',
'Output' => 'Resultat',
'open' => 'Åben',
'save' => 'Gem',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Data' => 'Data',
'Database' => 'Database',
'database' => 'database',
'Use' => 'Brug',
'Select database' => 'Vælg database',
'Invalid database.' => 'Ugyldig database.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Databasen er blevet slettet.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Databasene er blevet slettet.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Databasen er oprettet.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Databasen har fået nyt navn.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Databasen er ændret.',
'Alter database' => 'Ændre database',
'Create database' => 'Opret database',
'Database schema' => 'Databaseskema',
'Permanent link' => 'Permanent link',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Collation' => 'Tekstsortering',
'Data Length' => 'Datalængde',
'Index Length' => 'Indekslængde',
'Data Free' => 'Fri data',
'Rows' => 'Rader',
'%d in total' => '%d total',
'Analyze' => 'Analyser',
'Optimize' => 'Optimaliser',
'Vacuum' => 'Støvsug',
'Check' => 'Tjek',
'Repair' => 'Reparer',
'Truncate' => 'Afkort',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabellerne er blevet afkortet.',
'Move to other database' => 'Flyt til anden database',
'Move' => 'Flyt',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabellerne er blevet flyttet.',
'Copy' => 'Kopier',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabellerne er blevet kopiert.',
'Routines' => 'Rutiner',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Rutinen er udført, %d række påvirket.', 'Rutinen er udført, %d rækker påvirket.'),
'Call' => 'Kald',
'Parameter name' => 'Parameternavn',
'Create procedure' => 'Opret procedure',
'Create function' => 'Opret funktion',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Rutinen er slettet.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Rutinen er ændret.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Rutinen er oprettet.',
'Alter function' => 'Ændre funktion',
'Alter procedure' => 'Ændre procedure',
'Return type' => 'Returtype',
'Events' => 'Hændelser',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Hændelsen er slettet.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Hændelsen er ændret.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Hændelsen er oprettet.',
'Alter event' => 'Ændre hændelse',
'Create event' => 'Opret hændelse',
'At given time' => 'På givne tid',
'Every' => 'Hver',
'Schedule' => 'Tidsplan',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Slut',
'On completion preserve' => 'Ved fuldførelse bevar',
'Tables' => 'Tabeller',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabeller og views',
'Table' => 'Tabel',
'No tables.' => 'Ingen tabeller.',
'Alter table' => 'Ændre tabel',
'Create table' => 'Opret tabel',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabellen er slettet.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabellerne er slettet.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabellerne er blevet optimaliseret.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabellen er ændret.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabellen er oprettet.',
'Table name' => 'Tabelnavn',
'Show structure' => 'Vis struktur',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'sortering',
'Column name' => 'Kolonnenavn',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Length' => 'Længde',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto Increment',
'Options' => 'Valg',
'Comment' => 'Kommentarer',
'Default values' => 'Standardværdier',
'Drop' => 'Drop',
'Are you sure?' => 'Er du sikker?',
'Move up' => 'Flyt op',
'Move down' => 'Flyt ned',
'Remove' => 'Fjern',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Maksimum antal feltnavne overskredet - øg venligst %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partition ved',
'Partitions' => 'Partitioner',
'Partition name' => 'Partitionsnavn',
'Values' => 'Værdier',
'View' => 'View',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Viewet er slettet.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Viewet er ændret.',
'View has been created.' => 'Viewet er oprettet.',
'Alter view' => 'Ændre view',
'Create view' => 'Nyt view',
'Indexes' => 'Indekser',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indekserne er ændret.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Ændre indekser',
'Add next' => 'Læg til næste',
'Index Type' => 'Indekstype',
'Column (length)' => 'Kolonne (længde)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Fremmednøgler',
'Foreign key' => 'Fremmednøgle',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Fremmednøglen er slettet.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Fremmednøglen er ændret.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Fremmednøglen er oprettet.',
'Target table' => 'Måltabel',
'Change' => 'Ændre',
'Source' => 'Kilde',
'Target' => 'Mål',
'Add column' => 'Tilføj kolonne',
'Alter' => 'Ændre',
'Add foreign key' => 'Tilføj fremmednøgle',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Kilde- og målkolonner skal have samme datatype, der skal være en indeks på mål-kolonnen, og data som refereres til skal eksistere.',
'Triggers' => 'Triggere',
'Add trigger' => 'Tilføj trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Triggeren er slettet.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Triggeren er ændret.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Triggeren er oprettet.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Ændre trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Opret trigger',
'Time' => 'Tid',
'Event' => 'Hændelse',
'Name' => 'Navn',
'select' => 'Vis',
'Select' => 'Vælg',
'Select data' => 'Vælg data',
'Functions' => 'Funktioner',
'Aggregation' => 'Sammenfatning',
'Search' => 'Søg',
'anywhere' => 'hvorsomhelst',
'Search data in tables' => 'Søg data i tabeller',
'Sort' => 'Sorter',
'descending' => 'faldende',
'Limit' => 'Limit',
'Text length' => 'Tekstlængde',
'Action' => 'Handling',
'Full table scan' => 'Fuld tabel-scan',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Kan ikke vælge tabellen',
'No rows.' => 'Ingen rækker.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d række', '%d rækker'),
'Page' => 'Side',
'last' => 'sidste',
'Load more data' => 'Indlæs mere data',
'Loading' => 'Indlæser',
'whole result' => 'hele resultatet',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'Import' => 'Importer',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d række er importeret.', '%d rækker er importeret.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Filen skal være i UTF8-tegnkoding.',
'Modify' => 'Ændre',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klik på en værdi for at ændre den.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Brug rediger-link for at ændre dennne værdi.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Emne%s er sat ind.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Emnet er slettet.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Emnet er opdateret.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d emne påvirket.', '%d emner påvirket.'),
'New item' => 'Nyt emne',
'original' => 'original',
'empty' => 'tom',
'edit' => 'rediger',
'Edit' => 'Rediger',
'Insert' => 'Indsæt',
'Save' => 'Gem',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Gem og fortsæt redigering',
'Save and insert next' => 'Gem og indsæt næste',
'Selected' => 'Valgt',
'Clone' => 'Klon',
'Delete' => 'Slet',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Du mangler rettigheder til at ændre denne tabellen.',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Fra',
'Subject' => 'Titel',
'Attachments' => 'Vedhæft',
'Send' => 'Send',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d email sendt.', '%d emails sendt.'),
'Numbers' => 'Nummer',
'Date and time' => 'Dato og tid',
'Strings' => 'Strenge',
'Binary' => 'Binær',
'Lists' => 'Lister',
'Network' => 'Netværk',
'Geometry' => 'Geometri',
'Relations' => 'Relationer',
'Editor' => 'Redigering',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6/$4 $1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd/m [åååå]',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'nu',
'yes' => 'ja',
'no' => 'nej',
'File exists.' => 'Filen findes.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Brug venligst en af filendelserne %s.',
'Alter schema' => 'Ændre skema',
'Create schema' => 'Opret skema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Skemaet er slettet.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Skemaet er oprettet.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Skemaet er ændret.',
'Schema' => 'Skema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Ugyldigt skema.',
'Sequences' => 'Sekvenser',
'Create sequence' => 'Opret sekvens',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekvensen er slettet.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekvensen er oprettet.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekvensen er ændret.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Ændre sekvens',
'User types' => 'Brugertyper',
'Create type' => 'Opret type',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typen er slettet.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typen er oprettet.',
'Alter type' => 'Ændre type',
'Saving' => 'Gemmer',
@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Login',
'Logout successful.' => 'Abmeldung erfolgreich.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Ungültige Anmelde-Informationen.',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Benutzer',
'Password' => 'Passwort',
'Select database' => 'Datenbank auswählen',
'Invalid database.' => 'Datenbank ungültig.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabelle wurde entfernt.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabelle wurde geändert.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabelle wurde erstellt.',
'Alter table' => 'Tabelle ändern',
'Create table' => 'Tabelle erstellen',
'Table name' => 'Name der Tabelle',
'engine' => 'Speicher-Engine',
'collation' => 'Kollation',
'Column name' => 'Spaltenname',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Length' => 'Länge',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto-Inkrement',
'Options' => 'Optionen',
'Save' => 'Speichern',
'Drop' => 'Entfernen',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Datenbank wurde entfernt.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Datenbank wurde erstellt.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Datenbank wurde umbenannt.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Datenbank wurde geändert.',
'Alter database' => 'Datenbank ändern',
'Create database' => 'Datenbank erstellen',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-Kommando',
'Logout' => 'Abmelden',
'database' => 'Datenbank',
'Use' => 'Benutzung',
'No tables.' => 'Keine Tabellen.',
'select' => 'zeigen',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Datensatz wurde gelöscht.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Datensatz wurde geändert.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Datensatz%s wurde eingefügt.',
'Edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Insert' => 'Einfügen',
'Save and insert next' => 'Speichern und nächsten einfügen',
'Delete' => 'Entfernen',
'Database' => 'Datenbank',
'Routines' => 'Routinen',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indizes geändert.',
'Indexes' => 'Indizes',
'Alter indexes' => 'Indizes ändern',
'Add next' => 'Hinzufügen',
'Language' => 'Sprache',
'Select' => 'Daten zeigen von',
'New item' => 'Neuer Datensatz',
'Search' => 'Suchen',
'Sort' => 'Ordnen',
'descending' => 'absteigend',
'Limit' => 'Begrenzung',
'No rows.' => 'Keine Datensätze.',
'Action' => 'Aktion',
'edit' => 'bearbeiten',
'Page' => 'Seite',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Abfrage ausgeführt, %d Datensatz betroffen.', 'Abfrage ausgeführt, %d Datensätze betroffen.'),
'Error in query' => 'Fehler in der SQL-Abfrage',
'Execute' => 'Ausführen',
'Table' => 'Tabelle',
'Foreign keys' => 'Fremdschlüssel',
'Triggers' => 'Trigger',
'View' => 'View',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Auswahl der Tabelle fehlgeschlagen',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'CSRF Token ungültig. Bitte die Formulardaten erneut abschicken.',
'Comment' => 'Kommentar',
'Default values' => 'Vorgabewerte festlegen',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d Byte', '%d Bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Kein Kommando vorhanden.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Hochladen von Datei fehlgeschlagen.',
'File upload' => 'Datei importieren',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Importieren von Dateien abgeschaltet.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Routine wurde ausgeführt, %d Datensatz betroffen.', 'Routine wurde ausgeführt, %d Datensätze betroffen.'),
'Call' => 'Aufrufen',
'No extension' => 'Keine Erweiterungen installiert',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Keine der unterstützten PHP-Erweiterungen (%s) ist vorhanden.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Unterstüzung für PHP-Sessions muss aktiviert sein.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sitzungsdauer abgelaufen, bitte erneut anmelden.',
'Text length' => 'Textlänge',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Fremdschlüssel wurde entfernt.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Fremdschlüssel wurde geändert.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Fremdschlüssel wurde erstellt.',
'Foreign key' => 'Fremdschlüssel',
'Target table' => 'Zieltabelle',
'Change' => 'Ändern',
'Source' => 'Ursprung',
'Target' => 'Ziel',
'Add column' => 'Spalte hinzufügen',
'Alter' => 'Ändern',
'Add foreign key' => 'Fremdschlüssel hinzufügen',
'Index Type' => 'Index-Typ',
'Column (length)' => 'Spalte (Länge)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'View wurde entfernt.',
'View has been altered.' => 'View wurde geändert.',
'View has been created.' => 'View wurde erstellt.',
'Alter view' => 'View ändern',
'Create view' => 'View erstellen',
'Name' => 'Name',
'Process list' => 'Prozessliste',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d Prozess gestoppt.', '%d Prozesse gestoppt.'),
'Kill' => 'Anhalten',
'Parameter name' => 'Name des Parameters',
'Database schema' => 'Datenbankschema',
'Create procedure' => 'Prozedur erstellen',
'Create function' => 'Funktion erstellen',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Routine wurde entfernt.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Routine wurde geändert.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Routine wurde erstellt.',
'Alter function' => 'Funktion ändern',
'Alter procedure' => 'Prozedur ändern',
'Return type' => 'Typ des Rückgabewertes',
'Add trigger' => 'Trigger hinzufügen',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger wurde entfernt.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger wurde geändert.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger wurde erstellt.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Trigger ändern',
'Create trigger' => 'Trigger erstellen',
'Time' => 'Zeitpunkt',
'Event' => 'Ereignis',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Version %s: %s mit PHP-Erweiterung %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d Datensatz', '%d Datensätze'),
'Remove' => 'Entfernen',
'Are you sure?' => 'Sind Sie sicher?',
'Privileges' => 'Rechte',
'Create user' => 'Benutzer erstellen',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Benutzer wurde entfernt.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Benutzer wurde geändert.',
'User has been created.' => 'Benutzer wurde erstellt.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Spalte',
'Routine' => 'Routine',
'Grant' => 'Erlauben',
'Revoke' => 'Widerrufen',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST-Daten sind zu groß. Reduzieren Sie die Größe oder vergrößern Sie den Wert %s in der Konfiguration.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Angemeldet als: %s',
'Move up' => 'Nach oben',
'Move down' => 'Nach unten',
'Functions' => 'Funktionen',
'Aggregation' => 'Aggregationen',
'Export' => 'Exportieren',
'Output' => 'Ergebnis',
'open' => 'anzeigen',
'save' => 'Datei',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Tables' => 'Tabellen',
'Data' => 'Daten',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Ereignis wurde entfernt.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Ereignis wurde geändert.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Ereignis wurde erstellt.',
'Alter event' => 'Ereignis ändern',
'Create event' => 'Ereignis erstellen',
'At given time' => 'Zur angegebenen Zeit',
'Every' => 'Jede',
'Events' => 'Ereignisse',
'Schedule' => 'Zeitplan',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Ende',
'Status' => 'Status',
'On completion preserve' => 'Nach der Ausführung erhalten',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabellen und Views',
'Data Length' => 'Datengröße',
'Index Length' => 'Indexgröße',
'Data Free' => 'Freier Bereich',
'Collation' => 'Kollation',
'Analyze' => 'Analysieren',
'Optimize' => 'Optimieren',
'Check' => 'Prüfen',
'Repair' => 'Reparieren',
'Truncate' => 'Leeren (truncate)',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabellen wurden geleert (truncate).',
'Rows' => 'Datensätze',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabellen verschoben.',
'Move to other database' => 'In andere Datenbank verschieben',
'Move' => 'Verschieben',
'Engine' => 'Speicher-Engine',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Speichern und weiter bearbeiten',
'original' => 'Original',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabellen wurden entfernt (drop).',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d Artikel betroffen.',
'whole result' => 'Gesamtergebnis',
'Clone' => 'Klonen',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Die maximal erlaubte Anzahl der Felder ist überschritten. Bitte %s erhöhen.',
'Partition by' => 'Partitionieren um',
'Partitions' => 'Partitionen',
'Partition name' => 'Name der Partition',
'Values' => 'Werte',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d Datensatz wurde importiert.', '%d Datensätze wurden importiert.'),
'anywhere' => 'beliebig',
'Import' => 'Importieren',
'Stop on error' => 'Bei Fehler anhalten',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 't.m.[jjjj]',
'History' => 'History',
'Variables' => 'Variablen',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Quell- und Zielspalten müssen vom gleichen Datentyp sein, es muss unter den Zielspalten ein Index existieren und die referenzierten Daten müssen existieren.',
'Relations' => 'Relationen',
'Run file' => 'Datei ausführen',
'Clear' => 'Löschen',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maximal erlaubte Dateigröße ist %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Zahlen',
'Date and time' => 'Datum und Zeit',
'Strings' => 'Zeichenketten',
'Binary' => 'Binär',
'Lists' => 'Listen',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'E-Mail',
'From' => 'Von',
'Subject' => 'Betreff',
'Send' => 'Abschicken',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d E-Mail abgeschickt.', '%d E-Mails abgeschickt.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webserver Datei %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Datei existiert nicht.',
'%d in total' => '%d insgesamt',
'Permanent login' => 'Passwort speichern',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Datenbanken wurden entfernt.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Suche in Tabellen',
'Schema' => 'Schema',
'Alter schema' => 'Schema ändern',
'Create schema' => 'Schema erstellen',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schema wurde gelöscht.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schema wurde erstellt.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schema wurde geändert.',
'Sequences' => 'Sequenzen',
'Create sequence' => 'Sequenz erstellen',
'Alter sequence' => 'Sequenz ändern',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sequenz wurde gelöscht.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sequenz wurde erstellt.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sequenz wurde geändert.',
'User types' => 'Benutzerdefinierte Typen',
'Create type' => 'Typ erstellen',
'Alter type' => 'Typ ändern',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ wurde gelöscht.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typ wurde erstellt.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+Klick zum Bearbeiten des Wertes.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Benutzen Sie den Link zum Bearbeiten dieses Wertes.',
'last' => 'letzte',
'From server' => 'Vom Server',
'System' => 'Datenbank System',
'Select data' => 'Daten auswählen',
'Show structure' => 'Struktur anzeigen',
'empty' => 'leer',
'Network' => 'Netzwerk',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrie',
'File exists.' => 'Datei existiert schon.',
'Attachments' => 'Anhänge',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('SQL-Abfrage erfolgreich ausgeführt.', '%d SQL-Abfragen erfolgreich ausgeführt.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Nur Fehler anzeigen',
'Refresh' => 'Aktualisieren',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Schema nicht gültig.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Bitte einen der Dateitypen %s benutzen.',
'now' => 'jetzt',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabellen wurden kopiert.',
'Copy' => 'Kopieren',
'Permanent link' => 'Dauerhafter Link',
'Edit all' => 'Alle bearbeiten',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'Compute' => 'kalkulieren',
'Size' => 'Größe',
'Modify' => 'Ändern',
'Selected' => 'Ausgewählte',
'Default value' => 'Vorgabewert festlegen',
'Limit rows' => 'Datensätze begrenzen',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabellen wurden optimiert.',
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Die Datei muss UTF-8 kodiert sein.',
'Loading' => 'Lade',
'Load more data' => 'Mehr Daten laden',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Zu viele erfolglose Login-Versuche. Bitte probieren Sie es in %d Minute noch einmal.', 'Zu viele erfolglose Login-Versuche. Bitte probieren Sie es in %d Minuten noch einmal.'),
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Wenn Sie diese Anfrage nicht von Adminer gesendet haben, schließen Sie diese Seite.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Sie können eine große SQL-Datei per FTP hochladen und dann vom Server importieren.',
'You are offline.' => 'Sie sind offline.',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Sie haben keine Rechte, um diese Tabelle zu aktualisieren.' ,
'Saving' => 'Speichere',
'yes' => 'ja',
'no' => 'nein',
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Das Master-Passwort ist abgelaufen. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/de/extension/" target="_blank">Implementieren</a> Sie die %s Methode, um es permanent zu machen.',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Σύστημα',
'Server' => 'Διακομιστής',
'Username' => 'Όνομα Χρήστη',
'Password' => 'Κωδικός',
'Permanent login' => 'Μόνιμη Σύνδεση',
'Login' => 'Σύνδεση',
'Logout' => 'Αποσύνδεση',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Συνδεθήκατε ως %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Αποσυνδεθήκατε με επιτυχία.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Εσφαλμένα Διαπιστευτήρια.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Επανηλημμένες ανεπιτυχείς προσπάθειες σύνδεσης, δοκιμάστε ξανά σε %s λεπτό.', 'Επανηλημμένες ανεπιτυχείς προσπάθειες σύνδεσης, δοκιμάστε ξανά σε %s λεπτά.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Έλειξε ο Κύριος Κωδικός. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Ενεργοποιήστε</a> τη μέθοδο %s για να τον κάνετε μόνιμο.',
'Language' => 'Γλώσσα',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Άκυρο κουπόνι CSRF. Στείλτε τη φόρμα ξανά.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Αν δε στείλατε αυτό το αίτημα από το Adminer, τότε κλείστε αυτή τη σελίδα.',
'No extension' => 'Χωρίς Επεκτάσεις',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Καμία από τις υποστηριζόμενες επεκτάσεις PHP (%s) δεν είναι διαθέσιμη.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Πρέπει να είναι ενεργοποιημένη η υποστήριξη συνεδριών.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Η συνεδρία έληξε, παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε ξανά.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s έκδοση: %s μέσω επέκτασης PHP %s',
'Refresh' => 'Ανανέωση',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Προνόμια',
'Create user' => 'Δημιουργία Χρήστη',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Ο Χρήστης διαγράφηκε.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Ο Χρήστης τροποποιήθηκε.',
'User has been created.' => 'Ο Χρήστης δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Hashed' => 'Κωδικοποιήθηκε',
'Column' => 'Στήλη',
'Routine' => 'Ρουτίνα',
'Grant' => 'Παραχώρηση',
'Revoke' => 'Ανάκληση',
'Process list' => 'Λίστα διεργασιών',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Τερματίστηκαν %d διεργασία.', 'Τερματίστηκαν %d διεργασίες.'),
'Kill' => 'Τερματισμός',
'Variables' => 'Μεταβλητές',
'Status' => 'Κατάσταση',
'SQL command' => 'Εντολή SQL',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('Το ερώτημα %d εκτελέστηκε ΟΚ.', 'Τα ερώτηματα %d εκτελέστηκαν ΟΚ.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Το ερώτημα εκτελέστηκε ΟΚ, επιρρεάστηκε %d σειρά.', 'Το ερώτημα εκτελέστηκε ΟΚ, επιρρεάστηκαν %d σειρές.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Δεν υπάρχει εντολή να εκτελεστεί.',
'Error in query' => 'Σφάλμα στο ερώτημα',
'Execute' => 'Εκτέλεση',
'Stop on error' => 'Διακοπή όταν υπάρχει σφάλμα',
'Show only errors' => 'Να εμφανίζονται μόνο τα σφάλματα',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Ιστορικό',
'Clear' => 'Καθαρισμός',
'Edit all' => 'Επεξεργασία όλων',
'File upload' => 'Ανέβασμα αρχείου',
'From server' => 'Από διακομιστή',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Αρχείο %s από διακομιστή web',
'Run file' => 'Εκτέλεση αρχείου',
'File does not exist.' => 'Το αρχείο δεν υπάρχει.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Έχει απενεργοποιηθεί το ανέβασμα αρχείων.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Δεν είναι δυνατόν να ανεβεί το αρχείο.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Το μέγιστο επιτρεπόμενο μέγεθος αρχείο για ανέβασμα είναι %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Πολλά δεδομένα POST. Μείωστε τα περιεχόμενα ή αυξήστε την σχετική ρύθμιση %s.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Μπορείτε να ανεβάσετε ένα μεγάλο αρχείο SQL μέσω FTP και να το εισάγετε από το διακομιστή.',
'You are offline.' => 'Βρίσκεστε εκτός σύνδεσης.',
'Export' => 'Εξαγωγή',
'Output' => 'Αποτέλεσμα',
'open' => 'άνοιγμα',
'save' => 'αποθήκευση',
'Saving' => 'Γίνεται Αποθήκευση',
'Format' => 'Μορφή',
'Data' => 'Δεδομένα',
'Database' => 'Β. Δεδομένων',
'database' => 'β. δεδομένων',
'Use' => 'χρήση',
'Select database' => 'Επιλέξτε Β.Δ.',
'Invalid database.' => 'Άκυρη Β.Δ.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Η Β.Δ. διαγράφηκε.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Οι Β.Δ. διαγράφηκαν.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Η Β.Δ. δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Η. Β.Δ. μετονομάστηκε.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Η Β.Δ. τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Alter database' => 'Τροποποίηση Β.Δ.',
'Create database' => 'Δημιουργία Β.Δ.',
'Database schema' => 'Σχήμα Β.Δ.',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Μόνιμος Σύνδεσμος',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => '.',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Μηχανή',
'Collation' => 'Collation',
'Data Length' => 'Μήκος Δεδομένων',
'Index Length' => 'Μήκος Δείκτη',
'Data Free' => 'Δεδομένα Ελεύθερα',
'Rows' => 'Σειρές',
'%d in total' => '%d συνολικά',
'Analyze' => 'Ανάλυση',
'Optimize' => 'Βελτιστοποίηση',
'Vacuum' => 'Καθαρισμός',
'Check' => 'Έλεγχος',
'Repair' => 'Επιδιόρθωση',
'Truncate' => 'Περικοπή',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Οι πίνακες περικόπτηκαν.',
'Move to other database' => 'Μεταφορά σε άλλη Β.Δ.',
'Move' => 'Μεταφορά',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Οι πίνακες μεταφέρθηκαν.',
'Copy' => 'Αντιγραφή',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Οι πίνακες αντιγράφηκαν.',
'Routines' => 'Ρουτίνες',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Η ρουτίνα εκτελέστηκε, επιρρεάστηκε %d σειρά.', 'Η ρουτίνα εκτελέστηκε, επιρρεάστηκαν %d σειρές.'),
'Call' => 'Εκτέλεση',
'Parameter name' => 'Όνομα παραμέτρου',
'Create procedure' => 'Δημιουργία διαδικασίας',
'Create function' => 'Δημιουργία Λειτουργίας',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Η ρουτίνα διαγράφηκε.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Η ρουτίνα τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Η ρουτίνα δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Alter function' => 'Τροποποίηση λειτουργίας',
'Alter procedure' => 'Τροποποίηση διαδικασίας',
'Return type' => 'Επιστρεφόμενος τύπος',
'Events' => 'Γεγονός',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Το γεγονός διαγράφηκε.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Το γεγονός τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Το γεγονός δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Alter event' => 'Τροποποίηση γεγονότος',
'Create event' => 'Δημιουργία γεγονότος',
'At given time' => 'Σε προκαθορισμένο χρόνο',
'Every' => 'Κάθε',
'Schedule' => 'Προγραμματισμός',
'Start' => 'Έναρξη',
'End' => 'Λήξη',
'On completion preserve' => 'Κατά την ολοκλήρωση διατήρησε',
'Tables' => 'Πίνακες',
'Tables and views' => 'Πίνακες και Προβολές',
'Table' => 'Πίνακας',
'No tables.' => 'Χωρίς πίνακες.',
'Alter table' => 'Τροποποίηση πίνακα',
'Create table' => 'Δημιουργία πίνακα',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Ο πίνακας διαγράφηκε.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Οι πινακες διαγράφηκαν.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Οι πίνακες βελτιστοποιήθηκαν.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Ο πίνακας τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Ο πίνακας δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Table name' => 'Όνομα πίνακα',
'Show structure' => 'Προβολή δομής',
'engine' => 'μηχανή',
'collation' => 'collation',
'Column name' => 'Όνομα στήλης',
'Type' => 'Τύπος',
'Length' => 'Μήκος',
'Auto Increment' => 'Αυτόματη αρίθμηση',
'Options' => 'Επιλογές',
'Comment' => 'Σχόλιο',
'Default value' => 'Προεπιλεγμένη τιμή',
'Default values' => 'Προεπιλεγμένες τιμές',
'Drop' => 'Διαγραφή',
'Are you sure?' => 'Είστε σίγουρος;',
'Size' => 'Μέγεθος',
'Compute' => 'Υπολογισμός',
'Move up' => 'Μετακίνηση προς τα επάνω',
'Move down' => 'Μετακίνηση προς τα κάτω',
'Remove' => 'Αφαίρεση',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Υπέρβαση μέγιστου επιτρεπόμενου αριθμού πεδίων. Παρακαλώ αυξήστε %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Τμηματοποίηση ανά',
'Partitions' => 'Τμήματα',
'Partition name' => 'Όνομα Τμήματος',
'Values' => 'Τιμές',
'View' => 'Προβολή',
'Materialized view' => 'Υλοποιημένη προβολή',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Η προβολή διαγράφηκε.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Η προβολή τροποποιήθηκε.',
'View has been created.' => 'Η προβολή δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Alter view' => 'Τροποποίηση προβολής',
'Create view' => 'Δημιουργία προβολής',
'Indexes' => 'Δείκτες',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Οι δείκτες τροποποιήθηκαν.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Τροποποίηση δεικτών',
'Add next' => 'Προσθήκη επόμενου',
'Index Type' => 'Τύπος δείκτη',
'Column (length)' => 'Στήλη (μήκος)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Εξαρτημένα κλειδιά',
'Foreign key' => 'Εξαρτημένο κλειδί',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Το εξαρτημένο κλειδί διαγράφηκε.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Το εξαρτημένο κλειδί τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Το εξαρτημένο κλειδί δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Target table' => 'Πίνακας Στόχος',
'Change' => 'Αλλαγή',
'Source' => 'Πηγή',
'Target' => 'Στόχος',
'Add column' => 'Προσθήκη στήλης',
'Alter' => 'Τροποποίηση',
'Add foreign key' => 'Προσθήκη εξαρτημένου κλειδιού',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Οι στήλες στη πηγή και το στόχο πρέπει να έχουν τον ίδιο τύπο, πρέπει να υπάρχει δείκτης στη στήλη στόχο και να υπάρχουν εξαρτημένα δεδομένα.',
'Triggers' => 'Εναύσματα',
'Add trigger' => 'Προσθήκη εναύσματος',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Το έναυσμα διαγράφηκε.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Το έναυσμα τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Το έναυσμα δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Τροποποίηση εναύσματος',
'Create trigger' => 'Δημιουργία εναύσματος',
'Time' => 'Ώρα',
'Event' => 'Γεγονός',
'Name' => 'Όνομα',
'select' => 'επιλογή',
'Select' => 'Επιλογή',
'Select data' => 'Επιλέξτε δεδομένα',
'Functions' => 'Λειτουργίες',
'Aggregation' => 'Άθροισμα',
'Search' => 'Αναζήτηση',
'anywhere' => 'παντού',
'Search data in tables' => 'Αναζήτηση δεδομένων στους πίνακες',
'Sort' => 'Ταξινόμηση',
'descending' => 'Φθίνουσα',
'Limit' => 'Όριο',
'Limit rows' => 'Περιοριμός σειρών',
'Text length' => 'Μήκος κειμένου',
'Action' => 'Ενέργεια',
'Full table scan' => 'Πλήρης σάρωση πινάκων',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Δεν είναι δυνατή η επιλογή πίνακα',
'No rows.' => 'Χωρίς σειρές.',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d σειρά', '%d σειρές'),
'Page' => 'Σελίδα',
'last' => 'τελευταία',
'Load more data' => 'Φόρτωση κι άλλων δεδομένων',
'Loading' => 'Φορτώνει',
'whole result' => 'όλο το αποτέλεσμα',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'Import' => 'Εισαγωγή',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('$d σειρά εισήχθη.', '%d σειρές εισήχθησαν.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Το αρχείο πρέπει να έχει κωδικοποίηση UTF-8.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Τροποποίηση',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Πιέστε Ctrl+click σε μια τιμή για να την τροποποιήσετε.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Χρησιμοποιήστε το σύνδεσμο επεξεργασία για να τροποποιήσετε την τιμή.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Η εγγραφή%s εισήχθη.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Η εγγραφή διαγράφηκε.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Η εγγραφή ενημερώθηκε.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Επιρρεάστηκε %d εγγραφή.', 'Επιρρεάστηκαν %d εγγραφές.'),
'New item' => 'Νέα εγγραφή',
'original' => 'πρωτότυπο',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'κενό',
'edit' => 'επεξεργασία',
'Edit' => 'Επεξεργασία',
'Insert' => 'Εισαγωγή',
'Save' => 'Αποθήκευση',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Αποθήκευση και συνέχεια επεξεργασίας',
'Save and insert next' => 'Αποθήκευση και εισαγωγή επόμενου',
'Selected' => 'Επιλεγμένα',
'Clone' => 'Κλονοποίηση',
'Delete' => 'Διαγραφή',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Δεν έχετε δικαίωμα να τροποποιήσετε αυτό τον πίνακα.',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Από',
'Subject' => 'Θέμα',
'Attachments' => 'Συνημμένα',
'Send' => 'Αποστολή',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d e-mail απεστάλλει.', '%d e-mail απεστάλλησαν.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Αριθμοί',
'Date and time' => 'Ημερομηνία και ώρα',
'Strings' => 'Κείμενο',
'Binary' => 'Δυαδικό',
'Lists' => 'Λίστες',
'Network' => 'Δίκτυο',
'Geometry' => 'Γεωμετρία',
'Relations' => 'Συσχετήσεις',
'Editor' => 'Επεξεργαστής',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'ηη/μμ/[εεεε]',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'ΩΩ:ΛΛ:ΔΔ',
'now' => 'τώρα',
'yes' => 'ναι',
'no' => 'όχι',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Το αρχείο υπάρχει.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε μια από τις επεκτάσεις %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Τροποποίηση σχήματος',
'Create schema' => 'Δημιουργία σχήματος',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Το σχήμα διαγράφηκε.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Το σχήμα δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Το σχήμα τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Schema' => 'Σχήμα',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Άκυρο σχήμα.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Αλληλουχία',
'Create sequence' => 'Δημιουργία αλληλουχίας',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Η αλληλουχία διαγράφηκε.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Η αλληλουχία δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Η αλληλουχία τροποποιήθηκε.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Τροποποίηση αλληλουχίας',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Τύποι χρήστη',
'Create type' => 'Δημιουργία τύπου',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Ο τύπος διαγράφηκε.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Ο τύπος δημιουργήθηκε.',
'Alter type' => 'Τροποποίηση τύπου',
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute.', 'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minutes.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Query executed OK, %d row affected.', 'Query executed OK, %d rows affected.'),
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Routine has been called, %d row affected.', 'Routine has been called, %d rows affected.'),
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d process has been killed.', '%d processes have been killed.'),
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d row', '%d rows'),
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d item has been affected.', '%d items have been affected.'),
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d row has been imported.', '%d rows have been imported.'),
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d e-mail has been sent.', '%d e-mails have been sent.'),
'%d in total' => '%d in total',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d query executed OK.', '%d queries executed OK.'),
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Login',
'Logout successful.' => 'Sesión finalizada con éxito.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Usuario y/o clave de acceso incorrecta.',
'Server' => 'Servidor',
'Username' => 'Usuario',
'Password' => 'Contraseña',
'Select database' => 'Seleccionar Base de datos',
'Invalid database.' => 'Base de datos incorrecta.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabla eliminada.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabla modificada.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabla creada.',
'Alter table' => 'Modificar tabla',
'Create table' => 'Crear tabla',
'Table name' => 'Nombre de la tabla',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'colación',
'Column name' => 'Nombre de columna',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Length' => 'Longitud',
'Auto Increment' => 'Incremento automático',
'Options' => 'Opciones',
'Save' => 'Guardar',
'Drop' => 'Eliminar',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Base de datos eliminada.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Base de datos creada.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Base de datos renombrada.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Base de datos modificada.',
'Alter database' => 'Modificar Base de datos',
'Create database' => 'Crear Base de datos',
'SQL command' => 'Comando SQL',
'Logout' => 'Cerrar sesión',
'database' => 'base de datos',
'Use' => 'Usar',
'No tables.' => 'No existen tablas.',
'select' => 'registros',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Registro eliminado.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Registro modificado.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Registro%s insertado.',
'Edit' => 'Modificar',
'Insert' => 'Agregar',
'Save and insert next' => 'Guardar e insertar siguiente',
'Delete' => 'Eliminar',
'Database' => 'Base de datos',
'Routines' => 'Procedimientos',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indices actualizados.',
'Indexes' => 'Indices',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modificar indices',
'Add next' => 'Agregar',
'Language' => 'Idioma',
'Select' => 'Mostrar',
'New item' => 'Nuevo Registro',
'Search' => 'Condición',
'Sort' => 'Ordenar',
'descending' => 'descendiente',
'Limit' => 'Limite',
'No rows.' => 'No existen registros.',
'Action' => 'Acción',
'edit' => 'modificar',
'Page' => 'Página',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta ejecutada, %d registro afectado.', 'Consulta ejecutada, %d registros afectados.'),
'Error in query' => 'Error al ejecutar consulta',
'Execute' => 'Ejecutar',
'Table' => 'Tabla',
'Foreign keys' => 'Claves externas',
'Triggers' => 'Disparadores',
'View' => 'Vista',
'Unable to select the table' => 'No es posible seleccionar la tabla',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF inválido. Vuelva a enviar los datos del formulario.',
'Comment' => 'Comentario',
'Default values' => 'Valores predeterminados',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'No es posible ejecutar ningún comando.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'No es posible importar el archivo.',
'File upload' => 'Importar archivo',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Importación de archivos deshablilitada.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta ejecutada, %d registro afectado.', 'Consulta ejecutada, %d registros afectados.'),
'Call' => 'Llamar',
'No extension' => 'No hay extension',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Ninguna de las extensiones PHP soportadas (%s) está disponible.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Deben estar habilitadas las sesiones.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sesión caducada, por favor escriba su clave de nuevo.',
'Text length' => 'Longitud de texto',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Clave externa eliminada.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Clave externa modificada.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Clave externa creada.',
'Foreign key' => 'Clave externa',
'Target table' => 'Tabla de destino',
'Change' => 'Modificar',
'Source' => 'Origen',
'Target' => 'Destino',
'Add column' => 'Agregar columna',
'Alter' => 'Modificar',
'Add foreign key' => 'Agregar clave externa',
'Index Type' => 'Tipo de índice',
'Column (length)' => 'Columna (longitud)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Vista eliminada.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Vista modificada.',
'View has been created.' => 'Vista creada.',
'Alter view' => 'Modificar vista',
'Create view' => 'Crear vista',
'Name' => 'Nombre',
'Process list' => 'Lista de procesos',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d proceso detenido.', '%d procesos detenidos.'),
'Kill' => 'Detener',
'Parameter name' => 'Nombre de Parámetro',
'Database schema' => 'Esquema de base de datos',
'Create procedure' => 'Crear procedimiento',
'Create function' => 'Crear función',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedimiento eliminado.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedimiento modificado.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedimiento creado.',
'Alter function' => 'Modificar Función',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modificar procedimiento',
'Return type' => 'Tipo de valor de vuelta',
'Add trigger' => 'Agregar disparador',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Disparador eliminado.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Disparador modificado.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Disparador creado.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modificar Disparador',
'Create trigger' => 'Agregar Disparador',
'Time' => 'Tiempo',
'Event' => 'Evento',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versión %s: %s a través de la extensión de PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d registro', '%d registros'),
'Remove' => 'Eliminar',
'Are you sure?' => 'Está seguro?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegios',
'Create user' => 'Crear Usuario',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Usuario eliminado.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Usuario modificado.',
'User has been created.' => 'Usuario creado.',
'Hashed' => 'Hash',
'Column' => 'Columna',
'Routine' => 'Rutina',
'Grant' => 'Conceder',
'Revoke' => 'Impedir',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST data demasiado grande. Reduzca el tamaño o aumente la directiva de configuración %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Logeado como: %s',
'Move up' => 'Mover arriba',
'Move down' => 'Mover abajo',
'Functions' => 'Funciones',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregados',
'Export' => 'Exportar',
'Output' => 'Salida',
'open' => 'mostrar',
'save' => 'archivo',
'Format' => 'Formato',
'Tables' => 'Tablas',
'Data' => 'Datos',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Evento eliminado.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Evento modificado.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Evento creado.',
'Alter event' => 'Modificar Evento',
'Create event' => 'Crear Evento',
'At given time' => 'En el momento indicado',
'Every' => 'Cada',
'Events' => 'Eventos',
'Schedule' => 'Agenda',
'Start' => 'Inicio',
'End' => 'Fin',
'Status' => 'Estado',
'On completion preserve' => 'Al completar mantener',
'Tables and views' => 'Tablas y vistas',
'Data Length' => 'Longitud de datos',
'Index Length' => 'Longitud de índice',
'Data Free' => 'Espacio libre',
'Collation' => 'Colación',
'Analyze' => 'Analizar',
'Optimize' => 'Optimizar',
'Check' => 'Comprobar',
'Repair' => 'Reparar',
'Truncate' => 'Vaciar',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Las tablas han sido vaciadas.',
'Rows' => 'Registros',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Se movieron las tablas.',
'Move to other database' => 'Mover a otra base de datos',
'Move' => 'Mover',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Guardar y continuar editando',
'original' => 'original',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tablas eliminadas.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d elemento afectado.', '%d elementos afectados.'),
'whole result' => 'resultado completo',
'Clone' => 'Clonar',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Excedida la cantidad máxima de campos permitidos. Por favor aumente %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Particionar por',
'Partitions' => 'Particiones',
'Partition name' => 'Nombre de Partición',
'Values' => 'Valores',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d registro importado.', '%d registros importados.'),
'anywhere' => 'donde sea',
'Import' => 'Importar',
'Stop on error' => 'Parar en caso de error',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Histórico',
'Variables' => 'Variables',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Las columnas de origen y destino deben ser del mismo tipo, debe existir un índice entre las columnas del destino y el registro referenciado debe existir también.',
'Relations' => 'Relaciones',
'Run file' => 'Ejecutar Archivo',
'Clear' => 'Vaciar',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'El tamaño máximo de archivo es %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Números',
'Date and time' => 'Fecha y hora',
'Strings' => 'Cadena',
'Binary' => 'Binario',
'Lists' => 'Listas',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'Email',
'From' => 'De',
'Subject' => 'Asunto',
'Send' => 'Enviar',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d email enviado.', '%d emails enviados.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Archivo de servidor web %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Ese archivo no existe.',
'%d in total' => '%d en total',
'Permanent login' => 'Guardar contraseña',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Bases de datos eliminadas.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Buscar datos en tablas',
'Schema' => 'Esquema',
'Alter schema' => 'Modificar esquema',
'Create schema' => 'Crear esquema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Esquema eliminado.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Esquema creado.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Esquema modificado.',
'Sequences' => 'Secuencias',
'Create sequence' => 'Crear secuencias',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modificar secuencia',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Secuencia eliminada.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Secuencia creada.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Secuencia modificada.',
'User types' => 'Tipos definidos por el usuario',
'Create type' => 'Crear tipo',
'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo eliminado.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo creado.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+clic sobre el valor para editarlo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilice el enlace de edición para realizar cambios.',
'last' => 'último',
'From server' => 'Desde servidor',
'System' => 'Motor de base de datos',
'Select data' => 'Visualizar contenido',
'Show structure' => 'Mostrar estructura',
'empty' => 'ningúno',
'Network' => 'Red',
'Geometry' => 'Geometría',
'File exists.' => 'Ese archivo ya existe.',
'Attachments' => 'Adjuntos',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d sentencia sql ejecutada correctamente.', '%d sentencias sql ejecutadas correctamente.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Mostrar solamente errores',
'Refresh' => 'Refrescar',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Esquema inválido.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Por favor use una de las extensiones %s.',
'now' => 'ahora',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tablas copiadas.',
'Copy' => 'Copiar',
'Permanent link' => 'Enlace permanente',
'Edit all' => 'Editar todos',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Logi sisse',
'Logout successful.' => 'Väljalogimine õnnestus.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Ebakorrektsed andmed.',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Kasutajanimi',
'Password' => 'Parool',
'Select database' => 'Vali andmebaas',
'Invalid database.' => 'Tundmatu andmebaas.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabel on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabeli andmed on edukalt muudetud.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabel on edukalt loodud.',
'Alter table' => 'Muuda tabeli struktuuri',
'Create table' => 'Loo uus tabel',
'Table name' => 'Tabeli nimi',
'engine' => 'andmebaasimootor',
'collation' => 'tähetabel',
'Column name' => 'Veeru nimi',
'Type' => 'Tüüp',
'Length' => 'Pikkus',
'Auto Increment' => 'Automaatselt suurenev',
'Options' => 'Valikud',
'Save' => 'Salvesta',
'Drop' => 'Kustuta',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Andmebaas on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Andmebaas on edukalt loodud.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Andmebaas on edukalt ümber nimetatud.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Andmebaasi struktuuri uuendamine õnnestus.',
'Alter database' => 'Muuda andmebaasi',
'Create database' => 'Loo uus andmebaas',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-Päring',
'Logout' => 'Logi välja',
'database' => 'andmebaas',
'Use' => 'Kasuta',
'No tables.' => 'Tabeleid ei leitud.',
'select' => 'kuva',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Kustutamine õnnestus.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Uuendamine õnnestus.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Kirje%s on edukalt lisatud.',
'Edit' => 'Muuda',
'Insert' => 'Sisesta',
'Save and insert next' => 'Salvesta ja lisa järgmine',
'Delete' => 'Kustuta',
'Database' => 'Andmebaas',
'Routines' => 'Protseduurid',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksite andmed on edukalt uuendatud.',
'Indexes' => 'Indeksid',
'Alter indexes' => 'Muuda indekseid',
'Add next' => 'Lisa järgmine',
'Language' => 'Keel',
'Select' => 'Kuva',
'New item' => 'Lisa kirje',
'Search' => 'Otsi',
'Sort' => 'Sorteeri',
'descending' => 'kahanevalt',
'Limit' => 'Piira',
'No rows.' => 'Sissekanded puuduvad.',
'Action' => 'Tegevus',
'edit' => 'muuda',
'Page' => 'Lehekülg',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'Päring õnnestus, mõjutatatud ridu: %d.',
'Error in query' => 'Päringus esines viga',
'Execute' => 'Käivita',
'Table' => 'Tabel',
'Foreign keys' => 'Võõrvõtmed (foreign key)',
'Triggers' => 'Päästikud (trigger)',
'View' => 'Vaata',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Tabeli valimine ebaõnnestus',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Sobimatu CSRF, palun postitage vorm uuesti.',
'Comment' => 'Kommentaar',
'Default values' => 'Vaikimisi väärtused',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bait', '%d baiti'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Käsk puudub.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Faili üleslaadimine pole võimalik.',
'File upload' => 'Faili üleslaadimine',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Failide üleslaadimine on keelatud.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => 'Protseduur täideti edukalt, mõjutatud ridu: %d.',
'Call' => 'Käivita',
'No extension' => 'Ei leitud laiendust',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Serveris pole ühtegi toetatud PHP laiendustest (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Sessioonid peavad olema lubatud.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sessioon on aegunud, palun logige uuesti sisse.',
'Text length' => 'Teksti pikkus',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Võõrvõti on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Võõrvõtme andmed on edukalt muudetud.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Võõrvõri on edukalt loodud.',
'Foreign key' => 'Võõrvõti',
'Target table' => 'Siht-tabel',
'Change' => 'Muuda',
'Source' => 'Allikas',
'Target' => 'Sihtkoht',
'Add column' => 'Lisa veerg',
'Alter' => 'Muuda',
'Add foreign key' => 'Lisa võõrvõti',
'Index Type' => 'Indeksi tüüp',
'Column (length)' => 'Veerg (pikkus)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Vaade (VIEW) on edukalt kustutatud.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Vaade (VIEW) on edukalt muudetud.',
'View has been created.' => 'Vaade (VIEW) on edukalt loodud.',
'Alter view' => 'Muuda vaadet (VIEW)',
'Create view' => 'Loo uus vaade (VIEW)',
'Name' => 'Nimi',
'Process list' => 'Protsesside nimekiri',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Protsess on edukalt peatatud (%d).', 'Valitud protsessid (%d) on edukalt peatatud.'),
'Kill' => 'Peata',
'Parameter name' => 'Parameetri nimi',
'Database schema' => 'Andmebaasi skeem',
'Create procedure' => 'Loo uus protseduur',
'Create function' => 'Loo uus funktsioon',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Protseduur on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Protseduuri andmed on edukalt muudetud.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Protseduur on edukalt loodud.',
'Alter function' => 'Muuda funktsiooni',
'Alter procedure' => 'Muuda protseduuri',
'Return type' => 'Tagastustüüp',
'Add trigger' => 'Lisa päästik (TRIGGER)',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Päästik on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Päästiku andmed on edukalt uuendatud.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Uus päästik on edukalt loodud.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Muuda päästiku andmeid',
'Create trigger' => 'Loo uus päästik (TRIGGER)',
'Time' => 'Aeg',
'Event' => 'Sündmus',
'%d row(s)' => '%d rida',
'Remove' => 'Eemalda',
'Are you sure?' => 'Kas oled kindel?',
'Privileges' => 'Õigused',
'Create user' => 'Loo uus kasutaja',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Kasutaja on edukalt kustutatud.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Kasutaja andmed on edukalt muudetud.',
'User has been created.' => 'Kasutaja on edukalt lisatud.',
'Hashed' => 'Häshitud (Hashed)',
'Column' => 'Veerg',
'Routine' => 'Protseduur',
'Grant' => 'Anna',
'Revoke' => 'Eemalda',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s versioon: %s, kasutatud PHP moodul: %s',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Sisse logitud: %s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST-andmete maht on liialt suur. Palun vähendage andmeid või suurendage %s php-seadet.',
'Move up' => 'Liiguta ülespoole',
'Move down' => 'Liiguta allapoole',
'Export' => 'Ekspordi',
'Tables' => 'Tabelid',
'Data' => 'Andmed',
'Output' => 'Väljund',
'open' => 'näita brauseris',
'save' => 'salvesta failina',
'Format' => 'Formaat',
'Functions' => 'Funktsioonid',
'Aggregation' => 'Liitmine',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Sündmus on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Sündmuse andmed on edukalt uuendatud.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Sündmus on edukalt loodud.',
'Alter event' => 'Muuda sündmuse andmeid',
'Create event' => 'Loo uus sündmus (EVENT)',
'Start' => 'Alusta',
'End' => 'Lõpeta',
'Every' => 'Iga',
'Status' => 'Staatus',
'On completion preserve' => 'Lõpetamisel jäta sündmus alles',
'Events' => 'Sündmused (EVENTS)',
'Schedule' => 'Ajakava',
'At given time' => 'Antud ajahetkel',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Salvesta ja jätka muutmist',
'original' => 'originaal',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Validud tabelid on edukalt tühjendatud.',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Valitud tabelid on edukalt liigutatud.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Valitud tabelid on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabelid ja vaated',
'Engine' => 'Implementatsioon',
'Collation' => 'Tähetabel',
'Data Length' => 'Andmete pikkus',
'Index Length' => 'Indeksi pikkus',
'Data Free' => 'Vaba ruumi',
'Rows' => 'Ridu',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => 'Analüüsi',
'Optimize' => 'Optimeeri',
'Check' => 'Kontrolli',
'Repair' => 'Paranda',
'Truncate' => 'Tühjenda',
'Move to other database' => 'Liiguta teise andmebaasi',
'Move' => 'Liiguta',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => 'Mõjutatud kirjeid: %d.',
'whole result' => 'Täielikud tulemused',
'Clone' => 'Kloon',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Maksimaalne väljade arv ületatud. Palun suurendage %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partitsiooni',
'Partitions' => 'Partitsioonid',
'Partition name' => 'Partitsiooni nimi',
'Values' => 'Väärtused',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => 'Imporditi %d rida.',
'anywhere' => 'vahet pole',
'Import' => 'Impordi',
'Stop on error' => 'Peatuda vea esinemisel',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[yyyy]',
'History' => 'Ajalugu',
'Variables' => 'Muutujad',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Lähte- ja sihtveerud peavad eksisteerima ja omama sama andmetüüpi, sihtveergudel peab olema määratud indeks ning viidatud andmed peavad eksisteerima.',
'Relations' => 'Seosed',
'Run file' => 'Käivita fail',
'Clear' => 'Puhasta',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maksimaalne failisuurus %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Numbrilised',
'Date and time' => 'Kuupäev ja kellaaeg',
'Strings' => 'Tekstid',
'Binary' => 'Binaar',
'Lists' => 'Listid',
'Editor' => 'Redaktor',
'E-mail' => 'E-post',
'From' => 'Kellelt',
'Subject' => 'Pealkiri',
'Send' => 'Saada',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => 'Saadetud kirju: %d.',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Fail serveris: %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Faili ei leitud.',
'%d in total' => 'Kokku: %d',
'Permanent login' => 'Jäta mind meelde',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Andmebaasid on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Otsi kogu andmebaasist',
'Schema' => 'Struktuur',
'Alter schema' => 'Muuda struktuuri',
'Create schema' => 'Loo struktuur',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Struktuur on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Struktuur on edukalt loodud.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Struktuur on edukalt muudetud.',
'Sequences' => 'Jadad (sequences)',
'Create sequence' => 'Loo jada',
'Alter sequence' => 'Muuda jada',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Jada on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Jada on edukalt loodud.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Jada on edukalt muudetud.',
'User types' => 'Kasutajatüübid',
'Create type' => 'Loo tüüp',
'Alter type' => 'Muuda tüüpi',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tüüp on edukalt kustutatud.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tüüp on edukalt loodud.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Väärtuse muutmiseks Ctrl+kliki sellel.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Väärtuse muutmiseks kasuta muutmislinki.',
'last' => 'viimane',
'From server' => 'Serverist',
'System' => 'Andmebaasimootor',
'Select data' => 'Vaata andmeid',
'Show structure' => 'Näita struktuuri',
'empty' => 'tühi',
'Network' => 'Võrk (network)',
'Geometry' => 'Geomeetria',
'File exists.' => 'Fail juba eksisteerib.',
'Attachments' => 'Manused',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d päring edukalt käivitatud.', '%d päringut edukalt käivitatud.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Kuva vaid veateateid',
'Refresh' => 'Uuenda',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Sobimatu skeema.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Palun kasuta üht laiendustest %s.',
'now' => 'nüüd',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabelid on edukalt kopeeritud.',
'Copy' => 'Kopeeri',
'Permanent link' => 'Püsilink',
'Edit all' => 'Muuda kõiki',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'سیستم',
'Server' => 'سرور',
'Username' => 'نام کاربری',
'Password' => 'کلمه عبور',
'Permanent login' => 'ورود دائم',
'Login' => 'ورود',
'Logout' => 'خروج',
'Logged as: %s' => 'ورود به عنوان: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'با موفقیت خارج شدید.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'اعتبار سنجی نامعتبر.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('ورودهای ناموفق بیش از حد، %d دقیقه دیگر تلاش نمایید.', 'ورودهای ناموفق بیش از حد، %d دقیقه دیگر تلاش نمایید.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'رمز اصلی باطل شده است. روش %s را <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">پیاده سازی</a> کرده تا آن را دائمی سازید.',
'Language' => 'زبان',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'CSRF token نامعتبر است. دوباره سعی کنید.',
'No extension' => 'پسوند نامعتبر',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'هیچ کدام از افزونه های PHP پشتیبانی شده (%s) موجود نمی باشند.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'پشتیبانی از نشست بایستی فعال گردد.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'نشست پایان یافته، لطفا دوباره وارد شوید.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'نسخه %s : %s توسعه پی اچ پی %s',
'Refresh' => 'بازیابی',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'rtl',
'Privileges' => 'امتیازات',
'Create user' => 'ایجاد کاربر',
'User has been dropped.' => 'کاربر حذف شد.',
'User has been altered.' => 'کاربر ویرایش گردید.',
'User has been created.' => 'کاربر ایجاد شد.',
'Hashed' => 'به هم ریخته',
'Column' => 'ستون',
'Routine' => 'روتین',
'Grant' => 'اعطا',
'Revoke' => 'لغو کردن',
'Process list' => 'لیست فرآیند',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d فرآیند متوقف شد.',
'Kill' => 'حذف فرآیند',
'Variables' => 'متغیرها',
'Status' => 'وضعیت',
'SQL command' => 'دستور SQL',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d کوئری اجرا شد.',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'کوئری اجرا شد. %d سطر تغیر کرد.',
'No commands to execute.' => 'دستوری برای اجرا وجود ندارد.',
'Error in query' => 'خطا در کوئری',
'Execute' => 'اجرا',
'Stop on error' => 'توقف بر روی خطا',
'Show only errors' => 'فقط نمایش خطاها',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'تاریخ',
'Clear' => 'پاک کردن',
'Edit all' => 'ویرایش همه',
'File upload' => 'بارگذاری فایل',
'From server' => 'از سرور',
'Webserver file %s' => '%s فایل وب سرور',
'Run file' => 'اجرای فایل',
'File does not exist.' => 'فایل وجود ندارد.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'بارگذاری غیر فعال است.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'قادر به بارگذاری فایل نیستید.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => ' %sB حداکثر اندازه فایل.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'حجم داده ارسالی برزگ است. حجم داده کاهش دهید و یا مقدار %s را در پیکربندی افزایش دهید.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'شما می توانید فایل SQL حجیم را از طریق FTP بارگزاری و از روی سرور وارد نمایید.',
'You are offline.' => 'شما آفلاین می باشید.',
'Export' => 'استخراج',
'Output' => 'خروجی',
'open' => 'بازکردن',
'save' => 'ذخیره',
'Format' => 'حذف',
'Data' => 'داده',
'Database' => 'پایگاه داده',
'database' => 'پایگاه داده',
'Use' => 'استفاده',
'Select database' => 'انتخاب پایگاه داده',
'Invalid database.' => 'پایگاه داده نامعتبر.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'پایگاه داده حذف شد.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'پایگاه های داده حذف شدند.',
'Database has been created.' => 'پایگاه داده ایجاد شد.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'نام پایگاه داده تغیر کرد.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'پایگاه داده ویرایش شد.',
'Alter database' => 'ویرایش پایگاه داده',
'Create database' => 'ایجاد پایگاه داده',
'Database schema' => 'ساختار پایگاه داده',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'ارتباط دائم',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹',
'Engine' => 'موتور',
'Collation' => 'تطبیق',
'Data Length' => 'طول داده',
'Index Length' => 'طول ایندکس',
'Data Free' => 'داده اختیاری',
'Rows' => 'سطرها',
'%d in total' => ' به طور کل %d ',
'Analyze' => 'تحلیل',
'Optimize' => 'بهینه سازی',
'Vacuum' => 'پاک سازی',
'Check' => 'بررسی',
'Repair' => 'تعمیر',
'Truncate' => 'کوتاه کردن',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'جدولها بریده شدند.',
'Move to other database' => 'انتقال به یک پایگاه داده دیگر',
'Move' => 'انتقال',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'جدولها انتقال داده شدند.',
'Copy' => 'کپی کردن',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'جدولها کپی شدند.',
'Routines' => 'روالها',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('روال فراخوانی شد %d سطر متاثر شد.', 'روال فراخوانی شد %d سطر متاثر شد.'),
'Call' => 'صدا زدن',
'Parameter name' => 'نام پارامتر',
'Create procedure' => 'ایجاد زیربرنامه',
'Create function' => 'ایجاد تابع',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'روال حذف شد.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'روال ویرایش شد.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'روال ایجاد شد.',
'Alter function' => 'ویرایش تابع',
'Alter procedure' => 'ویرایش زیربرنامه',
'Return type' => 'برگرداندن نوع',
'Events' => 'رویدادها',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'رویداد حذف شد.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'رویداد ویرایش شد.',
'Event has been created.' => 'رویداد ایجاد شد.',
'Alter event' => 'ویرایش رویداد',
'Create event' => 'ایجاد رویداد',
'At given time' => 'زمان معین',
'Every' => 'همه',
'Schedule' => 'زمانبندی',
'Start' => 'آغاز',
'End' => 'پایان',
'On completion preserve' => 'تکمیل حفاظت فعال است',
'Tables' => 'جدولها',
'Tables and views' => 'جدولها و نمایه ها',
'Table' => 'جدول',
'No tables.' => 'جدولی وجود ندارد',
'Alter table' => 'ویرایش جدول',
'Create table' => 'ایجاد جدول',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'جدول حذف شد.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'جدولها حذف شدند.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'جدولها بهینه شدند.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'جدول ویرایش شد.',
'Table has been created.' => 'جدول ایجاد شد.',
'Table name' => 'نام جدول',
'Show structure' => 'نمایش ساختار',
'engine' => 'موتور',
'collation' => 'تطبیق',
'Column name' => 'نام ستون',
'Type' => 'نوع',
'Length' => 'طول',
'Auto Increment' => 'افزایش خودکار',
'Options' => 'اختیارات',
'Comment' => 'توضیح',
'Default value' => 'مقدار پیش فرض',
'Default values' => 'مقادیر پیش فرض',
'Drop' => 'حذف',
'Are you sure?' => 'مطمئن هستید؟',
'Size' => 'حجم',
'Compute' => 'محاسبه',
'Move up' => 'انتقال به بالا',
'Move down' => 'انتقال به پایین',
'Remove' => 'حذف',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'حداکثر تعداد فیلدهای مجاز اشباع شد. لطفا %s را افزایش دهید.',
'Partition by' => 'بخشبندی توسط',
'Partitions' => 'بخشبندیها',
'Partition name' => 'نام بخش',
'Values' => 'مقادیر',
'View' => 'نمایش',
'Materialized view' => 'نمایه مادی',
'View has been dropped.' => 'نمایش حذف شد.',
'View has been altered.' => 'نمایش ویرایش شد.',
'View has been created.' => 'نمایش ایجاد شد.',
'Alter view' => 'حذف نمایش',
'Create view' => 'ایجاد نمایش',
'Indexes' => 'ایندکسها',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'ایندکسها ویرایش شدند.',
'Alter indexes' => 'ویرایش ایندکسها',
'Add next' => 'افرودن بعدی',
'Index Type' => 'نوع ایندکس',
'Column (length)' => 'ستون (طول)',
'Foreign keys' => 'کلیدهای خارجی',
'Foreign key' => 'کلید خارجی',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'کلید خارجی حذف شد.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'کلید خارجی ویرایش شد.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'کلید خارجی ایجاد شد.',
'Target table' => 'جدول هدف',
'Change' => 'تغییر',
'Source' => 'منبع',
'Target' => 'هدف',
'Add column' => 'افزودن ستون',
'Alter' => 'ویرایش',
'Add foreign key' => 'افزودن کلید خارجی',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'داده مبدا و مقصد ستونها بایستی شبیه هم باشند.',
'Triggers' => 'تریگرها',
'Add trigger' => 'افزودن تریگر',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'تریگر حذف شد.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'تریگر ویرایش شد.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'تریگر ایجاد شد.',
'Alter trigger' => 'ویرایش تریگر',
'Create trigger' => 'ایجاد تریگر',
'Time' => 'زمان',
'Event' => 'رویداد',
'Name' => 'نام',
'select' => 'انتخاب',
'Select' => 'انتخاب',
'Select data' => 'انتخاب داده',
'Functions' => 'توابع',
'Aggregation' => 'تجمع',
'Search' => 'جستجو',
'anywhere' => 'هرکجا',
'Search data in tables' => 'جستجوی داده در جدول',
'Sort' => 'مرتب کردن',
'descending' => 'نزولی',
'Limit' => 'محدودیت',
'Limit rows' => 'محدودیت سطرها',
'Text length' => 'طول متن',
'Action' => 'عملیات',
'Full table scan' => 'اسکن کامل جدول',
'Unable to select the table' => 'قادر به انتخاب جدول نیستید',
'No rows.' => 'سطری وجود ندارد',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d سطر', '%d سطر'),
'Page' => 'صفحه',
'last' => 'آخری',
'Load more data' => 'بارگزاری اطلاعات بیشتر',
'Loading' => 'در حال بارگزاری',
'whole result' => 'همه نتایج',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d بایت', '%d بایت'),
'Import' => 'وارد کردن',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d سطر وارد شد.', '%d سطر وارد شد.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'فرمت فایل باید UTF-8 باشید.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'ویرایش',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'برای ویرایش بر روی مقدار ctrl+click کنید.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'از لینک ویرایش برای ویرایش این مقدار استفاده کنید.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => '%s آیتم درج شد.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'آیتم حذف شد.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'آیتم بروز رسانی شد.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d آیتم متاثر شد.', '%d آیتم متاثر شد.'),
'New item' => 'آیتم جدید',
'original' => 'اصلی',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'خالی',
'edit' => 'ویرایش',
'Edit' => 'ویرایش',
'Insert' => 'درج',
'Save' => 'ذخیره',
'Save and continue edit' => 'ذخیره و ادامه ویرایش',
'Save and insert next' => 'ذخیره و درج بعدی',
'Selected' => 'انتخاب شده',
'Clone' => 'تکثیر',
'Delete' => 'حذف',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'شما اختیار ویرایش این جدول را ندارید.',
'E-mail' => 'پست الکترونیک',
'From' => 'فرستنده',
'Subject' => 'موضوع',
'Attachments' => 'پیوست ها',
'Send' => 'ارسال',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d ایمیل ارسال شد.', '%d ایمیل ارسال شد.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'اعداد',
'Date and time' => 'تاریخ و زمان',
'Strings' => 'رشته ها',
'Binary' => 'دودویی',
'Lists' => 'لیستها',
'Network' => 'شبکه',
'Geometry' => 'هندسه',
'Relations' => 'رابطه ها',
'Editor' => 'ویرایشگر',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1-$3-$5',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy]-mm-dd',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'اکنون',
'yes' => 'بله',
'no' => 'خیر',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'فایل موجود است.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'لطفا یکی از پسوندها را انتخاب نمائید %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'ویرایش ساختار',
'Create schema' => 'ایجاد ساختار',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'ساختار حذف شد.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'ساختار ایجاد شد.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'ساختار ویرایش شد.',
'Schema' => 'ساختار',
'Invalid schema.' => 'ساختار نامعتبر.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'صف ها',
'Create sequence' => 'ایجاد صف',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'صف حذف شد.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'صف ایجاد شد.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'صف ویرایش شد.',
'Alter sequence' => 'ویرایش صف',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'انواع کاربر',
'Create type' => 'ایجاد نوع',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'نوع حذف شد.',
'Type has been created.' => 'نوع ایجاد شد.',
'Alter type' => 'ویرایش نوع',
@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Järjestelmä',
'Server' => 'Palvelin',
'Username' => 'Käyttäjänimi',
'Password' => 'Salasana',
'Permanent login' => 'Haluan pysyä kirjautuneena',
'Login' => 'Kirjaudu',
'Logout' => 'Kirjaudu ulos',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Olet kirjautunut käyttäjänä: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Uloskirjautuminen onnistui.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Virheelliset kirjautumistiedot.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Liian monta epäonnistunutta sisäänkirjautumisyritystä, kokeile uudestaan %d minuutin kuluttua.', 'Liian monta epäonnistunutta sisäänkirjautumisyritystä, kokeile uudestaan %d minuutin kuluttua.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Master-salasana ei ole enää voimassa. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Toteuta</a> %s-metodi sen tekemiseksi pysyväksi.',
'Language' => 'Kieli',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Virheellinen CSRF-vastamerkki. Lähetä lomake uudelleen.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Jollet lähettänyt tämä pyyntö Adminerista, sulje tämä sivu.',
'No extension' => 'Ei laajennusta',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Mitään tuetuista PHP-laajennuksista (%s) ei ole käytettävissä.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Istuntotuki on oltava päällä.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Istunto vanhentunut, kirjaudu uudelleen.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s versio: %s PHP-laajennuksella %s',
'Refresh' => 'Virkistä',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Oikeudet',
'Create user' => 'Luo käyttäjä',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Käyttäjä poistettiin.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Käyttäjää muutettiin.',
'User has been created.' => 'Käyttäjä luotiin.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Sarake',
'Routine' => 'Rutiini',
'Grant' => 'Myönnä',
'Revoke' => 'Kiellä',
'Process list' => 'Prosessilista',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d prosessi lopetettu.', '%d prosessia lopetettu..'),
'Kill' => 'Lopeta',
'Variables' => 'Muuttujat',
'Status' => 'Tila',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-komento',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d kysely onnistui.', '%d kyselyä onnistui.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Kysely onnistui, kohdistui %d riviin.', 'Kysely onnistui, kohdistui %d riviin.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Ei komentoja suoritettavana.',
'Error in query' => 'Virhe kyselyssä',
'Execute' => 'Suorita',
'Stop on error' => 'Pysähdy virheeseen',
'Show only errors' => 'Näytä vain virheet',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Historia',
'Clear' => 'Tyhjennä',
'Edit all' => 'Muokkaa kaikkia',
'File upload' => 'Tiedoston lataus palvelimelle',
'From server' => 'Verkkopalvelimella Adminer-kansiossa oleva tiedosto',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Verkkopalvelintiedosto %s',
'Run file' => 'Suorita tämä',
'File does not exist.' => 'Tiedostoa ei ole.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Tiedostojen lataaminen palvelimelle on estetty.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Tiedostoa ei voida ladata palvelimelle.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko on %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Liian suuri POST-datamäärä. Pienennä dataa tai kasvata arvoa %s konfigurointitiedostossa.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Voit ladata suuren SQL-tiedoston FTP:n kautta ja tuoda sen sitten palvelimelta.',
'You are offline.' => 'Olet offline-tilassa.',
'Export' => 'Vienti',
'Output' => 'Tulos',
'open' => 'avaa',
'save' => 'tallenna',
'Saving' => 'Tallennetaan',
'Format' => 'Muoto',
'Data' => 'Data',
'Database' => 'Tietokanta',
'database' => 'tietokanta',
'Use' => 'Käytä',
'Select database' => 'Valitse tietokanta',
'Invalid database.' => 'Tietokanta ei kelpaa.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Tietokanta on poistettu.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Tietokannat on poistettu.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Tietokanta on luotu.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Tietokanta on nimetty uudelleen.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Tietokantaa on muutettu.',
'Alter database' => 'Muuta tietokantaa',
'Create database' => 'Luo tietokanta',
'Database schema' => 'Tietokantakaava',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Pysyvä linkki',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Moottori',
'Collation' => 'Kollaatio',
'Data Length' => 'Datan pituus',
'Index Length' => 'Indeksin pituus',
'Data Free' => 'Vapaa tila',
'Rows' => 'Riviä',
'%d in total' => '%d kaikkiaan',
'Analyze' => 'Analysoi',
'Optimize' => 'Optimoi',
'Vacuum' => 'Siivoa',
'Check' => 'Tarkista',
'Repair' => 'Korjaa',
'Truncate' => 'Tyhjennä',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Taulujen sisältö on tyhjennetty.',
'Move to other database' => 'Siirrä toiseen tietokantaan',
'Move' => 'Siirrä',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Taulut on siirretty.',
'Copy' => 'Kopioi',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Taulut on kopioitu.',
'Routines' => 'Rutiinit',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Rutiini kutsuttu, kohdistui %d riviin.', 'Rutiini kutsuttu, kohdistui %d riviin.'),
'Call' => 'Kutsua',
'Parameter name' => 'Parametrin nimi',
'Create procedure' => 'Luo proseduuri',
'Create function' => 'Luo funktio',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Rutiini on poistettu.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Rutiinia on muutettu.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Rutiini on luotu.',
'Alter function' => 'Muuta funktiota',
'Alter procedure' => 'Muuta proseduuria',
'Return type' => 'Palautustyyppi',
'Events' => 'Tapahtumat',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Tapahtuma on poistettu.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Tapahtumaa on muutettu.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Tapahtuma on luotu.',
'Alter event' => 'Muuta tapahtumaa',
'Create event' => 'Luo tapahtuma',
'At given time' => 'Tiettynä aikana',
'Every' => 'Joka',
'Schedule' => 'Aikataulu',
'Start' => 'Aloitus',
'End' => 'Lopetus',
'On completion preserve' => 'Säilytä, kun valmis',
'Tables' => 'Taulut',
'Tables and views' => 'Taulut ja näkymät',
'Table' => 'Taulu',
'No tables.' => 'Ei tauluja.',
'Alter table' => 'Muuta taulua',
'Create table' => 'Luo taulu',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Taulu on poistettu.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tauluja on poistettu.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Taulut on optimoitu.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Taulua on muutettu.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Taulu on luotu.',
'Table name' => 'Taulun nimi',
'Show structure' => 'Näytä rakenne',
'engine' => 'moottori',
'collation' => 'kollaatio',
'Column name' => 'Sarakkeen nimi',
'Type' => 'Tyyppi',
'Length' => 'Pituus',
'Auto Increment' => 'Automaattinen lisäys',
'Options' => 'Asetukset',
'Comment' => 'Kommentit',
'Default value' => 'Oletusarvo',
'Default values' => 'Oletusarvot',
'Drop' => 'Poista',
'Are you sure?' => 'Oletko varma?',
'Size' => 'Koko',
'Compute' => 'Laske',
'Move up' => 'Siirrä ylös',
'Move down' => 'Siirrä alas',
'Remove' => 'Poista',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Kenttien sallittu enimmäismäärä ylitetty. Kasvata arvoa %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Osioi arvolla',
'Partitions' => 'Osiot',
'Partition name' => 'Osion nimi',
'Values' => 'Arvot',
'View' => 'Näkymä',
'Materialized view' => 'Materialisoitunut näkymä',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Näkymä on poistettu.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Näkymää on muutettu.',
'View has been created.' => 'Näkymä on luotu.',
'Alter view' => 'Muuta näkymää',
'Create view' => 'Luo näkymä',
'Indexes' => 'Indeksit',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksejä on muutettu.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Muuta indeksejä',
'Add next' => 'Lisää seuraava',
'Index Type' => 'Indeksityyppi',
'Column (length)' => 'Sarake (pituus)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Vieraat avaimet',
'Foreign key' => 'Vieras avain',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Vieras avain on poistettu.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Vierasta avainta on muutettu.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Vieras avain on luotu.',
'Target table' => 'Kohdetaulu',
'Change' => 'Muuta',
'Source' => 'Lähde',
'Target' => 'Kohde',
'Add column' => 'Lisää sarake',
'Alter' => 'Muuta',
'Add foreign key' => 'Lisää vieras avain',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Lähde- ja kohdesarakkeiden tulee olla samaa tietotyyppiä, kohdesarakkeisiin tulee olla indeksi ja dataa, johon viitataan, täytyy olla.',
'Triggers' => 'Liipaisimet',
'Add trigger' => 'Lisää liipaisin',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Liipaisin on poistettu.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Liipaisinta on muutettu.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Liipaisin on luotu.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Muuta liipaisinta',
'Create trigger' => 'Luo liipaisin',
'Time' => 'Aika',
'Event' => 'Tapahtuma',
'Name' => 'Nimi',
'select' => 'valitse',
'Select' => 'Valitse',
'Select data' => 'Valitse data',
'Functions' => 'Funktiot',
'Aggregation' => 'Aggregaatiot',
'Search' => 'Hae',
'anywhere' => 'kaikkialta',
'Search data in tables' => 'Hae dataa tauluista',
'Sort' => 'Lajittele',
'descending' => 'alenevasti',
'Limit' => 'Raja',
'Limit rows' => 'Rajoita rivimäärää',
'Text length' => 'Tekstin pituus',
'Action' => 'Toimenpide',
'Full table scan' => 'Koko taulun läpikäynti',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Taulua ei voitu valita',
'No rows.' => 'Ei rivejä.',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d rivi', '%d riviä'),
'Page' => 'Sivu',
'last' => 'viimeinen',
'Load more data' => 'Lataa lisää dataa',
'Loading' => 'Ladataan',
'whole result' => 'koko tulos',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d tavu', '%d tavua'),
'Import' => 'Tuonti',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rivi tuotiin.', '%d riviä tuotiin.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Tiedoston täytyy olla UTF-8-muodossa.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Muuta',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+napsauta arvoa muuttaaksesi.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Käytä muokkaa-linkkiä muuttaaksesi tätä arvoa.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Tietue%s lisättiin.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Tietue poistettiin.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Tietue päivitettiin.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Kohdistui %d tietueeseen.', 'Kohdistui %d tietueeseen.'),
'New item' => 'Uusi tietue',
'original' => 'alkuperäinen',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'tyhjä',
'edit' => 'muokkaa',
'Edit' => 'Muokkaa',
'Insert' => 'Lisää',
'Save' => 'Tallenna',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Tallenna ja jatka muokkaamista',
'Save and insert next' => 'Tallenna ja lisää seuraava',
'Selected' => 'Valitut',
'Clone' => 'Kloonaa',
'Delete' => 'Poista',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Sinulla ei ole oikeutta päivittää tätä taulua.',
'E-mail' => 'S-posti',
'From' => 'Lähettäjä',
'Subject' => 'Aihe',
'Attachments' => 'Liitteet',
'Send' => 'Lähetä',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('% sähköpostiviestiä lähetetty.', '% sähköpostiviestiä lähetetty.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Numerot',
'Date and time' => 'Päiväys ja aika',
'Strings' => 'Merkkijonot',
'Binary' => 'Binäärinen',
'Lists' => 'Luettelot',
'Network' => 'Verkko',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'Relations' => 'Suhteet',
'Editor' => 'Editori',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'pp.kk.[vvvv]',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'nyt',
'yes' => 'kyllä',
'no' => 'ei',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Tiedosto on olemassa.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Käytä jotain %s-laajennuksista.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Muuta kaavaa',
'Create schema' => 'Luo kaava',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Kaava poistettiin.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Kaava luotiin.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Kaavaa muutettiin.',
'Schema' => 'Kaava',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Kaava ei kelpaa.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Sekvenssit',
'Create sequence' => 'Luo sekvenssi',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekvenssi on poistettu.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekvenssi on luotu.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekvenssiä on muutettu.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Muuta sekvenssiä',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Käyttäjän tyypit',
'Create type' => 'Luo tyyppi',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tyyppi poistettiin.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tyyppi luotiin.',
'Alter type' => 'Muuta tyyppiä',
@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Authentification',
'Logout successful.' => 'Au revoir !',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Authentification échouée.',
'Server' => 'Serveur',
'Username' => 'Utilisateur',
'Password' => 'Mot de passe',
'Select database' => 'Sélectionner la base de données',
'Invalid database.' => 'Base de données invalide.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'La table a été effacée.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'La table a été modifiée.',
'Table has been created.' => 'La table a été créée.',
'Alter table' => 'Modifier la table',
'Create table' => 'Créer une table',
'Table name' => 'Nom de la table',
'engine' => 'moteur',
'collation' => 'interclassement',
'Column name' => 'Nom de la colonne',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Length' => 'Longueur',
'Auto Increment' => 'Incrément automatique',
'Options' => 'Options',
'Save' => 'Enregistrer',
'Drop' => 'Supprimer',
'Database has been created.' => 'La base de données a été créée.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'La base de données a été renommée.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'La base de données a été modifiée.',
'Alter database' => 'Modifier la base de données',
'Create database' => 'Créer une base de données',
'SQL command' => 'Requête SQL',
'Logout' => 'Déconnexion',
'database' => 'base de données',
'Use' => 'Utiliser',
'No tables.' => 'Aucune table.',
'select' => 'select',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'L\'élément a été supprimé.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'L\'élément a été modifié.',
'Edit' => 'Modifier',
'Insert' => 'Insérer',
'Save and insert next' => 'Enr. et insérer prochain',
'Delete' => 'Effacer',
'Database' => 'Base de données',
'Routines' => 'Routines',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Index modifiés.',
'Indexes' => 'Index',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modifier les index',
'Add next' => 'Ajouter le prochain',
'Language' => 'Langue',
'Select' => 'Sélectionner',
'New item' => 'Nouvel élément',
'Search' => 'Rechercher',
'Sort' => 'Trier',
'descending' => 'décroissant',
'Limit' => 'Limite',
'No rows.' => 'Aucun résultat.',
'Action' => 'Action',
'edit' => 'modifier',
'Page' => 'Page',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Requête exécutée avec succès, %d ligne modifiée.', 'Requête exécutée avec succès, %d lignes modifiées.'),
'Error in query' => 'Erreur dans la requête',
'Execute' => 'Exécuter',
'Table' => 'Table',
'Foreign keys' => 'Clés étrangères',
'Triggers' => 'Déclencheurs',
'View' => 'Vue',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Impossible de sélectionner la table',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF invalide. Veuillez renvoyer le formulaire.',
'Comment' => 'Commentaire',
'Default values' => 'Valeurs par défaut',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d octet', '%d octets'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Aucune commande à exécuter.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Impossible d\'importer le fichier.',
'File upload' => 'Importer un fichier',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'L\'importation de fichier est désactivée.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('La routine a été exécutée, %d ligne modifiée.', 'La routine a été exécutée, %d lignes modifiées.'),
'Call' => 'Appeler',
'No extension' => 'Extension introuvable',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Aucune des extensions PHP supportées (%s) n\'est disponible.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Veuillez activer les sessions.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session expirée, veuillez vous authentifier à nouveau.',
'Text length' => 'Longueur du texte',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'La clé étrangère a été effacée.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'La clé étrangère a été modifiée.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'La clé étrangère a été créée.',
'Foreign key' => 'Clé étrangère',
'Target table' => 'Table visée',
'Change' => 'Modifier',
'Source' => 'Source',
'Target' => 'Cible',
'Add column' => 'Ajouter une colonne',
'Alter' => 'Modifier',
'Add foreign key' => 'Ajouter une clé étrangère',
'Index Type' => 'Type d\'index',
'Column (length)' => 'Colonne (longueur)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'La vue a été effacée.',
'View has been altered.' => 'La vue a été modifiée.',
'View has been created.' => 'La vue a été créée.',
'Alter view' => 'Modifier une vue',
'Create view' => 'Créer une vue',
'Name' => 'Nom',
'Process list' => 'Liste des processus',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d processus a été arrêté.', '%d processus ont été arrêtés.'),
'Kill' => 'Arrêter',
'Parameter name' => 'Nom du paramètre',
'Database schema' => 'Schéma de la base de données',
'Create procedure' => 'Créer une procédure',
'Create function' => 'Créer une fonction',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'La routine a été supprimée.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'La routine a été modifiée.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'La routine a été créée.',
'Alter function' => 'Modifier la fonction',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modifier la procédure',
'Return type' => 'Type de retour',
'Add trigger' => 'Ajouter un déclencheur',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Le déclencheur a été supprimé.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Le déclencheur a été modifié.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Le déclencheur a été créé.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modifier un déclencheur',
'Create trigger' => 'Ajouter un déclencheur',
'Time' => 'Temps',
'Event' => 'Évènement',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d ligne', '%d lignes'),
'Remove' => 'Effacer',
'Are you sure?' => 'Êtes-vous certain(e) ?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilèges',
'Create user' => 'Créer un utilisateur',
'User has been dropped.' => 'L\'utilisateur a été effacé.',
'User has been altered.' => 'L\'utilisateur a été modifié.',
'User has been created.' => 'L\'utilisateur a été créé.',
'Hashed' => 'Haché',
'Column' => 'Colonne',
'Routine' => 'Routine',
'Grant' => 'Grant',
'Revoke' => 'Revoke',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Version de %s : %s via l\'extension PHP %s',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Authentifié en tant que : %s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Données POST trop grandes. Réduisez la taille des données ou augmentez la valeur de %s dans la configuration de PHP.',
'Move up' => 'Déplacer vers le haut',
'Move down' => 'Déplacer vers le bas',
'Export' => 'Exporter',
'Tables' => 'Tables',
'Data' => 'Données',
'Output' => 'Sortie',
'open' => 'ouvrir',
'save' => 'enregistrer',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Functions' => 'Fonctions',
'Aggregation' => 'Agrégation',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'L\'évènement a été supprimé.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'L\'évènement a été modifié.',
'Event has been created.' => 'L\'évènement a été créé.',
'Alter event' => 'Modifier un évènement',
'Create event' => 'Créer un évènement',
'Start' => 'Démarrer',
'End' => 'Terminer',
'Every' => 'Chaque',
'Status' => 'Statut',
'On completion preserve' => 'Conserver quand complété',
'Events' => 'Évènements',
'Schedule' => 'Horaire',
'At given time' => 'À un moment précis',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Enr. et continuer édition',
'original' => 'original',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Les tables ont été tronquées.',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Les tables ont été déplacées.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Les tables ont été effacées.',
'Tables and views' => 'Tables et vues',
'Engine' => 'Moteur',
'Collation' => 'Interclassement',
'Data Length' => 'Longueur des données',
'Index Length' => 'Longueur de l\'index',
'Data Free' => 'Espace inutilisé',
'Rows' => 'Lignes',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => 'Analyser',
'Optimize' => 'Optimiser',
'Check' => 'Vérifier',
'Repair' => 'Réparer',
'Truncate' => 'Tronquer',
'Move to other database' => 'Déplacer vers une autre base de données',
'Move' => 'Déplacer',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d élément a été modifié.', '%d éléments ont été modifiés.'),
'whole result' => 'résultat entier',
'Clone' => 'Cloner',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Le nombre maximum de champs est dépassé. Veuillez augmenter %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partitionner par',
'Partitions' => 'Partitions',
'Partition name' => 'Nom de la partition',
'Values' => 'Valeurs',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d ligne a été importée.', '%d lignes ont été importées.'),
'anywhere' => 'n\'importe où',
'Import' => 'Importer',
'Stop on error' => 'Arrêter en cas d\'erreur',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'jj/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Historique',
'Variables' => 'Variables',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Les colonnes de source et de destination doivent être du même type, il doit y avoir un index sur les colonnes de destination et les données référencées doivent exister.',
'Relations' => 'Relations',
'Run file' => 'Exécuter le fichier',
'Clear' => 'Effacer',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'La taille maximale des fichiers est de %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Nombres',
'Date and time' => 'Date et heure',
'Strings' => 'Chaînes',
'Binary' => 'Binaires',
'Lists' => 'Listes',
'Editor' => 'Éditeur',
'E-mail' => 'Courriel',
'From' => 'De',
'Subject' => 'Sujet',
'Send' => 'Envoyer',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d message a été envoyé.', '%d messages ont été envoyés.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Fichier %s du serveur Web',
'File does not exist.' => 'Le fichier est introuvable.',
'%d in total' => '%d au total',
'Permanent login' => 'Authentification permanente',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Les bases de données ont été supprimées.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'La base de données a été supprimée.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Rechercher dans les tables',
'Schema' => 'Schéma',
'Alter schema' => 'Modifier le schéma',
'Create schema' => 'Créer un schéma',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Le schéma a été supprimé.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Le schéma a été créé.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Le schéma a été modifié.',
'Sequences' => 'Séquences',
'Create sequence' => 'Créer une séquence',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modifier la séquence',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'La séquence a été supprimée.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'La séquence a été créée.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'La séquence a été modifiée.',
'User types' => 'Types utilisateur',
'Create type' => 'Créer un type',
'Alter type' => 'Modifier le type',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Le type a été supprimé.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Le type a été créé.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+cliquez sur une valeur pour la modifier.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilisez le lien "modifier" pour modifier cette valeur.',
'last' => 'dernière',
'From server' => 'Depuis le serveur',
'System' => 'Système',
'Select data' => 'Afficher les données',
'Show structure' => 'Afficher la structure',
'empty' => 'vide',
'Network' => 'Réseau',
'Geometry' => 'Géométrie',
'File exists.' => 'Le fichier existe.',
'Attachments' => 'Pièces jointes',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'L\'élément%s a été inséré.',
'now' => 'maintenant',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d requête exécutée avec succès.', '%d requêtes exécutées avec succès.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Montrer seulement les erreurs',
'Refresh' => 'Rafraîchir',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Schéma invalide.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Veuillez utiliser l\'une des extensions %s.',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Les tables ont été copiées.',
'Copy' => 'Copier',
'Permanent link' => 'Lien permanent',
'Edit all' => 'Tout modifier',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'Selected' => 'Sélectionnée(s)',
'Modify' => 'Modification',
'Load more data' => 'Charger plus de données',
'Loading' => 'Chargement',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Les tables ont bien été optimisées.',
'Vacuum' => 'Vide',
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Les fichiers doivent être encodés en UTF-8.',
'Full table scan' => 'Scan de toute la table',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Trop de connexions échouées, essayez à nouveau dans %d minute.', 'Trop de connexions échouées, essayez à nouveau dans %d minutes.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Le mot de passe a expiré. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implémentez</a> la méthode %s afin de le rendre permanent.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Vous pouvez uploader un gros fichier SQL par FTP et ensuite l\'importer depuis le serveur.',
'Size' => 'Taille',
'Compute' => 'Calcul',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Vous n\'avez pas les droits pour mettre à jour cette table.',
'Saving' => 'Enregistrement',
'yes' => 'oui',
'no' => 'non',
'Materialized view' => 'Vue matérialisée',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'Limit rows' => 'Limiter les lignes',
'Default value' => 'Valeur par défaut',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Si vous n\'avez pas envoyé cette requête depuis Adminer, alors fermez cette page.',
'You are offline.' => 'Vous êtes hors ligne.',
@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Conectar',
'Logout successful.' => 'Pechouse a sesión con éxito.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Credenciais (usuario e/ou contrasinal) inválidos.',
'Server' => 'Servidor',
'Username' => 'Usuario',
'Password' => 'Contrasinal',
'Select database' => 'Seleccionar Base de datos',
'Invalid database.' => 'Base de datos incorrecta.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse a táboa.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Modificouse a táboa.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Creouse a táboa.',
'Alter table' => 'Modificar táboa',
'Create table' => 'Crear táboa',
'Table name' => 'Nome da táboa',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'xogo de caracteres (collation)',
'Column name' => 'Nome da columna',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Length' => 'Lonxitude',
'Auto Increment' => 'Incremento automático',
'Options' => 'Opcións',
'Save' => 'Gardar',
'Drop' => 'Eliminar',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse a base de datos.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Creouse a base de datos.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Renomeouse a base de datos.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Modificouse a base de datos.',
'Alter database' => 'Modificar Base de datos',
'Create database' => 'Crear Base de datos',
'SQL command' => 'Comando SQL',
'Logout' => 'Pechar sesión',
'database' => 'base de datos',
'Use' => 'Usar',
'No tables.' => 'Nengunha táboa.',
'select' => 'selecciona',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Eliminouse o elemento.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Modificouse o elemento.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Inseríuse o elemento%s.',
'Edit' => 'Editar',
'Insert' => 'Inserir',
'Save and insert next' => 'Guardar e inserir seguinte',
'Delete' => 'Borrar',
'Database' => 'Base de datos',
'Routines' => 'Rutinas',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Alteráronse os índices.',
'Indexes' => 'Índices',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modificar índices',
'Add next' => 'Engadir seguinte',
'Language' => 'Lingua',
'Select' => 'Seleccionar',
'New item' => 'Novo elemento',
'Search' => 'Buscar',
'Sort' => 'Ordenar',
'descending' => 'descendente',
'Limit' => 'Límite',
'No rows.' => 'Nengún resultado.',
'Action' => 'Acción',
'edit' => 'editar',
'Page' => 'Páxina',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta executada, %d fila afectada.', 'Consulta executada, %d filas afectadas.'),
'Error in query' => 'Erro na consulta',
'Execute' => 'Executar',
'Table' => 'Táboa',
'Foreign keys' => 'Chaves externas',
'Triggers' => 'Disparadores',
'View' => 'Vista',
'Unable to select the table' => 'No é posible seleccionar a táboa',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF inválido. Envíe de novo os datos do formulario.',
'Comment' => 'Comentario',
'Default values' => 'Valores predeterminados',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Non hai comandos para executar.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Non é posible importar o ficheiro.',
'File upload' => 'Importar ficheiro',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Importación de ficheiros deshablilitada.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Chamouse á rutina, %d fila afectada.', 'Chamouse á rutina, %d filas afectadas.'),
'Call' => 'Chamar',
'No extension' => 'Non ten extensión',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Ningunha das extensións PHP soportadas (%s) está dispoñible.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'As sesións deben estar habilitadas.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Caducou a sesión, por favor acceda de novo.',
'Text length' => 'Lonxitud do texto',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse a chave externa.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Modificouse a chave externa.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Creouse a chave externa.',
'Foreign key' => 'Chave externa',
'Target table' => 'táboa de destino',
'Change' => 'Cambiar',
'Source' => 'Orixe',
'Target' => 'Destino',
'Add column' => 'Engadir columna',
'Alter' => 'Modificar',
'Add foreign key' => 'Engadir chave externa',
'Index Type' => 'Tipo de índice',
'Column (length)' => 'Columna (lonxitude)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse a vista.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Modificouse a vista.',
'View has been created.' => 'Creouse a vista.',
'Alter view' => 'Modificar vista',
'Create view' => 'Crear vista',
'Name' => 'Nome',
'Process list' => 'Lista de procesos',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d proceso foi detido.', '%d procesos foron detidos.'),
'Kill' => 'Deter',
'Parameter name' => 'Nome de Parámetro',
'Database schema' => 'Esquema de base de datos',
'Create procedure' => 'Crear procedemento',
'Create function' => 'Crear función',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse o procedemento.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Alterouse o procedemento.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Creouse o procedemento.',
'Alter function' => 'Modificar Función',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modificar procedemento',
'Return type' => 'Tipo de valor devolto',
'Add trigger' => 'Engadir disparador',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse o disparador.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Modificouse o disparador.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Creouse o disparador.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modificar Disparador',
'Create trigger' => 'Crear Disparador',
'Time' => 'Tempo',
'Event' => 'Evento',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versión %s: %s a través da extensión de PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d fila', '%d filas'),
'Remove' => 'Eliminar',
'Are you sure?' => 'Está seguro?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilexios',
'Create user' => 'Crear Usuario',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse o usuario.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Modificouse o usuario.',
'User has been created.' => 'Creouse o usuario.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Columna',
'Routine' => 'Rutina',
'Grant' => 'Conceder',
'Revoke' => 'Revocar',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Datos POST demasiado grandes. Reduza os datos ou aumente a directiva de configuración %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Conectado como: %s',
'Move up' => 'Mover arriba',
'Move down' => 'Mover abaixo',
'Functions' => 'Funcións',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregados',
'Export' => 'Exportar',
'Output' => 'Salida',
'open' => 'abrir',
'save' => 'gardar',
'Format' => 'Formato',
'Tables' => 'Táboas',
'Data' => 'Datos',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse o evento.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Modificouse o evento.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Creouse o evento.',
'Alter event' => 'Modificar Evento',
'Create event' => 'Crear Evento',
'At given time' => 'No tempo indicado',
'Every' => 'Cada',
'Events' => 'Eventos',
'Schedule' => 'Axenda',
'Start' => 'Inicio',
'End' => 'Fin',
'Status' => 'Estado',
'On completion preserve' => 'Ao completar manter',
'Tables and views' => 'táboas e vistas',
'Data Length' => 'Lonxitude de datos',
'Index Length' => 'Lonxitude de índice',
'Data Free' => 'Espazo dispoñible',
'Collation' => 'Xogo de caracteres (collation)',
'Analyze' => 'Analizar',
'Optimize' => 'Optimizar',
'Check' => 'Comprobar',
'Repair' => 'Reparar',
'Truncate' => 'Baleirar',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Baleiráronse as táboas.',
'Rows' => 'Filas',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Movéronse as táboas.',
'Move to other database' => 'Mover a outra base de datos',
'Move' => 'Mover',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Gardar se seguir editando',
'original' => 'orixinal',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Elimináronse as táboas.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d elemento afectado.', '%d elementos afectados.'),
'whole result' => 'resultado completo',
'Clone' => 'Clonar',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Excedida o número máximo de campos permitidos. Por favor aumente %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Particionar por',
'Partitions' => 'Particións',
'Partition name' => 'Nome da Partición',
'Values' => 'Valores',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d fila importada.', '%d filas importadas.'),
'anywhere' => 'onde sexa',
'Import' => 'Importar',
'Stop on error' => 'Parar en caso de erro',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Histórico',
'Variables' => 'Variables',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'As columnas de orixe e destino deben ser do mesmo tipo, debe existir un índice nas columnas de destino e os datos referenciados deben existir.',
'Relations' => 'Relacins',
'Run file' => 'Executar ficheiro',
'Clear' => 'Baleirar',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'O tamaño máximo de ficheiro permitido é de %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Números',
'Date and time' => 'Data e hora',
'Strings' => 'Cadea',
'Binary' => 'Binario',
'Lists' => 'Listas',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'Email',
'From' => 'De',
'Subject' => 'Asunto',
'Send' => 'Enviar',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d email enviado.', '%d emails enviados.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Ficheiro de servidor web %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'O ficheiro non existe.',
'%d in total' => '%d en total',
'Permanent login' => 'Permanecer conectado',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Elimináronse as bases de datos.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Buscar datos en táboas',
'Schema' => 'Esquema',
'Alter schema' => 'Modificar esquema',
'Create schema' => 'Crear esquema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse o esquema.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Creouse o esquema.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Modificouse o esquema.',
'Sequences' => 'Secuencias',
'Create sequence' => 'Crear secuencias',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modificar secuencia',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse a secuencia.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Creouse a secuencia.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Modificaouse a secuencia.',
'User types' => 'Tipos definidos polo usuario',
'Create type' => 'Crear tipo',
'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Eliminouse o tipo.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Creouse o tipo.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+clic sobre o valor para editalo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Use a ligazón de edición para modificar este valor.',
'last' => 'último',
'From server' => 'Desde o servidor',
'System' => 'Sistema',
'Select data' => 'Seleccionar datos',
'Show structure' => 'Amosar estructura',
'empty' => 'baleiro',
'Network' => 'Rede',
'Geometry' => 'Xeometría',
'File exists.' => 'O ficheiro xa existe.',
'Attachments' => 'Adxuntos',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d consulta executada correctamente.', '%d consultas executadas correctamente.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Amosar só erros',
'Refresh' => 'Refrescar',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Esquema inválido.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Por favor use unha das extensións %s.',
'now' => 'agora',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Copiáronse as táboas.',
'Copy' => 'Copiar',
'Permanent link' => 'Ligazón permanente',
'Edit all' => 'Editar todo',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Optimizáronse as táboas',
'Materialized view' => 'Vista materializada',
'Vacuum' => 'Baleirar',
'Selected' => 'Selección',
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'O ficheiro ten que estar codificado con UTF-8',
'Modify' => 'Modificar',
'Loading' => 'Cargando',
'Load more data' => 'Cargar máis datos',
'%d / ' => array('%d / ','%d / '),
'Limit rows' => 'Limitar filas',
'Default value' => 'Valor por defecto',
'Full table scan' => 'Escaneo completo da táboa',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Demasiados intentos de conexión, intentao de novo en %d minuto', 'Demasiados intentos de conexión, intentao de novo en %d minutos'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'O contrasinal principal caducou. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implementa</a> o método %s para facelo permanente.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Se non enviaches esta petición dende o Adminer entón pecha esta páxina',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Podes subir un ficheiro SQL de gran tamaño vía FTP e importalo dende o servidor',
'Size' => 'Tamaño',
'Compute' => 'Calcular',
'You are offline.' => 'Non tes conexión',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Non tes privilexios para actualizar esta táboa',
'Saving' => 'Gardando',
'yes' => 'si',
'no' => 'non',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Belépés',
'Logout successful.' => 'Sikeres kilépés.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Érvénytelen adatok.',
'Server' => 'Szerver',
'Username' => 'Felhasználó',
'Password' => 'Jelszó',
'Select database' => 'Adatbázis kiválasztása',
'Invalid database.' => 'Érvénytelen adatbázis.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'A tábla eldobva.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'A tábla módosult.',
'Table has been created.' => 'A tábla létrejött.',
'Alter table' => 'Tábla módosítása',
'Create table' => 'Tábla létrehozása',
'Table name' => 'Tábla név',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'egybevetés',
'Column name' => 'Oszlop neve',
'Type' => 'Típus',
'Length' => 'Hossz',
'Auto Increment' => 'Automatikus növelés',
'Options' => 'Opciók',
'Save' => 'Mentés',
'Drop' => 'Eldob',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Az adatbázis eldobva.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Az adatbázis létrejött.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Az adadtbázis átnevezve.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Az adatbázis módosult.',
'Alter database' => 'Adatbázis módosítása',
'Create database' => 'Adatbázis létrehozása',
'SQL command' => 'SQL parancs',
'Logout' => 'Kilépés',
'database' => 'adatbázis',
'Use' => 'Használ',
'No tables.' => 'Nincs tábla.',
'select' => 'kiválasztás',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'A tétel törölve.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'A tétel frissítve.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => '%s tétel beszúrva.',
'Edit' => 'Szerkeszt',
'Insert' => 'Beszúr',
'Save and insert next' => 'Mentés és újat beszúr',
'Delete' => 'Törlés',
'Database' => 'Adatbázis',
'Routines' => 'Rutinok',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Az indexek megváltoztak.',
'Indexes' => 'Indexek',
'Alter indexes' => 'Index módosítása',
'Add next' => 'Következő hozzáadása',
'Language' => 'Nyelv',
'Select' => 'Kiválasztás',
'New item' => 'Új tétel',
'Search' => 'Keresés',
'Sort' => 'Sorba rendezés',
'descending' => 'csökkenő',
'Limit' => 'korlát',
'No rows.' => 'Nincs megjeleníthető eredmény.',
'Action' => 'Művelet',
'edit' => 'szerkeszt',
'Page' => 'oldal',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Lekérdezés sikeresen végrehajtva, %d sor érintett.', 'Lekérdezés sikeresen végrehajtva, %d sor érintett.', 'Lekérdezés sikeresen végrehajtva, %d sor érintett.'),
'Error in query' => 'Hiba a lekérdezésben',
'Execute' => 'Végrehajt',
'Table' => 'Tábla',
'Foreign keys' => 'Idegen kulcs',
'Triggers' => 'Trigger',
'View' => 'Nézet',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Nem tudom kiválasztani a táblát',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Érvénytelen CSRF azonosító. Küldd újra az űrlapot.',
'Comment' => 'Megjegyzés',
'Default values' => 'Alapértelmezett értékek',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bájt', '%d bájt', '%d bájt'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nincs végrehajtható parancs.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Nem tudom feltölteni a fájlt.',
'File upload' => 'Fájl feltöltése',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'A fájl feltöltés le van tiltva.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Rutin meghívva, %d sor érintett.', 'Rutin meghívva, %d sor érintett.', 'Rutin meghívva, %d sor érintett.'),
'Call' => 'Meghív',
'No extension' => 'Nincs kiterjesztés',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nincs egy elérhető támogatott PHP kiterjesztés (%s) sem.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'A munkameneteknek (session) engedélyezve kell lennie.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Munkamenet lejárt, jelentkezz be újra.',
'Text length' => 'Szöveg hossz',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Idegen kulcs eldobva.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Idegen kulcs módosult.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Idegen kulcs létrejött.',
'Foreign key' => 'Idegen kulcs',
'Target table' => 'Cél tábla',
'Change' => 'Változtat',
'Source' => 'Forrás',
'Target' => 'Cél',
'Add column' => 'Oszlop hozzáadása',
'Alter' => 'Módosítás',
'Add foreign key' => 'Idegen kulcs hozzadása',
'ON DELETE' => 'törléskor',
'ON UPDATE' => 'frissítéskor',
'Index Type' => 'Index típusa',
'Column (length)' => 'Oszop (méret)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'A nézet eldobva.',
'View has been altered.' => 'A nézet módosult.',
'View has been created.' => 'A nézet létrejött.',
'Alter view' => 'Nézet módosítása',
'Create view' => 'Nézet létrehozása',
'Name' => 'Név',
'Process list' => 'Folyamatok',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d folyamat leállítva.', '%d folyamat leállítva.', '%d folyamat leállítva.'),
'Kill' => 'Leállít',
'Parameter name' => 'Paraméter neve',
'Database schema' => 'Adatbázis séma',
'Create procedure' => 'Eljárás létrehozása',
'Create function' => 'Funkció létrehozása',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'A rutin eldobva.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'A rutin módosult.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'A rutin létrejött.',
'Alter function' => 'Funkció módosítása',
'Alter procedure' => 'Eljárás módosítása',
'Return type' => 'Visszatérési érték',
'Add trigger' => 'Trigger hozzáadása',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'A trigger eldobva.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'A trigger módosult.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'A trigger létrejött.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Trigger módosítása',
'Create trigger' => 'Trigger létrehozása',
'Time' => 'Idő',
'Event' => 'Esemény',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s verzió: %s, PHP: %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d sor', '%d sor', '%d sor'),
'Remove' => 'Eltávolítás',
'Are you sure?' => 'Biztos benne?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilégiumok',
'Create user' => 'Felhasználó hozzáadása',
'User has been dropped.' => 'A felhasználó eldobva.',
'User has been altered.' => 'A felhasználó módosult.',
'User has been created.' => 'A felhasználó létrejött.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Oszlop',
'Routine' => 'Rutin',
'Grant' => 'Engedélyezés',
'Revoke' => 'Visszavonás',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Túl sok a POST adat! Csökkentsd az adat méretét, vagy növeld a %s beállítást.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Belépve: %s',
'Move up' => 'Felfelé',
'Move down' => 'Lefelé',
'Functions' => 'Funkciók',
'Aggregation' => 'Aggregálás',
'Export' => 'Export',
'Output' => 'Kimenet',
'open' => 'megnyit',
'save' => 'ment',
'Format' => 'Formátum',
'Tables' => 'Táblák',
'Data' => 'Adat',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Az esemény eldobva.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Az esemény módosult.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Az esemény létrejött.',
'Alter event' => 'Esemény módosítása',
'Create event' => 'Esemény létrehozása',
'At given time' => 'Megadott időben',
'Every' => 'Minden',
'Events' => 'Esemény',
'Schedule' => 'Ütemzés',
'Start' => 'Kezd',
'End' => 'Vége',
'Status' => 'Állapot',
'On completion preserve' => 'Befejezéskor megőrzi',
'Tables and views' => 'Táblák és nézetek',
'Data Length' => 'Méret',
'Index Length' => 'Index hossz',
'Data Free' => 'Adat szabad',
'Collation' => 'Egybevetés',
'Analyze' => 'Elemzés',
'Optimize' => 'Optimalizál',
'Check' => 'Ellenőrzés',
'Repair' => 'Javít',
'Truncate' => 'Felszabadít',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'A tábla felszabadítva.',
'Rows' => 'Oszlop',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Táblák áthelyezve.',
'Move to other database' => 'Áthelyezés másik adatbázisba',
'Move' => 'Áthelyez',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Mentés és szerkesztés folytatása',
'original' => 'eredeti',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d tétel érintett.', '%d tétel érintett.', '%d tétel érintett.'),
'whole result' => 'összes eredményt mutatása',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Táblák eldobva.',
'Clone' => 'Klónoz',
'Partition by' => 'Particionálás ezzel',
'Partitions' => 'Particiók',
'Partition name' => 'Partició neve',
'Values' => 'Értékek',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d sor importálva.', '%d sor importálva.', '%d sor importálva.'),
'Import' => 'Importálás',
'Show structure' => 'Struktúra',
'Select data' => 'Tartalom',
'Stop on error' => 'Hiba esetén megáll',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'A maximális mezőszámot elérted. Növeld meg ezeket: %s.',
'anywhere' => 'bárhol',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f másodperc',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy].m.d',
'History' => 'Történet',
'Variables' => 'Változók',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'A forrás és cél oszlopoknak azonos típusúak legyenek, a cél oszlopok indexeltek legyenek, és a hivatkozott adatnak léteznie kell.',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Feladó',
'Subject' => 'Tárgy',
'Send' => 'Küldés',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d e-mail elküldve.', '%d e-mail elküldve.', '%d e-mail elküldve.'),
'Run file' => 'Fájl futtatása',
'Numbers' => 'Szám',
'Date and time' => 'Dátum és idő',
'Strings' => 'Szöveg',
'Binary' => 'Bináris',
'Lists' => 'Lista',
'Relations' => 'Reláció',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'A maximális fájlméret %s B.',
'Clear' => 'Törlés',
'Editor' => 'Szerkesztő',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webszerver fájl %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'A fájl nem létezik.',
'Permanent login' => 'Emlékezz rám',
'%d in total' => 'összesen %d',
'Attachments' => 'Csatolmány',
'System' => 'Adatbázis',
'last' => 'utolsó',
'Network' => 'Hálózat',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Adatbázis eldobva.',
'File exists.' => 'A fájl létezik.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Használd a szerkesztés hivatkozást ezen érték módosításához.',
'Alter schema' => 'Séma módosítása',
'Create schema' => 'Séma létrehozása',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Séma eldobva.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Séma létrejött.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Séma módosult.',
'Schema' => 'Séma',
'Sequences' => 'Sorozatok',
'Create sequence' => 'Sorozat létrehozása',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sorozat eldobva.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sorozat létrejött.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sorozat módosult.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Sorozat módosítása',
'User types' => 'Felhasználói típus',
'Create type' => 'Típus létrehozása',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Típus eldobva.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Típus létrehozva.',
'Alter type' => 'Típus módosítása',
'Search data in tables' => 'Keresés a táblákban',
'From server' => 'Szerverről',
'empty' => 'üres',
'now' => 'most',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d sikeres lekérdezés.',
'Show only errors' => 'Csak a hibák mutatása',
'Refresh' => 'Frissítés',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Érvénytelen séma.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Használja a(z) %s kiterjesztést.',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Táblák átmásolva.',
'Copy' => 'Másolás',
'Permanent link' => 'Hivatkozás',
'Edit all' => 'Összes szerkesztése',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'óó:pp:mm',
@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Sistem',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Pengguna',
'Password' => 'Sandi',
'Permanent login' => 'Masuk permanen',
'Login' => 'Masuk',
'Logout' => 'Keluar',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Masuk sebagai: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Berhasil keluar.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Akses tidak sah.',
'Language' => 'Bahasa',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF tidak sah. Kirim ulang formulir.',
'No extension' => 'Ekstensi tidak ada',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Ekstensi PHP yang didukung (%s) tidak ada.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Dukungan sesi harus aktif.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sesi habis, silakan masuk lagi.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versi %s: %s dengan ekstensi PHP %s',
'Refresh' => 'Segarkan',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Privilese',
'Create user' => 'Buat pengguna',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Pengguna berhasil dihapus.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Pengguna berhasil diubah.',
'User has been created.' => 'Pengguna berhasil dibuat.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed*',
'Column' => 'Kolom',
'Routine' => 'Rutin',
'Grant' => 'Beri',
'Revoke' => 'Tarik',
'Process list' => 'Daftar proses',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d proses berhasil dihentikan.',
'Kill' => 'Hentikan',
'Variables' => 'Variabel',
'Status' => 'Status',
'SQL command' => 'Perintah SQL',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d kueri berhasil dijalankan.',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'Kueri berhasil, %d baris terpengaruh.',
'No commands to execute.' => 'Tidak ada perintah untuk dijalankan.',
'Error in query' => 'Galat dalam kueri',
'Execute' => 'Jalankan',
'Stop on error' => 'Hentikan jika galat',
'Show only errors' => 'Hanya tampilkan galat',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Riwayat',
'Clear' => 'Bersihkan',
'Edit all' => 'Sunting semua',
'File upload' => 'Unggah berkas',
'From server' => 'Dari server',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Berkas server web %s',
'Run file' => 'Jalankan berkas',
'File does not exist.' => 'Berkas tidak ada.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Pengunggahan berkas dimatikan.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Tidak dapat mengunggah berkas.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Besar berkas yang diizinkan adalah %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Data POST terlalu besar. Kurangi data atau perbesar direktif konfigurasi %s.',
'Export' => 'Ekspor',
'Output' => 'Hasil',
'open' => 'buka',
'save' => 'simpan',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Data' => 'Data',
'Database' => 'Basis data',
'database' => 'basis data',
'Use' => 'Gunakan',
'Select database' => 'Pilih basis data',
'Invalid database.' => 'Basis data tidak sah.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Basis data berhasil dihapus.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Basis data berhasil dihapus.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Basis data berhasil dibuat.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Basis data berhasil diganti namanya.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Basis data berhasil diubah.',
'Alter database' => 'Ubah basis data',
'Create database' => 'Buat basis data',
'Database schema' => 'Skema basis data',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Pranala permanen',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => '.',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Mesin',
'Collation' => 'Kolasi',
'Data Length' => 'Panjang Data',
'Index Length' => 'Panjang Indeks',
'Data Free' => 'Data Bebas',
'Rows' => 'Baris',
'%d in total' => '%d total',
'Analyze' => 'Analisis',
'Optimize' => 'Optimalkan',
'Check' => 'Periksa',
'Repair' => 'Perbaiki',
'Truncate' => 'Kosongkan',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabel berhasil dikosongkan.',
'Move to other database' => 'Pindahkan ke basis data lain',
'Move' => 'Pindahkan',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabel berhasil dipindahkan.',
'Copy' => 'Salin',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabel berhasil disalin.',
'Routines' => 'Rutin',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => 'Rutin telah dipanggil, %d baris terpengaruh.',
'Call' => 'Panggilan',
'Parameter name' => 'Nama parameter',
'Create procedure' => 'Buat prosedur',
'Create function' => 'Buat fungsi',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Rutin berhasil dihapus.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Rutin berhasil diubah.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Rutin berhasil dibuat.',
'Alter function' => 'Ubah fungsi',
'Alter procedure' => 'Ubah prosedur',
'Return type' => 'Jenis pengembalian',
'Events' => 'Even',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Even berhasil dihapus.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Even berhasil diubah.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Even berhasil dibuat.',
'Alter event' => 'Ubah even',
'Create event' => 'Buat even',
'At given time' => 'Pada waktu tertentu',
'Every' => 'Setiap',
'Schedule' => 'Jadwal',
'Start' => 'Mulai',
'End' => 'Selesai',
'On completion preserve' => 'Pertahankan saat selesai',
'Tables' => 'Tabel',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabel dan tampilan',
'Table' => 'Tabel',
'No tables.' => 'Tidak ada tabel.',
'Alter table' => 'Ubah tabel',
'Create table' => 'Buat tabel',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabel berhasil dihapus.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabel berhasil dihapus.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabel berhasil dioptimalkan.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabel berhasil diubah.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabel berhasil dibuat.',
'Table name' => 'Nama tabel',
'Show structure' => 'Lihat struktur',
'engine' => 'mesin',
'collation' => 'kolasi',
'Column name' => 'Nama kolom',
'Type' => 'Jenis',
'Length' => 'Panjang',
'Auto Increment' => 'Inkrementasi Otomatis',
'Options' => 'Opsi',
'Comment' => 'Komentar',
'Default values' => 'Nilai bawaan',
'Drop' => 'Hapus',
'Are you sure?' => 'Anda yakin?',
'Move up' => 'Naik',
'Move down' => 'Turun',
'Remove' => 'Hapus',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Sudah lebih dumlah ruas maksimum yang diizinkan. Harap naikkan %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partisi menurut',
'Partitions' => 'Partisi',
'Partition name' => 'Nama partisi',
'Values' => 'Nilai',
'View' => 'Tampilan',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Tampilan berhasil dihapus.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Tampilan berhasil diubah.',
'View has been created.' => 'Tampilan berhasil dibuat.',
'Alter view' => 'Ubah tampilan',
'Create view' => 'Buat tampilan',
'Indexes' => 'Indeks',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeks berhasil diubah.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Ubah indeks',
'Add next' => 'Tambah setelahnya',
'Index Type' => 'Jenis Indeks',
'Column (length)' => 'Kolom (panjang)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Kunci asing',
'Foreign key' => 'Kunci asing',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Kunci asing berhasil dihapus.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Kunci asing berhasil diubah.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Kunci asing berhasil dibuat.',
'Target table' => 'Tabel sasaran',
'Change' => 'Ubah',
'Source' => 'Sumber',
'Target' => 'Sasaran',
'Add column' => 'Tambah kolom',
'Alter' => 'Ubah',
'Add foreign key' => 'Tambah kunci asing',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Kolom sumber dan sasaran harus memiliki jenis data yang sama. Kolom sasaran harus memiliki indeks dan data rujukan harus ada.',
'Triggers' => 'Pemicu',
'Add trigger' => 'Tambah pemicu',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Pemicu berhasil dihapus.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Pemicu berhasil diubah.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Pemicu berhasil dibuat.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Ubah pemicu',
'Create trigger' => 'Buat pemicu',
'Time' => 'Waktu',
'Event' => 'Even',
'Name' => 'Nama',
'select' => 'pilih',
'Select' => 'Pilih',
'Select data' => 'Pilih data',
'Functions' => 'Fungsi',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregasi',
'Search' => 'Cari',
'anywhere' => 'di mana pun',
'Search data in tables' => 'Cari data dalam tabel',
'Sort' => 'Urutkan',
'descending' => 'menurun',
'Limit' => 'Batas',
'Text length' => 'Panjang teks',
'Action' => 'Tindakan',
'Full table scan' => 'Pindai tabel lengkap',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Gagal memilih tabel',
'No rows.' => 'Tidak ada baris.',
'%d row(s)' => '%d baris',
'Page' => 'Halaman',
'last' => 'terakhir',
'whole result' => 'Seluruh hasil',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d bita',
'Import' => 'Impor',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d baris berhasil diimpor.',
// in-place editing in select
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Gunakan pranala suntingan untuk mengubah nilai ini.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Entri%s berhasil disisipkan.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Entri berhasil dihapus.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Entri berhasil diperbarui.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d entri terpengaruh.',
'New item' => 'Entri baru',
'original' => 'asli',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'kosong',
'edit' => 'sunting',
'Edit' => 'Sunting',
'Insert' => 'Sisipkan',
'Save' => 'Simpan',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Simpan dan lanjut menyunting',
'Save and insert next' => 'Simpan dan sisipkan berikutnya',
'Clone' => 'Gandakan',
'Delete' => 'Hapus',
'E-mail' => 'Surel',
'From' => 'Dari',
'Subject' => 'Judul',
'Attachments' => 'Lampiran',
'Send' => 'Kirim',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '%d surel berhasil dikirim.',
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Angka',
'Date and time' => 'Tanggal dan waktu',
'Strings' => 'String',
'Binary' => 'Binari',
'Lists' => 'Daftar',
'Network' => 'Jaringan',
'Geometry' => 'Geometri',
'Relations' => 'Relasi',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1-$3-$5',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy]-mm-dd',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'now',
'yes' => 'yes',
'no' => 'no',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Berkas sudah ada.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Harap gunakan salah satu ekstensi %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Ubah skema',
'Create schema' => 'Buat skema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Skema berhasil dihapus.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Skema berhasil dibuat.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Skema berhasil diubah.',
'Schema' => 'Skema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Skema tidak sah.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Deret',
'Create sequence' => 'Buat deret',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Deret berhasil dihapus.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Deret berhasil dibuat.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Deret berhasil diubah.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Ubah deret',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Jenis pengguna',
'Create type' => 'Buat jenis',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Jenis berhasil dihapus.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Jenis berhasil dibuat.',
'Alter type' => 'Ubah jenis',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Autenticazione',
'Logout successful.' => 'Uscita effettuata con successo.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Credenziali non valide.',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Utente',
'Password' => 'Password',
'Select database' => 'Seleziona database',
'Invalid database.' => 'Database non valido.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabella eliminata.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabella modificata.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabella creata.',
'Alter table' => 'Modifica tabella',
'Create table' => 'Crea tabella',
'Table name' => 'Nome tabella',
'engine' => 'motore',
'collation' => 'collazione',
'Column name' => 'Nome colonna',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Length' => 'Lunghezza',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto incremento',
'Options' => 'Opzioni',
'Save' => 'Salva',
'Drop' => 'Elimina',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Database eliminato.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Database creato.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Database rinominato.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Database modificato.',
'Alter database' => 'Modifica database',
'Create database' => 'Crea database',
'SQL command' => 'Comando SQL',
'Logout' => 'Esci',
'database' => 'database',
'Use' => 'Usa',
'No tables.' => 'No tabelle.',
'select' => 'seleziona',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Elemento eliminato.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Elemento aggiornato.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Elemento%s inserito.',
'Edit' => 'Modifica',
'Insert' => 'Inserisci',
'Save and insert next' => 'Salva e inserisci un altro',
'Delete' => 'Elimina',
'Database' => 'Database',
'Routines' => 'Routine',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indici modificati.',
'Indexes' => 'Indici',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modifica indici',
'Add next' => 'Aggiungi altro',
'Language' => 'Lingua',
'Select' => 'Seleziona',
'New item' => 'Nuovo elemento',
'Search' => 'Cerca',
'Sort' => 'Ordina',
'descending' => 'discendente',
'Limit' => 'Limite',
'No rows.' => 'Nessuna riga.',
'Action' => 'Azione',
'edit' => 'modifica',
'Page' => 'Pagina',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Esecuzione della query OK, %d riga interessata.', 'Esecuzione della query OK, %d righe interessate.'),
'Error in query' => 'Errore nella query',
'Execute' => 'Esegui',
'Table' => 'Tabella',
'Foreign keys' => 'Chiavi esterne',
'Triggers' => 'Trigger',
'View' => 'Vedi',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Selezione della tabella non riuscita',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF non valido. Reinvia la richiesta.',
'Comment' => 'Commento',
'Default values' => 'Valori predefiniti',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nessun commando da eseguire.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Caricamento del file non riuscito.',
'File upload' => 'Caricamento file',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Caricamento file disabilitato.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Routine chiamata, %d riga interessata.', 'Routine chiamata, %d righe interessate.'),
'Call' => 'Chiama',
'No extension' => 'Estensioni non presenti',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nessuna delle estensioni PHP supportate (%s) disponibile.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Le sessioni devono essere abilitate.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sessione scaduta, autenticarsi di nuovo.',
'Text length' => 'Lunghezza testo',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Foreign key eliminata.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Foreign key modificata.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Foreign key creata.',
'Foreign key' => 'Foreign key',
'Target table' => 'Tabella obiettivo',
'Change' => 'Cambia',
'Source' => 'Sorgente',
'Target' => 'Obiettivo',
'Add column' => 'Aggiungi colonna',
'Alter' => 'Modifica',
'Add foreign key' => 'Aggiungi foreign key',
'Index Type' => 'Tipo indice',
'Column (length)' => 'Colonna (lunghezza)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Vista eliminata.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Vista modificata.',
'View has been created.' => 'Vista creata.',
'Alter view' => 'Modifica vista',
'Create view' => 'Crea vista',
'Name' => 'Nome',
'Process list' => 'Elenco processi',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d processo interrotto.', '%d processi interrotti.'),
'Kill' => 'Interrompi',
'Parameter name' => 'Nome parametro',
'Database schema' => 'Schema database',
'Create procedure' => 'Crea procedura',
'Create function' => 'Crea funzione',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Routine eliminata.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Routine modificata.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Routine creata.',
'Alter function' => 'Modifica funzione',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modifica procedura',
'Return type' => 'Return type',
'Add trigger' => 'Aggiungi trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger eliminato.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger modificato.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger creato.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modifica trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Crea trigger',
'Time' => 'Orario',
'Event' => 'Evento',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versione %s: %s via estensione PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d riga', '%d righe'),
'Remove' => 'Rimuovi',
'Are you sure?' => 'Sicuro?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegi',
'Create user' => 'Crea utente',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Utente eliminato.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Utente modificato.',
'User has been created.' => 'Utente creato.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Colonna',
'Routine' => 'Routine',
'Grant' => 'Permetti',
'Revoke' => 'Revoca',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Troppi dati via POST. Ridurre i dati o aumentare la direttiva di configurazione %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Autenticato come: %s',
'Move up' => 'Sposta su',
'Move down' => 'Sposta giu',
'Functions' => 'Funzioni',
'Aggregation' => 'Aggregazione',
'Export' => 'Esporta',
'Output' => 'Risultato',
'open' => 'apri',
'save' => 'salva',
'Format' => 'Formato',
'Tables' => 'Tabelle',
'Data' => 'Dati',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Evento eliminato.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Evento modificato.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Evento creato.',
'Alter event' => 'Modifica evento',
'Create event' => 'Crea evento',
'Start' => 'Inizio',
'End' => 'Fine',
'Every' => 'Ogni',
'Status' => 'Stato',
'On completion preserve' => 'Al termine preservare',
'Events' => 'Eventi',
'Schedule' => 'Pianifica',
'At given time' => 'A tempo prestabilito',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Salva e continua',
'original' => 'originale',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Le tabelle sono state svuotate.',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Le tabelle sono state spostate.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Le tabelle sono state eliminate.',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabelle e viste',
'Engine' => 'Motore',
'Collation' => 'Collazione',
'Data Length' => 'Lunghezza dato',
'Index Length' => 'Lunghezza indice',
'Data Free' => 'Dati liberi',
'Rows' => 'Righe',
',' => '.',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => 'Analizza',
'Optimize' => 'Ottimizza',
'Check' => 'Controlla',
'Repair' => 'Ripara',
'Truncate' => 'Svuota',
'Move to other database' => 'Sposta in altro database',
'Move' => 'Sposta',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Il risultato consiste in %d elemento.', 'Il risultato consiste in %d elementi.'),
'whole result' => 'intero risultato',
'Clone' => 'Clona',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Troppi campi. Per favore aumentare %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partiziona per',
'Partitions' => 'Partizioni',
'Partition name' => 'Nome partizione',
'Values' => 'Valori',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d riga importata.', '%d righe importate.'),
'anywhere' => 'ovunque',
'Import' => 'Importa',
'Stop on error' => 'Stop su errore',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[yyyy]',
'History' => 'Storico',
'Variables' => 'Variabili',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Le colonne sorgente e destinazione devono essere dello stesso tipo e ci deve essere un indice sulla colonna di destinazione e sui dati referenziati.',
'Relations' => 'Relazioni',
'Run file' => 'Esegui file',
'Clear' => 'Pulisci',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'La dimensione massima del file è %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Numeri',
'Date and time' => 'Data e ora',
'Strings' => 'Stringhe',
'Binary' => 'Binari',
'Lists' => 'Liste',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Da',
'Subject' => 'Oggetto',
'Send' => 'Invia',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d e-mail inviata.', '%d e-mail inviate.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webserver file %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Il file non esiste.',
'%d in total' => '%d in totale',
'Permanent login' => 'Login permanente',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Database eliminati.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Cerca nelle tabelle',
'Schema' => 'Schema',
'Alter schema' => 'Modifica schema',
'Create schema' => 'Crea schema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schema eliminato.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schema creato.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schema modificato.',
'Sequences' => 'Sequenza',
'Create sequence' => 'Crea sequenza',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modifica sequenza',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sequenza eliminata.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sequenza creata.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sequenza modificata.',
'User types' => 'Tipi definiti dall\'utente',
'Create type' => 'Crea tipo definito dall\'utente',
'Alter type' => 'Modifica tipo definito dall\'utente',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo definito dall\'utente eliminato.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo definito dall\'utente creato.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Fai Ctrl+click su un valore per modificarlo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Usa il link modifica per modificare questo valore.',
'last' => 'ultima',
'From server' => 'Dal server',
'System' => 'Sistema',
'Select data' => 'Visualizza dati',
'Show structure' => 'Visualizza struttura',
'empty' => 'vuoto',
'Network' => 'Rete',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'File exists.' => 'Il file esiste già.',
'Attachments' => 'Allegati',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d query eseguita con successo.', '%d query eseguite con successo.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Mostra solo gli errori',
'Refresh' => 'Aggiorna',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Schema non valido.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Usa una delle estensioni %s.',
'now' => 'adesso',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Le tabelle sono state copiate.',
'Copy' => 'Copia',
'Permanent link' => 'Link permanente',
'Edit all' => 'Modifica tutto',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'ログイン',
'Logout successful.' => 'ログアウト',
'Invalid credentials.' => '不正なログイン',
'Server' => 'サーバ',
'Username' => 'ユーザ名',
'Password' => 'パスワード',
'Select database' => 'データベースを選択してください',
'Invalid database.' => '不正なデータベース',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'テーブルを削除しました',
'Table has been altered.' => 'テーブルを変更しました',
'Table has been created.' => 'テーブルを作成しました',
'Alter table' => 'テーブルの変更',
'Create table' => 'テーブルを作成',
'Table name' => 'テーブル名',
'engine' => 'エンジン',
'collation' => '照合順序',
'Column name' => '列名',
'Type' => '型',
'Length' => '長さ',
'Auto Increment' => '連番',
'Options' => '設定',
'Save' => '保存',
'Drop' => '削除',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'データベースを削除しました',
'Database has been created.' => 'データベースを作成しました',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'データベースの名前を変えました',
'Database has been altered.' => 'データベースを変更しました',
'Alter database' => 'データベースを変更',
'Create database' => 'データベースを作成',
'SQL command' => 'SQLコマンド',
'Logout' => 'ログアウト',
'database' => 'データベース',
'Use' => '使用',
'No tables.' => 'テーブルがありません。',
'select' => '選択',
'Item has been deleted.' => '項目を削除しました',
'Item has been updated.' => '項目を更新しました',
'Edit' => '編集',
'Insert' => '挿入',
'Save and insert next' => '保存/追加',
'Delete' => '削除',
'Database' => 'データベース',
'Routines' => 'ルーチン',
'Indexes have been altered.' => '索引を変更しました',
'Indexes' => '索引',
'Alter indexes' => '索引の変更',
'Add next' => '追加',
'Language' => '言語',
'Select' => '選択',
'New item' => '項目の作成',
'Search' => '検索',
'Sort' => 'ソート',
'descending' => '降順',
'Limit' => '制約',
'No rows.' => '行がありません',
'Action' => '動作',
'edit' => '編集',
'Page' => 'ページ',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'クエリーを実行しました。%d 行を変更しました',
'Error in query' => 'クエリーのエラー',
'Execute' => '実行',
'Table' => 'テーブル',
'Foreign keys' => '外部キー',
'Triggers' => 'トリガー',
'View' => 'ビュー',
'Unable to select the table' => 'テーブルを選択できません',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => '不正なCSRFトークン。再送信してください',
'Comment' => 'コメント',
'Default values' => '規定値',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d バイト',
'No commands to execute.' => '実行するコマンドがありません',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'ファイルをアップロードできません',
'File upload' => 'ファイルをアップロード',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'ファイルのアップロードが無効です',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => 'ルーチンを呼びました。%d 行を変更しました',
'Call' => '呼出し',
'No extension' => '拡張機能がありません',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'PHPの拡張機能(%s)がセットアップされていません',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'セッションを有効にしてください',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'セッションの期限切れ。ログインし直してください',
'Text length' => '文字列の長さ',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => '外部キーを削除しました',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => '外部キーを変更しました',
'Foreign key has been created.' => '外部キーを作成しました',
'Foreign key' => '外キー',
'Target table' => 'テーブル',
'Change' => '変更',
'Source' => 'ソース',
'Target' => 'ターゲット',
'Add column' => '列を追加',
'Alter' => '変更',
'Add foreign key' => '外部キーを追加',
'Index Type' => '索引の型',
'Column (length)' => '列(長さ)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'ビューを削除しました',
'View has been altered.' => 'ビューを変更しました',
'View has been created.' => 'ビューを作成しました',
'Alter view' => 'ビューを変更',
'Create view' => 'ビューを作成',
'Name' => '名称',
'Process list' => 'プロセス一覧',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d プロセスを強制終了しました',
'Kill' => '強制終了',
'Parameter name' => '参数名',
'Database schema' => '構造',
'Create procedure' => 'プロシージャの作成',
'Create function' => '関数の作成',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'ルーチンを作成',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'ルーチンを変更',
'Routine has been created.' => 'ルーチンを作成',
'Alter function' => '関数の変更',
'Alter procedure' => 'プロシージャの変更',
'Return type' => '戻り値の型',
'Add trigger' => 'トリガーの追加',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'トリガーを削除しました',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'トリガーを変更しました',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'トリガーを追加しました',
'Alter trigger' => 'トリガーの変更',
'Create trigger' => 'トリガーの作成',
'Time' => '時間',
'Event' => 'イベント',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%sバージョン:%s、 PHP拡張機能 %s',
'%d row(s)' => '%d 行',
'Remove' => '除外',
'Are you sure?' => '実行しますか?',
'Privileges' => '権限',
'Create user' => 'ユーザを作成',
'User has been dropped.' => 'ユーザを削除',
'User has been altered.' => 'ユーザを変更',
'User has been created.' => 'ユーザを作成',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => '列',
'Routine' => 'ルーチン',
'Grant' => '権限の付与',
'Revoke' => '権限の取消し',
'Logged as: %s' => 'ログ:%s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POSTデータが大きすぎます。データサイズを小さくするか %s 設定を大きくしてください',
'Move up' => '上',
'Move down' => '下',
'Export' => 'エクスポート',
'Tables' => 'テーブル',
'Data' => 'データ',
'Output' => '出力',
'open' => '開く',
'save' => '保存',
'Format' => '形式',
'Functions' => '関数',
'Aggregation' => '集合',
'Event has been dropped.' => '削除しました',
'Event has been altered.' => '変更しました',
'Event has been created.' => '作成しました',
'Alter event' => '変更',
'Create event' => '作成',
'Start' => '開始',
'End' => '終了',
'Every' => '毎回',
'Status' => '状態',
'On completion preserve' => '完成後に保存',
'Events' => 'イベント',
'Schedule' => 'スケジュール',
'At given time' => '指定時刻',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'テーブルをtruncateしました',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'テーブルを移動しました',
'Tables and views' => 'テーブルとビュー',
'Engine' => 'エンジン',
'Collation' => '照合順序',
'Data Length' => 'データ長',
'Index Length' => '索引長',
'Data Free' => '空き',
'Rows' => '行数',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => '分析',
'Optimize' => '最適化',
'Check' => 'チェック',
'Repair' => '修復',
'Truncate' => 'Truncate',
'Move to other database' => '別のデータベースへ移動',
'Move' => '移動',
'Save and continue edit' => '保存して継続',
'original' => '元',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d を更新しました',
'whole result' => '全結果',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'テーブルを削除しました',
'Clone' => 'クローン',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => '定義可能な最大フィールド数を越えました。%s を増やしてください。',
'Partition by' => 'パーティション',
'Partitions' => 'パーティション',
'Partition name' => 'パーティション名',
'Values' => '値',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d 行をインポートしました',
'Show structure' => '構造',
'anywhere' => '任意',
'Import' => 'インポート',
'Stop on error' => 'エラーの場合は停止',
'Select data' => 'データ',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f 秒',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy].mm.dd',
'History' => '履歴',
'Variables' => '変数',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'ソースとターゲットの列は同じデータ型でなければなりません。ターゲット列に索引があり、データが存在しなければなりません。',
'Relations' => '関係',
'Run file' => 'ファイルを実行',
'Clear' => '消去',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => '最大ファイルサイズ %sB',
'Numbers' => '数字',
'Date and time' => '日時',
'Strings' => '文字列',
'Binary' => 'バイナリ',
'Lists' => 'リスト',
'Editor' => 'エディタ',
'E-mail' => 'メール',
'From' => '差出人',
'Subject' => '題名',
'Send' => '送信',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '%d メールを送信しました',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webサーバファイル %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'ファイルは存在しません',
'%d in total' => '合計 %d',
'Permanent login' => '永続的にログイン',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'データベースを削除しました',
'Search data in tables' => 'データを検索する',
'Schema' => 'スキーマ',
'Alter schema' => 'スキーマ変更',
'Create schema' => 'スキーマ追加',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'スキーマを削除しました',
'Schema has been created.' => 'スキーマを追加しました',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'スキーマを変更しました',
'Sequences' => 'シーケンス',
'Create sequence' => 'シーケンス作成',
'Alter sequence' => 'シーケンス変更',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'シーケンスを削除しました',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'シーケンスを追加しました',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'シーケンスを変更しました',
'User types' => 'ユーザー定義型',
'Create type' => 'ユーザー定義型作成',
'Alter type' => 'ユーザー定義型変更',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'ユーザー定義型を削除しました',
'Type has been created.' => 'ユーザー定義型を追加しました',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'リンクを編集する',
'last' => '最終',
'From server' => 'サーバーから実行',
'System' => 'データベース種類',
'empty' => '空',
'Network' => 'ネットワーク型',
'Geometry' => 'ジオメトリ型',
'File exists.' => 'ファイルが既に存在します',
'Attachments' => '添付ファイル',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => '%s項目を挿入しました',
'now' => '現在の日時',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d クエリーを実行しました',
'Show only errors' => 'エラーのみ表示',
'Refresh' => 'リフレッシュ',
'Invalid schema.' => '無効なスキーマ',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'いずれかの拡張機能を使ってください %s',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'テーブルをコピーしました',
'Copy' => 'コピー',
'Permanent link' => 'パーマネントリンク',
'Edit all' => 'すべて編集',
'HH:MM:SS' => '時:分:秒',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => '로그인',
'Logout successful.' => '로그아웃',
'Invalid credentials.' => '잘못된 로그인',
'Server' => '서버',
'Username' => '사용자이름',
'Password' => '비밀번호',
'Select database' => '데이터베이스를 선택하십시오.',
'Invalid database.' => '잘못된 데이터베이스입니다.',
'Table has been dropped.' => '테이블을 삭제했습니다.',
'Table has been altered.' => '테이블을 변경했습니다.',
'Table has been created.' => '테이블을 만들었습니다.',
'Alter table' => '테이블 변경',
'Create table' => '테이블 만들기',
'Table name' => '테이블 이름',
'engine' => '엔진',
'collation' => '정렬',
'Column name' => '열 이름',
'Type' => '형',
'Length' => '길이',
'Auto Increment' => '자동증가',
'Options' => '설정',
'Save' => '저장',
'Drop' => '삭제',
'Database has been dropped.' => '데이터베이스를 삭제했습니다.',
'Database has been created.' => '데이터베이스를 만들었습니다.',
'Database has been renamed.' => '데이터베이스의 이름을 바꾸었습니다.',
'Database has been altered.' => '데이터베이스를 변경했습니다.',
'Alter database' => '데이터베이스 변경',
'Create database' => '데이터베이스 만들기',
'SQL command' => 'SQL 명령',
'Logout' => '로그아웃',
'database' => '데이터베이스',
'Use' => '사용',
'No tables.' => '테이블이 없습니다.',
'select' => '선택',
'Item has been deleted.' => '항목을 삭제했습니다.',
'Item has been updated.' => '항목을 갱신했습니다.',
'Edit' => '편집',
'Insert' => '삽입',
'Save and insert next' => '저장하고 다음에 추가',
'Delete' => '삭제',
'Database' => '데이터베이스',
'Routines' => '루틴',
'Indexes have been altered.' => '인덱스를 변경했습니다.',
'Indexes' => '색인',
'Alter indexes' => '인덱스 변경',
'Add next' => '추가',
'Language' => '언어',
'Select' => '선택',
'New item' => '항목 만들기',
'Search' => '검색',
'Sort' => '정렬',
'descending' => '역순',
'Limit' => '제약',
'No rows.' => '행이 없습니다.',
'Action' => '실행',
'edit' => '편집',
'Page' => '페이지',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => '쿼리를 실행했습니다. %d 행을 변경했습니다.',
'Error in query' => '쿼리의 오류',
'Execute' => '실행',
'Table' => '테이블',
'Foreign keys' => '외부 키',
'Triggers' => '트리거',
'View' => '보기',
'Unable to select the table' => '테이블을 선택할 수 없습니다.',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => '잘못된 CSRF 토큰. 다시 보내주십시오.',
'Comment' => '코멘트',
'Default values' => '기본값',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d 바이트',
'No commands to execute.' => '실행할 수 있는 명령이 없습니다.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => '파일을 업로드 할 수 없습니다.',
'File upload' => '파일 올리기',
'File uploads are disabled.' => '파일 업로드가 잘못되었습니다.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => '루틴을 호출했습니다. %d 행을 변경했습니다.',
'Call' => '외침',
'No extension' => '확장 기능이 없습니다.',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'PHP 확장 (%s)가 설치되어 있지 않습니다.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => '세션을 사용하십시오.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => '세션 만료. 다시 로그인하십시오.',
'Text length' => '문자열의 길이',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => '외부 키를 제거했습니다.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => '외부 키를 변경했습니다.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => '외부 키를 만들었습니다.',
'Foreign key' => '외부 키',
'Target table' => '테이블',
'Change' => '변경',
'Source' => '소스',
'Target' => '타겟',
'Add column' => '열 추가',
'Alter' => '변경',
'Add foreign key' => '외부 키를 추가',
'Index Type' => '인덱스 형',
'Column (length)' => '열 (길이)',
'View has been dropped.' => '보기를 삭제했습니다.',
'View has been altered.' => '보기를 변경했습니다.',
'View has been created.' => '보기를 만들었습니다.',
'Alter view' => '보기 변경',
'Create view' => '뷰 만들기',
'Name' => '이름',
'Process list' => '프로세스 목록',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d 프로세스를 강제 종료되었습니다.',
'Kill' => '강제 종료',
'Parameter name' => '참조 여명',
'Database schema' => '구조',
'Create procedure' => '시저 만들기',
'Create function' => '함수 만들기',
'Routine has been dropped.' => '루틴 만들기',
'Routine has been altered.' => '루틴 변경',
'Routine has been created.' => '루틴 만들기',
'Alter function' => '함수의 변경',
'Alter procedure' => '시저 변경',
'Return type' => '반환 형식',
'Add trigger' => '트리거 추가',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => '트리거를 제거했습니다.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => '트리거를 변경했습니다.',
'Trigger has been created.' => '트리거를 추가했습니다.',
'Alter trigger' => '트리거 변경',
'Create trigger' => '트리거 만들기',
'Time' => '시간',
'Event' => '이벤트',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s 버전 %s, PHP 확장 %s',
'%d row(s)' => '%d 행',
'Remove' => '제외',
'Are you sure?' => '실행 하시겠습니까?',
'Privileges' => '권한',
'Create user' => '사용자 만들기',
'User has been dropped.' => '사용자 삭제',
'User has been altered.' => '사용자 변경',
'User has been created.' => '사용자 만들기',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => '열',
'Routine' => '루틴',
'Grant' => '권한 부여',
'Revoke' => '권한 취소',
'Logged as: %s' => '로그 : %s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST 데이터가 너무 큽니다. 데이터 크기를 줄이거나 %s 설정을 늘리십시오.',
'Move up' => '상',
'Move down' => '아래',
'Export' => '내보내기',
'Tables' => '테이블',
'Data' => '데이터',
'Output' => '출력',
'open' => '열',
'save' => '저장',
'Format' => '형식',
'Functions' => '함수',
'Aggregation' => '집합',
'Event has been dropped.' => '삭제했습니다.',
'Event has been altered.' => '변경했습니다.',
'Event has been created.' => '만들었습니다.',
'Alter event' => '변경',
'Create event' => '만들기',
'Start' => '시작',
'End' => '종료',
'Every' => '매번',
'Status' => '상태',
'On completion preserve' => '완성 후 저장',
'Events' => '이벤트',
'Schedule' => '일정',
'At given time' => '지정 시간',
'Tables have been truncated.' => '테이블을 truncate했습니다.',
'Tables have been moved.' => '테이블을 옮겼습니다.',
'Tables and views' => '테이블과 뷰',
'Engine' => '엔진',
'Collation' => '정렬',
'Data Length' => '데이터 길이',
'Index Length' => '인덱스 길이',
'Data Free' => '여유',
'Rows' => '행',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => '분석',
'Optimize' => '최적화',
'Check' => '확인',
'Repair' => '복구',
'Truncate' => 'Truncate',
'Move to other database' => '다른 데이터베이스로 이동',
'Move' => '이동',
'Save and continue edit' => '저장하고 계속',
'original' => '원래',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d를 갱신했습니다.',
'whole result' => '모든 결과',
'Tables have been dropped.' => '테이블을 삭제했습니다.',
'Clone' => '복제',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => '정의 가능한 최대 필드 수를 초과했습니다. %s를 늘리십시오.',
'Partition by' => '파티션',
'Partitions' => '파티션',
'Partition name' => '파티션 이름',
'Values' => '값',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d 행을 가져 왔습니다.',
'Show structure' => '구조',
'anywhere' => '모든',
'Import' => '가져 오기',
'Stop on error' => '오류의 경우 중지',
'Select data' => '데이터',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f 초',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1-$3-$5',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy]-mm-dd',
'History' => '역사',
'Variables' => '변수',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '원본 및 대상 열은 동일한 데이터 형식이어야합니다. 목표 컬럼에 인덱스와 데이터가 존재해야합니다.',
'Relations' => '관계',
'Run file' => '파일을 실행',
'Clear' => '삭제',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => '파일의 최대 크기 %sB',
'Numbers' => '숫자',
'Date and time' => '시간',
'Strings' => '문자열',
'Binary' => '이진',
'Lists' => '목록',
'Editor' => '에디터',
'E-mail' => '메일',
'From' => '보낸 사람',
'Subject' => '제목',
'Send' => '보내기',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '%d 메일을 보냈습니다.',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Web 서버 파일 %s',
'File does not exist.' => '파일이 존재하지 않습니다.',
'%d in total' => '총 %d',
'Permanent login' => '영구적으로 로그인',
'Databases have been dropped.' => '데이터베이스를 삭제했습니다.',
'Search data in tables' => '데이터 검색',
'Schema' => '스키마',
'Alter schema' => '스키마 변경',
'Create schema' => '스키마 추가',
'Schema has been dropped.' => '스키마를 삭제했습니다.',
'Schema has been created.' => '스키마를 추가했습니다.',
'Schema has been altered.' => '스키마를 변경했습니다.',
'Sequences' => '시퀀스',
'Create sequence' => '시퀀스 만들기',
'Alter sequence' => '순서 변경',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => '시퀀스를 제거했습니다.',
'Sequence has been created.' => '시퀀스를 추가했습니다.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => '순서를 변경했습니다.',
'User types' => '사용자 정의 형',
'Create type' => '사용자 정의 형식 만들기',
'Alter type' => '사용자 정의 형식 변경',
'Type has been dropped.' => '사용자 정의 형식을 삭제했습니다.',
'Type has been created.' => '사용자 정의 형식을 추가했습니다.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '링크 편집',
'last' => '마지막',
'From server' => '서버에서 실행',
'System' => '데이터베이스 형식',
'empty' => '하늘',
'Network' => '네트워크 형',
'Geometry' => '기하 형',
'File exists.' => '파일이 이미 있습니다.',
'Attachments' => '첨부 파일',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => '%s 항목을 삽입했습니다.',
'now' => '현재 시간',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d 쿼리를 실행했습니다.',
'Show only errors' => '오류 만 표시',
'Refresh' => '새로 고침',
'Invalid schema.' => '잘못된 스키마',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => '하나의 확장 기능을 사용하십시오 %s',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => '테이블을 복사했습니다',
'Copy' => '복사',
'Permanent link' => '영구 링크',
'Edit all' => '모든 편집',
'HH:MM:SS' => '시:분:초',
@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Sistema',
'Server' => 'Serveris',
'Username' => 'Vartotojas',
'Password' => 'Slaptažodis',
'Permanent login' => 'Pastovus prisijungimas',
'Login' => 'Prisijungti',
'Logout' => 'Atsijungti',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Prisijungęs kaip: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Jūs atsijungėte nuo sistemos.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Neteisingi prisijungimo duomenys.',
'Language' => 'Kalba',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Neteisingas CSRF tokenas. Bandykite siųsti formos duomenis dar kartą.',
'No extension' => 'Nėra plėtiio',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nėra nei vieno iš palaikomų PHP plėtinių (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Sesijų palaikymas turi būti įjungtas.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sesijos galiojimas baigėsi. Prisijunkite iš naujo.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s versija: %s per PHP plėtinį %s',
'Refresh' => 'Atnaujinti',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegijos',
'Create user' => 'Sukurti vartotoją',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Vartotojas ištrintas.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Vartotojo duomenys pakeisti.',
'User has been created.' => 'Vartotojas sukurtas.',
'Hashed' => 'Šifruotas',
'Column' => 'Stulpelis',
'Routine' => 'Procedūra',
'Grant' => 'Suteikti',
'Revoke' => 'Atšaukti',
'Process list' => 'Procesų sąrašas',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d procesas nutrauktas.', '%d procesai nutraukti.', '%d procesų nutraukta.'),
'Kill' => 'Nutraukti',
'Variables' => 'Kintamieji',
'Status' => 'Būsena',
'SQL command' => 'SQL užklausa',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d užklausa įvykdyta.', '%d užklausos įvykdytos.', '%d užklausų įvykdyta.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Užklausa įvykdyta. Pakeistas %d įrašas.', 'Užklausa įvykdyta. Pakeisti %d įrašai.', 'Užklausa įvykdyta. Pakeista %d įrašų.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nėra vykdomų užklausų.',
'Error in query' => 'Klaida užklausoje',
'Execute' => 'Vykdyti',
'Stop on error' => 'Sustabdyti esant klaidai',
'Show only errors' => 'Rodyti tik klaidas',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Istorija',
'Clear' => 'Išvalyti',
'Edit all' => 'Redaguoti visus',
'File upload' => 'Failo įkėlimas',
'From server' => 'Iš serverio',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Failas %s iš serverio',
'Run file' => 'Vykdyti failą',
'File does not exist.' => 'Failas neegzistuoja.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Failų įkėlimas išjungtas.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Nepavyko įkelti failo.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maksimalus failo dydis - %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Per daug POST duomenų. Sumažinkite duomenų kiekį arba padidinkite konfigūracijos nustatymą %s.',
'Export' => 'Eksportas',
'Output' => 'Išvestis',
'open' => 'atidaryti',
'save' => 'išsaugoti',
'Format' => 'Formatas',
'Data' => 'Duomenys',
'Database' => 'Duomenų bazė',
'database' => 'duomenų bazė',
'Use' => 'Naudoti',
'Select database' => 'Pasirinkti duomenų bazę',
'Invalid database.' => 'Neteisinga duomenų bazė.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Duomenų bazė panaikinta.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Duomenų bazės panaikintos.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Duomenų bazė sukurta.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Duomenų bazė pervadinta.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Duomenų bazė pakeista.',
'Alter database' => 'Redaguoti duomenų bazę',
'Create database' => 'Sukurti duomenų bazę',
'Database schema' => 'Duomenų bazės schema',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Pastovi nuoroda',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Variklis',
'Collation' => 'Lyginimas',
'Data Length' => 'Duomenų ilgis',
'Index Length' => 'Indekso ilgis',
'Data Free' => 'Laisvos vietos',
'Rows' => 'Įrašai',
'%d in total' => '%d iš viso',
'Analyze' => 'Analizuoti',
'Optimize' => 'Optimizuoti',
'Check' => 'Patikrinti',
'Repair' => 'Pataisyti',
'Truncate' => 'Tuštinti',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Lentelės buvo ištuštintos.',
'Move to other database' => 'Perkelti į kitą duomenų bazę',
'Move' => 'Perkelti',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Lentelės perkeltos.',
'Copy' => 'Kopijuoti',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Lentelės nukopijuotos.',
'Routines' => 'Procedūros',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Procedūra įvykdyta. %d įrašas pakeistas.', 'Procedūra įvykdyta. %d įrašai pakeisti.', 'Procedūra įvykdyta. %d įrašų pakeista.'),
'Call' => 'Vykdyti',
'Parameter name' => 'Parametro pavadinimas',
'Create procedure' => 'Sukurti procedūrą',
'Create function' => 'Sukurti funkciją',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedūra pašalinta.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedūra pakeista.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedūra sukurta.',
'Alter function' => 'Keisti funkciją',
'Alter procedure' => 'Keiskti procedūrą',
'Return type' => 'Grąžinimo tipas',
'Events' => 'Įvykiai',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Įvykis pašalintas.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Įvykis pakeistas.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Įvykis sukurtas.',
'Alter event' => 'Redaguoti įvykį',
'Create event' => 'Sukurti įvykį',
'At given time' => 'Nurodytu laiku',
'Every' => 'Kas',
'Schedule' => 'Grafikas',
'Start' => 'Pradžia',
'End' => 'Pabaiga',
'On completion preserve' => 'Įvykdžius išsaugoti',
'Tables' => 'Lentelės',
'Tables and views' => 'Lentelės ir vaizdai',
'Table' => 'Lentelė',
'No tables.' => 'Nėra lentelių.',
'Alter table' => 'Redaguoti lentelę',
'Create table' => 'Sukurti lentelę',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Lentelė pašalinta.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Lentelės pašalintos.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Lentelė pakeista.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Lentelė sukurta.',
'Table name' => 'Lentelės pavadinimas',
'Show structure' => 'Rodyti struktūrą',
'engine' => 'variklis',
'collation' => 'palyginimas',
'Column name' => 'Stulpelio pavadinimas',
'Type' => 'Tipas',
'Length' => 'Ilgis',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto Increment',
'Options' => 'Nustatymai',
'Comment' => 'Komentaras',
'Default values' => 'Reikšmės pagal nutylėjimą',
'Drop' => 'Pašalinti',
'Are you sure?' => 'Tikrai?',
'Move up' => 'Perkelti į viršų',
'Move down' => 'Perkelti žemyn',
'Remove' => 'Pašalinti',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Viršytas maksimalus leidžiamų stulpelių kiekis. Padidinkite %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Skirstyti pagal',
'Partitions' => 'Skirsniai',
'Partition name' => 'Skirsnio pavadinimas',
'Values' => 'Reikšmės',
'View' => 'Vaizdas',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Vaizdas pašalintas.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Vaizdas pakeistas.',
'View has been created.' => 'Vaizdas sukurtas.',
'Alter view' => 'Redaguoti vaizdą',
'Create view' => 'Sukurti vaizdą',
'Indexes' => 'Indeksai',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksai pakeisti.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Redaguoti indeksus',
'Add next' => 'Pridėti kitą',
'Index Type' => 'Indekso tipas',
'Column (length)' => 'Stulpelis (ilgis)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Išoriniai raktai',
'Foreign key' => 'Išorinis raktas',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Išorinis raktas pašalintas.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Išorinis raktas pakeistas.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Išorinis raktas sukurtas.',
'Target table' => 'Tikslinė lentelė',
'Change' => 'Pakeisti',
'Source' => 'Šaltinis',
'Target' => 'Tikslas',
'Add column' => 'Pridėti stulpelį',
'Alter' => 'Redaguoti',
'Add foreign key' => 'Pridėti išorinį raktą',
'ON DELETE' => 'Ištrinant',
'ON UPDATE' => 'Atnaujinant',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Šaltinio ir tikslinis stulpelis turi būti to paties tipo, tiksliniame stulpelyje turi būti naudojamas indeksas ir duomenys turi egzistuoti.',
'Triggers' => 'Trigeriai',
'Add trigger' => 'Pridėti trigerį',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigeris pašalintas.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigeris pakeistas.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigeris sukurtas.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Keisti trigerį',
'Create trigger' => 'Sukurti trigerį',
'Time' => 'Laikas',
'Event' => 'Įvykis',
'Name' => 'Pavadinimas',
'select' => 'atrinkti',
'Select' => 'Atrinkti',
'Select data' => 'Atrinkti duomenis',
'Functions' => 'Funkcijos',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregacija',
'Search' => 'Ieškoti',
'anywhere' => 'visur',
'Search data in tables' => 'Ieškoti duomenų lentelėse',
'Sort' => 'Rikiuoti',
'descending' => 'mažėjimo tvarka',
'Limit' => 'Limitas',
'Text length' => 'Teksto ilgis',
'Action' => 'Veiksmas',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Neįmanoma atrinkti lentelės',
'No rows.' => 'Nėra įrašų.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d įrašas', '%d įrašai', '%d įrašų'),
'Page' => 'Puslapis',
'last' => 'paskutinis',
'whole result' => 'visas rezultatas',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d baitas', '%d baigai', '%d baitų'),
'Import' => 'Importas',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d įrašas įkelta.', '%d įrašai įkelti.', '%d įrašų įkelta.'),
// in-place editing in select
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Norėdami redaguoti reikšmę naudokite redagavimo nuorodą.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Įrašas%s sukurtas.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Įrašas ištrintas.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Įrašas pakeistas.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Pakeistas %d įrašas.', 'Pakeisti %d įrašai.', 'Pakeistas %d įrašų.'),
'New item' => 'Naujas įrašas',
'original' => 'originalas',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'tuščia',
'edit' => 'redaguoti',
'Edit' => 'Redaguoti',
'Insert' => 'Įrašyti',
'Save' => 'Išsaugoti',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Išsaugoti ir tęsti redagavimą',
'Save and insert next' => 'Išsaugoti ir įrašyti kitą',
'Clone' => 'Klonuoti',
'Delete' => 'Trinti',
'E-mail' => 'El. paštas',
'From' => 'Nuo',
'Subject' => 'Antraštė',
'Attachments' => 'Priedai',
'Send' => 'Siųsti',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Išsiųstas %d laiškas.', 'Išsiųsti %d laiškai.', 'Išsiųsta %d laiškų.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Skaičiai',
'Date and time' => 'Data ir laikas',
'Strings' => 'Tekstas',
'Binary' => 'Dvejetainis',
'Lists' => 'Sąrašai',
'Network' => 'Tinklas',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrija',
'Relations' => 'Ryšiai',
'Editor' => 'Redaktorius',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1-$3-$5',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy]-mm-dd',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'dabar',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Failas egzistuoja.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Naudokite vieną iš plėtinių %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Keisti schemą',
'Create schema' => 'Sukurti schemą',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schema pašalinta.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schema sukurta.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schema pakeista.',
'Schema' => 'Schema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Neteisinga schema.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Sekos',
'Create sequence' => 'Sukurti seką',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Seka pašalinta.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Seka sukurta.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Seka pakeista.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Keisti seką',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Vartotojų tipai',
'Create type' => 'Sukurti tipą',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipas pašalintas.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipas sukurtas.',
'Alter type' => 'Keisti tipą',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Inloggen',
'Logout successful.' => 'Uitloggen geslaagd.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Ongeldige logingegevens.',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'Password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'Select database' => 'Database selecteren',
'Invalid database.' => 'Ongeldige database.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabel verwijderd.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabel aangepast.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabel aangemaakt.',
'Alter table' => 'Tabel aanpassen',
'Create table' => 'Tabel aanmaken',
'Table name' => 'Tabelnaam',
'engine' => 'engine',
'collation' => 'collation',
'Column name' => 'Kolomnaam',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Length' => 'Lengte',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto nummering',
'Options' => 'Opties',
'Save' => 'Opslaan',
'Drop' => 'Verwijderen',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Databases verwijderd.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Database verwijderd.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Database aangemaakt.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Database hernoemd.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Database aangepast.',
'Alter database' => 'Database aanpassen',
'Create database' => 'Database aanmaken',
'SQL command' => 'SQL opdracht',
'Logout' => 'Uitloggen',
'database' => 'database',
'Use' => 'Gebruik',
'No tables.' => 'Geen tabellen.',
'select' => 'kies',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Item verwijderd.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Item aangepast.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Item%s toegevoegd.',
'Edit' => 'Bewerk',
'Insert' => 'Toevoegen',
'Save and insert next' => 'Opslaan, daarna toevoegen',
'Delete' => 'Verwijderen',
'Database' => 'Database',
'Routines' => 'Procedures',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Index aangepast.',
'Indexes' => 'Indexen',
'Alter indexes' => 'Indexen aanpassen',
'Add next' => 'Volgende toevoegen',
'Language' => 'Taal',
'Select' => 'Kies',
'New item' => 'Nieuw item',
'Search' => 'Zoeken',
'Sort' => 'Sorteren',
'descending' => 'Aflopend',
'Limit' => 'Beperk',
'No rows.' => 'Geen rijen.',
'Action' => 'Acties',
'edit' => 'bewerk',
'Page' => 'Pagina',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Query uitgevoerd, %d rij geraakt.', 'Query uitgevoerd, %d rijen beïnvloed.'),
'Error in query' => 'Fout in query',
'Execute' => 'Uitvoeren',
'Table' => 'Tabel',
'Foreign keys' => 'Foreign keys',
'Triggers' => 'Triggers',
'View' => 'View',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Onmogelijk tabel te selecteren',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Ongeldig CSRF token. Verstuur het formulier opnieuw.',
'Comment' => 'Commentaar',
'Default values' => 'Standaard waarden',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Geen opdrachten uit te voeren.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Onmogelijk bestand te uploaden.',
'File upload' => 'Bestand uploaden',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Bestanden uploaden is uitgeschakeld.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Procedure uitgevoerd, %d rij geraakt.', 'Procedure uitgevoerd, %d rijen geraakt.'),
'Call' => 'Uitvoeren',
'No extension' => 'Geen extensie',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Geen geldige PHP extensies beschikbaar (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Sessies moeten geactiveerd zijn.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Uw sessie is verlopen. Gelieve opnieuw in te loggen.',
'Text length' => 'Tekst lengte',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Foreign key verwijderd.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Foreign key aangepast.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Foreign key aangemaakt.',
'Foreign key' => 'Foreign key',
'Target table' => 'Doeltabel',
'Change' => 'Veranderen',
'Source' => 'Bron',
'Target' => 'Doel',
'Add column' => 'Kolom toevoegen',
'Alter' => 'Aanpassen',
'Add foreign key' => 'Foreign key aanmaken',
'Index Type' => 'Index type',
'Column (length)' => 'Kolom (lengte)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'View verwijderd.',
'View has been altered.' => 'View aangepast.',
'View has been created.' => 'View aangemaakt.',
'Alter view' => 'View aanpassen',
'Create view' => 'View aanmaken',
'Name' => 'Naam',
'Process list' => 'Proceslijst',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d proces gestopt.', '%d processen gestopt.'),
'Kill' => 'Stoppen',
'Parameter name' => 'Parameternaam',
'Database schema' => 'Database schema',
'Create procedure' => 'Procedure aanmaken',
'Create function' => 'Functie aanmaken',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedure verwijderd.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedure aangepast.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedure aangemaakt.',
'Alter function' => 'Functie aanpassen',
'Alter procedure' => 'Procedure aanpassen',
'Return type' => 'Return type',
'Add trigger' => 'Trigger aanmaken',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger verwijderd.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger aangepast.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger aangemaakt.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Trigger aanpassen',
'Create trigger' => 'Trigger aanmaken',
'Time' => 'Time',
'Event' => 'Event',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s versie: %s met PHP extensie %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d rij', '%d rijen'),
'Remove' => 'Verwijderen',
'Are you sure?' => 'Weet u het zeker?',
'Privileges' => 'Rechten',
'Create user' => 'Gebruiker aanmaken',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Gebruiker verwijderd.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Gebruiker aangepast.',
'User has been created.' => 'Gebruiker aangemaakt.',
'Hashed' => 'Gehashed',
'Column' => 'Kolom',
'Routine' => 'Routine',
'Grant' => 'Toekennen',
'Revoke' => 'Intrekken',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Aangemeld als: %s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST-data is te groot. Verklein de hoeveelheid data of verhoog de %s configuratie.',
'Move up' => 'Omhoog',
'Move down' => 'Omlaag',
'Export' => 'Exporteren',
'Tables' => 'Tabellen',
'Data' => 'Data',
'Output' => 'Uitvoer',
'open' => 'openen',
'save' => 'opslaan',
'Format' => 'Formaat',
'Functions' => 'Functies',
'Aggregation' => 'Totalen',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Event werd verwijderd.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Event werd aangepast.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Event werd aangemaakt.',
'Alter event' => 'Event aanpassen',
'Create event' => 'Event aanmaken',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Stop',
'Every' => 'Iedere',
'Status' => 'Status',
'On completion preserve' => 'Bewaren na voltooiing',
'Events' => 'Events',
'Schedule' => 'Schedule',
'At given time' => 'Op aangegeven tijd',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Opslaan en verder bewerken',
'original' => 'origineel',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabellen werden geleegd.',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabellen werden verplaatst.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabellen werden verwijderd.',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabellen en views',
'Engine' => 'Engine',
'Collation' => 'Collatie',
'Data Length' => 'Data lengte',
'Index Length' => 'Index lengte',
'Data Free' => 'Data Vrij',
'Rows' => 'Rijen',
',' => '.',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => 'Analyseer',
'Optimize' => 'Optimaliseer',
'Check' => 'Controleer',
'Repair' => 'Herstel',
'Truncate' => 'Legen',
'Move to other database' => 'Verplaats naar andere database',
'Move' => 'Verplaats',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d item aangepast.', '%d items aangepast.'),
'whole result' => 'volledig resultaat',
'Clone' => 'Dupliceer',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Maximum aantal velden bereikt. Verhoog %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partitioneren op',
'Partitions' => 'Partities',
'Partition name' => 'Partitie naam',
'Values' => 'Waarden',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rij werd geïmporteerd.', '%d rijen werden geïmporteerd.'),
'anywhere' => 'overal',
'Import' => 'Importeren',
'Stop on error' => 'Stoppen bij fout',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5-$3-$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd-mm-[jjjj]',
'History' => 'Geschiedenis',
'Variables' => 'Variabelen',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Bron- en doelkolommen moeten van hetzelfde data type zijn, er moet een index bestaan op de gekozen kolommen en er moet gerelateerde data bestaan.',
'Relations' => 'Relaties',
'Run file' => 'Bestand uitvoeren',
'Clear' => 'Wissen',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maximum toegelaten bestandsgrootte is %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Getallen',
'Date and time' => 'Datum en tijd',
'Strings' => 'Tekst',
'Binary' => 'Binaire gegevens',
'Lists' => 'Lijsten',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Van',
'Subject' => 'Onderwerp',
'Send' => 'Verzenden',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d e-mail verzonden.', '%d e-mails verzonden.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webserver bestand %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Bestand niet gevonden.',
'%d in total' => '%d in totaal',
'Permanent login' => 'Blijf aangemeld',
'Search data in tables' => 'Zoeken in database',
'Schema' => 'Schema',
'Alter schema' => 'Schema wijzigen',
'Create schema' => 'Schema maken',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schema verwijderd.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schema aangemaakt.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schema gewijzigd.',
'Sequences' => 'Sequences',
'Create sequence' => 'Sequence maken',
'Alter sequence' => 'Sequence wijzigen',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sequence verwijderd.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sequence aangemaakt.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sequence gewijzigd.',
'User types' => 'Gebruikersgedefiniëerde types',
'Create type' => 'Type maken',
'Alter type' => 'Type wijzigen',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Type verwijderd.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Type aangemaakt.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klik op een waarde om deze te bewerken.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Gebruik de link "bewerk" om deze waarde te wijzigen.',
'last' => 'laatste',
'From server' => 'Van server',
'System' => 'Databasesysteem',
'Select data' => 'Gegevens selecteren',
'Show structure' => 'Toon structuur',
'empty' => 'leeg',
'Network' => 'Netwerk',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrie',
'File exists.' => 'Bestand bestaat reeds.',
'Attachments' => 'Bijlagen',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d query succesvol uitgevoerd.', '%d querys succesvol uitgevoerd'),
'Show only errors' => 'Enkel fouten tonen',
'Refresh' => 'Vernieuwen',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Ongeldig schema.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Gebruik 1 van volgende extensies: %s.',
'now' => 'nu',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'De tabellen zijn gekopieerd.',
'Copy' => 'Kopieren',
'Permanent link' => 'Permanente link',
'Edit all' => 'Alles bewerken',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'System' => 'System',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Brukernavn',
'Password' => 'Passord',
'Permanent login' => 'Permanent login',
'Login' => 'Logg inn',
'Logout' => 'Logg ut',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Logget inn som: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Utlogging vellykket.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Ugylding innloggingsinformasjon.',
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Master-passord er utløpt. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implementer</a> en metode for %s for å gjøre det permanent.',
'Language' => 'Språk',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Ugylding CSRF-token - Send inn skjemaet igjen.',
'No extension' => 'Ingen utvidelse',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Ingen av de støttede PHP-utvidelsene (%s) er tilgjengelige.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Økt-støtte må være skrudd på.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Økt utløpt - vennligst logg inn på nytt.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s versjon: %s via PHP-utvidelse %s',
'Refresh' => 'Gjenoppfrisk',
'ltr' => 'venstre-til-høyre',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegier',
'Create user' => 'Lag bruker',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Bruker slettet.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Bruker endret.',
'User has been created.' => 'Bruker opprettet.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashet',
'Column' => 'Kolonne',
'Routine' => 'Rutine',
'Grant' => 'Gi privilegier',
'Revoke' => 'Trekk tilbake',
'Process list' => 'Prosessliste',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d prosess avsluttet.', '%d prosesser avsluttet.'),
'Kill' => 'Avslutt',
'Variables' => 'Variabler',
'Status' => 'Status',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-kommando',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d kall utført OK.', '%d kall utført OK.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Kall utført OK, %d rad påvirket.', 'Kall utført OK, %d rader påvirket.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Ingen kommandoer å utføre.',
'Error in query' => 'Feil i forespørsel',
'Execute' => 'Kjør',
'Stop on error' => 'Stopp ved feil',
'Show only errors' => 'Vis bare feil',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Historie',
'Clear' => 'Tøm skjema',
'Edit all' => 'Rediger alle',
'File upload' => 'Filopplasting',
'From server' => 'Fra server',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webserver-fil %s',
'Run file' => 'Kjør fil',
'File does not exist.' => 'Filen eksisterer ikke.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Filopplastinger ikke tillatt.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Kunne ikke laste opp fil.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maksimum tillatte filstørrelse er %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'For stor datamengde i skjemaet. Reduser datamengden, eller øk størrelsen på %s-konfigurasjonsdirektivet.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Du kan laste opp en stor SQL-fil via FTP og importere den fra serveren.',
'Export' => 'Eksport',
'Output' => 'Resultat',
'open' => 'åpne',
'save' => 'lagre',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Data' => 'Data',
'Database' => 'Database',
'database' => 'database',
'Use' => 'Bruk',
'Select database' => 'Velg database',
'Invalid database.' => 'Ugyldig database.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Databasen har blitt slettet.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Databasene har blitt slettet.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Databasen er opprettet.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Databasen har fått nytt navn.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Databasen er endret.',
'Alter database' => 'Endre database',
'Create database' => 'Opprett database',
'Database schema' => 'Databaseskjema',
'Permanent link' => 'Permanent lenke',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Collation' => 'Tekstsortering',
'Data Length' => 'Datalengde',
'Index Length' => 'Indekslengde',
'Data Free' => 'Frie data',
'Rows' => 'Rader',
'%d in total' => '%d totalt',
'Analyze' => 'Analyser',
'Optimize' => 'Optimaliser',
'Vacuum' => 'Støvsug',
'Check' => 'Sjekk',
'Repair' => 'Reparer',
'Truncate' => 'Avkort',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabellene har blitt avkortet.',
'Move to other database' => 'Flytt til annen database',
'Move' => 'Flytt',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabellene har blitt flyttet.',
'Copy' => 'Kopier',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabellene har blitt kopiert.',
'Routines' => 'Rutiner',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Rutinen er utført, %d rad påvirket.', 'Rutinen er utført, %d rader påvirket.'),
'Call' => 'Kall',
'Parameter name' => 'Parameternavn',
'Create procedure' => 'Opprett prosedyre',
'Create function' => 'Opprett funksjon',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Rutinen er slettet.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Rutinen er endret.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Rutinen er opprettet.',
'Alter function' => 'Endre funksjon',
'Alter procedure' => 'Endre prosedyre',
'Return type' => 'Returtype',
'Events' => 'Eventer',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Eventen er slettet.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Eventen er endret.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Eventen er opprettet.',
'Alter event' => 'Endre event',
'Create event' => 'Opprett event',
'At given time' => 'På gitte tid',
'Every' => 'Hver',
'Schedule' => 'Tidsplan',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Slutt',
'On completion preserve' => 'Ved fullførelse bevar',
'Tables' => 'Tabeller',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabeller og views',
'Table' => 'Tabell',
'No tables.' => 'Ingen tabeller.',
'Alter table' => 'Endre tabell',
'Create table' => 'Opprett tabell',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabellen er slettet.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabellene er slettet.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabellene er blitt optimalisert.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabellen er endret.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabellen er opprettet.',
'Table name' => 'Tabellnavn',
'Show structure' => 'Vis struktur',
'engine' => 'mottor',
'collation' => 'sortering',
'Column name' => 'Kolonnenavn',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Length' => 'Lengde',
'Auto Increment' => 'Autoinkrement',
'Options' => 'Valg',
'Comment' => 'Kommentarer',
'Default values' => 'Standardverdier',
'Drop' => 'Dropp',
'Are you sure?' => 'Er du sikker?',
'Move up' => 'Flytt opp',
'Move down' => 'Flytt ned',
'Remove' => 'Fjern',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Maksimum antall feltnavn overskredet - venligst øk %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partisjoner ved',
'Partitions' => 'Partisjoner',
'Partition name' => 'Partisjonsnavn',
'Values' => 'Verdier',
'View' => 'View',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Viewet er slettet.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Viewet er endret.',
'View has been created.' => 'Viewet er opprettet.',
'Alter view' => 'Endre view',
'Create view' => 'Lag nytt view',
'Indexes' => 'Indekser',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksene er endret.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Endre indekser',
'Add next' => 'Legg til neste',
'Index Type' => 'Indekstype',
'Column (length)' => 'Kolonne (lengde)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Fremmednøkler',
'Foreign key' => 'Fremmednøkkel',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Fremmednøkkelen er slettet.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Fremmednøkkelen er endret.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Fremmednøkkelen er opprettet.',
'Target table' => 'Måltabell',
'Change' => 'Endre',
'Source' => 'Kilde',
'Target' => 'Mål',
'Add column' => 'Legg til kolonne',
'Alter' => 'Endre',
'Add foreign key' => 'Legg til fremmednøkkel',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Kilde- og mål-kolonner må ha samme datatype, det må være en indeks på mål-kolonnen, og dataene som refereres til må eksistere.',
'Triggers' => 'Triggere',
'Add trigger' => 'Legg til trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Triggeren er slettet.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Triggeren er endret.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Triggeren er opprettet.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Endre trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Opprett trigger',
'Time' => 'Tid',
'Event' => 'Hendelse',
'Name' => 'Navn',
'select' => 'Vis',
'Select' => 'Velg',
'Select data' => 'Velg data',
'Functions' => 'Funksjoner',
'Aggregation' => 'Sammenfatning',
'Search' => 'Søk',
'anywhere' => 'hvorsomhelst',
'Search data in tables' => 'Søk data i tabeller',
'Sort' => 'Sorter',
'descending' => 'minkende',
'Limit' => 'Skranke',
'Text length' => 'Tekstlengde',
'Action' => 'Handling',
'Full table scan' => 'Full tabell-scan',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Kan ikke velge tabellen',
'No rows.' => 'Ingen rader.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d rad', '%d rader'),
'Page' => 'Side',
'last' => 'siste',
'Load more data' => 'Last mer data',
'Loading' => 'Laster',
'whole result' => 'hele resultatet',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'Import' => 'Importer',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rad er importert.', '%d rader er importert.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Filen må være i UTF8-tegnkoding.',
'Modify' => 'Endre',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klikk på en verdi for å endre den.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Bruk rediger-lengde for å endre dennne verdien.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Rad%s er satt inn.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Raden er slettet.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Raden er oppdatert.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d rad påvirket.', '%d rader påvirket.'),
'New item' => 'Ny rad',
'original' => 'original',
'empty' => 'tom',
'edit' => 'rediger',
'Edit' => 'Rediger',
'Insert' => 'Sett inn',
'Save' => 'Lagre',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Lagre og fortsett å redigere',
'Save and insert next' => 'Lagre og sett inn neste',
'Selected' => 'Valgt',
'Clone' => 'Klon',
'Delete' => 'Slett',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Du mangler rettighetene som trengs for å endre denne tabellen.',
'E-mail' => 'E-post',
'From' => 'Fra',
'Subject' => 'Tittel',
'Attachments' => 'Vedlegg',
'Send' => 'Send',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d epost sendt.', '%d eposter sendt.'),
'Numbers' => 'Nummer',
'Date and time' => 'Dato og tid',
'Strings' => 'Strenger',
'Binary' => 'Binære',
'Lists' => 'Lister',
'Network' => 'Nettverk',
'Geometry' => 'Geometri',
'Relations' => 'Relasjoner',
'Editor' => 'Redigering',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6/$4 $1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd/m [åååå]',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'nå',
'yes' => 'ja',
'no' => 'nei',
'File exists.' => 'Filen finnes.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Vennligst bruk en av filendelsene %s.',
'Alter schema' => 'Endre skjema',
'Create schema' => 'Opprett skjema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Skjemaet er slettet.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Skjemaet er opprettet.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Skjemaet er endret.',
'Schema' => 'Skjema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Ugylding skjema.',
'Sequences' => 'Sekvenser',
'Create sequence' => 'Opprett sekvens',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekvensen er slettet.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekvensen er opprettet.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekvensen er endret.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Endre sekvens',
'User types' => 'Brukertyper',
'Create type' => 'Opprett type',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Type er slettet.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Type er opprettet.',
'Alter type' => 'Endre type',
'Saving' => 'Lagrer',
@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Rodzaj bazy',
'Server' => 'Serwer',
'Username' => 'Użytkownik',
'Password' => 'Hasło',
'Permanent login' => 'Zapamiętaj sesję',
'Login' => 'Zaloguj się',
'Logout' => 'Wyloguj',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Zalogowany jako: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Wylogowano pomyślnie.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Nieprawidłowe dane logowania.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Za dużo nieudanych prób logowania, spróbuj ponownie za %d minutę.', 'Za dużo nieudanych prób logowania, spróbuj ponownie za %d minuty.', 'Za dużo nieudanych prób logowania, spróbuj ponownie za %d minut.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Ważność hasła głównego wygasła. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/pl/extension/" target="_blank">Zaimplementuj</a> własną metodę %s, aby ustawić je na stałe.',
'Language' => 'Język',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Nieprawidłowy token CSRF. Spróbuj wysłać formularz ponownie.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Jeżeli nie wywołałeś tej strony z Adminera, zamknij to okno.',
'No extension' => 'Brak rozszerzenia',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Żadne z rozszerzeń PHP umożliwiających połączenie się z bazą danych (%s) nie jest dostępne.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Wymagana jest obsługa sesji w PHP.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sesja wygasła, zaloguj się ponownie.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Wersja %s: %s za pomocą %s',
'Refresh' => 'Odśwież',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Uprawnienia użytkowników',
'Create user' => 'Dodaj użytkownika',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Użytkownik został usunięty.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Użytkownik został zmieniony.',
'User has been created.' => 'Użytkownik został dodany.',
'Hashed' => 'Zahashowane',
'Column' => 'Kolumna',
'Routine' => 'Procedura',
'Grant' => 'Uprawnienia',
'Revoke' => 'Usuń uprawnienia',
'Process list' => 'Lista procesów',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Przerwano %d wątek.', 'Przerwano %d wątki.', 'Przerwano %d wątków.'),
'Kill' => 'Przerwij wykonywanie',
'Variables' => 'Zmienne',
'Status' => 'Status',
'SQL command' => 'Zapytanie SQL',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('Pomyślnie wykonano %d zapytanie.', 'Pomyślnie wykonano %d zapytania.', 'Pomyślnie wykonano %d zapytań.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Zapytanie wykonane pomyślnie, zmieniono %d rekord.', 'Zapytanie wykonane pomyślnie, zmieniono %d rekordy.', 'Zapytanie wykonane pomyślnie, zmieniono %d rekordów.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nic do wykonania.',
'Error in query' => 'Błąd w zapytaniu',
'Execute' => 'Wykonaj',
'Stop on error' => 'Zatrzymaj w przypadku błędu',
'Show only errors' => 'Pokaż tylko błędy',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Historia',
'Clear' => 'Wyczyść',
'Edit all' => 'Edytuj wszystkie',
'File upload' => 'Wgranie pliku',
'From server' => 'Z serwera',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Plik %s na serwerze',
'Run file' => 'Uruchom z pliku',
'File does not exist.' => 'Plik nie istnieje.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Wgrywanie plików jest wyłączone.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Wgranie pliku było niemożliwe.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maksymalna wielkość pliku to %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Przesłano zbyt dużo danych. Zmniejsz objętość danych lub zwiększ zmienną konfiguracyjną %s.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Większe pliki SQL możesz wgrać na serwer poprzez FTP przed zaimportowaniem.',
'You are offline.' => 'Jesteś offline.',
'Export' => 'Eksport',
'Output' => 'Rezultat',
'open' => 'otwórz',
'save' => 'zapisz',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Data' => 'Dane',
'Database' => 'Baza danych',
'database' => 'baza danych',
'Use' => 'Wybierz',
'Select database' => 'Wybierz bazę danych',
'Invalid database.' => 'Nie znaleziono bazy danych.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Baza danych została usunięta.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Bazy danych zostały usunięte.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Baza danych została utworzona.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Nazwa bazy danych została zmieniona.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Baza danych została zmieniona.',
'Alter database' => 'Zmień bazę danych',
'Create database' => 'Utwórz bazę danych',
'Database schema' => 'Schemat bazy danych',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Trwały link',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Składowanie',
'Collation' => 'Porównywanie znaków',
'Data Length' => 'Rozmiar danych',
'Index Length' => 'Rozmiar indeksów',
'Data Free' => 'Wolne miejsce',
'Rows' => 'Liczba rekordów',
'%d in total' => '%d w sumie',
'Analyze' => 'Analizuj',
'Optimize' => 'Optymalizuj',
'Vacuum' => 'Wyczyść',
'Check' => 'Sprawdź',
'Repair' => 'Napraw',
'Truncate' => 'Opróżnij',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabele zostały opróżnione.',
'Move to other database' => 'Przenieś do innej bazy danych',
'Move' => 'Przenieś',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabele zostały przeniesione.',
'Copy' => 'Kopiuj',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabele zostały skopiowane.',
'Routines' => 'Procedury i funkcje',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Procedura została uruchomiona, zmieniono %d rekord.', 'Procedura została uruchomiona, zmieniono %d rekordy.', 'Procedura została uruchomiona, zmieniono %d rekordów.'),
'Call' => 'Uruchom',
'Parameter name' => 'Nazwa parametru',
'Create procedure' => 'Utwórz procedurę',
'Create function' => 'Utwórz funkcję',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedura została usunięta.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedura została zmieniona.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedura została utworzona.',
'Alter function' => 'Zmień funkcję',
'Alter procedure' => 'Zmień procedurę',
'Return type' => 'Zwracany typ',
'Events' => 'Wydarzenia',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Wydarzenie zostało usunięte.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Wydarzenie zostało zmienione.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Wydarzenie zostało utworzone.',
'Alter event' => 'Zmień wydarzenie',
'Create event' => 'Utwórz wydarzenie',
'At given time' => 'O danym czasie',
'Every' => 'Wykonuj co',
'Schedule' => 'Harmonogram',
'Start' => 'Początek',
'End' => 'Koniec',
'On completion preserve' => 'Nie kasuj wydarzenia po przeterminowaniu',
'Tables' => 'Tabele',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabele i perspektywy',
'Table' => 'Tabela',
'No tables.' => 'Brak tabel.',
'Alter table' => 'Zmień tabelę',
'Create table' => 'Utwórz tabelę',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabela została usunięta.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabele zostały usunięte.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tabele zostały zoptymalizowane.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabela została zmieniona.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabela została utworzona.',
'Table name' => 'Nazwa tabeli',
'Show structure' => 'Struktura tabeli',
'engine' => 'składowanie',
'collation' => 'porównywanie znaków',
'Column name' => 'Nazwa kolumny',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Length' => 'Długość',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto Increment',
'Options' => 'Opcje',
'Comment' => 'Komentarz',
'Default value' => 'Wartość domyślna',
'Default values' => 'Wartości domyślne',
'Drop' => 'Usuń',
'Are you sure?' => 'Czy jesteś pewien?',
'Size' => 'Wielkość',
'Compute' => 'Oblicz',
'Move up' => 'Przesuń w górę',
'Move down' => 'Przesuń w dół',
'Remove' => 'Usuń',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Przekroczono maksymalną liczbę pól. Zwiększ %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Partycjonowanie',
'Partitions' => 'Partycje',
'Partition name' => 'Nazwa partycji',
'Values' => 'Wartości',
'View' => 'Perspektywa',
'Materialized view' => 'Zmaterializowana perspektywa',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Perspektywa została usunięta.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Perspektywa została zmieniona.',
'View has been created.' => 'Perspektywa została utworzona.',
'Alter view' => 'Zmień perspektywę',
'Create view' => 'Utwórz perspektywę',
'Indexes' => 'Indeksy',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksy zostały zmienione.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Zmień indeksy',
'Add next' => 'Dodaj następny',
'Index Type' => 'Typ indeksu',
'Column (length)' => 'Kolumna (długość)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Klucze obce',
'Foreign key' => 'Klucz obcy',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Klucz obcy został usunięty.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Klucz obcy został zmieniony.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Klucz obcy został utworzony.',
'Target table' => 'Tabela docelowa',
'Change' => 'Zmień',
'Source' => 'Źródło',
'Target' => 'Cel',
'Add column' => 'Dodaj kolumnę',
'Alter' => 'Zmień',
'Add foreign key' => 'Dodaj klucz obcy',
'ON DELETE' => 'W przypadku usunięcia',
'ON UPDATE' => 'W przypadku zmiany',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Źródłowa i docelowa kolumna muszą być tego samego typu, powinien istnieć indeks na docelowej kolumnie oraz muszą istnieć dane referencyjne.',
'Triggers' => 'Wyzwalacze',
'Add trigger' => 'Dodaj wyzwalacz',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Wyzwalacz został usunięty.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Wyzwalacz został zmieniony.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Wyzwalacz został utworzony.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Zmień wyzwalacz',
'Create trigger' => 'Utwórz wyzwalacz',
'Time' => 'Czas',
'Event' => 'Wydarzenie',
'Name' => 'Nazwa',
'select' => 'przeglądaj',
'Select' => 'pokaż',
'Select data' => 'Pokaż dane',
'Functions' => 'Funkcje',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregacje',
'Search' => 'Szukaj',
'anywhere' => 'gdziekolwiek',
'Search data in tables' => 'Wyszukaj we wszystkich tabelach',
'Sort' => 'Sortuj',
'descending' => 'malejąco',
'Limit' => 'Limit',
'Text length' => 'Długość tekstu',
'Action' => 'Czynność',
'Full table scan' => 'Wymaga pełnego przeskanowania tabeli',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Nie udało się pobrać danych z tabeli',
'No rows.' => 'Brak rekordów.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d rekord', '%d rekordy', '%d rekordów'),
'Page' => 'Strona',
'last' => 'ostatni',
'Load more data' => 'Wczytaj więcej danych',
'Loading' => 'Wczytywanie',
'whole result' => 'wybierz wszystkie',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bajt', '%d bajty', '%d bajtów'),
'Import' => 'Import',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rekord został zaimportowany.', '%d rekordy zostały zaimportowane.', '%d rekordów zostało zaimportowanych.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Kodowanie pliku musi być ustawione na UTF-8.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Zmień',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+kliknij wartość, aby ją edytować.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Użyj linku edycji aby zmienić tę wartość.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Rekord%s został dodany.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Rekord został usunięty.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Rekord został zaktualizowany.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Zmieniono %d rekord.', 'Zmieniono %d rekordy.', 'Zmieniono %d rekordów.'),
'New item' => 'Nowy rekord',
'original' => 'bez zmian',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'puste',
'edit' => 'edytuj',
'Edit' => 'Edytuj',
'Insert' => 'Dodaj',
'Save' => 'Zapisz zmiany',
'Saving' => 'Zapisywanie',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Zapisz i kontynuuj edycję',
'Save and insert next' => 'Zapisz i dodaj następny',
'Selected' => 'Zaznaczone',
'Clone' => 'Duplikuj',
'Delete' => 'Usuń',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Brak uprawnień do edycji tej tabeli',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Nadawca',
'Subject' => 'Temat',
'Attachments' => 'Załączniki',
'Send' => 'Wyślij',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Wysłano %d e-mail.', 'Wysłano %d e-maile.', 'Wysłano %d e-maili.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Numeryczne',
'Date and time' => 'Data i czas',
'Strings' => 'Tekstowe',
'Binary' => 'Binarne',
'Lists' => 'Listy',
'Network' => 'Sieć',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'Relations' => 'Relacje',
'Editor' => 'Edytor',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[rrrr]',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'teraz',
'yes' => 'tak',
'no' => 'nie',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Plik już istnieje.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Proszę użyć jednego z rozszerzeń: %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Zmień schemat',
'Create schema' => 'Utwórz schemat',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schemat został usunięty.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schemat został utworzony.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schemat został zmieniony.',
'Schema' => 'Schemat',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Nieprawidłowy schemat.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Sekwencje',
'Create sequence' => 'Utwórz sekwencję',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekwencja została usunięta.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekwencja została utworzona.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekwencja została zmieniona.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Zmień sekwencję',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Typy użytkownika',
'Create type' => 'Utwórz typ',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ został usunięty.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typ został utworzony.',
'Alter type' => 'Zmień typ',
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Entrar',
'Logout successful.' => 'Saída bem sucedida.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Identificação inválida.',
'Server' => 'Servidor',
'Username' => 'Usuário',
'Password' => 'Senha',
'Select database' => 'Selecionar Base de dados',
'Invalid database.' => 'Base de dados inválida.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'A Tabela foi eliminada.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'A Tabela foi alterada.',
'Table has been created.' => 'A Tabela foi criada.',
'Alter table' => 'Alterar estrutura',
'Create table' => 'Criar tabela',
'Table name' => 'Nome da tabela',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'collation',
'Column name' => 'Nome da coluna',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Length' => 'Tamanho',
'Auto Increment' => 'Incremento Automático',
'Options' => 'Opções',
'Save' => 'Salvar',
'Drop' => 'Apagar',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'A Base de dados foi apagada.',
'Database has been created.' => 'A Base de dados foi criada.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'A Base de dados foi renomeada.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'A Base de dados foi alterada.',
'Alter database' => 'Alterar Base de dados',
'Create database' => 'Criar Base de dados',
'SQL command' => 'Comando SQL',
'Logout' => 'Sair',
'database' => 'base de dados',
'Use' => 'Usar',
'No tables.' => 'Não existem tabelas.',
'select' => 'selecionar',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'O Registro foi deletado.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'O Registro foi atualizado.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'O Registro%s foi inserido.',
'Edit' => 'Editar',
'Insert' => 'Inserir',
'Save and insert next' => 'Salvar e inserir outro',
'Delete' => 'Deletar',
'Database' => 'Base de dados',
'Routines' => 'Rotinas',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Os Índices foram alterados.',
'Indexes' => 'Índices',
'Alter indexes' => 'Alterar índices',
'Add next' => 'Adicionar proximo',
'Language' => 'Idioma',
'Select' => 'Selecionar',
'New item' => 'Novo Registro',
'Search' => 'Procurar',
'Sort' => 'Ordenar',
'descending' => 'decrescente',
'Limit' => 'Limite',
'No rows.' => 'Não existem registros.',
'Action' => 'Ação',
'edit' => 'editar',
'Page' => 'Página',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta executada, %d registro afetado.', 'Consulta executada, %d registros afetados.'),
'Error in query' => 'Erro na consulta',
'Execute' => 'Executar',
'Table' => 'Tabela',
'Foreign keys' => 'Chaves estrangeiras',
'Triggers' => 'Triggers',
'View' => 'Visão',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Não é possivel selecionar a Tabela',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF inválido. Enviar o formulario novamente.',
'Comment' => 'Comentário',
'Default values' => 'Valores padrões',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nenhum comando para executar.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Não é possível enviar o arquivo.',
'File upload' => 'Importar arquivo',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Importação de arquivos desablilitada.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Rotina executada, %d registro afetado.', 'Rotina executada, %d registros afetados.'),
'Call' => 'Chamar',
'No extension' => 'Não há extension',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nenhuma das extensões PHP suportadas (%s) está disponivel.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Suporte a sessões deve estar habilitado.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sessão expirada, por favor logue-se novamente.',
'Text length' => 'Tamanho de texto',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'A Chave Estrangeira foi apagada.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'A Chave Estrangeira foi alterada.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'A Chave Estrangeira foi criada.',
'Foreign key' => 'Chave Estrangeira',
'Target table' => 'Tabela de destino',
'Change' => 'Modificar',
'Source' => 'Origem',
'Target' => 'Destino',
'Add column' => 'Adicionar coluna',
'Alter' => 'Alterar',
'Add foreign key' => 'Adicionar Chave Estrangeira',
'Index Type' => 'Tipo de índice',
'Column (length)' => 'Coluna (tamanho)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'A Visão foi apagada.',
'View has been altered.' => 'A Visão foi alterada.',
'View has been created.' => 'A Visão foi criada.',
'Alter view' => 'Alterar visão',
'Create view' => 'Criar visão',
'Name' => 'Nome',
'Process list' => 'Lista de processos',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d processo foi terminado.', '%d processos foram terminados.'),
'Kill' => 'Parar',
'Parameter name' => 'Nome de Parâmetro',
'Database schema' => 'Esquema de Base de dados',
'Create procedure' => 'Criar procedimento',
'Create function' => 'Criar função',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'A Rotina foi apagada.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'A Rotina foi alterada.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'A Rotina foi criada.',
'Alter function' => 'Alterar função',
'Alter procedure' => 'Alterar procedimento',
'Return type' => 'Tipo de valor de retorno',
'Add trigger' => 'Adicionar trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'O Trigger foi apagado.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'O Trigger foi alterado.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'O Trigger foi criado.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Alterar Trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Adicionar Trigger',
'Time' => 'Tempo',
'Event' => 'Evento',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versão %s: %s através da extensão PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d registro', '%d registros'),
'Remove' => 'Remover',
'Are you sure?' => 'Você tem certeza?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilégios',
'Create user' => 'Criar Usuário',
'User has been dropped.' => 'O Usuário foi apagado.',
'User has been altered.' => 'O Usuário foi alterado.',
'User has been created.' => 'O Usuário foi criado.',
'Hashed' => 'Hash',
'Column' => 'Coluna',
'Routine' => 'Rotina',
'Grant' => 'Conceder',
'Revoke' => 'Impedir',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST data demasiado grande. Reduza o tamanho ou aumente a diretiva de configuração %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Logado como: %s',
'Move up' => 'Mover acima',
'Move down' => 'Mover abaixo',
'Functions' => 'Funções',
'Aggregation' => 'Adições',
'Export' => 'Exportar',
'Output' => 'Saída',
'open' => 'abrir',
'save' => 'salvar',
'Format' => 'Formato',
'Tables' => 'Tabelas',
'Data' => 'Dados',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'O Evento foi apagado.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'O Evento foi alterado.',
'Event has been created.' => 'O Evento foi criado.',
'Alter event' => 'Modificar Evento',
'Create event' => 'Criar Evento',
'At given time' => 'A hora determinada',
'Every' => 'Cada',
'Events' => 'Eventos',
'Schedule' => 'Agenda',
'Start' => 'Início',
'End' => 'Fim',
'Status' => 'Estado',
'On completion preserve' => 'Ao completar preservar',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabelas e Visões',
'Data Length' => 'Tamanho de dados',
'Index Length' => 'Tamanho de índice',
'Data Free' => 'Espaço Livre',
'Collation' => 'Colação',
'Analyze' => 'Analizar',
'Optimize' => 'Otimizar',
'Check' => 'Verificar',
'Repair' => 'Reparar',
'Truncate' => 'Truncar',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'As Tabelas foram truncadas.',
'Rows' => 'Registros',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'As Tabelas foram movidas.',
'Move to other database' => 'Mover para outra Base de dados',
'Move' => 'Mover',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Salvar e continuar editando',
'original' => 'original',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'As Tabelas foram eliminadas.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d item foi afetado.', '%d itens foram afetados.'),
'whole result' => 'resultado completo',
'Clone' => 'Clonar',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Quantidade máxima de campos permitidos excedidos. Por favor aumente %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Particionar por',
'Partitions' => 'Partições',
'Partition name' => 'Nome da Partição',
'Values' => 'Valores',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d registro foi importado.', '%d registros foram importados.'),
'anywhere' => 'qualquer local',
'Import' => 'Importar',
'Stop on error' => 'Parar em caso de erro',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Histórico',
'Variables' => 'Variáveis',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'As colunas de origen e destino devem ser do mesmo tipo, deve existir um índice entre as colunas de destino e o registro referenciado deve existir.',
'Relations' => 'Relações',
'Run file' => 'Executar Arquivo',
'Clear' => 'Limpar',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Tamanho máximo do arquivo permitido é %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Números',
'Date and time' => 'Data e hora',
'Strings' => 'Cadena',
'Binary' => 'Binário',
'Lists' => 'Listas',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'De',
'Subject' => 'Assunto',
'Send' => 'Enviar',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d email foi enviado.', '%d emails foram enviados.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Arquivo do servidor web %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Arquivo não existe.',
'%d in total' => '%d no total',
'Permanent login' => 'Login permanente',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'A Base de dados foi apagada.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Buscar dados nas Tabelas',
'Schema' => 'Esquema',
'Alter schema' => 'Alterar esquema',
'Create schema' => 'Criar esquema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'O Esquema foi apagado.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'O Esquema foi criado.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'O Esquema foi alterado.',
'Sequences' => 'Sequências',
'Create sequence' => 'Criar sequência',
'Alter sequence' => 'Alterar sequência',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'A Sequência foi apagada.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'A Sequência foi criada.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'A Sequência foi alterada.',
'User types' => 'Tipos definidos pelo usuário',
'Create type' => 'Criar tipo',
'Alter type' => 'Alterar tipo',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'O Tipo foi apagado.',
'Type has been created.' => 'O Tipo foi criado.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+clique sobre o valor para edita-lo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilize o link editar para modificar este valor.',
'last' => 'último',
'From server' => 'A partir do servidor',
'System' => 'Sistema',
'Select data' => 'Selecionar dados',
'Show structure' => 'Mostrar estrutura',
'empty' => 'vazio',
'Network' => 'Rede',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'File exists.' => 'Arquivo já existe.',
'Attachments' => 'Anexos',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d consulta sql executada corretamente.', '%d consultas sql executadas corretamente.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Mostrar somente erros',
'Refresh' => 'Atualizar',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Esquema inválido.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Por favor use uma das extensões %s.',
'now' => 'agora',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Entrar',
'Logout successful.' => 'Sessão terminada com sucesso.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Identificação inválida.',
'Server' => 'Servidor',
'Username' => 'Nome de utilizador',
'Password' => 'Senha',
'Select database' => 'Selecionar Base de dados',
'Invalid database.' => 'Base de dados inválida.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabela eliminada.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabela modificada.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabela criada.',
'Alter table' => 'Modificar estrutura',
'Create table' => 'Criar tabela',
'Table name' => 'Nome da tabela',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'collation',
'Column name' => 'Nome da coluna',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Length' => 'Tamanho',
'Auto Increment' => 'Incremento Automático',
'Options' => 'Opções',
'Save' => 'Guardar',
'Drop' => 'Remover',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Base de dados eliminada.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Base de dados criada.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Base de dados renomeada.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Base de dados modificada.',
'Alter database' => 'Modificar Base de dados',
'Create database' => 'Criar Base de dados',
'SQL command' => 'Comando SQL',
'Logout' => 'Terminar sessão',
'database' => 'base de dados',
'Use' => 'Usar',
'No tables.' => 'Não existem tabelas.',
'select' => 'registos',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Registo eliminado.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Registo modificado.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Registo%s inserido.',
'Edit' => 'Modificar',
'Insert' => 'Inserir',
'Save and insert next' => 'Guardar e inserir outro',
'Delete' => 'Eliminar',
'Database' => 'Base de dados',
'Routines' => 'Procedimentos',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Índices modificados.',
'Indexes' => 'Índices',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modificar índices',
'Add next' => 'Adicionar próximo',
'Language' => 'Idioma',
'Select' => 'Selecionar',
'New item' => 'Novo Registo',
'Search' => 'Procurar',
'Sort' => 'Ordenar',
'descending' => 'decrescente',
'Limit' => 'Limite',
'No rows.' => 'Não existem registos.',
'Action' => 'Ação',
'edit' => 'modificar',
'Page' => 'Página',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta executada, %d registo afetado.', 'Consulta executada, %d registos afetados.'),
'Error in query' => 'Erro na consulta',
'Execute' => 'Executar',
'Table' => 'Tabela',
'Foreign keys' => 'Chaves estrangeiras',
'Triggers' => 'Triggers',
'View' => 'Visualizar',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Não é possivel selecionar a Tabela',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Token CSRF inválido. Enviar o formulario novamente.',
'Comment' => 'Comentário',
'Default values' => 'Valores predeterminados',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d byte', '%d bytes'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nenhum comando para executar.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Não é possível enviar o ficheiro.',
'File upload' => 'Importar ficheiro',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Importação de ficheiros desativada.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Consulta executada, %d registo afetado.', 'Consulta executada, %d registos afetados.'),
'Call' => 'Chamar',
'No extension' => 'Não há extensão',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nenhuma das extensões PHP suportadas (%s) está disponivel.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'As sessões devem estar ativas.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Sessão expirada, por favor entre de novo.',
'Text length' => 'Tamanho do texto',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Chave estrangeira eliminada.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Chave estrangeira modificada.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Chave estrangeira criada.',
'Foreign key' => 'Chave estrangeira',
'Target table' => 'Tabela de destino',
'Change' => 'Modificar',
'Source' => 'Origem',
'Target' => 'Destino',
'Add column' => 'Adicionar coluna',
'Alter' => 'Modificar',
'Add foreign key' => 'Adicionar Chave estrangeira',
'Index Type' => 'Tipo de índice',
'Column (length)' => 'coluna (tamanho)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Vista eliminada.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Vista modificada.',
'View has been created.' => 'Vista criada.',
'Alter view' => 'Modificar vista',
'Create view' => 'Criar vista',
'Name' => 'Nome',
'Process list' => 'Lista de processos',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d processo terminado.', '%d processos terminados.'),
'Kill' => 'Parar',
'Parameter name' => 'Nome de Parâmetro',
'Database schema' => 'Esquema de Base de dados',
'Create procedure' => 'Criar procedimento',
'Create function' => 'Criar função',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedimento eliminado.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedimento modificado.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedimento criado.',
'Alter function' => 'Modificar Função',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modificar procedimento',
'Return type' => 'Tipo de valor de regresso',
'Add trigger' => 'Adicionar trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger eliminado.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger modificado.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger criado.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modificar Trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Adicionar Trigger',
'Time' => 'Tempo',
'Event' => 'Evento',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versão %s: %s através da extensão PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d registo', '%d registos'),
'Remove' => 'Remover',
'Are you sure?' => 'Tem a certeza?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilégios',
'Create user' => 'Criar utilizador',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Utilizador eliminado.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Utilizador modificado.',
'User has been created.' => 'Utilizador criado.',
'Hashed' => 'Hash',
'Column' => 'Coluna',
'Routine' => 'Rotina',
'Grant' => 'Conceder',
'Revoke' => 'Impedir',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST data demasiado grande. Reduza o tamanho ou aumente a diretiva de configuração %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Ligado como: %s',
'Move up' => 'Mover para cima',
'Move down' => 'Mover para baixo',
'Functions' => 'Funções',
'Aggregation' => 'Adições',
'Export' => 'Exportar',
'Output' => 'Saída',
'open' => 'abrir',
'save' => 'guardar',
'Format' => 'Formato',
'Tables' => 'Tabelas',
'Data' => 'Dados',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Evento eliminado.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Evento modificado.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Evento criado.',
'Alter event' => 'Modificar Evento',
'Create event' => 'Criar Evento',
'At given time' => 'À hora determinada',
'Every' => 'Cada',
'Events' => 'Eventos',
'Schedule' => 'Agenda',
'Start' => 'Início',
'End' => 'Fim',
'Status' => 'Estado',
'On completion preserve' => 'Preservar ao completar',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabelas e vistas',
'Data Length' => 'Tamanho de dados',
'Index Length' => 'Tamanho de índice',
'Data Free' => 'Espaço Livre',
'Collation' => 'Colação',
'Analyze' => 'Analizar',
'Optimize' => 'Otimizar',
'Check' => 'Verificar',
'Repair' => 'Reparar',
'Truncate' => 'Truncar',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabelas truncadas (truncate).',
'Rows' => 'Registos',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'As Tabelas foram movidas.',
'Move to other database' => 'Mover outra Base de dados',
'Move' => 'Mover',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Guardar e continuar a edição',
'original' => 'original',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'As tabelas foram eliminadas.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d item afetado.', '%d itens afetados.'),
'whole result' => 'resultado completo',
'Clone' => 'Clonar',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Quantidade máxima de campos permitidos excedidos. Por favor aumente %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Particionar por',
'Partitions' => 'Partições',
'Partition name' => 'Nome da Partição',
'Values' => 'Valores',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d registo importado.', '%d registos importados.'),
'anywhere' => 'qualquer local',
'Import' => 'Importar',
'Stop on error' => 'Parar em caso de erro',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[aaaa]',
'History' => 'Histórico',
'Variables' => 'Variáveis',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'As colunas de origen e destino devem ser do mesmo tipo, deve existir um índice entre as colunas de destino e o registo referenciado deve existir.',
'Relations' => 'Relações',
'Run file' => 'Executar ficheiro',
'Clear' => 'Limpar',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Tamanho máximo do ficheiro é %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Números',
'Date and time' => 'Data e hora',
'Strings' => 'Cadeia',
'Binary' => 'Binário',
'Lists' => 'Listas',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'De',
'Subject' => 'Assunto',
'Send' => 'Enviar',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d email enviado.', '%d emails enviados.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Ficheiro do servidor web %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'Ficheiro não existe.',
'%d in total' => '%d no total',
'Permanent login' => 'Memorizar a senha',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Bases de dados eliminadas.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Pesquisar dados nas Tabelas',
'Schema' => 'Esquema',
'Alter schema' => 'Modificar esquema',
'Create schema' => 'Criar esquema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Esquema eliminado.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Esquema criado.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Esquema modificado.',
'Sequences' => 'Sequências',
'Create sequence' => 'Criar sequências',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modificar sequência',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sequência eliminada.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sequência criada.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sequência modificada.',
'User types' => 'Tipos definidos pelo utilizador',
'Create type' => 'Criar tipo',
'Alter type' => 'Modificar tipo',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tipo eliminado.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tipo criado.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+clique vezes sobre o valor para edita-lo.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Utilize o link modificar para alterar.',
'last' => 'último',
'From server' => 'Do servidor',
'System' => 'Motor de Base de dados',
'Select data' => 'Selecionar dados',
'Show structure' => 'Mostrar estrutura',
'empty' => 'vazio',
'Network' => 'Rede',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'File exists.' => 'Ficheiro já existe.',
'Attachments' => 'Anexos',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d consulta sql executada corretamente.', '%d consultas sql executadas corretamente.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Mostrar somente erros',
'Refresh' => 'Atualizar',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Esquema inválido.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Por favor use uma das extensões %s.',
'now' => 'agora',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Intră',
'Logout successful.' => 'Ați ieșit cu succes.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Numele de utilizator sau parola este greșită.',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Nume de utilizator',
'Password' => 'Parola',
'Select database' => 'Alege baza de date',
'Invalid database.' => 'Bază de deate invalidă.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabelul a fost șters.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabelul a fost modificat.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabelul a fost creat.',
'Alter table' => 'Modifică tabelul',
'Create table' => 'Crează tabel',
'Table name' => 'Denumirea tabelului',
'engine' => 'tip',
'collation' => 'colaționarea',
'Column name' => 'Denumirea coloanei',
'Type' => 'Tip',
'Length' => 'Lungime',
'Auto Increment' => 'Creșterea automată',
'Options' => 'Acțiune',
'Save' => 'Salvează',
'Drop' => 'Șterge',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Baza de date a fost ștearsă.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Baza de date a fost creată.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Baza de date a fost redenumită.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Baza de date a fost modificată.',
'Alter database' => 'Modifică baza de date',
'Create database' => 'Crează baza de date',
'SQL command' => 'SQL query',
'Logout' => 'Ieșire',
'database' => 'baza de date',
'Use' => 'Alege',
'No tables.' => 'În baza de date nu sunt tabele.',
'select' => 'selectează',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Înregistrare a fost ștearsă.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Înregistrare a fost înnoită.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Înregistrarea%s a fost inserată.',
'Edit' => 'Editează',
'Insert' => 'Inserează',
'Save and insert next' => 'Salvează și mai inserează',
'Delete' => 'Șterge',
'Database' => 'Baza de date',
'Routines' => 'Proceduri și funcții salvate',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indexurile au fost modificate.',
'Indexes' => 'Indexuri',
'Alter indexes' => 'Modifică indexuri',
'Add next' => 'Adaugă încă',
'Language' => 'Limba',
'Select' => 'Selectează',
'New item' => 'Înscriere nouă',
'Search' => 'Căutare',
'Sort' => 'Sortare',
'descending' => 'descrescător',
'Limit' => 'Limit',
'No rows.' => 'Nu sunt înscrieri.',
'Action' => 'Acțiune',
'edit' => 'editare',
'Page' => 'Pagina',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Query executat, %d înscriere modificată.', 'Query executat, %d înscrieri modificate.'),
'Error in query' => 'Greșeală în query',
'Execute' => 'Execută',
'Table' => 'Tabel',
'Foreign keys' => 'Chei externe',
'Triggers' => 'Declanșatoare',
'View' => 'Reprezentare',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Nu am putut selecta date din tabel',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'CSRF token imposibil. Retrimite forma.',
'Comment' => 'Comentariu',
'Default values' => 'Valoarea inițială',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d octet', '%d octeți'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Nu sunt comenzi de executat.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Nu am putut încărca fișierul pe server.',
'File upload' => 'Încarcă fișierul',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Încărcarea fișierelor este interzisă.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('A fost executată procedura, %d înscriere a fost modificată.', 'A fost executată procedura, %d înscrieri au fost modificate.'),
'Call' => 'Apelează',
'No extension' => 'Nu este extensie',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nu este aviabilă nici o extensie suportată (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Sesiunile trebuie să fie pornite.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Timpul sesiunii a expirat, rog să vă conectați din nou.',
'Text length' => 'Lungimea textului',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Cheia externă a fost ștearsă.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Cheia externă a fost modificată.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Cheia externă a fost creată.',
'Foreign key' => 'Cheie externă',
'Target table' => 'Tabela scop',
'Change' => 'Modifică',
'Source' => 'Sursă',
'Target' => 'Scop',
'Add column' => 'Adaugă coloană',
'Alter' => 'Modifică',
'Add foreign key' => 'Adaugă cheie externă',
'ON DELETE' => 'La ștergere',
'ON UPDATE' => 'La modificare',
'Index Type' => 'Tipul indexului',
'Column (length)' => 'Coloană (lungimea)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Reprezentarea a fost ștearsă.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Reprezentarea a fost modificată.',
'View has been created.' => 'Reprezentarea a fost creată.',
'Alter view' => 'Modifică reprezentarea',
'Create view' => 'Crează reprezentare',
'Name' => 'Titlu',
'Process list' => 'Lista proceselor',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('A fost terminat %d proces.', 'Au fost terminate %d procese.'),
'Kill' => 'Termină',
'Parameter name' => 'Numele parametrului',
'Database schema' => 'Schema bazei de date',
'Create procedure' => 'Crează procedură',
'Create function' => 'Crează funcție',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedura a fost ștearsă.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedura a fost modificată.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedura a fost creată.',
'Alter function' => 'Modifică funcția',
'Alter procedure' => 'Modifică procedura',
'Return type' => 'Tipul returnării',
'Add trigger' => 'Adaugă trigger (declanșator)',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Triggerul a fost șters.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Triggerul a fost modificat.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Triggerul a fost creat.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Modifică trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Crează trigger',
'Time' => 'Timp',
'Event' => 'Eveniment',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Versiunea %s: %s cu extensia PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d înscriere', '%d înscrieri'),
'Remove' => 'Șterge',
'Are you sure?' => 'Sunteți sigur(ă)?',
'Privileges' => 'Privilegii',
'Create user' => 'Crează utilizator',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Utilizatorul a fost șters.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Utilizatorul a fost modificat.',
'User has been created.' => 'Utilizatorul a fost creat.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'Coloană',
'Routine' => 'Procedură',
'Grant' => 'Permite',
'Revoke' => 'Interzice',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Mesajul POST este prea mare. Trimiteți mai puține date sau măriți parametrul configurației directivei %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Ați intrat ca: %s',
'Move up' => 'Mișcă în sus',
'Move down' => 'Mișcă în jos',
'Functions' => 'Funcții',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregare',
'Export' => 'Export',
'Output' => 'Date de ieșire',
'open' => 'deschide',
'save' => 'salvează',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Tables' => 'Tabele',
'Data' => 'Date',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Evenimentul a fost șters.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Evenimentul a fost modificat.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Evenimentul a fost adăugat.',
'Alter event' => 'Modifică eveniment',
'Create event' => 'Creează evenimet',
'At given time' => 'În timpul curent',
'Every' => 'Fiecare',
'Events' => 'Evenimente',
'Schedule' => 'Program',
'Start' => 'Început',
'End' => 'Sfârșit',
'Status' => 'Stare',
'On completion preserve' => 'Salvează după finisare',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabele și reprezentări',
'Data Length' => 'Cantitatea de date',
'Index Length' => 'Cantitatea de indecși',
'Data Free' => 'Spațiu liber',
'Collation' => 'Colaționare',
'Analyze' => 'Analizează',
'Optimize' => 'Optimizează',
'Check' => 'Controlează',
'Repair' => 'Repară',
'Truncate' => 'Curăță',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabelele au fost curățate.',
'Rows' => 'Înscrieri',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabelele au fost mutate.',
'Move to other database' => 'Mută în altă bază de date',
'Move' => 'Mută',
'Engine' => 'Tip',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Salvează și continuă editarea',
'original' => 'original',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('A fost modificată %d înscriere.', 'Au fost modificate %d înscrieri.'),
'whole result' => 'tot rezultatul',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabelele au fost șterse.',
'Clone' => 'Clonează',
'Partition by' => 'Împarte',
'Partitions' => 'Secțiuni',
'Partition name' => 'Denumirea secțiunii',
'Values' => 'Parametru',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d rînd importat.', '%d rînduri importate.'),
'Import' => 'Importă',
'Stop on error' => 'Se oprește la greșeală',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Numărul maxim de înscrieri disponibile a fost atins. Majorați %s.',
'anywhere' => 'oriunde',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd.mm.[yyyy]',
'History' => 'Istoria',
'Variables' => 'Variabile',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Coloanele ar trebui să aibă aceleaşi tipuri de date, trebuie să existe date de referinţă și un index pe coloanela-ţintă.',
'Relations' => 'Relații',
'Run file' => 'Execută fișier',
'Clear' => 'Curăță',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Fișierul maxim admis - %sO.',
'Numbers' => 'Număr',
'Date and time' => 'Data și timpul',
'Strings' => 'Șiruri de caractere',
'Binary' => 'Tip binar',
'Lists' => 'Liste',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'E-mail' => 'Poșta electronică',
'From' => 'De la',
'Subject' => 'Pentru',
'Send' => 'Trimite',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('A fost trimis %d mail.', 'Au fost trimise %d mail-uri.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Fișierul %s pe server',
'File does not exist.' => 'Acest fișier nu există.',
'%d in total' => 'În total %d',
'Permanent login' => 'Logare permanentă',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Bazele de date au fost șterse.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Caută în tabele',
'Schema' => 'Schema',
'Alter schema' => 'Modifică schema',
'Create schema' => 'Crează o schemă',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schema a fost ștearsă.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schema a fost creată.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schema a fost modificată.',
'Sequences' => '«Secvențe»',
'Create sequence' => 'Crează «secvență»',
'Alter sequence' => 'Modifică «secvență»',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => '«secvența» a fost ștearsă.',
'Sequence has been created.' => '«secvența» a fost creată.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => '«secvența» a fost modificată.',
'User types' => 'Tipuri de utilizatori',
'Create type' => 'Crează tip noi',
'Alter type' => 'Modifică tip',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tiipul a fost șters.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Crează tip nou.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+click pe o valoare pentru a o modifica.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Valoare poate fi modificată cu ajutorul butonului «modifică».',
'last' => 'ultima',
'From server' => 'De pe server',
'System' => 'Sistem',
'Select data' => 'Selectează',
'Show structure' => 'Arată structura',
'empty' => 'gol',
'Network' => 'Rețea',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrie',
'File exists.' => 'Fișierul există deja.',
'Attachments' => 'Fișiere atașate',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d query executat.', '%d query-uri executate cu succes.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Arată doar greșeli',
'Refresh' => 'Împrospătează',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Schemă incorectă.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Folosiți una din următoarele extensii %s.',
'now' => 'acum',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabelele au fost copiate',
'Copy' => 'Copiază',
'Permanent link' => 'Adresă permanentă',
'Edit all' => 'Editează tot',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Войти',
'Logout successful.' => 'Вы успешно покинули систему.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль.',
'Server' => 'Сервер',
'Username' => 'Имя пользователя',
'Password' => 'Пароль',
'Select database' => 'Выбрать базу данных',
'Invalid database.' => 'Неверная база данных.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Таблица была удалена.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Таблица была изменена.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Таблица была создана.',
'Alter table' => 'Изменить таблицу',
'Create table' => 'Создать таблицу',
'Table name' => 'Название таблицы',
'engine' => 'Тип таблицы',
'collation' => 'режим сопоставления',
'Column name' => 'Название поля',
'Type' => 'Тип',
'Length' => 'Длина',
'Auto Increment' => 'Автоматическое приращение',
'Options' => 'Действие',
'Save' => 'Сохранить',
'Drop' => 'Удалить',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'База данных была удалена.',
'Database has been created.' => 'База данных была создана.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'База данных была переименована.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'База данных была изменена.',
'Alter database' => 'Изменить базу данных',
'Create database' => 'Создать базу данных',
'SQL command' => 'SQL-запрос',
'Logout' => 'Выйти',
'database' => 'база данных',
'Use' => 'Выбрать',
'No tables.' => 'В базе данных нет таблиц.',
'select' => 'выбрать',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Запись удалена.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Запись обновлена.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Запись%s была вставлена.',
'Edit' => 'Редактировать',
'Insert' => 'Вставить',
'Save and insert next' => 'Сохранить и вставить ещё',
'Delete' => 'Стереть',
'Database' => 'База данных',
'Routines' => 'Хранимые процедуры и функции',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Индексы изменены.',
'Indexes' => 'Индексы',
'Alter indexes' => 'Изменить индексы',
'Add next' => 'Добавить ещё',
'Language' => 'Язык',
'Select' => 'Выбрать',
'New item' => 'Новая запись',
'Search' => 'Поиск',
'Sort' => 'Сортировать',
'descending' => 'по убыванию',
'Limit' => 'Лимит',
'No rows.' => 'Нет записей.',
'Action' => 'Действие',
'edit' => 'редактировать',
'Page' => 'Страница',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Запрос завершён, изменена %d запись.', 'Запрос завершён, изменены %d записи.', 'Запрос завершён, изменено %d записей.'),
'Error in query' => 'Ошибка в запросe',
'Execute' => 'Выполнить',
'Table' => 'Таблица',
'Foreign keys' => 'Внешние ключи',
'Triggers' => 'Триггеры',
'View' => 'Представление',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Не удалось получить данные из таблицы',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Недействительный CSRF-токен. Отправите форму ещё раз.',
'Comment' => 'Комментарий',
'Default values' => 'Значения по умолчанию',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d байт', '%d байта', '%d байтов'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Нет команд для выполнения.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Не удалось загрузить файл на сервер.',
'File upload' => 'Загрузить файл на сервер',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Загрузка файлов на сервер запрещена.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Была вызвана процедура, %d запись была изменена.', 'Была вызвана процедура, %d записи было изменено.', 'Была вызвана процедура, %d записей было изменено.'),
'Call' => 'Вызвать',
'No extension' => 'Нет расширений',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Недоступно ни одного расширения из поддерживаемых (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Сессии должны быть включены.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Срок действия сессии истёк, нужно снова войти в систему.',
'Text length' => 'Длина текста',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Внешний ключ был удалён.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Внешний ключ был изменён.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Внешний ключ был создан.',
'Foreign key' => 'Внешний ключ',
'Target table' => 'Результирующая таблица',
'Change' => 'Изменить',
'Source' => 'Источник',
'Target' => 'Цель',
'Add column' => 'Добавить поле',
'Alter' => 'Изменить',
'Add foreign key' => 'Добавить внешний ключ',
'ON DELETE' => 'При стирании',
'ON UPDATE' => 'При обновлении',
'Index Type' => 'Тип индекса',
'Column (length)' => 'Поле (длина)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Представление было удалено.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Представление было изменено.',
'View has been created.' => 'Представление было создано.',
'Alter view' => 'Изменить представление',
'Create view' => 'Создать представление',
'Name' => 'Название',
'Process list' => 'Список процессов',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Был завершён %d процесс.', 'Было завершено %d процесса.', 'Было завершено %d процессов.'),
'Kill' => 'Завершить',
'Parameter name' => 'Название параметра',
'Database schema' => 'Схема базы данных',
'Create procedure' => 'Создать процедуру',
'Create function' => 'Создать функцию',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Процедура была удалена.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Процедура была изменена.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Процедура была создана.',
'Alter function' => 'Изменить функцию',
'Alter procedure' => 'Изменить процедуру',
'Return type' => 'Возвращаемый тип',
'Add trigger' => 'Добавить триггер',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Триггер был удалён.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Триггер был изменён.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Триггер был создан.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Изменить триггер',
'Create trigger' => 'Создать триггер',
'Time' => 'Время',
'Event' => 'Событие',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Версия %s: %s с PHP-расширением %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d строка', '%d строки', '%d строк'),
'Remove' => 'Удалить',
'Are you sure?' => 'Вы уверены?',
'Privileges' => 'Полномочия',
'Create user' => 'Создать пользователя',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Пользователь был удалён.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Пользователь был изменён.',
'User has been created.' => 'Пользователь был создан.',
'Hashed' => 'Хешировано',
'Column' => 'поле',
'Routine' => 'Процедура',
'Grant' => 'Позволить',
'Revoke' => 'Запретить',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Слишком большой объем POST-данных. Пошлите меньший объём данных или увеличьте параметр конфигурационной директивы %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Вы вошли как: %s',
'Move up' => 'Переместить вверх',
'Move down' => 'Переместить вниз',
'Functions' => 'Функции',
'Aggregation' => 'Агрегация',
'Export' => 'Экспорт',
'Output' => 'Выходные данные',
'open' => 'открыть',
'save' => 'сохранить',
'Format' => 'Формат',
'Tables' => 'Таблицы',
'Data' => 'Данные',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Событие было удалено.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Событие было изменено.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Событие было создано.',
'Alter event' => 'Изменить событие',
'Create event' => 'Создать событие',
'At given time' => 'В данное время',
'Every' => 'Каждые',
'Events' => 'События',
'Schedule' => 'Расписание',
'Start' => 'Начало',
'End' => 'Конец',
'Status' => 'Состояние',
'On completion preserve' => 'После завершения сохранить',
'Tables and views' => 'Таблицы и представления',
'Data Length' => 'Объём данных',
'Index Length' => 'Объём индексов',
'Data Free' => 'Свободное место',
'Collation' => 'Режим сопоставления',
'Analyze' => 'Анализировать',
'Optimize' => 'Оптимизировать',
'Check' => 'Проверить',
'Repair' => 'Исправить',
'Truncate' => 'Очистить',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Таблицы были очищены.',
'Rows' => 'Строк',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Таблицы были перемещены.',
'Move to other database' => 'Переместить в другую базу данных',
'Move' => 'Переместить',
'Engine' => 'Тип таблиц',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Сохранить и продолжить редактирование',
'original' => 'исходный',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Была изменена %d запись.', 'Были изменены %d записи.', 'Было изменено %d записей.'),
'whole result' => 'весь результат',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Таблицы были удалены.',
'Clone' => 'Клонировать',
'Partition by' => 'Разделить по',
'Partitions' => 'Разделы',
'Partition name' => 'Название раздела',
'Values' => 'Параметры',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Импортирована %d строка.', 'Импортировано %d строки.', 'Импортировано %d строк.'),
'Import' => 'Импорт',
'Stop on error' => 'Остановить при ошибке',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Достигнуто максимальное значение количества доступных полей. Увеличьте %s.',
'anywhere' => 'в любом месте',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'дд.мм.[гггг]',
'History' => 'История',
'Variables' => 'Переменные',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Поля должны иметь одинаковые типы данных, в результирующем поле должен быть индекс, данные для импорта должны существовать.',
'Relations' => 'Отношения',
'Run file' => 'Запустить файл',
'Clear' => 'Очистить',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Максимальный разрешённый размер файла — %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'Числа',
'Date and time' => 'Дата и время',
'Strings' => 'Строки',
'Binary' => 'Двоичный тип',
'Lists' => 'Списки',
'Editor' => 'Редактор',
'E-mail' => 'Эл. почта',
'From' => 'От',
'Subject' => 'Тема',
'Send' => 'Послать',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Было отправлено %d письмо.', 'Было отправлено %d письма.', 'Было отправлено %d писем.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'Файл %s на вебсервере',
'File does not exist.' => 'Такого файла не существует.',
'%d in total' => 'Всего %d',
'Permanent login' => 'Оставаться в системе',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Базы данных удалены.',
'Search data in tables' => 'Поиск в таблицах',
'Schema' => 'Схема',
'Alter schema' => 'Изменить схему',
'Create schema' => 'Новая схема',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Схема удалена.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Создана новая схема.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Схема изменена.',
'Sequences' => '«Последовательности»',
'Create sequence' => 'Создать «последовательность»',
'Alter sequence' => 'Изменить «последовательность»',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => '«Последовательность» удалена.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Создана новая «последовательность».',
'Sequence has been altered.' => '«Последовательность» изменена.',
'User types' => 'Типы пользователей',
'Create type' => 'Создать тип',
'Alter type' => 'Изменить тип',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Тип удален.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Создан новый тип.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Выполните Ctrl+Щелчок мышью по значению, чтобы его изменить.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Изменить это значение можно с помощью ссылки «изменить».',
'last' => 'последняя',
'From server' => 'С сервера',
'System' => 'Движок',
'Select data' => 'Выбрать',
'Show structure' => 'Показать структуру',
'empty' => 'пусто',
'Network' => 'Сеть',
'Geometry' => 'Геометрия',
'File exists.' => 'Файл уже существует.',
'Attachments' => 'Прикреплённые файлы',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d запрос выполнен успешно.', '%d запроса выполнено успешно.', '%d запросов выполнено успешно.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Только ошибки',
'Refresh' => 'Обновить',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Неправильная схема.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Используйте одно из этих расширений %s.',
'now' => 'сейчас',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Таблицы скопированы.',
'Copy' => 'Копировать',
'Permanent link' => 'Постоянная ссылка',
'Edit all' => 'Редактировать всё',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'ЧЧ:ММ:СС',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Таблицы оптимизированы.',
'Materialized view' => 'Материализованное представление',
'Vacuum' => 'Вакуум',
'Selected' => 'Выбранные',
'Replication' => 'Репликация',
'Master status' => 'состояние мастер-сервера',
'Slave status' => 'состояние ведомого сервера',
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Файл должен быть в кодировке UTF-8.',
'Modify' => 'Изменить',
'Loading' => 'Загрузка',
'Load more data' => 'Загрузить ещё данные',
'ATTACH queries are not supported.' => 'ATTACH-запросы не поддерживаются.',
'%d / ' => '%d / ',
'Limit rows' => 'Лимит строк',
'<a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to use SQLite.' => '<a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Реализуйте</a> метод %s, чтобы использовать SQLite.',
'Default value' => 'Значение по умолчанию',
'Full table scan' => 'Анализ полной таблицы',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Слишком много неудачных попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через %d минуту.', 'Слишком много неудачных попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через %d минуты.', 'Слишком много неудачных попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через %d минут.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Мастер-пароль истёк. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Реализуйте</a> метод %s, чтобы сделать его постоянным.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Если вы не посылали этот запрос из Adminer, закройте эту страницу.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Вы можете закачать большой SQL-файл по FTP и затем импортировать его с сервера.',
'Size' => 'Размер',
'Compute' => 'Вычислить',
'You are offline.' => 'Вы не выполнили вход.',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'У вас нет прав на обновление этой таблицы.',
'Saving' => 'Сохранение',
'yes' => 'Да',
'no' => 'Нет',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'Prihlásiť sa',
'Logout successful.' => 'Odhlásenie prebehlo v poriadku.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Neplatné prihlasovacie údaje.',
'Server' => 'Server',
'Username' => 'Používateľ',
'Password' => 'Heslo',
'Select database' => 'Vybrať databázu',
'Invalid database.' => 'Nesprávna databáza.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabuľka bola odstránená.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabuľka bola zmenená.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabuľka bola vytvorená.',
'Alter table' => 'Zmeniť tabuľku',
'Create table' => 'Vytvoriť tabuľku',
'Table name' => 'Názov tabuľky',
'engine' => 'úložisko',
'collation' => 'porovnávanie',
'Column name' => 'Názov stĺpca',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Length' => 'Dĺžka',
'Auto Increment' => 'Auto Increment',
'Options' => 'Voľby',
'Save' => 'Uložiť',
'Drop' => 'Odstrániť',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Databázy boli odstránené.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Databáza bola odstránená.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Databáza bola vytvorená.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Databáza bola premenovaná.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Databáza bola zmenená.',
'Alter database' => 'Zmeniť databázu',
'Create database' => 'Vytvoriť databázu',
'SQL command' => 'SQL príkaz',
'Logout' => 'Odhlásiť',
'database' => 'databáza',
'Use' => 'Vybrať',
'No tables.' => 'Žiadne tabuľky.',
'select' => 'vypísať',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Položka bola vymazaná.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Položka bola aktualizovaná.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Položka%s bola vložená.',
'Edit' => 'Upraviť',
'Insert' => 'Vložiť',
'Save and insert next' => 'Uložiť a vložiť ďalší',
'Delete' => 'Zmazať',
'Database' => 'Databáza',
'Routines' => 'Procedúry',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indexy boli zmenené.',
'Indexes' => 'Indexy',
'Alter indexes' => 'Zmeniť indexy',
'Add next' => 'Pridať ďalší',
'Language' => 'Jazyk',
'Select' => 'Vypísať',
'New item' => 'Nová položka',
'Search' => 'Vyhľadať',
'Sort' => 'Zotriediť',
'descending' => 'zostupne',
'Limit' => 'Limit',
'No rows.' => 'Žiadne riadky.',
'Action' => 'Akcia',
'edit' => 'upraviť',
'Page' => 'Stránka',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Príkaz prebehol v poriadku, bol zmenený %d záznam.', 'Príkaz prebehol v poriadku boli zmenené %d záznamy.', 'Príkaz prebehol v poriadku bolo zmenených %d záznamov.'),
'Error in query' => 'Chyba v dotaze',
'Execute' => 'Vykonať',
'Table' => 'Tabuľka',
'Foreign keys' => 'Cudzie kľúče',
'Triggers' => 'Triggery',
'View' => 'Pohľad',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Tabuľku sa nepodarilo vypísať',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Neplatný token CSRF. Odošlite formulár znova.',
'Comment' => 'Komentár',
'Default values' => 'Východzie hodnoty',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bajt', '%d bajty', '%d bajtov'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Žiadne príkazy na vykonanie.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Súbor sa nepodarilo nahrať.',
'File upload' => 'Nahranie súboru',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Nahrávánie súborov nie je povolené.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Procedúra bola zavolaná, bol zmenený %d záznam.', 'Procedúra bola zavolaná, boli zmenené %d záznamy.', 'Procedúra bola zavolaná, bolo zmenených %d záznamov.'),
'Call' => 'Zavolať',
'No extension' => 'Žiadne rozšírenie',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Nie je dostupné žiadne z podporovaných rozšírení (%s).',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Session premenné musia byť povolené.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session vypršala, prihláste sa prosím znova.',
'Text length' => 'Dĺžka textov',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Cudzí kľúč bol odstránený.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Cudzí kľúč bol zmenený.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Cudzí kľúč bol vytvorený.',
'Foreign key' => 'Cudzí kľúč',
'Target table' => 'Cieľová tabuľka',
'Change' => 'Zmeniť',
'Source' => 'Zdroj',
'Target' => 'Cieľ',
'Add column' => 'Pridať stĺpec',
'Alter' => 'Zmeniť',
'Add foreign key' => 'Pridať cudzí kľúč',
'Index Type' => 'Typ indexu',
'Column (length)' => 'Stĺpec (dĺžka)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Pohľad bol odstránený.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Pohľad bol zmenený.',
'View has been created.' => 'Pohľad bol vytvorený.',
'Alter view' => 'Zmeniť pohľad',
'Create view' => 'Vytvoriť pohľad',
'Name' => 'Názov',
'Process list' => 'Zoznam procesov',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Bol ukončený %d proces.', 'Boli ukončené %d procesy.', 'Bolo ukončených %d procesov.'),
'Kill' => 'Ukončiť',
'Parameter name' => 'Názov parametra',
'Database schema' => 'Schéma databázy',
'Create procedure' => 'Vytvoriť procedúru',
'Create function' => 'Vytvoriť funkciu',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Procedúra bola odstránená.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Procedúra bola zmenená.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Procedúra bola vytvorená.',
'Alter function' => 'Zmeniť funkciu',
'Alter procedure' => 'Zmeniť procedúru',
'Return type' => 'Návratový typ',
'Add trigger' => 'Pridať trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger bol odstránený.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger bol zmenený.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger bol vytvorený.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Zmeniť trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'Vytvoriť trigger',
'Time' => 'Čas',
'Event' => 'Udalosť',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Verzia %s: %s cez PHP rozšírenie %s',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d riadok', '%d riadky', '%d riadkov'),
'Remove' => 'Odobrať',
'Are you sure?' => 'Naozaj?',
'Privileges' => 'Oprávnenia',
'Create user' => 'Vytvoriť používateľa',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Používateľ bol odstránený.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Používateľ bol zmenený.',
'User has been created.' => 'Používateľ bol vytvorený.',
'Hashed' => 'Zahašované',
'Column' => 'Stĺpec',
'Routine' => 'Procedúra',
'Grant' => 'Povoliť',
'Revoke' => 'Zakázať',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Príliš veľké POST dáta. Zmenšite dáta alebo zvýšte hodnotu konfiguračej direktívy %s.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Prihlásený ako: %s',
'Move up' => 'Presunúť hore',
'Move down' => 'Presunúť dolu',
'Functions' => 'Funkcie',
'Aggregation' => 'Agregácia',
'Export' => 'Export',
'Output' => 'Výstup',
'open' => 'otvoriť',
'save' => 'uložiť',
'Format' => 'Formát',
'Tables' => 'Tabuľky',
'Data' => 'Dáta',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Udalosť bola odstránená.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Udalosť bola zmenená.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Udalosť bola vytvorená.',
'Alter event' => 'Upraviť udalosť',
'Create event' => 'Vytvoriť udalosť',
'At given time' => 'V stanovený čas',
'Every' => 'Každých',
'Events' => 'Udalosti',
'Schedule' => 'Plán',
'Start' => 'Začiatok',
'End' => 'Koniec',
'Status' => 'Stav',
'On completion preserve' => 'Po dokončení zachovat',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Uložiť a pokračovať v úpravách',
'original' => 'originál',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabuľka bola vyprázdnená.',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabuľka bola presunutá.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabuľka bola odstránená.',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabuľky a pohľady',
'Engine' => 'Typ',
'Collation' => 'Porovnávanie',
'Data Length' => 'Veľkosť dát',
'Index Length' => 'Veľkosť indexu',
'Data Free' => 'Voľné miesto',
'Rows' => 'Riadky',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => 'Analyzovať',
'Optimize' => 'Optimalizovať',
'Check' => 'Skontrolovať',
'Repair' => 'Opraviť',
'Truncate' => 'Vyprázdniť',
'Move to other database' => 'Presunúť do inej databázy',
'Move' => 'Presunúť',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d položiek bolo ovplyvnených.',
'whole result' => 'celý výsledok',
'Clone' => 'Klonovať',
'Partition by' => 'Rozdeliť podľa',
'Partitions' => 'Oddiely',
'Partition name' => 'Názov oddielu',
'Values' => 'Hodnoty',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Bol importovaný %d záznam.', 'Boli importované %d záznamy.', 'Bolo importovaných %d záznamov.'),
'Import' => 'Import',
'Stop on error' => 'Zastaviť pri chybe',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Bol prekročený maximálny počet povolených polí. Zvýšte prosím %s.',
'anywhere' => 'kdekoľvek',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[rrrr]',
'History' => 'História',
'Variables' => 'Premenné',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Zdrojové a cieľové stĺpce musia mať rovnaký datový typ, nad cieľovými stĺpcami musí byť definovaný index a odkazované dáta musia existovať.',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Odosielateľ',
'Subject' => 'Predmet',
'Send' => 'Odoslať',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Bol odoslaný %d e-mail.', 'Boli odoslané %d e-maily.', 'Bolo odoslaných %d e-mailov.'),
'Run file' => 'Spustiť súbor',
'Numbers' => 'Čísla',
'Date and time' => 'Dátum a čas',
'Strings' => 'Reťazce',
'Binary' => 'Binárne',
'Lists' => 'Zoznamy',
'Relations' => 'Vzťahy',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maximálna povolená veľkosť súboru je %sB.',
'Clear' => 'Vyčistiť',
'Editor' => 'Editor',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Súbor %s na webovom serveri',
'File does not exist.' => 'Súbor neexistuje.',
'Permanent login' => 'Trvalé prihlásenie',
'%d in total' => '%d celkom',
'Search data in tables' => 'Vyhľadať dáta v tabuľkách',
'Alter schema' => 'Pozmeniť schému',
'Create schema' => 'Vytvoriť schému',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schéma bola odstránená.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schéma bola vytvorená.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schéma bola zmenená.',
'Schema' => 'Schéma',
'Sequences' => 'Sekvencia',
'Create sequence' => 'Vytvoriť sekvenciu',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekvencia bola odstránená.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekvencia bola vytvorená.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekvencia bola zmenená.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Pozmeniť sekvenciu',
'User types' => 'Užívateľské typy',
'Create type' => 'Vytvoriť typ',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Typ bol odstránený.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Typ bol vytvorený.',
'Alter type' => 'Pozmeniť typ',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+kliknite na políčko, ktoré chcete zmeniť.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Pre zmenu tejto hodnoty použite odkaz upraviť.',
'last' => 'posledný',
'From server' => 'Zo serveru',
'System' => 'Systém',
'Show structure' => 'Zobraziť štruktúru',
'Select data' => 'Vypísať dáta',
'empty' => 'prázdne',
'Network' => 'Sieť',
'Geometry' => 'Geometria',
'File exists.' => 'Súbor existuje.',
'Attachments' => 'Prílohy',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('Bol vykonaný %d dotaz.', 'Boli vykonané %d dotazy.', 'Bolo vykonaných %d dotazov.'),
'Show only errors' => 'Zobraziť iba chyby',
'Refresh' => 'Obnoviť',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Neplatné schéma.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Prosím vyberte jednu z koncoviek %s.',
'now' => 'teraz',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabuľky boli skopírované.',
'Copy' => 'Kopírovať',
'Permanent link' => 'Permanentný odkaz',
'Edit all' => 'Upraviť všetko',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Sistem',
'Server' => 'Strežnik',
'Username' => 'Uporabniško ime',
'Password' => 'Geslo',
'Permanent login' => 'Trajna prijava',
'Login' => 'Prijavi se',
'Logout' => 'Odjavi se',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Prijavljen kot: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Prijava uspešna.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Neveljavne pravice.',
'Language' => 'Jezik',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Neveljaven token CSRF. Pošljite formular še enkrat.',
'No extension' => 'Brez dodatkov',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Noben od podprtih dodatkov za PHP (%s) ni na voljo.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Podpora za seje mora biti omogočena.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Seja je potekla. Prosimo, ponovno se prijavite.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Verzija %s: %s preko dodatka za PHP %s',
'Refresh' => 'Osveži',
// text direction
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Pravice',
'Create user' => 'Ustvari uporabnika',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Uporabnik je odstranjen.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Uporabnik je spremenjen.',
'User has been created.' => 'Uporabnik je ustvarjen.',
'Hashed' => 'Zakodirano',
'Column' => 'Stolpec',
'Routine' => 'Postopek',
'Grant' => 'Dovoli',
'Revoke' => 'Odvzemi',
'Process list' => 'Seznam procesov',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Končan je %d proces.', 'Končana sta %d procesa.', 'Končani so %d procesi.', 'Končanih je %d procesov.'),
'Kill' => 'Končaj',
'Variables' => 'Spremenljivke',
'Status' => 'Stanje',
'SQL command' => 'Ukaz SQL',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('Uspešno se je končala %d poizvedba.', 'Uspešno sta se končali %d poizvedbi.', 'Uspešno so se končale %d poizvedbe.', 'Uspešno se je končalo %d poizvedb.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjena je %d vrstica.', 'Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjeni sta %d vrstici.', 'Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjene so %d vrstice.', 'Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjenih je %d vrstic.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Ni ukazov za izvedbo.',
'Error in query' => 'Napaka v poizvedbi',
'Execute' => 'Izvedi',
'Stop on error' => 'Ustavi ob napaki',
'Show only errors' => 'Pokaži samo napake',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Zgodovina',
'Clear' => 'Počisti',
'File upload' => 'Naloži datoteko',
'From server' => 'z strežnika',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Datoteka na spletnem strežniku %s',
'Run file' => 'Zaženi datoteko',
'File does not exist.' => 'Datoteka ne obstaja.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Nalaganje datotek je onemogočeno.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Ne morem naložiti datoteke.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Največja velikost datoteke je %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Preveliko podatkov za POST. Zmanjšajte število podatkov ali povečajte nastavitev za %s.',
'Export' => 'Izvozi',
'Output' => 'Izhod rezultata',
'open' => 'odpri',
'save' => 'shrani',
'Format' => 'Format',
'Data' => 'Podatki',
'Database' => 'Baza',
'database' => 'baza',
'Use' => 'Uporabi',
'Select database' => 'Izberi bazo',
'Invalid database.' => 'Neveljavna baza.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Baza je zavržena.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Baze so zavržene.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Baza je ustvarjena.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Baza je preimenovana.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Baza je spremenjena.',
'Alter database' => 'Spremeni bazo',
'Create database' => 'Ustvari bazo',
'Database schema' => 'Shema baze',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Pogon',
'Collation' => 'Zbiranje',
'Data Length' => 'Velikost podatkov',
'Index Length' => 'Velikost indeksa',
'Data Free' => 'Podatkov prosto ',
'Rows' => 'Vrstic',
'%d in total' => 'Skupaj %d',
'Analyze' => 'Analiziraj',
'Optimize' => 'Optimiziraj',
'Check' => 'Preveri',
'Repair' => 'Popravi',
'Truncate' => 'Skrajšaj',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tabele so skrajšane.',
'Move to other database' => 'Premakni v drugo bazo',
'Move' => 'Premakni',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tabele so premaknjene.',
'Copy' => 'Kopiraj',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tabele so kopirane.',
'Routines' => 'Postopki',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Klican je bil postopek, spremenjena je %d vrstica.', 'Klican je bil postopek, spremenjeni sta %d vrstici.', 'Klican je bil postopek, spremenjene so %d vrstice.', 'Klican je bil postopek, spremenjenih je %d vrstic.'),
'Call' => 'Pokliči',
'Parameter name' => 'Ime parametra',
'Create procedure' => 'Ustvari postopek',
'Create function' => 'Ustvari funkcijo',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Postopek je zavržen.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Postopek je spremenjen.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Postopek je ustvarjen.',
'Alter function' => 'Spremeni funkcijo',
'Alter procedure' => 'Spremeni postopek',
'Return type' => 'Vračalni tip',
'Events' => 'Dogodki',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Dogodek je zavržen.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Dogodek je spremenjen.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Dogodek je ustvarjen.',
'Alter event' => 'Spremeni dogodek',
'Create event' => 'Ustvari dogodek',
'At given time' => 'v danem času',
'Every' => 'vsake',
'Schedule' => 'Urnik',
'Start' => 'Začetek',
'End' => 'Konec',
'On completion preserve' => 'Po zaključku ohrani',
'Tables' => 'Tabele',
'Tables and views' => 'Tabele in pogledi',
'Table' => 'Tabela',
'No tables.' => 'Ni tabel.',
'Alter table' => 'Spremeni tabelo',
'Create table' => 'Ustvari tabelo',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tabela je zavržena.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tabele so zavržene.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tabela je spremenjena.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tabela je ustvarjena.',
'Table name' => 'Ime tabele',
'Show structure' => 'Pokaži zgradbo',
'engine' => 'pogon',
'collation' => 'zbiranje',
'Column name' => 'Ime stolpca',
'Type' => 'Tip',
'Length' => 'Dolžina',
'Auto Increment' => 'Samodejno povečevanje',
'Options' => 'Možnosti',
'Comment' => 'Komentar',
'Default values' => 'Privzete vrednosti',
'Drop' => 'Zavrzi',
'Are you sure?' => 'Ste prepričani?',
'Move up' => 'Premakni gor',
'Move down' => 'Premakni dol',
'Remove' => 'Odstrani',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Največje število dovoljenih polje je preseženo. Prosimo, povečajte %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Porazdeli po',
'Partitions' => 'Porazdelitve',
'Partition name' => 'Ime porazdelitve',
'Values' => 'Vrednosti',
'View' => 'Pogledi',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Pogled je zavržen.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Pogled je spremenjen.',
'View has been created.' => 'Pogled je ustvarjen.',
'Alter view' => 'Spremeni pogled',
'Create view' => 'Ustvari pogled',
'Indexes' => 'Indeksi',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Indeksi so spremenjeni.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Spremeni indekse',
'Add next' => 'Dodaj naslednjega',
'Index Type' => 'Tip indeksa',
'Column (length)' => 'Stolpec (dolžina)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Tuji ključi',
'Foreign key' => 'Tuj ključ',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Tuj ključ je zavržen.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Tuj ključ je spremenjen.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Tuj ključ je ustvarjen.',
'Target table' => 'Ciljna tabela',
'Change' => 'Spremeni',
'Source' => 'Izvor',
'Target' => 'Cilj',
'Add column' => 'Dodaj stolpec',
'Alter' => 'Spremeni',
'Add foreign key' => 'Dodaj tuj ključ',
'ON DELETE' => 'pri brisanju',
'ON UPDATE' => 'pri posodabljanju',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Izvorni in ciljni stolpec mora imeti isti podatkovni tip. Obstajati mora indeks na ciljnih stolpcih in obstajati morajo referenčni podatki.',
'Triggers' => 'Sprožilniki',
'Add trigger' => 'Dodaj sprožilnik',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Sprožilnik je odstranjen.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Sprožilnik je spremenjen.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Sprožilnik je ustvarjen.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Spremeni sprožilnik',
'Create trigger' => 'Ustvari sprožilnik',
'Time' => 'Čas',
'Event' => 'Dogodek',
'Name' => 'Naziv',
'select' => 'izberi',
'Select' => 'Izberi',
'Select data' => 'Izberi podatke',
'Functions' => 'Funkcije',
'Aggregation' => 'Združitev',
'Search' => 'Išči',
'anywhere' => 'kjerkoli',
'Search data in tables' => 'Išče podatke po tabelah',
'Sort' => 'Sortiraj',
'descending' => 'padajoče',
'Limit' => 'Limita',
'Text length' => 'Dolžina teksta',
'Action' => 'Dejanje',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Ne morem izbrati tabele',
'No rows.' => 'Ni vrstic.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d vrstica', '%d vrstici', '%d vrstice', '%d vrstic'),
'Page' => 'Stran',
'last' => 'Zadnja',
'whole result' => 'cel razultat',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bajt', '%d bajta', '%d bajti', '%d bajtov'),
'Import' => 'Uvozi',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Uvožena je %d vrstica.', 'Uvoženi sta %d vrstici.', 'Uvožene so %d vrstice.', 'Uvoženih je %d vrstic.'),
// in-place editing in select
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+klik na vrednost za urejanje.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Uporabite urejanje povezave za spreminjanje te vrednosti.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Predmet%s je vstavljen.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Predmet je izbrisan.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Predmet je posodobljen.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Spremenjen je %d predmet.', 'Spremenjena sta %d predmeta.', 'Spremenjeni so %d predmeti.', 'Spremenjenih je %d predmetov.'),
'New item' => 'Nov predmet',
'original' => 'original',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'prazno',
'edit' => 'uredi',
'Edit' => 'Uredi',
'Insert' => 'Vstavi',
'Save' => 'Shrani',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Shrani in nadaljuj z urejanjem',
'Save and insert next' => 'Shrani in vstavi tekst',
'Clone' => 'Kloniraj',
'Delete' => 'Izbriši',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Od',
'Subject' => 'Zadeva',
'Attachments' => 'Priponke',
'Send' => 'Pošlji',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Poslan je %d e-mail.', 'Poslana sta %d e-maila.', 'Poslani so %d e-maili.', 'Poslanih je %d e-mailov.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Števila',
'Date and time' => 'Datum in čas',
'Strings' => 'Nizi',
'Binary' => 'Binarni',
'Lists' => 'Seznami',
'Network' => 'Mrežni',
'Geometry' => 'Geometrčni',
'Relations' => 'Relacijski',
'Editor' => 'Urejevalnik',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'd.m.[rrrr]',
'now' => 'zdaj',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Datoteka obstaja.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Prosim, uporabite enega od dodatkov %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Spremeni shemo',
'Create schema' => 'Ustvari shemo',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Shema je zavržena.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Shema je ustvarjena.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Shema je spremenjena.',
'Schema' => 'Shema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Neveljavna shema.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Sekvence',
'Create sequence' => 'Ustvari sekvenco',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sekvenca je zavržena.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sekvence je ustvarjena.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sekvence je spremenjena.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Spremni sekvenco',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Uporabniški tipi',
'Create type' => 'Ustvari tip',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tip je zavržen.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tip je ustvarjen.',
'Alter type' => 'Spremeni tip',
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Систем',
'Server' => 'Сервер',
'Username' => 'Корисничко име',
'Password' => 'Лозинка',
'Permanent login' => 'Трајна пријава',
'Login' => 'Пријава',
'Logout' => 'Одјава',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Пријави се као: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Успешна одјава.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Неважеће дозволе.',
'Language' => 'Језик',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Неважећи CSRF код. Проследите поново форму.',
'No extension' => 'Без додатака',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Ниједан од подржаних PHP додатака није доступан.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Морате омогућити подршку за сесије.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Ваша сесија је истекла, пријавите се поново.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s верзија: %s помоћу PHP додатка је %s',
'Refresh' => 'Освежи',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Дозволе',
'Create user' => 'Направи корисника',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Корисник је избрисан.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Корисник је измењен.',
'User has been created.' => 'корисник је креиран.',
'Hashed' => 'Хеширано',
'Column' => 'Колона',
'Routine' => 'Рутина',
'Grant' => 'Дозволи',
'Revoke' => 'Опозови',
'Process list' => 'Списак процеса',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d процес је убијен.', '%d процеса су убијена.', '%d процеса је убијено.'),
'Kill' => 'Убиј',
'Variables' => 'Променљиве',
'Status' => 'Статус',
'SQL command' => 'SQL команда',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d упит је успешно извршен.', '%d упита су успешно извршена.', '%d упита је успешно извршено.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Упит је успешно извршен, %d ред је погођен.', 'Упит је успешно извршен, %d реда су погођена.', 'Упит је успешно извршен, %d редова је погођено.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Без команди за извршавање.',
'Error in query' => 'Грешка у упиту',
'Execute' => 'Изврши',
'Stop on error' => 'Заустави приликом грешке',
'Show only errors' => 'Приказуј само грешке',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Историјат',
'Clear' => 'Очисти',
'Edit all' => 'Измени све',
'File upload' => 'Слање датотека',
'From server' => 'Са сервера',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Датотека %s са веб сервера',
'Run file' => 'Покрени датотеку',
'File does not exist.' => 'Датотека не постоји.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Онемогућено је слање датотека.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Слање датотеке није успело.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Највећа дозвољена величина датотеке је %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Превелики POST податак. Морате да смањите податак или повећајте вредност конфигурационе директиве %s.',
'Export' => 'Извоз',
'Output' => 'Испис',
'open' => 'отвори',
'save' => 'сачувај',
'Format' => 'Формат',
'Data' => 'Податци',
'Database' => 'База података',
'database' => 'база података',
'Use' => 'Користи',
'Select database' => 'Изаберите базу',
'Invalid database.' => 'Неисправна база података.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'База података је избрисана.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Базњ података су избрисане.',
'Database has been created.' => 'База података је креирана.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'База података је преименована.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'База података је измењена.',
'Alter database' => 'Уреди базу података',
'Create database' => 'Формирај базу података',
'Database schema' => 'Шема базе података',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Трајна веза',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Механизам',
'Collation' => 'Сравњивање',
'Data Length' => 'Дужина података',
'Index Length' => 'Дужина индекса',
'Data Free' => 'Слободно података',
'Rows' => 'Редова',
'%d in total' => 'укупно %d',
'Analyze' => 'Анализирај',
'Optimize' => 'Оптимизуј',
'Check' => 'Провери',
'Repair' => 'Поправи',
'Truncate' => 'Испразни',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Табеле су испражњене.',
'Move to other database' => 'Премести у другу базу података',
'Move' => 'Премести',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Табеле су премешћене.',
'Copy' => 'Умножи',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Табеле су умножене.',
'Routines' => 'Рутине',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Позвана је рутина, %d ред је погођен.', 'Позвана је рутина, %d реда су погођена.', 'Позвана је рутина, %d редова је погођено.'),
'Call' => 'Позови',
'Parameter name' => 'Назив параметра',
'Create procedure' => 'Формирај процедуру',
'Create function' => 'Формирај функцију',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Рутина је избрисана.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Рутина је измењена.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Рутина је креирана.',
'Alter function' => 'Уреди функцију',
'Alter procedure' => 'Уреди процедуру',
'Return type' => 'Повратни тип',
'Events' => 'Догађаји',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Догађај је избрисан.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Догађај је измењен.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Догађај је креиран.',
'Alter event' => 'Уреди догађај',
'Create event' => 'Направи догађај',
'At given time' => 'У задато време',
'Every' => 'Сваки',
'Schedule' => 'Распоред',
'Start' => 'Почетак',
'End' => 'Крај',
'On completion preserve' => 'Задржи по завршетку',
'Tables' => 'Табеле',
'Tables and views' => 'Табеле и погледи',
'Table' => 'Табела',
'No tables.' => 'Без табела.',
'Alter table' => 'Уреди табелу',
'Create table' => 'Направи табелу',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Табела је избрисана.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Табеле су избрисане.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Табеле су оптимизоване.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Табела је измењена.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Табела је креирана.',
'Table name' => 'Назив табеле',
'Show structure' => 'Прикажи структуру',
'engine' => 'механизам',
'collation' => 'Сравњивање',
'Column name' => 'Назив колоне',
'Type' => 'Тип',
'Length' => 'Дужина',
'Auto Increment' => 'Ауто-прираштај',
'Options' => 'Опције',
'Comment' => 'Коментар',
'Default values' => 'Подразумеване вредности',
'Drop' => 'Избриши',
'Are you sure?' => 'Да ли сте сигурни?',
'Move up' => 'Помери на горе',
'Move down' => 'Помери на доле',
'Remove' => 'Уклони',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Премашен је максимални број дозвољених поља. Молим увећајте %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Подели по',
'Partitions' => 'Поделе',
'Partition name' => 'Име поделе',
'Values' => 'Вредности',
'View' => 'Поглед',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Поглед је избрисан.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Поглед је измењен.',
'View has been created.' => 'Поглед је креиран.',
'Alter view' => 'Уреди поглед',
'Create view' => 'Направи поглед',
'Indexes' => 'Индекси',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Индекси су измењени.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Уреди индексе',
'Add next' => 'Додај следећи',
'Index Type' => 'Тип индекса',
'Column (length)' => 'Колона (дужина)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Страни кључеви',
'Foreign key' => 'Страни кључ',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Страни кључ је избрисан.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Страни кључ је измењен.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Страни кључ је креиран.',
'Target table' => 'Циљна табела',
'Change' => 'Измени',
'Source' => 'Извор',
'Target' => 'Циљ',
'Add column' => 'Додај колону',
'Alter' => 'Уреди',
'Add foreign key' => 'Додај страни кључ',
'ON DELETE' => 'ON DELETE (приликом брисања)',
'ON UPDATE' => 'ON UPDATE (приликом освежавања)',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Изворне и циљне колоне морају бити истог типа, циљна колона мора бити индексирана и изворна табела мора садржати податке из циљне.',
'Triggers' => 'Окидачи',
'Add trigger' => 'Додај окидач',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Окидач је избрисан.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Окидач је измењен.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Окидач је креиран.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Уреди окидач',
'Create trigger' => 'Формирај окидач',
'Time' => 'Време',
'Event' => 'Догађај',
'Name' => 'Име',
'select' => 'изабери',
'Select' => 'Изабери',
'Select data' => 'Изабери податке',
'Functions' => 'Функције',
'Aggregation' => 'Сакупљање',
'Search' => 'Претрага',
'anywhere' => 'било где',
'Search data in tables' => 'Претражи податке у табелама',
'Sort' => 'Поређај',
'descending' => 'опадајуће',
'Limit' => 'Граница',
'Text length' => 'Дужина текста',
'Action' => 'Акција',
'Full table scan' => 'Скренирање комплетне табеле',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Не могу да изаберем табелу',
'No rows.' => 'Без редова.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d ред', '%d реда', '%d редова'),
'Page' => 'Страна',
'last' => 'последња',
'Loading' => 'Учитавам',
'Load more data' => 'Учитавам још података',
'whole result' => 'цео резултат',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d бајт', '%d бајта', '%d бајтова'),
'Import' => 'Увоз',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d ред је увежен.', '%d реда су увежена.', '%d редова је увежено.'),
// in-place editing in select
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+клик на вредност за измену.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Користи везу за измену ове вредности.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Ставка%s је додата.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Ставка је избрисана.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Ставка је измењена.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d ставка је погођена.', '%d ставке су погођене.', '%d ставки је погођено.'),
'New item' => 'Нова ставка',
'original' => 'оригинал',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'празно',
'edit' => 'измени',
'Edit' => 'Измени',
'Insert' => 'Уметни',
'Save' => 'Сачувај',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Сачувај и настави уређење',
'Save and insert next' => 'Сачувај и уметни следеће',
'Clone' => 'Дуплирај',
'Delete' => 'Избриши',
'E-mail' => 'Ел. пошта',
'From' => 'Од',
'Subject' => 'Наслов',
'Attachments' => 'Прилози',
'Send' => 'Пошаљи',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d порука ел. поште је послата.', '%d поруке ел. поште су послате.', '%d порука ел. поште је послато.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Број',
'Date and time' => 'Датум и време',
'Strings' => 'Текст',
'Binary' => 'Бинарно',
'Lists' => 'Листе',
'Network' => 'Мрежа',
'Geometry' => 'Геометрија',
'Relations' => 'Односи',
'Editor' => 'Уређивач',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1.',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd.mm.[yyyy].',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'сад',
'yes' => 'да',
'no' => 'не',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Датотека већ постоји.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Молим користите један од наставака %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Уреди шему',
'Create schema' => 'Формирај шему',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Шема је избрисана.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Шема је креирана.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Шема је измењена.',
'Schema' => 'Шема',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Шема није исправна.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Низови',
'Create sequence' => 'Направи низ',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Низ је избрисан.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Низ је формиран.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Низ је измењен.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Уреди низ',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Кориснички типови',
'Create type' => 'Дефиниши тип',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Тип је избрисан.',
'Type has been created.' => 'тип је креиран.',
'Alter type' => 'Уреди тип',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'நுழை',
'Logout successful.' => 'வெற்றிகரமாய் வெளியேறியாயிற்று.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'சரியான விபரங்கள் இல்லை.',
'Server' => 'வழங்கி (Server)',
'Username' => 'பயனாளர் (User)',
'Password' => 'கடவுச்சொல்',
'Select database' => 'தகவல்தளத்தை தேர்வு செய்',
'Invalid database.' => 'தகவல்தளம் சரியானதல்ல.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'அட்டவணை நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'அட்டவணை மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Table has been created.' => 'அட்டவணை உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Alter table' => 'அட்டவணையை மாற்று',
'Create table' => 'அட்டவணையை உருவாக்கு',
'Table name' => 'அட்டவணைப் பெயர்',
'engine' => 'எஞ்சின்',
'collation' => 'கொலேசன்',
'Column name' => 'நெடுவரிசையின் பெயர்',
'Type' => 'வகை',
'Length' => 'நீளம்',
'Auto Increment' => 'ஏறுமானம்',
'Options' => 'வேண்டியவற்றை ',
'Save' => 'சேமி',
'Drop' => 'நீக்கு',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'தகவல்தளம் நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Database has been created.' => 'தகவல்தளம் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'தகவல்தளம் பெயர் மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'தகவல்தளம் மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Alter database' => 'தகவல்தளத்தை மாற்று',
'Create database' => 'தகவல்தளத்தை உருவாக்கு',
'SQL command' => 'SQL கட்டளை',
'Logout' => 'வெளியேறு',
'database' => 'தகவல்தளம்',
'Use' => 'உபயோகி',
'No tables.' => 'அட்டவணை இல்லை.',
'select' => 'தேர்வு செய்',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'உருப்படி நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'உருப்படி புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Edit' => 'தொகு',
'Insert' => 'புகுத்து',
'Save and insert next' => 'சேமித்தப் பின் அடுத்ததை புகுத்து',
'Delete' => 'நீக்கு',
'Database' => 'தகவல்தளம்',
'Routines' => 'ரொட்டீன் ',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'அகவரிசைகள் (Indexes) மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Indexes' => 'அகவரிசைகள் (Index) ',
'Alter indexes' => 'அகவரிசையை (Index) மாற்று',
'Add next' => 'அடுத்ததை சேர்க்கவும்',
'Language' => 'மொழி',
'Select' => 'தேர்வு செய்',
'New item' => 'புதிய உருப்படி',
'Search' => 'தேடு',
'Sort' => 'தரம் பிரி',
'descending' => 'இறங்குமுகமான',
'Limit' => 'வரம்பு',
'No rows.' => 'வரிசை இல்லை.',
'Action' => 'செயல்',
'edit' => 'தொகு',
'Page' => 'பக்கம்',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('வினவல் செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டது, %d வரிசை மாற்றப்பட்டது.', 'வினவல் செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டது, %d வரிசைகள் மாற்றப்பட்டன.'),
'Error in query' => 'வினவலில் தவறுள்ளது',
'Execute' => 'செயல்படுத்து',
'Table' => 'அட்டவணை',
'Foreign keys' => 'வேற்று விசைகள்',
'Triggers' => 'தூண்டுதல்கள்',
'View' => 'தோற்றம்',
'Unable to select the table' => 'அட்டவணையை தேர்வு செய்ய முடியவில்லை',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'CSRF டோக்கன் செல்லாது. படிவத்தை மீண்டும் அனுப்பவும்.',
'Comment' => 'குறிப்பு',
'Default values' => 'உள்ளிருக்கும் (Default) மதிப்புகள் ',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d பைட்', '%d பைட்டுகள்'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'செயல் படுத்த எந்த கட்டளைகளும் இல்லை.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'கோப்பை மேலேற்றம் (upload) செய்ய இயலவில்லை.',
'File upload' => 'கோப்பை மேலேற்று (upload) ',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'கோப்புகள் மேலேற்றம் (upload)முடக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('ரொட்டீன்கள் அழைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன, %d வரிசை மாற்றம் அடைந்தது.', 'ரொட்டீன்கள் அழைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன, %d வரிசைகள் மாற்றம் அடைந்துள்ளன.'),
'Call' => 'அழை',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'PHP ஆதரவு விரிவுகள் (%s) இல்லை.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'செஷன் ஆதரவு இயக்கப்பட வேண்டும்.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'செஷன் காலாவதியாகி விட்டது. மீண்டும் நுழையவும்.',
'Text length' => 'உரை நீளம்',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'வேற்று விசை நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'வேற்று விசை மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'வேற்று விசை உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Foreign key' => 'வேற்று விசை',
'Target table' => 'அட்டவணை இலக்கு',
'Change' => 'மாற்று',
'Source' => 'மூலம்',
'Target' => 'இலக்கு',
'Add column' => 'நெடு வரிசையை சேர்க்கவும்',
'Alter' => 'மாற்று',
'Add foreign key' => 'வேற்று விசை சேர்க்கவும்',
'Index Type' => 'அகவரிசை வகை (Index Type)',
'Column (length)' => 'நெடுவரிசை (நீளம்)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'தோற்றம் நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'View has been altered.' => 'தோற்றம் மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'View has been created.' => 'தோற்றம் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Alter view' => 'தோற்றத்தை மாற்று',
'Create view' => 'தோற்றத்தை உருவாக்கு',
'Name' => 'பெயர்',
'Process list' => 'வேலைகளின் பட்டி',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d வேலை வலுவில் நிறுத்தபட்டது.', '%d வேலைகள் வலுவில் நிறுத்தபட்டன.'),
'Kill' => 'வலுவில் நிறுத்து',
'Parameter name' => 'அளபுரு (Parameter) பெயர்',
'Database schema' => 'தகவல்தள அமைப்பு முறைகள்',
'Create procedure' => 'செய்முறையை உருவாக்கு',
'Create function' => 'Function உருவாக்கு',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'ரொட்டீன் நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'ரொட்டீன் மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'ரொட்டீன் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Alter function' => 'Function மாற்று',
'Alter procedure' => 'செயல்முறையை மாற்று',
'Return type' => 'திரும்பு வகை',
'Add trigger' => 'தூண்டு விசையை சேர்',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'தூண்டு விசை நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'தூண்டு விசை மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'தூண்டு விசை உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Alter trigger' => 'தூண்டு விசையை மாற்று',
'Create trigger' => 'தூண்டு விசையை உருவாக்கு',
'Time' => 'நேரம்',
'Event' => 'நிகழ்ச்சி',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d வரிசை', '%d வரிசைகள்'),
'Remove' => 'நீக்கு',
'Are you sure?' => 'நிச்சயமாக ?',
'Privileges' => 'சலுகைகள் / சிறப்புரிமைகள்',
'Create user' => 'பயனாளரை உருவாக்கு',
'User has been dropped.' => 'பயனீட்டாளர் நீக்கப்பட்டார்.',
'User has been altered.' => 'பயனீட்டாளர் மாற்றப்பட்டார்.',
'User has been created.' => 'பயனீட்டாளர் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => 'நெடுவரிசை',
'Routine' => 'ரொட்டீன்',
'Grant' => 'அனுமதியளி',
'Revoke' => 'இரத்துச்செய்',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'மிக அதிகமான POST தகவல். தகவலை குறைக்கவும் அல்லது %s வடிவமைப்பை (configuration directive) மாற்றவும்.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'பயனாளர்: %s',
'Move up' => 'மேலே நகர்த்து',
'Move down' => 'கீழே நகர்த்து',
'Functions' => 'Functions',
'Aggregation' => 'திரள்வு (Aggregation)',
'Export' => 'ஏற்றுமதி',
'Output' => 'வெளியீடு',
'open' => 'திற',
'save' => 'சேமி',
'Format' => 'ஃபார்மட் (Format)',
'Tables' => 'அட்டவணை',
'Data' => 'தகவல்',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'நிகழ்ச்சி (Event) நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'நிகழ்ச்சி (Event) மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Event has been created.' => 'நிகழ்ச்சி (Event) உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Alter event' => 'நிகழ்ச்சியை (Event) மாற்று',
'Create event' => 'நிகழ்ச்சியை (Event) உருவாக்கு',
'At given time' => 'குறித்த நேரத்தில்',
'Every' => 'ஒவ்வொரு',
'Events' => 'நிகழ்ச்சிகள்',
'Schedule' => 'கால அட்டவணை',
'Start' => 'தொடங்கு',
'End' => 'முடி (வு)',
'Status' => 'நிகழ்நிலை (Status)',
'On completion preserve' => 'முடிந்ததின் பின் பாதுகாக்கவும்',
'Tables and views' => 'அட்டவணைகளும் பார்வைகளும்',
'Data Length' => 'தகவல் நீளம்',
'Index Length' => 'Index நீளம்',
'Data Free' => 'Data Free',
'Collation' => 'கொலேசன்',
'Analyze' => 'நுணுகி ஆராயவும்',
'Optimize' => 'உகப்பாக்கு (Optimize)',
'Check' => 'பரிசோதி',
'Repair' => 'பழுது பார்',
'Truncate' => 'குறை (Truncate)',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'அட்டவணை குறைக்கப்பட்டது (truncated).',
'Rows' => 'வரிசைகள்',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'அட்டவணை நகர்த்தப்பட்டது.',
'Move to other database' => 'மற்ற தகவல் தளத்திற்க்கு நகர்த்து',
'Move' => 'நகர்த்து',
'Engine' => 'எஞ்சின் (Engine)',
'Save and continue edit' => 'சேமித்த பிறகு தொகுப்பதை தொடரவும்',
'original' => 'அசல்',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'அட்டவணை நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d உருப்படி மாற்றமடைந்தது.', '%d உருப்படிகள் மாற்றமடைந்தன.'),
'whole result' => 'முழுமையான முடிவு',
'Clone' => 'நகலி (Clone)',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'அனுமதிக்கப்பட்ட அதிகபட்ச கோப்புகளின் எண்ணிக்கை மீறப்பட்டது. தயவு செய்து %s மற்றும் %s யை அதிகரிக்கவும்.',
'Partition by' => 'பிரித்தது',
'Partitions' => 'பிரிவுகள்',
'Partition name' => 'பிரிவின் பெயர்',
'Values' => 'மதிப்புகள்',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d வரிசை இறக்குமதி (Import) செய்யப்பட்டது.', '%d வரிசைகள் இறக்குமதி (Import) செய்யப்பட்டன.'),
'Show structure' => 'கட்டமைப்பை காண்பிக்கவும்',
'Import' => 'இறக்குமதி (Import)',
'Stop on error' => 'பிழை ஏற்படின் நிற்க',
'Select data' => 'தகவலை தேர்வு செய்',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'dd/mm/[yyyy]',
'History' => 'வரலாறு',
'Variables' => 'மாறிலிகள் (Variables)',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'இலக்கு நெடுவரிசையில் அகவரிசை (Index) மற்றும் குறிக்கப்பட்ட தகவல் (Referenced DATA) கண்டிப்பாக இருத்தல் வேண்டும். மூல நெடுவரிசை மற்றும் இலக்கு நெடுவரிசையின் தகவல் வடிவம் (DATA TYPE) ஒன்றாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.',
'Relations' => 'உறவுகள் (Relations)',
'Run file' => 'கோப்பினை இயக்கவும்',
'Clear' => 'துடை (Clear)',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'கோப்பின் அதிகபட்ச அளவு %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'எண்கள்',
'Date and time' => 'தேதி மற்றும் நேரம்',
'Strings' => 'சரம் (String)',
'Binary' => 'பைனரி',
'Lists' => 'பட்டியல்',
'Editor' => 'தொகுப்பாளர்',
'E-mail' => 'மின்னஞ்சல்',
'From' => 'அனுப்புனர்',
'Subject' => 'பொருள்',
'Send' => 'அனுப்பு',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d மின்னஞ்சல் அனுப்பபட்டது.', '%d மின்னஞ்சல்கள் அனுப்பப்பட்டன.'),
'Webserver file %s' => 'வெப் சர்வர் கோப்பு %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'கோப்பு இல்லை.',
'%d in total' => 'மொத்தம் %d ',
'Permanent login' => 'நிரந்தரமாக நுழையவும்',
'Schema' => 'அமைப்புமுறை',
'Alter schema' => 'அமைப்புமுறையை மாற்று',
'Create schema' => 'அமைப்புமுறையை உருவாக்கு',
'Search data in tables' => 'தகவலை அட்டவணையில் தேடு',
'Sequences' => 'வரிசைமுறை',
'Create sequence' => 'வரிசைமுறையை உருவாக்கு',
'User types' => 'பயனாளர் வகைகள்',
'Create type' => 'வகையை உருவாக்கு',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'உருப்படி (Item) சேர்க்கப்பட்டது.',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'இந்த மதிப்பினை மாற்ற, தொகுப்பு இணைப்பினை உபயோகிக்கவும்.',
'last' => 'கடைசி',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'வரிசைமுறை நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'வரிசைமுறை உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'வரிசைமுறை மாற்றப்பட்டது.',
'Alter sequence' => 'வரிசைமுறையை மாற்று',
'From server' => 'செர்வரில் இருந்து',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'வகை (type) நீக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Type has been created.' => 'வகை (type) உருவாக்கப்பட்டது.',
'Alter type' => 'வகையினை (type) மாற்று',
'System' => 'சிஸ்டம் (System)',
'anywhere' => 'எங்காயினும்',
'empty' => 'வெறுமை (empty)',
'No extension' => 'விரிவு (extensஇஒன்) இல்லை ',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'தகவல் தளங்கள் நீக்கப்பட்டன.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s பதிப்பு: %s through PHP extension %s',
'Network' => 'நெட்வொர்க்',
'Geometry' => 'வடிவவியல் (Geometry)',
'File exists.' => 'கோப்பு உள்ளது.',
'Attachments' => 'இணைப்புகள்',
'now' => 'இப்பொழுது',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d வினவல் செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டது.', '%d வினவல்கள் செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டன.'),
'Show only errors' => 'பிழைகளை மட்டும் காண்பிக்கவும்',
'Refresh' => 'புதுப்பி (Refresh)',
'Invalid schema.' => 'அமைப்புமுறை சரியானதல்ல (Invalid Schema).',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'தயவு செய்து ஒரு விரிவினை %s (extension) உபயோகிக்கவும்.',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'அட்டவணைகள் நகலெடுக்கப் பட்டது.',
'Copy' => 'நகல்',
'Permanent link' => 'நிரந்தர இணைப்பு',
'Edit all' => 'அனைத்தையும் தொகு',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => 'เข้าสู่ระบบ',
'Logout successful.' => 'ออกจากระบบเรียบร้อยแล้ว.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง.',
'Server' => 'เซอเวอร์',
'Username' => 'ชื่อผู้ใช้งาน',
'Password' => 'รหัสผ่าน',
'Select database' => 'เลือกฐานข้อมูล',
'Invalid database.' => 'ฐานข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง.',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'ลบตารางแล้ว.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'แก้ไขตารางแล้ว.',
'Table has been created.' => 'สร้างตารางใหม่แล้ว.',
'Alter table' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงตารางแล้ว',
'Create table' => 'สร้างตารางใหม่',
'Table name' => 'ชื่อตาราง',
'engine' => 'ชนิดของฐานข้อมูล',
'collation' => 'การตรวจทาน',
'Column name' => 'ชื่อคอลัมน์',
'Type' => 'ชนิด',
'Length' => 'ความยาว',
'Auto Increment' => 'เพิ่มลำดับโดยอัตโนมัติ',
'Options' => 'ตัวเลือก',
'Save' => 'บันทึก',
'Drop' => 'ลบ',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'ฐานข้อมูลถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Database has been created.' => 'สร้างฐานข้อมูลใหม่แล้ว.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'เปลี่ยนชื่อฐานข้อมูลแล้ว.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงฐานข้อมูลแล้ว.',
'Alter database' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงฐานข้อมูล',
'Create database' => 'สร้างฐานข้อมูล',
'SQL command' => 'คำสั่ง SQL',
'Logout' => 'ออกจากระบบ',
'database' => 'ฐานข้อมูล',
'Use' => 'ใช้งาน',
'No tables.' => 'ไม่พบตาราง.',
'select' => 'เลือก',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'รายการถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'ปรับปรุงรายการแล้ว.',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'มี%s รายการ ถูกเพิ่มแล้ว.',
'Edit' => 'แก้ไข',
'Insert' => 'เพิ่ม',
'Save and insert next' => 'บันทึกแล้วเพิ่มรายการถัดไป',
'Delete' => 'ลบ',
'Database' => 'ฐานข้อมูล',
'Routines' => 'รูทีน',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงดัชนีแล้ว.',
'Indexes' => 'ดัชนี',
'Alter indexes' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงดัชนี',
'Add next' => 'เพิ่มรายการถัดไป',
'Language' => 'ภาษา',
'Select' => 'เลือก',
'New item' => 'รายการใหม่',
'Search' => 'ค้นหา',
'Sort' => 'เรียงลำดับ',
'descending' => 'มากไปน้อย',
'Limit' => 'จำกัด',
'No rows.' => 'ไม่มีแถวของตาราง.',
'Action' => 'ดำเนินการ',
'edit' => 'แก้ไข',
'Page' => 'หน้า',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'ประมวลผลคำสั่งแล้ว มี %d ถูกดำเนินการ.',
'Error in query' => 'คำสั่งไม่ถูกต้อง',
'Execute' => 'ประมวลผล',
'Table' => 'ตาราง',
'Foreign keys' => 'คีย์คู่แข่ง',
'Triggers' => 'ทริกเกอร์',
'View' => 'วิว',
'Unable to select the table' => 'ไม่สามารถเลือกตารางได้',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'เครื่องหมาย CSRF ไม่ถูกต้อง ส่งข้อมูลใหม่อีกครั้ง.',
'Comment' => 'หมายเหตุ',
'Default values' => 'ค่าเริ่มต้น',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d ไบท์',
'No commands to execute.' => 'ไม่มีคำสั่งที่จะประมวลผล.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'ไม่สามารถอัปโหลดไฟล์ได้.',
'File upload' => 'อัปโหลดไฟล์',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'การอัปโหลดไฟล์ถูกปิดการใช้งาน.',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => 'รูทีนถูกเรียกใช้งาน มี %d แถวถูกดำเนินการ.',
'Call' => 'เรียกใช้งาน',
'No extension' => 'ไม่พบส่วนเสริม',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'ไม่มีส่วนเสริมของ PHP (%s) ที่สามารถใช้งานได้.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'ต้องเปิดใช้งาน Session.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session หมดอายุแล้ว กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบใหม่อีกครั้ง.',
'Text length' => 'ความยาวของอักษร',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'คีย์คู่แข่งถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'คีย์คู่แข่งถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'คีย์คู่แข่งถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Foreign key' => 'คีย์คู่แข่ง',
'Target table' => 'คารางเป้าหมาย',
'Change' => 'แก้ไข',
'Source' => 'แหล่งข้อมูล',
'Target' => 'เป้าหมาย',
'Add column' => 'เพิ่มคอลัมน์',
'Alter' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลง',
'Add foreign key' => 'เพิ่มคีย์คู่แข่ง',
'Index Type' => 'ชนิดของดัชนี',
'Column (length)' => 'คอลัมน์ (ความยาว)',
'View has been dropped.' => 'วิวถูกลบแล้ว.',
'View has been altered.' => 'วิวถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'View has been created.' => 'วิวถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Alter view' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงวิว',
'Create view' => 'เพิ่มวิว',
'Name' => 'ชื่อ',
'Process list' => 'รายการของกระบวนการ',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => 'มี %d กระบวนการถูกทำลายแล้ว.',
'Kill' => 'ทำลาย',
'Parameter name' => 'ชื่อพารามิเตอร์',
'Database schema' => 'Schema ของฐานข้อมูล',
'Create procedure' => 'สร้าง procedure',
'Create function' => 'สร้าง Function',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Routine ถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Routine ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Routine ถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Alter function' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลง Function',
'Alter procedure' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลง procedure',
'Return type' => 'ประเภทของค่าที่คืนกลับ',
'Add trigger' => 'เพิ่ม trigger',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Trigger ถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Trigger ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Trigger ถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Alter trigger' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลง Trigger',
'Create trigger' => 'สร้าง Trigger',
'Time' => 'เวลา',
'Event' => 'เหตุการณ์',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s รุ่น: %s ผ่านส่วนขยาย PHP %s',
'%d row(s)' => '%d แถว',
'Remove' => 'ลบ',
'Are you sure?' => 'คุณแน่ใจแล้วหรือ',
'Privileges' => 'สิทธิ์',
'Create user' => 'สร้างผู้ใช้งาน',
'User has been dropped.' => 'ลบผู้ใช้งานแล้ว.',
'User has been altered.' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงผู้ใช้งานแล้ว.',
'User has been created.' => 'สร้างผู้ใช้งานแล้ว.',
'Hashed' => 'Hash',
'Column' => 'คอลัมน์',
'Routine' => 'รูทีน',
'Grant' => 'การอนุญาต',
'Revoke' => 'ยกเลิก',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'ข้อมูลที่ส่งเข้ามีขนาดใหญ่เกิน คุณสามารถ เพิ่ม-ลดขนาดได้ที่ %s คำสั่งการตั้งค่า.',
'Logged as: %s' => 'สวัสดีคุณ: %s',
'Move up' => 'ย้ายไปข้างบน',
'Move down' => 'ย้ายลงล่าง',
'Functions' => 'ฟังก์ชั่น',
'Aggregation' => 'รวบรวม',
'Export' => 'ส่งออก',
'Output' => 'ข้อมูลที่ส่งออก',
'open' => 'เปิด',
'save' => 'บันทึก',
'Format' => 'รูปแบบ',
'Tables' => 'ตาราง',
'Data' => 'ข้อมูล',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'เหตุการณ์ถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'เหตุการณ์ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'Event has been created.' => 'เหตุการณ์ถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Alter event' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลงเหตุการณ์',
'Create event' => 'สร้างเหตุการณ์',
'At given time' => 'ในเวลาที่กำหนด',
'Every' => 'ทุกๆ',
'Events' => 'เหตุการณ์',
'Schedule' => 'กำหนดการณ์',
'Start' => 'เริ่มต้น',
'End' => 'สิ้นสุด',
'Status' => 'สถานะ',
'On completion preserve' => 'เมื่อเสร็จสิ้นการสงวน',
'Tables and views' => 'ตารางและวิว',
'Data Length' => 'ความยาวของข้อมูล',
'Index Length' => 'ความยาวของดัชนี',
'Data Free' => 'พื้นที่ว่าง',
'Collation' => 'การตรวจทาน',
'Analyze' => 'วิเคราะห์',
'Optimize' => 'เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพ',
'Check' => 'ตรวจสอบ',
'Repair' => 'ซ่อมแซม',
'Truncate' => 'ตัดทิ้ง',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'เคลียร์ตารางแล้ว (truncate).',
'Rows' => 'แถว',
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'ตารางถูกย้ายแล้ว.',
'Move to other database' => 'ย้ายไปยังฐานข้อมูลอื่น',
'Move' => 'ย้าย',
'Engine' => 'ชนิดของฐานข้อมูล',
'Save and continue edit' => 'บันทึกและแก้ไขข้อมูลอื่นๆต่อ',
'original' => 'ต้นฉบับ',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'ตารางถูกลบแล้ว.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => 'มี %d รายการถูกดำเนินการแล้ว.',
'whole result' => 'รวมผล',
'Clone' => 'ทำซ้ำ',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'จำนวนสูงสุดของฟิลด์อนุญาตให้เกิน กรุณาเพิ่มอีก %s.',
'Partition by' => 'พาร์ทิชันโดย',
'Partitions' => 'พาร์ทิชัน',
'Partition name' => 'ชื่อของพาร์ทิชัน',
'Values' => 'ค่า',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d แถวถูกนำเข้าแล้ว.',
'anywhere' => 'ทุกแห่ง',
'Import' => 'นำเข้า',
'Stop on error' => 'หยุดการทำงานเมื่อเออเรอ',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f วินาที',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5/$3/$1',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'วันที่/เดือน/[ปี]',
'History' => 'ประวัติ',
'Variables' => 'ตัวแปร',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'แหล่งที่มาและเป้าหมายของคอลมัน์ต้องมีชนิดข้อมูลเดียวกัน คือต้องมีดัชนีและข้อมูลอ้างอิงของคอลัมน์เป้าหมาย.',
'Relations' => 'ความสำพันธ์',
'Run file' => 'ทำงานจากไฟล์',
'Clear' => 'เคลียร์',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'ขนาดไฟล์สูงสุดที่อนุญาตให้ใช้งานคือ %sB.',
'Numbers' => 'ตัวเลข',
'Date and time' => 'วันและเวลา',
'Strings' => 'ตัวอักษร',
'Binary' => 'เลขฐานสอง',
'Lists' => 'รายการ',
'Editor' => 'ผู้แก้ไข',
'E-mail' => 'อีเมล์',
'From' => 'จาก',
'Subject' => 'หัวข้อ',
'Send' => 'ส่ง',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => 'มี %d อีเมล์ ถูกส่งออกแล้ว.',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Webserver file %s',
'File does not exist.' => 'ไม่มีไฟล์.',
'%d in total' => '%d ของทั้งหมด',
'Permanent login' => 'จดจำการเข้าสู่ระบบตลอดไป',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'ฐานข้อมูลถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Search data in tables' => 'ค้นหาในตาราง',
'Schema' => 'Schema',
'Alter schema' => 'เปลี่ยนแปลง schema',
'Create schema' => 'สร้าง schema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Schema ถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Schema ถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Schema ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'Sequences' => 'Sequences',
'Create sequence' => 'Sequence ถูกสร้างแล้ว',
'Alter sequence' => 'Sequence ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Sequence ถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Sequence ถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Sequence ถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว.',
'User types' => 'ประเภทผู้ใช้งาน',
'Create type' => 'สร้างประเภทผู้ใช้งาน',
'Alter type' => 'แก้ไขประเภท',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'ประเภทถูกลบแล้ว.',
'Type has been created.' => 'ประเภทถูกสร้างแล้ว.',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'กด Ctrl+click เพื่อแก้ไขค่า.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'ใช้ลิงค์ แก้ไข เพื่อปรับเปลี่ยนค่านี้.',
'last' => 'ล่าสุด',
'From server' => 'จากเซเวอร์',
'System' => 'ระบบ',
'Select data' => 'เลือกข้อมูล',
'Show structure' => 'แสดงโครงสร้าง',
'empty' => 'ว่างเปล่า',
'Network' => 'เครื่องข่าย',
'Geometry' => 'เรขาคณิต',
'File exists.' => 'มีไฟล์นี้อยู่แล้ว.',
'Attachments' => 'ไฟล์แนบ',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d คำสั่งถูกดำเนินการแล้ว.',
'Show only errors' => 'แสดงเฉพาะเออเรอ',
'Refresh' => 'โหลดใหม่',
'Invalid schema.' => 'schema ไม่ถูกต้อง.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'กรุณาใช้ส่วนเสริมอย่างน้อย 1 ส่วนเสริมจากทั้งหมด %s.',
'now' => 'ตอนนี้',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'ทำซ้ำตารางฐานข้อมูลแล้ว.',
'Copy' => 'ทำซ้ำ',
'Permanent link' => 'ลิงค์ถาวร',
'Edit all' => 'แก้ไขทั้งหมด',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Sistem',
'Server' => 'Sunucu',
'Username' => 'Kullanıcı',
'Password' => 'Parola',
'Permanent login' => 'Beni hatırla',
'Login' => 'Giriş',
'Logout' => 'Çıkış',
'Logged as: %s' => '%s olarak giriş yapıldı.',
'Logout successful.' => 'Başarıyla çıkış yapıldı.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Geçersiz kimlik.',
'Language' => 'Dil',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Geçersiz (CSRF) jetonu. Formu tekrar yolla.',
'No extension' => 'Uzantı yok',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Desteklenen PHP eklentilerinden (%s) hiçbiri mevcut değil.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Oturum desteği etkin olmalıdır.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Oturum süresi doldu, lütfen tekrar giriş yapın.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s sürüm: %s, %s PHP eklentisi ile',
'Refresh' => 'Tazele',
// text direction
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'İzinler',
'Create user' => 'Kullanıcı oluştur',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Kullanıcı silindi.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Kullanıcı değiştirildi.',
'User has been created.' => 'Kullanıcı oluşturuldu.',
'Hashed' => 'Harmanlandı',
'Column' => 'Kolon',
'Routine' => 'Yordam',
'Grant' => 'Yetki Ver',
'Revoke' => 'Yetki Kaldır',
'Process list' => 'İşlem listesi',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('%d işlem sonlandırıldı.', '%d adet işlem sonlandırıldı.'),
'Kill' => 'Sonlandır',
'Variables' => 'Değişkenler',
'Status' => 'Durum',
'SQL command' => 'SQL komutu',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d sorgu başarıyla çalıştırıldı.', '%d adet sorgu başarıyla çalıştırıldı.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Sorgu başarıyla çalıştırıldı, %d adet kayıt etkilendi.', 'Sorgu başarıyla çalıştırıldı, %d adet kayıt etkilendi.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Çalıştırılacak komut yok.',
'Error in query' => 'Sorguda hata',
'Execute' => 'Çalıştır',
'Stop on error' => 'Hata oluşursa dur',
'Show only errors' => 'Sadece hataları göster.',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Geçmiş',
'Clear' => 'Temizle',
'Edit all' => 'Tümünü düzenle',
'File upload' => 'Dosya gönder',
'From server' => 'Sunucudan',
'Webserver file %s' => '%s web sunucusu dosyası',
'Run file' => 'Dosyayı çalıştır',
'File does not exist.' => 'Dosya mevcut değil.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Dosya gönderimi etkin değil.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Dosya gönderilemiyor.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'İzin verilen dosya boyutu sınırı %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Çok büyük POST verisi, veriyi azaltın ya da %s ayar yönergesini uygun olarak yapılandırın.',
'Export' => 'Dışarı Aktar',
'Output' => 'Çıktı',
'open' => 'aç',
'save' => 'kaydet',
'Format' => 'Biçim',
'Data' => 'Veri',
'Database' => 'Veri Tabanı',
'database' => 'veri tabanı',
'Use' => 'Kullan',
'Select database' => 'Veri tabanı seç',
'Invalid database.' => 'Geçersiz veri tabanı.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Veri tabanı silindi.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Veritabanları silindi.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Veri tabanı oluşturuldu.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Veri tabanının ismi değiştirildi.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Veri tabanı değiştirildi.',
'Alter database' => 'Veri tabanını değiştir',
'Create database' => 'Veri tabanı oluştur',
'Database schema' => 'Veri tabanı şeması',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Kalıcı bağlantı',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Motor',
'Collation' => 'Karşılaştırma',
'Data Length' => 'Veri Uzunluğu',
'Index Length' => 'Dizin Uzunluğu',
'Data Free' => 'Boş Veri',
'Rows' => 'Kayıtlar',
'%d in total' => 'toplam %d',
'Analyze' => 'Çözümle',
'Optimize' => 'En uygun hale getir',
'Check' => 'Denetle',
'Repair' => 'Tamir Et',
'Truncate' => 'Boşalt',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Tablolar boşaltıldı.',
'Move to other database' => 'Başka veri tabanına taşı',
'Move' => 'Taşı',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Tablolar taşındı.',
'Copy' => 'Kopyala',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Tablolar kopyalandı.',
'Routines' => 'Yordamlar',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Yordam çağrıldı, %d adet kayıt etkilendi.', 'Yordam çağrıldı, %d kayıt etkilendi.'),
'Call' => 'Çağır',
'Parameter name' => 'Parametre adı',
'Create procedure' => 'Yöntem oluştur',
'Create function' => 'Fonksiyon oluştur',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Yordam silindi.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Yordam değiştirildi.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Yordam oluşturuldu.',
'Alter function' => 'Fonksyionu değiştir',
'Alter procedure' => 'Yöntemi değiştir',
'Return type' => 'Geri dönüş türü',
'Events' => 'Olaylar',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Olay silindi.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Olay değiştirildi.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Olay oluşturuldu.',
'Alter event' => 'Olayı değiştir',
'Create event' => 'Olay oluştur',
'At given time' => 'Verilen zamanda',
'Every' => 'Her zaman',
'Schedule' => 'Takvimli',
'Start' => 'Başla',
'End' => 'Son',
'On completion preserve' => 'Tamamlama koruması',
'Tables' => 'Tablolar',
'Tables and views' => 'Tablolar ve görünümler',
'Table' => 'Tablo',
'No tables.' => 'Tablo yok.',
'Alter table' => 'Tabloyu değiştir',
'Create table' => 'Tablo oluştur',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Tablo silindi.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Tablolar silindi.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Tablolar en uygun hale getirildi.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Tablo değiştirildi.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Tablo oluşturuldu.',
'Table name' => 'Tablo adı',
'Show structure' => 'Yapıyı göster',
'engine' => 'motor',
'collation' => 'karşılaştırma',
'Column name' => 'Kolon adı',
'Type' => 'Tür',
'Length' => 'Uzunluk',
'Auto Increment' => 'Otomatik Artır',
'Options' => 'Seçenekler',
'Comment' => 'Yorum',
'Default values' => 'Varsayılan değerler',
'Drop' => 'Sil',
'Are you sure?' => 'Emin misiniz?',
'Move up' => 'Yukarı taşı',
'Move down' => 'Aşağı taşı',
'Remove' => 'Sil',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'İzin verilen en fazla alan sayısı aşıldı. Lütfen %s değerlerini artırın.',
'Partition by' => 'Bununla bölümle',
'Partitions' => 'Bölümler',
'Partition name' => 'Bölüm adı',
'Values' => 'Değerler',
'View' => 'Görünüm',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Görünüm silindi.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Görünüm değiştirildi.',
'View has been created.' => 'Görünüm oluşturuldu.',
'Alter view' => 'Görünümü değiştir',
'Create view' => 'Görünüm oluştur',
'Indexes' => 'Dizinler',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Dizinler değiştirildi.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Dizinleri değiştir',
'Add next' => 'Bundan sonra ekle',
'Index Type' => 'Dizin Türü',
'Column (length)' => 'Kolon (uzunluğu)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Dış anahtarlar',
'Foreign key' => 'Dış anahtar',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Dış anahtar silindi.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Dış anahtar değiştirildi.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Dış anahtar oluşturuldu.',
'Target table' => 'Hedef tablo',
'Change' => 'Değiştir',
'Source' => 'Kaynak',
'Target' => 'Hedef',
'Add column' => 'Kolon ekle',
'Alter' => 'Değiştir',
'Add foreign key' => 'Dış anahtar ekle',
'ON DELETE' => 'ON DELETE (Hedefteki Kayıt Silinirse)',
'ON UPDATE' => 'ON UPDATE (Hedefteki Kayıt Değiştirilirse)',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Kaynak ve hedef kolonlar aynı veri türünde olmalı, hedef kolonlarda dizin bulunmalı ve başvurulan veri mevcut olmalı.',
'Triggers' => 'Tetikler',
'Add trigger' => 'Tetik ekle',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Tetik silindi.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Tetik değiştirildi.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Tetik oluşturuldu.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Tetiği değiştir.',
'Create trigger' => 'Tetik oluştur',
'Time' => 'Zaman',
'Event' => 'Olay',
'Name' => 'Ad',
'select' => 'seç',
'Select' => 'Seç',
'Select data' => 'Veri seç',
'Functions' => 'Fonksiyonlar',
'Aggregation' => 'Kümeleme',
'Search' => 'Ara',
'anywhere' => 'hiçbir yerde',
'Search data in tables' => 'Tablolarda veri ara',
'Sort' => 'Sırala',
'descending' => 'azalan',
'Limit' => 'sınır',
'Text length' => 'Yazı uzunluğu',
'Action' => 'Eylem',
'Full table scan' => 'Tam tablo tarama',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Tablo seçilemedi',
'No rows.' => 'Kayıt yok.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d kayıt', '%d adet kayıt'),
'Page' => 'Sayfa',
'last' => 'son',
'Load more data' => 'Daha fazla veri yükle',
'Loading' => 'Yükleniyor',
'whole result' => 'tüm sonuç',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d bayt', '%d bayt'),
'Import' => 'İçeri Aktar',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d kayıt içeri aktarıldı.', '%d adet kayıt içeri aktarıldı.'),
// in-place editing in select
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Bir değeri değiştirmek için üzerine Ctrl+tıklayın.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Değeri değiştirmek için düzenleme bağlantısını kullanın.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Kayıt%s eklendi.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Kayıt silindi.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Kayıt güncellendi.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('%d kayıt etkilendi.', '%d adet kayıt etkilendi.'),
'New item' => 'Yeni kayıt',
'original' => 'orijinal',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'boş',
'edit' => 'düzenle',
'Edit' => 'Düzenle',
'Insert' => 'Ekle',
'Save' => 'Kaydet',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Kaydet ve düzenlemeye devam et',
'Save and insert next' => 'Kaydet ve sonrakini ekle',
'Clone' => 'Kopyala',
'Delete' => 'Sil',
'E-mail' => 'E-posta',
'From' => 'Gönderen',
'Subject' => 'Konu',
'Attachments' => 'Ekler',
'Send' => 'Gönder',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('%d e-posta gönderildi.', '%d adet e-posta gönderildi.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Sayılar',
'Date and time' => 'Tarih ve zaman',
'Strings' => 'Dizge',
'Binary' => 'İkili',
'Lists' => 'Listeler',
'Network' => 'Ağ',
'Geometry' => 'Geometri',
'Relations' => 'İlişkiler',
'Editor' => 'Düzenleyici',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$6.$4.$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy]-aa-gg',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'SS:DD:ss',
'now' => 'şimdi',
'yes' => 'evet',
'no' => 'hayır',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Dosya zaten mevcut.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => '%s uzantılarından birini kullanın.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Şemayı değiştir',
'Create schema' => 'Şema oluştur',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Şema silindi.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Şema oluşturuldu.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Şema değiştirildi.',
'Schema' => 'Şema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Geçersiz şema.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Diziler',
'Create sequence' => 'Dizi oluştur',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Dizi silindi.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Dizi oluşturuldu.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Dizi değiştirildi.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Diziyi değiştir',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Kullanıcı türleri',
'Create type' => 'Tür oluştur',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Tür silindi.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Tür oluşturuldu.',
'Alter type' => 'Türü değiştir',
@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Система Бази Даних',
'Server' => 'Сервер',
'Username' => 'Користувач',
'Password' => 'Пароль',
'Permanent login' => 'Пам\'ятати сесію',
'Login' => 'Увійти',
'Logout' => 'Вийти',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Ви увійшли як: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Ви вдало вийшли з системи.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Неправильні дані входу.',
'Language' => 'Мова',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Недійсний CSRF токен. Надішліть форму ще раз.',
'No extension' => 'Нема розширень',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Жодне з PHP-розширень (%s), що підтримуються, не доступне.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Сесії повинні бути дозволені.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Сесія закінчилась, будь ласка, увійдіть в систему знову.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Версія %s: %s з PHP-розширенням %s',
'Refresh' => 'Оновити',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Привілеї',
'Create user' => 'Створити користувача',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Користувача було видалено.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Користувача було змінено.',
'User has been created.' => 'Користувача було створено.',
'Hashed' => 'Хешовано',
'Column' => 'Колонка',
'Routine' => 'Процедура',
'Grant' => 'Дозволити',
'Revoke' => 'Заборонити',
'Process list' => 'Перелік процесів',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Було завершено %d процес.', 'Було завершено %d процеси.', 'Було завершёно %d процесів.'),
'Kill' => 'Завершити процес',
'Variables' => 'Змінні',
'Status' => 'Статус',
'SQL command' => 'SQL запит',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('%d запит виконано успішно.', '%d запити виконано успішно.', '%d запитів виконано успішно.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Запит виконано успішно, змінено %d рядок.', 'Запит виконано успішно, змінено %d рядки.', 'Запит виконано успішно, змінено %d рядків.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Нема запитів до виконання.',
'Error in query' => 'Помилка в запиті',
'Execute' => 'Виконати',
'Stop on error' => 'Зупинитись при помилці',
'Show only errors' => 'Показувати тільки помилки',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Історія',
'Clear' => 'Очистити',
'Edit all' => 'Редагувати все',
'File upload' => 'Завантажити файл',
'From server' => 'З сервера',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Файл %s на вебсервері',
'Run file' => 'Запустити файл',
'File does not exist.' => 'Файл не існує.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Завантаження файлів заборонене.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Неможливо завантажити файл.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Максимально допустимий розмір файлу %sБ.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Занадто великий об\'єм POST-даних. Зменшіть об\'єм або збільшіть параметр директиви %s конфигурації.',
'Export' => 'Експорт',
'Output' => 'Вихідні дані',
'open' => 'відкрити',
'save' => 'зберегти',
'Format' => 'Формат',
'Data' => 'Дані',
'Database' => 'База даних',
'database' => 'база даних',
'Use' => 'Обрати',
'Select database' => 'Обрати базу даних',
'Invalid database.' => 'Погана база даних.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Базу даних було видалено.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Бази даних були видалені.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Базу даних було створено.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Базу даних було переіменовано.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Базу даних було змінено.',
'Alter database' => 'Змінити базу даних',
'Create database' => 'Створити базу даних',
'Database schema' => 'Схема бази даних',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Постійне посилання',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ' ',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Рушій',
'Collation' => 'Співставлення',
'Data Length' => 'Об\'єм даних',
'Index Length' => 'Об\'єм індексів',
'Data Free' => 'Вільне місце',
'Rows' => 'Рядків',
'%d in total' => '%d всього',
'Analyze' => 'Аналізувати',
'Optimize' => 'Оптимізувати',
'Check' => 'Перевірити',
'Repair' => 'Виправити',
'Truncate' => 'Очистити',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Таблиці було очищено.',
'Move to other database' => 'Перенести до іншої бази даних',
'Move' => 'Перенести',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Таблиці було перенесено.',
'Copy' => 'копіювати',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Таблиці було зкопійовано.',
'Routines' => 'Збережені процедури',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Була викликана процедура, %d запис було змінено.', 'Була викликана процедура, %d записи було змінено.', 'Була викликана процедура, %d записів було змінено.'),
'Call' => 'Викликати',
'Parameter name' => 'Назва параметра',
'Create procedure' => 'Створити процедуру',
'Create function' => 'Створити функцію',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Процедуру було видалено.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Процедуру було змінено.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Процедуру було створено.',
'Alter function' => 'Змінити функцію',
'Alter procedure' => 'Змінити процедуру',
'Return type' => 'Тип, що повернеться',
'Events' => 'Події',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Подію було видалено.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Подію було змінено.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Подію було створено.',
'Alter event' => 'Змінити подію',
'Create event' => 'Створити подію',
'At given time' => 'В даний час',
'Every' => 'Кожного',
'Schedule' => 'Розклад',
'Start' => 'Початок',
'End' => 'Кінець',
'On completion preserve' => 'Після завершення зберегти',
'Tables' => 'Таблиці',
'Tables and views' => 'Таблиці і вигляди',
'Table' => 'Таблиця',
'No tables.' => 'Нема таблиць.',
'Alter table' => 'Змінити таблицю',
'Create table' => 'Створити таблицю',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Таблицю було видалено.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Таблиці були видалені.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Таблиці були оптимізовані.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Таблица була змінена.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Таблиця була створена.',
'Table name' => 'Назва таблиці',
'Show structure' => 'Показати структуру',
'engine' => 'рушій',
'collation' => 'співставлення',
'Column name' => 'Назва стовпця',
'Type' => 'Тип',
'Length' => 'Довжина',
'Auto Increment' => 'Автоматичне збільшення',
'Options' => 'Опції',
'Comment' => 'Коментарі',
'Default values' => 'Значення за замовчуванням',
'Drop' => 'Видалити',
'Are you sure?' => 'Ви впевнені?',
'Move up' => 'Пересунути вгору',
'Move down' => 'Пересунути вниз',
'Remove' => 'Видалити',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Досягнута максимальна кількість доступних полів. Будь ласка, збільшіть %s.',
'Partition by' => 'Розділити по',
'Partitions' => 'Розділи',
'Partition name' => 'Назва розділу',
'Values' => 'Значення',
'View' => 'Вигляд',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Вигляд було видалено.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Вигляд було змінено.',
'View has been created.' => 'Вигляд було створено.',
'Alter view' => 'Змінити вигляд',
'Create view' => 'Створити вигляд',
'Indexes' => 'Індекси',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Індексування було змінено.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Змінити індексування',
'Add next' => 'Додати ще',
'Index Type' => 'Тип індексу',
'Column (length)' => 'Стовпець (довжина)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Зовнішні ключі',
'Foreign key' => 'Зовнішній ключ',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Зовнішній ключ було видалено.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Зовнішній ключ було змінено.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Зовнішній ключ було створено.',
'Target table' => 'Цільова таблиця',
'Change' => 'Змінити',
'Source' => 'Джерело',
'Target' => 'Ціль',
'Add column' => 'Додати стовпець',
'Alter' => 'Змінити',
'Add foreign key' => 'Додати зовнішній ключ',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Стовпці повинні мати той самий тип даних, цільові стовпці повинні бути проіндексовані і дані, на які посилаються повинні існувати.',
'Triggers' => 'Тригери',
'Add trigger' => 'Додати тригер',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Тригер було видалено.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Тригер було змінено.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Тригер було створено.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Змінити тригер',
'Create trigger' => 'Створити тригер',
'Time' => 'Час',
'Event' => 'Подія',
'Name' => 'Назва',
'select' => 'вибрати',
'Select' => 'Вибрати',
'Select data' => 'Вибрати дані',
'Functions' => 'Функції',
'Aggregation' => 'Агрегація',
'Search' => 'Пошук',
'anywhere' => 'будь-де',
'Search data in tables' => 'Шукати дані в таблицях',
'Sort' => 'Сортувати',
'descending' => 'по спаданню',
'Limit' => 'Обмеження',
'Text length' => 'Довжина тексту',
'Action' => 'Дія',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Неможливо вибрати таблицю',
'No rows.' => 'Нема рядків.',
'%d row(s)' => array('%d рядок', '%d рядки', '%d рядків'),
'Page' => 'Сторінка',
'last' => 'остання',
'whole result' => 'весь результат',
'%d byte(s)' => array('%d байт', '%d байта', '%d байтів'),
'Import' => 'Імпортувати',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('%d рядок було імпортовано.', '%d рядки було імпортовано.', '%d рядків було імпортовано.'),
// in-place editing in select
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Ctrl+клікніть на значенні щоб змінити його.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Використовуйте посилання щоб змінити це значення.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Запис%s було вставлено.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Запис було видалено.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Запис було змінено.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Було змінено %d запис.', 'Було змінено %d записи.', 'Було змінено %d записів.'),
'New item' => 'Новий запис',
'original' => 'початковий',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'порожньо',
'edit' => 'редагувати',
'Edit' => 'Редагувати',
'Insert' => 'Вставити',
'Save' => 'Зберегти',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Зберегти і продовжити редагування',
'Save and insert next' => 'Зберегти і вставити знову',
'Clone' => 'Клонувати',
'Delete' => 'Видалити',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'From' => 'Від',
'Subject' => 'Заголовок',
'Attachments' => 'Додатки',
'Send' => 'Надіслати',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Було надіслано %d повідомлення.', 'Було надіслано %d повідомлення.', 'Було надіслано %d повідомлень.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Числа',
'Date and time' => 'Дата і час',
'Strings' => 'Радки',
'Binary' => 'Двійкові',
'Lists' => 'Списки',
'Network' => 'Мережа',
'Geometry' => 'Геометрія',
'Relations' => 'Зв\'язки',
'Editor' => 'Редактор',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$5.$3.$1',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'дд.мм.[рррр]',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'ГГ:ХХ:СС',
'now' => 'зараз',
'yes' => 'так',
'no' => 'ні',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Файл існує.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Будь ласка, використовуйте одне з розширень %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Змінити схему',
'Create schema' => 'Створити схему',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Схему було видалено.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Схему було створено.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Схему було змінено.',
'Schema' => 'Схема',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Невірна схема.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Послідовності',
'Create sequence' => 'Створити послідовність',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Послідовність було видалено.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Послідовність було створено.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Послідовність було змінено.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Змінити послідовність',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Типи користувачів',
'Create type' => 'Створити тип',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Тип було видалено.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Тип було створено.',
'Alter type' => 'Змінити тип',
@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Hệ thống',
'Server' => 'Máy chủ',
'Username' => 'Tên người dùng',
'Password' => 'Mật khẩu',
'Permanent login' => 'Giữ đăng nhập một thời gian',
'Login' => 'Đăng nhập',
'Logout' => 'Thoát',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Vào dưới tên: %s',
'Logout successful.' => 'Đã thoát xong.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Tài khoản sai.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => 'Bạn gõ sai tài khoản quá nhiều lần, hãy thử lại sau %d phút nữa.',
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Mật khẩu đã hết hạn. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Thử cách làm</a> để giữ cố định.',
'Language' => 'Ngôn ngữ',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Mã kiểm tra CSRF sai, hãy nhập lại biểu mẫu.',
'No extension' => 'Không có phần mở rộng',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Bản cài đặt PHP thiếu hỗ trợ cho %s.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Cần phải bật session.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Phiên làm việc đã hết, hãy đăng nhập lại.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Phiên bản %s: %s (PHP extension: %s)',
'Refresh' => 'Làm mới',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Privileges' => 'Quyền truy cập',
'Create user' => 'Tạo người dùng',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Đã xoá người dùng.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Đã sửa người dùng.',
'User has been created.' => 'Đã tạo người dùng.',
'Hashed' => 'Mã hoá',
'Column' => 'Cột',
'Routine' => 'Hàm tích hợp',
'Grant' => 'Cấp quyền',
'Revoke' => 'Tước quyền',
'Process list' => 'Danh sách tiến trình',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d tiến trình đã dừng.',
'Kill' => 'Dừng',
'Variables' => 'Biến',
'Status' => 'Trạng thái',
'SQL command' => 'Câu lệnh SQL',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d câu lệnh đã chạy thành công.',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => 'Đã thực hiện xong, ảnh hưởng đến %d dòng.',
'No commands to execute.' => 'Chẳng có gì để thực hiện!.',
'Error in query' => 'Có lỗi trong câu lệnh',
'Execute' => 'Thực hiện',
'Stop on error' => 'Dừng khi có lỗi',
'Show only errors' => 'Chỉ hiện lỗi',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => '%.3f s',
'History' => 'Lịch sử',
'Clear' => 'Xoá',
'Edit all' => 'Sửa tất cả',
'File upload' => 'Tải tệp lên',
'From server' => 'Dùng tệp trên máy chủ',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Tệp trên máy chủ',
'Run file' => 'Chạy tệp',
'File does not exist.' => 'Tệp không tồn tại.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Chức năng tải tệp lên đã bị cấm.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Không thể tải tệp lên.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Kích thước tệp tối đa là %sB.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Dữ liệu tải lên/POST quá lớn. Hãy giảm kích thước tệp hoặc tăng cấu hình (hiện tại %s).',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Bạn có thể tải tệp lên dùng FTP và nhập vào cơ sở dữ liệu.',
'Export' => 'Xuất',
'Output' => 'Kết quả',
'open' => 'xem',
'save' => 'lưu',
'Format' => 'Định dạng',
'Data' => 'Dữ liệu',
'Database' => 'Cơ sở dữ liệu',
'database' => 'cơ sở dữ liệu',
'Use' => 'Sử dụng',
'Select database' => 'Chọn CSDL',
'Invalid database.' => 'CSDL sai.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'CSDL đã bị xoá.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Các CSDL đã bị xoá.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Đã tạo CSDL.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Đã đổi tên CSDL.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Đã thay đổi CSDL.',
'Alter database' => 'Thay đổi CSDL',
'Create database' => 'Tạo CSDL',
'Database schema' => 'Cấu trúc CSDL',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Liên kết cố định',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Engine' => 'Cơ chế lưu trữ',
'Collation' => 'Bộ mã',
'Data Length' => 'Kích thước dữ liệu',
'Index Length' => 'Kích thước chỉ mục',
'Data Free' => 'Dữ liệu trống',
'Rows' => 'Số dòng',
'%d in total' => '%s',
'Analyze' => 'Phân tích',
'Optimize' => 'Tối ưu',
'Vacuum' => 'Dọn dẹp',
'Check' => 'Kiểm tra',
'Repair' => 'Sửa chữa',
'Truncate' => 'Làm rỗng',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Bảng đã bị làm rỗng.',
'Move to other database' => 'Chuyển tới cơ sở dữ liệu khác',
'Move' => 'Chuyển đi',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Bảng.',
'Copy' => 'Sao chép',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Bảng đã được sao chép.',
'Routines' => 'Routines',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => 'Đã chạy routine, thay đổi %d dòng.',
'Call' => 'Gọi',
'Parameter name' => 'Tham số',
'Create procedure' => 'Tạo lệnh',
'Create function' => 'Tạo hàm',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Đã xoá routine.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Đã thay đổi routine.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Đã tạo routine.',
'Alter function' => 'Thay đổi hàm',
'Alter procedure' => 'Thay đổi thủ tục',
'Return type' => 'Giá trị trả về',
'Events' => 'Sự kiện',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Đã xoá sự kiện.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Đã thay đổi sự kiện.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Đã tạo sự kiện.',
'Alter event' => 'Sửa sự kiện',
'Create event' => 'Tạo sự kiện',
'At given time' => 'Vào thời gian xác định',
'Every' => 'Mỗi',
'Schedule' => 'Đặt lịch',
'Start' => 'Bắt đầu',
'End' => 'Kết thúc',
'On completion preserve' => 'Khi kết thúc, duy trì',
'Tables' => 'Các bảng',
'Tables and views' => 'Bảng và khung nhìn',
'Table' => 'Bảng',
'No tables.' => 'Không có bảng nào.',
'Alter table' => 'Sửa bảng',
'Create table' => 'Tạo bảng',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Bảng đã bị xoá.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Các bảng đã bị xoá.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Bảng đã được tối ưu.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Bảng đã thay đổi.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Bảng đã được tạo.',
'Table name' => 'Tên bảng',
'Show structure' => 'Hiện cấu trúc',
'engine' => 'cơ chế lưu trữ',
'collation' => 'bảng mã',
'Column name' => 'Tên cột',
'Type' => 'Loại',
'Length' => 'Độ dài',
'Auto Increment' => 'Tăng tự động',
'Options' => 'Tuỳ chọn',
'Comment' => 'Chú thích',
'Default values' => 'Giá trị mặc định',
'Drop' => 'Xoá',
'Are you sure?' => 'Bạn có chắc',
'Size' => 'Kích thước',
'Compute' => 'Tính',
'Move up' => 'Chuyển lên trên',
'Move down' => 'Chuyển xuống dưới',
'Remove' => 'Xoá',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Thiết lập %s cần tăng thêm. (Đã vượt giới hạnố trường tối đa cho phép trong một biểu mẫu).',
'Partition by' => 'Phân chia bằng',
'Partitions' => 'Phân hoạch',
'Partition name' => 'Tên phân hoạch',
'Values' => 'Giá trị',
'View' => 'Khung nhìn',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Khung nhìn đã bị xoá.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Khung nhìn đã được sửa.',
'View has been created.' => 'Khung nhìn đã được tạo.',
'Alter view' => 'Sửa khung nhìn',
'Create view' => 'Tạo khung nhìn',
'Indexes' => 'Chỉ mục',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Chỉ mục đã được sửa.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Sửa chỉ mục',
'Add next' => 'Thêm tiếp',
'Index Type' => 'Loại chỉ mục',
'Column (length)' => 'Cột (độ dài)',
'Foreign keys' => 'Các khoá ngoại',
'Foreign key' => 'Khoá ngoại',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Khoá ngoại đã bị xoá.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Khoá ngoại đã được sửa.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Khoá ngoại đã được tạo.',
'Target table' => 'Bảng đích',
'Change' => 'Thay đổi',
'Source' => 'Nguồn',
'Target' => 'Đích',
'Add column' => 'Thêm cột',
'Alter' => 'Sửa',
'Add foreign key' => 'Thêm khoá ngoại',
'ON DELETE' => 'Khi xoá',
'ON UPDATE' => 'Khi cập nhật',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Cột gốc và cột đích phải cùng kiểu, phải đặt chỉ mục trong cột đích và dữ liệu tham chiếu phải tồn tại.',
'Triggers' => 'xx',
'Add trigger' => 'xx',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Đã xoá phản xạ.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Đã sửa phản xạ.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Đã tạo phản xạ.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Sửa phản xạ',
'Create trigger' => 'Tạo phản xạ',
'Time' => 'Thời gian',
'Event' => 'Sự kiện',
'Name' => 'Tên',
'select' => 'xem',
'Select' => 'Xem',
'Select data' => 'Xem dữ liệu',
'Functions' => 'Các chức năng',
'Aggregation' => 'Tổng hợp',
'Search' => 'Tìm kiếm',
'anywhere' => 'bất cứ đâu',
'Search data in tables' => 'Tìm kiếm dữ liệu trong các bảng',
'Sort' => 'Sắp xếp',
'descending' => 'giảm dần',
'Limit' => 'Giới hạn',
'Text length' => 'Chiều dài văn bản',
'Action' => 'Hành động',
'Full table scan' => 'Quét toàn bộ bảng',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Không thể xem dữ liệu',
'No rows.' => 'Không có dòng dữ liệu nào.',
'%d row(s)' => '%s dòng',
'Page' => 'trang',
'last' => 'cuối',
'Load more data' => 'Xem thêm dữ liệu',
'Loading' => 'Đang nạp',
'whole result' => 'toàn bộ kết quả',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d byte(s)',
'Import' => 'Nhập khẩu',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => 'Đã nhập % dòng dữ liệu.',
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Tệp phải mã hoá bằng chuẩn UTF-8.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Sửa',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Nhấn Ctrl và bấm vào giá trị để sửa.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Dùng nút sửa để thay đổi giá trị này.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Đã thêm%s.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Đã xoá.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Đã cập nhật.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d phần đã thay đổi.',
'New item' => 'Thêm',
'original' => 'bản gốc',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'trống',
'edit' => 'sửa',
'Edit' => 'Sửa',
'Insert' => 'Thêm',
'Save' => 'Lưu',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Lưu và tiếp tục sửa',
'Save and insert next' => 'Lưu và thêm tiếp',
'Selected' => 'Chọn',
'Clone' => 'Sao chép',
'Delete' => 'Xoá',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Bạn không có quyền sửa bảng này.',
'E-mail' => 'Địa chỉ email',
'From' => 'Người gửi',
'Subject' => 'Chủ đề',
'Attachments' => 'Đính kèm',
'Send' => 'Gửi',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '%d thư đã gửi.',
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Số',
'Date and time' => 'Ngày giờ',
'Strings' => 'Chuỗi',
'Binary' => 'Mã máy',
'Lists' => 'Danh sách',
'Network' => 'Mạng',
'Geometry' => 'Toạ độ',
'Relations' => 'Quan hệ',
'Editor' => 'Biên tập',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1-$3-$5',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy]-mm-dd',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
'now' => 'hiện tại',
'yes' => 'có',
'no' => 'không',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Tệp đã có rồi.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Cần phải dùng một trong các phần mở rộng sau: %s.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Thay đổi schema',
'Create schema' => 'Tạo schema',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Đã xoá schema.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Đã tạo schema.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Đã thay đổi schema.',
'Schema' => 'schema',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Schema khong hợp lệ.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Dãy số',
'Create sequence' => 'Tạo đãy số',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Dãy số đã bị xoá.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Đã tạo dãy số.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Đã sửa dãy số.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Thay đổi dãy số',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Kiểu tự định nghĩa',
'Create type' => 'Tạo kiểu',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Đã xoá kiểu.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Đã tạo kiểu.',
'Alter type' => 'Sửa kiểu dữ liệu',
@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
// label for database system selection (MySQL, SQLite, ...)
'System' => 'Xx',
'Server' => 'Xx',
'Username' => 'Xx',
'Password' => 'Xx',
'Permanent login' => 'Xx',
'Login' => 'Xx',
'Logout' => 'Xx',
'Logged as: %s' => 'Xx',
'Logout successful.' => 'Xx.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Xx.',
'<a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to use SQLite.' => 'Xx.',
'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute(s).' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/" target="_blank">Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' => 'Xx.',
'Language' => 'Xx',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => 'Xx.',
'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' => 'Xx.',
'No extension' => 'Xx',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => 'Xx.',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Xx.',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Xx.',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => 'Xx',
'Refresh' => 'Xx',
// text direction - 'ltr' or 'rtl'
'ltr' => 'xx',
'Privileges' => 'Xx',
'Create user' => 'Xx',
'User has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'User has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'User has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Hashed' => 'Xx',
'Column' => 'Xx',
'Routine' => 'Xx',
'Grant' => 'Xx',
'Revoke' => 'Xx',
'Process list' => 'Xx',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'Kill' => 'Xx',
'Variables' => 'Xx',
'Status' => 'Xx',
'Replication' => 'Xx',
'Master status' => 'Xx',
'Slave status' => 'Xx',
'SQL command' => 'Xx',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'No commands to execute.' => 'Xx.',
'Error in query' => 'Xx',
'ATTACH queries are not supported.' => 'Xx.',
'Execute' => 'Xx',
'Stop on error' => 'Xx',
'Show only errors' => 'Xx',
// sprintf() format for time of the command
'%.3f s' => 'xx',
'History' => 'Xx',
'Clear' => 'Xx',
'Edit all' => 'Xx',
'File upload' => 'Xx',
'From server' => 'Xx',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Xx',
'Run file' => 'Xx',
'File does not exist.' => 'Xx.',
'File uploads are disabled.' => 'Xx.',
'Unable to upload a file.' => 'Xx.',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Xx.',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'Xx.',
'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' => 'Xx.',
'You are offline.' => 'Xx.',
'Export' => 'Xx',
'Output' => 'Xx',
'open' => 'xx',
'save' => 'xx',
'Saving' => 'Xx',
'Format' => 'Xx',
'Data' => 'Xx',
'Database' => 'Xx',
'database' => 'xx',
'Use' => 'Xx',
'Select database' => 'Xx',
'Invalid database.' => 'Xx.',
'Database has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Databases have been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Database has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Database has been renamed.' => 'Xx.',
'Database has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter database' => 'Xx',
'Create database' => 'Xx',
'Database schema' => 'Xx',
// link to current database schema layout
'Permanent link' => 'Xx',
// thousands separator - must contain single byte
',' => 'x',
'0123456789' => 'xxxxxxxxxx',
'Engine' => 'Xx',
'Collation' => 'Xx',
'Data Length' => 'Xx',
'Index Length' => 'Xx',
'Data Free' => 'Xx',
'Rows' => 'Xx',
'%d in total' => 'xx',
'Analyze' => 'Xx',
'Optimize' => 'Xx',
'Vacuum' => 'Xx',
'Check' => 'Xx',
'Repair' => 'Xx',
'Truncate' => 'Xx',
'Tables have been truncated.' => 'Xx.',
'Move to other database' => 'Xx',
'Move' => 'Xx',
'Tables have been moved.' => 'Xx.',
'Copy' => 'Xx',
'Tables have been copied.' => 'Xx.',
'Routines' => 'Xx',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'Call' => 'Xx',
'Parameter name' => 'Xx',
'Create procedure' => 'Xx',
'Create function' => 'Xx',
'Routine has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Routine has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Routine has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter function' => 'Xx',
'Alter procedure' => 'Xx',
'Return type' => 'Xx',
'Events' => 'Xx',
'Event has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Event has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Event has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter event' => 'Xx',
'Create event' => 'Xx',
'At given time' => 'Xx',
'Every' => 'Xx',
'Schedule' => 'Xx',
'Start' => 'Xx',
'End' => 'Xx',
'On completion preserve' => 'Xx',
'Tables' => 'Xx',
'Tables and views' => 'Xx',
'Table' => 'Xx',
'No tables.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter table' => 'Xx',
'Create table' => 'Xx',
'Table has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Tables have been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Tables have been optimized.' => 'Xx.',
'Table has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Table has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Table name' => 'Xx',
'Show structure' => 'Xx',
'engine' => 'xx',
'collation' => 'xx',
'Column name' => 'Xx',
'Type' => 'Xx',
'Length' => 'Xx',
'Auto Increment' => 'Xx',
'Options' => 'Xx',
'Comment' => 'Xx',
'Default value' => 'Xx',
'Default values' => 'Xx',
'Drop' => 'Xx',
'Are you sure?' => 'Xx',
'Size' => 'Xx',
'Compute' => 'Xx',
'Move up' => 'Xx',
'Move down' => 'Xx',
'Remove' => 'Xx',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => 'Xx.',
'Partition by' => 'Xx',
'Partitions' => 'Xx',
'Partition name' => 'Xx',
'Values' => 'Xx',
'View' => 'Xx',
'Materialized view' => 'Xx',
'View has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'View has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'View has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter view' => 'Xx',
'Create view' => 'Xx',
'Indexes' => 'Xx',
'Indexes have been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter indexes' => 'Xx',
'Add next' => 'Xx',
'Index Type' => 'Xx',
'Column (length)' => 'Xx',
'Foreign keys' => 'Xx',
'Foreign key' => 'Xx',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Foreign key has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Target table' => 'Xx',
'Change' => 'Xx',
'Source' => 'Xx',
'Target' => 'Xx',
'Add column' => 'Xx',
'Alter' => 'Xx',
'Add foreign key' => 'Xx',
'ON DELETE' => 'Xx',
'ON UPDATE' => 'Xx',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => 'Xx.',
'Triggers' => 'Xx',
'Add trigger' => 'Xx',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Trigger has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Trigger has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter trigger' => 'Xx',
'Create trigger' => 'Xx',
'Time' => 'Xx',
'Event' => 'Xx',
'Name' => 'Xx',
'select' => 'xx',
'Select' => 'Xx',
'Select data' => 'Xx',
'Functions' => 'Xx',
'Aggregation' => 'Xx',
'Search' => 'Xx',
'anywhere' => 'xx',
'Search data in tables' => 'Xx',
'Sort' => 'Xx',
'descending' => 'xx',
'Limit' => 'Xx',
'Limit rows' => 'Xx',
'Text length' => 'Xx',
'Action' => 'Xx',
'Full table scan' => 'Xx',
'Unable to select the table' => 'Xx',
'No rows.' => 'Xx.',
'%d / ' => 'xx',
'%d row(s)' => array('xx', 'xx'),
'Page' => 'Xx',
'last' => 'xx',
'Load more data' => 'Xx',
'Loading' => 'Xx',
'whole result' => 'xx',
'%d byte(s)' => array('xx', 'xx'),
'Import' => 'Xx',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' => 'Xx.',
// in-place editing in select
'Modify' => 'Xx',
'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' => 'Xx.',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => 'Xx.',
// %s can contain auto-increment value
'Item%s has been inserted.' => 'Xx.',
'Item has been deleted.' => 'Xx.',
'Item has been updated.' => 'Xx.',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
'New item' => 'Xx',
'original' => 'xx',
// label for value '' in enum data type
'empty' => 'xx',
'edit' => 'xx',
'Edit' => 'Xx',
'Insert' => 'Xx',
'Save' => 'Xx',
'Save and continue edit' => 'Xx',
'Save and insert next' => 'Xx',
'Selected' => 'Xx',
'Clone' => 'Xx',
'Delete' => 'Xx',
'You have no privileges to update this table.' => 'Xx.',
'E-mail' => 'Xx',
'From' => 'Xx',
'Subject' => 'Xx',
'Attachments' => 'Xx',
'Send' => 'Xx',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => array('Xx.', 'Xx.'),
// data type descriptions
'Numbers' => 'Xx',
'Date and time' => 'Xx',
'Strings' => 'Xx',
'Binary' => 'Xx',
'Lists' => 'Xx',
'Network' => 'Xx',
'Geometry' => 'Xx',
'Relations' => 'Xx',
'Editor' => 'Xx',
// date format in Editor: $1 yyyy, $2 yy, $3 mm, $4 m, $5 dd, $6 d
'$1-$3-$5' => 'xx',
// hint for date format - use language equivalents for day, month and year shortcuts
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => 'xx',
// hint for time format - use language equivalents for hour, minute and second shortcuts
'HH:MM:SS' => 'Xx',
'now' => 'xx',
'yes' => 'xx',
'no' => 'xx',
// general SQLite error in create, drop or rename database
'File exists.' => 'Xx.',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => 'Xx.',
// PostgreSQL and MS SQL schema support
'Alter schema' => 'Xx',
'Create schema' => 'Xx',
'Schema has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Schema has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Schema has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Schema' => 'Xx',
'Invalid schema.' => 'Xx.',
// PostgreSQL sequences support
'Sequences' => 'Xx',
'Create sequence' => 'Xx',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Sequence has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Sequence has been altered.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter sequence' => 'Xx',
// PostgreSQL user types support
'User types' => 'Xx',
'Create type' => 'Xx',
'Type has been dropped.' => 'Xx.',
'Type has been created.' => 'Xx.',
'Alter type' => 'Xx',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => '登入',
'Logout successful.' => '成功登出。',
'Invalid credentials.' => '無效的憑證。',
'Server' => '伺服器',
'Username' => '帳號',
'Password' => '密碼',
'Select database' => '選擇資料庫',
'Invalid database.' => '無效的資料庫。',
'Table has been altered.' => '資料表已修改。',
'Table has been created.' => '資料表已修改。',
'Alter table' => '修改資料表',
'Create table' => '建立資料表',
'Table name' => '資料表名稱',
'engine' => '引擎',
'collation' => '校對',
'Column name' => '列名',
'Type' => '類型',
'Length' => '長度',
'Auto Increment' => '自動遞增',
'Options' => '選項',
'Save' => '儲存',
'Drop' => '刪除',
'Database has been dropped.' => '資料庫已刪除。',
'Database has been created.' => '已建立資料庫。',
'Database has been renamed.' => '已重新命名資料庫。',
'Database has been altered.' => '已修改資料庫。',
'Alter database' => '修改資料庫',
'Create database' => '建立資料庫',
'SQL command' => 'SQL命令',
'Logout' => '登出',
'database' => '資料庫',
'Use' => '使用',
'No tables.' => '沒有資料表。',
'select' => '選擇',
'Item has been updated.' => '已更新項目。',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => '已新增項目%s。',
'Edit' => '編輯',
'Insert' => '新增',
'Save and insert next' => '儲存並新增下一筆',
'Delete' => '刪除',
'Database' => '資料庫',
'Routines' => '程序',
'Indexes have been altered.' => '已修改索引。',
'Indexes' => '索引',
'Alter indexes' => '修改索引',
'Add next' => '新增下一筆',
'Language' => '語言',
'Select' => '選擇',
'New item' => '新增項目',
'Search' => '搜尋',
'Sort' => '排序',
'descending' => '降冪(遞減)',
'Limit' => '限定',
'No rows.' => '沒有行。',
'Action' => '動作',
'edit' => '編輯',
'Page' => '頁',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => '執行查詢OK,%d行受影響',
'Error in query' => '查詢發生錯誤',
'Execute' => '執行',
'Table' => '資料表',
'Foreign keys' => '外來鍵',
'Triggers' => '觸發器',
'View' => '檢視表',
'Unable to select the table' => '無法選擇該資料表',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => '無效的 CSRF token。請重新發送表單。',
'Comment' => '註解',
'Default values' => '預設值',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d byte(s)',
'No commands to execute.' => '沒有命令可執行。',
'Unable to upload a file.' => '無法上傳檔案。',
'File upload' => '檔案上傳',
'File uploads are disabled.' => '檔案上傳已經被停用。',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => '程序已被執行,%d行被影響',
'Call' => '呼叫',
'No extension' => '無擴充模組',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => '沒有任何支援的PHP擴充模組(%s)。',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Session 必須被啟用。',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session 已過期,請重新登入。',
'Text length' => 'Text 長度',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => '已刪除外來鍵。',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => '已修改外來鍵。',
'Foreign key has been created.' => '已建立外來鍵。',
'Foreign key' => '外來鍵',
'Target table' => '目標資料表',
'Change' => '修改',
'Source' => '來源',
'Target' => '目標',
'Add column' => '新增資料列',
'Alter' => '修改',
'Add foreign key' => '新增外來鍵',
'Index Type' => '索引類型',
'Column (length)' => '列(長度)',
'View has been dropped.' => '已刪除檢視表。',
'View has been altered.' => '已修改檢視表。',
'View has been created.' => '已建立檢視表。',
'Alter view' => '修改檢視表',
'Create view' => '建立檢視表',
'Name' => '名稱',
'Process list' => '處理程序列表',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d 個 Process(es) 被終止',
'Kill' => '終止',
'Parameter name' => '參數名稱',
'Database schema' => '資料庫架構',
'Create procedure' => '建立預存程序',
'Create function' => '建立函數',
'Routine has been dropped.' => '已刪除程序。',
'Routine has been altered.' => '已修改子程序。',
'Routine has been created.' => '已建立子程序。',
'Alter function' => '修改函數',
'Alter procedure' => '修改過程',
'Return type' => '回傳類型',
'Add trigger' => '建立觸發器',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => '已刪除觸發器。',
'Trigger has been altered.' => '已修改觸發器。',
'Trigger has been created.' => '已建立觸發器。',
'Alter trigger' => '修改觸發器',
'Create trigger' => '建立觸發器',
'Time' => '時間',
'Event' => '事件',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s版本:%s 透過PHP擴充模組 %s',
'%d row(s)' => '%d行',
'Remove' => '移除',
'Are you sure?' => '你確定嗎?',
'Privileges' => '權限',
'Create user' => '建立使用者',
'User has been dropped.' => '已刪除使用者。',
'User has been altered.' => '已修改使用者。',
'User has been created.' => '已建立使用者。',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => '列',
'Routine' => '程序',
'Grant' => '授權',
'Revoke' => '廢除',
'Logged as: %s' => '登錄為:%s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => 'POST 資料太大。減少資料或者增加 %s 的設定值。',
'Move up' => '上移',
'Move down' => '下移',
'Export' => '匯出',
'Tables' => '資料表',
'Data' => '資料',
'Output' => '輸出',
'open' => '打開',
'save' => '儲存',
'Format' => '格式',
'Functions' => '函數',
'Aggregation' => '集合',
'Event has been dropped.' => '已刪除事件。',
'Event has been altered.' => '已修改事件。',
'Event has been created.' => '已建立事件。',
'Alter event' => '修改事件',
'Create event' => '建立事件',
'Start' => '開始',
'End' => '結束',
'Every' => '每',
'Status' => '狀態',
'On completion preserve' => '在完成後儲存',
'Events' => '事件',
'Schedule' => '排程',
'At given time' => '在指定時間',
'Tables have been truncated.' => '已清空資料表。',
'Tables have been moved.' => '已轉移資料表。',
'Tables and views' => '資料表和檢視表',
'Engine' => '引擎',
'Collation' => '校對',
'Data Length' => '資料長度',
'Index Length' => '索引長度',
'Data Free' => '資料空閒',
'Rows' => '行數',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => '分析',
'Optimize' => '最佳化',
'Check' => '檢查',
'Repair' => '修復',
'Truncate' => '清空',
'Move to other database' => '轉移到其它資料庫',
'Move' => '轉移',
'Save and continue edit' => '儲存並繼續編輯',
'original' => '原始',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d個項目受到影響。',
'whole result' => '所有結果',
'Tables have been dropped.' => '已經將資料表刪除。',
'Clone' => '複製',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => '超過允許的字段數量的最大值。請增加%s。',
'Partition by' => '分區類型',
'Partitions' => '分區',
'Partition name' => '分區名稱',
'Values' => '值',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '已匯入%d行。',
'anywhere' => '任意位置',
'Import' => '匯入',
'Stop on error' => '出錯時停止',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f秒',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy].mm.dd',
'History' => '紀錄',
'Variables' => '變數',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '來源列和目標列必須具有相同的資料類型,在目標列上必須有一個索引並且引用的資料必須存在。',
'Relations' => '關聯',
'Run file' => '執行檔案',
'Clear' => '清除',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => '允許的檔案上限大小為%sB',
'Numbers' => '數字',
'Date and time' => '日期時間',
'Strings' => '字串',
'Binary' => '二進位',
'Lists' => '列表',
'Editor' => '編輯器',
'E-mail' => '電子郵件',
'From' => '來自',
'Subject' => '主旨',
'Send' => '寄出',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '已寄出 %d 封郵件。',
'Webserver file %s' => '網頁伺服器檔案 %s',
'File does not exist.' => '檔案不存在',
'Item has been deleted.' => '該項目已被刪除',
'%d in total' => '總共 %d 個',
'Permanent login' => '永久登入',
'Table has been dropped.' => '已經刪除資料表。',
'Databases have been dropped.' => '資料庫已刪除。',
'Search data in tables' => '在資料庫搜尋',
'Schema' => '資料表結構',
'Alter schema' => '修改資料表結構',
'Create schema' => '建立資料表結構',
'Schema has been dropped.' => '已刪除資料表結構。',
'Schema has been created.' => '已建立資料表結構。',
'Schema has been altered.' => '已修改資料表結構。',
'Sequences' => '序列',
'Create sequence' => '建立序列',
'Alter sequence' => '修改序列',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => '已刪除序列。',
'Sequence has been created.' => '已建立序列。',
'Sequence has been altered.' => '已修改序列。',
'User types' => '使用者類型',
'Create type' => '建立類型',
'Alter type' => '修改類型',
'Type has been dropped.' => '已刪除類型。',
'Type has been created.' => '已建立類型。',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '使用編輯連結來修改。',
'last' => '最後一頁',
'From server' => '從伺服器',
'System' => '資料庫系統',
'Select data' => '選擇資料',
'Show structure' => '顯示結構',
'empty' => '空值',
'Network' => '網路',
'Geometry' => '幾何',
'File exists.' => '檔案已存在。',
'Attachments' => '附件',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '已順利執行 %d 個查詢。',
'Show only errors' => '僅顯示錯誤訊息',
'Refresh' => '重新載入',
'Invalid schema.' => '無效的資料表結構。',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => '請使用下列其中一個擴充模組 %s。',
'now' => '現在',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => '資料表已經複製',
'Copy' => '複製',
'Permanent link' => '永久連結',
'Edit all' => '編輯全部',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
$translations = array(
'Login' => '登录',
'Logout successful.' => '注销成功。',
'Invalid credentials.' => '无效凭据。',
'Server' => '服务器',
'Username' => '用户名',
'Password' => '密码',
'Select database' => '选择数据库',
'Invalid database.' => '无效数据库。',
'Table has been dropped.' => '已删除表。',
'Table has been altered.' => '已修改表。',
'Table has been created.' => '已创建表。',
'Alter table' => '修改表',
'Create table' => '创建表',
'Table name' => '表名',
'engine' => '引擎',
'collation' => '校对',
'Column name' => '字段名',
'Type' => '类型',
'Length' => '长度',
'Auto Increment' => '自动增量',
'Options' => '选项',
'Save' => '保存',
'Drop' => '删除',
'Database has been dropped.' => '已删除数据库。',
'Database has been created.' => '已创建数据库。',
'Database has been renamed.' => '已重命名数据库。',
'Database has been altered.' => '已修改数据库。',
'Alter database' => '修改数据库',
'Create database' => '创建数据库',
'SQL command' => 'SQL命令',
'Logout' => '注销',
'database' => '数据库',
'Use' => '使用',
'No tables.' => '没有表。',
'select' => '选择',
'Item has been deleted.' => '已删除项目。',
'Item has been updated.' => '已更新项目。',
'Item%s has been inserted.' => '已插入项目%s。',
'Edit' => '编辑',
'Insert' => '插入',
'Save and insert next' => '保存并插入下一个',
'Delete' => '删除',
'Database' => '数据库',
'Routines' => '子程序',
'Indexes have been altered.' => '已修改索引。',
'Indexes' => '索引',
'Alter indexes' => '修改索引',
'Add next' => '下一行插入',
'Language' => '语言',
'Select' => '选择',
'New item' => '新建数据',
'Search' => '搜索',
'Sort' => '排序',
'descending' => '降序',
'Limit' => '范围',
'No rows.' => '无数据。',
'Action' => '动作',
'edit' => '编辑',
'Page' => '页面',
'Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.' => '查询执行完毕,%d 行受影响。',
'Error in query' => '查询出错',
'Execute' => '执行',
'Table' => '表',
'Foreign keys' => '外键',
'Triggers' => '触发器',
'View' => '视图',
'Unable to select the table' => '不能选择该表',
'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' => '无效 CSRF 令牌。重新发送表单。',
'Comment' => '注释',
'Default values' => '默认值',
'%d byte(s)' => '%d 字节',
'No commands to execute.' => '没有命令被执行。',
'Unable to upload a file.' => '不能上传文件。',
'File upload' => '文件上传',
'File uploads are disabled.' => '文件上传被禁用。',
'Routine has been called, %d row(s) affected.' => '子程序被调用,%d 行被影响。',
'Call' => '调用',
'No extension' => '没有扩展',
'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' => '没有支持的 PHP 扩展可用(%s)。',
'Session support must be enabled.' => 'Session 必须被启用。',
'Session expired, please login again.' => 'Session 已过期,请重新登录。',
'Text length' => '文本显示限制',
'Foreign key has been dropped.' => '已删除外键。',
'Foreign key has been altered.' => '已修改外键。',
'Foreign key has been created.' => '已创建外键。',
'Foreign key' => '外键',
'Target table' => '目标表',
'Change' => '修改',
'Source' => '源',
'Target' => '目标',
'Add column' => '增加列',
'Alter' => '修改',
'Add foreign key' => '添加外键',
'Index Type' => '索引类型',
'Column (length)' => '列(长度)',
'View has been dropped.' => '已删除视图。',
'View has been altered.' => '已修改视图。',
'View has been created.' => '已创建视图。',
'Alter view' => '修改视图',
'Create view' => '创建视图',
'Name' => '名称',
'Process list' => '进程列表',
'%d process(es) have been killed.' => '%d 个进程被终止',
'Kill' => '终止',
'Parameter name' => '参数名',
'Database schema' => '数据库概要',
'Create procedure' => '创建过程',
'Create function' => '创建函数',
'Routine has been dropped.' => '已删除子程序。',
'Routine has been altered.' => '已修改子程序。',
'Routine has been created.' => '已创建子程序。',
'Alter function' => '修改函数',
'Alter procedure' => '修改过程',
'Return type' => '返回类型',
'Add trigger' => '创建触发器',
'Trigger has been dropped.' => '已删除触发器。',
'Trigger has been altered.' => '已修改触发器。',
'Trigger has been created.' => '已创建触发器。',
'Alter trigger' => '修改触发器',
'Create trigger' => '创建触发器',
'Time' => '时间',
'Event' => '事件',
'%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' => '%s 版本:%s, 使用PHP扩展 %s',
'%d row(s)' => '%d 行',
'Remove' => '移除',
'Are you sure?' => '你确定吗?',
'Privileges' => '权限',
'Create user' => '创建用户',
'User has been dropped.' => '已删除用户。',
'User has been altered.' => '已修改用户。',
'User has been created.' => '已创建用户。',
'Hashed' => 'Hashed',
'Column' => '列',
'Routine' => '子程序',
'Grant' => '授权',
'Revoke' => '废除',
'Logged as: %s' => '登录用户:%s',
'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' => '太大的 POST 数据。减少数据或者增加 %s 配置命令。',
'Move up' => '上移',
'Move down' => '下移',
'Export' => '导出',
'Tables' => '表',
'Data' => '数据',
'Output' => '输出',
'open' => '打开',
'save' => '保存',
'Format' => '格式',
'Functions' => '函数',
'Aggregation' => '集合',
'Event has been dropped.' => '已删除事件。',
'Event has been altered.' => '已修改事件。',
'Event has been created.' => '已创建事件。',
'Alter event' => '修改事件',
'Create event' => '创建事件',
'Start' => '开始',
'End' => '结束',
'Every' => '每',
'Status' => '状态',
'On completion preserve' => '完成后保存',
'Events' => '事件',
'Schedule' => '调度',
'At given time' => '在指定时间',
'Tables have been truncated.' => '已清空表。',
'Tables have been moved.' => '已转移表。',
'Tables and views' => '表和视图',
'Engine' => '引擎',
'Collation' => '校对',
'Data Length' => '数据长度',
'Index Length' => '索引长度',
'Data Free' => '数据空闲',
'Rows' => '行数',
',' => ',',
'0123456789' => '0123456789',
'Analyze' => '分析',
'Optimize' => '优化',
'Check' => '检查',
'Repair' => '修复',
'Truncate' => '清空',
'Move to other database' => '转移到其它数据库',
'Move' => '转移',
'Save and continue edit' => '保存并继续编辑',
'original' => '原始',
'%d item(s) have been affected.' => '%d 个项目受到影响。',
'whole result' => '所有结果',
'Tables have been dropped.' => '已删除表。',
'Clone' => '复制',
'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' => '超过最多允许的字段数量。请增加 %s。',
'Partition by' => '分区类型',
'Partitions' => '分区',
'Partition name' => '分区名',
'Values' => '值',
'%d row(s) have been imported.' => '%d 行已导入。',
'anywhere' => '任意位置',
'Import' => '导入',
'Stop on error' => '出错时停止',
'%.3f s' => '%.3f 秒',
'$1-$3-$5' => '$1.$3.$5',
'[yyyy]-mm-dd' => '[yyyy].mm.dd',
'History' => '历史',
'Variables' => '变量',
'Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.' => '源列和目标列必须具有相同的数据类型,在目标列上必须有一个索引并且引用的数据必须存在。',
'Relations' => '关联信息',
'Run file' => '运行文件',
'Clear' => '清除',
'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => '最多允许的文件大小为 %sB',
'Numbers' => '数字',
'Date and time' => '日期时间',
'Strings' => '字符串',
'Binary' => '二进制',
'Lists' => '列表',
'Editor' => '编辑器',
'E-mail' => '电子邮件',
'From' => '来自',
'Subject' => '主题',
'Send' => '发送',
'%d e-mail(s) have been sent.' => '%d 封邮件已发送。',
'Webserver file %s' => 'Web服务器文件 %s',
'File does not exist.' => '文件不存在。',
'%d in total' => '共计 %d',
'Permanent login' => '保持登录',
'Databases have been dropped.' => '已删除数据库。',
'Search data in tables' => '在表中搜索数据',
'Schema' => '模式',
'Alter schema' => '修改模式',
'Create schema' => '创建模式',
'Schema has been dropped.' => '已删除模式。',
'Schema has been created.' => '已创建模式。',
'Schema has been altered.' => '已修改模式。',
'Sequences' => '序列',
'Create sequence' => '创建序列',
'Alter sequence' => '修改序列',
'Sequence has been dropped.' => '已删除序列。',
'Sequence has been created.' => '已创建序列。',
'Sequence has been altered.' => '已修改序列。',
'User types' => '用户类型',
'Create type' => '创建类型',
'Alter type' => '修改类型',
'Type has been dropped.' => '已删除类型。',
'Type has been created.' => '已创建类型。',
'Use edit link to modify this value.' => '使用编辑链接来修改该值。',
'last' => '最后',
'From server' => '来自服务器',
'System' => '系统',
'Select data' => '选择数据',
'Show structure' => '显示结构',
'empty' => '空',
'Network' => '网络',
'Geometry' => '几何图形',
'File exists.' => '文件已存在。',
'Attachments' => '附件',
'%d query(s) executed OK.' => '%d 条查询已成功执行。',
'Show only errors' => '仅显示错误',
'Refresh' => '刷新',
'Invalid schema.' => '非法模式。',
'Please use one of the extensions %s.' => '请使用这些扩展中的一个:%s。',
'now' => '现在',
'ltr' => 'ltr',
'Tables have been copied.' => '表已复制。',
'Copy' => '复制',
'Permanent link' => '固定链接',
'Edit all' => '编辑全部',
'HH:MM:SS' => 'HH:MM:SS',
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
function adminer_object() {
// required to run any plugin
include_once "../plugins/plugin.php";
// autoloader
foreach (glob("../plugins/*.php") as $filename) {
include_once $filename;
$plugins = array(
// specify enabled plugins here
new AdminerDatabaseHide(array('information_schema')),
new AdminerDumpJson,
new AdminerDumpBz2,
new AdminerDumpZip,
new AdminerDumpXml,
new AdminerDumpAlter,
//~ new AdminerSqlLog("past-" . rtrim(`git describe --tags --abbrev=0`) . ".sql"),
//~ new AdminerEditCalendar("<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-ui/jquery-1.4.4.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.core.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.widget.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.slider.js'></script>\n<script type='text/javascript' src='../externals/jquery-timepicker/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js'></script>\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='../externals/jquery-ui/themes/base/jquery.ui.all.css'>\n<style type='text/css'>\n.ui-timepicker-div .ui-widget-header { margin-bottom: 8px; }\n.ui-timepicker-div dl { text-align: left; }\n.ui-timepicker-div dl dt { height: 25px; }\n.ui-timepicker-div dl dd { margin: -25px 0 10px 65px; }\n.ui-timepicker-div td { font-size: 90%; }\n</style>\n", "../externals/jquery-ui/ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-%s.js"),
//~ new AdminerTinymce("../externals/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_dev.js"),
//~ new AdminerWymeditor(array("../externals/wymeditor/src/jquery/jquery.js", "../externals/wymeditor/src/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.js", "../externals/wymeditor/src/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.explorer.js", "../externals/wymeditor/src/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.mozilla.js", "../externals/wymeditor/src/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.opera.js", "../externals/wymeditor/src/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.safari.js")),
new AdminerFileUpload(""),
new AdminerJsonColumn,
new AdminerSlugify,
new AdminerTranslation,
new AdminerForeignSystem,
new AdminerEnumOption,
new AdminerTablesFilter,
new AdminerEditForeign,
/* It is possible to combine customization and plugins:
class AdminerCustomization extends AdminerPlugin {
return new AdminerCustomization($plugins);
return new AdminerPlugin($plugins);
// include original Adminer or Adminer Editor (usually named adminer.php)
include "./index.php";
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h(ME) . 'user=">' . lang('Create user') . "</a>";
$result = $connection->query("SELECT User, Host FROM mysql." . (DB == "" ? "user" : "db WHERE " . q(DB) . " LIKE Db") . " ORDER BY Host, User");
$grant = $result;
if (!$result) {
// list logged user, information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES lists just the current user too
$result = $connection->query("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', 1) AS User, SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', -1) AS Host");
echo "<form action=''><p>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='db' value='" . h(DB) . "'>\n";
echo ($grant ? "" : "<input type='hidden' name='grant' value=''>\n");
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><th>" . lang('Username') . "<th>" . lang('Server') . "<th> </thead>\n";
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<tr' . odd() . '><td>' . h($row["User"]) . "<td>" . h($row["Host"]) . '<td><a href="' . h(ME . 'user=' . urlencode($row["User"]) . '&host=' . urlencode($row["Host"])) . '">' . lang('Edit') . "</a>\n";
if (!$grant || DB != "") {
echo "<tr" . odd() . "><td><input name='user' autocapitalize='off'><td><input name='host' value='localhost' autocapitalize='off'><td><input type='submit' value='" . lang('Edit') . "'>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
$PROCEDURE = $_GET["procedure"];
$routine = (isset($_GET["function"]) ? "FUNCTION" : "PROCEDURE");
$row = $_POST;
$row["fields"] = (array) $row["fields"];
if ($_POST && !process_fields($row["fields"]) && !$error) {
$temp_name = "$row[name]_adminer_" . uniqid();
"DROP $routine " . idf_escape($PROCEDURE),
create_routine($routine, $row),
"DROP $routine " . idf_escape($row["name"]),
create_routine($routine, array("name" => $temp_name) + $row),
"DROP $routine " . idf_escape($temp_name),
substr(ME, 0, -1),
lang('Routine has been dropped.'),
lang('Routine has been altered.'),
lang('Routine has been created.'),
page_header(($PROCEDURE != "" ? (isset($_GET["function"]) ? lang('Alter function') : lang('Alter procedure')) . ": " . h($PROCEDURE) : (isset($_GET["function"]) ? lang('Create function') : lang('Create procedure'))), $error);
if (!$_POST && $PROCEDURE != "") {
$row = routine($PROCEDURE, $routine);
$row["name"] = $PROCEDURE;
$collations = get_vals("SHOW CHARACTER SET");
$routine_languages = routine_languages();
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<p><?php echo lang('Name'); ?>: <input name="name" value="<?php echo h($row["name"]); ?>" maxlength="64" autocapitalize="off">
<?php echo ($routine_languages ? lang('Language') . ": " . html_select("language", $routine_languages, $row["language"]) : ""); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<table cellspacing="0" class="nowrap">
edit_fields($row["fields"], $collations, $routine);
if (isset($_GET["function"])) {
echo "<tr><td>" . lang('Return type');
edit_type("returns", $row["returns"], $collations);
<p><?php textarea("definition", $row["definition"]); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<?php if ($PROCEDURE != "") { ?><input type="submit" name="drop" value="<?php echo lang('Drop'); ?>"<?php echo confirm(); ?>><?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
if (support("kill") && $_POST && !$error) {
$killed = 0;
foreach ((array) $_POST["kill"] as $val) {
if (kill_process($val)) {
queries_redirect(ME . "processlist=", lang('%d process(es) have been killed.', $killed), $killed || !$_POST["kill"]);
page_header(lang('Process list'), $error);
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0" onclick="tableClick(event);" ondblclick="tableClick(event, true);" class="nowrap checkable">
// HTML valid because there is always at least one process
$i = -1;
foreach (process_list() as $i => $row) {
if (!$i) {
echo "<thead><tr lang='en'>" . (support("kill") ? "<th> " : "");
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
echo "<th>$key" . doc_link(array(
'sql' => "show-processlist.html#processlist_" . strtolower($key),
'pgsql' => "monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-ACTIVITY-VIEW",
'oracle' => "../b14237/dynviews_2088.htm",
echo "</thead>\n";
echo "<tr" . odd() . ">" . (support("kill") ? "<td>" . checkbox("kill[]", $row[$jush == "sql" ? "Id" : "pid"], 0) : "");
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
echo "<td>" . (
($jush == "sql" && $key == "Info" && preg_match("~Query|Killed~", $row["Command"]) && $val != "") ||
($jush == "pgsql" && $key == "current_query" && $val != "<IDLE>") ||
($jush == "oracle" && $key == "sql_text" && $val != "")
? "<code class='jush-$jush'>" . shorten_utf8($val, 100, "</code>") . ' <a href="' . h(ME . ($row["db"] != "" ? "db=" . urlencode($row["db"]) . "&" : "") . "sql=" . urlencode($val)) . '">' . lang('Clone') . '</a>'
: nbsp($val)
echo "\n";
<script type='text/javascript'>tableCheck();</script>
if (support("kill")) {
echo ($i + 1) . "/" . lang('%d in total', max_connections());
echo "<p><input type='submit' value='" . lang('Kill') . "'>\n";
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
echo "<h3>" . lang('Master status') . doc_link(array("sql" => "show-master-status.html")) . "</h3>\n";
$master_replication_status = replication_status("MASTER");
if (!$master_replication_status) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No rows.') . "\n";
} else {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
foreach ($master_replication_status[0] as $key => $val) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>" . h($key);
echo "<td>" . nbsp($val);
echo "</table>\n";
$slave_replication_status = replication_status("SLAVE");
if ($slave_replication_status) {
echo "<h3>" . lang('Slave status') . doc_link(array("sql" => "show-slave-status.html")) . "</h3>\n";
foreach ($slave_replication_status[0] as $slave) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
foreach ($slave as $key => $val) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>" . h($key);
echo "<td>" . nbsp($val);
echo "</table>\n";
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
page_header(lang('Database schema'), "", array(), h(DB . ($_GET["ns"] ? ".$_GET[ns]" : "")));
$table_pos = array();
$table_pos_js = array();
$SCHEMA = ($_GET["schema"] ? $_GET["schema"] : $_COOKIE["adminer_schema-" . str_replace(".", "_", DB)]); // $_COOKIE["adminer_schema"] was used before 3.2.0 //! ':' in table name
preg_match_all('~([^:]+):([-0-9.]+)x([-0-9.]+)(_|$)~', $SCHEMA, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $i => $match) {
$table_pos[$match[1]] = array($match[2], $match[3]);
$table_pos_js[] = "\n\t'" . js_escape($match[1]) . "': [ $match[2], $match[3] ]";
$top = 0;
$base_left = -1;
$schema = array(); // table => array("fields" => array(name => field), "pos" => array(top, left), "references" => array(table => array(left => array(source, target))))
$referenced = array(); // target_table => array(table => array(left => target_column))
$lefts = array(); // float => bool
foreach (table_status('', true) as $table => $table_status) {
if (is_view($table_status)) {
$pos = 0;
$schema[$table]["fields"] = array();
foreach (fields($table) as $name => $field) {
$pos += 1.25;
$field["pos"] = $pos;
$schema[$table]["fields"][$name] = $field;
$schema[$table]["pos"] = ($table_pos[$table] ? $table_pos[$table] : array($top, 0));
foreach ($adminer->foreignKeys($table) as $val) {
if (!$val["db"]) {
$left = $base_left;
if ($table_pos[$table][1] || $table_pos[$val["table"]][1]) {
$left = min(floatval($table_pos[$table][1]), floatval($table_pos[$val["table"]][1])) - 1;
} else {
$base_left -= .1;
while ($lefts[(string) $left]) {
// find free $left
$left -= .0001;
$schema[$table]["references"][$val["table"]][(string) $left] = array($val["source"], $val["target"]);
$referenced[$val["table"]][$table][(string) $left] = $val["target"];
$lefts[(string) $left] = true;
$top = max($top, $schema[$table]["pos"][0] + 2.5 + $pos);
<div id="schema" style="height: <?php echo $top; ?>em;" onselectstart="return false;">
<script type="text/javascript">
var tablePos = {<?php echo implode(",", $table_pos_js) . "\n"; ?>};
var em = document.getElementById('schema').offsetHeight / <?php echo $top; ?>;
document.onmousemove = schemaMousemove;
document.onmouseup = function (ev) {
schemaMouseup(ev, '<?php echo js_escape(DB); ?>');
foreach ($schema as $name => $table) {
echo "<div class='table' style='top: " . $table["pos"][0] . "em; left: " . $table["pos"][1] . "em;' onmousedown='schemaMousedown(this, event);'>";
echo '<a href="' . h(ME) . 'table=' . urlencode($name) . '"><b>' . h($name) . "</b></a>";
foreach ($table["fields"] as $field) {
$val = '<span' . type_class($field["type"]) . ' title="' . h($field["full_type"] . ($field["null"] ? " NULL" : '')) . '">' . h($field["field"]) . '</span>';
echo "<br>" . ($field["primary"] ? "<i>$val</i>" : $val);
foreach ((array) $table["references"] as $target_name => $refs) {
foreach ($refs as $left => $ref) {
$left1 = $left - $table_pos[$name][1];
$i = 0;
foreach ($ref[0] as $source) {
echo "\n<div class='references' title='" . h($target_name) . "' id='refs$left-" . ($i++) . "' style='left: $left1" . "em; top: " . $table["fields"][$source]["pos"] . "em; padding-top: .5em;'><div style='border-top: 1px solid Gray; width: " . (-$left1) . "em;'></div></div>";
foreach ((array) $referenced[$name] as $target_name => $refs) {
foreach ($refs as $left => $columns) {
$left1 = $left - $table_pos[$name][1];
$i = 0;
foreach ($columns as $target) {
echo "\n<div class='references' title='" . h($target_name) . "' id='refd$left-" . ($i++) . "' style='left: $left1" . "em; top: " . $table["fields"][$target]["pos"] . "em; height: 1.25em; background: url(../adminer/static/arrow.gif) no-repeat right center;'><div style='height: .5em; border-bottom: 1px solid Gray; width: " . (-$left1) . "em;'></div></div>";
echo "\n</div>\n";
foreach ($schema as $name => $table) {
foreach ((array) $table["references"] as $target_name => $refs) {
foreach ($refs as $left => $ref) {
$min_pos = $top;
$max_pos = -10;
foreach ($ref[0] as $key => $source) {
$pos1 = $table["pos"][0] + $table["fields"][$source]["pos"];
$pos2 = $schema[$target_name]["pos"][0] + $schema[$target_name]["fields"][$ref[1][$key]]["pos"];
$min_pos = min($min_pos, $pos1, $pos2);
$max_pos = max($max_pos, $pos1, $pos2);
echo "<div class='references' id='refl$left' style='left: $left" . "em; top: $min_pos" . "em; padding: .5em 0;'><div style='border-right: 1px solid Gray; margin-top: 1px; height: " . ($max_pos - $min_pos) . "em;'></div></div>\n";
<p class="links"><a href="<?php echo h(ME . "schema=" . urlencode($SCHEMA)); ?>" id="schema-link"><?php echo lang('Permanent link'); ?></a>
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error) {
$link = preg_replace('~ns=[^&]*&~', '', ME) . "ns=";
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect("DROP SCHEMA " . idf_escape($_GET["ns"]), $link, lang('Schema has been dropped.'));
} else {
$name = trim($row["name"]);
$link .= urlencode($name);
if ($_GET["ns"] == "") {
query_redirect("CREATE SCHEMA " . idf_escape($name), $link, lang('Schema has been created.'));
} elseif ($_GET["ns"] != $name) {
query_redirect("ALTER SCHEMA " . idf_escape($_GET["ns"]) . " RENAME TO " . idf_escape($name), $link, lang('Schema has been altered.')); //! sp_rename in MS SQL
} else {
page_header($_GET["ns"] != "" ? lang('Alter schema') : lang('Create schema'), $error);
if (!$row) {
$row["name"] = $_GET["ns"];
<form action="" method="post">
<p><input name="name" id="name" value="<?php echo h($row["name"]); ?>" autocapitalize="off">
<script type='text/javascript'>focus(document.getElementById('name'));</script>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
if ($_GET["ns"] != "") {
echo "<input type='submit' name='drop' value='" . lang('Drop') . "'" . confirm() . ">\n";
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
if ($_GET["script"] == "db") {
$sums = array("Data_length" => 0, "Index_length" => 0, "Data_free" => 0);
foreach (table_status() as $name => $table_status) {
json_row("Comment-$name", nbsp($table_status["Comment"]));
if (!is_view($table_status)) {
foreach (array("Engine", "Collation") as $key) {
json_row("$key-$name", nbsp($table_status[$key]));
foreach ($sums + array("Auto_increment" => 0, "Rows" => 0) as $key => $val) {
if ($table_status[$key] != "") {
$val = format_number($table_status[$key]);
json_row("$key-$name", ($key == "Rows" && $val && $table_status["Engine"] == ($sql == "pgsql" ? "table" : "InnoDB")
? "~ $val"
: $val
if (isset($sums[$key])) {
// ignore innodb_file_per_table because it is not active for tables created before it was enabled
$sums[$key] += ($table_status["Engine"] != "InnoDB" || $key != "Data_free" ? $table_status[$key] : 0);
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $table_status)) {
foreach ($sums as $key => $val) {
json_row("sum-$key", format_number($val));
} elseif ($_GET["script"] == "kill") {
$connection->query("KILL " . number($_POST["kill"]));
} else { // connect
foreach (count_tables($adminer->databases()) as $db => $val) {
json_row("tables-$db", $val);
json_row("size-$db", db_size($db));
exit; // don't print footer
@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["select"];
$table_status = table_status1($TABLE);
$indexes = indexes($TABLE);
$fields = fields($TABLE);
$foreign_keys = column_foreign_keys($TABLE);
$oid = "";
if ($table_status["Oid"]) {
$oid = ($jush == "sqlite" ? "rowid" : "oid");
$indexes[] = array("type" => "PRIMARY", "columns" => array($oid));
parse_str($_COOKIE["adminer_import"], $adminer_import);
$rights = array(); // privilege => 0
$columns = array(); // selectable columns
$text_length = null;
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
$name = $adminer->fieldName($field);
if (isset($field["privileges"]["select"]) && $name != "") {
$columns[$key] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($name), ENT_QUOTES);
if (is_shortable($field)) {
$text_length = $adminer->selectLengthProcess();
$rights += $field["privileges"];
list($select, $group) = $adminer->selectColumnsProcess($columns, $indexes);
$is_group = count($group) < count($select);
$where = $adminer->selectSearchProcess($fields, $indexes);
$order = $adminer->selectOrderProcess($fields, $indexes);
$limit = $adminer->selectLimitProcess();
$from = ($select ? implode(", ", $select) : "*" . ($oid ? ", $oid" : ""))
. convert_fields($columns, $fields, $select)
. "\nFROM " . table($TABLE);
$group_by = ($group && $is_group ? "\nGROUP BY " . implode(", ", $group) : "") . ($order ? "\nORDER BY " . implode(", ", $order) : "");
if ($_GET["val"] && is_ajax()) {
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
foreach ($_GET["val"] as $unique_idf => $row) {
$as = convert_field($fields[key($row)]);
$select = array($as ? $as : idf_escape(key($row)));
$where[] = where_check($unique_idf, $fields);
$return = $driver->select($TABLE, $select, $where, $select);
if ($return) {
echo reset($return->fetch_row());
if ($_POST && !$error) {
$where_check = $where;
if (!$_POST["all"] && is_array($_POST["check"])) {
$checks = array();
foreach ($_POST["check"] as $check) {
$checks[] = where_check($check, $fields);
$where_check[] = "((" . implode(") OR (", $checks) . "))";
$where_check = ($where_check ? "\nWHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where_check) : "");
$primary = $unselected = null;
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
if ($index["type"] == "PRIMARY") {
$primary = array_flip($index["columns"]);
$unselected = ($select ? $primary : array());
foreach ((array) $unselected as $key => $val) {
if (in_array(idf_escape($key), $select)) {
if ($_POST["export"]) {
cookie("adminer_import", "output=" . urlencode($_POST["output"]) . "&format=" . urlencode($_POST["format"]));
$adminer->dumpTable($TABLE, "");
if (!is_array($_POST["check"]) || $unselected === array()) {
$query = "SELECT $from$where_check$group_by";
} else {
$union = array();
foreach ($_POST["check"] as $val) {
// where is not unique so OR can't be used
$union[] = "(SELECT" . limit($from, "\nWHERE " . ($where ? implode(" AND ", $where) . " AND " : "") . where_check($val, $fields) . $group_by, 1) . ")";
$query = implode(" UNION ALL ", $union);
$adminer->dumpData($TABLE, "table", $query);
if (!$adminer->selectEmailProcess($where, $foreign_keys)) {
if ($_POST["save"] || $_POST["delete"]) { // edit
$result = true;
$affected = 0;
$set = array();
if (!$_POST["delete"]) {
foreach ($columns as $name => $val) { //! should check also for edit or insert privileges
$val = process_input($fields[$name]);
if ($val !== null && ($_POST["clone"] || $val !== false)) {
$set[idf_escape($name)] = ($val !== false ? $val : idf_escape($name));
if ($_POST["delete"] || $set) {
if ($_POST["clone"]) {
$query = "INTO " . table($TABLE) . " (" . implode(", ", array_keys($set)) . ")\nSELECT " . implode(", ", $set) . "\nFROM " . table($TABLE);
if ($_POST["all"] || ($unselected === array() && is_array($_POST["check"])) || $is_group) {
$result = ($_POST["delete"]
? $driver->delete($TABLE, $where_check)
: ($_POST["clone"]
? queries("INSERT $query$where_check")
: $driver->update($TABLE, $set, $where_check)
$affected = $connection->affected_rows;
} else {
foreach ((array) $_POST["check"] as $val) {
// where is not unique so OR can't be used
$where2 = "\nWHERE " . ($where ? implode(" AND ", $where) . " AND " : "") . where_check($val, $fields);
$result = ($_POST["delete"]
? $driver->delete($TABLE, $where2, 1)
: ($_POST["clone"]
? queries("INSERT" . limit1($query, $where2))
: $driver->update($TABLE, $set, $where2)
if (!$result) {
$affected += $connection->affected_rows;
$message = lang('%d item(s) have been affected.', $affected);
if ($_POST["clone"] && $result && $affected == 1) {
$last_id = last_id();
if ($last_id) {
$message = lang('Item%s has been inserted.', " $last_id");
queries_redirect(remove_from_uri($_POST["all"] && $_POST["delete"] ? "page" : ""), $message, $result);
if (!$_POST["delete"]) {
edit_form($TABLE, $fields, (array) $_POST["fields"], !$_POST["clone"]);
} elseif (!$_POST["import"]) { // modify
if (!$_POST["val"]) {
$error = lang('Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.');
} else {
$result = true;
$affected = 0;
foreach ($_POST["val"] as $unique_idf => $row) {
$set = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$key = bracket_escape($key, 1); // 1 - back
$set[idf_escape($key)] = (preg_match('~char|text~', $fields[$key]["type"]) || $val != "" ? $adminer->processInput($fields[$key], $val) : "NULL");
$result = $driver->update(
" WHERE " . ($where ? implode(" AND ", $where) . " AND " : "") . where_check($unique_idf, $fields),
!($is_group || $unselected === array()),
" "
if (!$result) {
$affected += $connection->affected_rows;
queries_redirect(remove_from_uri(), lang('%d item(s) have been affected.', $affected), $result);
} elseif (!is_string($file = get_file("csv_file", true))) {
$error = upload_error($file);
} elseif (!preg_match('~~u', $file)) {
$error = lang('File must be in UTF-8 encoding.');
} else {
cookie("adminer_import", "output=" . urlencode($adminer_import["output"]) . "&format=" . urlencode($_POST["separator"]));
$result = true;
$cols = array_keys($fields);
preg_match_all('~(?>"[^"]*"|[^"\\r\\n]+)+~', $file, $matches);
$affected = count($matches[0]);
$separator = ($_POST["separator"] == "csv" ? "," : ($_POST["separator"] == "tsv" ? "\t" : ";"));
$rows = array();
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $val) {
preg_match_all("~((?>\"[^\"]*\")+|[^$separator]*)$separator~", $val . $separator, $matches2);
if (!$key && !array_diff($matches2[1], $cols)) { //! doesn't work with column names containing ",\n
// first row corresponds to column names - use it for table structure
$cols = $matches2[1];
} else {
$set = array();
foreach ($matches2[1] as $i => $col) {
$set[idf_escape($cols[$i])] = ($col == "" && $fields[$cols[$i]]["null"] ? "NULL" : q(str_replace('""', '"', preg_replace('~^"|"$~', '', $col))));
$rows[] = $set;
$result = (!$rows || $driver->insertUpdate($TABLE, $rows, $primary));
if ($result) {
$result = $driver->commit();
queries_redirect(remove_from_uri("page"), lang('%d row(s) have been imported.', $affected), $result);
$driver->rollback(); // after queries_redirect() to not overwrite error
$table_name = $adminer->tableName($table_status);
if (is_ajax()) {
} else {
page_header(lang('Select') . ": $table_name", $error);
$set = null;
if (isset($rights["insert"]) || !support("table")) {
$set = "";
foreach ((array) $_GET["where"] as $val) {
if (count($foreign_keys[$val["col"]]) == 1 && ($val["op"] == "="
|| (!$val["op"] && !preg_match('~[_%]~', $val["val"])) // LIKE in Editor
)) {
$set .= "&set" . urlencode("[" . bracket_escape($val["col"]) . "]") . "=" . urlencode($val["val"]);
$adminer->selectLinks($table_status, $set);
if (!$columns && support("table")) {
echo "<p class='error'>" . lang('Unable to select the table') . ($fields ? "." : ": " . error()) . "\n";
} else {
echo "<form action='' id='form'>\n";
echo "<div style='display: none;'>";
echo (DB != "" ? '<input type="hidden" name="db" value="' . h(DB) . '">' . (isset($_GET["ns"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="ns" value="' . h($_GET["ns"]) . '">' : "") : ""); // not used in Editor
echo '<input type="hidden" name="select" value="' . h($TABLE) . '">';
echo "</div>\n";
$adminer->selectColumnsPrint($select, $columns);
$adminer->selectSearchPrint($where, $columns, $indexes);
$adminer->selectOrderPrint($order, $columns, $indexes);
echo "</form>\n";
$page = $_GET["page"];
if ($page == "last") {
$found_rows = $connection->result(count_rows($TABLE, $where, $is_group, $group));
$page = floor(max(0, $found_rows - 1) / $limit);
$select2 = $select;
if (!$select2) {
$select2[] = "*";
if ($oid) {
$select2[] = $oid;
$convert_fields = convert_fields($columns, $fields, $select);
if ($convert_fields) {
$select2[] = substr($convert_fields, 2);
$result = $driver->select($TABLE, $select2, $where, $group, $order, $limit, $page, true);
if (!$result) {
echo "<p class='error'>" . error() . "\n";
} else {
if ($jush == "mssql" && $page) {
$result->seek($limit * $page);
$email_fields = array();
echo "<form action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
$rows = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if ($page && $jush == "oracle") {
$rows[] = $row;
// use count($rows) without LIMIT, COUNT(*) without grouping, FOUND_ROWS otherwise (slowest)
if ($_GET["page"] != "last" && +$limit && $group && $is_group && $jush == "sql") {
$found_rows = $connection->result(" SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"); // space to allow mysql.trace_mode
if (!$rows) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No rows.') . "\n";
} else {
$backward_keys = $adminer->backwardKeys($TABLE, $table_name);
echo "<table id='table' cellspacing='0' class='nowrap checkable' onclick='tableClick(event);' ondblclick='tableClick(event, true);' onkeydown='return editingKeydown(event);'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr>" . (!$group && $select ? "" : "<td><input type='checkbox' id='all-page' onclick='formCheck(this, /check/);' class='jsonly'> <a href='" . h($_GET["modify"] ? remove_from_uri("modify") : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&modify=1") . "'>" . lang('Modify') . "</a>");
$names = array();
$functions = array();
$rank = 1;
foreach ($rows[0] as $key => $val) {
if ($key != $oid) {
$val = $_GET["columns"][key($select)];
$field = $fields[$select ? ($val ? $val["col"] : current($select)) : $key];
$name = ($field ? $adminer->fieldName($field, $rank) : ($val["fun"] ? "*" : $key));
if ($name != "") {
$names[$key] = $name;
$column = idf_escape($key);
$href = remove_from_uri('(order|desc)[^=]*|page') . '&order%5B0%5D=' . urlencode($key);
$desc = "&desc%5B0%5D=1";
echo '<th onmouseover="columnMouse(this);" onmouseout="columnMouse(this, \' hidden\');">';
echo '<a href="' . h($href . ($order[0] == $column || $order[0] == $key || (!$order && $is_group && $group[0] == $column) ? $desc : '')) . '">'; // $order[0] == $key - COUNT(*)
echo apply_sql_function($val["fun"], $name) . "</a>"; //! columns looking like functions
echo "<span class='column hidden'>";
echo "<a href='" . h($href . $desc) . "' title='" . lang('descending') . "' class='text'> ↓</a>";
if (!$val["fun"]) {
echo '<a href="#fieldset-search" onclick="selectSearch(\'' . h(js_escape($key)) . '\'); return false;" title="' . lang('Search') . '" class="text jsonly"> =</a>';
echo "</span>";
$functions[$key] = $val["fun"];
$lengths = array();
if ($_GET["modify"]) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$lengths[$key] = max($lengths[$key], min(40, strlen(utf8_decode($val))));
echo ($backward_keys ? "<th>" . lang('Relations') : "") . "</thead>\n";
if (is_ajax()) {
if ($limit % 2 == 1 && $page % 2 == 1) {
foreach ($adminer->rowDescriptions($rows, $foreign_keys) as $n => $row) {
$unique_array = unique_array($rows[$n], $indexes);
if (!$unique_array) {
$unique_array = array();
foreach ($rows[$n] as $key => $val) {
if (!preg_match('~^(COUNT\\((\\*|(DISTINCT )?`(?:[^`]|``)+`)\\)|(AVG|GROUP_CONCAT|MAX|MIN|SUM)\\(`(?:[^`]|``)+`\\))$~', $key)) { //! columns looking like functions
$unique_array[$key] = $val;
$unique_idf = "";
foreach ($unique_array as $key => $val) {
if (($jush == "sql" || $jush == "pgsql") && strlen($val) > 64) {
$key = (strpos($key, '(') ? $key : idf_escape($key)); //! columns looking like functions
$key = "MD5(" . ($jush == 'sql' && preg_match("~^utf8_~", $fields[$key]["collation"]) ? $key : "CONVERT($key USING " . charset($connection) . ")") . ")";
$val = md5($val);
$unique_idf .= "&" . ($val !== null ? urlencode("where[" . bracket_escape($key) . "]") . "=" . urlencode($val) : "null%5B%5D=" . urlencode($key));
echo "<tr" . odd() . ">" . (!$group && $select ? "" : "<td>" . checkbox("check[]", substr($unique_idf, 1), in_array(substr($unique_idf, 1), (array) $_POST["check"]), "", "this.form['all'].checked = false; formUncheck('all-page');") . ($is_group || information_schema(DB) ? "" : " <a href='" . h(ME . "edit=" . urlencode($TABLE) . $unique_idf) . "'>" . lang('edit') . "</a>"));
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
if (isset($names[$key])) {
$field = $fields[$key];
if ($val != "" && (!isset($email_fields[$key]) || $email_fields[$key] != "")) {
$email_fields[$key] = (is_mail($val) ? $names[$key] : ""); //! filled e-mails can be contained on other pages
$link = "";
if (preg_match('~blob|bytea|raw|file~', $field["type"]) && $val != "") {
$link = ME . 'download=' . urlencode($TABLE) . '&field=' . urlencode($key) . $unique_idf;
if (!$link && $val !== null) { // link related items
foreach ((array) $foreign_keys[$key] as $foreign_key) {
if (count($foreign_keys[$key]) == 1 || end($foreign_key["source"]) == $key) {
$link = "";
foreach ($foreign_key["source"] as $i => $source) {
$link .= where_link($i, $foreign_key["target"][$i], $rows[$n][$source]);
$link = ($foreign_key["db"] != "" ? preg_replace('~([?&]db=)[^&]+~', '\\1' . urlencode($foreign_key["db"]), ME) : ME) . 'select=' . urlencode($foreign_key["table"]) . $link; // InnoDB supports non-UNIQUE keys
if ($foreign_key["ns"]) {
$link = preg_replace('~([?&]ns=)[^&]+~', '\\1' . urlencode($foreign_key["ns"]), $link);
if (count($foreign_key["source"]) == 1) {
if ($key == "COUNT(*)") { //! columns looking like functions
$link = ME . "select=" . urlencode($TABLE);
$i = 0;
foreach ((array) $_GET["where"] as $v) {
if (!array_key_exists($v["col"], $unique_array)) {
$link .= where_link($i++, $v["col"], $v["val"], $v["op"]);
foreach ($unique_array as $k => $v) {
$link .= where_link($i++, $k, $v);
$val = select_value($val, $link, $field, $text_length);
$id = h("val[$unique_idf][" . bracket_escape($key) . "]");
$value = $_POST["val"][$unique_idf][bracket_escape($key)];
$editable = !is_array($row[$key]) && is_utf8($val) && $rows[$n][$key] == $row[$key] && !$functions[$key];
$text = preg_match('~text|lob~', $field["type"]);
if (($_GET["modify"] && $editable) || $value !== null) {
$h_value = h($value !== null ? $value : $row[$key]);
echo "<td>" . ($text ? "<textarea name='$id' cols='30' rows='" . (substr_count($row[$key], "\n") + 1) . "'>$h_value</textarea>" : "<input name='$id' value='$h_value' size='$lengths[$key]'>");
} else {
$long = strpos($val, "<i>...</i>");
echo "<td id='$id' onclick=\"selectClick(this, event, " . ($long ? 2 : ($text ? 1 : 0)) . ($editable ? "" : ", '" . h(lang('Use edit link to modify this value.')) . "'") . ");\">$val";
if ($backward_keys) {
echo "<td>";
$adminer->backwardKeysPrint($backward_keys, $rows[$n]);
echo "</tr>\n"; // close to allow white-space: pre
if (is_ajax()) {
echo "</table>\n";
if (($rows || $page) && !is_ajax()) {
$exact_count = true;
if ($_GET["page"] != "last") {
if (!+$limit) {
$found_rows = count($rows);
} elseif ($jush != "sql" || !$is_group) {
$found_rows = ($is_group ? false : found_rows($table_status, $where));
if ($found_rows < max(1e4, 2 * ($page + 1) * $limit)) {
// slow with big tables
$found_rows = reset(slow_query(count_rows($TABLE, $where, $is_group, $group)));
} else {
$exact_count = false;
if (+$limit && ($found_rows === false || $found_rows > $limit || $page)) {
echo "<p class='pages'>";
// display first, previous 4, next 4 and last page
$max_page = ($found_rows === false
? $page + (count($rows) >= $limit ? 2 : 1)
: floor(($found_rows - 1) / $limit)
if ($jush != "simpledb") {
echo '<a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page")) . "\" onclick=\"pageClick(this.href, +prompt('" . lang('Page') . "', '" . ($page + 1) . "'), event); return false;\">" . lang('Page') . "</a>:";
echo pagination(0, $page) . ($page > 5 ? " ..." : "");
for ($i = max(1, $page - 4); $i < min($max_page, $page + 5); $i++) {
echo pagination($i, $page);
if ($max_page > 0) {
echo ($page + 5 < $max_page ? " ..." : "");
echo ($exact_count && $found_rows !== false
? pagination($max_page, $page)
: " <a href='" . h(remove_from_uri("page") . "&page=last") . "' title='~$max_page'>" . lang('last') . "</a>"
echo (($found_rows === false ? count($rows) + 1 : $found_rows - $page * $limit) > $limit
? ' <a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page") . "&page=" . ($page + 1)) . '" onclick="return !selectLoadMore(this, ' . (+$limit) . ', \'' . lang('Loading') . '...\');" class="loadmore">' . lang('Load more data') . '</a>'
: ''
} else {
echo lang('Page') . ":";
echo pagination(0, $page) . ($page > 1 ? " ..." : "");
echo ($page ? pagination($page, $page) : "");
echo ($max_page > $page ? pagination($page + 1, $page) . ($max_page > $page + 1 ? " ..." : "") : "");
echo "<p class='count'>\n";
echo ($found_rows !== false ? "(" . ($exact_count ? "" : "~ ") . lang('%d row(s)', $found_rows) . ") " : "");
$display_rows = ($exact_count ? "" : "~ ") . $found_rows;
echo checkbox("all", 1, 0, lang('whole result'), "var checked = formChecked(this, /check/); selectCount('selected', this.checked ? '$display_rows' : checked); selectCount('selected2', this.checked || !checked ? '$display_rows' : checked);") . "\n";
if ($adminer->selectCommandPrint()) {
<fieldset<?php echo ($_GET["modify"] ? '' : ' class="jsonly"'); ?>><legend><?php echo lang('Modify'); ?></legend><div>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>"<?php echo ($_GET["modify"] ? '' : ' title="' . lang('Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.') . '"'); ?>>
<fieldset><legend><?php echo lang('Selected'); ?> <span id="selected"></span></legend><div>
<input type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php echo lang('Edit'); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="clone" value="<?php echo lang('Clone'); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo lang('Delete'); ?>"<?php echo confirm(); ?>>
$format = $adminer->dumpFormat();
foreach ((array) $_GET["columns"] as $column) {
if ($column["fun"]) {
if ($format) {
print_fieldset("export", lang('Export') . " <span id='selected2'></span>");
$output = $adminer->dumpOutput();
echo ($output ? html_select("output", $output, $adminer_import["output"]) . " " : "");
echo html_select("format", $format, $adminer_import["format"]);
echo " <input type='submit' name='export' value='" . lang('Export') . "'>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
echo (!$group && $select ? "" : "<script type='text/javascript'>tableCheck();</script>\n");
if ($adminer->selectImportPrint()) {
print_fieldset("import", lang('Import'), !$rows);
echo "<input type='file' name='csv_file'> ";
echo html_select("separator", array("csv" => "CSV,", "csv;" => "CSV;", "tsv" => "TSV"), $adminer_import["format"], 1); // 1 - select
echo " <input type='submit' name='import' value='" . lang('Import') . "'>";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
$adminer->selectEmailPrint(array_filter($email_fields, 'strlen'), $columns);
echo "<p><input type='hidden' name='token' value='$token'></p>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if (is_ajax()) {
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
$SEQUENCE = $_GET["sequence"];
$row = $_POST;
if ($_POST && !$error) {
$link = substr(ME, 0, -1);
$name = trim($row["name"]);
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect("DROP SEQUENCE " . idf_escape($SEQUENCE), $link, lang('Sequence has been dropped.'));
} elseif ($SEQUENCE == "") {
query_redirect("CREATE SEQUENCE " . idf_escape($name), $link, lang('Sequence has been created.'));
} elseif ($SEQUENCE != $name) {
query_redirect("ALTER SEQUENCE " . idf_escape($SEQUENCE) . " RENAME TO " . idf_escape($name), $link, lang('Sequence has been altered.'));
} else {
page_header($SEQUENCE != "" ? lang('Alter sequence') . ": " . h($SEQUENCE) : lang('Create sequence'), $error);
if (!$row) {
$row["name"] = $SEQUENCE;
<form action="" method="post">
<p><input name="name" value="<?php echo h($row["name"]); ?>" autocapitalize="off">
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
if ($SEQUENCE != "") {
echo "<input type='submit' name='drop' value='" . lang('Drop') . "'" . confirm() . ">\n";
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
if (!$error && $_POST["export"]) {
$adminer->dumpTable("", "");
$adminer->dumpData("", "table", $_POST["query"]);
$history_all = &get_session("queries");
$history = &$history_all[DB];
if (!$error && $_POST["clear"]) {
$history = array();
page_header((isset($_GET["import"]) ? lang('Import') : lang('SQL command')), $error);
if (!$error && $_POST) {
$fp = false;
if (!isset($_GET["import"])) {
$query = $_POST["query"];
} elseif ($_POST["webfile"]) {
$fp = @fopen((file_exists("adminer.sql")
? "adminer.sql"
: "compress.zlib://adminer.sql.gz"
), "rb");
$query = ($fp ? fread($fp, 1e6) : false);
} else {
$query = get_file("sql_file", true);
if (is_string($query)) { // get_file() returns error as number, fread() as false
if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
@ini_set("memory_limit", max(ini_bytes("memory_limit"), 2 * strlen($query) + memory_get_usage() + 8e6)); // @ - may be disabled, 2 - substr and trim, 8e6 - other variables
if ($query != "" && strlen($query) < 1e6) { // don't add big queries
$q = $query . (preg_match("~;[ \t\r\n]*\$~", $query) ? "" : ";"); //! doesn't work with DELIMITER |
if (!$history || reset(end($history)) != $q) { // no repeated queries
$history[] = array($q, time()); //! add elapsed time
set_session("queries", $history_all); // required because reference is unlinked by stop_session()
$space = "(?:\\s|/\\*[\s\S]*?\\*/|(?:#|-- )[^\n]*\n?|--\r?\n)";
$delimiter = ";";
$offset = 0;
$empty = true;
$connection2 = connect(); // connection for exploring indexes and EXPLAIN (to not replace FOUND_ROWS()) //! PDO - silent error
if (is_object($connection2) && DB != "") {
$commands = 0;
$errors = array();
$parse = '[\'"' . ($jush == "sql" ? '`#' : ($jush == "sqlite" ? '`[' : ($jush == "mssql" ? '[' : ''))) . ']|/\\*|-- |$' . ($jush == "pgsql" ? '|\\$[^$]*\\$' : '');
$total_start = microtime(true);
parse_str($_COOKIE["adminer_export"], $adminer_export);
$dump_format = $adminer->dumpFormat();
while ($query != "") {
if (!$offset && preg_match("~^$space*+DELIMITER\\s+(\\S+)~i", $query, $match)) {
$delimiter = $match[1];
$query = substr($query, strlen($match[0]));
} else {
preg_match('(' . preg_quote($delimiter) . "\\s*|$parse)", $query, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset); // should always match
list($found, $pos) = $match[0];
if (!$found && $fp && !feof($fp)) {
$query .= fread($fp, 1e5);
} else {
if (!$found && rtrim($query) == "") {
$offset = $pos + strlen($found);
if ($found && rtrim($found) != $delimiter) { // find matching quote or comment end
while (preg_match('(' . ($found == '/*' ? '\\*/' : ($found == '[' ? ']' : (preg_match('~^-- |^#~', $found) ? "\n" : preg_quote($found) . "|\\\\."))) . '|$)s', $query, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) { //! respect sql_mode NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES
$s = $match[0][0];
if (!$s && $fp && !feof($fp)) {
$query .= fread($fp, 1e5);
} else {
$offset = $match[0][1] + strlen($s);
if ($s[0] != "\\") {
} else { // end of a query
$empty = false;
$q = substr($query, 0, $pos);
$print = "<pre id='sql-$commands'><code class='jush-$jush'>" . $adminer->sqlCommandQuery($q) . "</code></pre>\n";
if ($jush == "sqlite" && preg_match("~^$space*+ATTACH\\b~i", $q, $match)) {
// PHP doesn't support setting SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED
echo $print;
echo "<p class='error'>" . lang('ATTACH queries are not supported.') . "\n";
$errors[] = " <a href='#sql-$commands'>$commands</a>";
if ($_POST["error_stops"]) {
} else {
if (!$_POST["only_errors"]) {
echo $print;
flush(); // can take a long time - show the running query
$start = microtime(true);
//! don't allow changing of character_set_results, convert encoding of displayed query
if ($connection->multi_query($q) && is_object($connection2) && preg_match("~^$space*+USE\\b~i", $q)) {
do {
$result = $connection->store_result();
$time = " <span class='time'>(" . format_time($start) . ")</span>"
. (strlen($q) < 1000 ? " <a href='" . h(ME) . "sql=" . urlencode(trim($q)) . "'>" . lang('Edit') . "</a>" : "") // 1000 - maximum length of encoded URL in IE is 2083 characters
if ($connection->error) {
echo ($_POST["only_errors"] ? $print : "");
echo "<p class='error'>" . lang('Error in query') . ($connection->errno ? " ($connection->errno)" : "") . ": " . error() . "\n";
$errors[] = " <a href='#sql-$commands'>$commands</a>";
if ($_POST["error_stops"]) {
break 2;
} elseif (is_object($result)) {
$limit = $_POST["limit"];
$orgtables = select($result, $connection2, array(), $limit);
if (!$_POST["only_errors"]) {
echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n";
$num_rows = $result->num_rows;
echo "<p>" . ($num_rows ? ($limit && $num_rows > $limit ? lang('%d / ', $limit) : "") . lang('%d row(s)', $num_rows) : "");
echo $time;
$id = "export-$commands";
$export = ", <a href='#$id' onclick=\"return !toggle('$id');\">" . lang('Export') . "</a><span id='$id' class='hidden'>: "
. html_select("output", $adminer->dumpOutput(), $adminer_export["output"]) . " "
. html_select("format", $dump_format, $adminer_export["format"])
. "<input type='hidden' name='query' value='" . h($q) . "'>"
. " <input type='submit' name='export' value='" . lang('Export') . "'><input type='hidden' name='token' value='$token'></span>\n"
if ($connection2 && preg_match("~^($space|\\()*+SELECT\\b~i", $q) && ($explain = explain($connection2, $q))) {
$id = "explain-$commands";
echo ", <a href='#$id' onclick=\"return !toggle('$id');\">EXPLAIN</a>$export";
echo "<div id='$id' class='hidden'>\n";
select($explain, $connection2, $orgtables);
echo "</div>\n";
} else {
echo $export;
echo "</form>\n";
} else {
if (preg_match("~^$space*+(CREATE|DROP|ALTER)$space++(DATABASE|SCHEMA)\\b~i", $q)) {
set_session("dbs", null); // clear cache
if (!$_POST["only_errors"]) {
echo "<p class='message' title='" . h($connection->info) . "'>" . lang('Query executed OK, %d row(s) affected.', $connection->affected_rows) . "$time\n";
$start = microtime(true);
} while ($connection->next_result());
$query = substr($query, $offset);
$offset = 0;
if ($empty) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('No commands to execute.') . "\n";
} elseif ($_POST["only_errors"]) {
echo "<p class='message'>" . lang('%d query(s) executed OK.', $commands - count($errors));
echo " <span class='time'>(" . format_time($total_start) . ")</span>\n";
} elseif ($errors && $commands > 1) {
echo "<p class='error'>" . lang('Error in query') . ": " . implode("", $errors) . "\n";
} else {
echo "<p class='error'>" . upload_error($query) . "\n";
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form">
$execute = "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Execute') . "' title='Ctrl+Enter'>";
if (!isset($_GET["import"])) {
$q = $_GET["sql"]; // overwrite $q from if ($_POST) to save memory
if ($_POST) {
$q = $_POST["query"];
} elseif ($_GET["history"] == "all") {
$q = $history;
} elseif ($_GET["history"] != "") {
$q = $history[$_GET["history"]][0];
echo "<p>";
textarea("query", $q, 20);
echo ($_POST ? "" : "<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].focus();</script>\n");
echo "<p>$execute\n";
echo lang('Limit rows') . ": <input type='number' name='limit' class='size' value='" . h($_POST ? $_POST["limit"] : $_GET["limit"]) . "'>\n";
} else {
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('File upload') . "</legend><div>";
echo (ini_bool("file_uploads")
? "SQL (< " . ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . "B): <input type='file' name='sql_file[]' multiple>\n$execute" // ignore post_max_size because it is for all form fields together and bytes computing would be necessary
: lang('File uploads are disabled.')
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
echo "<fieldset><legend>" . lang('From server') . "</legend><div>";
echo lang('Webserver file %s', "<code>adminer.sql" . (extension_loaded("zlib") ? "[.gz]" : "") . "</code>");
echo ' <input type="submit" name="webfile" value="' . lang('Run file') . '">';
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
echo "<p>";
echo checkbox("error_stops", 1, ($_POST ? $_POST["error_stops"] : isset($_GET["import"])), lang('Stop on error')) . "\n";
echo checkbox("only_errors", 1, ($_POST ? $_POST["only_errors"] : isset($_GET["import"])), lang('Show only errors')) . "\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$token'>\n";
if (!isset($_GET["import"]) && $history) {
print_fieldset("history", lang('History'), $_GET["history"] != "");
for ($val = end($history); $val; $val = prev($history)) { // not array_reverse() to save memory
$key = key($history);
list($q, $time, $elapsed) = $val;
echo '<a href="' . h(ME . "sql=&history=$key") . '">' . lang('Edit') . "</a>"
. " <span class='time' title='" . @date('Y-m-d', $time) . "'>" . @date("H:i:s", $time) . "</span>" // @ - time zone may be not set
. " <code class='jush-$jush'>" . shorten_utf8(ltrim(str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r", "", preg_replace('~^(#|-- ).*~m', '', $q)))), 80, "</code>")
. ($elapsed ? " <span class='time'>($elapsed)</span>" : "")
. "<br>\n"
echo "<input type='submit' name='clear' value='" . lang('Clear') . "'>\n";
echo "<a href='" . h(ME . "sql=&history=all") . "'>" . lang('Edit all') . "</a>\n";
echo "</div></fieldset>\n";
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
function adminer_object() {
include_once "../plugins/plugin.php";
include_once "../plugins/login-sqlite.php";
return new AdminerPlugin(array(new AdminerLoginSqlite));
include "./index.php";
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 56 B |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 82 B |
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
/** @author Ondrej Valka, http://valka.info */
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input.maxlength { box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px red; }
input.wayoff { left: -1000px; position: absolute; }
.block { display: block; }
.version { color: #777; font-size: 67%; }
.js .hidden, .nojs .jsonly { display: none; }
.js .column { position: absolute; background: #ddf; padding: .27em 1ex .3em 0; margin-top: -.27em; }
.nowrap td, .nowrap th, td.nowrap { white-space: pre; }
.wrap td { white-space: normal; }
.error { color: red; background: #fee; }
.error b { background: #fff; font-weight: normal; }
.message { color: green; background: #efe; }
.error, .message { padding: .5em .8em; margin: 1em 20px 0 0; }
.char { color: #007F00; }
.date { color: #7F007F; }
.enum { color: #007F7F; }
.binary { color: red; }
.odd td { background: #F5F5F5; }
.js .checkable .checked td, .js .checkable .checked th { background: #ddf; }
.time { color: silver; font-size: 70%; }
.function { text-align: right; }
.number { text-align: right; }
.datetime { text-align: right; }
.type { width: 15ex; width: auto\9; }
.options select { width: 20ex; width: auto\9; }
.view { font-style: italic; }
.active { font-weight: bold; }
.sqlarea { width: 98%; }
.icon { width: 18px; height: 18px; background-color: navy; }
.icon:hover { background-color: red; }
.size { width: 6ex; }
.help { cursor: help; }
.pages { position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 21em; padding: 5px; background: #ddf; border: 1px solid #999; }
.links a { white-space: nowrap; margin-right: 20px; }
.logout { margin-top: .5em; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; }
.loadmore { margin-left: 1ex; }
#menu { position: absolute; margin: 10px 0 0; padding: 0 0 30px 0; top: 2em; left: 0; width: 19em; }
#menu p, #tables { padding: .8em 1em; margin: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
#tables li{ list-style: none; }
#dbs { overflow: hidden; }
#logins, #tables { white-space: nowrap; overflow: auto; }
#logins a, #tables a, #tables span { background: #fff; }
#content { margin: 2em 0 0 21em; padding: 10px 20px 20px 0; }
#lang { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; line-height: 1.8em; padding: .3em 1em; }
#breadcrumb { white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 21em; background: #eee; height: 2em; line-height: 1.8em; padding: 0 1em; margin: 0 0 0 -18px; }
#h1 { color: #777; text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; }
#version { font-size: 67%; color: red; }
#schema { margin-left: 60px; position: relative; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; }
#schema .table { border: 1px solid silver; padding: 0 2px; cursor: move; position: absolute; }
#schema .references { position: absolute; }
#help { position: absolute; border: 1px solid #999; background: #eee; padding: 5px; font-family: monospace; z-index: 1; }
.rtl h2 { margin: 0 -18px 20px 0; }
.rtl p, .rtl table, .rtl .error, .rtl .message { margin: 1em 0 0 20px; }
.rtl .logout { left: 0; right: auto; }
.rtl #content { margin: 2em 21em 0 0; padding: 10px 0 20px 20px; }
.rtl #breadcrumb { left: auto; right: 21em; margin: 0 -18px 0 0; }
.rtl .pages { left: auto; right: 21em; }
.rtl input.wayoff { left: auto; right: -1000px; }
.rtl #lang, .rtl #menu { left: auto; right: 0; }
@media all and (max-device-width: 880px) {
.pages { left: auto; }
#menu { position: static; width: auto; }
#content { margin-left: 10px; }
#lang { position: static; border-top: 1px solid #999; }
#breadcrumb { left: auto; }
.rtl .pages { right: auto; }
.rtl #content { margin-right: 10px; }
.rtl #breadcrumb { right: auto; }
@media print {
#lang, #menu { display: none; }
#content { margin-left: 1em; }
#breadcrumb { left: 1em; }
.nowrap td, .nowrap th, td.nowrap { white-space: normal; }
Binary file not shown.
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// Adminer specific functions
/** Load syntax highlighting
* @param string first three characters of database system version
function bodyLoad(version) {
if (window.jush) {
jush.create_links = ' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"';
if (version) {
for (var key in jush.urls) {
var obj = jush.urls;
if (typeof obj[key] != 'string') {
obj = obj[key];
key = 0;
obj[key] = obj[key]
.replace(/\/doc\/mysql/, '/doc/refman/' + version) // MySQL
.replace(/\/docs\/current/, '/docs/' + version) // PostgreSQL
if (window.jushLinks) {
jush.custom_links = jushLinks;
jush.highlight_tag('code', 0);
var tags = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
if (/(^|\s)jush-/.test(tags[i].className)) {
var pre = jush.textarea(tags[i]);
if (pre) {
/** Get value of dynamically created form field
* @param HTMLFormElement
* @param string
* @return HTMLElement
function formField(form, name) {
// required in IE < 8, form.elements[name] doesn't work
for (var i=0; i < form.length; i++) {
if (form[i].name == name) {
return form[i];
/** Try to change input type to password or to text
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param boolean
function typePassword(el, disable) {
try {
el.type = (disable ? 'text' : 'password');
} catch (e) {
var dbCtrl;
var dbPrevious = {};
/** Check if database should be opened to a new window
* @param MouseEvent
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function dbMouseDown(event, el) {
dbCtrl = isCtrl(event);
if (dbPrevious[el.name] == undefined) {
dbPrevious[el.name] = el.value;
/** Load database after selecting it
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function dbChange(el) {
if (dbCtrl) {
el.form.target = '_blank';
el.form.target = '';
if (dbCtrl && dbPrevious[el.name] != undefined) {
el.value = dbPrevious[el.name];
dbPrevious[el.name] = undefined;
/** Check whether the query will be executed with index
* @param HTMLFormElement
function selectFieldChange(form) {
var ok = (function () {
var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs[i].value && /^fulltext/.test(inputs[i].name)) {
return true;
var ok = form.limit.value;
var selects = form.getElementsByTagName('select');
var group = false;
var columns = {};
for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) {
var select = selects[i];
var col = selectValue(select);
var match = /^(where.+)col\]/.exec(select.name);
if (match) {
var op = selectValue(form[match[1] + 'op]']);
var val = form[match[1] + 'val]'].value;
if (col in indexColumns && (!/LIKE|REGEXP/.test(op) || (op == 'LIKE' && val.charAt(0) != '%'))) {
return true;
} else if (col || val) {
ok = false;
if ((match = /^(columns.+)fun\]/.exec(select.name))) {
if (/^(avg|count|count distinct|group_concat|max|min|sum)$/.test(col)) {
group = true;
var val = selectValue(form[match[1] + 'col]']);
if (val) {
columns[col && col != 'count' ? '' : val] = 1;
if (col && /^order/.test(select.name)) {
if (!(col in indexColumns)) {
ok = false;
if (group) {
for (var col in columns) {
if (!(col in indexColumns)) {
ok = false;
return ok;
setHtml('noindex', (ok ? '' : '!'));
var added = '.', rowCount;
/** Check if val is equal to a-delimiter-b where delimiter is '_', '' or big letter
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @return boolean
function delimiterEqual(val, a, b) {
return (val == a + '_' + b || val == a + b || val == a + b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.substr(1));
/** Escape string to use as identifier
* @param string
* @return string
function idfEscape(s) {
return s.replace(/`/, '``');
/** Detect foreign key
* @param HTMLInputElement
function editingNameChange(field) {
var name = field.name.substr(0, field.name.length - 7);
var type = formField(field.form, name + '[type]');
var opts = type.options;
var candidate; // don't select anything with ambiguous match (like column `id`)
var val = field.value;
for (var i = opts.length; i--; ) {
var match = /(.+)`(.+)/.exec(opts[i].value);
if (!match) { // common type
if (candidate && i == opts.length - 2 && val == opts[candidate].value.replace(/.+`/, '') && name == 'fields[1]') { // single target table, link to column, first field - probably `id`
var table = match[1];
var column = match[2];
var tables = [ table, table.replace(/s$/, ''), table.replace(/es$/, '') ];
for (var j=0; j < tables.length; j++) {
table = tables[j];
if (val == column || val == table || delimiterEqual(val, table, column) || delimiterEqual(val, column, table)) {
if (candidate) {
candidate = i;
if (candidate) {
type.selectedIndex = candidate;
/** Add table row for next field
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param boolean
* @return boolean
function editingAddRow(button, focus) {
var match = /(\d+)(\.\d+)?/.exec(button.name);
var x = match[0] + (match[2] ? added.substr(match[2].length) : added) + '1';
var row = parentTag(button, 'tr');
var row2 = cloneNode(row);
var tags = row.getElementsByTagName('select');
var tags2 = row2.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tags2[i].name = tags[i].name.replace(/[0-9.]+/, x);
tags2[i].selectedIndex = tags[i].selectedIndex;
tags = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
tags2 = row2.getElementsByTagName('input');
var input = tags2[0]; // IE loose tags2 after insertBefore()
for (var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) {
if (tags[i].name == 'auto_increment_col') {
tags2[i].value = x;
tags2[i].checked = false;
tags2[i].name = tags[i].name.replace(/([0-9.]+)/, x);
if (/\[(orig|field|comment|default)/.test(tags[i].name)) {
tags2[i].value = '';
if (/\[(has_default)/.test(tags[i].name)) {
tags2[i].checked = false;
tags[0].onchange = function () {
tags[0].onkeyup = function () {
row.parentNode.insertBefore(row2, row.nextSibling);
if (focus) {
input.onchange = function () {
input.onkeyup = function () {
added += '0';
return true;
/** Remove table row for field
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param string
* @return boolean
function editingRemoveRow(button, name) {
var field = formField(button.form, button.name.replace(/[^\[]+(.+)/, name));
parentTag(button, 'tr').style.display = 'none';
return true;
/** Move table row for field
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param boolean direction to move row, true for up or false for down
* @return boolean
function editingMoveRow(button, dir){
var row = parentTag(button, 'tr');
if (!('nextElementSibling' in row)) {
return false;
row.parentNode.insertBefore(row, dir
? row.previousElementSibling
: row.nextElementSibling ? row.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling : row.parentNode.firstChild);
return true;
var lastType = '';
/** Clear length and hide collation or unsigned
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function editingTypeChange(type) {
var name = type.name.substr(0, type.name.length - 6);
var text = selectValue(type);
for (var i=0; i < type.form.elements.length; i++) {
var el = type.form.elements[i];
if (el.name == name + '[length]') {
if (!(
(/(char|binary)$/.test(lastType) && /(char|binary)$/.test(text))
|| (/(enum|set)$/.test(lastType) && /(enum|set)$/.test(text))
)) {
el.value = '';
if (lastType == 'timestamp' && el.name == name + '[has_default]' && /timestamp/i.test(formField(type.form, name + '[default]').value)) {
el.checked = false;
if (el.name == name + '[collation]') {
alterClass(el, 'hidden', !/(char|text|enum|set)$/.test(text));
if (el.name == name + '[unsigned]') {
alterClass(el, 'hidden', !/((^|[^o])int|float|double|decimal)$/.test(text));
if (el.name == name + '[on_update]') {
alterClass(el, 'hidden', !/timestamp|datetime/.test(text)); // MySQL supports datetime since 5.6.5
if (el.name == name + '[on_delete]') {
alterClass(el, 'hidden', !/`/.test(text));
/** Mark length as required
* @param HTMLInputElement
function editingLengthChange(el) {
alterClass(el, 'required', !el.value.length && /var(char|binary)$/.test(selectValue(el.parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild)));
/** Edit enum or set
* @param HTMLInputElement
function editingLengthFocus(field) {
var td = field.parentNode;
if (/(enum|set)$/.test(selectValue(td.previousSibling.firstChild))) {
var edit = document.getElementById('enum-edit');
var val = field.value;
edit.value = (/^'.+'$/.test(val) ? val.substr(1, val.length - 2).replace(/','/g, "\n").replace(/''/g, "'") : val); //! doesn't handle 'a'',''b' correctly
field.style.display = 'none';
edit.style.display = 'inline';
/** Finish editing of enum or set
* @param HTMLTextAreaElement
function editingLengthBlur(edit) {
var field = edit.parentNode.firstChild;
var val = edit.value;
field.value = (/^'[^\n]+'$/.test(val) ? val : "'" + val.replace(/\n+$/, '').replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/\n/g, "','") + "'");
field.style.display = 'inline';
edit.style.display = 'none';
/** Show or hide selected table column
* @param boolean
* @param number
function columnShow(checked, column) {
var trs = document.getElementById('edit-fields').getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var i=0; i < trs.length; i++) {
alterClass(trs[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[column], 'hidden', !checked);
/** Hide column with default values in narrow window
function editingHideDefaults() {
if (innerWidth < document.documentElement.scrollWidth) {
document.getElementById('form')['defaults'].checked = false;
columnShow(false, 5);
/** Display partition options
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function partitionByChange(el) {
var partitionTable = /RANGE|LIST/.test(selectValue(el));
alterClass(el.form['partitions'], 'hidden', partitionTable || !el.selectedIndex);
alterClass(document.getElementById('partition-table'), 'hidden', !partitionTable);
/** Add next partition row
* @param HTMLInputElement
function partitionNameChange(el) {
var row = cloneNode(parentTag(el, 'tr'));
row.firstChild.firstChild.value = '';
parentTag(el, 'table').appendChild(row);
el.onchange = function () {};
/** Add row for foreign key
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function foreignAddRow(field) {
field.onchange = function () { };
var row = cloneNode(parentTag(field, 'tr'));
var selects = row.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) {
selects[i].name = selects[i].name.replace(/\]/, '1$&');
selects[i].selectedIndex = 0;
parentTag(field, 'table').appendChild(row);
/** Add row for indexes
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function indexesAddRow(field) {
field.onchange = function () { };
var row = cloneNode(parentTag(field, 'tr'));
var selects = row.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) {
selects[i].name = selects[i].name.replace(/indexes\[\d+/, '$&1');
selects[i].selectedIndex = 0;
var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].name = inputs[i].name.replace(/indexes\[\d+/, '$&1');
inputs[i].value = '';
parentTag(field, 'table').appendChild(row);
/** Change column in index
* @param HTMLSelectElement
* @param string name prefix
function indexesChangeColumn(field, prefix) {
var names = [];
for (var tag in { 'select': 1, 'input': 1 }) {
var columns = parentTag(field, 'td').getElementsByTagName(tag);
for (var i=0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (/\[columns\]/.test(columns[i].name)) {
var value = selectValue(columns[i]);
if (value) {
field.form[field.name.replace(/\].*/, '][name]')].value = prefix + names.join('_');
/** Add column for index
* @param HTMLSelectElement
* @param string name prefix
function indexesAddColumn(field, prefix) {
field.onchange = function () {
indexesChangeColumn(field, prefix);
var select = field.form[field.name.replace(/\].*/, '][type]')];
if (!select.selectedIndex) {
while (selectValue(select) != "INDEX" && select.selectedIndex < select.options.length) {
var column = cloneNode(field.parentNode);
var selects = column.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
select = selects[i];
select.name = select.name.replace(/\]\[\d+/, '$&1');
select.selectedIndex = 0;
var inputs = column.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
input.name = input.name.replace(/\]\[\d+/, '$&1');
if (input.type != 'checkbox') {
input.value = '';
parentTag(field, 'td').appendChild(column);
/** Handle changing trigger time or event
* @param RegExp
* @param string
* @param HTMLFormElement
function triggerChange(tableRe, table, form) {
var formEvent = selectValue(form['Event']);
if (tableRe.test(form['Trigger'].value)) {
form['Trigger'].value = table + '_' + (selectValue(form['Timing']).charAt(0) + formEvent.charAt(0)).toLowerCase();
alterClass(form['Of'], 'hidden', formEvent != 'UPDATE OF');
var that, x, y; // em and tablePos defined in schema.inc.php
/** Get mouse position
* @param HTMLElement
* @param MouseEvent
function schemaMousedown(el, event) {
if ((event.which ? event.which : event.button) == 1) {
that = el;
x = event.clientX - el.offsetLeft;
y = event.clientY - el.offsetTop;
/** Move object
* @param MouseEvent
function schemaMousemove(ev) {
if (that !== undefined) {
ev = ev || event;
var left = (ev.clientX - x) / em;
var top = (ev.clientY - y) / em;
var divs = that.getElementsByTagName('div');
var lineSet = { };
for (var i=0; i < divs.length; i++) {
if (divs[i].className == 'references') {
var div2 = document.getElementById((/^refs/.test(divs[i].id) ? 'refd' : 'refs') + divs[i].id.substr(4));
var ref = (tablePos[divs[i].title] ? tablePos[divs[i].title] : [ div2.parentNode.offsetTop / em, 0 ]);
var left1 = -1;
var id = divs[i].id.replace(/^ref.(.+)-.+/, '$1');
if (divs[i].parentNode != div2.parentNode) {
left1 = Math.min(0, ref[1] - left) - 1;
divs[i].style.left = left1 + 'em';
divs[i].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.width = -left1 + 'em';
var left2 = Math.min(0, left - ref[1]) - 1;
div2.style.left = left2 + 'em';
div2.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.width = -left2 + 'em';
if (!lineSet[id]) {
var line = document.getElementById(divs[i].id.replace(/^....(.+)-.+$/, 'refl$1'));
var top1 = top + divs[i].offsetTop / em;
var top2 = top + div2.offsetTop / em;
if (divs[i].parentNode != div2.parentNode) {
top2 += ref[0] - top;
line.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.height = Math.abs(top1 - top2) + 'em';
line.style.left = (left + left1) + 'em';
line.style.top = Math.min(top1, top2) + 'em';
lineSet[id] = true;
that.style.left = left + 'em';
that.style.top = top + 'em';
/** Finish move
* @param MouseEvent
* @param string
function schemaMouseup(ev, db) {
if (that !== undefined) {
ev = ev || event;
tablePos[that.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.data] = [ (ev.clientY - y) / em, (ev.clientX - x) / em ];
that = undefined;
var s = '';
for (var key in tablePos) {
s += '_' + key + ':' + Math.round(tablePos[key][0] * 10000) / 10000 + 'x' + Math.round(tablePos[key][1] * 10000) / 10000;
s = encodeURIComponent(s.substr(1));
var link = document.getElementById('schema-link');
link.href = link.href.replace(/[^=]+$/, '') + s;
cookie('adminer_schema-' + db + '=' + s, 30); //! special chars in db
var helpOpen, helpIgnore; // when mouse outs <option> then it mouse overs border of <select> - ignore it
/** Display help
* @param HTMLElement
* @param MouseEvent
* @param string
* @param bool display on left side (otherwise on top)
function helpMouseover(el, event, text, side) {
var target = getTarget(event);
if (!text) {
} else if (window.jush && (!helpIgnore || el != target)) {
helpOpen = 1;
var help = document.getElementById('help');
help.innerHTML = text;
jush.highlight_tag([ help ]);
alterClass(help, 'hidden');
var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
var body = document.documentElement;
help.style.top = (body.scrollTop + rect.top - (side ? (help.offsetHeight - target.offsetHeight) / 2 : help.offsetHeight)) + 'px';
help.style.left = (body.scrollLeft + rect.left - (side ? help.offsetWidth : (help.offsetWidth - target.offsetWidth) / 2)) + 'px';
/** Close help after timeout
* @param HTMLElement
* @param MouseEvent
function helpMouseout(el, event) {
helpOpen = 0;
helpIgnore = (el != getTarget(event));
setTimeout(function () {
if (!helpOpen) {
}, 200);
/** Close help
function helpClose() {
alterClass(document.getElementById('help'), 'hidden', true);
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/** Add or remove CSS class
* @param HTMLElement
* @param string
* @param [bool]
function alterClass(el, className, enable) {
if (el) {
el.className = el.className.replace(RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(\\s|$)'), '$2') + (enable ? ' ' + className : '');
/** Toggle visibility
* @param string
* @return boolean
function toggle(id) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
el.className = (el.className == 'hidden' ? '' : 'hidden');
return true;
/** Set permanent cookie
* @param string
* @param number
* @param string optional
function cookie(assign, days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
document.cookie = assign + '; expires=' + date;
/** Verify current Adminer version
* @param string
function verifyVersion(current) {
cookie('adminer_version=0', 1);
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = 'https://www.adminer.org/version/?current=' + current;
iframe.frameBorder = 0;
iframe.marginHeight = 0;
iframe.scrolling = 'no';
iframe.style.width = '7ex';
iframe.style.height = '1.25em';
if (window.postMessage && window.addEventListener) {
iframe.style.display = 'none';
addEventListener('message', function (event) {
if (event.origin == 'https://www.adminer.org') {
var match = /version=(.+)/.exec(event.data);
if (match) {
cookie('adminer_version=' + match[1], 1);
}, false);
/** Get value of select
* @param HTMLElement <select> or <input>
* @return string
function selectValue(select) {
if (!select.selectedIndex) {
return select.value;
var selected = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
return ((selected.attributes.value || {}).specified ? selected.value : selected.text);
/** Verify if element has a specified tag name
* @param HTMLElement
* @param string regular expression
* @return bool
function isTag(el, tag) {
var re = new RegExp('^(' + tag + ')$', 'i');
return re.test(el.tagName);
/** Get parent node with specified tag name
* @param HTMLElement
* @param string regular expression
* @return HTMLElement
function parentTag(el, tag) {
while (el && !isTag(el, tag)) {
el = el.parentNode;
return el;
/** Set checked class
* @param HTMLInputElement
function trCheck(el) {
var tr = parentTag(el, 'tr');
alterClass(tr, 'checked', el.checked);
if (el.form && el.form['all'] && el.form['all'].onclick) { // Opera treats form.all as document.all
/** Fill number of selected items
* @param string
* @param string
function selectCount(id, count) {
setHtml(id, (count === '' ? '' : '(' + (count + '').replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, ' ') + ')'));
var inputs = document.getElementById(id).parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
if (input.type == 'submit') {
input.disabled = (count == '0');
/** Check all elements matching given name
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param RegExp
function formCheck(el, name) {
var elems = el.form.elements;
for (var i=0; i < elems.length; i++) {
if (name.test(elems[i].name)) {
elems[i].checked = el.checked;
/** Check all rows in <table class="checkable">
function tableCheck() {
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var i=0; i < tables.length; i++) {
if (/(^|\s)checkable(\s|$)/.test(tables[i].className)) {
var trs = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var j=0; j < trs.length; j++) {
/** Uncheck single element
* @param string
function formUncheck(id) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
el.checked = false;
/** Get number of checked elements matching given name
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param RegExp
* @return number
function formChecked(el, name) {
var checked = 0;
var elems = el.form.elements;
for (var i=0; i < elems.length; i++) {
if (name.test(elems[i].name) && elems[i].checked) {
return checked;
/** Select clicked row
* @param MouseEvent
* @param [boolean] force click
function tableClick(event, click) {
click = (click || !window.getSelection || getSelection().isCollapsed);
var el = getTarget(event);
while (!isTag(el, 'tr')) {
if (isTag(el, 'table|a|input|textarea')) {
if (el.type != 'checkbox') {
checkboxClick(event, el);
click = false;
el = el.parentNode;
if (!el) { // Ctrl+click on text fields hides the element
el = el.firstChild.firstChild;
if (click) {
el.checked = !el.checked;
el.onclick && el.onclick();
var lastChecked;
/** Shift-click on checkbox for multiple selection.
* @param MouseEvent
* @param HTMLInputElement
function checkboxClick(event, el) {
if (!el.name) {
if (event.shiftKey && (!lastChecked || lastChecked.name == el.name)) {
var checked = (lastChecked ? lastChecked.checked : true);
var inputs = parentTag(el, 'table').getElementsByTagName('input');
var checking = !lastChecked;
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
if (input.name === el.name) {
if (checking) {
input.checked = checked;
if (input === el || input === lastChecked) {
if (checking) {
checking = true;
} else {
lastChecked = el;
/** Set HTML code of an element
* @param string
* @param string undefined to set parentNode to
function setHtml(id, html) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
if (html == null) {
el.parentNode.innerHTML = ' ';
} else {
el.innerHTML = html;
/** Find node position
* @param Node
* @return number
function nodePosition(el) {
var pos = 0;
while (el = el.previousSibling) {
return pos;
/** Go to the specified page
* @param string
* @param string
* @param [MouseEvent]
function pageClick(href, page, event) {
if (!isNaN(page) && page) {
href += (page != 1 ? '&page=' + (page - 1) : '');
location.href = href;
/** Display items in menu
* @param HTMLElement
* @param MouseEvent
function menuOver(el, event) {
var a = getTarget(event);
if (isTag(a, 'a|span') && a.offsetLeft + a.offsetWidth > a.parentNode.offsetWidth - 15) { // 15 - ellipsis
el.style.overflow = 'visible';
/** Hide items in menu
* @param HTMLElement
function menuOut(el) {
el.style.overflow = 'auto';
/** Add row in select fieldset
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function selectAddRow(field) {
field.onchange = function () {
var row = cloneNode(field.parentNode);
var selects = row.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i=0; i < selects.length; i++) {
selects[i].name = selects[i].name.replace(/[a-z]\[\d+/, '$&1');
selects[i].selectedIndex = 0;
var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].name = inputs[i].name.replace(/[a-z]\[\d+/, '$&1');
inputs[i].className = '';
if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox') {
inputs[i].checked = false;
} else {
inputs[i].value = '';
/** Prevent onsearch handler on Enter
* @param HTMLInputElement
* @param KeyboardEvent
function selectSearchKeydown(el, event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10) {
el.onsearch = function () {
/** Clear column name after resetting search
* @param HTMLInputElement
function selectSearchSearch(el) {
if (!el.value) {
el.parentNode.firstChild.selectedIndex = 0;
/** Toggles column context menu
* @param HTMLElement
* @param [string] extra class name
function columnMouse(el, className) {
var spans = el.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (var i=0; i < spans.length; i++) {
if (/column/.test(spans[i].className)) {
spans[i].className = 'column' + (className || '');
/** Fill column in search field
* @param string
function selectSearch(name) {
var el = document.getElementById('fieldset-search');
el.className = '';
var divs = el.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i=0; i < divs.length; i++) {
var div = divs[i];
if (isTag(div.firstChild, 'select') && selectValue(div.firstChild) == name) {
if (i == divs.length) {
div.firstChild.value = name;
/** Check if Ctrl key (Command key on Mac) was pressed
* @param KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent
* @return boolean
function isCtrl(event) {
return (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey; // shiftKey allowed
/** Return event target
* @param Event
* @return HTMLElement
function getTarget(event) {
return event.target || event.srcElement;
/** Send form by Ctrl+Enter on <select> and <textarea>
* @param KeyboardEvent
* @param [string]
* @return boolean
function bodyKeydown(event, button) {
var target = getTarget(event);
if (target.jushTextarea) {
target = target.jushTextarea;
if (isCtrl(event) && (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10) && isTag(target, 'select|textarea|input')) { // 13|10 - Enter
if (button) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
/** Open form to a new window on Ctrl+click or Shift+click
* @param MouseEvent
function bodyClick(event) {
var target = getTarget(event);
if ((isCtrl(event) || event.shiftKey) && target.type == 'submit' && isTag(target, 'input')) {
target.form.target = '_blank';
setTimeout(function () {
// if (isCtrl(event)) { focus(); } doesn't work
target.form.target = '';
}, 0);
/** Change focus by Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down
* @param KeyboardEvent
* @return boolean
function editingKeydown(event) {
if ((event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 38) && isCtrl(event)) { // 40 - Down, 38 - Up
var target = getTarget(event);
var sibling = (event.keyCode == 40 ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling');
var el = target.parentNode.parentNode[sibling];
if (el && (isTag(el, 'tr') || (el = el[sibling])) && isTag(el, 'tr') && (el = el.childNodes[nodePosition(target.parentNode)]) && (el = el.childNodes[nodePosition(target)])) {
return false;
if (event.shiftKey && !bodyKeydown(event, 'insert')) {
return false;
return true;
/** Disable maxlength for functions
* @param HTMLSelectElement
function functionChange(select) {
var input = select.form[select.name.replace(/^function/, 'fields')];
if (selectValue(select)) {
if (input.origType === undefined) {
input.origType = input.type;
input.origMaxLength = input.getAttribute('data-maxlength');
input.type = 'text';
} else if (input.origType) {
input.type = input.origType;
if (input.origMaxLength >= 0) {
input.setAttribute('data-maxlength', input.origMaxLength);
oninput({target: input});
/** Call this.onchange() if value changes
* @this HTMLInputElement
function keyupChange() {
if (this.value != this.getAttribute('value')) {
this.setAttribute('value', this.value);
/** Add new field in schema-less edit
* @param HTMLInputElement
function fieldChange(field) {
var row = cloneNode(parentTag(field, 'tr'));
var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].value = '';
// keep value in <select> (function)
parentTag(field, 'table').appendChild(row);
field.onchange = function () { };
/** Create AJAX request
* @param string
* @param function (XMLHttpRequest)
* @param [string]
* @param [string]
* @return XMLHttpRequest or false in case of an error
function ajax(url, callback, data, message) {
var request = (window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : (window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : false));
if (request) {
var ajaxStatus = document.getElementById('ajaxstatus');
if (message) {
ajaxStatus.innerHTML = '<div class="message">' + message + '</div>';
ajaxStatus.className = ajaxStatus.className.replace(/ hidden/g, '');
} else {
ajaxStatus.className += ' hidden';
request.open((data ? 'POST' : 'GET'), url);
if (data) {
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
request.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (request.readyState == 4) {
if (/^2/.test(request.status)) {
} else {
ajaxStatus.innerHTML = (request.status ? request.responseText : '<div class="error">' + offlineMessage + '</div>');
ajaxStatus.className = ajaxStatus.className.replace(/ hidden/g, '');
return request;
/** Use setHtml(key, value) for JSON response
* @param string
* @return XMLHttpRequest or false in case of an error
function ajaxSetHtml(url) {
return ajax(url, function (request) {
var data = eval('(' + request.responseText + ')');
for (var key in data) {
setHtml(key, data[key]);
/** Save form contents through AJAX
* @param HTMLFormElement
* @param string
* @param [HTMLInputElement]
* @return boolean
function ajaxForm(form, message, button) {
var data = [];
var els = form.elements;
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
var el = els[i];
if (el.name && !el.disabled) {
if (/^file$/i.test(el.type) && el.value) {
return false;
if (!/^(checkbox|radio|submit|file)$/i.test(el.type) || el.checked || el == button) {
data.push(encodeURIComponent(el.name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(isTag(el, 'select') ? selectValue(el) : el.value));
data = data.join('&');
var url = form.action;
if (!/post/i.test(form.method)) {
url = url.replace(/\?.*/, '') + '?' + data;
data = '';
return ajax(url, function (request) {
setHtml('ajaxstatus', request.responseText);
if (window.jush) {
jush.highlight_tag(document.getElementById('ajaxstatus').getElementsByTagName('code'), 0);
}, data, message);
/** Display edit field
* @param HTMLElement
* @param MouseEvent
* @param number display textarea instead of input, 2 - load long text
* @param string warning to display
function selectClick(td, event, text, warning) {
var target = getTarget(event);
if (!isCtrl(event) || isTag(td.firstChild, 'input|textarea') || isTag(target, 'a')) {
if (warning) {
return alert(warning);
var original = td.innerHTML;
text = text || /\n/.test(original);
var input = document.createElement(text ? 'textarea' : 'input');
input.onkeydown = function (event) {
if (!event) {
event = window.event;
if (event.keyCode == 27 && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey && !isCtrl(event)) { // 27 - Esc
td.innerHTML = original;
var pos = event.rangeOffset;
var value = td.firstChild.alt || td.textContent || td.innerText;
input.style.width = Math.max(td.clientWidth - 14, 20) + 'px'; // 14 = 2 * (td.border + td.padding + input.border)
if (text) {
var rows = 1;
value.replace(/\n/g, function () {
input.rows = rows;
if (value == '\u00A0' || td.getElementsByTagName('i').length) { // or i - NULL
value = '';
if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveToPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
var range2 = range.duplicate();
range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range);
pos = range2.text.length;
td.innerHTML = '';
if (text == 2) { // long text
return ajax(location.href + '&' + encodeURIComponent(td.id) + '=', function (request) {
if (request.responseText) {
input.value = request.responseText;
input.name = td.id;
input.value = value;
input.name = td.id;
input.selectionStart = pos;
input.selectionEnd = pos;
if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveEnd('character', -input.value.length + pos);
/** Load and display next page in select
* @param HTMLLinkElement
* @param number
* @param string
* @return boolean
function selectLoadMore(a, limit, loading) {
var title = a.innerHTML;
var href = a.href;
a.innerHTML = loading;
if (href) {
return ajax(href, function (request) {
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
tbody.innerHTML = request.responseText;
if (tbody.children.length < limit) {
} else {
a.href = href.replace(/\d+$/, function (page) {
return +page + 1;
a.innerHTML = title;
/** Stop event propagation
* @param Event
function eventStop(event) {
if (event.stopPropagation) {
} else {
event.cancelBubble = true;
/** Setup highlighting of default submit button on form field focus
* @param HTMLElement
function setupSubmitHighlight(parent) {
for (var key in { input: 1, select: 1, textarea: 1 }) {
var inputs = parent.getElementsByTagName(key);
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
/** Setup submit highlighting for single element
* @param HTMLElement
function setupSubmitHighlightInput(input) {
if (!/submit|image|file/.test(input.type)) {
addEvent(input, 'focus', inputFocus);
addEvent(input, 'blur', inputBlur);
/** Highlight default submit button
* @this HTMLInputElement
function inputFocus() {
var submit = findDefaultSubmit(this);
if (submit) {
alterClass(submit, 'default', true);
/** Unhighlight default submit button
* @this HTMLInputElement
function inputBlur() {
var submit = findDefaultSubmit(this);
if (submit) {
alterClass(submit, 'default');
/** Find submit button used by Enter
* @param HTMLElement
* @return HTMLInputElement
function findDefaultSubmit(el) {
if (el.jushTextarea) {
el = el.jushTextarea;
var inputs = el.form.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
if (input.type == 'submit' && !input.style.zIndex) {
return input;
/** Add event listener
* @param HTMLElement
* @param string without 'on'
* @param function
function addEvent(el, action, handler) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
el.addEventListener(action, handler, false);
} else {
el.attachEvent('on' + action, handler);
/** Defer focusing element
* @param HTMLElement
function focus(el) {
setTimeout(function () { // this has to be an anonymous function because Firefox passes some arguments to setTimeout callback
}, 0);
/** Clone node and setup submit highlighting
* @param HTMLElement
* @return HTMLElement
function cloneNode(el) {
var el2 = el.cloneNode(true);
return el2;
oninput = function (event) {
var target = event.target;
var maxLength = target.getAttribute('data-maxlength');
alterClass(target, 'maxlength', target.value && maxLength != null && target.value.length > maxLength); // maxLength could be 0
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 80 B |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 79 B |
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["table"];
$fields = fields($TABLE);
if (!$fields) {
$error = error();
$table_status = table_status1($TABLE, true);
page_header(($fields && is_view($table_status) ? $table_status['Engine'] == 'materialized view' ? lang('Materialized view') : lang('View') : lang('Table')) . ": " . h($TABLE), $error);
$comment = $table_status["Comment"];
if ($comment != "") {
echo "<p>" . lang('Comment') . ": " . h($comment) . "\n";
if ($fields) {
if (!is_view($table_status)) {
if (support("indexes")) {
echo "<h3 id='indexes'>" . lang('Indexes') . "</h3>\n";
$indexes = indexes($TABLE);
if ($indexes) {
echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h(ME) . 'indexes=' . urlencode($TABLE) . '">' . lang('Alter indexes') . "</a>\n";
if (fk_support($table_status)) {
echo "<h3 id='foreign-keys'>" . lang('Foreign keys') . "</h3>\n";
$foreign_keys = foreign_keys($TABLE);
if ($foreign_keys) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<thead><tr><th>" . lang('Source') . "<td>" . lang('Target') . "<td>" . lang('ON DELETE') . "<td>" . lang('ON UPDATE') . "<td> </thead>\n";
foreach ($foreign_keys as $name => $foreign_key) {
echo "<tr title='" . h($name) . "'>";
echo "<th><i>" . implode("</i>, <i>", array_map('h', $foreign_key["source"])) . "</i>";
echo "<td><a href='" . h($foreign_key["db"] != "" ? preg_replace('~db=[^&]*~', "db=" . urlencode($foreign_key["db"]), ME) : ($foreign_key["ns"] != "" ? preg_replace('~ns=[^&]*~', "ns=" . urlencode($foreign_key["ns"]), ME) : ME)) . "table=" . urlencode($foreign_key["table"]) . "'>"
. ($foreign_key["db"] != "" ? "<b>" . h($foreign_key["db"]) . "</b>." : "") . ($foreign_key["ns"] != "" ? "<b>" . h($foreign_key["ns"]) . "</b>." : "") . h($foreign_key["table"])
. "</a>"
echo "(<i>" . implode("</i>, <i>", array_map('h', $foreign_key["target"])) . "</i>)";
echo "<td>" . nbsp($foreign_key["on_delete"]) . "\n";
echo "<td>" . nbsp($foreign_key["on_update"]) . "\n";
echo '<td><a href="' . h(ME . 'foreign=' . urlencode($TABLE) . '&name=' . urlencode($name)) . '">' . lang('Alter') . '</a>';
echo "</table>\n";
echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h(ME) . 'foreign=' . urlencode($TABLE) . '">' . lang('Add foreign key') . "</a>\n";
if (support(is_view($table_status) ? "view_trigger" : "trigger")) {
echo "<h3 id='triggers'>" . lang('Triggers') . "</h3>\n";
$triggers = triggers($TABLE);
if ($triggers) {
echo "<table cellspacing='0'>\n";
foreach ($triggers as $key => $val) {
echo "<tr valign='top'><td>" . h($val[0]) . "<td>" . h($val[1]) . "<th>" . h($key) . "<td><a href='" . h(ME . 'trigger=' . urlencode($TABLE) . '&name=' . urlencode($key)) . "'>" . lang('Alter') . "</a>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h(ME) . 'trigger=' . urlencode($TABLE) . '">' . lang('Add trigger') . "</a>\n";
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
$TABLE = $_GET["trigger"];
$name = $_GET["name"];
$trigger_options = trigger_options();
$row = (array) trigger($name) + array("Trigger" => $TABLE . "_bi");
if ($_POST) {
if (!$error && in_array($_POST["Timing"], $trigger_options["Timing"]) && in_array($_POST["Event"], $trigger_options["Event"]) && in_array($_POST["Type"], $trigger_options["Type"])) {
// don't use drop_create() because there may not be more triggers for the same action
$on = " ON " . table($TABLE);
$drop = "DROP TRIGGER " . idf_escape($name) . ($jush == "pgsql" ? $on : "");
$location = ME . "table=" . urlencode($TABLE);
if ($_POST["drop"]) {
query_redirect($drop, $location, lang('Trigger has been dropped.'));
} else {
if ($name != "") {
($name != "" ? lang('Trigger has been altered.') : lang('Trigger has been created.')),
queries(create_trigger($on, $_POST))
if ($name != "") {
queries(create_trigger($on, $row + array("Type" => reset($trigger_options["Type"]))));
$row = $_POST;
page_header(($name != "" ? lang('Alter trigger') . ": " . h($name) : lang('Create trigger')), $error, array("table" => $TABLE));
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Time'); ?><td><?php echo html_select("Timing", $trigger_options["Timing"], $row["Timing"], "triggerChange(/^" . preg_quote($TABLE, "/") . "_[ba][iud]$/, '" . js_escape($TABLE) . "', this.form);"); ?>
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Event'); ?><td><?php echo html_select("Event", $trigger_options["Event"], $row["Event"], "this.form['Timing'].onchange();"); ?>
<?php echo (in_array("UPDATE OF", $trigger_options["Event"]) ? " <input name='Of' value='" . h($row["Of"]) . "' class='hidden'>": ""); ?>
<tr><th><?php echo lang('Type'); ?><td><?php echo html_select("Type", $trigger_options["Type"], $row["Type"]); ?>
<p><?php echo lang('Name'); ?>: <input name="Trigger" value="<?php echo h($row["Trigger"]); ?>" maxlength="64" autocapitalize="off">
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('form')['Timing'].onchange();</script>
<p><?php textarea("Statement", $row["Statement"]); ?>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>">
<?php if ($name != "") { ?><input type="submit" name="drop" value="<?php echo lang('Drop'); ?>"<?php echo confirm(); ?>><?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token; ?>">
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user