2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
< ? php
/** Adminer - Compact database management
* @ link https :// www . adminer . org /
* @ author Jakub Vrana , https :// www . vrana . cz /
* @ copyright 2007 Jakub Vrana
* @ license https :// www . apache . org / licenses / LICENSE - 2.0 Apache License , Version 2.0
* @ license https :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . html GNU General Public License , version 2 ( one or other )
* @ version 4.7 . 7
*/ error_reporting ( 6135 ); $Xc =! preg_match ( '~^(unsafe_raw)?$~' , ini_get ( " filter.default " )); if ( $Xc || ini_get ( " filter.default_flags " )){ foreach ( array ( '_GET' , '_POST' , '_COOKIE' , '_SERVER' ) as $X ){ $Ii = filter_input_array ( constant ( " INPUT $X " ), FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW ); if ( $Ii ) $$X = $Ii ;}} if ( function_exists ( " mb_internal_encoding " )) mb_internal_encoding ( " 8bit " ); function
connection (){ global $g ; return $g ;} function
adminer (){ global $b ; return $b ;} function
version (){ global $ia ; return $ia ;} function
idf_unescape ( $u ){ $pe = substr ( $u , - 1 ); return
str_replace ( $pe . $pe , $pe , substr ( $u , 1 , - 1 ));} function
escape_string ( $X ){ return
substr ( q ( $X ), 1 , - 1 );} function
number ( $X ){ return
preg_replace ( '~[^0-9]+~' , '' , $X );} function
number_type (){ return '((?<!o)int(?!er)|numeric|real|float|double|decimal|money)' ;} function
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
remove_slashes ( $sg , $Xc = false ){ if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc ()){ while ( list ( $y , $X ) = each ( $sg )){ foreach ( $X
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
as $fe => $W ){ unset ( $sg [ $y ][ $fe ]); if ( is_array ( $W )){ $sg [ $y ][ stripslashes ( $fe )] = $W ; $sg [] =& $sg [ $y ][ stripslashes ( $fe )];} else $sg [ $y ][ stripslashes ( $fe )] = ( $Xc ? $W : stripslashes ( $W ));}}}} function
bracket_escape ( $u , $Oa = false ){ static $ui = array ( ':' => ':1' , ']' => ':2' , '[' => ':3' , '"' => ':4' ); return
strtr ( $u ,( $Oa ? array_flip ( $ui ) : $ui ));} function
min_version ( $aj , $De = " " , $h = null ){ global $g ; if ( ! $h ) $h = $g ; $nh = $h -> server_info ; if ( $De && preg_match ( '~([\d.]+)-MariaDB~' , $nh , $A )){ $nh = $A [ 1 ]; $aj = $De ;} return ( version_compare ( $nh , $aj ) >= 0 );} function
charset ( $g ){ return ( min_version ( " 5.5.3 " , 0 , $g ) ? " utf8mb4 " : " utf8 " );} function
script ( $yh , $ti = " \n " ){ return " <script " . nonce () . " > $yh </script> $ti " ;} function
script_src ( $Ni ){ return " <script src=' " . h ( $Ni ) . " ' " . nonce () . " ></script> \n " ;} function
nonce (){ return ' nonce="' . get_nonce () . '"' ;} function
target_blank (){ return ' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"' ;} function
h ( $P ){ return
str_replace ( " \0 " , " � " , htmlspecialchars ( $P , ENT_QUOTES , 'utf-8' ));} function
nl_br ( $P ){ return
str_replace ( " \n " , " <br> " , $P );} function
checkbox ( $B , $Y , $fb , $me = " " , $uf = " " , $kb = " " , $ne = " " ){ $H = " <input type='checkbox' name=' $B ' value=' " . h ( $Y ) . " ' " . ( $fb ? " checked " : " " ) . ( $ne ? " aria-labelledby=' $ne ' " : " " ) . " > " . ( $uf ? script ( " qsl('input').onclick = function () { $uf }; " , " " ) : " " ); return ( $me != " " || $kb ? " <label " . ( $kb ? " class=' $kb ' " : " " ) . " > $H " . h ( $me ) . " </label> " : $H );} function
optionlist ( $_f , $hh = null , $Si = false ){ $H = " " ; foreach ( $_f
as $fe => $W ){ $Af = array ( $fe => $W ); if ( is_array ( $W )){ $H .= '<optgroup label="' . h ( $fe ) . '">' ; $Af = $W ;} foreach ( $Af
as $y => $X ) $H .= '<option' . ( $Si || is_string ( $y ) ? ' value="' . h ( $y ) . '"' : '' ) . (( $Si || is_string ( $y ) ? ( string ) $y : $X ) === $hh ? ' selected' : '' ) . '>' . h ( $X ); if ( is_array ( $W )) $H .= '</optgroup>' ;} return $H ;} function
html_select ( $B , $_f , $Y = " " , $tf = true , $ne = " " ){ if ( $tf ) return " <select name=' " . h ( $B ) . " ' " . ( $ne ? " aria-labelledby=' $ne ' " : " " ) . " > " . optionlist ( $_f , $Y ) . " </select> " . ( is_string ( $tf ) ? script ( " qsl('select').onchange = function () { $tf }; " , " " ) : " " ); $H = " " ; foreach ( $_f
as $y => $X ) $H .= " <label><input type='radio' name=' " . h ( $B ) . " ' value=' " . h ( $y ) . " ' " . ( $y == $Y ? " checked " : " " ) . " > " . h ( $X ) . " </label> " ; return $H ;} function
select_input ( $Ja , $_f , $Y = " " , $tf = " " , $eg = " " ){ $Yh = ( $_f ? " select " : " input " ); return " < $Yh $Ja " . ( $_f ? " ><option value=''> $eg " . optionlist ( $_f , $Y , true ) . " </select> " : " size='10' value=' " . h ( $Y ) . " ' placeholder=' $eg '> " ) . ( $tf ? script ( " qsl(' $Yh ').onchange = $tf ; " , " " ) : " " );} function
confirm ( $Ne = " " , $ih = " qsl('input') " ){ return
script ( " $ih .onclick = function () { return confirm(' " . ( $Ne ? js_escape ( $Ne ) : 'Are you sure?' ) . " '); }; " , " " );} function
print_fieldset ( $t , $ue , $dj = false ){ echo " <fieldset><legend> " , " <a href='#fieldset- $t '> $ue </a> " , script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(toggle, 'fieldset- $t '); " , " " ), " </legend> " , " <div id='fieldset- $t ' " . ( $dj ? " " : " class='hidden' " ) . " > \n " ;} function
bold ( $Wa , $kb = " " ){ return ( $Wa ? " class='active $kb ' " : ( $kb ? " class=' $kb ' " : " " ));} function
odd ( $H = ' class="odd"' ){ static $s = 0 ; if ( ! $H ) $s =- 1 ; return ( $s ++% 2 ? $H : '' );} function
js_escape ( $P ){ return
addcslashes ( $P , " \r \n ' \\ / " );} function
json_row ( $y , $X = null ){ static $Yc = true ; if ( $Yc ) echo " { " ; if ( $y != " " ){ echo ( $Yc ? " " : " , " ) . " \n \t \" " . addcslashes ( $y , " \r \n \t \" \\ / " ) . '": ' . ( $X !== null ? '"' . addcslashes ( $X , " \r \n \" \\ / " ) . '"' : 'null' ); $Yc = false ;} else { echo " \n } \n " ; $Yc = true ;}} function
ini_bool ( $Sd ){ $X = ini_get ( $Sd ); return ( preg_match ( '~^(on|true|yes)$~i' , $X ) || ( int ) $X );} function
sid (){ static $H ; if ( $H === null ) $H = ( SID &&! ( $_COOKIE && ini_bool ( " session.use_cookies " ))); return $H ;} function
set_password ( $Zi , $M , $V , $E ){ $_SESSION [ " pwds " ][ $Zi ][ $M ][ $V ] = ( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_key " ] && is_string ( $E ) ? array ( encrypt_string ( $E , $_COOKIE [ " adminer_key " ])) : $E );} function
get_password (){ $H = get_session ( " pwds " ); if ( is_array ( $H )) $H = ( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_key " ] ? decrypt_string ( $H [ 0 ], $_COOKIE [ " adminer_key " ]) : false ); return $H ;} function
q ( $P ){ global $g ; return $g -> quote ( $P );} function
get_vals ( $F , $e = 0 ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $G = $g -> query ( $F ); if ( is_object ( $G )){ while ( $I = $G -> fetch_row ()) $H [] = $I [ $e ];} return $H ;} function
get_key_vals ( $F , $h = null , $qh = true ){ global $g ; if ( ! is_object ( $h )) $h = $g ; $H = array (); $G = $h -> query ( $F ); if ( is_object ( $G )){ while ( $I = $G -> fetch_row ()){ if ( $qh ) $H [ $I [ 0 ]] = $I [ 1 ]; else $H [] = $I [ 0 ];}} return $H ;} function
get_rows ( $F , $h = null , $n = " <p class='error'> " ){ global $g ; $yb = ( is_object ( $h ) ? $h : $g ); $H = array (); $G = $yb -> query ( $F ); if ( is_object ( $G )){ while ( $I = $G -> fetch_assoc ()) $H [] = $I ;} elseif ( ! $G &&! is_object ( $h ) && $n && defined ( " PAGE_HEADER " )) echo $n . error () . " \n " ; return $H ;} function
unique_array ( $I , $w ){ foreach ( $w
as $v ){ if ( preg_match ( " ~PRIMARY|UNIQUE~ " , $v [ " type " ])){ $H = array (); foreach ( $v [ " columns " ] as $y ){ if ( ! isset ( $I [ $y ])) continue
2 ; $H [ $y ] = $I [ $y ];} return $H ;}}} function
escape_key ( $y ){ if ( preg_match ( '(^([\w(]+)(' . str_replace ( " _ " , " .* " , preg_quote ( idf_escape ( " _ " ))) . ')([ \w)]+)$)' , $y , $A )) return $A [ 1 ] . idf_escape ( idf_unescape ( $A [ 2 ])) . $A [ 3 ]; return
idf_escape ( $y );} function
where ( $Z , $p = array ()){ global $g , $x ; $H = array (); foreach (( array ) $Z [ " where " ] as $y => $X ){ $y = bracket_escape ( $y , 1 ); $e = escape_key ( $y ); $H [] = $e . ( $x == " sql " && is_numeric ( $X ) && preg_match ( '~\.~' , $X ) ? " LIKE " . q ( $X ) : ( $x == " mssql " ? " LIKE " . q ( preg_replace ( '~[_%[]~' , '[\0]' , $X )) : " = " . unconvert_field ( $p [ $y ], q ( $X )))); if ( $x == " sql " && preg_match ( '~char|text~' , $p [ $y ][ " type " ]) && preg_match ( " ~[^ -@]~ " , $X )) $H [] = " $e = " . q ( $X ) . " COLLATE " . charset ( $g ) . " _bin " ;} foreach (( array ) $Z [ " null " ] as $y ) $H [] = escape_key ( $y ) . " IS NULL " ; return
implode ( " AND " , $H );} function
where_check ( $X , $p = array ()){ parse_str ( $X , $db ); remove_slashes ( array ( & $db )); return
where ( $db , $p );} function
where_link ( $s , $e , $Y , $wf = " = " ){ return " &where%5B $s %5D%5Bcol%5D= " . urlencode ( $e ) . " &where%5B $s %5D%5Bop%5D= " . urlencode (( $Y !== null ? $wf : " IS NULL " )) . " &where%5B $s %5D%5Bval%5D= " . urlencode ( $Y );} function
convert_fields ( $f , $p , $K = array ()){ $H = " " ; foreach ( $f
as $y => $X ){ if ( $K &&! in_array ( idf_escape ( $y ), $K )) continue ; $Ga = convert_field ( $p [ $y ]); if ( $Ga ) $H .= " , $Ga AS " . idf_escape ( $y );} return $H ;} function
cookie ( $B , $Y , $xe = 2592000 ){ global $ba ; return
header ( " Set-Cookie: $B = " . urlencode ( $Y ) . ( $xe ? " ; expires= " . gmdate ( " D, d M Y H:i:s " , time () + $xe ) . " GMT " : " " ) . " ; path= " . preg_replace ( '~\?.*~' , '' , $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ]) . ( $ba ? " ; secure " : " " ) . " ; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax " , false );} function
restart_session (){ if ( ! ini_bool ( " session.use_cookies " )) session_start ();} function
stop_session ( $dd = false ){ $Ri = ini_bool ( " session.use_cookies " ); if ( ! $Ri || $dd ){ session_write_close (); if ( $Ri &&@ ini_set ( " session.use_cookies " , false ) === false ) session_start ();}} function & get_session ( $y ){ return $_SESSION [ $y ][ DRIVER ][ SERVER ][ $_GET [ " username " ]];} function
set_session ( $y , $X ){ $_SESSION [ $y ][ DRIVER ][ SERVER ][ $_GET [ " username " ]] = $X ;} function
auth_url ( $Zi , $M , $V , $l = null ){ global $gc ; preg_match ( '~([^?]*)\??(.*)~' , remove_from_uri ( implode ( " | " , array_keys ( $gc )) . " |username| " . ( $l !== null ? " db| " : " " ) . session_name ()), $A ); return " $A[1] ? " . ( sid () ? SID . " & " : " " ) . ( $Zi != " server " || $M != " " ? urlencode ( $Zi ) . " = " . urlencode ( $M ) . " & " : " " ) . " username= " . urlencode ( $V ) . ( $l != " " ? " &db= " . urlencode ( $l ) : " " ) . ( $A [ 2 ] ? " & $A[2] " : " " );} function
is_ajax (){ return ( $_SERVER [ " HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH " ] == " XMLHttpRequest " );} function
redirect ( $ze , $Ne = null ){ if ( $Ne !== null ){ restart_session (); $_SESSION [ " messages " ][ preg_replace ( '~^[^?]*~' , '' ,( $ze !== null ? $ze : $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ]))][] = $Ne ;} if ( $ze !== null ){ if ( $ze == " " ) $ze = " . " ; header ( " Location: $ze " ); exit ;}} function
query_redirect ( $F , $ze , $Ne , $Dg = true , $Ec = true , $Pc = false , $gi = " " ){ global $g , $n , $b ; if ( $Ec ){ $Fh = microtime ( true ); $Pc =! $g -> query ( $F ); $gi = format_time ( $Fh );} $Ah = " " ; if ( $F ) $Ah = $b -> messageQuery ( $F , $gi , $Pc ); if ( $Pc ){ $n = error () . $Ah . script ( " messagesPrint(); " ); return
false ;} if ( $Dg ) redirect ( $ze , $Ne . $Ah ); return
true ;} function
queries ( $F ){ global $g ; static $xg = array (); static $Fh ; if ( ! $Fh ) $Fh = microtime ( true ); if ( $F === null ) return
array ( implode ( " \n " , $xg ), format_time ( $Fh )); $xg [] = ( preg_match ( '~;$~' , $F ) ? " DELIMITER ;; \n $F ; \n DELIMITER " : $F ) . " ; " ; return $g -> query ( $F );} function
apply_queries ( $F , $S , $Ac = 'table' ){ foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ if ( ! queries ( " $F " . $Ac ( $Q ))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
queries_redirect ( $ze , $Ne , $Dg ){ list ( $xg , $gi ) = queries ( null ); return
query_redirect ( $xg , $ze , $Ne , $Dg , false , ! $Dg , $gi );} function
format_time ( $Fh ){ return
sprintf ( '%.3f s' , max ( 0 , microtime ( true ) - $Fh ));} function
relative_uri (){ return
preg_replace ( '~^[^?]*/([^?]*)~' , '\1' , $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ]);} function
remove_from_uri ( $Pf = " " ){ return
substr ( preg_replace ( " ~(?<=[?&])( $Pf " . ( SID ? " " : " | " . session_name ()) . " )=[^&]*&~ " , '' , relative_uri () . " & " ), 0 , - 1 );} function
pagination ( $D , $Lb ){ return " " . ( $D == $Lb ? $D + 1 : '<a href="' . h ( remove_from_uri ( " page " ) . ( $D ? " &page= $D " . ( $_GET [ " next " ] ? " &next= " . urlencode ( $_GET [ " next " ]) : " " ) : " " )) . '">' . ( $D + 1 ) . " </a> " );} function
get_file ( $y , $Tb = false ){ $Vc = $_FILES [ $y ]; if ( ! $Vc ) return
null ; foreach ( $Vc
as $y => $X ) $Vc [ $y ] = ( array ) $X ; $H = '' ; foreach ( $Vc [ " error " ] as $y => $n ){ if ( $n ) return $n ; $B = $Vc [ " name " ][ $y ]; $oi = $Vc [ " tmp_name " ][ $y ]; $Ab = file_get_contents ( $Tb && preg_match ( '~\.gz$~' , $B ) ? " compress.zlib:// $oi " : $oi ); if ( $Tb ){ $Fh = substr ( $Ab , 0 , 3 ); if ( function_exists ( " iconv " ) && preg_match ( " ~^ \xFE \xFF |^ \xFF \xFE ~ " , $Fh , $Jg )) $Ab = iconv ( " utf-16 " , " utf-8 " , $Ab ); elseif ( $Fh == " \xEF \xBB \xBF " ) $Ab = substr ( $Ab , 3 ); $H .= $Ab . " \n \n " ;} else $H .= $Ab ;} return $H ;} function
upload_error ( $n ){ $Ke = ( $n == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE ? ini_get ( " upload_max_filesize " ) : 0 ); return ( $n ? 'Unable to upload a file.' . ( $Ke ? " " . sprintf ( 'Maximum allowed file size is %sB.' , $Ke ) : " " ) : 'File does not exist.' );} function
repeat_pattern ( $cg , $ve ){ return
str_repeat ( " $cg { 0,65535} " , $ve / 65535 ) . " $cg { 0, " . ( $ve % 65535 ) . " } " ;} function
is_utf8 ( $X ){ return ( preg_match ( '~~u' , $X ) &&! preg_match ( '~[\0-\x8\xB\xC\xE-\x1F]~' , $X ));} function
shorten_utf8 ( $P , $ve = 80 , $Mh = " " ){ if ( ! preg_match ( " (^( " . repeat_pattern ( " [ \t \r \n - \ x { 10FFFF}] " , $ve ) . " )( $ )?)u " , $P , $A )) preg_match ( " (^( " . repeat_pattern ( " [ \t \r \n -~] " , $ve ) . " )( $ )?) " , $P , $A ); return
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
h ( $A [ 1 ]) . $Mh . ( isset ( $A [ 2 ]) ? " " : " <i>…</i> " );} function
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
format_number ( $X ){ return
strtr ( number_format ( $X , 0 , " . " , ',' ), preg_split ( '~~u' , '0123456789' , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ));} function
friendly_url ( $X ){ return
preg_replace ( '~[^a-z0-9_]~i' , '-' , $X );} function
hidden_fields ( $sg , $Hd = array ()){ $H = false ; while ( list ( $y , $X ) = each ( $sg )){ if ( ! in_array ( $y , $Hd )){ if ( is_array ( $X )){ foreach ( $X
as $fe => $W ) $sg [ $y . " [ $fe ] " ] = $W ;} else { $H = true ; echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . h ( $y ) . '" value="' . h ( $X ) . '">' ;}}} return $H ;} function
hidden_fields_get (){ echo ( sid () ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . session_name () . '" value="' . h ( session_id ()) . '">' : '' ),( SERVER !== null ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . DRIVER . '" value="' . h ( SERVER ) . '">' : " " ), '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' . h ( $_GET [ " username " ]) . '">' ;} function
table_status1 ( $Q , $Qc = false ){ $H = table_status ( $Q , $Qc ); return ( $H ? $H : array ( " Name " => $Q ));} function
column_foreign_keys ( $Q ){ global $b ; $H = array (); foreach ( $b -> foreignKeys ( $Q ) as $q ){ foreach ( $q [ " source " ] as $X ) $H [ $X ][] = $q ;} return $H ;} function
enum_input ( $T , $Ja , $o , $Y , $vc = null ){ global $b ; preg_match_all ( " ~'((?:[^']|'')*)'~ " , $o [ " length " ], $Fe ); $H = ( $vc !== null ? " <label><input type=' $T ' $Ja value=' $vc ' " . (( is_array ( $Y ) ? in_array ( $vc , $Y ) : $Y === 0 ) ? " checked " : " " ) . " ><i> " . 'empty' . " </i></label> " : " " ); foreach ( $Fe [ 1 ] as $s => $X ){ $X = stripcslashes ( str_replace ( " '' " , " ' " , $X )); $fb = ( is_int ( $Y ) ? $Y == $s + 1 : ( is_array ( $Y ) ? in_array ( $s + 1 , $Y ) : $Y === $X )); $H .= " <label><input type=' $T ' $Ja value=' " . ( $s + 1 ) . " ' " . ( $fb ? ' checked' : '' ) . '>' . h ( $b -> editVal ( $X , $o )) . '</label>' ;} return $H ;} function
input ( $o , $Y , $r ){ global $U , $b , $x ; $B = h ( bracket_escape ( $o [ " field " ])); echo " <td class='function'> " ; if ( is_array ( $Y ) &&! $r ){ $Ea = array ( $Y ); if ( version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , 5.4 ) >= 0 ) $Ea [] = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ; $Y = call_user_func_array ( 'json_encode' , $Ea ); $r = " json " ;} $Ng = ( $x == " mssql " && $o [ " auto_increment " ]); if ( $Ng &&! $_POST [ " save " ]) $r = null ; $md = ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) || $Ng ? array ( " orig " => 'original' ) : array ()) + $b -> editFunctions ( $o ); $Ja = " name='fields[ $B ]' " ; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " enum " ) echo
h ( $md [ " " ]) . " <td> " . $b -> editInput ( $_GET [ " edit " ], $o , $Ja , $Y ); else { $wd = ( in_array ( $r , $md ) || isset ( $md [ $r ])); echo ( count ( $md ) > 1 ? " <select name='function[ $B ]'> " . optionlist ( $md , $r === null || $wd ? $r : " " ) . " </select> " . on_help ( " getTarget(event).value.replace(/^SQL \$ /, '') " , 1 ) . script ( " qsl('select').onchange = functionChange; " , " " ) : h ( reset ( $md ))) . '<td>' ; $Ud = $b -> editInput ( $_GET [ " edit " ], $o , $Ja , $Y ); if ( $Ud != " " ) echo $Ud ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~bool~' , $o [ " type " ])) echo " <input type='hidden' $Ja value='0'> " . " <input type='checkbox' " . ( preg_match ( '~^(1|t|true|y|yes|on)$~i' , $Y ) ? " checked='checked' " : " " ) . " $Ja value='1'> " ; elseif ( $o [ " type " ] == " set " ){ preg_match_all ( " ~'((?:[^']|'')*)'~ " , $o [ " length " ], $Fe ); foreach ( $Fe [ 1 ] as $s => $X ){ $X = stripcslashes ( str_replace ( " '' " , " ' " , $X )); $fb = ( is_int ( $Y ) ? ( $Y >> $s ) & 1 : in_array ( $X , explode ( " , " , $Y ), true )); echo " <label><input type='checkbox' name='fields[ $B ][ $s ]' value=' " . ( 1 << $s ) . " ' " . ( $fb ? ' checked' : '' ) . " > " . h ( $b -> editVal ( $X , $o )) . '</label>' ;}} elseif ( preg_match ( '~blob|bytea|raw|file~' , $o [ " type " ]) && ini_bool ( " file_uploads " )) echo " <input type='file' name='fields- $B '> " ; elseif (( $ei = preg_match ( '~text|lob|memo~i' , $o [ " type " ])) || preg_match ( " ~ \n ~ " , $Y )){ if ( $ei && $x != " sqlite " ) $Ja .= " cols='50' rows='12' " ; else { $J = min ( 12 , substr_count ( $Y , " \n " ) + 1 ); $Ja .= " cols='30' rows=' $J ' " . ( $J == 1 ? " style='height: 1.2em;' " : " " );} echo " <textarea $Ja > " . h ( $Y ) . '</textarea>' ;} elseif ( $r == " json " || preg_match ( '~^jsonb?$~' , $o [ " type " ])) echo " <textarea $Ja cols='50' rows='12' class='jush-js'> " . h ( $Y ) . '</textarea>' ; else { $Me = ( ! preg_match ( '~int~' , $o [ " type " ]) && preg_match ( '~^(\d+)(,(\d+))?$~' , $o [ " length " ], $A ) ? (( preg_match ( " ~binary~ " , $o [ " type " ]) ? 2 : 1 ) * $A [ 1 ] + ( $A [ 3 ] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( $A [ 2 ] &&! $o [ " unsigned " ] ? 1 : 0 )) : ( $U [ $o [ " type " ]] ? $U [ $o [ " type " ]] + ( $o [ " unsigned " ] ? 0 : 1 ) : 0 )); if ( $x == 'sql' && min_version ( 5.6 ) && preg_match ( '~time~' , $o [ " type " ])) $Me += 7 ; echo " <input " . (( ! $wd || $r === " " ) && preg_match ( '~(?<!o)int(?!er)~' , $o [ " type " ]) &&! preg_match ( '~\[\]~' , $o [ " full_type " ]) ? " type='number' " : " " ) . " value=' " . h ( $Y ) . " ' " . ( $Me ? " data-maxlength=' $Me ' " : " " ) . ( preg_match ( '~char|binary~' , $o [ " type " ]) && $Me > 20 ? " size='40' " : " " ) . " $Ja > " ;} echo $b -> editHint ( $_GET [ " edit " ], $o , $Y ); $Yc = 0 ; foreach ( $md
as $y => $X ){ if ( $y === " " ||! $X ) break ; $Yc ++ ;} if ( $Yc ) echo
script ( " mixin(qsl('td'), { onchange: partial(skipOriginal, $Yc ), oninput: function () { this.onchange(); }}); " );}} function
process_input ( $o ){ global $b , $m ; $u = bracket_escape ( $o [ " field " ]); $r = $_POST [ " function " ][ $u ]; $Y = $_POST [ " fields " ][ $u ]; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " enum " ){ if ( $Y ==- 1 ) return
false ; if ( $Y == " " ) return " NULL " ; return + $Y ;} if ( $o [ " auto_increment " ] && $Y == " " ) return
null ; if ( $r == " orig " ) return ( preg_match ( '~^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP~i' , $o [ " on_update " ]) ? idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ]) : false ); if ( $r == " NULL " ) return " NULL " ; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " set " ) return
array_sum (( array ) $Y ); if ( $r == " json " ){ $r = " " ; $Y = json_decode ( $Y , true ); if ( ! is_array ( $Y )) return
false ; return $Y ;} if ( preg_match ( '~blob|bytea|raw|file~' , $o [ " type " ]) && ini_bool ( " file_uploads " )){ $Vc = get_file ( " fields- $u " ); if ( ! is_string ( $Vc )) return
false ; return $m -> quoteBinary ( $Vc );} return $b -> processInput ( $o , $Y , $r );} function
fields_from_edit (){ global $m ; $H = array (); foreach (( array ) $_POST [ " field_keys " ] as $y => $X ){ if ( $X != " " ){ $X = bracket_escape ( $X ); $_POST [ " function " ][ $X ] = $_POST [ " field_funs " ][ $y ]; $_POST [ " fields " ][ $X ] = $_POST [ " field_vals " ][ $y ];}} foreach (( array ) $_POST [ " fields " ] as $y => $X ){ $B = bracket_escape ( $y , 1 ); $H [ $B ] = array ( " field " => $B , " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " update " => 1 ), " null " => 1 , " auto_increment " => ( $y == $m -> primary ),);} return $H ;} function
search_tables (){ global $b , $g ; $_GET [ " where " ][ 0 ][ " val " ] = $_POST [ " query " ]; $kh = " <ul> \n " ; foreach ( table_status ( '' , true ) as $Q => $R ){ $B = $b -> tableName ( $R ); if ( isset ( $R [ " Engine " ]) && $B != " " && ( ! $_POST [ " tables " ] || in_array ( $Q , $_POST [ " tables " ]))){ $G = $g -> query ( " SELECT " . limit ( " 1 FROM " . table ( $Q ), " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $b -> selectSearchProcess ( fields ( $Q ), array ())), 1 )); if ( ! $G || $G -> fetch_row ()){ $og = " <a href=' " . h ( ME . " select= " . urlencode ( $Q ) . " &where[0][op]= " . urlencode ( $_GET [ " where " ][ 0 ][ " op " ]) . " &where[0][val]= " . urlencode ( $_GET [ " where " ][ 0 ][ " val " ])) . " '> $B </a> " ; echo " $kh <li> " . ( $G ? $og : " <p class='error'> $og : " . error ()) . " \n " ; $kh = " " ;}}} echo ( $kh ? " <p class='message'> " . 'No tables.' : " </ul> " ) . " \n " ;} function
dump_headers ( $Ed , $We = false ){ global $b ; $H = $b -> dumpHeaders ( $Ed , $We ); $Mf = $_POST [ " output " ]; if ( $Mf != " text " ) header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= " . $b -> dumpFilename ( $Ed ) . " . $H " . ( $Mf != " file " &&! preg_match ( '~[^0-9a-z]~' , $Mf ) ? " . $Mf " : " " )); session_write_close (); ob_flush (); flush (); return $H ;} function
dump_csv ( $I ){ foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( preg_match ( " ~[ \" \n ,; \t ]~ " , $X ) || $X === " " ) $I [ $y ] = '"' . str_replace ( '"' , '""' , $X ) . '"' ;} echo
implode (( $_POST [ " format " ] == " csv " ? " , " : ( $_POST [ " format " ] == " tsv " ? " \t " : " ; " )), $I ) . " \r \n " ;} function
apply_sql_function ( $r , $e ){ return ( $r ? ( $r == " unixepoch " ? " DATETIME( $e , ' $r ') " : ( $r == " count distinct " ? " COUNT(DISTINCT " : strtoupper ( " $r ( " )) . " $e ) " ) : $e );} function
get_temp_dir (){ $H = ini_get ( " upload_tmp_dir " ); if ( ! $H ){ if ( function_exists ( 'sys_get_temp_dir' )) $H = sys_get_temp_dir (); else { $Wc =@ tempnam ( " " , " " ); if ( ! $Wc ) return
false ; $H = dirname ( $Wc ); unlink ( $Wc );}} return $H ;} function
file_open_lock ( $Wc ){ $kd =@ fopen ( $Wc , " r+ " ); if ( ! $kd ){ $kd =@ fopen ( $Wc , " w " ); if ( ! $kd ) return ; chmod ( $Wc , 0660 );} flock ( $kd , LOCK_EX ); return $kd ;} function
file_write_unlock ( $kd , $Nb ){ rewind ( $kd ); fwrite ( $kd , $Nb ); ftruncate ( $kd , strlen ( $Nb )); flock ( $kd , LOCK_UN ); fclose ( $kd );} function
password_file ( $i ){ $Wc = get_temp_dir () . " /adminer.key " ; $H =@ file_get_contents ( $Wc ); if ( $H ||! $i ) return $H ; $kd =@ fopen ( $Wc , " w " ); if ( $kd ){ chmod ( $Wc , 0660 ); $H = rand_string (); fwrite ( $kd , $H ); fclose ( $kd );} return $H ;} function
rand_string (){ return
md5 ( uniqid ( mt_rand (), true ));} function
select_value ( $X , $_ , $o , $fi ){ global $b ; if ( is_array ( $X )){ $H = " " ; foreach ( $X
as $fe => $W ) $H .= " <tr> " . ( $X != array_values ( $X ) ? " <th> " . h ( $fe ) : " " ) . " <td> " . select_value ( $W , $_ , $o , $fi ); return " <table cellspacing='0'> $H </table> " ;} if ( ! $_ ) $_ = $b -> selectLink ( $X , $o ); if ( $_ === null ){ if ( is_mail ( $X )) $_ = " mailto: $X " ; if ( is_url ( $X )) $_ = $X ;} $H = $b -> editVal ( $X , $o ); if ( $H !== null ){ if ( ! is_utf8 ( $H )) $H = " \0 " ; elseif ( $fi != " " && is_shortable ( $o )) $H = shorten_utf8 ( $H , max ( 0 , + $fi )); else $H = h ( $H );} return $b -> selectVal ( $H , $_ , $o , $X );} function
is_mail ( $sc ){ $Ha = '[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]' ; $fc = '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])' ; $cg = " $Ha +( \\ . $Ha +)*@( $fc ? \\ .)+ $fc " ; return
is_string ( $sc ) && preg_match ( " (^ $cg (, \\ s* $cg )* \$ )i " , $sc );} function
is_url ( $P ){ $fc = '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])' ; return
preg_match ( " ~^(https?)://( $fc ? \\ .)+ $fc (: \\ d+)?(/.*)?( \\ ?.*)?(#.*)? \$ ~i " , $P );} function
is_shortable ( $o ){ return
preg_match ( '~char|text|json|lob|geometry|point|linestring|polygon|string|bytea~' , $o [ " type " ]);} function
count_rows ( $Q , $Z , $ae , $pd ){ global $x ; $F = " FROM " . table ( $Q ) . ( $Z ? " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $Z ) : " " ); return ( $ae && ( $x == " sql " || count ( $pd ) == 1 ) ? " SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT " . implode ( " , " , $pd ) . " ) $F " : " SELECT COUNT(*) " . ( $ae ? " FROM (SELECT 1 $F GROUP BY " . implode ( " , " , $pd ) . " ) x " : $F ));} function
slow_query ( $F ){ global $b , $qi , $m ; $l = $b -> database (); $hi = $b -> queryTimeout (); $vh = $m -> slowQuery ( $F , $hi ); if ( ! $vh && support ( " kill " ) && is_object ( $h = connect ()) && ( $l == " " || $h -> select_db ( $l ))){ $ke = $h -> result ( connection_id ()); echo '<script' , nonce (), ' >
var timeout = setTimeout ( function () {
ajax ( \ '' , js_escape ( ME ), ' script = kill\ ' , function () {
}, \ 'kill=' , $ke , '&token=' , $qi , ' \ ' );
}, ',1000*$hi,' );
</ script >
' ;} else $h = null ; ob_flush (); flush (); $H =@ get_key_vals (( $vh ? $vh : $F ), $h , false ); if ( $h ){ echo
script ( " clearTimeout(timeout); " ); ob_flush (); flush ();} return $H ;} function
get_token (){ $_g = rand ( 1 , 1e6 ); return ( $_g ^ $_SESSION [ " token " ]) . " : $_g " ;} function
verify_token (){ list ( $qi , $_g ) = explode ( " : " , $_POST [ " token " ]); return ( $_g ^ $_SESSION [ " token " ]) == $qi ;} function
lzw_decompress ( $Sa ){ $cc = 256 ; $Ta = 8 ; $mb = array (); $Pg = 0 ; $Qg = 0 ; for ( $s = 0 ; $s < strlen ( $Sa ); $s ++ ){ $Pg = ( $Pg << 8 ) + ord ( $Sa [ $s ]); $Qg += 8 ; if ( $Qg >= $Ta ){ $Qg -= $Ta ; $mb [] = $Pg >> $Qg ; $Pg &= ( 1 << $Qg ) - 1 ; $cc ++ ; if ( $cc >> $Ta ) $Ta ++ ;}} $bc = range ( " \0 " , " \xFF " ); $H = " " ; foreach ( $mb
as $s => $lb ){ $rc = $bc [ $lb ]; if ( ! isset ( $rc )) $rc = $oj . $oj [ 0 ]; $H .= $rc ; if ( $s ) $bc [] = $oj . $rc [ 0 ]; $oj = $rc ;} return $H ;} function
on_help ( $sb , $sh = 0 ){ return
script ( " mixin(qsl('select, input'), { onmouseover: function (event) { helpMouseover.call(this, event, $sb , $sh ) }, onmouseout: helpMouseout}); " , " " );} function
edit_form ( $a , $p , $I , $Li ){ global $b , $x , $qi , $n ; $Rh = $b -> tableName ( table_status1 ( $a , true )); page_header (( $Li ? 'Edit' : 'Insert' ), $n , array ( " select " => array ( $a , $Rh )), $Rh ); if ( $I === false ) echo " <p class='error'> " . 'No rows.' . " \n " ; echo ' < form action = " " method = " post " enctype = " multipart/form-data " id = " form " >
';if(!$p)echo"<p class=' error '>".' You have no privileges to update this table . '."\n";else{echo"<table cellspacing=' 0 ' class=' layout '>".script("qsl(' table ' ) . onkeydown = editingKeydown ; " );foreach( $p
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
as $B => $o ){ echo " <tr><th> " . $b -> fieldName ( $o ); $Ub = $_GET [ " set " ][ bracket_escape ( $B )]; if ( $Ub === null ){ $Ub = $o [ " default " ]; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " bit " && preg_match ( " ~^b'([01]*)' \$ ~ " , $Ub , $Jg )) $Ub = $Jg [ 1 ];} $Y = ( $I !== null ? ( $I [ $B ] != " " && $x == " sql " && preg_match ( " ~enum|set~ " , $o [ " type " ]) ? ( is_array ( $I [ $B ]) ? array_sum ( $I [ $B ]) :+ $I [ $B ]) : $I [ $B ]) : ( ! $Li && $o [ " auto_increment " ] ? " " : ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) ? false : $Ub ))); if ( ! $_POST [ " save " ] && is_string ( $Y )) $Y = $b -> editVal ( $Y , $o ); $r = ( $_POST [ " save " ] ? ( string ) $_POST [ " function " ][ $B ] : ( $Li && preg_match ( '~^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP~i' , $o [ " on_update " ]) ? " now " : ( $Y === false ? null : ( $Y !== null ? '' : 'NULL' )))); if ( preg_match ( " ~time~ " , $o [ " type " ]) && preg_match ( '~^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP~i' , $Y )){ $Y = " " ; $r = " now " ;} input ( $o , $Y , $r ); echo " \n " ;} if ( ! support ( " table " )) echo " <tr> " . " <th><input name='field_keys[]'> " . script ( " qsl('input').oninput = fieldChange; " ) . " <td class='function'> " . html_select ( " field_funs[] " , $b -> editFunctions ( array ( " null " => isset ( $_GET [ " select " ])))) . " <td><input name='field_vals[]'> " . " \n " ; echo " </table> \n " ;} echo " <p> \n " ; if ( $p ){ echo " <input type='submit' value=' " . 'Save' . " '> \n " ; if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ " select " ])){ echo " <input type='submit' name='insert' value=' " . ( $Li ? 'Save and continue edit' : 'Save and insert next' ) . " ' title='Ctrl+Shift+Enter'> \n " ,( $Li ? script ( " qsl('input').onclick = function () { return !ajaxForm(this.form, ' " . 'Saving' . " …', this); }; " ) : " " );}} echo ( $Li ? " <input type='submit' name='delete' value=' " . 'Delete' . " '> " . confirm () . " \n " : ( $_POST ||! $p ? " " : script ( " focus(qsa('td', qs('#form'))[1].firstChild); " ))); if ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ])) hidden_fields ( array ( " check " => ( array ) $_POST [ " check " ], " clone " => $_POST [ " clone " ], " all " => $_POST [ " all " ])); echo '<input type="hidden" name="referer" value="' , h ( isset ( $_POST [ " referer " ]) ? $_POST [ " referer " ] : $_SERVER [ " HTTP_REFERER " ]), ' " >
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " save " value = " 1 " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
' ;} if ( isset ( $_GET [ " file " ])){ if ( $_SERVER [ " HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE " ]){ header ( " HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified " ); exit ;} header ( " Expires: " . gmdate ( " D, d M Y H:i:s " , time () + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) . " GMT " ); header ( " Last-Modified: " . gmdate ( " D, d M Y H:i:s " ) . " GMT " ); header ( " Cache-Control: immutable " ); if ( $_GET [ " file " ] == " favicon.ico " ){ header ( " Content-Type: image/x-icon " ); echo
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
lzw_decompress ( " \0 \0 \0 ` \0 <EFBFBD> \0 \n @ \0 <EFBFBD> C<> <10> \" \0 `E<> Q<EFBFBD> <51> <01> <1F> ?<3F> tvM'<27> Jd<4A> d \\ <19> b0\0 <08> \" <13> <> fӈ<66> <D388> s5<73> <35> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> A<EFBFBD> X P a J<> 0<18> <> <EFBFBD> 8<> #R<> T<EFBFBD> <54> z`<60> #.<2E> <> c<EFBFBD> X<EFBFBD> <58> Ȁ?<3F> -\0 <05> Im?<3F> .<16> M<EFBFBD> <16> \0 ȯ (̉<> <1E> /( %<25> \0 " );} elseif ( $_GET [ " file " ] == " default.css " ){ header ( " Content-Type: text/css; charset=utf-8 " ); echo
lzw_decompress ( " \n 1 ̇<> ٌ<EFBFBD> l7<6C> <37> B1<42> 4vb0<62> <30> fs<66> <73> <EFBFBD> n2B<32> ѱ٘<D1B1> n:<0E> # (<28> b. \r D c)<29> <> a7 E<> <13> <> <EFBFBD> l<0C> ñ<EFBFBD> <C3B1> i1̎s<03> <> <EFBFBD> -4<> <34> f<EFBFBD> <09> <> i7<0E> <03> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> t4<0E> <> <EFBFBD> y<EFBFBD> Zf4<66> <05> i<01> AT<41> V V<15> <> f: Ϧ , :1<0E> Qݼ<51> b2 `<60> #<0C> >:7G<37> <47> 1<EFBFBD> <31> <EFBFBD> s<EFBFBD> <73> L<EFBFBD> XD*bv<܌#<23> e@<40> :4<1B> <> !fo<1D> <> <EFBFBD> t:<<3C> <> 咾<EFBFBD> o<EFBFBD> <6F> \n i<EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ',<2C> <> a _<> :<3A> i<69> Bv<42> |N<> 4.5 Nf<4E> i<EFBFBD> vp<76> h<EFBFBD> <68> l<EFBFBD> <6C> <EFBFBD> ֚<EFBFBD> O<EFBFBD> <4F> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> = <20> OFQ<46> <51> k \$ <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> i<EFBFBD> <1A> <> <EFBFBD> d2T<0C> <> p<EFBFBD> <70> 6<EFBFBD> <01> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> -<2D> Z<EFBFBD> <5A> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 6<EFBFBD> <36> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> h:<3A> a<> ,<2C> <> <EFBFBD> <10> 2<EFBFBD> #8А <38> #<23> <> 6 n<> <6E> <11> <> J<1E> <> h<EFBFBD> t<EFBFBD> <74> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 4 O42<34> <32> ok<6F> <12> *r<> <72> <01> @ p@<16> !<21> <1D> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ?<3F> 6<> <36> r[<03> <> L<06> <> <EFBFBD> :2B<32> j<EFBFBD> !Hb<1C> <> P<EFBFBD> = !1 V<> \" <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 0<EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> \n S<EFBFBD> <19> <> D7<0E> <> Dڛ<44> C!<1C> !<21> <> <EFBFBD> Gʌ<47> <20> +<2B> = tC<74> <43> .C<> <43> : +<2B> <> =<3D> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <18> <> <EFBFBD> %<1F> c<EFBFBD> 1MR/<2F> EȒ4<C892> <34> <EFBFBD> 2<EFBFBD> 䱠<EFBFBD> `<60> 8(<28> ӹ[W<0B> <> =<3D> yS<0C> b<EFBFBD> =<3D> -ܹ BS +ɯ <> <C9AF> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <0F> @ p L4Y d<> <17> q<EFBFBD> <71> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 6<0C> 3Ĭ<0C> <> Ac܌<63> Ψ<EFBFBD> k<EFBFBD> [&><3E> <> <EFBFBD> Z<> pkm]<5D> u-c:<3A> <15> <> N t<> δpҝ<70> <D29D> 8<EFBFBD> =<3D> #<23> <> [ .<2E> <> ޯ<EFBFBD> ~<7E> <> <EFBFBD> m<EFBFBD> y<EFBFBD> PP<50> |I֛<49> <EFBFBD> <0F> Q<> 9v[<5B> Q<EFBFBD> <51> \n <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> r<EFBFBD> 'g<> +<2B> <> T<EFBFBD> 2<EFBFBD> <32> V<EFBFBD> <56> z<EFBFBD> 4<EFBFBD> <34> 8<EFBFBD> <38> ( <09> Ey*#j<> 2]<12> <> R<EFBFBD> <52> <06> <> )<29> <> [N<> R\$ <EFBFBD> <>:<3A> <> >\$ ;<14> ><3E> <> \r <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> H<EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> T<> \n w<> N <20> wأ<77> <D8A3> <<3C> <0E> Gw<47> <77> <EFBFBD> <15> \\ Y<EFBFBD> _<EFBFBD> Rt^<5E> ><3E> \r }<7D> <> S \r z<EFBFBD> 4=<3D> \n L<EFBFBD> %J<> <13> \" ,Z<> 8<0E> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> i<EFBFBD> 0u<30> ?<1A> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> s 3 #<23> ى<EFBFBD> :<3A> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㽖<18> <> E]x<> <78> <0E> s^8<> <38> K^<5E> <> *0<> <30> w<EFBFBD> <03> <> <EFBFBD> ~<7E> <> <EFBFBD> :<3A> <> i<EFBFBD> <69> <EFBFBD> v2w<32> <77> <EFBFBD> <07> ^7<> <0E> <08> 7<EFBFBD> c<EFBFBD> <63> u+U %<25> { P<EFBFBD> *4̼<34> LX./!<21> <> 1C<1E> <> qx! 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2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
get_lang (){ return 'en' ;} function
lang ( $vi , $jf = null ){ if ( is_array ( $vi )){ $gg = ( $jf == 1 ? 0 : 1 ); $vi = $vi [ $gg ];} $vi = str_replace ( " %d " , " %s " , $vi ); $jf = format_number ( $jf ); return
sprintf ( $vi , $jf );} if ( extension_loaded ( 'pdo' )){ class
PDO { var $_result , $server_info , $affected_rows , $errno , $error ; function
__construct (){ global $b ; $gg = array_search ( " SQL " , $b -> operators ); if ( $gg !== false ) unset ( $b -> operators [ $gg ]);} function
dsn ( $lc , $V , $E , $_f = array ()){ try { parent :: __construct ( $lc , $V , $E , $_f );} catch ( Exception $Cc ){ auth_error ( h ( $Cc -> getMessage ()));} $this -> setAttribute ( 13 , array ( 'Min_PDOStatement' )); $this -> server_info =@ $this -> getAttribute ( 4 );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G = parent :: query ( $F ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ list (, $this -> errno , $this -> error ) = $this -> errorInfo (); if ( ! $this -> error ) $this -> error = 'Unknown error.' ; return
false ;} $this -> store_result ( $G ); return $G ;} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result ( $G = null ){ if ( ! $G ){ $G = $this -> _result ; if ( ! $G ) return
false ;} if ( $G -> columnCount ()){ $G -> num_rows = $G -> rowCount (); return $G ;} $this -> affected_rows = $G -> rowCount (); return
true ;} function
next_result (){ if ( ! $this -> _result ) return
false ; $this -> _result -> _offset = 0 ; return @ $this -> _result -> nextRowset ();} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! $G ) return
false ; $I = $G -> fetch (); return $I [ $o ];}} class
PDOStatement { var $_offset = 0 , $num_rows ; function
fetch_assoc (){ return $this -> fetch ( 2 );} function
fetch_row (){ return $this -> fetch ( 3 );} function
fetch_field (){ $I = ( object ) $this -> getColumnMeta ( $this -> _offset ++ ); $I -> orgtable = $I -> table ; $I -> orgname = $I -> name ; $I -> charsetnr = ( in_array ( " blob " ,( array ) $I -> flags ) ? 63 : 0 ); return $I ;}}} $gc = array (); class
Min_SQL { var $_conn ; function
__construct ( $g ){ $this -> _conn = $g ;} function
select ( $Q , $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf = array (), $z = 1 , $D = 0 , $og = false ){ global $b , $x ; $ae = ( count ( $pd ) < count ( $K )); $F = $b -> selectQueryBuild ( $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf , $z , $D ); if ( ! $F ) $F = " SELECT " . limit (( $_GET [ " page " ] != " last " && $z != " " && $pd && $ae && $x == " sql " ? " SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " : " " ) . implode ( " , " , $K ) . " \n FROM " . table ( $Q ),( $Z ? " \n WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $Z ) : " " ) . ( $pd && $ae ? " \n GROUP BY " . implode ( " , " , $pd ) : " " ) . ( $Bf ? " \n ORDER BY " . implode ( " , " , $Bf ) : " " ),( $z != " " ? + $z : null ),( $D ? $z * $D : 0 ), " \n " ); $Fh = microtime ( true ); $H = $this -> _conn -> query ( $F ); if ( $og ) echo $b -> selectQuery ( $F , $Fh , ! $H ); return $H ;} function
delete ( $Q , $yg , $z = 0 ){ $F = " FROM " . table ( $Q ); return
queries ( " DELETE " . ( $z ? limit1 ( $Q , $F , $yg ) : " $F $yg " ));} function
update ( $Q , $N , $yg , $z = 0 , $L = " \n " ){ $Xi = array (); foreach ( $N
as $y => $X ) $Xi [] = " $y = $X " ; $F = table ( $Q ) . " SET $L " . implode ( " , $L " , $Xi ); return
queries ( " UPDATE " . ( $z ? limit1 ( $Q , $F , $yg , $L ) : " $F $yg " ));} function
insert ( $Q , $N ){ return
queries ( " INSERT INTO " . table ( $Q ) . ( $N ? " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $N )) . " ) \n VALUES ( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " ) " : " DEFAULT VALUES " ));} function
insertUpdate ( $Q , $J , $mg ){ return
false ;} function
begin (){ return
queries ( " BEGIN " );} function
commit (){ return
queries ( " COMMIT " );} function
rollback (){ return
queries ( " ROLLBACK " );} function
slowQuery ( $F , $hi ){} function
convertSearch ( $u , $X , $o ){ return $u ;} function
value ( $X , $o ){ return ( method_exists ( $this -> _conn , 'value' ) ? $this -> _conn -> value ( $X , $o ) : ( is_resource ( $X ) ? stream_get_contents ( $X ) : $X ));} function
quoteBinary ( $ah ){ return
q ( $ah );} function
warnings (){ return '' ;} function
tableHelp ( $B ){}} $gc [ " sqlite " ] = " SQLite 3 " ; $gc [ " sqlite2 " ] = " SQLite 2 " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " sqlite " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " sqlite2 " ])){ $jg = array (( isset ( $_GET [ " sqlite " ]) ? " SQLite3 " : " SQLite " ), " PDO_SQLite " ); define ( " DRIVER " ,( isset ( $_GET [ " sqlite " ]) ? " sqlite " : " sqlite2 " )); if ( class_exists ( isset ( $_GET [ " sqlite " ]) ? " SQLite3 " : " SQLiteDatabase " )){ if ( isset ( $_GET [ " sqlite " ])){ class
Min_SQLite { var $extension = " SQLite3 " , $server_info , $affected_rows , $errno , $error , $_link ; function
__construct ( $Wc ){ $this -> _link = new
SQLite3 ( $Wc ); $aj = $this -> _link -> version (); $this -> server_info = $aj [ " versionString " ];} function
query ( $F ){ $G =@ $this -> _link -> query ( $F ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $this -> errno = $this -> _link -> lastErrorCode (); $this -> error = $this -> _link -> lastErrorMsg (); return
false ;} elseif ( $G -> numColumns ()) return
Min_Result ( $G ); $this -> affected_rows = $this -> _link -> changes (); return
true ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return ( is_utf8 ( $P ) ? " ' " . $this -> _link -> escapeString ( $P ) . " ' " : " x' " . reset ( unpack ( 'H*' , $P )) . " ' " );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! is_object ( $G )) return
false ; $I = $G -> _result -> fetchArray (); return $I [ $o ];}} class
Min_Result { var $_result , $_offset = 0 , $num_rows ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ;} function
fetch_assoc (){ return $this -> _result -> fetchArray ( SQLITE3_ASSOC );} function
fetch_row (){ return $this -> _result -> fetchArray ( SQLITE3_NUM );} function
fetch_field (){ $e = $this -> _offset ++ ; $T = $this -> _result -> columnType ( $e ); return ( object ) array ( " name " => $this -> _result -> columnName ( $e ), " type " => $T , " charsetnr " => ( $T == SQLITE3_BLOB ? 63 : 0 ),);} function
__desctruct (){ return $this -> _result -> finalize ();}}} else { class
Min_SQLite { var $extension = " SQLite " , $server_info , $affected_rows , $error , $_link ; function
__construct ( $Wc ){ $this -> server_info = sqlite_libversion (); $this -> _link = new
SQLiteDatabase ( $Wc );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $Te = ( $Ei ? " unbufferedQuery " : " query " ); $G =@ $this -> _link -> $Te ( $F , SQLITE_BOTH , $n ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $this -> error = $n ; return
false ;} elseif ( $G === true ){ $this -> affected_rows = $this -> changes (); return
true ;} return
Min_Result ( $G );} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . sqlite_escape_string ( $P ) . " ' " ;} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! is_object ( $G )) return
false ; $I = $G -> _result -> fetch (); return $I [ $o ];}} class
Min_Result { var $_result , $_offset = 0 , $num_rows ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ; if ( method_exists ( $G , 'numRows' )) $this -> num_rows = $G -> numRows ();} function
fetch_assoc (){ $I = $this -> _result -> fetch ( SQLITE_ASSOC ); if ( ! $I ) return
false ; $H = array (); foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ) $H [( $y [ 0 ] == '"' ? idf_unescape ( $y ) : $y )] = $X ; return $H ;} function
fetch_row (){ return $this -> _result -> fetch ( SQLITE_NUM );} function
fetch_field (){ $B = $this -> _result -> fieldName ( $this -> _offset ++ ); $cg = '(\[.*]|"(?:[^"]|"")*"|(.+))' ; if ( preg_match ( " ~^( $cg\\ .)? $cg\ $ ~ " , $B , $A )){ $Q = ( $A [ 3 ] != " " ? $A [ 3 ] : idf_unescape ( $A [ 2 ])); $B = ( $A [ 5 ] != " " ? $A [ 5 ] : idf_unescape ( $A [ 4 ]));} return ( object ) array ( " name " => $B , " orgname " => $B , " orgtable " => $Q ,);}}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " pdo_sqlite " )){ class
Min_PDO { var $extension = " PDO_SQLite " ; function
__construct ( $Wc ){ $this -> dsn ( DRIVER . " : $Wc " , " " , " " );}}} if ( class_exists ( " Min_SQLite " )){ class
Min_SQLite { function
__construct (){ parent :: __construct ( " :memory: " ); $this -> query ( " PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1 " );} function
select_db ( $Wc ){ if ( is_readable ( $Wc ) && $this -> query ( " ATTACH " . $this -> quote ( preg_match ( " ~(^[/ \\ \\ ]|:)~ " , $Wc ) ? $Wc : dirname ( $_SERVER [ " SCRIPT_FILENAME " ]) . " / $Wc " ) . " AS a " )){ parent :: __construct ( $Wc ); $this -> query ( " PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1 " ); return
true ;} return
false ;} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
next_result (){ return
false ;}}} class
Min_SQL { function
insertUpdate ( $Q , $J , $mg ){ $Xi = array (); foreach ( $J
as $N ) $Xi [] = " ( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " ) " ; return
queries ( " REPLACE INTO " . table ( $Q ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_keys ( reset ( $J ))) . " ) VALUES \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $Xi ));} function
tableHelp ( $B ){ if ( $B == " sqlite_sequence " ) return " fileformat2.html#seqtab " ; if ( $B == " sqlite_master " ) return " fileformat2.html# $B " ;}} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return '"' . str_replace ( '"' , '""' , $u ) . '"' ;} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
connect (){ global $b ; list (,, $E ) = $b -> credentials (); if ( $E != " " ) return 'Database does not support password.' ; return
Min_DB ;} function
get_databases (){ return
array ();} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return " $F $Z " . ( $z !== null ? $L . " LIMIT $z " . ( $C ? " OFFSET $C " : " " ) : " " );} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ global $g ; return ( preg_match ( '~^INTO~' , $F ) || $g -> result ( " SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT') " ) ? limit ( $F , $Z , 1 , 0 , $L ) : " $F WHERE rowid = (SELECT rowid FROM " . table ( $Q ) . $Z . $L . " LIMIT 1) " );} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " PRAGMA encoding " );} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
logged_user (){ return
get_current_user ();} function
tables_list (){ return
get_key_vals ( " SELECT name, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') ORDER BY (name = 'sqlite_sequence'), name " );} function
count_tables ( $k ){ return
array ();} function
table_status ( $B = " " ){ global $g ; $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT name AS Name, type AS Engine, 'rowid' AS Oid, '' AS Auto_increment FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') " . ( $B != " " ? " AND name = " . q ( $B ) : " ORDER BY name " )) as $I ){ $I [ " Rows " ] = $g -> result ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Name " ])); $H [ $I [ " Name " ]] = $I ;} foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT * FROM sqlite_sequence " , null , " " ) as $I ) $H [ $I [ " name " ]][ " Auto_increment " ] = $I [ " seq " ]; return ( $B != " " ? $H [ $B ] : $H );} function
is_view ( $R ){ return $R [ " Engine " ] == " view " ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){ global $g ; return ! $g -> result ( " SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY') " );} function
fields ( $Q ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $mg = " " ; foreach ( get_rows ( " PRAGMA table_info( " . table ( $Q ) . " ) " ) as $I ){ $B = $I [ " name " ]; $T = strtolower ( $I [ " type " ]); $Ub = $I [ " dflt_value " ]; $H [ $B ] = array ( " field " => $B , " type " => ( preg_match ( '~int~i' , $T ) ? " integer " : ( preg_match ( '~char|clob|text~i' , $T ) ? " text " : ( preg_match ( '~blob~i' , $T ) ? " blob " : ( preg_match ( '~real|floa|doub~i' , $T ) ? " real " : " numeric " )))), " full_type " => $T , " default " => ( preg_match ( " ~'(.*)'~ " , $Ub , $A ) ? str_replace ( " '' " , " ' " , $A [ 1 ]) : ( $Ub == " NULL " ? null : $Ub )), " null " =>! $I [ " notnull " ], " privileges " => array ( " select " => 1 , " insert " => 1 , " update " => 1 ), " primary " => $I [ " pk " ],); if ( $I [ " pk " ]){ if ( $mg != " " ) $H [ $mg ][ " auto_increment " ] = false ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~^integer$~i' , $T )) $H [ $B ][ " auto_increment " ] = true ; $mg = $B ;}} $Ah = $g -> result ( " SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = " . q ( $Q )); preg_match_all ( '~(("[^"]*+")+|[a-z0-9_]+)\s+text\s+COLLATE\s+(\'[^\']+\'|\S+)~i' , $Ah , $Fe , PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $Fe
as $A ){ $B = str_replace ( '""' , '"' , preg_replace ( '~^"|"$~' , '' , $A [ 1 ])); if ( $H [ $B ]) $H [ $B ][ " collation " ] = trim ( $A [ 3 ], " ' " );} return $H ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ global $g ; if ( ! is_object ( $h )) $h = $g ; $H = array (); $Ah = $h -> result ( " SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = " . q ( $Q )); if ( preg_match ( '~\bPRIMARY\s+KEY\s*\((([^)"]+|"[^"]*"|`[^`]*`)++)~i' , $Ah , $A )){ $H [ " " ] = array ( " type " => " PRIMARY " , " columns " => array (), " lengths " => array (), " descs " => array ()); preg_match_all ( '~((("[^"]*+")+|(?:`[^`]*+`)+)|(\S+))(\s+(ASC|DESC))?(,\s*|$)~i' , $A [ 1 ], $Fe , PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $Fe
as $A ){ $H [ " " ][ " columns " ][] = idf_unescape ( $A [ 2 ]) . $A [ 4 ]; $H [ " " ][ " descs " ][] = ( preg_match ( '~DESC~i' , $A [ 5 ]) ? '1' : null );}} if ( ! $H ){ foreach ( fields ( $Q ) as $B => $o ){ if ( $o [ " primary " ]) $H [ " " ] = array ( " type " => " PRIMARY " , " columns " => array ( $B ), " lengths " => array (), " descs " => array ( null ));}} $Dh = get_key_vals ( " SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index' AND tbl_name = " . q ( $Q ), $h ); foreach ( get_rows ( " PRAGMA index_list( " . table ( $Q ) . " ) " , $h ) as $I ){ $B = $I [ " name " ]; $v = array ( " type " => ( $I [ " unique " ] ? " UNIQUE " : " INDEX " )); $v [ " lengths " ] = array (); $v [ " descs " ] = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " PRAGMA index_info( " . idf_escape ( $B ) . " ) " , $h ) as $Zg ){ $v [ " columns " ][] = $Zg [ " name " ]; $v [ " descs " ][] = null ;} if ( preg_match ( '~^CREATE( UNIQUE)? INDEX ' . preg_quote ( idf_escape ( $B ) . ' ON ' . idf_escape ( $Q ), '~' ) . ' \((.*)\)$~i' , $Dh [ $B ], $Jg )){ preg_match_all ( '/("[^"]*+")+( DESC)?/' , $Jg [ 2 ], $Fe ); foreach ( $Fe [ 2 ] as $y => $X ){ if ( $X ) $v [ " descs " ][ $y ] = '1' ;}} if ( ! $H [ " " ] || $v [ " type " ] != " UNIQUE " || $v [ " columns " ] != $H [ " " ][ " columns " ] || $v [ " descs " ] != $H [ " " ][ " descs " ] ||! preg_match ( " ~^sqlite_~ " , $B )) $H [ $B ] = $v ;} return $H ;} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " PRAGMA foreign_key_list( " . table ( $Q ) . " ) " ) as $I ){ $q =& $H [ $I [ " id " ]]; if ( ! $q ) $q = $I ; $q [ " source " ][] = $I [ " from " ]; $q [ " target " ][] = $I [ " to " ];} return $H ;} function
view ( $B ){ global $g ; return
array ( " select " => preg_replace ( '~^(?:[^`"[]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")* AS\s+~iU' , '' , $g -> result ( " SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = " . q ( $B ))));} function
collations (){ return ( isset ( $_GET [ " create " ]) ? get_vals ( " PRAGMA collation_list " , 1 ) : array ());} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return
false ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
check_sqlite_name ( $B ){ global $g ; $Mc = " db|sdb|sqlite " ; if ( ! preg_match ( " ~^[^ \\ 0]* \\ .( $Mc ) \$ ~ " , $B )){ $g -> error = sprintf ( 'Please use one of the extensions %s.' , str_replace ( " | " , " , " , $Mc )); return
false ;} return
true ;} function
create_database ( $l , $d ){ global $g ; if ( file_exists ( $l )){ $g -> error = 'File exists.' ; return
false ;} if ( ! check_sqlite_name ( $l )) return
false ; try { $_ = new
Min_SQLite ( $l );} catch ( Exception $Cc ){ $g -> error = $Cc -> getMessage (); return
false ;} $_ -> query ( 'PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"' ); $_ -> query ( 'CREATE TABLE adminer (i)' ); $_ -> query ( 'DROP TABLE adminer' ); return
true ;} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ global $g ; $g -> __construct ( " :memory: " ); foreach ( $k
as $l ){ if ( !@ unlink ( $l )){ $g -> error = 'File exists.' ; return
false ;}} return
true ;} function
rename_database ( $B , $d ){ global $g ; if ( ! check_sqlite_name ( $B )) return
false ; $g -> __construct ( " :memory: " ); $g -> error = 'File exists.' ; return @ rename ( DB , $B );} function
auto_increment (){ return " PRIMARY KEY " . ( DRIVER == " sqlite " ? " AUTOINCREMENT " : " " );} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ global $g ; $Qi = ( $Q == " " || $ed ); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ if ( $o [ 0 ] != " " ||! $o [ 1 ] || $o [ 2 ]){ $Qi = true ; break ;}} $c = array (); $Kf = array (); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ if ( $o [ 1 ]){ $c [] = ( $Qi ? $o [ 1 ] : " ADD " . implode ( $o [ 1 ])); if ( $o [ 0 ] != " " ) $Kf [ $o [ 0 ]] = $o [ 1 ][ 0 ];}} if ( ! $Qi ){ foreach ( $c
as $X ){ if ( ! queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " $X " )) return
false ;} if ( $Q != $B &&! queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " RENAME TO " . table ( $B ))) return
false ;} elseif ( ! recreate_table ( $Q , $B , $c , $Kf , $ed , $Ma )) return
false ; if ( $Ma ){ queries ( " BEGIN " ); queries ( " UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = $Ma WHERE name = " . q ( $B )); if ( ! $g -> affected_rows ) queries ( " INSERT INTO sqlite_sequence (name, seq) VALUES ( " . q ( $B ) . " , $Ma ) " ); queries ( " COMMIT " );} return
true ;} function
recreate_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $Kf , $ed , $Ma , $w = array ()){ global $g ; if ( $Q != " " ){ if ( ! $p ){ foreach ( fields ( $Q ) as $y => $o ){ if ( $w ) $o [ " auto_increment " ] = 0 ; $p [] = process_field ( $o , $o ); $Kf [ $y ] = idf_escape ( $y );}} $ng = false ; foreach ( $p
as $o ){ if ( $o [ 6 ]) $ng = true ;} $jc = array (); foreach ( $w
as $y => $X ){ if ( $X [ 2 ] == " DROP " ){ $jc [ $X [ 1 ]] = true ; unset ( $w [ $y ]);}} foreach ( indexes ( $Q ) as $ie => $v ){ $f = array (); foreach ( $v [ " columns " ] as $y => $e ){ if ( ! $Kf [ $e ]) continue
2 ; $f [] = $Kf [ $e ] . ( $v [ " descs " ][ $y ] ? " DESC " : " " );} if ( ! $jc [ $ie ]){ if ( $v [ " type " ] != " PRIMARY " ||! $ng ) $w [] = array ( $v [ " type " ], $ie , $f );}} foreach ( $w
as $y => $X ){ if ( $X [ 0 ] == " PRIMARY " ){ unset ( $w [ $y ]); $ed [] = " PRIMARY KEY ( " . implode ( " , " , $X [ 2 ]) . " ) " ;}} foreach ( foreign_keys ( $Q ) as $ie => $q ){ foreach ( $q [ " source " ] as $y => $e ){ if ( ! $Kf [ $e ]) continue
2 ; $q [ " source " ][ $y ] = idf_unescape ( $Kf [ $e ]);} if ( ! isset ( $ed [ " $ie " ])) $ed [] = " " . format_foreign_key ( $q );} queries ( " BEGIN " );} foreach ( $p
as $y => $o ) $p [ $y ] = " " . implode ( $o ); $p = array_merge ( $p , array_filter ( $ed )); $bi = ( $Q == $B ? " adminer_ $B " : $B ); if ( ! queries ( " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $bi ) . " ( \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $p ) . " \n ) " )) return
false ; if ( $Q != " " ){ if ( $Kf &&! queries ( " INSERT INTO " . table ( $bi ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $Kf ) . " ) SELECT " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , array_keys ( $Kf ))) . " FROM " . table ( $Q ))) return
false ; $Bi = array (); foreach ( triggers ( $Q ) as $_i => $ii ){ $zi = trigger ( $_i ); $Bi [] = " CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape ( $_i ) . " " . implode ( " " , $ii ) . " ON " . table ( $B ) . " \n $zi[Statement] " ;} $Ma = $Ma ? 0 : $g -> result ( " SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name = " . q ( $Q )); if ( ! queries ( " DROP TABLE " . table ( $Q )) || ( $Q == $B &&! queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $bi ) . " RENAME TO " . table ( $B ))) ||! alter_indexes ( $B , $w )) return
false ; if ( $Ma ) queries ( " UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = $Ma WHERE name = " . q ( $B )); foreach ( $Bi
as $zi ){ if ( ! queries ( $zi )) return
false ;} queries ( " COMMIT " );} return
true ;} function
index_sql ( $Q , $T , $B , $f ){ return " CREATE $T " . ( $T != " INDEX " ? " INDEX " : " " ) . idf_escape ( $B != " " ? $B : uniqid ( $Q . " _ " )) . " ON " . table ( $Q ) . " $f " ;} function
alter_indexes ( $Q , $c ){ foreach ( $c
as $mg ){ if ( $mg [ 0 ] == " PRIMARY " ) return
recreate_table ( $Q , $Q , array (), array (), array (), 0 , $c );} foreach ( array_reverse ( $c ) as $X ){ if ( ! queries ( $X [ 2 ] == " DROP " ? " DROP INDEX " . idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]) : index_sql ( $Q , $X [ 0 ], $X [ 1 ], " ( " . implode ( " , " , $X [ 2 ]) . " ) " ))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " DELETE FROM " , $S );} function
drop_views ( $cj ){ return
apply_queries ( " DROP VIEW " , $cj );} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " DROP TABLE " , $S );} function
move_tables ( $S , $cj , $Zh ){ return
false ;} function
trigger ( $B ){ global $g ; if ( $B == " " ) return
array ( " Statement " => " BEGIN \n \t ; \n END " ); $u = '(?:[^`"\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+' ; $Ai = trigger_options (); preg_match ( " ~^CREATE \\ s+TRIGGER \\ s* $u\\s *( " . implode ( " | " , $Ai [ " Timing " ]) . " ) \\ s+([a-z]+)(?: \\ s+OF \\ s+( $u ))? \\ s+ON \\ s* $u\\s *(?:FOR \\ s+EACH \\ s+ROW \\ s)?(.*)~is " , $g -> result ( " SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name = " . q ( $B )), $A ); $lf = $A [ 3 ]; return
array ( " Timing " => strtoupper ( $A [ 1 ]), " Event " => strtoupper ( $A [ 2 ]) . ( $lf ? " OF " : " " ), " Of " => ( $lf [ 0 ] == '`' || $lf [ 0 ] == '"' ? idf_unescape ( $lf ) : $lf ), " Trigger " => $B , " Statement " => $A [ 4 ],);} function
triggers ( $Q ){ $H = array (); $Ai = trigger_options (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND tbl_name = " . q ( $Q )) as $I ){ preg_match ( '~^CREATE\s+TRIGGER\s*(?:[^`"\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+\s*(' . implode ( " | " , $Ai [ " Timing " ]) . ')\s*(.*?)\s+ON\b~i' , $I [ " sql " ], $A ); $H [ $I [ " name " ]] = array ( $A [ 1 ], $A [ 2 ]);} return $H ;} function
trigger_options (){ return
array ( " Timing " => array ( " BEFORE " , " AFTER " , " INSTEAD OF " ), " Event " => array ( " INSERT " , " UPDATE " , " UPDATE OF " , " DELETE " ), " Type " => array ( " FOR EACH ROW " ),);} function
begin (){ return
queries ( " BEGIN " );} function
last_id (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT LAST_INSERT_ROWID() " );} function
explain ( $g , $F ){ return $g -> query ( " EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN $F " );} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){} function
types (){ return
array ();} function
schemas (){ return
array ();} function
get_schema (){ return " " ;} function
set_schema ( $dh ){ return
true ;} function
create_sql ( $Q , $Ma , $Kh ){ global $g ; $H = $g -> result ( " SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') AND name = " . q ( $Q )); foreach ( indexes ( $Q ) as $B => $v ){ if ( $B == '' ) continue ; $H .= " ; \n \n " . index_sql ( $Q , $v [ 'type' ], $B , " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $v [ 'columns' ])) . " ) " );} return $H ;} function
truncate_sql ( $Q ){ return " DELETE FROM " . table ( $Q );} function
use_sql ( $j ){} function
trigger_sql ( $Q ){ return
implode ( get_vals ( " SELECT sql || ';; \n ' FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND tbl_name = " . q ( $Q )));} function
show_variables (){ global $g ; $H = array (); foreach ( array ( " auto_vacuum " , " cache_size " , " count_changes " , " default_cache_size " , " empty_result_callbacks " , " encoding " , " foreign_keys " , " full_column_names " , " fullfsync " , " journal_mode " , " journal_size_limit " , " legacy_file_format " , " locking_mode " , " page_size " , " max_page_count " , " read_uncommitted " , " recursive_triggers " , " reverse_unordered_selects " , " secure_delete " , " short_column_names " , " synchronous " , " temp_store " , " temp_store_directory " , " schema_version " , " integrity_check " , " quick_check " ) as $y ) $H [ $y ] = $g -> result ( " PRAGMA $y " ); return $H ;} function
show_status (){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_vals ( " PRAGMA compile_options " ) as $zf ){ list ( $y , $X ) = explode ( " = " , $zf , 2 ); $H [ $y ] = $X ;} return $H ;} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( '~^(columns|database|drop_col|dump|indexes|descidx|move_col|sql|status|table|trigger|variables|view|view_trigger)$~' , $Rc );} $x = " sqlite " ; $U = array ( " integer " => 0 , " real " => 0 , " numeric " => 0 , " text " => 0 , " blob " => 0 ); $Jh = array_keys ( $U ); $Ki = array (); $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " IN " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " NOT IN " , " IS NOT NULL " , " SQL " ); $md = array ( " hex " , " length " , " lower " , " round " , " unixepoch " , " upper " ); $sd = array ( " avg " , " count " , " count distinct " , " group_concat " , " max " , " min " , " sum " ); $oc = array ( array (), array ( " integer|real|numeric " => " +/- " , " text " => " || " ,));} $gc [ " pgsql " ] = " PostgreSQL " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " pgsql " ])){ $jg = array ( " PgSQL " , " PDO_PgSQL " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " pgsql " ); if ( extension_loaded ( " pgsql " )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " PgSQL " , $_link , $_result , $_string , $_database = true , $server_info , $affected_rows , $error , $timeout ; function
_error ( $zc , $n ){ if ( ini_bool ( " html_errors " )) $n = html_entity_decode ( strip_tags ( $n )); $n = preg_replace ( '~^[^:]*: ~' , '' , $n ); $this -> error = $n ;} function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ global $b ; $l = $b -> database (); set_error_handler ( array ( $this , '_error' )); $this -> _string = " host=' " . str_replace ( " : " , " ' port=' " , addcslashes ( $M , " ' \\ " )) . " ' user=' " . addcslashes ( $V , " ' \\ " ) . " ' password=' " . addcslashes ( $E , " ' \\ " ) . " ' " ; $this -> _link =@ pg_connect ( " $this->_string dbname=' " . ( $l != " " ? addcslashes ( $l , " ' \\ " ) : " postgres " ) . " ' " , PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW ); if ( ! $this -> _link && $l != " " ){ $this -> _database = false ; $this -> _link =@ pg_connect ( " $this->_string dbname='postgres' " , PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW );} restore_error_handler (); if ( $this -> _link ){ $aj = pg_version ( $this -> _link ); $this -> server_info = $aj [ " server " ]; pg_set_client_encoding ( $this -> _link , " UTF8 " );} return ( bool ) $this -> _link ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . pg_escape_string ( $this -> _link , $P ) . " ' " ;} function
value ( $X , $o ){ return ( $o [ " type " ] == " bytea " ? pg_unescape_bytea ( $X ) : $X );} function
quoteBinary ( $P ){ return " ' " . pg_escape_bytea ( $this -> _link , $P ) . " ' " ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ global $b ; if ( $j == $b -> database ()) return $this -> _database ; $H =@ pg_connect ( " $this->_string dbname=' " . addcslashes ( $j , " ' \\ " ) . " ' " , PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW ); if ( $H ) $this -> _link = $H ; return $H ;} function
close (){ $this -> _link =@ pg_connect ( " $this->_string dbname='postgres' " );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G =@ pg_query ( $this -> _link , $F ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $this -> error = pg_last_error ( $this -> _link ); $H = false ;} elseif ( ! pg_num_fields ( $G )){ $this -> affected_rows = pg_affected_rows ( $G ); $H = true ;} else $H = new
Min_Result ( $G ); if ( $this -> timeout ){ $this -> timeout = 0 ; $this -> query ( " RESET statement_timeout " );} return $H ;} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
false ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! $G ||! $G -> num_rows ) return
false ; return
pg_fetch_result ( $G -> _result , 0 , $o );} function
warnings (){ return
h ( pg_last_notice ( $this -> _link ));}} class
Min_Result { var $_result , $_offset = 0 , $num_rows ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ; $this -> num_rows = pg_num_rows ( $G );} function
fetch_assoc (){ return
pg_fetch_assoc ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_row (){ return
pg_fetch_row ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_field (){ $e = $this -> _offset ++ ; $H = new
stdClass ; if ( function_exists ( 'pg_field_table' )) $H -> orgtable = pg_field_table ( $this -> _result , $e ); $H -> name = pg_field_name ( $this -> _result , $e ); $H -> orgname = $H -> name ; $H -> type = pg_field_type ( $this -> _result , $e ); $H -> charsetnr = ( $H -> type == " bytea " ? 63 : 0 ); return $H ;} function
__destruct (){ pg_free_result ( $this -> _result );}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " pdo_pgsql " )){ class
Min_PDO { var $extension = " PDO_PgSQL " , $timeout ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ global $b ; $l = $b -> database (); $P = " pgsql:host=' " . str_replace ( " : " , " ' port=' " , addcslashes ( $M , " ' \\ " )) . " ' options='-c client_encoding=utf8' " ; $this -> dsn ( " $P dbname=' " . ( $l != " " ? addcslashes ( $l , " ' \\ " ) : " postgres " ) . " ' " , $V , $E ); return
true ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ global $b ; return ( $b -> database () == $j );} function
quoteBinary ( $ah ){ return
q ( $ah );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $H = parent :: query ( $F , $Ei ); if ( $this -> timeout ){ $this -> timeout = 0 ; parent :: query ( " RESET statement_timeout " );} return $H ;} function
warnings (){ return '' ;} function
close (){}}} class
Min_SQL { function
insertUpdate ( $Q , $J , $mg ){ global $g ; foreach ( $J
as $N ){ $Li = array (); $Z = array (); foreach ( $N
as $y => $X ){ $Li [] = " $y = $X " ; if ( isset ( $mg [ idf_unescape ( $y )])) $Z [] = " $y = $X " ;} if ( ! (( $Z && queries ( " UPDATE " . table ( $Q ) . " SET " . implode ( " , " , $Li ) . " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $Z )) && $g -> affected_rows ) || queries ( " INSERT INTO " . table ( $Q ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $N )) . " ) VALUES ( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " ) " ))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
slowQuery ( $F , $hi ){ $this -> _conn -> query ( " SET statement_timeout = " . ( 1000 * $hi )); $this -> _conn -> timeout = 1000 * $hi ; return $F ;} function
convertSearch ( $u , $X , $o ){ return ( preg_match ( '~char|text' . ( ! preg_match ( '~LIKE~' , $X [ " op " ]) ? '|date|time(stamp)?|boolean|uuid|' . number_type () : '' ) . '~' , $o [ " type " ]) ? $u : " CAST( $u AS text) " );} function
quoteBinary ( $ah ){ return $this -> _conn -> quoteBinary ( $ah );} function
warnings (){ return $this -> _conn -> warnings ();} function
tableHelp ( $B ){ $ye = array ( " information_schema " => " infoschema " , " pg_catalog " => " catalog " ,); $_ = $ye [ $_GET [ " ns " ]]; if ( $_ ) return " $_ - " . str_replace ( " _ " , " - " , $B ) . " .html " ;}} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return '"' . str_replace ( '"' , '""' , $u ) . '"' ;} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
connect (){ global $b , $U , $Jh ; $g = new
Min_DB ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); if ( $g -> connect ( $Ib [ 0 ], $Ib [ 1 ], $Ib [ 2 ])){ if ( min_version ( 9 , 0 , $g )){ $g -> query ( " SET application_name = 'Adminer' " ); if ( min_version ( 9.2 , 0 , $g )){ $Jh [ 'Strings' ][] = " json " ; $U [ " json " ] = 4294967295 ; if ( min_version ( 9.4 , 0 , $g )){ $Jh [ 'Strings' ][] = " jsonb " ; $U [ " jsonb " ] = 4294967295 ;}}} return $g ;} return $g -> error ;} function
get_databases (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE has_database_privilege(datname, 'CONNECT') ORDER BY datname " );} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return " $F $Z " . ( $z !== null ? $L . " LIMIT $z " . ( $C ? " OFFSET $C " : " " ) : " " );} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ return ( preg_match ( '~^INTO~' , $F ) ? limit ( $F , $Z , 1 , 0 , $L ) : " $F " . ( is_view ( table_status1 ( $Q )) ? $Z : " WHERE ctid = (SELECT ctid FROM " . table ( $Q ) . $Z . $L . " LIMIT 1) " ));} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SHOW LC_COLLATE " );} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
logged_user (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT user " );} function
tables_list (){ $F = " SELECT table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = current_schema() " ; if ( support ( 'materializedview' )) $F .= "
FROM pg_matviews
WHERE schemaname = current_schema () " ; $F .= "
ORDER BY 1 " ;return
get_key_vals ( $F );} function
count_tables ( $k ){ return
array ();} function
table_status ( $B = " " ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT c.relname AS \" Name \" , CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'm' THEN 'materialized view' ELSE 'view' END AS \" Engine \" , pg_relation_size(c.oid) AS \" Data_length \" , pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) - pg_relation_size(c.oid) AS \" Index_length \" , obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS \" Comment \" , " . ( min_version ( 12 ) ? " '' " : " CASE WHEN c.relhasoids THEN 'oid' ELSE '' END " ) . " AS \" Oid \" , c.reltuples as \" Rows \" , n.nspname
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON ( n . nspname = current_schema () AND n . oid = c . relnamespace )
WHERE relkind IN ( 'r' , 'm' , 'v' , 'f' )
" .( $B != " " ? " AND relname = " .q( $B ): " ORDER BY relname " ))as $I ) $H[$I["Name"] ]= $I ;return( $B != " " ? $H[$B] : $H );}function
is_view ( $R ){ return
in_array ( $R [ " Engine " ], array ( " view " , " materialized view " ));} function
fk_support ( $R ){ return
true ;} function
fields ( $Q ){ $H = array (); $Ca = array ( 'timestamp without time zone' => 'timestamp' , 'timestamp with time zone' => 'timestamptz' ,); $Fd = min_version ( 10 ) ? " (a.attidentity = 'd')::int " : '0' ; foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT a.attname AS field, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS full_type, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) AS default, a.attnotnull::int, col_description(c.oid, a.attnum) AS comment, $Fd AS identity
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON c . relnamespace = n . oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON c . oid = a . attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON c . oid = d . adrelid AND a . attnum = d . adnum
WHERE c . relname = " .q( $Q ). "
AND n . nspname = current_schema ()
AND NOT a . attisdropped
AND a . attnum > 0
ORDER BY a . attnum " )as $I ) { preg_match('~([^([]+)( \ ((.*) \ ))?([a-z ]+)?(( \ [[0-9]*])*) $ ~', $I["full_type"] , $A );list(, $T , $ve , $I["length"] , $wa , $Fa )= $A ; $I["length"] .= $Fa ; $eb = $T . $wa ;if(isset( $Ca[$eb] )) { $I [ " type " ] = $Ca [ $eb ]; $I [ " full_type " ] = $I [ " type " ] . $ve . $Fa ; } else { $I [ " type " ] = $T ; $I [ " full_type " ] = $I [ " type " ] . $ve . $wa . $Fa ; } if( $I['identity'] ) $I['default'] ='GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY'; $I["null"] =! $I["attnotnull"] ; $I["auto_increment"] = $I['identity'] ||preg_match('~^nextval \ (~i', $I["default"] ); $I["privileges"] =array( " insert " =>1, " select " =>1, " update " =>1);if(preg_match('~(.+)::[^)]+(.*)~', $I["default"] , $A )) $I["default"] =( $A[1] == " NULL " ?null:(( $A[1] [0]== " ' " ?idf_unescape( $A[1] ): $A[1] ). $A[2] )); $H[$I["field"] ]= $I ;}return $H ;}function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ global $g ; if ( ! is_object ( $h )) $h = $g ; $H = array (); $Sh = $h -> result ( " SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema()) AND relname = " . q ( $Q )); $f = get_key_vals ( " SELECT attnum, attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $Sh AND attnum > 0 " , $h ); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT relname, indisunique::int, indisprimary::int, indkey, indoption , (indpred IS NOT NULL)::int as indispartial FROM pg_index i, pg_class ci WHERE i.indrelid = $Sh AND ci.oid = i.indexrelid " , $h ) as $I ){ $Kg = $I [ " relname " ]; $H [ $Kg ][ " type " ] = ( $I [ " indispartial " ] ? " INDEX " : ( $I [ " indisprimary " ] ? " PRIMARY " : ( $I [ " indisunique " ] ? " UNIQUE " : " INDEX " ))); $H [ $Kg ][ " columns " ] = array (); foreach ( explode ( " " , $I [ " indkey " ]) as $Pd ) $H [ $Kg ][ " columns " ][] = $f [ $Pd ]; $H [ $Kg ][ " descs " ] = array (); foreach ( explode ( " " , $I [ " indoption " ]) as $Qd ) $H [ $Kg ][ " descs " ][] = ( $Qd & 1 ? '1' : null ); $H [ $Kg ][ " lengths " ] = array ();} return $H ;} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ global $sf ; $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT conname, condeferrable::int AS deferrable, pg_get_constraintdef(oid) AS definition
FROM pg_constraint
WHERE conrelid = ( SELECT pc . oid FROM pg_class AS pc INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS pn ON ( pn . oid = pc . relnamespace ) WHERE pc . relname = " .q( $Q ). " AND pn . nspname = current_schema ())
AND contype = 'f' :: char
ORDER BY conkey , conname " )as $I ) { if(preg_match('~FOREIGN KEY \ s* \ ((.+) \ ) \ s*REFERENCES (.+) \ ((.+) \ )(.*) $ ~iA', $I['definition'] , $A )) { $I [ 'source' ] = array_map ( 'trim' , explode ( ',' , $A [ 1 ])); if ( preg_match ( '~^(("([^"]|"")+"|[^"]+)\.)?"?("([^"]|"")+"|[^"]+)$~' , $A [ 2 ], $Ee )){ $I [ 'ns' ] = str_replace ( '""' , '"' , preg_replace ( '~^"(.+)"$~' , '\1' , $Ee [ 2 ])); $I [ 'table' ] = str_replace ( '""' , '"' , preg_replace ( '~^"(.+)"$~' , '\1' , $Ee [ 4 ])); } $I['target'] =array_map('trim',explode(',', $A[3] )); $I['on_delete'] =(preg_match( " ~ ON DELETE ( $sf ) ~ " , $A[4] , $Ee )? $Ee[1] :'NO ACTION'); $I['on_update'] =(preg_match( " ~ ON UPDATE ( $sf ) ~ " , $A[4] , $Ee )? $Ee[1] :'NO ACTION'); $H[$I['conname'] ]= $I ;}}return $H ;}function
view ( $B ){ global $g ; return
array ( " select " => trim ( $g -> result ( " SELECT pg_get_viewdef( " . $g -> result ( " SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = " . q ( $B )) . " ) " )));} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return ( $l == " information_schema " );} function
error (){ global $g ; $H = h ( $g -> error ); if ( preg_match ( '~^(.*\n)?([^\n]*)\n( *)\^(\n.*)?$~s' , $H , $A )) $H = $A [ 1 ] . preg_replace ( '~((?:[^&]|&[^;]*;){' . strlen ( $A [ 3 ]) . '})(.*)~' , '\1<b>\2</b>' , $A [ 2 ]) . $A [ 4 ]; return
nl_br ( $H );} function
create_database ( $l , $d ){ return
queries ( " CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape ( $l ) . ( $d ? " ENCODING " . idf_escape ( $d ) : " " ));} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ global $g ; $g -> close (); return
apply_queries ( " DROP DATABASE " , $k , 'idf_escape' );} function
rename_database ( $B , $d ){ return
queries ( " ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape ( DB ) . " RENAME TO " . idf_escape ( $B ));} function
auto_increment (){ return " " ;} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ $c = array (); $xg = array (); if ( $Q != " " && $Q != $B ) $xg [] = " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " RENAME TO " . table ( $B ); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ $e = idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ]); $X = $o [ 1 ]; if ( ! $X ) $c [] = " DROP $e " ; else { $Wi = $X [ 5 ]; unset ( $X [ 5 ]); if ( isset ( $X [ 6 ]) && $o [ 0 ] == " " ) $X [ 1 ] = ( $X [ 1 ] == " bigint " ? " big " : " " ) . " serial " ; if ( $o [ 0 ] == " " ) $c [] = ( $Q != " " ? " ADD " : " " ) . implode ( $X ); else { if ( $e != $X [ 0 ]) $xg [] = " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " RENAME $e TO $X[0] " ; $c [] = " ALTER $e TYPE $X[1] " ; if ( ! $X [ 6 ]){ $c [] = " ALTER $e " . ( $X [ 3 ] ? " SET $X[3] " : " DROP DEFAULT " ); $c [] = " ALTER $e " . ( $X [ 2 ] == " NULL " ? " DROP NOT " : " SET " ) . $X [ 2 ];}} if ( $o [ 0 ] != " " || $Wi != " " ) $xg [] = " COMMENT ON COLUMN " . table ( $B ) . " . $X[0] IS " . ( $Wi != " " ? substr ( $Wi , 9 ) : " '' " );}} $c = array_merge ( $c , $ed ); if ( $Q == " " ) array_unshift ( $xg , " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " ( \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c ) . " \n ) " ); elseif ( $c ) array_unshift ( $xg , " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c )); if ( $Q != " " || $ub != " " ) $xg [] = " COMMENT ON TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " IS " . q ( $ub ); if ( $Ma != " " ){} foreach ( $xg
as $F ){ if ( ! queries ( $F )) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
alter_indexes ( $Q , $c ){ $i = array (); $hc = array (); $xg = array (); foreach ( $c
as $X ){ if ( $X [ 0 ] != " INDEX " ) $i [] = ( $X [ 2 ] == " DROP " ? " \n DROP CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]) : " \n ADD " . ( $X [ 1 ] != " " ? " CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]) : " " ) . " $X[0] " . ( $X [ 0 ] == " PRIMARY " ? " KEY " : " " ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $X [ 2 ]) . " ) " ); elseif ( $X [ 2 ] == " DROP " ) $hc [] = idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]); else $xg [] = " CREATE INDEX " . idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ] != " " ? $X [ 1 ] : uniqid ( $Q . " _ " )) . " ON " . table ( $Q ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $X [ 2 ]) . " ) " ;} if ( $i ) array_unshift ( $xg , " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . implode ( " , " , $i )); if ( $hc ) array_unshift ( $xg , " DROP INDEX " . implode ( " , " , $hc )); foreach ( $xg
as $F ){ if ( ! queries ( $F )) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ return
queries ( " TRUNCATE " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'table' , $S ))); return
true ;} function
drop_views ( $cj ){ return
drop_tables ( $cj );} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ $O = table_status ( $Q ); if ( ! queries ( " DROP " . strtoupper ( $O [ " Engine " ]) . " " . table ( $Q ))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
move_tables ( $S , $cj , $Zh ){ foreach ( array_merge ( $S , $cj ) as $Q ){ $O = table_status ( $Q ); if ( ! queries ( " ALTER " . strtoupper ( $O [ " Engine " ]) . " " . table ( $Q ) . " SET SCHEMA " . idf_escape ( $Zh ))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
trigger ( $B , $Q = null ){ if ( $B == " " ) return
array ( " Statement " => " EXECUTE PROCEDURE () " ); if ( $Q === null ) $Q = $_GET [ 'trigger' ]; $J = get_rows ( 'SELECT t.trigger_name AS "Trigger", t.action_timing AS "Timing", (SELECT STRING_AGG(event_manipulation, \' OR \') FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = t.event_object_table AND trigger_name = t.trigger_name ) AS "Events", t.event_manipulation AS "Event", \'FOR EACH \' || t.action_orientation AS "Type", t.action_statement AS "Statement" FROM information_schema.triggers t WHERE t.event_object_table = ' . q ( $Q ) . ' AND t.trigger_name = ' . q ( $B )); return
reset ( $J );} function
triggers ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = " . q ( $Q )) as $I ) $H [ $I [ " trigger_name " ]] = array ( $I [ " action_timing " ], $I [ " event_manipulation " ]); return $H ;} function
trigger_options (){ return
array ( " Timing " => array ( " BEFORE " , " AFTER " ), " Event " => array ( " INSERT " , " UPDATE " , " DELETE " ), " Type " => array ( " FOR EACH ROW " , " FOR EACH STATEMENT " ),);} function
routine ( $B , $T ){ $J = get_rows ( ' SELECT routine_definition AS definition , LOWER ( external_language ) AS language , *
FROM information_schema . routines
WHERE routine_schema = current_schema () AND specific_name = '.q($B));$H=$J[0];$H["returns"]=array("type"=>$H["type_udt_name"]);$H["fields"]=get_rows(' SELECT parameter_name AS field , data_type AS type , character_maximum_length AS length , parameter_mode AS inout
FROM information_schema . parameters
WHERE specific_schema = current_schema () AND specific_name = '.q($B).'
ORDER BY ordinal_position ' ); return $H ;} function
routines (){ return
get_rows ( ' SELECT specific_name AS " SPECIFIC_NAME " , routine_type AS " ROUTINE_TYPE " , routine_name AS " ROUTINE_NAME " , type_udt_name AS " DTD_IDENTIFIER "
FROM information_schema . routines
WHERE routine_schema = current_schema ()
routine_languages (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT LOWER(lanname) FROM pg_catalog.pg_language " );} function
routine_id ( $B , $I ){ $H = array (); foreach ( $I [ " fields " ] as $o ) $H [] = $o [ " type " ]; return
idf_escape ( $B ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $H ) . " ) " ;} function
last_id (){ return
0 ;} function
explain ( $g , $F ){ return $g -> query ( " EXPLAIN $F " );} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ global $g ; if ( preg_match ( " ~ rows=([0-9]+)~ " , $g -> result ( " EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM " . idf_escape ( $R [ " Name " ]) . ( $Z ? " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $Z ) : " " )), $Jg )) return $Jg [ 1 ]; return
false ;} function
types (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT typname
FROM pg_type
WHERE typnamespace = ( SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema ())
AND typtype IN ( 'b' , 'd' , 'e' )
AND typelem = 0 " );}function
schemas (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace ORDER BY nspname " );} function
get_schema (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT current_schema() " );} function
set_schema ( $ch , $h = null ){ global $g , $U , $Jh ; if ( ! $h ) $h = $g ; $H = $h -> query ( " SET search_path TO " . idf_escape ( $ch )); foreach ( types () as $T ){ if ( ! isset ( $U [ $T ])){ $U [ $T ] = 0 ; $Jh [ 'User types' ][] = $T ;}} return $H ;} function
create_sql ( $Q , $Ma , $Kh ){ global $g ; $H = '' ; $Sg = array (); $mh = array (); $O = table_status ( $Q ); if ( is_view ( $O )){ $bj = view ( $Q ); return
rtrim ( " CREATE VIEW " . idf_escape ( $Q ) . " AS $bj[select] " , " ; " );} $p = fields ( $Q ); $w = indexes ( $Q ); ksort ( $w ); $bd = foreign_keys ( $Q ); ksort ( $bd ); if ( ! $O || empty ( $p )) return
false ; $H = " CREATE TABLE " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'nspname' ]) . " . " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'Name' ]) . " ( \n " ; foreach ( $p
as $Tc => $o ){ $Tf = idf_escape ( $o [ 'field' ]) . ' ' . $o [ 'full_type' ] . default_value ( $o ) . ( $o [ 'attnotnull' ] ? " NOT NULL " : " " ); $Sg [] = $Tf ; if ( preg_match ( '~nextval\(\'([^\']+)\'\)~' , $o [ 'default' ], $Fe )){ $lh = $Fe [ 1 ]; $_h = reset ( get_rows ( min_version ( 10 ) ? " SELECT *, cache_size AS cache_value FROM pg_sequences WHERE schemaname = current_schema() AND sequencename = " . q ( $lh ) : " SELECT * FROM $lh " )); $mh [] = ( $Kh == " DROP+CREATE " ? " DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS $lh ; \n " : " " ) . " CREATE SEQUENCE $lh INCREMENT $_h[increment_by] MINVALUE $_h[min_value] MAXVALUE $_h[max_value] START " . ( $Ma ? $_h [ 'last_value' ] : 1 ) . " CACHE $_h[cache_value] ; " ;}} if ( ! empty ( $mh )) $H = implode ( " \n \n " , $mh ) . " \n \n $H " ; foreach ( $w
as $Kd => $v ){ switch ( $v [ 'type' ]){ case 'UNIQUE' : $Sg [] = " CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape ( $Kd ) . " UNIQUE ( " . implode ( ', ' , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $v [ 'columns' ])) . " ) " ; break ; case 'PRIMARY' : $Sg [] = " CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape ( $Kd ) . " PRIMARY KEY ( " . implode ( ', ' , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $v [ 'columns' ])) . " ) " ; break ;}} foreach ( $bd
as $ad => $Zc ) $Sg [] = " CONSTRAINT " . idf_escape ( $ad ) . " $Zc[definition] " . ( $Zc [ 'deferrable' ] ? 'DEFERRABLE' : 'NOT DEFERRABLE' ); $H .= implode ( " , \n " , $Sg ) . " \n ) WITH (oids = " . ( $O [ 'Oid' ] ? 'true' : 'false' ) . " ); " ; foreach ( $w
as $Kd => $v ){ if ( $v [ 'type' ] == 'INDEX' ){ $f = array (); foreach ( $v [ 'columns' ] as $y => $X ) $f [] = idf_escape ( $X ) . ( $v [ 'descs' ][ $y ] ? " DESC " : " " ); $H .= " \n \n CREATE INDEX " . idf_escape ( $Kd ) . " ON " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'nspname' ]) . " . " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'Name' ]) . " USING btree ( " . implode ( ', ' , $f ) . " ); " ;}} if ( $O [ 'Comment' ]) $H .= " \n \n COMMENT ON TABLE " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'nspname' ]) . " . " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'Name' ]) . " IS " . q ( $O [ 'Comment' ]) . " ; " ; foreach ( $p
as $Tc => $o ){ if ( $o [ 'comment' ]) $H .= " \n \n COMMENT ON COLUMN " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'nspname' ]) . " . " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'Name' ]) . " . " . idf_escape ( $Tc ) . " IS " . q ( $o [ 'comment' ]) . " ; " ;} return
rtrim ( $H , ';' );} function
truncate_sql ( $Q ){ return " TRUNCATE " . table ( $Q );} function
trigger_sql ( $Q ){ $O = table_status ( $Q ); $H = " " ; foreach ( triggers ( $Q ) as $yi => $xi ){ $zi = trigger ( $yi , $O [ 'Name' ]); $H .= " \n CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape ( $zi [ 'Trigger' ]) . " $zi[Timing] $zi[Events] ON " . idf_escape ( $O [ " nspname " ]) . " . " . idf_escape ( $O [ 'Name' ]) . " $zi[Type] $zi[Statement] ;; \n " ;} return $H ;} function
use_sql ( $j ){ return " \ connect " . idf_escape ( $j );} function
show_variables (){ return
get_key_vals ( " SHOW ALL " );} function
process_list (){ return
get_rows ( " SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY " . ( min_version ( 9.2 ) ? " pid " : " procpid " ));} function
show_status (){} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( '~^(database|table|columns|sql|indexes|descidx|comment|view|' . ( min_version ( 9.3 ) ? 'materializedview|' : '' ) . 'scheme|routine|processlist|sequence|trigger|type|variables|drop_col|kill|dump)$~' , $Rc );} function
kill_process ( $X ){ return
queries ( " SELECT pg_terminate_backend( " . number ( $X ) . " ) " );} function
connection_id (){ return " SELECT pg_backend_pid() " ;} function
max_connections (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SHOW max_connections " );} $x = " pgsql " ; $U = array (); $Jh = array (); foreach ( array ( 'Numbers' => array ( " smallint " => 5 , " integer " => 10 , " bigint " => 19 , " boolean " => 1 , " numeric " => 0 , " real " => 7 , " double precision " => 16 , " money " => 20 ), 'Date and time' => array ( " date " => 13 , " time " => 17 , " timestamp " => 20 , " timestamptz " => 21 , " interval " => 0 ), 'Strings' => array ( " character " => 0 , " character varying " => 0 , " text " => 0 , " tsquery " => 0 , " tsvector " => 0 , " uuid " => 0 , " xml " => 0 ), 'Binary' => array ( " bit " => 0 , " bit varying " => 0 , " bytea " => 0 ), 'Network' => array ( " cidr " => 43 , " inet " => 43 , " macaddr " => 17 , " txid_snapshot " => 0 ), 'Geometry' => array ( " box " => 0 , " circle " => 0 , " line " => 0 , " lseg " => 0 , " path " => 0 , " point " => 0 , " polygon " => 0 ),) as $y => $X ){ $U += $X ; $Jh [ $y ] = array_keys ( $X );} $Ki = array (); $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " ~ " , " !~ " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " ILIKE " , " ILIKE %% " , " IN " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " NOT IN " , " IS NOT NULL " ); $md = array ( " char_length " , " lower " , " round " , " to_hex " , " to_timestamp " , " upper " ); $sd = array ( " avg " , " count " , " count distinct " , " max " , " min " , " sum " ); $oc = array ( array ( " char " => " md5 " , " date|time " => " now " ,), array ( number_type () => " +/- " , " date|time " => " + interval/- interval " , " char|text " => " || " ,));} $gc [ " oracle " ] = " Oracle (beta) " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " oracle " ])){ $jg = array ( " OCI8 " , " PDO_OCI " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " oracle " ); if ( extension_loaded ( " oci8 " )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " oci8 " , $_link , $_result , $server_info , $affected_rows , $errno , $error ; function
_error ( $zc , $n ){ if ( ini_bool ( " html_errors " )) $n = html_entity_decode ( strip_tags ( $n )); $n = preg_replace ( '~^[^:]*: ~' , '' , $n ); $this -> error = $n ;} function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ $this -> _link =@ oci_new_connect ( $V , $E , $M , " AL32UTF8 " ); if ( $this -> _link ){ $this -> server_info = oci_server_version ( $this -> _link ); return
true ;} $n = oci_error (); $this -> error = $n [ " message " ]; return
false ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . str_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , $P ) . " ' " ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return
true ;} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G = oci_parse ( $this -> _link , $F ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $n = oci_error ( $this -> _link ); $this -> errno = $n [ " code " ]; $this -> error = $n [ " message " ]; return
false ;} set_error_handler ( array ( $this , '_error' )); $H =@ oci_execute ( $G ); restore_error_handler (); if ( $H ){ if ( oci_num_fields ( $G )) return
Min_Result ( $G ); $this -> affected_rows = oci_num_rows ( $G );} return $H ;} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
false ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 1 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! is_object ( $G ) ||! oci_fetch ( $G -> _result )) return
false ; return
oci_result ( $G -> _result , $o );}} class
Min_Result { var $_result , $_offset = 1 , $num_rows ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ;} function
_convert ( $I ){ foreach (( array ) $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( is_a ( $X , 'OCI-Lob' )) $I [ $y ] = $X -> load ();} return $I ;} function
fetch_assoc (){ return $this -> _convert ( oci_fetch_assoc ( $this -> _result ));} function
fetch_row (){ return $this -> _convert ( oci_fetch_row ( $this -> _result ));} function
fetch_field (){ $e = $this -> _offset ++ ; $H = new
stdClass ; $H -> name = oci_field_name ( $this -> _result , $e ); $H -> orgname = $H -> name ; $H -> type = oci_field_type ( $this -> _result , $e ); $H -> charsetnr = ( preg_match ( " ~raw|blob|bfile~ " , $H -> type ) ? 63 : 0 ); return $H ;} function
__destruct (){ oci_free_statement ( $this -> _result );}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " pdo_oci " )){ class
Min_PDO { var $extension = " PDO_OCI " ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ $this -> dsn ( " oci:dbname=// $M ;charset=AL32UTF8 " , $V , $E ); return
true ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return
true ;}}} class
Min_SQL { function
begin (){ return
true ;}} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return '"' . str_replace ( '"' , '""' , $u ) . '"' ;} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
connect (){ global $b ; $g = new
Min_DB ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); if ( $g -> connect ( $Ib [ 0 ], $Ib [ 1 ], $Ib [ 2 ])) return $g ; return $g -> error ;} function
get_databases (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tablespaces " );} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return ( $C ? " * FROM (SELECT t.*, rownum AS rnum FROM (SELECT $F $Z ) t WHERE rownum <= " . ( $z + $C ) . " ) WHERE rnum > $C " : ( $z !== null ? " * FROM (SELECT $F $Z ) WHERE rownum <= " . ( $z + $C ) : " $F $Z " ));} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ return " $F $Z " ;} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET' " );} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
logged_user (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT USER FROM DUAL " );} function
tables_list (){ return
get_key_vals ( " SELECT table_name, 'table' FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = " . q ( DB ) . "
UNION SELECT view_name , 'view' FROM user_views
ORDER BY 1 " );}function
count_tables ( $k ){ return
array ();} function
table_status ( $B = " " ){ $H = array (); $eh = q ( $B ); foreach ( get_rows ( 'SELECT table_name "Name", \'table\' "Engine", avg_row_len * num_rows "Data_length", num_rows "Rows" FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = ' . q ( DB ) . ( $B != " " ? " AND table_name = $eh " : " " ) . "
UNION SELECT view_name , 'view' , 0 , 0 FROM user_views " .( $B != " " ? " WHERE view_name = $eh " : " " ). "
ORDER BY 1 " )as $I ) { if( $B != " " )return $I ; $H[$I["Name"] ]= $I ;}return $H ;}function
is_view ( $R ){ return $R [ " Engine " ] == " view " ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){ return
true ;} function
fields ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = " . q ( $Q ) . " ORDER BY column_id " ) as $I ){ $T = $I [ " DATA_TYPE " ]; $ve = " $I[DATA_PRECISION] , $I[DATA_SCALE] " ; if ( $ve == " , " ) $ve = $I [ " DATA_LENGTH " ]; $H [ $I [ " COLUMN_NAME " ]] = array ( " field " => $I [ " COLUMN_NAME " ], " full_type " => $T . ( $ve ? " ( $ve ) " : " " ), " type " => strtolower ( $T ), " length " => $ve , " default " => $I [ " DATA_DEFAULT " ], " null " => ( $I [ " NULLABLE " ] == " Y " ), " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " select " => 1 , " update " => 1 ),);} return $H ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT uic.*, uc.constraint_type
FROM user_ind_columns uic
LEFT JOIN user_constraints uc ON uic . index_name = uc . constraint_name AND uic . table_name = uc . table_name
WHERE uic . table_name = " .q( $Q ). "
ORDER BY uc . constraint_type , uic . column_position " , $h )as $I ) { $Kd = $I [ " INDEX_NAME " ]; $H [ $Kd ][ " type " ] = ( $I [ " CONSTRAINT_TYPE " ] == " P " ? " PRIMARY " : ( $I [ " CONSTRAINT_TYPE " ] == " U " ? " UNIQUE " : " INDEX " )); $H [ $Kd ][ " columns " ][] = $I [ " COLUMN_NAME " ]; $H [ $Kd ][ " lengths " ][] = ( $I [ " CHAR_LENGTH " ] && $I [ " CHAR_LENGTH " ] != $I [ " COLUMN_LENGTH " ] ? $I [ " CHAR_LENGTH " ] : null ); $H [ $Kd ][ " descs " ][] = ( $I [ " DESCEND " ] ? '1' : null ); } return $H ;}function
view ( $B ){ $J = get_rows ( 'SELECT text "select" FROM user_views WHERE view_name = ' . q ( $B )); return
reset ( $J );} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return
false ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
explain ( $g , $F ){ $g -> query ( " EXPLAIN PLAN FOR $F " ); return $g -> query ( " SELECT * FROM plan_table " );} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ $c = $hc = array (); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ $X = $o [ 1 ]; if ( $X && $o [ 0 ] != " " && idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ]) != $X [ 0 ]) queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " RENAME COLUMN " . idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ]) . " TO $X[0] " ); if ( $X ) $c [] = ( $Q != " " ? ( $o [ 0 ] != " " ? " MODIFY ( " : " ADD ( " ) : " " ) . implode ( $X ) . ( $Q != " " ? " ) " : " " ); else $hc [] = idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ]);} if ( $Q == " " ) return
queries ( " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " ( \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c ) . " \n ) " ); return ( ! $c || queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " \n " . implode ( " \n " , $c ))) && ( ! $hc || queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " DROP ( " . implode ( " , " , $hc ) . " ) " )) && ( $Q == $B || queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " RENAME TO " . table ( $B )));} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ $H = array (); $F = " SELECT c_list.CONSTRAINT_NAME as NAME,
c_dest . OWNER as DEST_DB ,
AND c_src . TABLE_NAME = " .q( $Q );foreach(get_rows( $F )as $I ) $H[$I['NAME'] ]=array( " db " => $I['DEST_DB'] , " table " => $I['DEST_TABLE'] , " source " =>array( $I['SRC_COLUMN'] ), " target " =>array( $I['DEST_COLUMN'] ), " on_delete " => $I['ON_DELETE'] , " on_update " =>null,);return $H ;}function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " TRUNCATE TABLE " , $S );} function
drop_views ( $cj ){ return
apply_queries ( " DROP VIEW " , $cj );} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " DROP TABLE " , $S );} function
last_id (){ return
0 ;} function
schemas (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM dba_segments WHERE owner IN (SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE default_tablespace NOT IN ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')) " );} function
get_schema (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') FROM dual " );} function
set_schema ( $dh , $h = null ){ global $g ; if ( ! $h ) $h = $g ; return $h -> query ( " ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = " . idf_escape ( $dh ));} function
show_variables (){ return
get_key_vals ( 'SELECT name, display_value FROM v$parameter' );} function
process_list (){ return
get_rows ( ' SELECT sess . process AS " process " , sess . username AS " user " , sess . schemaname AS " schema " , sess . status AS " status " , sess . wait_class AS " wait_class " , sess . seconds_in_wait AS " seconds_in_wait " , sql . sql_text AS " sql_text " , sess . machine AS " machine " , sess . port AS " port "
FROM v $session sess LEFT OUTER JOIN v $sql sql
ON sql . sql_id = sess . sql_id
WHERE sess . type = \ ' USER\ '
' );} function
show_status (){ $J = get_rows ( 'SELECT * FROM v$instance' ); return
reset ( $J );} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( '~^(columns|database|drop_col|indexes|descidx|processlist|scheme|sql|status|table|variables|view|view_trigger)$~' , $Rc );} $x = " oracle " ; $U = array (); $Jh = array (); foreach ( array ( 'Numbers' => array ( " number " => 38 , " binary_float " => 12 , " binary_double " => 21 ), 'Date and time' => array ( " date " => 10 , " timestamp " => 29 , " interval year " => 12 , " interval day " => 28 ), 'Strings' => array ( " char " => 2000 , " varchar2 " => 4000 , " nchar " => 2000 , " nvarchar2 " => 4000 , " clob " => 4294967295 , " nclob " => 4294967295 ), 'Binary' => array ( " raw " => 2000 , " long raw " => 2147483648 , " blob " => 4294967295 , " bfile " => 4294967296 ),) as $y => $X ){ $U += $X ; $Jh [ $y ] = array_keys ( $X );} $Ki = array (); $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " IN " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " NOT REGEXP " , " NOT IN " , " IS NOT NULL " , " SQL " ); $md = array ( " length " , " lower " , " round " , " upper " ); $sd = array ( " avg " , " count " , " count distinct " , " max " , " min " , " sum " ); $oc = array ( array ( " date " => " current_date " , " timestamp " => " current_timestamp " ,), array ( " number|float|double " => " +/- " , " date|timestamp " => " + interval/- interval " , " char|clob " => " || " ,));} $gc [ " mssql " ] = " MS SQL (beta) " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " mssql " ])){ $jg = array ( " SQLSRV " , " MSSQL " , " PDO_DBLIB " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " mssql " ); if ( extension_loaded ( " sqlsrv " )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " sqlsrv " , $_link , $_result , $server_info , $affected_rows , $errno , $error ; function
_get_error (){ $this -> error = " " ; foreach ( sqlsrv_errors () as $n ){ $this -> errno = $n [ " code " ]; $this -> error .= " $n[message] \n " ;} $this -> error = rtrim ( $this -> error );} function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ global $b ; $l = $b -> database (); $zb = array ( " UID " => $V , " PWD " => $E , " CharacterSet " => " UTF-8 " ); if ( $l != " " ) $zb [ " Database " ] = $l ; $this -> _link =@ sqlsrv_connect ( preg_replace ( '~:~' , ',' , $M ), $zb ); if ( $this -> _link ){ $Rd = sqlsrv_server_info ( $this -> _link ); $this -> server_info = $Rd [ 'SQLServerVersion' ];} else $this -> _get_error (); return ( bool ) $this -> _link ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . str_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , $P ) . " ' " ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return $this -> query ( " USE " . idf_escape ( $j ));} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G = sqlsrv_query ( $this -> _link , $F ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $this -> _get_error (); return
false ;} return $this -> store_result ( $G );} function
multi_query ( $F ){ $this -> _result = sqlsrv_query ( $this -> _link , $F ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $this -> _result ){ $this -> _get_error (); return
false ;} return
true ;} function
store_result ( $G = null ){ if ( ! $G ) $G = $this -> _result ; if ( ! $G ) return
false ; if ( sqlsrv_field_metadata ( $G )) return
Min_Result ( $G ); $this -> affected_rows = sqlsrv_rows_affected ( $G ); return
true ;} function
next_result (){ return $this -> _result ? sqlsrv_next_result ( $this -> _result ) : null ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! is_object ( $G )) return
false ; $I = $G -> fetch_row (); return $I [ $o ];}} class
Min_Result { var $_result , $_offset = 0 , $_fields , $num_rows ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ;} function
_convert ( $I ){ foreach (( array ) $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( is_a ( $X , 'DateTime' )) $I [ $y ] = $X -> format ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " );} return $I ;} function
fetch_assoc (){ return $this -> _convert ( sqlsrv_fetch_array ( $this -> _result , SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC ));} function
fetch_row (){ return $this -> _convert ( sqlsrv_fetch_array ( $this -> _result , SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC ));} function
fetch_field (){ if ( ! $this -> _fields ) $this -> _fields = sqlsrv_field_metadata ( $this -> _result ); $o = $this -> _fields [ $this -> _offset ++ ]; $H = new
stdClass ; $H -> name = $o [ " Name " ]; $H -> orgname = $o [ " Name " ]; $H -> type = ( $o [ " Type " ] == 1 ? 254 : 0 ); return $H ;} function
seek ( $C ){ for ( $s = 0 ; $s < $C ; $s ++ ) sqlsrv_fetch ( $this -> _result );} function
__destruct (){ sqlsrv_free_stmt ( $this -> _result );}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " mssql " )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " MSSQL " , $_link , $_result , $server_info , $affected_rows , $error ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ $this -> _link =@ mssql_connect ( $M , $V , $E ); if ( $this -> _link ){ $G = $this -> query ( " SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel'), SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') " ); if ( $G ){ $I = $G -> fetch_row (); $this -> server_info = $this -> result ( " sp_server_info 2 " , 2 ) . " [ $I[0] ] $I[1] " ;}} else $this -> error = mssql_get_last_message (); return ( bool ) $this -> _link ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . str_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , $P ) . " ' " ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return
mssql_select_db ( $j );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G =@ mssql_query ( $F , $this -> _link ); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $this -> error = mssql_get_last_message (); return
false ;} if ( $G === true ){ $this -> affected_rows = mssql_rows_affected ( $this -> _link ); return
true ;} return
Min_Result ( $G );} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
mssql_next_result ( $this -> _result -> _result );} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! is_object ( $G )) return
false ; return
mssql_result ( $G -> _result , 0 , $o );}} class
Min_Result { var $_result , $_offset = 0 , $_fields , $num_rows ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ; $this -> num_rows = mssql_num_rows ( $G );} function
fetch_assoc (){ return
mssql_fetch_assoc ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_row (){ return
mssql_fetch_row ( $this -> _result );} function
num_rows (){ return
mssql_num_rows ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_field (){ $H = mssql_fetch_field ( $this -> _result ); $H -> orgtable = $H -> table ; $H -> orgname = $H -> name ; return $H ;} function
seek ( $C ){ mssql_data_seek ( $this -> _result , $C );} function
__destruct (){ mssql_free_result ( $this -> _result );}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " pdo_dblib " )){ class
Min_PDO { var $extension = " PDO_DBLIB " ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ $this -> dsn ( " dblib:charset=utf8;host= " . str_replace ( " : " , " ;unix_socket= " , preg_replace ( '~:(\d)~' , ';port=\1' , $M )), $V , $E ); return
true ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return $this -> query ( " USE " . idf_escape ( $j ));}}} class
Min_SQL { function
insertUpdate ( $Q , $J , $mg ){ foreach ( $J
as $N ){ $Li = array (); $Z = array (); foreach ( $N
as $y => $X ){ $Li [] = " $y = $X " ; if ( isset ( $mg [ idf_unescape ( $y )])) $Z [] = " $y = $X " ;} if ( ! queries ( " MERGE " . table ( $Q ) . " USING (VALUES( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " )) AS source (c " . implode ( " , c " , range ( 1 , count ( $N ))) . " ) ON " . implode ( " AND " , $Z ) . " WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET " . implode ( " , " , $Li ) . " WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( " . implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $N )) . " ) VALUES ( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " ); " )) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
begin (){ return
queries ( " BEGIN TRANSACTION " );}} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return " [ " . str_replace ( " ] " , " ]] " , $u ) . " ] " ;} function
table ( $u ){ return ( $_GET [ " ns " ] != " " ? idf_escape ( $_GET [ " ns " ]) . " . " : " " ) . idf_escape ( $u );} function
connect (){ global $b ; $g = new
Min_DB ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); if ( $g -> connect ( $Ib [ 0 ], $Ib [ 1 ], $Ib [ 2 ])) return $g ; return $g -> error ;} function
get_databases (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb') " );} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return ( $z !== null ? " TOP ( " . ( $z + $C ) . " ) " : " " ) . " $F $Z " ;} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ return
limit ( $F , $Z , 1 , 0 , $L );} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT collation_name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = " . q ( $l ));} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
logged_user (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT SUSER_NAME() " );} function
tables_list (){ return
get_key_vals ( " SELECT name, type_desc FROM sys.all_objects WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( " . q ( get_schema ()) . " ) AND type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') ORDER BY name " );} function
count_tables ( $k ){ global $g ; $H = array (); foreach ( $k
as $l ){ $g -> select_db ( $l ); $H [ $l ] = $g -> result ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES " );} return $H ;} function
table_status ( $B = " " ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT ao.name AS Name, ao.type_desc AS Engine, (SELECT value FROM fn_listextendedproperty(default, 'SCHEMA', schema_name(schema_id), 'TABLE', ao.name, null, null)) AS Comment FROM sys.all_objects AS ao WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( " . q ( get_schema ()) . " ) AND type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') " . ( $B != " " ? " AND name = " . q ( $B ) : " ORDER BY name " )) as $I ){ if ( $B != " " ) return $I ; $H [ $I [ " Name " ]] = $I ;} return $H ;} function
is_view ( $R ){ return $R [ " Engine " ] == " VIEW " ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){ return
true ;} function
fields ( $Q ){ $wb = get_key_vals ( " SELECT objname, cast(value as varchar) FROM fn_listextendedproperty('MS_DESCRIPTION', 'schema', " . q ( get_schema ()) . " , 'table', " . q ( $Q ) . " , 'column', NULL) " ); $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT c.max_length, c.precision, c.scale, c.name, c.is_nullable, c.is_identity, c.collation_name, t.name type, CAST(d.definition as text) [default]
FROM sys . all_columns c
JOIN sys . all_objects o ON c . object_id = o . object_id
JOIN sys . types t ON c . user_type_id = t . user_type_id
LEFT JOIN sys . default_constraints d ON c . default_object_id = d . parent_column_id
WHERE o . schema_id = SCHEMA_ID ( " .q(get_schema()). " ) AND o . type IN ( 'S' , 'U' , 'V' ) AND o . name = " .q( $Q ))as $I ) { $T = $I [ " type " ]; $ve = ( preg_match ( " ~char|binary~ " , $T ) ? $I [ " max_length " ] : ( $T == " decimal " ? " $I[precision] , $I[scale] " : " " )); $H [ $I [ " name " ]] = array ( " field " => $I [ " name " ], " full_type " => $T . ( $ve ? " ( $ve ) " : " " ), " type " => $T , " length " => $ve , " default " => $I [ " default " ], " null " => $I [ " is_nullable " ], " auto_increment " => $I [ " is_identity " ], " collation " => $I [ " collation_name " ], " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " select " => 1 , " update " => 1 ), " primary " => $I [ " is_identity " ], " comment " => $wb [ $I [ " name " ]],); } return $H ;}function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT i.name, key_ordinal, is_unique, is_primary_key, c.name AS column_name, is_descending_key
FROM sys . indexes i
INNER JOIN sys . index_columns ic ON i . object_id = ic . object_id AND i . index_id = ic . index_id
INNER JOIN sys . columns c ON ic . object_id = c . object_id AND ic . column_id = c . column_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME ( i . object_id ) = " .q( $Q ), $h )as $I ) { $B = $I [ " name " ]; $H [ $B ][ " type " ] = ( $I [ " is_primary_key " ] ? " PRIMARY " : ( $I [ " is_unique " ] ? " UNIQUE " : " INDEX " )); $H [ $B ][ " lengths " ] = array (); $H [ $B ][ " columns " ][ $I [ " key_ordinal " ]] = $I [ " column_name " ]; $H [ $B ][ " descs " ][ $I [ " key_ordinal " ]] = ( $I [ " is_descending_key " ] ? '1' : null ); } return $H ;}function
view ( $B ){ global $g ; return
array ( " select " => preg_replace ( '~^(?:[^[]|\[[^]]*])*\s+AS\s+~isU' , '' , $g -> result ( " SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA_NAME() AND TABLE_NAME = " . q ( $B ))));} function
collations (){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_vals ( " SELECT name FROM fn_helpcollations() " ) as $d ) $H [ preg_replace ( '~_.*~' , '' , $d )][] = $d ; return $H ;} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return
false ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
nl_br ( h ( preg_replace ( '~^(\[[^]]*])+~m' , '' , $g -> error )));} function
create_database ( $l , $d ){ return
queries ( " CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape ( $l ) . ( preg_match ( '~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i' , $d ) ? " COLLATE $d " : " " ));} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ return
queries ( " DROP DATABASE " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $k )));} function
rename_database ( $B , $d ){ if ( preg_match ( '~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i' , $d )) queries ( " ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape ( DB ) . " COLLATE $d " ); queries ( " ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape ( DB ) . " MODIFY NAME = " . idf_escape ( $B )); return
true ;} function
auto_increment (){ return " IDENTITY " . ( $_POST [ " Auto_increment " ] != " " ? " ( " . number ( $_POST [ " Auto_increment " ]) . " ,1) " : " " ) . " PRIMARY KEY " ;} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ $c = array (); $wb = array (); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ $e = idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ]); $X = $o [ 1 ]; if ( ! $X ) $c [ " DROP " ][] = " COLUMN $e " ; else { $X [ 1 ] = preg_replace ( " ~( COLLATE )'( \\ w+)'~ " , '\1\2' , $X [ 1 ]); $wb [ $o [ 0 ]] = $X [ 5 ]; unset ( $X [ 5 ]); if ( $o [ 0 ] == " " ) $c [ " ADD " ][] = " \n " . implode ( " " , $X ) . ( $Q == " " ? substr ( $ed [ $X [ 0 ]], 16 + strlen ( $X [ 0 ])) : " " ); else { unset ( $X [ 6 ]); if ( $e != $X [ 0 ]) queries ( " EXEC sp_rename " . q ( table ( $Q ) . " . $e " ) . " , " . q ( idf_unescape ( $X [ 0 ])) . " , 'COLUMN' " ); $c [ " ALTER COLUMN " . implode ( " " , $X )][] = " " ;}}} if ( $Q == " " ) return
queries ( " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " ,( array ) $c [ " ADD " ]) . " \n ) " ); if ( $Q != $B ) queries ( " EXEC sp_rename " . q ( table ( $Q )) . " , " . q ( $B )); if ( $ed ) $c [ " " ] = $ed ; foreach ( $c
as $y => $X ){ if ( ! queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . idf_escape ( $B ) . " $y " . implode ( " , " , $X ))) return
false ;} foreach ( $wb
as $y => $X ){ $ub = substr ( $X , 9 ); queries ( " EXEC sp_dropextendedproperty @name = N'MS_Description', @level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = " . q ( get_schema ()) . " , @level1type = N'Table', @level1name = " . q ( $B ) . " , @level2type = N'Column', @level2name = " . q ( $y )); queries ( " EXEC sp_addextendedproperty @name = N'MS_Description', @value = " . $ub . " , @level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = " . q ( get_schema ()) . " , @level1type = N'Table', @level1name = " . q ( $B ) . " , @level2type = N'Column', @level2name = " . q ( $y ));} return
true ;} function
alter_indexes ( $Q , $c ){ $v = array (); $hc = array (); foreach ( $c
as $X ){ if ( $X [ 2 ] == " DROP " ){ if ( $X [ 0 ] == " PRIMARY " ) $hc [] = idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]); else $v [] = idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]) . " ON " . table ( $Q );} elseif ( ! queries (( $X [ 0 ] != " PRIMARY " ? " CREATE $X[0] " . ( $X [ 0 ] != " INDEX " ? " INDEX " : " " ) . idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ] != " " ? $X [ 1 ] : uniqid ( $Q . " _ " )) . " ON " . table ( $Q ) : " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " ADD PRIMARY KEY " ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $X [ 2 ]) . " ) " )) return
false ;} return ( ! $v || queries ( " DROP INDEX " . implode ( " , " , $v ))) && ( ! $hc || queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " DROP " . implode ( " , " , $hc )));} function
last_id (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() " );} function
explain ( $g , $F ){ $g -> query ( " SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON " ); $H = $g -> query ( $F ); $g -> query ( " SET SHOWPLAN_ALL OFF " ); return $H ;} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " EXEC sp_fkeys @fktable_name = " . q ( $Q )) as $I ){ $q =& $H [ $I [ " FK_NAME " ]]; $q [ " db " ] = $I [ " PKTABLE_QUALIFIER " ]; $q [ " table " ] = $I [ " PKTABLE_NAME " ]; $q [ " source " ][] = $I [ " FKCOLUMN_NAME " ]; $q [ " target " ][] = $I [ " PKCOLUMN_NAME " ];} return $H ;} function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " TRUNCATE TABLE " , $S );} function
drop_views ( $cj ){ return
queries ( " DROP VIEW " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'table' , $cj )));} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ return
queries ( " DROP TABLE " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'table' , $S )));} function
move_tables ( $S , $cj , $Zh ){ return
apply_queries ( " ALTER SCHEMA " . idf_escape ( $Zh ) . " TRANSFER " , array_merge ( $S , $cj ));} function
trigger ( $B ){ if ( $B == " " ) return
array (); $J = get_rows ( " SELECT s.name [Trigger],
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( s . id , 'ExecIsInsertTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( s . id , 'ExecIsUpdateTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( s . id , 'ExecIsDeleteTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'DELETE' END [ Event ],
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( s . id , 'ExecIsInsteadOfTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'INSTEAD OF' ELSE 'AFTER' END [ Timing ],
c . text
FROM sysobjects s
JOIN syscomments c ON s . id = c . id
WHERE s . xtype = 'TR' AND s . name = " .q( $B )); $H =reset( $J );if( $H ) $H["Statement"] =preg_replace('~^.+ \ s+AS \ s+~isU','', $H["text"] );return $H ;}function
triggers ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SELECT sys1.name,
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( sys1 . id , 'ExecIsInsertTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( sys1 . id , 'ExecIsUpdateTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( sys1 . id , 'ExecIsDeleteTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'DELETE' END [ Event ],
CASE WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY ( sys1 . id , 'ExecIsInsteadOfTrigger' ) = 1 THEN 'INSTEAD OF' ELSE 'AFTER' END [ Timing ]
FROM sysobjects sys1
JOIN sysobjects sys2 ON sys1 . parent_obj = sys2 . id
WHERE sys1 . xtype = 'TR' AND sys2 . name = " .q( $Q ))as $I ) $H[$I["name"] ]=array( $I["Timing"] , $I["Event"] );return $H ;}function
trigger_options (){ return
array ( " Timing " => array ( " AFTER " , " INSTEAD OF " ), " Event " => array ( " INSERT " , " UPDATE " , " DELETE " ), " Type " => array ( " AS " ),);} function
schemas (){ return
get_vals ( " SELECT name FROM sys.schemas " );} function
get_schema (){ global $g ; if ( $_GET [ " ns " ] != " " ) return $_GET [ " ns " ]; return $g -> result ( " SELECT SCHEMA_NAME() " );} function
set_schema ( $ch ){ return
true ;} function
use_sql ( $j ){ return " USE " . idf_escape ( $j );} function
show_variables (){ return
array ();} function
show_status (){ return
array ();} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( '~^(comment|columns|database|drop_col|indexes|descidx|scheme|sql|table|trigger|view|view_trigger)$~' , $Rc );} $x = " mssql " ; $U = array (); $Jh = array (); foreach ( array ( 'Numbers' => array ( " tinyint " => 3 , " smallint " => 5 , " int " => 10 , " bigint " => 20 , " bit " => 1 , " decimal " => 0 , " real " => 12 , " float " => 53 , " smallmoney " => 10 , " money " => 20 ), 'Date and time' => array ( " date " => 10 , " smalldatetime " => 19 , " datetime " => 19 , " datetime2 " => 19 , " time " => 8 , " datetimeoffset " => 10 ), 'Strings' => array ( " char " => 8000 , " varchar " => 8000 , " text " => 2147483647 , " nchar " => 4000 , " nvarchar " => 4000 , " ntext " => 1073741823 ), 'Binary' => array ( " binary " => 8000 , " varbinary " => 8000 , " image " => 2147483647 ),) as $y => $X ){ $U += $X ; $Jh [ $y ] = array_keys ( $X );} $Ki = array (); $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " IN " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " NOT IN " , " IS NOT NULL " ); $md = array ( " len " , " lower " , " round " , " upper " ); $sd = array ( " avg " , " count " , " count distinct " , " max " , " min " , " sum " ); $oc = array ( array ( " date|time " => " getdate " ,), array ( " int|decimal|real|float|money|datetime " => " +/- " , " char|text " => " + " ,));} $gc [ 'firebird' ] = 'Firebird (alpha)' ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " firebird " ])){ $jg = array ( " interbase " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " firebird " ); if ( extension_loaded ( " interbase " )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " Firebird " , $server_info , $affected_rows , $errno , $error , $_link , $_result ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ $this -> _link = ibase_connect ( $M , $V , $E ); if ( $this -> _link ){ $Oi = explode ( ':' , $M ); $this -> service_link = ibase_service_attach ( $Oi [ 0 ], $V , $E ); $this -> server_info = ibase_server_info ( $this -> service_link , IBASE_SVC_SERVER_VERSION );} else { $this -> errno = ibase_errcode (); $this -> error = ibase_errmsg ();} return ( bool ) $this -> _link ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . str_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , $P ) . " ' " ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return ( $j == " domain " );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G = ibase_query ( $F , $this -> _link ); if ( ! $G ){ $this -> errno = ibase_errcode (); $this -> error = ibase_errmsg (); return
false ;} $this -> error = " " ; if ( $G === true ){ $this -> affected_rows = ibase_affected_rows ( $this -> _link ); return
true ;} return
Min_Result ( $G );} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
false ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! $G ||! $G -> num_rows ) return
false ; $I = $G -> fetch_row (); return $I [ $o ];}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_result , $_offset = 0 ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ;} function
fetch_assoc (){ return
ibase_fetch_assoc ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_row (){ return
ibase_fetch_row ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_field (){ $o = ibase_field_info ( $this -> _result , $this -> _offset ++ ); return ( object ) array ( 'name' => $o [ 'name' ], 'orgname' => $o [ 'name' ], 'type' => $o [ 'type' ], 'charsetnr' => $o [ 'length' ],);} function
__destruct (){ ibase_free_result ( $this -> _result );}}} class
Min_SQL {} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return '"' . str_replace ( '"' , '""' , $u ) . '"' ;} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
connect (){ global $b ; $g = new
Min_DB ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); if ( $g -> connect ( $Ib [ 0 ], $Ib [ 1 ], $Ib [ 2 ])) return $g ; return $g -> error ;} function
get_databases ( $cd ){ return
array ( " domain " );} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ $H = '' ; $H .= ( $z !== null ? $L . " FIRST $z " . ( $C ? " SKIP $C " : " " ) : " " ); $H .= " $F $Z " ; return $H ;} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ return
limit ( $F , $Z , 1 , 0 , $L );} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
logged_user (){ global $b ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); return $Ib [ 1 ];} function
tables_list (){ global $g ; $F = 'SELECT RDB$RELATION_NAME FROM rdb$relations WHERE rdb$system_flag = 0' ; $G = ibase_query ( $g -> _link , $F ); $H = array (); while ( $I = ibase_fetch_assoc ( $G )) $H [ $I [ 'RDB$RELATION_NAME' ]] = 'table' ; ksort ( $H ); return $H ;} function
count_tables ( $k ){ return
array ();} function
table_status ( $B = " " , $Qc = false ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $Nb = tables_list (); foreach ( $Nb
as $v => $X ){ $v = trim ( $v ); $H [ $v ] = array ( 'Name' => $v , 'Engine' => 'standard' ,); if ( $B == $v ) return $H [ $v ];} return $H ;} function
is_view ( $R ){ return
false ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){ return
preg_match ( '~InnoDB|IBMDB2I~i' , $R [ " Engine " ]);} function
fields ( $Q ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $F = ' SELECT r . RDB $FIELD_NAME AS field_name ,
r . RDB $DESCRIPTION AS field_description ,
r . RDB $DEFAULT_VALUE AS field_default_value ,
r . RDB $NULL_FLAG AS field_not_null_constraint ,
f . RDB $FIELD_LENGTH AS field_length ,
f . RDB $FIELD_PRECISION AS field_precision ,
f . RDB $FIELD_SCALE AS field_scale ,
WHEN 261 THEN \ ' BLOB\ '
WHEN 14 THEN \ ' CHAR\ '
WHEN 16 THEN \ ' INT64\ '
WHEN 12 THEN \ ' DATE\ '
WHEN 13 THEN \ ' TIME\ '
END AS field_type ,
f . RDB $FIELD_SUB_TYPE AS field_subtype ,
coll . RDB $COLLATION_NAME AS field_collation ,
cset . RDB $CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS field_charset
ORDER BY r . RDB $FIELD_POSITION ';$G=ibase_query($g->_link,$F);while($I=ibase_fetch_assoc($G))$H[trim($I[' FIELD_NAME '])]=array("field"=>trim($I["FIELD_NAME"]),"full_type"=>trim($I["FIELD_TYPE"]),"type"=>trim($I["FIELD_SUB_TYPE"]),"default"=>trim($I[' FIELD_DEFAULT_VALUE ']),"null"=>(trim($I["FIELD_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT"])=="YES"),"auto_increment"=>' 0 ' , " collation " => trim ( $I [ " FIELD_COLLATION " ]), " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " select " => 1 , " update " => 1 ), " comment " => trim ( $I [ " FIELD_DESCRIPTION " ]),); return $H ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ $H = array (); return $H ;} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ return
array ();} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return
false ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
types (){ return
array ();} function
schemas (){ return
array ();} function
get_schema (){ return " " ;} function
set_schema ( $ch ){ return
true ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( " ~^(columns|sql|status|table) $ ~ " , $Rc );} $x = " firebird " ; $xf = array ( " = " ); $md = array (); $sd = array (); $oc = array ();} $gc [ " simpledb " ] = " SimpleDB " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " simpledb " ])){ $jg = array ( " SimpleXML + allow_url_fopen " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " simpledb " ); if ( class_exists ( 'SimpleXMLElement' ) && ini_bool ( 'allow_url_fopen' )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " SimpleXML " , $server_info = '2009-04-15' , $error , $timeout , $next , $affected_rows , $_result ; function
select_db ( $j ){ return ( $j == " domain " );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $Qf = array ( 'SelectExpression' => $F , 'ConsistentRead' => 'true' ); if ( $this -> next ) $Qf [ 'NextToken' ] = $this -> next ; $G = sdb_request_all ( 'Select' , 'Item' , $Qf , $this -> timeout ); $this -> timeout = 0 ; if ( $G === false ) return $G ; if ( preg_match ( '~^\s*SELECT\s+COUNT\(~i' , $F )){ $Nh = 0 ; foreach ( $G
as $de ) $Nh += $de -> Attribute -> Value ; $G = array (( object ) array ( 'Attribute' => array (( object ) array ( 'Name' => 'Count' , 'Value' => $Nh ,))));} return
Min_Result ( $G );} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
false ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . str_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , $P ) . " ' " ;}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_rows = array (), $_offset = 0 ; function
__construct ( $G ){ foreach ( $G
as $de ){ $I = array (); if ( $de -> Name != '' ) $I [ 'itemName()' ] = ( string ) $de -> Name ; foreach ( $de -> Attribute
as $Ia ){ $B = $this -> _processValue ( $Ia -> Name ); $Y = $this -> _processValue ( $Ia -> Value ); if ( isset ( $I [ $B ])){ $I [ $B ] = ( array ) $I [ $B ]; $I [ $B ][] = $Y ;} else $I [ $B ] = $Y ;} $this -> _rows [] = $I ; foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( ! isset ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ][ $y ])) $this -> _rows [ 0 ][ $y ] = null ;}} $this -> num_rows = count ( $this -> _rows );} function
_processValue ( $rc ){ return ( is_object ( $rc ) && $rc [ 'encoding' ] == 'base64' ? base64_decode ( $rc ) : ( string ) $rc );} function
fetch_assoc (){ $I = current ( $this -> _rows ); if ( ! $I ) return $I ; $H = array (); foreach ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ] as $y => $X ) $H [ $y ] = $I [ $y ]; next ( $this -> _rows ); return $H ;} function
fetch_row (){ $H = $this -> fetch_assoc (); if ( ! $H ) return $H ; return
array_values ( $H );} function
fetch_field (){ $je = array_keys ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ]); return ( object ) array ( 'name' => $je [ $this -> _offset ++ ]);}}} class
Min_SQL { public $mg = " itemName() " ; function
_chunkRequest ( $Gd , $va , $Qf , $Gc = array ()){ global $g ; foreach ( array_chunk ( $Gd , 25 ) as $ib ){ $Rf = $Qf ; foreach ( $ib
as $s => $t ){ $Rf [ " Item. $s .ItemName " ] = $t ; foreach ( $Gc
as $y => $X ) $Rf [ " Item. $s . $y " ] = $X ;} if ( ! sdb_request ( $va , $Rf )) return
false ;} $g -> affected_rows = count ( $Gd ); return
true ;} function
_extractIds ( $Q , $yg , $z ){ $H = array (); if ( preg_match_all ( " ~itemName \ ( \ ) = (('[^']*+')+)~ " , $yg , $Fe )) $H = array_map ( 'idf_unescape' , $Fe [ 1 ]); else { foreach ( sdb_request_all ( 'Select' , 'Item' , array ( 'SelectExpression' => 'SELECT itemName() FROM ' . table ( $Q ) . $yg . ( $z ? " LIMIT 1 " : " " ))) as $de ) $H [] = $de -> Name ;} return $H ;} function
select ( $Q , $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf = array (), $z = 1 , $D = 0 , $og = false ){ global $g ; $g -> next = $_GET [ " next " ]; $H = parent :: select ( $Q , $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf , $z , $D , $og ); $g -> next = 0 ; return $H ;} function
delete ( $Q , $yg , $z = 0 ){ return $this -> _chunkRequest ( $this -> _extractIds ( $Q , $yg , $z ), 'BatchDeleteAttributes' , array ( 'DomainName' => $Q ));} function
update ( $Q , $N , $yg , $z = 0 , $L = " \n " ){ $Xb = array (); $Vd = array (); $s = 0 ; $Gd = $this -> _extractIds ( $Q , $yg , $z ); $t = idf_unescape ( $N [ " `itemName()` " ]); unset ( $N [ " `itemName()` " ]); foreach ( $N
as $y => $X ){ $y = idf_unescape ( $y ); if ( $X == " NULL " || ( $t != " " && array ( $t ) != $Gd )) $Xb [ " Attribute. " . count ( $Xb ) . " .Name " ] = $y ; if ( $X != " NULL " ){ foreach (( array ) $X
as $fe => $W ){ $Vd [ " Attribute. $s .Name " ] = $y ; $Vd [ " Attribute. $s .Value " ] = ( is_array ( $X ) ? $W : idf_unescape ( $W )); if ( ! $fe ) $Vd [ " Attribute. $s .Replace " ] = " true " ; $s ++ ;}}} $Qf = array ( 'DomainName' => $Q ); return ( ! $Vd || $this -> _chunkRequest (( $t != " " ? array ( $t ) : $Gd ), 'BatchPutAttributes' , $Qf , $Vd )) && ( ! $Xb || $this -> _chunkRequest ( $Gd , 'BatchDeleteAttributes' , $Qf , $Xb ));} function
insert ( $Q , $N ){ $Qf = array ( " DomainName " => $Q ); $s = 0 ; foreach ( $N
as $B => $Y ){ if ( $Y != " NULL " ){ $B = idf_unescape ( $B ); if ( $B == " itemName() " ) $Qf [ " ItemName " ] = idf_unescape ( $Y ); else { foreach (( array ) $Y
as $X ){ $Qf [ " Attribute. $s .Name " ] = $B ; $Qf [ " Attribute. $s .Value " ] = ( is_array ( $Y ) ? $X : idf_unescape ( $Y )); $s ++ ;}}}} return
sdb_request ( 'PutAttributes' , $Qf );} function
insertUpdate ( $Q , $J , $mg ){ foreach ( $J
as $N ){ if ( ! $this -> update ( $Q , $N , " WHERE `itemName()` = " . q ( $N [ " `itemName()` " ]))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
begin (){ return
false ;} function
commit (){ return
false ;} function
rollback (){ return
false ;} function
slowQuery ( $F , $hi ){ $this -> _conn -> timeout = $hi ; return $F ;}} function
connect (){ global $b ; list (,, $E ) = $b -> credentials (); if ( $E != " " ) return 'Database does not support password.' ; return
Min_DB ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( '~sql~' , $Rc );} function
logged_user (){ global $b ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); return $Ib [ 1 ];} function
get_databases (){ return
array ( " domain " );} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){} function
tables_list (){ global $g ; $H = array (); foreach ( sdb_request_all ( 'ListDomains' , 'DomainName' ) as $Q ) $H [( string ) $Q ] = 'table' ; if ( $g -> error && defined ( " PAGE_HEADER " )) echo " <p class='error'> " . error () . " \n " ; return $H ;} function
table_status ( $B = " " , $Qc = false ){ $H = array (); foreach (( $B != " " ? array ( $B => true ) : tables_list ()) as $Q => $T ){ $I = array ( " Name " => $Q , " Auto_increment " => " " ); if ( ! $Qc ){ $Se = sdb_request ( 'DomainMetadata' , array ( 'DomainName' => $Q )); if ( $Se ){ foreach ( array ( " Rows " => " ItemCount " , " Data_length " => " ItemNamesSizeBytes " , " Index_length " => " AttributeValuesSizeBytes " , " Data_free " => " AttributeNamesSizeBytes " ,) as $y => $X ) $I [ $y ] = ( string ) $Se -> $X ;}} if ( $B != " " ) return $I ; $H [ $Q ] = $I ;} return $H ;} function
explain ( $g , $F ){} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
information_schema (){} function
is_view ( $R ){} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ return
array ( array ( " type " => " PRIMARY " , " columns " => array ( " itemName() " )),);} function
fields ( $Q ){ return
fields_from_edit ();} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ return
array ();} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return " ` " . str_replace ( " ` " , " `` " , $u ) . " ` " ;} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return " $F $Z " . ( $z !== null ? $L . " LIMIT $z " : " " );} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ return ( $Q == " " && sdb_request ( 'CreateDomain' , array ( 'DomainName' => $B )));} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ if ( ! sdb_request ( 'DeleteDomain' , array ( 'DomainName' => $Q ))) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
count_tables ( $k ){ foreach ( $k
as $l ) return
array ( $l => count ( tables_list ()));} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ return ( $Z ? null : $R [ " Rows " ]);} function
last_id (){} function
hmac ( $Ba , $Nb , $y , $Bg = false ){ $Va = 64 ; if ( strlen ( $y ) > $Va ) $y = pack ( " H* " , $Ba ( $y )); $y = str_pad ( $y , $Va , " \0 " ); $ge = $y ^ str_repeat ( " \x36 " , $Va ); $he = $y ^ str_repeat ( " \x5C " , $Va ); $H = $Ba ( $he . pack ( " H* " , $Ba ( $ge . $Nb ))); if ( $Bg ) $H = pack ( " H* " , $H ); return $H ;} function
sdb_request ( $va , $Qf = array ()){ global $b , $g ; list ( $Cd , $Qf [ 'AWSAccessKeyId' ], $fh ) = $b -> credentials (); $Qf [ 'Action' ] = $va ; $Qf [ 'Timestamp' ] = gmdate ( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00' ); $Qf [ 'Version' ] = '2009-04-15' ; $Qf [ 'SignatureVersion' ] = 2 ; $Qf [ 'SignatureMethod' ] = 'HmacSHA1' ; ksort ( $Qf ); $F = '' ; foreach ( $Qf
as $y => $X ) $F .= '&' . rawurlencode ( $y ) . '=' . rawurlencode ( $X ); $F = str_replace ( '%7E' , '~' , substr ( $F , 1 )); $F .= " &Signature= " . urlencode ( base64_encode ( hmac ( 'sha1' , " POST \n " . preg_replace ( '~^https?://~' , '' , $Cd ) . " \n / \n $F " , $fh , true ))); @ ini_set ( 'track_errors' , 1 ); $Vc =@ file_get_contents (( preg_match ( '~^https?://~' , $Cd ) ? $Cd : " http:// $Cd " ), false , stream_context_create ( array ( 'http' => array ( 'method' => 'POST' , 'content' => $F , 'ignore_errors' => 1 ,)))); if ( ! $Vc ){ $g -> error = $php_errormsg ; return
false ;} libxml_use_internal_errors ( true ); $pj = simplexml_load_string ( $Vc ); if ( ! $pj ){ $n = libxml_get_last_error (); $g -> error = $n -> message ; return
false ;} if ( $pj -> Errors ){ $n = $pj -> Errors -> Error ; $g -> error = " $n->Message ( $n->Code ) " ; return
false ;} $g -> error = '' ; $Yh = $va . " Result " ; return ( $pj -> $Yh ? $pj -> $Yh : true );} function
sdb_request_all ( $va , $Yh , $Qf = array (), $hi = 0 ){ $H = array (); $Fh = ( $hi ? microtime ( true ) : 0 ); $z = ( preg_match ( '~LIMIT\s+(\d+)\s*$~i' , $Qf [ 'SelectExpression' ], $A ) ? $A [ 1 ] : 0 ); do { $pj = sdb_request ( $va , $Qf ); if ( ! $pj ) break ; foreach ( $pj -> $Yh
as $rc ) $H [] = $rc ; if ( $z && count ( $H ) >= $z ){ $_GET [ " next " ] = $pj -> NextToken ; break ;} if ( $hi && microtime ( true ) - $Fh > $hi ) return
false ; $Qf [ 'NextToken' ] = $pj -> NextToken ; if ( $z ) $Qf [ 'SelectExpression' ] = preg_replace ( '~\d+\s*$~' , $z - count ( $H ), $Qf [ 'SelectExpression' ]);} while ( $pj -> NextToken ); return $H ;} $x = " simpledb " ; $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " IN " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " IS NOT NULL " ); $md = array (); $sd = array ( " count " ); $oc = array ( array ( " json " ));} $gc [ " mongo " ] = " MongoDB " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " mongo " ])){ $jg = array ( " mongo " , " mongodb " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " mongo " ); if ( class_exists ( 'MongoDB' )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " Mongo " , $server_info = MongoClient :: VERSION , $error , $last_id , $_link , $_db ; function
connect ( $Mi , $_f ){ return @ new
MongoClient ( $Mi , $_f );} function
query ( $F ){ return
false ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ try { $this -> _db = $this -> _link -> selectDB ( $j ); return
true ;} catch ( Exception $Cc ){ $this -> error = $Cc -> getMessage (); return
false ;}} function
quote ( $P ){ return $P ;}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_rows = array (), $_offset = 0 , $_charset = array (); function
__construct ( $G ){ foreach ( $G
as $de ){ $I = array (); foreach ( $de
as $y => $X ){ if ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoBinData' )) $this -> _charset [ $y ] = 63 ; $I [ $y ] = ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoId' ) ? 'ObjectId("' . strval ( $X ) . '")' : ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoDate' ) ? gmdate ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , $X -> sec ) . " GMT " : ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoBinData' ) ? $X -> bin : ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoRegex' ) ? strval ( $X ) : ( is_object ( $X ) ? get_class ( $X ) : $X )))));} $this -> _rows [] = $I ; foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( ! isset ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ][ $y ])) $this -> _rows [ 0 ][ $y ] = null ;}} $this -> num_rows = count ( $this -> _rows );} function
fetch_assoc (){ $I = current ( $this -> _rows ); if ( ! $I ) return $I ; $H = array (); foreach ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ] as $y => $X ) $H [ $y ] = $I [ $y ]; next ( $this -> _rows ); return $H ;} function
fetch_row (){ $H = $this -> fetch_assoc (); if ( ! $H ) return $H ; return
array_values ( $H );} function
fetch_field (){ $je = array_keys ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ]); $B = $je [ $this -> _offset ++ ]; return ( object ) array ( 'name' => $B , 'charsetnr' => $this -> _charset [ $B ],);}} class
Min_SQL { public $mg = " _id " ; function
select ( $Q , $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf = array (), $z = 1 , $D = 0 , $og = false ){ $K = ( $K == array ( " * " ) ? array () : array_fill_keys ( $K , true )); $xh = array (); foreach ( $Bf
as $X ){ $X = preg_replace ( '~ DESC$~' , '' , $X , 1 , $Fb ); $xh [ $X ] = ( $Fb ? - 1 : 1 );} return
Min_Result ( $this -> _conn -> _db -> selectCollection ( $Q ) -> find ( array (), $K ) -> sort ( $xh ) -> limit ( $z != " " ? + $z : 0 ) -> skip ( $D * $z ));} function
insert ( $Q , $N ){ try { $H = $this -> _conn -> _db -> selectCollection ( $Q ) -> insert ( $N ); $this -> _conn -> errno = $H [ 'code' ]; $this -> _conn -> error = $H [ 'err' ]; $this -> _conn -> last_id = $N [ '_id' ]; return ! $H [ 'err' ];} catch ( Exception $Cc ){ $this -> _conn -> error = $Cc -> getMessage (); return
false ;}}} function
get_databases ( $cd ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $Sb = $g -> _link -> listDBs (); foreach ( $Sb [ 'databases' ] as $l ) $H [] = $l [ 'name' ]; return $H ;} function
count_tables ( $k ){ global $g ; $H = array (); foreach ( $k
as $l ) $H [ $l ] = count ( $g -> _link -> selectDB ( $l ) -> getCollectionNames ( true )); return $H ;} function
tables_list (){ global $g ; return
array_fill_keys ( $g -> _db -> getCollectionNames ( true ), 'table' );} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ global $g ; foreach ( $k
as $l ){ $Og = $g -> _link -> selectDB ( $l ) -> drop (); if ( ! $Og [ 'ok' ]) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ global $g ; $H = array (); foreach ( $g -> _db -> selectCollection ( $Q ) -> getIndexInfo () as $v ){ $ac = array (); foreach ( $v [ " key " ] as $e => $T ) $ac [] = ( $T ==- 1 ? '1' : null ); $H [ $v [ " name " ]] = array ( " type " => ( $v [ " name " ] == " _id_ " ? " PRIMARY " : ( $v [ " unique " ] ? " UNIQUE " : " INDEX " )), " columns " => array_keys ( $v [ " key " ]), " lengths " => array (), " descs " => $ac ,);} return $H ;} function
fields ( $Q ){ return
fields_from_edit ();} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ global $g ; return $g -> _db -> selectCollection ( $_GET [ " select " ]) -> count ( $Z );} $xf = array ( " = " );} elseif ( class_exists ( 'MongoDB\Driver\Manager' )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " MongoDB " , $server_info = MONGODB_VERSION , $error , $last_id ; var $_link ; var $_db , $_db_name ; function
connect ( $Mi , $_f ){ $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\Manager' ; return
new $kb ( $Mi , $_f );} function
query ( $F ){ return
false ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ $this -> _db_name = $j ; return
true ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return $P ;}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_rows = array (), $_offset = 0 , $_charset = array (); function
__construct ( $G ){ foreach ( $G
as $de ){ $I = array (); foreach ( $de
as $y => $X ){ if ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoDB\BSON\Binary' )) $this -> _charset [ $y ] = 63 ; $I [ $y ] = ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID' ) ? 'MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID("' . strval ( $X ) . '")' : ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime' ) ? $X -> toDateTime () -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) : ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoDB\BSON\Binary' ) ? $X -> bin : ( is_a ( $X , 'MongoDB\BSON\Regex' ) ? strval ( $X ) : ( is_object ( $X ) ? json_encode ( $X , 256 ) : $X )))));} $this -> _rows [] = $I ; foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( ! isset ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ][ $y ])) $this -> _rows [ 0 ][ $y ] = null ;}} $this -> num_rows = $G -> count ;} function
fetch_assoc (){ $I = current ( $this -> _rows ); if ( ! $I ) return $I ; $H = array (); foreach ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ] as $y => $X ) $H [ $y ] = $I [ $y ]; next ( $this -> _rows ); return $H ;} function
fetch_row (){ $H = $this -> fetch_assoc (); if ( ! $H ) return $H ; return
array_values ( $H );} function
fetch_field (){ $je = array_keys ( $this -> _rows [ 0 ]); $B = $je [ $this -> _offset ++ ]; return ( object ) array ( 'name' => $B , 'charsetnr' => $this -> _charset [ $B ],);}} class
Min_SQL { public $mg = " _id " ; function
select ( $Q , $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf = array (), $z = 1 , $D = 0 , $og = false ){ global $g ; $K = ( $K == array ( " * " ) ? array () : array_fill_keys ( $K , 1 )); if ( count ( $K ) &&! isset ( $K [ '_id' ])) $K [ '_id' ] = 0 ; $Z = where_to_query ( $Z ); $xh = array (); foreach ( $Bf
as $X ){ $X = preg_replace ( '~ DESC$~' , '' , $X , 1 , $Fb ); $xh [ $X ] = ( $Fb ? - 1 : 1 );} if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'limit' ]) && is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'limit' ]) && $_GET [ 'limit' ] > 0 ) $z = $_GET [ 'limit' ]; $z = min ( 200 , max ( 1 ,( int ) $z )); $uh = $D * $z ; $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\Query' ; $F = new $kb ( $Z , array ( 'projection' => $K , 'limit' => $z , 'skip' => $uh , 'sort' => $xh )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeQuery ( " $g->_db_name . $Q " , $F ); return
Min_Result ( $Rg );} function
update ( $Q , $N , $yg , $z = 0 , $L = " \n " ){ global $g ; $l = $g -> _db_name ; $Z = sql_query_where_parser ( $yg ); $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite' ; $Za = new $kb ( array ()); if ( isset ( $N [ '_id' ])) unset ( $N [ '_id' ]); $Lg = array (); foreach ( $N
as $y => $Y ){ if ( $Y == 'NULL' ){ $Lg [ $y ] = 1 ; unset ( $N [ $y ]);}} $Li = array ( '$set' => $N ); if ( count ( $Lg )) $Li [ '$unset' ] = $Lg ; $Za -> update ( $Z , $Li , array ( 'upsert' => false )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeBulkWrite ( " $l . $Q " , $Za ); $g -> affected_rows = $Rg -> getModifiedCount (); return
true ;} function
delete ( $Q , $yg , $z = 0 ){ global $g ; $l = $g -> _db_name ; $Z = sql_query_where_parser ( $yg ); $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite' ; $Za = new $kb ( array ()); $Za -> delete ( $Z , array ( 'limit' => $z )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeBulkWrite ( " $l . $Q " , $Za ); $g -> affected_rows = $Rg -> getDeletedCount (); return
true ;} function
insert ( $Q , $N ){ global $g ; $l = $g -> _db_name ; $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite' ; $Za = new $kb ( array ()); if ( isset ( $N [ '_id' ]) && empty ( $N [ '_id' ])) unset ( $N [ '_id' ]); $Za -> insert ( $N ); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeBulkWrite ( " $l . $Q " , $Za ); $g -> affected_rows = $Rg -> getInsertedCount (); return
true ;}} function
get_databases ( $cd ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\Command' ; $sb = new $kb ( array ( 'listDatabases' => 1 )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeCommand ( 'admin' , $sb ); foreach ( $Rg
as $Sb ){ foreach ( $Sb -> databases
as $l ) $H [] = $l -> name ;} return $H ;} function
count_tables ( $k ){ $H = array (); return $H ;} function
tables_list (){ global $g ; $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\Command' ; $sb = new $kb ( array ( 'listCollections' => 1 )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeCommand ( $g -> _db_name , $sb ); $qb = array (); foreach ( $Rg
as $G ) $qb [ $G -> name ] = 'table' ; return $qb ;} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ return
false ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\Command' ; $sb = new $kb ( array ( 'listIndexes' => $Q )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeCommand ( $g -> _db_name , $sb ); foreach ( $Rg
as $v ){ $ac = array (); $f = array (); foreach ( get_object_vars ( $v -> key ) as $e => $T ){ $ac [] = ( $T ==- 1 ? '1' : null ); $f [] = $e ;} $H [ $v -> name ] = array ( " type " => ( $v -> name == " _id_ " ? " PRIMARY " : ( isset ( $v -> unique ) ? " UNIQUE " : " INDEX " )), " columns " => $f , " lengths " => array (), " descs " => $ac ,);} return $H ;} function
fields ( $Q ){ $p = fields_from_edit (); if ( ! count ( $p )){ global $m ; $G = $m -> select ( $Q , array ( " * " ), null , null , array (), 10 ); while ( $I = $G -> fetch_assoc ()){ foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ $I [ $y ] = null ; $p [ $y ] = array ( " field " => $y , " type " => " string " , " null " => ( $y != $m -> primary ), " auto_increment " => ( $y == $m -> primary ), " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " select " => 1 , " update " => 1 ,),);}}} return $p ;} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ global $g ; $Z = where_to_query ( $Z ); $kb = 'MongoDB\Driver\Command' ; $sb = new $kb ( array ( 'count' => $R [ 'Name' ], 'query' => $Z )); $Rg = $g -> _link -> executeCommand ( $g -> _db_name , $sb ); $pi = $Rg -> toArray (); return $pi [ 0 ] -> n ;} function
sql_query_where_parser ( $yg ){ $yg = trim ( preg_replace ( '/WHERE[\s]?[(]?\(?/' , '' , $yg )); $yg = preg_replace ( '/\)\)\)$/' , ')' , $yg ); $mj = explode ( ' AND ' , $yg ); $nj = explode ( ') OR (' , $yg ); $Z = array (); foreach ( $mj
as $kj ) $Z [] = trim ( $kj ); if ( count ( $nj ) == 1 ) $nj = array (); elseif ( count ( $nj ) > 1 ) $Z = array (); return
where_to_query ( $Z , $nj );} function
where_to_query ( $ij = array (), $jj = array ()){ global $b ; $Nb = array (); foreach ( array ( 'and' => $ij , 'or' => $jj ) as $T => $Z ){ if ( is_array ( $Z )){ foreach ( $Z
as $Jc ){ list ( $nb , $vf , $X ) = explode ( " " , $Jc , 3 ); if ( $nb == " _id " ){ $X = str_replace ( 'MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID("' , " " , $X ); $X = str_replace ( '")' , " " , $X ); $kb = 'MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID' ; $X = new $kb ( $X );} if ( ! in_array ( $vf , $b -> operators )) continue ; if ( preg_match ( '~^\(f\)(.+)~' , $vf , $A )){ $X = ( float ) $X ; $vf = $A [ 1 ];} elseif ( preg_match ( '~^\(date\)(.+)~' , $vf , $A )){ $Pb = new
DateTime ( $X ); $kb = 'MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime' ; $X = new $kb ( $Pb -> getTimestamp () * 1000 ); $vf = $A [ 1 ];} switch ( $vf ){ case '=' : $vf = '$eq' ; break ; case '!=' : $vf = '$ne' ; break ; case '>' : $vf = '$gt' ; break ; case '<' : $vf = '$lt' ; break ; case '>=' : $vf = '$gte' ; break ; case '<=' : $vf = '$lte' ; break ; case 'regex' : $vf = '$regex' ; break ; default : continue
2 ;} if ( $T == 'and' ) $Nb [ '$and' ][] = array ( $nb => array ( $vf => $X )); elseif ( $T == 'or' ) $Nb [ '$or' ][] = array ( $nb => array ( $vf => $X ));}}} return $Nb ;} $xf = array ( " = " , " != " , " > " , " < " , " >= " , " <= " , " regex " , " (f)= " , " (f)!= " , " (f)> " , " (f)< " , " (f)>= " , " (f)<= " , " (date)= " , " (date)!= " , " (date)> " , " (date)< " , " (date)>= " , " (date)<= " ,);} function
table ( $u ){ return $u ;} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return $u ;} function
table_status ( $B = " " , $Qc = false ){ $H = array (); foreach ( tables_list () as $Q => $T ){ $H [ $Q ] = array ( " Name " => $Q ); if ( $B == $Q ) return $H [ $Q ];} return $H ;} function
create_database ( $l , $d ){ return
true ;} function
last_id (){ global $g ; return $g -> last_id ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
logged_user (){ global $b ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); return $Ib [ 1 ];} function
connect (){ global $b ; $g = new
Min_DB ; list ( $M , $V , $E ) = $b -> credentials (); $_f = array (); if ( $V . $E != " " ){ $_f [ " username " ] = $V ; $_f [ " password " ] = $E ;} $l = $b -> database (); if ( $l != " " ) $_f [ " db " ] = $l ; if (( $La = getenv ( " MONGO_AUTH_SOURCE " ))) $_f [ " authSource " ] = $La ; try { $g -> _link = $g -> connect ( " mongodb:// $M " , $_f ); if ( $E != " " ){ $_f [ " password " ] = " " ; try { $g -> connect ( " mongodb:// $M " , $_f ); return 'Database does not support password.' ;} catch ( Exception $Cc ){}} return $g ;} catch ( Exception $Cc ){ return $Cc -> getMessage ();}} function
alter_indexes ( $Q , $c ){ global $g ; foreach ( $c
as $X ){ list ( $T , $B , $N ) = $X ; if ( $N == " DROP " ) $H = $g -> _db -> command ( array ( " deleteIndexes " => $Q , " index " => $B )); else { $f = array (); foreach ( $N
as $e ){ $e = preg_replace ( '~ DESC$~' , '' , $e , 1 , $Fb ); $f [ $e ] = ( $Fb ? - 1 : 1 );} $H = $g -> _db -> selectCollection ( $Q ) -> ensureIndex ( $f , array ( " unique " => ( $T == " UNIQUE " ), " name " => $B ,));} if ( $H [ 'errmsg' ]){ $g -> error = $H [ 'errmsg' ]; return
false ;}} return
true ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( " ~database|indexes|descidx~ " , $Rc );} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){} function
information_schema (){} function
is_view ( $R ){} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ return
array ();} function
fk_support ( $R ){} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ global $g ; if ( $Q == " " ){ $g -> _db -> createCollection ( $B ); return
true ;}} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ global $g ; foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ $Og = $g -> _db -> selectCollection ( $Q ) -> drop (); if ( ! $Og [ 'ok' ]) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ global $g ; foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ $Og = $g -> _db -> selectCollection ( $Q ) -> remove (); if ( ! $Og [ 'ok' ]) return
false ;} return
true ;} $x = " mongo " ; $md = array (); $sd = array (); $oc = array ( array ( " json " ));} $gc [ " elastic " ] = " Elasticsearch (beta) " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " elastic " ])){ $jg = array ( " json + allow_url_fopen " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " elastic " ); if ( function_exists ( 'json_decode' ) && ini_bool ( 'allow_url_fopen' )){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " JSON " , $server_info , $errno , $error , $_url ; function
rootQuery ( $ag , $Ab = array (), $Te = 'GET' ){ @ ini_set ( 'track_errors' , 1 ); $Vc =@ file_get_contents ( " $this->_url / " . ltrim ( $ag , '/' ), false , stream_context_create ( array ( 'http' => array ( 'method' => $Te , 'content' => $Ab === null ? $Ab : json_encode ( $Ab ), 'header' => 'Content-Type: application/json' , 'ignore_errors' => 1 ,)))); if ( ! $Vc ){ $this -> error = $php_errormsg ; return $Vc ;} if ( ! preg_match ( '~^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 2~i' , $http_response_header [ 0 ])){ $this -> error = $Vc ; return
false ;} $H = json_decode ( $Vc , true ); if ( $H === null ){ $this -> errno = json_last_error (); if ( function_exists ( 'json_last_error_msg' )) $this -> error = json_last_error_msg (); else { $_b = get_defined_constants ( true ); foreach ( $_b [ 'json' ] as $B => $Y ){ if ( $Y == $this -> errno && preg_match ( '~^JSON_ERROR_~' , $B )){ $this -> error = $B ; break ;}}}} return $H ;} function
query ( $ag , $Ab = array (), $Te = 'GET' ){ return $this -> rootQuery (( $this -> _db != " " ? " $this->_db / " : " / " ) . ltrim ( $ag , '/' ), $Ab , $Te );} function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ preg_match ( '~^(https?://)?(.*)~' , $M , $A ); $this -> _url = ( $A [ 1 ] ? $A [ 1 ] : " http:// " ) . " $V : $E @ $A[2] " ; $H = $this -> query ( '' ); if ( $H ) $this -> server_info = $H [ 'version' ][ 'number' ]; return ( bool ) $H ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ $this -> _db = $j ; return
true ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return $P ;}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_rows ; function
__construct ( $J ){ $this -> num_rows = count ( $J ); $this -> _rows = $J ; reset ( $this -> _rows );} function
fetch_assoc (){ $H = current ( $this -> _rows ); next ( $this -> _rows ); return $H ;} function
fetch_row (){ return
array_values ( $this -> fetch_assoc ());}}} class
Min_SQL { function
select ( $Q , $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf = array (), $z = 1 , $D = 0 , $og = false ){ global $b ; $Nb = array (); $F = " $Q /_search " ; if ( $K != array ( " * " )) $Nb [ " fields " ] = $K ; if ( $Bf ){ $xh = array (); foreach ( $Bf
as $nb ){ $nb = preg_replace ( '~ DESC$~' , '' , $nb , 1 , $Fb ); $xh [] = ( $Fb ? array ( $nb => " desc " ) : $nb );} $Nb [ " sort " ] = $xh ;} if ( $z ){ $Nb [ " size " ] =+ $z ; if ( $D ) $Nb [ " from " ] = ( $D * $z );} foreach ( $Z
as $X ){ list ( $nb , $vf , $X ) = explode ( " " , $X , 3 ); if ( $nb == " _id " ) $Nb [ " query " ][ " ids " ][ " values " ][] = $X ; elseif ( $nb . $X != " " ){ $ci = array ( " term " => array (( $nb != " " ? $nb : " _all " ) => $X )); if ( $vf == " = " ) $Nb [ " query " ][ " filtered " ][ " filter " ][ " and " ][] = $ci ; else $Nb [ " query " ][ " filtered " ][ " query " ][ " bool " ][ " must " ][] = $ci ;}} if ( $Nb [ " query " ] &&! $Nb [ " query " ][ " filtered " ][ " query " ] &&! $Nb [ " query " ][ " ids " ]) $Nb [ " query " ][ " filtered " ][ " query " ] = array ( " match_all " => array ()); $Fh = microtime ( true ); $eh = $this -> _conn -> query ( $F , $Nb ); if ( $og ) echo $b -> selectQuery ( " $F : " . json_encode ( $Nb ), $Fh , ! $eh ); if ( ! $eh ) return
false ; $H = array (); foreach ( $eh [ 'hits' ][ 'hits' ] as $Bd ){ $I = array (); if ( $K == array ( " * " )) $I [ " _id " ] = $Bd [ " _id " ]; $p = $Bd [ '_source' ]; if ( $K != array ( " * " )){ $p = array (); foreach ( $K
as $y ) $p [ $y ] = $Bd [ 'fields' ][ $y ];} foreach ( $p
as $y => $X ){ if ( $Nb [ " fields " ]) $X = $X [ 0 ]; $I [ $y ] = ( is_array ( $X ) ? json_encode ( $X ) : $X );} $H [] = $I ;} return
Min_Result ( $H );} function
update ( $T , $Cg , $yg , $z = 0 , $L = " \n " ){ $Yf = preg_split ( '~ *= *~' , $yg ); if ( count ( $Yf ) == 2 ){ $t = trim ( $Yf [ 1 ]); $F = " $T / $t " ; return $this -> _conn -> query ( $F , $Cg , 'POST' );} return
false ;} function
insert ( $T , $Cg ){ $t = " " ; $F = " $T / $t " ; $Og = $this -> _conn -> query ( $F , $Cg , 'POST' ); $this -> _conn -> last_id = $Og [ '_id' ]; return $Og [ 'created' ];} function
delete ( $T , $yg , $z = 0 ){ $Gd = array (); if ( is_array ( $_GET [ " where " ]) && $_GET [ " where " ][ " _id " ]) $Gd [] = $_GET [ " where " ][ " _id " ]; if ( is_array ( $_POST [ 'check' ])){ foreach ( $_POST [ 'check' ] as $db ){ $Yf = preg_split ( '~ *= *~' , $db ); if ( count ( $Yf ) == 2 ) $Gd [] = trim ( $Yf [ 1 ]);}} $this -> _conn -> affected_rows = 0 ; foreach ( $Gd
as $t ){ $F = " { $T } / { $t } " ; $Og = $this -> _conn -> query ( $F , '{}' , 'DELETE' ); if ( is_array ( $Og ) && $Og [ 'found' ] == true ) $this -> _conn -> affected_rows ++ ;} return $this -> _conn -> affected_rows ;}} function
connect (){ global $b ; $g = new
Min_DB ; list ( $M , $V , $E ) = $b -> credentials (); if ( $E != " " && $g -> connect ( $M , $V , " " )) return 'Database does not support password.' ; if ( $g -> connect ( $M , $V , $E )) return $g ; return $g -> error ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( " ~database|table|columns~ " , $Rc );} function
logged_user (){ global $b ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); return $Ib [ 1 ];} function
get_databases (){ global $g ; $H = $g -> rootQuery ( '_aliases' ); if ( $H ){ $H = array_keys ( $H ); sort ( $H , SORT_STRING );} return $H ;} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){} function
engines (){ return
array ();} function
count_tables ( $k ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $G = $g -> query ( '_stats' ); if ( $G && $G [ 'indices' ]){ $Od = $G [ 'indices' ]; foreach ( $Od
as $Nd => $Gh ){ $Md = $Gh [ 'total' ][ 'indexing' ]; $H [ $Nd ] = $Md [ 'index_total' ];}} return $H ;} function
tables_list (){ global $g ; $H = $g -> query ( '_mapping' ); if ( $H ) $H = array_fill_keys ( array_keys ( $H [ $g -> _db ][ " mappings " ]), 'table' ); return $H ;} function
table_status ( $B = " " , $Qc = false ){ global $g ; $eh = $g -> query ( " _search " , array ( " size " => 0 , " aggregations " => array ( " count_by_type " => array ( " terms " => array ( " field " => " _type " )))), " POST " ); $H = array (); if ( $eh ){ $S = $eh [ " aggregations " ][ " count_by_type " ][ " buckets " ]; foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ $H [ $Q [ " key " ]] = array ( " Name " => $Q [ " key " ], " Engine " => " table " , " Rows " => $Q [ " doc_count " ],); if ( $B != " " && $B == $Q [ " key " ]) return $H [ $B ];}} return $H ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
information_schema (){} function
is_view ( $R ){} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ return
array ( array ( " type " => " PRIMARY " , " columns " => array ( " _id " )),);} function
fields ( $Q ){ global $g ; $G = $g -> query ( " $Q /_mapping " ); $H = array (); if ( $G ){ $Be = $G [ $Q ][ 'properties' ]; if ( ! $Be ) $Be = $G [ $g -> _db ][ 'mappings' ][ $Q ][ 'properties' ]; if ( $Be ){ foreach ( $Be
as $B => $o ){ $H [ $B ] = array ( " field " => $B , " full_type " => $o [ " type " ], " type " => $o [ " type " ], " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " select " => 1 , " update " => 1 ),); if ( $o [ " properties " ]){ unset ( $H [ $B ][ " privileges " ][ " insert " ]); unset ( $H [ $B ][ " privileges " ][ " update " ]);}}}} return $H ;} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ return
array ();} function
table ( $u ){ return $u ;} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return $u ;} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ return $H ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ return
null ;} function
create_database ( $l ){ global $g ; return $g -> rootQuery ( urlencode ( $l ), null , 'PUT' );} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ global $g ; return $g -> rootQuery ( urlencode ( implode ( ',' , $k )), array (), 'DELETE' );} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ global $g ; $ug = array (); foreach ( $p
as $Oc ){ $Tc = trim ( $Oc [ 1 ][ 0 ]); $Uc = trim ( $Oc [ 1 ][ 1 ] ? $Oc [ 1 ][ 1 ] : " text " ); $ug [ $Tc ] = array ( 'type' => $Uc );} if ( ! empty ( $ug )) $ug = array ( 'properties' => $ug ); return $g -> query ( " _mapping/ { $B } " , $ug , 'PUT' );} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ global $g ; $H = true ; foreach ( $S
as $Q ) $H = $H && $g -> query ( urlencode ( $Q ), array (), 'DELETE' ); return $H ;} function
last_id (){ global $g ; return $g -> last_id ;} $x = " elastic " ; $xf = array ( " = " , " query " ); $md = array (); $sd = array (); $oc = array ( array ( " json " )); $U = array (); $Jh = array (); foreach ( array ( 'Numbers' => array ( " long " => 3 , " integer " => 5 , " short " => 8 , " byte " => 10 , " double " => 20 , " float " => 66 , " half_float " => 12 , " scaled_float " => 21 ), 'Date and time' => array ( " date " => 10 ), 'Strings' => array ( " string " => 65535 , " text " => 65535 ), 'Binary' => array ( " binary " => 255 ),) as $y => $X ){ $U += $X ; $Jh [ $y ] = array_keys ( $X );}} $gc [ " clickhouse " ] = " ClickHouse (alpha) " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " clickhouse " ])){ define ( " DRIVER " , " clickhouse " ); class
Min_DB { var $extension = " JSON " , $server_info , $errno , $_result , $error , $_url ; var $_db = 'default' ; function
rootQuery ( $l , $F ){ @ ini_set ( 'track_errors' , 1 ); $Vc =@ file_get_contents ( " $this->_url /?database= $l " , false , stream_context_create ( array ( 'http' => array ( 'method' => 'POST' , 'content' => $this -> isQuerySelectLike ( $F ) ? " $F FORMAT JSONCompact " : $F , 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , 'ignore_errors' => 1 ,)))); if ( $Vc === false ){ $this -> error = $php_errormsg ; return $Vc ;} if ( ! preg_match ( '~^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 2~i' , $http_response_header [ 0 ])){ $this -> error = $Vc ; return
false ;} $H = json_decode ( $Vc , true ); if ( $H === null ){ if ( ! $this -> isQuerySelectLike ( $F ) && $Vc === '' ) return
true ; $this -> errno = json_last_error (); if ( function_exists ( 'json_last_error_msg' )) $this -> error = json_last_error_msg (); else { $_b = get_defined_constants ( true ); foreach ( $_b [ 'json' ] as $B => $Y ){ if ( $Y == $this -> errno && preg_match ( '~^JSON_ERROR_~' , $B )){ $this -> error = $B ; break ;}}}} return
Min_Result ( $H );} function
isQuerySelectLike ( $F ){ return ( bool ) preg_match ( '~^(select|show)~i' , $F );} function
query ( $F ){ return $this -> rootQuery ( $this -> _db , $F );} function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ preg_match ( '~^(https?://)?(.*)~' , $M , $A ); $this -> _url = ( $A [ 1 ] ? $A [ 1 ] : " http:// " ) . " $V : $E @ $A[2] " ; $H = $this -> query ( 'SELECT 1' ); return ( bool ) $H ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ $this -> _db = $j ; return
true ;} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . addcslashes ( $P , " \\ ' " ) . " ' " ;} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
false ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); return $G [ 'data' ];}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_rows , $columns , $meta , $_offset = 0 ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> num_rows = $G [ 'rows' ]; $this -> _rows = $G [ 'data' ]; $this -> meta = $G [ 'meta' ]; $this -> columns = array_column ( $this -> meta , 'name' ); reset ( $this -> _rows );} function
fetch_assoc (){ $I = current ( $this -> _rows ); next ( $this -> _rows ); return $I === false ? false : array_combine ( $this -> columns , $I );} function
fetch_row (){ $I = current ( $this -> _rows ); next ( $this -> _rows ); return $I ;} function
fetch_field (){ $e = $this -> _offset ++ ; $H = new
stdClass ; if ( $e < count ( $this -> columns )){ $H -> name = $this -> meta [ $e ][ 'name' ]; $H -> orgname = $H -> name ; $H -> type = $this -> meta [ $e ][ 'type' ];} return $H ;}} class
Min_SQL { function
delete ( $Q , $yg , $z = 0 ){ if ( $yg === '' ) $yg = 'WHERE 1=1' ; return
queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " DELETE $yg " );} function
update ( $Q , $N , $yg , $z = 0 , $L = " \n " ){ $Xi = array (); foreach ( $N
as $y => $X ) $Xi [] = " $y = $X " ; $F = $L . implode ( " , $L " , $Xi ); return
queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " UPDATE $F $yg " );}} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return " ` " . str_replace ( " ` " , " `` " , $u ) . " ` " ;} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
explain ( $g , $F ){ return '' ;} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ $J = get_vals ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . idf_escape ( $R [ " Name " ]) . ( $Z ? " WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $Z ) : " " )); return
empty ( $J ) ? false : $J [ 0 ];} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ $c = $Bf = array (); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ if ( $o [ 1 ][ 2 ] === " NULL " ) $o [ 1 ][ 1 ] = " Nullable( { $o [ 1 ][ 1 ] } ) " ; elseif ( $o [ 1 ][ 2 ] === ' NOT NULL' ) $o [ 1 ][ 2 ] = '' ; if ( $o [ 1 ][ 3 ]) $o [ 1 ][ 3 ] = '' ; $c [] = ( $o [ 1 ] ? ( $Q != " " ? ( $o [ 0 ] != " " ? " MODIFY COLUMN " : " ADD COLUMN " ) : " " ) . implode ( $o [ 1 ]) : " DROP COLUMN " . idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ])); $Bf [] = $o [ 1 ][ 0 ];} $c = array_merge ( $c , $ed ); $O = ( $wc ? " ENGINE " . $wc : " " ); if ( $Q == " " ) return
queries ( " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " ( \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c ) . " \n ) $O $Wf " . ' ORDER BY (' . implode ( ',' , $Bf ) . ')' ); if ( $Q != $B ){ $G = queries ( " RENAME TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " TO " . table ( $B )); if ( $c ) $Q = $B ; else
return $G ;} if ( $O ) $c [] = ltrim ( $O ); return ( $c || $Wf ? queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c ) . $Wf ) : true );} function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " TRUNCATE TABLE " , $S );} function
drop_views ( $cj ){ return
drop_tables ( $cj );} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " DROP TABLE " , $S );} function
connect (){ global $b ; $g = new
Min_DB ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); if ( $g -> connect ( $Ib [ 0 ], $Ib [ 1 ], $Ib [ 2 ])) return $g ; return $g -> error ;} function
get_databases ( $cd ){ global $g ; $G = get_rows ( 'SHOW DATABASES' ); $H = array (); foreach ( $G
as $I ) $H [] = $I [ 'name' ]; sort ( $H ); return $H ;} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return " $F $Z " . ( $z !== null ? $L . " LIMIT $z " . ( $C ? " , $C " : " " ) : " " );} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ return
limit ( $F , $Z , 1 , 0 , $L );} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){} function
engines (){ return
array ( 'MergeTree' );} function
logged_user (){ global $b ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); return $Ib [ 1 ];} function
tables_list (){ $G = get_rows ( 'SHOW TABLES' ); $H = array (); foreach ( $G
as $I ) $H [ $I [ 'name' ]] = 'table' ; ksort ( $H ); return $H ;} function
count_tables ( $k ){ return
array ();} function
table_status ( $B = " " , $Qc = false ){ global $g ; $H = array (); $S = get_rows ( " SELECT name, engine FROM system.tables WHERE database = " . q ( $g -> _db )); foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ $H [ $Q [ 'name' ]] = array ( 'Name' => $Q [ 'name' ], 'Engine' => $Q [ 'engine' ],); if ( $B === $Q [ 'name' ]) return $H [ $Q [ 'name' ]];} return $H ;} function
is_view ( $R ){ return
false ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){ return
false ;} function
convert_field ( $o ){} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ if ( in_array ( $o [ 'type' ], array ( " Int8 " , " Int16 " , " Int32 " , " Int64 " , " UInt8 " , " UInt16 " , " UInt32 " , " UInt64 " , " Float32 " , " Float64 " ))) return " to $o[type] ( $H ) " ; return $H ;} function
fields ( $Q ){ $H = array (); $G = get_rows ( " SELECT name, type, default_expression FROM system.columns WHERE " . idf_escape ( 'table' ) . " = " . q ( $Q )); foreach ( $G
as $I ){ $T = trim ( $I [ 'type' ]); $hf = strpos ( $T , 'Nullable(' ) === 0 ; $H [ trim ( $I [ 'name' ])] = array ( " field " => trim ( $I [ 'name' ]), " full_type " => $T , " type " => $T , " default " => trim ( $I [ 'default_expression' ]), " null " => $hf , " auto_increment " => '0' , " privileges " => array ( " insert " => 1 , " select " => 1 , " update " => 0 ),);} return $H ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ return
array ();} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ return
array ();} function
collations (){ return
array ();} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return
false ;} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( $g -> error );} function
types (){ return
array ();} function
schemas (){ return
array ();} function
get_schema (){ return " " ;} function
set_schema ( $ch ){ return
true ;} function
auto_increment (){ return '' ;} function
last_id (){ return
0 ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return
preg_match ( " ~^(columns|sql|status|table|drop_col) $ ~ " , $Rc );} $x = " clickhouse " ; $U = array (); $Jh = array (); foreach ( array ( 'Numbers' => array ( " Int8 " => 3 , " Int16 " => 5 , " Int32 " => 10 , " Int64 " => 19 , " UInt8 " => 3 , " UInt16 " => 5 , " UInt32 " => 10 , " UInt64 " => 20 , " Float32 " => 7 , " Float64 " => 16 , 'Decimal' => 38 , 'Decimal32' => 9 , 'Decimal64' => 18 , 'Decimal128' => 38 ), 'Date and time' => array ( " Date " => 13 , " DateTime " => 20 ), 'Strings' => array ( " String " => 0 ), 'Binary' => array ( " FixedString " => 0 ),) as $y => $X ){ $U += $X ; $Jh [ $y ] = array_keys ( $X );} $Ki = array (); $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " ~ " , " !~ " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " IN " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " NOT IN " , " IS NOT NULL " , " SQL " ); $md = array (); $sd = array ( " avg " , " count " , " count distinct " , " max " , " min " , " sum " ); $oc = array ();} $gc = array ( " server " => " MySQL " ) + $gc ; if ( ! defined ( " DRIVER " )){ $jg = array ( " MySQLi " , " MySQL " , " PDO_MySQL " ); define ( " DRIVER " , " server " ); if ( extension_loaded ( " mysqli " )){ class
MySQLi { var $extension = " MySQLi " ; function
__construct (){ parent :: init ();} function
connect ( $M = " " , $V = " " , $E = " " , $j = null , $fg = null , $wh = null ){ global $b ; mysqli_report ( MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF ); list ( $Cd , $fg ) = explode ( " : " , $M , 2 ); $Eh = $b -> connectSsl (); if ( $Eh ) $this -> ssl_set ( $Eh [ 'key' ], $Eh [ 'cert' ], $Eh [ 'ca' ], '' , '' ); $H =@ $this -> real_connect (( $M != " " ? $Cd : ini_get ( " mysqli.default_host " )),( $M . $V != " " ? $V : ini_get ( " mysqli.default_user " )),( $M . $V . $E != " " ? $E : ini_get ( " mysqli.default_pw " )), $j ,( is_numeric ( $fg ) ? $fg : ini_get ( " mysqli.default_port " )),( ! is_numeric ( $fg ) ? $fg : $wh ),( $Eh ? 64 : 0 )); $this -> options ( MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE , false ); return $H ;} function
set_charset ( $cb ){ if ( parent :: set_charset ( $cb )) return
true ; parent :: set_charset ( 'utf8' ); return $this -> query ( " SET NAMES $cb " );} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! $G ) return
false ; $I = $G -> fetch_array (); return $I [ $o ];} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . $this -> escape_string ( $P ) . " ' " ;}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " mysql " ) &&! (( ini_bool ( " sql.safe_mode " ) || ini_bool ( " mysql.allow_local_infile " )) && extension_loaded ( " pdo_mysql " ))){ class
Min_DB { var $extension = " MySQL " , $server_info , $affected_rows , $errno , $error , $_link , $_result ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ if ( ini_bool ( " mysql.allow_local_infile " )){ $this -> error = sprintf ( 'Disable %s or enable %s or %s extensions.' , " 'mysql.allow_local_infile' " , " MySQLi " , " PDO_MySQL " ); return
false ;} $this -> _link =@ mysql_connect (( $M != " " ? $M : ini_get ( " mysql.default_host " )),( " $M $V " != " " ? $V : ini_get ( " mysql.default_user " )),( " $M $V $E " != " " ? $E : ini_get ( " mysql.default_password " )), true , 131072 ); if ( $this -> _link ) $this -> server_info = mysql_get_server_info ( $this -> _link ); else $this -> error = mysql_error (); return ( bool ) $this -> _link ;} function
set_charset ( $cb ){ if ( function_exists ( 'mysql_set_charset' )){ if ( mysql_set_charset ( $cb , $this -> _link )) return
true ; mysql_set_charset ( 'utf8' , $this -> _link );} return $this -> query ( " SET NAMES $cb " );} function
quote ( $P ){ return " ' " . mysql_real_escape_string ( $P , $this -> _link ) . " ' " ;} function
select_db ( $j ){ return
mysql_select_db ( $j , $this -> _link );} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $G =@ ( $Ei ? mysql_unbuffered_query ( $F , $this -> _link ) : mysql_query ( $F , $this -> _link )); $this -> error = " " ; if ( ! $G ){ $this -> errno = mysql_errno ( $this -> _link ); $this -> error = mysql_error ( $this -> _link ); return
false ;} if ( $G === true ){ $this -> affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows ( $this -> _link ); $this -> info = mysql_info ( $this -> _link ); return
true ;} return
Min_Result ( $G );} function
multi_query ( $F ){ return $this -> _result = $this -> query ( $F );} function
store_result (){ return $this -> _result ;} function
next_result (){ return
false ;} function
result ( $F , $o = 0 ){ $G = $this -> query ( $F ); if ( ! $G ||! $G -> num_rows ) return
false ; return
mysql_result ( $G -> _result , 0 , $o );}} class
Min_Result { var $num_rows , $_result , $_offset = 0 ; function
__construct ( $G ){ $this -> _result = $G ; $this -> num_rows = mysql_num_rows ( $G );} function
fetch_assoc (){ return
mysql_fetch_assoc ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_row (){ return
mysql_fetch_row ( $this -> _result );} function
fetch_field (){ $H = mysql_fetch_field ( $this -> _result , $this -> _offset ++ ); $H -> orgtable = $H -> table ; $H -> orgname = $H -> name ; $H -> charsetnr = ( $H -> blob ? 63 : 0 ); return $H ;} function
__destruct (){ mysql_free_result ( $this -> _result );}}} elseif ( extension_loaded ( " pdo_mysql " )){ class
Min_PDO { var $extension = " PDO_MySQL " ; function
connect ( $M , $V , $E ){ global $b ; $_f = array ( PDO :: MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => false ); $Eh = $b -> connectSsl (); if ( $Eh ){ if ( ! empty ( $Eh [ 'key' ])) $_f [ PDO :: MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY ] = $Eh [ 'key' ]; if ( ! empty ( $Eh [ 'cert' ])) $_f [ PDO :: MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT ] = $Eh [ 'cert' ]; if ( ! empty ( $Eh [ 'ca' ])) $_f [ PDO :: MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA ] = $Eh [ 'ca' ];} $this -> dsn ( " mysql:charset=utf8;host= " . str_replace ( " : " , " ;unix_socket= " , preg_replace ( '~:(\d)~' , ';port=\1' , $M )), $V , $E , $_f ); return
true ;} function
set_charset ( $cb ){ $this -> query ( " SET NAMES $cb " );} function
select_db ( $j ){ return $this -> query ( " USE " . idf_escape ( $j ));} function
query ( $F , $Ei = false ){ $this -> setAttribute ( 1000 , ! $Ei ); return
parent :: query ( $F , $Ei );}}} class
Min_SQL { function
insert ( $Q , $N ){ return ( $N ? parent :: insert ( $Q , $N ) : queries ( " INSERT INTO " . table ( $Q ) . " () \n VALUES () " ));} function
insertUpdate ( $Q , $J , $mg ){ $f = array_keys ( reset ( $J )); $kg = " INSERT INTO " . table ( $Q ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $f ) . " ) VALUES \n " ; $Xi = array (); foreach ( $f
as $y ) $Xi [ $y ] = " $y = VALUES( $y ) " ; $Mh = " \n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . implode ( " , " , $Xi ); $Xi = array (); $ve = 0 ; foreach ( $J
as $N ){ $Y = " ( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " ) " ; if ( $Xi && ( strlen ( $kg ) + $ve + strlen ( $Y ) + strlen ( $Mh ) > 1e6 )){ if ( ! queries ( $kg . implode ( " , \n " , $Xi ) . $Mh )) return
false ; $Xi = array (); $ve = 0 ;} $Xi [] = $Y ; $ve += strlen ( $Y ) + 2 ;} return
queries ( $kg . implode ( " , \n " , $Xi ) . $Mh );} function
slowQuery ( $F , $hi ){ if ( min_version ( '5.7.8' , '10.1.2' )){ if ( preg_match ( '~MariaDB~' , $this -> _conn -> server_info )) return " SET STATEMENT max_statement_time= $hi FOR $F " ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~^(SELECT\b)(.+)~is' , $F , $A )) return " $A[1] /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME( " . ( $hi * 1000 ) . " ) */ $A[2] " ;}} function
convertSearch ( $u , $X , $o ){ return ( preg_match ( '~char|text|enum|set~' , $o [ " type " ]) &&! preg_match ( " ~^utf8~ " , $o [ " collation " ]) && preg_match ( '~[\x80-\xFF]~' , $X [ 'val' ]) ? " CONVERT( $u USING " . charset ( $this -> _conn ) . " ) " : $u );} function
warnings (){ $G = $this -> _conn -> query ( " SHOW WARNINGS " ); if ( $G && $G -> num_rows ){ ob_start (); select ( $G ); return
ob_get_clean ();}} function
tableHelp ( $B ){ $Ce = preg_match ( '~MariaDB~' , $this -> _conn -> server_info ); if ( information_schema ( DB )) return
strtolower (( $Ce ? " information-schema- $B -table/ " : str_replace ( " _ " , " - " , $B ) . " -table.html " )); if ( DB == " mysql " ) return ( $Ce ? " mysql $B -table/ " : " system-database.html " );}} function
idf_escape ( $u ){ return " ` " . str_replace ( " ` " , " `` " , $u ) . " ` " ;} function
table ( $u ){ return
idf_escape ( $u );} function
connect (){ global $b , $U , $Jh ; $g = new
Min_DB ; $Ib = $b -> credentials (); if ( $g -> connect ( $Ib [ 0 ], $Ib [ 1 ], $Ib [ 2 ])){ $g -> set_charset ( charset ( $g )); $g -> query ( " SET sql_quote_show_create = 1, autocommit = 1 " ); if ( min_version ( '5.7.8' , 10.2 , $g )){ $Jh [ 'Strings' ][] = " json " ; $U [ " json " ] = 4294967295 ;} return $g ;} $H = $g -> error ; if ( function_exists ( 'iconv' ) &&! is_utf8 ( $H ) && strlen ( $ah = iconv ( " windows-1250 " , " utf-8 " , $H )) > strlen ( $H )) $H = $ah ; return $H ;} function
get_databases ( $cd ){ $H = get_session ( " dbs " ); if ( $H === null ){ $F = ( min_version ( 5 ) ? " SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA ORDER BY SCHEMA_NAME " : " SHOW DATABASES " ); $H = ( $cd ? slow_query ( $F ) : get_vals ( $F )); restart_session (); set_session ( " dbs " , $H ); stop_session ();} return $H ;} function
limit ( $F , $Z , $z , $C = 0 , $L = " " ){ return " $F $Z " . ( $z !== null ? $L . " LIMIT $z " . ( $C ? " OFFSET $C " : " " ) : " " );} function
limit1 ( $Q , $F , $Z , $L = " \n " ){ return
limit ( $F , $Z , 1 , 0 , $L );} function
db_collation ( $l , $pb ){ global $g ; $H = null ; $i = $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape ( $l ), 1 ); if ( preg_match ( '~ COLLATE ([^ ]+)~' , $i , $A )) $H = $A [ 1 ]; elseif ( preg_match ( '~ CHARACTER SET ([^ ]+)~' , $i , $A )) $H = $pb [ $A [ 1 ]][ - 1 ]; return $H ;} function
engines (){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW ENGINES " ) as $I ){ if ( preg_match ( " ~YES|DEFAULT~ " , $I [ " Support " ])) $H [] = $I [ " Engine " ];} return $H ;} function
logged_user (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT USER() " );} function
tables_list (){ return
get_key_vals ( min_version ( 5 ) ? " SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() ORDER BY TABLE_NAME " : " SHOW TABLES " );} function
count_tables ( $k ){ $H = array (); foreach ( $k
as $l ) $H [ $l ] = count ( get_vals ( " SHOW TABLES IN " . idf_escape ( $l ))); return $H ;} function
table_status ( $B = " " , $Qc = false ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( $Qc && min_version ( 5 ) ? " SELECT TABLE_NAME AS Name, ENGINE AS Engine, TABLE_COMMENT AS Comment FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() " . ( $B != " " ? " AND TABLE_NAME = " . q ( $B ) : " ORDER BY Name " ) : " SHOW TABLE STATUS " . ( $B != " " ? " LIKE " . q ( addcslashes ( $B , " %_ \\ " )) : " " )) as $I ){ if ( $I [ " Engine " ] == " InnoDB " ) $I [ " Comment " ] = preg_replace ( '~(?:(.+); )?InnoDB free: .*~' , '\1' , $I [ " Comment " ]); if ( ! isset ( $I [ " Engine " ])) $I [ " Comment " ] = " " ; if ( $B != " " ) return $I ; $H [ $I [ " Name " ]] = $I ;} return $H ;} function
is_view ( $R ){ return $R [ " Engine " ] === null ;} function
fk_support ( $R ){ return
preg_match ( '~InnoDB|IBMDB2I~i' , $R [ " Engine " ]) || ( preg_match ( '~NDB~i' , $R [ " Engine " ]) && min_version ( 5.6 ));} function
fields ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM " . table ( $Q )) as $I ){ preg_match ( '~^([^( ]+)(?:\((.+)\))?( unsigned)?( zerofill)?$~' , $I [ " Type " ], $A ); $H [ $I [ " Field " ]] = array ( " field " => $I [ " Field " ], " full_type " => $I [ " Type " ], " type " => $A [ 1 ], " length " => $A [ 2 ], " unsigned " => ltrim ( $A [ 3 ] . $A [ 4 ]), " default " => ( $I [ " Default " ] != " " || preg_match ( " ~char|set~ " , $A [ 1 ]) ? $I [ " Default " ] : null ), " null " => ( $I [ " Null " ] == " YES " ), " auto_increment " => ( $I [ " Extra " ] == " auto_increment " ), " on_update " => ( preg_match ( '~^on update (.+)~i' , $I [ " Extra " ], $A ) ? $A [ 1 ] : " " ), " collation " => $I [ " Collation " ], " privileges " => array_flip ( preg_split ( '~, *~' , $I [ " Privileges " ])), " comment " => $I [ " Comment " ], " primary " => ( $I [ " Key " ] == " PRI " ), " generated " => preg_match ( '~^(VIRTUAL|PERSISTENT|STORED)~' , $I [ " Extra " ]),);} return $H ;} function
indexes ( $Q , $h = null ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW INDEX FROM " . table ( $Q ), $h ) as $I ){ $B = $I [ " Key_name " ]; $H [ $B ][ " type " ] = ( $B == " PRIMARY " ? " PRIMARY " : ( $I [ " Index_type " ] == " FULLTEXT " ? " FULLTEXT " : ( $I [ " Non_unique " ] ? ( $I [ " Index_type " ] == " SPATIAL " ? " SPATIAL " : " INDEX " ) : " UNIQUE " ))); $H [ $B ][ " columns " ][] = $I [ " Column_name " ]; $H [ $B ][ " lengths " ][] = ( $I [ " Index_type " ] == " SPATIAL " ? null : $I [ " Sub_part " ]); $H [ $B ][ " descs " ][] = null ;} return $H ;} function
foreign_keys ( $Q ){ global $g , $sf ; static $cg = '(?:`(?:[^`]|``)+`|"(?:[^"]|"")+")' ; $H = array (); $Gb = $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE TABLE " . table ( $Q ), 1 ); if ( $Gb ){ preg_match_all ( " ~CONSTRAINT ( $cg ) FOREIGN KEY ? \\ (((?: $cg ,? ?)+) \\ ) REFERENCES ( $cg )(?: \\ .( $cg ))? \\ (((?: $cg ,? ?)+) \\ )(?: ON DELETE ( $sf ))?(?: ON UPDATE ( $sf ))?~ " , $Gb , $Fe , PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $Fe
as $A ){ preg_match_all ( " ~ $cg ~ " , $A [ 2 ], $yh ); preg_match_all ( " ~ $cg ~ " , $A [ 5 ], $Zh ); $H [ idf_unescape ( $A [ 1 ])] = array ( " db " => idf_unescape ( $A [ 4 ] != " " ? $A [ 3 ] : $A [ 4 ]), " table " => idf_unescape ( $A [ 4 ] != " " ? $A [ 4 ] : $A [ 3 ]), " source " => array_map ( 'idf_unescape' , $yh [ 0 ]), " target " => array_map ( 'idf_unescape' , $Zh [ 0 ]), " on_delete " => ( $A [ 6 ] ? $A [ 6 ] : " RESTRICT " ), " on_update " => ( $A [ 7 ] ? $A [ 7 ] : " RESTRICT " ),);}} return $H ;} function
view ( $B ){ global $g ; return
array ( " select " => preg_replace ( '~^(?:[^`]|`[^`]*`)*\s+AS\s+~isU' , '' , $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE VIEW " . table ( $B ), 1 )));} function
collations (){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW COLLATION " ) as $I ){ if ( $I [ " Default " ]) $H [ $I [ " Charset " ]][ - 1 ] = $I [ " Collation " ]; else $H [ $I [ " Charset " ]][] = $I [ " Collation " ];} ksort ( $H ); foreach ( $H
as $y => $X ) asort ( $H [ $y ]); return $H ;} function
information_schema ( $l ){ return ( min_version ( 5 ) && $l == " information_schema " ) || ( min_version ( 5.5 ) && $l == " performance_schema " );} function
error (){ global $g ; return
h ( preg_replace ( '~^You have an error.*syntax to use~U' , " Syntax error " , $g -> error ));} function
create_database ( $l , $d ){ return
queries ( " CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape ( $l ) . ( $d ? " COLLATE " . q ( $d ) : " " ));} function
drop_databases ( $k ){ $H = apply_queries ( " DROP DATABASE " , $k , 'idf_escape' ); restart_session (); set_session ( " dbs " , null ); return $H ;} function
rename_database ( $B , $d ){ $H = false ; if ( create_database ( $B , $d )){ $Mg = array (); foreach ( tables_list () as $Q => $T ) $Mg [] = table ( $Q ) . " TO " . idf_escape ( $B ) . " . " . table ( $Q ); $H = ( ! $Mg || queries ( " RENAME TABLE " . implode ( " , " , $Mg ))); if ( $H ) queries ( " DROP DATABASE " . idf_escape ( DB )); restart_session (); set_session ( " dbs " , null );} return $H ;} function
auto_increment (){ $Na = " PRIMARY KEY " ; if ( $_GET [ " create " ] != " " && $_POST [ " auto_increment_col " ]){ foreach ( indexes ( $_GET [ " create " ]) as $v ){ if ( in_array ( $_POST [ " fields " ][ $_POST [ " auto_increment_col " ]][ " orig " ], $v [ " columns " ], true )){ $Na = " " ; break ;} if ( $v [ " type " ] == " PRIMARY " ) $Na = " UNIQUE " ;}} return " AUTO_INCREMENT $Na " ;} function
alter_table ( $Q , $B , $p , $ed , $ub , $wc , $d , $Ma , $Wf ){ $c = array (); foreach ( $p
as $o ) $c [] = ( $o [ 1 ] ? ( $Q != " " ? ( $o [ 0 ] != " " ? " CHANGE " . idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ]) : " ADD " ) : " " ) . " " . implode ( $o [ 1 ]) . ( $Q != " " ? $o [ 2 ] : " " ) : " DROP " . idf_escape ( $o [ 0 ])); $c = array_merge ( $c , $ed ); $O = ( $ub !== null ? " COMMENT= " . q ( $ub ) : " " ) . ( $wc ? " ENGINE= " . q ( $wc ) : " " ) . ( $d ? " COLLATE " . q ( $d ) : " " ) . ( $Ma != " " ? " AUTO_INCREMENT= $Ma " : " " ); if ( $Q == " " ) return
queries ( " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $B ) . " ( \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c ) . " \n ) $O $Wf " ); if ( $Q != $B ) $c [] = " RENAME TO " . table ( $B ); if ( $O ) $c [] = ltrim ( $O ); return ( $c || $Wf ? queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $c ) . $Wf ) : true );} function
alter_indexes ( $Q , $c ){ foreach ( $c
as $y => $X ) $c [ $y ] = ( $X [ 2 ] == " DROP " ? " \n DROP INDEX " . idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]) : " \n ADD $X[0] " . ( $X [ 0 ] == " PRIMARY " ? " KEY " : " " ) . ( $X [ 1 ] != " " ? idf_escape ( $X [ 1 ]) . " " : " " ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $X [ 2 ]) . " ) " ); return
queries ( " ALTER TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . implode ( " , " , $c ));} function
truncate_tables ( $S ){ return
apply_queries ( " TRUNCATE TABLE " , $S );} function
drop_views ( $cj ){ return
queries ( " DROP VIEW " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'table' , $cj )));} function
drop_tables ( $S ){ return
queries ( " DROP TABLE " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'table' , $S )));} function
move_tables ( $S , $cj , $Zh ){ $Mg = array (); foreach ( array_merge ( $S , $cj ) as $Q ) $Mg [] = table ( $Q ) . " TO " . idf_escape ( $Zh ) . " . " . table ( $Q ); return
queries ( " RENAME TABLE " . implode ( " , " , $Mg ));} function
copy_tables ( $S , $cj , $Zh ){ queries ( " SET sql_mode = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' " ); foreach ( $S
as $Q ){ $B = ( $Zh == DB ? table ( " copy_ $Q " ) : idf_escape ( $Zh ) . " . " . table ( $Q )); if (( $_POST [ " overwrite " ] &&! queries ( " \n DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $B " )) ||! queries ( " CREATE TABLE $B LIKE " . table ( $Q )) ||! queries ( " INSERT INTO $B SELECT * FROM " . table ( $Q ))) return
false ; foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE " . q ( addcslashes ( $Q , " %_ \\ " ))) as $I ){ $zi = $I [ " Trigger " ]; if ( ! queries ( " CREATE TRIGGER " . ( $Zh == DB ? idf_escape ( " copy_ $zi " ) : idf_escape ( $Zh ) . " . " . idf_escape ( $zi )) . " $I[Timing] $I[Event] ON $B FOR EACH ROW \n $I[Statement] ; " )) return
false ;}} foreach ( $cj
as $Q ){ $B = ( $Zh == DB ? table ( " copy_ $Q " ) : idf_escape ( $Zh ) . " . " . table ( $Q )); $bj = view ( $Q ); if (( $_POST [ " overwrite " ] &&! queries ( " DROP VIEW IF EXISTS $B " )) ||! queries ( " CREATE VIEW $B AS $bj[select] " )) return
false ;} return
true ;} function
trigger ( $B ){ if ( $B == " " ) return
array (); $J = get_rows ( " SHOW TRIGGERS WHERE `Trigger` = " . q ( $B )); return
reset ( $J );} function
triggers ( $Q ){ $H = array (); foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE " . q ( addcslashes ( $Q , " %_ \\ " ))) as $I ) $H [ $I [ " Trigger " ]] = array ( $I [ " Timing " ], $I [ " Event " ]); return $H ;} function
trigger_options (){ return
array ( " Timing " => array ( " BEFORE " , " AFTER " ), " Event " => array ( " INSERT " , " UPDATE " , " DELETE " ), " Type " => array ( " FOR EACH ROW " ),);} function
routine ( $B , $T ){ global $g , $yc , $Td , $U ; $Ca = array ( " bool " , " boolean " , " integer " , " double precision " , " real " , " dec " , " numeric " , " fixed " , " national char " , " national varchar " ); $zh = " (?: \\ s|/ \\ *[ \ s \ S]*? \\ */|(?:#|-- )[^ \n ]* \n ?|-- \r ? \n ) " ; $Di = " (( " . implode ( " | " , array_merge ( array_keys ( $U ), $Ca )) . " ) \\ b(?: \\ s* \\ (((?:[^' \" )]| $yc )++) \\ ))? \\ s*(zerofill \\ s*)?(unsigned(?: \\ s+zerofill)?)?)(?: \\ s*(?:CHARSET|CHARACTER \\ s+SET) \\ s*[' \" ]?([^' \" \\ s,]+)[' \" ]?)? " ; $cg = " $zh *( " . ( $T == " FUNCTION " ? " " : $Td ) . " )? \\ s*(?:`((?:[^`]|``)*)` \\ s*| \\ b( \\ S+) \\ s+) $Di " ; $i = $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE $T " . idf_escape ( $B ), 2 ); preg_match ( " ~ \\ (((?: $cg\\s *,?)*) \\ ) \\ s* " . ( $T == " FUNCTION " ? " RETURNS \\ s+ $Di\\s + " : " " ) . " (.*)~is " , $i , $A ); $p = array (); preg_match_all ( " ~ $cg\\s *,?~is " , $A [ 1 ], $Fe , PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $Fe
as $Pf ) $p [] = array ( " field " => str_replace ( " `` " , " ` " , $Pf [ 2 ]) . $Pf [ 3 ], " type " => strtolower ( $Pf [ 5 ]), " length " => preg_replace_callback ( " ~ $yc ~s " , 'normalize_enum' , $Pf [ 6 ]), " unsigned " => strtolower ( preg_replace ( '~\s+~' , ' ' , trim ( " $Pf[8] $Pf[7] " ))), " null " => 1 , " full_type " => $Pf [ 4 ], " inout " => strtoupper ( $Pf [ 1 ]), " collation " => strtolower ( $Pf [ 9 ]),); if ( $T != " FUNCTION " ) return
array ( " fields " => $p , " definition " => $A [ 11 ]); return
array ( " fields " => $p , " returns " => array ( " type " => $A [ 12 ], " length " => $A [ 13 ], " unsigned " => $A [ 15 ], " collation " => $A [ 16 ]), " definition " => $A [ 17 ], " language " => " SQL " ,);} function
routines (){ return
routine_languages (){ return
array ();} function
routine_id ( $B , $I ){ return
idf_escape ( $B );} function
last_id (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() " );} function
explain ( $g , $F ){ return $g -> query ( " EXPLAIN " . ( min_version ( 5.1 ) ? " PARTITIONS " : " " ) . $F );} function
found_rows ( $R , $Z ){ return ( $Z || $R [ " Engine " ] != " InnoDB " ? null : $R [ " Rows " ]);} function
types (){ return
array ();} function
schemas (){ return
array ();} function
get_schema (){ return " " ;} function
set_schema ( $ch , $h = null ){ return
true ;} function
create_sql ( $Q , $Ma , $Kh ){ global $g ; $H = $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE TABLE " . table ( $Q ), 1 ); if ( ! $Ma ) $H = preg_replace ( '~ AUTO_INCREMENT=\d+~' , '' , $H ); return $H ;} function
truncate_sql ( $Q ){ return " TRUNCATE " . table ( $Q );} function
use_sql ( $j ){ return " USE " . idf_escape ( $j );} function
trigger_sql ( $Q ){ $H = " " ; foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE " . q ( addcslashes ( $Q , " %_ \\ " )), null , " -- " ) as $I ) $H .= " \n CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Trigger " ]) . " $I[Timing] $I[Event] ON " . table ( $I [ " Table " ]) . " FOR EACH ROW \n $I[Statement] ;; \n " ; return $H ;} function
show_variables (){ return
get_key_vals ( " SHOW VARIABLES " );} function
process_list (){ return
get_rows ( " SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST " );} function
show_status (){ return
get_key_vals ( " SHOW STATUS " );} function
convert_field ( $o ){ if ( preg_match ( " ~binary~ " , $o [ " type " ])) return " HEX( " . idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ]) . " ) " ; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " bit " ) return " BIN( " . idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ]) . " + 0) " ; if ( preg_match ( " ~geometry|point|linestring|polygon~ " , $o [ " type " ])) return ( min_version ( 8 ) ? " ST_ " : " " ) . " AsWKT( " . idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ]) . " ) " ;} function
unconvert_field ( $o , $H ){ if ( preg_match ( " ~binary~ " , $o [ " type " ])) $H = " UNHEX( $H ) " ; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " bit " ) $H = " CONV( $H , 2, 10) + 0 " ; if ( preg_match ( " ~geometry|point|linestring|polygon~ " , $o [ " type " ])) $H = ( min_version ( 8 ) ? " ST_ " : " " ) . " GeomFromText( $H , SRID( $o[field] )) " ; return $H ;} function
support ( $Rc ){ return ! preg_match ( " ~scheme|sequence|type|view_trigger|materializedview " . ( min_version ( 8 ) ? " " : " |descidx " . ( min_version ( 5.1 ) ? " " : " |event|partitioning " . ( min_version ( 5 ) ? " " : " |routine|trigger|view " ))) . " ~ " , $Rc );} function
kill_process ( $X ){ return
queries ( " KILL " . number ( $X ));} function
connection_id (){ return " SELECT CONNECTION_ID() " ;} function
max_connections (){ global $g ; return $g -> result ( " SELECT @@max_connections " );} $x = " sql " ; $U = array (); $Jh = array (); foreach ( array ( 'Numbers' => array ( " tinyint " => 3 , " smallint " => 5 , " mediumint " => 8 , " int " => 10 , " bigint " => 20 , " decimal " => 66 , " float " => 12 , " double " => 21 ), 'Date and time' => array ( " date " => 10 , " datetime " => 19 , " timestamp " => 19 , " time " => 10 , " year " => 4 ), 'Strings' => array ( " char " => 255 , " varchar " => 65535 , " tinytext " => 255 , " text " => 65535 , " mediumtext " => 16777215 , " longtext " => 4294967295 ), 'Lists' => array ( " enum " => 65535 , " set " => 64 ), 'Binary' => array ( " bit " => 20 , " binary " => 255 , " varbinary " => 65535 , " tinyblob " => 255 , " blob " => 65535 , " mediumblob " => 16777215 , " longblob " => 4294967295 ), 'Geometry' => array ( " geometry " => 0 , " point " => 0 , " linestring " => 0 , " polygon " => 0 , " multipoint " => 0 , " multilinestring " => 0 , " multipolygon " => 0 , " geometrycollection " => 0 ),) as $y => $X ){ $U += $X ; $Jh [ $y ] = array_keys ( $X );} $Ki = array ( " unsigned " , " zerofill " , " unsigned zerofill " ); $xf = array ( " = " , " < " , " > " , " <= " , " >= " , " != " , " LIKE " , " LIKE %% " , " REGEXP " , " IN " , " FIND_IN_SET " , " IS NULL " , " NOT LIKE " , " NOT REGEXP " , " NOT IN " , " IS NOT NULL " , " SQL " ); $md = array ( " char_length " , " date " , " from_unixtime " , " lower " , " round " , " floor " , " ceil " , " sec_to_time " , " time_to_sec " , " upper " ); $sd = array ( " avg " , " count " , " count distinct " , " group_concat " , " max " , " min " , " sum " ); $oc = array ( array ( " char " => " md5/sha1/password/encrypt/uuid " , " binary " => " md5/sha1 " , " date|time " => " now " ,), array ( number_type () => " +/- " , " date " => " + interval/- interval " , " time " => " addtime/subtime " , " char|text " => " concat " ,));} define ( " SERVER " , $_GET [ DRIVER ]); define ( " DB " , $_GET [ " db " ]); define ( " ME " , str_replace ( " : " , " %3a " , preg_replace ( '~\?.*~' , '' , relative_uri ())) . '?' . ( sid () ? SID . '&' : '' ) . ( SERVER !== null ? DRIVER . " = " . urlencode ( SERVER ) . '&' : '' ) . ( isset ( $_GET [ " username " ]) ? " username= " . urlencode ( $_GET [ " username " ]) . '&' : '' ) . ( DB != " " ? 'db=' . urlencode ( DB ) . '&' . ( isset ( $_GET [ " ns " ]) ? " ns= " . urlencode ( $_GET [ " ns " ]) . " & " : " " ) : '' )); $ia = " 4.7.7 " ; class
Adminer { var $operators ; function
name (){ return " <a href='https://www.adminer.org/' " . target_blank () . " id='h1'>Adminer</a> " ;} function
credentials (){ return
array ( SERVER , $_GET [ " username " ], get_password ());} function
connectSsl (){} function
permanentLogin ( $i = false ){ return
password_file ( $i );} function
bruteForceKey (){ return $_SERVER [ " REMOTE_ADDR " ];} function
serverName ( $M ){ return
h ( $M );} function
database (){ return
DB ;} function
databases ( $cd = true ){ return
get_databases ( $cd );} function
schemas (){ return
schemas ();} function
queryTimeout (){ return
2 ;} function
headers (){} function
csp (){ return
csp ();} function
head (){ return
true ;} function
css (){ $H = array (); $Wc = " adminer.css " ; if ( file_exists ( $Wc )) $H [] = " $Wc ?v= " . crc32 ( file_get_contents ( $Wc )); return $H ;} function
loginForm (){ global $gc ; echo " <table cellspacing='0' class='layout'> \n " , $this -> loginFormField ( 'driver' , '<tr><th>' . 'System' . '<td>' , html_select ( " auth[driver] " , $gc , DRIVER , " loginDriver(this); " ) . " \n " ), $this -> loginFormField ( 'server' , '<tr><th>' . 'Server' . '<td>' , '<input name="auth[server]" value="' . h ( SERVER ) . '" title="hostname[:port]" placeholder="localhost" autocapitalize="off">' . " \n " ), $this -> loginFormField ( 'username' , '<tr><th>' . 'Username' . '<td>' , '<input name="auth[username]" id="username" value="' . h ( $_GET [ " username " ]) . '" autocomplete="username" autocapitalize="off">' . script ( " focus(qs('#username')); qs('#username').form['auth[driver]'].onchange(); " )), $this -> loginFormField ( 'password' , '<tr><th>' . 'Password' . '<td>' , '<input type="password" name="auth[password]" autocomplete="current-password">' . " \n " ), $this -> loginFormField ( 'db' , '<tr><th>' . 'Database' . '<td>' , '<input name="auth[db]" value="' . h ( $_GET [ " db " ]) . '" autocapitalize="off">' . " \n " ), " </table> \n " , " <p><input type='submit' value=' " . 'Login' . " '> \n " , checkbox ( " auth[permanent] " , 1 , $_COOKIE [ " adminer_permanent " ], 'Permanent login' ) . " \n " ;} function
loginFormField ( $B , $zd , $Y ){ return $zd . $Y ;} function
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
login ( $_e , $E ){ return true ; if ( $E == " " ) return
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
sprintf ( 'Adminer does not support accessing a database without a password, <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/password/"%s>more information</a>.' , target_blank ()); return
true ;} function
tableName ( $Qh ){ return
h ( $Qh [ " Name " ]);} function
fieldName ( $o , $Bf = 0 ){ return '<span title="' . h ( $o [ " full_type " ]) . '">' . h ( $o [ " field " ]) . '</span>' ;} function
selectLinks ( $Qh , $N = " " ){ global $x , $m ; echo '<p class="links">' ; $ye = array ( " select " => 'Select data' ); if ( support ( " table " ) || support ( " indexes " )) $ye [ " table " ] = 'Show structure' ; if ( support ( " table " )){ if ( is_view ( $Qh )) $ye [ " view " ] = 'Alter view' ; else $ye [ " create " ] = 'Alter table' ;} if ( $N !== null ) $ye [ " edit " ] = 'New item' ; $B = $Qh [ " Name " ]; foreach ( $ye
as $y => $X ) echo " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " $y = " . urlencode ( $B ) . ( $y == " edit " ? $N : " " ) . " ' " . bold ( isset ( $_GET [ $y ])) . " > $X </a> " ; echo
doc_link ( array ( $x => $m -> tableHelp ( $B )), " ? " ), " \n " ;} function
foreignKeys ( $Q ){ return
foreign_keys ( $Q );} function
backwardKeys ( $Q , $Ph ){ return
array ();} function
backwardKeysPrint ( $Pa , $I ){} function
selectQuery ( $F , $Fh , $Pc = false ){ global $x , $m ; $H = " </p> \n " ; if ( ! $Pc && ( $fj = $m -> warnings ())){ $t = " warnings " ; $H = " , <a href='# $t '> " . 'Warnings' . " </a> " . script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(toggle, ' $t '); " , " " ) . " $H <div id=' $t ' class='hidden'> \n $fj </div> \n " ;} return " <p><code class='jush- $x '> " . h ( str_replace ( " \n " , " " , $F )) . " </code> <span class='time'>( " . format_time ( $Fh ) . " )</span> " . ( support ( " sql " ) ? " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " sql= " . urlencode ( $F ) . " '> " . 'Edit' . " </a> " : " " ) . $H ;} function
sqlCommandQuery ( $F ){ return
shorten_utf8 ( trim ( $F ), 1000 );} function
rowDescription ( $Q ){ return " " ;} function
rowDescriptions ( $J , $fd ){ return $J ;} function
selectLink ( $X , $o ){} function
selectVal ( $X , $_ , $o , $Jf ){ $H = ( $X === null ? " <i>NULL</i> " : ( preg_match ( " ~char|binary|boolean~ " , $o [ " type " ]) &&! preg_match ( " ~var~ " , $o [ " type " ]) ? " <code> $X </code> " : $X )); if ( preg_match ( '~blob|bytea|raw|file~' , $o [ " type " ]) &&! is_utf8 ( $X )) $H = " <i> " . lang ( array ( '%d byte' , '%d bytes' ), strlen ( $Jf )) . " </i> " ; if ( preg_match ( '~json~' , $o [ " type " ])) $H = " <code class='jush-js'> $H </code> " ; return ( $_ ? " <a href=' " . h ( $_ ) . " ' " . ( is_url ( $_ ) ? target_blank () : " " ) . " > $H </a> " : $H );} function
editVal ( $X , $o ){ return $X ;} function
tableStructurePrint ( $p ){ echo " <div class='scrollable'> \n " , " <table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap'> \n " , " <thead><tr><th> " . 'Column' . " <td> " . 'Type' . ( support ( " comment " ) ? " <td> " . 'Comment' : " " ) . " </thead> \n " ; foreach ( $p
as $o ){ echo " <tr " . odd () . " ><th> " . h ( $o [ " field " ]), " <td><span title=' " . h ( $o [ " collation " ]) . " '> " . h ( $o [ " full_type " ]) . " </span> " ,( $o [ " null " ] ? " <i>NULL</i> " : " " ),( $o [ " auto_increment " ] ? " <i> " . 'Auto Increment' . " </i> " : " " ),( isset ( $o [ " default " ]) ? " <span title=' " . 'Default value' . " '>[<b> " . h ( $o [ " default " ]) . " </b>]</span> " : " " ),( support ( " comment " ) ? " <td> " . h ( $o [ " comment " ]) : " " ), " \n " ;} echo " </table> \n " , " </div> \n " ;} function
tableIndexesPrint ( $w ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " ; foreach ( $w
as $B => $v ){ ksort ( $v [ " columns " ]); $og = array (); foreach ( $v [ " columns " ] as $y => $X ) $og [] = " <i> " . h ( $X ) . " </i> " . ( $v [ " lengths " ][ $y ] ? " ( " . $v [ " lengths " ][ $y ] . " ) " : " " ) . ( $v [ " descs " ][ $y ] ? " DESC " : " " ); echo " <tr title=' " . h ( $B ) . " '><th> $v[type] <td> " . implode ( " , " , $og ) . " \n " ;} echo " </table> \n " ;} function
selectColumnsPrint ( $K , $f ){ global $md , $sd ; print_fieldset ( " select " , 'Select' , $K ); $s = 0 ; $K [ " " ] = array (); foreach ( $K
as $y => $X ){ $X = $_GET [ " columns " ][ $y ]; $e = select_input ( " name='columns[ $s ][col]' " , $f , $X [ " col " ],( $y !== " " ? " selectFieldChange " : " selectAddRow " )); echo " <div> " . ( $md || $sd ? " <select name='columns[ $s ][fun]'> " . optionlist ( array ( - 1 => " " ) + array_filter ( array ( 'Functions' => $md , 'Aggregation' => $sd )), $X [ " fun " ]) . " </select> " . on_help ( " getTarget(event).value && getTarget(event).value.replace(/ | \$ /, '(') + ')' " , 1 ) . script ( " qsl('select').onchange = function () { helpClose(); " . ( $y !== " " ? " " : " qsl('select, input', this.parentNode).onchange(); " ) . " }; " , " " ) . " ( $e ) " : $e ) . " </div> \n " ; $s ++ ;} echo " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} function
selectSearchPrint ( $Z , $f , $w ){ print_fieldset ( " search " , 'Search' , $Z ); foreach ( $w
as $s => $v ){ if ( $v [ " type " ] == " FULLTEXT " ){ echo " <div>(<i> " . implode ( " </i>, <i> " , array_map ( 'h' , $v [ " columns " ])) . " </i>) AGAINST " , " <input type='search' name='fulltext[ $s ]' value=' " . h ( $_GET [ " fulltext " ][ $s ]) . " '> " , script ( " qsl('input').oninput = selectFieldChange; " , " " ), checkbox ( " boolean[ $s ] " , 1 , isset ( $_GET [ " boolean " ][ $s ]), " BOOL " ), " </div> \n " ;}} $bb = " this.parentNode.firstChild.onchange(); " ; foreach ( array_merge (( array ) $_GET [ " where " ], array ( array ())) as $s => $X ){ if ( ! $X || ( " $X[col] $X[val] " != " " && in_array ( $X [ " op " ], $this -> operators ))){ echo " <div> " . select_input ( " name='where[ $s ][col]' " , $f , $X [ " col " ],( $X ? " selectFieldChange " : " selectAddRow " ), " ( " . 'anywhere' . " ) " ), html_select ( " where[ $s ][op] " , $this -> operators , $X [ " op " ], $bb ), " <input type='search' name='where[ $s ][val]' value=' " . h ( $X [ " val " ]) . " '> " , script ( " mixin(qsl('input'), { oninput: function () { $bb }, onkeydown: selectSearchKeydown, onsearch: selectSearchSearch}); " , " " ), " </div> \n " ;}} echo " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} function
selectOrderPrint ( $Bf , $f , $w ){ print_fieldset ( " sort " , 'Sort' , $Bf ); $s = 0 ; foreach (( array ) $_GET [ " order " ] as $y => $X ){ if ( $X != " " ){ echo " <div> " . select_input ( " name='order[ $s ]' " , $f , $X , " selectFieldChange " ), checkbox ( " desc[ $s ] " , 1 , isset ( $_GET [ " desc " ][ $y ]), 'descending' ) . " </div> \n " ; $s ++ ;}} echo " <div> " . select_input ( " name='order[ $s ]' " , $f , " " , " selectAddRow " ), checkbox ( " desc[ $s ] " , 1 , false , 'descending' ) . " </div> \n " , " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} function
selectLimitPrint ( $z ){ echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'Limit' . " </legend><div> " ; echo " <input type='number' name='limit' class='size' value=' " . h ( $z ) . " '> " , script ( " qsl('input').oninput = selectFieldChange; " , " " ), " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} function
selectLengthPrint ( $fi ){ if ( $fi !== null ){ echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'Text length' . " </legend><div> " , " <input type='number' name='text_length' class='size' value=' " . h ( $fi ) . " '> " , " </div></fieldset> \n " ;}} function
selectActionPrint ( $w ){ echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'Action' . " </legend><div> " , " <input type='submit' value=' " . 'Select' . " '> " , " <span id='noindex' title=' " . 'Full table scan' . " '></span> " , " <script " . nonce () . " > \n " , " var indexColumns = " ; $f = array (); foreach ( $w
as $v ){ $Mb = reset ( $v [ " columns " ]); if ( $v [ " type " ] != " FULLTEXT " && $Mb ) $f [ $Mb ] = 1 ;} $f [ " " ] = 1 ; foreach ( $f
as $y => $X ) json_row ( $y ); echo " ; \n " , " selectFieldChange.call(qs('#form')['select']); \n " , " </script> \n " , " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} function
selectCommandPrint (){ return ! information_schema ( DB );} function
selectImportPrint (){ return ! information_schema ( DB );} function
selectEmailPrint ( $tc , $f ){} function
selectColumnsProcess ( $f , $w ){ global $md , $sd ; $K = array (); $pd = array (); foreach (( array ) $_GET [ " columns " ] as $y => $X ){ if ( $X [ " fun " ] == " count " || ( $X [ " col " ] != " " && ( ! $X [ " fun " ] || in_array ( $X [ " fun " ], $md ) || in_array ( $X [ " fun " ], $sd )))){ $K [ $y ] = apply_sql_function ( $X [ " fun " ],( $X [ " col " ] != " " ? idf_escape ( $X [ " col " ]) : " * " )); if ( ! in_array ( $X [ " fun " ], $sd )) $pd [] = $K [ $y ];}} return
array ( $K , $pd );} function
selectSearchProcess ( $p , $w ){ global $g , $m ; $H = array (); foreach ( $w
as $s => $v ){ if ( $v [ " type " ] == " FULLTEXT " && $_GET [ " fulltext " ][ $s ] != " " ) $H [] = " MATCH ( " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $v [ " columns " ])) . " ) AGAINST ( " . q ( $_GET [ " fulltext " ][ $s ]) . ( isset ( $_GET [ " boolean " ][ $s ]) ? " IN BOOLEAN MODE " : " " ) . " ) " ;} foreach (( array ) $_GET [ " where " ] as $y => $X ){ if ( " $X[col] $X[val] " != " " && in_array ( $X [ " op " ], $this -> operators )){ $kg = " " ; $xb = " $X[op] " ; if ( preg_match ( '~IN$~' , $X [ " op " ])){ $Jd = process_length ( $X [ " val " ]); $xb .= " " . ( $Jd != " " ? $Jd : " (NULL) " );} elseif ( $X [ " op " ] == " SQL " ) $xb = " $X[val] " ; elseif ( $X [ " op " ] == " LIKE %% " ) $xb = " LIKE " . $this -> processInput ( $p [ $X [ " col " ]], " % $X[val] % " ); elseif ( $X [ " op " ] == " ILIKE %% " ) $xb = " ILIKE " . $this -> processInput ( $p [ $X [ " col " ]], " % $X[val] % " ); elseif ( $X [ " op " ] == " FIND_IN_SET " ){ $kg = " $X[op] ( " . q ( $X [ " val " ]) . " , " ; $xb = " ) " ;} elseif ( ! preg_match ( '~NULL$~' , $X [ " op " ])) $xb .= " " . $this -> processInput ( $p [ $X [ " col " ]], $X [ " val " ]); if ( $X [ " col " ] != " " ) $H [] = $kg . $m -> convertSearch ( idf_escape ( $X [ " col " ]), $X , $p [ $X [ " col " ]]) . $xb ; else { $rb = array (); foreach ( $p
as $B => $o ){ if (( preg_match ( '~^[-\d.' . ( preg_match ( '~IN$~' , $X [ " op " ]) ? ',' : '' ) . ']+$~' , $X [ " val " ]) ||! preg_match ( '~' . number_type () . '|bit~' , $o [ " type " ])) && ( ! preg_match ( " ~[ \x80 - \xFF ]~ " , $X [ " val " ]) || preg_match ( '~char|text|enum|set~' , $o [ " type " ]))) $rb [] = $kg . $m -> convertSearch ( idf_escape ( $B ), $X , $o ) . $xb ;} $H [] = ( $rb ? " ( " . implode ( " OR " , $rb ) . " ) " : " 1 = 0 " );}}} return $H ;} function
selectOrderProcess ( $p , $w ){ $H = array (); foreach (( array ) $_GET [ " order " ] as $y => $X ){ if ( $X != " " ) $H [] = ( preg_match ( '~^((COUNT\(DISTINCT |[A-Z0-9_]+\()(`(?:[^`]|``)+`|"(?:[^"]|"")+")\)|COUNT\(\*\))$~' , $X ) ? $X : idf_escape ( $X )) . ( isset ( $_GET [ " desc " ][ $y ]) ? " DESC " : " " );} return $H ;} function
selectLimitProcess (){ return ( isset ( $_GET [ " limit " ]) ? $_GET [ " limit " ] : " 50 " );} function
selectLengthProcess (){ return ( isset ( $_GET [ " text_length " ]) ? $_GET [ " text_length " ] : " 100 " );} function
selectEmailProcess ( $Z , $fd ){ return
false ;} function
selectQueryBuild ( $K , $Z , $pd , $Bf , $z , $D ){ return " " ;} function
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
messageQuery ( $F , $gi , $Pc = false ){ global $x , $m ; restart_session (); $_d =& get_session ( " queries " ); if ( ! $_d [ $_GET [ " db " ]]) $_d [ $_GET [ " db " ]] = array (); if ( strlen ( $F ) > 1e6 ) $F = preg_replace ( '~[\x80-\xFF]+$~' , '' , substr ( $F , 0 , 1e6 )) . " \n … " ; $_d [ $_GET [ " db " ]][] = array ( $F , time (), $gi ); $Ch = " sql- " . count ( $_d [ $_GET [ " db " ]]); $H = " <a href='# $Ch ' class='toggle'> " . 'SQL command' . " </a> \n " ; if ( ! $Pc && ( $fj = $m -> warnings ())){ $t = " warnings- " . count ( $_d [ $_GET [ " db " ]]); $H = " <a href='# $t ' class='toggle'> " . 'Warnings' . " </a>, $H <div id=' $t ' class='hidden'> \n $fj </div> \n " ;} return " <span class='time'> " .@ date ( " H:i:s " ) . " </span> " . " $H <div id=' $Ch ' class='hidden'><pre><code class='jush- $x '> " . shorten_utf8 ( $F , 1000 ) . " </code></pre> " . ( $gi ? " <span class='time'>( $gi )</span> " : '' ) . ( support ( " sql " ) ? '<p><a href="' . h ( str_replace ( " db= " . urlencode ( DB ), " db= " . urlencode ( $_GET [ " db " ]), ME ) . 'sql=&history=' . ( count ( $_d [ $_GET [ " db " ]]) - 1 )) . '">' . 'Edit' . '</a>' : '' ) . '</div>' ;} function
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
editFunctions ( $o ){ global $oc ; $H = ( $o [ " null " ] ? " NULL/ " : " " ); foreach ( $oc
as $y => $md ){ if ( ! $y || ( ! isset ( $_GET [ " call " ]) && ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) || where ( $_GET )))){ foreach ( $md
as $cg => $X ){ if ( ! $cg || preg_match ( " ~ $cg ~ " , $o [ " type " ])) $H .= " / $X " ;} if ( $y &&! preg_match ( '~set|blob|bytea|raw|file~' , $o [ " type " ])) $H .= " /SQL " ;}} if ( $o [ " auto_increment " ] &&! isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) &&! where ( $_GET )) $H = 'Auto Increment' ; return
explode ( " / " , $H );} function
editInput ( $Q , $o , $Ja , $Y ){ if ( $o [ " type " ] == " enum " ) return ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) ? " <label><input type='radio' $Ja value='-1' checked><i> " . 'original' . " </i></label> " : " " ) . ( $o [ " null " ] ? " <label><input type='radio' $Ja value='' " . ( $Y !== null || isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) ? " " : " checked " ) . " ><i>NULL</i></label> " : " " ) . enum_input ( " radio " , $Ja , $o , $Y , 0 ); return " " ;} function
editHint ( $Q , $o , $Y ){ return " " ;} function
processInput ( $o , $Y , $r = " " ){ if ( $r == " SQL " ) return $Y ; $B = $o [ " field " ]; $H = q ( $Y ); if ( preg_match ( '~^(now|getdate|uuid)$~' , $r )) $H = " $r () " ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~^current_(date|timestamp)$~' , $r )) $H = $r ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~^([+-]|\|\|)$~' , $r )) $H = idf_escape ( $B ) . " $r $H " ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~^[+-] interval$~' , $r )) $H = idf_escape ( $B ) . " $r " . ( preg_match ( " ~^( \\ d+|'[0-9.: -]') [A-Z_]+ \$ ~i " , $Y ) ? $Y : $H ); elseif ( preg_match ( '~^(addtime|subtime|concat)$~' , $r )) $H = " $r ( " . idf_escape ( $B ) . " , $H ) " ; elseif ( preg_match ( '~^(md5|sha1|password|encrypt)$~' , $r )) $H = " $r ( $H ) " ; return
unconvert_field ( $o , $H );} function
dumpOutput (){ $H = array ( 'text' => 'open' , 'file' => 'save' ); if ( function_exists ( 'gzencode' )) $H [ 'gz' ] = 'gzip' ; return $H ;} function
dumpFormat (){ return
array ( 'sql' => 'SQL' , 'csv' => 'CSV,' , 'csv;' => 'CSV;' , 'tsv' => 'TSV' );} function
dumpDatabase ( $l ){} function
dumpTable ( $Q , $Kh , $ce = 0 ){ if ( $_POST [ " format " ] != " sql " ){ echo " \xef \xbb \xbf " ; if ( $Kh ) dump_csv ( array_keys ( fields ( $Q )));} else { if ( $ce == 2 ){ $p = array (); foreach ( fields ( $Q ) as $B => $o ) $p [] = idf_escape ( $B ) . " $o[full_type] " ; $i = " CREATE TABLE " . table ( $Q ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $p ) . " ) " ;} else $i = create_sql ( $Q , $_POST [ " auto_increment " ], $Kh ); set_utf8mb4 ( $i ); if ( $Kh && $i ){ if ( $Kh == " DROP+CREATE " || $ce == 1 ) echo " DROP " . ( $ce == 2 ? " VIEW " : " TABLE " ) . " IF EXISTS " . table ( $Q ) . " ; \n " ; if ( $ce == 1 ) $i = remove_definer ( $i ); echo " $i ; \n \n " ;}}} function
dumpData ( $Q , $Kh , $F ){ global $g , $x ; $He = ( $x == " sqlite " ? 0 : 1048576 ); if ( $Kh ){ if ( $_POST [ " format " ] == " sql " ){ if ( $Kh == " TRUNCATE+INSERT " ) echo
truncate_sql ( $Q ) . " ; \n " ; $p = fields ( $Q );} $G = $g -> query ( $F , 1 ); if ( $G ){ $Vd = " " ; $Ya = " " ; $je = array (); $Mh = " " ; $Sc = ( $Q != '' ? 'fetch_assoc' : 'fetch_row' ); while ( $I = $G -> $Sc ()){ if ( ! $je ){ $Xi = array (); foreach ( $I
as $X ){ $o = $G -> fetch_field (); $je [] = $o -> name ; $y = idf_escape ( $o -> name ); $Xi [] = " $y = VALUES( $y ) " ;} $Mh = ( $Kh == " INSERT+UPDATE " ? " \n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . implode ( " , " , $Xi ) : " " ) . " ; \n " ;} if ( $_POST [ " format " ] != " sql " ){ if ( $Kh == " table " ){ dump_csv ( $je ); $Kh = " INSERT " ;} dump_csv ( $I );} else { if ( ! $Vd ) $Vd = " INSERT INTO " . table ( $Q ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $je )) . " ) VALUES " ; foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ $o = $p [ $y ]; $I [ $y ] = ( $X !== null ? unconvert_field ( $o , preg_match ( number_type (), $o [ " type " ]) &&! preg_match ( '~\[~' , $o [ " full_type " ]) && is_numeric ( $X ) ? $X : q (( $X === false ? 0 : $X ))) : " NULL " );} $ah = ( $He ? " \n " : " " ) . " ( " . implode ( " , \t " , $I ) . " ) " ; if ( ! $Ya ) $Ya = $Vd . $ah ; elseif ( strlen ( $Ya ) + 4 + strlen ( $ah ) + strlen ( $Mh ) < $He ) $Ya .= " , $ah " ; else { echo $Ya . $Mh ; $Ya = $Vd . $ah ;}}} if ( $Ya ) echo $Ya . $Mh ;} elseif ( $_POST [ " format " ] == " sql " ) echo " -- " . str_replace ( " \n " , " " , $g -> error ) . " \n " ;}} function
dumpFilename ( $Ed ){ return
friendly_url ( $Ed != " " ? $Ed : ( SERVER != " " ? SERVER : " localhost " ));} function
dumpHeaders ( $Ed , $We = false ){ $Mf = $_POST [ " output " ]; $Kc = ( preg_match ( '~sql~' , $_POST [ " format " ]) ? " sql " : ( $We ? " tar " : " csv " )); header ( " Content-Type: " . ( $Mf == " gz " ? " application/x-gzip " : ( $Kc == " tar " ? " application/x-tar " : ( $Kc == " sql " || $Mf != " file " ? " text/plain " : " text/csv " ) . " ; charset=utf-8 " ))); if ( $Mf == " gz " ) ob_start ( 'ob_gzencode' , 1e6 ); return $Kc ;} function
importServerPath (){ return " adminer.sql " ;} function
homepage (){ echo '<p class="links">' . ( $_GET [ " ns " ] == " " && support ( " database " ) ? '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'database=">' . 'Alter database' . " </a> \n " : " " ),( support ( " scheme " ) ? " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " scheme='> " . ( $_GET [ " ns " ] != " " ? 'Alter schema' : 'Create schema' ) . " </a> \n " : " " ),( $_GET [ " ns " ] !== " " ? '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'schema=">' . 'Database schema' . " </a> \n " : " " ),( support ( " privileges " ) ? " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " privileges='> " . 'Privileges' . " </a> \n " : " " ); return
true ;} function
navigation ( $Ve ){ global $ia , $x , $gc , $g ; echo ' < h1 >
',$this->name(),' < span class = " version " > ',$ia,' </ span >
< a href = " https://www.adminer.org/#download " ',target_blank(),' id = " version " > ',(version_compare($ia,$_COOKIE["adminer_version"])<0?h($_COOKIE["adminer_version"]):""),' </ a >
</ h1 >
' ; if ( $Ve == " auth " ){ $Mf = " " ; foreach (( array ) $_SESSION [ " pwds " ] as $Zi => $oh ){ foreach ( $oh
as $M => $Ui ){ foreach ( $Ui
as $V => $E ){ if ( $E !== null ){ $Sb = $_SESSION [ " db " ][ $Zi ][ $M ][ $V ]; foreach (( $Sb ? array_keys ( $Sb ) : array ( " " )) as $l ) $Mf .= " <li><a href=' " . h ( auth_url ( $Zi , $M , $V , $l )) . " '>( $gc[$Zi] ) " . h ( $V . ( $M != " " ? " @ " . $this -> serverName ( $M ) : " " ) . ( $l != " " ? " - $l " : " " )) . " </a> \n " ;}}}} if ( $Mf ) echo " <ul id='logins'> \n $Mf </ul> \n " . script ( " mixin(qs('#logins'), { onmouseover: menuOver, onmouseout: menuOut}); " );} else { if ( $_GET [ " ns " ] !== " " &&! $Ve && DB != " " ){ $g -> select_db ( DB ); $S = table_status ( '' , true );} echo
script_src ( preg_replace ( " ~ \\ ?.*~ " , " " , ME ) . " ?file=jush.js&version=4.7.7 " ); if ( support ( " sql " )){ echo '<script' , nonce (), ' >
' ; if ( $S ){ $ye = array (); foreach ( $S
as $Q => $T ) $ye [] = preg_quote ( $Q , '/' ); echo " var jushLinks = { $x : [ ' " . js_escape ( ME ) . ( support ( " table " ) ? " table= " : " select= " ) . " \$ &', / \\ b( " . implode ( " | " , $ye ) . " ) \\ b/g ] }; \n " ; foreach ( array ( " bac " , " bra " , " sqlite_quo " , " mssql_bra " ) as $X ) echo " jushLinks. $X = jushLinks. $x ; \n " ;} $nh = $g -> server_info ; echo 'bodyLoad(\'' ,( is_object ( $g ) ? preg_replace ( '~^(\d\.?\d).*~s' , '\1' , $nh ) : " " ), '\'' ,( preg_match ( '~MariaDB~' , $nh ) ? " , true " : " " ), ' );
</ script >
';}$this->databasesPrint($Ve);if(DB==""||!$Ve){echo"<p class=' links '>".(support("sql")?"<a href=' " .h(ME). " sql = '".bold(isset($_GET["sql"])&&!isset($_GET["import"])).">".' SQL command '."</a>\n<a href=' " .h(ME). " import = '".bold(isset($_GET["import"])).">".' Import '."</a>\n":"")."";if(support("dump"))echo"<a href=' " .h(ME). " dump = " .urlencode(isset( $_GET["table"] )? $_GET["table"] : $_GET["select"] ). " ' id=' dump '".bold(isset($_GET["dump"])).">".' Export '."</a>\n";}if($_GET["ns"]!==""&&!$Ve&&DB!=""){echo' < a href = " '.h(ME).'create= " '.bold($_GET["create"]==="").">".' Create table '."</a>\n";if(!$S)echo"<p class=' message '>".' No tables . ' . " \n " ; else $this -> tablesPrint ( $S );}}} function
databasesPrint ( $Ve ){ global $b , $g ; $k = $this -> databases (); if ( $k &&! in_array ( DB , $k )) array_unshift ( $k , DB ); echo ' < form action = " " >
< p id = " dbs " >
';hidden_fields_get();$Qb=script("mixin(qsl(' select '), {onmousedown: dbMouseDown, onchange: dbChange});");echo"<span title=' " .'database'. " '>".' DB '."</span>: ".($k?"<select name=' db '>".optionlist(array(""=>"")+$k,DB)."</select>$Qb":"<input name=' db ' value=' " .h(DB). " ' autocapitalize=' off '>\n"),"<input type=' submit ' value=' " .'Use'. " '".($k?" class=' hidden '":"").">\n";if($Ve!="db"&&DB!=""&&$g->select_db(DB)){if(support("scheme")){echo"<br>".' Schema '.": <select name=' ns '>".optionlist(array(""=>"")+$b->schemas(),$_GET["ns"])."</select>$Qb";if($_GET["ns"]!="")set_schema($_GET["ns"]);}}foreach(array("import","sql","schema","dump","privileges")as$X){if(isset($_GET[$X])){echo"<input type=' hidden ' name=' $X ' value=' ' > " ;break;}}echo " </ p ></ form > \n " ;}function
tablesPrint ( $S ){ echo " <ul id='tables'> " . script ( " mixin(qs('#tables'), { onmouseover: menuOver, onmouseout: menuOut}); " ); foreach ( $S
as $Q => $O ){ $B = $this -> tableName ( $O ); if ( $B != " " ){ echo '<li><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'select=' . urlencode ( $Q ) . '"' . bold ( $_GET [ " select " ] == $Q || $_GET [ " edit " ] == $Q , " select " ) . " > " . 'select' . " </a> " ,( support ( " table " ) || support ( " indexes " ) ? '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'table=' . urlencode ( $Q ) . '"' . bold ( in_array ( $Q , array ( $_GET [ " table " ], $_GET [ " create " ], $_GET [ " indexes " ], $_GET [ " foreign " ], $_GET [ " trigger " ])),( is_view ( $O ) ? " view " : " structure " )) . " title=' " . 'Show structure' . " '> $B </a> " : " <span> $B </span> " ) . " \n " ;}} echo " </ul> \n " ;}} $b = ( function_exists ( 'adminer_object' ) ? adminer_object () : new
Adminer ); if ( $b -> operators === null ) $b -> operators = $xf ; function
page_header ( $ji , $n = " " , $Xa = array (), $ki = " " ){ global $ca , $ia , $b , $gc , $x ; page_headers (); if ( is_ajax () && $n ){ page_messages ( $n ); exit ;} $li = $ji . ( $ki != " " ? " : $ki " : " " ); $mi = strip_tags ( $li . ( SERVER != " " && SERVER != " localhost " ? h ( " - " . SERVER ) : " " ) . " - " . $b -> name ()); echo ' <! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = " en " dir = " ltr " >
< meta http - equiv = " Content-Type " content = " text/html; charset=utf-8 " >
< meta name = " robots " content = " noindex " >
< title > ',$mi,' </ title >
< link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " ',h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = default . css & version = 4.7 . 7 " ),' " >
',script_src(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME)."?file=functions.js&version=4.7.7");if($b->head()){echo' < link rel = " shortcut icon " type = " image/x-icon " href = " ',h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = favicon . ico & version = 4.7 . 7 " ),' " >
< link rel = " apple-touch-icon " href = " ',h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = favicon . ico & version = 4.7 . 7 " ),' " >
';foreach($b->css()as$Kb){echo' < link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " ',h( $Kb ),' " >
< body class = " ltr nojs " >
';$Wc=get_temp_dir()."/adminer.version";if(!$_COOKIE["adminer_version"]&&function_exists(' openssl_verify ' ) && file_exists ( $Wc ) && filemtime ( $Wc ) + 86400 > time ()){ $aj = unserialize ( file_get_contents ( $Wc )); $vg = " -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
RlHIZFZPO0uYRezq90 + 7 Amk + FDNd7KkL5eDve + vHRJBLAszF / 7 XKXe11xwliIsFs
h7FIx3jEaw5ckVPVTeo5JRm / 1 DZzJxjyDenXvBQ / 6 o9DgZKeNDgxwKzH + sw9 / YCO
jHnq1cFpOIISzARlrHMa / 43 YfeNRAm / tsBXjSxembBPo7aQZLAWHmaj5 + K19H10B
nCpz9Y ++ cipkVEiKRGih4ZEvjoFysEOdRLj6WiD / uUNky4xGeA6LaJqh5XpkFkcQ
----- END PUBLIC KEY -----
" ;if(openssl_verify( $aj["version"] ,base64_decode( $aj["signature"] ), $vg )==1) $_COOKIE["adminer_version"] = $aj["version"] ;}echo'<script',nonce(),'>
mixin ( document . body , { onkeydown : bodyKeydown , onclick : bodyClick ',(isset($_COOKIE["adminer_version"])?"":", onload: partial(verifyVersion, ' $ia ', ' " .js_escape(ME). " ', ' " .get_token(). " ' ) " );?>});
document . body . className = document . body . className . replace ( / nojs / , ' js' );
var offlineMessage = ' < ? php echo
js_escape ( 'You are offline.' ), ' \ ' ;
var thousandsSeparator = \ '' , js_escape ( ',' ), ' \ ' ;
</ script >
< div id = " help " class = " jush-', $x ,' jsonly hidden " ></ div >
',script("mixin(qs(' #help'), {onmouseover: function () { helpOpen = 1; }, onmouseout: helpMouseout});"),'
< div id = " content " >
';if($Xa!==null){$_=substr(preg_replace(' ~ \b ( username | db | ns ) = [ ^& ] *&~ ',' ',ME),0,-1);echo' < p id = " breadcrumb " >< a href = " '.h( $_ ? $_ : " . " ).' " > '.$gc[DRIVER].' </ a > & raquo ; ';$_=substr(preg_replace(' ~ \b ( db | ns ) = [ ^& ] *&~ ',' ',ME),0,-1);$M=$b->serverName(SERVER);$M=($M!=""?$M:' Server ');if($Xa===false)echo"$M\n";else{echo"<a href=' " .( $_ ?h( $_ ): " . " ). " ' accesskey=' 1 ' title=' Alt + Shift + 1 '>$M</a> » ";if($_GET["ns"]!=""||(DB!=""&&is_array($Xa)))echo' < a href = " '.h( $_ . " & db = " .urlencode(DB).(support( " scheme " )? " & ns = " : " " )).' " > '.h(DB).' </ a > & raquo ; ';if(is_array($Xa)){if($_GET["ns"]!="")echo' < a href = " '.h(substr(ME,0,-1)).' " > '.h($_GET["ns"]).' </ a > & raquo ; ' ; foreach ( $Xa
as $y => $X ){ $Zb = ( is_array ( $X ) ? $X [ 1 ] : h ( $X )); if ( $Zb != " " ) echo " <a href=' " . h ( ME . " $y = " ) . urlencode ( is_array ( $X ) ? $X [ 0 ] : $X ) . " '> $Zb </a> » " ;}} echo " $ji\n " ;}} echo " <h2> $li </h2> \n " , " <div id='ajaxstatus' class='jsonly hidden'></div> \n " ; restart_session (); page_messages ( $n ); $k =& get_session ( " dbs " ); if ( DB != " " && $k &&! in_array ( DB , $k , true )) $k = null ; stop_session (); define ( " PAGE_HEADER " , 1 );} function
page_headers (){ global $b ; header ( " Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 " ); header ( " Cache-Control: no-cache " ); header ( " X-Frame-Options: deny " ); header ( " X-XSS-Protection: 0 " ); header ( " X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff " ); header ( " Referrer-Policy: origin-when-cross-origin " ); foreach ( $b -> csp () as $Jb ){ $yd = array (); foreach ( $Jb
as $y => $X ) $yd [] = " $y $X " ; header ( " Content-Security-Policy: " . implode ( " ; " , $yd ));} $b -> headers ();} function
csp (){ return
array ( array ( " script-src " => " 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'nonce- " . get_nonce () . " ' 'strict-dynamic' " , " connect-src " => " 'self' " , " frame-src " => " https://www.adminer.org " , " object-src " => " 'none' " , " base-uri " => " 'none' " , " form-action " => " 'self' " ,),);} function
get_nonce (){ static $ff ; if ( ! $ff ) $ff = base64_encode ( rand_string ()); return $ff ;} function
page_messages ( $n ){ $Mi = preg_replace ( '~^[^?]*~' , '' , $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ]); $Re = $_SESSION [ " messages " ][ $Mi ]; if ( $Re ){ echo " <div class='message'> " . implode ( " </div> \n <div class='message'> " , $Re ) . " </div> " . script ( " messagesPrint(); " ); unset ( $_SESSION [ " messages " ][ $Mi ]);} if ( $n ) echo " <div class='error'> $n </div> \n " ;} function
page_footer ( $Ve = " " ){ global $b , $qi ; echo ' </ div >
';if($Ve!="auth"){echo' < form action = " " method = " post " >
< p class = " logout " >
< input type = " submit " name = " logout " value = " Logout " id = " logout " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ p >
</ form >
';}echo' < div id = " menu " >
';$b->navigation($Ve);echo' </ div >
' , script ( " setupSubmitHighlight(document); " );} function
int32 ( $Ye ){ while ( $Ye >= 2147483648 ) $Ye -= 4294967296 ; while ( $Ye <=- 2147483649 ) $Ye += 4294967296 ; return ( int ) $Ye ;} function
long2str ( $W , $ej ){ $ah = '' ; foreach ( $W
as $X ) $ah .= pack ( 'V' , $X ); if ( $ej ) return
substr ( $ah , 0 , end ( $W )); return $ah ;} function
str2long ( $ah , $ej ){ $W = array_values ( unpack ( 'V*' , str_pad ( $ah , 4 * ceil ( strlen ( $ah ) / 4 ), " \0 " ))); if ( $ej ) $W [] = strlen ( $ah ); return $W ;} function
xxtea_mx ( $rj , $qj , $Nh , $fe ){ return
int32 ((( $rj >> 5 & 0x7FFFFFF ) ^ $qj << 2 ) + (( $qj >> 3 & 0x1FFFFFFF ) ^ $rj << 4 )) ^ int32 (( $Nh ^ $qj ) + ( $fe ^ $rj ));} function
encrypt_string ( $Ih , $y ){ if ( $Ih == " " ) return " " ; $y = array_values ( unpack ( " V* " , pack ( " H* " , md5 ( $y )))); $W = str2long ( $Ih , true ); $Ye = count ( $W ) - 1 ; $rj = $W [ $Ye ]; $qj = $W [ 0 ]; $wg = floor ( 6 + 52 / ( $Ye + 1 )); $Nh = 0 ; while ( $wg --> 0 ){ $Nh = int32 ( $Nh + 0x9E3779B9 ); $nc = $Nh >> 2 & 3 ; for ( $Nf = 0 ; $Nf < $Ye ; $Nf ++ ){ $qj = $W [ $Nf + 1 ]; $Xe = xxtea_mx ( $rj , $qj , $Nh , $y [ $Nf & 3 ^ $nc ]); $rj = int32 ( $W [ $Nf ] + $Xe ); $W [ $Nf ] = $rj ;} $qj = $W [ 0 ]; $Xe = xxtea_mx ( $rj , $qj , $Nh , $y [ $Nf & 3 ^ $nc ]); $rj = int32 ( $W [ $Ye ] + $Xe ); $W [ $Ye ] = $rj ;} return
long2str ( $W , false );} function
decrypt_string ( $Ih , $y ){ if ( $Ih == " " ) return " " ; if ( ! $y ) return
false ; $y = array_values ( unpack ( " V* " , pack ( " H* " , md5 ( $y )))); $W = str2long ( $Ih , false ); $Ye = count ( $W ) - 1 ; $rj = $W [ $Ye ]; $qj = $W [ 0 ]; $wg = floor ( 6 + 52 / ( $Ye + 1 )); $Nh = int32 ( $wg * 0x9E3779B9 ); while ( $Nh ){ $nc = $Nh >> 2 & 3 ; for ( $Nf = $Ye ; $Nf > 0 ; $Nf -- ){ $rj = $W [ $Nf - 1 ]; $Xe = xxtea_mx ( $rj , $qj , $Nh , $y [ $Nf & 3 ^ $nc ]); $qj = int32 ( $W [ $Nf ] - $Xe ); $W [ $Nf ] = $qj ;} $rj = $W [ $Ye ]; $Xe = xxtea_mx ( $rj , $qj , $Nh , $y [ $Nf & 3 ^ $nc ]); $qj = int32 ( $W [ 0 ] - $Xe ); $W [ 0 ] = $qj ; $Nh = int32 ( $Nh - 0x9E3779B9 );} return
long2str ( $W , true );} $g = '' ; $xd = $_SESSION [ " token " ]; if ( ! $xd ) $_SESSION [ " token " ] = rand ( 1 , 1e6 ); $qi = get_token (); $dg = array (); if ( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_permanent " ]){ foreach ( explode ( " " , $_COOKIE [ " adminer_permanent " ]) as $X ){ list ( $y ) = explode ( " : " , $X ); $dg [ $y ] = $X ;}} function
add_invalid_login (){ global $b ; $kd = file_open_lock ( get_temp_dir () . " /adminer.invalid " ); if ( ! $kd ) return ; $Yd = unserialize ( stream_get_contents ( $kd )); $gi = time (); if ( $Yd ){ foreach ( $Yd
as $Zd => $X ){ if ( $X [ 0 ] < $gi ) unset ( $Yd [ $Zd ]);}} $Xd =& $Yd [ $b -> bruteForceKey ()]; if ( ! $Xd ) $Xd = array ( $gi + 30 * 60 , 0 ); $Xd [ 1 ] ++ ; file_write_unlock ( $kd , serialize ( $Yd ));} function
check_invalid_login (){ global $b ; $Yd = unserialize ( @ file_get_contents ( get_temp_dir () . " /adminer.invalid " )); $Xd = $Yd [ $b -> bruteForceKey ()]; $ef = ( $Xd [ 1 ] > 29 ? $Xd [ 0 ] - time () : 0 ); if ( $ef > 0 ) auth_error ( lang ( array ( 'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minute.' , 'Too many unsuccessful logins, try again in %d minutes.' ), ceil ( $ef / 60 )));} $Ka = $_POST [ " auth " ]; if ( $Ka ){ session_regenerate_id (); $Zi = $Ka [ " driver " ]; $M = $Ka [ " server " ]; $V = $Ka [ " username " ]; $E = ( string ) $Ka [ " password " ]; $l = $Ka [ " db " ]; set_password ( $Zi , $M , $V , $E ); $_SESSION [ " db " ][ $Zi ][ $M ][ $V ][ $l ] = true ; if ( $Ka [ " permanent " ]){ $y = base64_encode ( $Zi ) . " - " . base64_encode ( $M ) . " - " . base64_encode ( $V ) . " - " . base64_encode ( $l ); $pg = $b -> permanentLogin ( true ); $dg [ $y ] = " $y : " . base64_encode ( $pg ? encrypt_string ( $E , $pg ) : " " ); cookie ( " adminer_permanent " , implode ( " " , $dg ));} if ( count ( $_POST ) == 1 || DRIVER != $Zi || SERVER != $M || $_GET [ " username " ] !== $V || DB != $l ) redirect ( auth_url ( $Zi , $M , $V , $l ));} elseif ( $_POST [ " logout " ]){ if ( $xd &&! verify_token ()){ page_header ( 'Logout' , 'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' ); page_footer ( " db " ); exit ;} else { foreach ( array ( " pwds " , " db " , " dbs " , " queries " ) as $y ) set_session ( $y , null ); unset_permanent (); redirect ( substr ( preg_replace ( '~\b(username|db|ns)=[^&]*&~' , '' , ME ), 0 , - 1 ), 'Logout successful.' . ' ' . 'Thanks for using Adminer, consider <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/donation/">donating</a>.' );}} elseif ( $dg &&! $_SESSION [ " pwds " ]){ session_regenerate_id (); $pg = $b -> permanentLogin (); foreach ( $dg
as $y => $X ){ list (, $jb ) = explode ( " : " , $X ); list ( $Zi , $M , $V , $l ) = array_map ( 'base64_decode' , explode ( " - " , $y )); set_password ( $Zi , $M , $V , decrypt_string ( base64_decode ( $jb ), $pg )); $_SESSION [ " db " ][ $Zi ][ $M ][ $V ][ $l ] = true ;}} function
unset_permanent (){ global $dg ; foreach ( $dg
as $y => $X ){ list ( $Zi , $M , $V , $l ) = array_map ( 'base64_decode' , explode ( " - " , $y )); if ( $Zi == DRIVER && $M == SERVER && $V == $_GET [ " username " ] && $l == DB ) unset ( $dg [ $y ]);} cookie ( " adminer_permanent " , implode ( " " , $dg ));} function
auth_error ( $n ){ global $b , $xd ; $ph = session_name (); if ( isset ( $_GET [ " username " ])){ header ( " HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden " ); if (( $_COOKIE [ $ph ] || $_GET [ $ph ]) &&! $xd ) $n = 'Session expired, please login again.' ; else { restart_session (); add_invalid_login (); $E = get_password (); if ( $E !== null ){ if ( $E === false ) $n .= '<br>' . sprintf ( 'Master password expired. <a href="https://www.adminer.org/en/extension/"%s>Implement</a> %s method to make it permanent.' , target_blank (), '<code>permanentLogin()</code>' ); set_password ( DRIVER , SERVER , $_GET [ " username " ], null );} unset_permanent ();}} if ( ! $_COOKIE [ $ph ] && $_GET [ $ph ] && ini_bool ( " session.use_only_cookies " )) $n = 'Session support must be enabled.' ; $Qf = session_get_cookie_params (); cookie ( " adminer_key " ,( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_key " ] ? $_COOKIE [ " adminer_key " ] : rand_string ()), $Qf [ " lifetime " ]); page_header ( 'Login' , $n , null ); echo " <form action='' method='post'> \n " , " <div> " ; if ( hidden_fields ( $_POST , array ( " auth " ))) echo " <p class='message'> " . 'The action will be performed after successful login with the same credentials.' . " \n " ; echo " </div> \n " ; $b -> loginForm (); echo " </form> \n " ; page_footer ( " auth " ); exit ;} if ( isset ( $_GET [ " username " ]) &&! class_exists ( " Min_DB " )){ unset ( $_SESSION [ " pwds " ][ DRIVER ]); unset_permanent (); page_header ( 'No extension' , sprintf ( 'None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.' , implode ( " , " , $jg )), false ); page_footer ( " auth " ); exit ;} stop_session ( true ); if ( isset ( $_GET [ " username " ]) && is_string ( get_password ())){ list ( $Cd , $fg ) = explode ( " : " , SERVER , 2 ); if ( is_numeric ( $fg ) && ( $fg < 1024 || $fg > 65535 )) auth_error ( 'Connecting to privileged ports is not allowed.' ); check_invalid_login (); $g = connect (); $m = new
Min_Driver ( $g );} $_e = null ; if ( ! is_object ( $g ) || ( $_e = $b -> login ( $_GET [ " username " ], get_password ())) !== true ){ $n = ( is_string ( $g ) ? h ( $g ) : ( is_string ( $_e ) ? $_e : 'Invalid credentials.' )); auth_error ( $n . ( preg_match ( '~^ | $~' , get_password ()) ? '<br>' . 'There is a space in the input password which might be the cause.' : '' ));} if ( $Ka && $_POST [ " token " ]) $_POST [ " token " ] = $qi ; $n = '' ; if ( $_POST ){ if ( ! verify_token ()){ $Sd = " max_input_vars " ; $Le = ini_get ( $Sd ); if ( extension_loaded ( " suhosin " )){ foreach ( array ( " suhosin.request.max_vars " , " suhosin.post.max_vars " ) as $y ){ $X = ini_get ( $y ); if ( $X && ( ! $Le || $X < $Le )){ $Sd = $y ; $Le = $X ;}}} $n = ( ! $_POST [ " token " ] && $Le ? sprintf ( 'Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.' , " ' $Sd ' " ) : 'Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.' . ' ' . 'If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.' );}} elseif ( $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_METHOD " ] == " POST " ){ $n = sprintf ( 'Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.' , " 'post_max_size' " ); if ( isset ( $_GET [ " sql " ])) $n .= ' ' . 'You can upload a big SQL file via FTP and import it from server.' ;} function
select ( $G , $h = null , $Ef = array (), $z = 0 ){ global $x ; $ye = array (); $w = array (); $f = array (); $Ua = array (); $U = array (); $H = array (); odd ( '' ); for ( $s = 0 ;( ! $z || $s < $z ) && ( $I = $G -> fetch_row ()); $s ++ ){ if ( ! $s ){ echo " <div class='scrollable'> \n " , " <table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap'> \n " , " <thead><tr> " ; for ( $ee = 0 ; $ee < count ( $I ); $ee ++ ){ $o = $G -> fetch_field (); $B = $o -> name ; $Df = $o -> orgtable ; $Cf = $o -> orgname ; $H [ $o -> table ] = $Df ; if ( $Ef && $x == " sql " ) $ye [ $ee ] = ( $B == " table " ? " table= " : ( $B == " possible_keys " ? " indexes= " : null )); elseif ( $Df != " " ){ if ( ! isset ( $w [ $Df ])){ $w [ $Df ] = array (); foreach ( indexes ( $Df , $h ) as $v ){ if ( $v [ " type " ] == " PRIMARY " ){ $w [ $Df ] = array_flip ( $v [ " columns " ]); break ;}} $f [ $Df ] = $w [ $Df ];} if ( isset ( $f [ $Df ][ $Cf ])){ unset ( $f [ $Df ][ $Cf ]); $w [ $Df ][ $Cf ] = $ee ; $ye [ $ee ] = $Df ;}} if ( $o -> charsetnr == 63 ) $Ua [ $ee ] = true ; $U [ $ee ] = $o -> type ; echo " <th " . ( $Df != " " || $o -> name != $Cf ? " title=' " . h (( $Df != " " ? " $Df . " : " " ) . $Cf ) . " ' " : " " ) . " > " . h ( $B ) . ( $Ef ? doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => " explain-output.html#explain_ " . strtolower ( $B ), 'mariadb' => " explain/#the-columns-in-explain-select " ,)) : " " );} echo " </thead> \n " ;} echo " <tr " . odd () . " > " ; foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( $X === null ) $X = " <i>NULL</i> " ; elseif ( $Ua [ $y ] &&! is_utf8 ( $X )) $X = " <i> " . lang ( array ( '%d byte' , '%d bytes' ), strlen ( $X )) . " </i> " ; else { $X = h ( $X ); if ( $U [ $y ] == 254 ) $X = " <code> $X </code> " ;} if ( isset ( $ye [ $y ]) &&! $f [ $ye [ $y ]]){ if ( $Ef && $x == " sql " ){ $Q = $I [ array_search ( " table= " , $ye )]; $_ = $ye [ $y ] . urlencode ( $Ef [ $Q ] != " " ? $Ef [ $Q ] : $Q );} else { $_ = " edit= " . urlencode ( $ye [ $y ]); foreach ( $w [ $ye [ $y ]] as $nb => $ee ) $_ .= " &where " . urlencode ( " [ " . bracket_escape ( $nb ) . " ] " ) . " = " . urlencode ( $I [ $ee ]);} $X = " <a href=' " . h ( ME . $_ ) . " '> $X </a> " ;} echo " <td> $X " ;}} echo ( $s ? " </table> \n </div> " : " <p class='message'> " . 'No rows.' ) . " \n " ; return $H ;} function
referencable_primary ( $jh ){ $H = array (); foreach ( table_status ( '' , true ) as $Rh => $Q ){ if ( $Rh != $jh && fk_support ( $Q )){ foreach ( fields ( $Rh ) as $o ){ if ( $o [ " primary " ]){ if ( $H [ $Rh ]){ unset ( $H [ $Rh ]); break ;} $H [ $Rh ] = $o ;}}}} return $H ;} function
adminer_settings (){ parse_str ( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_settings " ], $rh ); return $rh ;} function
adminer_setting ( $y ){ $rh = adminer_settings (); return $rh [ $y ];} function
set_adminer_settings ( $rh ){ return
cookie ( " adminer_settings " , http_build_query ( $rh + adminer_settings ()));} function
textarea ( $B , $Y , $J = 10 , $rb = 80 ){ global $x ; echo " <textarea name=' $B ' rows=' $J ' cols=' $rb ' class='sqlarea jush- $x ' spellcheck='false' wrap='off'> " ; if ( is_array ( $Y )){ foreach ( $Y
as $X ) echo
h ( $X [ 0 ]) . " \n \n \n " ;} else
h ( $Y ); echo " </textarea> " ;} function
edit_type ( $y , $o , $pb , $gd = array (), $Nc = array ()){ global $Jh , $U , $Ki , $sf ; $T = $o [ " type " ]; echo '<td><select name="' , h ( $y ), '[type]" class="type" aria-labelledby="label-type">' ; if ( $T &&! isset ( $U [ $T ]) &&! isset ( $gd [ $T ]) &&! in_array ( $T , $Nc )) $Nc [] = $T ; if ( $gd ) $Jh [ 'Foreign keys' ] = $gd ; echo
optionlist ( array_merge ( $Nc , $Jh ), $T ), '</select><td><input name="' , h ( $y ), '[length]" value="' , h ( $o [ " length " ]), '" size="3"' ,( ! $o [ " length " ] && preg_match ( '~var(char|binary)$~' , $T ) ? " class='required' " : " " ); echo ' aria-labelledby="label-length"><td class="options">' , " <select name=' " . h ( $y ) . " [collation]' " . ( preg_match ( '~(char|text|enum|set)$~' , $T ) ? " " : " class='hidden' " ) . '><option value="">(' . 'collation' . ')' . optionlist ( $pb , $o [ " collation " ]) . '</select>' ,( $Ki ? " <select name=' " . h ( $y ) . " [unsigned]' " . ( ! $T || preg_match ( number_type (), $T ) ? " " : " class='hidden' " ) . '><option>' . optionlist ( $Ki , $o [ " unsigned " ]) . '</select>' : '' ),( isset ( $o [ 'on_update' ]) ? " <select name=' " . h ( $y ) . " [on_update]' " . ( preg_match ( '~timestamp|datetime~' , $T ) ? " " : " class='hidden' " ) . '>' . optionlist ( array ( " " => " ( " . 'ON UPDATE' . " ) " , " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " ),( preg_match ( '~^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP~i' , $o [ " on_update " ]) ? " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " : $o [ " on_update " ])) . '</select>' : '' ),( $gd ? " <select name=' " . h ( $y ) . " [on_delete]' " . ( preg_match ( " ~`~ " , $T ) ? " " : " class='hidden' " ) . " ><option value=''>( " . 'ON DELETE' . " ) " . optionlist ( explode ( " | " , $sf ), $o [ " on_delete " ]) . " </select> " : " " );} function
process_length ( $ve ){ global $yc ; return ( preg_match ( " ~^ \\ s* \\ (? \\ s* $yc (?: \\ s*, \\ s* $yc )*+ \\ s* \\ )? \\ s* \$ ~ " , $ve ) && preg_match_all ( " ~ $yc ~ " , $ve , $Fe ) ? " ( " . implode ( " , " , $Fe [ 0 ]) . " ) " : preg_replace ( '~^[0-9].*~' , '(\0)' , preg_replace ( '~[^-0-9,+()[\]]~' , '' , $ve )));} function
process_type ( $o , $ob = " COLLATE " ){ global $Ki ; return " $o[type] " . process_length ( $o [ " length " ]) . ( preg_match ( number_type (), $o [ " type " ]) && in_array ( $o [ " unsigned " ], $Ki ) ? " $o[unsigned] " : " " ) . ( preg_match ( '~char|text|enum|set~' , $o [ " type " ]) && $o [ " collation " ] ? " $ob " . q ( $o [ " collation " ]) : " " );} function
process_field ( $o , $Ci ){ return
array ( idf_escape ( trim ( $o [ " field " ])), process_type ( $Ci ),( $o [ " null " ] ? " NULL " : " NOT NULL " ), default_value ( $o ),( preg_match ( '~timestamp|datetime~' , $o [ " type " ]) && $o [ " on_update " ] ? " ON UPDATE $o[on_update] " : " " ),( support ( " comment " ) && $o [ " comment " ] != " " ? " COMMENT " . q ( $o [ " comment " ]) : " " ),( $o [ " auto_increment " ] ? auto_increment () : null ),);} function
default_value ( $o ){ $Ub = $o [ " default " ]; return ( $Ub === null ? " " : " DEFAULT " . ( preg_match ( '~char|binary|text|enum|set~' , $o [ " type " ]) || preg_match ( '~^(?![a-z])~i' , $Ub ) ? q ( $Ub ) : $Ub ));} function
type_class ( $T ){ foreach ( array ( 'char' => 'text' , 'date' => 'time|year' , 'binary' => 'blob' , 'enum' => 'set' ,) as $y => $X ){ if ( preg_match ( " ~ $y | $X ~ " , $T )) return " class=' $y ' " ;}} function
edit_fields ( $p , $pb , $T = " TABLE " , $gd = array ()){ global $Td ; $p = array_values ( $p ); $Vb = (( $_POST ? $_POST [ " defaults " ] : adminer_setting ( " defaults " )) ? " " : " class='hidden' " ); $vb = (( $_POST ? $_POST [ " comments " ] : adminer_setting ( " comments " )) ? " " : " class='hidden' " ); echo ' < thead >< tr >
';if($T=="PROCEDURE"){echo' < td > ';}echo' < th id = " label-name " > ',($T=="TABLE"?' Column name ':' Parameter name '),' < td id = " label-type " > Type < textarea id = " enum-edit " rows = " 4 " cols = " 12 " wrap = " off " style = " display: none; " ></ textarea > ',script("qs(' #enum-edit').onblur = editingLengthBlur;"),'<td id="label-length">Length
< td > ',' Options ';if($T=="TABLE"){echo' < td id = " label-null " > NULL
< td >< input type = " radio " name = " auto_increment_col " value = " " >< acronym id = " label-ai " title = " Auto Increment " > AI </ acronym > ',doc_link(array(' sql '=>"example-auto-increment.html",' mariadb '=>"auto_increment/",' sqlite '=>"autoinc.html",' pgsql '=>"datatype.html#DATATYPE-SERIAL",' mssql '=>"ms186775.aspx",)),' < td id = " label-default " ',$Vb,' > Default value
',(support("comment")?"<td id=' label - comment '$vb>".' Comment ':"");}echo' < td > ',"<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' add [ " .(support( " move_col " )?0:count( $p )). " ] ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = plus . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' + ' title=' " .'Add next'. " '>".script("row_count = ".count($p).";"),' </ thead >
< tbody >
',script("mixin(qsl(' tbody ' ), { onclick : editingClick , onkeydown : editingKeydown , oninput : editingInput }); " );foreach( $p
as $s => $o ){ $s ++ ; $Ff = $o [( $_POST ? " orig " : " field " )]; $dc = ( isset ( $_POST [ " add " ][ $s - 1 ]) || ( isset ( $o [ " field " ]) &&! $_POST [ " drop_col " ][ $s ])) && ( support ( " drop_col " ) || $Ff == " " ); echo '<tr' ,( $dc ? " " : " style='display: none;' " ), ' >
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
',($T=="PROCEDURE"?"<td>".html_select("fields[$s][inout]",explode("|",$Td),$o["inout"]):""),' < th > ';if($dc){echo' < input name = " fields[', $s ,'][field] " value = " ',h( $o["field"] ),' " data - maxlength = " 64 " autocapitalize = " off " aria - labelledby = " label-name " > ';}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " fields[', $s ,'][orig] " value = " ',h( $Ff ),' " > ';edit_type("fields[$s]",$o,$pb,$gd);if($T=="TABLE"){echo' < td > ',checkbox("fields[$s][null]",1,$o["null"],"","","block","label-null"),' < td >< label class = " block " >< input type = " radio " name = " auto_increment_col " value = " ', $s ,' " ';if($o["auto_increment"]){echo' checked ';}echo' aria - labelledby = " label-ai " ></ label >< td ',$Vb,' > ',checkbox("fields[$s][has_default]",1,$o["has_default"],"","","","label-default"),' < input name = " fields[', $s ,'][default] " value = " ',h( $o["default"] ),' " aria - labelledby = " label-default " > ',(support("comment")?"<td$vb><input name=' fields [ $s ][ comment ] ' value=' " .h( $o["comment"] ). " ' data-maxlength=' " .(min_version(5.5)?1024:255). " ' aria-labelledby=' label - comment '>":"");}echo"<td>",(support("move_col")?"<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' add [ $s ] ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = plus . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' + ' title=' " .'Add next'. " '> "."<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' up [ $s ] ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = up . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' ↑ ' title=' " .'Move up'. " '> "."<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' down [ $s ] ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = down . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' ↓ ' title=' " .'Move down'. " '> ":""),($Ff==""||support("drop_col")?"<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' drop_col [ $s ] ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = cross . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' x ' title=' " .'Remove'. " ' > " : " " );}}function
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
process_fields ( & $p ){ $C = 0 ; if ( $_POST [ " up " ]){ $pe = 0 ; foreach ( $p
as $y => $o ){ if ( key ( $_POST [ " up " ]) == $y ){ unset ( $p [ $y ]); array_splice ( $p , $pe , 0 , array ( $o )); break ;} if ( isset ( $o [ " field " ])) $pe = $C ; $C ++ ;}} elseif ( $_POST [ " down " ]){ $id = false ; foreach ( $p
as $y => $o ){ if ( isset ( $o [ " field " ]) && $id ){ unset ( $p [ key ( $_POST [ " down " ])]); array_splice ( $p , $C , 0 , array ( $id )); break ;} if ( key ( $_POST [ " down " ]) == $y ) $id = $o ; $C ++ ;}} elseif ( $_POST [ " add " ]){ $p = array_values ( $p ); array_splice ( $p , key ( $_POST [ " add " ]), 0 , array ( array ()));} elseif ( ! $_POST [ " drop_col " ]) return
false ; return
true ;} function
normalize_enum ( $A ){ return " ' " . str_replace ( " ' " , " '' " , addcslashes ( stripcslashes ( str_replace ( $A [ 0 ][ 0 ] . $A [ 0 ][ 0 ], $A [ 0 ][ 0 ], substr ( $A [ 0 ], 1 , - 1 ))), '\\' )) . " ' " ;} function
grant ( $nd , $rg , $f , $rf ){ if ( ! $rg ) return
true ; if ( $rg == array ( " ALL PRIVILEGES " , " GRANT OPTION " )) return ( $nd == " GRANT " ? queries ( " $nd ALL PRIVILEGES $rf WITH GRANT OPTION " ) : queries ( " $nd ALL PRIVILEGES $rf " ) && queries ( " $nd GRANT OPTION $rf " )); return
queries ( " $nd " . preg_replace ( '~(GRANT OPTION)\([^)]*\)~' , '\1' , implode ( " $f , " , $rg ) . $f ) . $rf );} function
drop_create ( $hc , $i , $ic , $di , $kc , $ze , $Qe , $Oe , $Pe , $of , $bf ){ if ( $_POST [ " drop " ]) query_redirect ( $hc , $ze , $Qe ); elseif ( $of == " " ) query_redirect ( $i , $ze , $Pe ); elseif ( $of != $bf ){ $Hb = queries ( $i ); queries_redirect ( $ze , $Oe , $Hb && queries ( $hc )); if ( $Hb ) queries ( $ic );} else
queries_redirect ( $ze , $Oe , queries ( $di ) && queries ( $kc ) && queries ( $hc ) && queries ( $i ));} function
create_trigger ( $rf , $I ){ global $x ; $ii = " $I[Timing] $I[Event] " . ( $I [ " Event " ] == " UPDATE OF " ? " " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Of " ]) : " " ); return " CREATE TRIGGER " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Trigger " ]) . ( $x == " mssql " ? $rf . $ii : $ii . $rf ) . rtrim ( " $I[Type] \n $I[Statement] " , " ; " ) . " ; " ;} function
create_routine ( $Wg , $I ){ global $Td , $x ; $N = array (); $p = ( array ) $I [ " fields " ]; ksort ( $p ); foreach ( $p
as $o ){ if ( $o [ " field " ] != " " ) $N [] = ( preg_match ( " ~^( $Td ) \$ ~ " , $o [ " inout " ]) ? " $o[inout] " : " " ) . idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ]) . process_type ( $o , " CHARACTER SET " );} $Wb = rtrim ( " \n $I[definition] " , " ; " ); return " CREATE $Wg " . idf_escape ( trim ( $I [ " name " ])) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " ) " . ( isset ( $_GET [ " function " ]) ? " RETURNS " . process_type ( $I [ " returns " ], " CHARACTER SET " ) : " " ) . ( $I [ " language " ] ? " LANGUAGE $I[language] " : " " ) . ( $x == " pgsql " ? " AS " . q ( $Wb ) : " $Wb ; " );} function
remove_definer ( $F ){ return
preg_replace ( '~^([A-Z =]+) DEFINER=`' . preg_replace ( '~@(.*)~' , '`@`(%|\1)' , logged_user ()) . '`~' , '\1' , $F );} function
format_foreign_key ( $q ){ global $sf ; $l = $q [ " db " ]; $gf = $q [ " ns " ]; return " FOREIGN KEY ( " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $q [ " source " ])) . " ) REFERENCES " . ( $l != " " && $l != $_GET [ " db " ] ? idf_escape ( $l ) . " . " : " " ) . ( $gf != " " && $gf != $_GET [ " ns " ] ? idf_escape ( $gf ) . " . " : " " ) . table ( $q [ " table " ]) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $q [ " target " ])) . " ) " . ( preg_match ( " ~^( $sf ) \$ ~ " , $q [ " on_delete " ]) ? " ON DELETE $q[on_delete] " : " " ) . ( preg_match ( " ~^( $sf ) \$ ~ " , $q [ " on_update " ]) ? " ON UPDATE $q[on_update] " : " " );} function
tar_file ( $Wc , $ni ){ $H = pack ( " a100a8a8a8a12a12 " , $Wc , 644 , 0 , 0 , decoct ( $ni -> size ), decoct ( time ())); $hb = 8 * 32 ; for ( $s = 0 ; $s < strlen ( $H ); $s ++ ) $hb += ord ( $H [ $s ]); $H .= sprintf ( " %06o " , $hb ) . " \0 " ; echo $H , str_repeat ( " \0 " , 512 - strlen ( $H )); $ni -> send (); echo
str_repeat ( " \0 " , 511 - ( $ni -> size + 511 ) % 512 );} function
ini_bytes ( $Sd ){ $X = ini_get ( $Sd ); switch ( strtolower ( substr ( $X , - 1 ))){ case 'g' : $X *= 1024 ; case 'm' : $X *= 1024 ; case 'k' : $X *= 1024 ;} return $X ;} function
doc_link ( $bg , $ei = " <sup>?</sup> " ){ global $x , $g ; $nh = $g -> server_info ; $aj = preg_replace ( '~^(\d\.?\d).*~s' , '\1' , $nh ); $Pi = array ( 'sql' => " https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/ $aj /en/ " , 'sqlite' => " https://www.sqlite.org/ " , 'pgsql' => " https://www.postgresql.org/docs/ $aj / " , 'mssql' => " https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ " , 'oracle' => " https://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=db " . preg_replace ( '~^.* (\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*~s' , '\1\2' , $nh ) . " &id= " ,); if ( preg_match ( '~MariaDB~' , $nh )){ $Pi [ 'sql' ] = " https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/ " ; $bg [ 'sql' ] = ( isset ( $bg [ 'mariadb' ]) ? $bg [ 'mariadb' ] : str_replace ( " .html " , " / " , $bg [ 'sql' ]));} return ( $bg [ $x ] ? " <a href=' $Pi[$x] $bg[$x] ' " . target_blank () . " > $ei </a> " : " " );} function
ob_gzencode ( $P ){ return
gzencode ( $P );} function
db_size ( $l ){ global $g ; if ( ! $g -> select_db ( $l )) return " ? " ; $H = 0 ; foreach ( table_status () as $R ) $H += $R [ " Data_length " ] + $R [ " Index_length " ]; return
format_number ( $H );} function
set_utf8mb4 ( $i ){ global $g ; static $N = false ; if ( ! $N && preg_match ( '~\butf8mb4~i' , $i )){ $N = true ; echo " SET NAMES " . charset ( $g ) . " ; \n \n " ;}} function
connect_error (){ global $b , $g , $qi , $n , $gc ; if ( DB != " " ){ header ( " HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found " ); page_header ( 'Database' . " : " . h ( DB ), 'Invalid database.' , true );} else { if ( $_POST [ " db " ] &&! $n ) queries_redirect ( substr ( ME , 0 , - 1 ), 'Databases have been dropped.' , drop_databases ( $_POST [ " db " ])); page_header ( 'Select database' , $n , false ); echo " <p class='links'> \n " ; foreach ( array ( 'database' => 'Create database' , 'privileges' => 'Privileges' , 'processlist' => 'Process list' , 'variables' => 'Variables' , 'status' => 'Status' ,) as $y => $X ){ if ( support ( $y )) echo " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " $y ='> $X </a> \n " ;} echo " <p> " . sprintf ( '%s version: %s through PHP extension %s' , $gc [ DRIVER ], " <b> " . h ( $g -> server_info ) . " </b> " , " <b> $g->extension </b> " ) . " \n " , " <p> " . sprintf ( 'Logged as: %s' , " <b> " . h ( logged_user ()) . " </b> " ) . " \n " ; $k = $b -> databases (); if ( $k ){ $dh = support ( " scheme " ); $pb = collations (); echo " <form action='' method='post'> \n " , " <table cellspacing='0' class='checkable'> \n " , script ( " mixin(qsl('table'), { onclick: tableClick, ondblclick: partialArg(tableClick, true)}); " ), " <thead><tr> " . ( support ( " database " ) ? " <td> " : " " ) . " <th> " . 'Database' . " - <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " refresh=1'> " . 'Refresh' . " </a> " . " <td> " . 'Collation' . " <td> " . 'Tables' . " <td> " . 'Size' . " - <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " dbsize=1'> " . 'Compute' . " </a> " . script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(ajaxSetHtml, ' " . js_escape ( ME ) . " script=connect'); " , " " ) . " </thead> \n " ; $k = ( $_GET [ " dbsize " ] ? count_tables ( $k ) : array_flip ( $k )); foreach ( $k
as $l => $S ){ $Vg = h ( ME ) . " db= " . urlencode ( $l ); $t = h ( " Db- " . $l ); echo " <tr " . odd () . " > " . ( support ( " database " ) ? " <td> " . checkbox ( " db[] " , $l , in_array ( $l ,( array ) $_POST [ " db " ]), " " , " " , " " , $t ) : " " ), " <th><a href=' $Vg ' id=' $t '> " . h ( $l ) . " </a> " ; $d = h ( db_collation ( $l , $pb )); echo " <td> " . ( support ( " database " ) ? " <a href=' $Vg " . ( $dh ? " &ns= " : " " ) . " &database=' title=' " . 'Alter database' . " '> $d </a> " : $d ), " <td align='right'><a href=' $Vg &schema=' id='tables- " . h ( $l ) . " ' title=' " . 'Database schema' . " '> " . ( $_GET [ " dbsize " ] ? $S : " ? " ) . " </a> " , " <td align='right' id='size- " . h ( $l ) . " '> " . ( $_GET [ " dbsize " ] ? db_size ( $l ) : " ? " ), " \n " ;} echo " </table> \n " ,( support ( " database " ) ? " <div class='footer'><div> \n " . " <fieldset><legend> " . 'Selected' . " <span id='selected'></span></legend><div> \n " . " <input type='hidden' name='all' value=''> " . script ( " qsl('input').onclick = function () { selectCount('selected', formChecked(this, /^db/)); }; " ) . " <input type='submit' name='drop' value=' " . 'Drop' . " '> " . confirm () . " \n " . " </div></fieldset> \n " . " </div></div> \n " : " " ), " <input type='hidden' name='token' value=' $qi '> \n " , " </form> \n " , script ( " tableCheck(); " );}} page_footer ( " db " );} if ( isset ( $_GET [ " status " ])) $_GET [ " variables " ] = $_GET [ " status " ]; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " import " ])) $_GET [ " sql " ] = $_GET [ " import " ]; if ( ! ( DB != " " ? $g -> select_db ( DB ) : isset ( $_GET [ " sql " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " dump " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " database " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " processlist " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " privileges " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " user " ]) || isset ( $_GET [ " variables " ]) || $_GET [ " script " ] == " connect " || $_GET [ " script " ] == " kill " )){ if ( DB != " " || $_GET [ " refresh " ]){ restart_session (); set_session ( " dbs " , null );} connect_error (); exit ;} if ( support ( " scheme " ) && DB != " " && $_GET [ " ns " ] !== " " ){ if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ " ns " ])) redirect ( preg_replace ( '~ns=[^&]*&~' , '' , ME ) . " ns= " . get_schema ()); if ( ! set_schema ( $_GET [ " ns " ])){ header ( " HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found " ); page_header ( 'Schema' . " : " . h ( $_GET [ " ns " ]), 'Invalid schema.' , true ); page_footer ( " ns " ); exit ;}} $sf = " RESTRICT|NO ACTION|CASCADE|SET NULL|SET DEFAULT " ; class
TmpFile { var $handler ; var $size ; function
__construct (){ $this -> handler = tmpfile ();} function
write ( $Bb ){ $this -> size += strlen ( $Bb ); fwrite ( $this -> handler , $Bb );} function
send (){ fseek ( $this -> handler , 0 ); fpassthru ( $this -> handler ); fclose ( $this -> handler );}} $yc = " '(?:''|[^' \\ \\ ]| \\ \\ .)*' " ; $Td = " IN|OUT|INOUT " ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) && ( $_POST [ " edit " ] || $_POST [ " clone " ]) &&! $_POST [ " save " ]) $_GET [ " edit " ] = $_GET [ " select " ]; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " callf " ])) $_GET [ " call " ] = $_GET [ " callf " ]; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " function " ])) $_GET [ " procedure " ] = $_GET [ " function " ]; if ( isset ( $_GET [ " download " ])){ $a = $_GET [ " download " ]; $p = fields ( $a ); header ( " Content-Type: application/octet-stream " ); header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= " . friendly_url ( " $a - " . implode ( " _ " , $_GET [ " where " ])) . " . " . friendly_url ( $_GET [ " field " ])); $K = array ( idf_escape ( $_GET [ " field " ])); $G = $m -> select ( $a , $K , array ( where ( $_GET , $p )), $K ); $I = ( $G ? $G -> fetch_row () : array ()); echo $m -> value ( $I [ 0 ], $p [ $_GET [ " field " ]]); exit ;} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " table " ])){ $a = $_GET [ " table " ]; $p = fields ( $a ); if ( ! $p ) $n = error (); $R = table_status1 ( $a , true ); $B = $b -> tableName ( $R ); page_header (( $p && is_view ( $R ) ? $R [ 'Engine' ] == 'materialized view' ? 'Materialized view' : 'View' : 'Table' ) . " : " . ( $B != " " ? $B : h ( $a )), $n ); $b -> selectLinks ( $R ); $ub = $R [ " Comment " ]; if ( $ub != " " ) echo " <p class='nowrap'> " . 'Comment' . " : " . h ( $ub ) . " \n " ; if ( $p ) $b -> tableStructurePrint ( $p ); if ( ! is_view ( $R )){ if ( support ( " indexes " )){ echo " <h3 id='indexes'> " . 'Indexes' . " </h3> \n " ; $w = indexes ( $a ); if ( $w ) $b -> tableIndexesPrint ( $w ); echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'indexes=' . urlencode ( $a ) . '">' . 'Alter indexes' . " </a> \n " ;} if ( fk_support ( $R )){ echo " <h3 id='foreign-keys'> " . 'Foreign keys' . " </h3> \n " ; $gd = foreign_keys ( $a ); if ( $gd ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " , " <thead><tr><th> " . 'Source' . " <td> " . 'Target' . " <td> " . 'ON DELETE' . " <td> " . 'ON UPDATE' . " <td></thead> \n " ; foreach ( $gd
as $B => $q ){ echo " <tr title=' " . h ( $B ) . " '> " , " <th><i> " . implode ( " </i>, <i> " , array_map ( 'h' , $q [ " source " ])) . " </i> " , " <td><a href=' " . h ( $q [ " db " ] != " " ? preg_replace ( '~db=[^&]*~' , " db= " . urlencode ( $q [ " db " ]), ME ) : ( $q [ " ns " ] != " " ? preg_replace ( '~ns=[^&]*~' , " ns= " . urlencode ( $q [ " ns " ]), ME ) : ME )) . " table= " . urlencode ( $q [ " table " ]) . " '> " . ( $q [ " db " ] != " " ? " <b> " . h ( $q [ " db " ]) . " </b>. " : " " ) . ( $q [ " ns " ] != " " ? " <b> " . h ( $q [ " ns " ]) . " </b>. " : " " ) . h ( $q [ " table " ]) . " </a> " , " (<i> " . implode ( " </i>, <i> " , array_map ( 'h' , $q [ " target " ])) . " </i>) " , " <td> " . h ( $q [ " on_delete " ]) . " \n " , " <td> " . h ( $q [ " on_update " ]) . " \n " , '<td><a href="' . h ( ME . 'foreign=' . urlencode ( $a ) . '&name=' . urlencode ( $B )) . '">' . 'Alter' . '</a>' ;} echo " </table> \n " ;} echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'foreign=' . urlencode ( $a ) . '">' . 'Add foreign key' . " </a> \n " ;}} if ( support ( is_view ( $R ) ? " view_trigger " : " trigger " )){ echo " <h3 id='triggers'> " . 'Triggers' . " </h3> \n " ; $Bi = triggers ( $a ); if ( $Bi ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " ; foreach ( $Bi
as $y => $X ) echo " <tr valign='top'><td> " . h ( $X [ 0 ]) . " <td> " . h ( $X [ 1 ]) . " <th> " . h ( $y ) . " <td><a href=' " . h ( ME . 'trigger=' . urlencode ( $a ) . '&name=' . urlencode ( $y )) . " '> " . 'Alter' . " </a> \n " ; echo " </table> \n " ;} echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'trigger=' . urlencode ( $a ) . '">' . 'Add trigger' . " </a> \n " ;}} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " schema " ])){ page_header ( 'Database schema' , " " , array (), h ( DB . ( $_GET [ " ns " ] ? " . $_GET[ns] " : " " ))); $Th = array (); $Uh = array (); $ea = ( $_GET [ " schema " ] ? $_GET [ " schema " ] : $_COOKIE [ " adminer_schema- " . str_replace ( " . " , " _ " , DB )]); preg_match_all ( '~([^:]+):([-0-9.]+)x([-0-9.]+)(_|$)~' , $ea , $Fe , PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $Fe
as $s => $A ){ $Th [ $A [ 1 ]] = array ( $A [ 2 ], $A [ 3 ]); $Uh [] = " \n \t ' " . js_escape ( $A [ 1 ]) . " ': [ $A[2] , $A[3] ] " ;} $ri = 0 ; $Ra =- 1 ; $ch = array (); $Hg = array (); $te = array (); foreach ( table_status ( '' , true ) as $Q => $R ){ if ( is_view ( $R )) continue ; $gg = 0 ; $ch [ $Q ][ " fields " ] = array (); foreach ( fields ( $Q ) as $B => $o ){ $gg += 1.25 ; $o [ " pos " ] = $gg ; $ch [ $Q ][ " fields " ][ $B ] = $o ;} $ch [ $Q ][ " pos " ] = ( $Th [ $Q ] ? $Th [ $Q ] : array ( $ri , 0 )); foreach ( $b -> foreignKeys ( $Q ) as $X ){ if ( ! $X [ " db " ]){ $re = $Ra ; if ( $Th [ $Q ][ 1 ] || $Th [ $X [ " table " ]][ 1 ]) $re = min ( floatval ( $Th [ $Q ][ 1 ]), floatval ( $Th [ $X [ " table " ]][ 1 ])) - 1 ; else $Ra -=. 1 ; while ( $te [( string ) $re ]) $re -=. 0001 ; $ch [ $Q ][ " references " ][ $X [ " table " ]][( string ) $re ] = array ( $X [ " source " ], $X [ " target " ]); $Hg [ $X [ " table " ]][ $Q ][( string ) $re ] = $X [ " target " ]; $te [( string ) $re ] = true ;}} $ri = max ( $ri , $ch [ $Q ][ " pos " ][ 0 ] + 2.5 + $gg );} echo '<div id="schema" style="height: ' , $ri , ' em ; " >
< script ',nonce(),' >
qs ( \ ' #schema\').onselectstart = function () { return false; };
var tablePos = { ',implode(",",$Uh)."\n",' };
var em = qs ( \ '#schema\').offsetHeight / ' , $ri , ' ;
document . onmousemove = schemaMousemove ;
document . onmouseup = partialArg ( schemaMouseup , \ '' , js_escape ( DB ), ' \ ' );
</ script >
' ; foreach ( $ch
as $B => $Q ){ echo " <div class='table' style='top: " . $Q [ " pos " ][ 0 ] . " em; left: " . $Q [ " pos " ][ 1 ] . " em;'> " , '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'table=' . urlencode ( $B ) . '"><b>' . h ( $B ) . " </b></a> " , script ( " qsl('div').onmousedown = schemaMousedown; " ); foreach ( $Q [ " fields " ] as $o ){ $X = '<span' . type_class ( $o [ " type " ]) . ' title="' . h ( $o [ " full_type " ] . ( $o [ " null " ] ? " NULL " : '' )) . '">' . h ( $o [ " field " ]) . '</span>' ; echo " <br> " . ( $o [ " primary " ] ? " <i> $X </i> " : $X );} foreach (( array ) $Q [ " references " ] as $ai => $Ig ){ foreach ( $Ig
as $re => $Eg ){ $se = $re - $Th [ $B ][ 1 ]; $s = 0 ; foreach ( $Eg [ 0 ] as $yh ) echo " \n <div class='references' title=' " . h ( $ai ) . " ' id='refs $re - " . ( $s ++ ) . " ' style='left: $se " . " em; top: " . $Q [ " fields " ][ $yh ][ " pos " ] . " em; padding-top: .5em;'><div style='border-top: 1px solid Gray; width: " . ( - $se ) . " em;'></div></div> " ;}} foreach (( array ) $Hg [ $B ] as $ai => $Ig ){ foreach ( $Ig
as $re => $f ){ $se = $re - $Th [ $B ][ 1 ]; $s = 0 ; foreach ( $f
as $Zh ) echo " \n <div class='references' title=' " . h ( $ai ) . " ' id='refd $re - " . ( $s ++ ) . " ' style='left: $se " . " em; top: " . $Q [ " fields " ][ $Zh ][ " pos " ] . " em; height: 1.25em; background: url( " . h ( preg_replace ( " ~ \\ ?.*~ " , " " , ME ) . " ?file=arrow.gif) no-repeat right center;&version=4.7.7 " ) . " '><div style='height: .5em; border-bottom: 1px solid Gray; width: " . ( - $se ) . " em;'></div></div> " ;}} echo " \n </div> \n " ;} foreach ( $ch
as $B => $Q ){ foreach (( array ) $Q [ " references " ] as $ai => $Ig ){ foreach ( $Ig
as $re => $Eg ){ $Ue = $ri ; $Je =- 10 ; foreach ( $Eg [ 0 ] as $y => $yh ){ $hg = $Q [ " pos " ][ 0 ] + $Q [ " fields " ][ $yh ][ " pos " ]; $ig = $ch [ $ai ][ " pos " ][ 0 ] + $ch [ $ai ][ " fields " ][ $Eg [ 1 ][ $y ]][ " pos " ]; $Ue = min ( $Ue , $hg , $ig ); $Je = max ( $Je , $hg , $ig );} echo " <div class='references' id='refl $re ' style='left: $re " . " em; top: $Ue " . " em; padding: .5em 0;'><div style='border-right: 1px solid Gray; margin-top: 1px; height: " . ( $Je - $Ue ) . " em;'></div></div> \n " ;}}} echo ' </ div >
< p class = " links " >< a href = " ',h(ME. " schema = " .urlencode( $ea )),' " id = " schema-link " > Permanent link </ a >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["dump"])){$a=$_GET["dump"];if($_POST&&!$n){$Eb="";foreach(array("output","format","db_style","routines","events","table_style","auto_increment","triggers","data_style")as$y)$Eb.="&$y=".urlencode($_POST[$y]);cookie("adminer_export",substr($Eb,1));$S=array_flip((array)$_POST["tables"])+array_flip((array)$_POST["data"]);$Kc=dump_headers((count($S)==1?key($S):DB),(DB==""||count($S)>1));$be=preg_match(' ~ sql ~ ' , $_POST [ " format " ]); if ( $be ){ echo " -- Adminer $ia " . $gc [ DRIVER ] . " dump \n \n " ; if ( $x == " sql " ){ echo " SET NAMES utf8;
SET time_zone = '+00:00' ;
SET foreign_key_checks = 0 ;
" .( $_POST["data_style"] ? " SET sql_mode = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' ;
" : " " ). "
" ; $g->query ( " SET time_zone = '+00:00' ; " );}} $Kh = $_POST["db_style"] ; $k =array(DB);if(DB== " " ) { $k = $_POST [ " databases " ]; if ( is_string ( $k )) $k = explode ( " \n " , rtrim ( str_replace ( " \r " , " " , $k ), " \n " )); } foreach((array) $k
as $l ){ $b -> dumpDatabase ( $l ); if ( $g -> select_db ( $l )){ if ( $be && preg_match ( '~CREATE~' , $Kh ) && ( $i = $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE DATABASE " . idf_escape ( $l ), 1 ))){ set_utf8mb4 ( $i ); if ( $Kh == " DROP+CREATE " ) echo " DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . idf_escape ( $l ) . " ; \n " ; echo " $i ; \n " ;} if ( $be ){ if ( $Kh ) echo
use_sql ( $l ) . " ; \n \n " ; $Lf = " " ; if ( $_POST [ " routines " ]){ foreach ( array ( " FUNCTION " , " PROCEDURE " ) as $Wg ){ foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW $Wg STATUS WHERE Db = " . q ( $l ), null , " -- " ) as $I ){ $i = remove_definer ( $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE $Wg " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Name " ]), 2 )); set_utf8mb4 ( $i ); $Lf .= ( $Kh != 'DROP+CREATE' ? " DROP $Wg IF EXISTS " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Name " ]) . " ;; \n " : " " ) . " $i ;; \n \n " ;}}} if ( $_POST [ " events " ]){ foreach ( get_rows ( " SHOW EVENTS " , null , " -- " ) as $I ){ $i = remove_definer ( $g -> result ( " SHOW CREATE EVENT " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Name " ]), 3 )); set_utf8mb4 ( $i ); $Lf .= ( $Kh != 'DROP+CREATE' ? " DROP EVENT IF EXISTS " . idf_escape ( $I [ " Name " ]) . " ;; \n " : " " ) . " $i ;; \n \n " ;}} if ( $Lf ) echo " DELIMITER ;; \n \n $Lf " . " DELIMITER ; \n \n " ;} if ( $_POST [ " table_style " ] || $_POST [ " data_style " ]){ $cj = array (); foreach ( table_status ( '' , true ) as $B => $R ){ $Q = ( DB == " " || in_array ( $B ,( array ) $_POST [ " tables " ])); $Nb = ( DB == " " || in_array ( $B ,( array ) $_POST [ " data " ])); if ( $Q || $Nb ){ if ( $Kc == " tar " ){ $ni = new
TmpFile ; ob_start ( array ( $ni , 'write' ), 1e5 );} $b -> dumpTable ( $B ,( $Q ? $_POST [ " table_style " ] : " " ),( is_view ( $R ) ? 2 : 0 )); if ( is_view ( $R )) $cj [] = $B ; elseif ( $Nb ){ $p = fields ( $B ); $b -> dumpData ( $B , $_POST [ " data_style " ], " SELECT * " . convert_fields ( $p , $p ) . " FROM " . table ( $B ));} if ( $be && $_POST [ " triggers " ] && $Q && ( $Bi = trigger_sql ( $B ))) echo " \n DELIMITER ;; \n $Bi\nDELIMITER ; \n " ; if ( $Kc == " tar " ){ ob_end_flush (); tar_file (( DB != " " ? " " : " $l / " ) . " $B .csv " , $ni );} elseif ( $be ) echo " \n " ;}} foreach ( $cj
as $bj ) $b -> dumpTable ( $bj , $_POST [ " table_style " ], 1 ); if ( $Kc == " tar " ) echo
pack ( " x512 " );}}} if ( $be ) echo " -- " . $g -> result ( " SELECT NOW() " ) . " \n " ; exit ;} page_header ( 'Export' , $n ,( $_GET [ " export " ] != " " ? array ( " table " => $_GET [ " export " ]) : array ()), h ( DB )); echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " layout " >
';$Rb=array(' ',' USE ',' DROP + CREATE ',' CREATE ');$Vh=array(' ',' DROP + CREATE ',' CREATE ');$Ob=array(' ',' TRUNCATE + INSERT ',' INSERT ');if($x=="sql")$Ob[]=' INSERT + UPDATE ';parse_str($_COOKIE["adminer_export"],$I);if(!$I)$I=array("output"=>"text","format"=>"sql","db_style"=>(DB!=""?"":"CREATE"),"table_style"=>"DROP+CREATE","data_style"=>"INSERT");if(!isset($I["events"])){$I["routines"]=$I["events"]=($_GET["dump"]=="");$I["triggers"]=$I["table_style"];}echo"<tr><th>".' Output '."<td>".html_select("output",$b->dumpOutput(),$I["output"],0)."\n";echo"<tr><th>".' Format '."<td>".html_select("format",$b->dumpFormat(),$I["format"],0)."\n";echo($x=="sqlite"?"":"<tr><th>".' Database '."<td>".html_select(' db_style ',$Rb,$I["db_style"]).(support("routine")?checkbox("routines",1,$I["routines"],' Routines '):"").(support("event")?checkbox("events",1,$I["events"],' Events '):"")),"<tr><th>".' Tables '."<td>".html_select(' table_style ',$Vh,$I["table_style"]).checkbox("auto_increment",1,$I["auto_increment"],' Auto Increment ').(support("trigger")?checkbox("triggers",1,$I["triggers"],' Triggers '):""),"<tr><th>".' Data '."<td>".html_select(' data_style ',$Ob,$I["data_style"]),' </ table >
< p >< input type = " submit " value = " Export " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " >
',script("qsl(' table ').onclick = dumpClick;");$lg=array();if(DB!=""){$fb=($a!=""?"":" checked");echo"<thead><tr>","<th style=' text - align : left ; '><label class=' block '><input type=' checkbox ' id=' check - tables '$fb>".' Tables '."</label>".script("qs(' #check-tables').onclick = partial(formCheck, /^tables\\[/);",""),"<th style='text-align: right;'><label class='block'>".'Data'."<input type='checkbox' id='check-data'$fb></label>".script("qs('#check-data').onclick = partial(formCheck, /^data\\[/);",""),"</thead>\n";$cj="";$Wh=tables_list();foreach($Wh
as $B => $T ){ $kg = preg_replace ( '~_.*~' , '' , $B ); $fb = ( $a == " " || $a == ( substr ( $a , - 1 ) == " % " ? " $kg % " : $B )); $og = " <tr><td> " . checkbox ( " tables[] " , $B , $fb , $B , " " , " block " ); if ( $T !== null &&! preg_match ( '~table~i' , $T )) $cj .= " $og\n " ; else
echo " $og <td align='right'><label class='block'><span id='Rows- " . h ( $B ) . " '></span> " . checkbox ( " data[] " , $B , $fb ) . " </label> \n " ; $lg [ $kg ] ++ ;} echo $cj ; if ( $Wh ) echo
script ( " ajaxSetHtml(' " . js_escape ( ME ) . " script=db'); " );} else { echo " <thead><tr><th style='text-align: left;'> " , " <label class='block'><input type='checkbox' id='check-databases' " . ( $a == " " ? " checked " : " " ) . " > " . 'Database' . " </label> " , script ( " qs('#check-databases').onclick = partial(formCheck, /^databases \\ [/); " , " " ), " </thead> \n " ; $k = $b -> databases (); if ( $k ){ foreach ( $k
as $l ){ if ( ! information_schema ( $l )){ $kg = preg_replace ( '~_.*~' , '' , $l ); echo " <tr><td> " . checkbox ( " databases[] " , $l , $a == " " || $a == " $kg % " , $l , " " , " block " ) . " \n " ; $lg [ $kg ] ++ ;}}} else
echo " <tr><td><textarea name='databases' rows='10' cols='20'></textarea> " ;} echo ' </ table >
</ form >
' ; $Yc = true ; foreach ( $lg
as $y => $X ){ if ( $y != " " && $X > 1 ){ echo ( $Yc ? " <p> " : " " ) . " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " dump= " . urlencode ( " $y % " ) . " '> " . h ( $y ) . " </a> " ; $Yc = false ;}}} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " privileges " ])){ page_header ( 'Privileges' ); echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'user=">' . 'Create user' . " </a> " ; $G = $g -> query ( " SELECT User, Host FROM mysql. " . ( DB == " " ? " user " : " db WHERE " . q ( DB ) . " LIKE Db " ) . " ORDER BY Host, User " ); $nd = $G ; if ( ! $G ) $G = $g -> query ( " SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', 1) AS User, SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', -1) AS Host " ); echo " <form action=''><p> \n " ; hidden_fields_get (); echo " <input type='hidden' name='db' value=' " . h ( DB ) . " '> \n " ,( $nd ? " " : " <input type='hidden' name='grant' value=''> \n " ), " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " , " <thead><tr><th> " . 'Username' . " <th> " . 'Server' . " <th></thead> \n " ; while ( $I = $G -> fetch_assoc ()) echo '<tr' . odd () . '><td>' . h ( $I [ " User " ]) . " <td> " . h ( $I [ " Host " ]) . '<td><a href="' . h ( ME . 'user=' . urlencode ( $I [ " User " ]) . '&host=' . urlencode ( $I [ " Host " ])) . '">' . 'Edit' . " </a> \n " ; if ( ! $nd || DB != " " ) echo " <tr " . odd () . " ><td><input name='user' autocapitalize='off'><td><input name='host' value='localhost' autocapitalize='off'><td><input type='submit' value=' " . 'Edit' . " '> \n " ; echo " </table> \n " , " </form> \n " ;} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " sql " ])){ if ( ! $n && $_POST [ " export " ]){ dump_headers ( " sql " ); $b -> dumpTable ( " " , " " ); $b -> dumpData ( " " , " table " , $_POST [ " query " ]); exit ;} restart_session (); $Ad =& get_session ( " queries " ); $_d =& $Ad [ DB ]; if ( ! $n && $_POST [ " clear " ]){ $_d = array (); redirect ( remove_from_uri ( " history " ));} page_header (( isset ( $_GET [ " import " ]) ? 'Import' : 'SQL command' ), $n ); if ( ! $n && $_POST ){ $kd = false ; if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ " import " ])) $F = $_POST [ " query " ]; elseif ( $_POST [ " webfile " ]){ $Bh = $b -> importServerPath (); $kd =@ fopen (( file_exists ( $Bh ) ? $Bh : " compress.zlib:// $Bh .gz " ), " rb " ); $F = ( $kd ? fread ( $kd , 1e6 ) : false );} else $F = get_file ( " sql_file " , true ); if ( is_string ( $F )){ if ( function_exists ( 'memory_get_usage' )) @ ini_set ( " memory_limit " , max ( ini_bytes ( " memory_limit " ), 2 * strlen ( $F ) + memory_get_usage () + 8e6 )); if ( $F != " " && strlen ( $F ) < 1e6 ){ $wg = $F . ( preg_match ( " ~;[ \t \r \n ]* \$ ~ " , $F ) ? " " : " ; " ); if ( ! $_d || reset ( end ( $_d )) != $wg ){ restart_session (); $_d [] = array ( $wg , time ()); set_session ( " queries " , $Ad ); stop_session ();}} $zh = " (?: \\ s|/ \\ *[ \ s \ S]*? \\ */|(?:#|-- )[^ \n ]* \n ?|-- \r ? \n ) " ; $Yb = " ; " ; $C = 0 ; $vc = true ; $h = connect (); if ( is_object ( $h ) && DB != " " ){ $h -> select_db ( DB ); if ( $_GET [ " ns " ] != " " ) set_schema ( $_GET [ " ns " ], $h );} $tb = 0 ; $_c = array (); $Sf = '[\'"' . ( $x == " sql " ? '`#' : ( $x == " sqlite " ? '`[' : ( $x == " mssql " ? '[' : '' ))) . ']|/\*|-- |$' . ( $x == " pgsql " ? '|\$[^$]*\$' : '' ); $si = microtime ( true ); parse_str ( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_export " ], $xa ); $mc = $b -> dumpFormat (); unset ( $mc [ " sql " ]); while ( $F != " " ){ if ( ! $C && preg_match ( " ~^ $zh *+DELIMITER \\ s+( \\ S+)~i " , $F , $A )){ $Yb = $A [ 1 ]; $F = substr ( $F , strlen ( $A [ 0 ]));} else { preg_match ( '(' . preg_quote ( $Yb ) . " \\ s*| $Sf ) " , $F , $A , PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $C ); list ( $id , $gg ) = $A [ 0 ]; if ( ! $id && $kd &&! feof ( $kd )) $F .= fread ( $kd , 1e5 ); else { if ( ! $id && rtrim ( $F ) == " " ) break ; $C = $gg + strlen ( $id ); if ( $id && rtrim ( $id ) != $Yb ){ while ( preg_match ( '(' . ( $id == '/*' ? '\*/' : ( $id == '[' ? ']' : ( preg_match ( '~^-- |^#~' , $id ) ? " \n " : preg_quote ( $id ) . " | \\ \\ . " ))) . '|$)s' , $F , $A , PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $C )){ $ah = $A [ 0 ][ 0 ]; if ( ! $ah && $kd &&! feof ( $kd )) $F .= fread ( $kd , 1e5 ); else { $C = $A [ 0 ][ 1 ] + strlen ( $ah ); if ( $ah [ 0 ] != " \\ " ) break ;}}} else { $vc = false ; $wg = substr ( $F , 0 , $gg ); $tb ++ ; $og = " <pre id='sql- $tb '><code class='jush- $x '> " . $b -> sqlCommandQuery ( $wg ) . " </code></pre> \n " ; if ( $x == " sqlite " && preg_match ( " ~^ $zh *+ATTACH \\ b~i " , $wg , $A )){ echo $og , " <p class='error'> " . 'ATTACH queries are not supported.' . " \n " ; $_c [] = " <a href='#sql- $tb '> $tb </a> " ; if ( $_POST [ " error_stops " ]) break ;} else { if ( ! $_POST [ " only_errors " ]){ echo $og ; ob_flush (); flush ();} $Fh = microtime ( true ); if ( $g -> multi_query ( $wg ) && is_object ( $h ) && preg_match ( " ~^ $zh *+USE \\ b~i " , $wg )) $h -> query ( $wg ); do { $G = $g -> store_result (); if ( $g -> error ){ echo ( $_POST [ " only_errors " ] ? $og : " " ), " <p class='error'> " . 'Error in query' . ( $g -> errno ? " ( $g->errno ) " : " " ) . " : " . error () . " \n " ; $_c [] = " <a href='#sql- $tb '> $tb </a> " ; if ( $_POST [ " error_stops " ]) break
2 ;} else { $gi = " <span class='time'>( " . format_time ( $Fh ) . " )</span> " . ( strlen ( $wg ) < 1000 ? " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " sql= " . urlencode ( trim ( $wg )) . " '> " . 'Edit' . " </a> " : " " ); $za = $g -> affected_rows ; $fj = ( $_POST [ " only_errors " ] ? " " : $m -> warnings ()); $gj = " warnings- $tb " ; if ( $fj ) $gi .= " , <a href='# $gj '> " . 'Warnings' . " </a> " . script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(toggle, ' $gj '); " , " " ); $Hc = null ; $Ic = " explain- $tb " ; if ( is_object ( $G )){ $z = $_POST [ " limit " ]; $Ef = select ( $G , $h , array (), $z ); if ( ! $_POST [ " only_errors " ]){ echo " <form action='' method='post'> \n " ; $if = $G -> num_rows ; echo " <p> " . ( $if ? ( $z && $if > $z ? sprintf ( '%d / ' , $z ) : " " ) . lang ( array ( '%d row' , '%d rows' ), $if ) : " " ), $gi ; if ( $h && preg_match ( " ~^( $zh | \\ ()*+SELECT \\ b~i " , $wg ) && ( $Hc = explain ( $h , $wg ))) echo " , <a href='# $Ic '>Explain</a> " . script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(toggle, ' $Ic '); " , " " ); $t = " export- $tb " ; echo " , <a href='# $t '> " . 'Export' . " </a> " . script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(toggle, ' $t '); " , " " ) . " <span id=' $t ' class='hidden'>: " . html_select ( " output " , $b -> dumpOutput (), $xa [ " output " ]) . " " . html_select ( " format " , $mc , $xa [ " format " ]) . " <input type='hidden' name='query' value=' " . h ( $wg ) . " '> " . " <input type='submit' name='export' value=' " . 'Export' . " '><input type='hidden' name='token' value=' $qi '></span> \n " . " </form> \n " ;}} else { if ( preg_match ( " ~^ $zh *+(CREATE|DROP|ALTER) $zh ++(DATABASE|SCHEMA) \\ b~i " , $wg )){ restart_session (); set_session ( " dbs " , null ); stop_session ();} if ( ! $_POST [ " only_errors " ]) echo " <p class='message' title=' " . h ( $g -> info ) . " '> " . lang ( array ( 'Query executed OK, %d row affected.' , 'Query executed OK, %d rows affected.' ), $za ) . " $gi\n " ;} echo ( $fj ? " <div id=' $gj ' class='hidden'> \n $fj </div> \n " : " " ); if ( $Hc ){ echo " <div id=' $Ic ' class='hidden'> \n " ; select ( $Hc , $h , $Ef ); echo " </div> \n " ;}} $Fh = microtime ( true );} while ( $g -> next_result ());} $F = substr ( $F , $C ); $C = 0 ;}}}} if ( $vc ) echo " <p class='message'> " . 'No commands to execute.' . " \n " ; elseif ( $_POST [ " only_errors " ]){ echo " <p class='message'> " . lang ( array ( '%d query executed OK.' , '%d queries executed OK.' ), $tb - count ( $_c )), " <span class='time'>( " . format_time ( $si ) . " )</span> \n " ;} elseif ( $_c && $tb > 1 ) echo " <p class='error'> " . 'Error in query' . " : " . implode ( " " , $_c ) . " \n " ;} else
echo " <p class='error'> " . upload_error ( $F ) . " \n " ;} echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " enctype = " multipart/form-data " id = " form " >
';$Ec="<input type=' submit ' value=' " .'Execute'. " ' title=' Ctrl + Enter ' > " ;if(!isset( $_GET["import"] )) { $wg = $_GET["sql"] ;if( $_POST ) $wg = $_POST["query"] ;elseif( $_GET["history"] == " all " ) $wg = $_d ;elseif( $_GET["history"] != " " ) $wg = $_d[$_GET["history"] ][0];echo " < p > " ;textarea( " query " , $wg ,20);echo
script (( $_POST ? " " : " qs('textarea').focus(); \n " ) . " qs('#form').onsubmit = partial(sqlSubmit, qs('#form'), ' " . remove_from_uri ( " sql|limit|error_stops|only_errors " ) . " '); " ), " <p> $Ec\n " , 'Limit rows' . " : <input type='number' name='limit' class='size' value=' " . h ( $_POST ? $_POST [ " limit " ] : $_GET [ " limit " ]) . " '> \n " ;} else { echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'File upload' . " </legend><div> " ; $td = ( extension_loaded ( " zlib " ) ? " [.gz] " : " " ); echo ( ini_bool ( " file_uploads " ) ? " SQL $td (< " . ini_get ( " upload_max_filesize " ) . " B): <input type='file' name='sql_file[]' multiple> \n $Ec " : 'File uploads are disabled.' ), " </div></fieldset> \n " ; $Id = $b -> importServerPath (); if ( $Id ){ echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'From server' . " </legend><div> " , sprintf ( 'Webserver file %s' , " <code> " . h ( $Id ) . " $td </code> " ), ' <input type="submit" name="webfile" value="' . 'Run file' . '">' , " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} echo " <p> " ;} echo
checkbox ( " error_stops " , 1 ,( $_POST ? $_POST [ " error_stops " ] : isset ( $_GET [ " import " ])), 'Stop on error' ) . " \n " , checkbox ( " only_errors " , 1 ,( $_POST ? $_POST [ " only_errors " ] : isset ( $_GET [ " import " ])), 'Show only errors' ) . " \n " , " <input type='hidden' name='token' value=' $qi '> \n " ; if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ " import " ]) && $_d ){ print_fieldset ( " history " , 'History' , $_GET [ " history " ] != " " ); for ( $X = end ( $_d ); $X ; $X = prev ( $_d )){ $y = key ( $_d ); list ( $wg , $gi , $qc ) = $X ; echo '<a href="' . h ( ME . " sql=&history= $y " ) . '">' . 'Edit' . " </a> " . " <span class='time' title=' " .@ date ( 'Y-m-d' , $gi ) . " '> " .@ date ( " H:i:s " , $gi ) . " </span> " . " <code class='jush- $x '> " . shorten_utf8 ( ltrim ( str_replace ( " \n " , " " , str_replace ( " \r " , " " , preg_replace ( '~^(#|-- ).*~m' , '' , $wg )))), 80 , " </code> " ) . ( $qc ? " <span class='time'>( $qc )</span> " : " " ) . " <br> \n " ;} echo " <input type='submit' name='clear' value=' " . 'Clear' . " '> \n " , " <a href=' " . h ( ME . " sql=&history=all " ) . " '> " . 'Edit all' . " </a> \n " , " </div></fieldset> \n " ;} echo ' </ form >
' ;} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " edit " ])){ $a = $_GET [ " edit " ]; $p = fields ( $a ); $Z = ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) ? ( $_POST [ " check " ] && count ( $_POST [ " check " ]) == 1 ? where_check ( $_POST [ " check " ][ 0 ], $p ) : " " ) : where ( $_GET , $p )); $Li = ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) ? $_POST [ " edit " ] : $Z ); foreach ( $p
as $B => $o ){ if ( ! isset ( $o [ " privileges " ][ $Li ? " update " : " insert " ]) || $b -> fieldName ( $o ) == " " || $o [ " generated " ]) unset ( $p [ $B ]);} if ( $_POST &&! $n &&! isset ( $_GET [ " select " ])){ $ze = $_POST [ " referer " ]; if ( $_POST [ " insert " ]) $ze = ( $Li ? null : $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ]); elseif ( ! preg_match ( '~^.+&select=.+$~' , $ze )) $ze = ME . " select= " . urlencode ( $a ); $w = indexes ( $a ); $Gi = unique_array ( $_GET [ " where " ], $w ); $zg = " \n WHERE $Z " ; if ( isset ( $_POST [ " delete " ])) queries_redirect ( $ze , 'Item has been deleted.' , $m -> delete ( $a , $zg , ! $Gi )); else { $N = array (); foreach ( $p
as $B => $o ){ $X = process_input ( $o ); if ( $X !== false && $X !== null ) $N [ idf_escape ( $B )] = $X ;} if ( $Li ){ if ( ! $N ) redirect ( $ze ); queries_redirect ( $ze , 'Item has been updated.' , $m -> update ( $a , $N , $zg , ! $Gi )); if ( is_ajax ()){ page_headers (); page_messages ( $n ); exit ;}} else { $G = $m -> insert ( $a , $N ); $qe = ( $G ? last_id () : 0 ); queries_redirect ( $ze , sprintf ( 'Item%s has been inserted.' ,( $qe ? " $qe " : " " )), $G );}}} $I = null ; if ( $_POST [ " save " ]) $I = ( array ) $_POST [ " fields " ]; elseif ( $Z ){ $K = array (); foreach ( $p
as $B => $o ){ if ( isset ( $o [ " privileges " ][ " select " ])){ $Ga = convert_field ( $o ); if ( $_POST [ " clone " ] && $o [ " auto_increment " ]) $Ga = " '' " ; if ( $x == " sql " && preg_match ( " ~enum|set~ " , $o [ " type " ])) $Ga = " 1* " . idf_escape ( $B ); $K [] = ( $Ga ? " $Ga AS " : " " ) . idf_escape ( $B );}} $I = array (); if ( ! support ( " table " )) $K = array ( " * " ); if ( $K ){ $G = $m -> select ( $a , $K , array ( $Z ), $K , array (),( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) ? 2 : 1 )); if ( ! $G ) $n = error (); else { $I = $G -> fetch_assoc (); if ( ! $I ) $I = false ;} if ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ]) && ( ! $I || $G -> fetch_assoc ())) $I = null ;}} if ( ! support ( " table " ) &&! $p ){ if ( ! $Z ){ $G = $m -> select ( $a , array ( " * " ), $Z , array ( " * " )); $I = ( $G ? $G -> fetch_assoc () : false ); if ( ! $I ) $I = array ( $m -> primary => " " );} if ( $I ){ foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( ! $Z ) $I [ $y ] = null ; $p [ $y ] = array ( " field " => $y , " null " => ( $y != $m -> primary ), " auto_increment " => ( $y == $m -> primary ));}}} edit_form ( $a , $p , $I , $Li );} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " create " ])){ $a = $_GET [ " create " ]; $Uf = array (); foreach ( array ( 'HASH' , 'LINEAR HASH' , 'KEY' , 'LINEAR KEY' , 'RANGE' , 'LIST' ) as $y ) $Uf [ $y ] = $y ; $Gg = referencable_primary ( $a ); $gd = array (); foreach ( $Gg
as $Rh => $o ) $gd [ str_replace ( " ` " , " `` " , $Rh ) . " ` " . str_replace ( " ` " , " `` " , $o [ " field " ])] = $Rh ; $Hf = array (); $R = array (); if ( $a != " " ){ $Hf = fields ( $a ); $R = table_status ( $a ); if ( ! $R ) $n = 'No tables.' ;} $I = $_POST ; $I [ " fields " ] = ( array ) $I [ " fields " ]; if ( $I [ " auto_increment_col " ]) $I [ " fields " ][ $I [ " auto_increment_col " ]][ " auto_increment " ] = true ; if ( $_POST ) set_adminer_settings ( array ( " comments " => $_POST [ " comments " ], " defaults " => $_POST [ " defaults " ])); if ( $_POST &&! process_fields ( $I [ " fields " ]) &&! $n ){ if ( $_POST [ " drop " ]) queries_redirect ( substr ( ME , 0 , - 1 ), 'Table has been dropped.' , drop_tables ( array ( $a ))); else { $p = array (); $Da = array (); $Qi = false ; $ed = array (); $Gf = reset ( $Hf ); $Aa = " FIRST " ; foreach ( $I [ " fields " ] as $y => $o ){ $q = $gd [ $o [ " type " ]]; $Ci = ( $q !== null ? $Gg [ $q ] : $o ); if ( $o [ " field " ] != " " ){ if ( ! $o [ " has_default " ]) $o [ " default " ] = null ; if ( $y == $I [ " auto_increment_col " ]) $o [ " auto_increment " ] = true ; $tg = process_field ( $o , $Ci ); $Da [] = array ( $o [ " orig " ], $tg , $Aa ); if ( $tg != process_field ( $Gf , $Gf )){ $p [] = array ( $o [ " orig " ], $tg , $Aa ); if ( $o [ " orig " ] != " " || $Aa ) $Qi = true ;} if ( $q !== null ) $ed [ idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ])] = ( $a != " " && $x != " sqlite " ? " ADD " : " " ) . format_foreign_key ( array ( 'table' => $gd [ $o [ " type " ]], 'source' => array ( $o [ " field " ]), 'target' => array ( $Ci [ " field " ]), 'on_delete' => $o [ " on_delete " ],)); $Aa = " AFTER " . idf_escape ( $o [ " field " ]);} elseif ( $o [ " orig " ] != " " ){ $Qi = true ; $p [] = array ( $o [ " orig " ]);} if ( $o [ " orig " ] != " " ){ $Gf = next ( $Hf ); if ( ! $Gf ) $Aa = " " ;}} $Wf = " " ; if ( $Uf [ $I [ " partition_by " ]]){ $Xf = array (); if ( $I [ " partition_by " ] == 'RANGE' || $I [ " partition_by " ] == 'LIST' ){ foreach ( array_filter ( $I [ " partition_names " ]) as $y => $X ){ $Y = $I [ " partition_values " ][ $y ]; $Xf [] = " \n PARTITION " . idf_escape ( $X ) . " VALUES " . ( $I [ " partition_by " ] == 'RANGE' ? " LESS THAN " : " IN " ) . ( $Y != " " ? " ( $Y ) " : " MAXVALUE " );}} $Wf .= " \n PARTITION BY $I[partition_by] ( $I[partition] ) " . ( $Xf ? " ( " . implode ( " , " , $Xf ) . " \n ) " : ( $I [ " partitions " ] ? " PARTITIONS " . ( + $I [ " partitions " ]) : " " ));} elseif ( support ( " partitioning " ) && preg_match ( " ~partitioned~ " , $R [ " Create_options " ])) $Wf .= " \n REMOVE PARTITIONING " ; $Ne = 'Table has been altered.' ; if ( $a == " " ){ cookie ( " adminer_engine " , $I [ " Engine " ]); $Ne = 'Table has been created.' ;} $B = trim ( $I [ " name " ]); queries_redirect ( ME . ( support ( " table " ) ? " table= " : " select= " ) . urlencode ( $B ), $Ne , alter_table ( $a , $B ,( $x == " sqlite " && ( $Qi || $ed ) ? $Da : $p ), $ed ,( $I [ " Comment " ] != $R [ " Comment " ] ? $I [ " Comment " ] : null ),( $I [ " Engine " ] && $I [ " Engine " ] != $R [ " Engine " ] ? $I [ " Engine " ] : " " ),( $I [ " Collation " ] && $I [ " Collation " ] != $R [ " Collation " ] ? $I [ " Collation " ] : " " ),( $I [ " Auto_increment " ] != " " ? number ( $I [ " Auto_increment " ]) : " " ), $Wf ));}} page_header (( $a != " " ? 'Alter table' : 'Create table' ), $n , array ( " table " => $a ), h ( $a )); if ( ! $_POST ){ $I = array ( " Engine " => $_COOKIE [ " adminer_engine " ], " fields " => array ( array ( " field " => " " , " type " => ( isset ( $U [ " int " ]) ? " int " : ( isset ( $U [ " integer " ]) ? " integer " : " " )), " on_update " => " " )), " partition_names " => array ( " " ),); if ( $a != " " ){ $I = $R ; $I [ " name " ] = $a ; $I [ " fields " ] = array (); if ( ! $_GET [ " auto_increment " ]) $I [ " Auto_increment " ] = " " ; foreach ( $Hf
as $o ){ $o [ " has_default " ] = isset ( $o [ " default " ]); $I [ " fields " ][] = $o ;} if ( support ( " partitioning " )){ $ld = " FROM information_schema.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = " . q ( DB ) . " AND TABLE_NAME = " . q ( $a ); $G = $g -> query ( " SELECT PARTITION_METHOD, PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION, PARTITION_EXPRESSION $ld ORDER BY PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION DESC LIMIT 1 " ); list ( $I [ " partition_by " ], $I [ " partitions " ], $I [ " partition " ]) = $G -> fetch_row (); $Xf = get_key_vals ( " SELECT PARTITION_NAME, PARTITION_DESCRIPTION $ld AND PARTITION_NAME != '' ORDER BY PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION " ); $Xf [ " " ] = " " ; $I [ " partition_names " ] = array_keys ( $Xf ); $I [ " partition_values " ] = array_values ( $Xf );}}} $pb = collations (); $xc = engines (); foreach ( $xc
as $wc ){ if ( ! strcasecmp ( $wc , $I [ " Engine " ])){ $I [ " Engine " ] = $wc ; break ;}} echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " id = " form " >
< p >
';if(support("columns")||$a==""){echo' Table name : < input name = " name " data - maxlength = " 64 " value = " ',h( $I["name"] ),' " autocapitalize = " off " >
' ; if ( $a == " " &&! $_POST ) echo
script ( " focus(qs('#form')['name']); " ); echo ( $xc ? " <select name='Engine'> " . optionlist ( array ( " " => " ( " . 'engine' . " ) " ) + $xc , $I [ " Engine " ]) . " </select> " . on_help ( " getTarget(event).value " , 1 ) . script ( " qsl('select').onchange = helpClose; " ) : " " ), ' ' ,( $pb &&! preg_match ( " ~sqlite|mssql~ " , $x ) ? html_select ( " Collation " , array ( " " => " ( " . 'collation' . " ) " ) + $pb , $I [ " Collation " ]) : " " ), ' < input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if(support("columns")){echo' < div class = " scrollable " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " id = " edit-fields " class = " nowrap " >
';edit_fields($I["fields"],$pb,"TABLE",$gd);echo' </ table >
',script("editFields();"),' </ div >
< p >
Auto Increment : < input type = " number " name = " Auto_increment " size = " 6 " value = " ',h( $I["Auto_increment"] ),' " >
',checkbox("defaults",1,($_POST?$_POST["defaults"]:adminer_setting("defaults")),' Default values ',"columnShow(this.checked, 5)","jsonly"),(support("comment")?checkbox("comments",1,($_POST?$_POST["comments"]:adminer_setting("comments")),' Comment ',"editingCommentsClick(this, true);","jsonly").' < input name = " Comment " value = " '.h( $I["Comment"] ).' " data - maxlength = " '.(min_version(5.5)?2048:60).' " > ':' '),' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if($a!=""){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$a));}if(support("partitioning")){$Vf=preg_match(' ~ RANGE | LIST ~ ',$I["partition_by"]);print_fieldset("partition",' Partition by ',$I["partition_by"]);echo' < p >
',"<select name=' partition_by '>".optionlist(array(""=>"")+$Uf,$I["partition_by"])."</select>".on_help("getTarget(event).value.replace(/./, ' PARTITION BY \ $ & ')",1).script("qsl(' select ').onchange = partitionByChange;"),' ( < input name = " partition " value = " ',h( $I["partition"] ),' " > )
Partitions : < input type = " number " name = " partitions " class = " size',( $Vf ||! $I["partition_by"] ? " hidden " : " " ),' " value = " ',h( $I["partitions"] ),' " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " id = " partition-table " ',($Vf?"":" class=' hidden '"),' >
< thead >< tr >< th > Partition name < th > Values </ thead >
';foreach($I["partition_names"]as$y=>$X){echo' < tr > ',' < td >< input name = " partition_names[] " value = " '.h( $X ).' " autocapitalize = " off " > ',($y==count($I["partition_names"])-1?script("qsl(' input ').oninput = partitionNameChange;"):' '),' < td >< input name = " partition_values[] " value = " '.h( $I["partition_values"] [ $y ]).' " > ';}echo' </ table >
</ div ></ fieldset >
';}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["indexes"])){$a=$_GET["indexes"];$Ld=array("PRIMARY","UNIQUE","INDEX");$R=table_status($a,true);if(preg_match(' ~ MyISAM | M ? aria '.(min_version(5.6,' 10.0 . 5 ')?' | InnoDB ':' ').' ~ i ',$R["Engine"]))$Ld[]="FULLTEXT";if(preg_match(' ~ MyISAM | M ? aria '.(min_version(5.7,' 10.2 . 2 ')?' | InnoDB ':' ').' ~ i ' , $R [ " Engine " ])) $Ld [] = " SPATIAL " ; $w = indexes ( $a ); $mg = array (); if ( $x == " mongo " ){ $mg = $w [ " _id_ " ]; unset ( $Ld [ 0 ]); unset ( $w [ " _id_ " ]);} $I = $_POST ; if ( $_POST &&! $n &&! $_POST [ " add " ] &&! $_POST [ " drop_col " ]){ $c = array (); foreach ( $I [ " indexes " ] as $v ){ $B = $v [ " name " ]; if ( in_array ( $v [ " type " ], $Ld )){ $f = array (); $we = array (); $ac = array (); $N = array (); ksort ( $v [ " columns " ]); foreach ( $v [ " columns " ] as $y => $e ){ if ( $e != " " ){ $ve = $v [ " lengths " ][ $y ]; $Zb = $v [ " descs " ][ $y ]; $N [] = idf_escape ( $e ) . ( $ve ? " ( " . ( + $ve ) . " ) " : " " ) . ( $Zb ? " DESC " : " " ); $f [] = $e ; $we [] = ( $ve ? $ve : null ); $ac [] = $Zb ;}} if ( $f ){ $Fc = $w [ $B ]; if ( $Fc ){ ksort ( $Fc [ " columns " ]); ksort ( $Fc [ " lengths " ]); ksort ( $Fc [ " descs " ]); if ( $v [ " type " ] == $Fc [ " type " ] && array_values ( $Fc [ " columns " ]) === $f && ( ! $Fc [ " lengths " ] || array_values ( $Fc [ " lengths " ]) === $we ) && array_values ( $Fc [ " descs " ]) === $ac ){ unset ( $w [ $B ]); continue ;}} $c [] = array ( $v [ " type " ], $B , $N );}}} foreach ( $w
as $B => $Fc ) $c [] = array ( $Fc [ " type " ], $B , " DROP " ); if ( ! $c ) redirect ( ME . " table= " . urlencode ( $a )); queries_redirect ( ME . " table= " . urlencode ( $a ), 'Indexes have been altered.' , alter_indexes ( $a , $c ));} page_header ( 'Indexes' , $n , array ( " table " => $a ), h ( $a )); $p = array_keys ( fields ( $a )); if ( $_POST [ " add " ]){ foreach ( $I [ " indexes " ] as $y => $v ){ if ( $v [ " columns " ][ count ( $v [ " columns " ])] != " " ) $I [ " indexes " ][ $y ][ " columns " ][] = " " ;} $v = end ( $I [ " indexes " ]); if ( $v [ " type " ] || array_filter ( $v [ " columns " ], 'strlen' )) $I [ " indexes " ][] = array ( " columns " => array ( 1 => " " ));} if ( ! $I ){ foreach ( $w
as $y => $v ){ $w [ $y ][ " name " ] = $y ; $w [ $y ][ " columns " ][] = " " ;} $w [] = array ( " columns " => array ( 1 => " " )); $I [ " indexes " ] = $w ;} echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< div class = " scrollable " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " nowrap " >
< thead >< tr >
< th id = " label-type " > Index Type
< th >< input type = " submit " class = " wayoff " > Column ( length )
< th id = " label-name " > Name
< th >< noscript > ',"<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' add [ 0 ] ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = plus . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' + ' title=' " .'Add next'. " '>",' </ noscript >
</ thead >
' ; if ( $mg ){ echo " <tr><td>PRIMARY<td> " ; foreach ( $mg [ " columns " ] as $y => $e ){ echo
select_input ( " disabled " , $p , $e ), " <label><input disabled type='checkbox'> " . 'descending' . " </label> " ;} echo " <td><td> \n " ;} $ee = 1 ; foreach ( $I [ " indexes " ] as $v ){ if ( ! $_POST [ " drop_col " ] || $ee != key ( $_POST [ " drop_col " ])){ echo " <tr><td> " . html_select ( " indexes[ $ee ][type] " , array ( - 1 => " " ) + $Ld , $v [ " type " ],( $ee == count ( $I [ " indexes " ]) ? " indexesAddRow.call(this); " : 1 ), " label-type " ), " <td> " ; ksort ( $v [ " columns " ]); $s = 1 ; foreach ( $v [ " columns " ] as $y => $e ){ echo " <span> " . select_input ( " name='indexes[ $ee ][columns][ $s ]' title=' " . 'Column' . " ' " ,( $p ? array_combine ( $p , $p ) : $p ), $e , " partial( " . ( $s == count ( $v [ " columns " ]) ? " indexesAddColumn " : " indexesChangeColumn " ) . " , ' " . js_escape ( $x == " sql " ? " " : $_GET [ " indexes " ] . " _ " ) . " ') " ),( $x == " sql " || $x == " mssql " ? " <input type='number' name='indexes[ $ee ][lengths][ $s ]' class='size' value=' " . h ( $v [ " lengths " ][ $y ]) . " ' title=' " . 'Length' . " '> " : " " ),( support ( " descidx " ) ? checkbox ( " indexes[ $ee ][descs][ $s ] " , 1 , $v [ " descs " ][ $y ], 'descending' ) : " " ), " </span> " ; $s ++ ;} echo " <td><input name='indexes[ $ee ][name]' value=' " . h ( $v [ " name " ]) . " ' autocapitalize='off' aria-labelledby='label-name'> \n " , " <td><input type='image' class='icon' name='drop_col[ $ee ]' src=' " . h ( preg_replace ( " ~ \\ ?.*~ " , " " , ME ) . " ?file=cross.gif&version=4.7.7 " ) . " ' alt='x' title=' " . 'Remove' . " '> " . script ( " qsl('input').onclick = partial(editingRemoveRow, 'indexes \$ 1[type]'); " );} $ee ++ ;} echo ' </ table >
</ div >
< p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["database"])){$I=$_POST;if($_POST&&!$n&&!isset($_POST["add_x"])){$B=trim($I["name"]);if($_POST["drop"]){$_GET["db"]="";queries_redirect(remove_from_uri("db|database"),' Database has been dropped . ',drop_databases(array(DB)));}elseif(DB!==$B){if(DB!=""){$_GET["db"]=$B;queries_redirect(preg_replace(' ~ \bdb = [ ^& ] *&~ ',' ',ME)."db=".urlencode($B),' Database has been renamed . ' , rename_database ( $B , $I [ " collation " ]));} else { $k = explode ( " \n " , str_replace ( " \r " , " " , $B )); $Lh = true ; $pe = " " ; foreach ( $k
as $l ){ if ( count ( $k ) == 1 || $l != " " ){ if ( ! create_database ( $l , $I [ " collation " ])) $Lh = false ; $pe = $l ;}} restart_session (); set_session ( " dbs " , null ); queries_redirect ( ME . " db= " . urlencode ( $pe ), 'Database has been created.' , $Lh );}} else { if ( ! $I [ " collation " ]) redirect ( substr ( ME , 0 , - 1 )); query_redirect ( " ALTER DATABASE " . idf_escape ( $B ) . ( preg_match ( '~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i' , $I [ " collation " ]) ? " COLLATE $I[collation] " : " " ), substr ( ME , 0 , - 1 ), 'Database has been altered.' );}} page_header ( DB != " " ? 'Alter database' : 'Create database' , $n , array (), h ( DB )); $pb = collations (); $B = DB ; if ( $_POST ) $B = $I [ " name " ]; elseif ( DB != " " ) $I [ " collation " ] = db_collation ( DB , $pb ); elseif ( $x == " sql " ){ foreach ( get_vals ( " SHOW GRANTS " ) as $nd ){ if ( preg_match ( '~ ON (`(([^\\\\`]|``|\\\\.)*)%`\.\*)?~' , $nd , $A ) && $A [ 1 ]){ $B = stripcslashes ( idf_unescape ( " ` $A[2] ` " )); break ;}}} echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< p >
',($_POST["add_x"]||strpos($B,"\n")?' < textarea id = " name " name = " name " rows = " 10 " cols = " 40 " > '.h($B).' </ textarea >< br > ':' < input name = " name " id = " name " value = " '.h( $B ).' " data - maxlength = " 64 " autocapitalize = " off " > ')."\n".($pb?html_select("collation",array(""=>"(".' collation '.")")+$pb,$I["collation"]).doc_link(array(' sql '=>"charset-charsets.html",' mariadb '=>"supported-character-sets-and-collations/",' mssql '=>"ms187963.aspx",)):""),script("focus(qs(' #name'));"),'<input type="submit" value="Save">
';if(DB!="")echo"<input type=' submit ' name=' drop ' value=' " .'Drop'. " '>".confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',DB))."\n";elseif(!$_POST["add_x"]&&$_GET["db"]=="")echo"<input type=' image ' class=' icon ' name=' add ' src=' " .h(preg_replace( " ~ \\ ? .*~ " , " " ,ME). " ? file = plus . gif & version = 4.7 . 7 " ). " ' alt=' + ' title=' " .'Add next'. " '>\n";echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["scheme"])){$I=$_POST;if($_POST&&!$n){$_=preg_replace(' ~ ns = [ ^& ] *&~ ',' ',ME)."ns=";if($_POST["drop"])query_redirect("DROP SCHEMA ".idf_escape($_GET["ns"]),$_,' Schema has been dropped . ');else{$B=trim($I["name"]);$_.=urlencode($B);if($_GET["ns"]=="")query_redirect("CREATE SCHEMA ".idf_escape($B),$_,' Schema has been created . ');elseif($_GET["ns"]!=$B)query_redirect("ALTER SCHEMA ".idf_escape($_GET["ns"])." RENAME TO ".idf_escape($B),$_,' Schema has been altered . ' ); else
redirect ( $_ );}} page_header ( $_GET [ " ns " ] != " " ? 'Alter schema' : 'Create schema' , $n ); if ( ! $I ) $I [ " name " ] = $_GET [ " ns " ]; echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< p >< input name = " name " id = " name " value = " ',h( $I["name"] ),' " autocapitalize = " off " >
',script("focus(qs(' #name'));"),'<input type="submit" value="Save">
';if($_GET["ns"]!="")echo"<input type=' submit ' name=' drop ' value=' " .'Drop'. " '>".confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$_GET["ns"]))."\n";echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["call"])){$da=($_GET["name"]?$_GET["name"]:$_GET["call"]);page_header(' Call '.": ".h($da),$n);$Wg=routine($_GET["call"],(isset($_GET["callf"])?"FUNCTION":"PROCEDURE"));$Jd=array();$Lf=array();foreach($Wg["fields"]as$s=>$o){if(substr($o["inout"],-3)=="OUT")$Lf[$s]="@".idf_escape($o["field"])." AS ".idf_escape($o["field"]);if(!$o["inout"]||substr($o["inout"],0,2)=="IN")$Jd[]=$s;}if(!$n&&$_POST){$ab=array();foreach($Wg["fields"]as$y=>$o){if(in_array($y,$Jd)){$X=process_input($o);if($X===false)$X="' '";if(isset($Lf[$y]))$g->query("SET @".idf_escape($o["field"])." = $X");}$ab[]=(isset($Lf[$y])?"@".idf_escape($o["field"]):$X);}$F=(isset($_GET["callf"])?"SELECT":"CALL")." ".table($da)."(".implode(", ",$ab).")";$Fh=microtime(true);$G=$g->multi_query($F);$za=$g->affected_rows;echo$b->selectQuery($F,$Fh,!$G);if(!$G)echo"<p class=' error ' > " .error(). " \n " ;else { $h =connect();if(is_object( $h )) $h->select_db (DB);do { $G = $g->store_result ();if(is_object( $G ))select( $G , $h );else
echo " <p class='message'> " . lang ( array ( 'Routine has been called, %d row affected.' , 'Routine has been called, %d rows affected.' ), $za ) . " <span class='time'> " .@ date ( " H:i:s " ) . " </span> \n " ;} while ( $g -> next_result ()); if ( $Lf ) select ( $g -> query ( " SELECT " . implode ( " , " , $Lf )));}} echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
';if($Jd){echo"<table cellspacing=' 0 ' class=' layout ' > \n " ;foreach( $Jd
as $y ){ $o = $Wg [ " fields " ][ $y ]; $B = $o [ " field " ]; echo " <tr><th> " . $b -> fieldName ( $o ); $Y = $_POST [ " fields " ][ $B ]; if ( $Y != " " ){ if ( $o [ " type " ] == " enum " ) $Y =+ $Y ; if ( $o [ " type " ] == " set " ) $Y = array_sum ( $Y );} input ( $o , $Y ,( string ) $_POST [ " function " ][ $B ]); echo " \n " ;} echo " </table> \n " ;} echo ' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Call " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["foreign"])){$a=$_GET["foreign"];$B=$_GET["name"];$I=$_POST;if($_POST&&!$n&&!$_POST["add"]&&!$_POST["change"]&&!$_POST["change-js"]){$Ne=($_POST["drop"]?' Foreign key has been dropped . ':($B!=""?' Foreign key has been altered . ':' Foreign key has been created . '));$ze=ME."table=".urlencode($a);if(!$_POST["drop"]){$I["source"]=array_filter($I["source"],' strlen ');ksort($I["source"]);$Zh=array();foreach($I["source"]as$y=>$X)$Zh[$y]=$I["target"][$y];$I["target"]=$Zh;}if($x=="sqlite")queries_redirect($ze,$Ne,recreate_table($a,$a,array(),array(),array(" $B"=>($_POST["drop"]?"":" ".format_foreign_key($I)))));else{$c="ALTER TABLE ".table($a);$hc="\nDROP ".($x=="sql"?"FOREIGN KEY ":"CONSTRAINT ").idf_escape($B);if($_POST["drop"])query_redirect($c.$hc,$ze,$Ne);else{query_redirect($c.($B!=""?"$hc,":"")."\nADD".format_foreign_key($I),$ze,$Ne);$n=' Source and target columns must have the same data type , there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist . '."<br>$n";}}}page_header(' Foreign key ',$n,array("table"=>$a),h($a));if($_POST){ksort($I["source"]);if($_POST["add"])$I["source"][]="";elseif($_POST["change"]||$_POST["change-js"])$I["target"]=array();}elseif($B!=""){$gd=foreign_keys($a);$I=$gd[$B];$I["source"][]="";}else{$I["table"]=$a;$I["source"]=array("");}echo'
< form action = " " method = " post " >
';$yh=array_keys(fields($a));if($I["db"]!="")$g->select_db($I["db"]);if($I["ns"]!="")set_schema($I["ns"]);$Fg=array_keys(array_filter(table_status(' ',true),' fk_support '));$Zh=($a===$I["table"]?$yh:array_keys(fields(in_array($I["table"],$Fg)?$I["table"]:reset($Fg))));$tf="this.form[' change - js '].value = ' 1 '; this.form.submit();";echo"<p>".' Target table '.": ".html_select("table",$Fg,$I["table"],$tf)."\n";if($x=="pgsql")echo' Schema '.": ".html_select("ns",$b->schemas(),$I["ns"]!=""?$I["ns"]:$_GET["ns"],$tf);elseif($x!="sqlite"){$Sb=array();foreach($b->databases()as$l){if(!information_schema($l))$Sb[]=$l;}echo' DB '.": ".html_select("db",$Sb,$I["db"]!=""?$I["db"]:$_GET["db"],$tf);}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " change-js " value = " " >
< noscript >< p >< input type = " submit " name = " change " value = " Change " ></ noscript >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " >
< thead >< tr >< th id = " label-source " > Source < th id = " label-target " > Target </ thead >
';$ee=0;foreach($I["source"]as$y=>$X){echo"<tr>","<td>".html_select("source[".(+$y)."]",array(-1=>"")+$yh,$X,($ee==count($I["source"])-1?"foreignAddRow.call(this);":1),"label-source"),"<td>".html_select("target[".(+$y)."]",$Zh,$I["target"][$y],1,"label-target");$ee++;}echo' </ table >
< p >
ON DELETE : ',html_select("on_delete",array(-1=>"")+explode("|",$sf),$I["on_delete"]),' ON UPDATE : ',html_select("on_update",array(-1=>"")+explode("|",$sf),$I["on_update"]),doc_link(array(' sql '=>"innodb-foreign-key-constraints.html",' mariadb '=>"foreign-keys/",' pgsql '=>"sql-createtable.html#SQL-CREATETABLE-REFERENCES",' mssql '=>"ms174979.aspx",' oracle '=>"https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/clauses002.htm#sthref2903",)),' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
< noscript >< p >< input type = " submit " name = " add " value = " Add column " ></ noscript >
';if($B!=""){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$B));}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["view"])){$a=$_GET["view"];$I=$_POST;$If="VIEW";if($x=="pgsql"&&$a!=""){$O=table_status($a);$If=strtoupper($O["Engine"]);}if($_POST&&!$n){$B=trim($I["name"]);$Ga=" AS\n$I[select]";$ze=ME."table=".urlencode($B);$Ne=' View has been altered . ';$T=($_POST["materialized"]?"MATERIALIZED VIEW":"VIEW");if(!$_POST["drop"]&&$a==$B&&$x!="sqlite"&&$T=="VIEW"&&$If=="VIEW")query_redirect(($x=="mssql"?"ALTER":"CREATE OR REPLACE")." VIEW ".table($B).$Ga,$ze,$Ne);else{$bi=$B."_adminer_".uniqid();drop_create("DROP $If ".table($a),"CREATE $T ".table($B).$Ga,"DROP $T ".table($B),"CREATE $T ".table($bi).$Ga,"DROP $T ".table($bi),($_POST["drop"]?substr(ME,0,-1):$ze),' View has been dropped . ',$Ne,' View has been created . ',$a,$B);}}if(!$_POST&&$a!=""){$I=view($a);$I["name"]=$a;$I["materialized"]=($If!="VIEW");if(!$n)$n=error();}page_header(($a!=""?' Alter view ':' Create view '),$n,array("table"=>$a),h($a));echo'
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< p > Name : < input name = " name " value = " ',h( $I["name"] ),' " data - maxlength = " 64 " autocapitalize = " off " >
',(support("materializedview")?" ".checkbox("materialized",1,$I["materialized"],' Materialized view '):""),' < p > ';textarea("select",$I["select"]);echo' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if($a!=""){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$a));}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["event"])){$aa=$_GET["event"];$Wd=array("YEAR","QUARTER","MONTH","DAY","HOUR","MINUTE","WEEK","SECOND","YEAR_MONTH","DAY_HOUR","DAY_MINUTE","DAY_SECOND","HOUR_MINUTE","HOUR_SECOND","MINUTE_SECOND");$Hh=array("ENABLED"=>"ENABLE","DISABLED"=>"DISABLE","SLAVESIDE_DISABLED"=>"DISABLE ON SLAVE");$I=$_POST;if($_POST&&!$n){if($_POST["drop"])query_redirect("DROP EVENT ".idf_escape($aa),substr(ME,0,-1),' Event has been dropped . ');elseif(in_array($I["INTERVAL_FIELD"],$Wd)&&isset($Hh[$I["STATUS"]])){$bh="\nON SCHEDULE ".($I["INTERVAL_VALUE"]?"EVERY ".q($I["INTERVAL_VALUE"])." $I[INTERVAL_FIELD]".($I["STARTS"]?" STARTS ".q($I["STARTS"]):"").($I["ENDS"]?" ENDS ".q($I["ENDS"]):""):"AT ".q($I["STARTS"]))." ON COMPLETION".($I["ON_COMPLETION"]?"":" NOT")." PRESERVE";queries_redirect(substr(ME,0,-1),($aa!=""?' Event has been altered . ':' Event has been created . '),queries(($aa!=""?"ALTER EVENT ".idf_escape($aa).$bh.($aa!=$I["EVENT_NAME"]?"\nRENAME TO ".idf_escape($I["EVENT_NAME"]):""):"CREATE EVENT ".idf_escape($I["EVENT_NAME"]).$bh)."\n".$Hh[$I["STATUS"]]." COMMENT ".q($I["EVENT_COMMENT"]).rtrim(" DO\n$I[EVENT_DEFINITION]",";").";"));}}page_header(($aa!=""?' Alter event '.": ".h($aa):' Create event '),$n);if(!$I&&$aa!=""){$J=get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.EVENTS WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA = ".q(DB)." AND EVENT_NAME = ".q($aa));$I=reset($J);}echo'
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " layout " >
< tr >< th > Name < td >< input name = " EVENT_NAME " value = " ',h( $I["EVENT_NAME"] ),' " data - maxlength = " 64 " autocapitalize = " off " >
< tr >< th title = " datetime " > Start < td >< input name = " STARTS " value = " ',h( " $I [ EXECUTE_AT ] $I [ STARTS ] " ),' " >
< tr >< th title = " datetime " > End < td >< input name = " ENDS " value = " ',h( $I["ENDS"] ),' " >
< tr >< th > Every < td >< input type = " number " name = " INTERVAL_VALUE " value = " ',h( $I["INTERVAL_VALUE"] ),' " class = " size " > ',html_select("INTERVAL_FIELD",$Wd,$I["INTERVAL_FIELD"]),' < tr >< th > Status < td > ',html_select("STATUS",$Hh,$I["STATUS"]),' < tr >< th > Comment < td >< input name = " EVENT_COMMENT " value = " ',h( $I["EVENT_COMMENT"] ),' " data - maxlength = " 64 " >
< tr >< th >< td > ',checkbox("ON_COMPLETION","PRESERVE",$I["ON_COMPLETION"]=="PRESERVE",' On completion preserve '),' </ table >
< p > ';textarea("EVENT_DEFINITION",$I["EVENT_DEFINITION"]);echo' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if($aa!=""){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$aa));}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["procedure"])){$da=($_GET["name"]?$_GET["name"]:$_GET["procedure"]);$Wg=(isset($_GET["function"])?"FUNCTION":"PROCEDURE");$I=$_POST;$I["fields"]=(array)$I["fields"];if($_POST&&!process_fields($I["fields"])&&!$n){$Ff=routine($_GET["procedure"],$Wg);$bi="$I[name]_adminer_".uniqid();drop_create("DROP $Wg ".routine_id($da,$Ff),create_routine($Wg,$I),"DROP $Wg ".routine_id($I["name"],$I),create_routine($Wg,array("name"=>$bi)+$I),"DROP $Wg ".routine_id($bi,$I),substr(ME,0,-1),' Routine has been dropped . ',' Routine has been altered . ',' Routine has been created . ',$da,$I["name"]);}page_header(($da!=""?(isset($_GET["function"])?' Alter function ':' Alter procedure ').": ".h($da):(isset($_GET["function"])?' Create function ':' Create procedure ')),$n);if(!$_POST&&$da!=""){$I=routine($_GET["procedure"],$Wg);$I["name"]=$da;}$pb=get_vals("SHOW CHARACTER SET");sort($pb);$Xg=routine_languages();echo'
< form action = " " method = " post " id = " form " >
< p > Name : < input name = " name " value = " ',h( $I["name"] ),' " data - maxlength = " 64 " autocapitalize = " off " >
',($Xg?' Language '.": ".html_select("language",$Xg,$I["language"])."\n":""),' < input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
< div class = " scrollable " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " nowrap " >
';edit_fields($I["fields"],$pb,$Wg);if(isset($_GET["function"])){echo"<tr><td>".' Return type ';edit_type("returns",$I["returns"],$pb,array(),($x=="pgsql"?array("void","trigger"):array()));}echo' </ table >
',script("editFields();"),' </ div >
< p > ';textarea("definition",$I["definition"]);echo' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if($da!=""){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$da));}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["sequence"])){$fa=$_GET["sequence"];$I=$_POST;if($_POST&&!$n){$_=substr(ME,0,-1);$B=trim($I["name"]);if($_POST["drop"])query_redirect("DROP SEQUENCE ".idf_escape($fa),$_,' Sequence has been dropped . ');elseif($fa=="")query_redirect("CREATE SEQUENCE ".idf_escape($B),$_,' Sequence has been created . ');elseif($fa!=$B)query_redirect("ALTER SEQUENCE ".idf_escape($fa)." RENAME TO ".idf_escape($B),$_,' Sequence has been altered . ' ); else
redirect ( $_ );} page_header ( $fa != " " ? 'Alter sequence' . " : " . h ( $fa ) : 'Create sequence' , $n ); if ( ! $I ) $I [ " name " ] = $fa ; echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< p >< input name = " name " value = " ',h( $I["name"] ),' " autocapitalize = " off " >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if($fa!="")echo"<input type=' submit ' name=' drop ' value=' " .'Drop'. " '>".confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$fa))."\n";echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["type"])){$ga=$_GET["type"];$I=$_POST;if($_POST&&!$n){$_=substr(ME,0,-1);if($_POST["drop"])query_redirect("DROP TYPE ".idf_escape($ga),$_,' Type has been dropped . ' ); else
query_redirect ( " CREATE TYPE " . idf_escape ( trim ( $I [ " name " ])) . " $I[as] " , $_ , 'Type has been created.' );} page_header ( $ga != " " ? 'Alter type' . " : " . h ( $ga ) : 'Create type' , $n ); if ( ! $I ) $I [ " as " ] = " AS " ; echo '
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< p >
';if($ga!="")echo"<input type=' submit ' name=' drop ' value=' " .'Drop'. " '>".confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$ga))."\n";else{echo"<input name=' name ' value=' " .h( $I['name'] ). " ' autocapitalize=' off '>\n";textarea("as",$I["as"]);echo"<p><input type=' submit ' value=' " .'Save'. " '>\n";}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["trigger"])){$a=$_GET["trigger"];$B=$_GET["name"];$Ai=trigger_options();$I=(array)trigger($B)+array("Trigger"=>$a."_bi");if($_POST){if(!$n&&in_array($_POST["Timing"],$Ai["Timing"])&&in_array($_POST["Event"],$Ai["Event"])&&in_array($_POST["Type"],$Ai["Type"])){$rf=" ON ".table($a);$hc="DROP TRIGGER ".idf_escape($B).($x=="pgsql"?$rf:"");$ze=ME."table=".urlencode($a);if($_POST["drop"])query_redirect($hc,$ze,' Trigger has been dropped . ');else{if($B!="")queries($hc);queries_redirect($ze,($B!=""?' Trigger has been altered . ':' Trigger has been created . '),queries(create_trigger($rf,$_POST)));if($B!="")queries(create_trigger($rf,$I+array("Type"=>reset($Ai["Type"]))));}}$I=$_POST;}page_header(($B!=""?' Alter trigger '.": ".h($B):' Create trigger '),$n,array("table"=>$a));echo'
< form action = " " method = " post " id = " form " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " layout " >
< tr >< th > Time < td > ',html_select("Timing",$Ai["Timing"],$I["Timing"],"triggerChange(/^".preg_quote($a,"/")."_[ba][iud]$/, ' " .js_escape( $a ). " ', this.form);"),' < tr >< th > Event < td > ',html_select("Event",$Ai["Event"],$I["Event"],"this.form[' Timing '].onchange();"),(in_array("UPDATE OF",$Ai["Event"])?" <input name=' Of ' value=' " .h( $I["Of"] ). " ' class=' hidden '>":""),' < tr >< th > Type < td > ',html_select("Type",$Ai["Type"],$I["Type"]),' </ table >
< p > Name : < input name = " Trigger " value = " ',h( $I["Trigger"] ),' " data - maxlength = " 64 " autocapitalize = " off " >
',script("qs(' #form')['Timing'].onchange();"),'<p>';textarea("Statement",$I["Statement"]);echo'<p>
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if($B!=""){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',$B));}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["user"])){$ha=$_GET["user"];$rg=array(""=>array("All privileges"=>""));foreach(get_rows("SHOW PRIVILEGES")as$I){foreach(explode(",",($I["Privilege"]=="Grant option"?"":$I["Context"]))as$Cb)$rg[$Cb][$I["Privilege"]]=$I["Comment"];}$rg["Server Admin"]+=$rg["File access on server"];$rg["Databases"]["Create routine"]=$rg["Procedures"]["Create routine"];unset($rg["Procedures"]["Create routine"]);$rg["Columns"]=array();foreach(array("Select","Insert","Update","References")as$X)$rg["Columns"][$X]=$rg["Tables"][$X];unset($rg["Server Admin"]["Usage"]);foreach($rg["Tables"]as$y=>$X)unset($rg["Databases"][$y]);$af=array();if($_POST){foreach($_POST["objects"]as$y=>$X)$af[$X]=(array)$af[$X]+(array)$_POST["grants"][$y];}$od=array();$pf="";if(isset($_GET["host"])&&($G=$g->query("SHOW GRANTS FOR ".q($ha)."@".q($_GET["host"])))){while($I=$G->fetch_row()){if(preg_match(' ~ GRANT ( .* ) ON ( .* ) TO ~ ',$I[0],$A)&&preg_match_all(' ~ * ([ ^ (,] * [ ^ ,(])( * \ ([ ^ )] + \ )) ? ~ ' , $A [ 1 ], $Fe , PREG_SET_ORDER )){ foreach ( $Fe
as $X ){ if ( $X [ 1 ] != " USAGE " ) $od [ " $A[2] $X[2] " ][ $X [ 1 ]] = true ; if ( preg_match ( '~ WITH GRANT OPTION~' , $I [ 0 ])) $od [ " $A[2] $X[2] " ][ " GRANT OPTION " ] = true ;}} if ( preg_match ( " ~ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '([^']+)~ " , $I [ 0 ], $A )) $pf = $A [ 1 ];}} if ( $_POST &&! $n ){ $qf = ( isset ( $_GET [ " host " ]) ? q ( $ha ) . " @ " . q ( $_GET [ " host " ]) : " '' " ); if ( $_POST [ " drop " ]) query_redirect ( " DROP USER $qf " , ME . " privileges= " , 'User has been dropped.' ); else { $cf = q ( $_POST [ " user " ]) . " @ " . q ( $_POST [ " host " ]); $Zf = $_POST [ " pass " ]; if ( $Zf != '' &&! $_POST [ " hashed " ] &&! min_version ( 8 )){ $Zf = $g -> result ( " SELECT PASSWORD( " . q ( $Zf ) . " ) " ); $n =! $Zf ;} $Hb = false ; if ( ! $n ){ if ( $qf != $cf ){ $Hb = queries (( min_version ( 5 ) ? " CREATE USER " : " GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO " ) . " $cf IDENTIFIED BY " . ( min_version ( 8 ) ? " " : " PASSWORD " ) . q ( $Zf )); $n =! $Hb ;} elseif ( $Zf != $pf ) queries ( " SET PASSWORD FOR $cf = " . q ( $Zf ));} if ( ! $n ){ $Tg = array (); foreach ( $af
as $kf => $nd ){ if ( isset ( $_GET [ " grant " ])) $nd = array_filter ( $nd ); $nd = array_keys ( $nd ); if ( isset ( $_GET [ " grant " ])) $Tg = array_diff ( array_keys ( array_filter ( $af [ $kf ], 'strlen' )), $nd ); elseif ( $qf == $cf ){ $nf = array_keys (( array ) $od [ $kf ]); $Tg = array_diff ( $nf , $nd ); $nd = array_diff ( $nd , $nf ); unset ( $od [ $kf ]);} if ( preg_match ( '~^(.+)\s*(\(.*\))?$~U' , $kf , $A ) && ( ! grant ( " REVOKE " , $Tg , $A [ 2 ], " ON $A[1] FROM $cf " ) ||! grant ( " GRANT " , $nd , $A [ 2 ], " ON $A[1] TO $cf " ))){ $n = true ; break ;}}} if ( ! $n && isset ( $_GET [ " host " ])){ if ( $qf != $cf ) queries ( " DROP USER $qf " ); elseif ( ! isset ( $_GET [ " grant " ])){ foreach ( $od
as $kf => $Tg ){ if ( preg_match ( '~^(.+)(\(.*\))?$~U' , $kf , $A )) grant ( " REVOKE " , array_keys ( $Tg ), $A [ 2 ], " ON $A[1] FROM $cf " );}}} queries_redirect ( ME . " privileges= " ,( isset ( $_GET [ " host " ]) ? 'User has been altered.' : 'User has been created.' ), ! $n ); if ( $Hb ) $g -> query ( " DROP USER $cf " );}} page_header (( isset ( $_GET [ " host " ]) ? 'Username' . " : " . h ( " $ha @ $_GET[host] " ) : 'Create user' ), $n , array ( " privileges " => array ( '' , 'Privileges' ))); if ( $_POST ){ $I = $_POST ; $od = $af ;} else { $I = $_GET + array ( " host " => $g -> result ( " SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', -1) " )); $I [ " pass " ] = $pf ; if ( $pf != " " ) $I [ " hashed " ] = true ; $od [( DB == " " || $od ? " " : idf_escape ( addcslashes ( DB , " %_ \\ " ))) . " .* " ] = array ();} echo ' < form action = " " method = " post " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " layout " >
< tr >< th > Server < td >< input name = " host " data - maxlength = " 60 " value = " ',h( $I["host"] ),' " autocapitalize = " off " >
< tr >< th > Username < td >< input name = " user " data - maxlength = " 80 " value = " ',h( $I["user"] ),' " autocapitalize = " off " >
< tr >< th > Password < td >< input name = " pass " id = " pass " value = " ',h( $I["pass"] ),' " autocomplete = " new-password " >
' ; if ( ! $I [ " hashed " ]) echo
script ( " typePassword(qs('#pass')); " ); echo ( min_version ( 8 ) ? " " : checkbox ( " hashed " , 1 , $I [ " hashed " ], 'Hashed' , " typePassword(this.form['pass'], this.checked); " )), ' </ table >
';echo"<table cellspacing=' 0 '>\n","<thead><tr><th colspan=' 2 '>".' Privileges '.doc_link(array(' sql ' => " grant.html#priv_level " )); $s = 0 ; foreach ( $od
as $kf => $nd ){ echo '<th>' . ( $kf != " *.* " ? " <input name='objects[ $s ]' value=' " . h ( $kf ) . " ' size='10' autocapitalize='off'> " : " <input type='hidden' name='objects[ $s ]' value='*.*' size='10'>*.* " ); $s ++ ;} echo " </thead> \n " ; foreach ( array ( " " => " " , " Server Admin " => 'Server' , " Databases " => 'Database' , " Tables " => 'Table' , " Columns " => 'Column' , " Procedures " => 'Routine' ,) as $Cb => $Zb ){ foreach (( array ) $rg [ $Cb ] as $qg => $ub ){ echo " <tr " . odd () . " ><td " . ( $Zb ? " > $Zb <td " : " colspan='2' " ) . ' lang="en" title="' . h ( $ub ) . '">' . h ( $qg ); $s = 0 ; foreach ( $od
as $kf => $nd ){ $B = " 'grants[ $s ][ " . h ( strtoupper ( $qg )) . " ]' " ; $Y = $nd [ strtoupper ( $qg )]; if ( $Cb == " Server Admin " && $kf != ( isset ( $od [ " *.* " ]) ? " *.* " : " .* " )) echo " <td> " ; elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " grant " ])) echo " <td><select name= $B ><option><option value='1' " . ( $Y ? " selected " : " " ) . " > " . 'Grant' . " <option value='0' " . ( $Y == " 0 " ? " selected " : " " ) . " > " . 'Revoke' . " </select> " ; else { echo " <td align='center'><label class='block'> " , " <input type='checkbox' name= $B value='1' " . ( $Y ? " checked " : " " ) . ( $qg == " All privileges " ? " id='grants- $s -all'> " : " > " . ( $qg == " Grant option " ? " " : script ( " qsl('input').onclick = function () { if (this.checked) formUncheck('grants- $s -all'); }; " ))), " </label> " ;} $s ++ ;}}} echo " </table> \n " , ' < p >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " >
';if(isset($_GET["host"])){echo' < input type = " submit " name = " drop " value = " Drop " > ',confirm(sprintf(' Drop % s ? ',"$ha@$_GET[host]"));}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
';}elseif(isset($_GET["processlist"])){if(support("kill")&&$_POST&&!$n){$le=0;foreach((array)$_POST["kill"]as$X){if(kill_process($X))$le++;}queries_redirect(ME."processlist=",lang(array(' % d process has been killed . ',' % d processes have been killed . '),$le),$le||!$_POST["kill"]);}page_header(' Process list ',$n);echo'
< form action = " " method = " post " >
< div class = " scrollable " >
< table cellspacing = " 0 " class = " nowrap checkable " >
',script("mixin(qsl(' table '), {onclick: tableClick, ondblclick: partialArg(tableClick, true)});");$s=-1;foreach(process_list()as$s=>$I){if(!$s){echo"<thead><tr lang=' en ' > " .(support( " kill " )? " < th > " : " " );foreach( $I
as $y => $X ) echo " <th> $y " . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => " show-processlist.html#processlist_ " . strtolower ( $y ), 'pgsql' => " monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-ACTIVITY-VIEW " , 'oracle' => " REFRN30223 " ,)); echo " </thead> \n " ;} echo " <tr " . odd () . " > " . ( support ( " kill " ) ? " <td> " . checkbox ( " kill[] " , $I [ $x == " sql " ? " Id " : " pid " ], 0 ) : " " ); foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ) echo " <td> " . (( $x == " sql " && $y == " Info " && preg_match ( " ~Query|Killed~ " , $I [ " Command " ]) && $X != " " ) || ( $x == " pgsql " && $y == " current_query " && $X != " <IDLE> " ) || ( $x == " oracle " && $y == " sql_text " && $X != " " ) ? " <code class='jush- $x '> " . shorten_utf8 ( $X , 100 , " </code> " ) . ' <a href="' . h ( ME . ( $I [ " db " ] != " " ? " db= " . urlencode ( $I [ " db " ]) . " & " : " " ) . " sql= " . urlencode ( $X )) . '">' . 'Clone' . '</a>' : h ( $X )); echo " \n " ;} echo ' </ table >
</ div >
< p >
';if(support("kill")){echo($s+1)."/".sprintf(' % d in total ',max_connections()),"<p><input type=' submit ' value=' " .'Kill'. " '>\n";}echo' < input type = " hidden " name = " token " value = " ', $qi ,' " >
</ form >
' , script ( " tableCheck(); " );} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " select " ])){ $a = $_GET [ " select " ]; $R = table_status1 ( $a ); $w = indexes ( $a ); $p = fields ( $a ); $gd = column_foreign_keys ( $a ); $mf = $R [ " Oid " ]; parse_str ( $_COOKIE [ " adminer_import " ], $ya ); $Ug = array (); $f = array (); $fi = null ; foreach ( $p
as $y => $o ){ $B = $b -> fieldName ( $o ); if ( isset ( $o [ " privileges " ][ " select " ]) && $B != " " ){ $f [ $y ] = html_entity_decode ( strip_tags ( $B ), ENT_QUOTES ); if ( is_shortable ( $o )) $fi = $b -> selectLengthProcess ();} $Ug += $o [ " privileges " ];} list ( $K , $pd ) = $b -> selectColumnsProcess ( $f , $w ); $ae = count ( $pd ) < count ( $K ); $Z = $b -> selectSearchProcess ( $p , $w ); $Bf = $b -> selectOrderProcess ( $p , $w ); $z = $b -> selectLimitProcess (); if ( $_GET [ " val " ] && is_ajax ()){ header ( " Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 " ); foreach ( $_GET [ " val " ] as $Hi => $I ){ $Ga = convert_field ( $p [ key ( $I )]); $K = array ( $Ga ? $Ga : idf_escape ( key ( $I ))); $Z [] = where_check ( $Hi , $p ); $H = $m -> select ( $a , $K , $Z , $K ); if ( $H ) echo
reset ( $H -> fetch_row ());} exit ;} $mg = $Ji = null ; foreach ( $w
as $v ){ if ( $v [ " type " ] == " PRIMARY " ){ $mg = array_flip ( $v [ " columns " ]); $Ji = ( $K ? $mg : array ()); foreach ( $Ji
as $y => $X ){ if ( in_array ( idf_escape ( $y ), $K )) unset ( $Ji [ $y ]);} break ;}} if ( $mf &&! $mg ){ $mg = $Ji = array ( $mf => 0 ); $w [] = array ( " type " => " PRIMARY " , " columns " => array ( $mf ));} if ( $_POST &&! $n ){ $lj = $Z ; if ( ! $_POST [ " all " ] && is_array ( $_POST [ " check " ])){ $gb = array (); foreach ( $_POST [ " check " ] as $db ) $gb [] = where_check ( $db , $p ); $lj [] = " (( " . implode ( " ) OR ( " , $gb ) . " )) " ;} $lj = ( $lj ? " \n WHERE " . implode ( " AND " , $lj ) : " " ); if ( $_POST [ " export " ]){ cookie ( " adminer_import " , " output= " . urlencode ( $_POST [ " output " ]) . " &format= " . urlencode ( $_POST [ " format " ])); dump_headers ( $a ); $b -> dumpTable ( $a , " " ); $ld = ( $K ? implode ( " , " , $K ) : " * " ) . convert_fields ( $f , $p , $K ) . " \n FROM " . table ( $a ); $rd = ( $pd && $ae ? " \n GROUP BY " . implode ( " , " , $pd ) : " " ) . ( $Bf ? " \n ORDER BY " . implode ( " , " , $Bf ) : " " ); if ( ! is_array ( $_POST [ " check " ]) || $mg ) $F = " SELECT $ld $lj $rd " ; else { $Fi = array (); foreach ( $_POST [ " check " ] as $X ) $Fi [] = " (SELECT " . limit ( $ld , " \n WHERE " . ( $Z ? implode ( " AND " , $Z ) . " AND " : " " ) . where_check ( $X , $p ) . $rd , 1 ) . " ) " ; $F = implode ( " UNION ALL " , $Fi );} $b -> dumpData ( $a , " table " , $F ); exit ;} if ( ! $b -> selectEmailProcess ( $Z , $gd )){ if ( $_POST [ " save " ] || $_POST [ " delete " ]){ $G = true ; $za = 0 ; $N = array (); if ( ! $_POST [ " delete " ]){ foreach ( $f
as $B => $X ){ $X = process_input ( $p [ $B ]); if ( $X !== null && ( $_POST [ " clone " ] || $X !== false )) $N [ idf_escape ( $B )] = ( $X !== false ? $X : idf_escape ( $B ));}} if ( $_POST [ " delete " ] || $N ){ if ( $_POST [ " clone " ]) $F = " INTO " . table ( $a ) . " ( " . implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $N )) . " ) \n SELECT " . implode ( " , " , $N ) . " \n FROM " . table ( $a ); if ( $_POST [ " all " ] || ( $mg && is_array ( $_POST [ " check " ])) || $ae ){ $G = ( $_POST [ " delete " ] ? $m -> delete ( $a , $lj ) : ( $_POST [ " clone " ] ? queries ( " INSERT $F $lj " ) : $m -> update ( $a , $N , $lj ))); $za = $g -> affected_rows ;} else { foreach (( array ) $_POST [ " check " ] as $X ){ $hj = " \n WHERE " . ( $Z ? implode ( " AND " , $Z ) . " AND " : " " ) . where_check ( $X , $p ); $G = ( $_POST [ " delete " ] ? $m -> delete ( $a , $hj , 1 ) : ( $_POST [ " clone " ] ? queries ( " INSERT " . limit1 ( $a , $F , $hj )) : $m -> update ( $a , $N , $hj , 1 ))); if ( ! $G ) break ; $za += $g -> affected_rows ;}}} $Ne = lang ( array ( '%d item has been affected.' , '%d items have been affected.' ), $za ); if ( $_POST [ " clone " ] && $G && $za == 1 ){ $qe = last_id (); if ( $qe ) $Ne = sprintf ( 'Item%s has been inserted.' , " $qe " );} queries_redirect ( remove_from_uri ( $_POST [ " all " ] && $_POST [ " delete " ] ? " page " : " " ), $Ne , $G ); if ( ! $_POST [ " delete " ]){ edit_form ( $a , $p ,( array ) $_POST [ " fields " ], ! $_POST [ " clone " ]); page_footer (); exit ;}} elseif ( ! $_POST [ " import " ]){ if ( ! $_POST [ " val " ]) $n = 'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.' ; else { $G = true ; $za = 0 ; foreach ( $_POST [ " val " ] as $Hi => $I ){ $N = array (); foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ $y = bracket_escape ( $y , 1 ); $N [ idf_escape ( $y )] = ( preg_match ( '~char|text~' , $p [ $y ][ " type " ]) || $X != " " ? $b -> processInput ( $p [ $y ], $X ) : " NULL " );} $G = $m -> update ( $a , $N , " WHERE " . ( $Z ? implode ( " AND " , $Z ) . " AND " : " " ) . where_check ( $Hi , $p ), ! $ae &&! $mg , " " ); if ( ! $G ) break ; $za += $g -> affected_rows ;} queries_redirect ( remove_from_uri (), lang ( array ( '%d item has been affected.' , '%d items have been affected.' ), $za ), $G );}} elseif ( ! is_string ( $Vc = get_file ( " csv_file " , true ))) $n = upload_error ( $Vc ); elseif ( ! preg_match ( '~~u' , $Vc )) $n = 'File must be in UTF-8 encoding.' ; else { cookie ( " adminer_import " , " output= " . urlencode ( $ya [ " output " ]) . " &format= " . urlencode ( $_POST [ " separator " ])); $G = true ; $rb = array_keys ( $p ); preg_match_all ( '~(?>"[^"]*"|[^"\r\n]+)+~' , $Vc , $Fe ); $za = count ( $Fe [ 0 ]); $m -> begin (); $L = ( $_POST [ " separator " ] == " csv " ? " , " : ( $_POST [ " separator " ] == " tsv " ? " \t " : " ; " )); $J = array (); foreach ( $Fe [ 0 ] as $y => $X ){ preg_match_all ( " ~((?> \" [^ \" ]* \" )+|[^ $L ]*) $L ~ " , $X . $L , $Ge ); if ( ! $y &&! array_diff ( $Ge [ 1 ], $rb )){ $rb = $Ge [ 1 ]; $za -- ;} else { $N = array (); foreach ( $Ge [ 1 ] as $s => $nb ) $N [ idf_escape ( $rb [ $s ])] = ( $nb == " " && $p [ $rb [ $s ]][ " null " ] ? " NULL " : q ( str_replace ( '""' , '"' , preg_replace ( '~^"|"$~' , '' , $nb )))); $J [] = $N ;}} $G = ( ! $J || $m -> insertUpdate ( $a , $J , $mg )); if ( $G ) $G = $m -> commit (); queries_redirect ( remove_from_uri ( " page " ), lang ( array ( '%d row has been imported.' , '%d rows have been imported.' ), $za ), $G ); $m -> rollback ();}}} $Rh = $b -> tableName ( $R ); if ( is_ajax ()){ page_headers (); ob_start ();} else
page_header ( 'Select' . " : $Rh " , $n ); $N = null ; if ( isset ( $Ug [ " insert " ]) ||! support ( " table " )){ $N = " " ; foreach (( array ) $_GET [ " where " ] as $X ){ if ( $gd [ $X [ " col " ]] && count ( $gd [ $X [ " col " ]]) == 1 && ( $X [ " op " ] == " = " || ( ! $X [ " op " ] &&! preg_match ( '~[_%]~' , $X [ " val " ])))) $N .= " &set " . urlencode ( " [ " . bracket_escape ( $X [ " col " ]) . " ] " ) . " = " . urlencode ( $X [ " val " ]);}} $b -> selectLinks ( $R , $N ); if ( ! $f && support ( " table " )) echo " <p class='error'> " . 'Unable to select the table' . ( $p ? " . " : " : " . error ()) . " \n " ; else { echo " <form action='' id='form'> \n " , " <div style='display: none;'> " ; hidden_fields_get (); echo ( DB != " " ? '<input type="hidden" name="db" value="' . h ( DB ) . '">' . ( isset ( $_GET [ " ns " ]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="ns" value="' . h ( $_GET [ " ns " ]) . '">' : " " ) : " " ); echo '<input type="hidden" name="select" value="' . h ( $a ) . '">' , " </div> \n " ; $b -> selectColumnsPrint ( $K , $f ); $b -> selectSearchPrint ( $Z , $f , $w ); $b -> selectOrderPrint ( $Bf , $f , $w ); $b -> selectLimitPrint ( $z ); $b -> selectLengthPrint ( $fi ); $b -> selectActionPrint ( $w ); echo " </form> \n " ; $D = $_GET [ " page " ]; if ( $D == " last " ){ $jd = $g -> result ( count_rows ( $a , $Z , $ae , $pd )); $D = floor ( max ( 0 , $jd - 1 ) / $z );} $gh = $K ; $qd = $pd ; if ( ! $gh ){ $gh [] = " * " ; $Db = convert_fields ( $f , $p , $K ); if ( $Db ) $gh [] = substr ( $Db , 2 );} foreach ( $K
as $y => $X ){ $o = $p [ idf_unescape ( $X )]; if ( $o && ( $Ga = convert_field ( $o ))) $gh [ $y ] = " $Ga AS $X " ;} if ( ! $ae && $Ji ){ foreach ( $Ji
as $y => $X ){ $gh [] = idf_escape ( $y ); if ( $qd ) $qd [] = idf_escape ( $y );}} $G = $m -> select ( $a , $gh , $Z , $qd , $Bf , $z , $D , true ); if ( ! $G ) echo " <p class='error'> " . error () . " \n " ; else { if ( $x == " mssql " && $D ) $G -> seek ( $z * $D ); $uc = array (); echo " <form action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> \n " ; $J = array (); while ( $I = $G -> fetch_assoc ()){ if ( $D && $x == " oracle " ) unset ( $I [ " RNUM " ]); $J [] = $I ;} if ( $_GET [ " page " ] != " last " && $z != " " && $pd && $ae && $x == " sql " ) $jd = $g -> result ( " SELECT FOUND_ROWS() " ); if ( ! $J ) echo " <p class='message'> " . 'No rows.' . " \n " ; else { $Qa = $b -> backwardKeys ( $a , $Rh ); echo " <div class='scrollable'> " , " <table id='table' cellspacing='0' class='nowrap checkable'> " , script ( " mixin(qs('#table'), { onclick: tableClick, ondblclick: partialArg(tableClick, true), onkeydown: editingKeydown}); " ), " <thead><tr> " . ( ! $pd && $K ? " " : " <td><input type='checkbox' id='all-page' class='jsonly'> " . script ( " qs('#all-page').onclick = partial(formCheck, /check/); " , " " ) . " <a href=' " . h ( $_GET [ " modify " ] ? remove_from_uri ( " modify " ) : $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ] . " &modify=1 " ) . " '> " . 'Modify' . " </a> " ); $Ze = array (); $md = array (); reset ( $K ); $Ag = 1 ; foreach ( $J [ 0 ] as $y => $X ){ if ( ! isset ( $Ji [ $y ])){ $X = $_GET [ " columns " ][ key ( $K )]; $o = $p [ $K ? ( $X ? $X [ " col " ] : current ( $K )) : $y ]; $B = ( $o ? $b -> fieldName ( $o , $Ag ) : ( $X [ " fun " ] ? " * " : $y )); if ( $B != " " ){ $Ag ++ ; $Ze [ $y ] = $B ; $e = idf_escape ( $y ); $Dd = remove_from_uri ( '(order|desc)[^=]*|page' ) . '&order%5B0%5D=' . urlencode ( $y ); $Zb = " &desc%5B0%5D=1 " ; echo " <th> " . script ( " mixin(qsl('th'), { onmouseover: partial(columnMouse), onmouseout: partial(columnMouse, ' hidden')}); " , " " ), '<a href="' . h ( $Dd . ( $Bf [ 0 ] == $e || $Bf [ 0 ] == $y || ( ! $Bf && $ae && $pd [ 0 ] == $e ) ? $Zb : '' )) . '">' ; echo
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
apply_sql_function ( $X [ " fun " ], $B ) . " </a> " ; echo " <span class='column hidden'> " , " <a href=' " . h ( $Dd . $Zb ) . " ' title=' " . 'descending' . " ' class='text'> ↓</a> " ; if ( ! $X [ " fun " ]){ echo '<a href="#fieldset-search" title="' . 'Search' . '" class="text jsonly"> =</a>' , script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(selectSearch, ' " . js_escape ( $y ) . " '); " );} echo " </span> " ;} $md [ $y ] = $X [ " fun " ]; next ( $K );}} $we = array (); if ( $_GET [ " modify " ]){ foreach ( $J
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
as $I ){ foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ) $we [ $y ] = max ( $we [ $y ], min ( 40 , strlen ( utf8_decode ( $X ))));}} echo ( $Qa ? " <th> " . 'Relations' : " " ) . " </thead> \n " ; if ( is_ajax ()){ if ( $z % 2 == 1 && $D % 2 == 1 ) odd (); ob_end_clean ();} foreach ( $b -> rowDescriptions ( $J , $gd ) as $Ye => $I ){ $Gi = unique_array ( $J [ $Ye ], $w ); if ( ! $Gi ){ $Gi = array (); foreach ( $J [ $Ye ] as $y => $X ){ if ( ! preg_match ( '~^(COUNT\((\*|(DISTINCT )?`(?:[^`]|``)+`)\)|(AVG|GROUP_CONCAT|MAX|MIN|SUM)\(`(?:[^`]|``)+`\))$~' , $y )) $Gi [ $y ] = $X ;}} $Hi = " " ; foreach ( $Gi
as $y => $X ){ if (( $x == " sql " || $x == " pgsql " ) && preg_match ( '~char|text|enum|set~' , $p [ $y ][ " type " ]) && strlen ( $X ) > 64 ){ $y = ( strpos ( $y , '(' ) ? $y : idf_escape ( $y )); $y = " MD5( " . ( $x != 'sql' || preg_match ( " ~^utf8~ " , $p [ $y ][ " collation " ]) ? $y : " CONVERT( $y USING " . charset ( $g ) . " ) " ) . " ) " ; $X = md5 ( $X );} $Hi .= " & " . ( $X !== null ? urlencode ( " where[ " . bracket_escape ( $y ) . " ] " ) . " = " . urlencode ( $X ) : " null%5B%5D= " . urlencode ( $y ));} echo " <tr " . odd () . " > " . ( ! $pd && $K ? " " : " <td> " . checkbox ( " check[] " , substr ( $Hi , 1 ), in_array ( substr ( $Hi , 1 ),( array ) $_POST [ " check " ])) . ( $ae || information_schema ( DB ) ? " " : " <a href=' " . h ( ME . " edit= " . urlencode ( $a ) . $Hi ) . " ' class='edit'> " . 'edit' . " </a> " )); foreach ( $I
as $y => $X ){ if ( isset ( $Ze [ $y ])){ $o = $p [ $y ]; $X = $m -> value ( $X , $o ); if ( $X != " " && ( ! isset ( $uc [ $y ]) || $uc [ $y ] != " " )) $uc [ $y ] = ( is_mail ( $X ) ? $Ze [ $y ] : " " ); $_ = " " ; if ( preg_match ( '~blob|bytea|raw|file~' , $o [ " type " ]) && $X != " " ) $_ = ME . 'download=' . urlencode ( $a ) . '&field=' . urlencode ( $y ) . $Hi ; if ( ! $_ && $X !== null ){ foreach (( array ) $gd [ $y ] as $q ){ if ( count ( $gd [ $y ]) == 1 || end ( $q [ " source " ]) == $y ){ $_ = " " ; foreach ( $q [ " source " ] as $s => $yh ) $_ .= where_link ( $s , $q [ " target " ][ $s ], $J [ $Ye ][ $yh ]); $_ = ( $q [ " db " ] != " " ? preg_replace ( '~([?&]db=)[^&]+~' , '\1' . urlencode ( $q [ " db " ]), ME ) : ME ) . 'select=' . urlencode ( $q [ " table " ]) . $_ ; if ( $q [ " ns " ]) $_ = preg_replace ( '~([?&]ns=)[^&]+~' , '\1' . urlencode ( $q [ " ns " ]), $_ ); if ( count ( $q [ " source " ]) == 1 ) break ;}}} if ( $y == " COUNT(*) " ){ $_ = ME . " select= " . urlencode ( $a ); $s = 0 ; foreach (( array ) $_GET [ " where " ] as $W ){ if ( ! array_key_exists ( $W [ " col " ], $Gi )) $_ .= where_link ( $s ++ , $W [ " col " ], $W [ " val " ], $W [ " op " ]);} foreach ( $Gi
2020-11-08 13:27:31 +01:00
as $fe => $W ) $_ .= where_link ( $s ++ , $fe , $W );} $X = select_value ( $X , $_ , $o , $fi ); $t = h ( " val[ $Hi ][ " . bracket_escape ( $y ) . " ] " ); $Y = $_POST [ " val " ][ $Hi ][ bracket_escape ( $y )]; $pc =! is_array ( $I [ $y ]) && is_utf8 ( $X ) && $J [ $Ye ][ $y ] == $I [ $y ] &&! $md [ $y ]; $ei = preg_match ( '~text|lob~' , $o [ " type " ]); echo " <td id=' $t ' " ; if (( $_GET [ " modify " ] && $pc ) || $Y !== null ){ $ud = h ( $Y !== null ? $Y : $I [ $y ]); echo " > " . ( $ei ? " <textarea name=' $t ' cols='30' rows=' " . ( substr_count ( $I [ $y ], " \n " ) + 1 ) . " '> $ud </textarea> " : " <input name=' $t ' value=' $ud ' size=' $we[$y] '> " );} else { $Ae = strpos ( $X , " <i>…</i> " ); echo " data-text=' " . ( $Ae ? 2 : ( $ei ? 1 : 0 )) . " ' " . ( $pc ? " " : " data-warning=' " . h ( 'Use edit link to modify this value.' ) . " ' " ) . " > $X </td> " ;}}} if ( $Qa ) echo " <td> " ; $b -> backwardKeysPrint ( $Qa , $J [ $Ye ]); echo " </tr> \n " ;} if ( is_ajax ()) exit ; echo " </table> \n " , " </div> \n " ;} if ( ! is_ajax ()){ if ( $J || $D ){ $Dc = true ; if ( $_GET [ " page " ] != " last " ){ if ( $z == " " || ( count ( $J ) < $z && ( $J ||! $D ))) $jd = ( $D ? $D * $z : 0 ) + count ( $J ); elseif ( $x != " sql " ||! $ae ){ $jd = ( $ae ? false : found_rows ( $R , $Z )); if ( $jd < max ( 1e4 , 2 * ( $D + 1 ) * $z )) $jd = reset ( slow_query ( count_rows ( $a , $Z , $ae , $pd ))); else $Dc = false ;}} $Of = ( $z != " " && ( $jd === false || $jd > $z || $D )); if ( $Of ){ echo (( $jd === false ? count ( $J ) + 1 : $jd - $D * $z ) > $z ? '<p><a href="' . h ( remove_from_uri ( " page " ) . " &page= " . ( $D + 1 )) . '" class="loadmore">' . 'Load more data' . '</a>' . script ( " qsl('a').onclick = partial(selectLoadMore, " . ( + $z ) . " , ' " . 'Loading' . " …'); " , " " ) : '' ), " \n " ;}} echo " <div class='footer'><div> \n " ; if ( $J || $D ){ if ( $Of ){ $Ie = ( $jd === false ? $D + ( count ( $J ) >= $z ? 2 : 1 ) : floor (( $jd - 1 ) / $z )); echo " <fieldset> " ; if ( $x != " simpledb " ){ echo " <legend><a href=' " . h ( remove_from_uri ( " page " )) . " '> " . 'Page' . " </a></legend> " , script ( " qsl('a').onclick = function () { pageClick(this.href, +prompt(' " . 'Page' . " ', ' " . ( $D + 1 ) . " ')); return false; }; " ), pagination ( 0 , $D ) . ( $D > 5 ? " … " : " " ); for ( $s = max ( 1 , $D - 4 ); $s < min ( $Ie , $D + 5 ); $s ++ ) echo
pagination ( $s , $D ); if ( $Ie > 0 ){ echo ( $D + 5 < $Ie ? " … " : " " ),( $Dc && $jd !== false ? pagination ( $Ie , $D ) : " <a href=' " . h ( remove_from_uri ( " page " ) . " &page=last " ) . " ' title='~ $Ie '> " . 'last' . " </a> " );}} else { echo " <legend> " . 'Page' . " </legend> " , pagination ( 0 , $D ) . ( $D > 1 ? " … " : " " ),( $D ? pagination ( $D , $D ) : " " ),( $Ie > $D ? pagination ( $D + 1 , $D ) . ( $Ie > $D + 1 ? " … " : " " ) : " " );} echo " </fieldset> \n " ;} echo " <fieldset> " , " <legend> " . 'Whole result' . " </legend> " ; $ec = ( $Dc ? " " : " ~ " ) . $jd ; echo
2020-11-08 11:03:40 +01:00
checkbox ( " all " , 1 , 0 ,( $jd !== false ? ( $Dc ? " " : " ~ " ) . lang ( array ( '%d row' , '%d rows' ), $jd ) : " " ), " var checked = formChecked(this, /check/); selectCount('selected', this.checked ? ' $ec ' : checked); selectCount('selected2', this.checked || !checked ? ' $ec ' : checked); " ) . " \n " , " </fieldset> \n " ; if ( $b -> selectCommandPrint ()){ echo '<fieldset' ,( $_GET [ " modify " ] ? '' : ' class="jsonly"' ), ' >< legend > Modify </ legend >< div >
< input type = " submit " value = " Save " ',($_GET["modify"]?' ':' title = " '.'Ctrl+click on a value to modify it.'.' " '),' >
</ div ></ fieldset >
< fieldset >< legend > Selected < span id = " selected " ></ span ></ legend >< div >
< input type = " submit " name = " edit " value = " Edit " >
< input type = " submit " name = " clone " value = " Clone " >
< input type = " submit " name = " delete " value = " Delete " > ',confirm(),' </ div ></ fieldset >
';}$hd=$b->dumpFormat();foreach((array)$_GET["columns"]as$e){if($e["fun"]){unset($hd[' sql ']);break;}}if($hd){print_fieldset("export",' Export '." <span id=' selected2 '></span>");$Mf=$b->dumpOutput();echo($Mf?html_select("output",$Mf,$ya["output"])." ":""),html_select("format",$hd,$ya["format"])," <input type=' submit ' name=' export ' value=' " .'Export'. " '>\n","</div></fieldset>\n";}$b->selectEmailPrint(array_filter($uc,' strlen '),$f);}echo"</div></div>\n";if($b->selectImportPrint()){echo"<div>","<a href=' #import'>".'Import'."</a>",script("qsl('a').onclick = partial(toggle, 'import');",""),"<span id='import' class='hidden'>: ","<input type='file' name='csv_file'> ",html_select("separator",array("csv"=>"CSV,","csv;"=>"CSV;","tsv"=>"TSV"),$ya["format"],1);echo" <input type='submit' name='import' value='".'Import'."'>","</span>","</div>";}echo"<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$qi'>\n","</form>\n",(!$pd&&$K?"":script("tableCheck();"));}}}if(is_ajax()){ob_end_clean();exit;}}elseif(isset($_GET["variables"])){$O=isset($_GET["status"]);page_header($O?'Status':'Variables');$Yi=($O?show_status():show_variables());if(!$Yi)echo"<p class='message'>".'No rows.'."\n";else{echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n";foreach($Yi
as $y => $X ){ echo " <tr> " , " <th><code class='jush- " . $x . ( $O ? " status " : " set " ) . " '> " . h ( $y ) . " </code> " , " <td> " . h ( $X );} echo " </table> \n " ;}} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " script " ])){ header ( " Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8 " ); if ( $_GET [ " script " ] == " db " ){ $Oh = array ( " Data_length " => 0 , " Index_length " => 0 , " Data_free " => 0 ); foreach ( table_status () as $B => $R ){ json_row ( " Comment- $B " , h ( $R [ " Comment " ])); if ( ! is_view ( $R )){ foreach ( array ( " Engine " , " Collation " ) as $y ) json_row ( " $y - $B " , h ( $R [ $y ])); foreach ( $Oh + array ( " Auto_increment " => 0 , " Rows " => 0 ) as $y => $X ){ if ( $R [ $y ] != " " ){ $X = format_number ( $R [ $y ]); json_row ( " $y - $B " ,( $y == " Rows " && $X && $R [ " Engine " ] == ( $Ah == " pgsql " ? " table " : " InnoDB " ) ? " ~ $X " : $X )); if ( isset ( $Oh [ $y ])) $Oh [ $y ] += ( $R [ " Engine " ] != " InnoDB " || $y != " Data_free " ? $R [ $y ] : 0 );} elseif ( array_key_exists ( $y , $R )) json_row ( " $y - $B " );}}} foreach ( $Oh
as $y => $X ) json_row ( " sum- $y " , format_number ( $X )); json_row ( " " );} elseif ( $_GET [ " script " ] == " kill " ) $g -> query ( " KILL " . number ( $_POST [ " kill " ])); else { foreach ( count_tables ( $b -> databases ()) as $l => $X ){ json_row ( " tables- $l " , $X ); json_row ( " size- $l " , db_size ( $l ));} json_row ( " " );} exit ;} else { $Xh = array_merge (( array ) $_POST [ " tables " ],( array ) $_POST [ " views " ]); if ( $Xh &&! $n &&! $_POST [ " search " ]){ $G = true ; $Ne = " " ; if ( $x == " sql " && $_POST [ " tables " ] && count ( $_POST [ " tables " ]) > 1 && ( $_POST [ " drop " ] || $_POST [ " truncate " ] || $_POST [ " copy " ])) queries ( " SET foreign_key_checks = 0 " ); if ( $_POST [ " truncate " ]){ if ( $_POST [ " tables " ]) $G = truncate_tables ( $_POST [ " tables " ]); $Ne = 'Tables have been truncated.' ;} elseif ( $_POST [ " move " ]){ $G = move_tables (( array ) $_POST [ " tables " ],( array ) $_POST [ " views " ], $_POST [ " target " ]); $Ne = 'Tables have been moved.' ;} elseif ( $_POST [ " copy " ]){ $G = copy_tables (( array ) $_POST [ " tables " ],( array ) $_POST [ " views " ], $_POST [ " target " ]); $Ne = 'Tables have been copied.' ;} elseif ( $_POST [ " drop " ]){ if ( $_POST [ " views " ]) $G = drop_views ( $_POST [ " views " ]); if ( $G && $_POST [ " tables " ]) $G = drop_tables ( $_POST [ " tables " ]); $Ne = 'Tables have been dropped.' ;} elseif ( $x != " sql " ){ $G = ( $x == " sqlite " ? queries ( " VACUUM " ) : apply_queries ( " VACUUM " . ( $_POST [ " optimize " ] ? " " : " ANALYZE " ), $_POST [ " tables " ])); $Ne = 'Tables have been optimized.' ;} elseif ( ! $_POST [ " tables " ]) $Ne = 'No tables.' ; elseif ( $G = queries (( $_POST [ " optimize " ] ? " OPTIMIZE " : ( $_POST [ " check " ] ? " CHECK " : ( $_POST [ " repair " ] ? " REPAIR " : " ANALYZE " ))) . " TABLE " . implode ( " , " , array_map ( 'idf_escape' , $_POST [ " tables " ])))){ while ( $I = $G -> fetch_assoc ()) $Ne .= " <b> " . h ( $I [ " Table " ]) . " </b>: " . h ( $I [ " Msg_text " ]) . " <br> " ;} queries_redirect ( substr ( ME , 0 , - 1 ), $Ne , $G );} page_header (( $_GET [ " ns " ] == " " ? 'Database' . " : " . h ( DB ) : 'Schema' . " : " . h ( $_GET [ " ns " ])), $n , true ); if ( $b -> homepage ()){ if ( $_GET [ " ns " ] !== " " ){ echo " <h3 id='tables-views'> " . 'Tables and views' . " </h3> \n " ; $Wh = tables_list (); if ( ! $Wh ) echo " <p class='message'> " . 'No tables.' . " \n " ; else { echo " <form action='' method='post'> \n " ; if ( support ( " table " )){ echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'Search data in tables' . " <span id='selected2'></span></legend><div> " , " <input type='search' name='query' value=' " . h ( $_POST [ " query " ]) . " '> " , script ( " qsl('input').onkeydown = partialArg(bodyKeydown, 'search'); " , " " ), " <input type='submit' name='search' value=' " . 'Search' . " '> \n " , " </div></fieldset> \n " ; if ( $_POST [ " search " ] && $_POST [ " query " ] != " " ){ $_GET [ " where " ][ 0 ][ " op " ] = " LIKE %% " ; search_tables ();}} echo " <div class='scrollable'> \n " , " <table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap checkable'> \n " , script ( " mixin(qsl('table'), { onclick: tableClick, ondblclick: partialArg(tableClick, true)}); " ), '<thead><tr class="wrap">' , '<td><input id="check-all" type="checkbox" class="jsonly">' . script ( " qs('#check-all').onclick = partial(formCheck, /^(tables|views) \ [/); " , " " ), '<th>' . 'Table' , '<td>' . 'Engine' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'storage-engines.html' )), '<td>' . 'Collation' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'charset-charsets.html' , 'mariadb' => 'supported-character-sets-and-collations/' )), '<td>' . 'Data Length' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'show-table-status.html' , 'pgsql' => 'functions-admin.html#FUNCTIONS-ADMIN-DBOBJECT' , 'oracle' => 'REFRN20286' )), '<td>' . 'Index Length' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'show-table-status.html' , 'pgsql' => 'functions-admin.html#FUNCTIONS-ADMIN-DBOBJECT' )), '<td>' . 'Data Free' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'show-table-status.html' )), '<td>' . 'Auto Increment' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'example-auto-increment.html' , 'mariadb' => 'auto_increment/' )), '<td>' . 'Rows' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'show-table-status.html' , 'pgsql' => 'catalog-pg-class.html#CATALOG-PG-CLASS' , 'oracle' => 'REFRN20286' )),( support ( " comment " ) ? '<td>' . 'Comment' . doc_link ( array ( 'sql' => 'show-table-status.html' , 'pgsql' => 'functions-info.html#FUNCTIONS-INFO-COMMENT-TABLE' )) : '' ), " </thead> \n " ; $S = 0 ; foreach ( $Wh
as $B => $T ){ $bj = ( $T !== null &&! preg_match ( '~table~i' , $T )); $t = h ( " Table- " . $B ); echo '<tr' . odd () . '><td>' . checkbox (( $bj ? " views[] " : " tables[] " ), $B , in_array ( $B , $Xh , true ), " " , " " , " " , $t ), '<th>' . ( support ( " table " ) || support ( " indexes " ) ? " <a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " table= " . urlencode ( $B ) . " ' title=' " . 'Show structure' . " ' id=' $t '> " . h ( $B ) . '</a>' : h ( $B )); if ( $bj ){ echo '<td colspan="6"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . " view= " . urlencode ( $B ) . '" title="' . 'Alter view' . '">' . ( preg_match ( '~materialized~i' , $T ) ? 'Materialized view' : 'View' ) . '</a>' , '<td align="right"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . " select= " . urlencode ( $B ) . '" title="' . 'Select data' . '">?</a>' ;} else { foreach ( array ( " Engine " => array (), " Collation " => array (), " Data_length " => array ( " create " , 'Alter table' ), " Index_length " => array ( " indexes " , 'Alter indexes' ), " Data_free " => array ( " edit " , 'New item' ), " Auto_increment " => array ( " auto_increment=1&create " , 'Alter table' ), " Rows " => array ( " select " , 'Select data' ),) as $y => $_ ){ $t = " id=' $y - " . h ( $B ) . " ' " ; echo ( $_ ? " <td align='right'> " . ( support ( " table " ) || $y == " Rows " || ( support ( " indexes " ) && $y != " Data_length " ) ? " <a href=' " . h ( ME . " $_[0] = " ) . urlencode ( $B ) . " ' $t title=' $_[1] '>?</a> " : " <span $t >?</span> " ) : " <td id=' $y - " . h ( $B ) . " '> " );} $S ++ ;} echo ( support ( " comment " ) ? " <td id='Comment- " . h ( $B ) . " '> " : " " );} echo " <tr><td><th> " . sprintf ( '%d in total' , count ( $Wh )), " <td> " . h ( $x == " sql " ? $g -> result ( " SELECT @@storage_engine " ) : " " ), " <td> " . h ( db_collation ( DB , collations ())); foreach ( array ( " Data_length " , " Index_length " , " Data_free " ) as $y ) echo " <td align='right' id='sum- $y '> " ; echo " </table> \n " , " </div> \n " ; if ( ! information_schema ( DB )){ echo " <div class='footer'><div> \n " ; $Vi = " <input type='submit' value=' " . 'Vacuum' . " '> " . on_help ( " 'VACUUM' " ); $yf = " <input type='submit' name='optimize' value=' " . 'Optimize' . " '> " . on_help ( $x == " sql " ? " 'OPTIMIZE TABLE' " : " 'VACUUM OPTIMIZE' " ); echo " <fieldset><legend> " . 'Selected' . " <span id='selected'></span></legend><div> " . ( $x == " sqlite " ? $Vi : ( $x == " pgsql " ? $Vi . $yf : ( $x == " sql " ? " <input type='submit' value=' " . 'Analyze' . " '> " . on_help ( " 'ANALYZE TABLE' " ) . $yf . " <input type='submit' name='check' value=' " . 'Check' . " '> " . on_help ( " 'CHECK TABLE' " ) . " <input type='submit' name='repair' value=' " . 'Repair' . " '> " . on_help ( " 'REPAIR TABLE' " ) : " " ))) . " <input type='submit' name='truncate' value=' " . 'Truncate' . " '> " . on_help ( $x == " sqlite " ? " 'DELETE' " : " 'TRUNCATE " . ( $x == " pgsql " ? " ' " : " TABLE' " )) . confirm () . " <input type='submit' name='drop' value=' " . 'Drop' . " '> " . on_help ( " 'DROP TABLE' " ) . confirm () . " \n " ; $k = ( support ( " scheme " ) ? $b -> schemas () : $b -> databases ()); if ( count ( $k ) != 1 && $x != " sqlite " ){ $l = ( isset ( $_POST [ " target " ]) ? $_POST [ " target " ] : ( support ( " scheme " ) ? $_GET [ " ns " ] : DB )); echo " <p> " . 'Move to other database' . " : " ,( $k ? html_select ( " target " , $k , $l ) : '<input name="target" value="' . h ( $l ) . '" autocapitalize="off">' ), " <input type='submit' name='move' value=' " . 'Move' . " '> " ,( support ( " copy " ) ? " <input type='submit' name='copy' value=' " . 'Copy' . " '> " . checkbox ( " overwrite " , 1 , $_POST [ " overwrite " ], 'overwrite' ) : " " ), " \n " ;} echo " <input type='hidden' name='all' value=''> " ; echo
script ( " qsl('input').onclick = function () { selectCount('selected', formChecked(this, /^(tables|views) \ [/)); " . ( support ( " table " ) ? " selectCount('selected2', formChecked(this, /^tables \ [/) || $S ); " : " " ) . " } " ), " <input type='hidden' name='token' value=' $qi '> \n " , " </div></fieldset> \n " , " </div></div> \n " ;} echo " </form> \n " , script ( " tableCheck(); " );} echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'create=">' . 'Create table' . " </a> \n " ,( support ( " view " ) ? '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'view=">' . 'Create view' . " </a> \n " : " " ); if ( support ( " routine " )){ echo " <h3 id='routines'> " . 'Routines' . " </h3> \n " ; $Yg = routines (); if ( $Yg ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " , '<thead><tr><th>' . 'Name' . '<td>' . 'Type' . '<td>' . 'Return type' . " <td></thead> \n " ; odd ( '' ); foreach ( $Yg
as $I ){ $B = ( $I [ " SPECIFIC_NAME " ] == $I [ " ROUTINE_NAME " ] ? " " : " &name= " . urlencode ( $I [ " ROUTINE_NAME " ])); echo '<tr' . odd () . '>' , '<th><a href="' . h ( ME . ( $I [ " ROUTINE_TYPE " ] != " PROCEDURE " ? 'callf=' : 'call=' ) . urlencode ( $I [ " SPECIFIC_NAME " ]) . $B ) . '">' . h ( $I [ " ROUTINE_NAME " ]) . '</a>' , '<td>' . h ( $I [ " ROUTINE_TYPE " ]), '<td>' . h ( $I [ " DTD_IDENTIFIER " ]), '<td><a href="' . h ( ME . ( $I [ " ROUTINE_TYPE " ] != " PROCEDURE " ? 'function=' : 'procedure=' ) . urlencode ( $I [ " SPECIFIC_NAME " ]) . $B ) . '">' . 'Alter' . " </a> " ;} echo " </table> \n " ;} echo '<p class="links">' . ( support ( " procedure " ) ? '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'procedure=">' . 'Create procedure' . '</a>' : '' ) . '<a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'function=">' . 'Create function' . " </a> \n " ;} if ( support ( " sequence " )){ echo " <h3 id='sequences'> " . 'Sequences' . " </h3> \n " ; $mh = get_vals ( " SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema = current_schema() ORDER BY sequence_name " ); if ( $mh ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " , " <thead><tr><th> " . 'Name' . " </thead> \n " ; odd ( '' ); foreach ( $mh
as $X ) echo " <tr " . odd () . " ><th><a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " sequence= " . urlencode ( $X ) . " '> " . h ( $X ) . " </a> \n " ; echo " </table> \n " ;} echo " <p class='links'><a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " sequence='> " . 'Create sequence' . " </a> \n " ;} if ( support ( " type " )){ echo " <h3 id='user-types'> " . 'User types' . " </h3> \n " ; $Ti = types (); if ( $Ti ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " , " <thead><tr><th> " . 'Name' . " </thead> \n " ; odd ( '' ); foreach ( $Ti
as $X ) echo " <tr " . odd () . " ><th><a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " type= " . urlencode ( $X ) . " '> " . h ( $X ) . " </a> \n " ; echo " </table> \n " ;} echo " <p class='links'><a href=' " . h ( ME ) . " type='> " . 'Create type' . " </a> \n " ;} if ( support ( " event " )){ echo " <h3 id='events'> " . 'Events' . " </h3> \n " ; $J = get_rows ( " SHOW EVENTS " ); if ( $J ){ echo " <table cellspacing='0'> \n " , " <thead><tr><th> " . 'Name' . " <td> " . 'Schedule' . " <td> " . 'Start' . " <td> " . 'End' . " <td></thead> \n " ; foreach ( $J
as $I ){ echo " <tr> " , " <th> " . h ( $I [ " Name " ]), " <td> " . ( $I [ " Execute at " ] ? 'At given time' . " <td> " . $I [ " Execute at " ] : 'Every' . " " . $I [ " Interval value " ] . " " . $I [ " Interval field " ] . " <td> $I[Starts] " ), " <td> $I[Ends] " , '<td><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'event=' . urlencode ( $I [ " Name " ]) . '">' . 'Alter' . '</a>' ;} echo " </table> \n " ; $Bc = $g -> result ( " SELECT @@event_scheduler " ); if ( $Bc && $Bc != " ON " ) echo " <p class='error'><code class='jush-sqlset'>event_scheduler</code>: " . h ( $Bc ) . " \n " ;} echo '<p class="links"><a href="' . h ( ME ) . 'event=">' . 'Create event' . " </a> \n " ;} if ( $Wh ) echo
script ( " ajaxSetHtml(' " . js_escape ( ME ) . " script=db'); " );}}} page_footer ();