You will have the choice to stay on stable git tags or on the latest master branch. Both options have slightly different update procedures. View the quick instructions below and for more information have a look at **[Update](**
The devilbox will work out-of-the box after the above installation routine has been done. However there are lots of options to configure. Read up on it on **[Configure](**. A brief overview is shown below.
Edit all general settings inside the .env file (file paths, what version to run, debug, timezeon, etc). The `.env` file is well documented and self-explanatory.
Additionally to configure the devilbox in general, you can also configure each service separately by adding/altering service specific configuration files.
Starting up the devilbox is done via docker-compose commands. You will have the choice to start-up everything or just a selection of the services you need. To get more more information about this view **[Run](**.
The heart of the devilbox is the easy configuration of an unlimitted numbder of projects. Most stuff configures itself automatically in the background, but a few things are still left up to you. The following will give you a kick-start for setting up a few projects. To find out in more detail view **[Usage](**.
Each VirtualHost will serve files from the **htdocs/** folder.
**DNS setup on your Host system:**
| Project folder | `/etc/hosts` entry |
| project1 | ` project1.local` |
| project2 | ` project2.local` |
| wordpress | ` wordpress.local`|
Some frameworks have a nested www directory and require you to use a symlink instead of explicitly setting a **htdocs/** folder. See the CakePHP folder setup below:
$ ls -l
drwxrwxr-x 2 cytopia 4096 Jun 14 08:29 cakephp
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cytopia 11 Jun 14 08:29 htdocs -> cakephp/app/webroot/
The PHP Docker container is your workhorse which has many tools pre-installed and you can do every task inside instead of doing it on the docker host. Entering the container is done via a shipped script: