All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep PHP_SERVER .env
This variable choses your desired web server version to be started.
All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep HTTPD_SERVER .env
This variable choses your desired MySQL server version to be started.
All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep MYSQL_SERVER .env
This variable choses your desired PostgreSQL server version to be started.
All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep PGSQL_SERVER .env
This is the official PostgreSQL server which might already have other tags available,
check their official website for even more versions.
This variable choses your desired Redis server version to be started.
All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep REDIS_SERVER .env
This is the official Redis server which might already have other tags available,
check their official website for even more versions.
This variable choses your desired Memcached server version to be started.
All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep MEMCD_SERVER .env
This is the official Memcached server which might already have other tags available,
check their official website for even more versions.
This variable choses your desired MongoDB server version to be started.
All values are already available in the ``.env`` file and just need to be commented or uncommented. If multiple values are uncommented, the last uncommented variable one takes precedences:
..code-block:: bash
host> grep MONGO_SERVER .env
This is the official MongoDB server which might already have other tags available,
check their official website for even more versions.
Docker host mounts
The Docker host mounts are directory paths on your host operating system that will be mounted into
the running Docker container. This makes data persistent accross restarts and let them be available
on both sides: Your host operating system as well as inside the container.
This also gives you the choice to edit data on your host operating system, such as with your
favourite IDE/editor and also inside the container, by using the bundled tools, such as
downloading libraries with ``composer`` and others.
Being able to do that on both sides, removes the need to install any development tools (except your
IDE/editor) on your host and have everything fully encapsulated into the containers itself.
This is an absolute or relative path (relative to Devilbox git directory) to your data directory.
By default, all of your websites/projects will be stored in that directory. If however you want
to separate your data from the Devilbox git directory, do change the path to a place where you
want to store all of your projects on your host computer.
* Relative path: relative to the devilbox git directory (Must start with ``.``)
* Absolute path: Full path (Must start with ``/``)