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2019-12-28 21:02:28 +01:00
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
/* global isStorageSupported */ // js/config.js
/* global ChartType, ColumnType, DataTable, JQPlotChartFactory */ // js/chart.js
/* global DatabaseStructure */ // js/database/structure.js
/* global mysqlDocBuiltin, mysqlDocKeyword */ // js/doclinks.js
/* global Indexes */ // js/indexes.js
/* global maxInputVars, mysqlDocTemplate, pmaThemeImage */ // js/messages.php
/* global MicroHistory */ // js/microhistory.js
/* global checkPasswordStrength */ // js/server/privileges.js
/* global sprintf */ // js/vendor/sprintf.js
/* global Int32Array */ // ES6
* general function, usually for data manipulation pages
var Functions = {};
* @var sqlBoxLocked lock for the sqlbox textarea in the querybox
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var sqlBoxLocked = false;
* @var {array} holds elements which content should only selected once
var onlyOnceElements = [];
* @var {int} ajaxMessageCount Number of AJAX messages shown since page load
var ajaxMessageCount = 0;
* @var codeMirrorEditor object containing CodeMirror editor of the query editor in SQL tab
var codeMirrorEditor = false;
* @var codeMirrorInlineEditor object containing CodeMirror editor of the inline query editor
var codeMirrorInlineEditor = false;
* @var {boolean} sqlAutoCompleteInProgress shows if Table/Column name autocomplete AJAX is in progress
var sqlAutoCompleteInProgress = false;
* @var sqlAutoComplete object containing list of columns in each table
var sqlAutoComplete = false;
* @var {string} sqlAutoCompleteDefaultTable string containing default table to autocomplete columns
var sqlAutoCompleteDefaultTable = '';
* @var {array} centralColumnList array to hold the columns in central list per db.
var centralColumnList = [];
* @var {array} primaryIndexes array to hold 'Primary' index columns.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var primaryIndexes = [];
* @var {array} uniqueIndexes array to hold 'Unique' index columns.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var uniqueIndexes = [];
* @var {array} indexes array to hold 'Index' columns.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var indexes = [];
* @var {array} fulltextIndexes array to hold 'Fulltext' columns.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var fulltextIndexes = [];
* @var {array} spatialIndexes array to hold 'Spatial' columns.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var spatialIndexes = [];
* Make sure that ajax requests will not be cached
* by appending a random variable to their parameters
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions) {
var nocache = new Date().getTime() + '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
if (typeof options.data === 'string') {
options.data += '&_nocache=' + nocache + '&token=' + encodeURIComponent(CommonParams.get('token'));
} else if (typeof options.data === 'object') {
options.data = $.extend(originalOptions.data, { '_nocache' : nocache, 'token': CommonParams.get('token') });
* Adds a date/time picker to an element
* @param {object} $thisElement a jQuery object pointing to the element
Functions.addDatepicker = function ($thisElement, type, options) {
if (type !== 'date' && type !== 'time' && type !== 'datetime' && type !== 'timestamp') {
var showTimepicker = true;
if (type === 'date') {
showTimepicker = false;
// Getting the current Date and time
var currentDateTime = new Date();
var defaultOptions = {
timeInput : true,
hour: currentDateTime.getHours(),
minute: currentDateTime.getMinutes(),
second: currentDateTime.getSeconds(),
showOn: 'button',
buttonImage: pmaThemeImage + 'b_calendar.png',
buttonImageOnly: true,
stepMinutes: 1,
stepHours: 1,
showSecond: true,
showMillisec: true,
showMicrosec: true,
showTimepicker: showTimepicker,
showButtonPanel: false,
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', // yy means year with four digits
timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss.lc',
constrainInput: false,
altFieldTimeOnly: false,
showAnim: '',
beforeShow: function (input, inst) {
// Remember that we came from the datepicker; this is used
// in table/change.js by verificationsAfterFieldChange()
$thisElement.data('comes_from', 'datepicker');
if ($(input).closest('.cEdit').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
top: 0,
left: 0,
position: 'relative'
}, 0);
setTimeout(function () {
// Fix wrong timepicker z-index, doesn't work without timeout
$('#ui-timepicker-div').css('z-index', $('#ui-datepicker-div').css('z-index'));
// Integrate tooltip text into dialog
var tooltip = $thisElement.tooltip('instance');
if (typeof tooltip !== 'undefined') {
var $note = $('<p class="note"></div>');
}, 0);
onSelect: function () {
$thisElement.data('datepicker').inline = true;
onClose: function () {
// The value is no more from the date picker
$thisElement.data('comes_from', '');
if (typeof $thisElement.data('datepicker') !== 'undefined') {
$thisElement.data('datepicker').inline = false;
var tooltip = $thisElement.tooltip('instance');
if (typeof tooltip !== 'undefined') {
if (type === 'time') {
$thisElement.timepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options));
// Add a tip regarding entering MySQL allowed-values for TIME data-type
Functions.tooltip($thisElement, 'input', Messages.strMysqlAllowedValuesTipTime);
} else {
$thisElement.datetimepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options));
* Add a date/time picker to each element that needs it
* (only when jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js is loaded)
Functions.addDateTimePicker = function () {
if ($.timepicker !== undefined) {
$('input.timefield, input.datefield, input.datetimefield').each(function () {
var decimals = $(this).parent().attr('data-decimals');
var type = $(this).parent().attr('data-type');
var showMillisec = false;
var showMicrosec = false;
var timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss';
var hourMax = 23;
// check for decimal places of seconds
if (decimals > 0 && type.indexOf('time') !== -1) {
if (decimals > 3) {
showMillisec = true;
showMicrosec = true;
timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss.lc';
} else {
showMillisec = true;
timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss.l';
if (type === 'time') {
hourMax = 99;
Functions.addDatepicker($(this), type, {
showMillisec: showMillisec,
showMicrosec: showMicrosec,
timeFormat: timeFormat,
hourMax: hourMax
// Add a tip regarding entering MySQL allowed-values
// for TIME and DATE data-type
if ($(this).hasClass('timefield')) {
Functions.tooltip($(this), 'input', Messages.strMysqlAllowedValuesTipTime);
} else if ($(this).hasClass('datefield')) {
Functions.tooltip($(this), 'input', Messages.strMysqlAllowedValuesTipDate);
* Handle redirect and reload flags sent as part of AJAX requests
* @param data ajax response data
Functions.handleRedirectAndReload = function (data) {
if (parseInt(data.redirect_flag) === 1) {
// add one more GET param to display session expiry msg
if (window.location.href.indexOf('?') === -1) {
window.location.href += '?session_expired=1';
} else {
window.location.href += CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'session_expired=1';
} else if (parseInt(data.reload_flag) === 1) {
* Creates an SQL editor which supports auto completing etc.
* @param $textarea jQuery object wrapping the textarea to be made the editor
* @param options optional options for CodeMirror
* @param resize optional resizing ('vertical', 'horizontal', 'both')
* @param lintOptions additional options for lint
Functions.getSqlEditor = function ($textarea, options, resize, lintOptions) {
var resizeType = resize;
if ($textarea.length > 0 && typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
// merge options for CodeMirror
var defaults = {
lineNumbers: true,
matchBrackets: true,
extraKeys: { 'Ctrl-Space': 'autocomplete' },
hintOptions: { 'completeSingle': false, 'completeOnSingleClick': true },
indentUnit: 4,
mode: 'text/x-mysql',
lineWrapping: true
if (CodeMirror.sqlLint) {
$.extend(defaults, {
gutters: ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'],
lint: {
'getAnnotations': CodeMirror.sqlLint,
'async': true,
'lintOptions': lintOptions
$.extend(true, defaults, options);
// create CodeMirror editor
var codemirrorEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($textarea[0], defaults);
// allow resizing
if (! resizeType) {
resizeType = 'vertical';
var handles = '';
if (resizeType === 'vertical') {
handles = 's';
if (resizeType === 'both') {
handles = 'all';
if (resizeType === 'horizontal') {
handles = 'e, w';
.css('resize', resizeType)
handles: handles,
resize: function () {
codemirrorEditor.setSize($(this).width(), $(this).height());
// enable autocomplete
codemirrorEditor.on('inputRead', Functions.codeMirrorAutoCompleteOnInputRead);
// page locking
codemirrorEditor.on('change', function (e) {
e.data = {
value: 3,
content: codemirrorEditor.isClean(),
return codemirrorEditor;
return null;
* Clear text selection
Functions.clearSelection = function () {
if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) {
} else if (window.getSelection) {
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.empty) {
if (sel.removeAllRanges) {
* Create a jQuery UI tooltip
* @param $elements jQuery object representing the elements
* @param item the item
* (see https://api.jqueryui.com/tooltip/#option-items)
* @param myContent content of the tooltip
* @param additionalOptions to override the default options
Functions.tooltip = function ($elements, item, myContent, additionalOptions) {
if ($('#no_hint').length > 0) {
var defaultOptions = {
content: myContent,
items: item,
tooltipClass: 'tooltip',
track: true,
show: false,
hide: false
$elements.tooltip($.extend(true, defaultOptions, additionalOptions));
* HTML escaping
Functions.escapeHtml = function (unsafe) {
if (typeof(unsafe) !== 'undefined') {
return unsafe
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#039;');
} else {
return false;
Functions.escapeJsString = function (unsafe) {
if (typeof(unsafe) !== 'undefined') {
return unsafe
.replace('\x00', '')
.replace('\\', '\\\\')
.replace('\'', '\\\'')
.replace('&#039;', '\\&#039;')
.replace('"', '\\"')
.replace('&quot;', '\\&quot;')
.replace('\n', '\n')
.replace('\r', '\r')
.replace(/<\/script/gi, '</\' + \'script');
} else {
return false;
Functions.escapeBacktick = function (s) {
return s.replace('`', '``');
Functions.escapeSingleQuote = function (s) {
return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\'');
Functions.sprintf = function () {
return sprintf.apply(this, arguments);
* Hides/shows the default value input field, depending on the default type
* Ticks the NULL checkbox if NULL is chosen as default value.
Functions.hideShowDefaultValue = function ($defaultType) {
if ($defaultType.val() === 'USER_DEFINED') {
} else {
if ($defaultType.val() === 'NULL') {
var $nullCheckbox = $defaultType.closest('tr').find('.allow_null');
$nullCheckbox.prop('checked', true);
* Hides/shows the input field for column expression based on whether
* @param $virtuality virtuality dropdown
Functions.hideShowExpression = function ($virtuality) {
if ($virtuality.val() === '') {
} else {
* Show notices for ENUM columns; add/hide the default value
Functions.verifyColumnsProperties = function () {
$('select.column_type').each(function () {
$('select.default_type').each(function () {
$('select.virtuality').each(function () {
* Add a hidden field to the form to indicate that this will be an
* Ajax request (only if this hidden field does not exist)
* @param $form object the form
Functions.prepareForAjaxRequest = function ($form) {
if (! $form.find('input:hidden').is('#ajax_request_hidden')) {
$form.append('<input type="hidden" id="ajax_request_hidden" name="ajax_request" value="true">');
* Generate a new password and copy it to the password input areas
* @param {object} passwordForm the form that holds the password fields
* @return {boolean} always true
Functions.suggestPassword = function (passwordForm) {
// restrict the password to just letters and numbers to avoid problems:
// "editors and viewers regard the password as multiple words and
// things like double click no longer work"
var pwchars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ';
var passwordlength = 16; // do we want that to be dynamic? no, keep it simple :)
var passwd = passwordForm.generated_pw;
var randomWords = new Int32Array(passwordlength);
passwd.value = '';
var i;
// First we're going to try to use a built-in CSPRNG
if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {
} else if (window.msCrypto && window.msCrypto.getRandomValues) {
// Because of course IE calls it msCrypto instead of being standard
} else {
// Fallback to Math.random
for (i = 0; i < passwordlength; i++) {
randomWords[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * pwchars.length);
for (i = 0; i < passwordlength; i++) {
passwd.value += pwchars.charAt(Math.abs(randomWords[i]) % pwchars.length);
var $jQueryPasswordForm = $(passwordForm);
passwordForm.elements.pma_pw.value = passwd.value;
passwordForm.elements.pma_pw2.value = passwd.value;
var meterObj = $jQueryPasswordForm.find('meter[name="pw_meter"]').first();
var meterObjLabel = $jQueryPasswordForm.find('span[name="pw_strength"]').first();
checkPasswordStrength(passwd.value, meterObj, meterObjLabel);
return true;
* Version string to integer conversion.
Functions.parseVersionString = function (str) {
if (typeof(str) !== 'string') {
return false;
var add = 0;
// Parse possible alpha/beta/rc/
var state = str.split('-');
if (state.length >= 2) {
if (state[1].substr(0, 2) === 'rc') {
add = - 20 - parseInt(state[1].substr(2), 10);
} else if (state[1].substr(0, 4) === 'beta') {
add = - 40 - parseInt(state[1].substr(4), 10);
} else if (state[1].substr(0, 5) === 'alpha') {
add = - 60 - parseInt(state[1].substr(5), 10);
} else if (state[1].substr(0, 3) === 'dev') {
/* We don't handle dev, it's git snapshot */
add = 0;
// Parse version
var x = str.split('.');
// Use 0 for non existing parts
var maj = parseInt(x[0], 10) || 0;
var min = parseInt(x[1], 10) || 0;
var pat = parseInt(x[2], 10) || 0;
var hotfix = parseInt(x[3], 10) || 0;
return maj * 100000000 + min * 1000000 + pat * 10000 + hotfix * 100 + add;
* Indicates current available version on main page.
Functions.currentVersion = function (data) {
if (data && data.version && data.date) {
var current = Functions.parseVersionString($('span.version').text());
var latest = Functions.parseVersionString(data.version);
var url = 'https://www.phpmyadmin.net/files/' + Functions.escapeHtml(encodeURIComponent(data.version)) + '/';
var versionInformationMessage = document.createElement('span');
versionInformationMessage.className = 'latest';
var versionInformationMessageLink = document.createElement('a');
versionInformationMessageLink.href = url;
versionInformationMessageLink.className = 'disableAjax';
var versionInformationMessageLinkText = document.createTextNode(data.version);
var prefixMessage = document.createTextNode(Messages.strLatestAvailable + ' ');
if (latest > current) {
var message = Functions.sprintf(
var htmlClass = 'notice';
if (Math.floor(latest / 10000) === Math.floor(current / 10000)) {
/* Security update */
htmlClass = 'error';
var mainContainerDiv = document.createElement('div');
mainContainerDiv.id = 'newer_version_notice';
mainContainerDiv.className = htmlClass;
var mainContainerDivLink = document.createElement('a');
mainContainerDivLink.href = url;
mainContainerDivLink.className = 'disableAjax';
var mainContainerDivLinkText = document.createTextNode(message);
if (latest === current) {
versionInformationMessage = document.createTextNode(' (' + Messages.strUpToDate + ')');
/* Remove extra whitespace */
var versionInfo = $('#li_pma_version').contents().get(2);
if (typeof versionInfo !== 'undefined') {
versionInfo.textContent = $.trim(versionInfo.textContent);
var $liPmaVersion = $('#li_pma_version');
* Loads Git revision data from ajax for index.php
Functions.displayGitRevision = function () {
'server': CommonParams.get('server'),
'git_revision': true,
'ajax_request': true,
'no_debug': true
function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
* for PhpMyAdmin\Display\ChangePassword
* libraries/user_password.php
Functions.displayPasswordGenerateButton = function () {
var generatePwdRow = $('<tr></tr>').addClass('vmiddle');
var pwdCell = $('<td></td>').appendTo(generatePwdRow);
var pwdButton = $('<input>')
.attr({ type: 'button', id: 'button_generate_password', value: Messages.strGenerate })
.addClass('btn btn-secondary button')
.on('click', function () {
var pwdTextbox = $('<input>')
.attr({ type: 'text', name: 'generated_pw', id: 'generated_pw' });
if (document.getElementById('button_generate_password') === null) {
var generatePwdDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('item');
$('<label></label>').attr({ for: 'button_generate_password' })
.html(Messages.strGeneratePassword + ':')
var optionsSpan = $('<span></span>').addClass('options')
if (document.getElementById('button_generate_password') === null) {
* selects the content of a given object, f.e. a textarea
* @param {object} element element of which the content will be selected
* @param {var} lock variable which holds the lock for this element or true, if no lock exists
* @param {boolean} onlyOnce boolean if true this is only done once f.e. only on first focus
Functions.selectContent = function (element, lock, onlyOnce) {
if (onlyOnce && onlyOnceElements[element.name]) {
onlyOnceElements[element.name] = true;
if (lock) {
* Displays a confirmation box before submitting a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query.
* This function is called while clicking links
* @param theLink object the link
* @param theSqlQuery object the sql query to submit
* @return boolean whether to run the query or not
Functions.confirmLink = function (theLink, theSqlQuery) {
// Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
// or browser is Opera (crappy js implementation)
if (Messages.strDoYouReally === '' || typeof(window.opera) !== 'undefined') {
return true;
var isConfirmed = confirm(Functions.sprintf(Messages.strDoYouReally, theSqlQuery));
if (isConfirmed) {
if (typeof(theLink.href) !== 'undefined') {
theLink.href += CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'is_js_confirmed=1';
} else if (typeof(theLink.form) !== 'undefined') {
theLink.form.action += '?is_js_confirmed=1';
return isConfirmed;
* Confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query before
* submitting it if required.
* This function is called by the 'Functions.checkSqlQuery()' js function.
* @param theForm1 object the form
* @param sqlQuery1 string the sql query string
* @return boolean whether to run the query or not
* @see Functions.checkSqlQuery()
Functions.confirmQuery = function (theForm1, sqlQuery1) {
// Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
if (Messages.strDoYouReally === '') {
return true;
// Confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER/TRUNCATE" statement
// TODO: find a way (if possible) to use the parser-analyser
// for this kind of verification
// For now, I just added a ^ to check for the statement at
// beginning of expression
var doConfirmRegExp0 = new RegExp('^\\s*DROP\\s+(IF EXISTS\\s+)?(TABLE|PROCEDURE)\\s', 'i');
var doConfirmRegExp1 = new RegExp('^\\s*ALTER\\s+TABLE\\s+((`[^`]+`)|([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))\\s+DROP\\s', 'i');
var doConfirmRegExp2 = new RegExp('^\\s*DELETE\\s+FROM\\s', 'i');
var doConfirmRegExp3 = new RegExp('^\\s*TRUNCATE\\s', 'i');
var doConfirmRegExp4 = new RegExp('^(?=.*UPDATE\\b)^((?!WHERE).)*$', 'i');
if (doConfirmRegExp0.test(sqlQuery1) ||
doConfirmRegExp1.test(sqlQuery1) ||
doConfirmRegExp2.test(sqlQuery1) ||
doConfirmRegExp3.test(sqlQuery1) ||
doConfirmRegExp4.test(sqlQuery1)) {
var message;
if (sqlQuery1.length > 100) {
message = sqlQuery1.substr(0, 100) + '\n ...';
} else {
message = sqlQuery1;
var isConfirmed = confirm(Functions.sprintf(Messages.strDoYouReally, message));
// statement is confirmed -> update the
// "is_js_confirmed" form field so the confirm test won't be
// run on the server side and allows to submit the form
if (isConfirmed) {
theForm1.elements.is_js_confirmed.value = 1;
return true;
} else {
// statement is rejected -> do not submit the form
return false;
} // end if (handle confirm box result)
} // end if (display confirm box)
return true;
* Displays an error message if the user submitted the sql query form with no
* sql query, else checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements
* @param theForm object the form
* @return boolean always false
* @see Functions.confirmQuery()
Functions.checkSqlQuery = function (theForm) {
// get the textarea element containing the query
var sqlQuery;
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
sqlQuery = codeMirrorEditor.getValue();
} else {
sqlQuery = theForm.elements.sql_query.value;
var spaceRegExp = new RegExp('\\s+');
if (typeof(theForm.elements.sql_file) !== 'undefined' &&
theForm.elements.sql_file.value.replace(spaceRegExp, '') !== '') {
return true;
if (typeof(theForm.elements.id_bookmark) !== 'undefined' &&
(theForm.elements.id_bookmark.value !== null || theForm.elements.id_bookmark.value !== '') &&
theForm.elements.id_bookmark.selectedIndex !== 0) {
return true;
var result = false;
// Checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements
if (sqlQuery.replace(spaceRegExp, '') !== '') {
result = Functions.confirmQuery(theForm, sqlQuery);
} else {
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
} else if (codeMirrorInlineEditor) {
return result;
* Check if a form's element is empty.
* An element containing only spaces is also considered empty
* @param {object} theForm the form
* @param {string} theFieldName the name of the form field to put the focus on
* @return {boolean} whether the form field is empty or not
Functions.emptyCheckTheField = function (theForm, theFieldName) {
var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
var spaceRegExp = new RegExp('\\s+');
return theField.value.replace(spaceRegExp, '') === '';
* Ensures a value submitted in a form is numeric and is in a range
* @param object the form
* @param string the name of the form field to check
* @param integer the minimum authorized value
* @param integer the maximum authorized value
* @return boolean whether a valid number has been submitted or not
Functions.checkFormElementInRange = function (theForm, theFieldName, message, minimum, maximum) {
var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
var val = parseInt(theField.value, 10);
var min = minimum;
var max = maximum;
if (typeof(min) === 'undefined') {
min = 0;
if (typeof(max) === 'undefined') {
max = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (isNaN(val)) {
return false;
} else if (val < min || val > max) {
alert(Functions.sprintf(message, val));
return false;
} else {
theField.value = val;
return true;
Functions.checkTableEditForm = function (theForm, fieldsCnt) {
// TODO: avoid sending a message if user just wants to add a line
// on the form but has not completed at least one field name
var atLeastOneField = 0;
var i;
var elm;
var elm2;
var elm3;
var val;
var id;
for (i = 0; i < fieldsCnt; i++) {
id = '#field_' + i + '_2';
elm = $(id);
val = elm.val();
if (val === 'VARCHAR' || val === 'CHAR' || val === 'BIT' || val === 'VARBINARY' || val === 'BINARY') {
elm2 = $('#field_' + i + '_3');
val = parseInt(elm2.val(), 10);
elm3 = $('#field_' + i + '_1');
if (isNaN(val) && elm3.val() !== '') {
return false;
if (atLeastOneField === 0) {
id = 'field_' + i + '_1';
if (!Functions.emptyCheckTheField(theForm, id)) {
atLeastOneField = 1;
if (atLeastOneField === 0) {
var theField = theForm.elements.field_0_1;
return false;
// at least this section is under jQuery
var $input = $('input.textfield[name=\'table\']');
if ($input.val() === '') {
return false;
return true;
* True if last click is to check a row.
var lastClickChecked = false;
* Zero-based index of last clicked row.
* Used to handle the shift + click event in the code above.
var lastClickedRow = -1;
* Zero-based index of last shift clicked row.
var lastShiftClickedRow = -1;
var idleSecondsCounter = 0;
var incInterval;
var updateTimeout;
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
document.onclick = function () {
idleSecondsCounter = 0;
$(document).on('mousemove',function () {
idleSecondsCounter = 0;
document.onkeypress = function () {
idleSecondsCounter = 0;
function guid () {
function s4 () {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
function SetIdleTime () {
function UpdateIdleTime () {
var href = 'index.php';
var guid = 'default';
if (isStorageSupported('sessionStorage')) {
guid = window.sessionStorage.guid;
var params = {
'ajax_request' : true,
'server' : CommonParams.get('server'),
'db' : CommonParams.get('db'),
'guid': guid,
'access_time': idleSecondsCounter,
'check_timeout': 1
type: 'POST',
url: href,
data: params,
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
if (CommonParams.get('LoginCookieValidity') - idleSecondsCounter < 0) {
/* There is other active window, let's reset counter */
idleSecondsCounter = 0;
var remaining = Math.min(
/* Remaining login validity */
CommonParams.get('LoginCookieValidity') - idleSecondsCounter,
/* Remaining time till session GC */
var interval = 1000;
if (remaining > 5) {
// max value for setInterval() function
interval = Math.min((remaining - 1) * 1000, Math.pow(2, 31) - 1);
updateTimeout = window.setTimeout(UpdateIdleTime, interval);
} else { // timeout occurred
if (isStorageSupported('sessionStorage')) {
// append the login form on the page, disable all the forms which were not disabled already, close all the open jqueryui modal boxes
if (!$('#modalOverlay').length) {
$('fieldset').not(':disabled').attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled_for_expiration');
$('.ui-dialog').each(function () {
$('#' + $(this).attr('aria-describedby')).dialog('close');
} else {
CommonParams.set('token', data.new_token);
idleSecondsCounter = 0;
if (CommonParams.get('logged_in')) {
incInterval = window.setInterval(SetIdleTime, 1000);
var sessionTimeout = Math.min(
if (isStorageSupported('sessionStorage')) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('guid', guid());
var interval = (sessionTimeout - 5) * 1000;
if (interval > Math.pow(2, 31) - 1) { // max value for setInterval() function
interval = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1;
updateTimeout = window.setTimeout(UpdateIdleTime, interval);
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', 'input:checkbox.checkall');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Row marking in horizontal mode (use "on" so that it works also for
* next pages reached via AJAX); a tr may have the class noclick to remove
* this behavior.
$(document).on('click', 'input:checkbox.checkall', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
var $tr = $this.closest('tr');
var $table = $this.closest('table');
if (!e.shiftKey || lastClickedRow === -1) {
// usual click
var $checkbox = $tr.find(':checkbox.checkall');
var checked = $this.prop('checked');
$checkbox.prop('checked', checked).trigger('change');
if (checked) {
} else {
lastClickChecked = checked;
// remember the last clicked row
lastClickedRow = lastClickChecked ? $table.find('tbody tr:not(.noclick)').index($tr) : -1;
lastShiftClickedRow = -1;
} else {
// handle the shift click
var start;
var end;
// clear last shift click result
if (lastShiftClickedRow >= 0) {
if (lastShiftClickedRow >= lastClickedRow) {
start = lastClickedRow;
end = lastShiftClickedRow;
} else {
start = lastShiftClickedRow;
end = lastClickedRow;
.slice(start, end + 1)
.prop('checked', false)
// handle new shift click
var currRow = $table.find('tbody tr:not(.noclick)').index($tr);
if (currRow >= lastClickedRow) {
start = lastClickedRow;
end = currRow;
} else {
start = currRow;
end = lastClickedRow;
.slice(start, end + 1)
.prop('checked', true)
// remember the last shift clicked row
lastShiftClickedRow = currRow;
* Add attribute to text boxes for iOS devices (based on bugID: 3508912)
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/i)) {
$('input[type=text]').attr('autocapitalize', 'off').attr('autocorrect', 'off');
* Checks/unchecks all options of a <select> element
* @param string the form name
* @param string the element name
* @param boolean whether to check or to uncheck options
* @return boolean always true
Functions.setSelectOptions = function (theForm, theSelect, doCheck) {
$('form[name=\'' + theForm + '\'] select[name=\'' + theSelect + '\']').find('option').prop('selected', doCheck);
return true;
* Sets current value for query box.
Functions.setQuery = function (query) {
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
} else if (document.sqlform) {
document.sqlform.sql_query.value = query;
* Handles 'Simulate query' button on SQL query box.
* @return void
Functions.handleSimulateQueryButton = function () {
var updateRegExp = new RegExp('^\\s*UPDATE\\s+((`[^`]+`)|([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))\\s+SET\\s', 'i');
var deleteRegExp = new RegExp('^\\s*DELETE\\s+FROM\\s', 'i');
var query = '';
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
query = codeMirrorEditor.getValue();
} else {
query = $('#sqlquery').val();
var $simulateDml = $('#simulate_dml');
if (updateRegExp.test(query) || deleteRegExp.test(query)) {
if (! $simulateDml.length) {
.before('<input type="button" id="simulate_dml"' +
'tabindex="199" value="' +
Messages.strSimulateDML +
} else {
if ($simulateDml.length) {
* Create quick sql statements.
Functions.insertQuery = function (queryType) {
if (queryType === 'clear') {
} else if (queryType === 'format') {
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
$('#querymessage').html(Messages.strFormatting +
'&nbsp;<img class="ajaxIcon" src="' +
pmaThemeImage + 'ajax_clock_small.gif" alt="">');
var href = 'db_sql_format.php';
var params = {
'ajax_request': true,
'sql': codeMirrorEditor.getValue(),
'server': CommonParams.get('server')
type: 'POST',
url: href,
data: params,
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
} else if (queryType === 'saved') {
if (isStorageSupported('localStorage') && typeof window.localStorage.autoSavedSql !== 'undefined') {
} else if (Cookies.get('autoSavedSql')) {
} else {
var query = '';
var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy;
var table = document.sqlform.table.value;
if (myListBox.options.length > 0) {
sqlBoxLocked = true;
var columnsList = '';
var valDis = '';
var editDis = '';
var NbSelect = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) {
if (NbSelect > 1) {
columnsList += ', ';
valDis += ',';
editDis += ',';
columnsList += myListBox.options[i].value;
valDis += '[value-' + NbSelect + ']';
editDis += myListBox.options[i].value + '=[value-' + NbSelect + ']';
if (queryType === 'selectall') {
query = 'SELECT * FROM `' + table + '` WHERE 1';
} else if (queryType === 'select') {
query = 'SELECT ' + columnsList + ' FROM `' + table + '` WHERE 1';
} else if (queryType === 'insert') {
query = 'INSERT INTO `' + table + '`(' + columnsList + ') VALUES (' + valDis + ')';
} else if (queryType === 'update') {
query = 'UPDATE `' + table + '` SET ' + editDis + ' WHERE 1';
} else if (queryType === 'delete') {
query = 'DELETE FROM `' + table + '` WHERE 0';
sqlBoxLocked = false;
* Inserts multiple fields.
Functions.insertValueQuery = function () {
var myQuery = document.sqlform.sql_query;
var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy;
if (myListBox.options.length > 0) {
sqlBoxLocked = true;
var columnsList = '';
var NbSelect = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) {
if (myListBox.options[i].selected) {
if (NbSelect > 1) {
columnsList += ', ';
columnsList += myListBox.options[i].value;
/* CodeMirror support */
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
// IE support
} else if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = columnsList;
} else if (document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart || document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart === '0') {
var startPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart;
var endPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionEnd;
var SqlString = document.sqlform.sql_query.value;
myQuery.value = SqlString.substring(0, startPos) + columnsList + SqlString.substring(endPos, SqlString.length);
} else {
myQuery.value += columnsList;
sqlBoxLocked = false;
* Updates the input fields for the parameters based on the query
Functions.updateQueryParameters = function () {
if ($('#parameterized').is(':checked')) {
var query = codeMirrorEditor ? codeMirrorEditor.getValue() : $('#sqlquery').val();
var allParameters = query.match(/:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/g);
var parameters = [];
// get unique parameters
if (allParameters) {
$.each(allParameters, function (i, parameter) {
if ($.inArray(parameter, parameters) === -1) {
} else {
var $temp = $('<div></div>');
$.each(parameters, function (i, parameter) {
var paramName = parameter.substring(1);
var $param = $temp.find('#paramSpan_' + paramName);
if (! $param.length) {
$param = $('<span class="parameter" id="paramSpan_' + paramName + '"></span>');
$('<label for="param_' + paramName + '"></label>').text(parameter).appendTo($param);
$('<input type="text" name="parameters[' + parameter + ']" id="param_' + paramName + '">').appendTo($param);
} else {
* Refresh/resize the WYSIWYG scratchboard
Functions.refreshLayout = function () {
var $elm = $('#pdflayout');
var orientation = $('#orientation_opt').val();
var paper = 'A4';
var $paperOpt = $('#paper_opt');
if ($paperOpt.length === 1) {
paper = $paperOpt.val();
var posa = 'y';
var posb = 'x';
if (orientation === 'P') {
posa = 'x';
posb = 'y';
$elm.css('width', Functions.pdfPaperSize(paper, posa) + 'px');
$elm.css('height', Functions.pdfPaperSize(paper, posb) + 'px');
* Initializes positions of elements.
Functions.tableDragInit = function () {
$('.pdflayout_table').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var number = $this.data('number');
var x = $('#c_table_' + number + '_x').val();
var y = $('#c_table_' + number + '_y').val();
$this.css('left', x + 'px');
$this.css('top', y + 'px');
/* Make elements draggable */
containment: 'parent',
drag: function (evt, ui) {
var number = $this.data('number');
$('#c_table_' + number + '_x').val(parseInt(ui.position.left, 10));
$('#c_table_' + number + '_y').val(parseInt(ui.position.top, 10));
* Resets drag and drop positions.
Functions.resetDrag = function () {
$('.pdflayout_table').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var x = $this.data('x');
var y = $this.data('y');
$this.css('left', x + 'px');
$this.css('top', y + 'px');
* User schema handlers.
$(function () {
/* Move in scratchboard on manual change */
$(document).on('change', '.position-change', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $elm = $('#table_' + $this.data('number'));
$elm.css($this.data('axis'), $this.val() + 'px');
/* Refresh on paper size/orientation change */
$(document).on('change', '.paper-change', function () {
var $elm = $('#pdflayout');
if ($elm.css('visibility') === 'visible') {
/* Show/hide the WYSIWYG scratchboard */
$(document).on('click', '#toggle-dragdrop', function () {
var $elm = $('#pdflayout');
if ($elm.css('visibility') === 'hidden') {
$elm.css('visibility', 'visible');
$elm.css('display', 'block');
} else {
$elm.css('visibility', 'hidden');
$elm.css('display', 'none');
/* Reset scratchboard */
$(document).on('click', '#reset-dragdrop', function () {
* Returns paper sizes for a given format
Functions.pdfPaperSize = function (format, axis) {
switch (format.toUpperCase()) {
case '4A0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 4767.87;
return 6740.79;
case '2A0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 3370.39;
return 4767.87;
case 'A0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 2383.94;
return 3370.39;
case 'A1':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1683.78;
return 2383.94;
case 'A2':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1190.55;
return 1683.78;
case 'A3':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 841.89;
return 1190.55;
case 'A4':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 595.28;
return 841.89;
case 'A5':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 419.53;
return 595.28;
case 'A6':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 297.64;
return 419.53;
case 'A7':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 209.76;
return 297.64;
case 'A8':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 147.40;
return 209.76;
case 'A9':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 104.88;
return 147.40;
case 'A10':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 73.70;
return 104.88;
case 'B0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 2834.65;
return 4008.19;
case 'B1':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 2004.09;
return 2834.65;
case 'B2':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1417.32;
return 2004.09;
case 'B3':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1000.63;
return 1417.32;
case 'B4':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 708.66;
return 1000.63;
case 'B5':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 498.90;
return 708.66;
case 'B6':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 354.33;
return 498.90;
case 'B7':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 249.45;
return 354.33;
case 'B8':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 175.75;
return 249.45;
case 'B9':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 124.72;
return 175.75;
case 'B10':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 87.87;
return 124.72;
case 'C0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 2599.37;
return 3676.54;
case 'C1':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1836.85;
return 2599.37;
case 'C2':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1298.27;
return 1836.85;
case 'C3':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 918.43;
return 1298.27;
case 'C4':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 649.13;
return 918.43;
case 'C5':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 459.21;
return 649.13;
case 'C6':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 323.15;
return 459.21;
case 'C7':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 229.61;
return 323.15;
case 'C8':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 161.57;
return 229.61;
case 'C9':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 113.39;
return 161.57;
case 'C10':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 79.37;
return 113.39;
case 'RA0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 2437.80;
return 3458.27;
case 'RA1':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1729.13;
return 2437.80;
case 'RA2':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1218.90;
return 1729.13;
case 'RA3':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 864.57;
return 1218.90;
case 'RA4':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 609.45;
return 864.57;
case 'SRA0':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 2551.18;
return 3628.35;
case 'SRA1':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1814.17;
return 2551.18;
case 'SRA2':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 1275.59;
return 1814.17;
case 'SRA3':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 907.09;
return 1275.59;
case 'SRA4':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 637.80;
return 907.09;
case 'LETTER':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 612.00;
return 792.00;
case 'LEGAL':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 612.00;
return 1008.00;
if (axis === 'x') {
return 521.86;
return 756.00;
case 'FOLIO':
if (axis === 'x') {
return 612.00;
return 936.00;
return 0;
* Get checkbox for foreign key checks
* @return string
Functions.getForeignKeyCheckboxLoader = function () {
var html = '';
html += '<div>';
html += '<div class="load-default-fk-check-value">';
html += Functions.getImage('ajax_clock_small');
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
return html;
Functions.loadForeignKeyCheckbox = function () {
// Load default foreign key check value
var params = {
'ajax_request': true,
'server': CommonParams.get('server'),
'get_default_fk_check_value': true
$.get('sql.php', params, function (data) {
var html = '<input type="hidden" name="fk_checks" value="0">' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="fk_checks" id="fk_checks"' +
(data.default_fk_check_value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + '>' +
'<label for="fk_checks">' + Messages.strForeignKeyCheck + '</label>';
Functions.getJsConfirmCommonParam = function (elem, parameters) {
var $elem = $(elem);
var params = parameters;
var sep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator');
if (params) {
// Strip possible leading ?
if (params.substring(0,1) === '?') {
params = params.substr(1);
params += sep;
} else {
params = '';
params += 'is_js_confirmed=1' + sep + 'ajax_request=true' + sep + 'fk_checks=' + ($elem.find('#fk_checks').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0);
return params;
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', 'a.inline_edit_sql');
$(document).off('click', 'input#sql_query_edit_save');
$(document).off('click', 'input#sql_query_edit_discard');
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
} else {
$(document).off('blur', '#sqlquery');
$(document).off('change', '#parameterized');
$(document).off('click', 'input.sqlbutton');
if (codeMirrorInlineEditor) {
// Copy the sql query to the text area to preserve it.
codeMirrorInlineEditor = false;
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
* Jquery Coding for inline editing SQL_QUERY
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
// If we are coming back to the page by clicking forward button
// of the browser, bind the code mirror to inline query editor.
$(document).on('click', 'a.inline_edit_sql', function () {
if ($('#sql_query_edit').length) {
// An inline query editor is already open,
// we don't want another copy of it
return false;
var $form = $(this).prev('form');
var sqlQuery = $form.find('input[name=\'sql_query\']').val().trim();
var $innerSql = $(this).parent().prev().find('code.sql');
var newContent = '<textarea name="sql_query_edit" id="sql_query_edit">' + Functions.escapeHtml(sqlQuery) + '</textarea>\n';
newContent += Functions.getForeignKeyCheckboxLoader();
newContent += '<input type="submit" id="sql_query_edit_save" class="btn btn-secondary button btnSave" value="' + Messages.strGo + '">\n';
newContent += '<input type="button" id="sql_query_edit_discard" class="btn btn-secondary button btnDiscard" value="' + Messages.strCancel + '">\n';
var $editorArea = $('div#inline_editor');
if ($editorArea.length === 0) {
$editorArea = $('<div id="inline_editor_outer"></div>');
return false;
$(document).on('click', 'input#sql_query_edit_save', function () {
// hide already existing success message
var sqlQuery;
if (codeMirrorInlineEditor) {
sqlQuery = codeMirrorInlineEditor.getValue();
} else {
sqlQuery = $(this).parent().find('#sql_query_edit').val();
var fkCheck = $(this).parent().find('#fk_checks').is(':checked');
var $form = $('a.inline_edit_sql').prev('form');
var $fakeForm = $('<form>', { action: 'import.php', method: 'post' })
.append($form.find('input[name=server], input[name=db], input[name=table], input[name=token]').clone())
.append($('<input>', { type: 'hidden', name: 'show_query', value: 1 }))
.append($('<input>', { type: 'hidden', name: 'is_js_confirmed', value: 0 }))
.append($('<input>', { type: 'hidden', name: 'sql_query', value: sqlQuery }))
.append($('<input>', { type: 'hidden', name: 'fk_checks', value: fkCheck ? 1 : 0 }));
if (! Functions.checkSqlQuery($fakeForm[0])) {
return false;
$(document).on('click', 'input#sql_query_edit_discard', function () {
var $divEditor = $('div#inline_editor_outer');
$(document).on('click', 'input.sqlbutton', function (evt) {
return false;
$(document).on('change', '#parameterized', Functions.updateQueryParameters);
var $inputUsername = $('#input_username');
if ($inputUsername) {
if ($inputUsername.val() === '') {
} else {
* "inputRead" event handler for CodeMirror SQL query editors for autocompletion
Functions.codeMirrorAutoCompleteOnInputRead = function (instance) {
if (!sqlAutoCompleteInProgress
&& (!instance.options.hintOptions.tables || !sqlAutoComplete)) {
if (!sqlAutoComplete) {
// Reset after teardown
instance.options.hintOptions.tables = false;
instance.options.hintOptions.defaultTable = '';
sqlAutoCompleteInProgress = true;
var href = 'db_sql_autocomplete.php';
var params = {
'ajax_request': true,
'server': CommonParams.get('server'),
'db': CommonParams.get('db'),
'no_debug': true
var columnHintRender = function (elem, self, data) {
$('<div class="autocomplete-column-name">')
$('<div class="autocomplete-column-hint">')
type: 'POST',
url: href,
data: params,
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
var tables = JSON.parse(data.tables);
sqlAutoCompleteDefaultTable = CommonParams.get('table');
sqlAutoComplete = [];
for (var table in tables) {
if (tables.hasOwnProperty(table)) {
var columns = tables[table];
table = {
text: table,
columns: []
for (var column in columns) {
if (columns.hasOwnProperty(column)) {
var displayText = columns[column].Type;
if (columns[column].Key === 'PRI') {
displayText += ' | Primary';
} else if (columns[column].Key === 'UNI') {
displayText += ' | Unique';
text: column,
displayText: column + ' | ' + displayText,
columnName: column,
columnHint: displayText,
render: columnHintRender
instance.options.hintOptions.tables = sqlAutoComplete;
instance.options.hintOptions.defaultTable = sqlAutoCompleteDefaultTable;
complete: function () {
sqlAutoCompleteInProgress = false;
} else {
instance.options.hintOptions.tables = sqlAutoComplete;
instance.options.hintOptions.defaultTable = sqlAutoCompleteDefaultTable;
if (instance.state.completionActive) {
var cur = instance.getCursor();
var token = instance.getTokenAt(cur);
var string = '';
if (token.string.match(/^[.`\w@]\w*$/)) {
string = token.string;
if (string.length > 0) {
* Remove autocomplete information before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
sqlAutoComplete = false;
sqlAutoCompleteDefaultTable = '';
* Binds the CodeMirror to the text area used to inline edit a query.
Functions.bindCodeMirrorToInlineEditor = function () {
var $inlineEditor = $('#sql_query_edit');
if ($inlineEditor.length > 0) {
if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
var height = $inlineEditor.css('height');
codeMirrorInlineEditor = Functions.getSqlEditor($inlineEditor);
codeMirrorInlineEditor.getWrapperElement().style.height = height;
.on('keydown', Functions.catchKeypressesFromSqlInlineEdit);
} else {
.on('keydown', Functions.catchKeypressesFromSqlInlineEdit);
Functions.catchKeypressesFromSqlInlineEdit = function (event) {
// ctrl-enter is 10 in chrome and ie, but 13 in ff
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && (event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 10)) {
* Adds doc link to single highlighted SQL element
Functions.documentationAdd = function ($elm, params) {
if (typeof mysqlDocTemplate === 'undefined') {
var url = Functions.sprintf(
if (params.length > 1) {
url += '#' + params[1];
var content = $elm.text();
$elm.append('<a target="mysql_doc" class="cm-sql-doc" href="' + url + '">' + content + '</a>');
* Generates doc links for keywords inside highlighted SQL
Functions.documentationKeyword = function (idx, elm) {
var $elm = $(elm);
/* Skip already processed ones */
if ($elm.find('a').length > 0) {
var keyword = $elm.text().toUpperCase();
var $next = $elm.next('.cm-keyword');
if ($next) {
var nextKeyword = $next.text().toUpperCase();
var full = keyword + ' ' + nextKeyword;
var $next2 = $next.next('.cm-keyword');
if ($next2) {
var next2Keyword = $next2.text().toUpperCase();
var full2 = full + ' ' + next2Keyword;
if (full2 in mysqlDocKeyword) {
Functions.documentationAdd($elm, mysqlDocKeyword[full2]);
Functions.documentationAdd($next, mysqlDocKeyword[full2]);
Functions.documentationAdd($next2, mysqlDocKeyword[full2]);
if (full in mysqlDocKeyword) {
Functions.documentationAdd($elm, mysqlDocKeyword[full]);
Functions.documentationAdd($next, mysqlDocKeyword[full]);
if (keyword in mysqlDocKeyword) {
Functions.documentationAdd($elm, mysqlDocKeyword[keyword]);
* Generates doc links for builtins inside highlighted SQL
Functions.documentationBuiltin = function (idx, elm) {
var $elm = $(elm);
var builtin = $elm.text().toUpperCase();
if (builtin in mysqlDocBuiltin) {
Functions.documentationAdd($elm, mysqlDocBuiltin[builtin]);
* Higlights SQL using CodeMirror.
Functions.highlightSql = function ($base) {
var $elm = $base.find('code.sql');
$elm.each(function () {
var $sql = $(this);
var $pre = $sql.find('pre');
/* We only care about visible elements to avoid double processing */
if ($pre.is(':visible')) {
var $highlight = $('<div class="sql-highlight cm-s-default"></div>');
if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
CodeMirror.runMode($sql.text(), 'text/x-mysql', $highlight[0]);
* Updates an element containing code.
* @param jQuery Object $base base element which contains the raw and the
* highlighted code.
* @param string htmlValue code in HTML format, displayed if code cannot be
* highlighted
* @param string rawValue raw code, used as a parameter for highlighter
* @return bool whether content was updated or not
Functions.updateCode = function ($base, htmlValue, rawValue) {
var $code = $base.find('code');
if ($code.length === 0) {
return false;
// Determines the type of the content and appropriate CodeMirror mode.
var type = '';
var mode = '';
if ($code.hasClass('json')) {
type = 'json';
mode = 'application/json';
} else if ($code.hasClass('sql')) {
type = 'sql';
mode = 'text/x-mysql';
} else if ($code.hasClass('xml')) {
type = 'xml';
mode = 'application/xml';
} else {
return false;
// Element used to display unhighlighted code.
var $notHighlighted = $('<pre>' + htmlValue + '</pre>');
// Tries to highlight code using CodeMirror.
if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
var $highlighted = $('<div class="' + type + '-highlight cm-s-default"></div>');
CodeMirror.runMode(rawValue, mode, $highlighted[0]);
$code.html('').append($notHighlighted, $highlighted[0]);
} else {
return true;
* Show a message on the top of the page for an Ajax request
* Sample usage:
* 1) var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
* This will show a message that reads "Loading...". Such a message will not
* disappear automatically and cannot be dismissed by the user. To remove this
* message either the Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage($msg) function must be called or
* another message must be show with Functions.ajaxShowMessage() function.
* 2) var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strProcessingRequest);
* This is a special case. The behaviour is same as above,
* just with a different message
* 3) var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage('The operation was successful');
* This will show a message that will disappear automatically and it can also
* be dismissed by the user.
* 4) var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage('Some error', false);
* This will show a message that will not disappear automatically, but it
* can be dismissed by the user after he has finished reading it.
* @param string message string containing the message to be shown.
* optional, defaults to 'Loading...'
* @param mixed timeout number of milliseconds for the message to be visible
* optional, defaults to 5000. If set to 'false', the
* notification will never disappear
* @param string type string to dictate the type of message shown.
* optional, defaults to normal notification.
* If set to 'error', the notification will show message
* with red background.
* If set to 'success', the notification will show with
* a green background.
* @return jQuery object jQuery Element that holds the message div
* this object can be passed to Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage()
* to remove the notification
Functions.ajaxShowMessage = function (message, timeout, type) {
var msg = message;
var newTimeOut = timeout;
* @var self_closing Whether the notification will automatically disappear
var selfClosing = true;
* @var dismissable Whether the user will be able to remove
* the notification by clicking on it
var dismissable = true;
// Handle the case when a empty data.message is passed.
// We don't want the empty message
if (msg === '') {
return true;
} else if (! msg) {
// If the message is undefined, show the default
msg = Messages.strLoading;
dismissable = false;
selfClosing = false;
} else if (msg === Messages.strProcessingRequest) {
// This is another case where the message should not disappear
dismissable = false;
selfClosing = false;
// Figure out whether (or after how long) to remove the notification
if (newTimeOut === undefined) {
newTimeOut = 5000;
} else if (newTimeOut === false) {
selfClosing = false;
// Determine type of message, add styling as required
if (type === 'error') {
msg = '<div class="error">' + msg + '</div>';
} else if (type === 'success') {
msg = '<div class="success">' + msg + '</div>';
// Create a parent element for the AJAX messages, if necessary
if ($('#loading_parent').length === 0) {
$('<div id="loading_parent"></div>')
// Update message count to create distinct message elements every time
// Remove all old messages, if any
* @var $retval a jQuery object containing the reference
* to the created AJAX message
var $retval = $(
'<span class="ajax_notification" id="ajax_message_num_' +
ajaxMessageCount +
// If the notification is self-closing we should create a callback to remove it
if (selfClosing) {
.fadeOut('medium', function () {
if ($(this).is(':data(tooltip)')) {
// Remove the notification
// If the notification is dismissable we need to add the relevant class to it
// and add a tooltip so that the users know that it can be removed
if (dismissable) {
$retval.addClass('dismissable').css('cursor', 'pointer');
* Add a tooltip to the notification to let the user know that (s)he
* can dismiss the ajax notification by clicking on it.
return $retval;
* Removes the message shown for an Ajax operation when it's completed
* @param jQuery object jQuery Element that holds the notification
* @return nothing
Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage = function ($thisMessageBox) {
if ($thisMessageBox !== undefined && $thisMessageBox instanceof jQuery) {
.stop(true, true)
if ($thisMessageBox.is(':data(tooltip)')) {
} else {
* Requests SQL for previewing before executing.
* @param jQuery Object $form Form containing query data
* @return void
Functions.previewSql = function ($form) {
var formUrl = $form.attr('action');
var sep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator');
var formData = $form.serialize() +
sep + 'do_save_data=1' +
sep + 'preview_sql=1' +
sep + 'ajax_request=1';
var $messageBox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
type: 'POST',
url: formUrl,
data: formData,
success: function (response) {
if (response.success) {
var $dialogContent = $('<div></div>')
var buttonOptions = {};
buttonOptions[Messages.strClose] = function () {
minWidth: 550,
maxHeight: 400,
modal: true,
buttons: buttonOptions,
title: Messages.strPreviewSQL,
close: function () {
open: function () {
// Pretty SQL printing.
} else {
error: function () {
* Callback called when submit/"OK" is clicked on sql preview/confirm modal
* @callback onSubmitCallback
* @param {string} url The url
* @param {string} sqlData Sql query to preview
* @param {string} url Url to be sent to callback
* @param {onSubmitCallback} callback On submit callback function
* @return void
Functions.confirmPreviewSql = function (sqlData, url, callback) {
var $dialogContent = $('<div class="preview_sql"><code class="sql"><pre>'
+ sqlData
+ '</pre></code></div>'
var buttonOptions = [
text: Messages.strOK,
class: 'submitOK',
click: function () {
text: Messages.strCancel,
class: 'submitCancel',
click: function () {
minWidth: 550,
maxHeight: 400,
modal: true,
buttons: buttonOptions,
title: Messages.strPreviewSQL,
close: function () {
open: function () {
// Pretty SQL printing.
* check for reserved keyword column name
* @param jQuery Object $form Form
* @returns true|false
Functions.checkReservedWordColumns = function ($form) {
var isConfirmed = true;
type: 'POST',
url: 'tbl_structure.php',
data: $form.serialize() + CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'reserved_word_check=1',
success: function (data) {
if (typeof data.success !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
isConfirmed = confirm(data.message);
return isConfirmed;
// This event only need to be fired once after the initial page load
$(function () {
* Allows the user to dismiss a notification
* created with Functions.ajaxShowMessage()
$(document).on('click', 'span.ajax_notification.dismissable', function () {
* The below two functions hide the "Dismiss notification" tooltip when a user
* is hovering a link or button that is inside an ajax message
$(document).on('mouseover', 'span.ajax_notification a, span.ajax_notification button, span.ajax_notification input', function () {
if ($(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').is(':data(tooltip)')) {
$(document).on('mouseout', 'span.ajax_notification a, span.ajax_notification button, span.ajax_notification input', function () {
if ($(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').is(':data(tooltip)')) {
* Copy text to clipboard
* @param text to copy to clipboard
* @returns bool true|false
function copyToClipboard (text) {
var $temp = $('<input>');
$temp.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'width': '2em', 'border': 0, 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'padding': 0, 'background': 'transparent' });
try {
var res = document.execCommand('copy');
return res;
} catch (e) {
return false;
$(document).on('click', 'a.copyQueryBtn', function (event) {
var res = copyToClipboard($(this).attr('data-text'));
if (res) {
$(this).after('<span id=\'copyStatus\'> (' + Messages.strCopyQueryButtonSuccess + ')</span>');
} else {
$(this).after('<span id=\'copyStatus\'> (' + Messages.strCopyQueryButtonFailure + ')</span>');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
* Hides/shows the "Open in ENUM/SET editor" message, depending on the data type of the column currently selected
Functions.showNoticeForEnum = function (selectElement) {
var enumNoticeId = selectElement.attr('id').split('_')[1];
enumNoticeId += '_' + (parseInt(selectElement.attr('id').split('_')[2], 10) + 1);
var selectedType = selectElement.val();
if (selectedType === 'ENUM' || selectedType === 'SET') {
$('p#enum_notice_' + enumNoticeId).show();
} else {
$('p#enum_notice_' + enumNoticeId).hide();
* Creates a Profiling Chart. Used in sql.js
* and in server/status/monitor.js
Functions.createProfilingChart = function (target, data) {
// create the chart
var factory = new JQPlotChartFactory();
var chart = factory.createChart(ChartType.PIE, target);
// create the data table and add columns
var dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, '');
dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, '');
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
var location = 's';
if (windowWidth > 768) {
location = 'se';
// draw the chart and return the chart object
chart.draw(dataTable, {
seriesDefaults: {
rendererOptions: {
showDataLabels: true
highlighter: {
tooltipLocation: 'se',
sizeAdjust: 0,
tooltipAxes: 'pieref',
formatString: '%s, %.9Ps'
legend: {
show: true,
location: location,
rendererOptions: {
numberColumns: 2
// from http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines#Color_Palette
seriesColors: [
return chart;
* Formats a profiling duration nicely (in us and ms time).
* Used in server/status/monitor.js
* @param integer Number to be formatted, should be in the range of microsecond to second
* @param integer Accuracy, how many numbers right to the comma should be
* @return string The formatted number
Functions.prettyProfilingNum = function (number, accuracy) {
var num = number;
var acc = accuracy;
if (!acc) {
acc = 2;
acc = Math.pow(10, acc);
if (num * 1000 < 0.1) {
num = Math.round(acc * (num * 1000 * 1000)) / acc + 'µ';
} else if (num < 0.1) {
num = Math.round(acc * (num * 1000)) / acc + 'm';
} else {
num = Math.round(acc * num) / acc;
return num + 's';
* Formats a SQL Query nicely with newlines and indentation. Depends on Codemirror and MySQL Mode!
* @param string Query to be formatted
* @return string The formatted query
Functions.sqlPrettyPrint = function (string) {
if (typeof CodeMirror === 'undefined') {
return string;
var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({}, 'text/x-mysql');
var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(string);
var state = mode.startState();
var token;
var tokens = [];
var output = '';
var tabs = function (cnt) {
var ret = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 4 * cnt; i++) {
ret += ' ';
return ret;
// "root-level" statements
var statements = {
'select': ['select', 'from', 'on', 'where', 'having', 'limit', 'order by', 'group by'],
'update': ['update', 'set', 'where'],
'insert into': ['insert into', 'values']
// don't put spaces before these tokens
var spaceExceptionsBefore = { ';': true, ',': true, '.': true, '(': true };
// don't put spaces after these tokens
var spaceExceptionsAfter = { '.': true };
// Populate tokens array
while (! stream.eol()) {
stream.start = stream.pos;
token = mode.token(stream, state);
if (token !== null) {
tokens.push([token, stream.current().toLowerCase()]);
var currentStatement = tokens[0][1];
if (! statements[currentStatement]) {
return string;
// Holds all currently opened code blocks (statement, function or generic)
var blockStack = [];
// If a new code block is found, newBlock contains its type for one iteration and vice versa for endBlock
var newBlock;
var endBlock;
// How much to indent in the current line
var indentLevel = 0;
// Holds the "root-level" statements
var statementPart;
var lastStatementPart = statements[currentStatement][0];
// Iterate through every token and format accordingly
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
// New block => push to stack
if (tokens[i][1] === '(') {
if (i < tokens.length - 1 && tokens[i + 1][0] === 'statement-verb') {
blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'statement');
} else if (i > 0 && tokens[i - 1][0] === 'builtin') {
blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'function');
} else {
blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'generic');
} else {
newBlock = null;
// Block end => pop from stack
if (tokens[i][1] === ')') {
endBlock = blockStack[0];
} else {
endBlock = null;
// A subquery is starting
if (i > 0 && newBlock === 'statement') {
output += '\n' + tabs(indentLevel) + tokens[i][1] + ' ' + tokens[i + 1][1].toUpperCase() + '\n' + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
currentStatement = tokens[i + 1][1];
// A subquery is ending
if (endBlock === 'statement' && indentLevel > 0) {
output += '\n' + tabs(indentLevel);
// One less indentation for statement parts (from, where, order by, etc.) and a newline
statementPart = statements[currentStatement].indexOf(tokens[i][1]);
if (statementPart !== -1) {
if (i > 0) {
output += '\n';
output += tabs(indentLevel) + tokens[i][1].toUpperCase();
output += '\n' + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
lastStatementPart = tokens[i][1];
// Normal indentation and spaces for everything else
} else {
if (! spaceExceptionsBefore[tokens[i][1]] &&
! (i > 0 && spaceExceptionsAfter[tokens[i - 1][1]]) &&
output.charAt(output.length - 1) !== ' ') {
output += ' ';
if (tokens[i][0] === 'keyword') {
output += tokens[i][1].toUpperCase();
} else {
output += tokens[i][1];
// split columns in select and 'update set' clauses, but only inside statements blocks
if ((lastStatementPart === 'select' || lastStatementPart === 'where' || lastStatementPart === 'set') &&
tokens[i][1] === ',' && blockStack[0] === 'statement') {
output += '\n' + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
// split conditions in where clauses, but only inside statements blocks
if (lastStatementPart === 'where' &&
(tokens[i][1] === 'and' || tokens[i][1] === 'or' || tokens[i][1] === 'xor')) {
if (blockStack[0] === 'statement') {
output += '\n' + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
// Todo: Also split and or blocks in newlines & indentation++
// if (blockStack[0] === 'generic')
// output += ...
return output;
* jQuery function that uses jQueryUI's dialogs to confirm with user. Does not
* return a jQuery object yet and hence cannot be chained
* @param string question
* @param string url URL to be passed to the callbackFn to make
* an Ajax call to
* @param function callbackFn callback to execute after user clicks on OK
* @param function openCallback optional callback to run when dialog is shown
Functions.confirm = function (question, url, callbackFn, openCallback) {
var confirmState = CommonParams.get('confirm');
if (! confirmState) {
// user does not want to confirm
if (typeof callbackFn === 'function') {
callbackFn.call(this, url);
return true;
if (Messages.strDoYouReally === '') {
return true;
* @var button_options Object that stores the options passed to jQueryUI
* dialog
var buttonOptions = [
text: Messages.strOK,
'class': 'submitOK',
click: function () {
if (typeof callbackFn === 'function') {
callbackFn.call(this, url);
text: Messages.strCancel,
'class': 'submitCancel',
click: function () {
$('<div></div>', { 'id': 'confirm_dialog', 'title': Messages.strConfirm })
buttons: buttonOptions,
close: function () {
open: openCallback,
modal: true
jQuery.fn.confirm = Functions.confirm;
* jQuery function to sort a table's body after a new row has been appended to it.
* @param string text_selector string to select the sortKey's text
* @return jQuery Object for chaining purposes
Functions.sortTable = function (textSelector) {
return this.each(function () {
* @var table_body Object referring to the table's <tbody> element
var tableBody = $(this);
* @var rows Object referring to the collection of rows in {@link tableBody}
var rows = $(this).find('tr').get();
// get the text of the field that we will sort by
$.each(rows, function (index, row) {
row.sortKey = $.trim($(row).find(textSelector).text().toLowerCase());
// get the sorted order
rows.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.sortKey < b.sortKey) {
return -1;
if (a.sortKey > b.sortKey) {
return 1;
return 0;
// pull out each row from the table and then append it according to it's order
$.each(rows, function (index, row) {
row.sortKey = null;
jQuery.fn.sortTable = Functions.sortTable;
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('submit', '#create_table_form_minimal.ajax');
$(document).off('submit', 'form.create_table_form.ajax');
$(document).off('click', 'form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=submit_num_fields]');
$(document).off('keyup', 'form.create_table_form.ajax input');
$(document).off('change', 'input[name=partition_count],input[name=subpartition_count],select[name=partition_by]');
* jQuery coding for 'Create Table'. Used on db_operations.php,
* db_structure.php and db_tracking.php (i.e., wherever
* PhpMyAdmin\Display\CreateTable is used)
* Attach Ajax Event handlers for Create Table
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Attach event handler for submission of create table form (save)
$(document).on('submit', 'form.create_table_form.ajax', function (event) {
* @var the_form object referring to the create table form
var $form = $(this);
* First validate the form; if there is a problem, avoid submitting it
* Functions.checkTableEditForm() needs a pure element and not a jQuery object,
* this is why we pass $form[0] as a parameter (the jQuery object
* is actually an array of DOM elements)
if (Functions.checkTableEditForm($form[0], $form.find('input[name=orig_num_fields]').val())) {
if (Functions.checkReservedWordColumns($form)) {
// User wants to submit the form
$.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'do_save_data=1', function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
// Only if the create table dialog (distinct panel) exists
var $createTableDialog = $('#create_table_dialog');
if ($createTableDialog.length > 0) {
* @var tables_table Object referring to the <tbody> element that holds the list of tables
var tablesTable = $('#tablesForm').find('tbody').not('#tbl_summary_row');
// this is the first table created in this db
if (tablesTable.length === 0) {
} else {
* @var curr_last_row Object referring to the last <tr> element in {@link tablesTable}
var currLastRow = $(tablesTable).find('tr:last');
* @var curr_last_row_index_string String containing the index of {@link currLastRow}
var currLastRowIndexString = $(currLastRow).find('input:checkbox').attr('id').match(/\d+/)[0];
* @var curr_last_row_index Index of {@link currLastRow}
var currLastRowIndex = parseFloat(currLastRowIndexString);
* @var new_last_row_index Index of the new row to be appended to {@link tablesTable}
var newLastRowIndex = currLastRowIndex + 1;
* @var new_last_row_id String containing the id of the row to be appended to {@link tablesTable}
var newLastRowId = 'checkbox_tbl_' + newLastRowIndex;
data.newTableString = data.newTableString.replace(/checkbox_tbl_/, newLastRowId);
// append to table
// Sort the table
// Adjust summary row
// Refresh navigation as a new table has been added
// Redirect to table structure page on creation of new table
var argsep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator');
var params12 = 'ajax_request=true' + argsep + 'ajax_page_request=true';
if (! (history && history.pushState)) {
params12 += MicroHistory.menus.getRequestParam();
var tableStructureUrl = 'tbl_structure.php?server=' + data.params.server +
argsep + 'db=' + data.params.db + argsep + 'token=' + data.params.token +
argsep + 'goto=db_structure.php' + argsep + 'table=' + data.params.table + '';
$.get(tableStructureUrl, params12, AJAX.responseHandler);
} else {
'<div class="error">' + data.error + '</div>',
}); // end $.post()
}); // end create table form (save)
* Submits the intermediate changes in the table creation form
* to refresh the UI accordingly
function submitChangesInCreateTableForm (actionParam) {
* @var the_form object referring to the create table form
var $form = $('form.create_table_form.ajax');
var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strProcessingRequest);
// User wants to add more fields to the table
$.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + '&' + actionParam, function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success) {
var $pageContent = $('#page_content');
Functions.hideShowConnection($('.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]'));
} else {
}); // end $.post()
* Attach event handler for create table form (add fields)
$(document).on('click', 'form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=submit_num_fields]', function (event) {
}); // end create table form (add fields)
$(document).on('keydown', 'form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=added_fields]', function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
* Attach event handler to manage changes in number of partitions and subpartitions
$(document).on('change', 'input[name=partition_count],input[name=subpartition_count],select[name=partition_by]', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $form = $this.parents('form');
if ($form.is('.create_table_form.ajax')) {
} else {
$(document).on('change', 'input[value=AUTO_INCREMENT]', function () {
if (this.checked) {
var col = /\d/.exec($(this).attr('name'));
col = col[0];
var $selectFieldKey = $('select[name="field_key[' + col + ']"]');
if ($selectFieldKey.val() === 'none_' + col) {
$selectFieldKey.val('primary_' + col).trigger('change', [false]);
.off('click', 'input.preview_sql')
.on('click', 'input.preview_sql', function () {
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
* Validates the password field in a form
* @see Messages.strPasswordEmpty
* @see Messages.strPasswordNotSame
* @param object $the_form The form to be validated
* @return bool
Functions.checkPassword = function ($theForm) {
// Did the user select 'no password'?
if ($theForm.find('#nopass_1').is(':checked')) {
return true;
} else {
var $pred = $theForm.find('#select_pred_password');
if ($pred.length && ($pred.val() === 'none' || $pred.val() === 'keep')) {
return true;
var $password = $theForm.find('input[name=pma_pw]');
var $passwordRepeat = $theForm.find('input[name=pma_pw2]');
var alertMessage = false;
if ($password.val() === '') {
alertMessage = Messages.strPasswordEmpty;
} else if ($password.val() !== $passwordRepeat.val()) {
alertMessage = Messages.strPasswordNotSame;
if (alertMessage) {
return false;
return true;
* Attach Ajax event handlers for 'Change Password' on index.php
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
/* Handler for hostname type */
$(document).on('change', '#select_pred_hostname', function () {
var hostname = $('#pma_hostname');
if (this.value === 'any') {
} else if (this.value === 'localhost') {
} else if (this.value === 'thishost' && $(this).data('thishost')) {
} else if (this.value === 'hosttable') {
hostname.val('').prop('required', false);
} else if (this.value === 'userdefined') {
hostname.trigger('focus').select().prop('required', true);
/* Handler for editing hostname */
$(document).on('change', '#pma_hostname', function () {
$('#pma_hostname').prop('required', true);
/* Handler for username type */
$(document).on('change', '#select_pred_username', function () {
if (this.value === 'any') {
$('#pma_username').val('').prop('required', false);
$('#user_exists_warning').css('display', 'none');
} else if (this.value === 'userdefined') {
$('#pma_username').trigger('focus').select().prop('required', true);
/* Handler for editing username */
$(document).on('change', '#pma_username', function () {
$('#pma_username').prop('required', true);
/* Handler for password type */
$(document).on('change', '#select_pred_password', function () {
if (this.value === 'none') {
$('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', false).val('');
$('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', false).val('');
} else if (this.value === 'userdefined') {
$('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', true);
$('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', true).trigger('focus').select();
} else {
$('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', false);
$('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', false);
/* Handler for editing password */
$(document).on('change', '#text_pma_pw,#text_pma_pw2', function () {
$('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', true);
$('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', true);
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
$(document).off('click', '#change_password_anchor.ajax');
* Attach Ajax event handler on the change password anchor
$(document).on('click', '#change_password_anchor.ajax', function (event) {
var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
* @var button_options Object containing options to be passed to jQueryUI's dialog
var buttonOptions = {};
buttonOptions[Messages.strGo] = function () {
* @var $the_form Object referring to the change password form
var $theForm = $('#change_password_form');
if (! Functions.checkPassword($theForm)) {
return false;
* @var this_value String containing the value of the submit button.
* Need to append this for the change password form on Server Privileges
* page to work
var thisValue = $(this).val();
var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strProcessingRequest);
$theForm.append('<input type="hidden" name="ajax_request" value="true">');
$.post($theForm.attr('action'), $theForm.serialize() + CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'change_pw=' + thisValue, function (data) {
if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data.success !== true) {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
var $pageContent = $('#page_content');
}); // end $.post()
buttonOptions[Messages.strCancel] = function () {
$.get($(this).attr('href'), { 'ajax_request': true }, function (data) {
if (typeof data === 'undefined' || !data.success) {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
if (data.scripts) {
$('<div id="change_password_dialog"></div>')
title: Messages.strChangePassword,
width: 600,
close: function () {
buttons: buttonOptions,
modal: true
// for this dialog, we remove the fieldset wrapping due to double headings
$('#change_password_form').on('submit', function (e) {
.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-button')
}); // end $.get()
}); // end handler for change password anchor
}); // end $() for Change Password
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('change', 'select.column_type');
$(document).off('change', 'select.default_type');
$(document).off('change', 'select.virtuality');
$(document).off('change', 'input.allow_null');
$(document).off('change', '.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]');
* Toggle the hiding/showing of the "Open in ENUM/SET editor" message when
* the page loads and when the selected data type changes
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
// is called here for normal page loads and also when opening
// the Create table dialog
// needs on() to work also in the Create Table dialog
$(document).on('change', 'select.column_type', function () {
$(document).on('change', 'select.default_type', function () {
$(document).on('change', 'select.virtuality', function () {
$(document).on('change', 'input.allow_null', function () {
$(document).on('change', '.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]', function () {
* If the chosen storage engine is FEDERATED show connection field. Hide otherwise
* @param $engineSelector storage engine selector
Functions.hideShowConnection = function ($engineSelector) {
var $connection = $('.create_table_form input[name=connection]');
var index = $connection.parent('td').index() + 1;
var $labelTh = $connection.parents('tr').prev('tr').children('th:nth-child(' + index + ')');
if ($engineSelector.val() !== 'FEDERATED') {
.prop('disabled', true)
} else {
.prop('disabled', false)
* If the column does not allow NULL values, makes sure that default is not NULL
Functions.validateDefaultValue = function ($nullCheckbox) {
if (! $nullCheckbox.prop('checked')) {
var $default = $nullCheckbox.closest('tr').find('.default_type');
if ($default.val() === 'NULL') {
* function to populate the input fields on picking a column from central list
* @param string input_id input id of the name field for the column to be populated
* @param integer offset of the selected column in central list of columns
Functions.autoPopulate = function (inputId, offset) {
var db = CommonParams.get('db');
var table = CommonParams.get('table');
var newInputId = inputId.substring(0, inputId.length - 1);
$('#' + newInputId + '1').val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_name);
var colType = centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_type.toUpperCase();
$('#' + newInputId + '2').val(colType);
var $input3 = $('#' + newInputId + '3');
$input3.val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_length);
if (colType === 'ENUM' || colType === 'SET') {
} else {
var colDefault = centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_default.toUpperCase();
var $input4 = $('#' + newInputId + '4');
if (colDefault !== '' && colDefault !== 'NULL' && colDefault !== 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' && colDefault !== 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()') {
$input4.next().next().val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_default);
} else {
$input4.val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_default);
$('#' + newInputId + '5').val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_collation);
var $input6 = $('#' + newInputId + '6');
$input6.val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_attribute);
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_extra === 'on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
$input6.val(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_extra);
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_extra.toUpperCase() === 'AUTO_INCREMENT') {
$('#' + newInputId + '9').prop('checked',true).trigger('change');
} else {
$('#' + newInputId + '9').prop('checked',false);
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][offset].col_isNull !== '0') {
$('#' + newInputId + '7').prop('checked',true);
} else {
$('#' + newInputId + '7').prop('checked',false);
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', 'a.open_enum_editor');
$(document).off('click', 'input.add_value');
$(document).off('click', '#enum_editor td.drop');
$(document).off('click', 'a.central_columns_dialog');
* @var $enumEditorDialog An object that points to the jQuery
* dialog of the ENUM/SET editor
var $enumEditorDialog = null;
* Opens the ENUM/SET editor and controls its functions
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
$(document).on('click', 'a.open_enum_editor', function () {
// Get the name of the column that is being edited
var colname = $(this).closest('tr').find('input:first').val();
var title;
var i;
// And use it to make up a title for the page
if (colname.length < 1) {
title = Messages.enum_newColumnVals;
} else {
title = Messages.enum_columnVals.replace(
'"' + Functions.escapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(colname)) + '"'
// Get the values as a string
var inputstring = $(this)
// Escape html entities
inputstring = $('<div></div>')
// Parse the values, escaping quotes and
// slashes on the fly, into an array
var values = [];
var inString = false;
var curr;
var next;
var buffer = '';
for (i = 0; i < inputstring.length; i++) {
curr = inputstring.charAt(i);
next = i === inputstring.length ? '' : inputstring.charAt(i + 1);
if (! inString && curr === '\'') {
inString = true;
} else if (inString && curr === '\\' && next === '\\') {
buffer += '&#92;';
} else if (inString && next === '\'' && (curr === '\'' || curr === '\\')) {
buffer += '&#39;';
} else if (inString && curr === '\'') {
inString = false;
buffer = '';
} else if (inString) {
buffer += curr;
if (buffer.length > 0) {
// The leftovers in the buffer are the last value (if any)
var fields = '';
// If there are no values, maybe the user is about to make a
// new list so we add a few for him/her to get started with.
if (values.length === 0) {
values.push('', '', '', '');
// Add the parsed values to the editor
var dropIcon = Functions.getImage('b_drop');
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
fields += '<tr><td>' +
'<input type=\'text\' value=\'' + values[i] + '\'>' +
'</td><td class=\'drop\'>' +
dropIcon +
* @var dialog HTML code for the ENUM/SET dialog
var dialog = '<div id=\'enum_editor\'>' +
'<fieldset>' +
'<legend>' + title + '</legend>' +
'<p>' + Functions.getImage('s_notice') +
Messages.enum_hint + '</p>' +
'<table class=\'values\'>' + fields + '</table>' +
'</fieldset><fieldset class=\'tblFooters\'>' +
'<table class=\'add\'><tr><td>' +
'<div class=\'slider\'></div>' +
'</td><td>' +
'<form><div><input type=\'submit\' class=\'add_value\' value=\'' +
Functions.sprintf(Messages.enum_addValue, 1) +
'\'></div></form>' +
'</td></tr></table>' +
'<input type=\'hidden\' value=\'' + // So we know which column's data is being edited
$(this).closest('td').find('input').attr('id') +
'\'>' +
'</fieldset>' +
* @var Defines functions to be called when the buttons in
* the buttonOptions jQuery dialog bar are pressed
var buttonOptions = {};
buttonOptions[Messages.strGo] = function () {
// When the submit button is clicked,
// put the data back into the original form
var valueArray = [];
$(this).find('.values input').each(function (index, elm) {
var val = elm.value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, '\'\'');
valueArray.push('\'' + val + '\'');
// get the Length/Values text field where this value belongs
var valuesId = $(this).find('input[type=\'hidden\']').val();
$('input#' + valuesId).val(valueArray.join(','));
buttonOptions[Messages.strClose] = function () {
// Show the dialog
var width = parseInt(
(parseInt($('html').css('font-size'), 10) / 13) * 340,
if (! width) {
width = 340;
$enumEditorDialog = $(dialog).dialog({
minWidth: width,
maxHeight: 450,
modal: true,
title: Messages.enum_editor,
buttons: buttonOptions,
open: function () {
// Focus the "Go" button after opening the dialog
$(this).closest('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first').trigger('focus');
close: function () {
// slider for choosing how many fields to add
animate: true,
range: 'min',
value: 1,
min: 1,
max: 9,
slide: function (event, ui) {
Functions.sprintf(Messages.enum_addValue, ui.value)
// Focus the slider, otherwise it looks nearly transparent
return false;
$(document).on('click', 'a.central_columns_dialog', function () {
var href = 'db_central_columns.php';
var db = CommonParams.get('db');
var table = CommonParams.get('table');
var maxRows = $(this).data('maxrows');
var pick = $(this).data('pick');
if (pick !== false) {
pick = true;
var params = {
'ajax_request' : true,
'server' : CommonParams.get('server'),
'db' : CommonParams.get('db'),
'cur_table' : CommonParams.get('table'),
var colid = $(this).closest('td').find('input').attr('id');
var fields = '';
if (! (db + '_' + table in centralColumnList)) {
centralColumnList.push(db + '_' + table);
type: 'POST',
url: href,
data: params,
success: function (data) {
centralColumnList[db + '_' + table] = JSON.parse(data.message);
var i = 0;
var listSize = centralColumnList[db + '_' + table].length;
var min = (listSize <= maxRows) ? listSize : maxRows;
for (i = 0; i < min; i++) {
fields += '<tr><td><div><span class="font_weight_bold">' +
Functions.escapeHtml(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_name) +
'</span><br><span class="color_gray">' + centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_type;
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute !== '') {
fields += '(' + Functions.escapeHtml(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute) + ') ';
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_length !== '') {
fields += '(' + Functions.escapeHtml(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_length) + ') ';
fields += Functions.escapeHtml(centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_extra) + '</span>' +
if (pick) {
fields += '<td><input class="btn btn-secondary pick all100" type="submit" value="' +
Messages.pickColumn + '" onclick="Functions.autoPopulate(\'' + colid + '\',' + i + ')"></td>';
fields += '</tr>';
var resultPointer = i;
var searchIn = '<input type="text" class="filter_rows" placeholder="' + Messages.searchList + '">';
if (fields === '') {
fields = Functions.sprintf(Messages.strEmptyCentralList, '\'' + Functions.escapeHtml(db) + '\'');
searchIn = '';
var seeMore = '';
if (listSize > maxRows) {
seeMore = '<fieldset class=\'tblFooters center font_weight_bold\'>' +
'<a href=\'#\' id=\'seeMore\'>' + Messages.seeMore + '</a></fieldset>';
var centralColumnsDialog = '<div class=\'max_height_400\'>' +
'<fieldset>' +
searchIn +
'<table id=\'col_list\' class=\'values all100\'>' + fields + '</table>' +
'</fieldset>' +
seeMore +
var width = parseInt(
(parseInt($('html').css('font-size'), 10) / 13) * 500,
if (! width) {
width = 500;
var buttonOptions = {};
var $centralColumnsDialog = $(centralColumnsDialog).dialog({
minWidth: width,
maxHeight: 450,
modal: true,
title: Messages.pickColumnTitle,
buttons: buttonOptions,
open: function () {
$('#col_list').on('click', '.pick', function () {
$('.filter_rows').on('keyup', function () {
$.uiTableFilter($('#col_list'), $(this).val());
$('#seeMore').on('click', function () {
fields = '';
min = (listSize <= maxRows + resultPointer) ? listSize : maxRows + resultPointer;
for (i = resultPointer; i < min; i++) {
fields += '<tr><td><div><span class="font_weight_bold">' +
centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_name +
'</span><br><span class="color_gray">' +
centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_type;
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute !== '') {
fields += '(' + centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute + ') ';
if (centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_length !== '') {
fields += '(' + centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_length + ') ';
fields += centralColumnList[db + '_' + table][i].col_extra + '</span>' +
if (pick) {
fields += '<td><input class="btn btn-secondary pick all100" type="submit" value="' +
Messages.pickColumn + '" onclick="Functions.autoPopulate(\'' + colid + '\',' + i + ')"></td>';
fields += '</tr>';
resultPointer = i;
if (resultPointer === listSize) {
return false;
$(this).closest('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first').trigger('focus');
close: function () {
$('#col_list').off('click', '.pick');
return false;
// $(document).on('click', 'a.show_central_list',function(e) {
// });
// When "add a new value" is clicked, append an empty text field
$(document).on('click', 'input.add_value', function (e) {
var numNewRows = $enumEditorDialog.find('div.slider').slider('value');
while (numNewRows--) {
'<tr class=\'hide\'><td>' +
'<input type=\'text\'>' +
'</td><td class=\'drop\'>' +
Functions.getImage('b_drop') +
// Removes the specified row from the enum editor
$(document).on('click', '#enum_editor td.drop', function () {
$(this).closest('tr').hide('fast', function () {
* Ensures indexes names are valid according to their type and, for a primary
* key, lock index name to 'PRIMARY'
* @param string form_id Variable which parses the form name as
* the input
* @return boolean false if there is no index form, true else
Functions.checkIndexName = function (formId) {
if ($('#' + formId).length === 0) {
return false;
// Gets the elements pointers
var $theIdxName = $('#input_index_name');
var $theIdxChoice = $('#select_index_choice');
// Index is a primary key
if ($theIdxChoice.find('option:selected').val() === 'PRIMARY') {
$theIdxName.prop('disabled', true);
} else {
if ($theIdxName.val() === 'PRIMARY') {
$theIdxName.prop('disabled', false);
return true;
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', '#index_frm input[type=submit]');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Handler for adding more columns to an index in the editor
$(document).on('click', '#index_frm input[type=submit]', function (event) {
var rowsToAdd = $(this)
var tempEmptyVal = function () {
var tempSetFocus = function () {
if ($(this).find('option:selected').val() === '') {
return true;
while (rowsToAdd--) {
var $indexColumns = $('#index_columns');
var $newrow = $indexColumns
.find('tbody > tr:first')
// focus index size input on column picked
$newrow.find('select').on('change', tempSetFocus);
Functions.indexEditorDialog = function (url, title, callbackSuccess, callbackFailure) {
/* Remove the hidden dialogs if there are*/
var $editIndexDialog = $('#edit_index_dialog');
if ($editIndexDialog.length !== 0) {
var $div = $('<div id="edit_index_dialog"></div>');
* @var button_options Object that stores the options
* passed to jQueryUI dialog
var buttonOptions = {};
buttonOptions[Messages.strGo] = function () {
* @var the_form object referring to the export form
var $form = $('#index_frm');
// User wants to submit the form
$.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'do_save_data=1', function (data) {
var $sqlqueryresults = $('.sqlqueryresults');
if ($sqlqueryresults.length !== 0) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
$('.result_query .notice').remove();
/* Reload the field form*/
$('<div id=\'temp_div\'><div>')
var $editIndexDialog = $('#edit_index_dialog');
if ($editIndexDialog.length > 0) {
if (callbackSuccess) {
} else {
var $tempDiv = $('<div id=\'temp_div\'><div>').append(data.error);
var $error;
if ($tempDiv.find('.error code').length !== 0) {
$error = $tempDiv.find('.error code').addClass('error');
} else {
$error = $tempDiv;
if (callbackFailure) {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage($error, false);
}); // end $.post()
buttonOptions[Messages.strPreviewSQL] = function () {
// Function for Previewing SQL
var $form = $('#index_frm');
buttonOptions[Messages.strCancel] = function () {
var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
$.post('tbl_indexes.php', url, function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === false) {
// in the case of an error, show the error message returned.
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
} else {
// Show dialog if the request was successful
title: title,
width: 'auto',
open: Functions.verifyColumnsProperties,
modal: true,
buttons: buttonOptions,
close: function () {
}); // end $.get()
Functions.showIndexEditDialog = function ($outer) {
var $indexColumns = $('#index_columns');
$indexColumns.find('td').each(function () {
$(this).css('width', $(this).width() + 'px');
axis: 'y',
containment: $indexColumns.find('tbody'),
tolerance: 'pointer'
// Add a slider for selecting how many columns to add to the index
animate: true,
value: 1,
min: 1,
max: 16,
slide: function (event, ui) {
Functions.sprintf(Messages.strAddToIndex, ui.value)
// focus index size input on column picked
$outer.find('table#index_columns select').on('change', function () {
if ($(this).find('option:selected').val() === '') {
return true;
// Focus the slider, otherwise it looks nearly transparent
// set focus on index name input, if empty
var input = $outer.find('input#input_index_name');
if (! input.val()) {
* Function to display tooltips that were
* generated on the PHP side by PhpMyAdmin\Util::showHint()
* @param object $div a div jquery object which specifies the
* domain for searching for tooltips. If we
* omit this parameter the function searches
* in the whole body
Functions.showHints = function ($div) {
var $newDiv = $div;
if ($newDiv === undefined || !($newDiv instanceof jQuery) || $newDiv.length === 0) {
$newDiv = $('body');
$newDiv.find('.pma_hint').each(function () {
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
Functions.mainMenuResizerCallback = function () {
// 5 px margin for jumping menu in Chrome
return $(document.body).width() - 5;
// This must be fired only once after the initial page load
$(function () {
// Initialise the menu resize plugin
// register resize event
$(window).on('resize', function () {
* Changes status of slider
Functions.setStatusLabel = function ($element) {
var text;
if ($element.css('display') === 'none') {
text = '+ ';
} else {
text = '- ';
* var toggleButton This is a function that creates a toggle
* sliding button given a jQuery reference
* to the correct DOM element
Functions.toggleButton = function ($obj) {
// In rtl mode the toggle switch is flipped horizontally
// so we need to take that into account
var right;
if ($('span.text_direction', $obj).text() === 'ltr') {
right = 'right';
} else {
right = 'left';
* var h Height of the button, used to scale the
* background image and position the layers
var h = $obj.height();
$('img', $obj).height(h);
$('table', $obj).css('bottom', h - 1);
* var on Width of the "ON" part of the toggle switch
* var off Width of the "OFF" part of the toggle switch
var on = $('td.toggleOn', $obj).width();
var off = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).width();
// Make the "ON" and "OFF" parts of the switch the same size
// + 2 pixels to avoid overflowed
$('td.toggleOn > div', $obj).width(Math.max(on, off) + 2);
$('td.toggleOff > div', $obj).width(Math.max(on, off) + 2);
* var w Width of the central part of the switch
var w = parseInt(($('img', $obj).height() / 16) * 22, 10);
// Resize the central part of the switch on the top
// layer to match the background
$('table td:nth-child(2) > div', $obj).width(w);
* var imgw Width of the background image
* var tblw Width of the foreground layer
* var offset By how many pixels to move the background
* image, so that it matches the top layer
var imgw = $('img', $obj).width();
var tblw = $('table', $obj).width();
var offset = parseInt(((imgw - tblw) / 2), 10);
// Move the background to match the layout of the top layer
$obj.find('img').css(right, offset);
* var offw Outer width of the "ON" part of the toggle switch
* var btnw Outer width of the central part of the switch
var offw = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).outerWidth();
var btnw = $('table td:nth-child(2)', $obj).outerWidth();
// Resize the main div so that exactly one side of
// the switch plus the central part fit into it.
$obj.width(offw + btnw + 2);
* var move How many pixels to move the
* switch by when toggling
var move = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).outerWidth();
// If the switch is initialized to the
// OFF state we need to move it now.
if ($('div.container', $obj).hasClass('off')) {
if (right === 'right') {
$('div.container', $obj).animate({ 'left': '-=' + move + 'px' }, 0);
} else {
$('div.container', $obj).animate({ 'left': '+=' + move + 'px' }, 0);
// Attach an 'onclick' event to the switch
$('div.container', $obj).on('click', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('isActive')) {
return false;
} else {
var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
var $container = $(this);
var callback = $('span.callback', this).text();
var operator;
var url;
var removeClass;
var addClass;
// Perform the actual toggle
if ($(this).hasClass('on')) {
if (right === 'right') {
operator = '-=';
} else {
operator = '+=';
url = $(this).find('td.toggleOff > span').text();
removeClass = 'on';
addClass = 'off';
} else {
if (right === 'right') {
operator = '+=';
} else {
operator = '-=';
url = $(this).find('td.toggleOn > span').text();
removeClass = 'off';
addClass = 'on';
var parts = url.split('?');
$.post(parts[0], parts[1] + '&ajax_request=true', function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
.animate({ 'left': operator + move + 'px' }, function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
} else {
Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
* Initialise all toggle buttons
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
$('div.toggleAjax').each(function () {
var $button = $(this).show();
$button.find('img').each(function () {
if (this.complete) {
} else {
$(this).on('load', function () {
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('change', 'select.pageselector');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Autosubmit page selector
$(document).on('change', 'select.pageselector', function (event) {
// Check where to load the new content
if ($(this).closest('#pma_navigation').length === 0) {
// For the main page we don't need to do anything,
} else {
// but for the navigation we need to manually replace the content
* Load version information asynchronously.
if ($('li.jsversioncheck').length > 0) {
dataType: 'json',
url: 'version_check.php',
method: 'POST',
data: {
'server': CommonParams.get('server')
success: Functions.currentVersion
if ($('#is_git_revision').length > 0) {
setTimeout(Functions.displayGitRevision, 10);
* Slider effect.
var $updateRecentTables = $('#update_recent_tables');
if ($updateRecentTables.length) {
{ 'no_debug': true },
function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
// Sync favorite tables from localStorage to pmadb.
if ($('#sync_favorite_tables').length) {
url: $('#sync_favorite_tables').attr('href'),
cache: false,
type: 'POST',
data: {
'favoriteTables': (isStorageSupported('localStorage') && typeof window.localStorage.favoriteTables !== 'undefined')
? window.localStorage.favoriteTables
: '',
'server': CommonParams.get('server'),
'no_debug': true
success: function (data) {
// Update localStorage.
if (isStorageSupported('localStorage')) {
window.localStorage.favoriteTables = data.favoriteTables;
}); // end of $()
* Initializes slider effect.
Functions.initSlider = function () {
$('div.pma_auto_slider').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data('slider_init_done')) {
var $wrapper = $('<div>', { 'class': 'slide-wrapper' });
$('<a>', { href: '#' + this.id, 'class': 'ajax' })
.on('click', function () {
var $wrapper = $this.closest('.slide-wrapper');
var visible = $this.is(':visible');
if (!visible) {
$this[visible ? 'hide' : 'show']('blind', function () {
$wrapper.parent().toggleClass('print_ignore', visible);
return false;
$this.data('slider_init_done', 1);
* Initializes slider effect.
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Restores sliders to the state they were in before initialisation.
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$('div.pma_auto_slider').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
* Creates a message inside an object with a sliding effect
* @param msg A string containing the text to display
* @param $obj a jQuery object containing the reference
* to the element where to put the message
* This is optional, if no element is
* provided, one will be created below the
* navigation links at the top of the page
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
Functions.slidingMessage = function (msg, $object) {
var $obj = $object;
if (msg === undefined || msg.length === 0) {
// Don't show an empty message
return false;
if ($obj === undefined || !($obj instanceof jQuery) || $obj.length === 0) {
// If the second argument was not supplied,
// we might have to create a new DOM node.
if ($('#PMA_slidingMessage').length === 0) {
'<span id="PMA_slidingMessage" ' +
$obj = $('#PMA_slidingMessage');
if ($obj.has('div').length > 0) {
// If there already is a message inside the
// target object, we must get rid of it
.fadeOut(function () {
.append('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
// highlight any sql before taking height;
height: $obj.find('div').first().height()
} else {
// Object does not already have a message
// inside it, so we simply slide it down
.html('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
// highlight any sql before taking height;
var h = $obj
.css('height', 0)
height: h
}, function () {
// Set the height of the parent
// to the height of the child
return true;
* Attach CodeMirror2 editor to SQL edit area.
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
var $elm = $('#sqlquery');
if ($elm.siblings().filter('.CodeMirror').length > 0) {
if ($elm.length > 0) {
if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
codeMirrorEditor = Functions.getSqlEditor($elm);
codeMirrorEditor.on('blur', Functions.updateQueryParameters);
} else {
// without codemirror
$elm.trigger('focus').on('blur', Functions.updateQueryParameters);
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
if (codeMirrorEditor) {
codeMirrorEditor = false;
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
// initializes all lock-page elements lock-id and
// val-hash data property
$('#page_content form.lock-page textarea, ' +
'#page_content form.lock-page input[type="text"], ' +
'#page_content form.lock-page input[type="number"], ' +
'#page_content form.lock-page select').each(function (i) {
$(this).data('lock-id', i);
// val-hash is the hash of default value of the field
// so that it can be compared with new value hash
// to check whether field was modified or not.
$(this).data('val-hash', AJAX.hash($(this).val()));
// initializes lock-page elements (input types checkbox and radio buttons)
// lock-id and val-hash data property
$('#page_content form.lock-page input[type="checkbox"], ' +
'#page_content form.lock-page input[type="radio"]').each(function (i) {
$(this).data('lock-id', i);
$(this).data('val-hash', AJAX.hash($(this).is(':checked')));
* jQuery plugin to correctly filter input fields by value, needed
* because some nasty values may break selector syntax
(function ($) {
$.fn.filterByValue = function (value) {
return this.filter(function () {
return $(this).val() === value;
* Return value of a cell in a table.
Functions.getCellValue = function (td) {
var $td = $(td);
if ($td.is('.null')) {
return '';
} else if ((! $td.is('.to_be_saved')
|| $td.is('.set'))
&& $td.data('original_data')
) {
return $td.data('original_data');
} else {
return $td.text();
$(window).on('popstate', function () {
return true;
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', 'a.themeselect');
$(document).off('change', '.autosubmit');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Theme selector.
$(document).on('click', 'a.themeselect', function (e) {
return false;
* Automatic form submission on change.
$(document).on('change', '.autosubmit', function () {
* Theme changer.
$('a.take_theme').on('click', function () {
var what = this.name;
if (window.opener && window.opener.document.forms.setTheme.elements.set_theme) {
window.opener.document.forms.setTheme.elements.set_theme.value = what;
return false;
return true;
* Produce print preview
Functions.printPreview = function () {
* Create print and back buttons in preview page
Functions.createPrintAndBackButtons = function () {
var backButton = $('<input>',{
type: 'button',
value: Messages.back,
id: 'back_button_print_view'
backButton.on('click', Functions.removePrintAndBackButton);
var printButton = $('<input>',{
type: 'button',
value: Messages.print,
id: 'print_button_print_view'
printButton.on('click', Functions.printPage);
* Remove print and back buttons and revert to normal view
Functions.removePrintAndBackButton = function () {
* Print page
Functions.printPage = function () {
if (typeof(window.print) !== 'undefined') {
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', 'a.create_view.ajax');
$(document).off('keydown', '#createViewDialog input, #createViewDialog select');
$(document).off('change', '#fkc_checkbox');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
$('input#print').on('click', Functions.printPage);
$('.logout').on('click', function () {
var form = $(
'<form method="POST" action="' + $(this).attr('href') + '" class="disableAjax">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' + Functions.escapeHtml(CommonParams.get('token')) + '">' +
return false;
* Ajaxification for the "Create View" action
$(document).on('click', 'a.create_view.ajax', function (e) {
* Attach Ajax event handlers for input fields in the editor
* and used to submit the Ajax request when the ENTER key is pressed.
if ($('#createViewDialog').length !== 0) {
$(document).on('keydown', '#createViewDialog input, #createViewDialog select', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) { // 13 is the ENTER key
// with preventing default, selection by <select> tag
// was also prevented in IE
}); // end $(document).on()
if ($('textarea[name="view[as]"]').length !== 0) {
codeMirrorEditor = Functions.getSqlEditor($('textarea[name="view[as]"]'));
Functions.createViewDialog = function ($this) {
var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
var sep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator');
var params = Functions.getJsConfirmCommonParam(this, $this.getPostData());
params += sep + 'ajax_dialog=1';
$.post($this.attr('href'), params, function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
var buttonOptions = {};
buttonOptions[Messages.strGo] = function () {
if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
$msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage();
$.post('view_create.php', $('#createViewDialog').find('form').serialize(), function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
} else {
buttonOptions[Messages.strClose] = function () {
var $dialog = $('<div></div>').attr('id', 'createViewDialog').append(data.message).dialog({
width: 600,
minWidth: 400,
modal: true,
buttons: buttonOptions,
title: Messages.strCreateView,
close: function () {
// Attach syntax highlighted editor
codeMirrorEditor = Functions.getSqlEditor($dialog.find('textarea'));
$('input:visible[type=text]', $dialog).first().trigger('focus');
} else {
* Makes the breadcrumbs and the menu bar float at the top of the viewport
$(function () {
if ($('#floating_menubar').length && $('#PMA_disable_floating_menubar').length === 0) {
var left = $('html').attr('dir') === 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';
.css('margin-' + left, $('#pma_navigation').width() + $('#pma_navigation_resizer').width())
.css(left, 0)
'position': 'fixed',
'top': 0,
'width': '100%',
'z-index': 99
// Allow the DOM to render, then adjust the padding on the body
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4);
* Scrolls the page to the top if clicking the serverinfo bar
$(function () {
$(document).on('click', '#serverinfo, #goto_pagetop', function (event) {
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast');
var checkboxesSel = 'input.checkall:checkbox:enabled';
* Watches checkboxes in a form to set the checkall box accordingly
Functions.checkboxesChanged = function () {
var $form = $(this.form);
// total number of checkboxes in current form
var totalBoxes = $form.find(checkboxesSel).length;
// number of checkboxes checked in current form
var checkedBoxes = $form.find(checkboxesSel + ':checked').length;
var $checkall = $form.find('input.checkall_box');
if (totalBoxes === checkedBoxes) {
$checkall.prop({ checked: true, indeterminate: false });
} else if (checkedBoxes > 0) {
$checkall.prop({ checked: true, indeterminate: true });
} else {
$checkall.prop({ checked: false, indeterminate: false });
$(document).on('change', checkboxesSel, Functions.checkboxesChanged);
$(document).on('change', 'input.checkall_box', function () {
var isChecked = $(this).is(':checked');
$(this.form).find(checkboxesSel).not('.row-hidden').prop('checked', isChecked)
.parents('tr').toggleClass('marked', isChecked);
$(document).on('click', '.checkall-filter', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var selector = $this.data('checkall-selector');
$('input.checkall_box').prop('checked', false);
$this.parents('form').find(checkboxesSel).filter(selector).prop('checked', true).trigger('change')
.parents('tr').toggleClass('marked', true);
return false;
* Watches checkboxes in a sub form to set the sub checkall box accordingly
Functions.subCheckboxesChanged = function () {
var $form = $(this).parent().parent();
// total number of checkboxes in current sub form
var totalBoxes = $form.find(checkboxesSel).length;
// number of checkboxes checked in current sub form
var checkedBoxes = $form.find(checkboxesSel + ':checked').length;
var $checkall = $form.find('input.sub_checkall_box');
if (totalBoxes === checkedBoxes) {
$checkall.prop({ checked: true, indeterminate: false });
} else if (checkedBoxes > 0) {
$checkall.prop({ checked: true, indeterminate: true });
} else {
$checkall.prop({ checked: false, indeterminate: false });
$(document).on('change', checkboxesSel + ', input.checkall_box:checkbox:enabled', Functions.subCheckboxesChanged);
$(document).on('change', 'input.sub_checkall_box', function () {
var isChecked = $(this).is(':checked');
var $form = $(this).parent().parent();
$form.find(checkboxesSel).prop('checked', isChecked)
.parents('tr').toggleClass('marked', isChecked);
* Rows filtering
* - rows to filter are identified by data-filter-row attribute
* which contains uppercase string to filter
* - it is simple substring case insensitive search
* - optionally number of matching rows is written to element with
* id filter-rows-count
$(document).on('keyup', '#filterText', function () {
var filterInput = $(this).val().toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '_');
var count = 0;
$('[data-filter-row]').each(function () {
var $row = $(this);
/* Can not use data() here as it does magic conversion to int for numeric values */
if ($row.attr('data-filter-row').indexOf(filterInput) > -1) {
count += 1;
} else {
$row.find('input.checkall').addClass('row-hidden').prop('checked', false);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
/* Trigger filtering of the list based on incoming database name */
var $filter = $('#filterText');
if ($filter.val()) {
* Formats a byte number to human-readable form
* @param bytes the bytes to format
* @param optional subdecimals the number of digits after the point
* @param optional pointchar the char to use as decimal point
Functions.formatBytes = function (bytesToFormat, subDecimals, pointChar) {
var bytes = bytesToFormat;
var decimals = subDecimals;
var point = pointChar;
if (!decimals) {
decimals = 0;
if (!point) {
point = '.';
var units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB'];
for (var i = 0; bytes > 1024 && i < units.length; i++) {
bytes /= 1024;
var factor = Math.pow(10, decimals);
bytes = Math.round(bytes * factor) / factor;
bytes = bytes.toString().split('.').join(point);
return bytes + ' ' + units[i];
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Reveal the login form to users with JS enabled
* and focus the appropriate input field
var $loginform = $('#loginform');
if ($loginform.length) {
if ($('#input_username').val()) {
} else {
var $httpsWarning = $('#js-https-mismatch');
if ($httpsWarning.length) {
if ((window.location.protocol === 'https:') !== CommonParams.get('is_https')) {
* Formats timestamp for display
Functions.formatDateTime = function (date, seconds) {
var result = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
var timefmt = 'HH:mm';
if (seconds) {
timefmt = 'HH:mm:ss';
return result + ' ' + $.datepicker.formatTime(
timefmt, {
hour: date.getHours(),
minute: date.getMinutes(),
second: date.getSeconds()
* Check than forms have less fields than max allowed by PHP.
Functions.checkNumberOfFields = function () {
if (typeof maxInputVars === 'undefined') {
return false;
if (false === maxInputVars) {
return false;
$('form').each(function () {
var nbInputs = $(this).find(':input').length;
if (nbInputs > maxInputVars) {
var warning = Functions.sprintf(Messages.strTooManyInputs, maxInputVars);
return false;
return true;
return true;
* Ignore the displayed php errors.
* Simply removes the displayed errors.
* @param clearPrevErrors whether to clear errors stored
* in $_SESSION['prev_errors'] at server
Functions.ignorePhpErrors = function (clearPrevErrors) {
var clearPrevious = clearPrevErrors;
if (typeof(clearPrevious) === 'undefined' ||
clearPrevious === null
) {
clearPrevious = false;
// send AJAX request to error_report.php with send_error_report=0, exception_type=php & token.
// It clears the prev_errors stored in session.
if (clearPrevious) {
var $pmaReportErrorsForm = $('#pma_report_errors_form');
$pmaReportErrorsForm.find('input[name="send_error_report"]').val(0); // change send_error_report to '0'
// remove displayed errors
var $pmaErrors = $('#pma_errors');
* Toggle the Datetimepicker UI if the date value entered
* by the user in the 'text box' is not going to be accepted
* by the Datetimepicker plugin (but is accepted by MySQL)
Functions.toggleDatepickerIfInvalid = function ($td, $inputField) {
// Regex allowed by the Datetimepicker UI
var dtexpDate = new RegExp(['^([0-9]{4})',
var dtexpTime = new RegExp(['^(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3]))',
// If key-ed in Time or Date values are unsupported by the UI, close it
if ($td.attr('data-type') === 'date' && ! dtexpDate.test($inputField.val())) {
} else if ($td.attr('data-type') === 'time' && ! dtexpTime.test($inputField.val())) {
} else {
* Function to submit the login form after validation is done.
* NOTE: do NOT use a module or it will break the callback, issue #15435
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, camelcase
var Functions_recaptchaCallback = function () {
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('keydown', 'form input, form textarea, form select');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Handle 'Ctrl/Alt + Enter' form submits
$('form input, form textarea, form select').on('keydown', function (e) {
if ((e.ctrlKey && e.which === 13) || (e.altKey && e.which === 13)) {
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
// There could be multiple submit buttons on the same form,
// we assume all of them behave identical and just click one.
if (! $form.find('input[type="submit"]:first') ||
! $form.find('input[type="submit"]:first').trigger('click')
) {
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
$(document).off('change', 'input[type=radio][name="pw_hash"]');
$(document).off('mouseover', '.sortlink');
$(document).off('mouseout', '.sortlink');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
* Display warning regarding SSL when sha256_password
* method is selected
* Used in user_password.php (Change Password link on index.php)
$(document).on('change', 'select#select_authentication_plugin_cp', function () {
if (this.value === 'sha256_password') {
} else {
Cookies.defaults.path = CommonParams.get('rootPath');
// Bind event handlers for toggling sort icons
$(document).on('mouseover', '.sortlink', function () {
$(document).on('mouseout', '.sortlink', function () {
* Returns an HTML IMG tag for a particular image from a theme,
* which may be an actual file or an icon from a sprite
* @param string image The name of the file to get
* @param string alternate Used to set 'alt' and 'title' attributes of the image
* @param object attributes An associative array of other attributes
* @return Object The requested image, this object has two methods:
* .toString() - Returns the IMG tag for the requested image
* .attr(name) - Returns a particular attribute of the IMG
* tag given it's name
* .attr(name, value) - Sets a particular attribute of the IMG
* tag to the given value
Functions.getImage = function (image, alternate, attributes) {
var alt = alternate;
var attr = attributes;
// custom image object, it will eventually be returned by this functions
var retval = {
data: {
// this is private
alt: '',
title: '',
src: 'themes/dot.gif',
attr: function (name, value) {
if (value === undefined) {
if (this.data[name] === undefined) {
return '';
} else {
return this.data[name];
} else {
this.data[name] = value;
toString: function () {
var retval = '<' + 'img';
for (var i in this.data) {
retval += ' ' + i + '="' + this.data[i] + '"';
retval += ' /' + '>';
return retval;
// initialise missing parameters
if (attr === undefined) {
attr = {};
if (alt === undefined) {
alt = '';
// set alt
if (attr.alt !== undefined) {
retval.attr('alt', Functions.escapeHtml(attr.alt));
} else {
retval.attr('alt', Functions.escapeHtml(alt));
// set title
if (attr.title !== undefined) {
retval.attr('title', Functions.escapeHtml(attr.title));
} else {
retval.attr('title', Functions.escapeHtml(alt));
// set css classes
retval.attr('class', 'icon ic_' + image);
// set all other attrubutes
for (var i in attr) {
if (i === 'src') {
// do not allow to override the 'src' attribute
retval.attr(i, attr[i]);
return retval;
* Sets a configuration value.
* A configuration value may be set in both browser's local storage and
* remotely in server's configuration table.
* NOTE: Depending on server's configuration, the configuration table may be or
* not persistent.
* @param {string} key Configuration key.
* @param {object} value Configuration value.
Functions.configSet = function (key, value) {
var serialized = JSON.stringify(value);
localStorage.setItem(key, serialized);
url: 'ajax.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
key: key,
type: 'config-set',
server: CommonParams.get('server'),
value: serialized,
success: function (data) {
// Updating value in local storage.
if (! data.success) {
if (data.error) {
} else {
// Eventually, call callback.
* Gets a configuration value. A configuration value will be searched in
* browser's local storage first and if not found, a call to the server will be
* made.
* If value should not be cached and the up-to-date configuration value from
* right from the server is required, the third parameter should be `false`.
* @param {string} key Configuration key.
* @param {boolean} cached Configuration type.
* @return {object} Configuration value.
Functions.configGet = function (key, cached) {
var isCached = (typeof cached !== 'undefined') ? cached : true;
var value = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (isCached && value !== undefined && value !== null) {
return JSON.parse(value);
// Result not found in local storage or ignored.
// Hitting the server.
// TODO: This is ugly, but usually when a configuration is needed,
// processing cannot continue until that value is found.
// Another solution is to provide a callback as a parameter.
async: false,
url: 'ajax.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
type: 'config-get',
server: CommonParams.get('server'),
key: key
success: function (data) {
// Updating value in local storage.
if (data.success) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(data.value));
} else {
// Eventually, call callback.
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
* Return POST data as stored by Util::linkOrButton
Functions.getPostData = function () {
var dataPost = this.attr('data-post');
// Strip possible leading ?
if (dataPost !== undefined && dataPost.substring(0,1) === '?') {
dataPost = dataPost.substr(1);
return dataPost;
jQuery.fn.getPostData = Functions.getPostData;