This is usually achieved by issueing a ``docker pull`` command with the correct image name and image
version. For your convenience there is a shell script in the Devilbox git directory: ````
which will update all available Docker images at once.
..code-block:: bash
# Update docker images
cd path/to/devilbox
The Devilbox own Docker images (Apache, Nginx, PHP and MySQL) are even built every night to ensure
latest security patches and tool versions are applied.
Remove anonymous volumes
The devilbox is not yet at a feature-ready stable release and volumes mounts might change from release to release until version 1.0 will be released. This can cause errors during startup. To solve those issues after updating, you should remove all anonymouse volumes with the following command:
..code-block:: bash
# Remove anonymous volumes
cd path/to/devilbox
docker-compose rm
Checklist git repository
1. Ensure containers are stopped
2. Ensure desired branch, tag or commit is checked out or latest changes are pulled
3. Ensure ``.env`` file is in sync with ``env-example`` file