Yann E. MORIN" ebf01acb41 Split CT_ExtractAndPatch in two: CT_Extract and CT_Patch:
- it is unworkable to have CT_ExtactAndPAtch cope with all those silly glibc addons:
  - they can have 'short' (as 'ports') or 'long' (as glibc-ports-2.7) names
  - patches are against eithe the short or long name, but non-uniformly use one or the other
  - it is the reposibility of the component (glibc in this case) to handle corner cases such as those
- update all components to use the new functions

 /trunk/scripts/build/tools/000-template.sh |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/tools/100-libelf.sh   |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/tools/200-sstrip.sh   |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/kernel/linux.sh       |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/binutils.sh           |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/cc/gcc.sh             |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/debug/000-template.sh |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/debug/100-dmalloc.sh  |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/debug/400-ltrace.sh   |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/debug/300-gdb.sh      |    9     6     3     0 +++--
 /trunk/scripts/build/debug/500-strace.sh   |    7     3     4     0 ++--
 /trunk/scripts/build/debug/200-duma.sh     |   19     8    11     0 ++++------
 /trunk/scripts/build/libc/glibc.sh         |   14    12     2     0 ++++++-
 /trunk/scripts/build/libc/uClibc.sh        |   13     9     4     0 +++++--
 /trunk/scripts/build/libc/eglibc.sh        |   14    12     2     0 ++++++-
 /trunk/scripts/build/gmp.sh                |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/build/mpfr.sh               |    3     2     1     0 +-
 /trunk/scripts/functions                   |   68    36    32     0 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 18 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
2009-01-05 23:02:43 +00:00

62 lines
2.4 KiB

# Build script for D.U.M.A.
do_debug_duma_get() {
CT_GetFile "duma_${CT_DUMA_VERSION}" http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/duma/
# Downloading from sourceforge leaves garbage, cleanup
CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/showfiles.php"*
do_debug_duma_extract() {
CT_Extract "duma_${CT_DUMA_VERSION}"
CT_Pushd "${CT_SRC_DIR}/duma_${CT_DUMA_VERSION}"
# Even if DUMA uses _ and not -, crosstool-NG uses the dash to split the
# name from the version in order to find the appropriate patches
# YEM: FIXME: make CT_Patch more intelligent, Eg.: CT_Patch duma _ "${CT_DUMA_VERSION}"
CT_Patch "duma-${CT_DUMA_VERSION}" nochdir
do_debug_duma_build() {
CT_DoStep INFO "Installing D.U.M.A."
CT_DoLog EXTRA "Copying sources"
cp -a "${CT_SRC_DIR}/duma_${CT_DUMA_VERSION}" "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/build-duma"
CT_Pushd "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/build-duma"
[ "${CT_CC_LANG_CXX}" = "y" ] && DUMA_CPP=1
# The shared library needs some love: some version have libduma.so.0.0,
# while others have libduma.so.0.0.0
duma_so=$(make -n -p 2>&1 |egrep '^libduma.so[^:]*:' |head -n 1 |cut -d : -f 1)
[ "${CT_DUMA_A}" = "y" ] && libs="${libs} libduma.a"
[ "${CT_DUMA_SO}" = "y" ] && libs="${libs} ${duma_so}"
libs="${libs# }"
CT_DoLog EXTRA "Building libraries '${libs}'"
CT_DoExecLog ALL \
make HOSTCC="${CT_BUILD}-gcc" \
CC="${CT_TARGET}-gcc" \
CXX="${CT_TARGET}-gcc" \
RANLIB="${CT_TARGET}-ranlib" \
CT_DoLog EXTRA "Installing libraries '${libs}'"
CT_DoExecLog ALL install -m 644 ${libs} "${CT_SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/lib"
if [ "${CT_DUMA_SO}" = "y" ]; then
CT_DoLog EXTRA "Installing shared library link"
ln -vsf ${duma_so} "${CT_SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/lib/libduma.so" 2>&1 |CT_DoLog ALL
CT_DoLog EXTRA "Installing wrapper script"
mkdir -p "${CT_DEBUG_INSTALL_DIR}/usr/bin"
# Install a simpler, smaller, safer wrapper than the one provided by D.U.M.A.
sed -r -e 's:^LIBDUMA_SO=.*:LIBDUMA_SO=/usr/lib/'"${duma_so}"':;' \
"${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/debug/duma.in" \
chmod 755 "${CT_DEBUG_INSTALL_DIR}/usr/bin/duma"