Yann E. MORIN" 542bb18409 scripts+samples: fix listings the samples
Since we use defconfigs to save the samples, listing all the
samples can no longer be done by passing all the sample names
at one to the script; we need to pass them one-by-one after
we expand the sample's defconfig ibnto a complete .config.

Reported-by: Bryan Hundven <>
Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
2012-07-23 22:02:23 +02:00

192 lines
7.8 KiB

# Makefile to manage samples
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Build the list of available samples
CT_TOP_SAMPLES := $(patsubst $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/%/crosstool.config,%,$(wildcard $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/*/crosstool.config))
CT_LIB_SAMPLES := $(filter-out $(CT_TOP_SAMPLES),$(patsubst $(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/%/crosstool.config,%,$(wildcard $(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/*/crosstool.config)))
CT_SAMPLES := $(shell echo $(sort $(CT_TOP_SAMPLES) $(CT_LIB_SAMPLES)) \
|$(sed) -r -e 's/ /\n/g;' \
|$(sed) -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;' \
|sort \
|$(sed) -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;' \
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# This part deals with the samples help entries
@echo ' saveconfig - Save current config as a preconfigured target'
@echo ' list-samples - prints the list of all samples (for scripting)'
@echo ' show-<sample> - show a brief overview of <sample> (list with list-samples)'
@echo ' <sample> - preconfigure crosstool-NG with <sample> (list with list-samples)'
@echo ' build-all[.#] - Build *all* samples (list with list-samples) and install in'
@echo ' $${CT_PREFIX} (which you must set)'
@echo ' wiki-samples - Print a DokuWiki table of samples'
@echo ' CT_PREFIX=dir - install samples in dir (see action "build-all", above).'
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# This part deals with printing samples information
# Print the details of current configuration
PHONY += show-config
show-config: .config
@cp .config .config.sample
@$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -v current
@rm -f .config.sample
# Prints the details of a sample
PHONY += $(patsubst %,show-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
$(patsubst %,show-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)): config_files
@KCONFIG_CONFIG=$$(pwd)/.config.sample \
$(CONF) --defconfig=$(call sample_dir,$(patsubst show-%,%,$(@)))/crosstool.config \
$(KCONFIG_TOP) >/dev/null
@$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -v $(patsubst show-%,%,$(@))
@rm -f .config.sample
# Prints the details of all samples
PHONY += show-all
show-all: $(patsubst %,show-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
# print the list of all available samples
PHONY += list-samples
list-samples: list-samples-pre $(patsubst %,list-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
@echo ' L (Local) : sample was found in current directory'
@echo ' G (Global) : sample was installed with crosstool-NG'
@echo ' X (EXPERIMENTAL): sample may use EXPERIMENTAL features'
@echo ' B (BROKEN) : sample is currently broken'
PHONY += list-samples-pre
list-samples-pre: FORCE
@echo 'Status Sample name'
PHONY += $(patsubst %,list-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
$(patsubst %,list-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)): config_files
@KCONFIG_CONFIG=$$(pwd)/.config.sample \
$(CONF) --defconfig=$(call sample_dir,$(patsubst list-%,%,$(@)))/crosstool.config \
$(KCONFIG_TOP) >/dev/null
@$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ $(patsubst list-%,%,$(@))
@rm -f .config.sample
PHONY += list-samples-short
list-samples-short: FORCE
$(SILENT)for s in $(CT_SAMPLES); do \
printf "%s\n" "$${s}"; \
PHONY += wiki-samples
wiki-samples: wiki-samples-pre $(patsubst %,wiki-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)) wiki-samples-post
wiki-samples-pre: FORCE
$(SILENT)$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -w
wiki-samples-post: FORCE
$(SILENT)$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -W $(CT_SAMPLES)
$(patsubst %,wiki-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)): config_files
$(SILENT)KCONFIG_CONFIG=$$(pwd)/.config.sample \
$(CONF) --defconfig=$(call sample_dir,$(patsubst wiki-%,%,$(@)))/crosstool.config \
$(KCONFIG_TOP) >/dev/null
$(SILENT)$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -w $(patsubst wiki-%,%,$(@))
$(SILENT)rm -f .config.sample
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# This part deals with saving/restoring samples
PHONY += samples
@$(ECHO) ' MKDIR $@'
$(SILENT)mkdir -p $@
# Save a sample
saveconfig: .config samples
# The 'sample_dir' function prints the directory in which the sample is,
# searching first in local samples, then in global samples
define sample_dir
$$( [ -d $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/$(1) ] && echo "$(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/$(1)" || echo "$(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/$(1)")
# How we do recall one sample
$(CT_SAMPLES): config_files
$(SILENT)$(CONF) --defconfig=$(call sample_dir,$@)/crosstool.config $(KCONFIG_TOP)
@echo '***********************************************************'
$(SILENT)( . $(call sample_dir,$@)/; \
echo "Initially reported by: $${reporter_name}"; \
echo "URL: $${reporter_url}"; \
if [ -n "$${reporter_comment}" ]; then \
echo ; \
echo "Comment:"; \
printf "$${reporter_comment}\n"; \
fi; \
echo ; \
echo '***********************************************************'; \
$(SILENT)if $(grep) -E '^CT_EXPERIMENTAL=y$$' .config >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo ; \
echo 'WARNING! This sample may enable experimental features.'; \
echo ' Please be sure to review the configuration prior'; \
echo ' to building and using your toolchain!'; \
echo 'Now, you have been warned!'; \
echo ; \
echo '***********************************************************'; \
@echo 'Now configured for "$@"'
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Some helper functions
# Create the rule to build a sample
# $1: sample tuple
# $2: prefix
define build_sample
@$(ECHO) ' CONF $(1)'
$(SILENT)cp $(call sample_dir,$(1))/crosstool.config .config
$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^(CT_PREFIX_DIR=).*$$:\1"$(2)":;' .config
$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_(WARN|INFO|EXTRA|DEBUG|ALL)).*$$:# \1 is not set:;' .config
$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_ERROR).*$$:\1=y:;' .config
$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^(CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX)=.*$$:\1="ERROR":;' .config
$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_TO_FILE).*$$:\1=y:;' .config
$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_PROGRESS_BAR).*$$:\1=y:;' .config
$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=0 oldconfig
@$(ECHO) ' BUILD $(1)'
$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=0 build
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Build samples for use (not regtest!)
# Check that PREFIX is set if building samples
ifneq ($(strip $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
ifneq ($(strip $(filter $(patsubst %,build-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)) build-all,$(MAKECMDGOALS))),)
ifeq ($(strip $(CT_PREFIX)),)
$(error Please set 'CT_PREFIX' to where you want to install generated toolchain samples!)
endif # MAKECMDGOALS contains a build sample rule
endif # MAKECMDGOALS != ""
# Build a single sample
$(patsubst %,build-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)):
$(call build_sample,$(patsubst build-%,%,$@),$(CT_PREFIX)/$(patsubst build-%,%,$@))
# Build al samples
build-all: $(patsubst %,build-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
# Build all samples, overiding the number of // jobs per sample
$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=$(V) $(shell echo "$(@)" |$(sed) -r -e 's|^([^.]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)$$|\1 CT_JOBS=\2|;')