# avr-libc options ## depends on ARCH_avr ## depends on ! LINUX && ! WINDOWS && BARE_METAL ## ## select LIBC_SUPPORT_THREADS_NONE ## ## help The AVR Libc package provides a subset of the standard C library for ## help Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers. In addition, the library ## help provides the basic startup code needed by most applications. config LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM bool prompt "Custom avr-libc" depends on EXPERIMENTAL help The choosen avr-libc version shall be not downloaded. Instead use a custom location to get the source. if LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM config LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM_LOCATION string prompt "Full path to custom avr-libc source" help Enter the path to the directory or tarball of your source for avr-libc. If the path is a tarball, it should extract to: <name>-<version>/ where the name is this component, avr-libc, and the version is set below in the custom version string. config LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM_VERSION string prompt "Custom AVR-Libc version" help Enter the version number for your custom avr-libc. config LIBC_VERSION string default LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM_VERSION endif # LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM if ! LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM choice bool prompt "avr-libc version" # Don't remove next line # CT_INSERT_VERSION_BELOW config LIBC_AVR_LIBC_V_1_8_1 bool prompt "1.8.1" config LIBC_AVR_LIBC_V_1_8_0 bool prompt "1.8.0" endchoice config LIBC_VERSION string # Don't remove next line # CT_INSERT_VERSION_STRING_BELOW default "1.8.1" if LIBC_AVR_LIBC_V_1_8_1 default "1.8.0" if LIBC_AVR_LIBC_V_1_8_0 endif # ! LIBC_AVR_LIBC_CUSTOM