# Add current directory to PATH
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"

# Manage the travis build
    # Override the log behaviour
    sed -i -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_ERROR\).*$/# \1 is not set/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_WARN\).*$/# \1 is not set/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_INFO\).*$/# \1 is not set/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_EXTRA\).*$/\1=y/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_ALL\).*$/# \1 is not set/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_DEBUG\).*$/# \1 is not set/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX\).*$/\1="EXTRA"/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOG_PROGRESS_BAR\).*$/# \1 is not set/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR\).*$/\1="${HOME}\/src"/' \
        -e 's/^.*\(CT_SAVE_TARBALLS\).*$/\1=y/' \

    # Build the sample
    ct-ng build.8 &
    local build_pid=$!

    # Start a runner task to print a "still running" line every 5 minutes
    # to avoid travis to think that the build is stuck
        while true
            sleep 300
            printf "Crosstool-NG is still running ...\r"
    } &
    local runner_pid=$!

    # Wait for the build to finish and get the result
    wait $build_pid 2>/dev/null
    local result=$?

    # Stop the runner task
    kill $runner_pid
    wait $runner_pid 2>/dev/null

    # Return the result
    return $result