# -*- mode: bash; tab-width: 4 -*- # vi: ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # vim: filetype=bash # This file contains some useful common functions # Copyright 2007 Yann E. MORIN # Licensed under the GPL v2. See COPYING in the root of this package CT_LoadConfig() { local o oldvals vals # Parse the configuration file # It has some info about the logging facility, so include it early # It also sets KERNEL/ARCH/... for file inclusion below. Does not handle # recursive definitions yet. We don't need arrays at this point. CT_TestOrAbort "Configuration file not found. Please create one." -r .config . ./.config # Prefixing with ./ prevents Bash from searching $PATH # Include sub-scripts instead of calling them: that way, we do not have to # export any variable, nor re-parse the configuration and functions files. . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/internals.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/arch.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/companion_tools.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/kernel/${CT_KERNEL}.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/companion_libs.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/binutils/${CT_BINUTILS}.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/libc.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/cc/${CT_CC}.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/linker.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/debug.sh" . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/build/test_suite.sh" # Target tuple: CT_TARGET needs a little love: CT_DoBuildTargetTuple # Kludge: If any of the configured options needs CT_TARGET, # then rescan the options file now. This also handles recursive variables; # but we don't want to loop forever if there's a circular reference. oldvals="" try=0 while [ "$try" -le 10 ]; do . ./.config # Prefixing with ./ prevents Bash from searching $PATH vals=`set | ${grep} -E '^CT_'` if [ "$oldvals" = "$vals" ]; then break fi oldvals="$vals" try=$[ try + 1 ] done if [ "$try" -gt 10 ]; then CT_Abort "Variables in .config recurse too deep." fi # Double eval: first eval substitutes option name, second eval unescapes quotes # and whitespace. for o in `set | ${sed} -rn 's/^(CT_[A-Za-z0-9_]*_ARRAY)=.*/\1/p'`; do eval "eval $o=(\"\$$o\")" done } # Prepare the fault handler CT_OnError() { local ret=$? local result local old_trap local intro local file line func local step step_depth # To avoid printing the backtace for each sub-shell # up to the top-level, just remember we've dumped it if [ ! -f "${CT_WORK_DIR}/backtrace" ]; then [ -d "${CT_WORK_DIR}" ] && touch "${CT_WORK_DIR}/backtrace" # Print steps backtrace step_depth=${CT_STEP_COUNT} CT_STEP_COUNT=1 # To have a zero-indentation CT_DoLog ERROR "" CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" intro="Build failed" for((step=step_depth; step>0; step--)); do CT_DoLog ERROR ">> ${intro} in step '${CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${step}]}'" intro=" called" done # Print functions backtrace intro="Error happened in" CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" for((depth=1; ${BASH_LINENO[$((${depth}-1))]}>0; depth++)); do file="${BASH_SOURCE[${depth}]#${CT_LIB_DIR}/}" func="${FUNCNAME[${depth}]}" line="@${BASH_LINENO[${depth}-1]:-?}" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> ${intro}: ${func}[${file}${line}]" intro=" called from" done # If the user asked for interactive debugging, dump him/her to a shell if [ "${CT_DEBUG_INTERACTIVE}" = "y" ]; then # We do not want this sub-shell exit status to be caught, because # it is absolutely legit that it exits with non-zero. # Save the trap handler to restore it after our debug-shell old_trap="$(trap -p ERR)" trap -- ERR ( CT_LogDisable # In this subshell printf "\r \n\nCurrent command" if [ -n "${cur_cmd}" ]; then printf ":\n %s\n" "${cur_cmd}" else printf " (unknown), " fi printf "exited with error code: %d\n" ${ret} printf "Please fix it up and finish by exiting the shell with one of these values:\n" printf " 1 fixed, continue with next build command\n" if [ -n "${cur_cmd}" ]; then printf " 2 repeat this build command\n" fi printf " 3 abort build\n\n" while true; do ${bash} --rcfile <(printf "PS1='ct-ng:\w> '\nPROMPT_COMMAND=''\n") -i result=$? case $result in 1) printf "\nContinuing past the failed command.\n\n" break ;; 2) if [ -n "${cur_cmd}" ]; then printf "\nRe-trying last command.\n\n" break fi ;; 3) break;; esac printf "\nPlease exit with one of these values:\n" printf " 1 fixed, continue with next build command\n" if [ -n "${cur_cmd}" ]; then printf " 2 repeat this build command\n" fi printf " 3 abort build\n" done exit $result ) result=$? # Restore the trap handler eval "${old_trap}" case "${result}" in 1) rm -f "${CT_WORK_DIR}/backtrace"; touch "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/skip"; return;; 2) rm -f "${CT_WORK_DIR}/backtrace"; touch "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/repeat"; return;; # 3 is an abort, continue... esac fi fi # And finally, in top-level shell, print some hints if [ ${BASH_SUBSHELL} -eq 0 ]; then # Help diagnose the error CT_STEP_COUNT=1 # To have a zero-indentation CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" if [ "${CT_LOG_TO_FILE}" = "y" ]; then CT_DoLog ERROR ">> For more info on this error, look at the file: '${CT_BUILD_LOG#${CT_TOP_DIR}/}'" fi CT_DoLog ERROR ">> There is a list of known issues, some with workarounds, in:" if [ -r "${CT_DOC_DIR}/manual/B_Known_issues.md" ]; then CT_DoLog ERROR ">> '${CT_DOC_DIR#${CT_TOP_DIR}/}/manual/B_Known_issues.md'" else CT_DoLog ERROR ">> https://crosstool-ng.github.io/docs/known-issues/" fi CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" if [ -n "${CT_EXPERIMENTAL}" ]; then CT_DoLog ERROR ">> NOTE: Your configuration includes features marked EXPERIMENTAL." CT_DoLog ERROR ">> Before submitting a bug report, try to reproduce it without enabling" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> any experimental features. Otherwise, you'll need to debug it" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> and present an explanation why it is a bug in crosstool-NG - or" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> preferably, a fix." CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" fi if [ "${CT_PATCH_ORDER}" != "bundled" ]; then CT_DoLog ERROR ">> NOTE: You configuration uses non-default patch sets. Please" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> select 'bundled' as the set of patches applied and attempt" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> to reproduce this issue. Issues reported with other patch" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> set selections (none, local, bundled+local," CT_DoLog ERROR ">> bundled+bundled_exp bundled+bundled_exp+local) are going to" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> be closed without explanation." CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" fi CT_DoLog ERROR ">> If you feel this is a bug in crosstool-NG, report it at:" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/issues/" CT_DoLog ERROR ">>" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> Make sure your report includes all the information pertinent to this issue." CT_DoLog ERROR ">> Read the bug reporting guidelines here:" CT_DoLog ERROR ">> http://crosstool-ng.github.io/support/" CT_DoLog ERROR "" CT_DoEnd ERROR rm -f "${CT_WORK_DIR}/backtrace" fi exit $ret } # Install the fault handler trap CT_OnError ERR # Inherit the fault handler in subshells and functions set -E # Make pipes fail on the _first_ failed command # Not supported on bash < 3.x, but we need it, so drop the obsolete bash-2.x set -o pipefail # Don't hash commands' locations, and search every time it is requested. # This is slow, but needed because of the static/shared core gcc which shall # always match to shared if it exists, and only fallback to static if the # shared is not found set +o hashall # Log policy: # - first of all, save stdout so we can see the live logs: fd #6 # (also save stdin and stderr for use by CT_DEBUG_INTERACTIVE) # FIXME: it doesn't look like anyone is overriding stdin/stderr. Do we need # to save/restore them? CT_LogEnable() { local clean=no local arg for arg in "$@"; do eval "$arg"; done exec 6>&1 7>&2 8<&0 CT_BUILD_LOG="${CT_TOP_DIR}/build.log" CT_LOG_ENABLED=y if [ "$clean" = "yes" ]; then rm -f "${CT_BUILD_LOG}" fi exec >>"${CT_BUILD_LOG}" } # Restore original stdout, stderr and stdin CT_LogDisable() { exec >&6 2>&7 <&8 CT_LOG_ENABLED= } # The different log levels: CT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR=0 CT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN=1 CT_LOG_LEVEL_INFO=2 CT_LOG_LEVEL_EXTRA=3 CT_LOG_LEVEL_CFG=4 CT_LOG_LEVEL_FILE=5 CT_LOG_LEVEL_STATE=6 CT_LOG_LEVEL_ALL=7 CT_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG=8 # Make it easy to use \n and ! CR=$(printf "\n") BANG='!' # A function to log what is happening # Different log level are available: # - ERROR: A serious, fatal error occurred # - WARN: A non fatal, non serious error occurred, take your responsbility with the generated build # - INFO: Informational messages # - EXTRA: Extra informational messages # - CFG: Output of various "./configure"-type scripts # - FILE: File / archive unpacking. # - STATE: State save & restore # - ALL: Component's build messages # - DEBUG: Internal debug messages # Usage: CT_DoLog <level> [message] # If message is empty, then stdin will be logged. CT_DoLog() { local max_level LEVEL level cur_l cur_L local l eval max_level="\${CT_LOG_LEVEL_${CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX}}" # Set the maximum log level to DEBUG if we have none [ -z "${max_level}" ] && max_level=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG} LEVEL="$1"; shift eval level="\${CT_LOG_LEVEL_${LEVEL}}" if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then cat - else echo -e "${*}" fi |( IFS="${CR}" # We want the full lines, even leading spaces _prog_bar_cpt=0 _prog_bar[0]='/' _prog_bar[1]='-' _prog_bar[2]='\' _prog_bar[3]='|' indent=$((2*CT_STEP_COUNT)) while read line; do case "${CT_LOG_SEE_TOOLS_WARN:-n},${line}" in y,*[[:space:]][Ww]arning:*|y,[Ww]arning:*|y,*[[:space:]]WARNING:*|y,WARNING:*) cur_L=WARN; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN};; *[[:space:]][Ee]rror:*|[yn],[Ee]rror:*) cur_L=ERROR; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR};; *"make["*"]: ***"*) cur_L=ERROR; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR};; *) cur_L="${LEVEL}"; cur_l="${level}";; esac # There will always be a log file (stdout, fd #1), be it /dev/null if [ -n "${CT_LOG_ENABLED}" ]; then printf "[%-5s]%*s%s%s\n" "${cur_L}" "${indent}" " " "${line}" # If log file has been set up, fd#6 is console and it only # gets the most important messages. if [ ${cur_l} -le ${max_level} ]; then # Only print to console (fd #6) if log level is high enough. printf "${CT_LOG_PROGRESS_BAR:+\r}[%-5s]%*s%s%s\n" "${cur_L}" "${indent}" " " "${line}" >&6 fi if [ "${CT_LOG_PROGRESS_BAR}" = "y" ]; then printf "\r[%02d:%02d] %s " $((SECONDS/60)) $((SECONDS%60)) "${_prog_bar[$((_prog_bar_cpt/10))]}" >&6 _prog_bar_cpt=$(((_prog_bar_cpt+1)%40)) fi elif [ ${cur_l} -le ${CT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN} ]; then printf "[%-5s]%*s%s%s\n" "${cur_L}" "${indent}" " " "${line}" >&2 fi done ) return 0 } # Execute an action, and log its messages # It is possible to even log local variable assignments (a-la: var=val ./cmd opts) # Usage: CT_DoExecLog <level> [VAR=val...] <command> [parameters...] CT_DoExecLog() { local level="$1" local cur_cmd local ret local cmd_seen shift ( for i in "$@"; do case "${i}" in *=*) if [ -z "${cmd_seen}" ]; then cur_cmd+=" ${i%%=*}='${i#*=}'" else cur_cmd+=" '${i}'" fi ;; *) cur_cmd+=" '${i}'" cmd_seen=y ;; esac done while true; do case "${1}" in *=*) eval export "'${1}'"; shift;; *) break;; esac done # This while-loop goes hand-in-hand with the ERR trap handler: # - if the command terminates successfully, then we hit the break # statement, and we exit the loop # - if the command terminates in error, then the ERR handler kicks # in, then: # - if the user did *not* ask for interactive debugging, the ERR # handler exits, and we hit the end of the sub-shell # - if the user did ask for interactive debugging, the ERR handler # spawns a shell. Upon termination of this shell, the ERR handler # examines the exit status of the shell: # - if 1, the ERR handler returns; then we hit the else statement, # then the break, and we exit the 'while' loop, to continue the # build; # - if 2, the ERR handler touches the repeat file, and returns; # then we hit the if statement, and we loop for one more # iteration; # - if 3, the ERR handler exits with the command's exit status, # and we're dead; # - for any other exit status of the shell, the ERR handler # prints an informational message, and respawns the shell # # This allows a user to get an interactive shell that has the same # environment (PATH and so on) that the failed command was ran with. while true; do rm -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/repeat" CT_DoLog DEBUG "==> Executing: ${cur_cmd}" "${@}" 2>&1 |CT_DoLog "${level}" ret="${?}" if [ -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/repeat" ]; then rm -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/repeat" continue elif [ -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/skip" ]; then rm -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/skip" ret=0 break else break fi done CT_DoLog DEBUG "==> Return status ${ret}" exit ${ret} ) # Catch failure of the sub-shell [ $? -eq 0 ] } # Tail message to be logged whatever happens # Usage: CT_DoEnd <level> CT_DoEnd() { local level="$1" CT_STOP_DATE=$(CT_DoDate +%s%N) CT_STOP_DATE_HUMAN=$(CT_DoDate +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S) if [ "${level}" != "ERROR" ]; then CT_DoLog "${level:-INFO}" "Build completed at ${CT_STOP_DATE_HUMAN}" fi elapsed=$((CT_STOP_DATE-CT_STAR_DATE)) elapsed_min=$((elapsed/(60*1000*1000*1000))) elapsed_sec=$(printf "%02d" $(((elapsed%(60*1000*1000*1000))/(1000*1000*1000)))) elapsed_csec=$(printf "%02d" $(((elapsed%(1000*1000*1000))/(10*1000*1000)))) CT_DoLog ${level:-INFO} "(elapsed: ${elapsed_min}:${elapsed_sec}.${elapsed_csec})" } # Remove entries referring to . and other relative paths # Usage: CT_SanitizePath CT_SanitizePath() { local new local p local IFS=: for p in $PATH; do # Only accept absolute paths; # Note: as a special case the empty string in PATH is equivalent to . if [ -n "${p}" -a -z "${p%%/*}" ]; then new="${new}${new:+:}${p}" fi done PATH="${new}" } # Sanitize the directory name contained in the variable passed as argument: # - remove duplicate / # - remove . (current dir) at the beginning, in the middle or at the end # - resolve .. (parent dir) if there is a previous component # - remove .. (parent dir) if at the root # # Usage: CT_SanitizeVarDir CT_PREFIX_DIR CT_SanitizeVarDir() { local var local old_dir local new_dir tmp for var in "$@"; do eval "old_dir=\"\${${var}}\"" new_dir=$( echo "${old_dir}" | ${awk} ' { isabs = $1 == "" # Started with a slash trail = $NF == "" # Ending with a slash ncomp = 0 # Components in a path so far for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { # Double-slash or current dir? Ignore if ($i == "" || $i == ".") { continue; } # .. pops the last component unless it is at the beginning if ($i == ".." && ncomp != 0 && comps[ncomp] != "..") { ncomp--; continue; } comps[++ncomp] = $i; } seencomp = 0 for (i = 1; i <= ncomp; i++) { if (comps[i] == ".." && isabs) { # /../ at the beginning is equivalent to / continue; } printf "%s%s", isabs || i != 1 ? "/" : "", comps[i]; seencomp = 1; } if (!seencomp && !isabs && !trail) { # Eliminated all components, but no trailing slash - # if the result is appended with /foo, must not become absolute printf "."; } if ((!seencomp && isabs) || (seencomp && trail)) { printf "/"; } }' FS=/ ) eval "${var}=\"${new_dir}\"" CT_DoLog DEBUG "Sanitized '${var}': '${old_dir}' -> '${new_dir}'" done } # Abort the execution with an error message # Usage: CT_Abort <message> CT_Abort() { CT_DoLog ERROR "$1" false } # Test a condition, and print a message if satisfied # Usage: CT_Test <message> <tests> CT_Test() { local ret local m="$1" shift CT_DoLog DEBUG "Testing '! ( $* )'" test "$@" && CT_DoLog WARN "$m" return 0 } # Test a condition, and abort with an error message if satisfied # Usage: CT_TestAndAbort <message> <tests> CT_TestAndAbort() { local m="$1" shift CT_DoLog DEBUG "Testing '! ( $* )'" test "$@" && CT_Abort "$m" return 0 } # Test a condition, and abort with an error message if not satisfied # Usage: CT_TestAndAbort <message> <tests> CT_TestOrAbort() { local m="$1" shift CT_DoLog DEBUG "Testing '$*'" test "$@" || CT_Abort "$m" return 0 } # Test the presence of a tool, or abort if not found # Usage: CT_HasOrAbort <tool> CT_HasOrAbort() { CT_TestAndAbort "'${1}' not found and needed for successful toolchain build." -z "$(CT_Which "${1}")" return 0 } # Search a program: wrap "which" for those system where "which" # verbosely says there is no match (such as on Mandriva). # Usage: CT_Which <filename> CT_Which() { which "$1" 2>/dev/null || true } # Get current date with nanosecond precision # On those system not supporting nanosecond precision, faked with rounding down # to the highest entire second # Usage: CT_DoDate <fmt> CT_DoDate() { date "$1" |${sed} -r -e 's/%?N$/000000000/;' } CT_STEP_COUNT=1 CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="(top-level)" # Memorise a step being done so that any error is caught # Usage: CT_DoStep <loglevel> <message> CT_DoStep() { local start=$(CT_DoDate +%s%N) CT_DoLog "$1" "=================================================================" CT_DoLog "$1" "$2" CT_STEP_COUNT=$((CT_STEP_COUNT+1)) CT_STEP_LEVEL[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="$1"; shift CT_STEP_START[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="${start}" CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="$1" return 0 } # End the step just being done # Usage: CT_EndStep CT_EndStep() { local stop=$(CT_DoDate +%s%N) local duration=$(printf "%032d" $((stop-${CT_STEP_START[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]})) \ |${sed} -r -e 's/([[:digit:]]{2})[[:digit:]]{7}$/\.\1/; s/^0+//; s/^\./0\./;' ) local elapsed=$(printf "%02d:%02d" $((SECONDS/60)) $((SECONDS%60))) local level="${CT_STEP_LEVEL[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]}" local message="${CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]}" CT_STEP_COUNT=$((CT_STEP_COUNT-1)) CT_DoLog "${level}" "${message}: done in ${duration}s (at ${elapsed})" return 0 } # Pushes into a directory, and pops back CT_Pushd() { CT_DoLog DEBUG "Entering '$1'" pushd "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } CT_Popd() { local dir=`dirs +0` CT_DoLog DEBUG "Leaving '${dir}'" popd >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Create a dir and pushd into it # Usage: CT_mkdir_pushd <dir/to/create> CT_mkdir_pushd() { local dir="${1}" mkdir -p "${dir}" CT_Pushd "${dir}" } # Creates a temporary directory # $1: variable to assign to # Usage: CT_MktempDir foo CT_MktempDir() { # Some mktemp do not allow more than 6 Xs eval "$1"=$(mktemp -q -d "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tmp.XXXXXX") CT_TestOrAbort "Could not make temporary directory" -n "${!1}" -a -d "${!1}" CT_DoLog DEBUG "Made temporary directory '${!1}'" return 0 } # Removes one or more directories, even if it is read-only, or its parent is # Usage: CT_DoForceRmdir dir [...] CT_DoForceRmdir() { local dir local cnt for dir in "${@}"; do [ -e "${dir}" ] || continue CT_TestOrAbort "Cannot remove '${dir}': not a directory" -d "${dir}" CT_DoExecLog ALL chmod -R u+w "${dir}" || :; if CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -rf "${dir}"; then continue fi # If we succeeded in removing the whole directory, good. If not, # but only the top level directory remains - it is fine, too, because # this function is used to remove the directories that are going to be # re-created. Hence, verify we at least succeeded in verifying the # contents of this directory. if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then cnt=$(ls -a "${dir}" | { grep -v '^\.\{1,2\}$' || :; } | wc -l) if [ "${cnt}" != "0" ]; then CT_Abort "Failed to remove '${dir}'" fi fi done } # Add the specified directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and export it # If the specified patch is already present, just export # $1: path to add # $2: add as 'first' or 'last' path, 'first' is assumed if $2 is empty # Usage CT_SetLibPath /some/where/lib [first|last] CT_SetLibPath() { local path="$1" local pos="$2" case ":${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:" in *:"${path}":*) ;; *) case "${pos}" in last) CT_DoLog DEBUG "Adding '${path}' at end of LD_LIBRARY_PATH" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:}${path}" ;; first|"") CT_DoLog DEBUG "Adding '${path}' at start of LD_LIBRARY_PATH" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${path}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}" ;; *) CT_Abort "Incorrect position '${pos}' to add '${path}' to LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ;; esac ;; esac CT_DoLog DEBUG "==> LD_LIBRARY_PATH='${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}'" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH } # Build up the list of allowed tarball extensions # Add them in the prefered order; most preferred comes first CT_DoListTarballExt() { printf ".tar.xz\n" printf ".tar.lzma\n" if [ "${CT_CONFIGURE_has_lzip}" = "y" ]; then printf ".tar.lz\n" fi printf ".tar.bz2\n" printf ".tar.gz\n.tgz\n" printf ".tar\n" printf ".zip\n" } # Get the file name extension of a component # Usage: CT_GetFileExtension <component_name-component_version> [extension] # If found, echoes the extension to stdout, and return 0 # If not found, echoes nothing on stdout, and return !0. CT_GetFileExtension() { local ext local file="$1" for ext in $(CT_DoListTarballExt); do if [ -e "${file}${ext}" -o -L "${file}${ext}" ]; then echo "${ext}" exit 0 fi done exit 1 } # Get file's basename by stripping supported archive extensions CT_GetFileBasename() { local bn="${1}" local ext for ext in $(CT_DoListTarballExt); do if [ "${bn%${ext}}" != "${bn}" ]; then echo "${bn%${ext}}" exit 0 fi done } # Try to retrieve the specified URL (HTTP or FTP) # Usage: CT_DoGetFile <URL> # This functions always returns true (0), as it can be legitimate not # to find the requested URL (think about snapshots, different layouts # for different gcc versions, etc...). CT_DoGetFile() { local url="${1}" local dest="${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${url##*/}" local tmp="${dest}.tmp-dl" local ok local T # Remove potential left-over from a previous run rm -f "${tmp}" # Replace a special value of '-1' with empty string if [ "${CT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}" != -1 ]; then T="${CT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}" fi CT_DoLog DEBUG "Trying '${url}'" if [ "${CT_DOWNLOAD_AGENT_WGET}" = "y" ]; then if CT_DoExecLog ALL wget ${CT_DOWNLOAD_WGET_OPTIONS} \ ${T:+-T ${T}} \ -O "${tmp}" \ "${url}"; then ok=y fi elif [ "${CT_DOWNLOAD_AGENT_CURL}" = "y" ]; then if CT_DoExecLog ALL curl ${CT_DOWNLOAD_CURL_OPTIONS} \ ${T:+--connect-timeout ${T}} \ -o "${tmp}" \ "${url}"; then ok=y fi fi if [ "${ok}" = "y" ]; then # Success, we got it, good! mv "${tmp}" "${dest}" CT_DoLog DEBUG "Got it from: \"${url}\"" return 0 else # Whoops... rm -f "${tmp}" CT_DoLog DEBUG "Not at this location: \"${url}\"" return 1 fi } # This function saves the specified to local storage if possible, # and if so, symlinks it for later usage. This function is called from # the `if' condition (via the CT_GetFile) and therefore must return # on error rather than relying on the shell's ERR trap to catch it. # Usage: CT_SaveLocal </full/path/file.name> <subdirectory> CT_SaveLocal() { local file="$1" local savedir="${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}${CT_TARBALLS_BUILDROOT_LAYOUT:+/$2}" local basename="${file##*/}" if [ "${CT_SAVE_TARBALLS}" = "y" ]; then CT_DoLog EXTRA "Saving '${basename}' to local storage" # The subdirectory for this package may not exist yet; create it if [ ! -d "${savedir}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL mkdir -p "${savedir}" fi # The file may already exist if downloads are forced: remove it first if ! CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${savedir}/${basename}"; then return 1 fi if ! CT_DoExecLog ALL mv -f "${file}" "${savedir}"; then # Move may have failed if the local tarball storage is on a different # filesystem. Fallback to copy+delete. if ! CT_DoExecLog ALL cp -f "${file}" "${savedir}"; then return 1 fi if ! CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${file}"; then return 1 fi fi if ! CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -s "${savedir}/${basename}" "${file}"; then return 1 fi fi } # Verify the file against a known digest. # Usage: CT_DoVerifyDigest <local-file-path> <package-directory> CT_DoVerifyDigest() { local path="$1" local file="${path##*/}" local dir="${path%/*}" local pkgdir="$2" local alg="${CT_VERIFY_DOWNLOAD_DIGEST_ALG}" local chksum a f c if [ ! -r "${pkgdir}/chksum" ]; then CT_DoLog WARN "Not verifying '${file}': digest missing" return 0 fi CT_DoLog EXTRA "Verifying ${alg^^} checksum for '${file}'" chksum=`"${alg}sum" "${path}"` chksum="${chksum%%[[:space:]]*}" while read a f c; do if [ "${a}" != "${alg}" -o "${f}" != "${file}" ]; then continue fi if [ "${c}" = "${chksum}" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG "Correct ${alg} digest for ${file}: ${chksum}" return 0 else CT_DoLog ERROR "Bad ${alg} digest for ${file}: ${chksum}, expect ${c}" return 1 fi done < "${pkgdir}/chksum" CT_DoLog WARN "Downloaded file ${file} reference digest not available" return 0 } # Decompress a file to stdout CT_ZCat() { local file="$1" case "${file}" in *.tar.xz) xz -fdc "${file}" ;; *.tar.lzma) xz -fdc --format=lzma "${file}" ;; *.tar.lz) lzip -fdc "${file}" ;; *.tar.bz2) bzip2 -dc "${file}" ;; *.tar.gz|*.tgz) gzip -dc "${file}" ;; *.tar) cat "${file}" ;; *) CT_Abort "Unsupported archive file name '${file}'" esac } # Verify the file against a detached signature. # Fetched from the URL, or obtained from the package directory. # Usage: CT_DoVerifySignature <local-file-path> <URL-used-for-download> <signature-format> <save-subdirectory> CT_DoVerifySignature() { local path="$1" local file="${path##*/}" local dir="${path%/*}" local url="$2" local urldir="${url%/*}" local format="$3" local method="${format%/*}" local ext="${format#*/}" local save_subdir="$4" local sigfile local cat CT_DoLog EXTRA "Verifying detached signature for '${file}'" case "${method}" in packed) # Typical case: release is packed, then signed sigfile="${file}" cat=cat ;; unpacked) # Linux kernel: uncompressed tarball is signed, them compressed by various methods case "${file}" in *.tar.*) sigfile="${file%.tar.*}.tar" cat=CT_ZCat ;; *) CT_Abort "'unpacked' signature method only supported for tar archives" ;; esac ;; *) CT_Abort "Unsupported signature method ${method}" ;; esac # No recursion, as we don't pass signature_format argument if ! CT_DoGetFile "${urldir}/${sigfile}${ext}"; then CT_DoLog WARN "Failed to download the signature '${sigfile}${ext}'" return 1 fi CT_Pushd "${dir}" if ! ${cat} "${file}" | CT_DoExecLog ALL gpg --verify "${sigfile}${ext}" -; then # Remove the signature so it's re-downloaded next time CT_DoExecLog ALL rm "${sigfile}${ext}" CT_Popd return 1 fi CT_Popd # If we get here, verification succeeded. if ! CT_SaveLocal "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${sigfile}${ext}" "${save_subdir}"; then CT_Popd return 1 fi return 0 } # Download the file from one of the URLs passed as argument CT_GetFile() { local -a argnames=( package # Name of the package pkg_dir # Directory with package's auxiliary files dir_name # Package's directory name in downloads dir basename # Base name of file/archive extensions # Extension(s) for the file/archive digest # If 'y', verify the digest signature_format # Format of the signature mirrors # Mirrors to download from ) local dl_dir local -a URLS local ext url for arg in "${argnames[@]/%/=}" "$@"; do eval "local ${arg//[[:space:]]/\\ }" done CT_TestOrAbort "Internal error: dir_name not set" -n "${dir_name}" dl_dir="${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR:+${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}${CT_TARBALLS_BUILDROOT_LAYOUT:+/${dir_name}}}" # Does any of the requested files exist localy? for ext in ${extensions}; do # Do we already have it in *our* tarballs dir? if [ -r "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG "Already have '${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}'" touch "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" # for CI return 0 fi if [ "${CT_FORCE_DOWNLOAD}" != "y" ]; then if [ -n "${dl_dir}" -a -r "${dl_dir}/${basename}${ext}" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG "Got '${basename}' from local storage" CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -s "${dl_dir}/${basename}${ext}" \ "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" return 0 elif [ -n "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}" -a -r "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" ]; then # Only different if we're using new buildroot layout CT_DoLog DEBUG "Got '${basename}' from local storage" CT_DoLog INFO "Moving the ${basename}${ext} into ${dir_name}/${basename}${ext}" if [ ! -d "${dl_dir}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL mkdir -p "${dl_dir}" fi CT_DoExecLog ALL mv "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" "${dl_dir}/${basename}${ext}" CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -s "${dl_dir}/${basename}${ext}" \ "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" return 0 fi fi done # No, it does not... If not allowed to download from the Internet, don't. if [ "${CT_FORBID_DOWNLOAD}" = "y" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG "Not allowed to download from the Internet, aborting ${basename} download" return 1 fi # Try to retrieve the file CT_DoLog EXTRA "Retrieving '${basename}'" # Add URLs on the LAN mirror if [ "${CT_USE_MIRROR}" = "y" ]; then CT_TestOrAbort "Please set the mirror base URL" -n "${CT_MIRROR_BASE_URL}" if [ -n "${package}" ]; then URLS+=( "${CT_MIRROR_BASE_URL}/${package}" ) fi URLS+=( "${CT_MIRROR_BASE_URL}" ) fi if [ "${CT_FORCE_MIRROR}" != "y" ]; then URLS+=( ${mirrors} ) fi # Scan all URLs in turn, and try to grab a tarball from there for ext in ${extensions}; do # Try all urls in turn for url in "${URLS[@]}"; do [ -n "${url}" ] || continue if [ "${url}" = "-unknown-" ]; then CT_Abort "Don't know how to download ${basename}" fi if CT_DoGetFile "${url}/${basename}${ext}"; then if [ -n "${digest}" -a -n "${pkg_dir}" ] && ! CT_DoVerifyDigest \ "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" \ "${CT_LIB_DIR}/packages/${pkg_dir}"; then CT_DoLog ERROR "Digest verification failed; removing the download" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" return 1 fi if [ -n "${signature_format}" ] && ! CT_DoVerifySignature \ "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" \ "${url}/${basename}${ext}" \ "${signature_format}"; then CT_DoLog ERROR "Signature verification failed; removing the download" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" return 1 fi if ! CT_SaveLocal "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}${ext}" "${dir_name}"; then return 1 fi return 0 fi done done # Just return error: CT_DoFetch will check it and will handle it appropriately. return 1 } # TBD these should not be needed if config.sub/guess is a package # Two wrappers to call config.(guess|sub) either from CT_TOP_DIR or CT_LIB_DIR. # Those from CT_TOP_DIR, if they exist, will be be more recent than those from CT_LIB_DIR. CT_DoConfigGuess() { if [ -r "${CT_TOP_DIR}/scripts/config.guess" ]; then "${CT_CONFIG_SHELL}" "${CT_TOP_DIR}/scripts/config.guess" else "${CT_CONFIG_SHELL}" "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/config.guess" fi } CT_DoConfigSub() { if [ -r "${CT_TOP_DIR}/scripts/config.sub" ]; then "${CT_CONFIG_SHELL}" "${CT_TOP_DIR}/scripts/config.sub" "$@" else "${CT_CONFIG_SHELL}" "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/config.sub" "$@" fi } # Normally, each step is executed in a sub-shell and thus cannot modify the # environment for the next step(s). When this is needed, it can do so by # invoking this function. # Usage: CT_EnvModify [export] VAR VALUE CT_EnvModify() { local e if [ "$1" = "export" ]; then shift e="export " fi eval "${e}${1}=\"${2}\"" echo "${e}${1}=\"${2}\"" >> "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/env.modify.sh" } # Compute the target tuple from what is provided by the user # Usage: CT_DoBuildTargetTuple # In fact this function takes the environment variables to build the target # tuple. It is needed both by the normal build sequence, as well as the # sample saving sequence. CT_DoBuildTargetTuple() { local tmp # Set the endianness suffix, and the default endianness gcc option target_endian_eb= target_endian_be= target_endian_el= target_endian_le= case "${CT_ARCH_ENDIAN}" in big) target_endian_eb=eb target_endian_be=be CT_ARCH_ENDIAN_CFLAG="-mbig-endian" CT_ARCH_ENDIAN_LDFLAG="-Wl,-EB" ;; little) target_endian_el=el target_endian_le=le CT_ARCH_ENDIAN_CFLAG="-mlittle-endian" CT_ARCH_ENDIAN_LDFLAG="-Wl,-EL" ;; # big,little and little,big do not need to pass the flags; # gcc is expected to be configured for that as default. big,little) target_endian_eb=eb target_endian_be=be ;; little,big) target_endian_el=el target_endian_le=le ;; esac # Set the bitness suffix case "${CT_ARCH_BITNESS}" in 32) target_bits_32=32 target_bits_64= ;; 64) target_bits_32= target_bits_64=64 ;; esac # Build the default architecture tuple part CT_TARGET_ARCH="${CT_ARCH}${CT_ARCH_SUFFIX}" # Set defaults for the system part of the tuple; only C libraries that # support multiple architectures. Can be overriden by architecture-specific # values. case "${CT_LIBC}" in glibc) CT_TARGET_SYS=gnu;; uClibc-ng) CT_TARGET_SYS=uclibc;; musl) CT_TARGET_SYS=musl;; none|newlib|picolibc) CT_TARGET_SYS=elf;; *) # Keep empty for the libraries like mingw or avr-libc CT_TARGET_SYS= ;; esac # Set the default values for ARCH, ABI, CPU, TUNE, FPU and FLOAT for tmp in ARCH ABI CPU TUNE FPU FLOAT ENDIAN; do eval "unset CT_ARCH_${tmp}_CFLAG CT_ARCH_WITH_${tmp} CT_ARCH_WITH_${tmp}_32 CT_ARCH_WITH_${tmp}_64" done [ -n "${CT_ARCH_ABI}" ] && { CT_ARCH_ABI_CFLAG="-mabi=${CT_ARCH_ABI}"; CT_ARCH_WITH_ABI="--with-abi=${CT_ARCH_ABI}"; } [ -n "${CT_ARCH_FPU}" ] && { CT_ARCH_FPU_CFLAG="-mfpu=${CT_ARCH_FPU}"; CT_ARCH_WITH_FPU="--with-fpu=${CT_ARCH_FPU}"; } # The options below have distinct variants for multilib-enabled toolchain. # At this time, we just always have them equal to the "main" setting; it # seems that most example configurations are built for a specific CPU. # If there's demand for it, we can turn them into separate knobs in # Kconfig later. for tmp in ARCH CPU TUNE; do eval "val=\${CT_ARCH_${tmp}}" if [ -n "${val}" ]; then eval "CT_ARCH_${tmp}_CFLAG=-m${tmp,,}=${val}" eval "CT_ARCH_WITH_${tmp}=--with-${tmp,,}=${val}" if [ -n "${CT_ARCH_SUPPORTS_WITH_32_64}" -a -n "${CT_MULTILIB}" ]; then eval "CT_ARCH_WITH_${tmp}_32=--with-${tmp,,}-32=${val}" eval "CT_ARCH_WITH_${tmp}_64=--with-${tmp,,}-64=${val}" fi fi done case "${CT_ARCH_FLOAT}" in hard) CT_ARCH_FLOAT_CFLAG="-mhard-float" CT_ARCH_WITH_FLOAT="--with-float=hard" ;; soft) CT_ARCH_FLOAT_CFLAG="-msoft-float" CT_ARCH_WITH_FLOAT="--with-float=soft" ;; softfp) CT_ARCH_FLOAT_CFLAG="-mfloat-abi=softfp" CT_ARCH_WITH_FLOAT="--with-float=softfp" ;; esac if [ "${CT_ARCH_SUPPORTS_WITH_ENDIAN}" = "y" ]; then CT_ARCH_WITH_ENDIAN="--with-endian=${CT_ARCH_ENDIAN}" fi # Build the default kernel tuple part CT_TARGET_KERNEL="${CT_KERNEL}" # Overide the default values with the components specific settings CT_DoArchTupleValues CT_DoKernelTupleValues # Finish the target tuple construction if [ -z "${CT_OMIT_TARGET_ARCH}" ]; then CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET_ARCH}" fi if [ -z "${CT_OMIT_TARGET_VENDOR}" -a -n "${CT_TARGET_VENDOR}" ]; then CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET:+${CT_TARGET}-}${CT_TARGET_VENDOR}" fi if [ -n "${CT_TARGET_KERNEL}" ]; then CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET:+${CT_TARGET}-}${CT_TARGET_KERNEL}" fi if [ -n "${CT_TARGET_SYS}" ]; then CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET:+${CT_TARGET}-}${CT_TARGET_SYS}" fi # Sanity checks __sed_alias="" if [ -n "${CT_TARGET_ALIAS_SED_EXPR}" ]; then __sed_alias=$(echo "${CT_TARGET}" |${sed} -r -e "${CT_TARGET_ALIAS_SED_EXPR}") fi case ":${CT_TARGET_VENDOR}:${CT_TARGET_ALIAS}:${__sed_alias}:" in :*" "*:*:*:) CT_Abort "Don't use spaces in the vendor string, it breaks things.";; :*"-"*:*:*:) CT_Abort "Don't use dashes in the vendor string, it breaks things.";; :*:*" "*:*:) CT_Abort "Don't use spaces in the target alias, it breaks things.";; :*:*:*" "*:) CT_Abort "Don't use spaces in the target sed transform, it breaks things.";; esac # Canonicalise it if [ "${CT_TARGET_SKIP_CONFIG_SUB}" != "y" ]; then CT_TARGET=$(CT_DoConfigSub "${CT_TARGET}") if [ -n "${CT_OMIT_TARGET_VENDOR}" ]; then # config.sub always returns a 3- or 4-part tuple, with vendor # always being the 2nd part. CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET%%-*}-${CT_TARGET#*-*-}" fi fi # Prepare the target CFLAGS CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_ENDIAN_CFLAG}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_ARCH_CFLAG}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_ABI_CFLAG}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_CPU_CFLAG}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_TUNE_CFLAG}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_FPU_CFLAG}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_CFLAG}" # Now on for the target LDFLAGS CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS} ${CT_ARCH_ENDIAN_LDFLAG}" # Now, a multilib quirk. We may not be able to pass CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS # and CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS to gcc: even though GCC build appends the multilib # flags afterwards, on some architectures the build breaks because some # flags do not completely override each other. For example, on mips target, # 'gcc -mabi=32' and 'gcc -mabi=n32' both work, but 'gcc -mabi=32 -mabi=n32' # triggers an internal linker error. Likely a bug in GNU binutils, but we # have to work it around for now: *do not pass the CT_ARCH_TARGET_ flags*. # Instead, save them into a different variable here. Then, after the first # core pass, we'll know which of them vary with multilibs (i.e. must be # filtered out). if [ -n "${CT_MULTILIB}" ]; then CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS_MULTILIB="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS= CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS_MULTILIB="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS}" CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS= else CT_ALL_TARGET_CFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_CFLAGS} ${CT_TARGET_CFLAGS}" CT_ALL_TARGET_LDFLAGS="${CT_ARCH_TARGET_LDFLAGS} ${CT_TARGET_LDFLAGS}" fi } # This function does pause the build until the user strikes "Return" # Usage: CT_DoPause [optional_message] CT_DoPause() { local foo local message="${1:-Pausing for your pleasure}" CT_DoLog INFO "${message}" read -p "Press 'Enter' to continue, or Ctrl-C to stop..." foo >&6 return 0 } # This function sets up trapping export/unset operations so that saving/restoring # the state can restore status of environment exactly. CT_TrapEnvExport() { unset() { eval "builtin unset $*" CT_ENVVAR_UNSET="${CT_ENVVAR_UNSET} $*" } export() { local v for v in "$@"; do eval "builtin export \"${v}\"" case "${CT_ENVVAR_EXPORTED} " in *" ${v%%=*} "*) continue;; esac CT_ENVVAR_EXPORTED="${CT_ENVVAR_EXPORTED} ${v%%=*}" done } } # This function creates a tarball of the specified directory, but # only if it exists # Usage: CT_DoTarballIfExists <dir> <tarball_basename> [extra_tar_options [...]] CT_DoTarballIfExists() { local dir="$1" local tarball="$2" shift 2 local -a extra_tar_opts=( "$@" ) local -a compress case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in y) compress=( gzip -c -3 - ); tar_ext=.gz;; *) compress=( cat - ); tar_ext=;; esac if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG " Saving '${dir}'" { tar c -C "${dir}" -v -f - "${extra_tar_opts[@]}" . \ |"${compress[@]}" >"${tarball}.tar${tar_ext}" ; } 2>&1 |${sed} -r -e 's/^/ /;' |CT_DoLog STATE else CT_DoLog STATE " Not saving '${dir}': does not exist" fi } # This function extracts a tarball to the specified directory, but # only if the tarball exists # Usage: CT_DoExtractTarballIfExists <tarball_basename> <dir> [extra_tar_options [...]] CT_DoExtractTarballIfExists() { local tarball="$1" local dir="$2" shift 2 local -a extra_tar_opts=( "$@" ) local -a uncompress case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in y) uncompress=( gzip -c -d ); tar_ext=.gz;; *) uncompress=( cat ); tar_ext=;; esac if [ -f "${tarball}.tar${tar_ext}" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG " Restoring '${dir}'" CT_DoForceRmdir "${dir}" CT_DoExecLog DEBUG mkdir -p "${dir}" { "${uncompress[@]}" "${tarball}.tar${tar_ext}" \ |tar x -C "${dir}" -v -f - "${extra_tar_opts[@]}" ; } 2>&1 |${sed} -r -e 's/^/ /;' |CT_DoLog STATE else CT_DoLog STATE " Not restoring '${dir}': does not exist" fi } # This function saves the state of the toolchain to be able to restart # at any one point # Usage: CT_DoSaveState <next_step_name> CT_DoSaveState() { [ "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS}" = "y" ] || return 0 local state_name="$1" local state_dir="${CT_STATE_DIR}/${state_name}" local v CT_DoLog INFO "Saving state to restart at step '${state_name}'..." rm -rf "${state_dir}" mkdir -p "${state_dir}" # Save only environment variables, not functions. # Limit saving to our variables (CT_*) and exported variables. # Also unset variables that have been removed from the environment. # This generated script will be sourced from a function, so make # all the definitions global by adding -g. Hope we don't have # a multi-line variable that has a line starting with "declare" # (or we'll need to run sed on each variable separately, only on # the first line of it). CT_DoLog STATE " Saving environment and aliases" { for v in "${!CT_@}" ${CT_ENVVAR_EXPORTED}; do # Check if it is still set [ -n "${!v+set}" ] && declare -p "${v}" done | ${sed} 's/^declare /declare -g /' echo "builtin unset ${CT_ENVVAR_UNSET}" } >"${state_dir}/env.sh" # Save .config to check it hasn't changed when resuming. CT_DoExecLog STATE cp ".config" "${state_dir}/config" CT_DoTarballIfExists "${CT_BUILDTOOLS_PREFIX_DIR}" "${state_dir}/buildtools_dir" CT_DoTarballIfExists "${CT_SRC_DIR}" "${state_dir}/src_dir" CT_DoTarballIfExists "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}" "${state_dir}/prefix_dir" --exclude '*.log' CT_DoLog STATE " Saving log file" CT_LogDisable case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in y) gzip -3 -c "${CT_BUILD_LOG}" >"${state_dir}/log.gz";; *) cat "${CT_BUILD_LOG}" >"${state_dir}/log";; esac CT_LogEnable } # This function restores a previously saved state # Usage: CT_DoLoadState <state_name> CT_DoLoadState(){ local state_name="$1" local state_dir="${CT_STATE_DIR}/${state_name}" local old_RESTART="${CT_RESTART}" local old_STOP="${CT_STOP}" CT_TestOrAbort "The previous build did not reach the point where it could be restarted at '${CT_RESTART}'" -d "${state_dir}" if ! cmp ".config" "${state_dir}/config" >/dev/null 2>&1; then CT_Abort "The configuration file has changed between two runs" fi CT_DoLog INFO "Restoring state at step '${state_name}', as requested." CT_DoExtractTarballIfExists "${state_dir}/prefix_dir" "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}" CT_DoExtractTarballIfExists "${state_dir}/src_dir" "${CT_SRC_DIR}" CT_DoExtractTarballIfExists "${state_dir}/buildtools_dir" "${CT_BUILDTOOLS_PREFIX_DIR}" # Restore the environment, discarding any error message # (for example, read-only bash internals) CT_DoLog STATE " Restoring environment" . "${state_dir}/env.sh" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true # Restore the new RESTART and STOP steps CT_RESTART="${old_RESTART}" CT_STOP="${old_STOP}" CT_DoLog STATE " Restoring log file" CT_LogDisable mv "${CT_BUILD_LOG}" "${CT_BUILD_LOG}.tail" case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in y) gzip -dc "${state_dir}/log.gz" >"${CT_BUILD_LOG}";; *) cat "${state_dir}/log" >"${CT_BUILD_LOG}";; esac cat "${CT_BUILD_LOG}.tail" >>"${CT_BUILD_LOG}" CT_LogEnable rm -f "${CT_BUILD_LOG}.tail" } # This function sets a kconfig option to a specific value in a .config file # Usage: CT_KconfigSetOption <option> <value> <file> CT_KconfigSetOption() { local option="$1" local value="$2" local file="$3" CT_DoLog DEBUG "${file}: set ${option}=${value}" ${grep} -E -q "^${option}=.*" "${file}" && \ ${sed} -i -r -e "s;^${option}=.*$;${option}=${value};" "${file}" || \ ${grep} -E -q "^# ${option} is not set$" "${file}" && \ ${sed} -i -r -e "s;^# ${option} is not set$;${option}=${value};" "${file}" || \ echo "${option}=${value}" >> "${file}" } # This function enables a kconfig option to '=y' in a .config file # Usage: CT_KconfigEnableOption <option> <file> CT_KconfigEnableOption() { local option="$1" local file="$2" CT_KconfigSetOption "${option}" "y" "${file}" } # This function disables a kconfig option in a .config file # Usage: CT_KconfigDisableOption <option> <file> CT_KconfigDisableOption() { local option="${1}" local file="${2}" CT_DoLog DEBUG "${file}: disable ${option}" ${grep} -E -q "^# ${option} is not set$" "${file}" || \ ${grep} -E -q "^${option}=.*$" "${file}" && \ ${sed} -i -r -e "s;^${option}=.*$;# ${option} is not set;" "${file}" || \ echo "# ${option} is not set" >> "${file}" } # This function deletes a kconfig option in a .config file, no matter if it # is set or commented out. # Usage: CT_KconfigDeleteOption <option> <file> CT_KconfigDeleteOption() { local option="${1}" local file="${2}" CT_DoLog DEBUG "${file}: delete ${option}" ${grep} -E -q "^# ${option} is not set$" "${file}" && \ ${sed} -i -r -e "/^# ${option} is not set$/d" "${file}" || \ ${grep} -E -q "^${option}=.*$" "${file}" && \ ${sed} -i -r -e "/^${option}=.*$/d" "${file}" || true } # Multilib iterator. The caller should be in a directory where the directories # will be created, one per multilib, and the specified command will be run in # each of them. The following arguments will be passed to the invoked command: # multi_flags CFLAGS for this multilib # multi_dir GCC internal library location for the multilib # multi_os_dir OS library location for the multilib # multi_os_dir_gcc Same as multi_os_dir, preserved from GCC output # multi_root Sysroot for this multilib # multi_target Target tuple, either as reported by GCC or by our guesswork # multi_count Total number of multilibs # multi_index Index of the current multilib # Any additional arguments passed to this function will be forwarded to the called # function as well. # Usage: CT_IterateMultilibs <function> <prefix> <additional-args...> CT_IterateMultilibs() { local func="${1}" local prefix="${2}" local -a multilibs local multi_dir multi_os_dir multi_os_dir_gcc multi_root multi_flags multi_index multi_target local root_suffix local dir_postfix local v # Name used internally below if [ "${prefix}" = "sysroot-check" ]; then CT_Abort "Bad prefix used in CT_IterateMultilibs" fi # Drop mandatory arguments shift 2 # If gcc is not configured for multilib, it still prints a single line # for the default settings multilibs=( $("${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -print-multi-lib 2>/dev/null) ) CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -rf "sysroot-check" for multilib in "${multilibs[@]}"; do # GCC makes the distinction between: # multilib (-print-multi-lib or -print-multi-directory) and # multilib-os (--print-multi-os-directory) # as the gcc library and gcc sysroot library paths, respectively. # For example, on x86_64: # multilib: -m32=32 -m64=. # multilib-os: -m32=../lib -m64=../lib64 # Moreover, while some multilibs can coexist in the same sysroot (e.g. # on x86), some have a "sysroot suffix" to separate incompatible variants. # Such sysroot suffixes combine with multilib-os directories, e.g. # on sh4 with -m4a multilib, the search order in sysroot is (dropping some # directories for brevity: # <sysroot>/m4a/lib/m4a/ # <sysroot>/m4a/usr/lib/m4a/ # <sysroot>/m4a/lib/ # <sysroot>/m4a/usr/lib/ # The problem is that while GCC itself is aware of these subtleties, the # binutils (notably, ld) it invokes under the hood are not. For example, # if a shared library libfoo.so.1 requires libbar.so.1, ld will only search # for libbar.so.1 in <sysroot>/m4a/usr/lib, but not in <sysroot>/m4a/usr/lib/m4a. # In other words, 'gcc -lfoo -lbar' will work for both the default and -m4a # cases, and 'gcc -lfoo' will work for the default, but not for -m4a. To # address this, we first try to determine if the sysroot alone makes the # configuration sufficiently unique. If there are no multilibs within the # same suffixed sysroot, we can drop the multi_os_dir and both gcc and ld # will work. If not, we'll supply both multi_root/multi_os_dir (which will # likely break later, e.g. while building final GCC with C++ support). But, # we've done all we can. # We do supply original multi_os_dir for consumers that need to look inside # GCC's directories (e.g. to locate the libraries), under the name of # multi_os_dir_gcc. multi_flags=$( echo "${multilib#*;}" | ${sed} -r -e 's/@/ -/g;' ) multi_dir="${multilib%%;*}" multi_os_dir=$( "${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -print-multi-os-directory ${multi_flags} ) multi_root=$( "${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -print-sysroot ${multi_flags} ) root_suffix="${multi_root#${CT_SYSROOT_DIR}}" CT_DoExecLog ALL mkdir -p "sysroot-check${root_suffix}" if [ -e "sysroot-check${root_suffix}/seen" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "sysroot-check${root_suffix}/unique" else CT_DoExecLog ALL touch "sysroot-check${root_suffix}/seen" \ "sysroot-check${root_suffix}/unique" fi done # Now, actual iteration. # This uses either GCC's multiarch feature (if supported; if not, # GCC prints nothing and exits with status 0), falling back to calling # the architecture-specific functions. multi_index=1 for multilib in "${multilibs[@]}"; do multi_flags=$( echo "${multilib#*;}" | ${sed} -r -e 's/@/ -/g;' ) multi_dir="${multilib%%;*}" multi_os_dir=$( "${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -print-multi-os-directory ${multi_flags} ) multi_os_dir_gcc="${multi_os_dir}" multi_root=$( "${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -print-sysroot ${multi_flags} ) multi_target=$( "${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -print-multiarch ${multi_flags} ) root_suffix="${multi_root#${CT_SYSROOT_DIR}}" # If GCC did not report the target tuple (i.e. this configuration is not # multiarch-capable), fall back to our guesswork. if [ -z "${multi_target}" ]; then multi_target="${CT_TARGET}" CT_DoArchMultilibTarget multi_target ${multi_flags} fi # Avoid multi_os_dir if it's the only directory in this sysroot. if [ -e "sysroot-check${root_suffix}/unique" ]; then multi_os_dir=. fi # Brain-dead Cygwin hack: Cygwin cannot run a binary if there is a directory # component in the path that ends with a dot. Unfortunately, that's the case # for the default library name with GCC. dir_postfix=_${multi_dir//\//_} dir_postfix=${dir_postfix%_.} CT_mkdir_pushd "${prefix}${dir_postfix}" CT_DoLog DEBUG "Multilib iterator: call function '${func}' in '${prefix}${dir_postfix}'" for v in multi_dir multi_os_dir multi_os_dir_gcc multi_flags multi_root multi_target multi_index; do CT_DoLog DEBUG " ${v}=${!v}" done $func multi_dir="${multi_dir}" \ multi_os_dir="${multi_os_dir}" \ multi_os_dir_gcc="${multi_os_dir_gcc}" \ multi_flags="${multi_flags}" \ multi_root="${multi_root}" \ multi_target="${multi_target}" \ multi_index="${multi_index}" \ multi_count="${#multilibs[@]}" \ "$@" CT_Popd multi_index=$((multi_index+1)) done } # Create symbolic links in buildtools for binutils using a different # target name. # Usage: # CT_SymlinkTools BIN-DIR SRC-DIR NEW-PREFIX SED-EXPR CT_SymlinkTools() { local bindir="$1" local srcdir="$2" local newpfx="$3" local sedexpr="$4" local dirpfx local t _t # if bindir==srcdir, create symlinks just with the filename if [ "${bindir}" != "${srcdir}" ]; then dirpfx="${srcdir}/" fi CT_Pushd "${srcdir}" for t in "${CT_TARGET}-"*; do if [ "${t}" = "${CT_TARGET}-*" ]; then # No matching files break fi if [ -n "${newpfx}" -a \( "${newpfx}" != "${CT_TARGET}" -o "${bindir}" != "${srcdir}" \) ]; then _t="${newpfx}-${t#${CT_TARGET}-}" CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -sfv "${dirpfx}${t}" "${bindir}/${_t}" fi if [ -n "${sedexpr}" ]; then _t=$( echo "${t}" | sed -r -e "${sedexpr}" ) if [ "${_t}" = "${t}" ]; then CT_DoLog WARN "The sed expression '${sedexpr}' has no effect on '${t}'" else CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -sfv "${dirpfx}${t}" "${bindir}/${_t}" fi fi done CT_Popd } # Create symbolic links for multilib iterator. Expects ${multi_target} # variable to indicate the desired triplet for the tools. CT_SymlinkToolsMultilib() { # Make configure detect ${target}-tool binaries even if it is different # from configured tuple. Only symlink to final tools if they're executable # on build. CT_SymlinkTools "${CT_BUILDTOOLS_PREFIX_DIR}/bin" \ "${CT_BUILDTOOLS_PREFIX_DIR}/bin" "${multi_target}" case "${CT_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE}" in native|cross) CT_SymlinkTools "${CT_BUILDTOOLS_PREFIX_DIR}/bin" \ "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/bin" "${multi_target}" ;; esac } # Helper (iterator) for CT_MultilibFixupLDSO CT__FixupLDSO() { local multi_dir multi_os_dir multi_root multi_flags multi_index multi_count multi_target local binary local ldso ldso_l ldso_f ldso_d ldso_u multilib_dir for arg in "$@"; do eval "${arg// /\\ }" done CT_DoLog EXTRA "Checking dynamic linker for multilib '${multi_flags}'" multilib_dir="/lib/${multi_os_dir}" CT_SanitizeVarDir multilib_dir CT_DoExecLog ALL "${CT_TARGET}-${CT_CC}" -o test-ldso ../test-ldso.c ${multi_flags} if [ -r "test-ldso.gdb" ]; then binary="test-ldso.gdb" else binary="test-ldso" fi if ${CT_TARGET}-readelf -Wl "${binary}" | grep -q 'Requesting program interpreter: '; then ldso=$( ${CT_TARGET}-readelf -Wl "${binary}" | \ grep 'Requesting program interpreter: ' | \ sed -e 's,.*: ,,' -e 's,\].*,,' ) fi CT_DoLog DEBUG "Detected dynamic linker for multilib '${multi_flags}': '${ldso}'" # Create symlink if GCC produced a dynamically linked executable. if [ -z "${ldso}" ]; then return # Probably, we're building a static toolchain. fi ldso_d="${ldso%/ld*.so.*}" ldso_f="${ldso##*/}" # Convert ldso_d to "how many levels we need to go up" and remove # leading slash. ldso_u=$( echo "${ldso_d#/}" | sed 's,[^/]\+,..,g' ) # If the requested dynamic linker exists, but is a symlink - check that it is either # relative (in which case, if it is readable, we trust libc to have created it properly) # or otherwise, convert it from absolute (target) path to a relative path that works on # both host & target. if [ -L "${multi_root}${ldso}" ]; then ldso_l=`readlink "${multi_root}${ldso}"` case "${ldso_l}" in /*) # Absolute, convert to relative if [ -r "${multi_root}${ldso_l}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -sfv "${ldso_u}${ldso_l}" "${multi_root}${ldso}" else CT_DoLog WARN "Compiler selects '${ldso}' as dynamic linker for '${multi_flags}'" CT_DoLog WARN "but '${ldso}' is a symlink to '${ldso_l}' which is not valid on target." fi ;; *) # Relative, must be readable if [ ! -r "${multi_root}${ldso}" ]; then CT_DoLog WARN "Compiler selects '${ldso}' as dynamic linker for '${multi_flags}'" CT_DoLog WARN "but '${ldso}' is a symlink to '${ldso_l}' which is invalid relative symlink." fi ;; esac return elif [ -r "${multi_root}${ldso}" ]; then return # Not a symlink but readable - looks like libc installed a real executable. fi # Is it requesting a linker not in the current directory? uClibc case. if [ "${ldso_d}" != "${multilib_dir}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -sfv "${ldso_u}${multilib_dir}/${ldso_f}" \ "${multi_root}${ldso}" fi } # Go over multilib variants and check that the requested dynamic linker # is present and resolves on both target and host. CT_MultilibFixupLDSO() { CT_DoStep INFO "Checking dynamic linker symlinks" CT_mkdir_pushd "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/build-libc-check-ldso" echo "int main(void) { return 0; }" > test-ldso.c CT_IterateMultilibs CT__FixupLDSO ldso_fixup CT_Popd CT_EndStep } # List the download mirrors. Usage: # CT_Mirrors ORGANIZATION PROJECT [...] # Important: this function should not call CT_Abort. Instead, print a special string, # -unknown-, to indicate that a certain combination of ORGANIZATION/PROJECT is not handled. # The reason is that this function is evaluated when config file is loaded - before ct-ng # determines if it needs to download anything at all. On the other hand, if a component # comes from a local source directory, it may have a version like "very new" or "very old" # which will confuse, for example, Linux mirror selection below. CT_Mirrors() { local org="${1}" local project="${2}" case "${org}" in GNU) echo "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gnu/${project}" echo "http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gnu/${project}" echo "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/${project}" echo "http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/${project}" echo "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/${project}" ;; sourceware) echo "https://sourceware.org/${project}/ftp" echo "ftp://sourceware.org/pub/${project}" echo "https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/${project}" echo "https://gcc.gnu.org/pub/${project}" ;; Linaro) local version="${3}" local base yymm base="${version%%-*}" yymm="${version##*-??}" yymm="${yymm%%-*}" echo "https://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/${project}-linaro/${version}" echo "https://releases.linaro.org/archive/${yymm}/components/toolchain/${project}-linaro/${base}" echo "https://releases.linaro.org/archive/${yymm}/components/toolchain/${project}-linaro" ;; kernel.org) case "${project}" in linux) local version="${CT_LINUX_VERSION}" case "${version}" in '') # Ignore, this happens before .config is fully evaluated ;; [3456].*) echo "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v${version%%.*}.x" ;; 2.6.*) echo "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6" case "${version}" in 2.6.*.*) echo "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/longterm" echo "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/longterm/v${version%.*}" ;; esac ;; *) echo "-unknown-" ;; esac ;; dtc) echo "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/software/utils/dtc" ;; *) echo "-unknown-" ;; esac ;; *) echo "-unknown-" ;; esac } # Get most recent version for CVS check-out. # CVS does not have a repository-wide identifier for a commit, so we must # use date. Variables are set by CT_PackageRun CT_GetVersion_cvs() { # If date is not given, use current. Otherwise, check if format is correct. # We don't support fancy CVS specifications like "1 day ago", as we'll need # to convert them to some stable representation like 20170617231304. if [ -z "${devel_revision}" ]; then devel_revision=`LANG=C TZ=UTC date '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'` else case "${devel_revision}" in [12][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]\ [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]) ;; *) CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: invalid date format ${devel_revision}" ;; esac fi unique_id="${devel_branch:-trunk}-${devel_revision//[^0-9]/}" } # Check out sources from CVS. Variables are set by CT_PackageRun. CT_Download_cvs() { local pserver="${devel_url%% *}" local module="${devel_url##* }" # CVS has no name for "main" branch, so use -r only if non-default # TBD try -'d ${basename}', with/without -N CT_DoExecLog ALL cvs -z 9 -d "${pserver}" co -P ${devel_branch:+-r ${devel_branch}} \ -D "${devel_revision} UTC" "${module}" if [ "${module}" != "${pkg_name}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL mv "${module}" "${pkg_name}" fi } # Find the most recent version from Subversion. CT_GetVersion_svn() { devel_branch="${devel_branch:-/trunk}" # If revision is not given, find the most recent if [ -z "${devel_revision}" ]; then devel_revision=`svn info "${devel_url}${devel_branch}" | sed -n 's/^Last Changed Rev: //p'` fi # Construct unique ID from branch/revision unique_id="${devel_branch//\//_}" unique_id="${unique_id#_}" unique_id="${unique_id%_}" unique_id="${unique_id}-${devel_revision}" } # Retrieve sources from Subversion. CT_Download_svn() { CT_DoExecLog ALL svn export -r "${devel_revision}" "${devel_url}${devel_branch}" "${pkg_name}" } # Find the most recent version from Mercurial. CT_GetVersion_hg() { if [ -n "${devel_branch}" -a -n "${devel_revision}" ]; then CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: cannot specify both branch and changeset for Mercurial" fi # Mercurial cannot query remote branches except the default, so we'll have # to clone if cset is not known and a branch is given. if [ -z "${devel_revision}" ]; then if [ -z "${devel_branch}" ]; then devel_revision=`hg identify "${devel_url}"` else CT_DoLog WARN "${pkg_name}: Mercurial cannot query non-default branch, will clone" devel_revision="to.be.determined" fi fi unique_id="${devel_revision}" } # Retrieve sources from Mercurial. CT_Download_hg() { CT_DoExecLog ALL hg clone "${devel_url}" "${pkg_name}" CT_Pushd "${pkg_name}" if [ -n "${devel_branch}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL hg update "${devel_branch}" fi if [ "${devel_revision}" = "to.be.determined" ]; then # Report what we found out (as common message lacks the revision) devel_revision=`hg identify -i` unique_id="${devel_revision}" CT_DoLog EXTRA "Retrieved revision ${devel_revision}" else CT_DoExecLog ALL hg update "${devel_revision}" fi CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -rf .hg CT_Popd } # Get the most recent version from Git. CT_GetVersion_git() { if [ -n "${devel_branch}" -a -n "${devel_revision}" ]; then CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: cannot specify both branch and changeset for Git" fi # Do not modify devel_branch so that we can check if it has been set by user # in CT_Download_git. local branch="${devel_branch:-master}" if [ -z "${devel_revision}" ]; then # First try to dereference an annotated tag. local matches=`git ls-remote --exit-code "${devel_url}" --refs "${branch}^{}" \ || echo "not found"` # If we don't have an annotated tag, let's take the reference as is. if [ "${matches}" = "not found" ]; then matches=`git ls-remote --exit-code "${devel_url}" --refs "${branch}" \ || echo "not found"` fi local best using ref # Cannot test $?, setting a trap on ERR prevents bash from returning the # status code. if [ "${matches}" = "not found" ]; then CT_Abort "Failed to find git ref ${branch} at ${devel_url}" fi if [ `echo "${matches}" | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then if echo "${matches}" | grep '[[:space:]]\(refs/heads/\)\?'"${branch}\$" >/dev/null; then # Try exact match, or prepended with "refs/heads". Some projects (e.g. binutils) # have refs/original/refs/heads/master as well as refs/heads/master, and # `git ls-remote refs/heads/master` prints both. best=`echo "${matches}" | grep '[[:space:]]\(refs/heads/\)\?'"${branch}\$"` using="best match" else best=`echo "${matches}" | head -n1` using="first" fi ref=`echo "${best}" | sed 's/.*[[:space:]]//'` CT_DoLog WARN "Ambiguous ref ${branch} at ${devel_url}, using ${using} (${ref})" else best="${matches}" fi # Similarly, do not modify the devel_revision, we'll need to know if it # has been set by the user in CT_Download_git. unique_id=`echo "${best}" | cut -c1-8` CT_DoLog DEBUG "ref ${branch} at ${devel_url} has cset of ${unique_id}" else unique_id=`echo "${devel_revision}" | cut -c1-8` fi } # Retrieve sources from Git. CT_Download_git() { local new_unique_id fetched=n shallow_id # Some of these operations are part of a `git clone`, but fetching a specific commit # (if it is supported by the server) is not expressable as a `git clone`. CT_mkdir_pushd "${pkg_name}" CT_DoExecLog ALL git init CT_DoExecLog ALL git remote add origin "${devel_url}" if [ -z "${devel_revision}" ]; then # Configuration didn't care about a specific commit; we'll use the most recent # commit on the branch and will update the unique_id (and warn the user) if it # differs from what we've previously determined. shallow_id="${devel_branch:-master}" else local tmp=`echo "${devel_revision}" | sed 's/^[0-9a-z]\{40\}//'` if [ -z "${tmp}" ]; then shallow_id="${devel_revision}" else CT_DoLog WARN "Git only allows full 40-character SHA-1 hashes to identify a commit for shallow clone." fi fi if [ -n "${shallow_id}" ]; then if CT_DoExecLog ALL git fetch --quiet --depth 1 origin "${shallow_id}"; then CT_DoExecLog ALL git checkout --quiet FETCH_HEAD -- else # Git 2.15 and newer (which must be the case on both the client and the server) # allows fetching a single commit so long as the server is configured # to allow it (by having uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant=true set # in its config). CT_DoLog WARN "Shallow clone failed (likely disallowed on the server)." shallow_id= fi fi if [ -z "${shallow_id}" ]; then # In this case, we already determined the changeset we need CT_DoLog WARN "Falling back to full clone; may take some time..." CT_DoExecLog ALL git fetch --quiet origin CT_DoExecLog ALL git checkout --quiet "${unique_id}" -- fi new_unique_id=`git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c1-8` if [ "${new_unique_id}" != "${unique_id}" ]; then CT_DoLog EXTRA "Revision being fetched changed to ${new_unique_id}; source repository had more revisions pushed?" unique_id="${new_unique_id}" fi CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -rf .git CT_Popd } # Helper: run another action after setting local variables CT_PackageRun() { local sym="${1}" local run="${2}" local src_dir="/unknown-src-dir" local v # Get rid of our arguments shift 2 # Variables that are per-project for v in use dir_name; do eval "local ${v}=\${CT_${sym}_${v^^}}" done # If $use is not set, we only have one fork to handle use="${use:-${sym}}" # Variables that are per-fork for v in basename pkg_name version pkg_dir \ src_release mirrors archive_filename archive_dirname archive_formats signature_format \ src_devel devel_vcs devel_url devel_branch devel_revision devel_subdir devel_bootstrap \ src_custom custom_location patch_order; do eval "CT_DoLog DEBUG \"Package iterator: set ${v}='\${CT_${use}_${v^^}}'\"" eval "local ${v}=\${CT_${use}_${v^^}}" done if [ -z "${pkg_name}" ]; then CT_Abort "Internal ct-ng error: '${sym}' not defined, please report a bug" fi for v in archive_filename archive_dirname; do # kconfig and shell have different quoting rules, so it seems impossible to make # kconfig quote '$' properly for eval (i.e. not have it expanded when loading the # .config). Therefore, use '@' instead of '$' in kconfig files and substitute it # here for select variables. eval "eval ${v}=\${${v}//@/$}" done CT_DoLog DEBUG "Package iterator: run ${run} $*" ${run} "$@" # Save certain variables that may be modified by the callback. # Fetching the sources is run in the main process, so no need to # use CT_EnvModify. for v in devel_branch devel_revision basename src_dir pkg_dir; do eval "[ \"\${${v}}\" != \"\${CT_${use}_${v^^}}\" ] || continue" eval "CT_${use}_${v^^}=\${${v}}" eval "CT_DoLog DEBUG \"Package iterator: override CT_${use}_${v^^}=\${CT_${use}_${v^^}}\"" done } # Closure for fetching the sources CT_DoFetch() { local tmp_dir local extensions e a if [ "${src_release}" = "y" ]; then # Some packages do not contain any directory level at all if [ "${archive_dirname}" != "." ]; then basename="${archive_dirname}" else basename="${pkg_name}-${version}" fi pkg_dir="${pkg_name}/${version}" # Check which extensions we are allowed to fetch for a in ${archive_formats}; do for e in $(CT_DoListTarballExt); do if [ "${a}" = "${e}" ]; then extensions="${extensions} ${a}" break fi done done if ! CT_GetFile package="${pkg_name}" pkg_dir="${pkg_dir}" dir_name="${dir_name}" \ basename="${archive_filename}" extensions="${extensions}" \ digest="${CT_VERIFY_DOWNLOAD_DIGEST}" \ signature_format="${CT_VERIFY_DOWNLOAD_SIGNATURE:+${signature_format}}" \ mirrors="${mirrors}"; then CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: download failed" fi elif [ "${src_devel}" = "y" ]; then local unique_id if [ -z "${devel_revision}" -a "${CT_FORBID_DOWNLOAD}" = "y" ]; then CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: cannot find most recent revisions with downloads prohibited" fi # Each VCS backend must provide two methods: # - CT_GetVersion_xxx that sets the base name for the package (package name # and some unique identifier for the version) # - CT_Download_xxx that retrieves the sources into the directory named as # ${pkg_name} # Both these methods can also modify devel_branch/devel_revision. Typically, # this would override empty (default) values with "default branch name" and # "most current revision", respectively. CT_GetVersion_${devel_vcs} if [ -z "${unique_id}" ]; then CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: ${devel_vcs} did not set unique ID for branch/revision" fi basename="${pkg_name}-${devel_vcs}-${unique_id}" pkg_dir="${pkg_name}/${devel_vcs}-${unique_id}" # Try getting the tarball with empty list of URLs: it will only # attempt getting it from local storage or from the mirror if configured. # Bzip2 offers a reasonable compromise between compression speed and size. if [ "${unique_id}" != "to.be.determined" ] && \ CT_GetFile package="${pkg_name}" dir_name="${dir_name}" \ basename="${basename}" extensions='.tar.bz2'; then return 0 fi if [ "${CT_FORBID_DOWNLOAD}" = "y" ]; then CT_DoLog WARN "Downloads forbidden, not trying ${devel_vcs} retrieval" CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: cannot check out" fi CT_DoLog EXTRA "Checking out '${basename}' (${devel_vcs} ${devel_url}${devel_branch:+, branch ${devel_branch}}${devel_revision:+, revision ${devel_revision}})" CT_MktempDir tmp_dir CT_Pushd "${tmp_dir}" CT_Download_${devel_vcs} # First setting above may not have determined the version (e.g. with Mercurial) # Set the final, downloaded version. basename="${pkg_name}-${devel_vcs}-${unique_id}" pkg_dir="${pkg_name}/${devel_vcs}-${unique_id}" CT_DoExecLog ALL mv "${pkg_name}${devel_subdir:+/${devel_subdir}}" "${basename}" CT_DoExecLog ALL tar cjf "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}.tar.bz2" "${basename}" if ! CT_SaveLocal "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${basename}.tar.bz2" "${dir_name}"; then CT_Abort "${pkg_name}: failed to save to local storage" fi CT_Popd CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -rf "${tmp_dir}" elif [ "${src_custom}" = "y" ]; then # Will be handled during extraction/patching basename="${dir_name}" :; else CT_Abort "No known source for ${pkg_name}" fi } # Obtain the sources for a component, either from a tarball, version control system # or a custom location. CT_Fetch() { CT_PackageRun "${1}" CT_DoFetch } # Unpack an archive. CT_Extract() { local file="${1}" local dir="${2}" local components="${3}" CT_DoExecLog ALL mkdir -p "${dir}" case "${file}" in *.tar.*|*.tar) CT_ZCat "${file}" | CT_DoExecLog FILE tar x -v -f - -C "${dir}" ${components} ;; *.zip) CT_Pushd "${dir}" CT_DoExecLog FILE unzip "${file}" ${components} CT_Popd ;; *) CT_Abort "Don't know how to handle ${file}: unknown extension" ;; esac } # Closure for unpacking/patching the sources. There are two source directories: # - CT_COMMON_SRC_DIR stores common sources, such as released tarballs (including # bundled or local patches, if necessary) or checked out working copies. # Custom sources cannot be placed here, as they may have similarly named # packages coming from different origins. # - CT_SRC_DIR stores per-configuration sources. These are either symlinks back # to CT_ORIG_SRC_DIR sources, or a copy from the custom source, or a copy # from CT_ORIG_SRC_DIR + target-specific overrides. CT_DoExtractPatch() { local patchfunc="${1}" local archive ext local -a patch_dirs local bundled_patch_dir local bundled_exp_patch_dir local bundled_common_patch_dir local local_patch_dir local local_common_patch_dir local overlay # Inherit global value if requested if [ "${patch_order}" = "global" ]; then patch_order="${CT_PATCH_ORDER}" fi # If using overlay, prepare it first - we need to determine where to unpack # this component. if [ "${CT_TARGET_USE_OVERLAY}" = "y" -a ! -d "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL mkdir -p "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay" overlay="${CT_OVERLAY_LOCATION}/${CT_ARCH}_${CT_OVERLAY_NAME:-overlay}" if [ -d "${overlay}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL cp -av "${overlay}/." "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay" else if ! ext=`CT_GetFileExtension "${overlay}"`; then CT_Abort "Overlay ${overlay} not found" fi CT_Extract "${overlay}${ext}" "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay" fi fi # Can use common location only if using non-custom source, only bundled patches # and no overlays. Otherwise, this source directory is custom-tailored for this # particular configuration and cannot be reused by different configurations. if test "${src_custom}" != "y" -a \ \( "${patch_order}" = 'bundled' -o "${patch_order}" = 'bundled,bundled_exp' \) -a \ ! -d "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay/${dir_name}"; then src_dir="${CT_COMMON_SRC_DIR}" else src_dir="${CT_SRC_DIR}" fi if [ "${src_custom}" != "y" ]; then # Non-custom: extract to shared location # If the previous extraction/patching was aborted, clean up. if [ -r "${src_dir}/.${basename}.extracting" -o \ -r "${src_dir}/.${basename}.patching" ]; then CT_DoLog WARN "Sources for ${basename} were partially extracted/patched, cleaning up" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -rf "${src_dir}/${basename}" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${src_dir}/.${basename}".* fi if [ -f "${src_dir}/.${basename}.extracted" -a -d "${src_dir}/${basename}" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG "Already extracted ${basename}" else CT_DoLog EXTRA "Extracting ${basename}" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${src_dir}/.${basename}".* CT_DoExecLog ALL touch "${src_dir}/.${basename}.extracting" if [ "${src_release}" = "y" ]; then archive="${archive_filename}" else archive="${basename}" fi # TBD save/discover the extension while fetching ext=`CT_GetFileExtension "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${archive}"` if [ "${archive_dirname}" = "." ]; then CT_mkdir_pushd "${src_dir}/${basename}" CT_Extract "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${archive}${ext}" "${src_dir}/${basename}" CT_Popd else CT_Extract "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${archive}${ext}" "${src_dir}" fi CT_DoExecLog ALL touch "${src_dir}/.${basename}.extracted" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${src_dir}/.${basename}.extracting" fi if [ -f "${src_dir}/.${basename}.patched" ]; then CT_DoLog DEBUG "Already patched ${basename}" else CT_DoLog EXTRA "Patching ${basename}" CT_DoExecLog ALL touch "${src_dir}/.${basename}.patching" bundled_patch_dir="${CT_LIB_DIR}/packages/${pkg_dir}" bundled_exp_patch_dir="${CT_LIB_DIR}/packages/${pkg_dir}/experimental" bundled_common_patch_dir="${CT_LIB_DIR}/packages/${pkg_name}" local_patch_dir="${CT_LOCAL_PATCH_DIR}/${pkg_dir}" local_common_patch_dir="${CT_LOCAL_PATCH_DIR}/${pkg_name}" case "${patch_order}" in bundled) patch_dirs=("${bundled_patch_dir}" "${bundled_common_patch_dir}");; local) patch_dirs=("${local_patch_dir}" "${local_common_patch_dir}");; bundled,local) patch_dirs=("${bundled_patch_dir}" "${bundled_common_patch_dir}" "${local_patch_dir}" "${local_common_patch_dir}");; local,bundled) patch_dirs=("${local_patch_dir}" "${local_common_patch_dir}" "${bundled_patch_dir}" "${bundled_common_patch_dir}");; bundled,bundled_exp) patch_dirs=("${bundled_patch_dir}" "${bundled_common_patch_dir}" "${bundled_exp_patch_dir}");; bundled,bundled_exp,local) patch_dirs=("${bundled_patch_dir}" "${bundled_common_patch_dir}" "${bundled_exp_patch_dir}" "${local_patch_dir}" "${local_common_patch_dir}");; local,bundled,bundled_exp) patch_dirs=("${local_patch_dir}" "${local_common_patch_dir}" "${bundled_patch_dir}" "${bundled_common_patch_dir}" "${bundled_exp_patch_dir}");; none) patch_dirs=;; esac CT_Pushd "${src_dir}/${basename}" for d in "${patch_dirs[@]}"; do CT_DoLog DEBUG "Looking for patches in '${d}'..." if [ -n "${d}" -a -d "${d}" ]; then for p in "${d}"/*.patch; do if [ -f "${p}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL ${patch} --no-backup-if-mismatch -g0 -F1 -p1 -f -i "${p}" fi done fi done # TBD create meta-package for config.sub/config.guess with replacement script if [ "${CT_OVERRIDE_CONFIG_GUESS_SUB}" = "y" ]; then CT_DoLog ALL "Overiding config.guess and config.sub" for cfg in config.guess config.sub; do # Can't use CT_DoExecLog because of the '{} \;' to be passed un-mangled to find find . -type f -name "${cfg}" \ -exec chmod -v u+w {} \; \ -exec cp -v "${CT_LIB_DIR}/scripts/${cfg}" {} \; |CT_DoLog ALL done fi # FIXME: This currently means we end up using host's autotools, # but changing this requires reworking the order of operations in crosstool-NG: # we'd need to defer the download/extraction/patching of a package until after # the companion tools are built. if [ -n "${devel_bootstrap}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL "${CT_CONFIG_SHELL}" -c "${devel_bootstrap}" fi # Fix up the timestamps on the file we may be patching: otherwise, we may # have a circular dependency. For example, we need make to build autoconf # and automake companion tools, but we need autoconf and automake to regenerate # aclocal.m4 or config.h.in after the patch touches configure.ac. Instead, # assume the patch fixes all the files it needs. find . -type f -name "aclocal.m4" \ -exec touch {} \; -exec echo touch {} \; | CT_DoLog ALL find . -type f -name "config.h.in" \ -exec touch {} \; -exec echo touch {} \; | CT_DoLog ALL find . -type f -name "Makefile.in" \ -exec touch {} \; -exec echo touch {} \; | CT_DoLog ALL find . -type f -name "configure" \ -exec touch {} \; -exec echo touch {} \; | CT_DoLog ALL if [ -n "${patchfunc}" ]; then ${patchfunc} fi CT_Popd CT_DoExecLog ALL touch "${src_dir}/.${basename}.patched" CT_DoExecLog ALL rm -f "${src_dir}/.${basename}.patching" fi else CT_DoLog WARN "${pkg_name}: using custom location, no patches applied" fi # Symlink/move/copy into per-target source directory if [ "${src_custom}" = "y" ]; then # Custom sources: unpack or copy into per-target directory. Note that # ${src_dir} is never ${CT_COMMON_SRC_DIR} in this case. if [ -d "${custom_location}" ]; then CT_DoExecLog ALL cp -av "${custom_location}" "${src_dir}/${dir_name}" elif [ -f "${custom_location}" ]; then # Assume "foo.tar.gz" (or likes) contain the "foo" directory local bn CT_Extract "${custom_location}" "${src_dir}" bn=`CT_GetFileBasename "${custom_location##*/}"` CT_TestOrAbort "Unknown file extension: ${custom_location}" -n "${bn}" CT_DoExecLog ALL mv -v "${src_dir}/${bn%${ext}}" "${src_dir}/${dir_name}" else CT_Abort "Neither file nor directory: ${custom_location}" fi elif [ "${src_dir}" = "${CT_SRC_DIR}" ]; then # Sources specific to this target, just move (if we use overlay, symlinks # would be overwritten and overlayed files will end up in a separate dir). CT_DoExecLog ALL mv "${src_dir}/${basename}" "${CT_SRC_DIR}/${dir_name}" else # Common source, just symlink CT_DoExecLog ALL ln -s "${src_dir}/${basename}" "${CT_SRC_DIR}/${dir_name}" fi # Check if it has overlays and if it has, apply if [ "${CT_TARGET_USE_OVERLAY}" = "y" -a \ -d "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay/${dir_name}" ]; then tar cf - -C "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/overlay" "${dir_name}" | \ CT_DoExecLog FILE tar xvf - -C "${src_dir}" fi } # Extract/copy the sources to the shared source directory, then either symlink # or copy the sources into a private source directory and apply target-specific # changes (such as xtensa overrides). CT_ExtractPatch() { local pkg="${1}" shift CT_PackageRun "${pkg}" CT_DoExtractPatch "$@" } # Set the specified variable to the version of the package (main or fork) # Usage: CT_GetPkgVersion PKG VAR CT_GetPkgVersion() { local rv __do_GetPkgVersion() { rv="${version}"; } CT_PackageRun "${1}" __do_GetPkgVersion eval "${2}=\"${rv}\"" } # Get a package version selected to build. May return an empty string. # Usage: CT_GetPkgBuildVersion PKG VAR # where PKG may refer to a specific package (e.g. GCC) or package choice # (e.g. LIBC). CT_GetPkgBuildVersion() { local category="${1}" local component="${2}" local var="${3}" local choicename tmp pkg build_version # If it is for a choice, not a menu, get the choice name eval "choicename=\${CT_${category}}" # Find the associated package eval "pkg=\${CT_${category}_${component}_PKG_KSYM}" if [ -z "${pkg}" ]; then # This component does not have an associated package, # return the component name. if [ -n "${choicename}" ]; then eval "${var}=\"${choicename}\"" fi return fi __do_GetPkgBuildVersion() { tmp="${pkg_name}" if [ "${version}" != "unknown" ]; then tmp+="-${version}" fi if [ "${src_devel}" = "y" ]; then tmp+="-${devel_vcs}" if [ -n "${devel_revision}" ]; then tmp+="-${devel_revision}" fi elif [ "${src_custom}" = "y" ]; then tmp+="-custom" fi if [ -n "${choicename}" -a "${pkg}" != "${component}" ]; then tmp+=" (${choicename})" fi } CT_PackageRun "${pkg}" __do_GetPkgBuildVersion eval "${var}=\"${tmp}\"" } # Finally, load paths.sh. For --enable-local build, it is located in # the current directory (CT_TOP_DIR) while the rest of the scripts are # in the source directory (CT_LIB_DIR). For other setups, paths.sh # is in CT_LIB_DIR. if [ -r "${CT_LIB_DIR}/paths.sh" ]; then paths_sh_location="${CT_LIB_DIR}/paths.sh" elif [ -r "${CT_TOP_DIR}/paths.sh" ]; then paths_sh_location="${CT_TOP_DIR}/paths.sh" else CT_Abort "Not found: paths.sh" fi . "${paths_sh_location}" CT_InstallCopyingInformation() { local licfile local dstdir CT_DoLog EXTRA "Collect license information from: ${CT_SRC_DIR}" CT_DoLog EXTRA "Put the license information to: ${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/share/licenses" for licfile in $( find "${CT_SRC_DIR}" -follow -type f -a \( -name "COPYING*" -o -name "LICENSE*" -o -name "COPYRIGHT*" \) ); do dstdir="${licfile%/*}" dstdir="${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/share/licenses${dstdir#${CT_SRC_DIR}}" mkdir -p "${dstdir}" CT_DoExecLog ALL cp -av "${licfile}" "${dstdir}/" done # Also add crosstool's information for licfile in ${CT_LIB_DIR}/{COPYING*,LICENSE*,licenses.d}; do dstdir="${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/share/licenses/crosstool-ng" mkdir -p "${dstdir}" CT_DoExecLog ALL cp -av "${licfile}" "${dstdir}/" done shopt -u nullglob } CT_InstallConfigurationFile() { local path="${1}" local suffix="${2}" CT_DoExecLog ALL mkdir -p "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/share" CT_DoExecLog DEBUG ${install} -m 0644 "${path}" "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/share/${CT_TARGET}-${suffix}.config" CT_DoExecLog DEBUG bzip2 -9 "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}/share/${CT_TARGET}-${suffix}.config" }