## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in ## vim: set noet : include verbatim-data.mk SUBDIRS = kconfig bin_SCRIPTS = ct-ng CLEANFILES = ct-ng bash-completion/ct-ng docs/ct-ng.1 EXTRA_DIST = bootstrap ct-ng.in bash-completion/ct-ng.in \ docs/ct-ng.1.in maintainer testing if INSTALL_BASH_COMPLETION compdir = @BASH_COMPLETION_DIR@ comp_SCRIPTS = bash-completion/ct-ng endif man1_MANS = docs/ct-ng.1 # paths.sh and configure.in are generated by configure nobase_dist_pkgdata_DATA = $(verbatim_data) nobase_nodist_pkgdata_DATA = paths.sh config/configure.in # ct-ng, as renamed by the installation ctng_progname = `echo ct-ng | sed '$(transform)'` USER_MANUAL_FILES = \ docs/manual/1_Introduction.md \ docs/manual/2_Installation.md \ docs/manual/3_Configuration.md \ docs/manual/4_Building.md \ docs/manual/5_Toolchain_Usage.md \ docs/manual/6_Toolchain_Types.md \ docs/manual/7_Contributing.md \ docs/manual/8_Internals.md \ docs/manual/9_Toolchain_Construction.md \ docs/manual/A_Credits.md \ docs/manual/B_Known_issues.md \ docs/manual/C_Setup_OS.md \ docs/manual/D_Tutorials_features.md if INSTALL_USER_MANUAL doc_DATA = $(USER_MANUAL_FILES) else doc_DATA = docs/MANUAL_ONLINE endif do_subst = ( @SED@ \ -e 's,[@]docdir[@],$(docdir),g' \ -e 's,[@]pkgdatadir[@],$(pkgdatadir),g' \ -e 's,[@]pkglibexecdir[@],$(pkglibexecdir),g' \ -e 's,[@]progname[@],'$(ctng_progname)',g' \ | $(SHELL) config.status --file=- ) ct-ng: ct-ng.in Makefile $(AM_V_GEN)$(do_subst) < $< >$@-t && chmod a-w,a+x $@-t && mv -f $@-t $@ docs/ct-ng.1: docs/ct-ng.1.in Makefile $(AM_V_GEN)$(MKDIR_P) docs && $(do_subst) < $< >$@-t && mv -f $@-t $@ bash-completion/ct-ng: bash-completion/ct-ng.in Makefile $(AM_V_GEN)$(MKDIR_P) bash-completion && $(do_subst) < $< >$@-t && mv -f $@-t $@ # automake doesn't offer an option to compress manpages, do it after installation # Also, lintian is picky about execute-bit on the scripts install-data-hook: rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/$(ctng_progname).1.gz gzip -n -9 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/$(ctng_progname).1 chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/scripts/config.guess chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/scripts/config.sub rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/LICENSE ln -s COPYING $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/LICENSE if INSTALL_BASH_COMPLETION chmod a-x $(DESTDIR)$(compdir)/$(ctng_progname) endif uninstall-hook: rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/$(ctng_progname).1.gz dist-hook: fetch-docs create-symlinks gen-tarball-version .PHONY: fetch-docs fetch-docs: maintainer/download-docs.sh $< $(top_distdir) $(USER_MANUAL_FILES) .PHONY: create-symlinks create-symlinks: ln -s COPYING $(top_distdir)/LICENSE .PHONY: gen-tarball-version gen-tarball-version: echo $(VERSION) > $(distdir)/.tarball-version DIGESTS ?= md5 sha1 sha512 USE_GPG ?= yes dist-create-release: distcheck for a in $(DIST_ARCHIVES); do \ for d in $(DIGESTS); do \ $${d}sum $${a} > $${a}.$${d}; \ done; \ if [ "$(USE_GPG)" = "yes" ]; then \ gpg --detach-sign $${a}; \ fi; \ done