scripts: enhance Makefile for installation

Split the multiple directory copies into autonomous rules.
Fix the autocompletion message.
This commit is contained in:
Yann E. MORIN" 2010-06-27 16:40:21 +02:00
parent 709a529e21
commit c8ecae9a5f

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ else
real-install: $(patsubst %,install-%,$(TARGETS)) install-post
install-bin: $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
@echo " INST 'ct-ng'"
@echo " INST 'ct-ng'"
@$(install) -m 755 ct-ng "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/ct-ng"
# If one is hacking crosstool-NG, the patch set might change between any two
@ -204,24 +204,31 @@ install-bin: $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
# is the goal of the install-lib rule to install the lib/ directory...
install-lib: uninstall-lib $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) install-lib-main install-lib-samples
install-lib-main: $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
@for src_dir in config contrib kconfig patches scripts; do \
echo " INST '$${src_dir}/'"; \
tar cf - --exclude='*' $${src_dir} \
|(cd "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)"; tar xf -); \
LIB_SUB_DIR := config contrib kconfig patches scripts
$(patsubst %,install-lib-%-copy,$(LIB_SUB_DIR)): $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
@echo " INSTDIR '$(patsubst install-lib-%-copy,%,$(@))/'"
@tar cf - --exclude='*' $(patsubst install-lib-%-copy,%,$(@)) \
|(cd "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)"; tar xf -)
# Huh? It seems we need at least one command to make this rule kick-in.
install-lib-%: install-lib-%-copy; @true
# Huh? that one does not inherit the -opy dependency, above...
install-lib-scripts: install-lib-scripts-copy
@chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/scripts/
@chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/scripts/
@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/scripts/"
@echo " INST ''"
install-lib-main: $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(patsubst %,install-lib-%,$(LIB_SUB_DIR))
@echo " INST ''"
@$(install) -m 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/"
@echo " INST ''"
@echo " INST ''"
@$(install) -m 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/"
# Samples need a little love:
# - change every occurrence of CT_TOP_DIR to CT_LIB_DIR
install-lib-samples: $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) install-lib-main
@echo " INST 'samples/'"
@echo " INSTDIR 'samples/'"
@tar cf - samples |(cd "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)"; tar xf -)
@for samp_file in "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/samples/"*"/crosstool.config"; do \
$(sed) -r -i -e 's,\$$\{CT_TOP_DIR\},\$$\{CT_LIB_DIR\},g;' $${samp_file}; \
@ -230,22 +237,22 @@ install-lib-samples: $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) install-lib-main
install-doc: $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)
@for doc_file in docs/CREDITS docs/overview.txt; do \
echo " INST '$${doc_file}'"; \
echo " INST '$${doc_file}'"; \
$(install) -m 644 "$${doc_file}" "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)"; \
install-man: $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)
@echo " INST 'ct-ng.1.gz'"
@echo " INST 'ct-ng.1.gz'"
@$(install) -m 644 docs/ct-ng.1.gz "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"
@echo " MKDIR '$@'"
@echo " MKDIR '$@/'"
@$(install) -m 755 -d "$@"
@echo "For auto-completion, do not forget to install 'ct-ng.comp'"
@echo "into you 'bash_completion.d'"
@echo "For auto-completion, do not forget to install 'ct-ng.comp' into"
@echo "your bash completion directory (usually /etc/bash_completion.d)"
# Uninstall rules
@ -253,19 +260,19 @@ install-post:
real-uninstall: $(patsubst %,uninstall-%,$(TARGETS))
@echo " RM '$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/ct-ng'"
@echo " RM '$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/ct-ng'"
@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/ct-ng"
@echo " RMDIR '$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/'"
@echo " RMDIR '$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/'"
@rm -rf "$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)"
@echo " RMDIR '$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)/'"
@echo " RMDIR '$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)/'"
@rm -rf "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)"
@echo " RM '$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/ct-ng.1.gz'"
@echo " RM '$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/ct-ng.1.gz'"
@rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/ct-ng.1"{,.gz}
endif # Not --local