mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 22:43:56 +00:00
154 lines
4.1 KiB
154 lines
4.1 KiB
# Get our required options
shift 3
# The remainder is for diff
# This function checks that the files listed in the file in "$1"
# do exist, at the given depth-stripping level (aka diff -p#)
do_check_files_at_depth() {
local flist="$1"
local depth="$2"
local ok=0 # 0: OK, !0: KO
exec 6<&0
exec 7<"${flist}"
while read -u7 f; do
f="$( echo "${f}" |sed -r -e "s:^([^/]+/){${depth}}::;" )"
[ -f "${f}" ] || ok=1
exec 7<&-
exec <&6
return ${ok}
mkdir -p "${dst}"
dst="$( cd "${dst}"; pwd )"
# Iterate through patches
for p in "${src}/"*.patch; do
pname="$( basename "${p}" )"
printf "Handling patch '${pname}'...\n"
printf " creating reference..."
cp -a "${base}" "${base}.orig"
printf " done\n"
printf " retrieving patch comment..."
comment="$( awk '
BEGIN { mark=0; }
$0~/^diff --/ { nextfile; }
$1=="---" { mark=1; next; }
$1=="+++" && mark==1 { nextfile; }
{ mark=0; print; }
' "${p}" )"
printf " done\n"
printf " creating patched file list..."
diffstat -f 4 -r 2 -u -p 0 "${p}" \
|head -n -1 \
|awk '{ for(i=NF;i>=NF-5;i--) { $(i) = ""; } print; }' \
|sort \
printf " done\n"
pushd "${base}" >/dev/null 2>&1
# Check all files exist, up to depth 3
printf " checking depth:"
for((d=0;d<4;d++)); do
printf " ${d}"
if do_check_files_at_depth "../diffstat.orig" ${d}; then
printf " ok, using depth '${d}'\n"
if [ ${d} -ge 4 ]; then
printf "\n"
printf " checking depth failed\n"
read -p " --> enter patch depth (or Ctrl-C to abort): " d
# Store the original list of fiels touched by the patch,
# removing the $d leading components
sed -r -e "s:^([^/]+/){${d}}::;" "../diffstat.orig" >"${dst}/${pname}.diffstat.orig"
# Apply the patch proper, and check it applied cleanly.
# We can't check with --dry-run because of patches that
# contain multiple accumulated patches onto a single file.
printf " applying patch..."
if ! patch -g0 -F1 -f -p${d} <"${p}" >"../patch.out" 2>&1; then
printf " ERROR\n"
# Revert the patch
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
printf " restoring '${base}'..."
rm -f "diffstat.tmp"
rm -rf "${base}"
mv "${base}.orig" "${base}"
printf " done\n\n"
printf "There was an error while applying:\n --> ${p} <--\n"
printf "'${base}' was restored to the state it was prior to applying this faulty patch.\n"
printf "Here's the 'patch' command, and its output:\n"
printf " ----8<----\n"
printf " patch -g0 -F1 -f -p${d} <'${p}'\n"
cat "patch.out" |(IFS=$(printf "\n"); while read line; do printf " ${line}\n"; done)
rm -f "patch.out"
printf " ----8<----\n"
exit 1
printf " done\n"
printf " removing '.orig' files..."
find . -type f -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} +
printf " done\n"
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
printf " re-diffing the patch..."
printf "%s\n\n" "${comment}" >"${dst}/${pname}"
diff -durN "${base}.orig" "${base}" >>"${dst}/${pname}"
printf " done\n"
if [ -n "${diff}" ]; then
printf " applying diff filter..."
filterdiff -x "${diff}" "${dst}/${pname}" >"tmp-diff"
mv "tmp-diff" "${dst}/${pname}"
printf " done\n"
printf " creating new patched file list..."
diffstat -f 4 -r 2 -u -p 1 "${dst}/${pname}" \
|head -n -1 \
|awk '{ for(i=NF;i>=NF-5;i--) { $(i) = ""; } print; }' \
|sort \
printf " done\n"
printf " removing temporary files/dirs..."
rm -f "patch.out"
rm -f "diffstat.tmp"
rm -rf "${base}.orig"
printf " done\n"
# Scan all new patches to see if they touch
# more files than the original patches
printf "\nChecking resulting patchset:\n"
for p in "${dst}/"*.patch; do
pname="$( basename "${p}" )"
if ! cmp "${p}.diffstat.orig" "${p}.diffstat.new" >/dev/null; then
printf " --> '${pname}' differ in touched files <--\n"
printf " done.\n"