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synced 2025-03-10 14:34:14 +00:00
The various crypto tests that were previously ignored have been re-enabled. The abandoned i2p EdDSA library has been replaced with native support that was added in Java 15. Java 17 (via the `SunEC` provider) does not support the secp256k1 curve (one of the two ECDSA curves supported in Corda). This would not normally have been an issue as secp256k1 is already taken care of by Bouncy Castle. However, this only works if the `Crypto` API is used or if `”BC”` is explicitly specified as the provider (e.g. `Signature.getInstance(“SHA256withECDSA”, “BC”)`). If no provider is specified, which is what is more common, and actually what the Java docs recommend, then this doesn’t work as the `SunEC` provider is selected. To resolve this, a custom provider was created, installed just in front of `SunEC`, which “augments” `SunEC` by delegating to Bouncy Castle if keys or parameters for secp256k1 are encountered. `X509Utilities.createCertificate` now calls `X509Certificate.verify()` to verify the created certificate, rather than using the Bouncy Castle API. This is more representative of how certificates will be verified (e.g. during SSL handshake) and weeds out other issues (such as unsupported curve error for secp256k1). `BCCryptoService` has been renamed to `DefaultCryptoService` as it no longer explicitly uses Bouncy Castle but rather uses the installed security providers. This was done to fix a failing test. Further, `BCCryptoService` was already relying on the installed providers in some places. The hack to get Corda `SecureRandom` working was also resolved. Also, as an added bonus, tests which ignored `SPHINCS256_SHA256` have been reinstated. Note, there is a slightly inconsistency between how EdDSA and ECDSA keys are handled (and also RSA). For the later, Bouncy Castle is preferred, and methods such as `toSupportedKey*` will convert any JDK class to Bouncy Castle. For EdDSA the preference is the JDK (`SunEC`). However, this is simply a continuation of the previous preference of the i2p library over Bouncy Castle.
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* This build.gradle exists to publish our capsule (executable fat jar) to maven. It cannot be placed in the
* node project because the bintray plugin cannot publish two modules from one project.
apply plugin: 'us.kirchmeier.capsule'
apply plugin: 'corda.common-publishing'
description 'Corda standalone node'
configurations {
runtimeArtifacts.extendsFrom runtimeClasspath
dependencies {
testRuntimeOnly project(":node")
// TypeSafe Config: for simple and human friendly config files.
capsuleRuntime "com.typesafe:config:$typesafe_config_version"
compileOnly "com.typesafe:config:$typesafe_config_version"
testRuntimeOnly "com.typesafe:config:$typesafe_config_version"
// Capsule is a library for building independently executable fat JARs.
// We only need this dependency to compile our Caplet against.
compileOnly "co.paralleluniverse:capsule:$capsule_version"
testImplementation "co.paralleluniverse:capsule:$capsule_version"
testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:${junit_jupiter_version}"
testImplementation "junit:junit:$junit_version"
jar.enabled = false
capsule {
version capsule_version
def nodeProject = project(':node')
configurations.runtimeOnly.canBeResolved = true
tasks.register('buildCordaJAR', FatCapsule) {
applicationClass 'net.corda.node.Corda'
archiveBaseName = 'corda'
archiveClassifier = ''
archiveVersion = corda_release_version
archiveName = archiveFileName.get()
applicationSource = files(
nodeProject.buildDir.toString() + '/resources/main/corda-reference.conf',
'NOTICE' // Copy CDDL notice
from configurations.capsuleRuntime.files.collect { zipTree(it) }
with jar
manifest {
attributes('Add-Opens': 'java.management/com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver')
capsuleManifest {
applicationVersion = corda_release_version
applicationId = "net.corda.node.Corda"
// See experimental/quasar-hook/README.md for how to generate.
def quasarExcludeExpression = "x(antlr**;bftsmart**;co.paralleluniverse**;com.codahale**;com.esotericsoftware**;com.fasterxml**;com.google**;com.ibm**;com.intellij**;com.jcabi**;org.mockito**;com.opengamma**;com.typesafe**;com.zaxxer**;de.javakaffee**;groovy**;groovyjarjarantlr**;groovyjarjarasm**;io.atomix**;io.github**;io.netty**;jdk**;kotlin**;net.bytebuddy**;org.apache**;org.bouncycastle**;org.codehaus**;org.crsh**;org.dom4j**;org.fusesource**;org.h2**;org.hibernate**;org.jboss**;org.jcp**;org.joda**;org.objectweb**;org.objenesis**;org.slf4j**;org.w3c**;org.xml**;org.yaml**;reflectasm**;rx**;org.jolokia**;com.lmax**;picocli**;liquibase**;com.github.benmanes**;org.json**;org.postgresql**;nonapi.io.github.classgraph**;io.opentelemetry**)"
def quasarClassLoaderExclusion = "l(net.corda.core.serialization.internal.**)"
def quasarOptions = "m"
javaAgents = quasar_classifier ? ["quasar-core-${quasar_version}-${quasar_classifier}.jar=${quasarOptions}${quasarExcludeExpression}${quasarClassLoaderExclusion}"] : ["quasar-core-${quasar_version}.jar=${quasarExcludeExpression}${quasarClassLoaderExclusion}"]
systemProperties['visualvm.display.name'] = 'Corda'
caplets = ['CordaCaplet']
// JVM configuration:
// - Constrain to small heap sizes to ease development on low end devices.
// NOTE: these can be overridden in node.conf.
// If you change these flags, please also update Driver.kt
jvmArgs = ['-Xmx512m']
jvmArgs += ['-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true']
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if (task.name.contains("generateMetadataFileForCordaJARPublication")) {
task.enabled = false
artifacts {
runtimeArtifacts buildCordaJAR
publishing {
publications {
cordaJAR(MavenPublication) {
artifactId 'corda'